“Until they become conscious, they will never rebel.” - Orwell, 1984
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William London UK Deep State Agent Musk DOGE Vance Dark MAGA Cult Trump Nazi Racist Curtis Yarvin Accelerationism Dark Enlightenment Nick Land NRx NeoReactionary Satanic Conspiracy New World Order Government US Collapse Apocalyptic Climate Change Agenda 2030 Great Reset Democrats Riot Elite Globalist Davos World Economic Forum Project Monarch AI 666 Reptilian Bloodline Freemason Illuminati Satan Lucifer Cannibal Pedophile EU MI5 CIA MK-Ultra Bible Prophecy World War III Russia China Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William London UK Deep State Agent Musk DOGE Vance Dark MAGA Cult Trump Nazi Racist Curtis Yarvin Accelerationism Dark Enlightenment Nick Land NRx NeoReactionary Satanic Conspiracy New World Order Government US Collapse Apocalyptic Climate Change Agenda 2030 Great Reset Democrats Riot Elite Globalist Davos World Economic Forum Project Monarch AI 666 Reptilian Bloodline Freemason Illuminati Satan Lucifer Cannibal Pedophile EU MI5 CIA MK-Ultra Bible Prophecy World War III Russia China Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William London UK Deep State Agent Musk DOGE Vance Dark MAGA Cult Trump Nazi Racist Curtis Yarvin Accelerationism Dark Enlightenment Nick Land NRx NeoReactionary Satanic Conspiracy New World Order Government US Collapse Apocalyptic Climate Change Agenda 2030 Great Reset Democrats Riot Elite Globalist Davos World Economic Forum Project Monarch AI 666 Reptilian Bloodline Freemason Illuminati Satan Lucifer Cannibal Pedophile EU MI5 CIA MK-Ultra Bible Prophecy World War III Russia China
Curtis Yarvin is hardly a household name in US politics. But the “neo-reactionary” thinker and far-right blogger is emerging as a serious intellectual influence on key figures in Donald Trump’s coming administration in particular over potential threats to US democracy. Yarvin, who considers liberal democracy as a decadent enemy to be dismantled, is intellectually influential on vice president-elect JD Vance and close to several proposed Trump appointees. Yarvin’s May 2021 conversation was recorded for the podcast of the American Mind, a publication of the powerful right-wing Claremont Institute whose growing influence during the Trump era has seen it described as the “nerve center of the American right”. Yarvin’s ‘Dark Enlightenment’ proposes that real power is exercised oligarchically in a small number of prestigious academic and media institutions he calls the Cathedral; and democracy should be replaced by a strict hierarchy headed by a single person whose role is that of a Monarch or CEO. In his 2020 book, The Stakes, Yarvin defined his goal as a “form of one-man rule that's halfway between Monarchy and tyranny”. In 2022, Vox called Yarvin the “person who’s spent the most time gaming out how, exactly, the US government could be toppled and replaced”. Yarvin suggests that a would-be American autocrat [meaning Trump] should campaign on and win an "electoral mandate" for an authoritarian program and that he should then purge the federal bureaucracy in a push Yarvin has anagrammatized as RAGE (Retire All Government Employees). According to the plan, the autocrat [Trump] should simply ignore any court rulings that seek to constrain him and bring Congress to heel, in part by mobilizing his populist base against recalcitrant lawmakers. After this, liberal/mainstream media organizations and universities would be summarily closed. As JD Vance put it in a 2021 podcast interview with far-right influencer Jack Murphy: “There’s this guy, Curtis Yarvin who’s written about some of these things. One has to basically accept that the whole thing is going to fall in on itself.” Vance added: “The task of conservatives right now is to preserve as much as can be preserved when the inevitable Collapse comes.”
Brenton Harrison Tarrant, the perpetrator of the Christchurch, NZ mosque shootings that killed 51 people and injured 49 others, strongly encouraged right-wing Accelerationism in his manifesto section titled "Destabilization and Accelerationism: Tactics". Accelerationism also influenced John Timothy Earnest, the perpetrator of the Mosque fire in Escondido, California, and also influenced Patrick Crusius, the perpetrator of the El Paso Walmart shooting that killed 23 and injured 23 others. Although these right-wing extremist variants and their connected strings of terrorist attacks and murders are regarded as uninformed by critical theory, which was a prime source of inspiration for Land's original ideas that led to accelerationism, Land himself became obsessed with the Atomwaffen-affiliated theistic Satanist organization Order of Nine Angles (ONA), that promotes Neo-Nazi terrorist accelerationism. The Order of Nine Angles is a militant, Satanic left-hand path occultist and terrorist network that originated in Great Britain. Claiming to have been established in the 1960s, it rose to public recognition in the early 1980s attracting attention for its neo-Nazi ideology and activism. Describing its approach as "Traditional Satanism" [of the human sacrificial kind] it also exhibits Hermetic and modern Pagan elements in its beliefs. According to the Order's claims, it was established in the Welsh Marches of Western England during the late 1960s by a woman who had previously been involved in a secretive pre-Christian sect which is claimed had survived in the region since Rome's invasion and was passed down generationally. Since the 2010s, the political ideology and religious worldview of the Order of Nine Angles, founded by the British neo-Nazi leader David Myatt in 1974, have increasingly influenced militant neo-fascist and neo-Nazi insurgent groups associated with right-wing extremist and White supremacist international networks.
This was never about finding waste to clean up the government. It's about instilling Trump and his successors as monarchial kings where America's once great institutions, all checks and balances, as well as the rule of law are destroyed in service to the insane philosophies of "Accelerationism" and "NRx" to uphold the ascending dictator in Trump supported by those who also idolize Adolf Hitler. And look how the Deep State-owned corporate television media is largely doing nothing to bring their narrative-shaping power to bear against Trump's Deep State actions. The dark forces in this world have much control over the next phase of their plan toward Collapse and are already influencing Trump into the destructive philosophies behind "Accelerationism" and "Neo-reactionary (NRx)" that work to accelerate an "end-time" in order to bring on the other side a phoenix-like "New Golden Age" led by a Satanic monarch. JD Vance has become a true believer in this cult to collapse the earth in order to reset the world toward that monarch and monarchy. This is why both theistic Satanism, despotic Nazism, and a return to "White men in control" is so favored among them as they advance and facilitate increasingly more overt racism. This is why Trump is railroading the Constitution and preparing to hold on to power for life. Meanwhile, the far-right cult they lead are being coaxed into believing that only Trump, Vance, and Elon (as the archetype for the coming Unholy Trinity in Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet) can "save Western Civilization." According to the "Accelerationism" and "NRx" philosophies Trump has been led into - which overlap into Satanism, Monarchism, and Anglo-racism, the ruling power should employ even more invasive tools of surveillance by way of quantum AI to disrupt, destabilize and prevent any and all government dissent. Knowing Trump, this would mean protests would be an instant felony punishable by life in prison or perhaps death. While MAGA politicians claim they are against everything to do with globalism, peer deeper into their corporate billionaire donors lists. Trump and his administrative circle are being funded by the very entities who fund the very same globalist agendas that Trump and MAGA claim to be against, a fact that cannot be denied no matter who spins it. More than just the racism component to their 'Dark Maga' mind control by the same globalist elite that they believe they're against, has also come the strange quest for what's called 'Dark Enlightenment' connected to a pandora's box technology that literally seeks to collapse society to install "one-man rule" with the Trump administration being the vehicle toward achieving what the globalist billionaire and occult elite have long planned, A New Golden Age ruled by one man of an already established Anglo-Monarchy to outlive Trump.
The point is, all of the Anglo-racism being ignited today is leading somewhere just as evil as it did in 1939. At the recent National Prayer Breakfast, Trump claimed that he will "bring back religion in a big way," which is obviously of the Antichrist-promoting and racist "Christian Nationalist" kind more than actual Christianity which works to uplift all men, women, no matter the race. If God is for White men only, then why did He create all the other races to greater number? Some watching all of this are beginning to understand Trump is not creating a new Deep State as believed by some, he and his oligarchs are being empowered by the Deep State itself whose control remains entrenched far beyond the mere institutions such as the FBI or CIA and indeed the gutting of such institutions are part of a plan to replace all government workforce with mind-controlled MAGA cultists to serve the Deep State's larger plan. Within that, they see themselves as the "Lords of Light" following after the same Light of Lucifer that guided America's early Freemasons. And look how apparently simple it is for Trump's no-experience administration in their appearing to be dismantling the centuries-long Deep State when the occult elements behind America and Britain's pyramid of control have existed long before the birth of the United States, having names and influential connections that no one knows but they themselves to this day, so what are they exactly dismantling but America and the American people themselves? Notice also how Trump is actively protecting the Deep State and its "swamp" by NOT exposing even those names on the lower rungs of power of those who could be named via releasing the Epstein files. The Deep State have weaponized Trump to carry out its own agenda and in their own timing with the goal being to completely dismantle America's power by the year 2030 using Nazi-like racism in a divide and conquer campaign to turn American against American. And so, how's that working so far? Morale: Beware of anyone offering a "New Golden Age" from someone that acts like Jim Jones, is seen as a David Koresh by his cult, and often quotes Adolf Hitler to best explain his 'to do list' going forward.
After waking this morning to read that Trump and the richest men on the planet now want to withhold (and pocket for themselves) USAID funds slated for life-saving food and medicines from parents and children in third-world nations, as well as redact all history connected to women and minorities at home, Trump just proved they are the New Globalists that the Antichrist-preparing World Economic Forum has always wanted, the kind that openly cause widespread death, breed mayhem, and sow chaos unapologetically for Satan to push not Trump as the 'Rex Mundi' post-collapse, but the coming Antichrist. If you noticed, ex-Nazi Youth Klauss Schwab was more than happy to return to the most recent WEF's January 2025 meeting to specifically introduce "President Donald J.Trump" and gloat over his "accomplishments." Those now in Trump's inner-circle, or 'Round Table,' as it were, see themselves as modern knights on an occult quest for wisdom and power revealed by the Dark Enlightenment of Lucifer himself to guide them into a New Golden Age while filled with the usual fake self-righteousness that Trump's pseudo-religious MAGA are known for. When further scrutinizing the oligarchs, Trump has strangely chosen to surround himself such as Musk who is another NRx devotee whispering in Trump's ear, in effect what Trump is co-opting his Presidency with are the very Deep State he thought he was against. While Musk has "exposed" by mentioning one or two British grooming gangs that can be connected back to the British government, royals, and aristocracy (the same connections that also bring in Epstein and Trump himself) Musk is making it appear he's also the Q'anon disciple that MAGA wants, while Musk reciprocates in kind to show MAGA that they should become neo-Nazi's like him. Musk has also telegraphed his need to implant Neuralink into a million people by 2030 and you can see how dystopian Trump's NWO will become once Quantum AI takes hold. Parallel to this, there is current talk among many in Israel wondering whether or not America's President Trump could be their long-awaited Messiah. The very question is itself making Jews look outside of both their race and religion for 'messianic' candidates that they could accept.
Given that the Jews have rejected Jesus as their only Messiah, how is any of this not a complete set up for when the deceptive Antichrist emerges, when increasingly more rabbis are claiming that Israel's Messiah may not be "Jewish" but should have at least a single ancestor related to the ancient Israelite bloodline. That could include almost anyone today. What's more telling is that for nearly a century, the British royal family has an entire genealogy already completed showing a direct lineage from Israel's King David to the present British Monarchy on the Throne currently. How ironic. Now recall that Republican Trump and company are seeking to create the conditions for a collapse so that a monarchy can rule over a prepared "New Golden Age," or as Republican President Bush Sr. called it on September 11, 1991, a New World Order. In a single week, Trump has threatened tariffs on its two closest neighbors, fired the safety audit committee, redacted the contributions of both women and minorities in America, and sent out a demand to all other government employees to resign or be fired. Then, as is always standard for him, he used a racist dog whistle to cover his responsibility, this time over a plane crash that quite likely was the result of his mass firings and corrupting buyouts of key government job positions that Trump wants to replace with only his most brainwashed cult members to further the Accelerationism. Meanwhile, the EU, Russia and China will sidestep Trump tariffs by simply filling the needs of other nations made less willing to buy expensive American goods, making them stronger. What the Deep State is therefore doing is bringing its own final phase to completion in sinking "New Atlantis" America to strengthen Europe and China, the only two power players mentioned in Bible prophecy who survive the world Collapse, one of which produces the coming Tribulation's Antichrist. With America already losing on both the AI and perpetual energy front via China's 'Artificial Sun' project, China is in a clear lead to become exactly what the book of Revelation 9:16, 16:12 has predicted it would become by the end of time as: "the Kings of the East," while Europe fulfills its role cited by Daniel 7:23-28 to become the "Fourth Kingdom that is stronger than any before it" from which rises the Beast, of which Daniel and Revelation interchangeably call a Prince, and later, a King, denoting human royalty. Bring now to mind what Trump/Musk's Accelerationism/NRx calls for: 1) Collapse. 2) Monarchy rule. 3) Satan.
Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King
Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell Allowed Entry into All of the Royal Palaces and Vacation Homes
A Masonic-Led Globalist Elite Have Literally Been Preparing Us for Antichrist for Decades
"World One"
was a David Rockefeller-sponsored computer program from 1973 to make it appear 2020 was the beginning of the end. In reality, such elitist societies lurk behind the scenes manipulating events to derail our lives, sow chaos, manufacture plagues, institute population control, instigate riots, cause food shortages, erode national sovereignties, initiate economic crashes, in order to destroy the modern corporate system in favor of a "One World Order" whose centralization is already manifesting within both the UK and in Europe. In regard to the cornerstone of that European-centered world government coming, understand that the British Empire never simply died but lives on through occult Freemasonry that oversees a global network of its connected ancestry to rule the West and then the planet at large that also connected itself to the dream of Cecil Rhodes who created his Masonic-based "Round Table Society" to ensure the plan's success. The influence Freemasons and its modern "Deep State" UK government manufacture, however, is not rooted in the Church or the Christ the Anglican-led British royalty and establishment use in counterfeit. The work they employ is all about creating more corruption (sin) among mankind via every means necessary, because who these tapped, recruited, influential, ascending, "illuminated" elites of this global club worship is none other than the grand enabler of sin itself. The recruited are not told any of that immediately but are brought into a heinous and collective corruption that involves everyone of wealth and influence, over time, where they are increasingly led to become all the more corrupt and given more power to become more influential until they become recruiters themselves. The deepest part of this and every other similar rabbit hole ends in Hell, literally, because they serve its master, literally. Whether you aren't "religious enough" and cannot believe this does not matter. It exists despite what you won't believe. The evidence of and for the elites serving who they are told is the "god of this world" can be found literally everywhere, and most often within the world of the occult, where they know most in society would never find. As seen in the video above, Rockefeller's thinly veiled 'World One' was but one attempt that employed a computer program to prepare media-affected audiences in 1973 toward a One World Order mindset via the Masonic think tank known as "The Club of Rome," whose own globalist agenda was taken up more recently by the World Economic Forum. Rockefeller's plan toward unitary globalism has only strengthened over the decades by the elite-serving globalists that followed him. Their level of control is easily seen within the mainstream media's attempts to distract and dissuade anyone from researching too deeply into these same elitists and their societal plan called New World, a world that seemingly frees itself of all the corruption, dictators, wars and terrorism of the old world led by a man reported to having all the answers only to have the most ultimately corrupt, dictating, warmongering terrorist of them all ruling the planet within three years of his rule. The following links prove how much they want to hide their end goals as they facilitate the incremental changes it will take toward ultimately making it unlawful to say, share, or believe anything against the State collective, a collective that thru Trump, and even more so, Vance, has been manipulated by Yarvin and Land's Neoreactionary (NRx) leanings, a philosophy connected with theistic Satanism, neo-Nazism, Aryan dominance, and Anglo-monarchy. At some point within Trump's NRx and "Dark Enlightenment" rollout, it should begin to dawn even on some in MAGA that they've been lied to for votes, used for political/world power, and ultimately are being brainwashed toward a Satanic evil as they daily arm themselves for a bloody war they are told should be brought against their fellow Americans - albeit leading not to the 'New Golden Age,' but America's collapse to serve the entrenched globalist government's own longer-standing agenda of bringing not Christ but Antichrist to bear.
What Trump has done to aid in this globalist agenda is make illegal "Red-lining" (where an ethnic minority is discriminated against by Whites because of the color of the immigrant's skin) the law of the land with a pen stroke. Adding to this are the conservatives in America being brainwashed with Trump's lies that these mostly Christian migrant families are instead made up of only the "worst of the worst terrorists," to complete the mind control, despite Trump himself only being here because of immigration and birthright citizenship. Financial collapse in America will begin with the mass deportations in early 2025 leaving many to wonder why the U.S. economy has suddenly tanked at precisely the wrong time amidst increasingly financially devastating wildfires, floods, earthquakes, and pandemics happening more frequently as to create a collapsing tidal wave that works to erode the world economy as a whole. At some point within all of that, MAGA might begin to understand that those migrants were never the criminals they were hyped up to be during Trump's campaign as the vast majority only came here to work and their sudden removal will certainly be felt by the people made to hate them most in an America being struck with the chilling after-effects of unforeseen disasters. Somewhere in all of that financial and institutional destruction coming, it might also eventually dawn on MAGA that the Anglo-Masonic government's entire "Woke" mind control program itself was similarly used to make them increasingly racist and accepting of a more autocratic Trump return whose elite-serving agenda can only bring collapse, their goal. It will be known that the Masonic government allowed civil rights to get so far in the corporate and public arena while civil rights were secretly being subverted by the true power within our government that was facilitating (through a depraved core within its intelligence agencies connected with the White supremacist underground) a coalition rooted in extreme racism that pumped false narratives into conservative media that propagated the idea America's post-war downgrade was/is not the result of their own Masonic stranglehold that seeks Satan's rule on earth, but is the result of Democrats and "Woke." The stark reality remains that all of this is the Anglo-government's own centuries-long conspiracy to take what was a Christian base among the people and alter them through decades of mind-controlling methods toward falling away from Christ completely at the time just before Antichrist's rise. Within that, to those MAGA racists being strung along by corporate conservative media and being daily gaslighted on how to view the world, notice how the same Deep State-controlled Fox News, for example (who are known to cut away from live events speaking the truth, citing "technical difficulties," to carry another live event that works the elite's corporate lies) keeps lowering the bar for supposedly someone being a Communist or Marxist today to the point that simply caring about your fellow human, no matter what race or "Woke orientation" they are, would make you a card-carrying "Woke Communist" and an enemy of their warped idea of the MAGA State, just because you care and have a semblance of empathy toward others. Meanwhile, Trump can't even compare himself to anyone actually good to give MAGA an example of what good is. Instead of any noble figure that the nation and world could be inspired by, Trump compares himself to Hannibal Lecter, Al Capone, Hitler, and other completely evil, hateful and murdering despots, both real and not. The specific corporations behind conservative news and its government sponsored State mind control and brainwashing have increasingly made the Democrats their mortal enemy so that "Woke" is destroyed and Anglo-imperialism is reimagined via an American autocratism, initially. At the same time, prophecy is unfolding at an astonishing pace with now daily signs signaling something very wicked is coming taking the form of increased [government-funded] wars [and their false flag] terrorism, earthquakes, deadlier storms, floods, [manufactured] pestilences, [induced] famines, the rise of [mind control programs eliciting] racial hate, UAP activity and other deceptions, all of which lead to Collapse and Antichrist on the other side of it. Of this time we now live, Jesus said explicitly that men would rise up to deceive many, that false prophets, false teachers, and false Christs would spearhead a great falling away from the true Faith to corrupt Christianity and take it far from the love, peace, and actual will of God that is based within the "two greatest commandments" as revealed by Jesus Himself.
We should therefore not be shocked the world adores such corruption and men who openly extol such evil whilst placating and pandering to an electorate of those who label themselves "Christian" with a very different Christ than what we were more effectively taught. While Christ works unity and a path back to His Father, Trump blames Obama (who is Antichrist to the MAGA mind) for all of his own divisive, hateful and needless rhetoric that always separates Americans from other Americans. Trump's task is to deceive and bring a wedge between true Christianity and Satan's religious brand rooted in everything evil, including racism and the love of money, the root of all evil. Trump is here to show us what obvious human evil traits are developed in a leader to which the world will ultimately reject, while the Antichrist next ascends with people adoring him for everything Trump was not. That is the Masonic plan. Trump falsely claims 30,000 illegals entered the country on Biden's watch (when it was more like 11,000) - but because there aren't 30,000 crimes happening daily means if a migrant so much as breathes at the low-paying jobs they work so hard at, that must mean they are drug-running terrorists. With Trump's initial cabinet rollout (of Gaetz, Hegseth, Miller, Homon, etc.) already proven corrupt while they pretend Jesus is their mascot, while the Speaker of the House Mike Johnson proved his own seedy corruption for even trying to hide Gaetz's child trafficking and statutory rapes from the American people, only highlights Trump's own corruption for placing the American people in this position of choosing immorality as his/their lead forward. For all intents and purposes, America has seemingly voted out one pedo-political swamp and swapped it out for another. Again and again, the proven whore-mongering, daughter-dating wannabe, and rapist Trump is proven to be corrupt, just as every single one of his corrupt Swamp-connected billionaires chosen for their hostile takeover of the United States and his administration are all corrupt. As was also seen in the Inquisition, men such as this use Christ for their immoral agenda to obtain power for themselves, despite it being the same Jesus that became infuriated and overturned money tables before damning the religious swamp of Pharisees, calling them: "White coffins, all beautiful on the outside but inwardly are filled with dead man's bones." How ironic. Trump, the guy who wanted to get rid of the U.S. Constitution just so he could be like Putin, Jong Un, and Xi, who have given themselves unchecked power for life, doesn't belong anywhere near the White House, and now America is being reminded once again as to why. Let's also remember why Whites have been triggered during the Obama years in thinking the way they now do and why conservative news brainwashed them with anti-'Wokeism' in the first place. It was corporate Fox News that reported the lie in 2015 that by 2050, "White Americans would be reduced to a racial minority in the Homeland" and that combined, Blacks and Hispanics would rise to become the majority in the United States. Within months of that shocking report for conservatives, angered Fox News devotee Donald Trump announced his bid for the Presidency from a golden escalator in his Trump Tower by immediately attacking Mexicans and has been dividing the nation along racial lines ever since. Currently, Trump's new incursion into the White House has brought entire corporations putting plans into place where there is to be a freeze on new hiring of minorities as well as rolling back any or all gains from civil rights to return to the time before Affirmative Action, where White men were selectively favored over non-Whites, meaning, even if a minority would better excel at the specific job, he or she are to be overlooked to ensure "anti-Woke" [read: racist] corporate policies return, and you'd be ignorant not to think this isn't what the same corporations enacting the new policy haven't wanted it all along. In other words, instead of a normal looking workplace where all races are represented because they are a true reflection of the United States itself and its varied population, it's a return to Whites Only in rural areas and Whites mostly in urban areas and/or across the board. This is yet more proof that the government's "WOKE" brainwashing program is working, which goes far beyond FOX teleprompters and back into the stakeholders behind FOX [of which Google AI explains as being: "the Murdoch family, institutional investors, and other entities] and to their own connections within the US government and the government's patriarchal connection with the Satanic cabal who facilitate it. The plan is Collapse and it's using Trump to get there. This is what most don't understand and, as such, why they can never determine Trump's actual motives, goals, and final endgame as a Deep State patsy working toward a conquered world led by a White "strong man."
Moreover, what most cannot understand as yet is where all of this is still ultimately going, but there's a clear reason why America initiated Operation Paperclip to allow World War II Nazi's to live and work in the United States, is currently going NAZI under Trump, with no coincidence that the leader of the Great Reset Agenda, Klaus Schwab, was himself a literal NAZI having been recruited into Hitler's Youth Brigade that now advocates for a single world government. It is also not a mere coincidence that Great Reset 2030 has as its main backer the British royal family who often act as its vocal propagandists with one of its members being groomed by globalists that not many see coming. There truly is a Deep State within the United States and other Western governments, and it is they who are pushing the entire world into Collapse so that the next phase of their plan is allowed to overtake the destroyed world so they can then install their leader to rule a 'one world' united under only their control. The fact that this new far-right in America know that there exists a Deep State is certainly not enough for their clown show to be able to hinder their Collapse plan or the Antichrist who is rightly prophesied to rise in the ruins of that prepared Collapse. Why? Because the same Deep State has the easily led and ignorant "red-pilled" thinking that the greatest evils of the Deep State are embodied solely within the Democrat party itself and that if you just jail or execute seniors within the Democrat party, that you are destroying "Satan's global network" at the same time. So, for all of their efforts and excited talk of mass deportations and jailing political opponents simply because they expose the hypocrisies of so-called "Christian Nationalists" and, moreover, the truth about the fascist thinking within Trump's MAGA world, these clowns who can't even put together a proper Presidential administration are quietly mocked by those who had every instrument in place to enact their New World plan since before this nation's birth in an occult plan they devised back in London called "New Atlantis." Trump has zero clue that he himself was groomed and prepared by the same Deep State to be used at this time to help in only their effort toward bringing the United States closer to collapse in his skewed and maligned attempts to "save" it. Another reason why MAGA will NEVER find the actual Deep State besides they not knowing where to look, is because to root out the Satan-beholden evil that is eroding true Christianity from the corporate level down to the schools and education centers that uphold witchcraft and homosexuality while demeaning all things Christian, would mean that Trump world understands they need to root out everything that has brainwashed them into believing that God is behind America's need in the world, that America is equated with Israel, that its citizens need to swear a Masonic oath locked in a Masonic hand-over-heart hand sign to its Masonic flag, which while the Holy Bible and Christ's cross can touch the ground without repercussion, we have been commanded that their Masonic flag cannot, or if it does touch the ground, it must be burned. Who has mind-controlled us to that level of upholding something that was never entirely of God to begin with? Today, we have those who cannot ever be persuaded that everything they've been taught and told is a damn lie created by those who meet in windowless Masonic "Temples" who have been made the American people pawns in their plan to view their own peers and countrymen as the enemy, instead of the true evil of themselves who live as this nation's greatest elites above the law and whose names never appear in any media or headlines despite they only knowing to do evil. So, what's Trump's plan that helps to keep their name out of the world's eyes? To the sleeper, awaken...
Question: If the Deep State is an all-encompassing enemy of the State, then why is Trump (himself having been convicted of rape and financial corruption with a porn star, as well his visiting Epstein's pedo-island countless times while defending Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Prince Andrew) hiring for his administration the very people having connections to the same Deep State via one of its corrupting influences, from underage sex rings as in the case of Matt Gaetz, to a potential rapist as in the case of Pete Hegseth, to someone like Linda McMahon known to have connections to pedophilia of underage "ring boys" at "New World Order" wrestling events knowing child rape is what's provided to entry level participants into the Illuminati order so that they always have damning leverage over its members? Better asked, could Deep State lackeys connected in some way to the Deep State ever take down the Deep State with the only common thread they share between them being having little to no experience in the jobs for which they are being tapped? Because, so far, all Trump has shown us is his usual clown and pony show. To destroy the mainstream media, to jail Democrats, while those who are above all suspicion perpetuate a host of crimes rooted in Satanic worship and its host of corrupting evils such as child sex trafficking and political corruption that both Trump and the Clintons became entangled with, while that same evil is never seen in the public eye because it's never they who ever get charged or arrested, remains what must be addressed first, despite this evil comprising some of America's oldest and most powerful families traced to this nation's first post-English inhabitants. To the view of most, they are the very pillars of American society and would never be thought of as anything resembling a mafia-like "Deep State" pushing, propagating, and planning the evils that distance the nation from our Creator, and yet they most certainly exist. If today's "Christian" Republicans became serious in rooting out the actual Deep State and not just their opponent Democrats as is seen in their political theater, they need to start with the very powerful corporate elitists, organizations, foundations, and think tanks who fund them and then familiarize themselves with the power structure behind them until is reached the very core of political and government power that controls Washington from within its own power structure still residing in the north and east. The alternative for the Republicans remains the simplistic thinking these same occult-led rulers have led today's GOP into believing: that by merely ridding the nation of the Democrat party itself solves every evil - the very mindset from which the said evil can best control Trump into doing the rest of their bidding toward a complete Collapse. And then the question becomes who are these hidden rulers in the West that worship something else entirely that they call "God" but what we know could only be Satan himself? Knowing that the 'Founders' of the United States of America are still being operated by their generational, elite, and occult-driven descendants of whom are born into the Masonic "Great Work" - the plan to guide this nation not toward the God of the Holy Bible, and Christ ultimately, but the "god of this world," Satan himself, and Antichrist, according to the same Word of God, prophetically. Extending far beyond America's border is seated the rest of the occultists who are there in Europe to ensure their plan survives America's fall and Europe's subsequent collective rise in power, a power later provided to one man to rule it all.
The United Nation just held their Pact for the Future Summit that aims to "rapidly complete the Agenda 2030 goals set by the UN in 2015." This 4th edition of the Pact for the Future was placed under silence procedure on September 13, 2024, until the following Monday. During this 72-hour period, a draft is circulated to all member states and if no objections arise during the silence procedure, the draft is wholly accepted. The document is focused on considering ways to "strengthen UN system's future response to complex global shocks." The UN defines complex "global shocks" as events that "have severely disruptive and adverse consequences for a significant proportion of countries and the global population." These shocks would require a "multidimensional multistakeholder, and whole of government, whole of society response." UN-affiliated organizations like the Climate Governance Commission (CGC), for example, have been calling for such a declaration over the last year. We can trace the call for a Planetary Emergency back to the infamous but obscure group, the Club of Rome. The CGC's November 2023 report even notes that the belief in a "Poly crisis" is "recognized in the work of the Club of Rome Planetary Emergency Project". This reference to the Club of Rome reveals yet another reason the public ought to be concerned with the push for a planetary emergency and claims of crossing planetary boundaries. The Club of Rome has been calling for declaring a Planetary Emergency since at least 2019 with the publication of their "Planetary Emergency Plan" that focuses on climate change. As it stands, UN propaganda encouraging people to look at the Agenda 2030 and the fight against climate change as "interrelated" to human rights. The idea being that the completion of the SDGs is a "human right" based on the premise that climate change threatens all of humanity. The 4th draft of the Pact continues the calls for a new international financial system to complete the transition to a "nature-based economy." The 4th edition of the Pact for the Future also mentions a controversial financial tool known as "debt swaps" or "debt-for-nature swaps." Under Action 52 of the Pact it reads, "Promote greater use of debt swaps for the SDGs, including debt swaps for climate or nature, to developing countries, as appropriate." These swaps are financial agreements in which a conservation organization or government reduces, restructures, or purchases a country's debt at a discount in exchange for investments in conservation of land. The swaps have been promoted by the World Economic Forum as recently as April 2024 in an article about debt-for-nature swaps as a method for "funding the green transition." Debt-for-nature swaps have been criticized for numerous reasons, including a general aversion to placing a price on nature and viewing the natural world as a financial commodity. Some view these efforts as yet another form of greenwashing. The swaps have also been perceived as foreign intervention in national sovereignty and a "return to the colonial system." Mae Buenaventura, senior program manager on debt and green economy at the Asian Peoples' Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD), told Carbon Brief that participating in a debt-swap agreement "immediately results in a loss of autonomy and sovereignty." Frederic Hache, co-founder of the independent think tank of the EU Green Finance Observatory, sees swaps as a "way to gain access and control to land resources that will prove possibly precious in the future." The Pact for the Future has also been criticized as another wolf in sheep's clothing wearing the veneer of sustainability and diversity but actually delivering more corporate control of natural resources. Who granted the UN authority over our lives in the first place? Why does the UN negotiate documents on our behalf that push a plan toward global governance with one man touted to be a "Christ-like figure" guiding its major directives?
In this, MAGA politicians and their cult are attacking everyone not them, period. The domestic violence bill being discussed today on the House floor [1-16-2025] showed the world that MAGA's only focus was on "illegals," as if Mexican migrants are the only ones behind domestic violence, violence against women, sex trafic, and every other criminality in America, thus completely circumventing any and all White involvement in those very crimes from both stateside and internationally. However, if Epstein showed us anything about the corporate far-right, it proved that there is an elite version of sex traffic that draws in countless corporate Whites among the far-right (with Trump himself named and included) of which currently, Trump and MAGA have literally become the firewall and protectors of the most elite pedophilia underground and its traffickers, the most elite drug runners, as well as the most elite of global corruption occurring in general. In short, MAGA's self-righteousness is precisely that, and their focus on only illegals negates to show all of the criminal actions of their own race that they never spotlight. They might have Laken Riley's name to throw around ad nauseum to demonize all migrants but what of all of the many more murders they've signed off on that continues to marginalize and slowly kill non-Whites within America via a genocidal campaign still being waged beginning in the 1620's, when immigrant colonists first began to wipe out America's own people? Republicans, as the modern-day robber barons descended from white immigrants they are, claim to care about women and children but have only profited and advanced in both status and generational wealth and power off the deceased backs of those original men, women, and children who they slaughtered without care or forethought. Nothing has changed. In fact, their continued demonization presently of those not white speaks all the more volume today and certainly shows a pattern not only of a murderous deceit, but inherent evil because the exact same genocidal actions were not limited for America, but were used, as if by royal command, in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, and South Africa. In the United States, the top-down chain of command works via every occult link in a string of already corrupted government politicians, policy and law makers, intelligence agencies and federal law enforcement leadership, that filters further down from state to local who are increasingly (from both sides of the political divide) becoming the puppets to globalists who serve this world's controlling corporations who themselves serve the Satanic cabal at the top whose goal is bringing "world federalism." Wikipedia exposes world federalism in this way: "A unitary world government would consist of a single, central government body with supreme sovereignty. While administrative subdivisions might exist, their powers are delegated by the central government. In a world federation based on subsidiarity, the delegation is the other way round, from local to central." God has however not left us without seeing how all of their current mandates and operations attempting to unite the planet under a single centralized authority is also the very plan that leads their global society toward one ruler, an Overseer of that authority as he will be deemed at first, to which then slowly gives way to his becoming the embodiment and physical manifestation of that centralized authority. The Beast's arrival is heralded by a series of localized "micro-apocalypses" that are themselves are undeniable because all see them the world over, even as other signs occur at the same time in the lead up to a single, major global Collapse that is referenced in Ezekiel 38:20. The overseers leading us all into this plan of their Antichrist's reveal comprise the most powerful corporations who sold themselves out long ago to be part of Satan's worldwide political and financial system collectively called the "Whore of Babylon." These are the same robber barons in power in the West who've directed this world system since the pre-industrial era into what it's become today, evil and corrupting, and remains why so much new blood becomes entangled with it generation after generation with the promises of long careers as this world's new elites among both the unwitting Left and corrupted Right while those more independent third or fourth party voices who would bring about true change are never given a semblance of credibility from the corporate-owned mainstream media that only propagates the corporate's binary Left v. Right distraction.
For example, Fox News zombies will tell each other how much this or that person is a "DEI hire" while claiming corporations or smaller businesses are merely feeling pressured by government-level political correctness to hire the half-black woman who is "less suited" for the said job via "checking off a box." However, too many times the exact opposite was true. It was and still is more often the case that the half-Black female who has more experience, is more educated, and holds a better work ethic, was completely ignored and passed over by hiring in keeping with a more "traditional workplace," meaning, Whites only or Whites mostly, even if that meant taking in less qualified workers to keep their preferred homogenous environment. But since that ongoing rural reality doesn't fit well into the entire "White genocide" narrative most parroted by Fox News, it's remains rural. Another discovery made in this decades-long research is how interconnected Anglo-racism, Nazism, and Satanism truly are to the point where a clear component of everything Satanic is also rooted in Anglo-racism, which becomes clearer when you consider the ubiquitous ancestry that became the global power structure. America is a nation of immigrants in a melting pot of what was something closer to unity. Knowing that, exactly who is now telling us that our own kids having friends of diverse backgrounds is so, all of a sudden, terrible, when it's only the most brainwashed of Anglo-racists who are so easily offended by even the words "inclusion" and "Woke" because they want to rollback sixty years of minority civil rights and return to "Whites only"? So when the globalist corporate elite and their media collectively announce the existential threats that hinder our planet today in advance of their green messiah and his Aryan-favored utopia, watch how they then launch into their consistent mind control narratives that propagates a subtle population control agenda, faked world unity, the resurgence of Western imperialism, a single green economy, a New Age mindset leading to a new global religion and a unitarian globalist institution seemingly overseen by one man to govern it all as mankind's only remaining solution. It will even be explained after the Collapse that "Mother Earth" has cleansed itself so that a New Age could result. It took a long time to build modern society and its absolutely insane how so many nations, as well as those dark forces which lead them, are so willing to have it entirely collapse to bring their touted messiah to the forefront and then to have the globalist-cheerleading media outlets like SKY, BBC, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN in full support of it. Mark which networks are propagating "Climate Change" the most to cover-up that Biblical prophecies are what's actually being witnessed. How many more "once-in-a-1,000-year" freak disasters via tornadic storms, hurricanes, hail, earthquakes, volcano's, landslides, floods, droughts, wars, famine, animal die-offs, extinctions, pandemics, killer bacteria, nearer earth asteroids with high chances of striking earth, earth's weakening magnetic field, solar storms causing geomagnetic disruptions, and other strange (and visible) signs in the heavens, etc., does a person have to see with their own eyes before it slowly dawns on them that all of this was predicted for our time? Apparently, many more, and so, we will have many more leading right into the Great Tribulation itself when all of these things reach literal apocalyptic levels unto the day of the literal Apocalypse, and that's the point. As the signs of the end ramp up, so too will their globalist-mandated changes that are eventually picked up by the Antichrist himself who is prophesied to "change the times and laws," meaning everything changes after he ascends. As they attempted with Covid by preparing sweeping Orwellian changes to our lives is the same way that they will enforce even greater changes when the world begins to experience God's increasing signs of the end in tandem with their plan to foster the conditions for a planetary collapse disguised within their destructive Climate Change plot to bring about the hive mindset within society that's needed for the next phase of their proposed "Reset" to manifest without making it seem they were behind it all from the start. And watching this Republican National Convention taking place in Milwaukee to announce Republican roll call votes entirely for Trump in itself speaks volumes for what else will transpire for America's version of the "Once and Future King."
And when you see these things begin to come to pass, then look up, for your Redemption [Rapture] draweth nigh. / And as He sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
When ye therefore shall see the Abomination of Desolation [the Antichrist], spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the Holy place [the Third Temple], (whoso readeth, let him understand) then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains. Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to infants themselves. But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day: For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved.
-Jesus Christ, Luke 21; Matthew 24; The Holy Bible
As you see in the Christ prophecy (highlighted in red above), Jesus' description of the last days perfectly fits what Google's Generative AI currently defines are the results of a "Climate Change Doomsday" scenario as follows: "The Climate Apocalypse is a term used to describe the predicted collapse of human civilization due to climate change. It could be caused by a combination of factors, such as: famine, extreme weather, war and conflict, and disease." Stunning. While the books of Daniel and Revelation are noted for their information exposing the Antichrist and his control of the world just before Christ's return to end his global rule, Matthew 24 remains the lead source of prophetic information pertaining to the general atmosphere surrounding the end-times itself with Christ Himself as its narrator. Matthew 24 begins as follows: And as He sat upon the Mount of Olives, His disciples came unto Him privately, asking of Him, When shall all these things be? What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world? Jesus' next words has thus presented the world a roadmap of key events toward determining the last days ever since, and are further highlighted by the fact that they are also centered around an end-time Israel thus making Israel's very existence in our time the miracle it truly is as well as a key indicator that marked the beginning of what is termed as the last days ever since. After being asked of the specific signs of the end of days, Christ immediately turned to His Jewish followers and initiates His prophetic answer by announcing that false christs and false prophets will arise with the implication being that they will deceive the world. And so, how many leaders do we have today that have a large following that are also known to lie and have a lingering dark side built on the seven deadly sins of greed, lust, pride, gluttony, sloth, envy, and wrath? In 2017, then President Trump arrived in Jerusalem to placate the Jews with a covenant toward peace and security called the "Abraham Accords" in which, exactly like the Antichrist himself will later do, Trump announced Jerusalem as the "undivided capital of the Jewish people," a key designation and claim granted prophetically to the Messiah himself. In fact, as I write this, Trump is at this moment speaking from an Orwellian giant "Big Brother" video screen to the Republican Jewish Coalition Summit on September 5th, 2024. The announcer that introduced him made a hauntingly familiar statement again evoking the Antichrist, specifically his image, saying "Donald J. Trump will be presented on the large video screen and be able to both see and hear you as he speaks..." Revelation 13:15 tells us of the Image of the Beast: And he had power to give life unto the Image of the Beast, [so] that the Image of the Beast should both [see and] speak and cause that as many as would not worship the Image of the Beast should be killed. Trump's 2-day trip to the Holy Land was followed up by the first British royal to ever make a formal state visit to the State of Israel since Britain carved out its modern existence, Prince William in 2018. William spent five days in the Holy Land courting both Jew and Palestinian alike to whom both Israeli citizens and religious Rabbi's adored more than Trump before he returned to his native UK to make a statement which shocked but was never widely reported in the media. After returning, it was widely reported that Prince William made the incredible statement that one day, as King, he would return to bring Israel the lasting peace it needs between her and the Palestinians. Mind you, no one else has ever dared made such a bold, if not entirely haughty, statement and connected it with his future kingship. As such, the false Christ that is William stands alone there like no one else just from that statement alone regarding Israeli peace, which is something that the Antichrist, who in Daniel is both called a "prince" and a "king" has long been prophesied to bring. Revelation 17:11 also calls the Antichrist a "king" and even numbers him in a list of kings likely stretching back into pre-Roman antiquity of which the Beast is the "eighth king." Next, Christ highlights the end of days by speaking to a time of unprecedented "wars and rumors of wars, with nation against nation," which translated from Christ's language of Aramaic that was recorded into the New Testament's Greek, actually speaks to "ethnic group rising up against ethnic group," meaning racism, with one racial group turning against another. Both dynamics are seen everywhere today, with one nation rising against another as well as one racial group turning against another. The headlines in the first week of June 2024 also speak to these parallel dynamics: "UK, US, France, Germany Allows Ukraine to Use Western Arms to Attack Inside Russia." What is Russia's response to that? The latest headlines already tell us. “Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Warns the US of Fatal Consequences. Russia has even specifically threatened and targeted Britain and its leadership as the prime evil in the world.
On July 24, 2022, retired Russian general and current Russian lawmaker Andrey Gurulyov claims Russia is arming up for a “colossal war” with NATO, the US and UK specifically. He spoke on the Kremlin-run channel Russia-1 about what would be Putin’s targets in the case of the impending World War. The first logical step, according to Gurulyov, would be disabling the enemy’s satellite system. Secondly, we would mitigate the enemy’s anti-missile system” adding “We certainly wouldn’t start with Paris, Warsaw or Berlin,” the [Western] world comes from the Anglo-Saxons [meaning Masonic Britain].” Gurulyov further declared, I am deliberately leaving out certain actions because they are not to be discussed here.” The "Anglo-Saxon" powers spoken of that control Britain, Europe, and America from behind their governments will do all they can to allow this because it would leave Israel without helpful allies purposefully to usher in the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39 that ushers in the Antichrist in the years thereafter. What's interesting here is that Russia seems to also have advance knowledge of this plan that works to produce the next Hitlerian world despot, the Antichrist, which is why Putin went on Russian television three years ago showing top secret files proving that certain occult elements within America and Britain were behind Adolf Hitler's own rise to power and initially fed its war machine to disastrous results. Does this somehow make Putin and Russia's plan to destroy the West a noble plan of itself because he knows of Freemasonry's presence behind Western leadership? Of course not, one need only read Ezekiel 38 to see what God Himself thinks of "Magog" to know where modern Russia stands prophetically with Him, as well as where Putin's ally in Trump stands as a false christ to know where we are at in God's prophetic timeline. We are close. Those who control the Western governments from behind its globalist-corrupted politicians have a timeline to the planned Collapse that afterward brings the Antichrist. This single point cannot be stressed enough and neither can the prophecy in II Thessalonians 2:3-4 which states "Let no man deceive you by any means for that day [of Christ's return] shall not come except there come a great falling away [population reduction] first, and then will the Man of Sin [Antichrist] be revealed, the Son of Perdition who both opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God so that he, as God, will sit in the Temple of God claiming that he is God." In other words, the Satanic elite knowing of this prophecy have chosen this as their timing to influence their puppets that we call politicians toward the brink of seemingly World War III. While the West is effectively using Ukraine as a proxy to lead Russia into a new war, still another prophecy from Ezekiel 38 tells us what Russia will instead decide to do. Russia will instead invade Israel. Of this extremely dangerous time the world now finds itself in, amidst all of the wars and now increased rumors of world war, Christ explicitly said "See that your heart is not troubled. For all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet." Here, Christ is speaking to His larger Christian audience including those relatively few Jewish Christians living in Israel that we should not be focusing too much on all of the signs leading up to the Collapse, but of another event entirely. Why? Because of His very next statement that we should instead, "look up, for our Redemption draws near." While some get hung up about the word "Rapture" appearing nowhere in the Scriptures, it doesn't need to as Christ Himself proves with that statement. As He stated, after beginning to see these things taking place at the same time, look up because our Redemption (Christ Himself) is near, of which other scriptures assert that He shall gather His own from this world while those left behind endure a worldwide disaster upon which raptured Christians are later determined to be among the many global missing and dead as a result. The age of nothing but deception will have officially begun. Thus, after all of the wars and rumors of war that we are now witnessing, comes an event that leads to a great falling away of global population. Today, almost half of the world's nations are engaged in bloody wars in and outside of their borders. This is what Christ was referencing, and it's only getting worse as climate disasters begin to erode resources key to human survival. At the same time, MAGA is being deluded to think Trump's cult of personality is akin to the power of Jesus Christ and that Trump will "save America" at a time when America is about to be decimated in natural disasters led by major earthquakes, storms, and floods. As far as Trump's other destructive part in it, how is the one now referencing the need for a deadly civil war in America against his many political opponents so he can keep power not fulfilling every aspiration on the part of these same corporate globalists hellbent on America's destruction?
Despite his blaming literally everything on an obviously weakened Biden, the Summer of 2020 with people feeling frustrated enough to march in the streets was entirely under his watch, as police at that time felt they had a license to kill unarmed minorities on the street believing that the justice system under Trump wouldn't ever prosecute them. They were wrong, and what a total embarrassment that must have been for Trump. 'Project 2025' hopes to change all of that with what amounts to police being granted new powers remains at the heart of Trump's dystopian vision but even more for the cabal that groomed him. And knowing that this newly radicalized GOP thinks Democrats are the literal agents of Satan himself, exactly what do you think the so-called Christian Crusaders within MAGA will do with them and to American democracy itself? Trump's recent attempt at supposedly "distancing himself from Project 2025" should show you how radical its goals truly are which aims to turn the United States into an Orwellian dictatorship virtually overnight. However, knowing that is precisely what Trump wants, it's clear his "distancing" is merely one of temporary lip service so that he doesn't scare away the still much-needed moderate Republican votes going into the November general election. The specific members of the Heritage Foundation which authored the insane plan that remains Project 2025 were indeed members of Trump's own first term cabinet. In other words, should Trump win, Project 2025 would then become literal and by 2025 there would be civil war in America because actual patriotic Americans would never stand for Trump's extreme operations to destroy democracy in favor for only MAGA Republicans running the country going forward. In short, with Antichrist arriving just after America's collapse, how is Trump not the perfect archetype paving his dystopian and authoritarian way? The prophecies tells us in Daniel that Antichrist shall "change the times and the laws" among many other things that Trump is also contemplating. That is also not coincidence. Instead of Trump more recently saying he would make sure American citizens were safe from out-of-control police this time around if he became President, he just announced on June 28th, 2024, that he would ensure the police would have "complete immunity from any and all prosecution should they ever be arrested for a crime." And throughout all of this, the corporate powers remain securely in control. MAGA was brainwashed to believe that those same powers are merely the American people and the Democrat party itself, when those who manufactured both the Left and Right in America to ensure their Occult plan is carried out are still the enemy. Within that plan, corporate brainwashing created the so-called "American Dream" and dreamer which is a fitting, if not telling corporate-created byword given to the typical American sleepwalking thru work and life while the Orwellian State facilitates a dynamic in which we always need more money to fund some level of perceived need that ensures the corporate overlords remain in controlling politics and policies. They have educated us to worship mammon/money instead of our Creator and their ploy of placing the Ten Commandments in every public school does nothing to wake up the next generation of sleepers never made aware of the subversive secret societies that actually govern their lives in a matrix of deception that they are told is "Christian." Christian Nationalism is its new corporate religion that promotes a "Prosperity Gospel" where those marginalized, such as the homeless and immigrant, are considered as 'vermin' to be eliminated. However, when considering the recent L.A. fires of 2025, you have to wonder how many of the affluent Trump supporters there who were acting like they could never become homeless, but now have unexpectedly become homeless themselves, whether or not they will return to their prosperity religion's false Christ and figurehead or finally shake off their corporate control and choose Christ who said: "You cannot serve God and mammon [money]," which is "the root of all evil." Another wake-up call proving Trump isn't the Messiah that many in MAGA believe he is, will be all of the natural disasters that will only increase during his "Golden Age" that will actually be known as an age of war, fire, and mass destruction than an Age of Light. What we've seen until now in terms of worldwide destruction will pale in comparison to what else is coming as we approach the America's intended collapse.
For the sake of clarity, the above scriptures from Daniel and Revelation are not in reference to Trump, but the Antichrist, who arises from what appears to be a mortal head wound to then turn evil when he is literally possessed by Satan himself. However, Trump's parallel to the event of almost dying from a mortal head wound and then rising after its event does provide a strong archetypal foreshadowing of the Antichrist Beast that was, is not, and yet will be again, the "Once and Future King."
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world marveled after the Beast. And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast and they worshipped the Beast, saying, 'Who is like unto the Beast, who is able to make war with him!?' And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue forty-two months. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god for he shall magnify himself above all. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle, and them that dwell in Heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. The Beast that thou saw was, and is not, and yet will ascend out of the Bottomless Pit and go into [the Son of] perdition: and they that dwell on the earth whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, will marvel, when they behold the Beast that was, is not, and yet will be again.
Revelation 13:3-6, 17:8, Daniel 11:37; The Holy Bible
Trump, who has brainwashed even "conservative" justices on the Supreme Court in allowing new ruling where Presidents will have complete immunity from all prosecution like kings have in England, he now wants police to "feel free to be able to do their job" [read: use lethal force in most situations involving minorities] and even if prosecuted, always get away with it in the courts because Trump says he'll make police (also like kings) to never have accountability for any potential crime going forward. In other words, the Trump years of 2017-2020 would return in 2025-2029, where police shot a string of unarmed minorities as if there was no accountability to act as an immediate check and balance against them, which led to the summer protests of 2020, of which Trump now lies to say that during his Presidency "crime was down," when violence skyrocketed overall under his watch with racist attacks on minorities and police murders leading it. So, not only does Trump want to be above the law himself to which the Supreme Court fixed exactly that for all future Presidents to be exempt from the law, Trump now wants a newly weaponized police force nationally. Add to that Trump stating he will also cause the largest deportation in history (apparently, second only to Hitler's own mass deportation of Jews) starting in 2025 that also fits in line with everything that 'Project 2025' is already preparing for, and America will be given mass chaos and death no matter if Trump wins the election or not, which is exactly what the Anglo-corporate powers in service to the generational Masonic plan need for this time in order to remove America and cement Europe's rise in replacing it. Revelation explains that the Antichrist king that was, is not, but will be again would be seemingly "mortally wounded in the head," but would suddenly be healed and quickly rise in power thereafter while the whole world "marvels." It is also interesting that as the book of Daniel stated, the Antichrist will broker a peace deal between Israel and other nations that were its enemies, exactly as Trump has also done, making Trump a clear forerunner and intriguing archetype of the Antichrist himself. And as fate would have it, Trump during post-assassination is stronger than ever, and one could only imagine how, if Harris were to win the election, what Trump's easily angered, uneducated, well-armed "Fight! Fight! Fight!" crowd would do then. This is how collapses occur and this is what the corporate cabal needs to fulfill the Masonic "Great Work" in order to bring the final Anti-Christ to the forefront as the touted savior of Western civilization. Because Freemasonry's occult goal in the United States was always to first mimic, then twist, and finally push Christianity toward evil that ultimately facilitates such a violent upheaval, one can easily determine how MAGA is being used by the Cabal toward fulfilling their "Great Reset," by which brainwashed MAGA is being told to "Trust the Plan," which is an even more perfect deception America's Masonic founders created than the white washing of its own supposedly "glorious" (but actually genocidal) history that school children ever since are taught was "manifest destiny," instead of the reality of an insidious occult plot hatched in 17th century London that so perfectly befitted their other lying narrative that they worship "God." They do not. Of course, go to any heavily censored search engine since their manipulating our freedom of speech starting in 2008 to ask if Freemasons worship Satan and what used to be there is no longer there but has been replaced by the Freemason's own lies that they're just another secret society carrying on the ancient Mystery School tradition, with them counting on none of you knowing what even that means.
This is precisely why all of this is so easily going right over the heads of not only MAGA currently, but nearly all Americans since the year of Illuminati in 1776.This is exactly why their puppet in Trump was pushed to the forefront in conservative circles in perfectly playing his role as the anti-Obama to appease the Anglo-racist status quo within the elite corporate cabal and their media networks. As stated, there is a strong Antichrist parallel here with Trump and his 'False Prophet' running mate. The Antichrist will eventually blame all of the world's ongoing and increasing destructions that occur during within his not on "climate change," but on God Himself, which He will liken to an outside 'alien' force that wants to destroy him and his beloved earthly kingdom, to which his global pagan cult will join in cursing the Creator because they will have been so deceived by Lucifer within Antichrist. This is the path the world find itself on today, with the signs of epic destructions of this world already being shown by God and daily witnessed by you in His warning us of what is to come. On this side of the coming Collapse, we have half of America literally worshipping one man who claims to be of the good, while his presence is driving America further into an unrecognizable abyss because he is following Freemasonry's plan toward their complete world domination. That said, you are being controlled, and the end result of it may not be what you think. For as even Christ said, "Even the very elect would be deceived." The real problem is, those who are right now being deceived the most, have forfeited their "Christianity" by denying Christ in placing the more worshipped idol of America First Nationalism in front of their own Creator. This notion on full display by the racist GOP that you "weaken the nation" by even having a tone of empathy for others not exactly like you is too much like what the occult-driven Nazi's themselves were attempting to bring about for their society, but that is precisely what their Project 2025 wants to ultimately bring about, to create that slippery slope whereby there is ONLY MAGA Republican rule going forward, with its increasing doctrine based around an "ANTI-WOKE" agenda which will then allow them to further dismantle America in favor of a Whites-mostly Utopia. The Anglo-Masonic "Great Work" is nearly complete, symbolized by their pagan Egyptian god of Horus that represents Freemasonry's "Divine Providence" that coincides with the finalization of their Novus Ordo Seclorum, the needed secular order *without* the Holy God of the Bible who is instead replaced by the God of Freemasonry, Lucifer, the god of chaos, death, and destruction. It is most intriguing to note here that the Ten Commandments the far-right are now placing in every Louisiana school has above it the very same one-eyed PAGAN Egyptian deity of Horus to which the children in that state, like the Freemasons, will see as God. And this is how the powers behind our Western governments work. They manufacture the problem, then manufacture/propagate/distribute the only solution. In this latter instance with their remaining goals ramping up toward an end-time, they have manufactured existential problems on many fronts, from a near global depression always looming in the wings to the acceptance of "Woke," resulting in a supposed "migrant takeover" and "White genocide," so that they can provide their later solution in an Aryan strong man to lead those who have been mentally diminished by Woke programming. Mind you, God created the races to expose the racists and their evils that returns to them on the Day of Judgment.
What's happening in the world today is not "Climate Change." These are the end-time signs that were predicted and now increasing globally of which both extremes of a colder and warming climates are occurring at the same time. Moreover, climate can neither affect the sudden uptick of demonic possessions and general insanity resulting in brutal attacks especially on innocent children, increased racist attacks, sudden animal attacks, asteroids getting closer and with greater frequency or the earthquakes in places that rarely have them, or the Sun's increasing solar maximum behavior, or what is happening with the earth's rotation slowing down or deep within the earth itself regarding its now shifting crust, earth's now weakening magnetic field, and perhaps strangest of all - earth's core having recently reversed, or the many volcanos now globally erupting at the same time. Neither can "climate change" explain all of the strange signs now occurring in the recent mass weakening of our own immune systems as well as the recent weakening of dark matter across the entire universe. None of that can be so easily dismissed in the media as 'Climate Change' effects. Something else is clearly going on. It is also quite ironic that this specific news piece forecasting the "climate apocalypse" is coming out of Britain and then repeated all over the world's media as supposed fact showing us that the climate agenda is a lie to mask what is still prophesied for our modern age.
The actual Nazi Deep State power behind the current Trump government who ultimately control both the Left and Right from the top, are allowing this in their perfect timing to create the conditions of self-affirming hegemony and hating everything resembling "diversity" for a reason. The same thing is occurring in Europe, but instead of Central and South American Catholics, it is Islamic Muslims that are allowed to flood Europe for what I believe are the very same reasons, for out of this comes an entire generation more race-centric, isolationist, un-empathetic to non-whites, and thus groomed to favor and espouse older notions rooted in Anglo-imperialist colonialism. Why would the mostly white corporate globalists controlling the West want people to be ultimately like them? They are bringing a new Aryan leader to the forefront after their orchestrated global collapse and as a result are already creating an audience that would be most receptive to his future leadership, today. Moreover, knowing those UK/US corporations that led to Hitler's rise are still in control in much of what we see today behind what their media tells us, this cannot be a mere coincidence. The same evil that funded Hitler's meteoric rise is also preparing this world for a green-groomed, globalist Antichrist figure who, at first, will appeal to a blending of both the right and left post-Collapse where survivors care more about their own survival than former political leanings. Climate change, vaccine mandates, open border migration, and transgender madness for today on one end - and a sharp rise in Anglo-centric thinking and neo-Nazi recruitment on the other, with hardly anyone asking the obvious question as to why.
Their New Atlantis was never meant to exist forever, and it has already served London well in what they've long prepared, a world after America where a new cult of personality will lead the planet. In this, has Trump also served London's underlying purpose, proving how a Jim Jones-like, self-styled cultist could easily lead brainwashed followers to his side where they remain to the death. One must recall, under the spell of a seemingly charismatic leader who also demonized the press and pitted Whites against everyone else, Germany too was filled with homeland patriots and nationalistic fervor... in 1939. A recent video has gone viral proving just how misled Trump's supporters truly are, when someone pretending to be one of them stood up and gave a speech originally given by Hitler, and they loudly applauded it, thinking it was in full support of Trump's policies. That in itself speaks volumes against MAGA, many of which include once respected Christian evangelists who have unwittingly gone astray into MAGA's version of White nationalism. Christ also prophesied that despite the increase of racial hate that He cited as "nation against nation," will be epic global disasters and deadly wars occurring at the same time, He wanted us to know that the end of all things is not yet, meaning, we are still just witnessing the initial signs and what Christ called 'the Beginning of Sorrows.' Both the key prophecies of the Gog-Magog Battle (Ezekiel 38-39) that includes Iran must occur, as well as the more distant Battle of Armageddon (Zechariah 12:4-11, Revelation 19:11-21) that occurs seven years into the reign of the future king, Antichrist, that spells his final defeat. One interesting connection between Russia and Iran's future invasion into Israel and the Rapture, is that both the Battle of Gog and Magog and the Rapture are completely unexpected at the moment they occur. Of the invasion, Ezekiel 38:10-12 reports: "Thus saith the Lord God, it will come at that time when an evil thought shall enter your mind [Gog-Putin] and you will say to yourself - I will go to the land of [Israel's] unwalled villages. I will go to them [Jews] that are at rest, that dwell safely to take a spoil and to take a prey." Of the Rapture, Matthew 24:44 and 50, Christ tells us: "Therefore be also ready in an hour as you think the Son of man cometh not... the Lord of that servant shall come on a day when he looketh not for Him and in an hour that he is not aware of." As each day passes ever closer to this event, we will begin to see the sharper increase of not one but many pestilences plural, mass-casualty "earthquakes in diverse places," as well as what Christ defined as "strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars while upon the earth the distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring." This would also tie into what globalists predict within their so-called "Climate Apocalypse" that's already being used as a cover for the truth that it's actually the Biblical prophecies that are coming to pass. What's interesting to note here is that when Christ gave this key prophecy regarding the time of the end in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, He did so speaking of the end-time signs occurring not locally, in Israel, but globally, worldwide. The earthquakes in "diverse places," for one example, are referencing strong earthquakes occurring worldwide. And so, how could first century man ever know if an earthquake would occur in Japan if global satellite news, and then, the internet, wouldn't have existed for 2,000 more years? The point is, as the Scriptures are also key to note, these end-time prophecies and their signs occur at a time as the prophet Daniel was told by God, "when knowledge shall increase, and many shall move to and fro in the earth" meaning, via air travel. Another Scripture describes cars as "their chariots moving like lightning in the highways and byways." Another key Scripture that narrows this end-time as our time 'when technology would be increased,' is seen in Revelation 11:9, 11: "And they of the people and kindreds and tongues of all nations shall see their dead bodies [of God's Two Witnesses] not be allowed to be put in graves for three days and a half... And after three days and a half, the Spirit of Life from God entered into them and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon them which saw them."
Perilous times are coming, and the media is already not presenting the truth as far as why all of this is happening. More truthful climate scientists are now admitting that while the world is suddenly becoming much hotter they know it's not from what the media keeps brainwashing people with via climate change but remain at a loss beyond fossil fuels at further zeroing in to the precise reason why the world is suddenly hotter than ever before in recorded human history. If they knew where we now stand in God's prophetic timing, they would already know why the world is slowly decaying exponentially even as other disastrous signs will make it even more obvious going forward proving we are living in what the Bible predicted as earth's "latter years." And as if to single-handedly destroy the entire climate debate that the media is pushing upon society today in order to hide the fulfillment of these Biblical signs of the end that we are actually witnessing, Christ next informed that not only on our earth but that there would be end-time signs both deep within the earth itself (shifting core, magnetic displacement, more volatile volcanos erupting, etc.) and far above us in space (increase in gamma ray burst radiation, earth's weakening magnetic field, increase of solar flares, unexpected larger/closer asteroids, etc.) where today's best "Climate Change" media narratives cannot reach. There are already a number of increasingly nearer earth asteroids passing by unexpected with the media adding: "like World War III, had these 'planet-killer' asteroids struck, it would have annihilated the earth and collapsed its global financial system." As such, we are seeing much more of the dangers above us, from space, as well as arising from the earth. Christ further explains that the omens heralding the end will become so frequent and so remarkably terrible that many among the unsaved will think it is the absolute end of the world itself and "have their hearts fail them for fear" as a result. What Christ details next relates to the extreme hate shown against those who know and understand the Truth. Matthew 24:9-12 informs us: Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake [Christ; as Christians], when many shall be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many and because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall turn cold." This is the second time Christ speaks to false christs and prophets. And so, who does that sound like today if one approaches this from a uniquely American perspective? Perhaps the proven violent and unruly cult that exists today who claim to be "Christian Nationalists" who are also arming themselves to the teeth while rallying behind a leader that speaks of civil wars, promotes racial hate and division, as well as influencing his MAGA to lawless behavior that benefits himself while his autocrat-loving Nationalists even admit they are going to radically change the United States if elected via Trump. Their own "Project 2025" dictates as much: "Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a collection of major policy proposals to fundamentally and completely reshape the American federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. Presidential election." They admit their fascist takeover is now months away if Trump wins, and be advised, once they attain power they would be actually working toward anti-democracy in the United States "reshaping" America to become something closer to an anti-U.S. Constitution monarchy with Trump as its first king-like despot, which is interesting because the Antichrist is prophesied to "change the times and laws" during his reign as king, proving Trump is here to ready the West for rule not under Christ as his proven Nazi-adoring Nationalists claim, but a dictatorship under Satan. There is yet another connection with the future Antichrist and Project 2025's Trump, and that is found in Daniel 11:31, 33 where the Antichrist shall use an army ("force of arms that stand on his part") to hunt down a segment of people (future Jews), which parallels what Trump wants to do with people, mostly Brown and Black, that he calls "garbage" and "vermin" that are "poisoning the blood of [White] America."
The very fact that Trump and MAGA does not want any history taught unless it's a Whites only/mostly history should tell you all you need to know about Trump and MAGA, period. Of course, Trump keeps claiming not to be a plain racist but his cult knows that's just lip service for the media. But as many witnessed during the 80th D-Day event in France in 2024, it was shown that the American soldier's own racial diversity that won World War II against an evil dictator in Hitler who hated diversity so much, he put almost everyone not straight or White in literal death camps. Today, the Republican "political party who freed the slaves" cannot even watch a film with a single minority in it without crying loudly about "Woke" this and "Woke" that. These are the same people who want a Christian Nationalist Utopia so much that some of them are cosplaying it in public with their women in long dresses down to the ankle, and their men hating how far women have come since the turn of the former century, because acknowledging even that would hurt their "dominant" ego that's hyped to be more like Andrew Tate than Jesus Christ. In fact, pre-World War II history is repeating and the far-right are being told in their corporate-controlled 'conservative' echo chambers that they are serving a crusading Christ, or good, in fighting off the "hordes of Communist Marxist Demon-crats" instead of the reality of their being conscripted toward Antichrist and evil. The recent 80th D-Day Anniversary taking place live in Normandy, France, proved what the men who stormed Omaha Beach sacrificed on that day one lifetime ago. By contrast, Trump, the draft-dodging megalomaniac with "bone spurs" leads a cult following that propagates his own facade, when he has actually been unwittingly groomed into the evil corporate cabal since his youth and, as such, knows nothing of the cost of one's perceived freedom or what the American soldiers from all races fought against until Hitler's power was destroyed, because what they fought against is exactly what Trump and his cult are trying to reinstall. The American soldier: White, Black, Mexican, Native, Asian, together fought on that day and won an entire war for America's perceived freedom still enjoyed today. While the individual units may have been racially segregated, the enemy didn't know it when we all fought as one force attacking them from every side, showcasing the bravery of all of America's racially diverse forces that was also noticed by U.S. military brass, so much so that by the Vietnam and the Gulf Wars, units became fully integrated to devastating results against anyone the collective government would determine is an enemy. More than any other, the greatest generation knows that our diversity and resulting inclusivity is America's strength and we still owe that generation everything. Contrasting that, Russia is still a near complete homogenous White Russian society that have lost two recent wars on the battlefield and have to dope their best athletes to "win" at anything. Thus, Russia is well aware that America's diversity was what won the last world war which is why they are doing what they can to weaken the United States at the cusp of the World War III they want to win. Because of their selfless bravery, and moreover, heart for what is good, for what is God, the soldiers who fought, died, survived, and ultimately prevailed on D-Day 1944, now see America changing far from what they knew where instead of Americans being repulsed by another Aryan racist dictator-wannabe, they swear their lives to him. From the view of the World War II soldier, that is what the enemy did, and the enemy lost. One of these brave D-Day soldiers was interviewed and stated as such, with his message to younger Americans today being to "Respect your fellow man and stop all of this stupid fighting each other!" MAGA, take note. Yours is a skewed ideology of what you think America was, but you follow the very thing that only knows how to lie, manipulate, isolate and divide, which is precisely why modern despots like Putin need Trump to keep America locked within a false belief to separate us from what they know makes America truly great: diversity. Being racist for racist's sake against minorities by a White overseer is still a ridiculous plot to follow going further into the 21st century. Lincoln and others knew this long ago. In too many ways, it was the life's blood and lives of the American soldier that created the diverse "Woke" world that MAGA, in following their draft-dodging, Hitler-quoting despotic emperor wannabe so despises today where they can't even watch a movie with a single minority protagonist in it without discovering their own latent racism rising to the surface, all the while claiming they are not racist.
This is why MAGA sees the Russian despot in Putin also as a savior, because like Trump, Putin is also ringing a death knell against diversity and inclusivity, knowing that what is daily demonized as "Woke" also contains America's strength by diversity that can beat racist dictators and win wars. Speaking of racist dictators, MAGA should also be taking note of how Trump did nothing to curb the Deep State whatsoever because he was too busy being courted and manipulated by their corporations to ensure their generational power remains behind a wall of status quo protection that both Republicans and Democrats always provide them, who in return create for us the manufactured distraction of a Right versus Left that continually fuels their elitist power. "Woke" is actually defined by anything that lifts up a minority or minority group in our modern 21st century society that leaves racist Whites feeling it needs to be trampled underfoot and systematically eradicated because of their 18th century anti-Christian genocidal mindset. Luke 21 then underscores a few specifics not mentioned in the Matthew 24 account that make it appear this message will also have its dual fulfillment for future Jews who instead follow Christ during the first half of the Beast's Tribulation: "They shall lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to their synagogues and into prisons, being brought before their rulers for my name's sake and it shall turn to you for a testimony. Settle it therefore in your hearts not to think beforehand what you should answer: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom which your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay against nor resist. And you shall be betrayed both by parents, kinsfolks, and friends and some of you shall they put to death." Since Jews still reject Yeshua [Jesus] as Moshiach [Messiah] and would only receive the Antichrist as their chosen false messiah, this is therefore speaking to those Jews in the future who turn to Christ, which is what's behind God's larger plan of allowing the Antichrist to exist in the first place. In other words, Antichrist, being possessed by Satan himself, will be so evil and obviously not their Messiah as was claimed of him, that they ultimately discover Jesus Christ. This is God's Will, to show Israel that His Son is their Messiah at the very time when they need Him most (Zechariah 12). The Antichrist's rising today therefore shows us where we are in God's prophetic timetable. We are close. Christ next drops a rather interesting piece of information that devotes the rest of His answer about the end-times by focusing on Israel's eventual takeover by the Antichrist which occurs at the onset of the Great Tribulation. Therefore, Christ's mentioning of the "Gospel being preached unto all nations" that coincides with the end would be a harrowing one at best, given that Antichrist would employ forces to seek and destroy all dissent within his global kingdom as is also prophesied in Daniel 11. Seemingly key to this then might be those nations that won't be conquered by the Beast, as Christ informs us in the book of Daniel which are distinctly three: Edom [Russia], Moab[?], and the chief children of Ammon [likely China]. In addition, Christ's use of "the end" is pointing to what is called the Great Tribulation on the far side of which is Armageddon itself, when Antichrist and his False Prophet are both thrown alive into the eternal Lake of Fire by Christ at His return. Christ continues: "When you [future Jews] therefore shall *see* the Abomination of Desolation [the Antichrist], spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the Jewish Holy Temple, then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains, for then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, nor shall be again."
Certainly, in those days, shall many be offended by the Jewish witnesses of Jesus and, as such, shall cleave even closer to the Beast as he attempts to destroy every Jewish believer in Jesus who "do great exploits" toward preaching to others, even all nations as prophesied for those latter days. Christ informs us further: "And except those days should be shortened, there would no flesh be saved, but for the [Jewish] elect's sake, those days shall be shortened." This is because when you read Daniel, the original timeframe by which Antichrist was given to exact his revenge against God and His chosen people was over 5,000 days, that by the time Revelation was given John, God has shortened the days of Tribulation to be precisely 2,550 days from the day of the Beast's false peace covenant unto the time of his last battle at Armageddon, when He comes up against Christ Himself. Christ again continues: "For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets who shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that if it were possible, they would even deceive the very elect." How intriguing. This is now the third time in the same chapter that Christ specifically mentions false christs and false prophets, as if the three references of them are three distinct waves each more evil/deceptive than the previous wave before it. As Christ further explains this third wave, He makes clear mention that this group are not like the other two before it. From that we can speculate that the first wave of false christs were likely the human cult leaders of the last fifty years such as Jim Jones, David Koresh, and one could certainly include MAGA's Donald Trump. The second wave would then be the New Age 'Ascended Teachers' that arrive just after the Collapse to preach a Metaphysical gospel that coalesces what is to become Antichrist's One World Church. The third have even greater supernatural power and are clearly demonic to nearly deceive even the very elect, if it were possible. It is not possible because the elect are instead possessed by the Holy Spirit and cannot therefore be deceived by anything of Satan, again proving that third wave of false christs and prophets are demonic in power which may fit into what is speculated regarding a global UFO deception as part of the government's end-time agenda. We are also informed that, "Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord ["Yeshua"] shall be saved." For today, we are to look up, for Christ will gather us up until Himself as the world must endure everything that comes after the Collapse, including a destabilized world that moves into a post-American era from which the Beast ascends. Given what is also prophesied about what the scoffers in the last days say, the age we live in now is therefore like no other time in this world's history and yet so much worse is coming to make it all the more obvious. Jesus ends His shocking prophecy with the following: "Now learn a parable of the fig tree [archetype for modern Israel]; When his branch is yet tender [young] and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh. Likewise, when you shall see all these aforementioned things taking place, know that it [the end] is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, this [last] generation shall not pass till all things written are fulfilled." This would include all of the prophecies that remain of the last days heralded by the arrival of the Antichrist.
Trump's own timing in stirring up those who equate him with Jesus Christ is also not a coincidence. "Christian Nationalism" and its parallel in Anglo-Israelism are two of Satan's greatest deceptions in these last days. More deception is coming as proven by Christ himself who warned of false christs, like Trump and other radical populists who are yet to rise. MAGA and other such cults given to Anglo-exceptionalism are being readied for the Antichrist, a world leader who will seem to them as a needed strongman and Aryan-crusader who rises just after the world collapses, again, with perfect timing. Outside of the Masonic-connected Rockefeller Foundation, the main think tank behind much of the globalist talking points that originally sets the stage for the Antichrist is today known as the World Economic Forum, that has just announced any information exposing the more sinister aspects of their globalist plans (aka the truth) will be effectively shadow banned in Europe and even outright censored worldwide going forward. On April 22, 2022, the European Union passed exactly that as EU law, showing how the EU and WEC operate in tandem toward creating their 'New World' that increasingly places Europe as central to global governance. On that very same day, former President Obama made a speech at Stanford University outlining the World Economic Forum's own talking points by claiming America needs to follow suit in overriding the First Amendment and censor all what is deemed "misinformation," with the corporate elite increasingly deciding what that supposed misinformation is. That same weekend, in France, an election was held between the known globalist in Emmanuel Macron and Marie Le Pen, a known racist/fascist, reminding us of the two choices they're increasingly giving us where no matter who wins an election between the racist/fascist on the right, or the globalist/elitist on the left, their hidden agenda that is ultimately racist, fascist, globalist, and elitist remains intact. Of course, all of this is leading up to the even more influential American election in 2024, when the only two real choices we will be given will be between increasingly fascist globalism or already fascist racism. Another sign that the Anglo-globalist plan in whipping up White racial anger to fever pitch is working in the West can be seen in the outspoken clod that is still Elon Musk who has made a recent statement that "Jews" are the evil people creating all of the anti-White sentiment that's pushing an entire hemisphere toward Jew-killing neo-Nazism, as if that makes any sense whatsoever. It doesn't. In reality, the evil has a supernatural source that's behind the intense hatred of God's unique and blessed people whose true enemies are Satan's own cursed generations that have transcended every power since the Templar's Crusades to become the occult force behind our Western governments that are themselves rooted in the occult by design. And this is why MAGA and others today who have been manipulated by these same occult powers have no place attempting to lead us today for they don't know what they themselves are following and would be shocked at finally discovering they serve the very globalists they tell themselves they are against. If that weren't enough, todays Republicans have quite another entity that feeds its extreme paranoia. If you want to know what Putin and his FSB have come up with in order to further divide Americans across political lines, just listen to the latest conspiracy theory the Republicans are now telling each other against the Democrats. As far as Project 2025, yes, there exists a Masonic Deep State that's entrenched within America and operates behind the American leadership of both political parties, meaning, you cannot root that out entrenched hostile and occult power by removing/destroying the Democrats themselves. One Anglo-racist entity that's been there since 1776 should not be replaced with an unhinged Anglo-racist pawn like Trump to reappear from his Florida golf course in 2025 and expect any good result. Mind you, this is the overwhelming dolt who told everyone to inject bleach into their veins and nuke a tornado so that radioactive fallout could spread and outlive the said tornado, after all. Trump and his racist stooges are not intelligent people.
"Blacks need not apply" says it all. But look how MAGA in these comments are attempting to reason all of this out claiming that all races should be equally accepted on a merit-based system, but that's not what America has done in times past, especially when they believe it was most "great." Minorities were ALWAYS overlooked in favor of a majority white work environment, and this was even if the minority person was in fact MORE QUALIFIED. Fox and the true Nazi Deep State in control has brainwashed MAGA well. We were advancing toward a true melting pot, finally, but now that the Nazi Deep State are in control, they will set that advancement back decades to when America was supposedly "great," meaning a white majority with NO equal playing field.
These MAGA cultists actually believe that the more hateful or unempathetic or evil they are, the stronger they are (Nazi's and theistic Satanists believe the same) while more sensible and actually intelligent people better understand that the more empathy you have for others, the stronger you are because you're actually advancing the Kingdom of God, while men like Trump is going to make poor kids go hungry, some of which whose parents actually voted for that globalist lackey. Trump was just in L.A. a few days ago during one of his self-touting photo ops lying about helping LA, when LA says this Trump freeze on funding will also affect those who lost their homes when they need help immediately. Like all Republicans, they care nothing about those who are poor or homeless at a time when one storm can make you, the Trump voter, poor and homeless in an instant.
In their skewed view, even a single half-White in a film today means it's entirely "Woke" because the same film isn't Whites only, and still you'll hear these morons never admitting their own racism after just proving it, again. How they're now dodging the entire question of their White racism is summed up in their own memes. My only question to MAGA in this regard is: Who told you that minorities must be evil simply because they're not White, and why is that obvious lie repeated again and again by your media's talking heads and social media's influencers? What's the point of repeating a lie? The German people were similarly mind-controlled in the 1930's and then the cabal's Aryan 'Führer' showed up. Given how conservatives are once again following within that same history, who is about to show up next? Such critical thinking is necessary going forward. MAGA dolts love to talk about bringing America back to a time when it was "great again." In reality, America was great before we ever heard the corporate-created buzzwords they parrot, such as: DEI, Woke, race cards, trans-everything, social justice warriors, and every other dog whistle they'll repeat in attempt to hide their own overt racism. While Trump might stand against the "green technologies" of solar, wind, and sea, to ensure the much older fossil fuel industry remains, he does so because gas, oil, and coal create a more profitable return for the corporate Deep State in America. However, the larger Deep State is not isolated inside America alone and globalism covers all bases for itself on either side of the Atlantic where oil and drugs fuel the Satanic cabal's underworld and the Western governments that oversee it to which Trump and his self-righteous band of sycophants couldn't even recognize a Deep State elitist if one were to stand right in front of them because they've been brainwashed into thinking they're Democrats only. Add to that, the corporate elites who fund specifically Trump's campaign (who Trump has before returned favors back to them in the form of relaxed regulations that leads to society forced to endure even more pollution that's making them sick and die) have created the conditions for the world wanting a Great Reset through their generational use of population control methods, poisoning the food and water supplies, creating ruinous events that result from "accidental" pollution spills, destroying economies via post-Covid hyperinflation leading to rising interest rates and failing banks to ensuring wars are financed toward a much larger global cataclysm that ultimately prompts the birth of their (visible) New World to arrive for their (hidden) New World Order to be made manifest. It's going to be very interesting to watch and witness as we traverse toward 2030 when the realization sets in that all of these "green initiatives" undertook as a result of the globalist's COP28 climate summit cannot stop what is prophesied to occur in regard to worse supernatural disasters because of increasing sin and the state of mankind's collective deception, not methane. The globalist's blaming literally every end-time sign we are witnessing today as 'Global Warming' doesn't explain why the universe, far outside of earth's atmosphere, is itself suddenly showing extreme signs of its own inevitable ending. Just look at what our own Sun is doing currently for a single example and the supernatural rise in unmatched evil and hate for God, His Word, His Son, and His people, for another. Ironically, atheists who thrive on a 'seeing is believing' mantra themselves will be shaken to their core of what is still to come. Also interesting is that despite all of the end-time signs skyrocketing in both frequency and duration, the Bible also warns us that Christianity itself diminishes in the last days and specifically among the generation of the Antichrist who himself rises speaking the exact words that his generation has been conditioned with in education and the corporate media.
It therefore makes sense that as we are seeing so many other end-time signs today, that there is likewise a seismic move away from Jesus Christ and toward another who shall take His place. When he ascends at a time just after the world experiences "Climate Apocalypse" and resulting collapse, he will instantly find a global audience enamored of him as he provides (already prepared for him) working solutions on how to navigate the chaotic future weary of war, natural disasters, and new and deadly bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. The Antichrist arrives seemingly, organically, after 2030 as a "green" and earth-friendly global leader who "desires nothing but to help Britain during the time of its greatest need." That is how it begins. The same globalists that have prepared his arrival in creating the international conditions by pulling the world apart for generations, starting at the family level, have likewise also long prepared the "global solutions" that leads to a more unified world and its new leader evoking "hope and change." The broken world beyond 2030 will naturally welcome such a man with his vision of a global union due to their becoming too weary of the hate, rampant death and unexpected destructions at every turn as we edge nearer toward the collapse of their own design so that they can afterward provide only their solution. In other words, the "Climate Apocalypse" narrative that is so loudly paraded in the media are needed so that a Climate Messiah may emerge to supposedly set the world to right. It matters not in which way you might mock this today or what your choice of media has taught you against it. It simply is, and, as such, cannot be disproven going forward because the entirety of their ill-founded plans will reveal themselves even as it's already being revealed by the same elite globalists who are presently enacting them. One proof of this very dynamic can be seen in today's Vatican, whereby whatever is said at any one of the secretive Bilderberg meetings or the more public climate summits or any other high-level corporate or globalist propaganda collective, from endorsing same-sex unions to pushing the media's climate narratives, the current Pope then ratifies all of Christian belief to exactly meet whatever the globalists demand of him with climate, Covid, and same-sex issues, etc., proves where the true power in this world remains. In precisely the same way, the current King of England who also pushes the same exact same globalist causes, does so to better prepare the world for the Antichrist's own future platform that will make him appear to be exactly what the world needs at that time. This is what world leaders are being taxed with and commanded to do and say by those senior vampiric powers in much greater elitist control than their "middle management" globalists that carry out the groundwork on their behalf. In other words, the much-demonized globalists like Klaus Schwab, like David Attenborough, like John Kerry, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Fauci, Gore, Gates, both Bush's and Trump, are merely subordinate figureheads of the actual Satanic elite pulling the strings. Notice the Scripture below and understand that in 2024, there is already a push by influential globalists to reduce the size of our families so that the world may become "population control compliant" under their increasingly strict guidance that we should refuse all meat consumption in favor of plant-based or lab-grown "meat" manufactured by companies being created, funded and heavily propagated by corporate elites with the idea that these future globalist mandates will reduce climate change effects worldwide. They will not. Since earth's warming and resulting destructions are directly connected to earth's own Creator and not man's living in that creation, Europe could spend their entire collective wealth many times over on green sustainabilities and still not reduce a single unexpected earthquake, massive flood, volcano, wildfire, solar flare, asteroid, comet, or any other Godly sign meant to awaken mankind that their time in this world and the universe itself is at an end, a clear fact that even the globalists themselves are aware of.
"Corporate power lies behind nearly every major problem we face. In large part because even the Fourth Estate, our media establishment, is majority owned by a handful of mega-corporations." -Marjorie Kelly, Author
Now the Holy Spirit speaks expressly that in the last days some shall depart from the Christian faith to instead giving heed to evil seducing spirits and doctrines of demons to spread lies in hypocrisy... forbidding to marry and to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
-1 Timothy Chapter 4:1-3
This is not what we were taught Masonic America or its people-centered Republic democracy was supposed to be about to say the least. Notice also, as the investigation into Covid-19 itself gathers steam, the media is suddenly reporting something once deemed as "conspiratorial misinformation" as potential fact in the form of the so-called Wuhan lab leak in regard to Covid's origin. The mainstream media in 2023 is sounding more like the alternative news sources that they deemed as misinformation just months ago. CBS News just aired a "following the money" report [that has since been hastily removed by CBS, as seen here] that shows how the US Government paid double into the Wuhan biological and pathogen lab in the years just before the Covid outbreak, with the implication being that Covid may have been developed either indirectly or directly by the US State Department, National Insititute of Health, and Department of Defense (and CIA) using US funds. However, even this is yet another distraction. In reality, Covid was directly funded and created by corporate research labs in both Britain and America by the CIA/DoD and MI6/MoD, then released near the Wuhan lab to ensure China took the blame, a fact that will never come out by the same mainstream media under State corporate control. For today, conservative media is doing its best to bring the exact mindset needed for more cover-up by brainwashing the gullible that their only enemies are the socialist left and China. Meanwhile, the elites at the top remain continually untouchable because they are pitting one American against another as an effective Left/Right distraction whereupon both Americans and Europeans are being radicalized by the very same occult-led globalist powers that created, funded, and supported Hitler and the Nazi's to begin with - and precisely as the German people were made as pawns in their globalist chess game while they amassed greater power to further their ultimate plan, so are the increasingly far-right conservatives today falling over themselves to join their hidden cause. Both mainstream and conservative media could also make a clearer distinction between Trump-fueled counterfeit "Christian Nationalism" (which is the opposite of Christianity) versus actual theistic Christian faith that turns the other cheek, forgives all, loves all, and is committed to selfless works at the ground level to prove it. Both of these opposing beliefs are labeled "Christianity" by an occult-driven, corporate media in their unwitting service to Satan, the father of 'lies, violence and oppression': three traits MAGA espouses already. So what actually is MAGA? For decades, when Black people complained about the system that used racism as its blind guide, we were told there is nothing wrong with it, but the second MAGA's cult leader is found guilty by the same system for doing the same things Trump's been getting away with for decades, now all of the sudden America's system is "rigged" and anyone administering its laws are "corrupt." This coming from the same orange Kool-Aid cult leader who patted himself on the back for giving in to the globalists before and their Operation Warp Speed vaccine mind fuck because they told ego-driven Trump that he could take all the credit for it.
In 1990, I wrote a report for DCI Webster about the national security threat caused by having biowarfare labs and recommended that they all be closed. The records from the Fort Detrick [Maryland] lab showed that a vaccine against the HIV virus had been developed. It had been given to many members of the Cabal at a White House Ceremony on a summer solstice in about 1983. The next day, HIV-infected units of blood were [intentionally] shipped to kill blacks in a war-torn region of Africa. The existence of that "vaccine" was kept secret ...[however] it was a crime against humanity to infect people with the biowarfare agent still known as HIV.
However, the system is never corrupt if you're actually guilty for the crime you've committed which is why Trump never goes into the finer details of how and why the twelve-person jury found him overwhelmingly guilty. But this is Trump, the ultimate whining snowflake who acts like the same rule of law that applies to other white-collar criminals who falsify business records in the first degree, which is a felony under New York case law, only applies to others and not himself. Police know Karens. Too often it's the Karens who get reprimanded by police because they're always the ones always attempting to stand above the very same laws they're breaking in order to falsely accuse someone else. Trump is no different in his hush money case. Instead of admitting the truth, he declares the entire legal system is "rigged and corrupt" because he is guilty. Like Satan, Trump mixes lies about himself with the truth in order to deceive which speaks directly to who and what Trump's so-called "Christian Nationalists" actually worship. And in regards to MAGA's current feelings about minorities, in general, notice that while Trump loves to make much use of the name Laken Riley, the recently murdered American nursing student by a Venezuelan migrant to make it appear all migrants are rapists, murdering, drug running, human traffickers, as Trump claims, that he and other racists cannot say the name Heather Heyer, the equally innocent white American female of the same approximate age who was murdered in broad daylight by an admitted white neo-Nazi in Charlottesville, VA (2017) with cameras rolling simply because she protested far-right racism and Trump's kind of status quo, institutionalized, corporate-pandering, American-eroding, elite-serving fascism that Trump and his corporate cronies actually work for, whose corrupted agenda they still push to which Trump announced that the violent Nazi's there at the 2017 Unite The Right rally were "good people." It was from that day forward that the world knew Trump thinks violent Nazi's are good people because he knows they constitute a large majority of his radicalized base. A seen in the case of Heather Heyer, Trump will provide a pass for Republicans murdering Democrats to befit his other infamous quote: "The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat," while in the very next breath, he then idolizes Hitler who according to Trump "did many good things." More recently, Trump evoked Chicago's Al Capone and idolized his murderous control of Chicago and then spoke of how efficient Hannibal Lector was at disposing people and in the following week, Trump then idolized Putin for eradicating his political opponents, all of which shows Trump wants the ultimate power in becoming above the law that he believes his MAGA cult could provide him. This is why Trump speaks the exact manipulating words they want to hear because he is effectively deceiving them to gain more power. This is also why he provides a pass for January 6 thugs and criminals who destroyed U.S. property and were turned violent against police but then speaks against migrants who do the exact same against property and police in New York. Trump desperately wants to be above the law and Project 2025 is the corrupt plan being worked in secret by those in MAGA to get him there, which again, proves they are a cult willing to corrupt and kill to make all of Trump's borderline personality disorder, Messiah complex, Anglo-racism, and undiagnosed megalomania become this world's new reality. MAGA is getting brainwashed by a level of increased racism combined with the blatant whitewashing of American history, that, as Trump would put it, "has never been seen before in the history of the world." Since Laken Riley's murder, for one example, another American White female was killed by a South American migrant in 2024, of which conservative media was quick to jump on these two stories to repeat them again and again unto the brainwashing took root.
Question: How many women or 13-year-old females were raped or killed by White men since Laken Riley's death earlier this year, or even every single day somewhere in America? It's a simple question but one rooted in the hidden truth that White on White crime remains a staggering number that daily eclipses the relative few immigrant crimes that might occur every few months. Since Trump ascribes the words "evil" and "animals" to such crime, his own flawed logic would therefore mean that all White men are inherently evil because they target, murder, kill women, and rape girls at a much greater percentage than any other race in the United States. The rest of that fact remains that White-on-White crime is daily and constant each and every day, in nearly every county in America, but its numbers are never so openly displayed in the collective corporate media as much as Black on White crime or Black on Black crime is. Can you guess why? Who created the media? Whites will deflect and tell you 'Jews own the media' but who allowed the comparatively few Jews into Anglo-created institutions that comprise the false history-making and true narrative-controlling power in this world? Speaker Mike Johnson was just on Fox News today parroting the great Republican "replacement" fear that sees the vast majority of migrants coming across the southern border are: 1) not migrant families looking for work and a new life and 2) not men of working age looking to send their meager earnings back home to their hurting families as is the tradition, but that the vast majority are all "evil people" of "fighting age." Notice how: 1) Johnson never gets asked to prove that in any way, and 2) why must ALL migrants of darker skin have to be cast as the entirety of pure evil in the Republican's movie? To say that all 13-million people who have crossed over into the United States since Biden became President are only evil men who want to war against the United States or rape its women is entirely racist on its face, and yet the Republicans trot themselves out each and every day to say these things parroting Trump, and worse, without a single moment of self-reflection as to why they have to view darker people as evil, which is the very definition of the racism they never openly admit to. When comrade Trump was asked why haven't there been 13-million criminal acts by these same 13-million undocumented men, women, children and families? His completely made-up answer was "They're just settling in. As soon as they get more comfortable here, there will be 13-million crimes or more." With that, the Republicans will then lie about the recent "terrorists from ISIS" being arrested in America to blame Biden/Harris' border debacle when those same assumed affiliates who claimed to have been part of ISIS have been in America since Trump was President. The game being run on the American people of why Biden and Mayorkas created the border issue goes far beyond the touted "far-left views of Biden pandering to the most extreme elements of his party." When you don't see Mexicans as animals but as hard-working people with strong family ties that add to the overall economy and US GDP, you think as Biden/Harris did. When you see ALL Mexicans as animals and drug running killer rapists who can do nothing but crime, you think as Trump still does. The reason why January 6th was helped by the federal government in not allowing a wall of police presence on a day that was known to be violent in advance? To create an even larger movement behind Trump who is needed for the next phase of the Masonic plan to manifest where if Trump wins or not, violence will ensue. The GOP then speaks to Trump's first term being one of complete "peace and prosperity," but under whose watch were the emboldened police murdering unarmed minority citizens from coast to coast again which led to nationwide protests that could have easily sparked a new civil war that Trump still wants his own to "Fight, Fight, Fight" in? Correct. During his term as President. And so, has Trump changed? Has MAGA? Trump even admitted in his August 2024 interview with Elon Musk stating, "Illegal immigration saved my [political] life." Interestingly, as a side note, it was Nostradamus that predicted the world would begin to unravel with the advent of a shadowy figure known as Mabus, a figure he called the third antichrist. Nostradamus is known to have correctly predicted the first two 'antichrists' as being "Napaulon Roy" (Napoleon) with the second being "Hister" (Hitler). The third, he called "MABUS." In MABUS can be seen MAGA, as well as Trump's and Musk's name.
Meanwhile, American Whites are murdering darker-skinned U.S. immigrants while changing their tires. The point is, MAGA has zero clue that they are actually being conditioned today to worship Antichrist tomorrow. They see themselves as "Christians" despite the fact they are, more often than not, hating and murdering *actual* Christians. That fact is not being lost on God and also not a coincidence. If you're MAGA, this and everything else the corporate power structure are collectively undertaking against your fellow man is what you support, protecting a long-standing corruption replete with criminal and inhumane enterprises as well as its pollution of both the world at large and our own bodies via manufactured poisons that Republican-funding corporations daily profit off of to which the entrenched 'swamp' Republicans still receive kickbacks from who then fund men like Trump to serve their status quo. The very fact that the Trump camp has to methodically sit the few Blacks and other minorities showing up to his campaign rallies right behind his camera shot to make it seem a wide swath of America's minorities are for the guy who despises them once they get home to better favor the Whites that actually comprise his base itself speaks volumes, compared to Kamala's campaign rallies with all of America's races being represented being entirely organic, believable, and truly does comprise his base, and there's nothing that a corporate-serving MAGA Republican, or even Trump himself can do to distort what is a fact. Remember, these are the same avowed racists that when they see so much as a single minority or half-White person as a lead in any film's cast, the film is then immediately labeled as "Woke" and angrily as well as violently bashed against on every side, but if you look around anywhere in America, indigenous actually from the Americas and indigenous from everywhere else are seen, meaning films are only catching up to a more realistic representation of 21-st century society. But racists don't want to see that, they want to perpetually live in their own bizarro world back when America was "great" and minorities were constantly overlooked and only Europe's representation is seen replacing Native America, something that must be making the Masonic powers that have been brainwashing them since children very proud, but also ironic because now, the very same European-descended are worried about being replaced themselves. As mentioned, the Right vs. Left culture clash has become the perfect distraction away from America's controlling hegemony because it also leaves out the much less corruptible third-party candidates who try to awaken those caught in the hegemonic matrix that created the United States and corrupted its every institution from the start, including the media who dictates what is Left and Right as a working tactic to solidify their ongoing Masonic and corporate control over us all. What's even more of an irony for the unwitting is anyone thinking the corporate-serving puppet that is Trump is not a groomed and integral part of it when he stands ready to fulfill the final half of their long plan. In other words, a percentage of Mexico's cartels of drugs and human trafficking of mostly children for use in both sex rings as well as pagan ritual abuse and murder has a historically proven track record of having been well-funded by the U.S. government for decades in their effort toward purposefully creating the world's problems we see today with people fleeing the resulting kidnappings and violence to which Biden opened America's borders to so that another round of President Trump could next make their lives all the more desperate in kicking off a wave of even greater corruption and chaos as designed within that long plan as we approach 2030. The next links are key...
The modern robber baron that is Trump obviously believes that the police, given that kind of power where there no longer is a check and balance against them for murder, would just stop at killing only unarmed minorities. A clear case of police crime and cover-up out of Canton, Massachusetts cites three police being suspected in covering up the decade-long sexual abuse of Sandra Birchmore who was found dead in February 2021 with the allegation being three former police officers in the Stoughton Police Department had engaged in the sexual abuse of Birchmore beginning when she was 15 years old that carried on until she was 23 and pregnant, with the police reportedly involved in her pregnancy and resulting murder made to look like a suicide. So much for only the "vermin," drug running, child-raping, murdering Mexicans killing American women when American police do the exact same things but get to cover it up. In other words, despite whatever fucking brainwashing MAGA has fallen for, Trump himself wants to have complete immunity from all prosecution like a king above the law, ruling over what amounts to a lawless society where segments of police become stormtroopers that have the option to kill anyone in the United States, citizens or non-citizens by either their mistake or their intent, because it will be effectively covered-up in the aftermath just like it was "when America was great." That is not America or America being great. That is what Putin does and no wonder Trump idolizes the guy who has experience in creating a neo-Soviet dystopia where there's no freedom of the press or speech or even thought because it's built upon Orwellian fear, murder, and illegal jailings of citizens. In short, Trump wants to turn the United States into modern Russia, which is why his MAGA Republicans have been brainwashed into thinking that "Putin is a good guy," as they've been claiming, with Trump now making speeches where he idolizes not only the modern Hitler that is Putin, but Hitler himself, as well as Al Capone and even the fictional Hannibal Lecter because all four employed fear as a weapon against the people. It's also coming to light that several times when he was President, Trump talked about how he could get away with eliminating entire groups of people in America that don't see his self-glorifying vision of his would-be dictatorship, which also must be the topic when he holds his private talks with like-minded Putin. Just a few years ago, Trump infamously destroyed the notes of his own interpreters regarding what he and Putin were holding meetings over leaving the American public even then, before the 2020 election, wondering what he was up to. In another instance, when a Western reporter traveling with Trump to Russia asked what he and the leader of the known fascist state were discussing, Trump angrily announced it was "none of his business." When you tally all of this up, it becomes clearer what kind of future Trump wants where democracy in the U.S. is completely upended so that he, like Putin, remains perpetually in power and the two bring a "world peace" together whereby they can glorify themselves for doing so, but only after radically changing the United States into the Russian model of autocrat rule first. This is what those behind 'Project 2025' are planning even now and why they also adore Putin's Russia where he can do no wrong, despite killing all dissidents at home as well as innocent Ukrainians each and every day in their homes and inside their stores and shopping centers to which Trump and his MAGA cult always provides Putin a pass.
The occult and generational corporate archons that control the United States are getting exactly what they planned in their own perfect timing five years out from 2030 when America falls under the severe weight of its own vast corruption and the archons shift toward finalizing what will amount to the ascension of a United Europe that's also turned far-right fascist. 'Trust The Plan,' indeed. Trump had four years and did nothing against the corporate or political "swamp" but low-key preach their own Anglo-racist teachings. I'll repeat that another way. MAGA are so obviously following the well-entrenched Satanic elite that they ignorantly believe they're against. As far as ignorance goes, MAGA believing that God backs Trump when Trump is a thief in the proverbial Temple serves the Masonic agenda well because their entire endgame regarding the United States is its own destruction, and now, that destruction is being openly discussed by MAGA with NAZI help. Consequently, brainwashed nationalists serve the Masonic creation rather than the Creator which, ironically, is exactly where the corporate hegemony want them at this time. While MAGA daily politicizes the name of Laken Riley to push their Whites only immigrant agenda, they never utter the name Heather Heyer who was murdered by a neo-Nazi Trump follower. Trump himself often evokes Hitler and infamously admitted to a political confidant that Hitler did "many great things." His own "poisoning the blood of America" and "vermin" comments further drive the point home. In all of their "anti-Woke" brainwashing from ultimately Russia's own propaganda machine that MAGA is told not to investigate or look at, MAGA's collective sociopaths are noted for their very limited ability to feel empathy or remorse for anyone not MAGA or not White or speaks English (unless he's Russian, and Putin, apparently). Unencumbered by empathy or remorse, sociopaths sneer at others. Think of Trump mocking a disabled reporter born with a physical disability he couldn't help, and Trump's mocking of him by gesticulating wildly while MAGA laughs and you'll get the idea. MAGA's anti-Woke crowd have latent racist, social, and mental issues of their own they never deal with while mocking everyone else who does. Meanwhile, draft-dodging Trump is back on the campaign trail in some rural redneck area of the country calling Mexicans "animals," belittling the migrant families who are doing the very work that no one else would, or could in some cases. The recent bridge collapse in Baltimore that killed six people working literally all night long from various South American nations, including Mexico, proved this. Will Trump at least designate them as unsung heroes dangerously working throughout the night doing the hard work of which he willingly knows nothing about to keep American workers and the American economy moving? No, he'll be right back to quoting Hitler calling them "human garbage," "vermin" and "animals" because they're non-White migrants. Trump is currently on the campaign trail selling gold-colored shoes and Bibles like a con man in desperate need of hard cash to pay off his legal fees due to his own corruption he brought upon himself, even as he now sees the persecution of Catholics and evangelical Christians - but then turns around to disparage, mock, and make subtle death threats against every Christian at the border for their trying desperately to flee areas where sin, death, and corruption is rampant in their respective countries.
Their racist robber baron era rooted in Anglo-racist narcissism based around a quasi-religious imperialism wants to return. Know our enemy, for despite all of their appeals to God, God (which you could exchange for Love or Christ Himself) wouldn't have them as Love knows no racial borders, only the border of good with that of soul-eroding hate. Woke is merely seeing their systemic racism and resulting status quo evils in all of its myriad of hateful forms. They have already lost in Love's eyes and His Judgements are true. Woke is seeing through Love's eyes. However, corporate-backed, Anglo-racist, robber baron-serving, conservative media serves a very old and obvious agenda and its only survival remains in demonizing non-Whites and brainwashing as many as they can to view the world their way so you take part in all of their anti-Christ works. Love your neighbor as yourself no matter what color or who they are. Simple. Wake up. We are ONE nation but one where conservatives want to divide us racially and not even teach our collective history, let alone see a future in America where all of its races are equal and could be co-equal in their numbers. Conservatives demand a Whites Only majority which every time proves their racism and lies, but as exampled on earth and in Heaven, diversity wins. The point being, when it came time for World War II, with America's racially diverse forces going up against a much older, completely homogenous (single race), German-only force of the Nazi's, who won? The real shame America still has is taking this long (and now, seemingly longer under men like Trump) for it to fully recognize and provide equal medals for, as well as give a fully established historic record to, via CRT studies, or otherwise, *ALL* of its most brave in that war and in every war whereby America's minorities, be they Republican or Democrat, immigrant or otherwise, fought for their country. I was recently told by one, Cindy Cook, in a comment that the words "woke," "inclusion," and "diversity" did not exist during World War II. I replied: "Are you sure the words, "woke," "diversity" or "inclusion" didn't exist until recently? As soon as your first White ancestor set foot on our American shore, there was the first example of diversity." Hopefully, that made her actually think. Once you had greater numbers, it was your race that divided, segregated, and used genocide. While the individual units may have been racially segregated in America's wars up to WWII, the enemy didn't know it when we fought as a single force attacking them from every side, showcasing the bravery of all of America's racially diverse forces fighting for the same cause: America. That bravery was indeed remembered by those who were actually there who later became America's military leadership, so that by the Vietnam and the Gulf Wars, units became fully integrated to devastating results against anyone the government determined was an enemy. You can struggle at my assessment that World War II was the start of that more inclusive modernity, but it was nonetheless more inclusive than any before it. Contrasting that, it took about 80 years after that war for racists to come up with such dog whistle buzzwords like "Woke" in attempt to once again demonize all things that lift up America's inescapable racial diversity, but the very fact racists fight so damn hard against America being an actual melting pot of racial diversity speaks volumes. And that despite the fact America keeps winning best when it is most inclusive, with the winning of gold in our most diverse/inclusive U.S. team's Olympic games in 2024 having just become another historic example of that inclusive dynamic. If I were you, I'd be asking why Trump and his proponents in modern corporate conservatism fight so hard against inclusion, when one need only research the "robber baron elite" and the American conservative movement for the causal link.
Hitler used a similar tactic to demonize everyone not Aryan. Much like Putin, Trump is the current world's overtly racist bad cop to contrast the later Antichrist's supposed inclusive nature as the world's good cop, while all three employ the exact same methods toward forced authoritarianism and literal worship. And these are just some of the things that would never be taught in any CRT classroom if Trump and his subversive White supremacists within MAGA would have it. When it comes to history, it's either a 'Whites Only' version of American history or nothing with men like Trump, Vance, and DeSantis. That alone speaks so many volumes on not a few levels. Trump's and MAGA's entire outlook therefore are based on racial generalizations, broad-brushed stereotypes, and racist tropes evoking their view of a racist past without ever considering minorities are each an individual created by God who, more often than not, just want to work, period. Trump claims to not mind if they enter legally, but as proven during his first tenure from 2017-2021, he actually made it even more difficult for migrants (with darker skin) to start the process toward citizenship, whilst those of lighter skin were much more easily granted citizenship in droves. Trump even noted this in speeches regarding his way of judging if a migrant is good or not based on where they come from, citing Norway and Sweden and other Nordic nations as perfectly fine, while anyone from Africa and the other "shithole" countries are "undesirables." Trump's further asking, "Why can't my generals be more like Hitler's?" should have forever proven to the world where Trump's racial/racist alliances lie. Trump's infamous corruption was also heard when Trump needed Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to "find" [create] 11,780 votes to make sure he wins their state. When the said official couldn't find them, then the narrative turned to "We'll just say the election is rigged" showing elite wannabe Trump will do and say anything to achieve more power to emulate the actual elites who actually are above the law, and Trump can't get to that status if too many "Woke" are watching. Therefore, "Woke is the Enemy!" Such statements speak volumes as to what Trump really thinks and who he really is and this despite his relatively few Black Republican friends that he trots around the campaign trail like mascots who vouch for his "inclusive" vision. Trump realizes that to win in 2024, he needs not only the White majority but the Black and Hispanic minority vote, as ironic as that is. Of course, this still might be an uphill battle since Trump is now calling America's first Black Vice President a "DEI Hire." Since the GOP cannot admit their obvious biases against women and minorities, they come up with such smoke and mirrors, like DEI, to hide their simple racism behind where their own statements, "If it ain't Whites Only, it's Woke" still exposing them every time. What's ridiculous about MAGA media and their orange cult leader is their condemning all things "DEI" unless they use DEI themselves, such as trotting around within every 24-hour news cycle the relative few "Black Republicans" they keep on the sidelines being interviewed by the one or two "DEI hired" Black teleprompter readers they use to spread corporate White narratives to make it appear they're not racist.
As I write, there is yet another Fox News report demonizing migrant families fleeing crime and oppression citing "Migrants Are Taking Over NYC Schools" in keeping with their racially charged tabloid-like headlines that are so typical of Fox. To listen to the vile spew that Fox's mostly White reporters claim that American children that go to these same schools will be harmed, raped, and killed by the migrants because, in Fox's Republican/Trumpian [read: racist] view, that is all migrants do. The same racist playbook of demonizing mostly Mexican migrants is also used when claiming that "Venezuelan gangs" are taking over apartment buildings and "eating dogs and cats" in order to make White America fear-vote Trump back into office when he is the one who derailed the bipartisan border bill so he could campaign on migrant fear mongering. The issue of these migrants seeking asylum is an interesting one in that the US government (that is also so obviously inciting the Left v. Right culture war) wants immigration to fester administration after presidential administration, which is why neither Republican nor Democrat has done anything to create an effective border first followed up with a more commonsense path to citizenship. Proof that the government is only enflaming racial tensions was certainly also seen in Trump's tenure when while talking a good game about how they are not migrants seeking asylum, but "murdering terrorist rapists," he seemingly set about to build a section of wall while ignoring the very areas such as Eagle Pass, Texas, where most migrants are entering. I often wonder why there is never a solid, reinforced, unscalable wall built at Eagle Pass, TX and everywhere else where most of the illegal crossings are made. That in itself tells me this issue persists as a result of the US government and not any one President. The Masonic-controlled government needs all of what's entering for its own agenda whose timing is impeccable according to a globalist timeline. And so why hasn't the government long after Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, both Bush Presidents, Obama, Trump, and now Biden achieve a more commonsense policy regarding the border starting with an actual wall where it needs it most? Because America is not ultimately controlled by Americans or even its Presidents but by something else sworn to everything not of or for the People. Republicans put 100% blame on the Democrats for stripping away the idyllic 1950's, but even history shows us it was not the Democrat party but America's own Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists via the CIA who not only manufactured LSD for the purposes of mind control, but used their own ground level operatives to ensure it spread around most college campuses that ended up radically changing an entire American generation, and as a result the world itself, toward an overwhelming lax of morals which gave rise to evils like a sharp increase in murder as well as a massive drop in Christianity (their actual goal) to replace it with everything that was not Christianity, i.e., anti-Christ occultism, witchcraft, eastern mysticism and New Age religions among them. While Civil Right laws were finally being enacted to the seeming good, minorities were told the government were protecting them and would even create government housing to ensure their success and inclusion into American society, but what really occurred at ground level? The CIA flooded cities and its new government housing areas (purposefully manufactured ghettos) with guns and drugs to ensure that Blacks and Hispanics remained as slaves and filled up their prisons while the Anglo-racist and its London-serving imperialist status quo remained for Whites. So, while the government as a whole claims to be for those marginalized in society, are they? From time to time, we see the government arresting a relative few for the more obvious and high-profile racist hate crimes, but how many more have never received actual justice and were systematically swept under the rug that protects the status quo? At the same time, an entire racist movement of so-called Christian Nationalists has risen under Trump who claim to be "Christian" while the vast majority of migrant families fleeing evil, crime, and cartels actually have Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, while GOP Pharisees worship their own racism that they have built as a graven image in the image of Trump to be placed before God.
The shared goal between Masonic Britain and Masonic America includes an agenda they reference as the "Great Work" which is to return empiric status back to Britain to coincide with their manufactured Collapse and subsequent rise of the Antichrist. Part of that Collapse is clearly seen today in the migration issue, as stated, where now, the government is obviously wanting to overwhelm American and European cities to create the dire conditions whereby Whites rise up in anger to wage war against those migrants and Democrats to make sure this nation descends into absolute chaos by which the resulting power vacuum left sees to it that Europe rises past America's inevitable demise, and with Europe, its future king that is prophesied in the book of Daniel to become the Antichrist rising from a "Revived Roman Empire." Given how so many prophecies have already come to pass in our lifetime, only the prophecy of Antichrist and his coming post-collapse New World and world order remains. To ensure that is fulfilled, Ezekiel 38 must be fulfilled that then allows for the Antichrist to rise meaning all of this is going according to perfect plan and why Russia has been pushed for over the past two decades into a war with NATO knowing that instead of attacking any European nation, they would instead turn against their Mideast ally in Israel. In short, the occultists that govern the West know the Antichrist's appearance specifically hinges on Israel seeking a supernatural leader that they will accept as Messiah to lead them going forward, and it is Ezekiel 38-39 which clearly informs us that such a time comes only *after* Israel is nearly invaded by Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, etc. "in the latter days" but is miraculously protected by an epic disaster and collapse that destroys the invading armies as soon as they enter Israel, after which a great fire shall fall upon the land of Magog [Russia]. As such, when Putin unleashes his wrath upon Israel, God shall unleash His. Putin's days are numbered, Antichrist rises in the aftermath. Putin's ally in Trump is here now to make the later rising Antichrist seem much more intelligent when he ascends to guide the West into a New Order, post-America. The very fact we are now seeing America's demise on its inevitable horizon just as Russia is beginning to threaten Israel in itself proves we are very close to the Collapse scenario when countless American citizens will die off in a bloody event worse than the Civil War or anything else it was ever forced to endure before. As such, the latest pandemics, the border, Climate Change, the increase in wars and cyberwar, AI, are all being used to bring that world collapse. Covid is itself another operation toward the goal of making the U.S. and world more their slaves than free citizens. When pressed, globalists, corporate elites, Big Pharma and their media proxies simply inform us to "trust the science." Mind you, the Scriptures tell us in II Thessalonians chapter 2 that the entire world will then fall under a grand delusion after some disastrous event that causes a great "falling away" upon which the Antichrist uses to his global advantage to dominate every institution from that event going forward. What we saw in their recent pandemic exercise won't compare to what else is coming to set the stage for the ascension of the Beast. Why is population control one goal of the globalist powers? In their corrupted minds, to make the world more manageable to control after their orchestrated Collapse, also their goal, the surviving population is placed under a single central authority. A devastating worldwide Collapse either by way of an actual pandemic, world war, natural disaster, terrorism, cyberattack, or all of the above at once is needed for the more hidden globalist agenda to foment the Antichrist's rising is then initiated whereby he returns the world's sanity to rebuild the planet under new international laws of peace and green prosperity. Again, globalists manufacture many of today's problems because they desire to bring its final solution for all to adopt. That is precisely what is behind many of their resulting strange foreign policies and their climate-laden speeches that subliminally prepare us for one of their own as our foregone solution.
Ironically, like the Supreme Court and because it's supposed to be a "free press," the corporate mainstream media is likewise missing its own check and balance that should be leveraged against it. To those who view the media as an irrefutable source that only speaks to them in truth are the same who actually believe in its mostly lying "fact checkers" who are of the same corporate minions who control the media to begin with, which is certainly not limited to liberal news sources only. It still makes no sense that liberals who bought completely into the entire corporate Covid lie and stood in line to take their Covid-19 vaccines were/are the same ones who overwhelmingly distrust Big Pharma, but the hoops they jumped through as Big Pharma set the bar higher is exactly what they brought themselves to do because of their overwhelming trust in the corporate media that back big pharma, which also makes zero sense. Wherever there's vaccine hesitancy, corporate media employs everything from psychological manipulation to overt scare tactics to push society into trusting the pharmaceutical cabal that were infamously caught trying to addict everyone with opioids, backed by the power of censoring anyone that counters the Covid narrative, resulting in the cancelling of medical experts who aren't towing the Covid party line. Take time out to carefully scrutinize the media's vaccine coverage to notice the varied tactics they're using before recalling who created, facilitated, owns, pays, and thus, writes its globalist narratives, and why. While the vaccinated receive every kind of benefit, the Western media's Orwellian pressure of subtly exiling those who refuse the globalist's aims won't end with vaccination demands. This is where it begins. The British, American, Canadian, New Zealand, Australian governments tell you that you're free, but how is that possible under their restricting government mandates literally forcing many to vaccinate? With the virus supposedly originating in the East, where are Russia and China's forced vaccination programs? Perhaps one would be wise to remember that while the controlled media tells us that government conspiracies don't exist, what the US Government has already done against the American people before, from the Federal Reserve Act to their lying through the Vietnam, Iraq (where there were no "weapons of mass destruction"), and Afghanistan wars, not to mention 9-11 itself to which the government distances itself to entirely blame Saudi Arabia. One doesn't have to be a "theorist" to conduct even a basic investigation to expose this government's countless demented black projects that sickened, maimed, and killed Americans through various Nazi-like experiments to which President Clinton went on national television in 1997 to apologize for, as if the Tuskegee vaccinations were the US government's only crime against its own citizens. How are these lies from the top being so easily perpetuated? Simple, the US Government (CDC) puts out its daily Covid numbers and the vast majority of the medical field believes it. From there, if anyone so much as contracts the common flu or any one of several lung ailments, they're all being recorded as Covid-19 thanks to the government/big pharma's own testing kits. Factor in the media and the rest works like a fear-based rumor to back up the supposed need for mass vaccinations. With all its advances in microscopic imaging of late, medical science won't even produce a single body that has supposedly been killed by the Covid-19 virus for further medical review and study. Why? We've all seen blackened cancerous lungs, for example, but they cannot produce a single body that was killed by Covid-19 out of the millions that supposedly died from it worldwide? Again, why? We already know what the Cult of the Vaccinated who trust 100% of whatever the government says, would say, because the echo-chambered mainstream media only interviews them and they're robotically repeating whatever messaging the corporate media feeds them. This makes every corporate-approved interview and equally corporate-controlled news report a self-promoting Covid propaganda piece designed to convince the world to vaccinate, while any dissenting voice is quickly mocked in the media to be altogether ignored thereafter. However, truth cannot be stifled forever and already some of it is making its way to the surface. At the end of the day, it will be known that the entire Covid-19 anti-population bioweapon that was created in the West existed as a dry run mostly waged against densely-populated China and India for the time when the globalist archons initiate the Collapse itself via unleashing an even deadlier bioweapon to kill billions worldwide in advance of the New World that rises from the proverbial ashes thereafter.
Weather Channel Founder Blames "Deceptive UK Data that Created Climate Change"
And the third Angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters and they became blood. And I heard the Angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous Lord, which is, was, and shall be, because thou has judged the earth. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink for they are worthy of it. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. And the fourth Angel poured out his vial upon the Sun and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat and blasphemed the name of God which hath power over these plagues, and they repented not to give Him glory. And the fifth Angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the Beast and his kingdom was full of darkness and they gnawed their tongues for pain while blaspheming the God because of their pains and sores and still repented not of all their ungodly deeds.
Revelation 16:4-11
Freemasonry, of which Mormonism was loosely based, also does the same albeit in high level secret with its 'elite' lineage. They will claim "the Blood Royale" is of Jesus Christ and before him, King David of ancient Israel, but it is all a lie. The bloodline attempting to be preserved ultimately connects itself to Cain, child of Satan, with the idea being from Cain unto Antichrist is Satan's bloodline being preserved to produce the Antichrist, which is why we see the ruling classes, Satanic elites, and European "blue-blood" royals, and certain cults connected to them intermarrying generation after generation. In the case of Prince William Arthur, the future king, for one example, he was purposefully created by the cabal to combine the Hapsburg line with the Stuart (Merovingian) genealogy to produce what will be claimed to be a future "Messiah" supposedly connected to King David of antiquity, by which he could be revealed to the world after a collapse as a Messiah for all, even modern Israel. This is all about producing the Antichrist. The disasters the world is beginning to see happening everywhere are signs of his near arrival upon a world to be made hurting and in seek of the answers that he will seemingly provide at the cost of one's own soul.
Clinton Ortiz, Comment on Video “THE ORDER: I’m a Direct Descendant of Jesus Christ”
From the Substack of Breggin Alerts by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
The Intentional Murder of Inconvenient People
Our honored guest today is Jacqui Deevoy, a courageous freelance journalist who is in the United Kingdom. With enormous moral courage, she is investigating one of the darkest sides of humanity — the intentional murder of medical patients, euphemistically called euthanasia, that is spreading throughout Great Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and now the United States. Voluntary and involuntary euthanasia began ramping up during the Covid-19 hospitalizations but were also occurring prior to 2020. Jacqui Deevoy vividly describes her attempts to gain the attention of authorities or any media in Great Britain to this moral outrage of murdering patients who are in no way at risk of dying on their own. The involuntary euthanasia involved young people and older people, including her father. The motives seem to vary from reducing costs for Britain’s socialized medicine to outright brutality. These same attitudes abound in America and are reaching toward the same scale as in Great Britian and are also completely covered up by the authorities and the media. Jacqui is as eloquent as she is courageous. At the same time, we must become alert to what is going on in the United States. She will soon publish her book, Murdered by the State, appropriately titled. --Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
A recent June 2024 report has surfaced with the headline "Excess Deaths Remained Elevated Even After Covid-19 Vaccines." The report, while still under the Covid delusion, states that people are now, today, dying in droves after their Covid shots, but what it cannot come to see or admit is that people are today dying because of the very specific batches of the proven deadly Covid vaccine they received. At the same time another report is this week also making it into the mainstream media announcing that AstraZeneca is being sued because its VACCINE DOES IN FACT KILL. That exact headline reads "AstraZeneca Removes its Covid Vaccine Worldwide After Rare and Dangerous Side Effect Linked to 80 Deaths in Britain Alone." Well, there it is. And now this from USA Today: "Strict Covid Guidelines Caused Millions to Needlessly Suffer. Now Fauci Admits 'There Was No Science Behind it." Liberals, can you see it yet? They lied to you all along and the way you believed all of the government's bullshit is the same way MAGA believes Trump. Let that sink in until truth finally dawns on you. Both political sides are being lied to and deceived for disastrous results. The chemotherapy industry also follows the same model with countless dying because of its poisonous effects each and every day, but it remains the only science most doctors will prescribe because it's the only viable course of treatment so widely available to them. Who decides that? Other treatments that are believed to cure cancer completely have had its researchers murdered or otherwise turn up dead over the decades in very strange circumstances. Why? Who or what is behind the chemotherapy industry? Like Big Pharma, general medicine has fallen sway to the same Deep State cabal that operates everything else leading toward their increasingly dystopian corporate order. Medicine took its most damaging attack during the (planned) Covid lie when too many doctors and nurses were effectively deceived to comply with, or walk, which only strengthened the latent fears of those who remained in the profession to tow the corporate party line and promote its lying narratives or lose everything. Such is the stalemate medicine finds itself in today. All of the deception is therefore so obviously leading somewhere monumental within its greater deception to be unveiled via a collapse equally of their globalist devising and corporate narrative by which the entire world will be forced to believe in, or else. This is where we are being herded today. The very fact that there was a 40% rise of US women dying in childbirth since 2021 when pregnant women were told the spiked protein Covid-19 vaccines were completely "safe and effective" for them and their unborn, should be telling us now why the government, their corporations and "the Science" lied to a population that believed them while the reports of Covid vaccines were found to be 8x deadlier than the disease itself are still being widely suppressed. One need only look at the UK's Infected Blood Scandal where from 1970 to the present day, their government employed yet another form of population control by having a segment of their most vulnerable population, including "unwitting school-aged children that were used as lab rats" undergo completely unnecessary blood transfusions and various forms of blood treatments using the blood of knowingly infected American prisoners - out of which to this date 30,000 became infected with everything from AIDS, Hepatitis C to blood cancers. 3,000 have already died. Many more are yet to die and what's most disturbing about this latest health scandal in Britain is that their heavily controlled media is already over it, spending only a single day reporting of it. Fifty years of their government's purposed poisoning of its own citizenry affecting tens of thousands of lives not including the numbers of those families lives of the sick and dead, and it only received a single day of reporting on May 20, 2024. What kind of governments knowingly do this to its most vulnerable population and then not spend more time explaining it, because so far, the living scientists and doctors still responsible for and behind the scandal have said nothing and neither are they being asked. In fact, the BBC report of the Infected Blood scandal on the BBC's news site has a new disclaimer stating "We're closing this page shortly."
When your state-sponsored goal is obvious population control, you're going to hope that none of the general public ever wake up to your past and present evils. While there are literally countless NHS scandals that people simply chalk up to a "lack of funding," the NHS Tainted Blood Scandal where the UK was on the receiving end of obtaining tainted blood from American convicts proves how depraved the UK's National Health Service truly is. And then there's the media such as the BBC, who only spent a single day reporting of it even though 3,000 people have died and 30,000 are negatively affected, sick, and in the process of dying, so far, from the decades-long NHS Infected Blood Scandal. And the obvious UK/US coverup surrounding the Infected Blood Scandal of itself over all of these decades is what's really telling - proving that media is but a tentacle of the corporate elite. For example, which Americans were involved with signing off on only the most infected blood of prison populations being what was provided to the UK government for over fifty years? The very next question that should be asked is what is guiding these same elites to see entire sections of the human race as expendable or as sacrificial meat? What other sick and twisted human experiments in both the US and UK are being undertaken against us that are never reported? In fact, across the UK, the NHS is currently embroiled in more than one scandal for what always appears to be obvious killings (many of which are children and babies) behind its hospital doors, as well as the cover-ups that immediately follow after said killings. In another case shown on Sky News, a British woman suffering from endometriosis was told to wait for a year for her much-needed operation but when the time came, the hospital further delayed it three more times. Her and her husband desperately want to have children and what endometriosis does when left untreated is make a woman barren for life. Britain's NHS conveniently blames all of this on Covid-19, but this was occurring decades before 2020, leaving many in England believing their own government is purposefully waging a war of population control against them because there are increasingly too many examples that prove it, as well as prove that all of it is also being effectively covered up. As proven in the 50-years long Tainted Blood scandal, when people are made sick and then turn to their government for help, every single instance of their rightful complaint is met with a level of stonewalling that shows the government is the one complicit in making people sick with the clear intent of causing mass death, and as such, will do absolutely nothing about it no matter how many UK citizens were sickened and died as a direct result. As also seen in the Infected Blood scandal, the media was complicit to only pay lip service by way of a corporate teleprompter whereby people's most harrowing accounts of mistreatment by the elitist medical establishment are then buried under much less important stories by the next 24-hour news cycle, and that this is now occurring despite thousands of people being given disease, left barren, are forgotten over the course of decades, or simply die off in the interim. It would certainly appear the UK Government favors both funding foreign wars and population control, a conclusion that's further backed up time and again when you look at Britain's record in developing nations where we see the many news stories on what they're doing to supposedly help a population come into the 21st century, but staying with such stories and peering deeper, there are always the native people on the ground who begin reporting more accurate stories far outside of the Western mainstream media who show a starkly different account speaking to a culling of their population's most vulnerable or reporting the West, including America, are actually creating conditions to first make a population segment vulnerable only to then engage in various operations to cull it over a period of decades. And we are told how "great" America is from birth because of our supposed freedom and its free enterprise system. Of course, while the uneducated and corporate brainwashed drone on about what they are told other regimes are for their people, the educated among us know that capitalism is a totalitarian regime run by a corporate oligarchy with its workers being told they love their servitude because of an imposed "patriotism" placed there from birth and drilled into its military youth. As long as the workers keep working, blind to what they're actually working toward, and the military keeps winning via the genocide of others, the skies the limit of how much of their currency they will give you while they invest in death. The latest media story telegraphing what these so-called elites are doing to us within their population control agenda going forward can be seen in a report put forward by the American Cancer Society, citing: Cancer Deaths of Men Predicted to Increase 93% by 2050.
Everything we consume and need to survive including our air and water have all been corrupted, purposefully, to cause disease in unsuspecting people for as long as corrupted pharma can get away with it as part of the larger population control agenda undertaken in preparation of a heavily depopulated and sterilized new world in keeping with their falsely idealistic "Great Reset" agenda that secretly carries with it a population reduction agenda even before the destructive Collapse. Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet was the medical expert who discovered that certain childhood vaccines cause autism and testified to this fact before Congress in attempt to prove his important findings on two separate occasions. It was that important. The late Dr. Bradstreet didnt just rail against the FDA and Big Pharma, however, he went the extra step further and tried to destroy the pharmaceutical cabal that apparently favors a death agenda and disease for profits over remissions and cures for people. In short, Bradstreet’s body was found in 2015 in North Carolina's Rocky Broad River with a bullet to the chest. Moreover, the day before his death, Bradstreet’s clinic was raided by federal and state authorities (FDA and FBI among them) searching for Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor, or GcMAF, a protein that naturally occurs in healthy human blood but is highly concentrated and injected into a sick patient having either cancer or autism. In posts on his blog — deleted by the Feds but still cached online — he shared his GcMAF patients’ stories after receiving GcMAF. In 2012, Bradstreet was invited to England to a medical conference in which he was allowed to describe his findings regarding his GcMAF injections to 40 autistic patients. It’s extremely potent in terms of its ability to work for children,” he announced. “Many patients given GcMAF have gone on to lose the label of autism in that they no longer have autistic distinctions after as little as 20-weeks of therapy.” He went on, “Not just children.” Bradstreet said. “The spectrum of my patients with autism ranges from 18 months to close to 40. Thus, we’ve treated many adults with autism as well as cancer patients [in a separate study]. We’ve also found application for a fairly broad number of lesser disorders made treatable by Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor. Parents back home in the US became ecstatic upon discovering their children (from toddlers to middle-aged adults) were awakening out of what was their mental slumber lost to autism. However, Bradstreet was not met with such equally glowing praise by the FDA, who immediately fired back that GcMAF is "not a recognized treatment for autism" followed up by many other broad brushed statements equally designed to scare away any and all potential interested parties of GcMAF, such as “GcMAF treatments are considered investigational, and none are approved or licensed for use by the FDA in the US,” the agency said in an official statement sent to The Washington Post for their mass publication [to distract and dissuade the general public all the more]. Then came the medical experts who added, Given there is no evidence that modulating the immune system would have any benefit for children with autism spectrum disorder – especially given ASD’s genetic or epigenetic basis – I am not sure why Dr. Bradstreet would want to use this for ASD,” Peter Jay Hotez, dean of Baylor’s National School of Tropical Medicine told The Post in an e-mail that was also published for the masses to be influenced by. Hotez went on to say, “It’s not even clear if GcMAF injections are safe. An initial “safety study” — the first of its kind — is still trying to recruit participants.” *It should be noted here that since there are 1 in every 22 children born with autism today (my own son included born in 2000), there is no shortage of autistics by which the GcMAF studies could continue, but they won't and no one asks why. The account above provides the greatest and most tragic proof of that. Knowing that many lower-functioning autistic children today will not be producing children of their own in the future... well, you do the math and wonder just how many other methods are being carried out today by the US and UK governments in relation to their increasingly obvious population control agenda.
Bradstreet's key research was shut down by the FDA, his research and all its important notes confiscated, his internet blogs and testimonials regarding GcMAF scrubbed, his social media accounts removed, and Bradstreet himself shot in the chest, which was too quickly ruled a "suicide" by the local Sheriff's office handling the case. The search warrant carried out on June 18, 2015, showed that authorities were explicitly looking for GcMAF, as well as other so-called “misbranded drugs.” According to the search warrant, agents from the FDA and the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency confiscated vials of GcMAF, medical records, lists of clients and associated companies, computers and financial records. Bradstreet’s body was found by a fisherman the next day. The gun that was used to kill him was conveniently found nearby in the water. As stated, the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office wasted no time in ruling the death a suicide. “Everything is what it appears to be, Lt. Jamie Keever, the lead detective on the case told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “It’s a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest.” Authorities are still waiting on an autopsy, but Bradstreet’s friends, family and patients have refused to believe the doctor killed himself. None is more skeptical that David Noakes, the head of Immuno Biotech, a company manufacturing GcMAF. “I know it was murder,” the CEO said. “Dr. Bradstreet stated what we all know: that the MMR vaccine causes autism, and he was an expert witness in many court cases in the U.S. providing testimony to that effect. MMR is a multi-billion-dollar vaccine and GcMFA hurt the profits of MMR drug companies. That is precisely why he was killed.” In a half-hour phone interview, Noakes told The Post that he was convinced a vaccine company [more likely the feds themselves] killed Bradstreet to protect Big Pharma. He was raided by the FDA the day before his murder making the murder itself dressed up to look like a suicide as a result,” Noakes claimed. “And why would a doctor use a gun? Before he was killed, he was recovering mostly autistic children using GcMAF upwards of 60%,” Noakes said of Bradstreet. “That is the highest recovery rate in autism in the world by far.” Noakes went on to claim that both the MHRA and FDA were in conspiracy with vaccine companies to bury GcMAF and the men providing it. He also accused the MHRA (equivalent of America's FDA) of “absurd lies, “pure fraud” and “corruption” in shutting down also his own facility in the UK As to the patients who died at the University Hospital in Bussigny, supposedly from GcMAF, Noakes said that the media had buried the real story of the clinic’s success. “We had 76 terminal stage four cancer patients,” he said. “We saved 70 percent of them. They went home only to improve. The other 30 percent of these specific patients did die - but all 100% of them were expected to die to begin with. It was state four cancer after all, and that key point is also not being told by the lying media or the FDA/MHRA. They were prosecuting us for manslaughter, initially, but they have since given that up because they realized how ridiculous that is in a terminal stage four cancer clinic, Noakes stated, adding that his clinic was instead currently facing fraud charges in order to, like they've done with Bradstreet: Bury research. Notice also in the video below how the corporate media will on the one hand warn us of how the British, Chinese, and American governments are purposefully harming us from the cradle to our eventual graves in keeping with their globalist population control agendas, but only go so far in keeping the same eye-opening report at the forefront of their media narrative long enough to bring us actual change? Moreover, why hasn't the same media placed what's seen in the following video as their lead story day after day until the US government is forced to answer why they are killing us? Why the continued cover-up? It's also interesting that after this story was somewhat exposed to the public, for a single day, that all of a sudden came a flurry of FDA-related stories where they are now wanting to be seen as daily warning the public of most of the poisons found in our corporate-created foods, but even there, why are they exposing a relative few only to hide and consistently cover-up for a dozen more?
Mind you, this is the same government that provides us their contaminated foods, poisoned water with
forever chemicals that spread cancer among us all while we breathe in a never-ending trace amount of toxic chemicals released in our air where not even baby foods are safe but are tainted with lead and other poisons to ensure population control is waged especially against those of lower income. Their poisoned vaccinations and experimental science on unsuspecting Americans are hardly new either. From injecting disabled children with plutonium in the 1940's to recruiting 1,600 Nazi's from rocket scientists to those who conducted evil human experiments to work in the US government after WWII, to Operation Northwoods, Agent Orange, and the CIA's urban-destroying drug trade, to the annual use of nearly 400-million pounds of banned pesticides that continues to poison our food supply with US government approval, to TWA Flight 800, 9-11 and its resulting Orwellian mass surveillance, to the faked "Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction" that led to the deaths of 7,036 American soldiers with countless wounded, and over 200,000 innocent civilians killed, as well as a 20-year failed war in Afghanistan that's given America nothing in return except expanding the government's near unlimited power to spy on its own citizens. How much more is needed to prove how far the CIA, NSA and FBI will go to cover-up a collective agenda that has extended itself far beyond MK-Ultra and continues to border on unmitigated evil? The U.S. and British governments have a population control agenda waged against its own people and against the planet at large that is highly secretive, but it's the discoveries exactly such as this that proves their secret is in fact widespread. People are getting sick and dying from these and the other chemicals they keep developing while their corporate media commands us that we "Trust the Science." Their plan is not new. This is all about population control by the corporate elite who serve evil and its larger agenda. Even if you refuse to buy whatever latest product found to be poisonous, you are consuming their other poisons every day because it doesn't end with food, water, or even the air we breathe. For the CIA-controlled media to severely limit, and/or social media's own attempts to make it unlawful to report on this same evil government would, in turn, circumvent the largest check and balance against them by 'We the People.' In effect, they are telling us not to trust the information of other experts and scientists not a part of their sick matrix and to only favor their own "government-sanctioned information." As such, the White House wants you to believe there's only six main sources exposing the dangers of the Covid vaccine that are supposedly responsible for half the nation refusing it, never mentioning the fact that millions are now refusing their second dose after witnessing firsthand the danger the vaccine has presented them or loved ones personally. But since the fear-mongered "UK Variant" didn't scare enough people to get the two or three vaccinations by early 2021, we were told Delta then the even scarier sounding Omicron and all of its many subvariants were the one(s) we should fear.
This begs the question, how is it no one can die anymore from the original UK variant, or from Delta, Omicron, Deltacron, Triple-cron, or any one of other past variants? Why are the constant scare tactics focusing solely on the latest "astroturfed" subvariant only, such as JN.1 or KP.3 variants and never any of the others that [supposedly] still exist? The answer there is that a "new and deadly threat" will always be needed to ensure vaccination happens again and again and again. Again, the media demands that we suspend all common sense in favor of the globalist narrative that claims the only Covid variant that can supposedly kill us is the latest one they're now propagating to consistently stoke your fear in order that you get "fully vaccinated + boosted" over and over again to no end. That is the point, a point that goes far beyond mere corporate profit margins for both Big Pharma and their controlled voice box in the media. This is about population control, a proven fact based in all of the extended heart harm, blood clots in the brain, and what goes most underreported, sudden deaths after being vaccinated. More recently, the media has been explaining away a rash of such unexplained deaths of namely celebrities and sports stars on the conveniently inexplicable phenomena known as Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. The CDC knows it struggled in carrying out London's orders, which is why they are now crying for an "overhaul" for the CDC to be "more effective going forward," including demanding entirely new powers from the White House, the Senate and Congress to do so, as if it all weren't so needlessly dystopian enough already. Apparently, society hasn't been conditioned enough to be willingly experimented on with what originated as Nazi science upon Jews via poisons masqueraded as vaccines which brought them everything from mass sterilization, weakened immunity, autism in infants, infant mutations requiring abortions, mental illness, paralysis, and deaths. "Trust the science"? Now, in 2024, we have the same corporate cabal behind the CDC and Big Pharma devising yet another excuse to cover up their vaccine poisoning of millions of unsuspecting people that were made as sheep by all of what surrounded the Covid rules, mandating, and severe restrictions that Fauci just announced were "not based in science," meaning, they were just made up to be there in support and elevate all the drummed-up fear the US and UK government placed on us to get their vaccines. Their latest effort in that regard to hide the fact people are still being poisoned by the Covid vaccines is called "Long Covid" which dictates that if you are experiencing any symptom whatsoever that can be attributed to a suspected Covid diagnosis, that's it's coming from Covid this far out from your diagnosis and not from your more recent taking of the vaccine(s). But that doesn't explain why people who have never had Covid-19 are becoming sickened with Covid-like symptoms after taking all of their many vaccines and boosters several times over - leading to the key question of just how many shots does a person have to take before it finally dawns on them that it's the vaccines making them sick and not their laughable explanation of "Long Covid" so that the unwitting keep taking their deadly vaccines? Notice in the next article of how the corporate media is almost forced to give in to the truth that the Covid-19 Vaccine harms and kills, while also keeping with their ongoing demand that we need to keep taking it.
The government in Britain also tried this same media trick as it still does in America in labelling everyone that many times are telling the truth against government, as people plagued with conspiracy theories. As it turned out, the UK government really did purposefully infect its most vulnerable citizens including formerly healthy children with knowingly tainted and infected blood that was sourced from American prisoners from the decades of 1970 to the present day. 3,000 people have since died as a direct result of the completely needless and infected blood transfusions that they were mandated to receive while in "NHS care." 30,000 more are affected for life to this very day and many are in the process of dying as a direct result from the infected blood, where everything from AIDS to blood cancers and other serious health conditions were inflicted upon the UK population right up until a few weeks ago, all the while, those raising their countless concerns for all of those many decades were absolutely dismissed by the government and its media as, wait for it... "conspiracy theorists," and how effective that was as the sick and dying were completely ignored since the 1970's until 2024. The government knew the truth and also knew those "dangerous" people were shining a light on that truth. May 3,000 of them rest in peace and the 30,000 still dying on average every few months after so needlessly suffering for years now be vindicated in that truth. Now, there's Covid-19 and its supposed cure that the same government is still claiming is "safe" and "effective."
The major media networks are awash in whatever deception their corporate controlling owners and their titular royal head need to push. Within that, it's interesting to watch corporate media consistently mock very specific conspiracy theories said to be created by Q'anon, such as "Satanic cannibals ruling the world," while never explaining that the accounts of a Satanic cabal manipulating global events existed long before the internet or the media itself, meaning it was not created by Trump voters in 2017 as the mainstream media desperately tries to make it appear. So why are they lying? Better asked, who is the media protecting and why? Further, what is the more complete truth behind Covid-19? The corporate media's news anchors who conduct interviews via scripted question and answer segments of their guest "experts" are telling us whatever they themselves are led to believe via manipulated government data. Such misleading of the medical establishment by government has led the prestigious Salk Institute to expose the vaccine's dangerous spiked protein independently, resulting in studies that are then being suppressed by the same mainstream media. Even more shocking is the way some mainstream media are only now admitting that people have actually died as the result of the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccines, while the CDC is now recommending that we take either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine instead (as if they aren't also debilitating and killing people in droves) while still calling them "safe and effective." This alone proves government negligence at best, but at worst, something darker. The fact that most who've already became sickened from their very first shot are not returning to get their follow-up or boosters also speaks volumes. While CBS finally admitted at the end of 2021 that there were deaths associated with the Covid vaccine, they're admitting to only nine instead of the thousands that have died between America and Europe since the vaccine's rollout shows they're far from reporting in truth. In their own attempts to explain away the sharp rise in heart attacks and resulting deaths since the vaccine, ABC News has run a piece explaining heart harm "exacerbated by the Covid crisis" on "Broken Heart Syndrome," (a condition seen in widows after losing their partner) without so much as mentioning the vaccine which has been proven to weaken/destroy the heart specifically. It's manipulative news pieces like that which we need to look at more critically to see how the same corporations behind the vaccines also influence the media. Meanwhile, the vaccine that would supposedly cure you of the Corona-virus [literally meaning The Crown's Virus] is still killing people at an alarming rate, but the CDC and media have chosen to deceptively label the dead and dying as either cases of unexplained "Sudden Death Syndrome" or "breakthrough cases," a term that smacks up against the older lie that the vaccines were "99.9% effective" that was obviously touted so that everyone would vaccinate. The way that so many vaccinated family, friends, acquaintances, celebrities, and athletes have untimely died of late, one has to consider whether or not the vaccine wasn't designed to cause random deaths that then would get ruled as deaths caused by anything but the vaccine. Suffice it to say, heart attacks are up, cancer is on the rise, and so is everything else that causes sudden and undiagnosed deaths in people that were completely healthy before 2021. Too often, many of the deaths caused by the Covid vaccine have been officially ruled as "deaths caused by an undiagnosed pre-existing condition." As far as the origins of Covid-19, some have connected British names and patents being directly linked with specific British lab(s) coincidentally researching SARS-CoV-2 (Covid) far in advance of 2019. The aftereffects continue to haunt society to the present day, e.g., with professionals in education and the medical field leaving in record numbers because they no longer trust what those above them were demanding of them in terms of the vaccine. They were right, as these professionals were some of the first who saw right thru the government's obvious psychodrama but who are now banned from telling what they know and experienced by the same government controlling the media itself. Some of those who left their profession in the medical field saw how the government was purposefully manipulating the VAERS data not to record all of the vaccine's many adverse effects and deaths. Even with the VAERS data so heavily tampered with, the numbers that were factually recorded do not bode well for the "99.9% safe and effective" narrative told from the start.
Knowing how past vaccines can maim and even kill, in general, how is it Covid-19 vaccines supposedly have zero lasting side effects as is now being reported when those who were vaccinated and now reporting or attempting to report major lasting effects are no longer being heard or are having their vital VAERS data manipulated by an unseen hand? The Hill is bravely bringing a bombshell report proving that working-age youth are suddenly and mysteriously dying in droves and that public health agencies and medical societies are strangely turning a blind eye to it. It was already strange when if someone died of a bad cold or flu since March 2020 that their illnesses were listed as only Covid, but stranger still, if anyone unexpectedly dies within a few months of taking the Covid-19 vaccine, their deaths are always listed as whatever underlying condition they may have had instead of the vaccine itself, always. The vaccine is automatically never even brought into question. It's widely known that vaccines in general can present adverse health effects, including death, which is why you must sign a waiver acknowledging you're aware of that vaccine's specific dangers - but when it comes to the Covid vaccine, the media wants us to suspend all critical thinking in favor of their "safe and effective" propaganda, despite the vaccine not always being safe nor effective. Perhaps stranger still, Government-connected media like the New York Times, Time Magazine, and the Atlantic are creating articles demanding the unvaccinated should be confronted with hate and worse, their end to receiving work pay and pension, and it's amazing to me how no one sees the obvious evil psychology behind that. In the following links, notice how The Atlantic is now dictating that "the unvaccinated don't get to dictate terms anymore," because 'Big Brother and its controlled citizenry will decide everything for everyone going forward' should have been the rest of that article's title. So when did the "unvaccinated" ever get to dictate anything, when they're merely pushing back against those in power dictating to them? The Atlantic and other similar media obviously believe they're clever. (Notice in the following links how it's never the national network media exposing the truth about the vaccines, it's always local media affiliates.) In another article (Rewriting the Book of Genesis), they could barely curb their enthusiasm regarding John Milton's Satan and glorifying Lucifer, which begs the question: Is it even the media's job to be such an obvious appendage of the Masonic State to the degree they've become? As I will expose later in this site, with their Godless adoration time and again for Lucifer, as well as their very public siding with The Satanic Temple on abortion, and calling anyone who exposes actual theistic Satanism that engages itself in the most despicable acts imaginable to merely be under the influence of "Satanic Panic," can the Masonic-enforced institution that became the mainstream media in the West even be trusted with something as important as our collective health knowing how its globalists daily expose their disdain for "overpopulation"? If Covid is the global pandemic that is daily claimed, then why does its most staunch proponents in the media believe various coercion tactics and deception are their best tactic to force mass vaccinations that are known to harm people ultimately? Look again at how desperately the corporate media fervently needs to keep Covid-19 as a daily headline for more than four years on. As I write this, mainstream media is currently marking yet another one of their grim milestones at the same time each Big Pharma-connected media network is also advertising their latest round of Covid-related documentary specials, most recently of "one million Covid deaths." Given the media's history, it's blatantly obvious that such documentaries are societal "astroturfing," meaning, artificially created public support via faked polling, etc., for something the globalists need to push thru to achieve their common goal(s). But do the math, what are deemed Covid-19 deaths almost perfectly match the same number of yearly flu/pneumonia deaths of years past, meaning there are no "hospitals filled to capacity with Covid patients." The media was/is absolutely lying as proven by both doctors, hospital staff, and some insiders within the media itself who were tasked of drumming up the pandemic to illicit fear that would lure even more to take the corporate vaccine.
If the government actually cared about society or if the viral Covid-19 contagion is as dangerous as they want to claim they would have manufactured professional grade PPE protective face gear and freely distributed those to each and every American long before any vaccine rollout. They did not because it was, and still is all about the vaccine(s) and nothing else. If the CDC were an effective agency based in the actual countering of a global pandemic, they'd be equally mandating latex gloves and clear goggles in addition to quality masks because, according to them, Covid is an "airborne contagion that can be contracted through the eyes and its contagion left on hands." It's therefore beyond obvious that this is also about one's mandatory State compliance to the point of complete acquiescence of what is demanded of you by said State. They know if they can require something as simple as you wearing a flimsy and misshapen mask to complete their circular logic, you would more than likely take their prepared vaccine for the later reasons they'll also provide you. The recent World Economic Forum's Great Reset proved their dystopian plans work to erode freedom and bring increasing global governance that they'll convince everyone the world needs. Intriguingly, the CDC once claimed that the "Delta variant is as transmissible as Chicken Pox," which was an interesting deception proven to be a lie by the Summer of 2021 when 500,000 unvaccinated bikers attended the 10-day Sturgis South Dakota motorcycle rally, whereas we discovered months later, not a single person there contracted the CDC's supposed "super-spreader" virus, a fact that the mainstream media to this day avoids like the plague for obvious reasons. So there remains this colossal discrepancy between what the media is insistently claiming in its daily propaganda, and the reality on the ground. That's not to say that the West had not released some form of germ warfare upon China, Russia and Iran at the end of 2019, but notice how fast that initial form of that 'Covid virus' seemingly vanished almost as soon as it arrived. Actual pandemics have no such evaporating tactical control, neither do actual pandemics know to discriminate against one's race, gender, or age, as with this obviously lab-manipulated Coronavirus that attacks minorities over Whites, men over women, while, in 2020, supposedly sparing all children from every race. It was told early on that Covid-19 doesn't affect children, when it was the adults who were to be vaccinated, but now that it's time for all children to be vaxxed, suddenly Covid affects them. In much the same way, the 2021 India viral decimation gave the West the necessary backstory it needed to bring "Delta's" story to the forefront, where the UK turned it into its next scare tactic toward an even greater push for global vaccinations, all the while no actual cure for the global pandemic itself is ever sought because the fear-based control to vaccinate must remain intact. It's all about the government's vaccination program not their ever-changing virus, or better said, their ever-changing "virus" exists for their global mass vaccination program, as well as to tell us how to see the world. On the spiritual front, I'm also noticing this trend of media promoting everything New Age (eastern religions, meditation, etc.) as the best way to cope with Covid, while telling us at the same time Christian Church attendance is almost non-existent. Foremost is their goal of completely undermining no other religion but Christianity, no other religious book but The Bible, and no other religious figure but Jesus Christ, and no other nation but Israel. What do I believe was the reason for the Covid psychodrama so obviously perpetrated by the West against the world? It is readily apparent that the end result will go far beyond the brain harm, strokes, heart harm, menstrual and other blood issues, miscarriages, sterilizations, and sudden deaths, depending on which Covid-19 vaccine batch they were intimidated to receive, meaning, the worst of the intended end result remains to be seen. (See Also HealthImpactNews.com, HowBadisMyBatch.com, and VaccineDeaths.com.)
Another tell-tale way to determine that government/corporate-created Covid-19 is a well-orchestrated hoax is the corporate media's incessant claiming with each September (the onset of cold and flu season) that there's a "sharp uptick in Covid cases." No, they are colds, flus, or pneumonia but how intriguing it is they created the idea of Covid-19 to parallel the Coronavirus we all get that is the common cold so that whenever it is actually cold/flu season, they can just say it's not colds or flu, but Covid. Get "extreme Covid" and they want to isolate you in certain hospitals that have pandemic death wards where you cannot see your families and you die there without your family ever knowing what really happened to you. Moreover, no one even considers why the media is using old pre-Covid file tape with doctors in medical hazmat suits from the H1N1 Swine Flu era and presenting that as evidence of current "Overrun hospitals." An actual pandemic wouldn't need help from any media's editing department to make it appear worse than it is. Perhaps the conspiratorialists were correct, Covid was manufactured as a pretext to vaccinate, not with a Covid-defending inoculation, but the elite's latest population control weapon that's being irrepressibly propagated as a scientific absolute that no one dares to question. If the media has to suddenly quit reporting their ongoing fallacy about 5 to 11-year old's filling ICU's, you'll know why, but more specifically if they suddenly begin to report of another supposed death spike or deadlier variant arriving in the US as we head into the 2023 Christmas season, you'll know it's the US/UK's government's way to illicit another fear-driven response upon the unvaccinated to vaccinate, and the vaccinated to vaccinate again. Does it even make sense for a supposed virus that affected literally zero children before, is now suddenly, supposedly, targeting children at the exact same time the vaccine is being considered for children under 12? What coincidence, again. How well-versed are you in the governments past creating of a problem to then introduce its controversial solution with increased public approval via their media? Why did the media suddenly beat everyone over the head for several weeks in August thru September 2021, as school began, claiming children were supposedly filling up hospitals with many supposedly on ventilators, only to never mention that again by October 1st? See report from that time: Kids Sick with Covid are Filling up Hospitals. Between October and December, after the goal of to scare younger parents into compliance with news that a "children's vaccine" was on the way by late October/November 2021, and that their child must get it because it will be "safe and effective,' no more mention was made of all of these supposed children in critical condition that filled up hospitals nationwide.
Again, if Covid-19 is a legitimate pandemic, at least in the West, why the obvious lies to force Western society into a near-mandated state of compliance with the overwhelming sense that it's not for our collective health as claimed, but for vaccine compliance of itself, a question that circles back to asking what's actually in those vaccines and moreover, what is the truth their longer-lasting effects on the human body? During those few weeks in August/September, Kyra Phillips of ABC News read her corporate-scripted teleprompter to announce, "the unvaccinated are contributing to children getting Covid disease all over the country." This was a new low in the government/media's desperate attempt at gas-lighting us, when obviously it's the unvaccinated that are being psychologically terrorized to join The Vaccinated by any means available to a government already well-versed in mind control tactics and deception. It's getting to the point where you either follow the State's demands or else. They're decimating us with Covid and they're eradicating us with the Covid vaccine because it's all about population control, period. Whether you know this now or discover it after it's too late, it is the truth. And because they always telegraph their sick intent far in advance via one of several "channels," carefully analyze the words of London's puppets in American President Biden, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci for key information that inform us of what these elites have planned next. They lied to us but for what purpose? Bill Gates is even now attempting to claim that his own Gates Foundation-funded Event 201 that amazingly predicted a global Coronavirus contagion two months in advance of it spreading worldwide, never happened. Events like that and Gates' surreptitious ties with Jeffrey Epstein and too many others tied to the MI6/CIA-connected Bilderberg web goes far in revealing why globalists, politicians, scientists, financial experts, law officials, societal visionaries, religious leaders, New Age gurus, social media influencers, and tech giants are needed for their subversive plan to work. At least the vast majority of leery American parents have finally begun to wake from their former slumber to see the Covid lies for what they are. As By late August 2022, after several months of the children's Covid-19 vaccine being available, only 4.8% of all children within the entire country were inoculated. That speaks volumes. Going forward, it's not that the unvaccinated are never going to take their health advice from doctors ever again, as the media touts it, it's that Covid-19 proved that the entire medical profession, as well as President Trump and his entire administration that surrounded him, were so easily deceived by elite globalists, government security agencies, and pharmaceutical corporations who, in effect, left the vaccinated and media public taking all of their health advice from those who think the world is overpopulated.
The UK’s Prince Charles has said that the Coronavirus crisis represents a “Global Reset” moment – one which seemingly allows leaders to ram through sustainability initiatives as cash-strapped citizens have no choice but to obey. The virus unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change,” the heir to the British throne declared on Wednesday. While details of the royals big plan were somewhat elusive, buried under an avalanche of buzzwords, it involves a series of industry and issue-specific roundtables, a social media networking component and “virtual hubs” aimed at attracting young people and fostering innovation” through thought leadership and practical solutions.” The prince is calling for a “paradigm shift that “inspires action at revolutionary levels and pace.
And despite the corporate-serving and corporate-shielding "Operation Warp Speed" Covid vaccine-pushing Trump signing off on the globalist's vaccination mandate in 2021, Stanford Professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya went on record in September 2021 to announce that the media is lying about not only the false data that the government is providing, but also lying about Covid deaths in hospitals overall. Professor Bhattacharya has put forth the Barrington Declaration, a petition that's amassed tens of thousands of signatures from the world's top physicians and medical experts to dissuade government lockdowns, ultimately calling out the US government and its media for lying in tandem. If this government actually cared, it would not be completely dismissing the better science of natural antibody immunity instead of daily propagating a questionable vaccine that many scientists themselves aren't taking due to the cytotoxic results from the Covid-19 vaccines overall. At the same time, the media's chosen Covid "experts" are telling us that nurses aren't taking the Covid vaccine not because they can see through the obvious media lies, but because of their supposed "political [read: Republican] views." Of course, that is getting to be a worn-out media deception in itself because an increasing number from the left are seeing the clear government overreach and the media's own vaccine politicization. The State will demand you to get forcibly vaccinated and to blindly trust the same science that pushed eugenics on us in the 1920's-1930's, took in 1,600 Nazi's for the Montauk human experiments in the 1940's-1950's, and is responsible for MK-Ultra human experimentation and drugs like LSD and PCP for the 1960's-1970's, to today where Purdue, Johnson & Johnson, CVS, Wal-Mart, Walgreens and Teva's own connections to the opioid crisis liquidated a vast sector of population from every tax bracket, with the CDC's blessing. Unironically, CVS and Walgreens are now helping to also distribute the Covid vaccine to millions. And, what of these largely Republican-funding corporate executives and their undeniable connections to the vaccine-pushing CDC and specific biolabs that manufactured the harmful Covid-19 vaccines? Why are those on the left placing all their trust in them now? The answer is, of course, the left has no idea that the "Science" is almost exclusively Republican and thus corporate-financed at the top just beyond politics and where eyes can see that there is no actual Left or Right among the generational elite but only a collective of powerful descendants of this nation's original founders who control us all. Knowing that, consider for a moment how Trump so easily fell into taking credit for "Operation Warp Speed" in releasing those first contaminated batches of the globalist's vaccines (such as the Astra-Zeneca vaccine that was heavily promoted by the most senior members of the British Royal Family who just happen to be its major stakeholders). Moreover, from 2016-2020, MAGA actually believed Trump would put an end to all of the corrupting swamp that's killing the nation, but how can he when he's literally part of it, protecting its institutionally racist status quo, rolling back all of the regulations of the previous administration to ensure even more corners are cut to legally pollute the planet with carcinogens in our water, land, and atmosphere in the name of profit to then get behind such obvious corporate corruption as the globalist's own vaccine rollouts as long as Trump could place his self-affirming name behind their warp speed operation that saw to it the greatest number of Covid-19 vaccines were administered to an unwitting population in the shortest amount of time possible, something that is negatively affecting Americans and the families of those stricken with post-vaccination illnesses or its resulting deaths to this very day. A clear pattern develops with Republicans like Trump and their rolling back human rights issues like safety regulations when you also see it perfectly coincides with all of their wanting to roll back civil rights itself back to a time when racist White men view America was great, when they could treat, demean, and ultimately, kill any minority as they see fit while the so-called justice system often protected them to do so. No wonder Hitler looked to America's example of racism when he was developing his empiric Fourth Reich.
WARNING TO MAGA: Has either MAGA or Trump ever read the last chapters of the Bible? Somehow, despite Trump's questionable ethics and efforts, evil overtakes the world at the end of the age, and this is apparently long after the "darkies and demon-crats" have been routed by Trump's hateful "New Golden Age." The prophetic scriptures inform us: "And because iniquity shall abound in those days, the love of many shall grow cold." Why does Christ tell some of those who profess to be Christians that He never knew them despite their last second plea of salvation from Hell? Because they never actually knew Christ or employed His Love especially for those marginalized in society. God is Love, Jesus is God's Love and God's Word that is Love. If Christ cannot recognize Himself, that is His Love within you from which your works are made manifest, then you are not known and therefore rejected. God cannot allow unrepentant sin, bias, or any hate into the Kingdom of Heaven. Because God knows all from eternity past, Jesus saying He never knew the sinner proves they never were in His fold but have only deceived themselves right up to Day of Judgment. They've spent their entire lives using Christ as a front to instead attack the poor, assail the downtrodden, and mock the minority and their calls for justice, in His name. They believed in Christ but served Lucifer. Jesus infamously said: "Those who are of the Truth hear My voice." Therefore, those who are His both hear as well as do His commandments. This is how He, as our judge, shall both know and accept us into His Kingdom. Knowing this key of knowledge regarding final judgment provided by Christ Himself, how is MAGA is still being deceived by the Christian Nationalist panderer and con man that remains Donald Trump? From 2016 thru his last day in 2020, "Q'Anon" and a good portion of truthers, ignorant Christians, and rest being White supremacists that comprise MAGA believed Trump would do something about the pedophilia and Satanic elements found within the generational Masonic government/Deep State and its corporations that control the West and world, but why would he, when Trump is a convicted rapist, was Jeffrey Epstein's close confidant who defended both the pedophiles Epstein and Maxwell after they were indicted, to which he admitted he knew Jeffrey "likes 'em young," and whose name of "J. Doe 174" was listed EVERYWHERE in Epstein's little black book that the FBI still covers up because of all the other elite and powerful names who serve the Deep State in some capacity, as well as being Prince Andrew's party friend? Trump is being used by the Masonic Deep State to spiritually destroy America via "Christianity!" No wonder Putin appeals to Trump's "useful idiot" ego so much and why Trump adores him, comrade Trump is also what Russia and China need to make Americans fight and destroy themselves, again, to destroy America. In addition to all of that, the ongoing problem with Trump's cult is that they are still willing to overlook literally everything Trump has done that absolutely proves he is not the man they believe him to be. He is the man, however, for those generationally corrupt elitists of the corporations he protects that already destroy lives with contaminated food, water, air, spirit-corrupting sin and racism as well as body-corrupting globalist vaccines. Exactly like Lucifer, Trump loves to make allowances for himself in the name of self-promotion and profit no matter what laws he's breaking or Godly-created people he's trampling upon to inflate his own ego and legacy while claiming to be helping America. More proof of that is seen in his current tirade against the Justice Department for their enforcing the laws that he recklessly broke in his traitorous belief that his followers would turn violent and violently enforce his White House rule for life. Trump learned during his days of turning Republican at the advent of Obama becoming President that if he calls up Fox News' Morning Show enough from 2010-2016 to rant about Obama not being a US citizen, that he was a "Marxist," that his wife was a man, that Obama would destroy America, etc., etc., that he could create increasing support from every corner of equally racist America telling him to run for President himself and that they would provide him all the power he still secretly craves. Several dozen Trump calls into Fox News and a few years later, Trump announced his candidacy on an escalator citing Mexicans were "all rapists and murderers." The former Daddy Warbucks' rich kid, draft-dodger, corrupt New York City businessman that was a long-time NYC Democrat who had a history of making everyone else fight his battles for him suddenly discovered around 2014 that his increasingly favorable audience was a more simple-minded middle America who he knows is even more racist than himself, which explains why he panders to them with extremist "dog whistles" that he knows they want to hear. Since he craves the power they can give him, Trump merely doubles down on his racist-leaning pitches to overwhelmingly White MAGA all the more, but make no mistake, Trump himself is a typical country club racist who has proven it too many times before going back to his ascension in 1970's. (See also 4 Reasons Migrants Positively Affect US Economy.)
Have to wonder at how many times these racists have to keep telling the world they are not racist so that they can then be allowed to carry out their soon to be proven racist agenda. Imagine the Nazi's rising in the era of media like we have today. Imagine the questions they would be asked and the lies they'd have to spin to deflect away from the truth of the nightmare they wanted to bring the world. Moreover, this case with this guy possibly connected with white supremacy is not isolated. There are others on Trump's would-be team, such as Steven Miller and Tom Homan, who have been recently appearing at Neo-Nazi conferences and on podcasts whilst laughing at the "tears" that working Mexican families and others will shed once caught and rounded up like Jews in 1930's Germany. Their own back story (research that, I did) and many words give themselves away as being Nazi sympathizing and adhering to Nazi concepts whereby it is the "perfect right of the white man, as gods upon the earth, to derail the lives of those not white." As I said, I used to be Republican, Fox News watching, brainwashed devotee of all things America. However, it was one day in particular that I finally woke up to what was so obviously happening to my Reagan-era Republicanism and the increasingly evangelical, albeit racist "Christian Nationalists" filing in to lead it. It was on the day of the Charlottesville, Virginia protests in 2017 when Neo-Nazi's marched claiming Trump for their own, when admitted Nazi James Fields Jr., used his car to run over anti-racist protestors, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuring dozens of others, with both Trump and FOX News refusing to condemn it. It wasn't long after that in which Trump announced, "The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat!" to the insane cheers of his twisted MAGA crowds. Apparently, the dolts over on the Republican side [still] have no idea that Putin's evil allies in China, North Korea and Iran would love nothing better than to destroy the United States with an unwitting Trump as their stooge to finally achieve it by causing a civil war in America. The irony is unmatched in that the same brainwashed GOP that were trained by Russian propaganda that Obama and the American democrat party are their sworn enemies that they themselves have become the enemy of American democracy itself ever since. They have been so blinded by KGB Putin specifically, that they cannot even bring themselves to lift a finger to help Ukraine repel Putin's evil war machine because they've been trained like dogs to listen to Russian propaganda and lies against Ukraine that has too easily found its way in "conservative media," which has been turned into in the East's collective idiot falling for their long plan at destroying America and having all its power seep into Russia and China by turning Americans against themselves, a plan that Putin is now carrying out but was first announced by his former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev who stated: "We will take America without firing a shot... we will bury you! "We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within... [by] turning America against itself!" As such, America will fall because of Americans being deceived by Russia after being long deceived by their own deceptive Masonic-led government from within who manufactured the United States from the start to serve Lucifer's ultimate agenda that places Europe as the central cornerstone of a future world government. In the greatest irony, the only one who will stop the East's march toward destroying also Europe is the Antichrist. As perfectly predicted, the age of deception in these last days has only begun with Americans being deceived by Russia and China in advance of the entire planet being even greater deceived by Satan and his Antichrist. And so, what was the corporate response to the growing number of others who also became "Woke" that day of the Charlottesville protest, especially after Trump could not bring himself to more forcefully denounce the hate that was leading to murders of fellow American citizens? They demonized the word "Woke" to overwhelmingly discourage anyone else still dreaming inside their Anglo-corporate Matrix from ever waking up. To prevent anyone waking to "Woke," conservative media is there to label anyone and anything deemed as Woke to be "Communist" and "Marxist" against America. Again, how ironic, given that Putin is attempting to revive the Soviet empire by dividing Americans in the easiest way he could, first by race and second by political leaning, all under the false guise of "America First," Putin's greatest ploy.
To MAGA, literally everything not falling for Trump's lies is "Woke" according to Moscow's own agents who ironically follow after America First. Jesus Himself was "Woke" because He was not White and used empathy first as a means to save people. Meanwhile, the Karen collective is increasingly losing every scrap of empathy they might have once owned only proves that Antichrist is their next leader after that draft-dodging, military-insulting, Hitler-evoking, Putin-kissing, Antichrist-preparing Trump mind controls the nation. All of this was prophesied in Daniel chapter 8-9 from the same Bible and scriptures that Trump still has no clue about where Antichrist's European empire to rise becomes like no other empire before it. Of course, MAGA actually believes that "anti-Green Trump is against the globalists" just because he allows for mega-corporations connected to pollution to be further deregulated to the point they can pollute the earth even more. Moreover, was not Trump the same dupe who signed off on the globalist's own "Operation Warp Speed" that fast-tracked dangerous Covid jabs into as many arms and as quick as possible? In fact, MAGA should have been questioning their dear leader's serious lack in judgment when during his first tenure, Trump had every opportunity to place a person to end this turn toward Satanic and pagan recruitment in our U.S. schools but instead chose George Mentz to head up US Education. Mentz was and still is a known author that writes Luciferian and pagan-based "New Age" books that teach people to stray far from Christian truth and into Satanism lite. Moreover, the same Anglo-corporate hegemonic power behind Trump does not want anyone to see what their endgame is especially their cesspool of Manchurian Candidates dubbed MAGA who are given the perfect amount of distractions until they are trained to have zero empathy toward other races and others in general. These are the same people being holding Trump to near Messianic status while Trump consistently proves he is just serving the other side of the Masonic and globalist plan by never actually doing anything about "the Swamp," top to bottom. Nor did Trump ever lift a finger in the time he was given to even curtail "After School Satan Clubs" or the growing political prowess of The Satanic Temple itself. Instead, Trump leveled his corporate-serving angst on what could potentially wake others up and further hurt the Anglo-corporate agenda, meaning, Critical Race Theory, where anti-CRT Republicans cannot even mention or attach the fact of Black slavery with the Civil War anymore, as they would just rather erase entire chapters of America's historical genocidal actions under a rug so future generations can never learn nor advance from them whereby the elitists powers want those darkest chapters of history be doomed to repeat. Consequently, because Nazism and its deep hatred of anyone not Aryan/White is itself pagan-based and entirely birthed from the Germanic Thule Society and its notions of an Aryan Vril, if you were to ask me what is the number one most simplistic belief among conservatives today, it is by far their intensely brainwashed notion that the "Deep State" is comprised of Democrats only when the Masonic architects of the United States designed both the Left and right opposition in order to control the whole of the populace itself. It is they who are radicalizing the increasingly far left into an anti-Christ mindset with perfect timing. As a result, no one will win the so-called culture war in America if Masonic Paganism wins in the end via either Democrat Satanism or Republican paganism, knowing, at end, they are one and the same: they are both anti-Christ. While the deceived post-Trump neo-Republican party love to grant him every excuse in the book to his known corruption that he also carried that over into his Presidency at the time he attempted to steal the election in 2020, the legal offenses are very real, quantifiably corrupt on every level, and remain, despite the Trump-favoring majority in the Supreme Court making a way for Trump to become America's first emperor. The first salvo fired from Project 2025 has already struck American democracy.
And those who even use the word "Woke" continue their slippery slope right into Nazism that they can't even see is racism because they're far too busy calling "Woke" the "Nazi's." What a perfect and unnecessary storm they're creating for themselves. And yet, who told them "Woke" was evil or a bad thing? Correct, by those who control all the narratives that are turning MAGA to become even more racist and violent. There's a reason why so many elderly Jews are now saying what they're witnessing today reminds them of what was happening in 1930's Germany, when an self-imposed "Aryan master" rose to lead a society of disenfranchised whites taught to hate minorities. It's also quite intriguing that Hitler's occult number was 555 in light that the Antichrist (666) is next. It's his time we are entering and how utterly ironic, since Trump's wannabe "global strongman" archetype leads directly to the Antichrist himself after Trump fails miserably when taking America down with him. The world will collapse so hard in fact, that countries will want to unite under a single authority post-America. But smile blissfully, MAGA, you're still oblivious to all of it, "christians." Ah, the irony there. God will judge the crude, cruel, and the racist no matter how many executive orders are signed proving it.
Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King
There is no greater proof that MAGA is absolutely insane then when on the subject of January 6th where they "trash the blue" and everyone else in law enforcement for what became their own unlawful assembly on the steps of the US Capitol in which they struck and threatened the death of police and other seated officials before trampling upon and then breaking and entering via an unlawful mob action into the United States Capitol building with many seeing themselves as a literal lynch mob ready to kill Mike Pense and Nancy Pelosi in sight, and still feel they should only be seen as innocent or as their cult leader Trump claims, as "hostages," which is ironic since MAGA is Trump's own personal army of Manchurian Candidates who have Stockholm syndrome and thus taking Pense and Pelosi hostage would have been the least they would have done to them. They wanted blood that day because their cult leader was voted out, meaning, their arrests are so obviously justified and those who did the most violence that day obviously need to be held accountable for what they did. Naturally, like the despot wannabe he so perfectly evokes, Trump is also using his innocent card of convenience claiming no knowledge of what he himself so obviously incited, despite his inciting not only violence, but literal insanity in these largely uneducated and easily led people who also believe "Putin is a good guy because he's just like Trump." Putin, the obvious dictator that rules with an iron fist and kills his political opponents who is himself just like Stalin. This is how sick and twisted Trump has turned MAGA, using Russia as the Republican's new "shining city on a hill" model where actual freedom has no place, unless you interpret freedom to be in complete service to Putin only and no other until 2036, the year Putin has given himself to reign in what amounts to autocrat and as yet to be determined, monarchy rule. Today's Right-wing are also being led into favoring monarchy rule as determined when you read their own plans after their Orwellian "Project 2025." How timely. There are no coincidences in that and Trump himself has no idea he is fulfilling every desire of the actual entrenched treasonous power in Washington. As I write, the U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is being grilled by Trump's cult of Republican leaders for his enforcing those arrests of the most violent on January 6th, 2021, who instead of admitting even one of the many crimes their own have committed, their only tactic is to blame Garland himself for enforcing the law, but... I did mention their being insane, right? It wasn't Garland who stormed the Capitol building to strike police officers so he could be allowed to tear his way into the building whilst destroying millions of dollars of property just to stalk the halls looking for Pense and Pelosi. They did all of that and more, leaving one to ask what's next? Where will their corrupt leader and insane cult lead them next? Their 'Project 2025' is already following after the current Russian model while Putin laughs. His plan, not Trump's, is working. The obvious lie that Trump tells his base that he won in 2020 makes little sense when you understand that he barely beat Hillary Clinton and that's saying something given how unpopular she still is. Trump lost the popular vote his first time around in 2016 which was the actual and national vote tally. If not for the "electoral college" to save him, Trump would have lost outright. With all of his calls for a civil war, his playing with racist "White power" tropes or his subtle way of commanding his base to demean, hurt or kill democrats by evoking memes like "the only good democrat is a dead democrat," did he pick up the thousands of key votes he needed going into 2020?
Common sense should tell you Trump lost many of his original 2016 voters because of all the countless proofs of idiocy and gaffes he made in those four key years, such as injecting yourself with bleach as a Covid cure and "nuking a tornado" to deter its path or his providing a constant pass for White supremacy while damning minorities to make America a much more divided and dangerous place than it ever was before. None of that went unnoticed by the more moderate Republican voters and moderates in general heading into November 2020. Let's also take into consideration the BLM Summer of 2020 with the nation on the verge of a violent, racist civil war on his Presidential watch that Trump actually wanted to become more violent knowing that would place largely unarmed minorities back in the deadly crosshairs law enforcement which is what caused the nationwide protests and calls for drastic change to begin with! People noticed this, and that was precisely when Trump lost the edge he would have had against Biden who at the time was calling for a return to calm and national civility, a call not to arms but for peace that refreshingly resonated with an American majority who wanted peace and who started questioning Trump's quasi-racist vision of "another civil war" which, at end, only appealed to the most die-hard White supremacists at that time. 2020 thus removed from Trump millions of those more traditional conservatives and moderates who voted for him in 2016, when, as mentioned, he barely won against a very unpopular Hillary Clinton to begin with. People simply grew weary of Trump and his obvious pandering to the most disturbed "Karens" in America. Too many older Americans did not want to revisit the same tumultuous past they already lived thru in the 1960's when Americans were still stepping on the necks of those who merely demanded fair treatment. For Trump to ride back in on stronger sails and have most of America backing him toward what the Anglo-corporate cabal needs for 2025, it would mean Biden/Harris would have to have made an error of epic proportions. Enter their immigration plan. In effect, what the cabal has done is merely delay Trump and his calls for civil war until some point in late 2024 thru 2025 which is apparently keeping in their timing for world events to spiral out of control at the same time to bring us the inevitable war of good vs. evil according to their own definitions of what those are. Case in point, corporate Fox News daily informs its audience that Republicans are waging a war of good vs. evil, with Republicans being the whole of goodness and the Democrats being "the epitome of evil," an accusation that's ridiculous on its face. But why? The Republicans cannot be good if the very capitalistic corporations they promote are knowingly polluting the world for profit.
A perfect example of corporate evil that was backed by Trump was seen in the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment caused by Trump's rolling back key safety regulations on nearly every industry, including rail, in keeping with the wholly corrupt Republican ideal where the corporate profits of the elite are always deemed more important than the American people. Living through the past year watching themselves, their families and all of their friends getting sick not knowing where those illnesses are ultimately leading toward, as well as witnessing in real time the complete lack of response by the U.S government and likely knowing the American government's demented track record of creating the very conditions for these events that negatively affect both Republican and Democrats alike for the rest of their lives, those now forced to endure the derailments deadly effects are starting to feel the entire ordeal was intentional on the part of the federal government. They would know. Norfolk Southern corporate initially wanted to do nothing to help the locals in that majority Republican county who have since been become sickened by the toxins released, with again, many of them being uneducated Trump fans now having to endure the result of his deadly corporate-favoring presidency from a preventable chemical spill that's now spread to 16 surrounding states. Bypassing also the current Democrat Biden and Harris administration, it took a politically Independent named Erin Brockovich to travel to Ohio and actually get something done for those citizens, the same people who voted for Trump by a whopping 71% in the last election. Obviously, while sure sounding good in speeches, putting corporate-controlled "America First" has its unintended consequences, especially when corporate-controlled America has its own much older agenda far outside that of the people. DeSantis is the latest flailing GOP candidate making similar promises that Trump did in propping up these same corporations via "draining the swamp" which never materialize because most politicians know in advance that the swamp's elites they verbally disparage on the campaign trail are connected to the very same corrupt corporations and corporate elements that fund their campaigns and provide especially Republican presidents various kickbacks in return for relaxing regulations so they can cut important safety corners that earns them more profit. And now you see yet another reason why third-party candidates like the corporate-bashing RFK Jr. are always withheld by the elite corporations that actually control America from ever gaining enough traction or support to achieve the presidency. Kennedy was exposing Trump for the corporate-serving rat drowning in the "swamp," giving slots within his upcoming administration to everyone from the CEO of BlackRock to those with ties to other globalist corporations and powerful elites. In fact, RFK Jr. was specifically targeted by the corporate-controlled media who reported him as some kind of pariah candidate because he, like Erin Brockovich and a relative few others, have no issue with telling the world the unabashed truth against corrupting corporations, their media, and the politicians in their pocket on both sides of the political aisle. In other words, third party candidates are usually hyper-aware to how America actually runs, and as a result, will not turn a blind eye to their twisted corporate agenda or their dividing us along either a left or right dead-end road for their sole gain. "Unplugged" independents are therefore extremely dangerous to elitist's goals that span across entire generations so that less people notice the intended effects.
But since RFK suspended his campaign while speaking against Big Pharma, government-sanctioned poisons on/in our foods, the vaccines, etc., and then turning and speaking absolute nonsense in claiming that Putin only holds fair elections, that BRIC's will overtake the American dollar, that Ukraine should be taken over, its civilian population targeted by cowardly Russian rockets shot a hundred miles away, and its Ukrainian army wiped out smacks of brainwashing by Trump's Putin-serving bullshit. In the next breath, RFK Jr. then backs Trump, the very guy who did absolutely NOTHING to help Americans and their children not be poisoned by chlorpyrifos, which corporate Dow Chemical wants farmers to KEEP using, and the EPA and Trump both signed off on during his presidency, even though Trump was told this poison causes autism. Those afflicted with autism are not only afflicted for their entire lives - many of who won't be able to speak or function on their own, but their parents and families are also directly affected for life. And that's just one of the poisons Trump allowed on our foods during his time as President. Corporate pollutants and "science"-backed, corporate manufactured food additives cause cancer, which affects us all at some point and men like Trump only make it easier for corporations to thrive while harming the public. So, America First? At what cost? Corrupt corporations make for corrupted politicians holding the worst of the evil elite buy themselves political favors and protection in America and this has been the American way since before the robber baron era of the industrial age that created the corporate elites such as Rockefeller's, Warburg's, Astor's and Rothschild, who are allowed to carry out a very globalist agenda against us all for the Crown. In the Trump era, this kind of corruption was front and center with his making it easier for corporations to pollute, maim, and kill so that they, not the people, could earn more of an enhanced profit for themselves in the name of capitalism, despite your family members dying of cancer or bringing life-debilitating autism to your children or children you know. Something is very wrong with a nation that pollutes to the extent of China and gets away with it by connecting it to nationalism and better profits for the elite who could care less of the people. Their corporate fed "conservative media" then brainwashing half of the nation with lies to enforce support and even protection of those same corporations remains the exact opposite of "going after the elite" like Trump claims. The constant brainwashing and false narrative that it's only the Dems that are the evil ones has been most effective for Fox and other corporate conservative outlets, the result of which intentionally keeps Republican voters in the dark. For the corporate media machine that is Fox's part, all they have to do is continually sing the supposed accolades of Trump and demonize the Democrats as "Communists" and they have their own cult consistently voting for the generationally evil corporate powers as designed.
As is proven throughout this website, Fox News is itself in the pocket of the proven evil corporate agenda who literally makes their viewers hate aspects of what they would deem would be the "socialism" of Jesus Christ Himself. For example, Jesus' feeding the 5,000 free of charge, providing care and healing for the needy free of charge, which parallels the Obamacare they were taught to despise. The thief on the cross that Christ instantly forgave and saved with a word would have instead have his hand cut off or been shot or hanged and killed instantly if MAGA had their way. The poor, homeless, destitute, and Samaritan migrants would be violently rounded up and treated like animal vermin instead of being taken in and cared for as Christ commanded, and yet the list goes on. Republicans of today act exactly as the Pharisees and greedy moneychangers of Christ's day did, of which Christ wasted no time in condemning their inherent greed instead of loving the many poor and hurting among them. In other words, Christ would have certainly not been a Republican if among us today, but a pro-life moderate who would ensure that the government would do all it can especially for the poor, destitute, migrant, and homeless. Furthermore, the MAGA Republicans have a frightening Orwellian future planned of their own if they "take back the United States" as they say. They are already speaking in terms where there would no longer be a democracy for the people because any dissenting voices against them would be rounded up and placed in "re-education" camps, as Communist nations like China do. After watching the YouTube video titled "Republicans Asked to Flee To Russia In Bigoted Protest, Instantly Regret It," I left this comment: “MAGA: The ACTUAL commie fascists wearing their little Red hats and telling us how great Russia is! Putin via Trump has brainwashed them well.” As the former Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, said in 1956: “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within.” Likewise, an ex-KGB Disinformation Specialist named Beznenov has said “the highest art of warfare is not to fight at all but to subvert everything of value in your enemy’s country. These include moral and cultural traditions, religions and respect for leaders and authority, etc. When everything in the enemy's country is subverted, disoriented, confused, demoralized and destabilized then the crisis will come.” MAGA has become the perfect useful idiots that the Soviet Empire, and now Putin, have been attempting to create for decades. The even more extreme among them wants Nazi-styled concentration camps built where anyone not far-right extremist is eventually killed off entirely. Another lie that the right-wing media will use to brainwash the uneducated is their claiming that Hitler would be equated to a far-left Democrat today, when Hitler was clearly a far right-wing nationalist and racist Anglo-Aryan fascist who attempted to make post-WWI Germany great again. I am certainly not advocating for far-left liberalism or the most extreme of the "pro-choice" crowd here, but a more moderate, centrist and thoughtful approach is needed if America is to be saved from absolute ruin from both the far-left and the far-right. One need only look at DeSantis' banning of America's shameful history regarding Black slavery to see it that White nationalism was never of God, but it is of Satan, and a shameful history should never be erased because it would then be doomed to repeat. Thanks to Trump, America is in a severe crisis at present because too many can't even agree what basic reality is. As such, Putin's Russian strategy to destroy America is working exactly like his predecessors declared it would, just as the Masonic plan is also working in near parallel tandem to diminish America from within.
What's really troublesome is that many today don't even realize they're a colonial-styled Anglo-racist, because they tend to believe everything far-right media tells them to believe about minorities in general. As is proven throughout this site, one of the last goals globalists have just before the Collapse is to manipulate (especially) Whites (and Christians) to fall away from their former Faith and replace it with heretical beliefs rooted in further Anglo-racism with its occult connection within paganism, as well as fostering a growing hatred of minorities in general. This is done so that their prepared Führer, who will first appear to be an inclusive leader changing what remains of everyone's depleted Faith and 'protecting' what remains of Western civilization itself, is allowed to gather as many under his evil mantle as possible before turning racist tyrant. Today's conservative media daily prepares its audiences for just such an 'Aryan strongman' after Trump, a fact easily seen because it's being evoked already from within the radical right's corporate-connected media and their constant attacks upon non-GOP minorities while making greater use of their 'White Savior Complex' psychodrama as a form of cult-like mind control. Extreme racist organizations in America and Europe couldn't be more hopeful. Recruitment is up. Thank Trump, but such blatant racism was always just brewing beneath the surface of middle America. Thank Trump also for the meteoric rise within neo-Nazi groups and the birth of entirely new hate organizations from coast to coast, every one of them armed to the teeth. America won't end well but there's a reason why America is never mentioned in Bible prophecy at the very end. Europe is to arise to control what's left of the West after America's obvious collapse whereby no flesh will escape what Europe bring the world thereafter. On the other side of that same racist coin occurring in America, the seemingly humanitarian-concerned Royals across the Atlantic also put on a good show of lying through their teeth with fake concern for people in general. Case in point, when is the last time you've seen any member of the British royal family applying their amassed wealth toward reducing disease, poverty, or famine when population control lays at the root of their instilling a One World agenda with Climate Change itself being blamed on you and not their own pollutions from their jet-setting to faraway nations to then blame everyone else for the pollution of those mega-corporations they have controlling stock in or otherwise financially connect themselves with? Knowing that, how much difference is there between the British royals and Trump who kowtows to them and has many times expressed his joy over the Empire's former colonialism and imperialism? (See also: It's 2023 and Debate-Skipping Donald Trump ONLY Wants to Debate Meghan Markle - Why?)
Over the past year, both Prince William and King Charles have spoken out about their family’s ties to global atrocities, expressing “profound sorrow” for the abhorrent slave trade. Per The Guardian, “between 1690 and 1807, an estimated 6-million enslaved Africans were transported from West Africa to the Americas on British or Anglo-American ships. The slave trade was protected by the royal family and parliament.” Again, these platitudes feel empty as the British empire continues to benefit from the wealth and power gained as a result of those tragedies. Even the very notion of a modern monarchy feels inappropriate because the very idea of a monarchy is based on inequality and rooted in racism. No matter how much it is repackaged, or dressed up in gowns, the legacy of slavery and colonialism remains. It cannot be modernized.
They may be seen entering the Bilderberg's secretive yearly meetings, or headlining the UN's COP28, or World Economic Forum's climate change meetings to make a seemingly well-intentioned speech written by ghost writers in league with the dystopian elite or at cancer hospitals for a self-serving photo op directed by their public relations team, but that's it. Afterward, the British royals are driven back to one of their many posh palaces around the UK to eat all of this world's best cuisine while too many others around them on the streets of London are left cold and hungry. The royal art collection alone is worth upwards of ten-billion pounds in some estimations which could solve British homelessness and hunger overnight. The Queen, who was worth several billions most of her long royal reign, especially did nothing for anyone except act as pompous as humanly possible while starting off each year telling the British Prime Minister what his own policies should be proving that the true power in Britain still lies at the feet of the ruling Monarch in Britain. Usually, when someone that powerful and rich meets their end, you'd often hear that some of their amassed wealth went to help a charity or foundation that they were connected with in life, but this never happens with the British royal family no which of them passes on. The British royals instead keep all of their vast riches within the family and never provide any of it at any point to the sick, afflicted, poor, destitute or homeless in the UK or around the world despite their supposed "Christianity" and heading the Anglican Church of Jesus Christ. Unironically, the Crown Jewels that are to be used in the Coronation of King Charles III, were themselves stolen from many of those same nations who still have the greatest examples of poor, sick, and destitute to this day.
The articles specifically disparaging Meghan Markle are disgusting and tiring but the British press and royals figure if they keep tying her to everything negative, no matter how rehashed or mundane, they can destroy her. Every new day brings the obviously biased reports to ensure the public despises her for the 'major crimes' she has supposedly undertaken. It remains sick what the royals with their advanced media connections and untapped wealth can do with this sort of mind control and influence over those who cannot distinguish biased tabloid from vetted journalism. Because there was a better time not long ago when the vast majority loved Prince Harry and Princess Meghan, the royal rift as it remains should cause one to wonder how it originated. It began five years ago with a UK headline: "Royals Concerned Harry & Meghan Becoming More Popular than William & Kate." It was right after that when the UK tabloid media began to attack Meghan with a deluge of fake news that was later proven in the 2023 court case of Prince Harry against the tabloids came out of then Prince Charles' own press office. As time went on with no longer a positive story regarding either Prince Harry or Princess Meghan for the remainder of 2019, the UK public increasingly hated the couple until death threats were beginning to be made against Meghan as a result of the UK press knowingly lying in order to destroy her at the behest of the senior royal leadership. Meghan became suicidal after the relentless hate and threats being made, that again, were the result of the lies and assassination against her character being made in the press, who were being fed information via wire taps, phone hacking, as well as false information being pushed from inside the palace walls by the senior royals themselves, including, it is now believed, by then Prince Charles. (See also The Queen Couldn't Stand Harry/Meghan Eclipsing William.)
We have seen this tactic before, when the royals frowned upon mixed-race children 'tarnishing' their precious royal bloodline with Diana paying the ultimate price for her engagement and rumored pregnancy with an Egyptian named Dodi Fayed. Similarly, the easily led, proven racist and violent Trump-worshipping sheep in the Republican party view Harry and Meghan as the worst couple on the planet, following exactly what the royals a bit too desperately need the public to believe. There should be zero forgiveness extended toward the archaic British royal family as a modern institution or family given the way the royals are still treating Harry and Meghan for telling the truth. Instead of the royals doing the right thing and correcting themselves to repair the family breach for the world to witness, they launched a multi-billion-dollar media hit campaign against Harry and Meghan that's even threatening well-known corporations to shun Harry and Meghan as an ongoing part of their "collective royal punishment." Just because someone exposes a tiny fraction of the hidden evils of what senior royals say behind palace walls hardly makes the persons exposing it as "the evil ones," but that's exactly what is being conveyed to the general public. The UK press and its on-air personalities infamously went on to call Meghan a "Princess Monkey" and her first child a "chimpanzee," which further stirred up the racists among the British public to attack the Sussexes to then make death threats against the new royal baby, Archie, none of which did the royals ever use their far-reaching power within the UK press to ever stop at any point. This alone speaks volumes against the seated British royal family who could have stopped the incessant harassment against Prince Harry and Princess Meghan with a single phone call that never came. Moreover, when Meghan begged for some semblance of help among the royal leadership regarding her failing mental health as a result of all of the attacks in the press, she was again infamously met with total silence, most notably by Prince William who was newly tapped to be the UK's spokesperson for global mental health.
The media also began to demonize Harry with false assertions as to why he rightfully began exposing the royal attacks on his wife, a demonization that was not shown to Kate Middleton who is White and "blue blood" related to William, her distant cousin. The still unnamed senior royal [Prince Charles] who was "color-concerned" as to what shade of black Harry's child would be was obviously hoping that Prince Archie would not look dark-skinned Black, which, despite what Harry said about 'no racism' within the British royal family, Harry was apparently not even wanting to admit to himself that his own father could be that racist against a half-Black American woman he loved and married. As a result, Harry labeled the skin color comment(s) as "unconscious bias," which other more astute people have rightly pointed out is still racism by another name. Of course, this only further highlights the twisted UK family for what it still is: cold, hateful, plotting, vindictive, racist, and if you know the names Jimmy Savile, Jeffrey Epstein, and Peter Ball (all pedophiles whom the royals went at great lengths to protect) evil, as well. It should also never be forgotten that Princess Diana revealed much more than racism about the royals, such as the Queen arranging her doomed 1981 marriage between her and Charles with the Queen knowing Charles loved Camilla, meaning Diana was used for her inherent royal Stuart [Merovingian] DNA from the start. Many of us who are older recall how Diana herself was treated by the royals and their tabloids for her own public exit and later tell-all interviews against them, with her implying it was the Queen who pushed the Camilla-smitten Prince Charles into a marriage of convenience with a "blue-blooded" Diana for the sole purpose to create a firstborn royal heir, period. The same cold and calculated thinking also saw to it that a second-born among the then young royal couple would produce a less-favored heir ("spare"). Harry was born with none other than the avowed Satanist and child sex-abusing friend of the British royal family, Jimmy Savile, in the role as Harry's Godfather.
Even today, the Western press continues to portray Harry and Meghan as if they're Bonnie and Clyde, while William and Kate are being compared to Camelot's JFK and Jackie. How ironic. It was just after Harry's royal marriage to Meghan Markle that the royals saw as their opportunity to ensure William stays more popular in the world mind. In fact, when the global masses began to adore Harry/Meghan more than William/Kate, the royals so obviously began to turn the screws on Meghan. The royals didn't even allow any Blacks into their palaces to work as royal help until the 1960's at the height of the Civil Rights movement, when attention was brought as to why the royals had no Blacks among any of their staff. In other words, if no attention was brought against them, or there were no Civil Rights movement, nothing would have changed and the British royal family would have been more than comfortable to hold on to their colonial views, to which Prince Philip never wasted an opportunity to announce he was an open racist in the company of other Whites every chance he provided himself. When it was finally incumbent upon Harry and Meghan to produce a royal heir, suddenly Meghan didn't have the "exceptional pedigree" needed to produce an heir for the racist British royals. Then came the comment by one of the senior royals themselves with Prince William's wife, Kate, wondering out loud what color Meghan's baby would be, as if that mattered. Neither Harry nor Meghan released those names publicly as the ones concerned about Archie's skin color but they are clearly worried he will, so the deceptive anti-Sussex media blitz continues so that if the name is released, most won't care because they've been so effectively brainwashed to hate Harry and Meghan in the interim. That is precisely what is occurring right now. To those of us who know the seedy relationship between the senior royals and their control over the press since the time of Diana, and have thus been made to witness all of this happening to her second-born son and his wife since 2018, it remains clear that Harry and Meghan evoked the spirit of Diana in exposing what needed to be exposed of the outdated, racist royal family who did the exact same character assassination, phone tapping, security services stalking, etc., to Princess Diana after her own exposing of the British royals. What's most ironic here is William's involvement in it, knowing his mother was forced to endure the very same assassination by the royals and press of her character. (See also Prince William's Anger of Being 'Overshadowed' by Harry & Meghan Partially Led to Megxit.)
Despite the media's obvious attempts at normalizing that royal's racism and Anglo-racism in general by making it seem it's all Meghan's fault (for being half-Black), the media also began to demonize Harry with lies as to why he's rightfully protecting his family by leaving both his affluent royal life and his nation with its racist death threats on his wife and children far behind, of which he's now supposedly the most ill-thought of man on the planet according to the royal-controlled media spin machine and those ignorant/racist enough to believe it. The current headlines are also working to pit the already hated Harry against the more favored Prince William, the violent one who pushed his younger brother to wear a Nazi uniform and later pushed his younger brother to the ground when Harry stood up and defended his wife Meghan from William's anger. But we've already seen how the press is controlled by the royal family before. It was in 2019 when ABC's Amy Robach revealed that the royal family threatened the ABC/Disney network "a million different ways" if it reported anything about Jeffrey Epstein in 2015 because that would then implicate the royals own connection to an elite child sex ring and such "conspiracy theories" supposedly do not exist. Except that they do. As it turned out, somehow, Epstein was killed and Andrew was never arrested. There is clearly a different set of rules established for those working for or related to those sitting atop the Capstone within the exclusive Pyramid of top-down control. The royals are also spending insane amounts of money to threaten, coerce, and blackmail companies such as Spotify and Netflix to ending deals made with Meghan, just like they threatened ABC news "a million different ways." With the way the royals shamefully forced Harry to walk behind Andrew at Coronation to purposefully seat him in Andrew's third row, best exposed this family for what it still is, petty and amazingly unforgiving no matter how much time wears on as their media blitz continues against him and new family, while Andrew was largely protected in the UK by the Queen herself for his own scandal. Again, the irony.
Interesting article above citing the Queen herself warned the UK press to stay away from Andrew, but one has to wonder if she just didn't throw Harry and Meghan to the ravenous wolves in Andrew's place as the ultimate distraction away from the royal family and Epstein. Also ironic then that the 2023 Coronation of Charles as King was all about evoking Christ's love, forgiveness, and selfless service to mankind, to which Charles has every opportunity to employ these same virtues starting with Harry and Meghan but never does. At that same Coronation, Harry having to walk behind Andrew proves that exposing the truth of royal racism is seen as far worse within the British royal family than a royal engaging in illegal sex with a minor. Let us also never forget how William allowed so much hatred and spite to fester with his obvious hatred of Meghan, that, in effect, made Harry and his wife "homeless" while inside the royal palace itself, but now his media team wants to make him appear to be his mother, Diana with a homeless housing project named "Homewards." Being the older, supposedly wiser one, it is (still) William that should innately know how to work beyond family grudges. That's part of what makes true leaders wise and greater than any disagreement to begin with. As such, William is not off to a great start, despite the gesture of handing over some land in Cornwall that he wasn't going to use anyway along with the relatively small royal gesture of 3-million pounds for a homeless housing project that his PR team rubber stamped to make William appear like Diana. Give us a break. William is no Diana because he spent far too much time within the Windsor mindset and under their imperialist brainwashing since 1997. If he were more like Diana, the current drama would have never been, period. Further, if you're the British royal family, you'd think you would want the entire world to see you as more than welcoming to a minority female that's finally married into the family, UNLESS you really are a racist institution in which case you wouldn't be able to help yourselves but eventually prove said racism, and oh how the royals did exactly that in their mishandling of Meghan Markle.
In fact, the latest information surfacing depicts it was William and his staff that bullied Meghan inside the palace and as if that weren't enough, it was his and his father's press team that originated the lie that Meghan bullied royal staff when the exact opposite was true. Meanwhile, William was cheating on his pregnant wife at this time and involved in a court case of his own that eventually awarded him for his palace wire taps against Harry and Meghan, which he took to fund 'Homewards' so that he would be seen as "helping the homeless." So this connection the media tries to make between William and Diana is like everything else regarding William today, it's there to deceive the masses. With the removal of Prince Andrew, Prince Harry, Princess Meghan, Prince Philip, the Queen, and soon King Charles himself, William stands to reap the majority of the new "slimmed-down" Monarchy that some have estimated is worth over a trillion dollars in their vast land ownerships and total royal wealth that amounts to 1/6 of the planet's land mass. Perhaps the royal genealogist to the Scottish House of Stuart, Sir Laurence Gardner, is correct - William's entire existence has been well-orchestrated by the royal family and its occult handlers who chose Diana like a sow for breeding because of her "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" (Merovingian) Stuart descent. What the future King William Arthur will do with his increasingly immense power, therefore, remains to be seen but given the way he's already being propagated by CNN as a "global statesman protecting democracy and western values," it's obvious. He's here to save the West, post-Collapse, when his then ownership of 1/6 of the entire planet (perhaps the only part that will survive the orchestrated globalist Collapse) will prove its own worth in the coming years.
With the way the royal PR team are already creating easy paths for William to be seen as a 'Messiah' to the homeless locally in Britain ["Antichrist shall work deceitfully for he shall ascend and shall become strong with a small number of people" - Daniel 11:23], we are seeing the future today even as more is being prepared for him by his globalist handlers so that he ascends in the hearts and minds of first local British citizens and then the world. For another example, there was a clear reason why the senior royals themselves, who visited most of the planet, never made an official State visit to Israel in over 70 years of its existence to instead leave that for William to be the first, as well as allowing William to be the first to actually help the sick and homeless where they never did, as mentioned. It's all to lay the foundation and groundwork for his extremely deceptive future after his Coronation. As king, and with enough "good works" behind him that are now being created, William will eventually be viewed as precisely what this world needs, a true leader for the coming New World - towering above this world's current despots like Trump who castigates and ridicules the affirmed, the mentally ill and especially the homeless, the very groups William is now seen as championing. In the meantime, what the senior royals, now including William, are doing to Harry and Meghan remain disturbingly criminal, from William's accepting of media payouts for his [hidden] connection to palace wiretaps of Harry and Meghan, to his rewarding the royal aide who bullied Meghan, to his ongoing character assassination tactics waged currently against the both of them and even their children. The vast majority of the public also aren't being made aware that William cannot ever be arrested for anything, even if he were to murder someone in full public view. His place in line to the Throne of England means he has full diplomatic immunity inside the UK, and globally, for life. For today, it remains William who is the cruel, bullying, angry, narcissistic, Cain-like incubus that is waging a needless war against his own flesh and blood that most media are still covering up, for him. In short, Harry and Meghan are a distraction to cover for what Big Brother William is still becoming, evil. (See also: Harry Reveals 'Spare' Could Have Been Two Books But He Feared Losing Big Brother Forever.)
Another historical fact the world needs to understand, Hitler's Nazi's never entirely lost World War II. They were conscripted into Britain and America's secret intelligence agencies and helped America and Britain perfect the mind control we are still being subjected to today via media messaging, Left/Right politics, as well as controlling most everything we consume in our food supply, to what kinds of medications and vaccinations we might receive, all of which falls under their strict purview and namely their population control agenda. And the evil does have a central location. It is the corporate entity known as The Crown Temple Bar that backs the Bank of England that exists within the Corporate City of London that promotes global usury and acts as a land-stealing robber baron, population controlling war-facilitating enslaver of State-sponsored mind control rooted in the occult. This entity known as the Corporate City of London has agents everywhere working in various "black operations" capacity being led by MI5 and their people in the CIA, FBI, NSA, DoD, the Pentagon and DARPA. The cabal's agents are also in Hollywood just as their spiritually corrupting handiwork is now so obviously seen throughout popular culture leading its charge within most everything society is being exposed to in entertainment and film today. They are heavily involved with the occult and operate on the black squares of the Masonic chessboard undertaking for the elites all of their dirty work, i.e., operating from behind every corrupting racket from the global drug trade to internationally trafficking children. They grow poppies in Afghanistan and ship opium to China for fentanyl processing to send stateside and push it to your children on school grounds and in the city ghettos, as well as steal children for use in their sadistic rituals that they believe brings them protection and favor from their "god." They are the ritually initiated servants of the Crown who sow the seeds for war abroad, while committing false flags at home using Manchurian Candidates to shoot up schools, assassinate dissidents, and ensure their murders of whistleblowers are always reported as "suicides." Their propaganda film "Elizabeth" tells us their story of how the Crown supposedly came under the control of the Vatican, but that story like most we were given in our so-called education that they created is simply repeated until it becomes the truth, is a lie. The Crown Temple Bank of England in the City of London Corporation (that remains quite separate from what the world knows to be London, the city) is the most powerful head of the Beast that controls the Vatican, just as the Beast also has ten heads of which London, Washington, D.C., the E.U. headquartered at Brussels, and the Vatican along with Britain's own colonized "Commonwealths" of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand are counted among the ten. The heads of the collective spy agency known as Five-Eyes are merely one tentacle of this specter that engages in also the paramilitary activity secretly going on across South America, Africa, and Asia to further its global dominance. The world drug trade itself is almost entirely conducted by CIA and MI6 agents as a continuation of Britain's original opium trade that operated in Asia, the Mideast, South America and across Africa that's been going on for over a century and remains how they fund all of their other evils, and pay themselves for doing so. All the king’s men, as it were, are indistinguishable from the mob headed up by The Firm: the British Royals. Their cartel, of which Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were also a part, are ritually initiated and sworn to the secrecy they kept. All of the cartels tied to the City of London are. One might ask when did the USA become a branch of the Crown Temple Bank of England? In 1871. Since the first bankruptcy of the USA, all federal agents have been employed by the Crown, a power move that was only further underscored by the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
Despite the Deep State's methods of corrupting otherwise good people toward evil, there are good American men and women throughout many of its federal agencies. I know them personally. I also am becoming aware that many of these knowledgeable people in federal employment are ready to flip. Evidence of that is seen in their quietly quitting their jobs in just the last few years as a result of Covid-19 and its deadly vaccine that was weaponized by the U.S. Department of Defense, which are currently being sued by at least one family who have lost a loved one due to being poisoned by a particular batch of the vaccine directly connected to DoD research, which, interestingly, is a huge story that no mainstream media still wants to touch because the mainstream media themselves are under the same type of top-down corporate control that has kept the status quo in power this whole time. I’ve said all this and I didn’t mention the Balfour Declaration or the history of British control of the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts since 1948. I also haven't even scratched the surface of how the mob's entity has manipulated Ukraine as its vassal state where many children were taken and sold globally in Satanic and other networks to which America is supporting the Ukrainian vassal state because the Crown Temple Bank of England owns both countries’ governments. Yes, I said Britain owns America. The Crown is martialing its resources in strategic action that always uses corruption, wars, murders, cartels, drugs, pandemics, and population control toward its own nefarious ends. The Crown State headquartered in London controls it all and its entity only cares about stacking up bodies and gold while taking more world territory and providing to the leading British royals who sit atop of the mob's pyramid scheme of world empiric control. That’s why politics and its entire culture war of right versus the left has become the cheapest possible facade that's being used as a distraction away from all of what is actually happening on our planet. Politics is a dumb trick to make voters think that participation hinges on their say and their wanting to reign in all of the world's evils and thus impact the policies of the Crown they were never told about. They can’t. The people virtually have no power whatsoever, meaning that America was never truly "free" as we were all led to believe. That was perhaps the founding Freemason's greatest lie, telling us that their Lucifer doesn't exist and that they only worship "God." Likewise, politics is a soap opera designed to keep you watching it while you're becoming locked into an insidious control that you'll never see until after the Crown's plan is made complete. Within that is the devastating period of mass carnage coming that they constantly allude to in their UN, Davos, COP, and WEF speeches, where everything is blamed as causing it, except themselves who are helping to facilitate it. Big Pharma clearly follows profit margins, but might they also follow the same corporate-tiered agenda engaged with population control? The same stores that provided such easy access to government mandated Covid shots have been sued for distributing Opioids to the general public, killing thousands and making countless others addicted. (See CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens Sued for $650-Million Over Opioid Deaths.) You're also hopefully aware that these same corporations and their well-known progenitors such as General Electric and what became Monsanto/Bayer are the same joint Anglo-American and European corporations that literally funded Hitler's rise in the 1930's and Nazi science to create its seeds and edible pesticides. That said, how do we even know our own population-controlling government isn't also behind the pandemic level of dead who've since overdosed by unwittingly taking the synthetic opioid Fentanyl that, like Covid itself, is also conveniently blamed on China? Trust their science of lab-created carcinogens that continue to taint our food supply with their Perchlorate and other poisons killing our infants and children that's contained in baby foods and formula? It's beyond apparent that those repeating their manipulated groupthink have become useful idiots to ensure the government evil continues right thru the current pandemic age of a virus that the UK/US themselves created. So what else does this same "science" demand is a fact while remaining largely unproven albeit paramount to State education? As the media ramps up the Covid death count that's been proven before to be excessively inflated, with deadly strains of flu and pneumonia seemingly disappearing in favor of a Covid-only diagnosis, our media tells us that a miracle cure exists in the form of a vaccine juxtaposed against the backdrop of ever deadlier "variants" to ensure vaccine mandating and increasing compliance toward them. Of course, to stay within that narrative, the same media suppresses reports of those who've become sick or died even after trusting the science.
Unsurprisingly, those who trust whatever the State tells them are also being convinced to become passive 'Global Citizens' in perfect conformity to the government's other agenda, while being made unaware that the same government experts and agencies behind the current vaccine campaign are also connected to Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and the cunning Great Reset Agenda, that are explicitly creating the conditions for a global collapse to usher in a New World leader. Helping in that effort stands Prince William's Earthshot tackling climate change, and the UK, EU, World Bank and Gates Foundation who plan a future whereby vaccines and other methods lead to a sharp reduction in global population resulting in a greener planet where remaining resources are disseminated via a supposedly benevolent global overseer. If any corporate autocrat or royal aristocracy wants to mandate anything going forward, therefore, all they need to say is the too-often assumed beneficial word of "science" and their every request is granted. While the government emphatically requests that you entirely trust them, they in turn never trust you in their pressing fear that you may uncover the truth that exposes them but it's time that the British and Americans finally woke to consider what it means to be aligned to a government that vainly uses their lives to fulfill its own twisted goals. If the elite-owned media actually wants to remove such conspiracy theories from the public lexicon, why do their subsidiary networks increasingly manufacture documentaries that promote them? From the History Channel's "Ancient Aliens," to their documentaries twisting the Bible to inject heretical Gnosticism and tainted New Age doctrine, such corporate-backed media documentaries are openly propagating black magic, demonic blood cults, and occult secret society conspiracies with complete control over its manufactured narratives with the intent of brainwashing the next generation in search of global answers. Anyone opposing these narratives are branded as dangerous and subject to cancelling or worse. When you take into account the increasingly stranger things these documentaries are telling you, you'll understand what's behind the collective message being propagated. Their touted 'New Age' is not what is claimed. At the same time the heads of globalist corporations and their media/entertainment networks will tell you not to believe in either Satan or conspiracy theories, they'll deluge you in exactly that masked as binge-worthy streaming to the point you cannot escape the irony.
Then there's "The Great Reset," where the elite cabal have already decided to enforce future mandates upon the world once God unleashes His increasing signs of the end that ultimately point to the end of their evil and reign over us. Its main spokesperson is none other than King Charles and soon, Prince William. As Prince, Charles himself signed off on past UK weapon deals with other vulnerable nations to ensure the expansion of several deadly wars worldwide. The media, however, will never explain the truth contained in that informative link. Their job is to cover-up and deceive but during the rise of Occult/Satanic religions, racism, hate, hate crimes, murders, wars, broken supply chains, economic collapse and unprecedented disasters, etc., the corporate archons behind the globalist corporations and their grip on the media won't be informing you of the truth that God is warning mankind of the end of our age but rather they'll desperately attempt to convince you that it's all connected to global warming that's become another purposed method of control to better enforce the globalist's touted need for an impending global solution for which they are sure to provide. Corporate/globalist media from both sides of the purposed political divide will never explain the truth of what is actually occurring in our world today. Their job is to cover-up, obfuscate, and deceive while the rise of broken families, Occult/Satanic religions, racism, hate, hate crimes, murders, wars, broken supply chains, economic collapses and unprecedented disasters, etc., take further root. The corporate archons behind the globalist corporations and their grip on the media won't be informing you of the truth that God is warning mankind of the end of our age but rather they'll desperately attempt to convince you that it's all connected to global warming that's become another purposed method of control to better enforce the globalist's touted need for an impending global solution for which they are sure to provide. Globalists such as the former Nazi Youth Brigade member and current head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and others are becoming fixated with the need for global change increasingly toward one man, an 'Ecological Messiah,' as it were, to unite the planet and set its course in an entirely new direction. Within that, a disturbing countdown among the elites is underway in which 2030 holds what their vocal proxies among their most staunch green propagandists are already warning would be a total collapse of the present system. This includes the release of certain actual contagions that they themselves have weaponized and experimented with for decades in third world countries to test their genocidal effectiveness before releasing them globally in the remaining years before their impending "Climate Apocalypse" of 2030 and as if initiating that ten-year window toward 2030, their "Crown Virus" surfaced during New Year 2020.
Now, several UK variants and UK-approved vaccines later, with each one we are told to fear more than the previous, how does no one see the corporate formula being presented? Enter virus to stoke fear. Enter vaccine as our only hope. Add variant, increase fear, blame unvaccinated. Rinse. Repeat. The last time a generation underwent that kind of fear-driven control, the Germans allowed Hitler to rise. What good comes out of fear + media control + mandates + censorship + hatred for the "others" who won't go along, and how is their "cancelling" not the digital version of modern book burnings? Then there's the wild card Trump's supporters bring, which on the one hand would agree with me that government is following after a globalist agenda that's eroding Christianity, protects the names of corporate elite pedophiles, and has lied to us regarding vaccines, etc., but because they view the government's ultimate evil is the Democrat party itself and their support for minorities as key to remain in power, how could todays MAGA who have violent neo-Nazi's, Aryan Nations, KKK, and other fascist extremists among their ranks not eventually turn into a literal fascist party armed to the teeth and hellbent on murdering those they perceive as dissidents, when they're already calling for open murder on local and federal law enforcement for their role in bringing an amount of credibility to law-breaking Trump. How easily it was for Trump to find his audience, therefore, among those who think and feel exactly like the disenfranchised German people did from 1933-45. In yet more proof that MAGA is perfectly brainwashed and Trump is setting up a perfect storm in his fate toward setting the stage for the Antichrist's rise in Europe, Trump openly casts his Russian-favoring disdain for Europe to the point of loudly admitting he would never allow U.S. troops to protect Europe to instead allow Putin to do "whatever the Hell he wants" to it and so what does Putin do besides invading other sovereign nations and placing "hits" on all of his political opponents, of whom Alexei Navalny was only one of many? Such statements made by Putin's useful admirer and idiot in Trump will only give the excuse European globalists need to start building their own United European Army that is prophesied to appear as the Antichrist rises. This would also mean there is a distinct interrelation and kinship between Hitler, Putin, Trump, and the Antichrist that leads to their similar despotic global effect. Like Trump, Hitler also told whatever self-serving lies he needed to in order for brainwashed people to keep him as their leader, which begs a question. Since Hitler's rise to autocratic and fascist power has obviously taught the current generation nothing, could the 20th century's doomed history repeat? The following links answer.
Most are still not aware that the British Royals are actually German and have many disturbing direct connections to Nazi Germany. Racism and the British empire are irrevocably intertwined. The royal family is a direct byproduct of violent colonialism. All things considered, whisperings about infants’ skin color are just another extension of this age-old form of othering.
Many of the ugliest episodes in also Canadas history can be traced back to the British royals. The Queen’s [now King Charles III's] representative in the country is still the person who has to sign Canadian bills into law, allow Canadian elections to be called, and approve Canadian governments to be formed. Even pro-monarchy groups acknowledge that Canadians collectively contribute a total of $50 million to the royal family, who are the direct descendants of those who transported 3.1 million Africans to their colonies in the ‘New World’ while engaging in brutality against indigenous people all over the planet. The same family specifically engaged in the enslavement of Blacks for over 250 years while overseeing the violent colonization of ancient territories and peoples in virtually all corners of the world.
Queen Elizabeth II, head of state of the United Kingdom and of 31 other states and territories, is the legal owner of about 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the earth's non ocean surface. This makes her the richest individual on earth.
When Queen Elizabeth II was crowned, you remember the Archbishop of Canterbury laid the Crown on her head, and here is what he said as he laid it there: "I give thee O gracious lady this Crown to wear until He who deserves the right to wear it shall return." That's a part of the history of Britain when a Sovereign is crowned. It's recognized that it's only temporary and that Crown will someday be worn by the King of kings and Lord of lords. The great question facing the world today is who's going to restore the order? Who can counter the dangers? Who can govern the world?
I know the blasphemy and lies of them which claim they are Jews but are not. They are the Synagogue of Satan.
Jesus Christ, Revelation 2:9; The Holy Bible
The British-Israelites represented by The Covenant Publishing Company in London and Destiny Publishers in Massachusetts, have long claimed that Queen Elizabeth II is descended from King David of Israel and sits on his [Messianic] throne today. Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God, picked up on this idea in the 1920's and made it one of the principal doctrines in the Church's theology ... the idea remains alive in the Church of God International and the Philadelphia Church of God.
The remarkable genealogy of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, reveals that the Monarch seated on the throne of Britain fulfills the promises that God made to King David that he would never lack a person to sit on His Throne. When the Messiah [Antichrist] returns, according to Scripture, he will be given the Throne of David which is presently the Throne of Great Britain.
An appendix to the 'Be Wise As Serpents' book about the British Royalty. The British Royalty are tied in with the 13th Bloodline. The 13th Illuminati Bloodline is where the Anti-Christ will come from. Many of the American political leaders have been related to the British Royalty including George Bush. Finally, a little of the genealogical information I assembled on the Mormon leaders is given. This was included in the 'Be Wise As Serpents' book to give people an idea of how the Mormon leadership ties back in with the leading occult bloodlines of the Merovingian dynasty.
The Royals of Great Britain in particular have arranged for the destruction of Christianity. The Holy Grail blasphemously represents the Blood of Jesus as having been preserved in the British Royal Family, heirs to the Throne of Jerusalem. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (p. 406) speaks of a New King of the Holy Seed of David who will preside over a Masonic Kingdom. Who might be the heir of this purported Royal Bloodline of Jesus deemed worthy to sit on the Throne of David?
Generations of students have been taught that the American Revolution was a revolt against Royal tyranny. Eric Nelson argues that a great many of our “Founding Fathers saw themselves as rebels merely against the British Parliament, not the Crown. The Royalist Revolution interprets the [American] patriot campaign of the 1770s as an insurrection in favor of royal power. Leading [American] patriots believed that the colonies were the King’s own to govern. When it came time to design the state and federal constitutions, the very same figures who had defended this expansive conception of Royal authority — John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, James Wilson, and their allies, returned to the fray as champions of a single executive vested with sweeping prerogatives. As a result of their labors, the Constitution of 1787 would assign its new [Masonic] President [George Washington] far more power than any British monarch had wielded for almost a hundred years. On one side of the Atlantic, Nelson concludes, there would be kings without monarchy; on the other, monarchy without kings.
Manly P. Hall stated clearly in his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, that the U.S. was nothing less than a Masonic experiment, designed to allow Freemasons to “dominate the world.”
The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.
Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister 1868
Foster Bailey, the husband of Alice Bailey, said that ”Freemasonry is the descendent of a United World Religion, a divinely imparted Religion. Now we are striving for a United World Order.” The hand of the Mysteries controlled the establishment of the United States Government and the signature of the Mysteries may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United States of America. The US Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter said ”The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.
There is a plan for the world, a New World Order, devised by a British, American, and European financial elite of immense wealth and power, with centuries-old historical roots. This oligarchy controls the politicians, the courts, the educational institutions, the food, the natural resources, the foreign policies, and the economies of most nations.
Keep in mind that this ritual is not of modern origin. It has been practiced by Satanists since the days of Babylon. It is a multi-generational practice and it involves human sacrifice and the Satanic Sacrament, the consumption of the sacrificed victims literal blood and flesh. The British General, Lord Cornwallis, was an initiate who fully understood this dark and unholy secret. In a last-ditch effort to salvage his ego, Cornwallis divulged the hidden agenda of the bloodlines by declaring to Washington and his adjutants: “A holy war will now begin on America. Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than 200 years when it is ended, America will supposedly be the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown [and] ...working for the British Empire.”
The U.S. came into being not as a nation, but as a contractual agreement, a means to an end for 13 disparate rebel colonies facing a common enemy. Its people lacked a shared history, religion, or ethnicity. They didn’t speak a language uniquely their own. Most hadn’t occupied the continent long enough to imagine it as their mythic homeland. They had no shared story of who they were and what their purpose was. In short, they had none of the foundations of a nation-state. By the 1830s, it had become increasingly clear that this identity crisis could no longer be papered over: Americans knew they needed a story of United States nationhood, if their experiment were to survive. The first person to package and present such a national story for the United States was the historian-statesman George Bancroft. In Europe, Bancroft studied under Arnold Heeren, Georg Hegel, and other intellectuals who were developing ideas of Germanic nationhood; chummed around with Lafayette, Washington Irving, Lord Byron, and Goethe. The Puritans thought they had been chosen by God to build a New Zion. Bancroft believed the product of their mission was the United States. Bancroft embarked upon what would prove to be his life’s work: giving his young nation a history.
“The origin of the language we speak carries us to India; our religion is from Palestine [Israel].” He claimed that the Founders were guided by God, that Americans were a chosen people... [whose] success was all but preordained — notions whose hubris and imperialist implications would become clear during his lifetime. From the moment Bancroft articulated his ideas, they met a vigorous challenge from the political and intellectual leaders of the Deep South and Chesapeake Country, who had a narrower vision of who could be an American and what the federation’s purpose was to be. People weren’t created equal, insisted William Gilmore Simms, the Continent belonged to the superior Anglo-Saxon race, “The Superior People.” Directly inspired by the 1915 debut of The Birth of a Nation, a second Klan was established to restore “true Americanism” by intimidating, assaulting, or killing a wide range of non-Anglo Saxons; it grew to a million members by 1921 and possibly as many as 5 million by 1925. The Immigration Act of 1924 established racial and ethnic quotas devised to maintain Anglo-Saxon supremacy. This ethno-nationalist vision of our country was dethroned in the 1960s, but it remains with us, resurgent, today. Its strength can’t be underestimated.
The UK’s Prince Charles has said that the Coronavirus crisis represents a Global Reset” moment – one which seemingly allows leaders to ram through sustainability initiatives as cash-strapped citizens have no choice but to obey. The virus’ “unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change,” the heir to the British throne declared on Wednesday. While details of the royals big plan were somewhat elusive, buried under an avalanche of buzzwords, it involves a series of industry and issue-specific roundtables, a social media networking component and “virtual hubs” aimed at attracting young people and “fostering innovation through “thought leadership and practical solutions.” The prince is calling for a “paradigm shift” that “inspires action at revolutionary levels and pace.
✠ From Cain to Antichrist: The Royal Masonic Secret Exposed Since the dawn of man, they have existed. Since Enoch, have they created the world's most infamous secret societies with such names as: The Order, the Council, the ancient Mystery Schools, the White Brotherhood, the Celtic Druids, the French Priory of Sion, the French Cathars, the French (and later, Scottish) Knights Templar, the British (and later American) Freemasons, the British Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the British Ordo Templis Orientis, the Bavarian Illuminati, the German Rosicrucian's, the German Thule Society, the Occult-driven German National Socialists (Nazi's), the Anglo-American Skull and Bones, the American Bohemian Grove, where the ancient demon Molech is revered by influential politicians and Presidents, among many other such organizations connected to British and American Freemasonry and their increasingly pervasive global institutions. Thru the ages they have had a single malevolent goal toward global enslavement. Their plan is so diabolical in its intent, that the Bible itself warns us of it as early as Genesis 3:15, where God foretells of the epic war between Christ and Satan via the bloodlines that each would work thru to claim Zion as their own. Thus, there are two warring factions behind the spiritual veil that is daily leading this world toward the end of our present Second Earth Age and toward its inescapable Armageddon. Signs working toward that end are seen all around us currently, despite how one chooses to interpret them as just another "climate change" event. Despite whatever you currently believe, don't believe, or don't want to believe, there exists an entire race of Anglo-elitists who worship only Satan within ancient secret societies dedicated to his will, who have increasingly devised man's own ignorance as a tool toward dividing this world for their false 'god of light.' For myself, despite the factors of events that came to work against it, I have only sought the truth behind their sinister trade, and this is my report. In that, Freemasonry holds at least two levels of membership. There's the far older membership of those who created the Brotherhood, being born into one of its various occult bloodlines from which the Order was manufactured to empower their collective control, and those who merely join at their "local Lodge" to vainly be called "Freemasons," albeit in name only. One serves as the front window dressing for the other, while that other can work its noxious trade to great efficiency from behind a hidden veil. This is precisely why localized members very seldom become aware of they who influence not only their local Lodge from afar, but much of their nation's government from within. The same entrenched power rooted between London and Washington DC are behind mass depopulation efforts on the one hand, while consistently steering their faked "Christian Nationalism" imperialism toward the kind of Godlessness that always involves the fostering of paganism, a one-world new order, insidious mind control, and resulting servitude to them by the unwitting masses on a global scale. While these same hidden controllers have proven to increasingly control every facet of our lives, their presence remains largely hidden under a self-protecting web of influence they've created, such as the Masonic devised 'Separation of Church and State,' where Satanic Witchcraft is allowed, even funded to flourish at present, while by the same measure, Christianity is to be further pushed toward the edge of extinction. In this website, you will discover that the American government actually serves a foreign power and that since its inception, has only sought to vainly appease its citizenry with the idealistic notion of "Christianity" and "freedom," when they're in fact slaves to a hidden autocracy controlling both the liberal and conservative media narratives toward destroying society itself, fulfilling the Masonic dream of Ordo ab Chao (Order out of Chaos). Question: How are American Christians perceived today in the post-Trump era? The despotic, cult-leadership of Donald Trump is not by accident, whose indoctrinated followers are increasingly incited to bring a destructive and violent coup against "Marxist/communist" liberals and democrats (read: their own countrymen) who, according to them, are no longer to be simply demonized and mocked, but captured and killed in accordance with 'The Plan.' (See also Donald Trumps Plan To Destroy America.) Trump may not have ignited another endless foreign war but what good is that when he fanned the flames of a domestic one? Not surprisingly, the federal government including the citizen-spying NSA, as they did before 9-11 itself, knew exactly what lay in store for the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, but did nothing to curtail it before the fact. (See also: Trump Amplifies Call To Punish Capitol Police Officers Over His Failure to Steal Election by Force on Jan 6.) Consequently, if you were to ask me what is the number one most simplistic belief among the increasingly far-right today, it is by far their intensely brainwashed notion that the Deep State is comprised of Democrats only when the Masonic architects of the United States designed both the left and right ideal in order to control the whole of the populace. American society remains willingly ignorant of quite another fact that they who are accredited with originally establishing this nation did so under an entirely Masonic definition of "God" and were moreover fulfilling a Masonic destiny, not a Christian one. Suffice it to say, this goes far beyond ignorant Fox News watchers parroting the narrative that all of America's most damning issues are merely the Democrats fault, knowing what corporate powers the Republicans serve. The Masonic plan is far older than the Democratic party itself, so the blame game between polarizing political parties is just another red herring to distract us all from the truth. In truth, the majority of America's founders were not Christian as we were taught and their creation of a secular Novus Ordo Seclorum holds more intrigue than you know. Thus, the question arises of 'what do Freemasons believe?' and why are their own leaders between London and Washington tearing America apart is a valid one. Who or what does a diminished America actually serve? This is where every true patriot needs to begin...
Today's "Christian Nationalists" need to take all of their obvious issues of race up with God Himself because it was He that both created the people and lands these colonialists have murderous intentions for, actually believing God just allows them to kill, murder, and commit further genocides as they see fit just so they can set up their corrupt robber baron societies rooted in the Masonic occult, murder, racism, and theft that too many of them still believe is Christian Nationalism and therefore, Christianity. It is not. Problem is, like the original Nazi's they're emulating, they would rather use Christ as a "Holy empire" mascot whilst also ascribing to Darwin's evolution theory rather than Godly creation because it better fits what ultimately becomes their twisted robber baron and Anglo-racist mentality. What MAGA and similar racist organizations are doing is carrying over Britain's own EVIL imperialist colonialism into the modern day, for themselves. Why? The systemically racist status quo that was created with the United States as a benefit to its Anglo-racist society also benefits the racist colonialist institutions of its occult secret societies in the 21st century.
Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King
I began keeping a journal of my experiences to help me assimilate and record all that transpired during my deprogramming. There was no set chronological order to the information I received. Some memories are very recent, while others date back to my early childhood. Through the use of the “green spiral staircase” and the “monarch butterfly” exercises, memories that were suppressed over a lifetime began to surface: I was treated as a queen holding court over her subjects. Upon being seated on the throne, a procession of well-dressed men began showering me with lavish gifts. During the ritual I again took in the demonic entity as I had previously, while the men began to emit deep guttural noises. During the height of the ritual, tiny babies were brought into the room and devoured by the men. Walking down the aisle of the cathedral, I was naked and dressed only in a gold ceremonial robe with a very long train attached similar to that of a wedding dress. Flanked by attendants on either side, I walked towards the altar, where Martin O’Malley, the current mayor, lay naked waiting for me. Behind the altar was a priest surrounded by people I could not identify, all of whom were dressed in white robes similar to that of the Ku Klux Klan. Joining the mayor upon the altar, we began the sexual ritual. Shortly into the ceremony, with knife in hand, I began cutting him during the sex ritual. I first made an incision horizontally across his (Martin O’Malley’s) stomach, cutting deep enough to draw blood. Above the first incision I proceeded to carve a large “X” into his chest, again drawing blood as before. During this part of the ceremony I took in the demonic entity, whereupon I descended from the altar to address the audience. In a voice not my own, but of the demon entity, I uttered, “I am the Light, I am the Power; all who come here kneel before me.”
In 2023, the new Republican and heavily Trump-influenced House Speaker, Mike Johnson, has infamously stated: “You Spit in the Face of the Founding Fathers” further saying that religion should be allowed in U.S. lawmaking. By "religion," the new House Speaker means to say, traditional Biblical Christianity, except that the Freemasons who comprised a good number of the Founding Fathers, George Washington included, worshipped neither the Christian Son of God of the New Testament nor the Father of the Old Covenant as is loosely implied to our children in their Masonic-controlled and, as such, overwhelmingly Godless education centers. Freemasons worship an amalgamation of paganized deities that they call JaBulOn, but according to their later Civil War General Albert Pike, Masons worship Lucifer himself of whom they refer to as "God" as in "In God We Trust." Of course, Freemasons today love to deny this fact and make all manner of excuses over it, but the truth remains in print by Pike's own hand nonetheless. In stranger fact, today's aforementioned public schools can teach all they want about Mohammed, Buddha, Maitreya, or anything associated with paganism and witchcraft unto nauseating levels of obvious occult/Masonic indoctrination, but Jesus Christ and traditional Christianity is strictly forbidden, with the vast majority of parents over the decades never even thinking to wonder why. Albert Pike was born on December 29, 1809, in Boston, and was the oldest of six children born to Benjamin and Sarah Andrews Pike. He studied at Harvard, and later served as a Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army to keep racism intact. As a 33rd degree Mason, Pike was one of the founding fathers and head of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, being the Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry from 1859 and retained that position until his death in 1891. In 1869, he was a top leader in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and also a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle/Sons Of Liberty. Pike was a Satanist, who indulged in the occult, and he apparently possessed a bracelet which he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had constant communication. He was the Grand Master of a Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium (or Sovereign Council of Wisdom), which had been founded in Paris in 1737. Palladism had been brought to Greece from Egypt by Pythagoras in the fifth century, and it was this cult of Satan that was introduced to the inner circle of the Masonic lodges. It was aligned with the Palladium of the Templars. In 1801, Issac Long brought a statue of Baphomet (Satan) to Charleston, South Carolina, where he helped to establish the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Long apparently chose Charleston because it was geographically located on the 33rd parallel of latitude, and this council is considered to be the Mother Supreme Council of all Masonic Lodges of the World. After the Civil War, Pike was found guilty of treason and jailed, only to be pardoned by fellow Freemason President Andrew Johnson on April 22, 1866, who met with him the next day at the White House. On June 20, 1867, Scottish Rite officials conferred upon Johnson the 4th to 32nd Freemasonry degrees, and he later went to Boston to dedicate a Masonic Temple. Pike's right-hand man was Phileas Walder, from Switzerland, who was a former Lutheran minister, a Masonic leader, occultist, and spiritualist. Pike also worked closely with Giusseppe Mazzini of Italy (1805-1872) who was a 33rd degree Mason, who became head of the Illuminati in 1834, and who founded the Mafia in 1860. Together with Mazzini, Lord Henry Palmerston of England (1784-1865, 33rd degree Mason), and Otto von Bismarck from Germany (1815-1898, 33rd degree Mason), Albert Pike intended to use the Palladian Rite to create a Satanic umbrella group that would tie all Masonic groups together. Albert Pike died on April 2, 1891, and was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, although the corpse of Pike currently lies in the headquarters of the Council of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in Washington, D.C. The following are some of Pike's more infamous quotes:
"To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: "the Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN Doctrine."
"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!"
"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls light, and draw them away from it … So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray."
"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand time; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the ADEPTS, the PRINCES OF MASONRY The whole body of the Royal and Sacerdotal Art was hidden so carefully, centuries since, in the High Degrees, as that it is even yet impossible to solve many of the enigmas which they contain. It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in the BLUE DEGREES: and whose attempts to undeceive them will labour in vain, and without any true reward violate his obligations as an Adept. Masonry is the veritable Sphinx, buried to the head in the sands heaped round by the ages."
"The primary tradition... has been preserved under the name of the Kabbalah."
"Every lodge is a temple of religion, and its teaching instruction in religion... Masonry is the successor to the Mysteries."
"Masonry jealously guards its secrets and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray."
"We teach the truth of none of the legends we recite. The tendencies and tenets of the Order were enveloped in mystery, and it externally professed the most perfect orthodoxy. The chiefs alone know the aim of the Order. The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters and the other public. Thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought to supplant."
"Take heed no man should deceive you" was what Christ immediately answered after being asked of the signs of the end of the world and His return, "for there shall arise false christs and false prophets." Look at Trump again. Look at his most ardent followers who've made Trump as their own personal Jesus, Jim Jones and David Koresh rolled into one. The level of brainwashing MAGA displays has simply taken its next evolutionary step out of the Masonic concept that [White] Americans are a "Holy people" when America was created for a purpose very foreign from what they've been conditioned to think by extremely racist, Masonic worshippers of what is not God, of whom they actually hold in such saintly status instead of God. In short, the Masonic experiment has worked. They were able to brainwash entire generations of Americans to make them believe what they're doing is for "God and country," when in reality their service remains beholden to a Masonic ideology and belief foreign to Christianity, and yet, look at all of what the most violent of Trump's legions want to do in killing Jews and every other racial minority to "return" to America its once greatness from when America was "great." I rest my case. When Satan took Christ upon an exceedingly tall mountain to show Him all of the kingdoms of the world (Matthew 4:8), it was with the clear understanding that he, not God or His Son, owns the corrupt world system that mankind has become an unwitting slave to with one particular Masonic empire notwithstanding. The only surprise I have these days is how others are just waking up to that fact, even as each day's news reports it in some way that not only are their most trusted institutions wholly corrupt from the top down, but they are also being corrupted within a grand pyramid scheme serving evil. America was literally built on a Masonic system of corruption from its inception, when the idea of an American empire was still among those closely guarded secrets being quietly rumored within British taverns, colonial halls, and secret meeting rooms, within buildings that later became Masonic Temples. It is because Satan's men govern this world's corrupted system from within the same global institutions they've created, that by today, nothing is good and literally everything is being geared toward the corrupting influence of an Anti-Christ whom Satan shall yet possess. And, because Antichrist will arrive on a very specific platform, i.e., grass-rooted power of the individual, global village hive-thinking, having the pseudo religion of climate change where man is his own God, green infrastructure building, world peace initializing, racially inclusive (at first), Anglo-racist (at end), is why we're being plagued with such desensitizing seismic shifts that affecting our daily lives already. It's all for the Beast, and man's servitude toward him. Corporate evil has been given such wide-reaching power over our lives, from what we eat via genetically-poisoned foods that bring us under a manageable population control, to what our children learn at schools via their paganized public education system that prepares their daily descent toward becoming future citizens of a coming society based on Godlessness and Antichrist worship, that society is as lost and divided as ever, and thus, becoming more easily controlled all the more via one of two mindsets of the elite's own devising.
One need only look more critically at the West today to judge how successful their subtle luring of minds has become, and yet, what is the ultimate goal there among the Satanic elite? Control, via methods of operation being hidden within the education system, media, and now, social media. The globalist's own buzzwords purposefully being used across all three, such as "climate change," a "Great Reset," and "the pandemic of the unvaccinated" are there to expediently herd the global masses under increasing control for what's coming next. Masonic racism is also being fueled and stoked today, purposefully. While the media pretends to serve the minority by filtering all of its views through a "progressive" lens, its corporate CEO's far above the teleprompter readers serve an extremely Anglo-racist agenda with the goal of enflaming White racism all the more by shoving minorities in their face from politics to entertainment. Hollywood and its Masonic control know what it's doing. Whenever a role expected to be played by a White is given to anyone not White, the elitist's manufactured "Woke" goal there is ultimately not to "promote diversity" as the Republicans tell themselves within their own echo chamber, but to increase the tensions for Whites wanting to return to a time when America was deemed to be greater, meaning, without any pandering whatsoever to minorities to at least make them feel equal or welcome in American society. It's regressing to the point where Whites only can play all the major film roles again (as if it's been too long where they couldn't) because anything less is "virtue signaling wokeness" that works to undermine the hegemony and its desired status quo that's needed to perpetually support it. They can say they're not exclusionary, fascist, nor racist all they want, but conservatives are clearly bigoted against anyone or anything they label as "Woke" which is quickly turning into a loaded term and scarlet letter placeholder for anything they simply do not like or want to destroy for a 'better society.' Again, the Nazi's did the exact same thing with the Jews that they didn't like which should be proof enough that such biased thinking remains a slippery slope at best. Trump is himself an archetype here to prepare minds for the Antichrist with his never subtle focus on an Anglo-governed society that in every way mirrors what robber baron Cecil Rhodes established via his "Round Table Society" that propagated White rule and the English language take over the entire planet. Understand, while attending Oriel College, Rhodes became a Freemason in the Apollo University Lodge, and as such, Freemasonry and its goals of Anglo-rule are what shaped Rhodes's thinking and is also what led to Britain's genocidal tactics that shaped their colonization and subjection of entire races of people across the globe to be an affront to what God has created, placed, and called good. The Masonic plan mandated that by the dawn of the British Empire, this world needed to have the King's English established in every corner of the world far in advance of Freemasonry's Antichrist figure who would eventually lead it with no resistance because the empire did much of the groundwork for his prophesied reign long in advance.
After hearing much of their ongoing complaint against what they deem as "Woke," which does include minorities finally being represented in society for their major contributions to society, Whites are upset and feel left behind, seeing minorities being elevated in the media and entertainment industry, as well as in the workplace, while they seemingly suffer. But rest assured, their backlash has already begun. Whites are still very much in control of everything in the West that results in its control over most of the planet, and this thanks to the hegemonic Deep States of Masonic England and America and to a somewhat lesser extent, Merovingian France. In fact, it has to take a very Jewish Jesus Christ Himself to finally root out and remove this obvious hegemony that acts as the planet's Overseer, chief among them being the Antichrist himself of whom Christ has to return to specifically destroy. As such, the fact that right-wing Whites today are collectively crying about "Woke" in the way they are is patently ridiculous but does expose a great irony that they couldn't spend a single day being Black or Brown and tasked with that much heavier yoke placed on minorities that they originally created and need to secure via a self-serving status quo. In other words, Whites would have their own backs break under the weight they themselves place on everyone not White. The even greater irony is that as soon as a very few roles are given to not even Black or Brown, but half-Whites, Whites throw themselves in a very dramatic and collective hissy fit while ranting in their favorite echo chambers on conservative media, which no matter how you view it, is quite strange because they're much too vain to realize that what they think are left-serving corporations serving only minorities are actually Aryan-fascists that have purposefully manufactured the American division from both sides to cause Whites to become even more racist and, as a result, murderous. In short, both the Masonic governments on either side of the Atlantic want their White populations to do the dirty work for them in destroying minorities in the upcoming civil war they'll create as a backlash to the current culture war they've already created. The ideas of one-family monarchy rule (Trump and family for US, British monarchy for UK), Western imperialism, Anglo-Empire, and Anglo-racism are literally being cultivated today by the Satanic elites because they need a collapse to usher in the next phase of the plan. Another evidence that can be seen is how the far-right today are increasingly gravitating toward obvious racist ideologies in their stoked belief they are in a war of "Their Good vs. Woke Evil," while never realizing how they, along with their fellow Americans on the left, are being used by a much larger evil that equally sustains and controls them both to achieve only their goals. The Masonic brainwashing began in our earliest education when we were first subtly taught to deny any and all history that includes anyone not White, despite the entire continent from northernmost Alaska to the tip of South America being Native, Indigenous, and American for over 10,000 years. It never ceases to amaze me how any of these avowed racists now want to rewrite their own history to gloss over their own mass genocides from the Americas to Australia, the virtual giant plank in their eye, while they harshly stare at anyone attempting to live under their hostile conditions placed on the backs of those not as White in 2024, meaning nothing changes with them. They are stagnant and angry, whose only solace remains in a racist status quo first put forth by 15th-19th century England, that later manifested into 1920-1940's Germany, of which Hitler looked to America's own example of unrelenting racism first before creating his own genocidal model for the Nazi party.
Instead of the typical mass genocide the British were bringing to an entire race of original Americans, White children of the Masonic empire were taught that their founders were merely supplanting themselves in the expanse of a "New World" to create a "Christian Empire," despite the actual plan being to create a secular government by which Freemasons and Templar occultists could practice their "religion" and not face what they did in France when Satanic-serving Templars were rounded up by the Church and put to death while their survivors fled to Scotland and later London to create Freemasonry. As noted, it was those earliest occult-led Freemasons that planned to take over the New World of America to work in parallel with the City of London in a joint Masonic venture to fulfill their "god's" will. To those Americans who still want to remain willingly ignorant of America's actual Masonic leaders who exist behind those we can see, the Masonic [read: Luciferian/Satanic] founders themselves made it abundantly clear their harsh views on America's earliest relationship with Christianity in signing the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli, which reads: "the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion." There it is. Read that again until it begins to sink in. We were taught in our classrooms that the founders, as all American Freemasons, were consistent advocates of the Freedom of Religion clause as found in the Constitution they wrote, but what we were systematically never taught was that the Masonic influence upon American society was based in the notion of Freedom From Religion, meaning from Christianity aka "The Church" and thus from Christ specifically. How interesting it was that the few seeming "Christian voices" of the era never became outspoken enough to stop such an overwhelmingly obvious Masonic clause from taking root. We are paying for it today. Moreover, it was Thomas Jefferson who famously coined the phrase commonly used today in an 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Association, in which he wrote that the establishment clause of the Constitution purposefully built a wall of separation between the church and the State,” to, in hindsight, make the Masonic-controlled State as the people's God, the Masonic-devised Constitution as its Holy Writ, and the Masonic-designed flag as the enduring symbol of both the Red and Blue Lodges of Freemasonry, despite what is more commonly taught about the Union Jack's own history and coloring. It therefore should be needless to say, but pay very close attention at all that so easily offends overly self-righteous Republicans who like the ancient Pharisees before them, love to drone on about how we should all be living in a more "simpler time" and how the very sight of Samaritans (minorities) in any large number frightens them, while they're living unrighteously themselves in addition to all of the evils of latent racism they don't even think they have despite it absolutely infecting their brain rot. And isn't that always the case that the most pompously self-righteous are always the most unrighteous and like the Pharisees they are, full of every sin Christ Himself was forced to call out and show them because they would never see it themselves because of their "righteousness"? After hearing so many long-winded speeches by Republicans today who literally live to try and be the exact opposite of whatever they think Democrats are, Jesus' angered words to the Pharisees of His time couldn't have been more true. They live in an alternate universe built upon their own vanity that makes them believe they have a complete monopoly of all that is good and then turn around to spout the most ignorant vitriol out of such hate that they now want to shoot migrants and hang anyone having Christ-like attributes of empathy, as if to forever prove their becoming like Pharisees all the more.
Video Below is Integral in Exposing Freemasonry as That Which Enslaves Us
One of these two so-called leaders even said they called the FBI and turned us in as being a Satanic cult. This again is amusing. The Satanic Brotherhood has many connections in Law Enforcement and the American Justice System. In fact, many of our own Satanic clergy are Freemasons and other related secret society members.
The Church of Satan recruited members of financial means and social prominence and even if those prospective members did not join the Church, as in if they participated in child rape or procured and viewed their child pornography, the CS gained leverage over those prospective members going forward. That leverage would be used to extort financial concessions and assistance within the legal and political establishments as well as to shield CS members from all legal culpability. And this is how the underworld within Satanism works. Because of their corrupting generational influence, they can manipulate, hinder or even halt investigations, have their corrupted police and judges dismiss cases and even get the national news media to look the other way and blame it all on "Satanic Panic," a name the corporate media devised in the late 1980's to cover-up for the countless deaths of missing and exploited children murdered in their Satanic ritual ceremonies.
Substack: Investigations in Ritual Abuse by Go El
It is necessary to understand that there are Satanic and various other occult elements purposefully woven into the very fabric of Freemasonry. The Lodge is not just "another religion" as some are led to believe. The very nature and character of the Lodge's deepest theological underpinnings are undeniably rooted in ancient witchcraft, paganism, and Druidism specifically. Countless people defecting from witchcraft and the occult will tell you that once initiated into Freemasonry at the lowest level, the upper-level individuals are looking at each man (or woman in Eastern Star) to ascertain their amiability and propensity to participate in the occult. These individuals are “weeded” and those who are selected are moved up (fed into) the higher “degrees” or “levels.” Most men never make it beyond the 3rd degree of Master Mason because they are not suited for occult work. That is the good news. The bad news is that Freemasonry is still, at the highest levels, an occult organization and their dues and time spent patronizing that organization still bolsters witchcraft, whether they recognize it or accept it or not.
What Trump and his shamelessly bigoted "anti-Woke" Karen cult is working to recreate therefore is a return to Whites Only signs displayed in public where anyone not White is, in effect, placed in the back of the line because of their race which is the very definition of colonial-age Anglo-racism given an entirely new life for the 21st century. If the majority of Trump's cult-like and proven racist followers have their way, we will return to a time when America was racist again whereby so-called minorities are to be barely seen in society, education, politics, or business, let alone in any favored media or film entertainment that would shockingly display them as a positive protagonist. If minorities will be allowed to be seen, it will only be in the most stereotypical way possible, which is all some Whites can handle or in only the terms they can understand and accept, which is a complete archetypal Uncle Tom that has finally accepted the Anglo-centric view of his Master's pale vision of utopia to which he has consigned himself to, and as a result, has thereby aligned himself with by telling himself he, as a Brown or Black Republican, is entirely free and not a slave within his subtle Master's seemingly inclusive, albeit subversive control. Who and what do they really serve if America is a Masonic pipe dream created to control its population toward destruction? Trump loyalists and sycophants like Byron Donalds, Tim Scott, and Ben Carson spent too long being brainwashed by the racist and lying robber baron serving, Anglo-racist promoting, status quo keeping, corporate-backed conservative media that backs Trump, and as a result, are beyond reaching. How convenient, therefore, that the unseen but obvious control that has taken over the conservative narrative have also returned to their best-used 1950's boogeyman in the "Socialist/Communist/Marxist" to recapture Masonic meld-minds at the very time the Cabal needs to further a final working that coalesces the White hegemony majority in advance of their fomenting a UK-led, EU-based world government. Of course, the Right are not the only ones being controlled and prepared for what's coming next, because so is the Left, where one could effectively argue the government mind control being unleashed there is even worse. The CDC-pushed Covid-19 vaccine and its near blanket mandating was but one example of the dystopian attempt at State-sponsored mass mind control, but also consider how many times you've read how our own U.S. government was behind the murders of its own citizens no matter what their political affiliations were, e.g., the CIA's experiments behind MK-Ultra that arose after their employing Hitler's Nazi scientists who experimented on humans that also crossed over into population control operations to cause everything from autism births to deaths by cancer. Ongoing human experimentation, gene therapy, cloning, population control, eugenics and bloodlines are all part of the occult globalist's grand aim that encircles their theistic belief that the progenitor of their all-important bloodline is the literal spawn of original evil itself, which then works into their motivation of their generational plots against mankind that ultimately succeed because no one sees the truth of their existence among us. The governments, security forces, and media in the West that they've built protect them as they were designed to because they've placed their own at the helm of every institution that arose with the nation under their control. And now they're creating an unwitting army for their chosen son of perdition who is destined to arise after the world collapses under their progressive plans to elevate him to prominence. Daniel, Zechariah, and the book of Revelation unveils his post-Collapse empiric-building history going forward. Consider also how the narrative that minorities are destroying the West is precisely the same propaganda that was pushed to the Germans as Hitler rose, as the occult power who pushed Hitler to the forefront remain to repeat it again in the 21st century.
Question: Why are the White globalists that ultimately guide the destinies of the UK, United States, and Europe creating the dire conditions in the UK, Europe and America that are eroding the very foundations of their said nations that they control? The rage of fire that Whites today are being led into will ultimately be stoked to bring a race war in which America as we knew it never returns but out of it comes something from which Satan can use to protect his Antichrist who will uphold the Anglo-Saxon cause. This is precisely why we are now seeing the trend of White Republicans increasingly making amends to perceived "Aryan supermen" in Adolf Hitler and within the older imperialist British royal family whose former empire colonized much of the planet while at the same time conservative media casts a long shadow of hate on literally anything declaring that minorities should have an equal footing in life. In fact, the same disparaging of minorities has been so effectively wrought by conservative media that Trump's MAGA hates anything which disturbs their corporate master's vision of Anglo-supremacy and continued imperialism to the point where even films that depict half-Whites in roles formerly played by Whites only are instantly criticized by all-White panels on Fox News who deem it a "leftist/communist takeover." Childish, but apparently effective mind control for rural Whites that comprise Fox's core audience. It's not "leftist" to place a Mulatto girl of mixed heritage in a role that was previously played by a White person from "Hollywood's golden era." This notion that everything of a by-gone era (including racism itself) is "traditionalist" and therefore, "American" is what's being cleverly used by corporate conservative media to turn otherwise good people into mindless haters against everything deemed not White, American, or "nationalist" enough. That is a very dangerous precedent going forward as already proven in Germany. As such, corporate interests behind conservative media are tasked with making their flock stay Republican at all costs, which is why a Communist boogeyman must be newly returned so that they stay forced within a 1950's-styled cold war mindset to ensure they vote red every two to four years that in turn furthers the Masonic plan toward its inevitable outcome that's most favorable for "The Plan's" success. MAGA's latest mantra that works like an occult spell which hypnotizes them besides "Fight! Fight! Fight!" is "Trust the Plan." This is what corporate pawns like MAGA who work for the entrenched racist cabal that created America can never understand, the fact they are pawns in service to their elite masters, that and the fact Trump and those who surround him are staunch believers of the robber baron's own Anglo-Israelism which tells them that since Whites, as the true Israelites aren't making up the nearly 100% of the population like it should, God cannot "bless America." Therefore, all of these calls toward making "America great again," are really to, in their skewed vision, make America blessed again by God. That is precisely what's behind their specific brand of hateful racism and racist rhetoric today.
Likewise, the Democrats and their media, also operated by the same corporate interests, engage in the exact same tactics to ensure their own always vote blue every election cycle. And is that not intriguing? Many of the same corporations' control and fund both parties equally so that their own goals and agendas are achieved, to be sure, but this also means both the Left and the Right are a faked duality that exists top-down to control us all under the guise of "freedom of choice." Narrowing what that means and will result in the future is where this website tread boldly. In short, White Americans today act as though their own recent ancestry and more distant forefathers have done absolutely no wrong by minorities whatsoever, despite Native Americans barely surviving their initial British-turned-American colonialism since 1620 and Blacks being tortured as their slaves. It's also interesting how, at the same time, modern White supremacist recruitment has only up ticked among the very same people denouncing that White supremacy and racism even exists. In very stark terms, the nefarious work that Europe's oldest secret societies have unleashed upon American society at large aims to social engineer and manipulate Whites toward an intense Anglo-racism that then allows them to bring the one who will arise having every seeming solution to the world's most pressing Left/Right problems to a politician and democracy-weary world. One should ask themselves why the European and American corporate elites governing both political parties who are best known for their world-trashing pollution as well as their global population control agendas via "vaccines," see eye to eye the higher up the corporate capstone you go. The answer is simple. Because a 'greener world' is the leading agenda item on the corporate-propagated Antichrist's own short list to appear as revolutionary and necessary when he ascends to seemingly fix the world. As such, corporations are in effect purposefully paving his groundwork and creating green tech at the ready for his post-Collapse arrival. Within that, could anyone successfully argue that the planet is not heading into a pagan-styled "green" mindset, with the media acting as its "Ministry of Information" to enforce the necessary herd mentality via its new religion called "Climate Change"? Of course, the same that are being persuaded to believe both the racist ideologies for the right as well as climate tenets for the left have no idea how Freemasonry has insidiously worked its way to undermine both to turn America's power toward not the service of God, but Satan, and this despite America bringing the Gospel to much of the rest of the planet. How do we know this? The much more sinister plan of American and European globalists are so obviously showing their hand in their purposed erosion of Christianity today with the added knowledge that their Antichrist is now alive to fulfill his destiny that ultimately sees the modern State of Israel and its entire Jewish population conquered at the advent of the Great Tribulation, their plan for the early 21st century all along. The same Anglo-globalists have entire decades marked as their targets to achieve global unity amidst the backdrop of increased natural disasters that they've determine will become "apocalyptic" by 2030 and beyond.
On another manufactured front, both European and American elites are creating the "migrant crisis" in their own respective borders as to enflame racial tensions so that they can more easily radicalize an entire generation toward neo-Nazism. In so doing, the proven racist corporate and Masonic elites of the so-called "Blood Royale" remain continually untouchable because they are now pitting one American against another as an effective Left/Right distraction that works to protect the latter stages of their plan while Americans and Europeans are being radicalized by the very same occult-led globalist powers that created, funded, and supported Hitler and the murderous Nazi regime to begin with. And precisely as the German people were made as pawns in the globalist chess game while they amassed greater power to further their ultimate plan, so are increasingly far-right conservatives today falling over themselves to join that hidden agenda created by the very same occult-empowered globalists that the conservatives unwittingly believe they are against. At the same time Satan is deceiving and using the left against God, he's also deceiving the right toward Satan, the author of elitist racism via Cain and his many western-migrating descendants. Trump has his MAGA-pandering version of it, but so does Ron DeSantis, who is already banning all Black history from even being taught in Florida as if to carry on the legacy of slave-owners into the 21st century, who likewise banned African American history and African Americans themselves from life and liberty. It is said that a people are tied to their own history no matter what that history was and no matter how some try and sweep that history of blatant racism under the rug for no one else to remember it. Whites today also claim there is no racism against minorities because, in their latest deflection tactic, they'll say "racism only exists against Whites today." This cleverly attempts to remove the argument completely of anyone attempting to expose White racism, because exposing it means the non-White proving their case of White racism is themselves made the "racist," thus allowing Anglo-racism to continue and thrive within its own status quo while at the same time pushing the lying narrative that anyone exposing the meteoric rise of Anglo-racism are just "communists" and "socialist" vermin who should be erased. Then there's the so-called culture war tearing apart the West as a whole that's also occurring not coincidentally at this time. Within that same current dynamic that conservative media makes sure is tirelessly used in their "Anti-woke" brainwashing campaigns, I recently read an article called "Centuries-old Authors that are Now Called Out for Racism" which of course ignited a firestorm of knee-jerk "Anti-woke" comments with mostly Whites feeling forced to defend their support of those same racist authors because *insert every mental leap racists always make to defend racism here.* I merely commented back: "Not even the most ignorant, slack-jawed, self-inflating, status quo-serving, imperialist-minded, Anglo-racism glorifying, sedition supporting, genocide-applauding, racist-defending, MAGA idiot could deny that every one of these same authors were Whites at the time of Anglo-racism's height against everyone *not* White. How interesting it is, therefore, that the greatest inheritors of those who committed the most appalling acts of obvious genocidal racism in all of world history defend it by now claiming what happened then doesn't matter, while holding on to the exact same racism of their criminal forefathers they still defend longing for the days when murderous racism was normalized, and America was great." I also recently had the displeasure of seeing a meme posted by what is now a former Facebook friend who posted a photo of an overly characterized "Ghetto Black" Superman saving a morbidly obese White female with the caption "Your Next Superman Film Goes Woke." I left the comment: Who told you "Woke" was your enemy? People like you have made it more than abundantly clear that you want a return to Whites Only. However, other races besides White people exist in this world, and therefore, when is it ever going to be the right time to allow them to be seen? From what people like you say, the 21st century is still too early."
Why do people buy cars from someone who was raised in a basically Nazi environment, who has apparently not reckoned with his past because he supports the world’s most infamous white supremacist leader (Trump), makes anti-semitic remarks, treats women in a domineering and abusive way, etc. It’s one thing to be a red state politician who sells what his constituents want, but it’s completely different when you are selling products to an international multi-ethnic population. As a Black person living under apartheid, you could be killed at any time and they would label your death as a suicide or in worse case scenario, you could be labelled as a terrorist. The police would randomly search your house at night. The were places you couldn't go, benches you couldn't sit on, jobs you were not allowed to take, transportation you weren't allowed to ride, restaurants and stores you weren't allowed to enter, etc. As in Nazi Germany, your papers could be checked at any time by the police who patrolled your area constantly with armed war vehicles. When it came to torture, you or your children would either be electrocuted, beaten to near death, drowned in a bucket, or waterboarded [a specific torture that Trump has loudly praised]. Think of any worse way to torture someone and they would do that to you if you were suspected of any political activity outside of their racist policies. [This is the exact vision of the future that Musk has already spelled out for America and part of the depraved fantasy Trump had when he desired to have "Hitlers' generals" so that he could have Black and Brown Americans shot down in the street. -C.O.]
Having interracial relationships was illegal, if you were caught sleeping with a white woman, you would get a beating and imprisonment, the lady would get a slap on the wrist. If a white woman accused you rape, it was an automatic death sentence. If you had a nice house or owned land in South Africa, it was automatically taken away from you because you were native and Black and you were moved to barren land to build a slum/reservation, where you had a bucket for a toilet that was kept there for weeks until the government came to collect the waste. I will be writing more about Elon because he has never made the life changes necessary to prove he's renounced Afrikaner values, which I will hereafter describe as Naziism which is defined as: “an evil man or woman who gains power to control and harm other people based on their race, religion, etc.” [This is the same former illegal immigrant and neo-Nazi hired on by Trump and given unchecked power today in the United States. -C.O.]
Nothing new here, the CIA and British MI6 are right now making sure all of the warring factions in Haiti have all of the weapons they need to bring even more chaos to a nation that could have advanced had it not had such evil so freely provided them. In this, Haiti is not alone, nor is this limited to the present or even the present decade. Since the turn of the last century, other nations (mostly in Africa) are not only given weapons of war but also manufactured diseases by the twin Masonic powers while the world slumbers as any reports of this are effectively censored and never make it to the public while even greater inconvenient truths persist.
Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King
"America is Freemasonry's New Atlantis" by John Hamer
Synopsis: The United States of America has never been a country in its own right. It was established by British Freemasonry to perpetuate the deception of 'freedom' for the people, all the while the dark forces that actually govern the United States, rooted in British Freemasonry, would prepare the larger world for its prophesied leader.
2,500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato described Atlantis as an ideal society destroyed in some unknown cataclysmic event, thousands of years previously. This event may have been a gigantic tsunami, an earthquake or the result of massive volcanic activity, but the real reason for its sudden demise is not known. Ever since Plato's description of this 'utopian world' became widely known, the elites have attempted to recreate it in all its glory. In the early 17th century, Sir Francis Bacon, wrote his classic work 'The New Atlantis', citing America as the ideal location for the fulfilment of the long-held dreams of the Rosicrucian's and the other forerunners of Freemasonry. Bacon was the leader of the Rosicrucian movement and the fledgling organization that would become the Freemasonry. The Rosicrucian's and Freemasons arrived in America in their great numbers during the mass migrations of the first half of the seventeenth century. Freemasons practiced their art in much the same way as in Europe, embedding their secret designs in both individual buildings and indeed, entire cities and wider areas. For example, the original American major cities, Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston are all in perfect alignment along a 400-mile line, in effect connecting them together along the eastern seaboard of the US. This line, if continued eastwards also aligns perfectly with Stonehenge and then London. Just coincidence? Despite what you may believe, the American Revolution was conceived and perpetrated by Freemasonry to further the financial interests of the North American Elite and create an impression of independence from British money interests and the Crown. It was not, as we are told, the product of a popular uprising against British tyranny. Indeed most 'ordinary' Americans were of British ancestry and were fiercely loyal to King George III. Benjamin Franklin, the American 'hero' was in reality an agent of British intelligence working towards the goal of transition of the American colonies from overt to covert control in a microcosm of what was taking place on a worldwide basis as openly monarchies were replaced by a manufactured 'democracy' to create the false impression of 'government by the people, for the people'. According to official history, the spark that ignited the conflict was when a band of men dressed as Mohawk Indians dumped all the tea from the British clipper, Dartmouth into Boston harbor. In reality, those who played as 'Indians' were actually members of the St. Andrew's Freemasonic lodge in Boston led by their junior warden, Paul Revere. The easy access to the ship was facilitated with 'insider' help from the colonial militia detailed to guard the waterfront at Boston harbor. The Captain of this militia was Edward Proctor who was a senior Mason also of the St. Andrew's Lodge. Another lodge member also happened to be John Hancock, the first signatory of the Declaration of Independence and whose name has become synonymous with 'signature' as a result. Of the fifty-six signatories of the Declaration of Independence, at least fifty were known to be Freemasons and only one was definitely known not to be. Is this significant in any way? I believe so. In addition, all the signatories were proven descendants from British aristocracy as indeed most senior American politicians still are to this day. For example, President George W. Bush was a sixth cousin of Queen Elizabeth II and so on. On the 3rd of September 1783, America was officially recognized by Britain as an independent country. Would this have been the case had the American Revolution really been to sever ties with Britain unilaterally? Highly unlikely. The British establishment would have fought tooth and nail to retain the colony had the War of Independence been lost against its will instead of simply being 'handed over'. The first President (although that was never his official title) George Washington, was from a British aristocratic background and was a 33rd degree Freemason himself. His initiation ceremony was in effect a freemasonic ritual attended by all the freemasonic hierarchy of the country in full freemasonic regalia, aprons et al. The new capital, Washington DC was designed and built on Freemasonic principles with Babylonian and Romanesque architecture well to the fore including an abundance of esoteric symbolism. It is well known that occult and masonic ceremonies were common-place during the laying the foundation-stones of many of its original structures. As with the Egyptian pyramids, Washington DC is also in alignment with important star systems [important from within the occult]. The United States of America has never been a country in its own right. It was established by British Freemasonry, in conjunction with American Freemasonry to perpetuate the deception of 'freedom for the people' and to enable covert control of the masses and facilitate huge, ongoing profits at the expense of those masses. In effect, the Virginia Company, established in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, simply changed its name to The United States Corporation Inc. and this is the real power structure behind the scenes. The President is merely the president of a large corporation and so the 'war on terrorism' was launched by the president of a private corporation to further the geo-political interests and profits of that corporation. In reality, the privately owned 'United States' is, in effect, the holding company and state subsidiary of the Crown."
There can be no more clearer proof that something completely against America sits at the helm running America from behind the American presidency and the other two branches of US government than when Democrats pushing Godless liberalism that gives way to paganism then allows for a Republican to then take the presidency to further push the other Masonic agenda that manifests itself into Godless racism as the only reaction to Godless paganism when the Masonic plan feeds both. Consequently, both Godless paganism and Godless racism work in tandem toward an even greater Godless agenda that remains hostile to us all because what the Satanic elite have done here is brought about the exact conditions needed for the Antichrist to rise. All that's needed now is a global collapse and that could occur any day given the way that the Masonic-controlled West is constantly provoking the East in order to bring the Collapse. I can explain this single fact in no clearer terms than that. So why has Biden opened up the border to the extent he's done that ensures a Republican is next to win the White House to crush them? The answer is certainly within the question. Even the Trump appointed Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hired by Trump in February 2018 has outwardly spoken in truth, saying of migrants and their effect on the American economy is a "giant plus and is literally America's financial life blood and what keeps America strong," which is a far cry from what the President who appointed him says about migrants, or more specifically, only those migrants who have darker skin because Trump is absolutely fine with Nordic/White migrants as he himself also claimed in 2018. Financial experts agree that "immigration has an overall positive impact on the long-run economic growth in the U.S. and if not for immigration as it stands, the collective U.S. workforce would be shrinking thereby greatly reducing the national GDP in very destructive ways which would instantly create a host of problems for the federal government." This is exactly what either Trump secretly wants to bring about, it would appear, thus helping to usher in the Collapse of America through his strict plans summed up within Project 2025, starting with "the largest mass deportation in all of history." In all of their spiritually corrupted, elite corporate connected hubris and misplaced self-righteousness that always places profits over people, Trump-era Republicans have become the Pharisees to which Christ already exposed: He that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. But woe unto you, Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men, for you neither go in yourselves, neither do you allow them that are entering to go in. Woe unto you, Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto white coffins, which indeed appear beautiful outward but are within full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Woe unto you, Pharisees, hypocrites! You built the tombs of the prophets and take pride in garnishing their coffins of the actual righteous, then say, If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them who killed them, wherefore you are witnesses unto yourselves, because you are the very children of them which killed the prophets [and look how you honor your fathers]! You serpents, you generation of vipers! How can you escape the eternal damnation of Hell? I have sent unto you prophets and wise men and scribes, and some of them you shall yet kill and crucify also them. Therefore, upon you will come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth against you, from the blood of righteous Abel [via Cain] unto the blood of Zacharias whom you murdered between the temple and the altar! Also interesting to note, this is the very chapter that comes just before Matthew 24, upon which Jesus spends two more chapters (24-25) describing the end of the world and its Hell-bound generation who cry out to Jesus "Lord, Lord, haven't we done great and mighty things in your name?" to which Christ replies "Get away from me, I never knew you. Insomuch as you have not done it to the least of these [your Christian brethren who you did not see as your brethren] you have not done it unto Me." This is key, because as a result of all of their Masonic brainwashing since children that has ironically turned them against Christ, MAGA wouldn't even recognize Jesus if He Himself were to stand there at the border today asking to be allowed in. Christ Himself would be turned away for not being White, and as many surmise, these so-called "Christian Nationalists" would likely crucify God's Son all over again for being too "Woke," and if they would kill Him, how much more would they murder us who follow Him, His brethren. John 16:2 further informs us: "Verily, the time comes that whosoever kills you will think that he doeth God a service." As Christ said, "a student is not above his Master and if they hated Me, they shall also hate you who follow Me." According to the GOP's numbering of them, there were 13-million rapists, murderers, drug runners, gang members, and human traffickers who were allowed into the country at the Mexican border. But if true, how come there are not 13-million criminal acts being waged by all of them across the nation? Why? Because migrants mostly comprise of basic families seeking a better life fleeing crime and oppression. As such, they have not entered America to suddenly become criminals, that was not what their great human struggle to get here was for. They are here to work and pursue a dream to uplift themselves and their family - the exact same dream that White's own immigrant families had when arriving to our eastern shore. Where Americans should be taking great pride in this, they are instead led to see these immigrants as "others" who should be rounded up and thrown away according to skin color.
The latest headline in our nation reads: More Threats Made Against Springfield, Ohio: Everything Shutting Down as Fear Grips Town. Obviously, Trump likes to believe racist conspiracies because they serve his racism well. And so, at last check, Trump, Loomer, and MAGA are still blaming literally everyone under the sun for the threats and mortal fear they've forced onto the citizens of Springfield, Ohio except Trump who instigated all of it, whose only response was to triple down on his extremist rhetoric and racist lies all the more while MAGA starts believing/repeating it. Within hours of his latest assassination attempt, the hate-inciting former President then goes on social media to announce his "HATE" (his all-caps) for Taylor Swift just to surround himself with even more drama and hateful negativity. Today, MAGA Republicans are right now calling for what amounts to a complete censorship on pointing out the fact that all of the negativity, racism, and literal hateful rhetoric is coming from Trump since America had its first Black President. Now, MAGA Republicans want Trump to "ratchet up" his hateful rhetoric that's creating the national drama, but God forbid if anyone points out Trump's own words because if you do, you're the one being "negative and hateful." With this, MAGA has become beyond a cult and they won't ever admit it but Trump's daily inciting of violence and frequently evoking mayhem on a mass scale, even civil war, shouldn't make anyone wonder why violence returns to him at a personal level by those on the fringe. The latest assassination attempt at Trump is already making his cult claim that they "don't know how we got here," claiming further that "the media demonization of Trump and his comparisons to Hitler, Al Capone, and Hannibal Lecter need to stop." They are apparently not aware that it's Trump himself that adoringly compares himself to Hitler, Capone, Hannibal Lecter, etc., proving Trump is inwardly unhinged, especially when Presidents usually like to compare themselves with someone actually good and not evil. Moreover, Trump's own labeling half the country as "sick," as if to say that only his own most staunch brand of MAGA loyalists are the "good people" in America, amounts to not only brainwashing, but mind control where if you dare criticize his violent, despotic, or mocking rhetoric, you're the evil one, but if you follow lockstep behind whatever the Hell this political and corporate swamp-protecting despot says, you're a "great American." Again, that is not only brainwashing, but also literal mind control already proving its own negative consequences in the form of violence against Trump, etc. If they were mostly educated, MAGA would understand that Trump is not only a consummate narcissist, but a megalomaniac who creates "partner henchmen." Dr. Karen Mitchell PhD describes partner henchmen as those being groomed by the narcissist to be so supremely grateful to the controlling narcissist for the "opportunities" given to become part of the henchmen group, that they are compelled to support the narcissist no matter what he does. This is not out of respect or consideration on behalf of the narcissist, rather it is their learned behavior to decrease the risk of their being exposed as supremely manipulative and subsequently brought down." Since Trump has also unleashed the racist flood gates with his lies about legal American citizens with temp status eating dogs, how is that not making his similarly racist MAGA base go insane with even more racist lies being spun in their echo chambers that they never leave? There's no greater hypocrisy shown by Republicans with their constantly providing Trump's racist and hateful words a pass, then when they instead focus on anyone who simply questions Trump's own racist and hateful words. So, question: Given the unparalleled king-like power recently unleashed by the Supreme Court for future Presidents of being immune from prosecution, would Trump stop at only illegal aliens to be deported? What would stop him from illegally labeling entire groups of American citizens since birth as being "illegal"? After all, this is the same man who announced that former President Obama was not even an American citizen. Trump was also just quoted as saying, "Illegals have taken more jobs than anyone else." Well, there it is, the actual proof of why migrants come here. It certainly isn't to eat a dog, or sell a joint, build a terrorist bomb, or rape a girl. Since the turn of the last century, Mexicans historically work and only add to the U.S. economy/GDP and nation as a result. So outside of their racism, why does the far-right in America fear minorities to the extent they do? Two reasons: 1) They fear being "replaced." 2) They fear illegals could vote against their corporate-serving, racist, status quo despite non-citizen migrants having no such right. The latest lie Trump tells is that Biden/Harris are not allowing FEMA relief to those affected by Hurricane Helene because they gave it all away to migrants. Like the dog/cats lie, this one has only come back to destroy Trump's "credibility" yet again. FEMA has just announced that because of Trump's lies, there are many not even seeking FEMA's assistance, which is only costing those brainwashed because they've been convinced FEMA doesn't have the $2 billion that has been allocated for all of those negatively impacted by the storm.
In early September, Congress approved $10.5 billion in aid for the survivors without any debate in the House or Senate. On September 7, an additional $51.8 billion funding package was passed by both houses but to listen to Trump, there's only $750 for those worst impacted. After just hearing Trump claim in a Wisconsin speech that Kamala Harris is "mentally impaired" and that "she was born that way..." which dually served as a parallel knock against her race to which his crowd cheered, how does Trump, Vance, and MAGA Republicans prove they are racist and, as such, anti-American? Because you literally have the historically racist and murdering KKK as well as Trump's "Proud Boys" having travelled to Springfield, Ohio to frighten the entire town and no one in MAGA, including the anti-Christ-like cult leader or his false prophet says anything of it. Mind you, those former Haitians have been granted American citizenship status are legal, but more than that, both the Springfield Mayor and the Ohio Governor, as well as the majority of Springfield itself are standing in unison to say how these new Americans only added to their local economy, driving it sharply upward in the time they've graced Springfield. This is how you know that when presented with that fact, bigots like Trump can only see it through a racist lens because in the racist MAGA hive mind, they could *never* be real Americans. He, Vance, and MAGA would just rather believe they eat dogs and cats. This is how you know Trump and his freak cult in MAGA are the very racists they never claim to be. In fact, Trump has stated that his "mass deportations" will begin in Springfield, Ohio, so if you cannot see the racism in that, knowing they are American citizens, than you might be a racist. Apparently, MAGA thinks if they can just deflect long enough and blame the Democrats for everything, no one will notice their hate while secretly adoring/serving/protecting the KKK. Now factor in their anti-DEI, anti-CRT, anti-"Marxist" anti-Woke bullshit. It all adds up to the exact same White supremacy they are infected with but do their damndest to hide. Trump is a racist and a proven liar, and it's no one's fault for that except himself and those who want to cover their eyes and ears not to see and hear it. It was June 16, 2015, when Trump arrived riding on a populist wave and a gold-colored escalator to announce that all Mexicans were murdering, rapist, drug running, animals that he would exterminate if elected, and the race to racism being ignited again in America was on. As President, Trump then went far out of his way to also demonize other races not Mexican or Black, leaving the impression that the only good American is a European-descended one. When it comes to the issue of race, Trump need only look at his own race for insanely creating such hate that he and his cult so easily propagate. To MAGA, you either side with the dear leader or you're not a "real American." Hitler would have laughed at all of this in sheer delight and that in itself says something. This same brand of subliminal brainwashing backed by the glorification of fascist-styled single party rule was further underscored with Trump's quote "The only good Democrat is a DEAD Democrat." The very fact that Trump and MAGA does not want any history taught unless it's a 'Whites Only' history should tell you all you need to know about Trump and MAGA. Enter Project 2025, whose first step on behalf of Trump withholding power longer than he should is to fire millions of current federal government employees and replace them with die-hard Trump loyalists. So the very same thing that Trump falsely accuses the Left for, he wants to do, and this is what Americans need to understand. All autocrats do this. Putin is best known to have employed this same tactic where he consistently blames his many enemies for what he himself is doing or wants to do, and just like Putin, Trump thrives within both the corruption and deceptions he creates. Trump also gravitates to anyone who would worship him because he's a megalomaniac that sees himself as special enough to deserve worship, and this despite almost everything Trump touches in his life becoming a massive failure due to his said corruption, from Trump University taking people's money with no return, to his wanting to find the thousands of votes he needed in Georgia to secure the 2020 election, to Trump ultimately wanting to suspend of the American Constitution to hold power. On January 6th, 2021, Trump turned an entire crowd against an otherwise peaceful transition of power in which he loudly uttered his "Fight!" and "Give 'em Hell" or "you'll lose your country" rhetoric. The crowd then turned violent, called for the death of Pence and Pelosi and even turned against the police themselves in their illegally attempting to break their way in the Capitol building and stop Pence from carrying out the peaceful transfer of power. For today, it's so obvious the Republicans are a bit too desperately attempting to win the current election and perceives Kamala a real threat to their collective racism because just a few months ago, it was just Biden and Mayorkas who were receiving all the blame for the southern border, and loudly so. Suddenly, however, Kamala is the "border czar" who is "solely responsible for the border" according to the latest MAGA dupe, when in reality, all she ever had to do with the Mexican border was to research why there were so many migrants leaving their home countries to travel north to the U.S. The next thing she did was help draw up a very strict and tough border bill that gained bipartisan support to which Trump infamously and undeniably struck down just so he could campaign throughout the following summer and fall of 2024 on the "open border."
The eating dogs and cats lie proves he lies about citizens who are in every way Americans, but those that don't happen to be White while those illegals, drug dealers, and otherwise who are White or "White passing" crossing from Canada's northern border distributing fentanyl are never given a second thought. Finally, the cheating, which was perfectly seen in his own quote to the Georgia Secretary of State, saying, "I just want to find 11,780 votes..." in which he wanted to steal the 2020 election by having someone else trample upon the truth and the Constitution to get there. Let's remember, because MAGA failed Trump from stealing the election on January 6, 2021, Trump next wanted to suspend the American Constitution itself in his last-ditch effort at holding power. It was then that the beginnings of Project 2025 were devised to ensure Trump could never lose an election again because "Project 2025 has found loopholes to work around and circumvent the American Constitution." It should also be known that 28 of the Project's 38 authors comprised Trump's original administration, meaning they are still close within his political orbit and would likely be picked again to form any future administration going forward to ensure Project 2025 becomes reality. And lest we forget, the very reason Trump had to pick a new Vice President is because his cult tried to kill the last one he had. Fast forward to today and Vance already riding on Trump's coattails, peddling the lie that migrants are causing high home prices that serves the dangerous brainwashing and mind control their captive audience wants to hear. In reality, economists say inflation and interest rates would likely be higher under a future Trump administration than under Kamala, as deporting millions of people and restricting new immigration would actually increase prices by reducing the labor force. Immigrant workers alone will add an extra $7 trillion to the U.S. economy within the next decade and an extra $1 trillion in federal tax revenue while Trump added $1 trillion to the national debt from 2017-2021 by giving tax breaks for billionaires and trillionaires. Since minority workers make up nearly 30% of the entire agricultural workforce in the U.S., 33% of hospitality workers, and 46% of construction work at a time when there is a severe shortage of such workers, any blanket threat to this workforce that helps not hinders America would actually threaten efforts to increase the housing supply and overall economic health of America. Of course, none of this matters to the far-right whose driving vision is rooted in proven Anglo-racism in order to keep America predominately White at any cost. Meanwhile, kids in America go hungry while conservatives push the latest Fox News scare of "radical Marxist Democrats" taking over, just because Dems actually have empathy for a wide section of people that Republicans ignore, while conservatives blame everyone that are not themselves for not making their favorite corporate billionaires, trillionaires. And despite what Fox brainwashes MAGA with, Trump is now blaming Kamala Harris for what he himself has put into motion with the deadly terror attack at Abby Gate against 13 US Marines in Afghanistan when it was Trump and his former administration that allowed a total of 5,000 radical Islamic terrorists be released from their prisons who is believed later made the bomb that killed the 13 Marines [half of whom were Mexican] who died for this country that MAGA Republicans are now using an anti-Democrat talking point. Fox News is also announcing that all gangs in America are suddenly "Venezuelan gang members" who "just crossed the border under the Biden/Harris administration." Sure, Fox, sure. Because his "largest mass-deportation in history" (apparently second only to Hitler's own mass deportation of Jews) and the completion of "The Wall" won't be enough, Project 2025 is being brought to bear so that MAGA carries out what is done in nations under dictatorships, and all this coming from the same political party who cannot even see Putin as evil because they were told not to by their own despotic dear leader. Project 2025 would eventually make it illegal to say anything critical against despot Trump, while he and MAGA would be allowed to have free reign against everyone not in his cult, thus leaving American "freedom" to have taken on an entirely new defining role. Project 2025 is simply their telling America they no longer believe in elections unless their Messianic chosen one wins. In short, you don't fight against what you're told is evil by returning to a racism that America has already worked through and largely left behind, and you certainly cannot advance a nation by ignoring, or worse, eradicating entire segments of its population in favor of a fascist approach that masquerades itself as "Christian." Consequently, NATIVE Americans especially need to be sticking to their inherent Truths and rights to the Land at this time from the Genocidal people who admit they have returned.
Ergo, if Republican, you don't fight what you are told is a "Woke evil" with more evil in the form of Anglo-racism, but that is exactly what too many are being led to do by the very same corporate entities that they believe they're against, who have always benefitted from the Left vs. Right as well as the White vs. non-White divide. As I write, Republican Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio is on a Sunday morning news program countering Trump and Vance's lies of "evil pet-eating Haitians" by stating as fact how hard working these (now legal) 15,000 Americans (former Haitians) are, and moreover, he states as a former resident of Springfield, that they are "only adding to the thriving economy of peaceful Springfield, Ohio." The Governor contrasts that peace with Trump's racist lies and incredible irresponsibility (that have evil and violent consequences) stating how the KKK is now rumored to be travelling to Springfield to stir the pot and attempt to create rumors to incite neighbors against Springfield's minority citizens, and despite his backing of Trump and Vance, Ohio's Republican Governor is extolling loudly how their dangerous and racist lies need to stop. "Trump needs to stop." Trump's and Laura Loomer's racist lies have very real consequences designed to drum up fear that's now resulting on violent rhetoric and bomb threats because too many of the "uneducated" that Trump needs are even more easily deceived and unhinged than him. America has come this far in beating back ignorance and racism at every turn, and then Trump showed up to teach it to an entirely new generation ensuring its survival deep into the 21st century. Whereas Trump's first Presidential tenure and administration was largely tame compared to what his Project 2025 reveals, with its first salvo proving itself being an insane, extreme, racist, irresponsible, and hate agenda against now LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS (that are not White) to which he told the entire world is "eating dogs," how would his next administration and agenda not be even more extreme than what's already being shown if he becomes President? Better question, because Trump said in recent speeches he will bring a national death penalty for drug dealers (which already assumes that through Project 2025, he will have federal control over every state), could there be a scenario where the already too old and too racist and dangerous Trump believes Laura Loomer's lies about innocent legal citizens as being, say, a "drug dealer" because they aren't in complete agreement with his takeover? That would be the path toward rounding up entire segments of Americans against such Nazism and have them eradicated to ensure only a single party rule in America, exactly what Trump and his insane loyalists want. Trump's "saving America" by destroying it in civil war of itself proves his racism and remains, like most else he devises, a plan not well thought out because who among what he calls "the minority nations of the world" would ever want to trade, manufacture for, or sell anything to America after it killed, maimed, or captured everyone who wasn't White and so-called "Christian"? This is not even to say how weakened the United States would become for even those who could "win" such a war if the nation lost half of its numbers, with its doctors, nurses, and medical experts, among them. There would be lingering death on all sides and America would collapse from within and then without. That is to say, if America wars with itself because of Trump/MAGA, the Iranian Republican Guard as well as the Houthi's and ISIS would be invading Israel to murder every single Jew on the same day, allowing Iran to largely takeover the Mideast. Taiwan would be invaded making China more powerful. Russia would kill every military asset and civilian in Ukraine, greatly strengthening its hand against what's left of a NATO without America. We'd be much wiser not to fall for any of what the globalists want and Trump would deliver through his personal war on America and its Constitution. Consequently, Trump and cult should tread carefully when evoking their need for a civil war as their last ditch and desperate way to stay in perpetual power. All of the supposed "evils" of the Democrats added up together pales in comparison to the murderous evils the fascist far-right is today preparing against half of the nation and then the nation itself. And so what do these obviously racist fascists define as an American Marxist? Anyone caught actually caring about people outside of the White race. Anyone who helps the needy and poor. Anyone who has a heart for people hurting in society in general, and especially those who organize such people together for a common good such as banding together to expose these racist fascists as both racist and fascist - which they can't even deny at this point.
Any of that is being "Marxist" to the racist fascists. To Trump, despite his many platitudes to "the Blacks" and to "the Spanish," he is an avowed hater of Black and Brown, especially if they have basic empathy for others and prove it. By their own definition, like the Pharisees they truly are, MAGA "Christian" Nationalists would see Jesus Christ Himself as a Marxist enemy and crucify Him all over again. They wouldn't recognize Him, and on the Day of Judgment, He will not recognize them as perfectly cited in Matthew 25 when they are gathered as goats on His left hand and they frantically call out to Him "Lord, Lord..." to which He responds "Get away from me. I never knew you! Insomuch as you did not for the least of these, you did not do it unto me." They are then cast out with Satan and his demons to share their fate for it was Satan who ultimately deceived them to hate what God created and called good. If Trump does manage to still lose this election on account of his own many proven failures, his "Fight! Fight! Fight!" mantra will still serve as the bloody blueprint for the "bloodbath" he and Putin are still evoking for the United States. In this, MAGA has zero clue that their puppet master is Putin via Trump. Just as Putin wants there to be a Civil War in America, so does Trump, and because Trump wants it, so does Putin's pawns within MAGA. Added to all of this is the strong undercurrent of Anglo-racism that continues to take so many predictable twists and turns within conservative media where Kamala's name, her skin tone, her laugh, her "preach it" voice, her story, her rise, her race, ALL is brought into question because she's not White to an audience who keeps thinking they're NOT racist. The question of how we got here is broken down into two main elements: 1) Have conservative media tout that all Democrats are literal Marxists, Communists, "agents of Satan," or otherwise innately evil, then repeat this lie again and again to mind-controlling levels until Republicans literally hate Democrats because "they are evil." 2) Make conservatives believe that they are the epitome of all that is just and good by using their race as a template backed up by a self-anointing whitewashed history where "God" is at the center of it all, and everything else the Freemasons lured them into thinking since America's inception to today's MAGA hive-mind where the most un-Christian man they can find is anointed as a "Chosen One sent by God to lead the world." MAGA is now the literal cult that believes Trump cannot have something as insignificant U.S. law leveraged against him or those who back him for any reason. That's only seconded in their belief that Trump is a Messianic figure who shouldn't have such inconvenient things as elections stand in his way toward "saving the country." Because they also refuse to even address, let alone teach the actual truth of America's history, their own MAGA children will grow up believing societal minority displacement and slavery never existed because, as they admit, "it makes Whites appear evil." And so, how do Republicans want to fix that pesky appearance of evil? They want the ability to lie to cover it up. How typically evil in itself, just as having no accountability seems to be the order of the day for Trump's Orwellian New America where, as Trump said last June, his radical and sweeping new laws would include the police being completely immune from any and all prosecution going forward. In other words, Sonya Massey, the Black woman who was shot in the face in her own kitchen by an insane Sean Grayson could be occurring everyday somewhere in America and Trump could care less. What's worse, the media would never find out about it to let the public know what is happening because police would no longer be required to wear bodycams. This is the murderous Police State MAGA wants because it's what their insane leader needs to keep power beyond Constitutional limits.
So it will be a return to "Back the Blue" when they're killing unarmed minorities by the dozens, a fact he never brings up when claiming how "peaceful" his Presidency was. How do we know this? When Trump was unfortunately President, no one among his entire cabinet did a damn thing to condemn police killing of the unarmed, nor did he himself lift a finger to curtail it, even when Americans were effectively being murdered inside their own homes by police who then wanted to cover it up. Another case that comes to mind is when the White female police officer who immediately shot and killed a Black man in his own apartment because she mistakenly thought his apartment was hers. Trump wants even more situations like that to occur under his leadership, and when police begin to follow thru like before, Trump will only condemn the protesting of such unlawful police killings instead of the police killings themselves. With Trump more recently announcing he will make "all drug dealers and rapists receive the death penalty," one can easily see that if either the police or Trump himself wants to get rid of anyone, from everyday citizens to political dissidents, Trump and his proposed weaponized police who cannot be investigated themselves, could easily plant drugs anyone's home, inside their car, or on their person, or have someone blame you for rape (with Trump himself apparently excluded) and the accused will be taken away never to be seen again. This is exactly what all fascist despots do and why Trump defends Putin as much as he does, where according to Trump's obvious lies, Putin's Russia can do no wrong when Putin literally hates the United States and uses Trump as his way to further divide the nation. This, in effect, makes MAGA mere pawns to not only Trump - but Moscow - which is precisely why you'll hear MAGA constantly defending Putin even if he unlawfully kidnaps Americans and holds them against their will for months or years to later trade them in a "prisoner swap" for Russian murderers and spies being held in American or European custody. Trump also claims he "will bring back free speech in America," which, if his Truth Social is any indicator, he will make hate speech legal against minorities of every kind that are not White "Chriztian Nazionalizts" on day one. [Interestingly, it is the Bible's own prophecies that point to the Antichrist rising in the last days who "changes the times and laws." -Daniel 7:25.] And then there's the glaring fact of how many Americans did not attend the 2024 Republican National Convention. It was overwhelmingly White. While they did cheer for the one-off Black person(s) at the RNC, they did so only because those conservative "DEI Hires" [that they used to call "token blacks"] towed their party line, meaning, they too are brainwashed by corporate conservative media to the point of even denying their own Black history in favor of Trump's signing off on new whitewashing [read: brainwashing] textbooks to be used in future classrooms that distance America's involvement from corruption, slavery, it's proven genocidal history, and more specifically, the racist murders of Blacks by White Americans. This is only made worse when understanding that since 2016, Trump and MAGA are teaching literal racism and evil hatred to an entirely new generation so it will have new life breathed into it going forward. The fact that MAGA conservatives still mock and demean those on the other side of the American dream who aren't meant to ever find it proves their racism yet again. Notice also how Trump keeps repeating that Central and South American migrants are only comprised of enemy combatants, rapists, and killers, with NONE being hard workers seeking the lowest wage jobs that no else would do that actually add to the American GDP and economy, not subtract from it. As proof MAGA is brainwashed, They'll call Obama "racist" just because he exposed England's openly racist colonization methods of destroying indigenous populations in favor of England replacing those original populations with Whites only/mostly speaking the King's English. I would ask MAGA, how are you a "racist" for knowing that Whites stole entire continents of land for themselves and wiped out the millions if not billions of peoples that God Himself placed there, only to create Masonic-based occult-led societies touted as "Christian" within a few centuries? That's not a rhetorical question.
With Trump in office again, every kind of natural disaster and other strange events there aren't even words for yet, will be occurring at the same time as we enter what Christ called "The Beginning of Sorrows" and "Dark Enlightenment" Trump calls a "New Golden Age." Consequently, despite whatever MAGA tells itself today, it will actually appear everything has suddenly turned for the worst once Trump returns to the Masonic District of Columbia. As Christ said in regard to our last generation, the deception coming is to be so great, that even the very elect would be deceived by it, if it were possible. In fact, given the way the far-right conservatives have already given in to this exact manipulation, the biggest deception of all that MAGA has fallen for actually believes that Trump is not part of the Aryan-infiltrated Cabal swamp in power, despite MAGA finding new reasons under their master's mind control to increasingly think that "Hitler is needed today," which is proof in itself MAGA is a government psy-op creation needed for the rest of the American destruction plan of the Aryan elite to take place. Trump also claims that America is today being laughed at around the world, when in reality, he was the one having America laughed at around the world for electing him because of the countless proves of his sheer idiocy, like he wanted to "nuke a tornado" to alter its course, and that everyone should just inject bleach into their bodies to similarly ward off Covid-19. No wonder Trump says he favors "the uneducated." Then there was the time he gave in to the globalists and rolled out Operation Warp Speed because they let the whining man-child figuratively stamp his megalomaniacal name on it. And then there's his truly dangerous idea of a Trump World Order to roll back all of what America has accomplished since World War II. Make no mistake what this dolt means when he says he will "solve Ukraine" on day one because the realistic interpretation there is that he will end all funding for what Ukraine needs in being able to defend itself against the growing Russian war machine, thereby allowing Russia to steal Ukraine with the mass deaths of more innocent Ukrainian families of men, women, children and babies, that both Trump and Putin could care less about in the process. In other words, Putin has Trump thinking exactly as he does, like a murdering autocrat dictator who cannot ever be voted out. As long as Putin gets what he wants, Trump is fine, but Putin has already telegraphed he won't stop at Ukraine. Since Trump also adoringly speaks well of China's leader Xi, as well as North Korean leader Jong-Un (because, like Putin, they are still the despotic kings Trump wants to be) one would be wise to wonder if Trump won't allow also them to take whatever nations they please, like Taiwan, like South Korea, in keeping with the kind of "world peace" Trump is telegraphing. The danger there is that an increasingly powerful Russia and China have their own ideas for a future world order that does NOT INCLUDE THE UNITED STATES. Someone might want to tell the uneducated this, because the cult of MAGA is too busy being dazzled by all of Trump's mockery of his own fellow Americans in the Democrat party to notice how Putin is deceiving him toward America's annihilation.
*ARCHIVED President Trump Refused to Ban a 'Pesticide Linked to Autism and Brain Damage' in American Children *ARCHIVED Trump Openly Mocks Reporter in Speech Who Suffers from Arthrogryposis that Limits Arm Movements *ARCHIVED Republican Pedophile Candidate Matt Gaetz Mocks Autistic Child of His Female Democratic Opponent
So he doesn't have to speak on any of the actual issues that would further tip off the American people of how out of touch, racist, and even more radical he's become since being fired from the Presidency, Trump will ramble on and on about Kamala's skin color, her name, and Biden being old while never explaining how at a time of increasing heatwaves, kicking out all those that do the field work that help corporations put food on American tables, would help America. Who would replace them? Trump has this dream about WHITES ONLY "taking their nation back" and filling every vacancy of work, but everyone knows Whites would never do the work migrants do, and if they did, they would want ten times more than migrants already take as pay. Notice also that while this absolute buffoon wants to claim that every single person who crossed the border are entirely evil being a human trafficking gang member part of a drug cartel, that ten minutes later he contradicts himself by saying 356,000 migrants have just taken American jobs. But which is it? Are migrants the definition of all human evil or are the vast majority coming here to legitimately work and add to the U.S. economy? He then adds the extra scare tactic to make sure MAGA votes red by saying how migrants are getting on welfare and given health insurance - when getting on welfare and receiving health insurance is a long road even for U.S. citizens, involving proof of being a U.S. CITIZEN first and foremost. Again, Trump's plan would only bankrupt the economy, which Trump knows a thing or two about since his former companies have had to file for bankruptcy a total of six times before. And, what will Trump do when faced with a disastrous climate that won't end just because his ballooning body sits around in the White House. During his former tenure, Trump allowed corporations to pollute America at greater levels than almost every President before him by rolling back corporate environmental and safety regulations so that those corporations could earn larger profits at ours, and the world's expense. People are finally waking up to the fact that Republicans were never for the working-class poor, middle class, or worker unions, the uninsured, or preexisting condition sick because they're too busy giving tax breaks, relaxed regulations, and reciprocal kickbacks to corporations who always place profits over people. As such, the methods and operations the Deep State carried out to get here were therefore simple enough. Long before "Woke," it began with the controlling elite's manufactured notion that a so-called "White Genocide" was occurring in the West, namely in America. It was then explained by their hidden agents within the CoIntelPro "truther movement" that Whites were systematically being targeted by evil globalists connected to European liberals and American Democrats, for racial replacement, and that by the year 2050, White America (and Europe) was going to be overwhelmed by Black, Arab, Hispanic, homosexual, and gypsy minorities. In other words, the Deep State archons were and still are laying the same traps that once deceived the Germans into accepting Hitler by literally using his own playbook. This is being followed thru via certain government operations both large and small to make this supposedly "Democrat-planned takeover of the White race" appear true. Maga's own brainwashing takes it from there as they convince themselves that Trump is a stand-in for Jesus Himself, when Christ explained that the very first sign to watch for at the end of the age was the rising of such false christs who lead their following toward destruction. Trump has reignited the very fire that was mostly contained within the fringes of American and European society, but its reemergence was prophesied and needed at this time and forward because of its author and true father. For today, whether he is given the Presidency or not, Trump will lead a violent charge of angry mad men against everyone not a "real American," bringing as much chaos and destruction to America as possible in perfect accordance to the next phase of the Masonic plan that leads to a Collapse of the present world as we know it and the subsequent rise of their 'New World' leader, after Trump, who picks up and even furthers the same "white-empowering" Anglo-Israelism. Empowered by Satan, the Antichrist shall go forth to deceive Israel that he is their "Messiah" based around a lie of a supposed Israelite Royal Bloodline coinciding with many demonic "miracles" surrounding Anglo-Israelism in the age after the world collapse that the Scriptures call "Doctrines of demons and teachings of devils" in (1 Timothy 4:1) that Israel becomes deceived by.
The British-owned corporation of the United States that remains under the 13th Amendment [see video below] is all-pervasive in its intent to ensure the entrenched corporate power at the top tier of Anglo-control remains behind a wall of systemic corporate power and a self-serving status quo that empowers it from the Corporate City of London and its counterfeit 'Holy of Holies' known as the Crown Temple Bar. In other words, the Lucifer-worshipping Anglo-elites that created Masonic America at the behest of Masonic Britain view their pawns of lesser pedigree within the same bloodline(s). Perhaps the other truth you'll discover within this website is how theistic Satanism and Anglo-racism are intrinsically intertwined by these same men behind Western power who want nothing more than to see God's entire human creation under their jackboot at the behest of Satan himself. Let me repeat that another way. In every instance in my research into theistic Satanists that worship Lucifer as their literal god, who also commit murder in his name, they most consistently and almost always claim to be descendants of a bloodline with Cain and Tubal-Cain as its original progenitors, while masking that same bloodline as Christ's own. Is it not. In this, Americans are giving in to the lie as seen when their imperialist-serving GOP unwittingly serve the Masonic plan that guides also them. By contrast, the migrants only mistake is actually believing that America is a nation of immigrants and supposed to stand for freedom. Albeit it is still a freedom for Whites only who have been brought here to work and serve the unseen hegemony whose ancestral roots can be traced to not only the original founders of this country, but thru Europe to Kazaria, their original empire, and to an even more ancient placename known as Enoch lost to antiquity within Asia Minor before it. It is also not coincidental that this is what Freemasonry subtly teaches to their most groomed and trusted upon receiving the thirty-third degree. And that's exactly the part the White European and American globalists never want to admit, that they are not of God, but of a god opposing Him. Consider all their many words and actions and which god they so elevate in their preparing the way for the one who is prophesied to oppose Christ Himself. Look also at the corporate elitist that is Trump and his armed MAGA "Christian Nationalists" and how they've clearly been radicalized toward violence to destroy what's left of Christian credibility in the world, as designed, meaning, by the time the Beast ascends to power, Christianity will have become a complete pariah in the world's eyes, by design. (Imagine what also must occur thereafter for the entire world to shelve Christ and Christians in favor of paganism and you've seen a vision of that future. Imagine the bones of Jesus Christ supposedly being "found" and what that would bring to an already diminishing Christian faith, for one example.) Case in point, if liberals attempt to give a stronger voice to the racially marginalized in America, the Trump Republican's knee-jerk reaction is to double down and become even more welcoming to White supremacists who've never stopped their attempts at recruiting MAGA since 2016. DeSantis is no better, with his campaign spreading racist lies about the so-called "benefits for negro slaves," the vast majority of which picked crops from sunup to sundown each and every day no matter their condition or mental state for being crushed of spirit, just like barely paid Mexican migrants in American fields do today. There were no "high skill" slave training as he now wants to create in his mind just so the actual truth of slaves being daily terrorized, whipped, beaten, raped, maimed and killed is never taught in schools because that would amazingly taint the version of history Whites now want to deceive future generations with. DeSantis likes to claim Blacks benefitted from their times as slaves, but a question arises. How did White people better benefit from slavery to this very day? Their increasing lack of empathy is what will destroy those of the increasingly racist right-wing elements within MAGA in this world and the next, and for what? You can't take its money nor a Luciferian/Masonic America with you into the Kingdom of Heaven. Satan knows this which is why he is stringing along many today toward Anglo-racism. It's all for him and his Antichrist, the ultimate racist that will arise to surpass Hitler in his attempted destruction. That is precisely why minority (and especially Jewish) hatred is being cultivated today in the West. Daniel 11 forecasts that Antichrist will *know* of those who hate and thus will raise an army to "conquer many nations" to finish what the former British Empire started in its own deadly to indigenous colonial conquest of the planet. 2 Thessalonians 2 highlights that the plan toward Antichrist has been devised since at least the first century (the time of its writing). As such, the founding of London by the Romans in 43AD as well as Britain's much more recent conquests of every corner of the globe were to set that future precedent to be completed by the Son of Perdition. Simply put, a murderous hatred of the foreigner within Britain and America is needed today to meet the goals of his rising "Revived Roman Empire" and "the army who shall stand for him" tomorrow. In one of their greatest achievements that lingers on as a corporate standard from the British Empire, how intriguing it remains that the tiny island of Britain has made English the official language of the world as we head into the era prophesied that sees the next English king rising who will have claimed of him that he, despite being European, arises from the Biblical ancestry and patriarchy of Israel's King David at a time when the Jews are crying out for a Messiah.
Have to love how the UK's slave traders and their later politicians affectionately called "White Britons" in the article had no hand whatsoever in the absolute terror they've inflicted over minorities for centuries, to instead have "saved the Black man from his own slavery" as is reported in this slanted article that amounts to a White Savior complex all in itself. Clearly, some cannot see what they have actually wrought against darker skinned "minorities," past and present, because they simply do not care which proves their own surfacing racism all the more. The way they approach this topic only further highlights the Anglo-racism of today with all of the guiltless whitewashing of history that leads to the historical doublespeak so perfectly contained in this very article that never addresses any of the irrefutable points that were actually given by Dr. Jenny Bulstrode of the ongoing systemic racism that still permeates Britain. Well done, The Telegraph UK, thank you again.
Trump once claimed he likes Central and South AMERICANS to come in, but they need to come in legally, and what this proves is once again, just like his last time he was in office, he's making it much more difficult for anyone south of America's border to seek asylum, while white immigrants from Europe have far less trouble of becoming Americans. I wonder if that is just Trump's racism being exposed, because he also claims that 100% of all those who have crossed during the last four years are entirely made up of only murderers, rapists, drug runners, human traffickers, the insane, and gang members, with 0% coming here to work a legal trade. Something tells me the majority of those who crossed into America have found steady work and are adding to America's economy right now.
Karen Hill has stated "Everybody's ancestors have done plenty of wrong but this is just being selective outrage." No. Trying to create an equal playing field here won't work. Has "everyone's ancestors" taken over entire nations and even continents (as with Australia) to commit genocide against everyone not white to then install WHITES ONLY while the actual landowners were given the worst tracts of land humanly possible? Moreover, you rewrote all of the history to act like England's evil rinse-and-repeat colonization methods were entirely a glorious and beautiful event to be celebrated yearly. Masonic America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc., etc. The very same Anglo-racism that propelled your forefathers then still motivates an entire generation now but keep telling yourselves how "good" you are as you sit there day after day never giving thought to the billions killed of the very same peoples that God Himself created and placed and called "good." Wake up, you're being steered in completely the wrong direction by those bringing even greater evil into the world in their long plan of conquest for not God, as they claim but the one who opposes creation itself.
Within that, half of you are being told that only the Left are evil, while the other side are being told that you're the greater evil, while the ultimate evil has created both the Left and the Right to more perfectly manipulate us all to war. They were behind the colonization of the world then just as they are behind the conquest to come after their planned collapse is brought to install another 'New World' with one of their own to rule it. Our enemies are not ourselves, but they who daily tell us exactly that as they push us all into a societal collapse for completely their own ends at entirely Lucifer's behest, the Masonic God in whom they trust. Consequently, God will judge America not because of what Trump claims, but because of Trump and his evil men and women who've been deceived to think they're actually doing God a service. God will not be mocked and His name will not be misused by a prophesied rise of false christs who are helping fulfill the great "falling away" from true Christianity as Christ predicted in Matthew 24:10-13 would occur in the last days. "And then many will fall away from the faith and betray one another and hate one another [when] many false prophets will arise and lead many astray." They serve Anti-christ already and God will judge America for it. MAGA's purpose is therefore two-fold, to trap as many as possible into its web of lies that Trump is America's savior, as well as to bring in the time after Trump, after MAGA, after America to another 'strongman' the West will better accept in comparison.
Why is the 13-Starred Israelite 'Star of David' on Our US Great Seal?
You need to take this a step further because there is still a race among us that does get away with unleashing all of the Masonic evils in the world today and who have also created all of the lying propaganda that blames all minorities and especially the Jews. They are rooted in the Western Occult tradition of 'elite sciences' and secretive societies such as the Knights Templar from which they've created the modern banking structure and Western-based global financial system itself. Question: Who destroyed and displaced countless millions of God's created races from every corner of the earth to then install their own white race in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc.? Better question: Where do the sadistic covens that worship Satan now thrive? Because the answer is the same, where also do Occult/Satanic secret societies thrive? Who created all of the European secret societies that rule the world today by which "globalist organizations" like the Jew-hating UN, EU, and World Economic Forum have been built? Who are those corporate globalists that own the media who oversee the lies created for both left and right audiences so that they can control all of us? It is not the Jews, despite some of the names these same "Blood Royale" elites have given themselves to falsely appear as Jews, such as the Rothschild's who are hopelessly Anglo-Aryan Germanic in origin.
There were two great waves of colonialism in recorded history. The first wave began in the 15th century during Europe’s Age of Discovery when Britain, Spain, France, and Portugal took lands across North and South America. The motivations for the first wave of colonial expansion can be summed up as God, Gold, and Glory: "God," because they believed a higher power [Lucifer] would reward them for "saving" colonial subjects; gold, because colonizers would of course rob the resources of colonized countries in order to bolster their own economies and further "glory," since European nations would often compete with one another in conquering and then robbing the greatest number of "its colonies." Colonial logic asserted that a place did not exist unless White Europeans had seen it and testified its existence, but colonists did not actually discover any land, e.g., what is commonly called the “New World,” was in reality not new at all as people had been living and thriving in the Americas for centuries. And what's actually behind the supposed "spread of Christianity" as touted by the violent and genocidal colonizers? Satan's grand aim is of course to deceive with the heresy called Anglo-Israelism, which is the Masonic lie that Western European-descended Whites are God's chosen people (instead of or alongside, Israel) and as by Divine Right have a unique Heritage to conquer the world supposedly in Christ's name. However, that is yet another red herring instilled into the American psyche because the Masonic "God" they trust remains Lucifer. As such, what really is this plan of so-called Manifest Destiny that is daily seeing the erosion of Christianity in the West as Lucifer rises in its place? The heretical and sordid belief that the Anglo-Saxons (British) and their American descendants are inheritors of God's promises for the nation of Israel was/is also called "British-Israelism," "Anglo-Israelism," "Celtic-Israel," and Replacement Theology. It was brought to the new world of America by the British Freemasons (America's Founders) and later infiltrated certain early Christian churches where it's still used to explain American exceptionalism. It is a lie. Jews are the sole inheritors of God's promises provided to Abraham and exist today in their ancient homeland of Israel as promised for the last days (even as the Jews are the complete collective of all the ancient tribes of Israel fused into one modern people) while those descended from Cain and his descendant Tubal-Cain migrated first to the steppes of the Caucasus mountains before going far into the west. Anglo-Israelism further purports that the British royals themselves have a specific lineage dating back in antiquity to the Old Testament's King David and that according to their interpretation, a future British king will one day be provided a dual role as Israel's Messiah. It would all be seen as a ridiculous heresy if it weren't for increasingly more rabbi's and others in Israel believing it. It moreover could be further discounted if it weren't for the Bible's prophetic warnings (seen below) of a last days deception rooted in an "endless genealogy" and "legend" that replaces truth (Christ) with evil (Antichrist). Add to that the fact that the Bible contains very specific prophecies between Daniel and Revelation that have stumped theologians across the ages regarding the future Antichrist being a European king, as well as Israel ultimately accepting him as their Jewish Messiah, and you discover that it is exactly Anglo-Israelism that connects the two seeming opposites. This would also mean, therefore, that Satan and his earthly workers would also propagate the heresy as fact leaving no wonder that Freemasons (America's Founders) were and still are also doing precisely that. By their own words from those adepts who would know, Freemasons worship Lucifer, are awash in Occult, and comprise the very "globalists" that are today taking this world toward Collapse and ultimately toward its 'New World' aftermath based in their increasing ungodly ideologies and socialist/humanist concepts. As Americans, we are taught to believe we are free, but we've also been educated in a system of Masonic devising where you we're free to go to any state or privately funded school but cannot escape the subtle indoctrination of London's Freemasonry and its own whitewashing of history once there. For example, our oldest traditions in American education subtly forced us to place our right hands over our heart and recite word for word a "pledge of allegiance" to a Masonic-created flag and we thought nothing of it. That specific 'torn heart' hand sign, as it's known within Masonry, was created by design to show your undying loyalty to Freemasonry, as were the very words of the pledge itself written to prove one's allegiance within Freemasonry and ultimately its "God." It makes you wonder what body of men decided we should all engage in their quasi-religious traditions (that worships Lucifer as God) at such an early impressionable age and why. Adults from coast to coast will still enter into the daily ritual of pledging undying loyalty to "God and country" never knowing of its exact origins or what they're actually pledging and daily swearing allegiance to. Within every US institution, they sit as an inner circle carrying out an ongoing Masonic agenda whose goals are subtly conditioning society to accept their global agenda, i.e., the same core elitists have used the façade of democracy for 300 years now aim to install a global government in advance of the Antichrist's ascension, based not on democracy seemingly for the people, led by the people, but on Monarchist rule. This is why Western democracy itself is currently under attack and is being propagated as being entirely corrupt so that Western society is provided its only other accepted alternative in the near future with a return to a much more despotic kingly rule. This is what the West is being tempted with today in their leaning into further-right populist leaders who favor autocrats over democracy.
Akkadian history places Cain and his descendants as being the first Royal families of earliest Mesopotamian culture. It is written that Cain and his descendants were supremely gifted in the trades of advanced metal and weapon-smithing, megalithic stone-working, musical instrument creation, and the arts in general, all of which solidified their power and rooted Cainite culture deep into the fabric of early civilization. (See also Lost Language Translated From Ancient Tablets Reveals the Names of Akkadian Gods). Out of such Cainite influences, came the traditions of heretical philosophy and a pagan-based higher education that was eventually adopted by every surrounding culture that was called Godless, Aryan, heathen, Templar or pagan. What our public education has also never told us, is how they have never relinquished their hold on power, but have increased it toward total global domination, holding all power over every institution by which modern man has grown to depend on, including wealth, finance, the mainstream media, and education. It is this supposed Divine lineage that makes up most of the crowned heads of Europe today, including such trans-atlantic banking cartels as the Rothschild's and Rockefeller's, in addition to every single American President we've supposedly "elected" thus far, most or all of whom, not coincidentally, were blood-related to British aristocracy as well as being connected in one way or another to London's Grand Masonic Temple. Both the British and American governments operate in tandem in much the same way that Freemasonry itself works, having an "illuminated" inner-caste knowing the entirety of the Great Work, manipulating an outer-caste within a recruitment program to include the pillars of society to further push their agenda. While the Masonic archons manipulate the levers of a political Left vs. Right (now 'culture war') to serve as a useful distraction, society is to be made disoriented from 24-hour news cycles and their resulting endless political narratives while these same corporate overseers, who own the media itself, centralize further control literally at society's expense. Taken far enough within their individual Left/Right polarizations, I find it most intriguing that both political parties desire a combination of future eugenics and population control, exactly like the elites that manipulate them. Let's never forget this one fact, it's the corporate-owned media via their conservative and liberal networks that are manufacturing and perpetuating lies custom tailored for both the left and right to keep us all deceived and in derision. At this point, their divide and conquer campaigns are working because too many want to stay exclusively "based" within either their far-right or far-left narratives and opposed to the truth they cannot see as a result of the extremist brainwashing coming from both sides of the corporate media. One aspect of the greater destruction happening all around us is being done purposefully in attempt to create racist Whites everywhere so that they will fall in line with the Antichrist who is himself one of them. This is why every elite-owned, globalist-serving corporation that makes products or produces film and TV now employs some version of 'virtue signaling' that everyday Whites interpret are being put in place to "erase the White race in America by elevating Blacks and other minorities." Meanwhile, British, American, and European globalist elites who also control their countries national policies have likewise seen to it that just enough minorities are allowed into the UK/US/Europe from which they will be hated in order to purposefully fan the flames of White racism and extremist versions of nationalism needed for the next Führer to rise up and find his audience readied for exactly his reign. In other words, this is all being done on purpose and by the very government(s) you were taught to die for and trust above all via your unwavering patriotism and sacrifice. Our elected leaders are themselves under a similarly grand derision when being told by the offspring of this nation's founders to carry out some strange agenda they wouldn't ordinarily undertake to "do their part" within the piety of American patriotism but are in reality helping advance the Antichrist agenda in some incremental way toward completion. Ironically, the confusion today waged against us by Western elites is also at the same time purposefully occurring while the East, Russia and China is rising, with a future culture war to come turning literal where Antichrist will seemingly defend the West from the East. Also notice that while the secret government comprised of generational Freemasons systematically remove our view of God from America to replace it with their own "god of light," how the quasi-religious view where the vaccine-demanding American government itself has now become the new God of a State religion by which people on the left are increasingly conditioned, persuaded, and motivated by. Their globalist decree, however, won't stop with either Covid/Monkeypox/Polio/Measles/Disease X, etc., or Climate Change. Both sides of the political divide would revolt in unison if they knew what the powers behind our government were insidiously involved with. Instead of that, the controlled media creates purposefully polarizing narratives designed to undermine what's left of Christianity in the West. What is also seldom understood is that the generational evil in this world believe in the same exact Bible prophecies as Christians but approach the end-time and Antichrist as one of working toward his Messianic rule as opposed to fighting against it. The occult mantra 'As Above, So Below' reflects exactly this, for everything that God has done, Satan will counterfeit in his bid to become like God.
The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own vanity shall they heap to themselves teachers. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables. (2 Timothy 4:3-4) Now the Holy Spirit speaks expressly that in the last days some shall depart from the faith to instead listen to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy. Therefore, refuse profane legends and exercise thyself rather unto Godliness. (1 Timothy 4:1-2, 7)
Neither give heed to vain legends and endless genealogies
which minister questions rather than Godly edifying which is our Faith in Christ. (1 Timothy 1:4) [In the last days] There shall be false teachers rising among you who shall privately bring in damnable heresies... and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of Truth [Christ] shall Evil [Antichrist] instead be spoken of in its place. Through covetousness shall they deceive you with deceptive words to make merchandise of you... For if God spared not even the angels that sinned, but cast them down to Hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment [how much more will God not spare you]... (2 Peter 2:1-4)
Helping Satan in this effort is his global elite that work everything contrary to God, His Son, and His Word. Where the final prophecies of Revelation show us the creation of a New Heaven and New Earth, Satan's men counterfeit this by tempting mankind with a Great Reset and New World Order. As mentioned, Freemasonry exists on two levels, one that everyone sees at the local level, and one unseen on an international level. It is the latter that control global events to lead us all closer into what they determine to be a 'New Aeon.' Drawing their arcane knowledge derived from the ancient eastern religions of Nod, Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Khazaria, the places where Cainites held major influence, as well as Egypt, Greece, and Rome followed by the later Druidic Celts and Baphomet-worshipping Knights Templar that then gave rise to London's Freemasonry in their adherence to the Solar cult myths and mythos where Satan is seen as the Aryan Black Sun, a belief that was also picked up by the genocidal Nazi's and used with deadly result. Freemasonry borrows from all of these ideologies toward fulfilling Lucifer's plan of ruling the world ultimately from Zion (Jerusalem) as an affront to God's own plan of ultimately establishing His Son in a future rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. As acolytes, Freemasons are slowly brought into the Luciferian plan and mindset through persuasion into gnostic thought, pagan tradition, and New Age precepts via increasing degrees of supposed ascension to build their "inner Temple" that is then supposed to cause them to see "God." Knowing the Masonic God is merely Lucifer in disguise as God, countless recruits are made following a type of pyramid scheme where Satan and the man he chooses for his Antichrist sit at its top, and everyone else strives to do their part toward placing them on the World Throne. When looking closer at their many members that operate every organized body, committee, institute, and think tank used to fabricate globalist agendas like the Great Reset, Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, what you immediately notice is that their roster of names is not comprised of those Jews believed to be part of the supposed "Jewish global conspiracy." The roster of the New World Order is almost entirely comprised of the elite, royal, noble, and ruling classes of Europe, not Jews. This becomes key when attempting to narrow down who is responsible for the world's obvious corrupting influences and evils that bring someone like the Antichrist to bear. For context, the same Anglo-corporate nobility were behind the release of "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" that while blaming all evil on Jews, such disinformation allowed themselves to conceal their European identities as the real malefactors behind evil, thus allowing their work to continue through the recent centuries undeterred. The same "Jewish World Order" conspiracy is also widely disseminated among Whites today, making them White supremacist (pawns) to be used by the corporate elite against God's larger will and ultimate plan for Israel. How the European ruling classes deceive the largely uneducated in America and Britain, is traced to the false belief that spurred 'Manifest Destiny' itself, based on their other manufactured lie that Great Britain and the United States *are* Israel. Of course, the underlying reason that [actual] Jews and other minorities are scapegoated by the Anglo-corporate entities using them for virtue signaling, is also to evoke the return of the Aryan Superman/"strong man" principle that perfectly serves Satan's final führer, the Antichrist, conveniently presented to a soon apocalyptic world in need of just such a savior to save the remainder of Western democracy itself. (See also CNN Report Calls Prince William a "Global Statesman Protecting Our Democratic Values".)
The above link focuses on truths that corporate conservative media NEVER want you to know. What Whites are asking for in wanting only their history taught to this next generation of school children, and not those they have historically trampled underfoot, amounts to the most common form of manipulative brainwashing: the one-sided story in order to sweep the crimes of their bloodline forebears against minorities further under the rug. One need only look at Florida and its governor erasing entire sections of British/American history that would more accurately portray the truth behind Black and Brown slaves and their epic mistreatment at the hands of their "White owners." Instead, DeSantis just bans it statewide. Nazi's did book burnings. DeSantis prevents books from being read. "To forget history is to allow past evils to rise again." When the racist mass shooting occurred in Jacksonville a week later in August 2023, a still campaigning DeSantis attempted to comfort Black families and other concerned citizens the next day, but like the absolutely brainwashed Conservative politician he is, could not bring himself to call it a racially-motivated attack nor did he ever once utter the word 'racist' to describe the killer. He opted to instead call the admitted racist and murderer a "scumbag" then went back to his ivory tower erasing Blacks from American history in the most racist way possible. Pulling this critical lens back a bit further to see what is often overlooked, much of racism of itself begins in those early years of education when White children in the more rural parts of the country are only surrounded by themselves, other White children, when their earliest hegemonic mindset that usually turns into racism in adulthood is formed. Others like myself benefitted from being raised in larger cities where we were exposed to literally every single race on earth at the earliest ages in education, which never allowed the 'Whites Only' strategy to take root. Consequently, Whites finally realizing "minorities" are humans and thereby can talk to or be close friends with, or marry, is neither "Woke" nor "virtue signaling." It means everyone God created as a soul-embedded human is human. And for those of you brainwashed by the Republican's corporate-serving FOX News and other conservative media, understand that it was none other than a very Republican Richard Nixon who laid the groundwork for China to become the financial, and as a result, military behemoth it is still becoming today. This is yet more proof that the occult Overseers and their corporate henchmen control both opposing parties to better control us all. While Kamala Harris is currently receiving the blame for everything lending toward America's demise, the financial black hole America has given itself stretches further back into past Democrat and Republican administrations since at least the 1970's, when very Capitalist Republican-led US corporations sought out to make a better Capitalistic profit by closing down American factories and setting up shop in mostly Asian nations where they could pay less to workers to produce more profit for themselves, which makes it all the more ironic that today's Republicans blame Democrats for what their own side are still continuing to do where it always amounts to profits over people to shore up its own corporate hegemony. The world's minorities working for them barely make a living by being locked into what amounts to modern day slavery by the very corporations of robber baron Whites who never miss a meal. And Americans are told this is the best part of "Capitalism" as it's what keeps their American corporations leading the world and America great. Child and family labor of Black and Brown children the world over, including within the U.S. by mostly Mexican families, are making the most pale entity on earth even richer while they nearly starve. As if that weren't enough, corporate-weaponized MAGA is taught to mock Black and Brown in the most evil ways imaginable for the corporations, capitalism, and the Satanic corporate mindset, by corporate conservative media whose task is to protect all of it. If you're MAGA, this and everything else the Masonic corporate hegemony is still undertaking against mankind is what you actually supporting, not "family values" while the world's families effectively starve. There is an Anglo-elitist population control agenda after all which is why the media, on both sides, must deceive in the way it does.
Oklahoma's right-wing Superintendent of Schools, Ryan Walters, announced today that he has assembled a committee to rewrite the social studies curriculum for public schools in that state. The Committee will be led by Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts, who was the principle architect of Project 2025. Dennis Prager from Prager U, whose materials are now being used in Florida schools at the direction of Desantis, will also serve on the committee with right-wing talk show host Steve Deace, Christian Nationalist pseudohistory author David Barton, among others. Walters said the social studies curriculum in OK schools will receive a "complete overhaul" in order to teach a "proper understanding of the American founding" and "completely eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion ideology from schools." Walters made the following statement to the Washington Examiner: “Teacher’s unions have been rewriting history, teaching students to hate America. But not under my watch. Our goal is to give Oklahoma students an education that focuses on history, not indoctrination. The committee that we’ve assembled are experts in American exceptionalism, our Founding Fathers, and historical documents like the Bible. These things are essential to understanding OUR history.”
Beautiful woman! Don't EVER let their racists tell you that you are a "DEI Hire" after being so accomplished far beyond them already. It's stories like yours, the
story of your people, and all indigenous peoples that they still want to hide.
The number 13 in Freemasonry is a master number representing evil, Satan, and the 13 tribes of Q'ayin [Cain], specifically, making it quite intriguing how precisely thirteen colonies were built into the early United States from which the nation grew - with the Masonic master number being enshrined into our religious-like symbology ever since. The 13 stars that comprise the Israelite Star of David appearing on our US Great Seal being one example. As mentioned, British-Israelism is an Anglo-Masonic ideology that dictates the British, Scottish, Scotch-Irish, Welsh and Irish are direct descendants from lost tribes of ancient Israel. As the inherently racist "Christian Identity" story goes, by which the inner-caste of Freemasons use to deceive their 33rd degree neophytes, is that after their captivity by the Assyrian empire and subsequent release by Cyrus, only the tribe of Judah migrated back to ancient Israel while the larger ten "lost" tribes of the House of Israel supposedly migrated to the furthest western nations in Europe, carrying with them the ongoing promises made to Israel and its unique favor of God to dominate all nations in His name, that later became the basis for Manifest Destiny. This same heresy was fundamental in bringing about not only the British slave trade but also imperialist British colonialism that became the foundation for the British Empire itself, and later America. Not only was this Satanic twisting and racist belief created by the Satanic power structure that governs the world today, but it is also being propagated by Freemasons and their figureheads within the British royal family for the explicit purpose of propagating their own future king as Israel's coming Messiah. For Trump's own role in it, his father idolized Cecil Rhodes, who believed it is the destiny of "Anglo-Israel" (largely meaning Britain and America) to dominate all other nations under [the] "God" [of Freemasonry]. A perfect description of what Anglo-racism can be discovered at one of their popular organizations: The United Church of God and the [American] Church of Israel. Both these false Christian churches teach that only Whites in America and Britain are descended from Israel, leaving anyone not White to be treated as less than human, or worse, of Satan, which is completely ironic in this context. Such churches are part of the same Masonic network that actually comprise this world's most powerful elites who have created and fund such organizations in order to deceive. The Scripture pointing out that in the last days "evil will be thought good, and good will be touted as evil" certainly applies to Trump's America, where his army of bullies and trolls, who, like him, slander anyone speaking up against racial injustices. Another example of their easy manipulation, Trump recently came out against Fox News, and so all you hear from them today is how Fox News doesn't go far enough in overtly attacking those who are against their dear leader. (See also White Cops Wanted to “Slaughter N****rs” in Second Civil War.) Trump defends what he thinks are his personal gestapo-like police out there murdering unarmed minorities, and his base literally laughs those killings off to actually believe the police can do no wrong in the Trump era. So like the police they are so always quick to defend (whilst consistently proving themselves to be even more sadistic than cops) no one in the MAGA hive mind is ever held to any accountability because that's reserved for those who see their dear leader for what he is, an obviously corrupt, inept, racist, dictator-wannabe who created the same crony-corporate environment he built in the business world, so that his own corruption as President is better hidden from view. Not even Trump's more than glowing words of Jeffrey Epstein or Ghislaine Maxwell could persuade Trump's most ardent followers that, like them, he too is corrupt. So great is their deception, instead of calling Trump out for being the obvious Anglo-Israelist propagandist he truly is, his ardent followers tell each other he's a Messianic genius sent to them by an "Aryan-favoring God." Trump picks up on all these notions of Messiahship in his subtle hints of a continuous autonomous rule, akin to a monarchy. Instead of White Republicans setting their sights against Critical Race Theory and becoming furious with minorities as they are, they should be more concerned with how their race is regressing to the point of wanting to reignite the Civil War and bring back slavery. How did Masonic-duped America get to this point? The answer is in the question. And now you know what drives these Anglo-racists in America today as well as their dupes within such rising cults as Trump's MAGA. They literally believe that God is not blessing America as He should because their Masonic inspired "GOD" [read: Satan] in whom they trust, tells them there are far too many non-White races in America for it to be "blessed." And there it is. Their "God" is once again proven to be none other than the Great Divider, Satan himself, and it his plan they will also follow beyond Trump to Antichrist.
Who is behind MAGA? The Satanic Cabal. Evidence for that is seen tome and again when the corporate elite use Trump and MAGA to achieve its own longstanding goals. It should be noted that when I negatively speak about the US government in general or any one of its institutions going forward in this site, I am speaking to that entity within our government that is a corrupting influence who built the American federal government from the ground up using the Masonic template of an outer caste society that comprises the majority of unwitting Freemasons and the inner-caste of elite occultists who control it from the top for evil purposes and/or its collective self-interest rooted in an evil agenda. Suffice it to say, those who are literally evil incarnate in this corporate-run world carrying out their deadly population control agenda and purposed global collapse are still not the desperate migrant family fleeing evil for the United States. Think about that for how ever long it takes for the point to sink in. Also missing in our early American [Masonic] education was the part that informs us of the actual agreement among the Masonic powers between Washington DC and 1790's London where the British Crown would finance America's earliest expansion westward to become the financial and military behemoth it became in a little over a single century. This was in exchange for America's apparent sovereignty and "freedom" they wanted us to believe came after the Revolutionary War and the "defeat of the British." Suffice it to say, the same Masonic model used to confuse with an outer/inner caste in Freemasonry was also employed within what became our American security agencies the NSA, CIA, and FBI and larger police departments since their own inception, where you'll have a section of those agencies that are legitimately doing the hard work of protecting the United States and its citizens (the outer caste) and a generational evil (the inner caste) that exists within that serves a very Satanic, anti-American agenda that's leading the nation down a path of complete collapse. This exact method of systematic control has corrupted and destroyed past Western empires before ours and can be traced back to Babel and later Egypt, when the occult tenants that led to Freemasonry were first established. Their control is shown to us via the symbols they've used since Egypt, which also conveys the Masonic dynamic of Dual Pillars, where one is seen and the other not seen. How this translates into the dual-political system America has adapted since operates in exactly the same way. There are Democrats and Republicans whose heart represents their constituency and people (outer caste) while there also exists an entity across both parties who are serving a very specific royal/globalist Satanic agenda that leads directly to the Antichrist. As mentioned, this was how America was set up to begin with since its later founders first met in occult meetings while still in 1600's London, long before they first stepped foot on the Native's soil. While Freemasonry is clearly run by a nobility class of Anglo-elite, the same provide just enough occupation to Jews within the banking and finance industries, including the US Treasury Dept, to enforce the false narrative of 'Jewish control' that's still being promulgated for consumption among the ignorant. What needs to be better understood, therefore, is that the demise of the planet's greatest empire goes so much deeper than the rise of liberalism eroding what was a supposedly conservative Christian nation. The purposed leadership behind the veiled curtain that is America were never Christian. The Masonic plan was always much larger than its temporary "New Atlantis" whose destruction is inevitable, but also planned, ironically by the same Masonic Deep State that created the nation. For their "God" (Lucifer) was never our God. While they train us to only see their political distractions, many live their entire lives never seeing the bondage they were born into. In times past, conservative media drilled it their audiences in the most McCarthyistic way possible that Communism and Socialism were their only enemies, which is highly suspect given that our true and more pervasive enemy is not Marxism or Socialism despite whatever Fox and other "news" corporations are distracting their increasingly far-right audiences with today. The actual evil in this world that connects London with Washington controls both explicitly tailored Left/Right narratives for the purposes of pitting one against the other toward controlling the all. Everything else is a distraction toward their end goal. Their control demands we focus on one's absolute patriotism to the Masonic nation-state without question or be labeled a "Socialist Communist Enemy of the State Pariah Traitor" against it. Ergo, freedom of choice remains as much as an illusion today as it did in the days of feudalism. Those undertaking the research to discover who these unseen controllers would be are likewise hastily written off as being either "conspiracy theorists" or a "threat to democracy" itself by the same Left/Right media that was created to serve the controller's corporate entities to begin with.
While Trump meant for his roaring crowd to understand that the Snake poem he reads on the campaign trail was to represent the collective of mostly fleeing migrant families pouring through the Mexican border, one could also see how the Snake actually represents Trump himself being allowed another term and chance to kill Lady Liberty and the democratic process in his rush to collapse it. Trump wanting the killings of minorities reinstated at the hands of police should be telling you all you need to know about what he envisions for the future. The nation has never been the same since Trump came down that gold escalator spouting both robber baron and racist rhetoric. Research "Accelerationism" and "NRx." Those are the admitted two philosophies that Trump is now following and why he wants ONLY yes men and women surrounding him, they are bringing a collapse in the insane hope of recreating the world in their image leading to a supposed "New Golden Age." This is why he will eventually war with Mexico, which as even spec ops are now discussing with each other because they've been tipped off Trump will go to war with cartels, that it will become like Afghanistan and Vietnam rolled into one with the added effect of terrorism on both sides of the border. We don't need that or anything resembling a collapse to satisfy the oligarch elite who believe in globalist population control.
As I write, FOX News is showing interviews of White American citizens ready to hang migrants on sight, furious of the recent murder of a White American female nursing student by a Venezuelan crossing "Biden/Harris' border." Despite conservative media showing its inherent racial biases when it depicts the one-off crime of a 1-in-3-million migrant killing an American citizen, the fact remains that murder rates among illegal migrants absolutely pales in comparison to homegrown American crime and murder rates, much of which is White on White crime/murder that has been happening since the nation began when Whites were themselves the immigrants. Moreover, for every one murder by a migrant of a White person that might occur once every few or several years or once in a decade, conservative media outlets like Masonic-serving FOX will overlook literally hundreds of murders committed every single day somewhere in the nation by Whites who carry out the exact same crime upon another White person. When a news outlet like FOX does land on such a story of crime caused by a migrant or minority citizen upon a White American citizen, they'll purposefully stay on that story to inflate its importance to make it seem much larger than it was by carrying every live newsfeed surrounding it for days/weeks afterward. This tactic both highlights FOX's own agenda and gives further weight to the racist notion that Whites are supposedly more civilized by comparison than minorities, which in itself is a tactic by racist organizations who also conveniently overlook the literally millions of crimes caused by Whites just to brainwash their acolytes and potential recruits among the general public to stay/become racist, a dynamic that has been pushed since the nation began when Native Americans fighting for their own land were "the savages" and their genocidal murderers were the "peaceful people" who just wanted to steal everything from them in accordance with the Masonic plan hatched back in 1700's London known as "The New Atlantis." It is this same plan that is still being carried out to perfect timing and precision today and this point could not be stressed enough. Americans spending any time of their day watching FOX and believing everything they're seeing and being presented with at face value, they're then ready to hang minorities up in the streets and initiate the next civil war they're daily being brainwashed into igniting to serve in a perfect timing the "Collapse" agenda of the Satanic elite who need America's demise so that their Antichrist can rise in Europe from which Satan will continue to lead the West toward its inevitable Armageddon. For Christ's sake, wake up Americans! To whip up anger among Whites constantly reporting that migrants are not here to work but are evil killers, deranged rapists, cartel drug runners, and sadistic sex traffickers, is just that, lies being reported on purpose to continually shore up the elite's own hegemony and their systemically racist status quo among Whites who are still frightened by Fox's own propagated statistic that cited "By 2050, America will cease to become a White majority country." Apparently, absolutely nothing scared Trump and conservatives more than that which is what propels them to view the world in the way they increasingly do as we approach 2050. Knowing this, the corporate brainwashing as seen in the far-right media within the immigrant nation that is still the United States is doubling down on its efforts to push the mentally unfit toward the most racist, hateful, immigrant-excluding and violent form of so-called patriotism as they introduce their new boogeyman alongside socialism called "Woke." But there are two definitions of what is Woke. Less racist minds see it as the post-war era world admitting that racism in all its forms was being leveraged against minorities in 1940's-1960's American society by which more civilized people not given to such biases now want to correct. That is all being "Woke" is, the recognition that minorities of all kinds exist among us and that systemic racism, antisemitism, sexism, ableism, and classism among the majority works against them, and yet, today's Anglo-centric far-right and those occult forces who lead them need to cast their shadow upon the "new Communism" they deem as Woke, which is ironically due to all of their own obvious heavy bias, bigotry, and yes, racism against the "Wokeness" that they cannot help but to hate, and what they hate is very telling indeed. Society should always be moving in the direction away from such obvious hate and biases but now we're seeing in real time just how Nazism took root firsthand with the initiation of their brainwashing being to demonize and dehumanize anyone considered to be a "Woke" outsider. That is where it begins.
Malcolm X once infamously asked his Black audience, "Who told you that you were ugly?" MAGA today could similarly be asked, "Who told you that 'Woke' is your enemy?" In other words, consider the source. To not be considered "WOKE," you have to be proven 100% White, hate anything resembling racial inclusion, preferably have a 100% White trad-spouse with 100% White children between you and be in total support of a 'pro-White America' agenda. If you are a minority or half-breed of any sort, you must show your indentured servitude to their agenda because you will not get by with your less than "White-passing" or "colored" looks alone, you must talk and think exactly like them, where not only your family history, but the struggle of your entire people in America means nothing to them. Your history must be genocidally wiped out in favor of normalizing their past genocidal evils with the cover story that a very whitewashed WHITES ONLY "Christian" heritage and history must be preserved for the future. The very idea that other races could equally have a voice and a place in America is "WOKE" and therefore evil on its literal brown face and must be forever suppressed. This is how racist Whites are becoming under Trump, where every time they so much as even use the word "Woke," they are showing their inherent racism by default because they are systematically dividing instead of uniting what are, in fact, Americans. Do not be deceived by them for they themselves have been deceived. Woke is a clear manifestation of their own race-dividing, non-inclusive, genocidal thinking, "identity politics" rooted in the time-honored "old-timey" racism of their forebears, modernized to counter what they believe is a "White Genocide" being today perpetrated by their own government. Don't let them tell you your race doesn't matter in the United States that by most correct interpretations was created for all and not some. Why can't there be a racially diverse, race-equal American history taught (which is the truth) going forward, or better asked, why does MAGA today need half-truths and lies to elevate themselves above whom they now want to be in competition with, when we are All Americans? Conversely, "anti-CRT" WHITES ONLY history is precisely that, the same old Anglo-racism that historically did serve evil and genocide rebranded for the school-aged children of today. Trump-era Republicans can say they're not exclusionary, fascist, nor racist all they want, but conservatives are clearly bigoted against anyone or anything they label as "Woke" which has quickly become a placeholder for anything they simply do not like, or want to destroy for their 'better society' which is a racist-leaning, majority White utopia no matter how you choose to view it. Again, the Nazi's did the exact same thing with the Jews and others that they didn't like, where instead of being labeled as "Woke," they were branded with a yellow star and rounded up in "the largest deportation in history" and systematically killed, which should be proof enough that such biased thinking remains a slippery slope also in the 21st century as it did in the 1930's. And yet, today's Anglo-centric occult forces who actually lead them are figuratively attempting to place a bright yellow Star of David on everything deemed "Woke" today. Whereas Christ Himself was "Woke" in many respects, the Satanic-possessed and Anglo-centric Antichrist coming will ultimately pattern himself to the exact opposite, so in that sense, today's Anglo-centric far-right have a lot to look forward to with Satan leading them more directly in the coming years. To counter this fact, fascist elements are now claiming that the very people who expose far-right racism are themselves 'racist against Whites,' when in reality, we are 'racist' against all of their own Nazi tendencies which they never view as being racist. The greatest irony is that Whites still have no clue that they are under control by a literal Satanic hegemony who are creating the very conditions turning them more racist, such as allowing for the sharp influx of illegal migration as plotted to force more Americans to become more Anglo-centric, and hearken back to a time when "America was great again," as it were, and thus, remain perpetually under the matrix of their elite overseer's control. This is all by design. The twin-pillared Left and Right model seen in Western democracy has been purposefully created by the occult-driven elite to distract and completely occupy the minds of their mental slaves in the working man whilst their overlords remain in untouchable power over them.
We were taught in our Masonic-influenced education that no one is above the law, but that is clearly a lie, for there are those who secretly control the United States because they created the very laws that generationally protects themselves, just as the law is also measured in its fullness against anyone not of their purposed ancestry and lineage. In lieu of that and beyond what they are being told about "Wokeism," Republican's today are also being mind-controlled to view their enemies as anyone of a darker skin to keep the racist status quo, that ultimately serves the globalists, intact because doing so is "patriotic," "traditionalist," and "American" while the pervasive status quo works to continually protect the very elites who are killing us all. The message being conveyed therefore is that long-held racism *is* patriotic and stands at the very root of Americanism itself, a very dangerous message to be reinforcing to youth who will one day become the generation serving the next Hitler that the elites are also creating. While true on one level that 'Woke' is being used by globalists to appear as if they care about a united world built on racial diversity and equality, that's not the case when the corporate robber barons and Anglo-elites are merely continuing their ongoing plan to subjugate all of the races that God created via the most extreme in genocidal methods before stealing their land to then install only their race as its new owners, all the while under a supposed Christian banner for doing so which is the ultimate deception because while the people might be Christians, the Masonic government that rules over them certainly remains not. The British empire has attempted exactly this with nearly every single nation on earth and whose land that wasn't outright stolen, they managed to instead have those nations become subject to them in other ways that allow Western globalists to dictate what need be. This is certainly seen today with the mandating of Covid-19 protocols as well as within their increasing "Climate Apocalypse" narrative that could be defined as a leftover from their own post-industrial polluting of the earth that's now being used to deplete entire economies being forced into green mandates. As Cecil Rhodes more loosely admitted, this is being done in the West to advance the ultimate goal in Britain bringing a world leader to power who would further their former imperialism whereby only English-descended peoples and their language dominate the world. More privately, Rhodes created a secret society named "The Round Table" that exposed the reasons why the British must control the world at the behest of their Masonic god, the progenitor of their ancient bloodline from which they marry back into as a way of "strengthening" their blueblood nobility and world power it provides them. At end, Rhodes was referencing the Antichrist of whom even the Scriptures reference as "a [King] that was, is not, but will rise again" in accordance with Revelation 17:8. Thus, a Once and Future King, as it were. Trump's far-right collective also loves to show off their mental deficiency in what should be the commonsense understanding that blocking funding to Ukraine equates to collectively playing the role of Chamberlain's complicity toward Hitler before the outbreak of World War II. In fact, there is no difference between current Republican thinking and Hitler, increasingly, but because Putin, a supposed [Russian Orthodox] Christian is speaking the same Aryan-centric language of subtle racism that Trump and they do, they see Putin as another (White) Christian leader (autocrat), who just like Trump in the West, is attempting to protect a long-standing White Christian empire in the East, which is precisely the wrong thinking to own going into these last days knowing what is presented in Ezekiel 38-39. God himself has put it on record 3,000 years ago that he is AGAINST Putin's (Gog's) and Russia's last days aspirations against Israel.
White "Christians" today really need to read Ezekiel for themselves if they are still persuaded toward Trump's so-called "Christian Nationalism" that favors despots like Putin that God is Himself so clearly against! Moreover, the entire mindset they're starting to display is precisely what later empowers the Antichrist and gives him his throne, seat, and allowed authority over them. What society really needs to ask itself is why are both sides of the political divide increasingly pushing both Left and Right in the exact same direction away from God and toward a cult of human personality in His place? In so doing, the extremely racist elites of the "Blood Royale" remain continually untouchable because they are pitting one American against another as an effective Left/Right distraction that works to protect their ongoing plan where Americans and Europeans are being radicalized by the very same occult-led globalist powers that created, funded and supported Hitler and his murderous Nazi regime to begin with. And precisely as the German people were made as pawns in the globalist chess game while they amassed greater power to further their ultimate plan, so are increasingly far-right conservatives today falling over themselves to join that hidden agenda created by the very same occult-empowered globalists that conservatives unwittingly believe they are against. Populist-leaning Republicans ought to be very careful about what they're asking for in another Trump presidency, a proven corrupt businessman, draft-dodger, and democracy destroyer who has already expressed time and again his disdain for everyone from patriotic Gold-Star families and military POW's to the homeless and mentally ill to autistic and other special needs children to entire races not as 'perfect' as his, to half the American voting population not given to his loudly proclaimed far-right tendencies. Once in power, Nazism then attempts to create the "perfect White utopia" via a self-serving media narrative, isolationism, strict racial inbreeding, and ultimately, forced eugenics which serves the globalist's own plan that's attempting to bring about the exact same thing, not coincidentally. The far-right are being told that it's either their far-right Nazi-like "Ultra-Maga" brand of fascism that will go forward to control the nation or the left's supposed Socialism/Communism that controls it, with no moderate views to be had any longer in between. As such, the two extremist narratives are in themselves mind control because it never addresses the fact that the United States is already under control by a hostile, foreign, alien power who has as their task to destroy the People, whether that destruction comes in the form of their various population control methods, wars, deadly vaccines, domestic violence, riots, or in the spiritual corruption that's leading souls further from the God that America was supposedly founded on. It matters not which political party holds power at any given time, the imperialist elite will meet their long-term goals. Whereas the American people and their collective strength are being siphoned off via the systematic erosion of Christian values by these same racist elites, too many Americans are unwittingly helping in their ultimate goal of a national collapse by giving in to the racist views of the robber baron imperialists or its seemingly opposite working among the morally bankrupt intelligentsia of the leftists, while both (Left/Right) are taking the country toward mutual destruction. The Masonic Plan is working. Because only these two extremes are being funded by elitist wealth and are similarly propagated in the controlled media, the more moderate, medium, centrist voices are getting drowned out amidst all the purposed political noise that further divides the nation, the end-goal of which only better prepares the world for its introduction to Antichrist. Of the British and American Freemasons that operate their twin-caste where the ones we see are merely the unwitting front group to a much more organized Satanic cult, it becomes intriguing that they have placed both Cain and Tubal-Cain as their own founding fathers, knowing the lineage of the first murderer was cursed by God from Cain to Tubal-Cain, with Cain believed to have produced their unique "blue-blooded" heritage that supposedly provided them their elitist and imperial status over the rest of mankind ever since. With all of what's being spoon-fed to European Whites and especially White Americans today, it makes me wonder if there's any remote chance, let alone hope, that they could be woken up anymore when their Overseer's matrix that has ensnared them is this unrelenting. The archon of evil which guides this world needs them to take this planet into its next stage of devolution toward Satan's next "Aryan Messiah," and yet, almost none of them can see clearly enough to understand what is actually happening all around them despite the clarity of division God is also highlighting in these latter years to show the world what's behind the culture war between His Son and Satan's chosen one, of which Satan has long worked to stack the deck in only his favor by contaminating both the Left and the Right within the Masonic empire of his design.
America's National Intelligence Has an Admitted Nazi-Satanist Working at NSA
For Aquino, Satan is a real metaphysical being whose devotees were meant to worship and serve as their diabolical deity. This constitutes the first break between atheistic Satanists and theistic Satanists — a rift which has little meaning when considering that either way it's consistent with Crowley’s notion of inversion. [Thus] it does not matter if a Satanist replaces God with himself or the Devil the ultimate end result serves the same agenda of overturning Christianity and replacing it with Satanic worship. Whether the individual Satanist prefers atheistic or theistic Satanism is irrelevant. Some spin-off groups of theistic Satanists believe this rift will be settled with the emergence of the Anti-Christ in global affairs.
Our actual unseen leaders who ultimately control both the Left and Right from the top, that sit just behind our elected politicians alongside with the Cabal's own globalists, as they are called today, are allowing this in their perfect timing to create the conditions of self-affirming hegemony and hating everything resembling "diversity" for a reason. The same thing is occurring in Europe, but instead of Central and South American Catholics, it is Islamic Muslims that are allowed to flood Europe for what I believe are the very same reasons, for out of this comes an entire generation more race-centric, isolationist, un-empathetic to non-whites, and thus groomed to favor and espouse older notions rooted in Anglo-imperialist colonialism. Why would the mostly white corporate globalists controlling the West want people to be ultimately like them? They are bringing a new Aryan leader to the forefront after their orchestrated global collapse and as a result are already creating an audience that would be most receptive to his future leadership, today. Moreover, knowing those corporations that led to Hitler's rise are still in control in much of what we see today behind what their media tells us, this cannot be a mere coincidence. The same evil that funded Hitler's meteoric rise is also preparing this world for a green-groomed, globalist Antichrist figure who, at first, will appeal to a blending of both the right and left post-Collapse where survivors care more about their own survival than former political leanings. Climate change, vaccine mandates, open border migration, and transgender madness for today on one end - and a sharp rise in Anglo-centric thinking and neo-Nazi recruitment on the other, with hardly anyone asking the obvious question as to why.
John Dee was England's pre-eminent Magus during the first Elizabethan era. Together with Sir Thomas Walsingham, Dee was instrumental in establishing the English state's first intelligence service, the forerunner of MI5 and MI6.
By the time Elizabeth rose to the court in 1558, John Dee had already become her closest personal advisor. Dee advocated imperialism and was actually the first to use the phrase British Empire.” Dee often corresponded with the queen on confidential matters. He took to signing his letters “007” to designate letters for the Queen’s eyes only. The zeroes represented eyes, and the seven was thought to be a lucky number that offered protection. [The moniker was actually derived from "two-ball cane" -- Tubal-Cain.] Many scholars believe that Dee was one of Elizabeth’s spies, and that his travels throughout Europe were not for “spiritual conferences, but rather to gather intelligence. Queen Elizabeth employed a number of spies because she was constantly threatened by plots of conspiracy, all of which were quashed by her secret service.
John Dee (1527-1608) was Queen Elizabeth I’s advisor and astrologer … that helped elevate England to its position as the foremost imperial power in the world. Dee, sometimes called the original 007,” is accredited with having invented the idea of a “British Empire, [and] envisioning fledgling America as the New Atlantis, with himself being the archetype of Merlin, and Queen Elizabeth as Arthur. Piecing together Dee’s diaries, the author examines Enochian [Dee's language used to contact demonic spirits] in precise detail and explains how these same "angels" used Dee and Kelley as agents to establish a New World Order that would unify all religions and eventually dominate the entire globe. Presenting a comprehensive overview of Dees life and work, Louv examines his scientific achievements, spy work, imperial strategizing, and Enochian magick, establishing a psychohistory of John Dee as the fundamental driver of Western history. Exploring Dee’s influence on Sir Francis Bacon, the development of modern science, 17th-century Rosicrucianism, the 19th-century occult revival, and 20th-century occultists such as [JPL's] Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley, and Anton LaVey, Louv shows how John Dee continues to impact science and the occult to this day.
From 1570 Dee advocated a policy of political and economic strengthening of England and imperial expansion into the New World. In his manuscript, Brytannicae Reipublicae Synopsis (1570), he outlined the current state of the Elizabethan Realm and was concerned with national strength. His 1576 General and rare memorials pertaining to the Perfect Art of Navigation was the first volume in an unfinished series planned to advocate the rise of imperial expansion. In the highly symbolic frontispiece, Dee included a figure of Britannia kneeling by the shore beseeching Elizabeth I, to protect her empire by strengthening her navy. Dee used Geoffrey‘s inclusion of Ireland in King Arthur’s imperial conquests to argue that Arthur had established a ‘British empire’ abroad. He further argued that England exploit new lands through colonization and that this vision could become reality through maritime supremacy.
The frontispiece of Francis Bacon’s “New Atlantis” featured the Pillars of Hercules as a gateway to a New World [America]. According to Occult lore, Atlantis is the civilization from which all hermetic knowledge emerged. The rebirth of this lost kingdom has been the dream of Occult mystery schools for centuries.
As original Americans that never needed ships, the North, Central and South Americans were here long before the land was ever named despite the belief many hold that Americans are not Americans unless they're descended from White Europeans only. How ironic. Notice that each and every time when Republicans demonize Critical Race Theory and "Wokeism," their only proposal is to ban Black and Native American history and burn all its books in favor for the doubling down on more of their brand of whitewashing based in Manifest Vanity as if to distance themselves from the murderous colonization force from England that they were/are. The depraved way that especially today's GOP loves to dehumanize asylum-seekers of darker skin while defending all European and now Ukrainian asylum-seekers coming up from Mexico exposes the height of the hypocrisy in their claim that they're not just simply racist. It remains a fact that the vast majority of these same asylum-seekers just want to work and fill in the severe worker shortages that still persist in post-Covid America. What Republicans are gravely worried about is that these same workers would become voters who would eventually vote them out. That's a legitimate concern, so instead of the GOP attempting to court their vote, they'd just rather ensure they never become citizens who can vote in the first place. Then there's the matter of Trump being allowed to hold office a second time to which he should have been forever barred as an issurectionist. Even on his inauguration day in 2025, Trump denigrated Liz Cheney once again, but she wasn't the one who sent a clearly angry mob to the capitol on his direct orders to disrupt and incite clear insurrection and an intense violence against American democracy that took him hours to call off once he saw MAGA failed in their mission of preventing Pence from carrying out his constitutional duty. Trump being allowed to get away with all of that proves that something else entirely is in control of Washington that needs Trump in power for their own agenda to be carried out.
Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King
Another form of the Masonic dual caste or twin pillar control mechanism is seen in the Machiavellian Right vs. Left paradigm thus works as an effective good cop vs. bad cop tactic for those behind America's machination of domestic control. In the same vein, both the British and American empires have subjected much of the planet's population not for the truth or justice they equally claim to be promulgating, but to advance a far more ancient agenda referenced time and again within the Scriptures themselves. Of this, one Scripture explains, "In the last days, many shall depart from the [Christian] faith to instead listen to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." Knowing Satan always works in counterfeit actions to God's will, where the counterfeiting of God's Word is twisted to become the Kabballah, and the Aryan Antichrist becomes the Jewish Messiah, it should be no wonder that Christ's own post-Apocalyptic Millennial rule will also be counterfeited to become a wholly secular utopia that this world's globalist elites daily strive toward. While Americans are largely blind to see it because their own nation's political system is a Masonic shell game whereby Republicans are distracted with whatever the Democrats are doing, and Democrats are similarly distracted with whatever the Republicans are doing, the Satanic elites who created the American system are pushing their 'New World' agenda thru both parties. London's Freemasonry has overtaken nearly every nation at the corporate elite level and attempts to make itself Satan's counterfeit of worldwide Christianity, but unlike God's call for mankind to unite under the banner of Christ, Aryan Freemasonry seeks to undermine God and His Son in favor of Satan and his son. The same also control the online narrative via many "truther" websites, which are today turning to Nazism to explain every current social and political event, i.e., citing that multiculturalism is the byproduct of "evil Jews" while others among them more simply believe that Democrats are the "ultimate evil" organized and run by the globalist son of George Soros (a Jew). Whatever the sordid belief, Whites today are being brainwashed by what's called "Replacement Theory" by other Whites who serve as "conservative voices" for what becomes the propaganda wing for several racist White Nationalist organizations. Like what the Nazi's taught the Germans, "Replacement Theory" arises from the inherently racist belief that White privilege is in danger of extinction by minorities to manufacture a hive mindset among Whites that they must rise up under a populist (and equally racist) leader to destroy liberalism and multiculturalism or face racial, political, spiritual annihilation. Of itself, Replacement Theory was created by early Freemasons and is another known heresy that is an offshoot of British-Israelism. Replacement teaches that God's many blessings and promises made to ancient Israel have instead been extended to Britain and America and serves as a foundation of deception whereby Satan can install an entirely new set of rules to make the Antichrist appear as a Messianic Savior to both Israel and the Western world. Such false doctrine has already allowed the British Empire and now America to conquer entire continents of "minority nations" because God has supposedly sanctioned it. Looking at America and Britain today, as well as the state of the Western world itself, clearly nothing could be further from the truth. Of course, none of the racist rhetoric that comprises their delusion ever mentions that both schools of thought are an entirely Masonic idea, not Christian. Despite the occult brainwashing by those creating "The New Atlantis," many Whites feel it's now a do or die imperative to keep Trump and those like him perpetually in office by any means necessary, or face extinction. This is exactly the mindset being perpetrated on them by their unseen archons in power. It should also be noted here that during those first years after the Collapse, the Antichrist will himself be seen as Europe's last [great white] hope, much like Trump was ironically viewed some years earlier by many Americans, which is telling. Because Satan wants to become God, he actively counterfeits everything of God, including God's Son, Christ, with Antichrist, and His own "chosen people," the Jews, with the descendants of Cain. Thus, a counterfeit 'Israel' was born in America but righteous under God it is not because the God of the Masonic founders was never the ancient God of Israel's patriarchs, but Lucifer himself. Those who actually believe this Anglo-heresy only further propagate the Aryan elite's own goals that lead directly into the lie surrounding the 'Blood Royale' where British royalty are to be seen as Messianic, an idea needed in the future to convince Jews that the Antichrist is their Messiah. America and Britain are not Ephraim and Manasseh, as taught in Anglo-Israel belief. They are currently however representative of the twin Masonic pillars from which the entire planet is subjected. Anglo-racist "Christians" in America are being therefore tainted with the specific Satanic ideology citing that they are descendants of the Biblical 'House of Israel,' with Adam (according to them) being the "first White man by which God created to place all mud races under his authority." Again, Satan does counterfeit for his own agenda whose end is the Antichrist born of "noble blood" ruling the world.
We will not get the MAGA movement (White "Christian" Nationalists) and on to unity until real Christians stand up against the core problem: 70% of Evangelicals are not Christians. They have hijacked Christianity in reverting to following the word of God as instructed by Moses instead of the word of God as instructed by Jesus. The Ten Commandments, and the other 603 edicts of Mosaic Law, have nothing to do with Christianity and more align Evangelicals with Orthodox Jews and Suni/Shia Muslims. MAGA is an Evangelical Jihad armed to the teeth which rivals any Islamic Jihad under ISIS. I'm sure that MAGA isn't 100% Evangelical, but their behavior right out of the Old Testament isn't exclusive to Evangelicals, but it was promoted by Southern Evangelicals in response to freeing the Slaves. The racism used against minorities, that's supposedly sanctioned by God in the scriptures under Mosaic Law, was fair game for generations of low-education Southerners who pointed to their unread Bibles as their "moral compass." MAGA doesn't care how vulgar and despicable their cult leader (Trump) is because "he's doing God's work". And of course, they can justify their actions, including violence against the evil (as defined by their cult leader) under the same premise of forgiveness without fear.
The Evangelical Pharisees (Falwell, Graham, et al), along with the Sadducees (Novelly, Huizenga, Sokol and Crow) who own the Supreme Court, make up Trump's Sanhedrin. “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat". -Jesus (Matthew 23:2). Just like the Pharisees of Christ's time, they are all hypocrites and absolutely rejected Jesus' Teachings and Commandments. To MAGA, Jesus' Teachings are "liberal talking points". Jamar stood out to me as a real Christian in challenging Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" Bible, but I feel that Jamar (nor you) just doesn't get where the other 70% of Evangelicals are coming from. What really amazes me is the Mosaic Law was only intended for "God's Chosen People" of a newly established Israel. It was not intended for the rest of the planet. In fact, Jesus represents a documented historical movement against the harsh rule of Mosaic Law imposed on the Jews. Our Pharisees of today want it imposed on America. I believe we were established under the framework of Jesus' teachings; taking care of "the least of these", "love thy neighbor", "welcome the stranger", and other "liberal talking points". But these decedents of the "Lost Cause" only want to reclaim America for Caucasians - who they believe are one of the Tribes of "God's Chosen People" and want to ensure Mosaic Law is the law of the land. (See also Christian Identity) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Identity
This is precisely what the American "Christian Identity" movement in America believes, as well as the members within such Masonic-inspired creations such as the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, and even the early Mormon Church. The same false narratives that serve as the foundation for Jewish hatred and White supremacy today, is well-documented in the Aryan's own "Lost Tribes of Israel" heresy, which states that the coming Messiah (Antichrist) will ascend after the ruined world purposefully crumbles under mounting debt, needless wars, a depleted faith, rise in paganism, poverty, population control, and Trump's populism, when America and its democracy will fall to ultimately give way to a British monarchy to govern what remains of the West post-2030. How prevalent is this heretical teaching in America? So much so that both TBN and CBN, two of America's largest Christian broadcasting networks have at one time or another aired both shows and/or segments that touted various beliefs and tenants found in Anglo-Israelism. This shows how far Masonic occultism has gone toward systematically dismantling Christianity in advance of establishing their Anglo-Messiah [Antichrist] in the West. The hatred being drummed up today against non-White migrants in both the United States and Europe also works toward creating the exact conditions needed for the post-Collapse rise of the "White Crusader" from which Antichrist will initially portray himself and find an audience perfectly conditioned for that rule. (See also: Rise of
Luciferians: Fall of the Crusading Templars and The Far-Right's View of the Crusading Knights Templar.) As such, the men who fill the ranks of these modern-day robber baron corporate-owning Anglo-elite have provided for themselves this world's greatest cornerstone of power and generational wealth, using both Machiavellian and other tactics to divide and conquer entire societies, but namely in America, the supposed "Christian nation." The work of the main secret society that capstones this nation's mind control becomes simple when they can first brainwash a society that avowed Luciferians are "good men" and their nation's Founding Fathers by which countless innocent children are still assaulted with in their Masonic State-sponsored schoolhouses to this day. Whenever a segment of that brainwashed society begins to wake up to see they are not free but under an ever-tightening control, the elite will merely create a distraction to blame so that they remain safe and secure from all persecution and prosecution because they can just simply create another distraction as another form of shielding themselves. As proven too many times before, the White elitists will use a narrative against minorities as their chosen distraction knowing their lower-class White brethren are easily led toward racism anyway. [As if by nature, racist "Karen's" employ this same dynamic against minorities on a much smaller scale, i.e., get a minority arrested using a purposed 'shit-stirring' tactic while the Karen is given safety from prosecution for causing the trouble to begin with.] A more extreme example of this is the CIA's own purposed war against minorities by flooding their neighborhoods with drugs and guns only to have ignorant Republicans, who have often been made wealthy off the backs of minorities, turn and blame minorities for America's demise. How ironic. It's not that minorities are destroying the nation but the same Anglo-elites that Republicans protect who literally control the siphon of mass chaos in America on every front. In this way, globalists are left free to continue meeting every single one of their twisted goals that leads toward an Anglo-favoring world order going forward. Understand, the descendants of those who founded this nation still hold the power over this nation. They are NOT what you've been taught in their controlled state schoolhouses. It is they who have manufactured and weaponized everything from illegal drugs and human trafficking, banking and financial corruption, urban gentrification, tainted food and water supplies, and anything else that destroys a society both short and long term, from within, so that even if you happen to survive their myriad of population control methods, you'll live to be taken in by one of their many distractions that are designed to destroy you spiritually and thus remove your place with God, forever, whether that distraction is manipulating your religious or racial beliefs, your morality, or your gender and sexuality. Look at what they're doing to children today in the name of "self-affirming gender care." The simpletons among the slack-jawed would naturally blame "THE DEMOCRATS!" But look closer. Look at the films and other entertainment media the Satanic cabal collectively create in between their financing both Republican and Democrat causes. Does any of their entertainment ever work to edify the soul or uplift the human spirit toward our Creator, or are they manipulating you with everything they know makes you more like them? Take the time to actually read the following links...
It's clear they want American Republicans thinking exactly like them, with upholding profits over people and becoming increasingly racist, while at the same time providing a parallel path of destruction for American Democrats via catering to their upholding of an immoral self-will over God's will and moral laws. It is exactly like Satan to provide the equal opportunity for a soul's destruction no matter what political views were held in life, especially when those two seemingly opposing views were entirely Masonic to begin with. How ironic it is therefore that White Republicans actually believe that they are of God's power and purpose simply because they are not Democrat. Meanwhile, Satan's men in power have perfectly planned destruction for the entirety of mankind in keeping with their Masonic goal which is Lucifer's own will of crowning himself as King over God's remaining creation. In this, American Republicans are certainly not exempt, not when the corporate forces they serve and work to protect are themselves worshipping Satan under the belief that they will be rewarded an integral part within his future New World. Given the current culture divide between the purposefully polarized Left and the Right, perhaps the most important point to grasp in regard to the future under the coming superstate arising out of Europe and specifically the UK, is what components of both Left and Right the Antichrist combines to include the all within his plan for an expedient world domination. Those that live in the 'kingdom of the Beast' will live in something akin to '15-minute cities' under a very strict control believing that such strict controls are necessary trade off post-Collapse. The New Age trend toward non-meat consumption believing it helps save the earth will get to the point where animal meat consumption of itself will be made verboten. Intriguingly, we are provided a glimpse into that future with the Scripture found in 1 Timothy 4:1-3 that predicts: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the last days many shall depart from the [Christian] faith, giving heed instead to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth." From the modern trend toward fascism from both the Left and Right will come a surveillance state and its inevitable Mark of the Beast financial system, where everyone is provided a wearable 'mark' from which to buy and sell with ease, but is more covertly tracking every location, habit, and interest a person would have, as well as likely recording every conversation they may have as a result of its intrusive technology to track any rebellion in real time. Covid-19 proved how far the government can push a society to believe whatever they tell us is supposedly real, therefore, a medical reason may be added to why someone would want to take the Mark, such as it having all of their important medical information recorded and contained within it. We see a semblance of that world today with our daily conversations covertly being recorded by our phones and home devices, our transactions are already being tracked, facial recognition technology already has the ability to follow our every move in stores and within "Smart Cities" with enhanced AI only adding new layers of Orwellian level controls to ensure our freedoms are being eroded at an unprecedented rate. From the Right's fascism/racism will come the belief that the Antichrist (born of both imperial and Merovingian blood) has the "Right of Divine Rule" over the entire planet. From the alien agenda being propagated by the US and UK governments, will come a level of global deception that changes everything virtually overnight, when the globalists will introduce us to our supposed alien benefactors to guide man into his 'next evolutionary step.' Of this, 2 Thessalonians 2:6-12 speaks to: "And now ye know what withholds him until he be unveiled in his time. For the Mystery of Iniquity [Antichrist] does already work. Only He who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way and then shall that Wicked One be revealed [to the world]... Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying miracles and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the Love of the Truth [God's Word/Jesus Christ], that they might be saved. And for this cause, God shall allow them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie so that they all might be damned who believed not the Truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness [i.e., homosexuality, infidelity, witchcraft, hedonism, greed, etc.]." Add of those deceptive lies to come via an alternate creation account regarding aliens and the supposed ancient manipulation of our human genome by a 'Divine Anunnaki' that will eclipse both evolution and Creation to become the basis of a new global religion spearheaded by the Beast and his False Prophet. Seeing is believing, after all, or so the people will tell themselves in those days.
Such deceptions would then cause the world to literally worship the Beast because he has been given the supposed Divine Right to Rule by the Dragon himself, meaning it appears that besides Satan's eventual possession of the Antichrist, he will also be seen as something of an alien God or Goddess to be worshipped, with the Antichrist being announced as "his son." With this, the Scripture in Revelation 13:2-9 informs: "And the Beast [Antichrist] which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion, but the Dragon [Satan] gave him his power, his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death but his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled after the Beast and they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast and they worshipped the Beast, saying, 'Who is like unto the Beast? Who could ever make war against him?' And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue [for another] forty-two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle and them that dwell in Heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints to [temporarily] overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear." From the Left will come the acceptance of all forms of sexuality and the liberal take on New Age Spirituality where everything from demonic possession to pagan worship of the 'Old Ones' will become tenants of Satan's New World Church. Of this, the Revelation 9:20-21 tells us: "And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils in the form of idols of gold and silver, of brass and stone or of wood. Neither repented they of their [sacrificial] murders nor of their sorceries, or fornication, or thefts. The Antichrist will be seen as a Awakened Avatar here to guide the rest of the planet at the behest of not a God, but a Goddess, into a true New Age so that like a collective Adam and Eve, mankind will again fall under Satan's original lie that we can become as God(s), if we just disobey everything within God's Word. The Antichrist's own False Prophet will then initiate a World Church rooted in cultural paganism that blends a kind of fascism with New Age belief, whereby anyone not attempting to connect themselves with "THE ALL" will be seen as hostile to the World Church and the Dragon's plan for humanity. The New Age's religious fascism will get to the point where if anyone refuses any aspect of Satan's attempt at destroying the world and every soul in it, will themselves be hunted down and killed, which has always been fascism's end result. Of this time, the Scriptures from Daniel 11:30-36 inform us what is to occur in Israel specifically from which we can only imagine what occurs elsewhere: "For the ships of Chittim shall come against him [Antichrist]. Therefore he shall be grieved and return and have indignation against the Holy Covenant [the Jews of Israel and their religion]. He shall return to his own land and have intelligence with all of them that also forsake the Holy Covenant [Jews/Israel]. And such as do wickedly against the Covenant [Israel] shall he [Antichrist] corrupt by flatteries but the [Jewish] people that do know their God [in Yeshua Moshiach] shall be strong and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many - yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall fall, they shall be further helped with a little help, while the majority shall cleave to them [holding to the king's] flatteries. Some of them of understanding shall fall to test them, to purge their sins and make them blameless to the time of the end [at Armageddon], because it is yet for a time appointed. And the king [Antichrist] shall do according to his will. And he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak many things against the God of gods and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished. For that which is determined shall be done."
"American Patriots" - The Most Ironic Slaves of the Monarchy
The definition of Sedition is very interesting to include the word Monarch knowing how the Crown Temple in London still owns and controls the United States. Perhaps we should all be revolting not against fellow Americans, but against those global elites who view us as their pawns. Such naivety on daily display here, at a time when we can no longer afford such ignorance. You understand that this nation was created by the Lucifer-worshipping Freemasons, do you not? Do you really believe their inherently British-serving power somehow subsided in 1776? Whenever you cannot figure out what America has already done and is still doing toward bringing in a New World Order, remember who controls it. It was never by or for the People. The State will demand you to get forcibly vaccinated and to blindly "trust the science" that is literally the same science that once took in 1,600 Nazi's and claims there is no God, while their media demands you to be repelled by the "conspiracy theories" that expose their evil corporations and tactics.
For example, the media will tell you Satanism or its controlling elites don't exist, while the same media promotes literally everything the elites at the World Economic Forum demand of society going forward. Further, as the corporate media trains society to instantly mock verified accounts of Satanic Ritual Abuse as part of their protecting those same elites being accused of it, they'll also attack the claims by branding it "Satanic Panic 2.0" and go after the accusers by labelling them as mentally ill or seemingly worse, as conspiracy theorists. In short, the Deep State shadow account collectively named "Q" that effectively mixes lies (about Trump) with the truth (about Satanic ruling elites) exists to be taken down by the corporate media in their ultimate effort to remove all conspiracy theories that expose the elite's subversive plan toward a New World Order.
Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King
There is a plan for the world, a New World Order, devised by a British, American, and European financial elite of immense wealth and power, with centuries-old historical roots. This oligarchy controls the politicians, the courts, the educational institutions, the food, the natural resources, the foreign policies, and the economies of most nations.
The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.
Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister 1868
Foster Bailey, the husband of Alice Bailey, said that “Freemasonry is the descendent of a United World Religion, a divinely imparted Religion... striving for a United World Order” There is also a move to create a World Stock Market to control all governments in the world. The foundations behind the United Nations are spiritual. The Global Oneness Movement is gaining momentum. Doctor Wilhmhurst saw the dawning of the Aquarian Age as the fulfillment of the Plan* and said that Freemasonry may be the vehicle for that fulfillment. Wise people point out that the New Age Movement is the Universal Religion. The hand of the Mysteries controlled the establishment of the United States Government and the signature of the Mysteries may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United States of America. The US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter said “The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.”
It's no secret the United States is steadily losing its Biblical base. Just look at how many Americans rejoiced in New York's recent ungodly law legalizing abortion up until the day of birth. The more our nation loses its God-honoring element, the closer it draws to spiritual death. But this isn't a recent trend. Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne says the demise of America started in 1877 with a man named Cecil Rhodes, a lifetime member of the Masonic Order. Rhodes formed The Round Table society with the goal to bring the whole world under control of the British Empire, establishing a future one-world government. Since then, a strong and single-focused institution has infiltrated American society, and it has everything to do with money...[and a] globalist system as a prime setup for the Antichrist to arise.
There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened beings composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has secret destiny. The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers. This King would be descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined.
John Wight, a writer and political commentator, argues that the mainstream media and their governments in the West are ostensibly trying to "curb dissent" with this controversial intervention on freedom of expression. It’s a very serious and sinister undertaking by the British government to try and control the last free space of communication that exists in society in the UK and in the West.
A 2017 project presentation published on the UK government website shows that the “influencing human behavior” section of the project also involves something that could be considered psychological warfare. The research should help London achieve its “geopolitical and strategic aims” through the use of full spectrum of national capabilities,” including “covert means.” It is also allegedly aimed at developing techniques of “targeted manipulation of information in the virtual and physical domains to shape attitudes and beliefs in the cognitive domain.” A DSTL spokesperson further told the Guardian on Wednesday that the research into targeted manipulation of information was focused on “communicating with overseas audiences and deterring adversaries who threaten the UK’s interests.” These statements sound particularly disturbing in the light of recent revelations about the Integrity Initiative – another UK-funded psy-op outfit. Masquerading as a completely independent charity project aiming to highlight disinformation” online, this government-funded project has been running influence operations all around Europe and interfering in the domestic politics of other countries.
The Queen is the Patron of the 1,100-member Pilgrims Society of Great Britain and the United States (founded by Cecil Rhodes and fellow robber barons in 1902). Justice Roberts’ CIA father John G. Roberts, Sr. became member via his employers, the First National Bank of Maryland and Bethlehem Steel, owned by Pilgrim's co-founder Andrew Carnegie. The late George Bush Sr. was a Pilgrim member, his son George W. Bush remains a member. Past White House cabinet members included Casper Weinberger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Alexander Haig, and George Schultz. Rupert Soames (SERCO), Sir Nick Clegg (Facebook), and Microsoft founder Bill Gates (EVENT 201), along with Lord Mark Malloch Brown, Prince Andrew and Prince Charles are all current members.
Much like the elite caste within Freemasonry, it is the ruling British Monarch that is the Patron to whom both the British and American Pilgrims Society members pledge allegiance. This is the treasonous “special relationship” the US has with the UK in their joint corporate-fascist New World program. Their population control methods have already employed everything from disease-causing pesticides on our foods, to controlling much of the pharmaceutical drug industry, while more sinisterly planning to reduce the world's population via a pandemic that would eventually prompt for mandatory masks, in advance of a mandatory vaccine and even harsher dystopian government laws after 2021. This would indicate the roll out of "deadlier variants" to ensure total future compliance toward receiving the vaccine but why should anyone take a vaccine when they don't know what's in it? Why is no one even asking or any expert ever explaining? In an age when social media and corporations are "cancelling" anyone asking these questions, claiming even to ask is disseminating misinformation, why are the same media networks continually misinforming the masses in not reporting the deaths associated with the Covid-19 vaccine?
The only answer we're daily given is to blindly "Trust The Science," or else risk being ostracized from the supposed reality that the controlled media is desperately attempting to frame. BBC, SKY, FOX, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC lead the world with pushing ceaseless reports carrying a single, hive-minded Orwellian theme: Get the vaccine, get the vaccine, get the vaccine, when short to long term dangers remain unknown. Of course, all the media has to do is tell society these vaccinations are safe/effective, and it's automatically believed without question. One need only research who sits atop of these networks to see Orwell was right. It's 1984. At end, it would be too late to finally discover that Covid-19 and its countless variants served as a distraction, and the vaccines as a future danger, while the depopulation-favoring elites consolidated more centralization of power between themselves and the one they shall yet push to the forefront of all "science-backed" humanitarian sustainability and green-earth environmentalism.
Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King
✠ A Mortal Enemy: The Anglo-American Alliance of the New Atlantis What the Freemasons have continually done, is replace Christianity with anything else as long as it mocks the Biblical God under a false guise of freedom that's consistently in favor of Lucifer, the enemy of God. Have they succeeded? Look around. Today's short-sighted "American patriots" interpret evil living among them in the form of their liberal neighbors while our true enemies remain hidden and unhindered in their work to destroy the nation itself. What's really damning against the deceived Right-wing in America, is that they unwittingly worship what amounts to their enemies and everything they actually stand for. They've been fooled by centuries of deceptive propaganda of what they think America stands for, against the reality that the U.S. is merely a proxy corporation controlled at the top by the City of London. 2 Corinthians 4:4 informs us that Satan is the literal ruler, power, and Prince of this world. And yet, who has become the most powerful nation in this world? Perhaps better asked, from whence did America's own racist policies originally derive and whose racist empire is America still facilitating today? Most of the elder Templar families who have emigrated to America, from Western Europe, have strong roots in the north-eastern United States, are of Nordic, Celtic, Germanic, or Anglo-Saxon/English stock, and have held political and financial influence in the New World from the start. While true, the Masonic-allied factions within the American government over these last two centuries have become well-entrenched and wholly allied to the ancient Templar cause that propels them to undertake and achieve the sinister goals of Anglo-racism, the rest of the American government carries out its duties ignorant to the central plan of the inner-caste, much like the inner caste of Freemasonry itself, as blood-keepers of the Oath [to Lucifer], keep their central secret far removed from the lower caste, who by their own connections, and lack thereof, are not entrusted to such knowledge and power. This may come as a shock to some, but to the Masonic mindset, America is nothing less than a joint venture between London and Washington in the form of a grand Masonic experiment called 'The New Atlantis,' whose 'twin pillar' political spectrum is dominated by their Left vs. Right paradigm. Of course, we have been told we carry the defining choice between what we view to be either good, or evil within the construct of our given political spectrum, and that through our collective votes, we can alter our said reality, but choice has proven to be an illusion. The paradigm was originally based upon the schism between Satan and God Himself, of which each of us still have an ultimate choice between. Thus, in place of God's eternal Kingdom in Heaven, is a temporary Masonic (Satanic) Kingdom on earth, by which most have been absolutely brainwashed in its service, believing it is the apex of all human accomplishment that carries with it the divine prominence of the [Masonic] God. The powers behind both the left and the right serve the same entity, however, having even darker forces behind them that work toward a global dictatorship that promotes their counterfeit 'God' and his son [Antichrist], in direct opposition to God and His Son, the 'two pillars' being counterfeited. Everything we learn in their Masonic history-favoring schools, everything we watch on their Masonic brainwashing televisions and film houses, is unmistakably deluged with Satanic, Masonic, and Illuminati re-education, leaving society swept away in a tidal wave of increasingly obvious mind control that propagates Western Anglo-imperialism backed by the remaining power the British Empire still wields from behind its American Empire. This same national sentiment toward Anglo-imperialism and White patriotism in its ongoing dominance over natives, remains in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Greenland, Iceland, etc., making for a clear and definitive pattern in regard to Caucasians themselves of whose greatest progenitor of imperialism was Britain and her persistent empire. By now we've all heard the account where Canadians are in shock over their English and French settlers committing genocide against Canada's indigenous population to supposedly "advance Christ" (but in reality, Antichrist). Britain's Australia did the same against the Aborigines, as did the earliest New Zealanders against the native Māori, as did the United States did against the native indigenous, as did the British and later Dutch did against South Africans. It is not a mere coincidence that Great Britain had destroyed the God-given indigenous of these lands from every corner of the earth to replace them with those of their own accursed ancestry for this is precisely part of the Luciferian plan that turned England into an empiric Masonic power that later provides Antichrist his instant world audience. And yet what do all of these subjugated races from every corner of the world have in common? They were all deceived, conquered, poisoned, sacrificed and murdered, while others were made and kept as slaves. In the place of their natural native languages, they were forced into the "King's English" in return for their lives while being forced to live in infested squalor as their new masters took for themselves the fattest places of the province using God's name, brainwashed in believing they are the the "Merovingian descendants of Christ." The occult, Masonic, Mormon, and the British royal symbol of the colonizing bee that all four share, in itself shows us the larger plan of Lucifer's globalist ambition. All four share a common heritage, meaning, a bloodline that they would say is Merovingian and Davidic, but extends much further back in antiquity to Cain. Their purposed occult imagery is quite telling therefore, a so-called "Sovereign" colonizing the entire world with his/her empiric descendancy, by deceiving, killing, stealing, and then destroying the land and planet with its collective pollution as a form of indignation against the actual Sovereign God who created it. Given how the Republican party in America actually defends both British and American colonization, how could the increasingly Trump-corrupted, institutionally racist, Hitler-favoring, status quo-serving GOP resist their next Aryan strongman in the Antichrist? One thing is certain, London's Masonic control undermining the US has continually infected every US institution for a purpose that continually escapes its citizenry.
Given how Britain's empiric extensions of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and the United States have taken giant swaths of this world's land mass using genocide as their path toward ultimate control, why are Whites living in those nations shocked to finally learn how they've obtained the land? Answer: Mind control via a white-washing of genocidal history to instill misplaced loyalty and undying patriotism to a sadistic Masonic-controlled empire, which in America was just as evil as it was genius, given how most Americans remain content to never awake from the obvious blind obedience that drives them. Therefore, it is no mere coincidence that the largest population of generational Satanists are also found within Great Britain's commonwealth nations and former colonial territories by descendants of its oldest and most elite settler families, including in America. With the discovery of America and its subsequent settling and later hidden control of its government, it was as if Cain himself had returned to Eden. At end, what every single person reading this needs to understand, is that England and its eldest Satanic elites have very purposefully colonized much of the planet to establish the foundation from which the future Antichrist will absorb increasing power that leads to a New World Order, which is why every nation mentioned above also has generational branches of powerful elitist Satanic families united in their singular goal to help bring it about. Destroying entire races of indigenous people within their own God-given nations and placing the rest under subjection was only the first part of the much larger plan toward establishing global dominance, not for God. To the majority, the seemingly contrary words of the Masonic motto of 'In God We Trust' appearing on our money seems to clash with the same Freemasons pushing for a New Secular Order, but not when you understand that their Masonic God is not the God of the Bible. Their "freedom from religion" clause that was nefariously placed within the Constitution was never there to protect Christianity, as many think, it was placed to protect that which leads toward their Masonic goal of a secular order using the antithesis of Christianity, which is also, not coincidentally, flourishing in America today. In other words, Satan has merely counterfeited everything of God, including God's own 'Prince of Peace' in Heaven, for an earthly version arising from a supposed "Divine Royalty" here on earth. While God has His chosen people that comprise Israel, Satan also has his, albeit in complete counterfeit. At end, America will have proven itself to be nothing more than a nearly 300-year Masonic experiment to perfect the British Antichrist's own future global kingdom, where all races seemingly enjoy a new era of peace and prosperity but are actually trapped within a Satanic deception where they'll ultimately defy God Himself. This is why both the British and American governments are so deeply involved with mind control programs, one-world propaganda, pagan education, and an overall agenda toward eradicating Christianity and God's Word. With new and advanced mind control networks and programs facilitated by their tightening control over the internet itself, their older projects Bluebird, Artichoke, Paperclip, and MK-Ultra, never ceased, but merely perfected their control over those who remain willingly ignorant to vainly believe their thoughts are entirely their own. As shown, it is this same "New Atlantis" and its hidden alliance with its mother country, Great Britain, that is dividing the world, America included, in a campaign called the 'Great Work' to further manipulate our collective perception in advance of a coming New World (Order) that arises like a phoenix from the ashes of our present "old world" into a glorious New Aeon. The plan is such that whatever remnant arises after the Collapse, they are to quickly fall in line with what the Druidic, and later Templar, masters of the old system have prepared for its Masonic-tainted society in the new. Understanding this, and knowing all they've achieved thus far, what is the ultimate goal of destroying one empire of their own design to pave the way for another? Answering that question goes to prove who they are, why they exist, whom they actually worship, and why they built America, as well as their actual intent for doing so.
Evidence of that can be seen in the way academia increasingly shuns Christ completely, whilst promoting other cultural "world teachers," with the Bible-denying news media doing the same. And it's not just the theory of climate change that the media also pushes, but on the other side of that topic, networks like CNN will present a panel of New Age guru's explaining that to truly clean the planet, we all need to adopt New Age thinking, "green-living" practices, and become "Global Citizens," as outlined in the Masonic plan that is preparing this planet for a 'One World' mindset backed up by a 'Rex Mundi' to lead it. So while the left-wing media is distracting us with all of that, conservative news outlets want to make it appear they're not being increasingly herded into a White nationalist viewpoint, as the corporate powers behind the Republican party continue to produce deadly pesticides, murderous pollution, and antibiotic-resistant viruses that's literally killing both us and the planet. This is precisely why those racists under the delusion that America is for Whites only, look to Trump knowing he is their perceived "savior" of the racist 'Manifest Destiny' America was built upon. Of course, conservative media wants to hide all of that, which is why they'll purposefully seek out the relatively few Trump-bowing Blacks and Hispanics to trout out in front of the cameras, all the while Trump's cult secretly hearkens back to a time in America long before the Civil Rights era. Roll back 75+ years, and had they been born in Germany, the same devoted cult of MAGA followers that see Trump as their imperious Messiah today, would have easily recognized Adolf Hitler as the Donald Trump of their era. How could they not? Simply swap out Europe's hated minorities for America's hated minorities. Just last night, Trump became enraged over the toppled statue of renowned Freemason and Confederate general Albert Pike not far from the White House. But why is no one asking the obvious question here? What is a venerated statue of a known racist Confederate general and creator of the KKK doing in Washington DC? The answer, once again, is Freemasonry. You remember Freemasonry from your Masonic-funded flag-waving grade school, where you were commanded to stand in a literal Masonic pose and stare at their Masonic flag while uttering your Masonic-created oath to it. Afterward, you were fed the white-washed propaganda that our slave-owning 'founders' were all good men who fought off British tyranny to create a new nation based on truth, freedom, and new tyranny. As such, the current political climate and increasing divide that has resulted in a culture war of pushed ideologies did not begin when President Obama entered the White House or when White conservatives could no longer hold in their innate racist tendencies, it began when the two-party system itself was devised by Freemasons to deceive every American thereafter under the false premise of freedom of choice. As slaves within the Masonic Matrix, with America's Left and Right placed like pawns toward their inevitable war, why is no one asking who is behind this increasingly deadly culture war? Of course, the far-right cannot deprogram themselves long enough from the obvious brainwashing to see their hyper-partisan toxic culture does exist, despite their blaming all of the world's ills on liberals, exactly as they're told to do by the Masonic puppet masters heading up their conservative media. It is therefore no coincidence that such lucid assertions presented would confuse today's younger generation who've already been Masonic-conditioned into hatred against God, the Jews, Christians, Israel, and the Bible itself (via education) by the very same controlling elites in Masonic-dominated London and its sister city in Masonic-dominated Washington DC that they've also been told don't exist (by the media). History does at least admit the Puritan and Pilgrims themselves were early working emissaries of the British Crown, and its touted divinity. While Pilgrims were Separatists, seemingly, the Puritan "Christians" were openly loyal to England and the British Monarchy, as non-separating Congregationalists, who believed that the Church of England was the one true church chosen by God to rule the nation, and whatever ruling Monarch(s) that existed were chosen by God to rule the world. Instead of a Pope ruling in Christ's stead, they extended all power to the living Monarch whose Royal lineage is believed to be traced to ancient Israel itself, via bloodline. See also: The US/UK's "Pilgrim Society" ties into the evil power structure. What might be surprising to some, is that same belief is held today by an increasing number of White Americans being tainted with the Satanic lie known as British-Israelism, aka Replacement Theology from which its watered-down version known as "Replacement Theory" was originally based. No matter the specific theory or theology, such race-based tropes are used to steer Whites into White Nationalist thinking that then prepare them for recruitment into Aryan-based hate organizations. Because God commanded ancient Israel to wipe out the indigenous people living in what later became the Holy Land, many early Christian settlers in America believed they could draw a 1:1 parallel from that to determine that God wanted also them to exact a genocide against America's Natives for the exact same reasons that amounted to God's supposed blessing.
The racism rooted in Britain's imperialism and its colonization methods that resulted from such Manifest Destiny speaks to many American Christians to this day who reinforce Britain's sadistic narratives that the British and Americans are God's elect, while the rest of mankind not bred via Britain's largest Commonwealth nations are somehow inferior by reason of birth, thus allowing these larger Commonwealths such as Canada, Australia, and yes, the U.S., to dehumanize darker-skinned "foreigners" despite these same nations doing so from countries that were themselves the result of British racist colonization whose own darker-skinned Natives know the truth while the colonizers educate their children to accept Britain's imperialism outright to this day. Combined with a form of nationalistic megalomania, Trump uses this superiority complex to great advantage over his equally deluded flock. Does all of this mean we should not support American patriotism, on its face? Of course not. But when the hidden hand that actually runs the show brings forward such men like Obama, only to then bring in men like Trump, and then Biden (and Trump again?), in order to expedite the larger Masonic agenda and plan, how can we the collective people not see it? Of that first tier of hidden government that is not elected, but generational, no one can deny that America's once defining Christian identity is increasingly redefined away from Christian precept and dogma. Nowhere can their twisted endeavor be seen more than in our Godless, state-funded academic institutions, called schools, where the goal of these pagan-churning centers of higher learning release an increasing number of radical liberals into society, conditioned toward social utopianism, carrying an even greater inviolable form of systematic atheism than the generation before it. Understand also, the evil forces beholden to Britain who initiated these governments increasingly gain advantage no matter which party holds office, especially in America. While they never appear in public to announce their hidden agenda, you can nonetheless see their nefarious workings over the centuries as proofs of their own obvious existence. If the Republicans hold the most influence, then all of their Anglo-corporate monopolies take advantage where profits are always placed above the people. If the Democrats lead in America, then more laws are pushed to further erode the people's former Christian values to the point of this post-Roman empire's impending fall. In either case, the hidden archons win and the people's reward is ultimately Antichrist despite any one's current view of the distracting illusion called American politics and democracy. After recently viewing a live round-table debate with younger adults discussing the building of a "New World Amidst Climate Change" to hear all of the points made to best achieve their stated goals, it dawned on me that none of them will ever realize how their generation was literally programmed into such cult-like globalist, one world, "global village" thinking during their formal years in the education system, pushed by a Masonic-tainted intelligentsia of Christian-subverting academics that daily provided the foundational building blocks toward establishing a wholly secular, environmentally-centered, racist-tainted, pagan-friendly, witchcraft-leaning, elitist-tithing, fascist-serving, great-reset utopia as mankind's highest achievement yet to attain. Both sides of the political divide would revolt in unison if they knew what the powers behind our government were insidiously involved with. Instead of that, the controlled media creates purposefully polarizing narratives designed to enflame tensions all the more by setting one evil of the elite's own devising against another. Who's behind such control? Why? Ordo Ab Chao. The Antichrist will be backed by the Illuminati, even as they're presenting him to the world as a hero and great humanitarian already despite his actual connections to evil via his family and extended bloodline who've been presented as benevolent humanitarians for at least the last seven decades, and this despite they never actually helped anyone, not on the grand scale they could, given their unmatched power, prestige, political influence, and vast riches. And what are we to think about a Queen who while constantly finding new ways to snub grandson Harry to get at half-Black Meghan Markle, goes to equal if not greater lengths to shield her pedophile Son Andrew, all the while the media portrays her in such biased glowing terms? This is still the same woman who gave Nazi salutes (during Hitler's rise to power) when prompted by her apparently influential parents to which the media also made excuses on her behalf for even that. The British royal family and their elite corporations sit atop a financial behemoth of a Beast, holding the kind of control in this world where they could collectively eradicate hunger, famine, and homelessness virtually overnight, but in the last 70 years she's been on the Throne, what has the Queen or anyone among her family actually done besides the common photo op? Nothing. Why? The world's increasing problems, therefore, many of which were purposefully created by the Western powers themselves over the last century, exist so that the future Antichrist will be looked upon as a messianic figure when he suddenly appears after their 'Collapse" to facilitate every solution that is already prepared for him.
Hillary Clinton & John Podesta's E-Mails Revealed Underworld of Satanic Parties that Media Has Attempted to Cover-Up Since it was Exposed on WikiLeaks by Threatening the Freedom and Livelihood of Dissident Julian Assange
(Below) Painting "Satan Summoning His Legions" Miriam Abramovic, Jacob Rothschild
Whether the country wants to address the horror or simply bury their heads in the sand - the inconvenient truth implies that the British Establishment is in fact a Freemasonic club of psychotic pedophile murderers, in which the entire House of Commons, the judiciary, police and royalty are nothing more than the managers of a vast organization, tasked with maintaining the status quo and the worship of Lucifer for their own evil and nefarious ends.
The alleged sex abuse is primarily thought to have happened in institutions, Bailey said, with 666 of the suspects believed to have targeted victims in establishment places. A total of 154 schools, 75 children’s homes and 40 places of religious worship were among the institutions identified. Bailey stressed UK authorities are seeing "an unprecedented increase" in the number of allegations surfacing. In March, it also emerged that Britain's police watchdog was expanding its operation to investigate police cover-ups of historic sex abuse in the UK. Allegations being investigated by the IPCC span from the 1970s to the 2000s, and include cases where inquiries into MPs, actors and the clergy were dropped due to pressure from senior officers. One claim asserts detectives in central London gathered evidence against a high-profile pedophile ring operating in Britain, and that a file has been submitted to begin proceedings against those identified.
An FBI dossier on Mountbatten, released thanks to a Freedom of Information request, reveals shocking information about the royal who was a mentor to his grand-nephew Prince Charles. The intelligence files contain information suggesting that Lord Mountbatten was a pedophile with "a perversion for young boys." American intelligence officers began compiling the dossier in 1944, after Mountbatten was named Supreme Allied Commander of Southeast Asia [during World War II]. The decorated war hero was seen as a father figure to the young Charles, his great-nephew, and is even credited with introducing his father, Prince Philip to Queen Elizabeth. Mountbatten was second cousin to Elizabeth and introduced her to his nephew, Philip. Hence, Elizabeth and Philip are third cousins of each other. Mountbatten is also great uncle to Prince Andrew, friend of Jeffrey Epstein. Prophetic words, considering the BBC’s willful coverup of Jimmy Savile’s [Satanic] crimes. Perhaps the truth about the Kincora Boys Home will finally come out.
[Jimmy Savile] chanted “Hail Satan” in Latin as other pedophile devil worshippers joined in and assaulted the girl at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. The attack, which happened in 1975, shines a sinister new light on Savile's 54-year reign of terror in the UK. Savile, who died aged 84 in October 2011, is now Britain’s worst sex offender after police revealed he preyed on at least 450 victims aged eight to 47. The girl kept her torment hidden for nearly 20 years before finally opening up to therapist Valerie Sinason. She was molested, raped and beaten and heard words that sounded like ‘Ave Satanas being chanted. There was no mention of any other child being there and she cannot remember how long the attack lasted but she was left extremely frightened and shaken.” Savile was a volunteer porter and fundraiser at the hospital between 1965 and 1988 and had his own quarters there. Five years after the hospital attack, he abused a second victim during another Satanic Black Mass ceremony held at a house on a wealthy London street. The woman was 21 at the time and was made to attend an orgy, which later took on a darker twist.
WASHINGTON POST -- Savile palled around with the Royal Family, reportedly spent holidays with the Thatcher's, and was 'knighted' not only by Queen Elizabeth but by Pope John Paul II. He was, after all, a great man. He raised $5.2 million for a hospital in Leeds, one of the United Kingdom’s largest. However, Savile, according to a U.K. National Health Service investigation released Thursday, was a prolific pedophile. The health service investigation only confirmed behavior described in several earlier probes since his death. With unfettered access to Leeds General Infirmary, the health service report said, he raped and fondled boys, girls, men and women in offices and corridors. He also allegedly committed sexual acts on dead bodies. In all, Savile is believed to have abused at least 500 girls and boys, some as young as two, most between 13 and 15, as well as countless adults ranging up to 75 years old. As shocking as the findings are, even more shocking is the fact that Savile got away with it for so long. That realization has “shaken our country to the core, UK Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said Thursday. For decades, while Savile hosted show after show, the abuse went on. One woman recalled Savile sexually assaulting her when she was 16. After he was done, he turned an imperial eye to her and said, “You won’t talk about this. Nobody will believe you. I’m Jimmy Savile.”
Today we can reveal the documents had been vetted by Buckingham Palace and that the serial sex attacker's Royal connections were removed. One reference Savile made about a cousin of the Queen [Princess Alexandra] was included in an internal police report released in January. But on Tuesday, when Surrey Police published the interview transcripts, there was no mention of her. Other references to Royalty were also seemingly erased - and during our fight to obtain the records, police let slip Buckingham Palace's involvement. Tony Smith, the force's information access manager, made the reference as he explained why it was taking so long to release the documents. He told us that, as well as going to a senior police chief outside the force, the papers had gone "to Buckingham Palace to consider...because they are mentioned in it."
Since, there is no more mention of Buckingham Palace or anyone from the Royal Family in the now edited transcripts, [despite] Savile, who was given an OBE by the Queen in 1972 and 'knighthood' in 1990, being someone who loved to name-drop his Royal connections. He was also a confidant of Princess Diana and claimed to have helped the Duchess of York as her marriage to Prince Andrew fell apart. Crucially, in his 1974 autobiography Savile boasted of his friendship with the same cousin of the Queen. If detectives had investigated that reference by looking at his memoirs, they would have discovered he was someone who [often] preyed on vulnerable young girls. As we revealed in May, Government papers showing links between Savile and Prince Charles were redacted. A Palace spokesman said: "We would not comment on police or Freedom of Information matters."
It has been eight days since the public first learned from a leaked video of journalist Amy Robach that ABC News executives in 2016 spiked her reporting on high-powered, globe-trotting pedophile Jeffery Epstein and his network of well-connected sexual predators. It has been seven days since the public first learned that ABC conspired with CBS News to have an individual fired from her job with the latter because ABC suspected that she is the one who leaked the video. In all this time, ABC [Disney] has refused to provide the public with a credible or reasonable explanation for any of its actions. I cannot stress enough just how big of a media scandal this is. ABC News spiked a story about a prolific pederast and his cohort because, according to the journalist whose coverage was killed, the report implicated a [still un-arrested] member of the royal family and the news network was hungry for an exclusive interview with Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. There is no version of reality where ABC does not look evil in this. The way things look, ABC/Disney is involved in a far-ranging conspiracy to protect child abusers.
The evil that governs this world couldn't have manufactured a better psy-op as cover from which to continue their reign of terror upon the voiceless. ABC's own Amy Robach's admission that the British royals threatened ABC "a million different ways" in order to suppress the truth about Jeffrey Epstein in 2016 in itself speaks volumes and should be thoroughly investigated. In lieu of the facts presented, and every other heinous testimony provided during the latter half of the last century about the British royals, much of which borders on shocking with allegations of Satanic worship, it is interesting how they're always presented as charming and even harmless, which is apparently both an act on their part as much as it's a deception being propagated by their press office and the media at large. And yet, even a moment's research looking up the egregious name of US Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino would instantly prove the media is lying to cover up for the same Satanic elites that facilitate their very existence. While the media literally runs amuck with questionable science and theories, they stifle every truth that relates back to the same corporate elite behind all of it.
In addition, the corporate-funded and facilitated media is going to have to come up with a better excuse than affluent, generational, theistic Satanists don't exist in order to protect the British royal family. The same media brass that strong-armed reporter Amy Robach into not exposing Jeffrey Epstein prematurely to the world, are not limited to the Disney-owned ABC network but extend into all mainstream media that is controlled at the top by the very same Satanic elites who obstruct and hamper all news implicating themselves, or their child kidnapping, pedophilia, and/or Satanic sacrificial rings of its most elite members, including the British Royal Family itself. (See Pizzagate). The elite-owned media would much rather have you listening to all their latest climate change stories to enforce "green thinking," or how many have died from Covid-19 that day to best set the stage for a necessary "vaccine." Of that, Trump's own followers should question how is it that while not believing in any protective measures for the virus, that their dear leader has ensured an expedient roll-out of the vaccine via "Operation Warp Speed"? They should question how far Trump has gone to please globalists before to see where they are being herded next, in 2024, like sheep.
Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King
British Royal Family Caught Lying Again to Protect Their Namesake
1/3/12: Associated Press LONDON — A murder mystery with elements of an Agatha Christie whodunit is unfolding at the vast country estate where Queen Elizabeth II and her family gathered in rural splendor to celebrate Christmas and New Year's. British police said that a young woman's body was found in the forest at Sandringham and that they are treating it as a murder case. An autopsy was conducted Tuesday, but the precise cause of death was not disclosed, and investigators have yet to establish the woman's identity. The royal family is not implicated in the crime in any way. The body was discovered by a dog walker on New Year's Day 5 kilometers (three miles) from the Queen's elegant country home. Norfolk police said tests showed the body had been there one to four months. Police said a forensic pathologist found that it was highly unlikely the death was of natural causes and that there was no evidence of accidental injury. Investigators hoped to use DNA to identify the woman. The Queen and her husband, Prince Philip, celebrated the holidays at Sandringham with their children and grandchildren. The royal couple were still at Sandringham on Tuesday. Forensics investigators in white gear were seen walking through the woods Tuesday in an area cordoned off by police. "We are at the very early stages of the investigation and it could be a complex inquiry," Detective Chief Inspector Jes Fry said Tuesday. "The body had been there for some time." Fry said authorities were examining missing-person reports and unsolved cases around the country to see if there were any possible links. In 2010, the body of a 46-year-old woman was found on the crown estate near Windsor Castle. She had apparently been killed by hammer blows to her head. Her estranged husband was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 26 years in prison. Last March, the body of an American with a royal obsession was found on an island in the park opposite Buckingham Palace. Authorities said Robert James Moore, who had sent rambling letters and strange packages to the Queen, may have been dead for as much as three years. The cause of death was not determined. Now Sandringham, which has served as a private residence for British monarchs since 1862, has been touched as well. Sandringham has long been one of the Queen's favorite residences, especially during the holidays. The Queen has a long-established routine that calls for presents to be exchanged on Christmas Eve, followed by a church service in the morning and a gala lunch. There are usually long walks through the same countryside as well. The royal family also typically enjoys horseback riding and shooting parties at Sandringham in the brisk winter weather. Buckingham Palace officials are staying mum about the murder case. Police are keeping many details confidential as they "try to develop leads." I cannot confirm whether she was clothed because only my staff, the person who found the body, and the person or people who put it there know that, and I would like it to stay that way," Chief Inspector Fry said.
Teens were drugged, stripped naked, raped, hunted down in the woods and killed by European royals according to eyewitness to testify before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. The woman was the fourth eyewitness to give accounts about these human hunting parties of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. A former member of the Netherlands criminal drug syndicate known as Octopus testified that victims were obtained for these human hunting parties from juvenile detention centers in Belgium and Holland.
At her trial, Ghislaine Maxwell blamed only Jeffrey Epstein for her direct involvement in trafficking young girls to the world's elite society of millionaires and billionaires, past presidents, tech giants, European royalty, etc., instead of the British royal family itself who facilitated both Epstein and Maxwell's enterprise of child prostitution for two decades prior. This was the real reason Maxwell met with the royals up to four times per day, not because of the media's own cover story that Ghislaine had an affair with Prince Andrew, but that the senior royals themselves had an investment and stake in the globalist's network of Satanic pedophilia itself. Of course, the corporate media will tell you Satanism or its controlling elites cannot exist, while in the next breath promote literally everything the elites demand of society going forward. The corporate-funded and facilitated media is going to have to come up with a better excuse than affluent, generational, theistic Satanists don't exist in order to protect the British royal family.
And what are we to think about a Queen who while constantly finding new ways to snub grandson Harry to get at half-Black Meghan Markle, goes to equal if not greater lengths to shield her pedophile Son Andrew, all the while the media portrays her in such biased glowing terms? This is still the same woman who gave Nazi salutes (during Hitler's rise to power) when prompted by her apparently influential parents to which the media also made excuses on her behalf for even that. The British royal family and their elite corporations sit atop a financial behemoth of a Beast, holding the kind of control in this world where they could collectively eradicate hunger, famine, and homelessness virtually overnight, but in the last 70 years she's been on the Throne, what has the Queen or anyone among her family actually done besides the common photo op? Nothing. Why? The world's many problems, many of which were actually created by the British government and the Royals themselves, will be purposefully left for King William to fix.
The BBC Huw Edwards Case and its Long History of Harboring Known Pedophiles
What is the legal position of the “BBC Celebrity Presenter” accused of sending a child money for sexualized pictures of that child? The sex of the child has not yet been named. Surprisingly the most informative article I have found is from the BBC’s own Home and Legal Correspondent Dominic Casciani. Indeed, the BBC presenter, Huw Edwards, paid a young person £35,000 for sexual photos. The payments are said to have begun when the teenager was 17 - which is over the age of sexual consent. But that's not the relevant law when it comes to allegedly indecent images. The Protection of Children Act 1978 says that it is a crime to take, make, share and possess indecent images of people under 18. The maximum sentence is 10 years. A person under the age of 18 cannot give their consent to the images being taken. So it is cut and dried, these are criminal offences, if what we have read so far from the newspaper that broke the story The Sun, is accurate. In response to the Suns original article, which broke the story, the BBC has said, “We treat any allegations very seriously and we have processes in place to proactively deal with them. "As part of that, if we receive information that requires further investigation or examination, we will take steps to do this. “That includes actively attempting to speak to those who have contacted us in order to seek further detail and understanding of the situation.” He added: “If, at any point, new information comes to light or is provided including via newspapers — this will be acted upon appropriately, in line with internal processes.” The statement is just more PR fluff and guff that the BBC [and other royal-connected media --C.O.] are well known for. The child’s mother contacted the BBC in May, asking the BBC to get the presenter to stop sending money which was fueling the child’s drug habit. Technically the BBC supposedly could not stop Huw Edwards doing this as the child is now aged 20. However, the BBC would have had some leverage against Edwards as it is a sordid matter, involving an asynchrony of age and power, even if the young person was aged 20. However the payments actually began when the child was 17 and were thus illegal. Despite the illegality, after the mother contacted the BBC in May, the BBC did not report the presenter to the police and did not suspend him. He even continued presenting and apparently partying with BBC bosses. In fact, Huw Edwards has been described as "the face of the BBC itself" so the BBC not suspending him immediately shows their compliance, again. By Friday July 7, the day of the first public reporting, the still unnamed presenter (at that time) was said to have been taken off air, but BBC clearly lied (again). Edwards was only suspended on Sunday July 9th, despite “BBC guidelines which state that any staff member accused of a serious breach of conduct can be 'immediately suspended”. No official report has been made from the BBC to the police although they spoke on the 9th and they met today on 10th July. The BBC’s maladministration and lack of action has meant that intense speculation has filled the void and the BBC must take full responsibility for that. The BBC article on the legal situation may have had an ulterior motive, in line with the current government agenda with the Online Harms Bill, i.e., to curb people commenting on social media. “Anyone speculating today on social media about the identity of the presenter should think very, very carefully about the consequences. They could be sued for the harm they cause and financially ruined. An innuendo can be just as catastrophic to reputation.” People telling the truth is seen as a threat to government, intelligence services, the BBC, the deceptively named Trusted News Initiative which the BBC founded and to other authorities e.g., WHO, UN, NATO who all often peddle false narratives, as spectacularly seen during “Covid” and the ongoing “climate change” narratives.
As per their usual, the worst spreaders of misinformation and disinformation in this recent BBC case was the mainstream corporate media itself. The Independent reprehensibly even illustrated their Facebook post of this story with a picture of Rylan Clark. Rylan Clark, Gary Lineker and the authoritarian Jeremy Vine then had to rule themselves out as "the presenter" in question. Lucy Frazer, the Culture Secretary, has held urgent talks with BBC boss, Time Davie, and so perhaps things will develop faster now. However, the British government is caught in an interesting position (again) and has secrets of their own, and cases like this often end up with a blackmail standoff. Similarly, the Met Police has a host of secrets on child abuse they do not want public and the British government itself keeps losing all information regarding the explosion of recorded child sex abuse cases occurring nationwide...again, for some reason. (Update July 10, 2023) In another twist, Ranger commented on this article with a link - Sky reports BBC Edwards accused of paying teen for sexually explicit photos including those of children. And now, the teenager at the center of the crisis says Huw Edwards did nothing wrong- but their parents double down on claims and accuse the BBC star of 'getting into their child's head.' Moreover, and perhaps most telling, Scotland Yard is saying they are not investigating BBC's top presenter, Huw Edwards, 'who paid the teen £35,000 for their most explicit photos. The Met says they are currently 'assessing information' - after officers met bosses on Zoom despite a backlash at the media corporations handling of this latest sex pics scandal. The Sun says “E-mails seen by The Sun show the stepfather told the Beeb on May 19 of bank statements detailing huge payments from Edwards.” The family of the youngster ‘paid by BBC star for sex pictures’ says BBC overwhelmingly ignored the bombshell testimony given seven weeks ago. The lawyer of the young person even admitted that the BBC announced to him that 'Nothing inappropriate happened' in this BBC presenter row, so it is not hard to guess who will be paying for Edward's defense here. (Update July 31, 2024) Former British TV presenter Huw Edwards, the long-time face of the BBC's flagship news program, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to three counts of making indecent pictures of children. Edwards was the BBC's highest paid journalist and top news anchor until he quit in April, following allegations he had paid a young person thousands of pounds for sexually explicit photos, something which is [as yet] unconnected to the criminal charges. The 62-year-old was a household name in Britain for more than two decades, announcing the death of Queen Elizabeth to the nation in 2022 and leading coverage of elections, royal weddings and the 2012 Olympics. But he has not been on TV screens for a year and Wednesday's court appearance, which caps a dramatic fall from grace, was his first in public since then. Edwards made his way through a throng of photographers and camera crews into London's Westminster Magistrates' Court, where he admitted having been sent several indecent images of children between December 2020 and August 2021. Asked if he wished to indicate a plea to the three charges, which related to three different categories of indecent images, Edwards said: "Guilty". Judge Paul Goldspring said Edwards would be sentenced on Sept. 16 and that "all options", including an immediate prison sentence, would be considered. During the 25-minute hearing, prosecutor Ian Hope said Edwards had been sent a total of 377 sexually explicit images by an adult male on WhatsApp, 41 of which were indecent, illegal sexual images of nude children. Hope said seven of the 41 images were of the most serious kind and that two of those seven were pornographic videos of a child possibly aged between seven and nine years old.
The last indecent image was sent to Edwards in August 2021, when the man who sent it said "the male in the film was quite young-looking and that he has more images which are illegal", Hope said. He added that Edwards told the male "not to send him illegal images and no more are sent from this point", though his chat continued and further legal pornographic images were sent to him without argument. Edwards' lawyer Philip Evans emphasized that the charges to which his client had indicated guilty pleas related only to images that were sent to him via WhatsApp. "There is no suggestion in this case that Mr. Edwards has in any way made, in the traditional sense of the word, any images in any physical way or created any images of any sort," Evans said. Edwards made no comment as he left the court building. Claire Brinton of Britain's Crown Prosecution Service said in a statement: "Accessing 350 indecent images of men with at least 41 of them being of underage boys mostly between the ages of 13 to 15 years of age. In addition to that, Edwards was in possession of a child porn video of an abused 7-years-old boy." Suffice it to say, the BBC look out of their depth here, as each day their brand is damaged even if they were somehow to be miraculously exonerated by a twist coming from those behind the BBC [British royal family?]. The family and their child now addicted to crack is just collateral damage for all parties involved. But, the BBC is at the center of another storm that many believe is of its own making due to their previous sordid history of employing pedophiles and consistently being forced to cover up for them. Strangely, this is nothing new. It has known that organizations take a great deal of care over their logos and image. As such, the founder of the BBC, the royal-connected Lord Reith (who himself had an unhealthy interest in adolescents) commissioned a statue to stand forever above the BBC main door in 1933 by the self-admitted child rapist Eric Gill. Gill's commissioned work for the BBC depicts the statue of a man with an obviously naked boy between his legs. "The man is a wizard and the naked boy his slave as they practice [Satanic] magick" says the book Pedos and Propaganda – The BBC. One does have to wonder exactly what message is this enduring statue still prominently displayed on the BBC's own London building meant to convey, when the BBC has itself faced countless pedophile accusations coming from within its ranks. Whatever message it was/is meant to convey, it does continually send out the message “Child rapists are welcome at the BBC.” And this is no isolated case when you consider how many times the British Broadcasting Company has connected itself with what became high-profile examples of protecting obvious pedophilia, especially when knowing the BBC also funded several other more obvious pedophile "works of art" commissioned by Gill. A thinking person would have to wonder why the BBC does not ever remove them or Gill's most infamous controversial statue from its most prominent position of their evil corporation, especially given this latest accusation from 2023-2024. Many survivor groups, protestors over the decades, and others think the statue should be removed and have made their efforts known in that regard, to no avail. The statue is a clear indication of the BBC’s inclinations, and yet, Britain's 1984-like "Ministry of Information" is under attack once again for not dealing adequately with child sex abuse. Why? It’s bad enough they let it keep happening but the BBC consistently going at lengths in attempt at covering it up is what's really strange, as if they want it to secretly continue with other underage children whose cases are still not being reported.
It’s certainly an unhealthy position for any trusted media organization to be in, especially since they've had to go to court and pay victims for this very thing too many times before. Case in point, BBC's Jimmy Savile was one of the UK's most serious serial sexual predators. Over several decades the television personality groomed and abused up to 1,000 boys and girls in TV studios as well as patients at NHS hospitals across Britain. Interestingly, Jimmy Savile was also a theistic Satanist and this suggests a more sinister side of why the BBC keeps the statue of also Jimmy Savile, the avowed Satanic pedophile himself, on BBC grounds. The BBC even created a recent documentary dedicated to Savile's "vast achievements" during those years he was at the BBC from the 1960's thru the 1980's, the same years he molested countless youth, disabled, and young adults in seemingly sanctioned ceremonies and Black Masses on government grounds. Savile had no medical expertise or experience whatsoever, so his being given the keys to the backdoor of Stoke Mandeville Hospital, along with his being granted an entire basement floor of that hospital to ruthlessly prey on underage children and the sick in the name of Lucifer is beyond explanation, except to conclude that the British government and the twisted British royals themselves who awarded Savile, and others like him, with various honors and "knighthoods" speak volumes as to what the elites get up to when they think no one is watching. Savile's many victims all tell the same tale, that he dressed in hooded black robes (along with several others who have to this day not been identified) to rape, sodomize, kill, and even had sex with his dead victims and other dead bodies in the Stoke Mandeville hospital's morgue while chanting and praising the names of Lucifer/Satan. BBC Media and the British royal family's obvious protection of Savile, while attempting to character assassinate his victims proves which side they stood on then and still stand today. The short list of just some of the BBC child abusers (so far) are: Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall, Mark Page of Radio1, Peter Rowell of BBC Bristol, Tony and Julie Wadsworth of BBC Radio Leicester, Ben Thomas of BBC Wales, Niven Sinclair, and now, perhaps the greatest of all of BBC's many presenters, Huw Edwards. (See also: BBC Child Abuse, Niven Sinclair and the London Met Police
The Daily Mail has coverage from a UK documentary called William & Harry: Princes At War. In the documentary, royal expert Ingrid Seward says that Prince William “might condemn” Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan and that William believes they may be “detrimental to the Monarchy.” I’m not going to do coverage of Seward’s comments because they are in stark juxtaposition to this story about how Prince Andrew actually spent years damaging the Monarchy by associating so closely with Jeffrey Epstein. How closely? Andrew hosted Epstein and some of Epsteins trafficked women and girls at Balmoral [the Queen’s private residence] and Windsor Castle: "Prince Andrews efforts to distance himself from the Jeffrey Epstein scandal were thrown into turmoil last night as details emerged of how he hosted the pedophile and his entourage at Balmoral. One of the young women on the trip told the Daily Mail how the prince personally welcomed the party to the castle in mid-1999, after the disgraced US financier had already begun recruiting dozens of underage girls as sex slaves. Speaking on condition of anonymity yesterday, the woman who joined Epstein at Balmoral 20 years ago recalled making ‘chit-chat’ with the prince. ‘He was really nice. He was very polite. [He had his] guard up.’ She told how the group stayed overnight at the 52-bedroom castle, and spent the following day being entertained in the grounds. The visit is thought to have taken place in late summer or early autumn – when the Queen is likely to have been in residence. Epstein and his entourage visited the Scottish estate as part of a week-long trip to the UK, during which they also stayed at the London home of Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s ex-partner who has been accused of lining up underage girls for him to have sex with. The woman who joined them on the trip not long after she had started giving sexual massages to Epstein – recalled how she had felt like she was in a fairytale’, brushing with royalty. But now she says she had no idea why she was ever included in the visit. ‘Why was I really there? she said. Did [Epstein] really enjoy my company all that much or was I being prepped to end up being sent out like a gift to some people? She avoided any plans Epstein may have had for her that evening by retiring to bed early. Nearly a year later, in June 2000, Epstein and Miss Maxwell attended a party at Windsor Castle hosted by the Queen to mark Andrew’s 40th birthday, Princess Anne’s 50th, Princess Margaret’s 70th and Prince William’s 18th. In 2001, Andrew met another member of Epsteins entourage, Virginia Roberts, who claims she was on a trip to London with the financier when she met Andrew and had sex with him in a bath. Miss Roberts claims she slept with Andrew three times in London and New York when she was underage. These trips to Balmoral (the Queen’s private residence) and Windsor Castle (a publicly owned residence) came before Epstein’s arrest and plea deal in 2008. But still, Andrew knew who Epstein was and what he did. Andrew even spent time with Epstein AFTER the plea deal. At her trial, Ghislaine Maxwell blamed only Jeffrey Epstein for her direct involvement in trafficking young girls to the world's elite society of millionaires and billionaires, past presidents, tech giants, European royalty, etc., instead of the British royal family itself who facilitated both Epstein and Maxwell's enterprise of child prostitution for two decades prior. This was the real reason Maxwell met with the royals up to four times per day, not because of the media's own cover story that Ghislaine had an affair with Prince Andrew, but that the senior royals themselves had an investment and stake in the entire globalist's network of Satanic pedophilia itself. Of course, the corporate media will tell you Satanism or its controlling elites cannot exist, while in the next breath promote literally everything the elites demand of society going forward. The corporate-funded and facilitated media is going to have to come up with a better excuse than affluent, generational, theistic Satanists don't exist in order to protect the British royal family.
9-9-19: Globe 'Queen Executed Epstein' - Prince Andrew's pervert pal threatened to topple Monarchy. Desperate to avoid another scandal that would destroy her legacy and the British Monarchy, Queen Elizabeth sent assassins to silence Jeffrey Epstein, who was threatening to tell all about Prince Andrew, according to shocking phone intercepts. Chilling transcripts of telephone conversations and text messages leaked by a source in American intelligence reveal a meticulous plot developed by British MI6 intelligence operatives acting "under the highest authority" to take out the convicted pervert. Epstein was ready to tell all after being arrested for abusing dozens of underage girls at his mansions in New York, the US Virgin Islands and New Mexico, where her Majesty's 59-year-old playboy son was a frequent guest. Andrew's sleazy sex trafficker best friend was found hanging in his cell at New York City's federal Metropolitan Correctional Center on August 10, immediately triggering demands for a murder investigation. The coroner ruled the 66-year-old billionaire committed suicide, despite all the suspicious circumstances surrounding the incident. The intelligence operative tells Globe the death scene was staged to look like Epstein took his own life. "It's all being covered up." The Queen had a powerful motive to order the murder. And her daughter-in-law Diana's death in Paris proves the Royals will get their hands dirty when threatened. "Elizabeth had the means to get the job done. There are a lot of powerful people who will thank her for it. Meanwhile, it's business as usual at Buckingham Palace." Since the Epstein fiasco broke, the palace has been working overtime to scrub Prince Andrew's involvement. But Virginia Roberts' courtroom claims that Epstein made her a teenage "sex slave" and ordered her to bed the Prince undermine the effort. Flight logs for the pedophile's private jet, known as the "Lolita Express" show Virginia was in London, New York, and the Caribbean in 2001 - at the same time as Andrew. In addition, a damning photo has surfaced showing a grinning Andrew with his arm around Virginia's bare midriff. Another newly revealed photo shows Andrew in the doorway of Epstein's Manhattan mansion waving goodbye to a brunette believed to be Katherine Keating, the daughter of former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating. "The Queen believed Epstein was about to make a deal for a lighter sentence in exchange for information regarding the very powerful men who was his clients. The New York coroner assumed the broken bones found in Epstein's neck were from his supposed suicide, but the kind of broken bones found in his body would only be caused by a forceful strangulation. It was murder pure and simple." Pure and simple. (See also Prince Andrew Accuser Says ‘Evil People’ Want Her Silenced and British Royals Touted as 'Messianic' Heirs.)
"I just wish her [Ghislaine Maxwell] well, frankly. I've met her numerous times over the years especially since I lived in Palm Beach and I guess they lived in Palm Beach. But I wish her [Ghislaine Maxwell] well, whatever it is."
Epstein had ties to President Donald Trump, namely the fact that the two were friends. In 2002, in a profile about Epstein in New York Magazine, Trump was quoted as saying, “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” On Saturday, billionaire hedge fund manager Jeffrey Epstein was found dead by an apparent suicide in his jail cell. Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking underage girls in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005. The Daily Beast first reported the new charges against Epstein, and according to the New York Times, they carried a combined maximum sentence of up to 45 years in prison. But this wasn't the first time Epstein had been faced with such accusations and, what's more, the entire scandal has numerous ties to one particular leader of the free world: President Donald Trump. In the early 2000s, Epstein was suspected of similar crimes in Florida. While federal prosecutors prepared a 53-page federal indictment against him, he ended up striking a plea deal in 2008 and only pled guilty to two prostitution charges.
Then U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta was instrumental in the deal, and in February 2017, Trump nominated Acosta to be the U.S. Secretary of Labor. He was ultimately confirmed to the position, though Acosta’s deal with Epstein was brought up during his confirmation hearings. The deal was kept secret from victims, and it gave immunity to any of Epstein's potential co-conspirators. Epstein served only 13 months in a county jail, and he was also allowed to leave six days a week. The Miami Herald described the deal as one of the most lenient sentences for a serial sex offender in history.” In February 2019, a federal judge in Palm Beach ruled that federal prosecutors, including Acosta, broke the law when they signed the plea deal with Epstein since the deal was kept from his alleged victims, thus violating the Crime Victims’ Rights Act. However, by June 2019, Trump's own DoJ [led by Attorney General William Barr, himself a protector of Satanic pedophiles] declined to invalidate the deal.
“Intel agencies” use what's called Romeo spies against foreign countries but also against their own citizens, as evidenced when the London Met Police targeted women in environmental protests for relationships and spying. The honeypot is ubiquitous, as the world runs on blackmail, corruption, and ultimately, Satanism. Various people have reported that mind-controlled sleepers are now being activated to commit various terroristic acts and sabotage that allows the cabalistic powers to do as they will to advance their agenda in bringing further chaos and division, especially amongst Christians. We've seen how the government created and is now weaponizing MAGA, who as of this writing still have no clue they are being mind-controlled by the British and US Governments, who will be pointed towards where they can cause most damage. Their background may be convincing but they have been repurposed by the cabal. Such "white knights" promise the earth for survivors by claiming they have the only solution, but they are working as a trojan horse for the cabal to round up survivors information as well as to undermine them from within. Detective Sergeant John Symonds was one of the London Metropolitan Police caught up in the “Times Inquiry of 1969” about police corruption. He is probably most famous for his quote which he gives as “Don’t forget always to let me know straight away if you need anything because I know people everywhere, because I am in a little firm in a firm, alright?” This was caught on tape and became synonymous with Freemasonry and its resulting police corruption. Symonds was a minor player in corruption compared to many others and he was perhaps unlucky as there was routine corruption in the Met at the time, and he was made scapegoat for other officers much worse higher-level corruption. London's Met Police corruption was integral to sweeping away all of the Satanic child sexual abuse scandals across London. The dark psychic forces that are actively working against mankind, and Christian society in America specifically, are literally bred into the ancient Satanic global agenda and plan via the generational Satanic Illuminati they were born into of entirely European descent who adopt Jewish names such as Rothschild in order to make it appear Jews are to blame, while they remain free to carry out their evil completely protected by the same system they manufactured in the West where only they remain above the law. In both America and Britain, politics purposefully keeps the masses distracted so that the actual evil at work can push its evil plot almost uncontested, generation after generation. In other words, the Left vs. Right culture war is there to take our eyes off the true evil that's being perpetuated on a national scale by those who see mankind as mere worker bees paying into a false dream whilst being taxed to death in order to continually fund the Masonic empire that controls them. Millions were/still are brainwashed to believe that our so-called "Founding Fathers" created America as a bastion of hope, freedom, justice, and moreover, religious freedom, but knowing how Christianity was already the dominant global religion of the time, what religion were these Freemasons "bound to the light of Lucifer" actually protecting God, or Lucifer as 'God' in whom they trust? Fast forward to today and America's right-wing "patriots" increasingly arming themselves to the teeth against their "seditious" liberal neighbors, and we already have the groundwork paved toward the next American Civil War, a war in which the radical right believes it would easily win, which is exactly what America's Masonic "Deep State" overlords need toward bringing the global collapse necessary from which the Antichrist can arise.
As such, the New Atlantis was never meant to exist forever, and it has already served London well in what they've long prepared, a world after America where a new cult of personality will lead the planet. One must recall, under the spell of a seemingly charismatic leader who also demonized the press and pitted Whites against everyone else, Germany too was filled with homeland patriots and nationalistic fervor...in 1939. A recent video has gone viral proving just how misled Trump's supporters truly are, when someone pretending to be one of them stood up and gave a speech originally given by Hitler, and they loudly applauded it, thinking it was in full support of Trump's policies. That in itself speaks volumes against MAGA, many of which include once respected Christian evangelists who have unwittingly gone astray into MAGA's version of White nationalism. One such evangelist named Perry Stone is today preaching that the Antichrist's world system is not originating in the Occult-laden West, despite the obvious dystopian words and undermining actions of Europe's "Great Reset" and its never-ending list of Anglo-elite corporations and governments already implementing its agenda. Stone looks right past all of them to instead see an interchangeable cadre of darker-skinned foreigners from China, Syria, or Iran to befit the ultimate evil and never any of the actual bloodline and people from whence the Beast arises. At end, the same evil forces that pushed Germans into a bloody war where millions were indiscriminately slaughtered have also been infecting America ever since. Such is the Satanic deception already at work in Masonic America and deluded American churches whereby everyday Whites cannot even bring themselves to see the truth of their own recent racist history, let alone see one of their own as rising to the greatest genocidal evil that is prophesied to far overshadow Hitler himself. The irony that Hitler literally researched America's racism toward Blacks for his own hatred toward Jews should tell us something, as well as various American preachers like Perry Stone needing a dark-skinned boogeyman to cast as Satan in the flesh. Incidentally, Putin, the current despot in Russia linked to genocide is yet another example that some post-Trump Republicans cannot see as evil no matter what further atrocities he commits. They, like Perry Stone and many (secretly racist) Republicans are too narrowly focused on China. Where does that leave America's Patriot movement that is also being brainwashed by the Illuminist-owned Fox Corporation, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and similar media that leads them into the waiting arms of White Nationalist, Neo-Nazi, or Whites-only pagan groups? The answer is in the question. For whatever reason, Whites can only see a darker face as evil and never their own as the instigator and facilitator of it. In regard to minorities finally rising up and demanding that their God-given lives are exactly that, understand, they are not trying to start a race war in 2020 as the conservative media would tell you, they are trying to end one against themselves.
The Masonic dreamworld they've created for us is based around manufactured action-reaction, problem/solution where they create the conditions for a social movement that ultimately helps them work their goals to gain power by empowering opposite movements, and within that, they create societal problems in order to then facilitate the affected with their already prepared solution as a way to push its own goals until final completion. For just one example, the rise of Hitler was funded and facilitated by both corporate interests in America and Britain so that, ultimately, a great number of Jews would be exterminated - on the other side of which Israel's resurrection would result. Israel having its existence returned certainly fulfills God's own prophetic will and Word, but that is not why Britain resurrected the nation of Israel, it was so the disastrous end of days, also prophesied, would result to usher in Britain's Antichrist figure to the world. This is precisely how Freemasonry operates in its two-caste system with its controllers that keep neophytes, as working pawns, unaware that they are serving evil of which most never become aware of it from the cradle to the grave while others are groomed into its service. Their top-down evil is however being more sensed then seen today among some such as when supposed evangelicals are seemingly holding on to their Biblically-based "conservative," moral, traditional, or otherwise Christian roots can effectively talk down to the progressive left more obviously serving Satan via abortion, homosexuality and LGBTQ+ rights, while the vast majority of them will never see nor understand the top-down control manufacturing their false morality rooted in occultism and its offshoot in racism, despite their being led into increasingly racist, hateful, and otherwise fascist that opposes Jesus Christ and true Christianity, but supports the Masonic goal in Antichrist, a being that will ultimately carry out Satan's will and work from where Hitler left off. To read the sick and twisted comments of the increasingly Jew-hating American Patriot's of late, you'd think we traveled back in time to when Hitler was saying the exact same things, or flung forward into the near future, when Antichrist repeats them. In all of their misuse of the term 'Zionism,' following the Aryan propaganda put out by their unseen Masonic masters who are the authors of the many Anti-Zionist articles they read, it should be noted that in its purest sense, Zionism, of itself simply means a Jewish yearning to live in the land of their forefathers. It is the evil form of so-called "Zionism" that is both created by, and carried out by this world's actual evil controllers that most ignorant Whites are responding so harshly toward today whilst perpetrating their evils under such seemingly Jewish names as Rothschild, but moreover, within Caucasian 'robber baron' names like, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, Morgan, Smith, and Warburg, not all of which falsely claim to be Jews, but all of which are connected to the so-called Blood Royale that vainly controls the West and the majority of the planet.
Cathy O'Brien described her "Romeo Spy" MK-Ultra experience of what's called "charm school" programming. The following is from her "Trance-Formation of America Chapter 7 and connects the US Government, US Army, and its General Michael Aquino, a known 'Temple of Set' Satanist that ascended to the highest ranks of America's National Security Agency (NSA), as follows: "After Aquino instilled my sex programming, I was then taken by Houston to Youngstown, Ohio to attend the sex slave training camp referred to as "Charm School". Houston often performed in the Youngstown area at county fairs, [Masonic connected] Fraternal Order of Police shows, or any little country music entertainment gigs that would bring us in the proximity of the dreaded Charm School. On occasion, Kelly would go through the torture process with me. But usually Houston delivered me to the door for training with other CIA slaves my age and then left taking Kelly with him. When Charm School was in session, there were several girls being tortured and trained at once. 1 have seen and known numerous girls to go through Charm School, but, understandably, few are reported to have survived or recovered their minds enough to talk about it. Charm School was reportedly operated by an identified member of the Mellon Banking family (Byrd's Endowment for the Arts' largest contributor). The operator took the name and role of "Governor" from the movie My Fair Lady, in an attempt to confuse my torturous reality with movie fantasy. In the movie, Governor is the cockney title given the professor who transformed a street urchin into a functioning high society lady. Additionally, Mellon's use of the title, Governor, was intended to create scramble for the real Governor who frequented the school as though it were only a whore house. I am referring to then Governor of Pennsylvania (and later U.S. Attorney General, now secretary for the United Nations) Dick Thornburgh. Aquino provided some of the programming at Charm School and everyone I knew in government operations was at least aware of it. Then Youngstown Sheriff, now U.S. Representative Jim Traficant, was almost always present. He capitalized on his ability to portray himself as "Lurch" by slowly opening the door and saying, "Walk this way" to a slave in training, meaning walk like a street whore, called a 'scarecrow' in intelligence circles. Once the door closed behind me. Charm School meant I would be charmed, mesmerized (hypnotized), and programmed to be an elite prostitute for select politicians. I learned how to walk, talk, how to dress, sit, stand, and all the rest. Above all, we were taught how to gratify any sexual perversion. Just as Traficant opened the door to Charm School for slaves, he often times was the one to "test" their newly learned sexual skills to determine when or if slaves could leave. A typical three-day course at Charm School included the usual factors of, sleep, food, and water deprivation; trauma; physical and psychological abuse; and what's called Monarch programming. Often times experimental or tried and proven CIA manufactured "designer" drugs were administered which produced specific brain wave activity to maximize and/or compartmentalize programs. I usually spent the first day hanging in the dungeon. Charm School is housed in an identified stone historical railroad barren's former residence, and the basement was in fact a wine cellar dungeon. It was dark, damp, and musty and was decorated in classic torture chamber fashion. It classic torture chamber fashion. It was complete with various hanging chains, a stretching rack, whips, and altars including one specially designed for bestiality sex. As I hung by my wrists, I could hear and smell the animals in the next cells—a black Nubian goat called Satan, a small donkey named Nester, sometimes a small white pony referred to as Trigger, and various dogs, cats, snakes, and others. All Charm School animals were trained to sexually respond to the smell of urine. When someone, such as Dick Thornburgh who particularly enjoyed this kind of kink, entered my cell and urinated on me, I knew I would soon be released from my chains and led to the animal altar for bestiality lessons, pornography, or to please a perverse onlooker.
I was hung by my ankles, stretched on a rack, burned, and tortured repeatedly. My feet and hands were chained to a wall for what was termed "off the wall sex." I was taught "Silence" in Oz fashion since screaming did not produce results anyway unless they wanted it for pornography. This was implemented with an electronic canine bark collar normally used to train a dog not to bark. I was repeatedly filmed pornographically and always taken upstairs to the "Master's Chambers" for prostitution to participants, including the real "Governor" of Charm School, then Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thomburgh, Congressman Jim Traficant, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, and others. When Kelly was with me, she endured the same and we were forced to see each other physically tortured as further psychological trauma. This was to ensure I could never remember the who, what, when, or where of our bizarre enslavement. This is what is sometimes referred to as cross-programming. In spite of the deliberately created amnesic blocks, I developed a subconscious sympathetic understanding for other Charm School slaves that extended outside the walls of this man-made hell. This understanding emanated from the depths of my being, creating a compassion for other victims compels me to give voice to their silent pleas for help. Victoria also wrote about the Hivites manipulating Romantic love… Hivites want you to be controlled for life or they want you dead to keep hidden their crimes against you. To control you they want to take all the resources you have and to have handlers be with you. The easiest path to do that is through marriage and sex without marriage. In animal life Romantic love is breeding time. What we call Love is mind control that has been brainwashing us for generations. Fear of being alone is exploited too. If you are offered sex without marriage, push these people aside because it is against your nature. Warn the others about these prostitutes - because many people have been murdered. Hivites parasitize you in groups, they want to get rid of your family and friends along with you. A prostitute reports to the leaders about people that surround you. If you suspect your "husband" or "wife" has cheated on you, divorce them because you have to save yourself and save your family. Do it faster if a prostitute has connection to hivites. A recent well-known case was shown on ABC's 20/20 in which a young mother, seemingly stable, suddenly left her family and lied about being abducted by two Mexican females who branded her and told her she would be sold into a powerful elitist in the community. She lied about all of it, but the details she provided were based in the truth of what she was exposed to long before she had gotten married. Hivite families have women as the leaders and Sexpionage "love" is a psychological operation through which the Illuminati seek to manipulate people. People who enter into relationships should do so from a healthy and strong position where they use their reason to evaluate the suitability of their partners, and they should not look to save or redeem others who are incompatible. Nor should they see romantic love as something that will give meaning to an otherwise empty life, but such people are exactly what the Cabal looks for so they can later control them using honeypot and blackmail operations. Such sexploitation provides for the target a fulfillment of subconscious need that's latched on to and ultimately warped by manipulative MK-Ultra mind control. Different alters want different rewards. Trauma bonding provides for the deepest control via "love bombing" the right brain hemisphere with more subtle core trauma programming. Trauma bonding is an unhealthy emotional attachment to someone who causes you physical, emotional, and/or sexual harm. In such relationships, the abusive partner can fluctuate between extreme affection and extreme abuse in repeated cycles. The episodes of affection serve as positive reinforcement that staying in the relationship is "worth it." Trauma bonding tends to form subtly, often without the abused partner ever realizing it. People with a history of child abuse are vulnerable because they often have an altered perception of what a healthy relationship looks like.
In the days following World War II, when Americans were best sleeping in their American Dream-like state, being told that the Soviet Union's communist ideology had somehow infected their liberal neighbors next door, ending up in countless moderates and liberals being "blacklisted" for so much as their hinting at something being wrong with the American government itself. The same dynamic is even more true today, with those citing something still being wrong, only to now be labeled as 'haters of America' by those hypnotized by the same kinds of Deep State programming on Fox News that also plagues today's liberal media. According to Trump and his twisted base and their distorted right-wing media, if you so much as dare hate racism in America, past or present, then you hate America itself and all White Americans and worst of all, you'll then be labeled as anti-American. The Masonic mind control is such that we are never roused out of our collective slumber long enough to look too critically at our "under God" government we were taught to see was of God, as they work toward their New *Secular* Order. Many work every day to unwittingly build the elite's financial behemoth for them to ensure their global dominance over the rest of the planet. America and the UK have always been united in this evil venture, just as the common denominator between them has always been Freemasonry. The Revolutionary War had zero effect on the Masonic "Great Work." Of course, it's difficult for the majority to see any of this when they're only presented the dynamic of political left versus right, as designed. The Masonic divide and conquer being waged against us will only increase going forward, with the current culture war taken to its most extreme to bring us toward collapse, where we literally have to join under a new order just to survive. It will be the Antichrist's task to unite survivors no matter what side they've previously aligned with. For those currently on the right, he will be a leader of "law and order," as Daniel 7:25 indicates, while secretly racist "against the [Jewish] covenant" as Daniel 11:28 also points out. For those on the left who champion social justice and green causes above all else, the Antichrist, as the good cop, will initially appear as the greatest humanitarian ever to unite much of the planet under an Earth-first mantra, which is far removed from America First Trump, the bad cop. The culture war has an end in seeming unity, but the world has to reach a place of complete exhaustion before it will want to coalesce, when Left/Right thinking gives way to its own creator in the Masonic (Luciferian) world mind. It's that devastating point of population control and life exhaustion which the elitist powers controlling the West are dragging us into today from their underworld methods in creating wars, disease, famine, drug trafficking and child trafficking for sex and sacrifice, as well as promoting everything from witchcraft to Satanism to destroy us all. Of course, the sick and twisted Satanic cabal are not limited to the British royal family or other European royals because nobles, lords, barons, baronesses, MP's, law-makers, politicians, judges, police, teachers, clergy and other established community pillars, and those attempting to better their rank and fame in this world engage in the very same ancient Satanic practices that were first committed in the sacrificial murder and consuming of a human body that became a "pre-Christian religious ceremony" that has been reported and repeated time and again wherever the children of Cain migrated into every corner of Europe. Outside of the United States and Britain, the Netherlands is said to be the child sex trafficking capital of the world and that the European and American elite oversee it according to Svali. On December 8, 2018, the Dutch investigative radio show Argos (VPRO) aired 'The Story of Lisa': Lisa was 15 when she reported to the police she was raped by her father and other men in the Nieuwe Scheveningse Bosjes in The Hague. She mentioned the names of several lawyers, the CIO of a large company, and a former top official of the US Justice Department.
She also said that she gave birth to a baby in the forest and that it was murdered by her father's acquaintances. The Public Prosecutor's Office decided to dismiss Lisa's complaint. The National Expertise Center for Special Vice Cases called Lisa's statement about the birth unlikely. However, medical research shows that the girl did indeed give birth. Lisa and her mother had intended to submit this evidence to the Court. However, things took a different turn. Judge Jan Wolter Wabeke ruled that Lisa's case should be dealt with as a so-called 12c case (dismissed on insufficient grounds to further proceed with the case). Lisa and her mother were not heard in the council chamber. Furthermore, investigation by Argos revealed that Wabeke had already made a decision before Lisa's attorney had submitted a defense with evidence.” The case should never have been presided over by Judge Wabeke who had already promised never to handle sexual offence cases. The reason for that was because he was once a suspect of child abuse in the (sabotaged) Rolodex investigation. Hence the dismissal of the case should never have happened or been allowed to happen. Joris Demmink was also a suspect in that same case (1998). Both men were rumored never to have stopped exercising their sexual preference for underage boys. Wabeke denied knowing Demmink but the team of Argos revealed that they had obtained a photo of both men during a private dinner which proved that they did know each other personally. According to emeritus professor of criminal law Theo de Roos, also a former justice, Wabeke should have withdrawn from the case. After the Story of Lisa had aired Argos decided to investigate whether similar cases of satanic ritual abuse and organized abuse existed. They designed a questionnaire about organized abuse and received 200 stories of survivors of which 140 had (satanic) ritual characteristics. They aired a radio show about it in 2020: “Glass Shards and Dark Rituals”. That caused quite a stir and led to parliamentary questions and the appointment of a commission for “independent investigation into the nature and extent of organized sadistic abuse of children.” The appointment of the chairman of this commission was controversial because professor of forensic psychiatry and psychology Jan Hendriks once suggested the highly questionable opinion that manipulated (anonymized ed.) child pornography should be made available to pedophiles. “If pedophiles had access to manipulated child pornography, the number of child abuse cases could decline.” A week ago, verdict and sentencing came in what is known as the ‘Coldenhove’ case, which is the Department of Justice case against Huig Plug and others in the Lisa story, about a ritually sexually abused girl. It appears to be yet another case when the “power elite” or “power scum” may be a more apt description, protect the criminal cabal. The Judge was previously accused of sexual abuse and who had said he would not judge pedophile cases. He did. He sentenced to imprisonment the people speaking on behalf of the victim i.e. the victim's mother, Huig Plug and Huig’s cousin. Then the media outlet Argos, who had previously done good work on the Lisa case have withdrawn all their material from public view and it appears to have been removed from the archives as well. Various organizations have been complicit in trying to cover up case of Lisa. During the investigation evidence was not collected and computers with sensitive material on were unbelievably given to the person identified by the victim as a suspect. The Hendriks committee had to admit to there being organized child abuse but they did not admit to ritual child abuse. Even the sentencing of Huig and others appears to have been coordinated. Three days later the Minister of Justice announced a campaign against child abuse with the tag #durftezien which translates as #daretosee, and the next day a report on child prostitution in the Netherlands. All for show to appease and deflect any public outrage. The cover up has been implemented. The cabal are a mix of secretive societies who have taken power globally, are Luciferian and use magick. They do not want to admit ritual abuse because it gets to the core of what they are about. They are Luciferian and use magick, including sex magick via rituals to manipulate events on the earthly plane. The illuminati’s whole philosophy demands the use, abuse, sacrifice and consumption of children as stated in Montauk Boys Blood Ritual: Monarch. Society finally needs to wake up to this reality that is happening all around us, having been established in this world long before our generation.
As mentioned, and needs to be absolutely stressed again, Satan and his men have already infiltrated western Christianity to prepare Christian minds toward accepting the Antichrist, a future British king that arises just as the world descends into chaos. One need only read what's written in the very deceptive "Life, Hope, and Truth" website to see it. This White-racist church teaches and promotes precisely what Anglo-Freemasonry itself ultimately teaches, that both Britain and America [but only its White inhabitants] are supposedly comprised of the "Ten Tribes of Israel" who are serving God's [actually Satan's] purposes to usher in the 'time of Messiah' [Antichrist] onto the world stage. Such seemingly Christian organizations promoting such proven heresy, goes to show how far evil societies who call Lucifer their "God" will go in order to deceive, not just the world at large, but Christians themselves especially in the UK and US. Despite the hiding behind Christianity, it is not God's people that have infiltrated the governments across the Merovingian-infected West. They are Satan's people who call themselves God's chosen ones. Jesus went as so far as to call them "The Synagogue of Satan" for a reason. Despite all its hidden evils, America is not the prophetic 'Great Whore of Babylon,' as believed by other misinformed American Christians. America will have already been removed as a superpower by the time the Antichrist rises. In fact, after the Collapse, it is directly because America is removed from its top status in the world, that Antichrist ascends, with the whole point being, that's also why America [New Atlantis"] was created to rise to great world prominence, secretly under London's Masonic control, so that one day it would be suddenly destroyed to create the kind of far-reaching chaos and displacement of power from which London could then bring its Beast to bear. Many of you reading will have trouble grasping this fact, but it remains true nonetheless. When he ascends, the cornerstone of government in the West will openly shift to London, having the Satanic-tainted Vatican in Rome as its spiritual base of power. According to Revelation 13, the first Beast (Antichrist) will arise in "the Sea" (Britain) while the second Beast (False Prophet) will arise in "the Land" (Israel). Referring back to the first Beast that arises from the sea, Revelation chapters 17-18 explains that the "Great Whore" who is "dressed in scarlet, having in her hand a golden cup filled with blood" who "sits as a Queen" shall "ride the Beast," into global power. As such, the New World King ascends parallel to a One World Religion, to which Revelation 17: 18 states: "And the woman which thou saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth." The key to understanding this city's identity is found in Revelation 17:9, which states: "And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits." That city is Rome, and more specifically, the Vatican, which is why evil has surrounded 'the Church' since its inception. It too was created for a future event and purpose that serves not Christ, but Antichrist. As such, Masonic London, with its bastard child in Masonic-controlled Washington DC, and to a lesser extent, New York's United Nations, along with Brussels' European Union, as well as the corrupted Roman Vatican, all work in unison toward achieving the single goal of the Satanic ruling class which is the destruction of God's influence in the world, and that of His chosen people. With such a large weight cast against it, Israel will be deceived, as prophesied, and this because they continue to reject Jesus Christ. But understand, despite Satan's attempted destructions of the descendants of Israel, God's will prevail. Because of Antichrist, it is prophesied that Israel will see their collective error at the exact moment Christ returns to save them from what would be Satan's complete destruction of Zion. This leaves an important question for you to consider. Who or what actually controls the US and UK government, because it's certainly not their subjected people. Look at the lost war in Afghanistan that cost 2,651 American lives. Was that really a war to deter the CIA-backed Al-Qaeda and Taliban, or was it merely a ruse to cover-up the CIA's role in 9-11? The optics of US soldiers protecting Afghan poppy fields used to make heroin made it obvious as to partially why corporate-serving CIA agents and our military were there. Before 2001, the Taliban held no power in Afghanistan, but now that American troops have left the nation in obvious tatters, how did that 20-year war not empower the Taliban from taking over Afghanistan completely? There's a new book called The Afghanistan Papers that proves just how far the US is willing to go to deceive the American public in attempt to answer why we were there. What the American people need to understand is that their government didn't begin lying with either 9/11 or the Afghan war, and how utterly foolish it would be to think the evidence that the FBI has conveniently redacted to cover-up the details surrounding 9/11 were only in reference to Saudi Arabian involvement and not their own. Incidentally, the photo below shows how even by the time of George Bush Sr.'s time at Skull & Bones, the esoteric numbers of 9 and 11 were being subtly propagated within their own photos.
The Anglo-corporate elites behind 9-11 purposefully left just enough bread crumbs for what became "the Truthers" so that they'd naturally "follow the money" behind 9-11, leading to their unshocked discovery of those with Jewish-sounding names. Because Truthers became relentless in networking toward grasping the larger truth as to why 9-11, its faked pretexts for wars, and other false flag events continued happening is why the elites provided themselves another layer of protection via another wall of division. Enter the corporate power's creation of [Right-wing] "Truther" vs. [Left-wing] "Woke," where minorities 'woke' to fight against their systematic oppression created by the corporate imperial racism, ironically, but where Whites perceive that their minority war is against them specifically. This latest divide and conquer tactic is perhaps the best the London elites have ever devised because it's about to bring another civil war while at the same time, it further distracts us from what should be the war against those Anglo-corporate powers that enslaved us all. While the outspoken Right and Left in America do the heavy lifting in tearing the nation itself apart for them, the archons in power get to sit back and reap the benefits of our collective ignorance. This in itself is fulfilling one of the greatest challenges formerly presented to the elites, and that is getting the behemoth that is still America to destroy itself from within. All the Anglo-archons in power have to do now is add increasingly more fuel to the growing fire through their control over the Left and Right media, and America is on the brink of complete annihilation. Helping in this effort are today's internet influencers who believe whatever the Left/Right media are telling them to add their own voices to the battle against their fellow Americans, thus further influencing to kill "the other."
Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King
If there's any ray of hope in all this, the evil personages of this world and the Satan that they literally worship, goes a long way in proving that the God and Christ they are still attempting to destroy, will ultimately destroy them in time. The Bible speaks to this time when the indignation of Satan has been completed and God Himself declares "It is finished." After the span of 6,000 years for man's time on earth, since Adam, has been allocated, allowing for every soul to be born to also having been tested, a crossroad of several remaining events will occur that end in Apocalypse and the end of all things as we know it. That culmination is near, and they know it, which is why Satan's children are increasing their attack on everything that was formerly deemed good, or Holy, as they desperately attempt to control what we both see and hear in their systematically stripping away whatever Godly influence that remains. The fact that you and others are finally starting to awaken from what was a long slumber to look much more critically at your nation, as well as its elected (and unelected) leaders, proves paramount if man is to have any chance toward survival of what else is coming. For today, reports proving how the CIA and MI5/MI6 are found to be consistently on the wrong side of everything from the global drug trade and sex trafficking of children to the porn, entertainment, and music industries, lay squarely at the feet of the elite. In the wake of the George Floyd murder, by which the entire world was made witness to, one should be wondering why the Masonic-controlled media isn't asking the actual hard-hitting questions if they are supposedly working toward uncovering the larger truths surrounding White on Black murders. For example, why is no one asking why the CIA fills America's streets with every kind of illegal drug and automatic weapon in minority-dominated areas in order to give local law enforcement more reasons to kill or imprison more Black and Brown to ensure White domination overall? I suppose the better question would be what is to be expected by a cabal of Masonic evil that ultimately works to protect what they created in the first place? "To serve and protect" was never for the people but extended toward the fraternal elites (many of whom live in Europe) and their pyramid scheme of wealth collected up from the bottom, of which non-elite American and European Whites are needed to keep that system of cash flowing to the top. Anything that could potentially disrupt that chain of prosperity reaching its ultimate destination is to be dealt with by police. To say that the West's entire system of capital fortune and corporate assets are corrupt, would be a gross understatement and simply not true. It is entirely corrupt, and there to serve the larger Beast, who is prophesied to one day have control over the wealth of not only the West, but the planet. America's own "ingenuity" and existence has only fomented that future, in its creation of the English-speaking business world, as England's greatest commonwealth. In other words, America exists to bridge the gap from what was the colonial era, into the kind of future needed from which the Antichrist must have to easily stand in his guise as first a post-global collapse humanitarian genius, then a controller of global wealth and life-sustaining food and water. For today, while society itself is currently undergoing fundamental changes in regard to race, other seismic shifts are taking place to better fit the Luciferian-Masonic model and construct that's now forcing society to undergo shifting views on gender itself. This makes perfect sense when you understand that Lucifer is perceived by his elitist worshippers as androgynous himself, whose effigy is perfectly depicted in the Knights Templar trans-gendered deity named Baphomet, whose identifying symbol was the pentagram. The pentagram is a symbol which has long been affiliated with demonic activity. From at least the early Middle Ages an entire genre of ritual magic handbooks and manuals has claimed to originate from King Solomon based, no doubt, on his legendary reputation for conjuring and employing demons in the construction of his temple." By which, no doubt, top-tier Freemasons have become entirely obsessed with in their attaining similar demonic wisdom via Occult precepts directed toward a future rebuilding of Solomon's Jerusalem Temple wholly dedicated to their counterfeit (and apparently gender-neutral) 'god of light.'
Fast Forward to 4:30 for Key Info Regarding the City of London's Control Over America
And the rest of those which were not killed by these plagues still would not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils ... neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
Revelation 9:20-21: The Holy Bible
Many of the ugliest episodes in Canada’s history can be traced back to the British royals. Now is the right time for the country to consider turning its back on the Crown. Queen Elizabeth II graces the country’s $20 banknote and all of the coinage in circulation - the Queen’s representative in the country – is still the person who has to sign bills into law, allow elections to be called, and approve governments to be formed. Even pro-monarchy groups acknowledge that each Canadian contributes $1.63 a year – a total of $50 million – to the royal family, who are the direct descendants of those who transported 3.1 million Africans to their colonies in the ‘New World’ while engaging in brutality against indigenous people. The same family engaged in the enslavement of black people for over 250 years and oversaw the violent colonization of territories and people in virtually all corners of the world, from the Middle East, to Africa, to the Asian subcontinent to the Caribbean. Under the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau, the oath has been shifted slightly to ‘recognize’ indigenous people, but it maintains that one will “be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors.”
So where should Americans turn when confronted with so many enemies in the world around them, from without and more concerning, from within? Because it is the evil plan of the corporate elites to foremost deceive, they will always offer you what seems to be alternative solutions to combat their own control from seemingly outside sources of their control. For example, there's a large push today to "bring back the Christian Crusaders" comprised of unwitting American "Christians" to mobilize a force against the "evil Matrix-power structure that is the Democrat party." But what those who loudly push for such a post-January 6 mobilization aren't telling you is that this in itself is another ploy of the same US government they desire to crusade against, much like the January 6 riot itself was a plot carried out to crush American dissent against the US government. One such author spearheading such a movement, wittingly or unwittingly, is the ghost author only known as "Knights Templar," whose own synopsis for his latest book reads as follows: "Filled with chapter upon chapter of expert advice on how to protect and defend your family, faith and nation from the coming storm. The Great Reset Resistance is more than just a book, it is a survival guide and the 2nd installment in the Deus Vult Series. An air of mystery and power hangs over the Knights Templar. From their first Poor Knights fellowship, through to their high point as an immensely influential warrior Order, past their brutal suppression and rumors of underground survival. Only one is true and has re-emerged with a mind-set of muscular Christianity’, a plan of action and the technical competence to become something which can legitimately claim to be faithful not just to the form, but also to the spirit, of our ancient and original Templar forebears. This organization is the Knights Templar International, and this book of unique and timely ideas is the proof that – despite world-wide state persecution, media purges and the intense hostility of the liberal Establishment and a myriad of fake or compromised patriot groups – the KTI are sowing the seeds of Christian and traditionalist resistance to the liberal ‘New World Order’ and its anti-White ‘Great Replacement’ project among a new generation. The Time is at hand. You are certainly not reading this by some random accident. So welcome to a world of hidden knowledge, 900 years of experience and the power gained by the blood of our Holy Martyrs! Welcome to the next step on your road to your true Destiny. Arise, and defend our homelands under the blood red banners of Christ’s Holy Warriors, in the famed battalions of the One True God! Our battle cry: DEUS VULT GOD WILLS IT! --" (See also Pete Hegseth's tatoo.) Nice gimmick, however, the Knights Templar were not Christians. They were founded by those of the Merovingian bloodline who despite originally calling themselves "The Nine Poor Knights of Christ," were secretly funded by subversive and heretical, Satanic elements within the Roman Catholic Church while amassing heights of power that rivaled the Church itself, as designed. After the Church was forced to disband them for their discovered Satanism vis-à-vis their sexual and sacrificial rites to "Baphomet," a surviving Templar remnant found refuge in Scotland. The remnant of Templar power in later Scotland became the Freemasons in London, through which they went global, the then 'New World' included. So any Christian today believing that a return to the time of the Crusades to resurrect the Templars is the best choice to war with their perceived enemies (read: their own countrymen) does so under a false pretext, much like the maligned history regarding the supposed "Christian" Templar's themselves. And it's right here where those who are already armed to the teeth today, holding such a Templar mindset based in a deadly crusade without conscience, that makes such modern Anglo-Crusaders just another weapon at Satan's disposal within a racist endgame waged against God Himself and His creation. Consequently, if any so-called Christian (or White nationalist) approaches you with plans to attack anyone, they are exposed. 'For we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against *spiritual* wickedness in high places. - Ephesians 6:12
After the Collapse, the arc of the Masonic plan dictates Europe's meteoric rise within the vacuum of western power left behind by the former United States. While this New Order will seemingly include all within Europe, it will increasingly turn toward a racist, Anglo-police state, which is why we are already seeing that outcome being perpetuated in Europe already, and all under the guise of "security." Since the Revolution, Britain has used the United States to increasingly protect its own interests, all the while distracting its citizenry with an "American Dream" that provides just enough to keep them striving toward contentment, despite their drowning in interest payments, negative financial leverage, and given early deaths via their corporate manufactured poisons and deadly pesticides in their food. Like a vampiric parasite slowly draining its host, does Britain need America to survive up to a point before relinquishing it altogether. The Merovingian Templar and Anglo-Aryan overlords, who direct the Crown Temple in London, have not only created our modern financial system that has built the West since the European Crusades, but also ensures that Western education is based on an equally adept Occult-based system that works to always enslave the minds of the next generation. (See also II Thessalonians 2:3-4 and One Nation Under Antichrist.) It is that same insidious force that backed Hitler's own rise and propaganda machine, who still control governments now, whilst placing Presidents and other Occult-led puppets to carry out their own wicked global agendas that ends in a final man to rise on their behalf. Each "Leader of the Free World" has only taken us one step closer toward the Masonic dream of their final 'New World Order,' that was publicly announced on September 11th, 1990 - exactly 11 years before the Twin Towers fell on September 11th, 2001. View that iconic George Bush Sr. speech here. Ever since, America is being forced to endure the kind of spiritual attack from its "principalities and powers in high places" that's still seeking to force America toward her own destruction. It remains to be seen whether the inevitable Collapse itself is brought by anti-fascist protests across the nation, or the fascist call to destroy all Trump dissenters, or by some horrific natural disaster, impending financial collapse, new plague, or by some outside entity or nation attacking America at its weakest moment, or a combination of all the above. America and Britain's national policies, and even stranger foreign policies, in seemingly backing Israel on the one hand, but ultimately undermining the Jewish State on the other, were and still are directed toward a future of bringing the Antichrist to bear, against Israel. You must understand that the ascension of the Antichrist is not a new idea, or the result of the current generation of elitist ideals cooked up within any single Bilderberger meeting but is an ancient plan that within each generation has its players who do what they can to bring Satan's ultimate goal, of counterfeiting the Messiah, in Israel. Satan's indignation will only be completed when he possesses a certain King and sits within a Temple in Jerusalem, which explains a great deal as to why the Freemasons are admittedly so obsessed with that coming rebuilt Temple in Zion. This is also the reason the Masonic (Satanic) hegemony behind the Anglo-American policies of entire administrations both past and present, remain so intertwined with the State of Israel. Understand, Satan desires God's earthly Throne at Zion (Jerusalem) in his ongoing attempt to win his war and rule this world and everyone in it. Because of God's still intimate connection with the Jews, via the eternal promises He made to their patriarch's, it is still the people of Zion that Satan hates most of God's creation and is his most targeted for complete destruction. Second to Jews who are slated for annihilation, are all of those who've been grafted in to the promise via Christ, i.e., those of His namesake (Christians). This is why so many lies surround the Jews (and true Christians) to the present day, and why they continually receive blame, when all of the world's ills are attributed not to Jews, but to an equally ancient parallel race of beings who themselves claim are not altogether human.
That same deception has worked itself into the modern "truther" movement today that references a "Jewish global conspiracy," when in fact the perpetrators of global evil are the ones who consistently blame the Jews themselves. In other words, consider the source. It has always been Anglo-led secret societies that have manipulated global events, since their incarnation as the wealthy bankers of post-Crusading Europe, i.e., the Knights Templar, who've never relinquished their increasing power or amassed wealth, let alone supposedly handed all of that over to Jews, as those who believe in a global Jewish conspiracy promote. Because so many in America and Europe are being deceived by one or more tentacles of the Masonic Crown's global propaganda machine, that forces the "evil Jew" narrative, millions of deceived conspiracy theorists today are effectively being primed to follow anyone who would bring another final solution-styled genocide against Israel and its Jewish population. In this way has Satan's offspring effectively provided cover for themselves whilst always pointing their pale fingers at Jews, thus allowing their work to continue. While America seems to uphold the Jewish nation, it only does so to ensure Israel's own existence at the time of the rising of the Antichrist in order to facilitate the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, not from God's will, but from Satan's. In one key regard, America is little more than London's personal bodyguard and global bully to ensure both London and Washington's shared Masonic goals are carried out. Lucifer, the Masonic "God of White Light," knows best how to utilize both pride and vanity toward a nation that is itself rife with Luciferian-worshipping elites at the top who keep their lower caste blindly worshipping a Masonic flag and a Constitution as their God. Understanding subversive social engineering carried out in tandem by the CIA and MI6 security services will often appear where you least expect it. For example, while seemingly grass root supported groups like 'Extinction Rebellion' and 'StandUpX' are rising in the UK, notice also how they are increasingly being infiltrated by Wiccans, both atheist and theistic Satanists, Luciferians, New Ager's, and other pagan cultists. That will only increase on both sides of the Atlantic as an effective backlash against Trump and his increasingly racist army of wannabe fascists who still have no clue to how they're being played by the very elites they believe they're against. While the elites in actual power are seemingly promoting racial inclusion via societal diversity, they do so knowing Whites would be stoked to anger and future violence. Understand, diversity of itself is not evil as racist conservatives ignorantly tout, but the Masonic elites promote it to more perfectly counterfeit Christ's own Kingdom in Heaven (where "all nations, kindreds, and tongues" are included) in order to counter Christ's redemptive work, remove the global influence of the Holy Spirit and bring the entire planet into the Luciferian initiation under the Anti-christ. This is what the UK and US governments and their increasing control over social media platforms are working so diligently toward today. As far as Masonic-controlled America being a supposedly free, sovereign, and independent nation far removed from its progenitor in England, actual research that goes beyond all of the mind control proves that the shadowy cabal today referred to as the "Deep State" are comprised of those who hold zero allegiance to what we've all been taught America is supposed to be, because they know the "Masonic Experiment" that is the United States is only another proxy of the United Kingdom whose destiny is to prepare the world for Satan's Messiah. Thus, as America staggers under the weight of its ongoing destruction by those in power behind the Presidency, the UK mind control program is ramping up the internal divisions between us so that we destroy ourselves. Of itself, the 'American dream' was always just that, a dream designed by those in control of the mind-controlling industrial military complex you've been commanded to unwittingly build and pay into, for them. Simply put, the so-called 'dream' of itself diverts attention away from what really happening via the mechanism of thought control being implemented where anyone dissenting against it is a traitor worthy of death, exactly paralleling Freemasonry for those insiders who attempt to expose any one of its many secrets. Crony-capitalism and consumerism is pushed by the same globalist mega-corporations lurking behind the corrupt power structure of Washington DC. Moreover, of White racism, one might wonder how pervasive Anglo-racism is within the ranks of the Satanic cabal. The answer can be found in the life of America's own, Albert Pike, America's foremost Satanist and KKK founder.
Religious experts and historians say the controversy points to a centuries-old tradition where dark is bad, light is good. “It’s just part and parcel of the stereotyping and the encoding of dark and black, particularly of African descent, as negative in American popular culture.” Scott Poole, author of “Satan in America” says the linking of Satan and race predates American history. European folklore described Satan as a black man, and the Puritans imported these notions, and raised them during the Salem witch trials of the 1690s. “That’s an idea that the Puritans brought with them from England to New England,” said Poole. “They actually had a tendency to identify all racial others with Satanic powers, Satanic control.”
The Masonic Craft originated in the British Isles and the overwhelming majority of its members live in English-speaking countries. According to the Masonic Service Association, there are about 1.2 million Freemasons in the United States. Far fewer men in Latin countries belong to the separate Grand Orient system, whose components are not usually recognized by the Grand Lodge [in London]. Many fewer still practice forms of “fringe Masonry” such as Co-Masonry, which enrolls both men and women. Prince Hall Lodges, originally for Black men, are generally considered “irregular” by American Freemasons, who were conspicuous in both the original and the revived Ku Klux Klan."
They dictate to us that to have "success" (and best serve them), you must be educated within one of their Godless education (indoctrination) centers, with the elite (Masonic-connected) ivy league schools best favored - then work in the corporate arena and live in a predominately White area from which you pay your high taxes all the while shunning the poor and minority population completely believing in whatever the media tells you. Rinse, repeat. Of course, this is diametrically opposed to Christ's teaching which is the whole point. Moreover, Whites are now being taught to hate Blacks and other minorities all the more, as they rise up against the racist status quo that has kept them feeling like forgotten indigenous Americans forced to live in ghetto-like reservations, coast to coast. And far be it from any of the modern MAGA-hat wearing, robber baron, Anglo-racists of today to have Godly heart enough to even see, let alone actually care, of the plight of their less-than-White neighbors living among them. That would be too much like having the Spirit of God and Christ working within them. At the same time, it's demanded of everyone, affluent White and the poorest minority alike, to pay their taxes to fund this system of evil, but even there, elitist Whites are greatly favored over their marginalized neighbors of color, allowing the top tier to receive questionable tax breaks while others are taxed to death. Daniel 11:38 and 43 further informs us that Antichrist shall arise to have all power over this world's wealth and finance, the result of foreign wars and western dominance, but also of many generations of its corporate men in power who have seen to it that the third world suffered while the West flourished. Out of chaos, order. Out of many, one world order. The same evil men in power who played both sides from the start, that brought us the wholesale murder and theft of America's indigenous, African slavery, exported poisons, genocidal toxins, industrial pollution, followed up with the removal of Christianity in public education replaced by the promotion of all things witchcraft, homosexual, radical feminist, racist, and anything else against God's will, is where the Masonic 'Founders' have actually taken America, from start to its end. The destruction of Christianity and the promotion of Anglo-Israelism was always the goal of Europe's insidious monarchies since at least the Jerusalem-conquering Crusades, leaving the global Collapse they'll create from 2025-2030 just as much a foregone conclusion in itself to lay the groundwork for Antichrist's arrival. After all, there's a reason why the Masonic hegemony is in the process of manipulating world society toward either racist Nazi paganism on the one hand, or God-denying, speech-banning, climate-religious, progressive-liberal, pseudo-religious, witchcraft-believing pagans on the other. Both the political Left and Right are needed to control us all to best serve their own Masonic final solution that of itself is against God and anti-Christ. As far as current politics and matters of state go, the way Trump is perceived by Netanyahu as being Israel's greatest ally, should at the very least be held in much greater reserve knowing what Trump's ally in Putin is preparing against Ukraine, the United States, and the Jewish state. And why aren't Trump fans ever questioning Putin's increasingly closer ties to their most hated nation of China? Trump was, and now Biden is, nothing more than a temporary Masonic puppet who has become the perfect Anglo-archetype for the coming Antichrist himself, leading Israel to only look to the West to solve all of its most pressing issues of peace and security. Who can deny that the United Nations isn't a post-war Masonic creation whereby Western leaders, especially the President of the United States, are useful idiots and visual proxies for which to push the UN's [Satanic globalist's] latest Agenda program? What's not told on any report CNN would ever show is how these same Agenda programs, like Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 or even the world vax program, will become the global decrees of a post-American New World Leader that currently resides in London. In other words, the controlled media is preparing the world's increasing hive mind ultimately for him; it's all for Satan within Antichrist, the counterfeit of the Holy Spirit within Christ.
The modern global financial system, its controlling Satanic hierarchy, and even a semblance of what became its lying media was originally birthed in the ancient world, when the earliest pagan empires of Mesopotamia first influenced the first ruling families in Egypt. In turn, pagan Egypt's earliest financial hierarchy influenced pagan Greece, that influenced pagan Rome, that influenced the rest of supposedly "Christianized" Europe. By the time we reach the latter era of the Crusades, the Satanic-worshipping, Merovingian Knights Templar suddenly became the richest banking cartel in medieval Europe by devising a system of usury interest and loan debt that held many of its (non-Cainite) crown heads crushed under its corruptive weight. As the latter half of the Medieval period evolved into the age of Renaissance and revolution, that same banking and usury structure had grown into this world's time-honored "financial system" by which trillions are funneled back to the elitists who have effectively become mankind's Overlords as a result, ensuring their power and control generation after generation. Where most believe this insidious wealth management is traced only to today's World Bank and IMF, that are both headquartered in Masonic-controlled Washington DC, the actual headquarters of this financial behemoth (Beast) resides within Masonic London's Crown Temple Bar, and under the hidden influence of the British Monarchy itself. While some know of their presence among us, tracing their obvious evils in everything from corrupt politics, finance, banking, and a certain military industrial complex, named America, the same have no idea that all of their wickedness is directly connected to a grand pyramid scheme of the evil father's own design. At its head sits an enthroned Satan that is symbolized by his sole, "All-Seeing Eye," with the members of his thirteen-tribe family positioned in global power just underneath, followed by their many Satanic and Occult-based organizations infiltrating entire governments, like Freemasonry, that both carry out their evil works on a global scale whilst earning a substantial amount of wealth (via taxes, wars, and other illegal means) that's funneled back to the top. The next tier is the aforementioned banking system itself. Closer to the two bottom tiers resides the military control structure and its many industries, as well as their intelligence and security services that carry out the murderous will of the upper tiers on a global scale. The lowest tier of the evil corporate pyramid makes it very apparent how racist the entirety of its self-serving corporation headquartered back in London truly is. They are the Masonic-based fraternal orders behind the police, both federal and local, who while claiming to protect and serve the public, are actually serving and protecting the highest echelon and the racist status quo that serves the Great Work overall. (See also Under Trump, FBI Protects the Corporate Ruling Class and Right Wing by Targeting Left-Wing Groups Only and Nazis and FBI Share Similar Practice.) Beyond their aspects toward human policing, our collective minds are also being daily assaulted via their MK-ULTRA and Tavistock programs that work in tandem with the media to ensure mankind is no longer presented with a choice, of good or evil, but a single narrative that only promotes a coming single hive mind, religion, financial network, and world order. Think they might be preparing the world for one leader, as well? One need only look at the way Western governments are increasingly preventing you from being able to access any counter-information to their own deceptive narrative, including increasingly stricter Google AI algorithms that root out almost all conspiracy searches and other informative websites that would cause society to wake up, to now its outright censorship of Christianity itself, in the form of so-called 'limited state' YouTube videos, shadow banning of people reporting the truth, to outright censorship, to see how far the internet has devolved from an actual working social platform, where speech was once freely disseminated, to one under their insidious control where only the hive mind disinformation of their Masonic mind control is allowed to flourish. Increasingly, free speech is up for debate, setting a dangerous precedent going forward whereby if you aren't following the ever-shifting wave of wherever the manipulated hive mind is going, you're ostracized already. I imagine it's right here someone could ask what about Black Masons? The irony here is as deceptive as it is overwhelming. Knowing how the outer caste of Freemasonry is itself a grand Luciferian recruitment program into a larger Masonic world system run by the inner caste that supports evil, soul corruption, Anglo-racism, and global citizen slavery, I would turn the question around to be: What have they gained?
Run your own experimental searches into what the controlled internet does and doesn't want you to read or discover. One example is to type "Prince William Antichrist" into Google. As soon as you got to "...Anti," Google used to auto complete and fill in the rest of the word "Antichrist" for you. Not anymore. In addition to that, while all your former searches are remembered in Windows by default, "Prince William Antichrist 666" is one combination of words that are no longer automatically remembered, forcing a person to uniquely type it in every search. And beginning in 2022, there's even an extra warning at the top of some Google searches, including "Prince William Antichrist" that state the following at the top of the given result: "It looks like there aren’t many great results for this search. The results below match your search terms, but some of them may not have reliable information on this topic." Similarly, the same searches on Google that used to bring you to sites exposing Freemasonry and the global elite are now shadow-banned and buried under a myriad of "fact-checked" websites countering the topic you're seeking. For another example, if you're seeking out the well-documented truth behind Satanic Ritual Abuse, you are immediately presented only with the websites that counter SRA. It doesn't take long to realize this is also being purposefully done by the search engine corporations and companies themselves via their latest algorithms. Before 2016, you could easily find information against the Masonic hegemony on key sites like Freemasonry Watch. After 2016, however, an obvious shift began to take place ensuring only Masonic webpages themselves appeared in the highest listings under search terms that should take one to anti-Masonic sites. How utterly ironic it becomes, therefore, that those who are working to expose such conspiracies are now being increasingly portrayed as villains disseminating misinformation when that is the task of the so-called "fact-checkers" themselves and the corporate entities behind them who facilitate lies as the truth in order to support the larger plan they so clearly hold. One need only take a more analytical look at the media today, and their need to precisely control how we view the world going forward, to see but a single aspect of the control itself. (See also CBS: Inside the Secret World of the Freemasons and TIME: What the Freemasons Taught the World.) Knowing how such elitist organizations controlling the media are turning society away from the truth and Christian love of their neighbor, how ironic it is that Trump and his administration are being exposed in not only slowing the division that is plaguing the nation today but has only facilitated it to the point of stopping active FBI investigations into White nationalism as well as far-right, Nazi-inspired, "Christian" militia groups. So, while Trump is supposedly curtailing the much fewer Mexican and South American gangs like MS-13 from entering the country, he's also preventing many more parents and children fleeing from them. Trump claims to be protecting such minors from traffickers, while exposing them to traffickers behind the walls of American detention centers (and now Biden is doing the same). While Trump is seemingly against gangs themselves, or should be, he has actually protected American gangs as long as they are White and nationalist. There's no clearer example of a double standard in the US justice system then when armed, angry Whites are literally allowed to storm the DC Capitol and attack the police for hours, killing one, while individual unarmed minorities are being actively racially profiled, daily stopped by police, and then killed for much less than their much angrier, better armed, White counterparts. It seems the only way that certain right-wing Americans could ever tolerate anyone of dark skin, is if they could "own" or otherwise oppress them in one way or another to better echo the time they believe America was still 'great.' The same consistently blame the generational victims of slavery and its bastard child in ongoing systemic racism, instead of their own British slave-trading forebears or founding fathers, the backlash of which is ironically, today, making patriotic White Americans even more self-serving and wanting to preserve the traditions of Anglo-racism all the more. The question has arisen that given this honest report, if it turned me somehow anti-American, to which I would answer a resounding no, it would be anti-American not to freely disseminate this knowledge to as many Americans as possible in the time we have left.
It's no secret the United States is steadily losing its Biblical base. Just look at how many Americans rejoiced in New York's recent ungodly law legalizing abortion up until the day of birth. The more our nation loses its God-honoring element, the closer it draws to spiritual death. But this isn't a recent trend. Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne says the demise of America started in 1877 with a man named Cecil Rhodes, a lifetime member of the Masonic Order. Rhodes wanted to form a secret society [The Round Table] with one goal: to bring the whole world under the control of the British Empire, establishing a one-world government. Since then, a strong and single-focused institution has infiltrated American society, and it has everything to do with money...[and a] globalist system as a prime setup for the Antichrist to arise.
Thus, both God and Satan knew full well of Cain's importance, that leads to Antichrist, so did God place that mark, protecting Cain from death, so that Cain may live to produce a race of his own. Cain traveled the ancient and now accursed world, where he found a wife, his 'Dark Eve', as it were. Many speculations have been made into exactly who this woman could have been. Suffice to say, no one has written more about Cainite history other than those aligned with the darkest of Occult rituals and blood-sacrifice to Satan and his children than those who would know that history best, the Aryans themselves. The fact that God placed a 'mark' upon the fearful Cain that would "protect" him (meaning his lineage) unto the "seventh generation" proves without doubt that a Cainite Bloodline and unholy lineage is what's being referenced to in Genesis. That same lineage then apparently leads from Cain directly to the Antichrist himself. Moreover, those first seven generations that needed God's protection was only removed when the Cainite Kingdom became self-sustaining under Tubal-Cain, who established a system of laws, backed up by a hierarchy of forces to protect the core establishment of the most pure-blooded descendants of Cain himself. She bore unto him a son, which Cain named Enoch, meaning "illuminated one." The path toward an Illuminati was secured. Cain’s ancient name of Q'ayin eventually worked into its later English root to become four connecting words of importance here, “Arcane,” “Aryan,” “Kin” and “King.” In other words, you could think of Cain as the primordial king upon which the archetype of a “King” of Occult magic is based. Cain and his children were first "Pagans" to worship Satan and his demon "gods," even as it was the Cainites, and those they greatly influenced, who created the very first pagan kingdoms of the ancient world.
In contrast to those non-Cainite pagans who came after, did Molech, Chemosh and Baal, even all the (demonic) gods of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Babylon and Assyria, work with and for Satan's children to increase Satan's kingdom upon this world. It was Cain who carried out the first human sacrifice to Satan, who consumed both the flesh and blood of Abel in honor of his Dark Father. Since Genesis, Cain's descendants, and those who serve their agenda, have engaged in similar blood sacrifices in the honor of their own dark father, Cain himself, of whose Masonic secret is subtly revealed in the etymology within the English words Cannibal (Cain + Abel) and Cabal were also based. The earliest Akkadian histories seem to indicate Cain's descendants were also first in stealing children to be used as slaves, for sex and ultimately human sacrifices that led to the more conventional Black Masses held in medieval Europe that's secretly carried out among Cainite Royalty and the elites who serve them to this very day. From Scripture, we know that Satan has all spiritual power over this world's kingdoms, and over every nation on this earth, but Satan also holds power over each nation's internally corrupt system that placed these 'Sons of the Devil' in positions of politics, education, medicine, and vast wealth. So while Satan controls this world spiritually, it is the Sons of Cain who control this world physically, for Satan.
Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King
Sometime in the 1930s, Heinrich Himmler, [Hitler's SS leader] installed a 'Round Table' in Wewelsburg Castle. One of the study rooms was named Gral [Grail], while another König Artus [King Arthur]. Himmler envisioned it as the literal esoteric centre of the thousand-year reich, where leading SS officers became Knights of the Round Table. Underneath this table was to be the Holy Grail itself ... Himmler gave Rahm until Oct. 31, 1936, to finish his next book. It was called Luzifers Hofgesind or Lucifer's Servants whose underlying thesis is that the Cathars and other Aryan groups actually worshipped Lucifer, rather than the Jewish God and His Son.
The French Templars were charged of worshipping an idol named Baphomet, urinating on the Cross, ritual murder of children, worshipping the devil and committing acts of sodomy and bestiality. Though the Order was disbanded, and its leader Jacques de Molay executed, legend has it that a number of Knights escaped to Scotland, where they became protectors of a Bloodline affiliated to the Merovingians, the Stuarts, and other supposed descendants of King Arthur.
According to Illuminati legend, King Arthur (a type of Antichrist) will draw around him the bravest and noblest Knights in the realm. They and their monarch will comprise the 'Circle of the Round Table'. In Great Britain today, certain members of the Illuminati, including Prince Charles and Prince Philip, take part in rituals and symbols of an odd secret society. So demented are the leaders of the Illuminati, that they fancy themselves to be the modern-day inheritors of the Arthurian legend.
Since the earliest versions of the Arthurian legends, genealogies have been created (or kept) that link King Arthur back to ancient rulers, including King David of Israel. Monarchs since Arthur have tried to claim descent from him, most notably the Plantagenets and their descendants who still sit on the British Throne.
Although originating in southern France, it was in Spain that the Kabbalah would develop, and where the most important medieval Kabbalistic text, the Sepher ha Zohar, or Book of Light, was produced in 1286 AD. Rene d’Anjou, whose combined European heritage provided him with the titles of King of Hungary, King of Naples and Sicily, King of Aragon, Valencia, Majorca and Sardinia and King of Jerusalem, was well-versed in the Occult. His interests included Arthurian and Grail romances. [He believed that] ...the Messiah [Antichrist] must be brought about historically, through a long chain of actions that prepare the way [to] ...actively bring about his appearance, first by manipulating the course of fate through the use of magic, and finally, by preparing the necessary political and moral circumstances to receive his coming.
The Milner Group was birthed as the result of Cecil Rhodes' "Round Table Group," which centers around the idea of the British Empire ruling the entire planet. Corbett also neglected to mention that it was the British royal family themselves, in addition to several American corporations, that provided funding to facilitate the "Unification of Europe" project that was supposed to be Hitler's actual mission, in addition to murdering every Jew in Europe, a task also signed off on by his financiers back in London and corporate America. (See also King Edward VIII’s Nazi Ties that the U.K. Tried to Cover Up.) However, Hitler, a trained occultist knowing something of the older Masonic plan toward placing a global leader that would lead the world from Europe, went rogue to what was to be his part in that plan as a forerunner to that leader, bombed London, and attempted that future global takeover in advance for himself that led to the rest of World War II and the result of Western governments and Hitler's British and American financiers, including the British royals as this news item makes clear, ultimately distancing themselves from him. Despite that, there were a remainder of American-owned factories inside Germany that continued to help the German war effort and Nazi cause even after America finally entered the war. The Masonic powers were then forced to destroy what they themselves helped to create in Hitler's meteoric rise to power, but not before largely allowing for the extermination of six-million of whose surviving remnant would then be allowed by England to create modern Israel, a needed State if the Biblical prophecy of the Antichrist would be fulfilled, which speaks to England's own larger goal of ensuring the occult side of the Antichrist prophecy is fulfilled if only to allow Satan his own ultimate goal in possessing their future Antichrist king who arises in England. This is why the Freemasons were created out of the Knights Templar before them, to ensure that transfer of power occurs in the same generation as the "Fig Tree (Israel) puts on leaves," whereby Christ said that the same generation that sees the regeneration of Israel, will also live to see all of the prophecies come to pass. This would include the prophecy and arrival of the Antichrist. As such, what the Western Masonic governments could not do thru bloodshed in a forced unification of Europe, they later undertook thru peace, creating the European Common Market in 1957 via the Treaty of Rome, which directly led to the overdue birth of the European Union in 1993, the same union by which the United Kingdom today desires to seemingly abstain from. Corbett should have also dropped the name of Prescott Bush, the father of George H.W. Bush, as another key figure in funding Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party, proving something much generationally worse than Nazis exist among us in America to this day. Moreover, he should have finally dispelled the myth about the Rothschild's being Jewish, when they certainly are not. They are Aryans hiding under Jewish last names in order to protect their Templar-serving evils in global banking and finance to this day, funding the larger Masonic plan that leads to a dystopian global society under the rule of Antichrist. And the Rothchild's are not the only Aryan family on earth purposefully laying all blame at the feet of Jews while they remain free to carry out every Satanic work completely undetected. This still leaves the United States at a severe disadvantage because no matter what Americans do or how they vote, those in control behind the government are preparing for our destruction so that Europe is left by itself to dominate the West. That said, where does this leave America being currently drawn into racial conflict against its own population? The Masonic-American two-party system was wickedly built so that no matter which party could bully or balance the other into compliance, Europe wins. If the far left dominates and completely conquers the next three election cycles as a backlash to Trump's reckless time in office, Europe wins. If Trump still manages to ignite the powder keg of racism to the point that a civil war actually does break out, Europe wins. Because America was created by racist, Satanic Freemasons that still control the US government ultimately, Europe wins. One example of this is seen in the Masonic grip on the media from the conservative extreme. For example, the same conservative media that tells us not to hear the realistic grievances of minorities such as those in Black Lives Matter by continually distracting their audience with false claims that BLM is "Marxist" does America itself the greater injustice because Black America is also America. What America is not, never was, and never will be, is for Whites only, which is what conservative media is secretly attempting to brainwash White Americans with. In other words, you don't have to be a "dirty Woke commie" to hate racism, racial profiling and minority injustice, as well as the murders of unarmed Black and Brown American citizens and their subsequent cover-ups to ensure the racist status quo that best serves the elite, remains. As if to further codify his imperialist-styled Anglo-racism, Trump is ending all racial sensitivity training and is even doubling down on igniting those same racial narratives that Hitler himself evoked, causing an entirely new generation to distrust and hate minorities for their speaking/acting out against the obvious racism. Vicious circle. What we're all witnessing today is precisely what happens when you humanize racists as "great patriots" and dehumanize everyone they hate. What the anti-Woke brigade desires most, therefore, is zero accountability for theirs and their forefather's murderous racism. Their damning of Black lives and Critical Race Theory is just the beginning, they ultimately want to appear as racially blameless whilst bringing their latest Hitler in "vermin poisoning our blood" Trump to the forefront again while God Himself is watching.
As far as the summer protests of 2020 ignited by the murders of unarmed minorities by White police from coast to coast, a government's first duty should be to protect citizenry, not corner to cull. To Whites, it appears only their insurrections against the government matter, while they demean every minority seeking a parallel, if not equal, justice. The very fact Trump continues to push the systemic swamp's own racist agenda that so obviously sets the stage for their coming racist, corrupt, evil and charismatic Antichrist, of itself proves Trump is merely one of them. Trump's imperialist-serving callousness towards minorities is further proven when in the face of protests against Police murdering the unarmed, he claims that BLM and other groups that want to pursue the legal route toward police reform to reduce the countless murders, are "preventing the police from doing their jobs." Sorry Trump, when was it ever the police's job to profile, target, and kill unarmed minorities? Trump's further blaming the radical left for their "communism" is another red herring that plays on the Republican's greatest fear, when both the left and right are being pitted against one another in perfect adherence to the Masonic plan that's leading toward the destruction of the American Republic and the rise of Europe as a superstate. (You may remember the recent reports of Europe having long ago banned certain chemicals that are still allowed by the US FDA and present in American foods despite those chemicals having been proven to be killing Americans.) Trump's hastening of America's demise can no longer be denied with his further increasing the powers of US corporations to pollute our air, water and food supplies by rolling back key safety regulations, as well as his constant stoking of racial tensions and insistence that there will come a second American Civil War, complete with inflammatory speeches and tweets that consistently incite White supremacists to kill "radical liberal communists." When Trump and his racist supporters like Tucker Carlson say that "liberals hate America and White men," they effectively give no space for anyone to dare question the obvious racism in their version of America exhibited by Whites, thereby allowing for the unfair status quo to continue in its own systemic racism to ensure their dominance via diminishing the very real concerns that minorities increasingly have. In other words, anyone daring to challenge the American status quo that's so obviously built upon 400 years of ongoing Anglo-racism and corruption, are hastily ostracized by the radical right and labeled anti-American. Meanwhile, those Anglo-elites who secretly control our government exist behind the overwhelming protection that the institutionally racist status quo daily provides them, holding neither political affiliation of either left or right, knowing such distractions to be an opiate they've provided for the masses. They only worship Satan, period. Jews are merely presented by them as a shiny racist-based diversion to allow Satan's twisted plans to remain hidden until the rise of his Antichrist Western King, that returns global 'law and order' after the Collapse, something that Trump archetypally propagates in himself. Understand, Antichrist will initially appear as a leader who unites the planet under an extreme version of multiculturalism, and this is why progressive liberalism is today being driven as a vehicle toward that goal, but much like the far-right espouses, the Beast will also push a "White savior" leadership narrative at the same time. This is partly why both the radical right and radical left are being weaponized toward that objective now. Like Trump has already done, Antichrist will also befriend the state of Israel, at first, to the point of becoming its Messiah, as short-lived as that will be. It's therefore entirely foolish for those in MAGA claiming Trump wasn't put in office by the very same corporate and political swamp they actually think they're against, when Trump was literally born into the Deep State, of which they've been unwittingly taught to believe are entirely comprised of "evil Jews and communists," when the true Deep State is actually comprised of those, they're more often than not, actually related to. Such "truthers" who revel in the "Jewish global conspiracy" mindset would be shocked to discover most of those supposed Jewish names running the banking system are not Jews but Anglo-elites hiding behind Jewish names, a Merovingian tactic that's been employed since the Crusades, when the Templars returned to Europe to create the modern banking system. Never mind all the Crown-serving Freemasons that actually run the United States government since its inception, the actual Deep Anglo-State needs you to believe only Jews are at the helm so that their work goes on unhindered. In other words, if the already corrupt businessman and former Democrat turned corrupt Republican that is Trump had offended the globalist's power structure in any way, whether in DC or London, he never would have been given their Office. Both the political left and right in the West serve one master, and it's not Christ. Christ inspires empathy, peace, inclusion, and love for those oppressed who love their Creator, while Satan as the Oppressor inspires the division of mankind thru distrust, hate, exclusion, racism and war, for those archons who oppress.
And here's an important question that proves the racism among the Republican party. Why is the GOP elite never investigating further into all of the major child sex trafficking rings centered around England or much closer to home around Salt Lake City in Utah, both of which are proven Satanic rings kidnapping, trafficking, killing, eating and even selling human blood and body parts on the dark web as sacrifices to Satan, to instead only go after the few Mexican traffickers that the GOP makes it seem encompasses 95% of the heavily demonized migrant families who desperately want a shot to actually work in the United States? Like the brainwashed cult they're becoming, the GOP actually believes the cultish Trump lie and repeated Republican talking point that the "invasion" from the Americas contains nothing but evil drug runners, terrorists, and murderers, while the very same types have been born right here in the United States, are White, are of the original immigrants who arrived here largely from England and do practice what they call the "world's oldest religion" rooted in Cain's murder? With the one-off exception in Epstein and Maxwell, why does the justice system on both sides of the Atlantic largely protect the elite trafficking rings while those not in that status quo and systemic network are subject to the actual application of the supposed law with prison sentences? The news item that uncovered that the US Government was beholden to the Queen in her complicit protection of her pedophile son Prince Andrew does show us something of how the Deep State and underworld works in reality. Moreover, there could no more be the strongest of hypocrisy than what is seen today by the GOP in regards to "the border." The self-righteousness they unabashedly display rivals that of other cults who make up their own rules as it best suits only them much to the enjoyment of the Masonic-Satanic cult that actually sustains their ignorance. Let's now investigate that further. The next thirty paragraphs will shock you into a knowledge that far too many have been overlooking in regards to the murderous Satanic cults in America who hold as their god, Lucifer, in keeping with the early American Masonic tradition. Let us remember, Masonic America exists because an entire race of its Godly-placed, indigenous, [actual] Americans in America were slaughtered to fulfill an ongoing Masonic plan hatched in 17th century London that leads to Satan's rise via the Antichrist in Masonic England to coincide with the ending of time that was sped up as a result of the Anglo-American industrial age with all of its many covert twisted sciences riding on the back of its more overt technological advances, advances that were detailed in the Scriptures, such as cars: "their chariots jostle like lightning in the streets, the highways, and byways..." and quantum computing and AI/VR: "No one on the earth will be able to buy or sell except that he have the mark...and he causeth all to worship the image of the Beast which can see and speak and cause all who worship not the Beast to be killed..." and TV/live streaming: "When they finish their testimony, the Beast will make war against them and kill them. Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations everywhere will see their dead bodies laying three-and-a-half days in the streets of Jerusalem...." and airplane travel: [The end will come] when many will move to and fro across nations when knowledge shall be increased..." to inform an ancient audience, as well as our own generation, as to what would be the major technologies at the end of days. Therefore, this notion that racists today like to push that it was the White man who created modern, Western society and all of its technological advances should also be underscored by the more stark reality behind that fleeting fact, that the same White man has also brought us all closer to the end of the world as a result, a fact that will be made no clearer then when the same technologies that the Beast will employ to enslave the planet are even now increasingly distracting the world away from its Creator and toward Satan already.
Satanism and Scientology: Cali Bergandi's Experience [Florida]
I was born into a Satanic cult family who practiced occultism and Satanism in Vero, Florida. For example, my grandfather who had ties to NASA also had connections with Jeffrey Epstein back then who was involved with a weird project in wanting to "seed the human race" with his [Cainite] DNA, and my family and so many others they knew had so many connections doing all of this crazy stuff. My mom had been married before I was born to a man named Gary, Gary Kimball of Brevard County, Titusville, in Florida, which was about an hour and a half from Vero where we lived. And I’ve known Gary my whole life, even though it was my mom’s ex-husband. I grew up around Gary who owns a private airport in Brevard County that Jeffrey Epstein used to fly young girls, as well as corporate types, in and out of there several times a month. And back then, Gary and the others controlled all the air traffic in and out of that specific airport, so they could get in and out of there inconspicuously. I was born into the cult, so from the time I was born, they start using you right away for practices. The women in the Satanic cult in Florida start grooming the bred babies from infancy. I’ve seen it done during diaper changes, for example, where they’ll finger the babies to get them used to the sexual abuse they'll be forced to endure later in their lives. In those early years, my family ritually abused me my entire life with a blindfold on, while everybody else watches, but I couldn't. So when I actually am able to see stuff like that, and showed my shock even as a child, I was usually silenced by either being drugged or beat or raped myself. I learned not to speak. I’ve been to day care centers in and around Vero that were owned by Satanic occult members and was abused in day cares that they were used for child prostitution and trafficking purposes. They even had their own little school bus and to the untrained eye, none of it appeared as if it were abnormal. But my first memory was going to that First Church of God and going out of class because I had cramps. I was, like, three or four years old in day care, and I couldn’t identify what was wrong with me. I just went to the toilet, and I sat on the toilet and had blood in my underwear, and I didn’t know it was blood and I’m [thinking], “I need help.” And I sat there on the toilet at First Church of God for what seemed like hours until a teacher finally came looking for me. And I believe DCF was called at that point, so it did create a problem for them for a while. I was taken out of that day care and then put into another one where they could abuse me and get away with it. But that’s my first memory of being abused.
My mother worked in banking and I remember it had a lot of criminal ties to biker gangs, and other types of brotherhoods also. She was working in banking because she was a plant put there by the elders of the cult to obtain account information on the community's most wealthy people in and around Indian River County because they were to be targeted for later extortion and blackmailing scams, as well as potential recruiting after it. I wasn’t allowed to have friends that werent in the cult, so I was raped by all my friends’ fathers. Everywhere they took me, they knew somebody, restaurants, restaurant owners, banks, bakeries, the bank president that she worked for at First American Bank. Alex MacWilliam owned the bank, we used to call him Mr. Mac, and after hours, they would go up front and lock the door of the bank at five o’clock and then bring me into his office and he would rape me on the desk in his office at the bank. These men and women are bank presidents, real estate, daycare, restaurant owners, and small business owners of all kinds are tied into the network. In the cult, they encourage you to get into a position of power or local politics, law enforcement, fraternal order of police members, or teaching, or whatever so that they can incorporate and launder trafficking funds through companies or connecting organizations that are then connected to larger statewide and national networks as they ascend in power. The banality of the evil ones -- These people are your hairdressers, they’re your day care owners, they’re people that you trust, respect, view as pillars of the community, and even think first to trust your kids with, which speaks to how good their psychopathic act of appearing "innocent" really is. My own family was very well liked in the community, for example. Proof of this was seen when we had the unexpected arrival of 200 people or more that showed up at my dad’s celebration of life that we had for him after he died, or disappeared, or whatever actually occurred to him in 2016. I mean, there’s a lot of people that know these people, but they don’t really know them. Many are doctors and physicians of all kinds that I have been ritually abused by and tortured by. Doctors are important to have in any cult because of the murders as well as abuse we were all made to suffer for Satan. The "blue blood" ancestral relationships are very common in the cult with fathers sleeping with daughters, brothers and sisters, cousins, is all practiced in common. We were groomed for that and being raped by all the men in our family. It was not uncommon to see a room full of naked people or to be raped in a room full of people and other people were being raped by them. I was a breeder from the age of eight to fourteen and every year they would impregnate me, but I never had a child as a girl or woman would traditionally have a son or daughter. They never let me carry full term and always took the babies at six months, so I never got visually pregnant. I was always made to wear bigger clothes to cover my "bump" so nobody knew I was getting pregnant. They would take the babies prematurely at about six months, and they were either being used for trafficking purposes, body parts to be used in foods, or killed in sacrifices in their ceremonies, all of which they did. So, several of mine were were killed. And my father strangled one in the back bedroom that was born and then forced me to watch him b