Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Gog Magog Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Dark MAGA Cult Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Dark MAGA Cult Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Dark MAGA Cult Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
“Until they become conscious, they will never rebel.” - Orwell, 1984

BREAKING // Lying Trump Even Attempts to Take Credit for the 2017-2020 Economy
BREAKING // Hitler-Evoking Trump Now Openly Inciting Violence Against Immigrants
BREAKING // Fascist Far-Right are Using AI to Sell an English-Speaking Hitler to Generation Z
BREAKING // Trump Official Predicts Blackout for Election then Makes Threat Against Americans
BREAKING // Severe Solar Storms Could Stress Power Grids and Cause Widespread Blackouts in US
BREAKING // Scientists Warn of a Global Societal Collapse with Earth's Worsening Climate Situation
BREAKING // The Global Water Cycle is Going Off Balance for the First Time in Entire Human History

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Dark MAGA Cult Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
Home | Israel | Germany | London | Avalon | Atlantis | Scotland | France | Rapture | Film | UFO | 666 Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Dark MAGA Cult Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Dark MAGA Cult Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

BREAKING Author Exposes Great Britain and America's Evil Pirbright Institute and Pilgrim Society
BREAKING The Evidence Proving British MI-5 and America's CIA are Behind the Lie of Covid-19
BREAKING The Paper Trail Proving Covid is a Bioweapon Created by Great Britain and America
BREAKING The Origins of the Deep State in North America: The ROUND TABLE Secret Society
BREAKING "Evil US Gov" Knew Epstein was Operating Child Sex Ring Long Before First Arrest
ARCHIVED Proof that Media is Controlled by British and American Intel, Corporate Elite, Royals
ARCHIVED UK Royals Threatened ABC a Million Ways if it Ran Reports Against Epstein in 2015
ARCHIVED Why Did it Take From 1999-2019 for the FBI to Raid Epstein's Pedophile Sex Island?
ARCHIVED Epstein's Recruiter Ghislaine Maxwell Had Total Access to Royal Palace 4x per Day
ARCHIVED Exposed Royal Andrew Still Met Jeffrey Epstein While He was Under House Arrest

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Dark MAGA Cult Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell Allowed Entry into All of the Royal Palaces and Vacation Homes
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Epstein Invited to Meet the UK Queen in 2000: Prince Andrew-Clinton-Trump Connection
*Satanic Hampstead & Pizzagate: Satanic Crimes Actively Being Covered-Up by British Elite
*Royals at the Center of Courting Banksters, Cartels, Weapon Smugglers at their Residences
*From Reagan to Trump, the American Government is Connected in Child Trafficking Rings
*Epstein and Maxwell: The UK Royal-Connected Billionaires Who Trafficked Girls to Elites
*Trump Did Lie About Not Knowing Prince Andrew Who He Before Said Was "a Lot of Fun"
*Trump's Labor Secretary Broke US Law Protecting Underage Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein
*Watch Trump and Prince Andrew Meet Up Just Before Jeffrey Epstein's NY Arrest and Death
*Newly Unsealed Epstein Documents Have Trump's Cover Name of 'Doe 174' All Over Them
*Trump Exposes Himself Again as a Predatory Elitist Who Seeks to Become 'Above the Law'
*Trump's Sex Comments About His Own Daughter Prompted Rebukes by His Chief of Staff
*Donald Trump Continues to Travel and Campaign Using Jeffrey Epstein’s Old Airplane

::ARCHIVED Why the Proven Masonic Queen of England Only Pretends to be a Christian
::ARCHIVED As Princess, Elizabeth Made a Welsh Druid (Known for Human Sacrifices)
::ARCHIVED A Satanic Plaque was Unearthed at the Queen’s Holyrood Estate in Scotland
::ARCHIVED Eleven 'Satanic Witches' Arrested in Child Sex Trafficking Ring in Scotland
::ARCHIVED Absolute Proof British/American Freemasons Worship Lucifer as Their God
::ARCHIVED All in the Family: 'Freemasonry and the British Empire in the 19th Century'
::ARCHIVED Royal Family Connection to Satanism that King Charles Wishes to Go Away
::ARCHIVED Hundreds of British Children Were Given to Pedophiles by UK Government
::ARCHIVED King Charles Connection to Jimmy Savile and Several Pedophilia Networks
::ARCHIVED All Survivors Say Royal Friend Jimmy Savile was Part of Satanic Abuse Ring
::ARCHIVED Satanic Hampstead Events are Actively Being Covered-Up by the British Elite
::ARCHIVED Occult Paganism is Second Most Popular 'Faith' in Southwest England Today
::ARCHIVED Prince William's Own Past History in Turning Down Christian Church Events

US Department of Justice Admits that Cannibalistic Generational Satanism Exists
US IG Releases Scathing Review of How FBI is Still Mishandling Child Sex Cases
Despite 30+ People Accusing w/ 12 Sex Charges Kevin Spacey Cleared in UK Court
Britain’s Crown Court Dismisses Crimes Against Hollywood Mogul Harvey Weinstein
BBC's Huw Edwards Found Guilty in UK Court for Child Sex Abuse Photos, Set Free
The BBC Honors the Royal Family's Own Rewarded Satanic Pedophile, Jimmy Savile
BBC-Awarded Satanist Jimmy Savile Abused 500 Children and Had Sex with the Dead
Royal Friend Jimmy Savile was Part of a Satanic Abuse Ring According to His Victims
How BBC Show TOTP Became a Breeding Ground for Sex Molesters like Jimmy Savile
Like Savile, Murderer David Fuller was 'Allowed Entrance' to Have Sex with Dead Bodies
Like Jeffrey Epstein, BBC Satanist Jimmy Savile Had Free Reign Inside UK Royal Palaces

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

The far-right wants to blame other Americans who take Trump to task for being the most divisive President in the history of the United States, who, for one example will call White Americans simply "Americans," whilst calling American Blacks or Hispanic Americans "the Blacks" or "the Hispanics." And I won't even have to explain to you what Trump thinks about hard-working Americans in Springfield, Ohio that were formerly Haitian. Therefore, those who see Trump for what he is are not the enemy and Trump need only blame himself for all of his divisive, hateful, and needless rhetoric that always separates Americans from other Americans. The guy can't even compare himself to anyone actually good. Instead of a noble person that the entire nation and world should be inspired by, he compares himself to Hannibal Lecter, Al Capone, Hitler, and other completely evil, hateful, and murderous people and proven despots. At the same time, Trump has railed against Kamala Harris in her support for clean energy and claims that he will somehow (magically?) create clean air and water if elected, but when he was President, he single-handedly reversed countless environmental protections as well as rolled back corporate safety regulations that freed corporations up to pollute in a way that wasn't seen since the 1970's in order to make a better profit for themselves. While complaining about the "Green New Deal," for another example, Trump forgets that if the nation did nothing to combat smog and its effect acid rain in the Carter 1970's and Reagan 1980's, it would have gotten much worse by our current generation. In fact, it was Trump's much hated "leftist/Marxist California agenda" that led the way in placing California car emission laws on the books and placed those first key regulations on corporations that led to the comparatively much cleaner air we have today that made health-destroying smog a thing of the past. Racially speaking and in too many other ways, Trump is a relic of the past that America should forget along with the smog that men like him created in order to turn better profits in the name of making America "great."

Clinton Ortiz, Comment: MAGA Blames "Democrat Rhetoric" for Trump's Assassins

The Tavistock Clinic is stationed in London and is directly involved with the British government and the House of Windsor. The United States Department of Defense and intelligence agencies are infiltrated by British Crown knights and Freemasons working for the British Crown. Today, the Tavistock Institute is covertly involved with social networking sites, alternative media, and conspiracy forums to gather intel on members of society. Their goal is mass manipulation of society through social networking. David Rockefeller Jr. and the Rockefeller Foundation are involved in financing Tavistock agendas [whilst] the Russell, Parsons, Carnegie, and Spencer families in the United Kingdom are covert managers of the Tavistock Institute. The Tavistock Institute [also] works with MI6, as well as the American CIA.

Tavistock Institute for Mind Control

What the mainstream media still isn't reporting is how the "ABC Network was Threatened a Million Different Ways by the Royals" if it ran any stories against Jeffrey Epstein in 2015, so this goes well beyond just pedophile Andrew and reaches into what elite media moguls are telling their reporters in what not to investigate further, nor report, especially when it leads one into the tiers of organized Satanism also known as "Satanic Panic," a term that the moguls themselves devised so that such reporting never sees the light of day. Epstein being the royal's fall guy whose criminal empire led directly back to them is itself such a story that went no further because of Epstein's premature death along with a now incarcerated Ghislaine Maxwell's since denial in any wrongdoing, while at the same time the US government has allowed Prince Andrew his complete immunity against prosecution at the behest of the same beloved British royal family. Mind you, this is the very same senior royal leadership that also hosted not only the pedophiles Epstein and Maxwell in their homes, but also extended their warm invitations to the known Satanic pedophile, Jimmy Savile, and already convicted pedophile Anglican priest, Peter Ball, inside their extravagant palaces all across the United Kingdom, as well as awarding them various royal "knighthoods" and royal accolades. In the case of the priest Peter Ball, then Prince Charles even bought him a house after his conviction of molesting at least twelve boys went public. Even now, people are today being subtly influenced thru a royal PR team and media to cast their hate on "Woke" Harry and Meghan for their exposing other twisted aspects of The Firm, proving the royal family is being protected and thus only to be seen in the most glowing terms possible by a careful media despite the senior leadership's own mounting scandals over the decades. To those people I would say, the British royal family are not what their favoring media tells you they are at a time when both the Left and Right media rarely speak in such glowing unison and in one voice on anything. When you understand that the British government that was being accused of all kinds of strange sexual, emotional, physical, and Satanic ritual abuse from its most elite over the course of decades perpetrated upon both children, those with special needs, as well as the mentally ill and sick and dying and then somehow managed to lose all of that evidence that was supposedly stored just before its highest courts were supposed to investigate it, you'll understand why you should be thinking critically now more than ever.

Clinton Ortiz, Comment: Prince William is Simmering with Resentment

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

::ARCHIVED . Hidden Truth Behind Weaponization of Covid is Directly Connected to the UK/British Government and Crown
::ARCHIVED . British Artist Yeo Reveals Official 'Satanic Portrait' Depicting King 'Bathed in Blood' with Monarch Butterfly
::ARCHIVED . "Project Monarch": US/UK Government's Use of Satanism and the Occult Within Trauma-Based Mind Control
::ARCHIVED . Satanic Artwork Depicting Satanic Sex Abuse and Child Sacrifice is Looking Very Much Like King's Painting
::ARCHIVED . Prince Charles Actively Tried to Keep His Deep Links to Known Pedophile Bishop Peter Ball a Secret: Why?
::ARCHIVED . King Charles and the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Church Funded Known Convicted Pedophile Priest
::ARCHIVED Ongoing British Cover Ups Hiding UK Satanic Rings Engaging in the Sexual Abuse and Murder of Children I
::ARCHIVED Ongoing British Cover Ups Hiding UK Satanic Rings Engaging in the Sexual Abuse and Murder of Children II

60 Minutes Report: History of Child-Murdering Satanism Discovered in Great Britain's Highest Offices
About the Satanic and the Pedophile Practices of the English Royal Family and MI6 Intelligent Service
Washington Post: Royal-Awarded Satanist Jimmy Savile Had Sex with the Dead Abused 500 Children
Time Magazine: The Nation of England is the Land of Loved Royals and Horrific Pedophilia Coverups
The UK Government Now Investing £170,000 in Elite Sex-Party Company that Hosts Same-Sex Orgies
Proof of UK Satanism Again: Murderer David Fuller Allowed Morgue Entry to Have Sex with Bodies
Princess Diana's Brother, Charles Spencer, Admits Sexual and Physical Abuse at Elite UK School
UK Manchester Police Department Has Purposefully Mishandled Cases Involving Pedophile Elite
UK Manchester Police Left Young Children at Mercy of Grooming Gang Pedophiles in Rochdale
A Welsh Police Officer with UK Cardiff State Attorney Caught Raping an Infant Sent to Prison
The Daycare Workers in Wales Found Guilty of Satanic Crimes Against Children are Sentenced

Britain's Royals Threatened ABC News a Million Ways if it Ran Reports Against Epstein in 2015
The British Royal's Buckingham Palace is the Center of a Vast International Pedophile Network
New Calls for Investigation of Prince Andrew After More Details Emerge of Epstein Involvement
The British Royal Family and US Government Protected Prince Andrew in the Epstein Scandal
The UK Royals at the Center of Courting Banksters, Cartels and Drug Smugglers at Residences
Like Epstein, Royal Friend and Satanist Jimmy Savile Had Free Reign Inside All Royal Palaces
Jeffrey Epstein's Leaked Calendar Reveals Elite Names Including Acting CIA Chief William Burns
A Book Reveals Bill Clinton Had a Sexual Affair with Jeff Epstein Accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell
Before Her Death Diana Concluded She was Used by the Queen for Her Blueblood to Create William

New British Documentary Reveals Connection Between Prince Philip and Hitler's Nazi Regime I
New British Documentary Reveals Connection Between Prince Philip and Hitler's Nazi Regime II
In 1945, the British Royals Destroyed Key Documents that Proved Their Support of Hitler's Rise
Media's Favorable Coverage of Philip's Death Never Once Mentions His Infamous Racist Remarks
Prince William Gives a NWO Speech Warning of Too Many People Currently Living on the Planet
A Hidden Danger Behind Prince William's Increasingly Genocidal, Globalist NWO State of Mind
Prince William Being Accused of Having a 'Racist White Savior Complex' in Conservation Role
Prince William is Accused of Tone-Deaf Racism Over His Recent African Population Comment
Prince William Again Caught Making Extremely Racist Statements Slammed by MLK Daughter
Prince William 'Absolutely Furious' Again Over Latest Book Scandal Depicting Royal Racism

Mainstream Media Selectively Overlooks Philip Quote About Reincarnating as a 'Deadly Virus'
UK HRH Prince Philip in His Own Words: We Need To Cull the Excess Population of the World
The Future King, Prince Charles Hails Population Control Abortions in Many Third World Nations
Globalist's Population Control Win: Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2023
Michael Senger Arrives at the Conclusion that UK & US Intelligence Agencies are Behind Covid-19
Renown Medical Journal Finds that mRna Covid-19 Vaccines Cause Heart Damage and Heart Attacks
A Forbes Article Admits the Covid-19 Vaccine is the Cause for Blood, Brain, Heart Harm and Deaths
Covid Vaccines are Linked to Seriously Adverse Neurological, Blood, Brain and Heart-related Issues
A New Lawsuit Alleges Pfizer Deceived and Censored Americans Over its Harmful Covid-19 Vaccine
Pfizer Corp Knowingly Lied to Public About Their Unsafe Covid Vaccine that Caused Harm, Deaths
Moderna Corporation Caught Censoring Americans Exposing its Harmful and Deadly Covid Vaccine(s)
UK King Charles' AstraZeneca Vaccine is Removed Worldwide Due to 80 New Deaths in Britain Alone

::ARCHIVED . The Prince of Wales William Heavily Pushes Covid-19 Vaccines Alongside His Wife Princess Kate Middleton

::ARCHIVED . Vaxxed King Charles and Princess Kate Middleton Diagnosed with Cancer at the Exact Same Time is Strange

::ARCHIVED . Latest Data Shows UK People are Now Dying of Cancer at “Explosive Rates” After Their Covid-19 Vaccines

::ARCHIVED . New Zealand Health Worker Arrested After Uncovering 1-in-4 Death Rate for Specific Covid Vaccine Batches

::ARCHIVED . The Surgeon General of Florida Warns About "Cancer and Effects in DNA" in Those Taking Covid-19 Vaccines

::ARCHIVED . The UK/British Government Actively Hiding Data of How Many Children Have Died from the Covid Vaccines

::ARCHIVED . Bombshell Report Cites Sharp Rise in Deaths Among Young Working-age People as Health Agencies Go Silent

::ARCHIVED . Mainstream Media in UK/Britain are Actually Reporting Cancer Rates Exploding by 79% Among Young People

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

By 1798, Jedidiah Morse, pastor of New North Church in Boston, was one of the first Christians who exposed the shadowy cabal known as the “Illuminati” and Freemasonry as the insidious forces working in tandem from within and against the United States and its people. Morse preached that this group of Satanic zealots had “secretly extended its branches through a great part of Europe, and even into America.” Their goal was to abolish Christianity, private property, and nearly every foundation of good order around the world. They opposed the Christian institution of marriage, facilitated the break-up of those already married, encouraged people to explore all kinds of “sensual pleasures,” and proposed a “promiscuous intercourse among the [same] sexes.” Morse told his congregation that the Illuminati hoped to infect the people of America through a kind of cultural warfare to undermine first the family unit and then society as a whole. In the United States specifically, as well as back in Britain, such occultists were spreading their doctrines by worming their way in among “reading and debating societies, the reviewers, journalists or editors of newspapers and other periodical publications, the booksellers and post-masters” and infiltrating all “literary, civil and religious institutions.” One of the most subversive members named by Morse of his time was Thomas Paine, whose pamphlet The Age of Reason had caused a political and religious stir that worked subtly against established faith. The evil secret society’s greatest triumph of that time was its recent work to foster the French Revolution and disguise it as a “moderate event” following the model of the American Revolution itself, where British Mason allowed American Mason pass on the battlefields where they met. With France’s increasing radicalism, anticlericalism, and disorder, the French Jacobins, the political faction that seized control of the nation in 1792, held the very same occult beliefs and goals that the Freemasons still hold today. Claiming to worship human reason via “the Light” above all else, they practiced a blinkered ethics in which the means always justified the ends, as long as those ends were the growing power of their organization and its end goals. “Illuminated” Freemasons defended suicide, promoted and even facilitated abortions, encouraged homosexuality, were directly behind the erosion of God in both education and the public square, and put their own members in place to achieve a tight control of the press to further eclipse the teachings of Christ in each successive generation.

America's Founding Fathers and the Illuminati

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

A Masonic-Led Globalist Elite Have Literally Been Preparing Us for Antichrist for Decades

"World One" was a David Rockefeller-sponsored computer program from 1973 to make it appear 2020 was the beginning of the end. In reality, such elitist societies lurk behind the scenes manipulating events to derail our lives, sow chaos, manufacture plagues, institute population control, instigate riots, cause food shortages, erode national sovereignties, initiate economic crashes, in order to destroy the modern corporate system in favor of a "One World Order" whose centralization is already manifesting within both the UK and in Europe. In regard to the cornerstone of that European-centered world government coming, understand that the British Empire never simply died but lives on through occult Freemasonry that oversees a global network of its connected ancestry to rule the West and then the planet at large that also connected itself to the dream of Cecil Rhodes who created his Masonic-based "Round Table Society" to ensure the plan's success. The influence Freemasons and its modern "Deep State" UK government manufacture, however, is not rooted in the Church or the Christ the Anglican-led British royalty and establishment use in counterfeit. The work they employ is all about creating more corruption (sin) among mankind via every means necessary, because who these tapped, recruited, influential, ascending, "illuminated" elites of this global club worship is none other than the grand enabler of sin itself. The recruited are not told any of that immediately but are brought into a heinous and collective corruption that involves everyone of wealth and influence, over time, where they are increasingly led to become all the more corrupt and given more power to become more influential until they become recruiters themselves. The deepest part of this and every other similar rabbit hole ends in Hell, literally, because they serve its master, literally. Whether you aren't "religious enough" and cannot believe this does not matter. It exists despite what you won't believe. The evidence of and for the elites serving who they are told is the "god of this world" can be found literally everywhere, and most often within the world of the occult, where they know most in society would never find. As seen in the video above, Rockefeller's thinly veiled 'World One' was but one attempt that employed a computer program to prepare media-affected audiences in 1973 toward a One World Order mindset via the Masonic think tank known as "The Club of Rome," whose own globalist agenda was taken up more recently by the World Economic Forum. Rockefeller's plan toward unitary globalism has only strengthened over the decades by the elite-serving globalists that followed him. Their level of control is easily seen within the mainstream media's attempts to distract and dissuade anyone from researching too deeply into these same elitists and their societal plan called New World, a world that seemingly frees itself of all the corruption, dictators, wars and terrorism of the old world led by a man reported to having all the answers only to have the most ultimately corrupt, dictating, warmongering terrorist of them all ruling the planet within three years of his rule. The following links prove how much they want to hide their end goals as they facilitate the incremental changes it will take toward ultimately making it unlawful to say, share, or believe anything against the State collective. In perhaps the greatest irony, the far-right, with their extremism and bent toward violence, will only help advance the globalist plan be more expediently accepted by the rest of the world and this is why globalists and their subversive forces embedded within conservative media are gaslighting the far-right with extremist rhetoric to make them even more angry, racist, and violent.

*UK Punishments for Those Who Question the Fact Checkers that Serve Globalism
*Rockefeller Foundation Pays 13.5 Million Dollars to Destroy Online "Misinformation"
*David Rockefeller Admitted to Preparing the World for a Dystopian-styled 'New Order'
*Rockefeller Foundation President Blames All of the Unvaccinated for Covid "Omicron"

The United Nation just held their Pact for the Future Summit that aims to "rapidly complete the Agenda 2030 goals set by the UN in 2015." This 4th edition of the Pact for the Future was placed under silence procedure on September 13, 2024, until the following Monday. During this 72-hour period, a draft is circulated to all member states and if no objections arise during the silence procedure, the draft is wholly accepted. The document is focused on considering ways to "strengthen UN system's future response to complex global shocks." The UN defines "complex global shocks" as events that "have severely disruptive and adverse consequences for a significant proportion of countries and the global population." These shocks would require a "multidimensional multistakeholder, and whole of government, whole of society response." UN-affiliated organizations like the Climate Governance Commission (CGC), for example, have been calling for such a declaration over the last year. We can trace the call for a Planetary Emergency back to the infamous but obscure group, the Club of Rome. The CGC's November 2023 report even notes that the belief in a "Poly crisis" is "recognized in the work of the Club of Rome Planetary Emergency Project". This reference to the Club of Rome reveals yet another reason the public ought to be concerned with the push for a planetary emergency and claims of crossing planetary boundaries. The Club of Rome has been calling for declaring a Planetary Emergency since at least 2019 with the publication of their "Planetary Emergency Plan" that focuses on climate change. As it stands, UN propaganda encouraging people to look at the Agenda 2030 and the fight against climate change as "interrelated" to human rights. The idea being that the completion of the SDGs is a "human right" based on the premise that climate change threatens all of humanity. The 4th draft of the Pact continues the calls for a new international financial system to complete the transition to a "nature-based economy." The 4th edition of the Pact for the Future also mentions a controversial financial tool known as "debt swaps" or "debt-for-nature swaps." Under Action 52 of the Pact it reads, "Promote greater use of debt swaps for the SDGs, including debt swaps for climate or nature, to developing countries, as appropriate." These swaps are financial agreements in which a conservation organization or government reduces, restructures, or purchases a country's debt at a discount in exchange for investments in conservation of land. The swaps have been promoted by the World Economic Forum as recently as April 2024 in an article about debt-for-nature swaps as a method for "funding the green transition." Debt-for-nature swaps have been criticized for numerous reasons, including a general aversion to placing a price on nature and viewing the natural world as a financial commodity. Some view these efforts as yet another form of greenwashing. The swaps have also been perceived as foreign intervention in national sovereignty and a "return to the colonial system." Mae Buenaventura, senior program manager on debt and green economy at the Asian Peoples' Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD), told Carbon Brief that participating in a debt-swap agreement "immediately results in a loss of autonomy and sovereignty." Frederic Hache, co-founder of the independent think tank of the EU Green Finance Observatory, sees swaps as a "way to gain access and control to land resources that will prove possibly precious in the future." The Pact for the Future has also been criticized as another wolf in sheep's clothing wearing the veneer of sustainability and diversity but actually delivering more corporate control of natural resources. Who granted the UN authority over our lives in the first place? Why does the UN negotiate documents on our behalf that push a plan toward global governance with one man touted to be a "Christ-like figure" guiding its major directives?

*Society's Longing for a "Camelot" Figure to Rise in the World to Establish a Newer Order
*Prince William Invokes "JFK-like" Faith That We Can Unite the Planet to Repair the World
*CNN: Prince William is a Global Statesman That's Protecting the West's Democratic Values
*UN's Lucis Trust Site References a Prophecy About 2025 with Emerging "Christ-like Figure"

In the United States, this world's chain of command works via every link in a chain of mostly corrupted government politicians, law makers, intelligence agencies and federal law enforcement leadership, that filters top down state to state to local, who are increasingly from both sides of the political divide becoming the puppets to the globalists who serve this world's controlling corporations who serve the Satanic Cabal who are themselves pawns to a demonic legion of Satan himself. Intriguingly, while the damning revelations proving this involve the US and UK governments is shocking, it nonetheless is the reality of our world, a world whereby its most elite leadership such as the British royal family believe is overpopulated and is need of culling to serve the interests they won't so readily admit. Wikipedia exposes "world federalism" in this way: "A unitary world government would consist of a single, central government body with supreme sovereignty. While administrative subdivisions might exist, their powers are delegated by the central government. In a world federation based on subsidiarity, the delegation is the other way round, from local to central." God has however not left us without seeing how all of their current mandates and operations attempting to unite the planet under a single centralized authority is also the very plan that leads their global society toward one ruler, an Overseer of that authority as he will be deemed at first, to which then slowly gives way to his becoming the embodiment and physical manifestation of that centralized authority. The Beast's arrival is heralded by a series of localized "micro-apocalypses" that are themselves are undeniable because all see them the world over, even as other signs occur at the same time in the lead up to a single, major global Collapse that is referenced in Ezekiel 38:20. The overseers leading us all into this plan of their Antichrist's reveal comprise the most powerful corporations who sold themselves out long ago to be part of Satan's worldwide political and financial system collectively called the "Whore of Babylon." These are the same robber barons in power in the West for generations who've directed this world system into what it's become today, evil and corrupting, and remains why so much new blood becomes entangled with it generation after generation with the promises of long careers as this world's new elites among both the unwitting Left and corrupted Right while those more independent third or fourth party voices who would bring about true change are never given a semblance of credibility from the corporate-owned mainstream media that only propagates the corporate's binary Left v. Right distraction. For example, Fox News zombies will tell each other how much this or that person is a "DEI hire" while claiming corporations or smaller businesses are merely feeling pressured by government-level political correctness to hire the half-black woman who is "less suited" for the said job via "checking off a box." However, too many times the exact opposite was true. It was and still is more often the case that the heavier-set, half-Black female who has more experience, is more educated, and holds a better work ethic, was completely ignored and passed over in keeping with a more traditional and homogenous work environment, meaning, Whites only or Whites mostly, even if that meant taking in less qualified workers to keep that status quo.

*European Lawmakers Approve of Censorship in a Stunning Move of Global Control
*Dystopian 'European Media and Online Information' Created to "Combat Conspiracies"
*UK's BBC and Microsoft Form the Newest Orwellian Coalition to "Censor Conspiracies"
*DARPA Contracts Lockheed Martin to Develop New AI System To "Defeat Disinformation"

Another discovery made in this decades-long research is how interconnected Anglo-racism, Nazism, and Satanism truly are to the point where a clear component of everything Satanic is also rooted in Anglo-racism, which becomes clearer when you consider the ubiquitous ancestry that became the global power structure. America is a nation of immigrants in a melting pot of what was something closer to unity. Knowing that, exactly who is now telling us that our own kids having friends of diverse backgrounds is so, all of a sudden, terrible, when it's only the most brainwashed of Anglo-racists who are so easily offended by even the words "inclusion" and "Woke" because they want to rollback sixty years of minority civil rights and return to "Whites only"? So when the globalist corporate elite and their media collectively announce the existential threats that hinder our planet today in advance of their green messiah and his Aryan-favored utopia, watch how they then launch into their consistent mind control narratives that propagates a subtle population control agenda, faked world unity, the resurgence of Western imperialism, a single green economy, a New Age mindset leading to a new global religion and a unitarian globalist institution seemingly overseen by one man to govern it all as mankind's only remaining solution. It will even be explained after the Collapse that "Mother Earth" has cleansed itself so that a New Age could result. It took a long time to build modern society and its absolutely insane how so many nations, as well as those dark forces which lead them, are so willing to have it entirely collapse to bring their touted messiah to the forefront and then to have the globalist-cheerleading media outlets like SKY, BBC, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN in full support of it. Mark which networks are propagating "Climate Change" the most to cover-up that Biblical prophecies are what's actually being witnessed. How many more "once-in-a-1,000-year" freak disasters via tornadic storms, hurricanes, hail, earthquakes, volcano's, landslides, floods, droughts, wars, famine, animal die-offs, extinctions, pandemics, killer bacteria, nearer earth asteroids, earth's weakening magnetic field, solar storms causing geomagnetic disruptions, and other strange (and visible) signs in the heavens, etc., does a person have to see with their own eyes before it slowly dawns on them that all of this was predicted for our time? Apparently, many more, and so, we will have many more leading right into the Great Tribulation itself when all of these things reach literal apocalyptic levels unto the day of the literal Apocalypse, and that's the point. As the signs of the end ramp up, so too will their globalist-mandated changes that are eventually picked up by the Antichrist himself who is prophesied to "change the times and laws," meaning everything changes after he ascends. As they attempted with Covid by preparing sweeping Orwellian changes to our lives is the same way that they will enforce even greater changes when the world begins to experience God's increasing signs of the end in tandem with their plan to foster the conditions for a planetary collapse disguised within their destructive Climate Change plot to bring about the hive mindset within society that's needed for the next phase of their proposed "Reset" to manifest without making it seem they were behind it all from the start. And watching this Republican National Convention taking place in Milwaukee, a place Trump openly mocked in 2020, to announce their roll call votes entirely for Trump in itself speaks volumes for what else will transpire for America's version of the "Once and Future King."

BREAKING Scientists Warn of a Global Societal Collapse Amidst Worsening Climate Situation

*Prince William to Inherit 6.6-Billion Acres (1/6 of Planet) to Become 'World's Largest Land Baron'
*Prince William's Letter to Chief Rabbi Offers Complete Support for Jews After 2023 Hamas Attack
*Prince William Claims He Would Bring Peace to Israelis and Palestinians During His Reign as King
*'The One' Antichrist Candidate Prince William is to “Confirm” Covenant with Israel by Geri Ungurean

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

And when you see these things begin to come to pass, then look up, for your Redemption [Rapture in Christ] draweth nigh. / And as He sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

When ye therefore shall see the Abomination of Desolation [the Antichrist], spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the Holy place [the Third Temple], (whoso readeth, let him understand) then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains. Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to infants themselves. But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day: For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Immediately after the initial Tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven [space], and the powers of the heavens [space] shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven [earthly sky] and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn when they shall see the Son of man [Jesus Christ] coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory [at Christ's return to Israel]. And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds ["the four corners"], from one end of heaven [earth's skies] to the other.

[Here, Christ goes back to explain the lead up to His later return to Israel that ends the Tribulation, to include the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.] Now learn the parable of the fig tree; When his branch [modern State of Israel] is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise when ye shall see all these things begin to happen, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour [of the Rapture, specifically] knoweth no man, no, not the angels of Heaven, but my Father in Heaven only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away. So shall also the coming of the Son of man be [in the Rapture, Pre-Tribulation]. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore, be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; The Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for Him, and in an hour that he is not aware of and shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there [in the Outer Darkness] shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

-Jesus Christ, Luke 21:28; Matthew 24:3-51; The Holy Bible

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

* Risk Experts Warn Us of a Worldwide Catastrophe Predicted to Occur 'Within the Next Decade'
*The 2024 "State of the Climate Report" Releases a New and Very Urgent Warning on "Climate"
*American Cancer Society Study: Cancer Deaths of Men is Predicted to Increase 93% by 2050
*The Global Population is Set to Fall for the First Time in 700 Years Since the Bubonic Plague
*The World Health Organization Declares Monkeypox Outbreak as Latest Global Emergency
*Experts See Future Famine Resulting From Melting Permafrost Releasing Mercury in Arctic
*"Apocalyptic 150° F Heat Dome" Breaks All-Time Temperature Records as the World Burns
*The European Union Announces Monday July 22 was the "Hottest Day in Recorded History"

While the books of Daniel and Revelation are noted for their information exposing the Antichrist and his control of the world just before Christ's return to end his global rule, Matthew 24 remains the lead source of prophetic information pertaining to the general atmosphere surrounding the end-times itself with Christ Himself as its narrator. Matthew 24 begins as follows: And as He sat upon the Mount of Olives, His disciples came unto Him privately, asking of Him, When shall all these things be? What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world? Jesus' next words has thus presented the world a roadmap of key events toward determining the last days ever since, and are further highlighted by the fact that they are also centered around an end-time Israel thus making Israel's very existence in our time the miracle it truly is as well as a key indicator that marked the beginning of what is termed as the last days ever since. After being asked of the specific signs of the end of days, Christ immediately turned to His Jewish followers and initiates His prophetic answer by announcing that false christs and false prophets will arise with the implication being that they will deceive the world. And so, how many leaders do we have today that have a large following that are also known to lie and have a lingering dark side built on the seven deadly sins of greed, lust, pride, gluttony, sloth, envy, and wrath? In 2017, then President Trump arrived in Jerusalem to placate the Jews with a covenant toward peace and security called the "Abraham Accords" in which, exactly like the Antichrist himself will later do, Trump announced Jerusalem as the "undivided capital of the Jewish people," a key designation and claim granted prophetically to the Messiah himself. In fact, as I write this, Trump is at this moment speaking from an Orwellian giant "Big Brother" video screen to the Republican Jewish Coalition Summit on September 5th, 2024. The announcer that introduced him made a hauntingly familiar statement again evoking the Antichrist, specifically his image, saying "Ladies and Gentleman, LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE! Donald J. Trump will be presented on the large video screen and be able to both see and hear you as he speaks..." Revelation 13:15 tells us of the Image of the Beast: And he had power to give life unto the Image of the Beast, [so] that the Image of the Beast should both [see and] speak and cause that as many as would not worship the Image of the Beast should be killed. Trump's 2-day trip to the Holy Land was followed up by the first British royal to ever make a formal state visit to the State of Israel since Britain carved out its modern existence, Prince William in 2018. William spent five days in the Holy Land courting both Jew and Palestinian alike to whom both Israeli citizens and religious Rabbi's adored more than Trump before he returned to his native UK to make a statement which shocked but was never widely reported in the media. After returning, it was widely reported that Prince William made the incredible statement that one day, as King, he would return to bring Israel the lasting peace it needs between her and the Palestinians. Mind you, no one else has ever dared made such a bold, if not entirely haughty, statement and connected it with his future kingship. As such, the false Christ that is William stands alone there like no one else just from that statement alone regarding Israeli peace, which is something that the Antichrist, who in Daniel is both called a "prince" and a "king" has long been prophesied to bring. Revelation 17:11 also calls the Antichrist a "king" and even numbers him in a list of kings likely stretching back into pre-Roman antiquity of which the Beast is the "eighth king." Next, Christ highlights the end of days by speaking to a time of unprecedented "wars and rumors of wars, with nation against nation," which translated from Christ's language of Aramaic that was recorded into the New Testament's Greek, actually speaks to "ethnic group rising up against ethnic group," meaning racism, with one racial group turning against another. Both dynamics are seen everywhere today, with one nation rising against another as well as one racial group turning against another. The headlines in the first week of June 2024 also speak to these parallel dynamics: "UK, US, France, Germany Allows Ukraine to Use Western Arms to Attack Inside Russia." What is Russia's response to that? The latest headlines already tell us. “Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Warns the US of Fatal Consequences.” Russia has even specifically threatened and targeted Britain and its leadership as the prime evil in the world.

BREAKING Vladimir Putin Accuses “Anglo-Saxon” Britain and the West of “Outright Satanism”
BREAKING Russia Lists Bomb Locations Should Putin Choose Nuclear War to Collapse UK

On July 24, 2022, retired Russian general and current Russian lawmaker Andrey Gurulyov claims Russia is arming up for a “colossal war” with NATO, the US and UK specifically. He spoke on the Kremlin-run channel Russia-1 about what would be Putin’s targets in the case of the impending World War. The first logical step, according to Gurulyov, would be disabling the enemy’s satellite system. Secondly, we would mitigate the enemy’s anti-missile system” adding “We certainly wouldn’t start with Paris, Warsaw or Berlin,” the [Western] world comes from the Anglo-Saxons [meaning Masonic Britain].” Gurulyov further declared, “I am deliberately leaving out certain actions because they are not to be discussed here.” The "Anglo-Saxon" powers spoken of that control Britain, Europe, and America from behind their governments will do all they can to allow this because it would leave Israel without helpful allies purposefully to usher in the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39 that ushers in the Antichrist in the years thereafter. What's interesting here is that Russia seems to also have advance knowledge of this plan that works to produce the next Hitlerian world despot, the Antichrist, which is why Putin went on Russian television three years ago showing top secret files proving that certain occult elements within America and Britain were behind Adolf Hitler's own rise to power and initially fed its war machine to disastrous results. Does this somehow make Putin and Russia's plan to destroy the West a noble plan of itself because he knows of Freemasonry's presence behind Western leadership? Of course not, one need only read Ezekiel 38 to see what God Himself thinks of "Magog" to know where modern Russia stands prophetically with Him, as well as where Putin's ally in Trump stands as a false christ to know where we are at in God's prophetic timeline. We are close. Those who control the Western governments from behind its globalist-corrupted politicians have a timeline to the planned Collapse that afterward brings the Antichrist. This single point cannot be stressed enough and neither can the prophecy in II Thessalonians 2:3-4 which states "Let no man deceive you by any means for that day [of Christ's return] shall not come except there come a great falling away [population reduction] first, and then will the Man of Sin [Antichrist] be revealed, the Son of Perdition who both opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God so that he, as God, will sit in the Temple of God claiming that he is God." In other words, the Satanic elite knowing of this prophecy have chosen this as their timing to influence their puppets that we call politicians toward the brink of seemingly World War III. While the West is effectively using Ukraine as a proxy to lead Russia into a new war, still another prophecy from Ezekiel 38 tells us what Russia will instead decide to do. Russia will instead invade Israel. Of this extremely dangerous time the world now finds itself in, amidst all of the wars and now increased rumors of world war, Christ explicitly said "See that your heart is not troubled. For all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet." Here, Christ is speaking to His larger Christian audience including those relatively few Jewish Christians living in Israel that we should not be focusing too much on all of the signs leading up to the Collapse, but of another event entirely. Why? Because of His very next statement that we should instead, "look up, for our Redemption draws near."

*Trump's MAGA Backers Want Civil War if He's Excluded from 2024 Race
*Trump Keeps Proving to be a Psy-Op Working to Confuse America
*How Freemasonry Has Corrupted the Modern American Church
*Trump Furious at Albert Pike's Masonic Statue Being Toppled

While some get hung up about the word "Rapture" appearing nowhere in the Scriptures, it doesn't need to as Christ Himself proves with that statement. As He stated, after beginning to see these things taking place at the same time, look up because our Redemption (Christ Himself) is near, of which other scriptures assert that He shall gather His own from this world while those left behind endure a worldwide disaster upon which raptured Christians are later determined to be among the many global missing and dead as a result. The age of nothing but deception will have officially begun. Thus, after all of the wars and rumors of war that we are now witnessing, comes an event that leads to a great falling away of global population. Today, 92 countries, almost half of the world's nations, are engaged in bloody wars in and outside of their borders. This is what Christ was referencing, and it's only getting worse as climate disasters begin to destroy resources key to human survival and nations already being rumored to be going to war as a result. At the same time, MAGA is being deluded to think Trump's cult of personality is akin to the power of Jesus Christ and that Trump will "save America" at a time when America is about to be decimated in natural disasters including major quakes. As far as Trump's own part in it, how is the one now referencing the need for a deadly civil war in America against his many political opponents so he can keep power not fulfilling every aspiration on the part of these same corporate globalists hellbent on America's destruction to finally allow the Beast to rise? Despite his blaming literally everything on an obviously dying Biden, the Summer of 2020 with people feeling frustrated enough to march in the streets was entirely under his watch, as police at that time felt they had a license to kill unarmed minorities on the street believing that the justice system under Trump wouldn't ever prosecute them. They were wrong, and what a total embarrassment that must have been for Trump. 'Project 2025' hopes to change all of that with what amounts to secret police having new powers remains at the heart of Trump's dystopian vision but even more for the cabal that groomed him. And knowing that this newly radicalized GOP thinks Christian Democrats are the literal agents of Satan himself, exactly what do you think the so-called "Templars" within MAGA will do with them and to American democracy itself? Trump's recent attempt at supposedly "distancing himself from Project 2025" should show you how radical its goals truly are which aims to turn the United States into an Orwellian dictatorship virtually overnight. However, knowing that is precisely what Trump wants, it's clear his "distancing" is merely one of temporary lip service so that he doesn't scare away the still much-needed moderate Republican votes going into the November general election. The specific members of the Heritage Foundation which authored the insane plan that remains Project 2025 were indeed members of Trump's own first term cabinet. In other words, should Trump win, Project 2025 would then become literal and by 2025 there would be civil war in America because actual patriotic Americans would never stand for the Heritage Foundation's (Trump's) extreme operations to destroy democracy in favor for only MAGA Republicans running the country going forward. In short, with Antichrist arriving just after America's collapse, how is Trump not the perfect archetype paving his dystopian and authoritarian way? The prophecies tells us in Daniel that Antichrist shall "change the times and the laws" among many other things that Trump is also contemplating. That is also not coincidence. Instead of Trump more recently saying he would make sure American citizens were safe from out of control police this time around if he became President, he just announced on June 28th, 2024, that he would ensure the police would have "complete immunity from any and all prosecution should they ever be arrested for a crime," so that, in Trump's mind, they could carry out more of what led to the powder keg that was the Summer of 2020 when a rightfully angered BLM rose from coast to coast and police were forced to encounter them, which remains exactly what Trump, and people like him, want.

*Trump is an Elite and Generational Scottish Rite Freemason
*Bloodlines of All US Presidents From British and Merovingian

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

AND so, this would only upset the anti-"Woke" crowd and the racists. Oh wait, they're one and the same.

Clinton Ortiz, Comment: Norway's White Princess Marries a Black Man

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world marveled after the Beast. And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast and they worshipped the Beast, saying, 'Who is like unto the Beast, who is able to make war with him!?' And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue forty-two months. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle, and them that dwell in Heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. The Beast that thou saw was, and is not, and yet will ascend out of the Bottomless Pit and go into [the Son of] perdition: and they that dwell on the earth whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, will marvel, when they behold the Beast that was, is not, and yet will be again.

Revelation 13:3-6, 17:8, Daniel 11:37; The Holy Bible

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

[For the sake of clarity, the above scriptures from Daniel and Revelation are not in reference to Trump, but the Antichrist, who arises from what appears to be a mortal head wound to then turn evil when he is literally possessed by Satan himself. However, Trump's parallel to the event of almost dying from a mortal head wound and then rising after its event does provide a strong archetypal foreshadowing of the Antichrist Beast that was, is not, and yet will be again, the "Once and Future King."]

*Are the British Elites Driving a Racist Form of Nationalism in Britain?
*Trump is Praised by Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard, David Duke

Trump, who has brainwashed even "conservative" justices on the Supreme Court in allowing a new ruling where Presidents will have complete immunity from all prosecution, like kings have in England, now wants |police to feel free to be able to do their job" [read: use use lethal force] and, if contested, always get away with it in the courts because Trump says he'll make police (also like kings) to never have accountability for any potential crime. In other words, the Trump years of 2017-2020 would return in 2025-2029, where police shot a string of unarmed minorities as if there was no accountability to act as an immediate check and balance against them, which led to the summer protests of 2020, of which Trump now lies to say that during his Presidency "crime was down," when violence skyrocketed overall under his watch with racist attacks on minorities and police murders leading it. So, not only does Trump want to be above the law himself to which the Supreme Court fixed exactly that for all future Presidents to be exempt from the law, Trump now wants a newly weaponized police force nationally. Add to that Trump stating he will also cause the largest deportation in history (apparently, second only to Hitler's own mass deportation of Jews) starting in 2025 that also fits in line with everything that 'Project 2025' is already preparing for, and America will be given mass chaos and death no matter if Trump wins the election or not, which is exactly what the Anglo-corporate powers in service to the generational Masonic plan need for this time in order to remove America and cement Europe's rise in replacing it. Revelation explains that the Antichrist king that was, is not, but will be again would be seemingly "mortally wounded in the head," but would suddenly be healed and quickly rise in power thereafter while the whole world "marvels." It is also interesting that as the book of Daniel stated, the Antichrist will broker a peace deal between Israel and other nations that were its enemies, exactly as Trump has also done, making Trump a clear forerunner and intriguing archetype of the Antichrist himself. And as fate would have it, Trump during post-assassination is stronger than ever, and one could only imagine how, if Harris were to win the election, what Trump's easily angered, uneducated, well-armed "Fight! Fight! Fight!" crowd would do then. This is how collapses happen and this is what the corporate cabal needs to fulfill the Masonic "Great Work" in order to bring the final Anti-Christ to the forefront as the touted savior of Western civilization. Because Freemasonry's occult goal in the United States was always to first mimic, then twist, and finally push Christianity toward evil that ultimately facilitates such a violent upheaval, one can easily determine how MAGA is being used by the Cabal toward fulfilling their "Great Reset," by which brainwashed MAGA is being told to "Trust the Plan," which is an even more perfect deception America's Masonic founders created than the white washing of its own supposedly "glorious" (but actually genocidal) history that school children ever since are taught was "manifest destiny," instead of the reality of an insidious occult plot hatched in 17th century London that so perfectly befitted their other lying narrative that they worship "God." They do not. Of course, go to any heavily censored search engine since their manipulating our freedom of speech starting in 2008 to ask if Freemasons worship Satan and what used to be there is no longer there but has been replaced by the Freemason's own lies that they're just another secret society carrying on the ancient Mystery School tradition, with them counting on none of you knowing what even that means.

*Corruption: America's Masonic Founders Followed a Belief Rooted in Satanism and the Occult I
*Corruption: America's Masonic Founders Followed a Belief Rooted in Satanism and the Occult II
*Corruption: America's Masonic Founders Followed a Belief Rooted in Satanism and the Occult III

This is precisely why all of this is so easily going right over the heads of not only MAGA currently, but nearly all Americans since the year of Illuminati in 1776.This is exactly why their puppet in Trump was pushed to the forefront in conservative circles in perfectly playing his role as the anti-Obama to appease the Anglo-racist status quo within the elite corporate cabal and their media networks. As stated, there is a strong Antichrist parallel here with Trump and his 'False Prophet' running mate. The Antichrist will eventually blame all of the world's ongoing and increasing destructions that occur during within his not on "climate change," but on God Himself, which He will liken to an outside 'alien' force that wants to destroy him and his beloved earthly kingdom, to which his global pagan cult will join in cursing the Creator because they will have been so deceived by Lucifer within Antichrist. This is the path the world find itself on today, with the signs of epic destructions of this world already being shown by God and daily witnessed by you in His warning us of what is to come. On this side of the coming Collapse, we have half of America literally worshipping one man who claims to be of the good, while his presence is driving America further into an unrecognizable abyss because he is following Freemasonry's plan toward their complete world domination. That said, you are being controlled, and the end result of it may not be what you think. For as even Christ said, "Even the very elect would be deceived." The real problem is, those who are right now being deceived the most, have forfeited their "Christianity" by denying Christ in placing the more worshipped idol of America First Nationalism in front of their own Creator. This notion on full display by the racist GOP that you "weaken the nation" by even having a tone of empathy for others not exactly like you is too much like what the occult-driven Nazi's themselves were attempting to bring about for their society, but that is precisely what their Project 2025 wants to ultimately bring about, to create that slippery slope whereby there is ONLY MAGA Republican rule going forward, with its increasing doctrine based around an "ANTI-WOKE" agenda, which will then allow them to further their final solution of a White-favoring Utopia. The Anglo-Masonic "Great Work" is nearly complete, symbolized by their pagan Egyptian god of Horus that represents Freemasonry's "Divine Providence" that coincides with the finalization of their Novus Ordo Seclorum, the needed secular order *without* the Holy God of the Bible who is instead replaced by the God of Freemasonry, Lucifer, the god of chaos, death, and destruction. It is most intriguing to note here that the Ten Commandments the far-right are now placing in every Louisiana school has above it the very same one-eyed PAGAN Egyptian deity of Horus to which the children in that state, like the Freemasons, will see as God. And this is how the powers behind our Western governments work. They manufacture the problem, then manufacture/propagate/distribute the only solution. In this latter instance with their remaining goals ramping up toward an end-time, they have manufactured existential problems on many fronts, from a near global depression always looming in the wings to the acceptance of "Woke," resulting in a supposed "migrant takeover" and "White genocide," so that they can provide their later solution in an Aryan strong man to lead those who can see it.

*Absolute Proof British/American Freemasons Worship Lucifer as GOD
*A Cabal of Evil Satanic Elites Rule The World, Not Your Elected Leaders
*Poll: Most Americans Believe Their Government is Corrupt, Unaccountable
*Henry Makow: A Satanic Cult that Rules Our World and its Present System
*GOP Pushes the Ten Commandments but Ignores Jesus’ Actual Teachings

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

In 1990, I wrote a report for DCI Webster about the national security threat caused by having biowarfare labs and recommended that they all be closed. The records from the Fort Detrick [Maryland] lab showed that a vaccine against the HIV virus had been developed. It had been given to many members of the Cabal at a White House Ceremony on a summer solstice in about 1983. The next day, HIV-infected units of blood were [intentionally] shipped to kill blacks in a war-torn region of Africa. The existence of that "vaccine" was kept secret ...[however] it was a crime against humanity to infect people with the biowarfare agent still known as HIV.

Alexander R. Putney, Veil of Invisibility

What's happening in the world today is not "Climate Change." These are the end-time signs that were predicted and now increasing globally of which both extremes of a colder and warming climates are occurring at the same time. Moreover, climate can neither affect the sudden uptick of demonic possessions and general insanity resulting in brutal attacks especially on innocent children, increased racist attacks, sudden animal attacks, asteroids getting closer and with greater frequency or the earthquakes in places that rarely have them, or the Sun's increasing solar maximum behavior, or what is happening with the earth's rotation slowing down ('that they are desperately attempting to blame on 'Climate Change') or deep within the earth itself regarding its now shifting crust, earth's now weakening magnetic field, and perhaps strangest of all - earth's core having recently reversed, or the many volcanos now globally erupting at the same time. Neither can "climate change" explain all of the strange signs now occurring in the recent mass weakening of our own immune systems as well as the recent weakening of dark matter across the entire universe. None of that can be so easily dismissed in the media as 'Climate Change' effects. Something else is clearly going on. It is also quite ironic that this specific news piece forecasting the "climate apocalypse" is coming out of Britain and then repeated all over the world's media as supposed fact showing us that the climate agenda is a lie to mask what is still prophesied for our modern age.

Clinton Ortiz commenting on Report "Most Americans say Climate will Destroy Earth"

Our actual leaders and their globalists, as they are called today, who ultimately control both the Left and Right from the top, are allowing this in their perfect timing to create the conditions of self-affirming hegemony and hating everything resembling "diversity" for a reason. The same thing is occurring in Europe, but instead of Central and South American Catholics, it is Islamic Muslims that are allowed to flood Europe for what I believe are the very same reasons, for out of this comes an entire generation more race-centric, isolationist, un-empathetic to non-whites, and thus groomed to favor and espouse older notions rooted in Anglo-imperialist colonialism. Why would the mostly white corporate globalists controlling the West want people to be ultimately like them? They are bringing a new Aryan leader to the forefront after their orchestrated global collapse and as a result are already creating an audience that would be most receptive to his future leadership, today. Moreover, knowing those UK/US corporations that led to Hitler's rise are still in control in much of what we see today behind what their media tells us, this cannot be a mere coincidence. The same evil that funded Hitler's meteoric rise is also preparing this world for a green-groomed, globalist Antichrist figure who, at first, will appeal to a blending of both the right and left post-Collapse where survivors care more about their own survival than former political leanings. Climate change, vaccine mandates, open border migration, and transgender madness for today on one end - and a sharp rise in Anglo-centric thinking and neo-Nazi recruitment on the other, with hardly anyone asking the obvious question as to why.

Clinton Ortiz to Redacted, Video: America is About to Change Forever

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Undeniable 'Billion-Dollar Apocalyptic Damage Events' are Already Reshaping Our World
*Earth's Core Rotation Just Reversed Direction, Scientists Not Knowing Impending Effects
*The End-Time Signs Everyone Can See in Earthquakes, Wars, Famine, Pestilences, Sun
*NASA Just Released a Video of Two Massive NEO Asteroids Flying Near Past Our Earth
*West Coast at Risk of 9-Magnitude ‘Megaquake’ Lasting 5-Minutes Due to Major Fault
*Artificial Intelligence Predicts Collapse by Way of a Massive Asteroid Strike Soon

Their New Atlantis was never meant to exist forever, and it has already served London well in what they've long prepared, a world after America where a new cult of personality will lead the planet. In this, has Trump also served London's underlying purpose, proving how a Jim Jones-like, self-styled cultist could easily lead brainwashed followers to his side where they remain to the death. One must recall, under the spell of a seemingly charismatic leader who also demonized the press and pitted Whites against everyone else, Germany too was filled with homeland patriots and nationalistic fervor... in 1939. A recent video has gone viral proving just how misled Trump's supporters truly are, when someone pretending to be one of them stood up and gave a speech originally given by Hitler, and they loudly applauded it, thinking it was in full support of Trump's policies. That in itself speaks volumes against MAGA, many of which include once respected Christian evangelists who have unwittingly gone astray into MAGA's version of White nationalism. Christ also prophesied that despite the increase of racial hate that He cited as "nation against nation," will be epic global disasters and deadly wars occurring at the same time, He wanted us to know that the end of all things is not yet, meaning, we are still just witnessing the initial signs and what Christ called 'the Beginning of Sorrows.' Both the key prophecies of the Gog-Magog Battle (Ezekiel 38-39) that includes Iran must occur, as well as the more distant Battle of Armageddon (Zechariah 12:4-11, Revelation 19:11-21) that occurs seven years into the reign of the future king, Antichrist, that spells his final defeat. One interesting connection between Russia and Iran's future invasion into Israel and the Rapture, is that both the Battle of Gog and Magog and the Rapture are completely unexpected at the moment they occur. Of the invasion, Ezekiel 38:10-12 reports: "Thus saith the Lord God, it will come at that time when an evil thought shall enter your mind [Gog-Putin] and you will say to yourself - I will go to the land of [Israel's] unwalled villages. I will go to them [Jews] that are at rest, that dwell safely to take a spoil and to take a prey." Of the Rapture, Matthew 24:44 and 50, Christ tells us: "Therefore be also ready in an hour as you think the Son of man cometh not... the Lord of that servant shall come on a day when he looketh not for Him and in an hour that he is not aware of." As each day passes ever closer to this event, we will begin to see the sharper increase of not one but many pestilences plural, mass-casualty "earthquakes in diverse places," as well as what Christ defined as "strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars while upon the earth the distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring." This would also tie into what globalists predict within their so-called "Climate Apocalypse" that's already being used as a cover for the truth that it's actually the Biblical prophecies that are coming to pass. What's interesting to note here is that when Christ gave this key prophecy regarding the time of the end in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, He did so speaking of the end-time signs occurring not locally, in Israel, but globally, worldwide. The earthquakes in "diverse places," for one example, are referencing strong earthquakes occurring worldwide. And so, how could first century man ever know if an earthquake would occur in Japan if global satellite news, and then, the internet, wouldn't have existed for 2,000 more years? The point is, as the Scriptures are also key to note, these end-time prophecies and their signs occur at a time as the prophet Daniel was told by God, "when knowledge shall increase, and many shall move to and fro in the earth" meaning, via air travel. Another Scripture describes cars as "their chariots moving like lightning in the highways and byways." Another key Scripture that narrows this end-time as our time 'when technology would be increased,' is seen in Revelation 11:9, 11: "And they of the people and kindreds and tongues of all nations shall see their dead bodies [of God's Two Witnesses] not be allowed to be put in graves for three days and a half... And after three days and a half, the Spirit of Life from God entered into them and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon them which saw them."

*The Maligned Billionaire George Soros Also Predicts a Soon Climate Change Collapse
*Swiss Researchers Using Brain Manipulating Electrodes to 'Stimulate Climate Concern'
*CNN Director Exposed Citing Climate Change as Media's Next Fearmongering Tactic
*Mainstream Media is Now Negatively Labelling All Vaccine Skeptics as 'Dangerous'
*Scientists Admit the Use of Fear to Control Behavior with Covid was Totalitarian

Perilous times are coming, and the media is already not presenting the truth as far as why all of this is happening. More truthful climate scientists are now admitting that while the world is suddenly becoming much hotter they know it's not from what the media keeps brainwashing people with via climate change but remain at a loss beyond fossil fuels at further zeroing in to the precise reason why the world is suddenly hotter than ever before in recorded human history. If they knew where we now stand in God's prophetic timing, they would already know why the world is slowly decaying exponentially even as other disastrous signs will make it even more obvious going forward proving we are living in what the Bible predicted as earth's "latter years." And as if to single-handedly destroy the entire climate debate that the media is pushing upon society today in order to hide the fulfillment of these Biblical signs of the end that we are actually witnessing, Christ next informed that not only on our earth but that there would be end-time signs both deep within the earth itself (shifting core, magnetic displacement, more volatile volcanos erupting, etc.) and far above us in space (increase in gamma ray burst radiation, earth's weakening magnetic field, increase of solar flares, unexpected larger/closer asteroids, etc.) where today's best "Climate Change" media narratives cannot reach. There are already a number of increasingly nearer earth asteroids passing by unexpected with the media adding: "like World War III, had these 'planet-killer' asteroids struck, it would have annihilated the earth and collapsed its global financial system." As such, we are seeing much more of the dangers above us, from space, as well as arising from the earth. Christ further explains that the omens heralding the end will become so frequent and so remarkably terrible that many among the unsaved will think it is the absolute end of the world itself and "have their hearts fail them for fear" as a result. What Christ details next relates to the extreme hate shown against those who know and understand the Truth. Matthew 24:9-12 informs us: Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake [Christ; as Christians], when many shall be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many and because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall turn cold." This is the second time Christ speaks to false christs and prophets. And so, who does that sound like today if one approaches this from a uniquely American perspective? Perhaps the proven violent and unruly cult that exists today who claim to be "Christian Nationalists" who are also arming themselves to the teeth while rallying behind a leader that speaks of civil wars, promotes racial hate and division, as well as influencing his MAGA to lawless behavior that benefits himself while his autocrat-loving Nationalists even admit they are going to radically change the United States if elected via Trump. Their own "Project 2025" dictates as much: "Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a collection of major policy proposals to fundamentally and completely reshape the American federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. Presidential election." They admit their fascist takeover is now months away if Trump wins, and be advised, once they attain power they would be actually working toward anti-democracy in the United States "reshaping" America to become something closer to an anti-U.S. Constitution monarchy with Trump as its first king-like despot, which is interesting because the Antichrist is prophesied to "change the times and laws" during his reign as king, proving Trump is here to ready the West for rule not under Christ as his proven Nazi-adoring Nationalists claim, but a dictatorship under Satan.

*Archived Trump's Might Make America the Next Member of the British Commonwealth
*Unsealed Epstein Documents Have Trump's Cover Name of 'Doe 174' All Over Them
*Epstein's Calendar Reveals Prominent Names Including the CIA Chief William Burns
*Cult of MAGA Looks Upon Trump as a 'Godly' American Emperor and New Messiah
*MAGA Believes Only They Are of God and that "Jesus Hates" All Political Opponents
*President Trump Wanted George Floyd Protestors Around White House Shot by Police

The very fact that Trump and MAGA does not want any history taught unless it's a 'Whites Only' history should tell you all you need to know about Trump and MAGA, period. End of story. Of course, Trump keeps claiming not to be a simple and plain racist but his cult knows that's just lip service for the media. I was in a chat where Trump's chuds were one-upping each other with their extreme racist tropes, the general consensus being that the Democrats and everyone not racist were "the party of feelings" as if to imply that signifies "weakness." In this, they have no idea how they expose themselves and Trump in saying that the people who actually care about others are "evil," while those who only care for their own White race are somehow more superior because of it. But as many witnessed during the 80th D-Day event in France, it was the American soldier's own racial diversity that won World War II against an evil dictator in Hitler who hated diversity so much, he put almost everyone not straight or White in literal death camps. Today, the Republican "political party who freed the slaves" cannot even watch a film with a single minority in it without crying loudly about "Woke" this and "Woke" that. These are the same people who want a *Whites only* utopia so much that they are cosplaying it in public with their women in long dresses down to the ankle, and their men thinking that being macho means hating how far women have come since the turn of the former century, because acknowledging even that would hurt their fragile male ego's too much. In fact, pre-World War II history is repeating and the far-right are being told in their corporate-controlled 'conservative' echo chambers that they are serving Christ, or good, instead of the reality of their being conscripted toward Antichrist and evil. The recent 80th D-Day Anniversary taking place live in Normandy, France, proved what the men who stormed Omaha Beach sacrificed on that day one lifetime ago. By contrast, Trump, the draft-dodging megalomaniac with "bone spurs" leads a cult following that propagates his own facade, when he has actually been unwittingly groomed into the evil corporate cabal since his youth and, as such, knows nothing of the cost of one's perceived freedom or what the American soldiers from all races fought against until Hitler's power was destroyed, because what they fought against is exactly what Trump and his cult are trying to reinstall. The American soldier: White, Black, Mexican, Native, Asian, together fought on that day and won an entire war for America's perceived freedom still enjoyed today. While the individual units may have been racially segregated, the enemy didn't know it when we all fought as one force attacking them from every side, showcasing the bravery of all of America's racially diverse forces that was also noticed by U.S. military brass, so much so that by the Vietnam and the Gulf Wars, units became fully integrated to devastating results against anyone the collective government would determine is an enemy. More than any other, the greatest generation knows that our diversity and resulting inclusivity is America's strength and we still owe that generation everything. Contrasting that, Russia is still a near complete homogenous White Russian society that have lost their more recent wars on the battlefield and have to dope their best athletes to "win" in Olympic field. Our modern enemies know that America's diversity was what won the last world war which is why they are doing what they can to weaken the United States at the cusp of World War III. Because of their selfless bravery, and moreover, heart for what is good, for what is God, the soldiers who fought, died, survived, and ultimately prevailed on D-Day 1944, now see America changing far from what they knew where instead of Americans being repulsed by another Aryan racist dictator-wannabe, they swear their lives to him. From the view of the World War II soldier, that is what the enemy did, and the enemy lost. One of these brave D-Day soldiers was interviewed and stated as such, with his message to younger Americans today being to "Respect your fellow man and stop all of this stupid fighting each other!" MAGA, take note. Yours is a skewed ideology of what you think America was, but you follow the very thing that only knows how to lie, manipulate, isolate and divide, which is precisely why modern despots like Putin need Trump to keep America locked within a false belief to separate us from what he knows makes America truly great. In too many ways, it was the life's blood and lives of the American soldier that created the diverse "Woke" world that MAGA, in following their draft-dodging, Hitler-quoting despot, so despises today where they can't even watch a movie with a single minority protagonist in it without discovering their own latent racism rising to the surface, all the while claiming they are not racist.

*Two World Leaders Not Attending D-Day 80th Commemoration: Trump and Putin
*Biden Takes a D-Day Swipe at Trump Who, Like Putin, Denounces All US Alliances
* New Pro-Putin Calendar Depicts Armed Russian Soldier on Steps of US Capitol Building

This is why MAGA sees the Russian despot in Putin as a savior, because like Trump, Putin is also ringing a death knell against diversity and inclusivity, knowing that what is daily demonized as "Woke" also contains America's strength by diversity that can beat racist dictators and win wars. Speaking of racist dictators, MAGA should also be taking note of how Trump did nothing to curb the Deep State whatsoever because he was too busy being courted and manipulated by their corporations to ensure their generational power remains behind a wall of status quo protection that both Republicans and Democrats always provide them, who in return create for us the manufactured distraction of a Right versus Left that continually fuels their elitist power. "Woke" is actually defined by anything that lifts up a minority or minority group in our modern 21st century society that leaves racist Whites feeling it needs to be trampled underfoot and systematically eradicated because of their 18th century anti-Christian genocidal mindset. Luke 21 then underscores a few specifics not mentioned in the Matthew 24 account that make it appear this message will also have its dual fulfillment for future Jews who instead follow Christ during the first half of the Beast's Tribulation: "They shall lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to their synagogues and into prisons, being brought before their rulers for my name's sake and it shall turn to you for a testimony. Settle it therefore in your hearts not to think beforehand what you should answer: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom which your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay against nor resist. And you shall be betrayed both by parents, kinsfolks, and friends and some of you shall they put to death." Since Jews still reject Yeshua [Jesus] as Moshiach [Messiah] and would only receive the Antichrist as their chosen false messiah, this is therefore speaking to those Jews in the future who turn to Christ, which is what's behind God's larger plan of allowing the Antichrist to exist in the first place. In other words, Antichrist, being possessed by Satan himself, will be so evil and obviously not their Messiah as was claimed of him, that they ultimately discover Jesus Christ. This is God's Will, to show Israel that His Son is their Messiah at the very time when they need Him most (Zechariah 12). The Antichrist's rising today therefore shows us where we are in God's prophetic timetable. We are close. Christ next drops a rather interesting piece of information that devotes the rest of His answer about the end-times by focusing on Israel's eventual takeover by the Antichrist which occurs at the onset of the Great Tribulation. Therefore, Christ's mentioning of the "Gospel being preached unto all nations" that coincides with the end would be a harrowing one at best, given that Antichrist would employ forces to seek and destroy all dissent within his global kingdom as is also prophesied in Daniel 11. Seemingly key to this then might be those nations that won't be conquered by the Beast, as Christ informs us in the book of Daniel which are distinctly three: Edom [Russia], Moab[?], and the chief children of Ammon [likely China]. In addition, Christ's use of "the end" is pointing to what is called the Great Tribulation on the far side of which is Armageddon itself, when Antichrist and his False Prophet are both thrown alive into the eternal Lake of Fire by Christ at His return. Christ continues: "When you [future Jews] therefore shall *see* the Abomination of Desolation [the Antichrist], spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the Jewish Holy Temple, then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains, for then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be again."

*Earth is to Become Hell: Scientists Predict Consequences of a Climate Apocalypse
*Science Predicts a 'Climate Apocalypse' and 'World Collapse' Occurs in Our Lifetime
*Bill Gates Prepares the World for a Global ID Card as Precursor to Mark of the Beast
*BlackRock’s Shocking Plans for a 'New Financial Governance System' Based on Blockchain
*March Toward Mark of the Beast: "Palm Vein" Biometrics Installed for Payment at Paris Store

Certainly, in those days, shall many be offended by the Jewish witnesses of Jesus and, as such, shall cleave even closer to the Beast as he attempts to destroy every Jewish believer in Jesus who "do great exploits" toward preaching to others, even all nations as prophesied for those latter days. Christ informs us further: "And except those days should be shortened, there would no flesh be saved, but for the [Jewish] elect's sake, those days shall be shortened." This is because when you read Daniel, the original timeframe by which Antichrist was given to exact his revenge against God and His chosen people was over 5,000 days, that by the time Revelation was given John, God has shortened the days of Tribulation to be precisely 2,550 days from the day of the Beast's false peace covenant unto the time of his last battle at Armageddon, when He comes up against Christ Himself. Christ again continues: "For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets who shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that if it were possible, they would even deceive the very elect." How intriguing. This is now the third time in the same chapter that Christ specifically mentions false christs and false prophets, as if the three references of them are three distinct waves each more evil/deceptive than the previous wave before it. As Christ further explains this third wave, He makes clear mention that this group are not like the other two before it. From that we can speculate that the first wave of false christs were likely the human cult leaders of the last fifty years such as Jim Jones, David Koresh, and one could certainly include MAGA's Donald Trump. The second wave would then be the New Age 'Ascended Teachers' that arrive just after the Collapse to preach a Metaphysical gospel that coalesces what is to become Antichrist's One World Church. The third have even greater supernatural power and are clearly demonic to nearly deceive even the very elect, if it were possible. It is not possible because the elect are instead possessed by the Holy Spirit and cannot therefore be deceived by anything of Satan, again proving that third wave of false christs and prophets are demonic in power which may fit into what is speculated regarding a global UFO deception as part of the government's end-time agenda. We are also informed that, "Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord ["Yeshua"] shall be saved." For today, we are to look up, for Christ will gather us up until Himself as the world must endure everything that comes after the Collapse, including a destabilized world that moves into a post-American era from which the Beast ascends. Given what is also prophesied about what the scoffers in the last days say, the age we live in now is therefore like no other time in this world's history and yet so much worse is coming to make it all the more obvious. Jesus ends His shocking prophecy with the following: "Now learn a parable of the fig tree [archetype for modern Israel]; When his branch is yet tender [young] and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is nigh. Likewise, when you shall see all these aforementioned things taking place, know that it [the end] is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, this [last] generation shall not pass till all things written are fulfilled." This would include all of the prophecies that remain of the last days heralded by the arrival of the Antichrist.

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Irony of Youth Disbelieving Conspiracies While Believing 100% of All Media Tells Them
*Globalists Want Finance Shock and Climate Controls to Launch Their Great Reset
*Science Projecting a "2025 Climate Collapse" to Hide Prophetic End-Time Signs
*Climate Emergency is Causing a Mass Panic and Mass Anxiety in Generation Z

Trump's own timing in stirring up those who equate him with Jesus Christ is also not a coincidence. "Christian Nationalism" and its parallel in Anglo-Israelism are two of Satan's greatest deceptions in these last days. More deception is coming as proven by Christ himself who warned of false christs, like Trump and other radical populists who are yet to rise. MAGA and other such cults given to Anglo-exceptionalism are being readied for the Antichrist, a world leader who will seem to them as a needed strongman and Aryan-crusader who rises just after the world collapses, again, with perfect timing. Outside of the Masonic-connected Rockefeller Foundation, the main think tank behind much of the globalist talking points that originally sets the stage for the Antichrist is today known as the World Economic Forum, that has just announced any information exposing the more sinister aspects of their globalist plans (aka the truth) will be effectively shadow banned in Europe and even outright censored worldwide going forward. On April 22, 2022, the European Union passed exactly that as EU law, showing how the EU and WEC operate in tandem toward creating their 'New World' that increasingly places Europe as central to global governance. On that very same day, former President Obama made a speech at Stanford University outlining the World Economic Forum's own talking points by claiming America needs to follow suit in overriding the First Amendment and censor all what is deemed "misinformation," with the corporate elite increasingly deciding what that supposed misinformation is. That same weekend, in France, an election was held between the known globalist in Emmanuel Macron and Marie Le Pen, a known racist/fascist, reminding us of the two choices they're increasingly giving us where no matter who wins an election between the racist/fascist on the right, or the globalist/elitist on the left, their hidden agenda that is ultimately racist, fascist, globalist, and elitist remains intact. Of course, all of this is leading up to the even more influential American election in 2024, when the only two real choices we will be given will be between increasingly fascist globalism or already fascist racism. Another sign that the Anglo-globalist plan in whipping up White racial anger to fever pitch is working in the West can be seen in the outspoken clod that is still Elon Musk who has made a recent statement that "Jews" are the evil people creating all of the anti-White sentiment that's pushing an entire hemisphere toward Jew-killing neo-Nazism, as if that makes any sense whatsoever. It doesn't. In reality, the evil has a supernatural source that's behind the intense hatred of God's unique and blessed people whose true enemies are Satan's own cursed generations that have transcended every power since the Templar's Crusades to become the occult force behind our Western governments that are themselves rooted in the occult by design. And this is why MAGA and others today who have been manipulated by these same occult powers have no place attempting to lead us today for they don't know what they themselves are following and would be shocked at finally discovering they serve the very globalists they tell themselves they are against. If that weren't enough, todays Republicans have quite another entity that feeds its extreme paranoia. If you want to know what Putin and his FSB have come up with in order to further divide Americans across political lines, just listen to the latest conspiracy theory the Republicans are now telling each other against the Democrats. As far as Project 2025, yes, there exists a Masonic Deep State that's entrenched within America and operates behind the American leadership of both political parties, meaning, you cannot root that out entrenched hostile and occult power by removing/destroying the Democrats themselves. One Anglo-racist entity that's been there since 1776 should not be replaced with an unhinged Anglo-racist pawn like Trump to reappear from his Florida golf course in 2025 and expect any good result. Mind you, this is the overwhelming dolt who told everyone to inject bleach into their veins and nuke a tornado so that radioactive fallout could spread and outlive the said tornado, after all. These people are not intelligent, and sottish pawns to be easily led they will remain during the Antichrist.

*Putin’s Russian Propaganda Machine is What America's Far-Right Wants
*Trump's Need to Preserve the Status Quo Actually Serves the Deep State

In their skewed view, even a single half-White in a film today means it's entirely "Woke" because the same film isn't Whites only, and still you'll hear these morons never admitting their own racism after just proving it, again. How they're now dodging the entire question of their White racism is summed up in their own memes. My only question to MAGA in this regard is: Who told you that minorities must be evil simply because they're not White, and why is that obvious lie repeated again and again by your media's talking heads and social media's influencers? What's the point of repeating a lie? The German people were similarly mind-controlled in the 1930's and then the cabal's Aryan 'führer' showed up. Given how conservatives are once again following within that same history, who is about to show up next? Such critical thinking is necessary going forward. MAGA dolts love to talk about bringing America back to a time when it was "great again." In reality, America was great before we ever heard the corporate-created buzzwords they parrot, such as: DEI, Woke, race cards, trans-everything, social justice warriors, and every other dog whistle they'll repeat in attempt to hide their own overt racism. While Trump might stand against the "green technologies" of solar, wind, and sea, to ensure the much older fossil fuel industry remains, he does so because gas, oil, and coal create a more profitable return for the corporate Deep State in America. However, the larger Deep State is not isolated inside America alone and globalism covers all bases for itself on either side of the Atlantic where oil and drugs fuel the Satanic cabal's underworld and the Western governments that oversee it to which Trump and his self-righteous band of sycophants couldn't even recognize a Deep State elitist if one were to stand right in front of them because they've been brainwashed into thinking they're Democrats only. Add to that, the corporate elites who fund specifically Trump's campaign (who Trump has before returned favors back to them in the form of relaxed regulations that leads to society forced to endure even more pollution that's making them sick and die) have created the conditions for the world wanting a Great Reset through their generational use of population control methods, poisoning the food and water supplies, creating ruinous events that result from "accidental" pollution spills, destroying economies via post-Covid hyperinflation leading to rising interest rates and failing banks to ensuring wars are financed toward a much larger global cataclysm that ultimately prompts the birth of their (visible) New World to arrive for their (hidden) New World Order to be made manifest. It's going to be very interesting to watch and witness as we traverse toward 2030 when the realization sets in that all of these "green initiatives" undertook as a result of the globalist's COP28 climate summit cannot stop what is prophesied to occur in regard to worse supernatural disasters because of increasing sin and the state of mankind's collective deception, not methane. The globalist's blaming literally every end-time sign we are witnessing today as 'Global Warming' doesn't explain why the universe, far outside of earth's atmosphere, is itself suddenly showing extreme signs of its own inevitable ending. Just look at what our own Sun is doing currently for a single example and the supernatural rise in unmatched evil and hate for God, His Word, His Son, and His people, for another. Ironically, atheists who thrive on a 'seeing is believing' mantra themselves will be shaken to their core of what is still to come. Also interesting is that despite all of the end-time signs skyrocketing in both frequency and duration, the Bible also warns us that Christianity itself diminishes in the last days and specifically among the generation of the Antichrist who himself rises speaking the exact words that his generation has been conditioned with in education and the corporate media.

*Health Worker Arrested After Uncovering 1 in 4 Death Rate for Covid Vaccine Batch
*UK Government is Actively Hiding Data of How Many Children Died from Covid Vaccine
*Writer Michael Senger Concludes that the US/UK Intelligence Agencies are Behind Covid-19

It therefore makes sense that as we are seeing so many other end-time signs today, that there is likewise a seismic move away from Jesus Christ and toward another who shall take His place. When he ascends at a time just after the world experiences "Climate Apocalypse" and resulting collapse, he will instantly find a global audience enamored of him as he provides (already prepared for him) working solutions on how to navigate the chaotic future weary of war, natural disasters, and new and deadly bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. The Antichrist arrives seemingly, organically, after 2030 as a "green" and earth-friendly global leader who "desires nothing but to help Britain during the time of its greatest need." That is how it begins. The same globalists that have prepared his arrival in creating the international conditions by pulling the world apart for generations, starting at the family level, have likewise also long prepared the "global solutions" that leads to a more unified world and its new leader evoking "hope and change." The broken world beyond 2030 will naturally welcome such a man with his vision of a global union due to their becoming too weary of the hate, rampant death and unexpected destructions at every turn as we edge nearer toward the collapse of their own design so that they can afterward provide only their solution. In other words, the "Climate Apocalypse" narrative that is so loudly paraded in the media are needed so that a Climate Messiah may emerge to supposedly set the world to right. It matters not in which way you might mock this today or what your choice of media has taught you against it. It simply is, and, as such, cannot be disproven going forward because the entirety of their ill-founded plans will reveal themselves even as it's already being revealed by the same elite globalists who are presently enacting them. One proof of this very dynamic can be seen in today's Vatican, whereby whatever is said at any one of the secretive Bilderberg meetings or the more public climate summits or any other high-level corporate or globalist propaganda collective, from endorsing same-sex unions to pushing the media's climate narratives, the current Pope then ratifies all of Christian belief to exactly meet whatever the globalists demand of him with climate, Covid, and same-sex issues, etc., proves where the true power in this world remains. In precisely the same way, the current King of England who also pushes the same exact same globalist causes, does so to better prepare the world for the Antichrist's own future platform that will make him appear to be exactly what the world needs at that time. This is what world leaders are being taxed with and commanded to do and say by those senior vampiric powers in much greater elitist control than their "middle management" globalists that carry out the groundwork on their behalf. In other words, the much-demonized globalists like Klaus Schwab, like David Attenborough, like John Kerry, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Fauci, Gore, Gates, both Bush's and Trump, are merely subordinate figureheads of the actual Satanic elite pulling the strings. Notice the Scripture below and understand that in 2024, there is already a push by influential globalists to reduce the size of our families so that the world may become "population control compliant" under their increasingly strict guidance that we should refuse all meat consumption in favor of plant-based or lab-grown "meat" manufactured by companies being created, funded and heavily propagated by corporate elites with the idea that these future globalist mandates will reduce climate change effects worldwide. They will not. Since earth's warming and resulting destructions are directly connected to earth's own Creator and not man's living in that creation, Europe could spend their entire collective wealth many times over on green sustainabilities and still not reduce a single solar flare, unexpected earthquake, massive flood, volcano, asteroid strike, or any other Godly sign meant to awaken mankind that their time in this world and the universe itself is at an end, a clear fact that even the globalists themselves are aware of.

*The Vatican/Pope Urges All World Religions to Unite Against the Coming "Climate Apocalypse"
*EU Commission says Meat Harms Climate and Nature and Will Make Climate Change Worse
*World Economic Forum and Davos are Literally Preparing the World for the Biblical Antichrist

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
"Corporate power lies behind nearly every major problem we face. In large part because even the Fourth Estate,
our media establishment, is majority owned by a handful of mega-corporations
." -Marjorie Kelly, Author

BREAKING WEF Blames Global Warming on Food Production, Has Nations Sign Famine Agreement
BREAKING Trust Their Science? Lab-Grown Meat Has a Big Problem Very Few People Know About
BREAKING Prince William is Being Labeled a 'Hypocrite' After Royals Back COP26 Climate Summit

Now the Holy Spirit speaks expressly that in the last days some shall depart from the Christian faith to instead giving heed to evil seducing spirits and doctrines of demons to spread lies in hypocrisy... forbidding to marry and to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. -1 Timothy Chapter 4:1-3

In place of that future reign is the current Orwellian State we are forced to live in today where vaccines can be mandated and opting out means State threats, societal anger, and public ostracization. This is not what we were taught Masonic America or its people-centered Republic democracy was supposed to be about to say the least. Notice also, as the investigation into Covid-19 itself gathers steam, the media is suddenly reporting something once deemed as "conspiratorial misinformation" as potential fact in the form of the so-called Wuhan lab leak. In regard to Covid's origin, the mainstream media in 2023 is sounding more like the alternative news sources that they deemed as misinformation just months ago. CBS News just aired a "following the money" report [that has since been hastily removed by CBS, as seen here] that shows how the US Government paid double into the Wuhan biological and pathogen lab in the years just before the Covid outbreak, with the implication being that Covid may have been developed either indirectly or directly by the US State Department, National Insititute of Health, and Department of Defense (and CIA) using US funds. However, even this is yet another distraction. In reality, Covid was directly funded and created by corporate research labs in both Britain and America by the CIA/DoD and MI6/MoD, then released near the Wuhan lab to ensure China took the blame, a fact that will never come out by the same mainstream media under State corporate control. For today, conservative media is doing its best to bring the exact mindset needed for more cover-up by brainwashing the gullible that their only enemies are the socialist left and China. Meanwhile, the elites at the top remain continually untouchable because they are pitting one American against another as an effective Left/Right distraction whereupon both Americans and Europeans are being radicalized by the very same occult-led globalist powers that created, funded, and supported Hitler and the Nazi's to begin with - and precisely as the German people were made as pawns in their globalist chess game while they amassed greater power to further their ultimate plan, so are the increasingly far-right conservatives today falling over themselves to join their hidden cause. Both mainstream and conservative media could also make a clearer distinction between Trump-fueled counterfeit "Christian Nationalism" (which is the opposite of Christianity) versus actual theistic Christian faith that turns the other cheek, forgives all, loves all, and is committed to selfless works at the ground level to prove it. Both of these opposing beliefs are labeled "Christianity" by an occult-driven, corporate media in their unwitting service to Satan, the father of 'lies, violence and oppression': three traits MAGA espouses already. So what actually is MAGA? For decades, when Black people complained about the system that used racism as its blind guide, we were told there is nothing wrong with it, but the second MAGA's cult leader is found guilty by the same system for doing the same things Trump's been getting away with for decades, now all of the sudden America's system is "rigged" and anyone administering its laws are "corrupt." This coming from the same orange Kool-Aid cult leader who patted himself on the back for giving in to the globalists before and their Operation Warp Speed vaccine mind fuck because they told ego-driven Trump that he could take all the credit for it.

BREAKING Pfizer's Deadly Covid Vaccine that DoD & Trump's Operation Warp Speed Promoted
BREAKING Trump Brags About 'His Phenomenal' Operation Warp Speed Covid Vax in Interview

*America's Elite Class say They're 'Changing the World' but in Reality They're Manipulating it
*UK Corporate BBC Says: America is an Oligarchy Run by the Elite Class and Not a Democracy
*UK News Reports "Most Americans Believe Climate Change Will Destroy Earth in Their Lifetime"
*UK Mind Control Regarding Population Control "Sustainability" is Telling the Public What to Think
*UK BBC Corporate Media Announces: "Societies Grow Vulnerable to a Collapse as Time Passes"
*Media: The Global Population is Set to Fall for First Time in 700 Years, Since the Bubonic Plague

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
Listen to Jessie Czebotar’s YouTube interviews on Aquarius Rising Africa: the Luciferians always create a fire or a natural disaster right after important rituals.

Satanic Rituals of America’s Ruling Families

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

However, the system is never corrupt if you're actually guilty for the crime you've committed which is why Trump never goes into the finer details of how and why the twelve-person jury found him overwhelmingly guilty. But this is Trump, the ultimate whining snowflake who acts like the same rule of law that applies to other white-collar criminals who falsify business records in the first degree, which is a felony under New York case law, only applies to others and not himself. Police know Karens. Too often it's the Karens who get reprimanded by police because they're always the ones always attempting to stand above the very same laws they're breaking in order to falsely accuse someone else. Trump is no different in his hush money case. Instead of admitting the truth, he declares the entire legal system is "rigged and corrupt" because he is guilty. Like Satan, Trump mixes lies about himself with the truth in order to deceive which speaks directly to who and what Trump's so-called "Christian Nationalists" actually worship. And in regards to MAGA's current feelings about minorities, in general, notice that while Trump loves to make much use of the name Laken Riley, the recently murdered American nursing student by a Venezuelan migrant to make it appear all migrants are rapists, murdering, drug running, human traffickers, as Trump claims, that he and other racists cannot say the name Heather Heyer, the equally innocent white American female of the same approximate age who was murdered in broad daylight by an admitted white neo-Nazi in Charlottesville, VA (2017) with cameras rolling simply because she protested far-right racism and Trump's kind of status quo, institutionalized, corporate-pandering, American-eroding, elite-serving fascism that Trump and his corporate cronies actually work for, whose corrupted agenda they still push to which Trump announced that the violent Nazi's there at the 2017 Unite The Right rally were "good people." It was from that day forward that the world knew Trump thinks violent Nazi's are good people because he knows they constitute a large majority of his radicalized base. A seen in the case of Heather Heyer, Trump will provide a pass for Republicans murdering Democrats to befit his other infamous quote: "The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat," while in the very next breath, he then idolizes Hitler who according to Trump "did many good things." More recently, Trump evoked Chicago's Al Capone and idolized his murderous control of Chicago, and then spoke of how efficient Hannibal Lector was at disposing people and in the following week, Trump then idolized Putin for eradicating his political opponents, all of which shows Trump wants the ultimate power in becoming above the law that he believes his MAGA cult could provide him. This is why Trump speaks the exact manipulating words they want to hear because he is effectively deceiving them to gain more power. This is also why he provides a pass for January 6 thugs and criminals who destroyed U.S. property and were turned violent against police, but then speaks against migrants who do the exact same against property and police in New York. Trump desperately wants to be above the law and Project 2025 is the corrupt plan being worked in secret by those in MAGA to get him there, which again, proves they are a cult willing to corrupt and kill to make all of Trump's borderline personality disorder, Messiah complex, Anglo-racism, and undiagnosed megalomania become this world's new reality. MAGA is getting brainwashed by a level of increased racism combined with the blatant whitewashing of American history, that, as Trump would put it, "has never been seen before in the history of the world." Since Laken Riley's murder, for one example, another American White female was killed by a South American migrant in 2024, of which conservative media was quick to jump on these two stories to repeat them again and again unto the brainwashing took root.

*Steve Bannon says 'Maga Army is Ready,' as He Reports to Prison
*Reagan's "Shining on a Hill" Twisted into Trump’s Dark Vision of Christianity
*Trump's Lawless MAGA Republicans are Trying to Overthrow the United States

Question: How many women or 13-year-old females were raped or killed by White men since Laken Riley's death earlier this year, or even every single day somewhere in America? It's a simple question but one rooted in the hidden truth that White on White crime remains a staggering number that daily eclipses the relative few immigrant crimes that might occur every few months. Since Trump ascribes the words "evil" and "animals" to such crime, his own flawed logic would therefore mean that all White men are inherently evil because they target, murder, kill women, and rape girls at a much greater percentage than any other race in the United States. The rest of that fact remains that White-on-White crime is daily and constant each and every day, in nearly every county in America, but its numbers are never so openly displayed in the collective corporate media as much as Black on White crime or Black on Black crime is. Can you guess why? Who created the media? Whites will deflect and tell you 'Jews own the media' but who allowed the comparatively few Jews into Anglo-created institutions that comprise the false history-making and true narrative-controlling power in this world? Speaker Mike Johnson was just on Fox News today parroting the great Republican "replacement" fear that sees the vast majority of migrants coming across the southern border are: 1) not migrant families looking for work and a new life and 2) not men of working age looking to send their meager earnings back home to their hurting families as is the tradition, but that the vast majority are all "evil people" of "fighting age." Notice how: 1) Johnson never gets asked to prove that in any way, and 2) why must ALL migrants of darker skin have to be cast as the entirety of pure evil in the Republican's movie? To say that all 13-million people who have crossed over into the United States since Biden became President are only evil men who want to war against the United States or rape its women is entirely racist on its face, and yet the Republicans trot themselves out each and every day to say these things parroting Trump, and worse, without a single moment of self-reflection as to why they have to view darker people as evil, which is the very definition of the racism they never openly admit to. When comrade Trump was asked why haven't there been 13-million criminal acts by these same 13-million undocumented men, women, children and families? His completely made-up answer was "They're just settling in. As soon as they get more comfortable here, there will be 13-million crimes or more." With that, the Republicans will then lie about the recent "terrorists from ISIS" being arrested in America to blame Biden/Harris' border debacle when those same assumed affiliates who claimed to have been part of ISIS have been in America since Trump was President. The game being run on the American people of why Biden and Mayorkas created the border issue goes far beyond the touted "far-left views of Biden pandering to the most extreme elements of his party." When you don't see Mexicans as animals but as hard-working people with strong family ties that add to the overall economy and US GDP, you think as Biden/Harris did. When you see ALL Mexicans as animals and drug running killer rapists who can do nothing but crime, you think as Trump still does. The reason why January 6th was helped by the federal government in not allowing a wall of police presence on a day that was known to be violent in advance? To create an even larger movement behind Trump who is needed for the next phase of the Masonic plan to manifest where if Trump wins or not, violence will ensue. The GOP then speaks to Trump's first term being one of complete "peace and prosperity," but under whose watch were the emboldened police murdering unarmed minority citizens from coast to coast again which led to nationwide protests that could have easily sparked a new civil war that Trump still wants his own to "Fight, Fight, Fight" in? Correct. During his term as President. And so, has Trump changed? Has MAGA? Trump even admitted in his August 2024 interview with Elon Musk stating, "Illegal immigration saved my [political] life."

*MAGA's Idiotic Embrace of the American-Hating Vladimir Putin
*In Total Lockstep with "Big Brother" Trump, MAGA Takes Over Republican GOP
*DHS Was Forced to Protect White Supremacists on Behalf of Trump Administration
*GOP Strategy on Shootings: Downplay White Nationalism and Blame the Democrats

Meanwhile, American Whites are murdering darker-skinned U.S. immigrants while changing their tires. The point is, MAGA has zero clue that they are actually being conditioned today to worship Antichrist tomorrow. They see themselves as "Christians" despite the fact they are, more often than not, hating and murdering *actual* Christians. That fact is not being lost on God and also not a coincidence. If you're MAGA, this and everything else the corporate power structure are collectively undertaking against your fellow man is what you support, protecting a long-standing corruption replete with criminal and inhumane enterprises as well as its pollution of both the world at large and our own bodies via manufactured poisons that Republican-funding corporations daily profit off of to which the entrenched 'swamp' Republicans still receive kickbacks from who then fund men like Trump to serve their status quo. The very fact that the Trump camp has to methodically sit the few Blacks and other minorities showing up to his campaign rallies right behind his camera shot to make it seem a wide swath of America's minorities are for the guy who despises them once they get home to better favor the Whites that actually comprise his base itself speaks volumes, compared to Kamala's campaign rallies with all of America's races being represented being entirely organic, believable, and truly does comprise his base, and there's nothing that a corporate-serving MAGA Republican, or even Trump himself can do to distort what is a fact. Remember, these are the same avowed racists that when they see so much as a single minority or half-White person as a lead in any film's cast, the film is then immediately labeled as "Woke" and angrily as well as violently bashed against on every side, but if you look around anywhere in America, indigenous actually from the Americas and indigenous from everywhere else are seen, meaning films are only catching up to a more realistic representation of 21-st century society. But racists don't want to see that, they want to perpetually live in their own bizarro world back when America was "great" and minorities were constantly overlooked and only Europe's representation is seen replacing Native America, something that must be making the Masonic powers that have been brainwashing them since children very proud, but also ironic because now, the very same European-descended are worried about being replaced themselves. As mentioned, the Right vs. Left culture clash has become the perfect distraction away from America's controlling hegemony because it also leaves out the much less corruptible third-party candidates who try to awaken those caught in the hegemonic matrix that created the United States and corrupted its every institution from the start, including the media who dictates what is Left and Right as a working tactic to solidify their ongoing Masonic and corporate control over us all. What's even more of an irony for the unwitting is anyone thinking the corporate-serving puppet that is Trump is not a groomed and integral part of it when he stands ready to fulfill the final half of their long plan. In other words, a percentage of Mexico's cartels of drugs and human trafficking of mostly children for use in both sex rings as well as pagan ritual abuse and murder has a historically proven track record of having been well-funded by the U.S. government for decades in their effort toward purposefully creating the world's problems we see today with people fleeing the resulting kidnappings and violence to which Biden opened America's borders to so that another round of President Trump could next make their lives all the more desperate in kicking off a wave of even greater corruption and chaos as designed within that long plan as we approach 2030. The next links are key...

*How Reagan/Bush Spread Human Trafficking, Drugs and Crime Throughout Mexico
*CIA NarcoDrug Trade Distributes Death Throughout Minority-populated US Cities
*The British, American and European Elites are Proven Satanic Pedophiles
*Satanic Trafficking Rings are Historically Tied to the White House

The modern robber baron that is Trump obviously believes that the police, given that kind of power where there no longer is a check and balance against them for murder, would just stop at killing only unarmed minorities. A clear case of police crime and cover-up out of Canton, Massachusetts cites three police being suspected in covering up the decade-long sexual abuse of Sandra Birchmore who was found dead in February 2021 with the allegation being three former police officers in the Stoughton Police Department had engaged in the sexual abuse of Birchmore beginning when she was 15 years old that carried on until she was 23 and pregnant, with the police reportedly involved in her pregnancy and resulting murder made to look like a suicide. So much for only the "vermin," drug running, child-raping, murdering Mexicans killing American women when American police do the exact same things but get to cover it up. In other words, despite whatever fucking brainwashing MAGA has fallen for, Trump himself wants to have complete immunity from all prosecution like a king above the law, ruling over what amounts to a lawless society where segments of police become stormtroopers that have the option to kill anyone in the United States, citizens or non-citizens by either their mistake or their intent, because it will be effectively covered-up in the aftermath just like it was "when America was great." That is not America or America being great. That is what Putin does and no wonder Trump idolizes the guy who has experience in creating a neo-Soviet dystopia where there's no freedom of the press or speech or even thought because it's built upon Orwellian fear, murder, and illegal jailings of citizens. In short, Trump wants to turn the United States into modern Russia, which is why his MAGA Republicans have been brainwashed into thinking that "Putin is a good guy," as they've been claiming, with Trump now making speeches where he idolizes not only the modern Hitler that is Putin, but Hitler himself, as well as Al Capone and even the fictional Hannibal Lecter because all four employed fear as a weapon against the people. It's also coming to light that several times when he was President, Trump talked about how he could get away with eliminating entire groups of people in America that don't see his self-glorifying vision of his would-be dictatorship, which also must be the topic when he holds his private talks with like-minded Putin. Just a few years ago, Trump infamously destroyed the notes of his own interpreters regarding what he and Putin were holding meetings over leaving the American public even then, before the 2020 election, wondering what he was up to. In another instance, when a Western reporter traveling with Trump to Russia asked what he and the leader of the known fascist state were discussing, Trump angrily announced it was "none of his business." When you tally all of this up, it becomes clearer what kind of future Trump wants where democracy in the U.S. is completely upended so that he, like Putin, remains perpetually in power and the two bring a "world peace" together whereby they can glorify themselves for doing so, but only after radically changing the United States into the Russian model of autocrat rule first. This is what those behind 'Project 2025' are planning even now and why they also adore Putin's Russia where he can do no wrong, despite killing all dissidents at home as well as innocent Ukrainians each and every day in their homes and inside their stores and shopping centers to which Trump and his MAGA cult always provides Putin a pass.

*Comrade Trump Wants Cheney Arrested for the Truth About Putin's Vast Influence Over Him
*Trump Amps Marjorie Greene’s Claim that Russia is More ‘Truthful’ than the Democrats
*Donald Trump Wants Termination of the United States Constitution Over His 2020 Loss
*President Trump is Hailed as "The Destroyer of America" on Russian State Television
*One Year into Trump's Presidency, Russia Made Film About Nuking Trump's Florida
*Trump's Backers Poised to Launch Civil War if Trump Excluded from 2024 Race
*Russian TV Says Eliminating the American Military is Russia's Ultimate Goal

The occult and generational corporate archons that control the United States are getting exactly what they planned in their own perfect timing five years out from 2030, when America falls under the severe weight of its own vast corruption and the archons shift toward finalizing what will amount to the ascension of a United Europe that's also turned far-right fascist. 'Trust The Plan,' indeed. Trump had four years and did nothing against the corporate or political "swamp" but low-key preach their own Anglo-racist teachings. I'll repeat that another way. MAGA are so obviously following the well-entrenched Satanic elite that they ignorantly believe they're against. As far as ignorance goes, MAGA believing that God backs Trump when Trump is a thief in the proverbial Temple serves the Masonic agenda well because their entire endgame regarding the United States is its own destruction, and now, that destruction is being openly discussed by MAGA with NAZI help. Consequently, brainwashed nationalists serve the Masonic creation rather than the Creator which, ironically, is exactly where the corporate hegemony want them at this time. While MAGA daily politicizes the name of Laken Riley to push their Whites only immigrant agenda, they never utter the name Heather Heyer who was murdered by a neo-Nazi Trump follower. Trump himself often evokes Hitler and infamously admitted to a political confidant that Hitler did "many great things." His own "poisoning the blood of America" and "vermin" comments further drive the point home. In all of their "anti-Woke" brainwashing from ultimately Russia's own propaganda machine that MAGA is told not to investigate or look at, MAGA's collective sociopaths are noted for their very limited ability to feel empathy or remorse for anyone not MAGA or not White or speaks English (unless he's Russian, and Putin, apparently). Unencumbered by empathy or remorse, sociopaths sneer at others. Think of Trump mocking a disabled reporter born with a physical disability he couldn't help, and Trump's mocking of him by gesticulating wildly while MAGA laughs and you'll get the idea. MAGA's anti-Woke crowd have latent racist, social, and mental issues of their own they never deal with while mocking everyone else who does. Meanwhile, draft-dodging Trump is back on the campaign trail in some rural redneck area of the country calling Mexicans "animals," belittling the migrant families who are doing the very work that no one else would, or could in some cases. The recent bridge collapse in Baltimore that killed six people working literally all night long from various South American nations, including Mexico, proved this. Will Trump at least designate them as unsung heroes dangerously working throughout the night doing the hard work of which he willingly knows nothing about to keep American workers and the American economy moving? No, he'll be right back to quoting Hitler calling them "human garbage," "vermin" and "animals" because they're non-White migrants. Trump is currently on the campaign trail selling gold-colored shoes and Bibles like a con man in desperate need of hard cash to pay off his legal fees due to his own corruption he brought upon himself, even as he now sees the persecution of Catholics and evangelical Christians - but then turns around to disparage, mock, and make subtle death threats against every Christian at the border for their trying desperately to flee areas where sin, death, and corruption is rampant in their respective countries.

*Like Trump's MAGA in US, British Fascists, Skinheads Displaying Racism Against Europe's BLM
*British Supremacist Neo-Nazis are Calling for New Aryan Laws and a Return to Pagan Worship
*White Racists Rioting, Burning Cities and Looting Across the UK Are Being Found and Arrested
*Will White Racists in America Copy Their Coequals in England if Trump Loses Against Kamala?

Corporate-backed, Anglo-racist, robber baron-serving, conservative media serves a very old agenda and its only survival remains in demonizing non-Whites and brainwashing as many as they can to view the world their way so you take part in their anti-Christ works. Love your neighbor as yourself no matter what color or who they are. Simple. Wake up. We are ONE nation but one where conservatives want to divide us racially and not even teach our collective history, let alone see a future in America where all of its races are equal and could be co-equal in their numbers. Conservatives demand a Whites Only majority which every time proves their racism and lies, but as exampled on earth and in Heaven, diversity wins. The point being, when it came time for World War II, with America's racially diverse forces going up against a much older, completely homogenous (single race), German-only force of the Nazi's, who won? The real shame America still has is taking this long (and now, seemingly longer under men like Trump) for it to fully recognize and provide equal medals for, as well as give a fully established historic record to, via CRT studies, or otherwise, *ALL* of its most brave in that war and in every war whereby America's minorities, be they Republican or Democrat, immigrant or otherwise, fought for their country. I was recently told by one, Cindy Cook, in a comment that the words "woke," "inclusion," and "diversity" did not exist during World War II. I replied: "Are you sure the words, "woke," "diversity" or "inclusion" didn't exist until recently? As soon as your first White ancestor set foot on our American shore, there was the first example of diversity." Hopefully, that made her actually think. Once you had greater numbers, it was your race that divided, segregated, and used genocide. While the individual units may have been racially segregated in America's wars up to WWII, the enemy didn't know it when we fought as a single force attacking them from every side, showcasing the bravery of all of America's racially diverse forces fighting for the same cause: America. That bravery was indeed remembered by those who were actually there who later became America's military leadership, so that by the Vietnam and the Gulf Wars, units became fully integrated to devastating results against anyone the government determined was an enemy. You can struggle at my assessment that World War II was the start of that more inclusive modernity, but it was nonetheless more inclusive than any before it. Contrasting that, it took about 80 years after that war for racists to come up with such dog whistle buzzwords like "Woke" in attempt to once again demonize all things that lift up America's inescapable racial diversity, but the very fact racists fight so damn hard against America being an actual melting pot of racial diversity speaks volumes. And that despite the fact America keeps winning best when it is most inclusive, with the winning of gold in our most diverse/inclusive U.S. team's Olympic games in 2024 having just become another historic example of that inclusive dynamic. If I were you, I'd be asking why Trump and his proponents in modern corporate conservatism fight so hard against inclusion, when one need only research the "robber baron elite" and the American conservative movement for the causal link.

*Watch Video: Are the British Elites Driving a Racist Form of Nationalism in Post-Brexit Britain?
*Racist Republicans Tied to MAGA Cite 1857 Ruling to Remove Kamala's Presidential Candidacy
*Furious Veterans Slam Trump Campaign Team For an Altercation at Arlington National Cemetery
*Trump's Goons Shoved US Army Female Aside so that Trump Could Get His Illegal Photo Op at ANC

Hitler used a similar tactic to demonize everyone not Aryan. Much like Putin, Trump is the current world's bad cop to contrast the later Antichrist's seeming good cop, while all three employ the exact same methods toward forced authoritarianism and literal worship. And these are just some of the things that would never be taught in any CRT classroom if Trump and his White supremacists within MAGA would have it. When it comes to history, it's either a 'Whites Only' version of American history or nothing with men like Trump, Vance, and DeSantis. That alone speaks so many volumes on not a few levels. Trump's and MAGA's entire outlook therefore is based on racial generalizations, broad-brushed stereotypes, and racist tropes evoking their view of a racist past without ever considering minorities are each an individual created by God who, more often than not, just want to work, period. Trump claims to not mind if they enter legally, but as proven during his first tenure from 2017-2021, he actually made it even more difficult for migrants (with darker skin) to start the process toward citizenship, whilst those of lighter skin were much more easily granted citizenship in droves. Trump even noted this in speeches regarding his way of judging if a migrant is good or not based on where they come from, citing Norway and Sweden and other Nordic nations as perfectly fine, while anyone from Africa and the other "shithole" countries are "undesirables." Trump's further asking, "Why can't my generals be more like Hitler's?" should have forever proven to the world where Trump's racial/racist alliances lie. Trump's infamous corruption was also heard when Trump needed Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to "find" [create] 11,780 votes to make sure he wins their state. When the said official couldn't find them, then the narrative turned to "We'll just say the election is rigged" showing elite wannabe Trump will do and say anything to achieve more power to emulate the actual elites who actually are above the law, and Trump can't get to that status if too many "Woke" are watching. Therefore, "Woke is the Enemy!" Such statements speak volumes as to what Trump really thinks and who he really is and this despite his relatively few Black Republican friends that he trots around the campaign trail like mascots who vouch for his "inclusive" vision. Trump realizes that to win in 2024, he needs not only the White majority but the Black and Hispanic minority vote, as ironic as that is. Of course, this still might be an uphill battle since Trump is now calling America's first Black Vice President a "DEI Hire." Since the GOP cannot admit their obvious biases against women and minorities, they come up with entire complex explanations (like DEI) to hide their entirely simple racism where their own statements, "If it ain't Whites Only, it's Woke" still exposing them every time. What's even more telling is how Fox News acts like it hasn't made "DEI Hires" itself, when allowing what they used to call "token Blacks" as the very few hires they make to show they aren't racist!

*The ‘Doomsday Clock’ Has Just Been Moved Closer to Armageddon than Ever Before
*Prince William Makes International News by Referencing the Dire Need of 'Saving Our Planet'
*Prince William Urges Society to 'Unite and Repair' Planet at His First Earthshot Prize Ceremony

As I write, there is yet another Fox News report demonizing migrant families fleeing crime and oppression citing "Migrants Are Taking Over NYC Schools" in keeping with their racially charged tabloid-like headlines that are so typical of Fox. To listen to the vile spew that Fox's mostly White reporters claim that American children that go to these same schools will be harmed, raped, and killed by the migrants because, in Fox's Republican/Trumpian [read: racist] view, that is all migrants do. The same racist playbook of demonizing mostly Mexican migrants is also used when claiming that "Venezuelan gangs" are taking over apartment buildings and "eating dogs and cats" in order to make White America fear-vote Trump back into office when he is the one who derailed the bipartisan border bill so he could campaign on migrant fear mongering. The issue of these migrants seeking asylum is an interesting one in that the US government (that is also so obviously inciting the Left v. Right culture war) wants immigration to fester administration after presidential administration, which is why neither Republican nor Democrat has done anything to create an effective border first followed up with a more commonsense path to citizenship. Proof that the government is only enflaming racial tensions was certainly also seen in Trump's tenure when while talking a good game about how they are not migrants seeking asylum, but "murdering terrorist rapists," he seemingly set about to build a section of wall while ignoring the very areas such as Eagle Pass, Texas, where most migrants are entering. I often wonder why there is never a solid, reinforced, unscalable wall built at Eagle Pass, TX and everywhere else where most of the illegal crossings are made. That in itself tells me this issue persists as a result of the US government and not any one President. The Masonic-controlled government needs all of what's entering for its own agenda whose timing is impeccable according to a globalist timeline. And so why hasn't the government long after Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, both Bush Presidents, Obama, Trump, and now Biden achieve a more commonsense policy regarding the border starting with an actual wall where it needs it most? Because America is not ultimately controlled by Americans or even its Presidents but by something else sworn to everything not of or for the People. Republicans put 100% blame on the Democrats for stripping away the idyllic 1950's, but even history shows us it was not the Democrat party but America's own Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists via the CIA who not only manufactured LSD for the purposes of mind control, but used their own ground level operatives to ensure it spread around most college campuses that ended up radically changing an entire American generation, and as a result the world itself, toward an overwhelming lax of morals which gave rise to evils like a sharp increase in murder as well as a massive drop in Christianity (their actual goal) to replace it with everything that was not Christianity, i.e., anti-Christ occultism, witchcraft, eastern mysticism and New Age religions among them. While Civil Right laws were finally being enacted to the seeming good, minorities were told the government were protecting them and would even create government housing to ensure their success and inclusion into American society, but what really occurred at ground level? The CIA flooded cities and its new government housing areas (purposefully manufactured ghettos) with guns and drugs to ensure that Blacks and Hispanics remained as slaves and filled up their prisons while the Anglo-racist and its London-serving imperialist status quo remained for Whites. So, while the government as a whole claims to be for those marginalized in society, are they? From time to time, we see the government arresting a relative few for the more obvious and high-profile racist hate crimes, but how many more have never received actual justice and were systematically swept under the rug that protects the status quo? At the same time, an entire racist movement of so-called Christian Nationalists has risen under Trump who claim to be "Christian" while the vast majority of migrant families fleeing evil, crime, and cartels actually have Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, while GOP Pharisees worship their own racism that they have built as a graven image in the image of Trump to be placed before God.

*The Same MAGA Cult That Promotes Putin are the Same Ones Attempting to Curtail Democracy
*Ex-President Trump Calls Himself a God-Given “Caretaker” and a “Shepherd to All Mankind”
*President Donald Trump Predicts Mexico is Completely Obliterated in Upcoming World War

The shared goal between Masonic Britain and Masonic America includes an agenda they reference as the "Great Work" which is to return empiric status back to Britain to coincide with their manufactured Collapse and subsequent rise of the Antichrist. Part of that Collapse is clearly seen today in the migration issue, as stated, where now, the government is obviously wanting to overwhelm American and European cities to create the dire conditions whereby Whites rise up in anger to wage war against those migrants and Democrats to make sure this nation descends into absolute chaos by which the resulting power vacuum left sees to it that Europe rises past America's inevitable demise, and with Europe, its future king that is prophesied in the book of Daniel to become the Antichrist rising from a "Revived Roman Empire." Given how so many prophecies have already come to pass in our lifetime, only the prophecy of Antichrist and his coming post-collapse New World and world order remains. To ensure that is fulfilled, Ezekiel 38 must be fulfilled that then allows for the Antichrist to rise meaning all of this is going according to perfect plan and why Russia has been pushed for over the past two decades into a war with NATO knowing that instead of attacking any European nation, they would instead turn against their Mideast ally in Israel. In short, the occultists that govern the West know the Antichrist's appearance specifically hinges on Israel seeking a supernatural leader that they will accept as Messiah to lead them going forward, and it is Ezekiel 38-39 which clearly informs us that such a time comes only *after* Israel is nearly invaded by Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, etc. "in the latter days" but is miraculously protected by an epic disaster and collapse that destroys the invading armies as soon as they enter Israel, after which a great fire shall fall upon the land of Magog [Russia]. As such, when Putin unleashes his wrath upon Israel, God shall unleash His. Putin's days are numbered, Antichrist rises in the aftermath. Putin's ally in Trump is here now to make the later rising Antichrist seem much more intelligent when he ascends to guide the West into a New Order, post-America. The very fact we are now seeing America's demise on its inevitable horizon just as Russia is beginning to threaten Israel in itself proves we are very close to the Collapse scenario when countless American citizens will die off in a bloody event worse than the Civil War or anything else it was ever forced to endure before. As such, the latest pandemics, the border, Climate Change, the increase in wars and cyberwar, AI, are all being used to bring that world collapse. Covid is itself another operation toward the goal of making the U.S. and world more their slaves than free citizens. When pressed, globalists, corporate elites, Big Pharma and their media proxies simply inform us to "trust the science." Mind you, the Scriptures tell us in II Thessalonians chapter 2 that the entire world will then fall under a grand delusion after some disastrous event that causes a great "falling away" upon which the Antichrist uses to his global advantage to dominate every institution from that event going forward. What we saw in their recent pandemic exercise won't compare to what else is coming to set the stage for the ascension of the Beast. Why is population control one goal of the globalist powers? In their corrupted minds, to make the world more manageable to control after their orchestrated Collapse, also their goal, the surviving population is placed under a single central authority. A devastating worldwide Collapse either by way of an actual pandemic, world war, natural disaster, terrorism, cyberattack, or all of the above at once is needed for the more hidden globalist agenda to foment the Antichrist's rising is then initiated whereby he returns the world's sanity to rebuild the planet under new international laws of peace and green prosperity. Again, globalists manufacture many of today's problems because they desire to bring its final solution for all to adopt. That is precisely what is behind many of their resulting strange foreign policies and their climate-laden speeches that subliminally prepare us for one of their own as our foregone solution.

*The Mainstream Media is Using Climate Change to Having 'Sympathy for the Devil'
*How Climate Change is Causing a Sharp Rise in Witchcraft and 'Witches Taking Action'
*Thousands of Pagan Witches are Assembling to Battle Against 'Global Climate Change'

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Media's Long History Predicting Earth Warming or Ice Ages from 1895 to Today
*Globalists Suggest ‘Finance Shock,’ Climate Controls to Launch the Great Reset
*With the Lying Covid Experts Proven Wrong, Are All of the Climate Experts Next?
*The US Government and Their History of Weaponizing the Weather to Their Ends
*Climate Hoax in Media: Man-Made Climate Change Does Not Exist by Piers Corbyn

Weather Channel Founder John Coleman Kills Climate Change, Blames Deceptive UK Data

And the third Angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters and they became blood. And I heard the Angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous Lord, which is, was, and shall be, because thou has judged the earth. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink for they are worthy of it. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. And the fourth Angel poured out his vial upon the Sun and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat and blasphemed the name of God which hath power over these plagues, and they repented not to give Him glory. And the fifth Angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the Beast and his kingdom was full of darkness and they gnawed their tongues for pain while blaspheming the God because of their pains and sores and still repented not of all their ungodly deeds.

Revelation 16:4-11

Future King William Arthur Clearly Being Groomed to be a 'Climate Change Christ'

*(2014) Prince Charles Calls to Save World From Global Warming by Ending Capitalism
*The United Kingdom Warns World That Earth to Hit Critical Heat Threshold Before 2026
*The Leftist Billionaire George Soros Predicts Coming Climate Change Collapse by 2030
*In Advance of Societal Collapse Corporate Billionaires are Buying Underground Bunkers

*Global Elitists Have Planned to Reduce Our Global Population Through 'Coming Events'
*Satanic Illuminati Plans a Destruction of the Present Order so a New World Can Result
*Prince Charles Hails Abortion and the Population Control of Many Developing Nations
*Prince William Gives Speech, Warns 'Too Many People Currently Living on the Planet'
*Prince William's Eton New Entrance Exam Question: UK’s Out of Gas, Kill Protesters?
*A Group of Elite UK Soldiers Activated for Brexit Stationed in Bunker Named 'PINDAR'
*PINDAR: Another Occult Code Word and Name for Satan in His Role as the Antichrist
*Prince William's 3 Weeks Working in Secret with the British Spy Agency MI5 and MI6
*The UK is Currently Stockpiling Thousands of Body Bags in Advance of the Collapse
*The Elite Agenda for Global Population Control is Still Not Just "Conspiracy Theory"

Ironically, like the Supreme Court and because it's supposed to be a "free press," the corporate mainstream media is likewise missing its own check and balance that should be leveraged against it. To those who view the media as an irrefutable source that only speaks to them in truth are the same who actually believe in its mostly lying "fact checkers" who are of the same corporate minions who control the media to begin with, which is certainly not limited to liberal news sources only. It still makes no sense that liberals who bought completely into the entire corporate Covid lie and stood in line to take their Covid-19 vaccines were/are the same ones who overwhelmingly distrust Big Pharma, but the hoops they jumped through as Big Pharma set the bar higher is exactly what they brought themselves to do because of their overwhelming trust in the corporate media that back big pharma, which also makes zero sense. Wherever there's vaccine hesitancy, corporate media employs everything from psychological manipulation to overt scare tactics to push society into trusting the pharmaceutical cabal that were infamously caught trying to addict everyone with opioids, backed by the power of censoring anyone that counters the Covid narrative, resulting in the cancelling of medical experts who aren't towing the Covid party line. Take time out to carefully scrutinize the media's vaccine coverage to notice the varied tactics they're using before recalling who created, facilitated, owns, pays, and thus, writes its globalist narratives, and why. While the vaccinated receive every kind of benefit, the Western media's Orwellian pressure of subtly exiling those who refuse the globalist's aims won't end with vaccination demands. This is where it begins. The British, American, Canadian, New Zealand, Australian governments tell you that you're free, but how is that possible under their restricting government mandates literally forcing many to vaccinate? With the virus supposedly originating in the East, where are Russia and China's forced vaccination programs? Perhaps one would be wise to remember that while the controlled media tells us that government conspiracies don't exist, what the US Government has already done against the American people before, from the Federal Reserve Act to their lying through the Vietnam, Iraq (where there were no "weapons of mass destruction"), and Afghanistan wars, not to mention 9-11 itself to which the government distances itself to entirely blame Saudi Arabia. One doesn't have to be a "theorist" to conduct even a basic investigation to expose this government's countless demented black projects that sickened, maimed, and killed Americans through various Nazi-like experiments to which President Clinton went on national television in 1997 to apologize for, as if the Tuskegee vaccinations were the US government's only crime against its own citizens. How are these lies from the top being so easily perpetuated? Simple, the US Government (CDC) puts out its daily Covid numbers and the vast majority of the medical field believes it. From there, if anyone so much as contracts the common flu or any one of several lung ailments, they're all being recorded as Covid-19 thanks to the government/big pharma's own testing kits. Factor in the media and the rest works like a fear-based rumor to back up the supposed need for mass vaccinations. With all its advances in microscopic imaging of late, medical science won't even produce a single body that has supposedly been killed by the Covid-19 virus for further medical review and study. Why? We've all seen blackened cancerous lungs, for example, but they cannot produce a single body that was killed by Covid-19 out of the millions that supposedly died from it worldwide? Again, why? We already know what the Cult of the Vaccinated who trust 100% of whatever the government says, would say, because the echo-chambered mainstream media only interviews them and they're robotically repeating whatever messaging the corporate media feeds them. This makes every corporate-approved interview and equally corporate-controlled news report a self-promoting Covid propaganda piece designed to convince the world to vaccinate, while any dissenting voice is quickly mocked in the media to be altogether ignored thereafter. However, truth cannot be stifled forever and already some of it is making its way to the surface.

*Documentary Shows the Bill Gates Foundation Funding a Global Genocide Agenda
*Plague-Carrying Drones and Super Soldiers: Current Domain of Biowar Research
*Scottish Scientists Create Army of Nanobots to be Injected into the Human Body
*Bill Gates Now Denies His Own Pre-Covid Pandemic Exercise Called Event 201
*Why the Money Hoarding of Miser Bill Gates' "Philanthropy" is a Real Problem

From the Substack of Breggin Alerts by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
The Intentional Murder of Inconvenient People

Our honored guest today is Jacqui Deevoy, a courageous freelance journalist who is in the United Kingdom. With enormous moral courage, she is investigating one of the darkest sides of humanity — the intentional murder of medical patients, euphemistically called euthanasia, that is spreading throughout Great Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and now the United States. Voluntary and involuntary euthanasia began ramping up during the Covid-19 hospitalizations but were also occurring prior to 2020. Jacqui Deevoy vividly describes her attempts to gain the attention of authorities or any media in Great Britain to this moral outrage of murdering patients who are in no way at risk of dying on their own. The involuntary euthanasia involved young people and older people, including her father. The motives seem to vary from reducing costs for Britain’s socialized medicine to outright brutality. These same attitudes abound in America and are reaching toward the same scale as in Great Britian and are also completely covered up by the authorities and the media. Jacqui is as eloquent as she is courageous. At the same time, we must become alert to what is going on in the United States. She will soon publish her book, Murdered by the State, appropriately titled. --Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

A recent June 2024 report has surfaced with the headline "Excess Deaths Remained Elevated Even After Covid-19 Vaccines." The report, while still under the Covid delusion, states that people are now, today, dying in droves after their Covid shots, but what it cannot come to see or admit is that people are today dying because of the very specific batches of the proven deadly Covid vaccine they received. At the same time another report is this week also making it into the mainstream media announcing that AstraZeneca is being sued because its VACCINE DOES IN FACT KILL. That exact headline reads "AstraZeneca Removes its Covid Vaccine Worldwide After Rare and Dangerous Side Effect Linked to 80 Deaths in Britain Alone." Well, there it is. And now this from USA Today: "Strict Covid Guidelines Caused Millions to Needlessly Suffer. Now Fauci Admits 'There Was No Science Behind it." Liberals, can you see it yet? They lied to you all along and the way you believed all of the government's bullshit is the same way MAGA believes Trump. Let that sink in until truth finally dawns on you. Both political sides are being lied to and deceived for disastrous results. The chemotherapy industry also follows the same model with countless dying because of its poisonous effects each and every day, but it remains the only science most doctors will prescribe because it's the only viable course of treatment so widely available to them. Who decides that? Other treatments that are believed to cure cancer completely have had its researchers murdered or otherwise turn up dead over the decades in very strange circumstances. Why? Who or what is behind the chemotherapy industry? Like Big Pharma, general medicine has fallen sway to the same Deep State cabal that operates everything else leading toward their increasingly dystopian corporate order. Medicine took its most damaging attack during the (planned) Covid lie when too many doctors and nurses were effectively deceived to comply with, or walk, which only strengthened the latent fears of those who remained in the profession to tow the corporate party line and promote its lying narratives or lose everything. Such is the stalemate medicine finds itself in today. All of the deception is therefore so obviously leading somewhere monumental within its greater deception to be unveiled via a collapse equally of their globalist devising and corporate narrative by which the entire world will be forced to believe in, or else. This is where we are being herded today. The very fact that there was a 40% rise of US women dying in childbirth since 2021 when pregnant women were told the spiked protein Covid-19 vaccines were completely "safe and effective" for them and their unborn, should be telling us now why the government, their corporations and "the Science" lied to a population that believed them while the reports of Covid vaccines were found to be 8x deadlier than the disease itself are still being widely suppressed. One need only look at the UK's Infected Blood Scandal where from 1970 to the present day, their government employed yet another form of population control by having a segment of their most vulnerable population, including "unwitting school-aged children that were used as lab rats" undergo completely unnecessary blood transfusions and various forms of blood treatments using the blood of knowingly infected American prisoners - out of which to this date 30,000 became infected with everything from AIDS, Hepatitis C to blood cancers. 3,000 have already died. Many more are yet to die and what's most disturbing about this latest health scandal in Britain is that their heavily controlled media is already over it, spending only a single day reporting of it. Fifty years of their government's purposed poisoning of its own citizenry affecting tens of thousands of lives not including the numbers of those families lives of the sick and dead, and it only received a single day of reporting on May 20, 2024. What kind of governments knowingly do this to its most vulnerable population and then not spend more time explaining it, because so far, the living scientists and doctors still responsible for and behind the scandal have said nothing and neither are they being asked. In fact, the BBC report of the Infected Blood scandal on the BBC's news site has a new disclaimer stating "We're closing this page shortly."

BREAKING The US Government Sprayed Cancer-Causing Agent Orange on Citizens in 1975
BREAKING Poisonous Forever Chemicals Found to Rain Down on All Five Great Lakes in US
BREAKING Fifty Years After its Ban Poisonous DDT Still Being Sprayed All Over America
BREAKING US Army Creates New Super Vaccine Believed to Counter All Covid Variants
BREAKING Family of Youth Who Died From Covid Vax Sues US Department of Defense
BREAKING Poison Titanium Dioxide Used in American Foods with FDA Approval
BREAKING Covid Vaccine a Huge Success if its True Purpose is Depopulation

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UK Government Caught Again Culling, Corrupting, Sacrificing its Own Citizenry
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
UK Public Finally Waking Up to its UK Government Creating the Sinister 55-year Tainted Blood Scandal
in Which 3,000 People Died So Far and 30,000 Lifetime Affected via Known Infected Blood Transfusions
Taken from American Prisoners who Had Every Sort of Blood Disease that was Given to the British Gov't
Where the Most Vulnerable in Dire Need of Care, Including Children and Babies Were "Used as Lab Rats"
and at Every Step of their Obvious Genocide, the UK Government Covered Up its Evils Over Five Decades.

(What the Public Needs to Seriously Consider Now is How Covid Vaccinations are Already Following Suit.)
READ: Japanese Doctors Expose the Truth on Covid Vaccine and its Spike Proteins Infecting Blood Supply

When your state-sponsored goal is obvious population control, you're going to hope that none of the general public ever wake up to your past and present evils. While there are literally countless NHS scandals that peole simply chalk up to a "lack of funding," the NHS Tainted Blood Scandal where the UK was on the receiving end of obtaining tainted blood from American convicts proves how depraved the UK's National Health Service truly is. And then there's the media such as the BBC, who only spent a single day reporting of it even though 3,000 people have died and 30,000 are negatively affected, sick, and in the process of dying, so far, from the decades-long NHS Infected Blood Scandal. And the obvious UK/US coverup surrounding the Infected Blood Scandal of itself over all of these decades is what's really telling - proving that media is but a tentacle of the corporate elite. For example, which Americans were involved with signing off on only the most infected blood of prison populations being what was provided to the UK government for over fifty years? The very next question that should be asked is what is guiding these same elites to see entire sections of the human race as expendable or as sacrificial meat? What other sick and twisted human experiments in both the US and UK are being undertaken against us that are never reported? In fact, across the UK, the NHS is currently embroiled in more than one scandal for what always appears to be obvious killings (many of which are children and babies) behind its hospital doors, as well as the cover-ups that immediately follow after said killings. In another case shown on Sky News, a British woman suffering from endometriosis was told to wait for a year for her much-needed operation but when the time came, the hospital further delayed it three more times. Her and her husband desperately want to have children and what endometriosis does when left untreated is make a woman barren for life. Britain's NHS conveniently blames all of this on Covid-19, but this was occurring decades before 2020, leaving many in England believing their own government is purposefully waging a war of population control against them because there are increasingly too many examples that prove it, as well as prove that all of it is also being effectively covered up. As proven in the 50-years long Tainted Blood scandal, when people are made sick and then turn to their government for help, every single instance of their rightful complaint is met with a level of stonewalling that shows the government is the one complicit in making people sick with the clear intent of causing mass death, and as such, will do absolutely nothing about it no matter how many UK citizens were sickened and died as a direct result. As also seen in the Infected Blood scandal, the media was complicit to only pay lip service by way of a corporate teleprompter whereby people's most harrowing accounts of mistreatment by the elitist medical establishment are then buried under much less important stories by the next 24-hour news cycle, and that this is now occurring despite thousands of people being given disease, left barren, are forgotten over the course of decades, or simply die off in the interim. It would certainly appear the UK Government favors both funding foreign wars and population control, a conclusion that's further backed up time and again when you look at Britain's record in developing nations where we see the many news stories on what they're doing to supposedly help a population come into the 21st century, but staying with such stories and peering deeper, there are always the native people on the ground who begin reporting more accurate stories far outside of the Western mainstream media who show a starkly different account speaking to a culling of their population's most vulnerable or reporting the West, including America, are actually creating conditions to first make a population segment vulnerable only to then engage in various operations to cull it over a period of decades. And we are told how "great" America is from birth because of our supposed freedom and its free enterprise system. Of course, while the uneducated and corporate brainwashed drone on about what they are told other regimes are for their people, the educated among us know that capitalism is a totalitarian regime run by a corporate oligarchy with its workers being told they love their servitude because of an imposed "patriotism" placed there from birth and drilled into its military youth. As long as the workers keep working, blind to what they're actually working toward, and the military keeps winning via the genocide of others, the skies the limit of how much of their currency they will give you while they invest in death. The latest media story telegraphing what these so-called elites are doing to us within their population control agenda going forward as cited in "American Cancer Society: Cancer Deaths of Men Predicted to Increase 93% by 2050" should cause great concern from everyone, certainly everyone reading this.

*Business Insider: 9 US Government Conspiracies Waged Against Society
*7 Top Secret CIA Operations You Were Never Supposed to Hear About
*The 13 Most Evil US Government Human Experiments We Know Of

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Judge Says Fluoride in Drinking Water Poses Enough Risk to Merit New EPA Action
*Life Expectancy Continues to Decline in the United States but is Rebounding in Europe
*American Vets Made Sick by Cyanide, Asbestos, Uranium, etc., are Suing the Pentagon
*US-Made Food Additives That Are Banned Already in Europe are Making Americans Sick
*Uranium Found Widespread in US Drinking Water but Especially in Hispanic Communities
*Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians Had Higher Rates of Deaths by "Covid-19" Than Whites

Everything we consume and need to survive including our air and water have all been corrupted, purposefully, to cause disease in unsuspecting people for as long as corrupted pharma can get away with it as part of the larger population control agenda undertaken in preparation of a heavily depopulated and sterilized new world in keeping with their falsely idealistic "Great Reset" agenda that secretly carries with it a population reduction agenda even before the destructive Collapse. Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet was the medical expert who discovered that certain childhood vaccines cause autism and testified to this fact before Congress in attempt to prove his important findings on two separate occasions. It was that important. The late Dr. Bradstreet didn’t just rail against the FDA and Big Pharma, however, he went the extra step further and tried to destroy the pharmaceutical cabal that apparently favors a death agenda and disease for profits over remissions and cures for people. In short, Bradstreet’s body was found in 2015 in North Carolina's Rocky Broad River with a bullet to the chest. Moreover, the day before his death, Bradstreet’s clinic was raided by federal and state authorities (FDA and FBI among them) searching for Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor, or GcMAF, a protein that naturally occurs in healthy human blood but is highly concentrated and injected into a sick patient having either cancer or autism. In posts on his blog — deleted by the Feds but still cached online — he shared his GcMAF patients’ stories after receiving GcMAF. In 2012, Bradstreet was invited to England to a medical conference in which he was allowed to describe his findings regarding his GcMAF injections to 40 autistic patients. “It’s extremely potent in terms of its ability to work for children,” he announced. “Many patients given GcMAF have gone on to lose the label of autism in that they no longer have autistic distinctions after as little as 20-weeks of therapy.” He went on, “Not just children.” Bradstreet said. “The spectrum of my patients with autism ranges from 18 months to close to 40. Thus, we’ve treated many adults with autism as well as cancer patients [in a separate study]. We’ve also found application for a fairly broad number of lesser disorders made treatable by Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor.” Parents back home in the US became ecstatic upon discovering their children (from toddlers to middle-aged adults) were awakening out of what was their mental slumber lost to autism. However, Bradstreet was not met with such equally glowing praise by the FDA, who immediately fired back that GcMAF is "not a recognized treatment for autism" followed up by many other broad brushed statements equally designed to scare away any and all potential interested parties of GcMAF, such as “GcMAF treatments are considered investigational, and none are approved or licensed for use by the FDA in the US,” the agency said in an official statement sent to The Washington Post for their mass publication [to distract and dissuade the general public all the more]. Then came the medical experts who added, “Given there is no evidence that modulating the immune system would have any benefit for children with autism spectrum disorder – especially given ASD’s genetic or epigenetic basis – I am not sure why Dr. Bradstreet would want to use this for ASD,” Peter Jay Hotez, dean of Baylor’s National School of Tropical Medicine told The Post in an e-mail that was also published for the masses to be influenced by. Hotez went on to say, “It’s not even clear if GcMAF injections are safe. An initial “safety study” — the first of its kind — is still trying to recruit participants.” *It should be noted here that since there are 1 in every 22 children born with autism today (my own son included born in 2000), there is no shortage of autistics by which the GcMAF studies could continue, but they won't and no one asks why. The account above provides the greatest and most tragic proof of that. Knowing that many lower-functioning autistic children today will not be producing children of their own in the future... well, you do the math and wonder just how many other methods are being carried out today by the US and UK governments in relation to their increasingly obvious population control agenda. (See also: Trusting Science: 32 States Used Eugenics to Legally Sterilize Americans in the 1930s).

*The Autism Vaccine(s): The Story of Modern Medicine's Greatest Tragedy
*Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Research Fraud at the CDC -A Must Read
*The Autism Cover-Up: How and Why the Media is Lying to the American Public
*A Family is Awarded More than $1.5 Million in Their Vaccine-Autism Court Win
*New Study Suggests Autism Spectrum Disorder is Continuing to Grow Steadily

Bradstreet's key research was shut down by the FDA, his research and all its important notes confiscated, his internet blogs and testimonials regarding GcMAF scrubbed, his social media accounts removed, and Bradstreet himself shot in the chest, which was too quickly ruled a "suicide" by the local Sheriff's office handling the case. The search warrant carried out on June 18, 2015, showed that authorities were explicitly looking for GcMAF, as well as other so-called “misbranded drugs.” According to the search warrant, agents from the FDA and the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency confiscated vials of GcMAF, medical records, lists of clients and associated companies, computers and financial records. Bradstreet’s body was found by a fisherman the next day. The gun that was used to kill him was conveniently found nearby in the water. As stated, the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office wasted no time in ruling the death a suicide. “Everything is what it appears to be,” Lt. Jamie Keever, the lead detective on the case told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “It’s a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest.” Authorities are still waiting on an autopsy, but Bradstreet’s friends, family and patients have refused to believe the doctor killed himself. None is more skeptical that David Noakes, the head of Immuno Biotech, a company manufacturing GcMAF. “I know it was murder,” the CEO said. “Dr. Bradstreet stated what we all know: that the MMR vaccine causes autism, and he was an expert witness in many court cases in the U.S. providing testimony to that effect. MMR is a multi-billion-dollar vaccine and GcMFA hurt the profits of MMR drug companies. That is precisely why he was killed.” In a half-hour phone interview, Noakes told The Post that he was convinced a vaccine company [more likely the feds themselves] killed Bradstreet to protect Big Pharma. He was raided by the FDA the day before his murder making the murder itself dressed up to look like a suicide as a result,” Noakes claimed. “And why would a doctor use a gun? Before he was killed, he was recovering mostly autistic children using GcMAF upwards of 60%,” Noakes said of Bradstreet. “That is the highest recovery rate in autism in the world by far.” Noakes went on to claim that both the MHRA and FDA were in conspiracy with vaccine companies to bury GcMAF and the men providing it. He also accused the MHRA (equivalent of America's FDA) of “absurd lies,” “pure fraud” and “corruption” in shutting down also his own facility in the UK As to the patients who died at the University Hospital in Bussigny, supposedly from GcMAF, Noakes said that the media had buried the real story of the clinic’s success. “We had 76 terminal stage four cancer patients,” he said. “We saved 70 percent of them. They went home only to improve. The other 30 percent of these specific patients did die - but all 100% of them were expected to die to begin with. It was state four cancer after all, and that key point is also not being told by the lying media or the FDA/MHRA. They were prosecuting us for manslaughter, initially, but they have since given that up because they realized how ridiculous that is in a terminal stage four cancer clinic,” Noakes stated, adding that his clinic was instead currently facing fraud charges in order to, like they've done with Bradstreet: Bury research. Notice also in the video below how the corporate media will on the one hand warn us of how the British, Chinese, and American governments are purposefully harming us from the cradle to our eventual graves in keeping with their globalist population control agendas, but only go so far in keeping the same eye-opening report at the forefront of their media narrative long enough to bring us actual change? Moreover, why hasn't the same media placed what's seen in the following video as their lead story day after day until the US government is forced to answer why they are killing us? Why the continued cover-up? It's also interesting that after this story was somewhat exposed to the public, for a single day, that all of a sudden came a flurry of FDA-related stories where they are now wanting to be seen as daily warning the public of most of the poisons found in our corporate-created foods, but even there, why are they exposing a relative few only to hide and consistently cover-up for a dozen more?

*The US Government Finally Admits Covid is Lab-Created But Still Blames China
*World Economic Forum Admits that the Entire "Covid-19 Exercise" was a "Test"
*The Top Immunologist in Israel Blasts Covid Media Propaganda, Exposes Media

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Even When the Media Seemingly Does its Job, It Leaves Us With Limited Solutions

Notice the United Kingdom and China are Both Producers of the Poison Harming Us

This is the Elite Corporate Agenda that Trump Has Proven He Allows and Protects

*Trump Refuses to Ban a Pesticide Linked to Autism and Brain Damage in Children
*Trump Administration Again Refuses to Ban the Brain-Toxic Pesticide, Chlorpyrifos
*America Uses 388-Million Pounds of Fatal Pesticides Already Banned in China/EU
*Trump’s 2020 Fiscal Budget Full of Drastic Cuts Aimed at Millions With Disabilities
*The Trump Administration’s Attempts to Defund Children's Special Needs Olympics
*The Republican Pedo Matt Gaetz Mocks the Autistic Child of His Democrat Opponent

Mind you, this is the same government that provides us their contaminated foods, poisoned water with forever chemicals that spread cancer among us all while we breathe in a never-ending trace amount of toxic chemicals released in our air where not even baby foods are safe but are tainted with lead and other poisons to ensure population control is waged especially against those of lower income. Their poisoned vaccinations and experimental science on unsuspecting Americans are hardly new either. From injecting disabled children with plutonium in the 1940's to recruiting 1,600 Nazi's from rocket scientists to those who conducted evil human experiments to work in the US government after WWII, to Operation Northwoods, Agent Orange, and the CIA's urban-destroying drug trade, to the annual use of nearly 400-million pounds of banned pesticides that continues to poison our food supply with US government approval, to TWA Flight 800, 9-11 and its resulting Orwellian mass surveillance, to the faked "Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction" that led to the deaths of 7,036 American soldiers with countless wounded, and over 200,000 innocent civilians killed, as well as a 20-year failed war in Afghanistan that's given America nothing in return except expanding the government's near unlimited power to spy on its own citizens. How much more is needed to prove how far the CIA, NSA and FBI will go to cover-up a collective agenda that has extended itself far beyond MK-Ultra and continues to border on unmitigated evil? The U.S. and British governments have a population control agenda waged against its own people and against the planet at large that is highly secretive, but it's the discoveries exactly such as this that proves their secret is in fact widespread. People are getting sick and dying from these and the other chemicals they keep developing while their corporate media commands us that we "Trust the Science." Their plan is not new. This is all about population control by the corporate elite who serve evil and its larger agenda. Even if you refuse to buy whatever latest product found to be poisonous, you are consuming their other poisons every day because it doesn't end with food, water, or even the air we breathe. For the CIA-controlled media to severely limit, and/or social media's own attempts to make it unlawful to report on this same evil government would, in turn, circumvent the largest check and balance against them by 'We the People.' In effect, they are telling us not to trust the information of other experts and scientists not a part of their sick matrix and to only favor their own "government-sanctioned information." As such, the White House wants you to believe there's only six main sources exposing the dangers of the Covid vaccine that are supposedly responsible for half the nation refusing it, never mentioning the fact that millions are now refusing their second dose after witnessing firsthand the danger the vaccine has presented them or loved ones personally. But since the fear-mongered "UK Variant" didn't scare enough people to get the two or three vaccinations by early 2021, we were told Delta then the even scarier sounding Omicron and all of its many subvariants were the one(s) we should fear.

*How Globalists Deceived the World to Depopulate with Vaccines
*Covid Vaccine Skeptics Now Being Labeled by Media as 'Extremists'
*Vaccinated Australia Baffled by “Incredibly High” Excess Death Rate in 2022
*Latest VAERS Estimate Shows 388,000 Americans Killed by Covid Vaccines
*23 Die in Norway After Receiving Their "Safe and Effective" Covid-19 Vaccine
*Hospital Says 80% of 'Serious' Covid Cases Are Among the 'Fully Vaccinated'
*The Covid Vaccine's 'Spike Protein' Suppression of DNA Repair Can Only Kill
*CDC Lying: Covid Vaccines Kill 15 People for Every 1 Life They Claim to Save

This begs the question, how is it no one can die anymore from the original UK variant, or from Delta, Omicron, Deltacron, Triple-cron, or any one of other past variants? Why are the constant scare tactics focusing solely on the latest "astroturfed" subvariant only, such as JN.1 or KP.3 variants and never any of the others that [supposedly] still exist? The answer there is that a "new and deadly threat" will always be needed to ensure vaccination happens again and again and again. Again, the media demands that we suspend all common sense in favor of the globalist narrative that claims the only Covid variant that can supposedly kill us is the latest one they're now propagating to consistently stoke your fear in order that you get "fully vaccinated + boosted" over and over again to no end. That is the point, a point that goes far beyond mere corporate profit margins for both Big Pharma and their controlled voice box in the media. This is about population control, a proven fact based in all of the extended heart harm, blood clots in the brain, and what goes most underreported, sudden deaths after being vaccinated. More recently, the media has been explaining away a rash of such unexplained deaths of namely celebrities and sports stars on the conveniently inexplicable phenomena known as Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. The CDC knows it struggled in carrying out London's orders, which is why they are now crying for an "overhaul" for the CDC to be "more effective going forward," including demanding entirely new powers from the White House, the Senate and Congress to do so, as if it all weren't so needlessly dystopian enough already. Apparently, society hasn't been conditioned enough to be willingly experimented on with what originated as Nazi science upon Jews via poisons masqueraded as vaccines which brought them everything from mass sterilization, weakened immunity, autism in infants, infant mutations requiring abortions, mental illness, paralysis, and deaths. "Trust the science"? Now, in 2024, we have the same corporate cabal behind the CDC and Big Pharma devising yet another excuse to cover up their vaccine poisoning of millions of unsuspecting people that were made as sheep by all of what surrounded the Covid rules, mandating, and severe restrictions that Fauci just announced were "not based in science," meaning, they were just made up to be there in support and elevate all the drummed-up fear the US and UK government placed on us to get their vaccines. Their latest effort in that regard to hide the fact people are still being poisoned by the Covid vaccines is called "Long Covid" which dictates that if you are experiencing any symptom whatsoever that can be attributed to a suspected Covid diagnosis, that's it's coming from Covid this far out from your diagnosis and not from your more recent taking of the vaccine(s). But that doesn't explain why people who have never had Covid-19 are becoming sickened with Covid-like symptoms after taking all of their many vaccines and boosters several times over - leading to the key question of just how many shots does a person have to take before it finally dawns on them that it's the vaccines making them sick and not their laughable explanation of "Long Covid" so that the unwitting keep taking their deadly vaccines? Notice in the next article of how the corporate media is almost forced to give in to the truth that the Covid-19 Vaccine harms and kills, while also keeping with their ongoing demand that we need to keep taking it.

BREAKING Bloomberg: Covid Vaccines Linked to Adverse Neurological, Blood, Brain and Heart Issues
BREAKING Forbes Admits the Covid Vaccine is the Cause for Blood, Brain, Heart Harm and Deaths

BREAKING How Globalists Convinced the World to Depopulate Using Covid-19 Bioweapon 'Vaccines'
BREAKING The British Population Control Agenda Aims to "Stabilize Population Through Vaccines"
BREAKING Covid-19 Vax Pushing CDC Reports that US Fertility Rate Dropped to an Historic Low

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

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The government in Britain also tried this same media trick as it still does in America in labelling everyone that many times are telling the truth against government, as people plagued with conspiracy theories. As it turned out, the UK government really did purposefully infect its most vulnerable citizens, including formerly healthy children, with knowingly tainted and infected blood that was sourced from American prisoners from the decades of 1970 to the present day. 3,000 people have since died as a direct result of the completely needless and infected blood transfusions that they were mandated to receive while in "NHS care." 30,000 more are affected for life to this very day and many are in the process of dying as a direct result from the infected blood, where everything from AIDS to blood cancers and other serious health conditions were inflicted upon the UK population right up until a few weeks ago, all the while, those raising their countless concerns for all of those many decades were absolutely dismissed by the government and its media as, wait for it... "conspiracy theorists," and how effective that was as the sick and dying were completely ignored since the 1970's until 2024. The government knew the truth and also knew those "dangerous" people were shining a light on that truth. May 3,000 of them rest in peace and the 30,000 still dying on average every few months after so needlessly suffering for years now be vindicated in that truth. Now, there's Covid-19 and its supposed cure that the same government is still claiming is "safe" and "effective."

Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King
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BREAKING Both King Charles III and Kate Middleton Stricken with Cancer at the Same Time
BREAKING The British Queen Encourages Everyone to Receive the Covid-19 Vaccine Now!

BREAKING Queen Elizabeth II Thanks Corporate Media for Providing the World Covid Truth
BREAKING Truth of Weaponized Covid Being Directly Connected to the British Government

The major media networks are awash in whatever deception their corporate controlling owners need to push. Within that, it's interesting to watch corporate media consistently mock very specific conspiracy theories said to be created by Q'anon, such as "Satanic cannibals ruling the world," while never explaining that the accounts of a Satanic cabal manipulating global events existed long before the internet or the media itself, meaning it was not created by Trump voters in 2017 as the mainstream media desperately tries to make it appear. So why are they lying? Better asked, who is the media protecting and why? Further, what is the more complete truth behind Covid-19? The corporate media's news anchors who conduct interviews via scripted question and answer segments of their guest "experts" are telling us whatever they themselves are led to believe via manipulated government data. Such misleading of the medical establishment by government has led the prestigious Salk Institute to expose the vaccine's dangerous spiked protein independently, resulting in studies that are then being suppressed by the same mainstream media. Even more shocking is the way some mainstream media are only now admitting that people have actually died as the result of the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccines, while the CDC is now recommending that we take either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine instead (as if they aren't also debilitating and killing people in droves) while still calling them "safe and effective." This alone proves government negligence at best, but at worst, something darker. The fact that most who've already became sickened from their very first shot are not returning to get their follow-up or boosters also speaks volumes. While CBS finally admitted at the end of 2021 that there were deaths associated with the Covid vaccine, they're admitting to only nine instead of the thousands that have died between America and Europe since the vaccine's rollout shows they're far from reporting in truth. In their own attempts to explain away the sharp rise in heart attacks and resulting deaths since the vaccine, ABC News has run a piece explaining heart harm "exacerbated by the Covid crisis" on "Broken Heart Syndrome," (a condition seen in widows after losing their partner) without so much as mentioning the vaccine which has been proven to weaken/destroy the heart specifically. It's manipulative news pieces like that which we need to look at more critically to see how the same corporations behind the vaccines also influence the media. Meanwhile, the vaccine that would supposedly cure you of the Corona-virus [literally meaning The Crown's Virus] is still killing people at an alarming rate, but the CDC and media have chosen to deceptively label the dead and dying as either cases of unexplained "Sudden Death Syndrome" or "breakthrough cases," a term that smacks up against the older lie that the vaccines were "99.9% effective" that was obviously touted so that everyone would vaccinate. The way that so many vaccinated family, friends, acquaintances, celebrities, and athletes have untimely died of late, one has to consider whether or not the vaccine wasn't designed to cause random deaths that then would get ruled as deaths caused by anything but the vaccine. Suffice it to say, heart attacks are up, cancer is on the rise, and so is everything else that causes sudden and undiagnosed deaths in people that were completely healthy before 2021. Too often, many of the deaths caused by the Covid vaccine have been officially ruled as "deaths caused by an undiagnosed pre-existing condition." As far as the origins of Covid-19, some have connected British names and patents being directly linked with specific British lab(s) coincidentally researching SARS-CoV-2 (Covid) far in advance of 2019. The aftereffects continue to haunt society to the present day, e.g., with professionals in education and the medical field leaving in record numbers because they no longer trust what those above them were demanding of them in terms of the vaccine. They were right, as these professionals were some of the first who saw right thru the government's obvious psychodrama but who are now banned from telling what they know and experienced by the same government controlling the media itself. Some of those who left their profession in the medical field saw how the government was purposefully manipulating the VAERS data not to record all of the vaccine's many adverse effects and deaths. Even with the VAERS data so heavily tampered with, the numbers that were factually recorded do not bode well for the "99.9% safe and effective" narrative told from the start.

*US EPA Still Won't Regulate Deadly Cancer-Causing PFA's in American Tap Water
*Johns Hopkins Own Data Proves Covid-19 Vaccines Led to Sharp Spikes in Deaths
*US Army Doctor States That the Covid Vaccines Are a 'Deadly Threat to Americans'
*America's Own Intelligence Agencies Refusing the Vaccine Causing 'Major Concern'

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Why Are the UK and US Media Still Silent on the Pfizer Covid Vaccine Deaths?
*New Scientific Study Finds that 'mRna Covid-19 Vaccines Cause Heart Attacks'
*Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark Ban Moderna's Vaccine Due to Heart Harm
*Big Pharma Controls “Science” and US Policy, Spike Protein Injections Continue

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Related Milwaukee Journal: Fully Vaccinated Got Covid as Much as Those Not Vaccinated
*Related DHS Reports Unvaccinated and Vaccinated Covid-19 Case Rates are Nearly Equal
*Related CBS News Finally Admits that People Have 'Died as a Result of the Covid-19 Vaccine'
*Related MSNBC Lies About its Own Vaccinated Anchor Getting Myocarditis from Common Cold
*Related The FDA and CDC are Finally Admitting that Pfizer's Covid-19 Vaccine Causes Strokes

Knowing how past vaccines can maim and even kill, in general, how is it Covid-19 vaccines supposedly have zero lasting side effects as is now being reported when those who were vaccinated and now reporting or attempting to report major lasting effects are no longer being heard or are having their vital VAERS data manipulated by an unseen hand? The Hill is bravely bringing a bombshell report proving that working-age youth are suddenly and mysteriously dying in droves and that public health agencies and medical societies are strangely turning a blind eye to it. It was already strange when if someone died of a bad cold or flu since March 2020 that their illnesses were listed as only Covid, but stranger still, if anyone unexpectedly dies within a few months of taking the Covid-19 vaccine, their deaths are always listed as whatever underlying condition they may have had instead of the vaccine itself, always. The vaccine is automatically never even brought into question. It's widely known that vaccines in general can present adverse health effects, including death, which is why you must sign a waiver acknowledging you're aware of that vaccine's specific dangers - but when it comes to the Covid vaccine, the media wants us to suspend all critical thinking in favor of their "safe and effective" propaganda, despite the vaccine not always being safe nor effective. Perhaps stranger still, Government-connected media like the New York Times, Time Magazine, and the Atlantic are creating articles demanding the unvaccinated should be confronted with hate and worse, their end to receiving work pay and pension, and it's amazing to me how no one sees the obvious evil psychology behind that. In the following links, notice how The Atlantic is now dictating that "the unvaccinated don't get to dictate terms anymore," because 'Big Brother and its controlled citizenry will decide everything for everyone going forward' should have been the rest of that article's title. So when did the "unvaccinated" ever get to dictate anything, when they're merely pushing back against those in power dictating to them? The Atlantic and other similar media obviously believe they're clever. (Notice in the following links how it's never the national network media exposing the truth about the vaccines, it's always local media affiliates.) In another article (Rewriting the Book of Genesis), they could barely curb their enthusiasm regarding John Milton's Satan and glorifying Lucifer, which begs the question: Is it even the media's job to be such an obvious appendage of the Masonic State to the degree they've become? As I will expose later in this site, with their Godless adoration time and again for Lucifer, as well as their very public siding with The Satanic Temple on abortion, and calling anyone who exposes actual theistic Satanism that engages itself in the most despicable acts imaginable to merely be under the influence of "Satanic Panic," can the Masonic-enforced institution that became the mainstream media in the West even be trusted with something as important as our collective health knowing how its globalists daily expose their disdain for "overpopulation"? If Covid is the global pandemic that is daily claimed, then why does its most staunch proponents in the media believe various coercion tactics and deception are their best tactic to force mass vaccinations that are known to harm people ultimately? Look again at how desperately the corporate media fervently needs to keep Covid-19 as a daily headline for more than four years on. As I write this, mainstream media is currently marking yet another one of their grim milestones at the same time each Big Pharma-connected media network is also advertising their latest round of Covid-related documentary specials, most recently of "one million Covid deaths." Given the media's history, it's blatantly obvious that such documentaries are societal "astroturfing," meaning, artificially created public support via faked polling, etc., for something the globalists need to push thru to achieve their common goal(s). But do the math, what are deemed Covid-19 deaths almost perfectly match the same number of yearly flu/pneumonia deaths of years past, meaning there are no "hospitals filled to capacity with Covid patients." The media was/is absolutely lying as proven by both doctors, hospital staff, and some insiders within the media itself who were tasked of drumming up the pandemic to illicit fear that would lure even more to take the corporate vaccine.

*Related Scientist Admits "New World Order" Forces Behind the Covid-19 Vaccine Experiments
*Related Vaccinated Citizens in US Comprised 40% of All Covid-19 Deaths (Deaths Still Rising)
*Related More of the Vaccinated + Boosted Winding Up in NC's Hospitals with Covid-19, Why?
*Related Article Conspiracy Aside, There's Something Disturbing About The Great Reset
*Related Article Why it is Not Crazy to Oppose the World Economic Forum
*Related Article The World Economic Forum is Not Your Friend

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*Governor of Alabama Says ‘It’s Time to Start Blaming the Unvaccinated’
*Atlantic Dictates 'Vaccine Refusers Don’t Get to Dictate Terms Anymore'
The UK Government Hints Unvaccinated Could Be Barred From Events
*Germany Banning the Unvaccinated 'From Recreational Venues/Shops'
*Jews Kicked Off Flight for Failing to Comply with Covid Safety Measures
*Anti-Vaxx Jews Again Kicked Off Flight, This Time from a German Airline
*Christians and Jews Make Up Large Segment of Those Refusing Vaccine
*The White House Blames the Unvaccinated for Biden's Low 38% Approval
*Doctor Violates Hippocratic Oath by Her Refusal to Treat the Unvaccinated
*Covered-up Covid Vaccine Deaths to Become the Largest Genocide in History
*Their “Safe and Effective” Covid Vaccines Caused Thousands of Deaths in US
*"Post-Vac Syndrome" is Germany's False Narrative to Cover for Vaccine Injury

If the government actually cared about society or if the viral Covid-19 contagion is as dangerous as they want to claim they would have manufactured professional grade PPE protective face gear and freely distributed those to each and every American long before any vaccine rollout. They did not because it was, and still is all about the vaccine(s) and nothing else. If the CDC were an effective agency based in the actual countering of a global pandemic, they'd be equally mandating latex gloves and clear goggles in addition to quality masks because, according to them, Covid is an "airborne contagion that can be contracted through the eyes and its contagion left on hands." It's therefore beyond obvious that this is also about one's mandatory State compliance to the point of complete acquiescence of what is demanded of you by said State. They know if they can require something as simple as you wearing a flimsy and misshapen mask to complete their circular logic, you would more than likely take their prepared vaccine for the later reasons they'll also provide you. The recent World Economic Forum's Great Reset proved their dystopian plans work to erode freedom and bring increasing global governance that they'll convince everyone the world needs. Intriguingly, the CDC once claimed that the "Delta variant is as transmissible as Chicken Pox," which was an interesting deception proven to be a lie by the Summer of 2021 when 500,000 unvaccinated bikers attended the 10-day Sturgis South Dakota motorcycle rally, whereas we discovered months later, not a single person there contracted the CDC's supposed "super-spreader" virus, a fact that the mainstream media to this day avoids like the plague for obvious reasons. So there remains this colossal discrepancy between what the media is insistently claiming in its daily propaganda, and the reality on the ground. That's not to say that the West had not released some form of germ warfare upon China, Russia and Iran at the end of 2019, but notice how fast that initial form of that 'Covid virus' seemingly vanished almost as soon as it arrived. Actual pandemics have no such evaporating tactical control, neither do actual pandemics know to discriminate against one's race, gender, or age, as with this obviously lab-manipulated Coronavirus that attacks minorities over Whites, men over women, while, in 2020, supposedly sparing all children from every race. It was told early on that Covid-19 doesn't affect children, when it was the adults who were to be vaccinated, but now that it's time for all children to be vaxxed, suddenly Covid affects them. In much the same way, the 2021 India viral decimation gave the West the necessary backstory it needed to bring "Delta's" story to the forefront, where the UK turned it into its next scare tactic toward an even greater push for global vaccinations, all the while no actual cure for the global pandemic itself is ever sought because the fear-based control to vaccinate must remain intact. It's all about the government's vaccination program not their ever-changing virus, or better said, their ever-changing "virus" exists for their global mass vaccination program, as well as to tell us how to see the world. On the spiritual front, I'm also noticing this trend of media promoting everything New Age (eastern religions, meditation, etc.) as the best way to cope with Covid, while telling us at the same time Christian Church attendance is almost non-existent. Foremost is their goal of completely undermining no other religion but Christianity, no other religious book but The Bible, and no other religious figure but Jesus Christ, and no other nation but Israel. What do I believe was the reason for the Covid psychodrama so obviously perpetrated by the West against the world? It is readily apparent that the end result will go far beyond the brain harm, strokes, heart harm, menstrual and other blood issues, miscarriages, sterilizations, and sudden deaths, depending on which Covid-19 vaccine batch they were intimidated to receive, meaning, the worst of the intended end result remains to be seen. (See Also,, and

*Pfizer’s Vaccine Research Put Lives in Danger Warns its Former VP
*Minnesota Reports 89 Covid-19 Cases in People that Are Vaccinated
*63 Recent Deaths of Vaccinated in Ohio is Claimed Not Linked to Vaccine
*Medical Journal Publishes Truth that Covid Vaccine Causes Heart Attacks

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Sweden is Halting Vaccines For Those Under 30 Due to Heart Harm
*Heart Inflammation in Teens Explodes in US After FDA Approves Injections
*Media Seeks Unvaccinated Death Stories, Finds Vaccinated Deaths Instead
*Prominent Medical Study Finds mRna Covid-19 Vaccine Causes Heart Attacks
*Study: Teens More Likely to Get Vaccine-Caused Myocarditis than Covid-19 Itself
*Whistleblower Exposes VAERS as Not Being Used to Record Vaccine Deaths/Harm
*New Study Reveals Fewer Than 1% of Vaccine Injuries/Deaths are Reported to VAERS

Another tell-tale way to determine that government/corporate-created Covid-19 is a well-orchestrated hoax is the corporate media's incessant claiming with each September (the onset of cold and flu season) that there's a "sharp uptick in Covid cases." No, they are colds, flus, or pneumonia but how intriguing it is they created the idea of Covid-19 to parallel the Coronavirus we all get that is the common cold so that whenever it is actually cold/flu season, they can just say it's not colds or flu, but Covid. Get "extreme Covid" and they want to isolate you in certain hospitals that have pandemic death wards where you cannot see your families and you die there without your family ever knowing what really happened to you. Moreover, no one even considers why the media is using old pre-Covid file tape with doctors in medical hazmat suits from the H1N1 Swine Flu era and presenting that as evidence of current "Overrun hospitals." An actual pandemic wouldn't need help from any media's editing department to make it appear worse than it is. Perhaps the conspiratorialists were correct, Covid was manufactured as a pretext to vaccinate, not with a Covid-defending inoculation, but the elite's latest population control weapon that's being irrepressibly propagated as a scientific absolute that no one dares to question. If the media has to suddenly quit reporting their ongoing fallacy about 5 to 11-year old's filling ICU's, you'll know why, but more specifically if they suddenly begin to report of another supposed death spike or deadlier variant arriving in the US as we head into the 2023 Christmas season, you'll know it's the US/UK's government's way to illicit another fear-driven response upon the unvaccinated to vaccinate, and the vaccinated to vaccinate again. Does it even make sense for a supposed virus that affected literally zero children before, is now suddenly, supposedly, targeting children at the exact same time the vaccine is being considered for children under 12? What coincidence, again. How well-versed are you in the governments past creating of a problem to then introduce its controversial solution with increased public approval via their media? Why did the media suddenly beat everyone over the head for several weeks in August thru September 2021, as school began, claiming children were supposedly filling up hospitals with many supposedly on ventilators, only to never mention that again by October 1st? See report from that time: Kids Sick with Covid are Filling up Hospitals. Between October and December, after the goal of to scare younger parents into compliance with news that a "children's vaccine" was on the way by late October/November 2021, and that their child must get it because it will be "safe and effective,' no more mention was made of all of these supposed children in critical condition that filled up hospitals nationwide.

*How Did They Know? US Intelligence Warned Israel of Covid-19 Threat in November 2019
*Absolute Proof the US Army Was Given Access to Wuhan China in Key Month October 2019
*Paper Trail Showing the Coronavirus is a Globalist Bioweapon Created by Great Britain & US
*Evidence is Showing that Covid-19 is a 'Globalist Bioweapon' Connected to the British Crown

Again, if Covid-19 is a legitimate pandemic, at least in the West, why the obvious lies to force Western society into a near-mandated state of compliance with the overwhelming sense that it's not for our collective health as claimed, but for vaccine compliance of itself, a question that circles back to asking what's actually in those vaccines and moreover, what is the truth their longer-lasting effects on the human body? During those few weeks in August/September, Kyra Phillips of ABC News read her corporate-scripted teleprompter to announce, "the unvaccinated are contributing to children getting Covid disease all over the country." This was a new low in the government/media's desperate attempt at gas-lighting us, when obviously it's the unvaccinated that are being psychologically terrorized to join The Vaccinated by any means available to a government already well-versed in mind control tactics and deception. It's getting to the point where you either follow the State's demands or else. They're decimating us with Covid and they're eradicating us with the Covid vaccine because it's all about population control, period. Whether you know this now or discover it after it's too late, it is the truth. And because they always telegraph their sick intent far in advance via one of several "channels," carefully analyze the words of London's puppets in American President Biden, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci for key information that inform us of what these elites have planned next. They lied to us but for what purpose? Bill Gates is even now attempting to claim that his own Gates Foundation-funded Event 201 that amazingly predicted a global Coronavirus contagion two months in advance of it spreading worldwide, never happened. Events like that and Gates' surreptitious ties with Jeffrey Epstein and too many others tied to the MI6/CIA-connected Bilderberg web goes far in revealing why globalists, politicians, scientists, financial experts, law officials, societal visionaries, religious leaders, New Age gurus, social media influencers, and tech giants are needed for their subversive plan to work. At least the vast majority of leery American parents have finally begun to wake from their former slumber to see the Covid lies for what they are. As By late August 2022, after several months of the children's Covid-19 vaccine being available, only 4.8% of all children within the entire country were inoculated. That speaks volumes. Going forward, it's not that the unvaccinated are never going to take their health advice from doctors ever again, as the media touts it, it's that Covid-19 proved that the entire medical profession, as well as President Trump and his entire administration that surrounded him, were so easily deceived by elite globalists, government security agencies, and pharmaceutical corporations who, in effect, left the vaccinated and media public taking all of their health advice from those who think the world is overpopulated.

*Australian Scientist at Wuhan Virus Lab Says She Doesn't Believe the Wuhan Lab Leaked It
Coronavirus Was Created by the West and Weaponized Against China, Iran and US Citizens
*Increasing Evidence Emerges Against Covid 'Wuhan Theory' that the Media Keeps Pushing
*CIA and MI6 Want Us to Believe the Virus Originated Where They Initiated It - Wuhan China

The UK’s Prince Charles has said that the Coronavirus crisis represents a “Global Reset” moment – one which seemingly allows leaders to ram through sustainability initiatives as cash-strapped citizens have no choice but to obey. The virus’ “unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change,” the heir to the British throne declared on Wednesday. While details of the royal’s big plan were somewhat elusive, buried under an avalanche of buzzwords, it involves a series of industry and issue-specific roundtables, a social media networking component and “virtual hubs” aimed at attracting young people and “fostering innovation” through “thought leadership and practical solutions.” The prince is calling for a “paradigm shift” that “inspires action at revolutionary levels and pace.”

The Global Reset Initiative

While Charles Sat on the Board of AstraZeneca, His Son Promoted its Banned Vaccine

BREAKING Prince Charles' AstraZeneca Vaccine is Removed Worldwide Due to 80 Deaths in Britain
BREAKING Truth Behind Weaponization of Covid is Connected to the UK Government and Royal Crown

*Prince Charles Hails Population Control Abortions of Third World
*The Satanic Temple Claims Abortion Should Be a Law Protected Ritual
*Prince Charles Telling Us to Not Fear His *Blood-Clot Causing Vaccine*
*Prince Charles' Wife Camilla Dismisses AstraZeneca Vaccine Clot Concerns
*Scientists Confirm Toxic Graphene Oxide and More are in the 'Covid Vaccine'
*From a Gold & Gem-Encrusted Throne Prince Charles Makes Speech About 'Hungry Families'
*Corporate Media Glorifying Billionaire Queen That's Left the World Still 'Hungry and Homeless'

And despite the corporate-serving and corporate-shielding "Operation Warp Speed" Covid vaccine-pushing Trump signing off on the globalist's vaccination mandate in 2021, Stanford Professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya went on record in September 2021 to announce that the media is lying about not only the false data that the government is providing, but also lying about Covid deaths in hospitals overall. Professor Bhattacharya has put forth the Barrington Declaration, a petition that's amassed tens of thousands of signatures from the world's top physicians and medical experts to dissuade government lockdowns, ultimately calling out the US government and its media for lying in tandem. If this government actually cared, it would not be completely dismissing the better science of natural antibody immunity instead of daily propagating a questionable vaccine that many scientists themselves aren't taking due to the cytotoxic results from the Covid-19 vaccines overall. At the same time, the media's chosen Covid "experts" are telling us that nurses aren't taking the Covid vaccine not because they can see through the obvious media lies, but because of their supposed "political [read: Republican] views." Of course, that is getting to be a worn-out media deception in itself because an increasing number from the left are seeing the clear government overreach and the media's own vaccine politicization. The State will demand you to get forcibly vaccinated and to blindly trust the same science that pushed eugenics on us in the 1920's-1930's, took in 1,600 Nazi's for the Montauk human experiments in the 1940's-1950's, and is responsible for MK-Ultra human experimentation and drugs like LSD and PCP for the 1960's-1970's, to today where Purdue, Johnson & Johnson, CVS, Wal-Mart, Walgreens and Teva's own connections to the opioid crisis liquidated a vast sector of population from every tax bracket, with the CDC's blessing. Unironically, CVS and Walgreens are now helping to also distribute the Covid vaccine to millions. And, what of these largely Republican-funding corporate executives and their undeniable connections to the vaccine-pushing CDC and specific biolabs that manufactured the harmful Covid-19 vaccines? Why are those on the left placing all their trust in them now? The answer is, of course, the left has no idea that the "Science" is almost exclusively Republican and thus corporate-financed at the top just beyond politics and where eyes can see that there is no actual Left or Right among the generational elite but only a collective of powerful descendants of this nation's original founders who control us all. Knowing that, consider for a moment how Trump so easily fell into taking credit for "Operation Warp Speed" in releasing those first contaminated batches of the globalist's vaccines (such as the Astra-Zeneca vaccine that was heavily promoted by the most senior members of the British Royal Family who just happen to be its major stakeholders). Moreover, from 2016-2020, MAGA actually believed Trump would put an end to all of the corrupting swamp that's killing the nation, but how can he when he's literally part of it, protecting its institutionally racist status quo, rolling back all of the regulations of the previous administration to ensure even more corners are cut to legally pollute the planet with carcinogens in our water, land, and atmosphere in the name of profit to then get behind such obvious corporate corruption as the globalist's own vaccine rollouts as long as Trump could place his self-affirming name behind their warp speed operation that saw to it the greatest number of Covid-19 vaccines were administered to an unwitting population in the shortest amount of time possible, something that is negatively affecting Americans and the families of those stricken with post-vaccination illnesses or its resulting deaths to this very day. A clear pattern develops with Republicans like Trump and their rolling back human rights issues like safety regulations when you also see it perfectly coincides with all of their wanting to roll back civil rights itself back to a time when racist White men view America was great, when they could treat, demean, and ultimately, kill any minority as they see fit while the so-called justice system often protected them to do so. No wonder Hitler looked to America's example of racism when he was developing his empiric Fourth Reich.

*Thousands of British Vaccine Injury Victims Gather in London for “Covid Truth Be Told” Campaign
*The Late Prince Philip in His Own Words: We Need To Cull the Excess Population of the World
*Prince Charles Hails Infanticide, Abortion and Population Control of Several Developing Nations
*The Same Stores That Distributed Covid-19 Vaccine are Sued $650-Million for the Opioid Crisis
*An Arthurian County in England Has Just Become the New Epicenter for the UK's 'QAnon' Cult
*Like Q'Anon Trump's Brainwashed Violent Base MAGA is Also Being Readied for the Antichrist

WARNING TO MAGA: "And because iniquity shall abound in those days, the love of many shall grow cold." Why does Christ tell some of those who profess to be Christians that He never knew them despite their last second plea of salvation from Hell? Because they never actually knew Christ or employed His Love especially for those marginalized in society. God is Love, Jesus is God's Love and God's Word that is Love. If Christ cannot recognize Himself, that is His Love within you from which your works are made manifest, then you are not known and therefore rejected. God cannot allow unrepentant sin, bias, or any hate into the Kingdom of Heaven. Because God knows all from eternity past, Jesus saying He never knew the sinner proves they never were in His fold but have only deceived themselves right up to Day of Judgment. They've spent their entire lives using Christ as a front to instead attack the poor, assail the down-trodden, and mock the minority and their calls for justice, in His name. They believed in Christ but served Lucifer. Jesus infamously said: "Those who are of the Truth hear My voice." Therefore, those who are His both hear as well as do His commandments. This is how He, as our judge, shall both know and accept us into His Kingdom. Knowing this key of knowledge regarding final judgment provided by Christ Himself, how is MAGA is still being deceived by the Christian Nationalist panderer and con man that remains Donald Trump? From 2016 thru his last day in 2020, "Q'Anon" and a good portion of truthers, ignorant Christians, and rest being White supremacists that comprise MAGA believed Trump would do something about the pedophilia and Satanic elements found within the generational Masonic government/Deep State and its corporations that control the West and world, but why would he, when Trump is a convicted rapist, was Jeffrey Epstein's close confidant who defended both the pedophiles Epstein and Maxwell after they were indicted, to which he admitted he knew Jeffrey "likes 'em young," and whose name of "J. Doe 174" was listed EVERYWHERE in Epstein's little black book that the FBI still covers up because of all the other elite and powerful names who serve the Deep State in some capacity, as well as being Prince Andrew's party friend? Trump is being used by the Masonic Deep State to spiritually destroy America via "Christianity!" No wonder Putin appeals to Trump's "useful idiot" ego so much and why Trump adores him, comrade Trump is also what Russia and China need to make Americans fight and destroy themselves, again, to destroy America. In addition to all of that, the ongoing problem with Trump's cult is that they are still willing to overlook literally everything Trump has done that absolutely proves he is not the man they believe him to be. He is the man, however, for those generationally corrupt elitists of the corporations he protects that already destroy lives with contaminated food, water, air, spirit-corrupting sin and racism as well as body-corrupting globalist vaccines. Exactly like Lucifer, Trump loves to make allowances for himself in the name of self-promotion and profit no matter what laws he's breaking or Godly-created people he's trampling upon to inflate his own ego and legacy while claiming to be helping America. More proof of that is seen in his current tirade against the Justice Department for their enforcing the laws that he recklessly broke in his traitorous belief that his followers would turn violent and violently enforce his White House rule for life. Trump learned during his days of turning Republican at the advent of Obama becoming President that if he calls up Fox News' Morning Show enough from 2010-2016 to rant about Obama not being a US citizen, that he was a "Marxist," that his wife was a man, that Obama would destroy America, etc., etc., that he could create increasing support from every corner of equally racist America telling him to run for President himself and that they would provide him all the power he still secretly craves. Several dozen Trump calls into Fox News and a few years later, Trump announced his candidacy on an escalator citing Mexicans were "all rapists and murderers." The former rich kid draft-dodger, corrupt New York City businessman that was a long-time NYC Democrat who had a history of making everyone else fight his battles for him suddenly discovered around 2014 that his increasingly favorable audience was a more simple-minded middle America who he knows is even more racist than himself which explains why he panders to them with extremist "dog whistles" that he knows they want to hear. Since he craves the power they can give him, Trump merely doubles down on his racist-leaning pitches to overwhelmingly White MAGA all the more. (See also 4 Reasons Migrants Positively Affect US Economy.)

Trump Wants to Label ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization But Not White Supremacist Groups
*FBI Agent Says Trump Has Hamstrung FBI Efforts into Investigating White Terror Groups
*Pro-Trump Group Pays Teens to Be Internet Trolls Posting Pro-Trump and Racism Online

It was one day in particular that I finally woke up to what was so obviously happening to my naive Reagan-era Republicanism and the increasingly racist "Christian right" filing in to lead it. It was on the day of the Charlottesville, Virginia protests in 2017 when Neo-Nazi's marched claiming Trump for their own, when admitted Nazi James Fields Jr., used his car to run over anti-racist protestors, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuring dozens of others, with both Trump and FOX News refusing to condemn it. It wasn't long after that in which Trump announced, "The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat!" to the insane cheers of his twisted MAGA crowds. Apparently, the dolts over on the Republican side [still] have no idea that Putin's evil allies in China, North Korea and Iran would love nothing better than to destroy the United States with an unwitting Trump as their stooge to finally achieve it by causing a civil war in America. The irony is unmatched in that the same brainwashed GOP that were trained by Russian propaganda that Obama and the American democrat party are their sworn enemies that they themselves have become the enemy of American democracy itself ever since. They have been so blinded by KGB Putin specifically, that they cannot even bring themselves to lift a finger to help Ukraine repel Putin's evil war machine because they've been trained like dogs to listen to Russian propaganda and lies against Ukraine that has too easily found its way in "conservative media," which has been turned into in the East's collective idiot falling for their long plan at destroying America and having all its power seep into Russia and China by turning Americans against themselves, a plan that Putin is now carrying out but was first announced by his former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev who stated: "We will take America without firing a shot... we will bury you! "We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within... [by] turning America against itself!" As such, America will fall because of Americans being deceived by Russia after being long deceived by their own deceptive Masonic-led government from within who manufactured the United States from the start to serve Lucifer's ultimate agenda that places Europe as the central cornerstone of a future world government. In the greatest irony, the only one who will stop the East's march toward destroying also Europe is the Antichrist. As perfectly predicted, the age of deception in these last days has only begun with Americans being deceived by Russia and China in advance of the entire planet being even greater deceived by Satan and his Antichrist. And so, what was the corporate response to the growing number of others who also became "Woke" that day of the Charlottesville protest, especially after Trump could not bring himself to more forcefully denounce the hate that was leading to murders of fellow American citizens? They demonized the word "Woke" to overwhelmingly discourage anyone else still dreaming inside their Anglo-corporate Matrix from ever waking up. To prevent anyone waking to "Woke," conservative media is there to label anyone and anything deemed as Woke to be "Communist" and "Marxist" against America. Again, how ironic, given that Putin is attempting to revive the Soviet empire by dividing Americans in the easiest way he could, first by race and second by political leaning, all under the false guise of "America First," Putin's greatest ploy.

*DHS Whistleblower Was Forced to Downplay White Supremacists by the Trump Administration

To MAGA, literally everything not falling for Trump's lies is "Woke" according to Moscow's own agents who ironically follow after America First. Jesus Himself was "Woke" because He was not White and used empathy first as a means to save people. Meanwhile, the Karen collective is increasingly losing every scrap of empathy they might have once owned only proves that Antichrist is their next leader after that draft-dodging, military-insulting, Hitler-evoking, Putin-kissing, Antichrist-preparing Trump mind controls the nation. All of this was prophesied in Daniel chapter 8-9 from the same Bible and scriptures that Trump still has no clue about where Antichrist's European empire to rise becomes like no other empire before it. Of course, MAGA actually believes that "anti-Green Trump is against the globalists" just because he allows for mega-corporations connected to pollution to be further deregulated to the point they can pollute the earth even more. Moreover, was not Trump the same dupe who signed off on the globalist's own "Operation Warp Speed" that fast-tracked dangerous Covid jabs into as many arms and as quick as possible? In fact, MAGA should have been questioning their dear leader's serious lack in judgment when during his first tenure, Trump had every opportunity to place a person to end this turn toward Satanic and pagan recruitment in our U.S. schools but instead chose George Mentz to head up US Education. Mentz was and still is a known author that writes Luciferian and pagan-based "New Age" books that teach people to stray far from Christian truth and into Satanism lite. Moreover, the same Anglo-corporate hegemonic power behind Trump does not want anyone to see what their endgame is especially their cesspool of Manchurian Candidates dubbed MAGA who are given the perfect amount of distractions until they are trained to have zero empathy toward other races and others in general. These are the same people being holding Trump to near Messianic status while Trump consistently proves he is just serving the other side of the Masonic and globalist plan by never actually doing anything about "the Swamp," top to bottom. Nor did Trump ever lift a finger in the time he was given to even curtail "After School Satan Clubs" or the growing political prowess of The Satanic Temple itself. Instead, Trump leveled his corporate-serving angst on what could potentially wake others up and further hurt the Anglo-corporate agenda, meaning, Critical Race Theory, where anti-CRT Republicans cannot even mention or attach the fact of Black slavery with the Civil War anymore, as they would just rather erase entire chapters of America's historical genocidal actions under a rug so future generations can never learn nor advance from them whereby the elitists powers want those darkest chapters of history be doomed to repeat. Consequently, because Nazism and its deep hatred of anyone not Aryan/White is itself pagan-based and entirely birthed from the Germanic Thule Society and its notions of an Aryan Vril, if you were to ask me what is the number one most simplistic belief among conservatives today, it is by far their intensely brainwashed notion that the "Deep State" is comprised of Democrats only when the Masonic architects of the United States designed both the Left and right opposition in order to control the whole of the populace itself. It is they who are radicalizing the increasingly far left into an anti-Christ mindset with perfect timing. As a result, no one will win the so-called culture war in America if Masonic Paganism wins in the end via either Democrat Satanism or Republican paganism, knowing, at end, they are one and the same: they are both anti-Christ. While the deceived post-Trump neo-Republican party love to grant him every excuse in the book to his known corruption that he also carried that over into his Presidency at the time he attempted to steal the election in 2020, the legal offenses are very real, quantifiably corrupt on every level, and remain, despite the Trump-favoring majority in the Supreme Court making a way for Trump to become America's first emperor. The first salvo fired from Project 2025 has already struck American democracy.

*TIME MAGAZINE: Analyzing America's Resurging Brand of Racism in the Trump Era
*More Proof Emerges that Trump is an Elite (Generational?) Scottish Rite Freemason
*Satanic Occultism and Paganism is at the Heart of the Nazi Alt-Right Movement
*British Neo-Nazi's Calling for 'Aryan Laws' and a Return to Pagan Worship

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

And those who even use the word "Woke" continue their slippery slope right into Nazism that they can't even see is racism because they're far too busy calling "Woke" the "Nazi's." What a perfect and unnecessary storm they're creating for themselves. And yet, who told them "Woke" was evil or a bad thing? Correct, by those who control all the narratives that are turning MAGA to become even more violent. And so, where is all of their brainwashing headed and what will their Aryan overlords have them believing in next? There's a reason why so many elderly are now saying what they're seeing and witnessing in the world today reminds them of what was happening in the 1930's and 40's, specifically in Germany, when an Aryan self-imposed "master" rose to lead a society of disenfranchised white people who were taught to hate minorities. They are being primed for just a such a leader to rise again. It's also quite intriguing that Hitler's occult number was 555.

Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

There is no greater proof that MAGA is absolutely insane then when on the subject of January 6th where they "trash the blue" and everyone else in law enforcement for what became their own unlawful assembly on the steps of the US Capitol in which they struck and threatened the death of police and other seated officials before trampling upon and then breaking and entering via an unlawful mob action into the United States Capitol building with many seeing themselves as a literal lynch mob ready to kill Mike Pense and Nancy Pelosi in sight, and still feel they should only be seen as innocent or as their cult leader Trump claims, as "hostages," which is ironic since MAGA is Trump's own personal army of Manchurian Candidates who have Stockholm syndrome and thus taking Pense and Pelosi hostage would have been the least they would have done to them. They wanted blood that day because their cult leader was voted out, meaning, their arrests are so obviously justified and those who did the most violence that day obviously need to be held accountable for what they did. Naturally, like the despot wannabe he so perfectly evokes, Trump is also using his innocent card of convenience claiming no knowledge of what he himself so obviously incited, despite his inciting not only violence, but literal insanity in these largely uneducated and easily led people who also believe "Putin is a good guy because he's just like Trump." Putin, the obvious dictator that rules with an iron fist and kills his political opponents who is himself just like Stalin. This is how sick and twisted Trump has turned MAGA, using Russia as the Republican's new "shining city on a hill" model where actual freedom has no place, unless you interpret freedom to be in complete service to Putin only and no other until 2036, the year Putin has given himself to reign in what amounts to autocrat and as yet to be determined, monarchy rule. Today's Right-wing are also being led into favoring monarchy rule as determined when you read their own plans after their Orwellian "Project 2025." How timely. There are no coincidences in that and Trump himself has no idea he is fulfilling every desire of the actual entrenched treasonous power in Washington. As I write, the U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is being grilled by Trump's cult of Republican leaders for his enforcing those arrests of the most violent on January 6th, 2021, who instead of admitting even one of the many crimes their own have committed, their only tactic is to blame Garland himself for enforcing the law, but... I did mention their being insane, right? It wasn't Garland who stormed the Capitol building to strike police officers so he could be allowed to tear his way into the building whilst destroying millions of dollars of property just to stalk the halls looking for Pense and Pelosi. They did all of that and more, leaving one to ask what's next? Where will their corrupt leader and insane cult lead them next? Their 'Project 2025' is already following after the current Russian model while Putin laughs. His plan, not Trump's, is working. The obvious lie that Trump tells his base that he won in 2020 makes little sense when you understand that he barely beat Hillary Clinton and that's saying something given how unpopular she still is. Trump lost the popular vote his first time around in 2016 which was the actual and national vote tally. If not for the "electoral college" to save him, Trump would have lost outright. With all of his calls for a civil war, his playing with racist "White power" tropes or his subtle way of commanding his base to demean, hurt or kill democrats by evoking memes like "the only good democrat is a dead democrat," did he pick up the thousands of key votes he needed going into 2020?

*Read Article How Trump Lost the Popular Vote in 2016 Leaving the Electoral College to Save Him
*Read Article How Trump Lost the Popular Vote and Electoral College in 2020 and Nothing Saved Him

Common sense should tell you Trump lost many of his original 2016 voters because of all the countless proofs of idiocy and gaffes he made in those four key years, such as injecting yourself with bleach as a Covid cure and "nuking a tornado" to deter its path or his providing a constant pass for White supremacy while damning minorities to make America a much more divided and dangerous place than it ever was before. None of that went unnoticed by the more moderate Republican voters and moderates in general heading into November 2020. Let's also take into consideration the BLM Summer of 2020 with the nation on the verge of a violent, racist civil war on his Presidential watch that Trump actually wanted to become more violent knowing that would place largely unarmed minorities back in the deadly crosshairs law enforcement which is what caused the nationwide protests and calls for drastic change to begin with! People noticed this, and that was precisely when Trump lost the edge he would have had against Biden who at the time was calling for a return to calm and national civility, a call not to arms but for peace that refreshingly resonated with an American majority who wanted peace and who started questioning Trump's quasi-racist vision of "another civil war" which, at end, only appealed to the most die-hard White supremacists at that time. 2020 thus removed from Trump millions of those more traditional conservatives and moderates who voted for him in 2016, when, as mentioned, he barely won against a very unpopular Hillary Clinton to begin with. People simply grew weary of Trump and his obvious pandering to the most disturbed "Karens" in America. Too many older Americans did not want to revisit the same tumultuous past they already lived thru in the 1960's when Americans were still stepping on the necks of those who merely demanded fair treatment. For Trump to ride back in on stronger sails and have most of America backing him toward what the Anglo-corporate cabal needs for 2025, it would mean Biden/Harris would have to have made an error of epic proportions. Enter their immigration plan. In effect, what the cabal has done is merely delay Trump and his calls for civil war until some point in late 2024 thru 2025 which is apparently keeping in their timing for world events to spiral out of control at the same time to bring us the inevitable war of good vs. evil according to their own definitions of what those are. Case in point, corporate Fox News daily informs its audience that Republicans are waging a war of good vs. evil, with Republicans being the whole of goodness and the Democrats being "the epitome of evil," an accusation that's ridiculous on its face. But why? The Republicans cannot be good if the very capitalistic corporations they promote are knowingly polluting the world for profit.

*Recent So-Called "Christian Trump Event" Left One Evangelical Pastor Absolutely Horrified
*Trump Sending the Signal for Renewed Violence with Posts Straight Out of Nazi Germany

A perfect example of corporate evil that was backed by Trump was seen in the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment caused by Trump's rolling back key safety regulations on nearly every industry, including rail, in keeping with the wholly corrupt Republican ideal where the corporate profits of the elite are always deemed more important than the American people. Living through the past year watching themselves, their families and all of their friends getting sick not knowing where those illnesses are ultimately leading toward, as well as witnessing in real time the complete lack of response by the U.S government and likely knowing the American government's demented track record of creating the very conditions for these events that negatively affect both Republican and Democrats alike for the rest of their lives, those now forced to endure the derailments deadly effects are starting to feel the entire ordeal was intentional on the part of the federal government. They would know. Norfolk Southern corporate initially wanted to do nothing to help the locals in that majority Republican county who have since been become sickened by the toxins released, with again, many of them being uneducated Trump fans now having to endure the result of his deadly corporate-favoring presidency from a preventable chemical spill that's now spread to 16 surrounding states. Bypassing also the current Democrat Biden and Harris administration, it took a politically Independent named Erin Brockovich to travel to Ohio and actually get something done for those citizens, the same people who voted for Trump by a whopping 71% in the last election. Obviously, while sure sounding good in speeches, putting corporate-controlled "America First" has its unintended consequences, especially when corporate-controlled America has its own much older agenda far outside that of the people. DeSantis is the latest flailing GOP candidate making similar promises that Trump did in propping up these same corporations via "draining the swamp" which never materialize because most politicians know in advance that the swamp's elites they verbally disparage on the campaign trail are connected to the very same corrupt corporations and corporate elements that fund their campaigns and provide especially Republican presidents various kickbacks in return for relaxing regulations so they can cut important safety corners that earns them more profit. And now you see yet another reason why third-party candidates like the corporate-bashing RFK Jr. are always withheld by the elite corporations that actually control America from ever gaining enough traction or support to achieve the presidency. Kennedy was exposing Trump for the corporate-serving rat drowning in the "swamp," giving slots within his upcoming administration to everyone from the CEO of BlackRock to those with ties to other globalist corporations and powerful elites. In fact, RFK Jr. was specifically targeted by the corporate-controlled media who reported him as some kind of pariah candidate because he, like Erin Brockovich and a relative few others, have no issue with telling the world the unabashed truth against corrupting corporations, their media, and the politicians in their pocket on both sides of the political aisle. In other words, third party candidates are usually hyper-aware to how America actually runs, and as a result, will not turn a blind eye to their twisted corporate agenda or their dividing us along either a left or right dead-end road for their sole gain. "Unplugged" independents are therefore extremely dangerous to elitist's goals that span across entire generations so that less people notice the intended effects.

BREAKING EPA Data Making it Hard to Know the Extent of the Contamination from E. Palestine
BREAKING Trump's Would-be Assassin Appeared in an Ad for Corporate BlackRock, Company Says
BREAKING Mapping the Corruption of Trump's D.C. "Swamp": Donald Trump’s Executive Branch

*Trump's Own Labor Secretary Broke US Law Protecting the Underage Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein
*Trump Lied About Not Knowing Prince Andrew Who Trump Previously Announced Was "a Lot of Fun"
*Trump and Wife Melania are Photographed with Notorious Underage Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein
*Watch Donald Trump and Prince Andrew Meet Up Just Before Jeffrey Epstein's Arrest and Suicide

But since RFK suspended his campaign while speaking against Big Pharma, government-sanctioned poisons on/in our foods, the vaccines, etc., and then turning and speaking absolute nonsense in claiming that Putin only holds fair elections, that BRIC's will overtake the American dollar, that Ukraine should be taken over, its civilian population targeted by cowardly Russian rockets shot a hundred miles away, and its Ukrainian army wiped out smacks of brainwashing by Trump's Putin-serving bullshit. In the next breath, RFK Jr. then backs Trump, the very guy who did absolutely NOTHING to help Americans and their children not be poisoned by chlorpyrifos, which corporate Dow Chemical wants farmers to KEEP using, and the EPA and Trump both signed off on during his presidency, even though Trump was told this poison causes autism. Those afflicted with autism are not only afflicted for their entire lives - many of who won't be able to speak or function on their own, but their parents and families are also directly affected for life. And that's just one of the poisons Trump allowed on our foods during his time as President. Corporate pollutants and "science"-backed, corporate manufactured food additives cause cancer, which affects us all at some point and men like Trump only make it easier for corporations to thrive while harming the public. So, America First? At what cost? Corrupt corporations make for corrupted politicians holding the worst of the evil elite buy themselves political favors and protection in America and this has been the American way since before the robber baron era of the industrial age that created the corporate elites such as Rockefeller's, Warburg's, Astor's and Rothschild, who are allowed to carry out a very globalist agenda against us all for the Crown. In the Trump era, this kind of corruption was front and center with his making it easier for corporations to pollute, maim, and kill so that they, not the people, could earn more of an enhanced profit for themselves in the name of capitalism, despite your family members dying of cancer or bringing life-debilitating autism to your children or children you know. Something is very wrong with a nation that pollutes to the extent of China and gets away with it by connecting it to nationalism and better profits for the elite who could care less of the people. Their corporate fed "conservative media" then brainwashing half of the nation with lies to enforce support and even protection of those same corporations remains the exact opposite of "going after the elite" like Trump claims. The constant brainwashing and false narrative that it's only the Dems that are the evil ones has been most effective for Fox and other corporate conservative outlets, the result of which intentionally keeps Republican voters in the dark. For the corporate media machine that is Fox's part, all they have to do is continually sing the supposed accolades of Trump and demonize the Democrats as "Communists" and they have their own cult consistently voting for the generationally evil corporate powers as designed.

*Neo-Nazi Flags Outside of 'Turning Point USA Summit' Attended by Trump is Pure Hatred
*Following Trump's Lead, Ron DeSantis Offers White Nationalism to Country Club Crowds

As is proven throughout this website, Fox News is itself in the pocket of the proven evil corporate agenda who literally makes their viewers hate aspects of what they would deem would be the "socialism" of Jesus Christ Himself. For example, Jesus' feeding the 5,000 free of charge, providing care and healing for the needy free of charge, which parallels the Obamacare they were taught to despise. The thief on the cross that Christ instantly forgave and saved with a word would have instead have his hand cut off or been shot or hanged and killed instantly if MAGA had their way. The poor, homeless, destitute, and Samaritan migrants would be violently rounded up and treated like animal vermin instead of being taken in and cared for as Christ commanded, and yet the list goes on. Republicans of today act exactly as the Pharisees and greedy moneychangers of Christ's day did, of which Christ wasted no time in condemning their inherent greed instead of loving the many poor and hurting among them. In other words, Christ would have certainly not been a Republican if among us today, but a pro-life moderate who would ensure that the government would do all it can especially for the poor, destitute, migrant, and homeless. Furthermore, the MAGA Republicans have a frightening Orwellian future planned of their own if they "take back the United States" as they say. They are already speaking in terms where there would no longer be a democracy for the people because any dissenting voices against them would be rounded up and placed in "re-education" camps, as Communist nations like China do. After watching the YouTube video titled "Republicans Asked to Flee To Russia In Bigoted Protest, Instantly Regret It," I left this comment: “MAGA: The ACTUAL commie fascists wearing their little Red hats and telling us how great Russia is! Putin via Trump has brainwashed them well.” As the former Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, said in 1956: “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within.” Likewise, an ex-KGB Disinformation Specialist named Beznenov has said “the highest art of warfare is not to fight at all but to subvert everything of value in your enemy’s country. These include moral and cultural traditions, religions and respect for leaders and authority, etc. When everything in the enemy's country is subverted, disoriented, confused, demoralized and destabilized then the crisis will come.” MAGA has become the perfect useful idiots that the Soviet Empire, and now Putin, have been attempting to create for decades. The even more extreme among them wants Nazi-styled concentration camps built where anyone not far-right extremist is eventually killed off entirely. Another lie that the right-wing media will use to brainwash the uneducated is their claiming that Hitler would be equated to a far-left Democrat today, when Hitler was clearly a far right-wing nationalist and racist Anglo-Aryan fascist who attempted to make post-WWI Germany great again. I am certainly not advocating for far-left liberalism or the most extreme of the "pro-choice" crowd here, but a more moderate, centrist and thoughtful approach is needed if America is to be saved from absolute ruin from both the far-left and the far-right. One need only look at DeSantis' banning of America's shameful history regarding Black slavery to see it that White nationalism was never of God, but it is of Satan, and a shameful history should never be erased because it would then be doomed to repeat. Thanks to Trump, America is in a severe crisis at present because too many can't even agree what basic reality is. As such, Putin's Russian strategy to destroy America is working exactly like his predecessors declared it would, just as the Masonic plan is also working in near parallel tandem to diminish America from within.

*Trump's Armed MAGA Cult Already Acting Like Nazi Brownshirts Long Before 2024 Election
*As President, Trump Asked Why His Generals Couldn't Be Like Hitler's 'More Loyal' Generals

What's really troublesome is that many today don't even realize they're a colonial-styled Anglo-racist, because they tend to believe everything far-right media tells them to believe about minorities in general. As is proven throughout this site, one of the last goals globalists have just before the Collapse is to manipulate (especially) Whites (and Christians) to fall away from their former Faith and replace it with heretical beliefs rooted in further Anglo-racism with its occult connection within paganism, as well as fostering a growing hatred of minorities in general. This is done so that their prepared Führer, who will first appear to be an inclusive leader changing what remains of everyone's depleted Faith and 'protecting' what remains of Western civilization itself, is allowed to gather as many under his evil mantle as possible before turning racist tyrant. Today's conservative media daily prepares its audiences for just such an 'Aryan strongman' after Trump, a fact easily seen because it's being evoked already from within the radical right's corporate-connected media and their constant attacks upon non-GOP minorities while making greater use of their 'White Savior Complex' psychodrama as a form of cult-like mind control. Extreme racist organizations in America and Europe couldn't be more hopeful. Recruitment is up. Thank Trump, but such blatant racism was always just brewing beneath the surface of middle America. Thank Trump also for the meteoric rise within neo-Nazi groups and the birth of entirely new hate organizations from coast to coast, every one of them armed to the teeth. America won't end well but there's a reason why America is never mentioned in Bible prophecy at the very end. Europe is to arise to control what's left of the West after America's obvious collapse whereby no flesh will escape what Europe bring the world thereafter. On the other side of that same racist coin occurring in America, the seemingly humanitarian-concerned Royals across the Atlantic also put on a good show of lying through their teeth with fake concern for people in general. Case in point, when is the last time you've seen any member of the British royal family applying their amassed wealth toward reducing disease, poverty, or famine when population control lays at the root of their instilling a One World agenda with Climate Change itself being blamed on you and not their own pollutions from their jet-setting to faraway nations to then blame everyone else for the pollution of those mega-corporations they have controlling stock in or otherwise financially connect themselves with? Knowing that, how much difference is there between the British royals and Trump who kowtows to them and has many times expressed his joy over the Empire's former colonialism and imperialism? (See also: It's 2023 and Debate-Skipping Donald Trump ONLY Wants to Debate Meghan Markle - Why?)

BREAKING The British Royals Destroyed Documents Proving Their Support of Hitler's Rise
BREAKING The Royals are Germans Specifically from the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Over the past year, both Prince William and King Charles have spoken out about their family’s ties to global atrocities, expressing “profound sorrow” for the abhorrent slave trade. Per The Guardian, “between 1690 and 1807, an estimated 6-million enslaved Africans were transported from West Africa to the Americas on British or Anglo-American ships. The slave trade was protected by the royal family and parliament.” Again, these platitudes feel empty as the British empire continues to benefit from the wealth and power gained as a result of those tragedies. Even the very notion of a modern monarchy feels inappropriate because the very idea of a monarchy is based on inequality and rooted in racism. No matter how much it is repackaged, or dressed up in gowns, the legacy of slavery and colonialism remains. It cannot be modernized.

King Charles’ “Diverse” Coronation Was Designed to Distract

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*New Documentary Reveals Connection Between Prince Philip and Hitler's Nazi Regime I
*New Documentary Reveals Connection Between Prince Philip and Hitler's Nazi Regime II
*The Media's Favorable Coverage of Philip's Death Never Once Mentions His Racist Remarks
*Mainstream Media Selectively Overlooks Philip's Quote About Reincarnating as a Deadly Virus
*UK Royal Prince Philip in His Own Words: We Need To Cull the Excess Population of the World
*Africa Demands its Stolen 530-Carat Diamond by Royal Family be Returned As Soon as Possible
*Hey British, Western and Global Media, Stop Trying to Make Us Worship the British Royal Family
*The British Royal Family Still Own the Largest Art Collection in the World Estimated Over £10-Billion
*Why is the Corporate Media Glorifying a Billionaire Queen Who Left Our World Hungry & Homeless?
*The British Queen Expresses a "Ringing Support for Global Mainstream Media" Regarding Covid-19

*Pandora Papers Making European Commission and Queen Elizabeth Herself Look Innocent
*The Queen's Has Shown Her Power Over Media in Ending Investigation into Pedophile Son
*The Royals Threatened ABC News (US) a "Million Ways" if it Ran Epstein Reports in 2015
*Prince Harry Also Exposes the Royal "Invisible Contract" that Controls the British Press
*The Royal Family Said "Very Racist Words Relating to My Wife's Skin Color"

*Debate-Skipping Donald Trump ONLY Wants to Debate Meghan Markle - Why Meghan?
*America's Republican Leaders Want Half-Black Meghan Markle Stripped of Her British Royal Title
*Fox News Explains Why the British Monarchy's Racist Colonialism and Also Slavery was Needed
*Fox News Provides Cover for Royal's Racism in Defending Prince William Against Meghan Markle
*Fox News Completely Overlooks the New King Charles III to Propagate Prince William's Accolades
*Harry Wants Father and Brother Back but the Royal Family Wants to Keep He & Meghan as Villains
*It was the Late Queen Elizabeth Who Ordered Harry's Royal Snub Seating at Her Seventieth Jubilee

*Prince William's Anger of Being 'Overshadowed' by Harry and Meghan Led to Megxit
*Prince Harry Acknowledges the British Royal Family Past to Present are a 'Death Cult'
*Prince William Was ‘Literally Sick With Worry’ Before Harry and Meghan’s Oprah Interview
*Prince Harry Saw a Red Mist Overtake Prince William Before Brother William Attacked Him
*Violent William's Threats and Bullying Discovered as Reason Harry and Meghan Left the UK
*Prince William Told King They Needed a ‘Clear [Media] Strategy’ to Deal With Harry/Meghan
*Prince William Left His Own Father King Charles III Shaken After a 'Very Heated' Argument
*Prince William Again 'Absolutely Furious' Over Latest Book Scandal Depicting Royal Racism

*The Queen's Death/Funeral Coverage is Not Airing Her Giving a Nazi Salute in Family Film
*Black/Brown Minorities Were Actively Banned from Serving in Buckingham Palace Until 1960s
*Prince Harry & Wife Meghan Admit that Royal Racism Drove Them From Queen's Palace and UK
*Queen ‘Personally Intervened’ to Ban Prince Harry and Wife Meghan from 2020 UK Remembrance
*King Personally Intervened to Ban Prince Harry and Wife Meghan from Trooping the Colour 2023

*The Palace Was Happy to Lie to Protect Prince William After He Bullied Harry and Meghan
*Prince William and Kate's Recent Snubs are Directed Towards Harry and Meghan’s Kids
*Prince William, Kate Middleton Called Out Being Manipulative for Sabotaging Coronation
*Meghan Proves Royals in Damage Control by Creating "Exhausting Circus in the Media"
*A New Book Details that ‘Short-tempered’ Prince William Can be ‘Difficult’ to Work With

*As If Rewarding Prince William For Meghan Leaving the UK, Queen Offers William New Religious Title
*As If Rewarding Prince William For Harry Leaving the UK the King Gives Harry's Military Title to William
*Prince Charles Alters Legal Documents to Ensure that Meghan's Son Can Never Become a UK Royal
*William Feigns Concern Over Racism But Did Nothing When Meghan was Called a Monkey for Years
*Meghan Markle Accuses Prince William of Allowing Aide to Spread Bullying Allegations About Her
*A New 2022 UK Law Demands the London Metro Police Arrest Anyone Protesting King Charles III
*Prince William Once Again Proving His Family's Racism With His 'African Population' Comments

*The Old Prince William is Gone, According to Expert: ‘He’s a Completely Different Person’
*Harry and Charles Talking Peace but Angry/Violent William Wants Nothing to do With it
*There Can Only Be One: William Left Alone to Become King Charles' Sole Liegeman
*King Charles Miffed Over Son Prince William Forcing Him Out of Frogmore Cottage
*Prince William Took a "Large Sum of Money" in the Murdoch Phone Tap Settlement
*CNN Calls Prince William "A Global Statesman Protecting Our Democratic Values"

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

UPDATE Prince Harry & Princess Meghan’s Security Detail says Car Chase Could Have Been Fatal
UPDATE "Friends of" Prince William Taunt Harry and Meghan About the Deadly Chase in New York
UPDATE The Twisted British Royals are Reported as Laughing at all of Harry's Perceived Mishaps
UPDATE Royal's Own PR Tabloid States Harry Can Return to Royal Life if He Gets Rid of His Wife
UPDATE Another Source Confirms Above to Admit the Royals [Racist] Issue was with Harry's Wife
UPDATE Nazi Podcasters Sent to Prison for Inciting Murders of Prince Harry and His Toddler Son
UPDATE Meghan Named in Racist Messages Sent by Ex-British Police Officers There to Protect

They may be seen entering the Bilderberg's secretive yearly meetings, or headlining the UN's COP28, or World Economic Forum's climate change meetings to make a seemingly well-intentioned speech written by ghost writers in league with the dystopian elite or at cancer hospitals for a self-serving photo op directed by their public relations team, but that's it. Afterward, the British royals are driven back to one of their many posh palaces around the UK to eat all of this world's best cuisine while too many others around them on the streets of London are left cold and hungry. The royal art collection alone is worth upwards of ten-billion pounds in some estimations which could solve British homelessness and hunger overnight. The Queen, who was worth several billions most of her long royal reign, especially did nothing for anyone except act as pompous as humanly possible while starting off each year telling the British Prime Minister what his own policies should be proving that the true power in Britain still lies at the feet of the ruling Monarch in Britain. Usually, when someone that powerful and rich meets their end, you'd often hear that some of their amassed wealth went to help a charity or foundation that they were connected with in life, but this never happens with the British royal family no which of them passes on. The British royals instead keep all of their vast riches within the family and never provide any of it at any point to the sick, afflicted, poor, destitute or homeless in the UK or around the world despite their supposed "Christianity" and heading the Anglican Church of Jesus Christ. Unironically, the Crown Jewels that are to be used in the Coronation of King Charles III, were themselves stolen from many of those same nations who still have the greatest examples of poor, sick, and destitute to this day.

UPDATE Prince William Becoming a Brutal Family 'Enforcer'

The articles specifically disparaging Meghan Markle are disgusting and tiring but the British press and royals figure if they keep tying her to everything negative, no matter how rehashed or mundane, they can destroy her. Every new day brings the obviously biased reports to ensure the public despises her for the 'major crimes' she has supposedly undertaken. It remains sick what the royals with their advanced media connections and untapped wealth can do with this sort of mind control and influence over those who cannot distinguish biased tabloid from vetted journalism. Because there was a better time not long ago when the vast majority loved Prince Harry and Princess Meghan, the royal rift as it remains should cause one to wonder how it originated. It began five years ago with a UK headline: "Royals Concerned Harry & Meghan Becoming More Popular than William & Kate." It was right after that when the UK tabloid media began to attack Meghan with a deluge of fake news that was later proven in the 2023 court case of Prince Harry against the tabloids came out of then Prince Charles' own press office. As time went on with no longer a positive story regarding either Prince Harry or Princess Meghan for the remainder of 2019, the UK public increasingly hated the couple until death threats were beginning to be made against Meghan as a result of the UK press knowingly lying in order to destroy her at the behest of the senior royal leadership. Meghan became suicidal after the relentless hate and threats being made, that again, were the result of the lies and assassination against her character being made in the press, who were being fed information via wire taps, phone hacking, as well as false information being pushed from inside the palace walls by the senior royals themselves, including, it is now believed, by then Prince Charles. (See also The Queen Couldn't Stand Harry/Meghan Eclipsing William.)

UPDATE Harry and Meghan Markle's Popularity Drops in America
UPDATE William and Kate are Back on Top in Their Popularity

We have seen this tactic before, when the royals frowned upon mixed-race children 'tarnishing' their precious royal bloodline with Diana paying the ultimate price for her engagement and rumored pregnancy with an Egyptian named Dodi Fayed. Similarly, the easily led, proven racist and violent Trump-worshipping sheep in the Republican party view Harry and Meghan as the worst couple on the planet, following exactly what the royals a bit too desperately need the public to believe. There should be zero forgiveness extended toward the archaic British royal family as a modern institution or family given the way the royals are still treating Harry and Meghan for telling the truth. Instead of the royals doing the right thing and correcting themselves to repair the family breach for the world to witness, they launched a multi-billion-dollar media hit campaign against Harry and Meghan that's even threatening well-known corporations to shun Harry and Meghan as an ongoing part of their "collective royal punishment." Just because someone exposes a tiny fraction of the hidden evils of what senior royals say behind palace walls hardly makes the persons exposing it as "the evil ones," but that's exactly what is being conveyed to the general public. The UK press and its on-air personalities infamously went on to call Meghan a "Princess Monkey" and her first child a "chimpanzee," which further stirred up the racists among the British public to attack the Sussexes to then make death threats against the new royal baby, Archie, none of which did the royals ever use their far-reaching power within the UK press to ever stop at any point. This alone speaks volumes against the seated British royal family who could have stopped the incessant harassment against Prince Harry and Princess Meghan with a single phone call that never came. Moreover, when Meghan begged for some semblance of help among the royal leadership regarding her failing mental health as a result of all of the attacks in the press, she was again infamously met with total silence, most notably by Prince William who was newly tapped to be the UK's spokesperson for global mental health.

UPDATE How Charles and Camilla Deceived Diana Before Her 1997 Death
UPDATE Princess Diana Knew Charles was Trying to Kill Her in an Accident

The media also began to demonize Harry with false assertions as to why he rightfully began exposing the royal attacks on his wife, a demonization that was not shown to Kate Middleton who is White and "blue blood" related to William, her distant cousin. The still unnamed senior royal [Prince Charles] who was "color-concerned" as to what shade of black Harry's child would be was obviously hoping that Prince Archie would not look dark-skinned Black, which, despite what Harry said about 'no racism' within the British royal family, Harry was apparently not even wanting to admit to himself that his own father could be that racist against a half-Black American woman he loved and married. As a result, Harry labeled the skin color comment(s) as "unconscious bias," which other more astute people have rightly pointed out is still racism by another name. Of course, this only further highlights the twisted UK family for what it still is: cold, hateful, plotting, vindictive, racist, and if you know the names Jimmy Savile, Jeffrey Epstein, and Peter Ball (all pedophiles whom the royals went at great lengths to protect) evil, as well. It should also never be forgotten that Princess Diana revealed much more than racism about the royals, such as the Queen arranging her doomed 1981 marriage between her and Charles with the Queen knowing Charles loved Camilla, meaning Diana was used for her inherent royal Stuart [Merovingian] DNA from the start. Many of us who are older recall how Diana herself was treated by the royals and their tabloids for her own public exit and later tell-all interviews against them, with her implying it was the Queen who pushed the Camilla-smitten Prince Charles into a marriage of convenience with a "blue-blooded" Diana for the sole purpose to create a firstborn royal heir, period. The same cold and calculated thinking also saw to it that a second-born among the then young royal couple would produce a less-favored heir ("spare"). Harry was born with none other than the avowed Satanist and child sex-abusing friend of the British royal family, Jimmy Savile, in the role as Harry's Godfather.

UPDATE Prince Charles Financially Supported a Convicted Pedophile Bishop
UPDATE Charles' Friend Jimmy Savile was Part of a Satanic Abuse Ring
UPDATE UK Royal Family's Disturbing Connection to Jeffrey Epstein

Even today, the Western press continues to portray Harry and Meghan as if they're Bonnie and Clyde, while William and Kate are being compared to Camelot's JFK and Jackie. How ironic. It was just after Harry's royal marriage to Meghan Markle that the royals saw as their opportunity to ensure William stays more popular in the world mind. In fact, when the global masses began to adore Harry/Meghan more than William/Kate, the royals so obviously began to turn the screws on Meghan. The royals didn't even allow any Blacks into their palaces to work as royal help until the 1960's at the height of the Civil Rights movement, when attention was brought as to why the royals had no Blacks among any of their staff. In other words, if no attention was brought against them, or there were no Civil Rights movement, nothing would have changed and the British royal family would have been more than comfortable to hold on to their colonial views, to which Prince Philip never wasted an opportunity to announce he was an open racist in the company of other Whites every chance he provided himself. When it was finally incumbent upon Harry and Meghan to produce a royal heir, suddenly Meghan didn't have the "exceptional pedigree" needed to produce an heir for the racist British royals. Then came the comment by one of the senior royals themselves with Prince William's wife, Kate, wondering out loud what color Meghan's baby would be, as if that mattered. Neither Harry nor Meghan released those names publicly as the ones concerned about Archie's skin color but they are clearly worried he will, so the deceptive anti-Sussex media blitz continues so that if the name is released, most won't care because they've been so effectively brainwashed to hate Harry and Meghan in the interim. That is precisely what is occurring right now. To those of us who know the seedy relationship between the senior royals and their control over the press since the time of Diana, and have thus been made to witness all of this happening to her second-born son and his wife since 2018, it remains clear that Harry and Meghan evoked the spirit of Diana in exposing what needed to be exposed of the outdated, racist royal family who did the exact same character assassination, phone tapping, security services stalking, etc., to Princess Diana after her own exposing of the British royals. What's most ironic here is William's involvement in it, knowing his mother was forced to endure the very same assassination by the royals and press of her character. (See also Prince William's Anger of Being 'Overshadowed' by Harry & Meghan Partially Led to Megxit.)

UPDATE Nazi's Imprisoned for Murder Plot of Prince Harry and Son

Despite the media's obvious attempts at normalizing that royal's racism and Anglo-racism in general by making it seem it's all Meghan's fault (for being half-Black), the media also began to demonize Harry with lies as to why he's rightfully protecting his family by leaving both his affluent royal life and his nation with its racist death threats on his wife and children far behind, of which he's now supposedly the most ill-thought of man on the planet according to the royal-controlled media spin machine and those ignorant/racist enough to believe it. The current headlines are also working to pit the already hated Harry against the more favored Prince William, the violent one who pushed his younger brother to wear a Nazi uniform and later pushed his younger brother to the ground when Harry stood up and defended his wife Meghan from William's anger. But we've already seen how the press is controlled by the royal family before. It was in 2019 when ABC's Amy Robach revealed that the royal family threatened the ABC/Disney network "a million different ways" if it reported anything about Jeffrey Epstein in 2015 because that would then implicate the royals own connection to an elite child sex ring and such "conspiracy theories" supposedly do not exist. Except that they do. As it turned out, somehow, Epstein was killed and Andrew was never arrested. There is clearly a different set of rules established for those working for or related to those sitting atop the Captone within the exclusive Pyramid of top-down control. The royals are also spending insane amounts of money to threaten, coerce, and blackmail companies such as Spotify and Netflix to ending deals made with Meghan, just like they threatened ABC news "a million different ways." With the way the royals shamefully forced Harry to walk behind Andrew at Coronation to purposefully seat him in Andrew's third row, best exposed this family for what it still is, petty and amazingly unforgiving no matter how much time wears on as their media blitz continues against him and new family, while Andrew was largely protected in the UK by the Queen herself for his own scandal. Again, the irony.

UPDATE UK Queen Warns the Media to Stay Away From Prince Andrew

Interesting article above, citing the Queen herself warned the UK press to stay away from Andrew, but one has to wonder if she just didn't throw Harry and Meghan to the ravenous wolves in Andrew's place as the ultimate distraction away from the royal family and Epstein. Also ironic then that the 2023 Coronation of Charles as King was all about evoking Christ's love, forgiveness, and selfless service to mankind, to which Charles has every opportunity to employ these same virtues starting with Harry and Meghan, but never does. At that same Coronation, Harry having to walk behind Andrew proves that exposing the truth of royal racism is seen as far worse within the British royal family than a royal engaging in illegal sex with a minor. Let us also never forget how William allowed so much hatred and spite to fester with his obvious hatred of Meghan, that, in effect, made Harry and his wife "homeless" while inside the royal palace itself, but now his media team wants to make him appear to be his mother, Diana with a homeless housing project named "Homewards." Being the older, supposedly wiser one, it is (still) William that should innately know how to work beyond family grudges. That's part of what makes true leaders wise and greater than any disagreement to begin with. As such, William is not off to a great start, despite the gesture of handing over some land in Cornwall that he wasn't going to use anyway along with the relatively small royal gesture of 3-million pounds for a homeless housing project that his PR team rubber stamped to make William appear like Diana. Give us a break. William is no Diana because he spent far too much time within the Windsor mindset and under their imperialist brainwashing since 1997. If he were more like Diana, the current drama would have never been, period. Further, if you're the British royal family, you'd think you would want the entire world to see you as more than welcoming to a minority female that's finally married into the family, UNLESS you really are a racist institution in which case you wouldn't be able to help yourselves but eventually prove said racism, and oh how the royals did exactly that in their mishandling of Meghan Markle.

In fact, the latest information surfacing depicts it was William and his staff that bullied Meghan inside the palace and as if that weren't enough, it was his and his father's press team that originated the lie that Meghan bullied royal staff when the exact opposite was true. Meanwhile, William was cheating on his pregnant wife at this time and involved in a court case of his own that eventually awarded him for his palace wire taps against Harry and Meghan, which he took to fund 'Homewards' so that he would be seen as "helping the homeless." So this connection the media tries to make between William and Diana is like everything else regarding William today, it's there to deceive the masses. With the removal of Prince Andrew, Prince Harry, Princess Meghan, Prince Philip, the Queen, and soon King Charles himself, William stands to reap the majority of the new "slimmed-down" Monarchy that some have estimated is worth over a trillion dollars in their vast land ownerships and total royal wealth that amounts to 1/6 of the planet's land mass. Perhaps the royal genealogist to the Scottish House of Stuart, Sir Laurence Gardner, is correct - William's entire existence has been well-orchestrated by the royal family and its occult handlers who chose Diana like a sow for breeding because of her "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" (Merovingian) Stuart descent. What the future King William Arthur will do with his increasingly immense power, therefore, remains to be seen but given the way he's already being propagated by CNN as a "global statesman protecting democracy and western values," it's obvious. He's here to save the West, post-Collapse, when his then ownership of 1/6 of the entire planet (perhaps the only part that will survive the orchestrated globalist Collapse) will prove its own worth in the coming years.

With the way the royal PR team are already creating easy paths for William to be seen as a 'Messiah' to the homeless locally in Britain ["Antichrist shall work deceitfully for he shall ascend and shall become strong with a small number of people" - Daniel 11:23], we are seeing the future today even as more is being prepared for him by his globalist handlers so that he ascends in the hearts and minds of first local British citizens and then the world. For another example, there was a clear reason why the senior royals themselves, who visited most of the planet, never made an official State visit to Israel in over 70 years of its existence to instead leave that for William to be the first, as well as allowing William to be the first to actually help the sick and homeless where they never did, as mentioned. It's all to lay the foundation and groundwork for his extremely deceptive future after his Coronation. As king, and with enough "good works" behind him that are now being created, William will eventually be viewed as precisely what this world needs, a true leader for the coming New World - towering above this world's current despots like Trump who castigates and ridicules the affirmed, the mentally ill and especially the homeless, the very groups William is now seen as championing. In the meantime, what the senior royals, now including William, are doing to Harry and Meghan remain disturbingly criminal, from William's accepting of media payouts for his [hidden] connection to palace wiretaps of Harry and Meghan, to his rewarding the royal aide who bullied Meghan, to his ongoing character assassination tactics waged currently against the both of them and even their children. The vast majority of the public also aren't being made aware that William cannot ever be arrested for anything, even if he were to murder someone in full public view. His place in line to the Throne of England means he has full diplomatic immunity inside the UK, and globally, for life. For today, it remains William who is the cruel, bullying, angry, narcissistic, Cain-like incubus that is waging a needless war against his own flesh and blood that most media are still covering up, for him. In short, Harry and Meghan are a distraction to cover for what Big Brother William is still becoming, evil. (See also: Harry Reveals 'Spare' Could Have Been Two Books But He Feared Losing Big Brother Forever.)

Clinton Ortiz, Comment: Cain vs. Abel: Prince William and Harry at Coronation

UPDATE Epstein/Maxwell: The Royal-Connected Billionaires Trafficked Girls as Young as 11
UPDATE Royals Threatened ABC a "Million Ways" if it Ran Reports Against Epstein in 2015
UPDATE The Queen's Power Over the Media in Ending Investigation into Her Pedophile Son
UPDATE Royal Exposed: Andrew Still Met Jeffrey Epstein While He was Under House Arrest
UPDATE Epstein's Recruiter Ghislaine Maxwell Had Complete Access to Royal Palace 4x a Day
UPDATE British Royal Family and US Government Protected Prince Andrew in the Epstein Scandal
UPDATE After Epstein Died, Ghislaine was Spotted at California Cafe with a "CIA Operatives" Book
UPDATE Jeffrey Epstein's Leaked Calendar Reveals Elites Including Acting CIA Chief William Burns
UPDATE Like Pedo Epstein, Satanist Jimmy Savile Had Free Reign Inside All the UK Royal Palaces
UPDATE The Queen Shows Glowing Support for Prince Andrew Amid Epstein Underage Sex Scandal
UPDATE Before She Died, UK Queen Elizabeth II Warned the Media to Stay Away From Son Andrew

For Those Who Still Completely Trust Their Government With Their Lives:
The Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness Hearing Report [Read Full]

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Trusting Science: 32 States Used Eugenics to Legally Sterilize Americans in the 1930s
The Evil within the United Kingdom's Murderous Depopulation Agenda Across the Planet
*The Evil within the United States' Own Murderous Depopulation Agenda Across the Planet
*WebMd: There are Health Experts and Workers who Fear the Vaccine Could Cause Infertility
*Sterilization of Most Western Females is the 'Next Phase' for mRNA Covid-Vaccine Technology
*4,000 Reported UK Women Develop Serious Changes to their Menstruation After Covid Vaccine
*New Study Finds Sperm Count Drop Accelerating Worldwide Threatening the Future of Mankind
*Scientist Says 30,000 Vaccinated Women Reported Drastic Changes to Menstruation and Fertility
*A Doctor Releases a Study Showing Covid Vaccine Changes Red Blood Cells from Round to Tubular
*After the Covid-19 Pandemic Fades, the World Health Organization is Eyeing a 'Newer World Order'

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*UK Health Dir. Admits Hospitals Blamed Deaths on Covid to Create "Pandemic"
*5,522 People in Scotland Have Died Within 28 Days of Taking a Covid Vaccine
*80 % of Covid Deaths in Scotland are "Occurring Among Vaccinated Residents"

Another historical fact the world needs to understand, Hitler's Nazi's never entirely lost World War II. They were conscripted into Britain and America's secret intelligence agencies and helped America and Britain perfect the mind control we are still being subjected to today via media messaging, Left/Right politics, as well as controlling most everything we consume in our food supply, to what kinds of medications and vaccinations we might receive, all of which falls under their strict purview and namely their population control agenda. And the evil does have a central location. It is the corporate entity known as The Crown Temple Bar that backs the Bank of England that exists within the Corporate City of London that promotes global usury and acts as a land-stealing robber baron, population controlling war-facilitating enslaver of State-sponsored mind control rooted in the occult. This entity known as the Corporate City of London has agents everywhere working in various "black operations" capacity being led by MI5 and their people in the CIA, FBI, NSA, DoD, the Pentagon and DARPA. The cabal's agents are also in Hollywood just as their spiritually corrupting handiwork is now so obviously seen throughout popular culture leading its charge within most everything society is being exposed to in entertainment and film today. They are heavily involved with the occult and operate on the black squares of the Masonic chessboard undertaking for the elites all of their dirty work, i.e., operating from behind every corrupting racket from the global drug trade to internationally trafficking children. They grow poppies in Afghanistan and ship opium to China for fentanyl processing to send stateside and push it to your children on school grounds and in the city ghettos, as well as steal children for use in their sadistic rituals that they believe brings them protection and favor from their "god." They are the ritually initiated servants of the Crown who sow the seeds for war abroad, while committing false flags at home using Manchurian Candidates to shoot up schools, assassinate dissidents, and ensure their murders of whistleblowers are always reported as "suicides." Their propaganda film "Elizabeth" tells us their story of how the Crown supposedly came under the control of the Vatican, but that story like most we were given in our so-called education that they created is simply repeated until it becomes the truth, is a lie. The Crown Temple Bank of England in the City of London Corporation (that remains quite separate from what the world knows to be London, the city) is the most powerful head of the Beast that controls the Vatican, just as the Beast also has ten heads of which London, Washington, D.C., the E.U. headquartered at Brussels, and the Vatican along with Britain's own colonized "Commonwealths" of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand are counted among the ten. The heads of the collective spy agency known as Five-Eyes are merely one tentacle of this specter that engages in also the paramilitary activity secretly going on across South America, Africa, and Asia to further its global dominance. The world drug trade itself is almost entirely conducted by CIA and MI6 agents as a continuation of Britain's original opium trade that operated in Asia, the Mideast, South America and across Africa that's been going on for over a century and remains how they fund all of their other evils, and pay themselves for doing so. All the king’s men, as it were, are indistinguishable from the mob headed up by The Firm: the British Royals. Their cartel, of which Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were also a part, are ritually initiated and sworn to the secrecy they kept. All of the cartels tied to the City of London are. One might ask when did the USA become a branch of the Crown Temple Bank of England? In 1871. Since the first bankruptcy of the USA, all federal agents have been employed by the Crown, a power move that was only further underscored by the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.

*CIA's Narco-Drug Trade to Distribute Death Throughout Minority-populated Cities
*Family of 24-Year-Old Who Died From Covid Vax Sues (DoD) US Department of Defense
*An Expert Virologist Warns that Many of the 'Covid-Vaccinated Will Die Within Two Years'

Despite the Deep State's methods of corrupting otherwise good people toward evil, there are good American men and women throughout many of its federal agencies. I know them personally. I also am becoming aware that many of these knowledgeable people in federal employment are ready to flip. Evidence of that is seen in their quietly quitting their jobs in just the last few years as a result of Covid-19 and its deadly vaccine that was weaponized by the U.S. Department of Defense, which are currently being sued by at least one family who have lost a loved one due to being poisoned by a particular batch of the vaccine directly connected to DoD research, which, interestingly, is a huge story that no mainstream media still wants to touch because the mainstream media themselves are under the same type of top-down corporate control that has kept the status quo in power this whole time. I’ve said all this and I didn’t mention the Balfour Declaration or the history of British control of the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts since 1948. I also haven't even scratched the surface of how the mob's entity has manipulated Ukraine as its vassal state where many children were taken and sold globally in Satanic and other networks to which America is supporting the Ukrainian vassal state because the Crown Temple Bank of England owns both countries’ governments. Yes, I said Britain owns America. The Crown is martialing its resources in strategic action that always uses corruption, wars, murders, cartels, drugs, pandemics, and population control toward its own nefarious ends. The Crown State headquartered in London controls it all and its entity only cares about stacking up bodies and gold while taking more world territory and providing to the leading British royals who sit atop of the mob's pyramid scheme of world empiric control. That’s why politics and its entire culture war of right versus the left has become the cheapest possible facade that's being used as a distraction away from all of what is actually happening on our planet. Politics is a dumb trick to make voters think that participation hinges on their say and their wanting to reign in all of the world's evils and thus impact the policies of the Crown they were never told about. They can’t. The people virtually have no power whatsoever, meaning that America was never truly "free" as we were all led to believe. That was perhaps the founding Freemason's greatest lie, telling us that their Lucifer doesn't exist and that they only worship "God." Likewise, politics is a soap opera designed to keep you watching it while you're becoming locked into an insidious control that you'll never see until after the Crown's plan is made complete. Within that is the devastating period of mass carnage coming that they constantly allude to in their UN, Davos, COP, and WEF speeches, where everything is blamed as causing it, except themselves who are helping to facilitate it. Big Pharma clearly follows profit margins, but might they also follow the same corporate-tiered agenda engaged with population control? The same stores that provided such easy access to government mandated Covid shots have been sued for distributing Opioids to the general public, killing thousands and making countless others addicted. (See CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens Sued for $650-Million Over Opioid Deaths.) You're also hopefully aware that these same corporations and their well-known progenitors such as General Electric and what became Monsanto/Bayer are the same joint Anglo-American and European corporations that literally funded Hitler's rise in the 1930's and Nazi science to create its seeds and edible pesticides. That said, how do we even know our own population-controlling government isn't also behind the pandemic level of dead who've since overdosed by unwittingly taking the synthetic opioid Fentanyl that, like Covid itself, is also conveniently blamed on China? Trust their science of lab-created carcinogens that continue to taint our food supply with their Perchlorate and other poisons killing our infants and children that's contained in baby foods and formula? It's beyond apparent that those repeating their manipulated groupthink have become useful idiots to ensure the government evil continues right thru the current pandemic age of a virus that the UK/US themselves created. So what else does this same "science" demand is a fact while remaining largely unproven albeit paramount to State education? As the media ramps up the Covid death count that's been proven before to be excessively inflated, with deadly strains of flu and pneumonia seemingly disappearing in favor of a Covid-only diagnosis, our media tells us that a miracle cure exists in the form of a vaccine juxtaposed against the backdrop of ever deadlier "variants" to ensure vaccine mandating and increasing compliance toward them. Of course, to stay within that narrative, the same media suppresses reports of those who've become sick or died even after trusting the science.

*Sackler's Earned Billions from OxyContin's 500,000 Deaths, Wins 'Lawsuit Immunity'
*CIA Employed Thousands of Germanys Original Nazi's in a Quest for Mind Control
*How the CIA, FBI and MI-5's British Spies Infiltrated Movies, Music, Art and More

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

CBS 'London Calling' Announces UK Government is Lying About "Overrun Hospitals"

RELATED UK Hospitals Burning Aborted Babies to Heat Buildings in "Waste-to-Green" Program

Unsurprisingly, those who trust whatever the State tells them are also being convinced to become passive 'Global Citizens' in perfect conformity to the government's other agenda, while being made unaware that the same government experts and agencies behind the current vaccine campaign are also connected to Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and the cunning Great Reset Agenda, that are explicitly creating the conditions for a global collapse to usher in a New World leader. Helping in that effort stands Prince William's Earthshot tackling climate change, and the UK, EU, World Bank and Gates Foundation who plan a future whereby vaccines and other methods lead to a sharp reduction in global population resulting in a greener planet where remaining resources are disseminated via a supposedly benevolent global overseer. If any corporate autocrat or royal aristocracy wants to mandate anything going forward, therefore, all they need to say is the too-often assumed beneficial word of "science" and their every request is granted. While the government emphatically requests that you entirely trust them, they in turn never trust you in their pressing fear that you may uncover the truth that exposes them but it's time that the British and Americans finally woke to consider what it means to be aligned to a government that vainly uses their lives to fulfill its own twisted goals. If the elite-owned media actually wants to remove such conspiracy theories from the public lexicon, why do their subsidiary networks increasingly manufacture documentaries that promote them? From the History Channel's "Ancient Aliens," to their documentaries twisting the Bible to inject heretical Gnosticism and tainted New Age doctrine, such corporate-backed media documentaries are openly propagating black magic, demonic blood cults, and occult secret society conspiracies with complete control over its manufactured narratives with the intent of brainwashing the next generation in search of global answers. Anyone opposing these narratives are branded as dangerous and subject to cancelling or worse. When you take into account the increasingly stranger things these documentaries are telling you, you'll understand what's behind the collective message being propagated. Their touted 'New Age' is not what is claimed. At the same time the heads of globalist corporations and their media/entertainment networks will tell you not to believe in either Satan or conspiracy theories, they'll deluge you in exactly that masked as "binge-worthy" streaming to the point you cannot escape the irony.

*An Unholy Satanic Grail: Royals and the Antichrist
*The British Cover-Up of Satanic Murders of Children I
*The British Cover-up of Satanic Murders of Children II
*British Elite Knowingly Gave Children to Pedophiles for Decades
*German Elite Knowingly Gave Children to Pedophiles for Decades
*The British, American and European Elites are Proven Satanic Pedophiles
*Buckingham Palace was a 'Vast Pedophile Network' Long Before Jeffrey Epstein
*Charles Financially Supported a Bishop Convicted of Molesting Over a Dozen Boys
*US Team Sue Justice Dept and FBI Over $1Billion for Their Role in Pedophile Cover-up
*Satanic Trafficking Rings are Historically Tied to the Masonic United States and White House
*NBC Steps in to Cover for Utah Satanists by Accusing its Female Accusers of "Satanic Panic"

Then there's "The Great Reset," where the elite cabal have already decided to enforce future mandates upon the world once God unleashes His increasing signs of the end that ultimately point to the end of their evil and reign over us. Its main spokesperson is none other than King Charles and soon, Prince William. As Prince, Charles himself signed off on past UK weapon deals with other vulnerable nations to ensure the expansion of several deadly wars worldwide. The media, however, will never explain the truth contained in that informative link. Their job is to cover-up and deceive but during the rise of Occult/Satanic religions, racism, hate, hate crimes, murders, wars, broken supply chains, economic collapse and unprecedented disasters, etc., the corporate archons behind the globalist corporations and their grip on the media won't be informing you of the truth that God is warning mankind of the end of our age but rather they'll desperately attempt to convince you that it's all connected to global warming that's become another purposed method of control to better enforce the globalist's touted need for an impending global solution for which they are sure to provide. Corporate/globalist media from both sides of the purposed political divide will never explain the truth of what is actually occurring in our world today. Their job is to cover-up, obfuscate, and deceive while the rise of broken families, Occult/Satanic religions, racism, hate, hate crimes, murders, wars, broken supply chains, economic collapses and unprecedented disasters, etc., take further root. The corporate archons behind the globalist corporations and their grip on the media won't be informing you of the truth that God is warning mankind of the end of our age but rather they'll desperately attempt to convince you that it's all connected to global warming that's become another purposed method of control to better enforce the globalist's touted need for an impending global solution for which they are sure to provide. Globalists such as the former Nazi Youth Brigade member and current head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and others are becoming fixated with the need for global change increasingly toward one man, an 'Ecological Messiah,' as it were, to unite the planet and set its course in an entirely new direction. Within that, a disturbing countdown among the elites is underway in which 2030 holds what their vocal proxies among their most staunch green propagandists are already warning would be a total collapse of the present system. This includes the release of certain actual contagions that they themselves have weaponized and experimented with for decades in third world countries to test their genocidal effectiveness before releasing them globally in the remaining years before their impending "Climate Apocalypse" of 2030 and as if initiating that ten-year window toward 2030, their "Crown Virus" surfaced during New Year 2020.

BREAKING Healthy 27 year-old Dies After British NHS Gave Him AstraZeneca Covid Vaccine Shot

*Data Proves Covid Rate Highest Among Vaccinated, Lowest Among Unvaccinated
*19 Vaccinated Died in UK from Blood Clots, Now US J&J is Linked to Deadly Clots
*Johnson & Johnson Responsible for Vaccine is Linked to Opioid Deaths of Thousands
*Amnesty International: Covid Vax Companies Fuelling Unprecedented Human Rights Crisis

Now, several UK variants and UK-approved vaccines later, with each one we are told to fear more than the previous, how does no one see the corporate formula being presented? Enter virus to stoke fear. Enter vaccine as our only hope. Add variant, increase fear, blame unvaccinated. Rinse. Repeat. The last time a generation underwent that kind of fear-driven control, the Germans allowed Hitler to rise. What good comes out of fear + media control + mandates + censorship + hatred for the "others" who won't go along, and how is their "cancelling" not the digital version of modern book burnings? Then there's the wild card Trump's supporters bring, which on the one hand would agree with me that government is following after a globalist agenda that's eroding Christianity, protects the names of corporate elite pedophiles, and has lied to us regarding vaccines, etc., but because they view the government's ultimate evil is the Democrat party itself and their support for minorities as key to remain in power, how could todays MAGA who have violent neo-Nazi's, Aryan Nations, KKK, and other fascist extremists among their ranks not eventually turn into a literal fascist party armed to the teeth and hellbent on murdering those they perceive as dissidents, when they're already calling for open murder on local and federal law enforcement for their role in bringing an amount of credibility to law-breaking Trump. How easily it was for Trump to find his audience, therefore, among those who think and feel exactly like the disenfranchised German people did from 1933-45. In yet more proof that MAGA is perfectly brainwashed and Trump is setting up a perfect storm in his fate toward setting the stage for the Antichrist's rise in Europe, Trump openly casts his Russian-favoring disdain for Europe to the point of loudly admitting he would never allow U.S. troops to protect Europe to instead allow Putin to do "whatever the Hell he wants" to it and so what does Putin do besides invading other sovereign nations and placing "hits" on all of his political opponents, of whom Alexei Navalny was only one of many? Such statements made by Putin's useful admirer and idiot in Trump will only give the excuse European globalists need to start building their own United European Army that is prophesied to appear as the Antichrist rises. This would also mean there is a distinct interrelation and kinship between Hitler, Putin, Trump, and the Antichrist that leads to their similar despotic global effect. Like Trump, Hitler also told whatever self-serving lies he needed to in order for brainwashed people to keep him as their leader, which begs a question. Since Hitler's rise to autocratic and fascist power has obviously taught the current generation nothing, could the 20th century's doomed history repeat? The following links answer.

*Revived Roman Empire: Euro NATO Massively Expanding its Collective Army in Response to Russia
*Germany 'All In' Offers 35,000 Troops, 200 Aircraft and Ships to New NATO Deterrence and Defense
*The Modernized German Army Sets Up its "First Overseas Bases Since Hitler's Second World War"
*As in the 1930s, a Racist Fascism is Rising Across Europe and its Ascendancy is Being Normalized
*Europe Doesn’t Need America Anymore but will Americans Give Up its Role as the 'Global Police'?
*What Newly Accepted Member Sweden Specifically Can Add to NATO's 'Collective Military Arsenal'
*With Sweden and Finland, NATO Would Increase in Both Size, But More Importantly in Firepower
*An Investigation into Racist British Marines Drawing Nazi Swastika's on the Skins of New Recruits
*A Top German Court Rules that Anti-Semitic 'Jewish-Pig' Sculpture Can Stay on Medieval Church
*Germany Invokes its Nazi Past by Recreating Panther Tank Claimed the 'Most Powerful in World'
*As in the Days Before World War II, Nazi's are Once Again Infiltrating Ranks of the German Army
*From a New Munitions Factory, Germany's Scholz Calls on Europe to Ramp Up Arms Production
*Berlin is Remilitarizing: Soon to Have the 'Largest Conventional Army of NATO's Euro Members'
*While Racism Hides Within an Anti-Woke US, Germany is Leading EU Campaign Against Blacks

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

RELATED In 1945, the UK Royals Destroyed Documents that Proved Their Support of Hitler's Rise

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Most are still not aware that the British Royals are actually German and have many disturbing direct connections to Nazi Germany. Racism and the British empire are irrevocably intertwined. The royal family is a direct byproduct of violent colonialism. All things considered, whisperings about infants’ skin color are just another extension of this age-old form of “othering.”

Royals and Racism: Prince Harry

Many of the ugliest episodes in also Canada’s history can be traced back to the British royals. The Queen’s [now King Charles III's] representative in the country is still the person who has to sign Canadian bills into law, allow Canadian elections to be called, and approve Canadian governments to be formed. Even pro-monarchy groups acknowledge that Canadians collectively contribute a total of $50 million to the royal family, who are the direct descendants of those who transported 3.1 million Africans to their colonies in the ‘New World’ while engaging in brutality against indigenous people all over the planet. The same family specifically engaged in the enslavement of Blacks for over 250 years while overseeing the violent colonization of ancient territories and peoples in virtually all corners of the world.

Rethinking Canada’s Relationship with the British Monarchy

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
*Prince William Marries Catherine Middleton on Same Day Hitler Married, 66 Years Later
*Prince Harry Reveals Prince William and Kate Middleton Told Him to Wear Nazi Costume
*Despite William's No Racism Comment, Royals Never Came to Terms with their Nazi Past
*Global Media Selectively Overlooks Philip's Quote About Reincarnating as a 'Deadly Virus'
*Royal Prince Philip in His Own Words: We Need To Cull the Excess Population of the World
*Prince William Gives a Speech Warning of Too Many People Currently Living on the Planet
*Prince Philip's Own Grandson William Cannot Help in Making Extremely Racist Statements
*The Hidden Danger Behind Prince William's Increasingly 'Genocidal, Globalist State of Mind'
*The British Royal Family Loved and Supported Adolf Hitler and Bankrolled His SS Nazi Party
*Did the Nazis Experiment on Human to Specifically Make Jewish Women Infertile at the Camps?
*How the British Royal Family Facilitated Adolf Hitler's Rise to Both Initial Prominence and Power
*Republican Carl Paladino Walks Back His Saying “Hitler is the Kind of Leader We Need Today”
*Liberty University Wants to “Control the Future” Saying Adolf Hitler is Our “Perfect Role Model”

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Queen Elizabeth II, head of state of the United Kingdom and of 31 other states and territories, is the legal owner of about 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the earth's non ocean surface. This makes her the richest individual on earth.

Who Owns the World?

When Queen Elizabeth II was crowned, you remember the Archbishop of Canterbury laid the Crown on her head, and here is what he said as he laid it there: "I give thee O gracious lady this Crown to wear until He who deserves the right to wear it shall return." That's a part of the history of Britain when a Sovereign is crowned. It's recognized that it's only temporary and that Crown will someday be worn by the King of kings and Lord of lords. The great question facing the world today is who's going to restore the order? Who can counter the dangers? Who can govern the world?

Reverend Billy Graham on Queen Elizabeth II

I know the blasphemy and lies of them which claim they are Jews but are not. They are the Synagogue of Satan.

Jesus Christ, Revelation 2:9; The Holy Bible

The British-Israelites represented by The Covenant Publishing Company in London and Destiny Publishers in Massachusetts, have long claimed that Queen Elizabeth II is descended from King David of Israel and sits on his [Messianic] throne today. Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God, picked up on this idea in the 1920's and made it one of the principal doctrines in the Church's theology ... the idea remains alive in the Church of God International and the Philadelphia Church of God.

The Coronation Stone - Queen Elizabeth

The remarkable genealogy of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, reveals that the Monarch seated on the throne of Britain fulfills the promises that God made to King David that he would never lack a person to sit on His Throne. When the Messiah [Antichrist] returns, according to Scripture, he will be given the Throne of David which is presently the Throne of Great Britain.

Hope of Israel Ministries: Regarding Queen Elizabeth II

An appendix to the 'Be Wise As Serpents' book about the British Royalty. The British Royalty are tied in with the 13th Bloodline. The 13th Illuminati Bloodline is where the Anti-Christ will come from. Many of the American political leaders have been related to the British Royalty including George Bush. Finally, a little of the genealogical information I assembled on the Mormon leaders is given. This was included in the 'Be Wise As Serpents' book to give people an idea of how the Mormon leadership ties back in with the leading occult bloodlines of the Merovingian dynasty.

Merovingian Bloodline & The Black Nobility

The Royals of Great Britain in particular have arranged for the destruction of Christianity. The Holy Grail blasphemously represents the Blood of Jesus as having been preserved in the British Royal Family, heirs to the Throne of Jerusalem. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (p. 406) speaks of a New King of the Holy Seed of David who will preside over a Masonic Kingdom. Who might be the heir of this purported Royal Bloodline of Jesus deemed worthy to sit on the Throne of David?

Generations of students have been taught that the American Revolution was a revolt against Royal tyranny. Eric Nelson argues that a great many of our “Founding Fathers” saw themselves as rebels merely against the British Parliament, not the Crown. The Royalist Revolution interprets the [American] patriot campaign of the 1770s as an insurrection in favor of royal power. Leading [American] patriots believed that the colonies were the King’s own to govern. When it came time to design the state and federal constitutions, the very same figures who had defended this expansive conception of Royal authority — John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, James Wilson, and their allies, returned to the fray as champions of a single executive vested with sweeping prerogatives. As a result of their labors, the Constitution of 1787 would assign its new [Masonic] President [George Washington] far more power than any British monarch had wielded for almost a hundred years. On one side of the Atlantic, Nelson concludes, there would be kings without monarchy; on the other, monarchy without kings.

The Royalist Revolution: Monarchy and the American Founding

Manly P. Hall stated clearly in his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, that the U.S. was nothing less than a “Masonic experiment,” designed to allow Freemasons to “dominate the world.”

10 Intriguing Masonic Connections To The Founding Of America

The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister 1868

Foster Bailey, the husband of Alice Bailey, said that ”Freemasonry is the descendent of a United World Religion, a divinely imparted Religion. Now we are striving for a United World Order.” The hand of the Mysteries controlled the establishment of the United States Government and the signature of the Mysteries may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United States of America. The US Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter said ”The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.“

The New Age and World Government by Robert JR Graham

There is a plan for the world, a New World Order, devised by a British, American, and European financial elite of immense wealth and power, with centuries-old historical roots. This oligarchy controls the politicians, the courts, the educational institutions, the food, the natural resources, the foreign policies, and the economies of most nations.

Real World Order

Keep in mind that this ritual is not of modern origin. It has been practiced by Satanists since the days of Babylon. It is a multi-generational practice and it involves human sacrifice and the Satanic Sacrament, the consumption of the sacrificed victim’s literal blood and flesh. The British General, Lord Cornwallis, was an initiate who fully understood this dark and unholy secret. In a last-ditch effort to salvage his ego, Cornwallis divulged the hidden agenda of the bloodlines by declaring to Washington and his adjutants: “A holy war will now begin on America. Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than 200 years when it is ended, America will supposedly be the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown [and] ...working for the British Empire.”

The Story Behind The Story

The U.S. came into being not as a nation, but as a contractual agreement, a means to an end for 13 disparate rebel colonies facing a common enemy. Its people lacked a shared history, religion, or ethnicity. They didn’t speak a language uniquely their own. Most hadn’t occupied the continent long enough to imagine it as their mythic homeland. They had no shared story of who they were and what their purpose was. In short, they had none of the foundations of a nation-state. By the 1830s, it had become increasingly clear that this identity crisis could no longer be papered over: Americans knew they needed a story of United States nationhood, if their experiment were to survive. The first person to package and present such a national story for the United States was the historian-statesman George Bancroft. In Europe, Bancroft studied under Arnold Heeren, Georg Hegel, and other intellectuals who were developing ideas of Germanic nationhood; chummed around with Lafayette, Washington Irving, Lord Byron, and Goethe. The Puritans thought they had been chosen by God to build a New Zion. Bancroft believed the product of their mission was the United States. Bancroft embarked upon what would prove to be his life’s work: giving his young nation a history.

“The origin of the language we speak carries us to India; our religion is from Palestine [Israel].” He claimed that the Founders were guided by God, that Americans were a chosen people... [whose] success was all but preordained — notions whose hubris and imperialist implications would become clear during his lifetime. From the moment Bancroft articulated his ideas, they met a vigorous challenge from the political and intellectual leaders of the Deep South and Chesapeake Country, who had a narrower vision of who could be an American and what the federation’s purpose was to be. People weren’t created equal, insisted William Gilmore Simms, the Continent belonged to the superior Anglo-Saxon race, “The Superior People.” Directly inspired by the 1915 debut of The Birth of a Nation, a second Klan was established to restore “true Americanism” by intimidating, assaulting, or killing a wide range of non-Anglo Saxons; it grew to a million members by 1921 and possibly as many as 5 million by 1925. The Immigration Act of 1924 established racial and ethnic quotas devised to maintain Anglo-Saxon supremacy. This ethno-nationalist vision of our country was dethroned in the 1960s, but it remains with us, resurgent, today. Its strength can’t be underestimated.

Smithsonian Magazine, 2021

The UK’s Prince Charles has said that the Coronavirus crisis represents a “Global Reset” moment – one which seemingly allows leaders to ram through sustainability initiatives as cash-strapped citizens have no choice but to obey. The virus’ “unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change,” the heir to the British throne declared on Wednesday. While details of the royal’s big plan were somewhat elusive, buried under an avalanche of buzzwords, it involves a series of industry and issue-specific roundtables, a social media networking component and “virtual hubs” aimed at attracting young people and “fostering innovation” through “thought leadership and practical solutions.” The prince is calling for a “paradigm shift” that “inspires action at revolutionary levels and pace.”

The Global Reset Initiative

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

From Cain to Antichrist: The Royal Masonic Secret Exposed
Since the dawn of man, they have existed. Since Enoch, have they created the world's most infamous secret societies with such names as: The Order, the Council, the ancient Mystery Schools, the White Brotherhood, the Celtic Druids, the French Priory of Sion, the French Cathars, the French (and later, Scottish) Knights Templar, the British (and later American) Freemasons, the British Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the British Ordo Templis Orientis, the Bavarian Illuminati, the German Rosicrucian's, the German Thule Society, the Occult-driven German National Socialists (Nazi's), the Anglo-American Skull and Bones, the American Bohemian Grove, where the ancient demon Molech is revered by influential politicians and Presidents, among many other such organizations connected to British and American Freemasonry and their increasingly pervasive global institutions. Thru the ages they have had a single malevolent goal toward global enslavement. Their plan is so diabolical in its intent, that the Bible itself warns us of it as early as Genesis 3:15, where God foretells of the epic war between Christ and Satan via the bloodlines that each would work thru to claim Zion as their own. Thus, there are two warring factions behind the spiritual veil that is daily leading this world toward the end of our present Second Earth Age and toward its inescapable Armageddon. Signs working toward that end are seen all around us currently, despite how one chooses to interpret them as just another "climate change" event. Despite whatever you currently believe, don't believe, or don't want to believe, there exists an entire race of Anglo-elitists who worship only Satan within ancient secret societies dedicated to his will, who have increasingly devised man's own ignorance as a tool toward dividing this world for their false 'god of light.' For myself, despite the factors of events that came to work against it, I have only sought the truth behind their sinister trade, and this is my report. In that, Freemasonry holds at least two levels of membership. There's the far older membership of those who created the Brotherhood, being born into one of its various occult bloodlines from which the Order was manufactured to empower their collective control, and those who merely join at their "local Lodge" to vainly be called "Freemasons," albeit in name only. One serves as the front window dressing for the other, while that other can work its noxious trade to great efficiency from behind a hidden veil. This is precisely why localized members very seldom become aware of they who influence not only their local Lodge from afar, but much of their nation's government from within. The same entrenched power rooted between London and Washington DC are behind mass depopulation efforts on the one hand, while consistently steering their faked "Christian Nationalism" imperialism toward the kind of Godlessness that always involves the fostering of paganism, a one-world new order, insidious mind control, and resulting servitude to them by the unwitting masses on a global scale. While these same hidden controllers have proven to increasingly control every facet of our lives, their presence remains largely hidden under a self-protecting web of influence they've created, such as the Masonic devised 'Separation of Church and State,' where Satanic Witchcraft is allowed, even funded to flourish at present, while by the same measure, Christianity is to be further pushed toward the edge of extinction. In this website, you will discover that the American government actually serves a foreign power and that since its inception, has only sought to vainly appease its citizenry with the idealistic notion of "Christianity" and "freedom," when they're in fact slaves to a hidden autocracy controlling both the liberal and conservative media narratives toward destroying society itself, fulfilling the Masonic dream of Ordo ab Chao (Order out of Chaos). Question: How are American Christians perceived today in the post-Trump era? The despotic, cult-leadership of Donald Trump is not by accident, whose indoctrinated followers are increasingly incited to bring a destructive and violent coup against "Marxist/communist" liberals and democrats (read: their own countrymen) who, according to them, are no longer to be simply demonized and mocked, but captured and killed in accordance with 'The Plan.' (See also Donald Trump’s Plan To Destroy America.) Trump may not have ignited another endless foreign war but what good is that when he fanned the flames of a domestic one? Not surprisingly, the federal government including the citizen-spying NSA, as they did before 9-11 itself, knew exactly what lay in store for the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, but did nothing to curtail it before the fact. (See also: Trump Amplifies Call To Punish Capitol Police Officers Over His Failure to Steal Election by Force on Jan 6.) Consequently, if you were to ask me what is the number one most simplistic belief among the increasingly far-right today, it is by far their intensely brainwashed notion that the Deep State is comprised of Democrats only when the Masonic architects of the United States designed both the left and right ideal in order to control the whole of the populace. American society remains willingly ignorant of quite another fact that they who are accredited with originally establishing this nation did so under an entirely Masonic definition of "God" and were moreover fulfilling a Masonic destiny, not a Christian one. Suffice it to say, this goes far beyond ignorant Fox News watchers parroting the narrative that all of America's most damning issues are merely the Democrats fault, knowing what corporate powers the Republicans serve. The Masonic plan is far older than the Democratic party itself, so the blame game between polarizing political parties is just another red herring to distract us all from the truth. In truth, the majority of America's founders were not Christian as we were taught and their creation of a secular Novus Ordo Seclorum holds more intrigue than you know. Thus, the question arises of 'what do Freemasons believe?' and why are their own leaders between London and Washington tearing America apart is a valid one. Who or what does a diminished America actually serve? This is where every true patriot needs to begin...

*Read Article Absolute Proof British/American Freemasons Worship Lucifer as GOD
*Read Article A Cabal of Evil Satanic Elites Rule The World, Not Your Elected Leaders
*Read Article Poll: Most Americans Believe Their Government is Corrupt, Unaccountable
*Read Article Henry Makow: A Satanic Cult that Rules Our World and its Present System
*Read Article American Leaders Past and Present Worship Moloch at Bohemian Grove in CA
*Read Article Revealing the Origins of Freemasonry and Why Christians Should Effectively Expose It
*Read Article The Viable Satanic Movement Shaking Up Politics All Across the Divided States of America
*Read Article Veterans Today: The United States of America is a Satanic Nation (The Pre-QAnon Analysis)

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist EU New World Order London Deep State Europe Bible Gog Magog Prophecy World War III UK British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult Trump Project 2025 MAGA Far Right Racist Nazi Fascist Government World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 Davos Great Reset Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Pedophile Cannibal Blood King Arthur 666 Asteroid Strike Climate Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control US Collapse

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Today's "Christian Nationalists" need to take all of their obvious issues of race up with God Himself because it was He that both created the people and lands these colonialists have murderous intentions for, actually believing God just allows them to kill, murder, and commit further genocides as they see fit just so they can set up their corrupt robber baron societies rooted in the Masonic occult, murder, racism, and theft that too many of them still believe is Christian Nationalism and therefore, Christianity. It is not. Problem is, like the original Nazi's they're emulating, they would rather use Christ as a "Holy empire" mascot whilst also ascribing to Darwin's evolution theory rather than Godly creation because it better fits what ultimately becomes their twisted robber baron and Anglo-racist mentality. What MAGA and similar racist organizations are doing is carrying over Britain's own EVIL imperialist colonialism into the modern day, for themselves. Why? The systemically racist status quo that was created with the United States as a benefit to its Anglo-racist society also benefits the racist colonialist institutions of its occult secret societies in the 21st century.

Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King

I began keeping a journal of my experiences to help me assimilate and record all that transpired during my deprogramming. There was no set chronological order to the information I received. Some memories are very recent, while others date back to my early childhood. Through the use of the “green spiral staircase” and the “monarch butterfly” exercises, memories that were suppressed over a lifetime began to surface: I was treated as a queen holding court over her subjects. Upon being seated on the throne, a procession of well-dressed men began showering me with lavish gifts. During the ritual I again took in the demonic entity as I had previously, while the men began to emit deep guttural noises. During the height of the ritual, tiny babies were brought into the room and devoured by the men. Walking down the aisle of the cathedral, I was naked and dressed only in a gold ceremonial robe with a very long train attached similar to that of a wedding dress. Flanked by attendants on either side, I walked towards the altar, where Martin O’Malley, the current mayor, lay naked waiting for me. Behind the altar was a priest surrounded by people I could not identify, all of whom were dressed in white robes similar to that of the Ku Klux Klan. Joining the mayor upon the altar, we began the sexual ritual. Shortly into the ceremony, with knife in hand, I began cutting him during the sex ritual. I first made an incision horizontally across his (Martin O’Malley’s) stomach, cutting deep enough to draw blood. Above the first incision I proceeded to carve a large “X” into his chest, again drawing blood as before. During this part of the ceremony I took in the demonic entity, whereupon I descended from the altar to address the audience. In a voice not my own, but of the demon entity, I uttered, “I am the Light, I am the Power; all who come here kneel before me.”

Satanic Rituals of America’s Ruling Families

*Read Article Trump Keeps Proving to be a Psy-Op Working to Confuse America
*Read Article Pfizer's Deadly Vax that Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" Spread
*Read Article Trump Furious at Albert Pike's Masonic Statue Being Toppled
*Read Article Trump is an Elite and Generational Scottish Rite Freemason
*Read Article American Leaders Worship Moloch Owl at Bohemian Grove

In 2023, the new Republican and heavily Trump-influenced House Speaker, Mike Johnson, has infamously stated: “You Spit in the Face of the Founding Fathers” further saying that religion should be allowed in U.S. lawmaking. By "religion," the new House Speaker means to say, traditional Biblical Christianity, except that the Freemasons who comprised a good number of the Founding Fathers, George Washington included, worshipped neither the Christian Son of God of the New Testament nor the Father of the Old Covenant as is loosely implied to our children in their Masonic-controlled and, as such, overwhelmingly Godless education centers. Freemasons worship an amalgamation of paganized deities that they call JaBulOn, but according to their later Civil War General Albert Pike, Masons worship Lucifer himself of whom they refer to as "God" as in "In God We Trust." Of course, Freemasons today love to deny this fact and make all manner of excuses over it but the truth remains in print by Pike's own hand nonetheless. In stranger fact, today's aforementioned public schools can teach all they want about Mohammed, Buddha, Maitreya, or anything associated with paganism and witchcraft unto nauseating levels of obvious occult/Masonic indoctrination, but Jesus Christ and traditional Christianity is strictly forbidden, with the vast majority of parents over the decades never even thinking to wonder why. Albert Pike was born on December 29, 1809, in Boston, and was the oldest of six children born to Benjamin and Sarah Andrews Pike. He studied at Harvard, and later served as a Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army to keep racism intact. As a 33rd degree Mason, Pike was one of the founding fathers and head of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, being the Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry from 1859 and retained that position until his death in 1891. In 1869, he was a top leader in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and also a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle/Sons Of Liberty. Pike was a Satanist, who indulged in the occult, and he apparently possessed a bracelet which he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had constant communication. He was the Grand Master of a Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium (or Sovereign Council of Wisdom), which had been founded in Paris in 1737. Palladism had been brought to Greece from Egypt by Pythagoras in the fifth century, and it was this cult of Satan that was introduced to the inner circle of the Masonic lodges. It was aligned with the Palladium of the Templars. In 1801, Issac Long brought a statue of Baphomet (Satan) to Charleston, South Carolina, where he helped to establish the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Long apparently chose Charleston because it was geographically located on the 33rd parallel of latitude, and this council is considered to be the Mother Supreme Council of all Masonic Lodges of the World. After the Civil War, Pike was found guilty of treason and jailed, only to be pardoned by fellow Freemason President Andrew Johnson on April 22, 1866, who met with him the next day at the White House. On June 20, 1867, Scottish Rite officials conferred upon Johnson the 4th to 32nd Freemasonry degrees, and he later went to Boston to dedicate a Masonic Temple. Pike's right-hand man was Phileas Walder, from Switzerland, who was a former Lutheran minister, a Masonic leader, occultist, and spiritualist. Pike also worked closely with Giusseppe Mazzini of Italy (1805-1872) who was a 33rd degree Mason, who became head of the Illuminati in 1834, and who founded the Mafia in 1860. Together with Mazzini, Lord Henry Palmerston of England (1784-1865, 33rd degree Mason), and Otto von Bismarck from Germany (1815-1898, 33rd degree Mason), Albert Pike intended to use the Palladian Rite to create a Satanic umbrella group that would tie all Masonic groups together. Albert Pike died on April 2, 1891, and was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, although the corpse of Pike currently lies in the headquarters of the Council of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in Washington, D.C. The following are some of Pike's more infamous quotes:

"To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: "the Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN Doctrine."

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!"

"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls light, and draw them away from it … So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray."

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand time; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the ADEPTS, the PRINCES OF MASONRY The whole body of the Royal and Sacerdotal Art was hidden so carefully, centuries since, in the High Degrees, as that it is even yet impossible to solve many of the enigmas which they contain. It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in the BLUE DEGREES: and whose attempts to undeceive them will labour in vain, and without any true reward violate his obligations as an Adept. Masonry is the veritable Sphinx, buried to the head in the sands heaped round by the ages."

"The primary tradition... has been preserved under the name of the Kabbalah."

"Every lodge is a temple of religion, and its teaching instruction in religion... Masonry is the successor to the Mysteries."

"Masonry jealously guards its secrets and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray."

"We teach the truth of none of the legends we recite. The tendencies and tenets of the Order were enveloped in mystery, and it externally professed the most perfect orthodoxy. The chiefs alone know the aim of the Order. The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters and the other public. Thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought to supplant."

*Read Article Trump is Praised by the Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard & Leader David Duke
*Read Article How President Trump Has Systematically Destroyed the White Evangelical Church

"Take heed no man should deceive you" is what Christ immediately answered after being asked of the signs of the end of the world and His return, "for there shall arise false christs and false prophets." Look at Trump again. Look at his most ardent followers who've made Trump as their own personal Jesus, Jim Jones and David Koresh rolled into one. The level of brainwashing MAGA displays has simply taken its next evolutionary step out of the Masonic concept that [White] Americans are a "Holy people" when America was created for a purpose very foreign from what they've been conditioned to think by extremely racist, Masonic worshippers of what is not God, of whom they actually hold in such saintly status instead of God. In short, the Masonic experiment has worked. They were able to brainwash entire generations of Americans to make them believe what they're doing is for "God and country," when in reality their service remains beholden to a Masonic ideology and belief foreign to Christianity, and yet, look at all of what the most violent of Trump's legions want to do in killing Jews and every other racial minority to "return" to America its once greatness from when America was "great." I rest my case. When Satan took Christ upon an exceedingly tall mountain to show Him all of the kingdoms of the world (Matthew 4:8), it was with the clear understanding that he, not God or His Son, owns the corrupt world system that mankind has become an unwitting slave to with one particular Masonic empire notwithstanding. The only surprise I have these days is how others are just waking up to that fact, even as each day's news reports it in some way that not only are their most trusted institutions wholly corrupt from the top down, but they are also being corrupted within a grand pyramid scheme serving evil. America was literally built on a Masonic system of corruption from its inception, when the idea of an American empire was still among those closely guarded secrets being quietly rumored within British taverns, colonial halls, and secret meeting rooms, within buildings that later became Masonic Temples. It is because Satan's men govern this world's corrupted system from within the same global institutions they've created, that by today, nothing is good and literally everything is being geared toward the corrupting influence of an Anti-Christ whom Satan shall yet possess. And, because Antichrist will arrive on a very specific platform, i.e., grass-rooted power of the individual, global village hive-thinking, having the pseudo religion of climate change where man is his own God, green infrastructure building, world peace initializing, racially inclusive (at first), Anglo-racist (at end), is why we're being plagued with such desensitizing seismic shifts that affecting our daily lives already. It's all for the Beast, and man's servitude toward him. Corporate evil has been given such wide-reaching power over our lives, from what we eat via genetically-poisoned foods that bring us under a manageable population control, to what our children learn at schools via their paganized public education system that prepares their daily descent toward becoming future citizens of a coming society based on Godlessness and Antichrist worship, that society is as lost and divided as ever, and thus, becoming more easily controlled all the more via one of two mindsets of the elite's own devising. One need only look more critically at the West today to judge how successful their subtle luring of minds has become, and yet, what is the ultimate goal there among the Satanic elite? Control, via methods of operation being hidden within the education system, media, and now, social media. The globalist's own buzzwords purposefully being used across all three, such as "climate change," a "Great Reset," and "the pandemic of the unvaccinated" are there to expediently herd the global masses under increasing control for what's coming next. Masonic racism is also being fueled and stoked today, purposefully.

*Read Book How Britain and America Made Adolf Hitler and His Third Reich
*Read Article Ford and General Motors Scrutinized for Their Hitler/Nazi Collaborations

While the media pretends to serve the minority by filtering all of its views through a "progressive" lens, its corporate CEO's far above the teleprompter readers serve an extremely Anglo-racist agenda with the goal of enflaming White racism all the more by shoving minorities in their face from politics to entertainment. Hollywood and its Masonic control know what it's doing. Whenever a role expected to be played by a White is given to anyone not White, the elitist's manufactured "Woke" goal there is ultimately not to "promote diversity" as the Republicans tell themselves within their own echo chamber, but to increase the tensions for Whites wanting to return to a time when America was deemed to be greater, meaning, without any pandering whatsoever to minorities to at least make them feel equal or welcome in American society. It's regressing to the point where Whites only can play all the major film roles again (as if it's been too long where they couldn't) because anything less is "virtue signaling wokeness" that works to undermine the hegemony and its desired status quo that's needed to perpetually support it. They can say they're not exclusionary, fascist, nor racist all they want, but conservatives are clearly bigoted against anyone or anything they label as "Woke" which is quickly turning into a loaded term and scarlet letter placeholder for anything they simply do not like or want to destroy for a 'better society.' Again, the Nazi's did the exact same thing with the Jews that they didn't like which should be proof enough that such biased thinking remains a slippery slope at best. Trump is himself an archetype here to prepare minds for the Antichrist with his never subtle focus on an Anglo-governed society that in every way mirrors what robber baron Cecil Rhodes established via his "Round Table Society" that propagated White rule and the English language take over the entire planet. Understand, while attending Oriel College, Rhodes became a Freemason in the Apollo University Lodge, and as such, Freemasonry and its goals of Anglo-rule are what shaped Rhodes's thinking and is also what led to Britain's genocidal tactics that shaped their colonization and subjection of entire races of people across the globe to be an affront to what God has created, placed, and called good. The Masonic plan mandated that by the dawn of the British Empire, this world needed to have the King's English established in every corner of the world far in advance of Freemasonry's Antichrist figure who would eventually lead it with no resistance because the empire did much of the groundwork for his prophesied reign long in advance.

*Read Article In 1945, British Royals Destroyed Documents Proving Their Support of Hitler's Rise
*Read Article Many of Hitler's Own Family Came to the US Just Before the Outbreak of World War II
*Read Article How Thousands of Hitler's Nazi's Were Rewarded Life in the US and Live Among Us Today

After hearing much of their ongoing complaint against what they deem as "Woke," which does include minorities finally being represented in society for their major contributions to society, Whites are upset and feel left behind, seeing minorities being elevated in the media and entertainment industry, as well as in the workplace, while they seemingly suffer. But rest assured, their backlash has already begun. Whites are still very much in control of everything in the West that results in its control over most of the planet, and this thanks to the hegemonic Deep States of Masonic England and America and to a somewhat lesser extent, Merovingian France. In fact, it has to take a very Jewish Jesus Christ Himself to finally root out and remove this obvious hegemony that acts as the planet's Overseer, chief among them being the Antichrist himself of whom Christ has to return to specifically destroy. As such, the fact that right-wing Whites today are collectively crying about "Woke" in the way they are is patently ridiculous but does expose a great irony that they couldn't spend a single day being Black or Brown and tasked with that much heavier yoke placed on minorities that they originally created and need to secure via a self-serving status quo. In other words, Whites would have their own backs break under the weight they themselves place on everyone not White. The even greater irony is that as soon as a very few roles are given to not even Black or Brown, but half-Whites, Whites throw themselves in a very dramatic and collective hissy fit while ranting in their favorite echo chambers on conservative media, which no matter how you view it, is quite strange because they're much too vain to realize that what they think are left-serving corporations serving only minorities are actually Aryan-fascists that have purposefully manufactured the American division from both sides to cause Whites to become even more racist and, as a result, murderous. In short, both the Masonic governments on either side of the Atlantic want their White populations to do the dirty work for them in destroying minorities in the upcoming civil war they'll create as a backlash to the current culture war they've already created. The ideas of one-family monarchy rule (Trump and family for US, British monarchy for UK), Western imperialism, Anglo-Empire, and Anglo-racism are literally being cultivated today by the Satanic elites because they need a collapse to usher in the next phase of the plan. Another evidence that can be seen is how the far-right today are increasingly gravitating toward obvious racist ideologies in their stoked belief they are in a war of "Their Good vs. Woke Evil," while never realizing how they, along with their fellow Americans on the left, are being used by a much larger evil that equally sustains and controls them both to achieve only their goals. The Masonic brainwashing began in our earliest education when we were first subtly taught to deny any and all history that includes anyone not White, despite the entire continent from northernmost Alaska to the tip of South America being Native, Indigenous, and American for over 10,000 years. It never ceases to amaze me how any of these avowed racists now want to rewrite their own history to gloss over their own mass genocides from the Americas to Australia, the virtual giant plank in their eye, while they harshly stare at anyone attempting to live under their hostile conditions placed on the backs of those not as White in 2024, meaning nothing changes with them. They are stagnant and angry, whose only solace remains in a racist status quo first put forth by 15th-19th century England, that later manifested into 1920-1940's Germany, of which Hitler looked to America's own example of unrelenting racism first before creating his own genocidal model for the Nazi party.

BREAKING Racist Republicans Tied to MAGA Cite 1857 Ruling to Remove Kamala's Presidential Candidancy

*Read Article Trump's America Might Become the Next 'Associate Member' of the British Commonwealth
*Read Article The British Government Has Paid UK Academia to Promote its Racist Colonial History
*Read Article Trump Ends All Federal 'Racial Sensitivity' Claiming it's Anti-American Propaganda

Instead of the typical mass genocide the British were bringing to an entire race of original Americans, White children of the Masonic empire were taught that their founders were merely supplanting themselves in the expanse of a "New World" to create a "Christian Empire," despite the actual plan being to create a secular government by which Freemasons and Templar occultists could practice their "religion" and not face what they did in France when Satanic-serving Templars were rounded up by the Church and put to death while their survivors fled to Scotland and later London to create Freemasonry. As noted, it was those earliest occult-led Freemasons that planned to take over the New World of America to work in parallel with the City of London in a joint Masonic venture to fulfill their "god's" will. To those Americans who still want to remain willingly ignorant of America's actual Masonic leaders who exist behind those we can see, the Masonic [read: Luciferian/Satanic] founders themselves made it abundantly clear their harsh views on America's earliest relationship with Christianity in signing the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli, which reads: "the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion." There it is. Read that again until it begins to sink in. We were taught in our classrooms that the founders, as all American Freemasons, were consistent advocates of the Freedom of Religion clause as found in the Constitution they wrote, but what we were systematically never taught was that the Masonic influence upon American society was based in the notion of Freedom From Religion, meaning from Christianity aka "The Church" and thus from Christ specifically. How interesting it was that the few seeming "Christian voices" of the era never became outspoken enough to stop such an overwhelmingly obvious Masonic clause from taking root. We are paying for it today. Moreover, it was Thomas Jefferson who famously coined the phrase commonly used today in an 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Association, in which he wrote that the establishment clause of the Constitution purposefully built a “wall of separation between the church and the State,” to, in hindsight, make the Masonic-controlled State as the people's God, the Masonic-devised Constitution as its Holy Writ, and the Masonic-designed flag as the enduring symbol of both the Red and Blue Lodges of Freemasonry, despite what is more commonly taught about the Union Jack's own history and coloring. It therefore should be needless to say, but pay very close attention at all that so easily offends overly self-righteous Republicans who like the ancient Pharisees before them, love to drone on about how we should all be living in a more "simpler time" and how the very sight of Samaritans (minorities) in any large number frightens them, while they're living unrighteously themselves in addition to all of the evils of latent racism they don't even think they have despite it absolutely infecting their brain rot. And isn't that always the case that the most pompously self-righteous are always the most unrighteous and like the Pharisees they are, full of every sin Christ Himself was forced to call out and show them because they would never see it themselves because of their "righteousness"? After hearing so many long-winded speeches by Republicans today who literally live to try and be the exact opposite of whatever they think Democrats are, Jesus' angered words to the Pharisees of His time couldn't have been more true. They live in an alternate universe built upon their own vanity that makes them believe they have a complete monopoly of all that is good and then turn around to spout the most ignorant vitriol out of such hate that they now want to shoot migrants and hang anyone having Christ-like attributes of empathy, as if to forever prove their becoming like Pharisees all the more.

Video Below is Integral in Exposing Freemasonry as That Which Enslaves Us

One of these two so-called leaders even said they called the FBI and turned us in as being a Satanic cult. This again is amusing. The Satanic Brotherhood has many connections in Law Enforcement and the American Justice System. In fact, many of our own Satanic clergy are Freemasons and other related secret society members.

Druwydion Pendragon, Brotherhood of Satan

The Church of Satan recruited members of financial means and social prominence and even if those prospective members did not join the Church, as in if they participated in child rape or procured and viewed their child pornography, the CS gained leverage over those prospective members going forward. That leverage would be used to extort financial concessions and assistance within the legal and political establishments as well as to shield CS members from all legal culpability. And this is how the underworld within Satanism works. Because of their corrupting generational influence, they can manipulate, hinder or even halt investigations, have their corrupted police and judges dismiss cases and even get the national news media to look the other way and blame it all on "Satanic Panic," a name the corporate media devised in the late 1980's to cover-up for the countless deaths of missing and exploited children murdered in their Satanic ritual ceremonies.

Substack: Investigations in Ritual Abuse by Go El

It is necessary to understand that there are Satanic and various other occult elements purposefully woven into the very fabric of Freemasonry. The Lodge is not just "another religion" as some are led to believe. The very nature and character of the Lodge's deepest theological underpinnings are undeniably rooted in ancient witchcraft, paganism, and Druidism specifically. Countless people defecting from witchcraft and the occult will tell you that once initiated into Freemasonry at the lowest level, the upper-level individuals are looking at each man (or woman in Eastern Star) to ascertain their amiability and propensity to participate in the occult. These individuals are “weeded” and those who are selected are moved up (fed into) the higher “degrees” or “levels.” Most men never make it beyond the 3rd degree of Master Mason because they are not suited for occult work. That is the good news. The bad news is that Freemasonry is still, at the highest levels, an occult organization and their dues and time spent patronizing that organization still bolsters witchcraft, whether they recognize it or accept it or not.

Freemasonry and Witchcraft by Veronica Swift

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

RELATED America's Masonic Fathers of 1776: America's Planned Role in the Greater Satanic Plan Toward the Antichrist
RELATED President Trump's Need to "Preserve [the Anglo-Racist] Status Quo" Actually Serves the Evil Deep State Elites
RELATED The Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Programmer 'Svali' Explains the European [German] Roots of the 1776 Illuminati
RELATED America's Founding Founders Have Nearly Completed their 1776 Goal of a Secular Antichrist Order of the Ages
RELATED America's President Trump Announces His "1776 Commission" to Promote "Patriotic [Masonic] Education" For All
RELATED Source of a Nation's Corruption: America's Masonic Founders Followed a Belief Rooted in Satanism and the Occult

*Read Article The Boy Scouts Another US Institution Created by Luciferian Freemasons I
*Read Article Boy Scouts Another US Institution Created by Luciferian Freemasons II
*Read Article Freemasonry's Connections and Links to Today's 'LGBTQ+ Movement'
*Read Article Victoria Swift Connects America's Masonic Luciferianism with LGTBQ+
*Read Article 12,254 Boy Scouts Molested by 8,000 'Masters' Between 1944-2016
*Read Article Girl Scouts Exposed: An Anti-Christian Cult for Lesbians in Training
*Read Article The American Conservative: Satanism At The US Naval Academy
*Read Article 2019: US Navy Midshipmen "Finally Get a Satanic Temple Room"
*Read Article 4 US Air Force Members 'Painted Satanic Symbols' on a Church

What Trump and his shamelessly bigoted "anti-Woke" Karen cult is working to recreate therefore is a return to Whites Only signs displayed in public where anyone not White is, in effect, placed in the back of the line because of their race which is the very definition of colonial-age Anglo-racism given an entirely new life for the 21st century. If the majority of Trump's cult-like and proven racist followers have their way, we will return to a time when America was racist again whereby so-called minorities are to be barely seen in society, education, politics, or business, let alone in any favored media or film entertainment that would shockingly display them as a positive protagonist. If minorities will be allowed to be seen, it will only be in the most stereotypical way possible, which is all some Whites can handle or in only the terms they can understand and accept, which is a complete archetypal Uncle Tom that has finally accepted the Anglo-centric view of his Master's pale vision of utopia to which he has consigned himself to, and as a result, has thereby aligned himself with by telling himself he, as a Brown or Black Republican, is entirely free and not a slave within his subtle Master's seemingly inclusive, albeit subversive control. Who and what do they really serve if America is a Masonic pipe dream created to control its population toward destruction? Trump loyalists and sycophants like Byron Donalds, Tim Scott, and Ben Carson spent too long being brainwashed by the racist and lying robber baron serving, Anglo-racist promoting, status quo keeping, corporate-backed conservative media that backs Trump, and as a result, are beyond reaching. How convenient, therefore, that the unseen but obvious control that has taken over the conservative narrative have also returned to their best-used 1950's boogeyman in the "Socialist/Communist/Marxist" to recapture Masonic meld-minds at the very time the Cabal needs to further a final working that coalesces the White hegemony majority in advance of their fomenting a UK-led, EU-based world government. Of course, the Right are not the only ones being controlled and prepared for what's coming next, because so is the Left, where one could effectively argue the government mind control being unleashed there is even worse. The CDC-pushed Covid-19 vaccine and its near blanket mandating was but one example of the dystopian attempt at State-sponsored mass mind control, but also consider how many times you've read how our own U.S. government was behind the murders of its own citizens no matter what their political affiliations were, e.g., the CIA's experiments behind MK-Ultra that arose after their employing Hitler's Nazi scientists who experimented on humans that also crossed over into population control operations to cause everything from autism births to deaths by cancer. Ongoing human experimentation, gene therapy, cloning, population control, eugenics and bloodlines are all part of the occult globalist's grand aim that encircles their theistic belief that the progenitor of their all-important bloodline is the literal spawn of original evil itself, which then works into their motivation of their generational plots against mankind that ultimately succeed because no one sees the truth of their existence among us. The governments, security forces, and media in the West that they've built protect them as they were designed to because they've placed their own at the helm of every institution that arose with the nation under their control. And now they're creating an unwitting army for their chosen son of perdition who is destined to arise after the world collapses under their progressive plans to elevate him to prominence. Daniel, Zechariah, and the book of Revelation unveils his post-Collapse empiric-building history going forward. Consider also how the narrative that minorities are destroying the West is precisely the same propaganda that was pushed to the Germans as Hitler rose, as the occult power who pushed Hitler to the forefront remain to repeat it again in the 21st century.

*Read Article A US Army Soldier with "Satanic Neo-Nazi" Ties Plotted Terror
*Read Article US Marines Sniper Team Photos Itself with the Nazi 'SS' Flag
*Read Article US Soldier Who Wants to Murder Blacks Given 'Top Security'
*Read Article 'Satanic Subversion' of US Military and Brainwashed Soldiers
*Read Article US Army General Satanist Given a 'Top Position' at the NSA
*Read Article A US Army General and Satanic Leader Oversees US Intel

Question: Why are the White globalists that ultimately guide the destinies of the UK, United States, and Europe creating the dire conditions in the UK, Europe and America that are eroding the very foundations of their said nations that they control? The rage of fire that Whites today are being led into will ultimately be stoked to bring a race war in which America as we knew it never returns but out of it comes something from which Satan can use to protect his Antichrist who will uphold the Anglo-Saxon cause. This is precisely why we are now seeing the trend of White Republicans increasingly making amends to perceived "Aryan supermen" in Adolf Hitler and within the older imperialist British royal family whose former empire colonized much of the planet while at the same time conservative media casts a long shadow of hate on literally anything declaring that minorities should have an equal footing in life. In fact, the same disparaging of minorities has been so effectively wrought by conservative media that Trump's MAGA hates anything which disturbs their corporate master's vision of Anglo-supremacy and continued imperialism to the point where even films that depict half-Whites in roles formerly played by Whites only are instantly criticized by all-White panels on Fox News who deem it a "leftist/communist takeover." Childish, but apparently effective mind control for rural Whites that comprise Fox's core audience. It's not "leftist" to place a Mulatto girl of mixed heritage in a role that was previously played by a White person from "Hollywood's golden era." This notion that everything of a by-gone era (including racism itself) is "traditionalist" and therefore, "American" is what's being cleverly used by corporate conservative media to turn otherwise good people into mindless haters against everything deemed not White, American, or "nationalist" enough. That is a very dangerous precedent going forward as already proven in Germany. As such, corporate interests behind conservative media are tasked with making their flock stay Republican at all costs, which is why a Communist boogeyman must be newly returned so that they stay forced within a 1950's-styled cold war mindset to ensure they vote red every two to four years that in turn furthers the Masonic plan toward its inevitable outcome that's most favorable for "The Plan's" success. MAGA's latest mantra that works like an occult spell which hypnotizes them besides "Fight! Fight! Fight!" is "Trust the Plan." This is what corporate pawns like MAGA who work for the entrenched racist cabal that created America can never understand, the fact they are pawns in service to their elite masters, that and the fact Trump and those who surround him are staunch believers of the robber baron's own Anglo-Israelism which tells them that since Whites, as the true Israelites aren't making up the nearly 100% of the population like it should, God cannot "bless America." Therefore, all of these calls toward making "America great again," are really to, in their skewed vision, make America blessed again by God. That is precisely what's behind their specific brand of hateful racism and racist rhetoric today.

*Read Article Freemasonry's "Anglo-Israelism" Lays at the Root of All Anglo-Racist Infiltrated Organizations
*Read Article How Aryan-Based American Racism Influenced the Dark Father of Nazism Adolf Hitler Himself
*Read Article Like Q'Anon, Trump's Brainwashed Violent Base MAGA is Also Being Readied for the Antichrist

Likewise, the Democrats and their media, also operated by the same corporate interests, engage in the exact same tactics to ensure their own always vote blue every election cycle. And is that not intriguing? Many of the same corporations' control and fund both parties equally so that their own goals and agendas are achieved, to be sure, but this also means both the Left and the Right are a faked duality that exists top-down to control us all under the guise of "freedom of choice." Narrowing what that means and will result in the future is where this website tread boldly. In short, White Americans today act as though their own recent ancestry and more distant forefathers have done absolutely no wrong by minorities whatsoever, despite Native Americans barely surviving their initial British-turned-American colonialism since 1620 and Blacks being tortured as their slaves. It's also interesting how, at the same time, modern White supremacist recruitment has only up ticked among the very same people denouncing that White supremacy and racism even exists. In very stark terms, the nefarious work that Europe's oldest secret societies have unleashed upon American society at large aims to social engineer and manipulate Whites toward an intense Anglo-racism that then allows them to bring the one who will arise having every seeming solution to the world's most pressing Left/Right problems to a politician and democracy-weary world. One should ask themselves why the European and American corporate elites governing both political parties who are best known for their world-trashing pollution as well as their global population control agendas via "vaccines," see eye to eye the higher up the corporate capstone you go. The answer is simple. Because a 'greener world' is the leading agenda item on the corporate-propagated Antichrist's own short list to appear as revolutionary and necessary when he ascends to seemingly fix the world. As such, corporations are in effect purposefully paving his groundwork and creating green tech at the ready for his post-Collapse arrival. Within that, could anyone successfully argue that the planet is not heading into a pagan-styled "green" mindset, with the media acting as its "Ministry of Information" to enforce the necessary herd mentality via its new religion called "Climate Change"? Of course, the same that are being persuaded to believe both the racist ideologies for the right as well as climate tenets for the left have no idea how Freemasonry has insidiously worked its way to undermine both to turn America's power toward not the service of God, but Satan, and this despite America bringing the Gospel to much of the rest of the planet. How do we know this? The much more sinister plan of American and European globalists are so obviously showing their hand in their purposed erosion of Christianity today with the added knowledge that their Antichrist is now alive to fulfill his destiny that ultimately sees the modern State of Israel and its entire Jewish population conquered at the advent of the Great Tribulation, their plan for the early 21st century all along. The same Anglo-globalists have entire decades marked as their targets to achieve global unity amidst the backdrop of increased natural disasters that they've determine will become "apocalyptic" by 2030 and beyond.

BREAKING BBC Says: America is an Oligarchy Run by the Elite Class and Not a Democracy

*Read Article Separate Water Fountains for Blacks Still Stand in the South as Dehumanizing Racist "Monuments"
*Read Article Why Is White America Afraid of Black History that Desires Our Country to Live Up to its Own Ideals?

On another manufactured front, both European and American elites are creating the "migrant crisis" in their own respective borders as to enflame racial tensions so that they can more easily radicalize an entire generation toward neo-Nazism. In so doing, the proven racist corporate and Masonic elites of the so-called "Blood Royale" remain continually untouchable because they are now pitting one American against another as an effective Left/Right distraction that works to protect the latter stages of their plan while Americans and Europeans are being radicalized by the very same occult-led globalist powers that created, funded, and supported Hitler and the murderous Nazi regime to begin with. And precisely as the German people were made as pawns in the globalist chess game while they amassed greater power to further their ultimate plan, so are increasingly far-right conservatives today falling over themselves to join that hidden agenda created by the very same occult-empowered globalists that the conservatives unwittingly believe they are against. At the same time Satan is deceiving and using the left against God, he's also deceiving the right toward Satan, the author of elitist racism via Cain and his many western-migrating descendants. Trump has his MAGA-pandering version of it, but so does Ron DeSantis, who is already banning all Black history from even being taught in Florida as if to carry on the legacy of slave-owners into the 21st century, who likewise banned African American history and African Americans themselves from life and liberty. It is said that a people are tied to their own history no matter what that history was and no matter how some try and sweep that history of blatant racism under the rug for no one else to remember it. Whites today also claim there is no racism against minorities because, in their latest deflection tactic, they'll say "racism only exists against Whites today." This cleverly attempts to remove the argument completely of anyone attempting to expose White racism, because exposing it means the non-White proving their case of White racism is themselves made the "racist," thus allowing Anglo-racism to continue and thrive within its own status quo while at the same time pushing the lying narrative that anyone exposing the meteoric rise of Anglo-racism are just "communists" and "socialist" vermin who should be erased. Then there's the so-called culture war tearing apart the West as a whole that's also occurring not coincidentally at this time. Within that same current dynamic that conservative media makes sure is tirelessly used in their "Anti-woke" brainwashing campaigns, I recently read an article called "Centuries-old Authors that are Now Called Out for Racism" which of course ignited a firestorm of knee-jerk "Anti-woke" comments with mostly Whites feeling forced to defend their support of those same racist authors because *insert every mental leap racists always make to defend racism here.* I merely commented back: "Not even the most ignorant, slack-jawed, self-inflating, status quo-serving, imperialist-minded, Anglo-racism glorifying, sedition supporting, genocide-applauding, racist-defending, MAGA idiot could deny that every one of these same authors were Whites at the time of Anglo-racism's height against everyone *not* White. How interesting it is, therefore, that the greatest inheritors of those who committed the most appalling acts of obvious genocidal racism in all of world history defend it by now claiming what happened then doesn't matter, while holding on to the exact same racism of their criminal forefathers they still defend longing for the days when murderous racism was normalized, and America was great." I also recently had the displeasure of seeing a meme posted by what is now a former Facebook friend who posted a photo of an overly characterized "Ghetto Black" Superman saving a morbidly obese White female with the caption "Your Next Superman Film Goes Woke." I left the comment: Who told you "Woke" was your enemy? People like you have made it more than abundantly clear that you want a return to Whites Only. However, other races besides White people exist in this world, and therefore, when is it ever going to be the right time to allow them to be seen? From what people like you say, the 21st century is still too early."

*Read Article All in the Family: Freemasonry and the British Empire in the Mid-Nineteenth Century - A Must Read
*Read Article World War I Vets Denied the Medal of Honor Due to Their Race "Possibly" Considered
*Read Article President Biden Awards Overdue Medal of Honor to Black Man for Heroism in Vietnam
*Read Article Rep Lauren Boebert Faces Backlash from Christians for Praying for Biden to Die


Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

In yet another troubling new development, Trump supporters have begun flying all-black or black/gray American flags in an implicit threat to harm or kill their political opponents — usually meaning non-white people and all Democrats, the perceived “enemies” of “real America.” The post, “Are Your Republican Neighbors Planning on Killing You?” merits lengthy quotation and question, but it didn’t take long to find the research is correct. There exists hundreds of videos where Trumpers and so-called MAGA patriots were hanging black and gray American flags to mean "NO QUARTER" with their interpretation being that they will not surrender but will begin murdering non-Whites to establish a white caliphate. The original Salon article goes on to note that the black or greyed-out reversed flags could be performative cosplay among weaker wannabes showing off their small-town mentality being raised as such. And who are their enemies? Everyone "Woke" and/or not in Trump's Karen cult, upon which racist Trumper's, Hitler idolizers, with cosplay go-along LARPer wannabe's fantasize about a fucking purge because they can’t stand the idea of "losing a country" to people that, in too many cases, were placed here by God first to begin with, only to be uprooted by a hostile, racist, and undeniably Occult force from England that masquerades itself as Christian in order to get away with all of it, again.

It's now past the point where too many things are falling under the term "Woke" for it to stay within a meaning. Republican elected officials and other right-wing opinion leaders have continued to escalate their threats of political violence against Democrats and other targeted groups and a new poll from the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics even found that more than 50% of Trump's own supporters want all “red states” to secede from the Union. So let the reversed black and gray American flag become the mark they hold themselves to be the result of their being that benighted and typical. Racists literally cannot help but to completely expose themselves because they are literally that stupid to be proud of their evil mind and serving evil and its source. So watch what they say or never say as the case may be. Watch how they act. Watch also the symbols they wantonly display upon them. Satan always marks his own. Their "Great Work" is about to be achieved with the final capstone being placed upon the unfinished pyramid of Horus/Lucifer representative of the Antichrist himself, the Cabal's ultimate goal.

Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

"America is Freemasonry's New Atlantis" by John Hamer

Synopsis: The United States of America has never been a country in its own right. It was established by British Freemasonry to perpetuate the deception of 'freedom' for the people, all the while the dark forces that actually govern the United States, rooted in British Freemasonry, would prepare the larger world for its prophesied leader.

2,500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato described Atlantis as an ideal society destroyed in some unknown cataclysmic event, thousands of years previously. This event may have been a gigantic tsunami, an earthquake or the result of massive volcanic activity, but the real reason for its sudden demise is not known. Ever since Plato's description of this 'utopian world' became widely known, the elites have attempted to recreate it in all its glory. In the early 17th century, Sir Francis Bacon, wrote his classic work 'The New Atlantis', citing America as the ideal location for the fulfilment of the long-held dreams of the Rosicrucians and the other forerunners of Freemasonry. Bacon was the leader of the Rosicrucian movement and the fledgling organization that would become the Freemasonry. The Rosicrucians and Freemasons arrived in America in their great numbers during the mass migrations of the first half of the seventeenth century. Freemasons practiced their art in much the same way as in Europe, embedding their secret designs in both individual buildings and indeed, entire cities and wider areas. For example, the original American major cities, Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston are all in perfect alignment along a 400-mile line, in effect connecting them together along the eastern seaboard of the US. This line, if continued eastwards also aligns perfectly with Stonehenge and then London. Just coincidence? Despite what you may believe, the American Revolution was conceived and perpetrated by Freemasonry to further the financial interests of the North American Elite and create an impression of independence from British money interests and the Crown. It was not, as we are told, the product of a popular uprising against British tyranny. Indeed most 'ordinary' Americans were of British ancestry and were fiercely loyal to King George III. Benjamin Franklin, the American 'hero' was in reality an agent of British intelligence working towards the goal of transition of the American colonies from overt to covert control in a microcosm of what was taking place on a worldwide basis as openly monarchies were replaced by a manufactured 'democracy' to create the false impression of 'government by the people, for the people'. According to official history, the spark that ignited the conflict was when a band of men dressed as Mohawk Indians dumped all the tea from the British clipper, Dartmouth into Boston harbor. In reality, those who played as 'Indians' were actually members of the St. Andrew's Freemasonic lodge in Boston led by their junior warden, Paul Revere. The easy access to the ship was facilitated with 'insider' help from the colonial militia detailed to guard the waterfront at Boston harbor. The Captain of this militia was Edward Proctor who was a senior Mason also of the St. Andrew's Lodge. Another lodge member also happened to be John Hancock, the first signatory of the Declaration of Independence and whose name has become synonymous with 'signature' as a result. Of the fifty-six signatories of the Declaration of Independence, at least fifty were known to be Freemasons and only one was definitely known not to be. Is this significant in any way? I believe so. In addition, all the signatories were proven descendants from British aristocracy as indeed most senior American politicians still are to this day. For example, President George W. Bush was a sixth cousin of Queen Elizabeth II and so on. On the 3rd of September 1783, America was officially recognized by Britain as an independent country. Would this have been the case had the American Revolution really been to sever ties with Britain unilaterally? Highly unlikely. The British establishment would have fought tooth and nail to retain the colony had the War of Independence been lost against its will instead of simply being 'handed over'. The first President (although that was never his official title) George Washington, was from a British aristocratic background and was a 33rd degree Freemason himself. His initiation ceremony was in effect a freemasonic ritual attended by all the freemasonic hierarchy of the country in full freemasonic regalia, aprons et al. The new capital, Washington DC was designed and built on Freemasonic principles with Babylonian and Romanesque architecture well to the fore including an abundance of esoteric symbolism. It is well known that occult and masonic ceremonies were common-place during the laying the foundation-stones of many of its original structures. As with the Egyptian pyramids, Washington DC is also in alignment with important star systems [important from within the occult]. The United States of America has never been a country in its own right. It was established by British Freemasonry, in conjunction with American Freemasonry to perpetuate the deception of 'freedom for the people' and to enable covert control of the masses and facilitate huge, ongoing profits at the expense of those masses. In effect, the Virginia Company, established in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, simply changed its name to The United States Corporation Inc. and this is the real power structure behind the scenes. The President is merely the president of a large corporation and so the 'war on terrorism' was launched by the president of a private corporation to further the geo-political interests and profits of that corporation. In reality, the privately owned 'United States' is, in effect, the holding company and state subsidiary of the Crown."

*A MUST READ London's Tavistock: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, and Economic Decline of the US
*A MUST READ [Amazon] Conjuring the Rise of Adolf Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich
*Read Article Absolute Proof that the Illuminati Global Plot is Directed by London's Evil Crown Windsor
*Read Article Professed Satanist and Nazi Michael Aquino Operates Within US National Security
*Read Article Why British High Society Including its own Royal Family Secretly United with Hitler
*Read Article The Modern British Royal Family are Actually German, Having Nazi Family Ties
*Read Article The British Royal Family Loved and Supported Adolf Hitler and SS Nazi Party
*Read Article How the British Royal Family Facilitated Adolf Hitler's Rise to Power

There can be no more clearer proof that something completely against America sits at the helm running America from behind the American presidency and the other two branches of US government than when Democrats pushing Godless liberalism that gives way to paganism then allows for a Republican to then take the presidency to further push the other Masonic agenda that manifests itself into Godless racism as the only reaction to Godless paganism when the Masonic plan feeds both. Consequently, both Godless paganism and Godless racism work in tandem toward an even greater Godless agenda that remains hostile to us all because what the Satanic elite have done here is brought about the exact conditions needed for the Antichrist to rise. All that's needed now is a global collapse and that could occur any day given the way that the Masonic-controlled West is constantly provoking the East in order to bring the Collapse. I can explain this single fact in no clearer terms than that. So why has Biden opened up the border to the extent he's done that ensures a Republican is next to win the White House to crush them? The answer is certainly within the question. Even the Trump appointed Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hired by Trump in February 2018 has outwardly spoken in truth, saying of migrants and their effect on the American economy is a "giant plus and is literally America's financial life blood and what keeps America strong," which is a far cry from what the President who appointed him says about migrants, or more specifically, only those migrants who have darker skin because Trump is absolutely fine with Nordic/White migrants as he himself also claimed in 2018. Financial experts agree that "immigration has an overall positive impact on the long-run economic growth in the U.S. and if not for immigration as it stands, the collective U.S. workforce would be shrinking thereby greatly reducing the national GDP in very destructive ways which would instantly create a host of problems for the federal government." This is exactly what either Trump secretly wants to bring about, it would appear, thus helping to usher in the Collapse of America through his strict plans summed up within Project 2025, starting with "the largest mass deportation in all of history." In all of their spiritually corrupted, elite corporate connected hubris and misplaced self-righteousness that always places profits over people, Trump-era Republicans have become the Pharisees to which Christ already exposed: He that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. But woe unto you, Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men, for you neither go in yourselves, neither do you allow them that are entering to go in. Woe unto you, Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto white coffins, which indeed appear beautiful outward but are within full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Woe unto you, Pharisees, hypocrites! You built the tombs of the prophets and take pride in garnishing their coffins of the actual righteous, then say, If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them who killed them, wherefore you are witnesses unto yourselves, because you are the very children of them which killed the prophets [and look how you honor your fathers]! You serpents, you generation of vipers! How can you escape the eternal damnation of Hell? I have sent unto you prophets and wise men and scribes, and some of them you shall yet kill and crucify also them. Therefore, upon you will come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth against you, from the blood of righteous Abel [via Cain] unto the blood of Zacharias whom you murdered between the temple and the altar! Also interesting to note, this is the very chapter that comes just before Matthew 24, upon which Jesus spends two more chapters (24-25) describing the end of the world and its Hell-bound generation who cry out to Jesus "Lord, Lord, haven't we done great and mighty things in your name?" to which Christ replies "Get away from me, I never knew you. Insomuch as you have not done it to the least of these [your Christian brethren who you did not see as your brethren] you have not done it unto Me." This is key, because as a result of all of their Masonic brainwashing since children that has ironically turned them against Christ, MAGA wouldn't even recognize Jesus if He Himself were to stand there at the border today asking to be allowed in. Christ Himself would be turned away for not being White, and as many surmise, these so-called "Christian Nationalists" would likely crucify God's Son all over again for being too "Woke," and if they would kill Him, how much more would they murder us who follow Him, His brethren. John 16:2 further informs us: "Verily, the time comes that whosoever kills you will think that he doeth God a service." As Christ said, "a student is not above his Master and if they hated Me, they shall also hate you who follow Me." According to the GOP's numbering of them, there were 13-million rapists, murderers, drug runners, gang members, and human traffickers who were allowed into the country at the Mexican border. But if true, how come there are not 13-million criminal acts being waged by all of them across the nation? Why? Because migrants mostly comprise of basic families seeking a better life fleeing crime and oppression. As such, they have not entered America to suddenly become criminals, that was not what their great human struggle to get here was for. They are here to work and pursue a dream to uplift themselves and their family - the exact same dream that White's own immigrant families had when arriving to our eastern shore. Where Americans should be taking great pride in this, they are instead led to see these immigrants as "others" who should be rounded up and thrown away according to skin color.

BREAKING Trump Claims Africa, Asia, and South America are "Poisoning the [European] Blood of Our Country"
BREAKING How the Migrant Crisis is Being Engineered by Elites to Radicalize Even More Whites into Nazism
BREAKING Reality that the Republicans Don't Want You to Know: Migrants Positively Affect the US Economy

*Read Article White Supremacy's Weird New Turn Toward an Imagined Past via its Submissive 'Trad-Wives'
*Read Article How the UK/US Immigration Explosion is Purposefully Being Used by Globalists to Stoke Anger
*Read Article How the Hidden "One Percent" Elite are Destroying Democracy and the United States of America
*Read Article MAGA/Conservatives are Infuriated with Hollywood's "Black-Washing of White Historical Figures"
*Read Article Strange and Ongoing Racist Scandals Marking Finland's Most Far-Right Wing Government Ever

The latest headline in our nation reads: More Threats Made Against Springfield, Ohio: Everything Shutting Down as Fear Grips Town. Obviously, Trump likes to believe racist conspiracies because they serve his racism well. And so, at last check, Trump, Loomer, and MAGA are still blaming literally everyone under the sun for the threats and mortal fear they've forced onto the citizens of Springfield, Ohio except Trump who instigated all of it, whose only response was to triple down on his extremist rhetoric and racist lies all the more while MAGA starts believing/repeating it. Within hours of his latest assassination attempt, the hate-inciting former President then goes on social media to announce his "HATE" (his all-caps quote) for a certain popstar just to surround himself with even more drama and hateful negativity. Today, MAGA Republicans are right now calling for what amounts to a complete censorship on pointing out the fact that all of the negativity, racism, and literal hateful rhetoric is coming from Trump since America had its first Black President. Now, MAGA Republicans want Trump to "ratchet up" his hateful rhetoric that's creating the national drama, but God forbid if anyone points out Trump's own words because if you do, you're the one being "negative and hateful." With this, MAGA has become beyond a cult and they won't ever admit it but Trump's daily inciting of violence and frequently evoking mayhem on a mass scale, even civil war, shouldn't make anyone wonder why violence returns to him at a personal level by those on the fringe. The latest assassination attempt at Trump is already making his cult claim that they "don't know how we got here," claiming further that "the media demonization of Trump and his comparisons to Hitler, Al Capone, and Hannibal Lecter need to stop." They are apparently not aware that it's Trump himself that adoringly compares himself to Hitler, Capone, Hannibal Lecter, etc., proving Trump is inwardly unhinged, especially when Presidents usually like to compare themselves with someone actually good and not evil. Moreover, Trump's own labeling half the country as "sick," as if to say that only his own most staunch brand of MAGA loyalists are the "good people" in America, amounts to not only brainwashing, but mind control where if you dare criticize his violent, despotic, or mocking rhetoric, you're the evil one, but if you follow lockstep behind whatever the Hell this political and corporate swamp-protecting despot says, you're a "great American." Again, that is not only brainwashing, but also literal mind control already proving its own negative consequences in the form of violence against Trump, etc. If they were mostly educated, MAGA would understand that Trump is not only a consummate narcissist, but a megalomaniac who creates "partner henchmen." Dr. Karen Mitchell PhD describes partner henchmen as those being groomed by the narcissist to be so supremely grateful to the controlling narcissist for the "opportunities" given to become part of the henchmen group, that they are compelled to support the narcissist no matter what he does. This is not out of respect or consideration on behalf of the narcissist, rather it is their learned behavior to decrease the risk of their being exposed as supremely manipulative and subsequently brought down." Since Trump has also unleashed the racist flood gates with his lies about legal American citizens with temp status eating dogs, how is that not making his similarly racist MAGA base go insane with even more racist lies being spun in their echo chambers that they never leave? There's no greater hypocrisy shown by Republicans with their constantly providing Trump's racist and hateful words a pass, then when they instead focus on anyone who simply questions Trump's own racist and hateful words. So, question: Given the unparalleled king-like power recently unleashed by the Supreme Court for future Presidents of being immune from prosecution, would Trump stop at only illegal aliens to be deported? What would stop him from illegally labeling entire groups of American citizens since birth as being "illegal"? After all, this is the same man who announced that former President Obama was not even an American citizen. Trump was also just quoted as saying, "Illegals have taken more jobs than anyone else." Well, there it is, the actual proof of why migrants come here. It certainly isn't to eat a dog, or sell a joint, build a terrorist bomb, or rape a girl. THEY HISTORICALLY WORK and only add to the U.S. economy and GDP as a result. So outside of their racism, why does the far-right in America fear minorities to the extent they do? Two reasons: 1) They fear being "replaced." 2) They fear illegals could vote against their corporate-serving, racist, status quo despite non-citizen migrants having no such right. The latest lie Trump tells is that Biden/Harris are not allowing FEMA relief to those affected by Hurricane Helene because they gave it all away to migrants. Like the dog/cats lie, this one has only come back to destroy Trump's "credibility" yet again. FEMA has just announced that because of Trump's lies, there are many not even seeking FEMA's assistance, which is only costing those brainwashed because they've been convinced FEMA doesn't have the $2-billion that has been allocated for all of those negatively impacted by the storm.

BREAKING Neo-Nazi Group Calling Itself "Blood Tribe" Advocates War Against All Non-Whites
BREAKING Springfield Mayor Takes Executive Powers to Fight Against MAGA's Growing Threat
BREAKING Many Forgotten the Rash of Black Men That Were Hung During Trump's Era as President

In early September, Congress approved $10.5 billion in aid for the survivors without any debate in the House or Senate. On September 7, an additional $51.8 billion funding package was passed by both houses but to listen to Trump, there's only $750 for those worst impacted. After just hearing Trump claim in a Wisconsin speech that Kamala Harris is "mentally impaired" and that "she was born that way..." which dually served as a parallel knock against her race to which his crowd cheered, how does Trump, Vance, and MAGA Republicans prove they are racist and, as such, anti-American? Because you literally have the historically racist and murdering KKK as well as Trump's "Proud Boys" having travelled to Springfield, Ohio to frighten the entire town and no one in MAGA, including the anti-Christ-like cult leader or his false prophet says anything of it. Mind you, those former Haitians have been granted American citizenship status are legal, but more than that, both the Springfield Mayor and the Ohio Governor, as well as the majority of Springfield itself are standing in unison to say how these new Americans only added to their local economy, driving it sharply upward in the time they've graced Springfield. This is how you know that when presented with that fact, bigots like Trump can only see it through a racist lens because in the racist MAGA hive mind, they could *never* be real Americans. He, Vance, and MAGA would just rather believe they eat dogs and cats. This is how you know Trump and his freak cult in MAGA are the very racists they never claim to be. In fact, Trump has stated that his "mass deportations" will begin in Springfield, Ohio, so if you cannot see the racism in that, knowing they are American citizens, than you might be a racist. Apparently, MAGA thinks if they can just deflect long enough and blame the Democrats for everything, no one will notice their hate while secretly adoring/serving/protecting the KKK. Now factor in their anti-DEI, anti-CRT, anti-"Marxist" anti-Woke bullshit. It all adds up to the exact same White supremacy they are infected with but do their damndest to hide. Trump is a racist and a proven liar, and it's no one's fault for that except himself and those who want to cover their eyes and ears not to see and hear it. It was June 16, 2015, when Trump arrived riding on a populist wave and a gold-colored escalator to announce that all Mexicans were murdering, rapist, drug running, animals that he would exterminate if elected, and the race to racism being ignited again in America was on. As President, Trump then went far out of his way to also demonize other races not Mexican or Black, leaving the impression that the only good American is a European-descended one. When it comes to the issue of race, Trump need only look at his own race for insanely creating such hate that he and his cult so easily propagate. To MAGA, you either side with the dear leader or you're not a "real American." Hitler would have laughed at all of this in sheer delight and that in itself says something. This same brand of subliminal brainwashing backed by the glorification of fascist-styled single party rule was further underscored with Trump's quote "The only good Democrat is a DEAD Democrat." The very fact that Trump and MAGA does not want any history taught unless it's a 'Whites Only' history should tell you all you need to know about Trump and MAGA. Enter Project 2025, whose first step on behalf of Trump withholding power longer than he should is to fire millions of current federal government employees and replace them with die-hard Trump loyalists. So the very same thing that Trump falsely accuses the Left for, he wants to do, and this is what Americans need to understand. All autocrats do this. Putin is best known to have employed this same tactic where he consistently blames his many enemies for what he himself is doing or wants to do, and just like Putin, Trump thrives within both the corruption and deceptions he creates. Trump also gravitates to anyone who would worship him because he's a megalomaniac that sees himself as special enough to deserve worship, and this despite almost everything Trump touches in his life becoming a massive failure due to his said corruption, from Trump University taking people's money with no return, to his wanting to find the thousands of votes he needed in Georgia to secure the 2020 election, to Trump ultimately wanting to suspend of the American Constitution to hold power. On January 6th, 2021, Trump turned an entire crowd against an otherwise peaceful transition of power in which he loudly uttered his "Fight!" and "Give 'em Hell" or "you'll lose your country" rhetoric. The crowd then turned violent, called for the death of Pence and Pelosi and even turned against the police themselves in their illegally attempting to break their way in the Capitol building and stop Pence from carrying out the peaceful transfer of power. For today, it's so obvious the Republicans are a bit too desperately attempting to win the current election and perceives Kamala a real threat to their collective racism because just a few months ago, it was just Biden and Mayorkas who were receiving all the blame for the southern border, and loudly so. Suddenly, however, Kamala is the "border czar" who is "solely responsible for the border" according to the latest MAGA dupe, when in reality, all she ever had to do with the Mexican border was to research why there were so many migrants leaving their home countries to travel north to the U.S. The next thing she did was help draw up a very strict and tough border bill that gained bipartisan support to which Trump infamously and undeniably struck down just so he could campaign throughout the following summer and fall of 2024 on the "open border."

BREAKING Trump Passing All of the Blame on "the Jews" in America if He Loses the 2024 Election
BREAKING There Will Be Violence in America No Matter if MAGA's Cult Leader Wins or Not in November

The eating dogs and cats lie proves he lies about citizens who are in every way Americans, but those that don't happen to be White while those illegals, drug dealers, and otherwise who are White or "White passing" crossing from Canada's northern border distributing fentanyl are never given a second thought. Finally, the cheating, which was perfectly seen in his own quote to the Georgia Secretary of State, saying, "I just want to find 11,780 votes..." in which he wanted to steal the 2020 election by having someone else trample upon the truth and the Constitution to get there. Let's remember, because MAGA failed Trump from stealing the election on January 6, 2021, Trump next wanted to suspend the American Constitution itself in his last-ditch effort at holding power. It was then that the beginnings of Project 2025 were devised to ensure Trump could never lose an election again because "Project 2025 has found loopholes to work around and circumvent the American Constitution." It should also be known that 28 of the Project's 38 authors comprised Trump's original administration, meaning they are still close within his political orbit and would likely be picked again to form any future administration going forward to ensure Project 2025 becomes reality. And lest we forget, the very reason Trump had to pick a new Vice President is because his cult tried to kill the last one he had. Fast forward to today and Vance already riding on Trump's coattails, peddling the lie that migrants are causing high home prices that serves the dangerous brainwashing and mind control their captive audience wants to hear. In reality, economists say inflation and interest rates would likely be higher under a future Trump administration than under Kamala, as deporting millions of people and restricting new immigration would actually increase prices by reducing the labor force. Immigrant workers alone will add an extra $7 trillion to the U.S. economy within the next decade and an extra $1 trillion in federal tax revenue while Trump added $1 trillion to the national debt from 2017-2021 by giving tax breaks for billionaires and trillionaires. Since minority workers make up nearly 30% of the entire agricultural workforce in the U.S., 33% of hospitality workers, and 46% of construction work at a time when there is a severe shortage of such workers, any blanket threat to this workforce that helps not hinders America would actually threaten efforts to increase the housing supply and overall economic health of America. Of course, none of this matters to the far-right whose driving vision is rooted in proven Anglo-racism in order to keep America predominately White at any cost. Meanwhile, kids in America go hungry while conservatives push the latest Fox News scare of "radical Marxist Democrats" taking over, just because Dems actually have empathy for a wide section of people that Republicans ignore, while conservatives blame everyone that are not themselves for not making their favorite corporate billionaires, trillionaires. And despite what Fox brainwashes MAGA with, Trump is now blaming Kamala Harris for what he himself has put into motion with the deadly terror attack at Abby Gate against 13 US Marines in Afghanistan when it was Trump and his former administration that allowed a total of 5,000 radical Islamic terrorists be released from their prisons who is believed later made the bomb that killed the 13 Marines [half of whom were Mexican] who died for this country that MAGA Republicans are now using an anti-Democrat talking point. Fox News is also announcing that all gangs in America are suddenly "Venezuelan gang members" who "just crossed the border under the Biden/Harris administration." Sure, Fox, sure. Because his "largest mass-deportation in history" (apparently second only to Hitler's own mass deportation of Jews) and the completion of "The Wall" won't be enough, Project 2025 is being brought to bear so that MAGA carries out what is done in nations under dictatorships, and all this coming from the same political party who cannot even see Putin as evil because they were told not to. Project 2025 would eventually make it illegal to say anything critical against despot Trump, while he and MAGA would be allowed to have free reign against everyone not in his cult, thus leaving American "freedom" to have taken on an entirely new defining role. Project 2025 is simply their telling America they no longer believe in elections unless their Messianic chosen one wins. In short, you don't fight against what you're told is evil by returning to a racism that America has already worked through and largely left behind, and you certainly cannot advance a nation by ignoring, or worse, eradicating entire segments of its population in favor of a fascist approach that masquerades itself as "Christian."

BREAKING The More Americans Learn About Freedomless Project 2025, the More They Would Vote Against It
BREAKING Trump Proposes the Violent Film Plot of 'The Purge' to Allow US Police a 'Rough Hour' Against Crime
BREAKING Trump Reduced US Soldier's Traumatic Brain Injuries After Attack in Iraq as "Headaches" Angers Veterans

Ergo, if Republican, you don't fight what you are told is a "Woke evil" with more evil in the form of Anglo-racism, but that is exactly what too many are being led to do by the very same corporate entities that they believe they're against, who have always benefitted from the Left vs. Right as well as the White vs. non-White divide. As I write, Republican Governor Mike DeWine of Ohio is on a Sunday morning news program countering Trump and Vance's lies of "evil pet-eating Haitians" by stating as fact how hard working these (now legal) 15,000 Americans (former Haitians) are, and moreover, he states as a former resident of Springfield, that they are "only adding to the thriving economy of peaceful Springfield, Ohio." The Governor contrasts that peace with Trump's racist lies and incredible irresponsibility (that have evil and violent consequences) stating how the KKK is now rumored to be travelling to Springfield to stir the pot and attempt to create rumors to incite neighbors against Springfield's minority citizens, and despite his backing of Trump and Vance, Ohio's Republican Governor is extolling loudly how their dangerous and racist lies need to stop. "Trump needs to stop." Trump's and Laura Loomer's racist lies have very real consequences designed to drum up fear that's now resulting on violent rhetoric and bomb threats because too many of the "uneducated" that Trump needs are even more easily deceived and unhinged than him. America has come this far in beating back ignorance and racism at every turn, and then Trump showed up to teach it to an entirely new generation ensuring its survival deep into the 21st century. Whereas Trump's first Presidential tenure and administration was largely tame compared to what his Project 2025 reveals, with its first salvo proving itself being an insane, extreme, racist, irresponsible, and hate agenda against now LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS (that are not White) to which he told the entire world is "eating dogs," how would his next administration and agenda not be even more extreme than what's already being shown if he becomes President? Better question, because Trump said in recent speeches he will bring a national death penalty for drug dealers (which already assumes that through Project 2025, he will have federal control over every state), could there be a scenario where the already too old and too racist and dangerous Trump believes Laura Loomer's lies about innocent legal citizens as being, say, a "drug dealer" because they aren't in complete agreement with his takeover? That would be the path toward rounding up entire segments of Americans against such Nazism and have them eradicated to ensure only a single party rule in America, exactly what Trump and his insane loyalists want. Trump's "saving America" by destroying it in civil war of itself proves his racism and remains, like most else he devises, a plan not well thought out because who among what he calls "the minority nations of the world" would ever want to trade, manufacture for, or sell anything to America after it killed, maimed, or captured everyone who wasn't White and so-called "Christian"? This is not even to say how weakened the United States would become for even those who could "win" such a war if the nation lost half of its numbers, with its doctors, nurses, and medical experts, among them. There would be lingering death on all sides and America would collapse from within and then without. That is to say, if America wars with itself because of Trump/MAGA, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the Iranian Republican Guard, as well as the Houthi's and ISIS would be invading Israel to murder every single Jew on the same day, allowing Iran to largely takeover the Mideast. Taiwan would be invaded making China more powerful. Russia would kill every military asset and civilian in Ukraine, greatly strengthening its hand against what's left of a NATO without America. Make no mistake, after Iran's terrorist proxies lay waste to Israel, they would immediately come after the U.S. next and Russia and China would of course wipe out what's left of a weakened America and MAGA by that point. We'd be much wiser not to fall for any of what the globalists want and Trump would deliver through his personal war on America and its Constitution. Consequently, Trump and cult should tread carefully when evoking their need for a civil war as their last ditch and desperate way to stay in perpetual power. All of the supposed "evils" of the Democrats added up together pales in comparison to the murderous evils the fascist far-right is today preparing against half of the nation and then the nation itself. And so what do these obviously racist fascists define as an American Marxist? Anyone caught actually caring about people outside of the White race. Anyone who helps the needy and poor. Anyone who has a heart for people hurting in society in general, and especially those who organize such people together for a common good such as banding together to expose these racist fascists as both racist and fascist - which they can't even deny at this point!

BREAKING The Trump Cult of MAGA's Idiotic Embrace of Russia's American-Hating Vladimir Putin
*ARCHIVED Trump's MAGA Followers Threatened Lives of Families of Democrats and Minorities to 'Stay in Power'
*ARCHIVED Russian Propagandists Fantasize About Second Trump Term 'Wrecking the United States of America'

Any of that is being "Marxist" to the racist fascists. To Trump, despite his many platitudes to "the Blacks" and to "the Spanish," he is an avowed hater of Black and Brown, especially if they have basic empathy for others and prove it. By their own definition, like the Pharisees they truly are, MAGA "Christian" Nationalists would see Jesus Christ Himself as a Marxist enemy and crucify Him all over again. They wouldn't recognize Him, and on the Day of Judgment, He will not recognize them as perfectly cited in Matthew 25 when they are gathered as goats on His left hand and they frantically call out to Him "Lord, Lord..." to which He responds "Get away from me. I never knew you! Insomuch as you did not for the least of these, you did not do it unto me." They are then cast out with Satan and his demons to share their fate for it was Satan who ultimately deceived them to hate what God created and called good. If Trump does manage to still lose this election on account of his own many proven failures, his "Fight! Fight! Fight!" mantra will still serve as the bloody blueprint for the "bloodbath" he (and Putin) have predicted. In this, MAGA has zero clue that their puppet master is Putin via Trump. Just as Putin wants there to be a Civil War in America, so does Trump, and because Trump wants it, so does Putin's pawns within MAGA. Added to all of this is the strong undercurrent of Anglo-racism that continues to take so many predictable twists and turns within conservative media where Kamala's name, her skin tone, her laugh, her "preach it" voice, her story, her rise, her race, ALL is brought into question because she's not White to an audience who keeps thinking they're NOT racist. The question of how we got here is broken down into two main elements: 1) Have conservative media tout that all Democrats are literal Marxists, Communists, "agents of Satan," or otherwise innately evil, then repeat this lie again and again to mind-controlling levels until Republicans literally hate Democrats because "they are evil." 2) Make conservatives believe that they are the epitome of all that is just and good by using their race as a template backed up by a self-anointing whitewashed history where "God" is at the center of it all, and everything else the Freemasons lured them into thinking since America's inception to today's MAGA hive-mind where the most un-Christian man they can find is anointed as a "Chosen One sent by God to lead the world." MAGA is now the literal cult that believes Trump cannot have something as insignificant U.S. law leveraged against him or those who back him for any reason. That's only seconded in their belief that Trump is a Messianic figure who shouldn't have such inconvenient things as elections stand in his way toward "saving the country." Because they also refuse to even address, let alone teach the actual truth of America's history, their own MAGA children will grow up believing societal minority displacement and slavery never existed because, as they admit, "it makes Whites appear evil." And so, how do Republicans want to fix that pesky appearance of evil? They want the ability to lie to cover it up. How typically evil in itself, just as having no accountability seems to be the order of the day for Trump's Orwellian New America where, as Trump said last June, his radical and sweeping new laws would include the police being completely immune from any and all prosecution going forward. In other words, Sonya Massey, the Black woman who was shot in the face in her own kitchen by an insane Sean Grayson could be occurring everyday somewhere in America and Trump could care less. What's worse, the media would never find out about it to let the public know what is happening because police would no longer be required to wear bodycams. This is the murderous Police State MAGA wants because it's what their insane leader needs to keep power.

*ARCHIVED Trump Wanted to Have Americans Protesting Police Killing Unarmed Citizens 'Shot' and Killed by Police
*ARCHIVED Despite Trump Stating He Would "Lower the Temperature," He Escalated His Threats Against the Police

So it will be a return to "Back the Blue" when they're killing unarmed minorities by the dozens, a fact he never brings up when claiming how "peaceful" his Presidency was. How do we know this? When Trump was unfortunately President, no one among his entire cabinet did a damn thing to condemn police killing of the unarmed, nor did he himself lift a finger to curtail it, even when Americans were effectively being murdered inside their own homes by police who then wanted to cover it up. Another case that comes to mind is when the White female police officer who immediately shot and killed a Black man in his own apartment because she mistakenly thought his apartment was hers. Trump wants even more situations like that to occur under his leadership, and when police begin to follow thru like before, Trump will only condemn the protesting of such unlawful police killings instead of the police killings themselves. With Trump more recently announcing he will make "all drug dealers and rapists receive the death penalty," one can easily see that if either the police or Trump himself wants to get rid of anyone, from everyday citizens to political dissidents, Trump and his proposed weaponized police who cannot be investigated themselves, could easily plant drugs anyone's home, inside their car, or on their person, or have someone blame you for rape (with Trump himself apparently excluded) and the accused will be taken away never to be seen again. This is exactly what all fascist despots do and why Trump defends Putin as much as he does, where according to Trump's obvious lies, Putin's Russia can do no wrong when Putin literally hates the United States and uses Trump as his way to further divide the nation. This, in effect, makes MAGA mere pawns to not only Trump - but Moscow - which is precisely why you'll hear MAGA constantly defending Putin even if he unlawfully kidnaps Americans and holds them against their will for months or years to later trade them in a "prisoner swap" for Russian murderers and spies being held in American or European custody. Trump also claims he "will bring back free speech in America," which, if his Truth Social is any indicator, he will make hate speech legal against minorities of every kind that are not White "Chriztian Nazionalizts" on day one. [Interestingly, it is the Bible's own prophecies that point to the Antichrist rising in the last days who "changes the times and laws." -Daniel 7:25.] And then there's the glaring fact of how many Americans did not attend the 2024 Republican National Convention. It was overwhelmingly White. While they did cheer for the one-off Black person(s) at the RNC, they did so only because those conservative "DEI Hires" [that they used to call "token blacks"] towed their party line, meaning, they too are brainwashed by corporate conservative media to the point of even denying their own Black history in favor of Trump's signing off on new whitewashing [read: brainwashing] textbooks to be used in future classrooms that distance America's involvement from corruption, slavery, it's proven genocidal history, and more specifically, the racist murders of Blacks by White Americans. This is only made worse when understanding that since 2016, Trump and MAGA are teaching literal racism and evil hatred to an entirely new generation so it will have new life breathed into it going forward. The fact that MAGA conservatives still mock and demean those on the other side of the American dream who aren't meant to ever find it proves their racism yet again. Notice also how Trump keeps repeating that Central and South American migrants are only comprised of enemy combatants, rapists, and killers, with NONE being hard workers seeking the lowest wage jobs that no else would do that actually add to the American GDP and economy, not subtract from it.

BREAKING How President Trump Has Systematically Destroyed the White Evangelical Church in the United States
*ARCHIVED Trump's Proven Insane MAGA Cult are Already Acting Like Nazi Brownshirts Long Before 2024 Election
*ARCHIVED Treasonous: Marjorie Taylor Greene Criticized For Her Fantasizing About "Killing Democrat Colleagues"

If the RNC is any indicator, the cult of MAGA is also fooling itself to believe this world will suddenly turn America's way merely because Trump sits in the White House and because God supposedly adores him and the corporate Deep State he has always protected that much. In reality, every kind of natural disaster and other strange events there aren't even words for yet, will be occurring at the same time as it enters what Christ called "The Beginning of Sorrows" just before the worldwide collapse. Consequently, despite whatever MAGA tells itself today, it will actually appear everything has suddenly turned for the worst once Trump returns to the Masonic District of Columbia. As Christ said in regard to our last generation, the deception coming is to be so great, that even the very elect would be deceived by it, if it were possible. In fact, given the way the far-right conservatives have already given in to this exact manipulation, the biggest deception of all that MAGA has fallen for actually believes that Trump is not part of the Aryan-infiltrated Cabal swamp in power, despite MAGA finding new reasons under their master's mind control to increasingly think that "Hitler is needed today," which is proof in itself MAGA is a government psy-op creation needed for the rest of the American destruction plan of the Aryan elite to take place. Trump also claims that America is today being laughed at around the world, when in reality, he was the one having America laughed at around the world for electing him because of the countless proves of his sheer idiocy, like he wanted to "nuke a tornado" to alter its course, and that everyone should just inject bleach into their bodies to similarly ward off Covid-19. No wonder Trump says he favors "the uneducated." Then there was the time he gave in to the globalists and rolled out Operation Warp Speed because they let the whining man-child figuratively stamp his megalomaniacal name on it. And then there's his truly dangerous idea of a Trump World Order to roll back all of what America has accomplished since World War II. Make no mistake what this dolt means when he says he will "solve Ukraine" on day one because the realistic interpretation there is that he will end all funding for what Ukraine needs in being able to defend itself against the growing Russian war machine, thereby allowing Russia to steal Ukraine with the mass deaths of more innocent Ukrainian families of men, women, children and babies, that both Trump and Putin could care less about in the process. In other words, Putin has Trump thinking exactly as he does, like a murdering autocrat dictator who cannot ever be voted out. As long as Putin gets what he wants, Trump is fine, but Putin has already telegraphed he won't stop at Ukraine. Since Trump also adoringly speaks well of China's leader Xi, as well as North Korean leader Jong-Un (because, like Putin, they are still the despotic kings Trump wants to be) one would be wise to wonder if Trump won't allow also them to take whatever nations they please, like Taiwan, like South Korea, in keeping with the kind of "world peace" Trump is telegraphing. The danger there is that an increasingly powerful Russia and China have their own ideas for a future world order that does NOT INCLUDE THE UNITED STATES. Someone might want to tell the uneducated this, because the cult of MAGA is too busy being dazzled by all of Trump's mockery of his own fellow Americans in the Democrat party to notice how Putin is deceiving him toward America's annihilation.

*ARCHIVED President Trump Refused to Ban a 'Pesticide Linked to Autism and Brain Damage' in American Children
*ARCHIVED Trump Openly Mocks Reporter in Speech Who Suffers from Arthrogryposis that Limits Arm Movements
*ARCHIVED Republican Pedophile Candidate Matt Gaetz Mocks Autistic Child of His Female Democratic Opponent

So he doesn't have to speak on any of the actual issues that would further tip off the American people of how out of touch, racist, and even more radical he's become since being fired from the Presidency, Trump will ramble on and on about Kamala's skin color, her name, and Biden being old while never explaining how at a time of increasing heatwaves, kicking out all those that do the field work that help corporations put food on American tables, would help America. Who would replace them? Trump has this dream about WHITES ONLY "taking their nation back" and filling every vacancy of work, but everyone knows Whites would never do the work migrants do, and if they did, they would want ten times more than migrants already take as pay. Notice also that while this absolute buffoon wants to claim that every single person who crossed the border are entirely evil being a human trafficking gang member part of a drug cartel, that ten minutes later he contradicts himself by saying 356,000 migrants have just taken American jobs. But which is it? Are migrants the definition of all human evil or are the vast majority coming here to legitimately work and add to the U.S. economy? He then adds the extra scare tactic to make sure MAGA votes red by saying how migrants are getting on welfare and given health insurance - when getting on welfare and receiving health insurance is a long road even for U.S. citizens, involving proof of being a U.S. CITIZEN first and foremost. Again, Trump's plan would only bankrupt the economy, which Trump knows a thing or two about since his former companies have had to file for bankruptcy a total of six times before. And, what will Trump do when faced with a disastrous climate that won't end just because his ballooning body sits around in the White House. During his former tenure, Trump allowed corporations to pollute America at greater levels than almost every President before him by rolling back corporate environmental and safety regulations so that those corporations could earn larger profits at ours, and the world's expense. People are finally waking up to the fact that Republicans were never for the working-class poor, middle class, or worker unions, the uninsured, or preexisting condition sick because they're too busy giving tax breaks, relaxed regulations, and reciprocal kickbacks to corporations who always place profits over people. As such, the methods and operations the Deep State carried out to get here were therefore simple enough. Long before "Woke," it began with the controlling elite's manufactured notion that a so-called "White Genocide" was occurring in the West, namely in America. It was then explained by their hidden agents within the CoIntelPro "truther movement" that Whites were systematically being targeted by evil globalists connected to European liberals and American Democrats, for racial replacement, and that by the year 2050, White America (and Europe) was going to be overwhelmed by Black, Arab, Hispanic, homosexual, and gypsy minorities. In other words, the Deep State archons were and still are laying the same traps that once deceived the Germans into accepting Hitler by literally using his own playbook. This is being followed thru via certain government operations both large and small to make this supposedly "Democrat-planned takeover of the White race" appear true. Maga's own brainwashing takes it from there as they convince themselves that Trump is a stand-in for Jesus Himself, when Christ explained that the very first sign to watch for at the end of the age was the rising of such false christs who lead their following toward destruction. Trump has reignited the very fire that was mostly contained within the fringes of American and European society, but its reemergence was prophesied and needed at this time and forward because of its author and true father. For today, whether he is given the Presidency or not, Trump will lead a violent charge of angry mad men against everyone not a "real American," bringing as much chaos and destruction to America as possible in perfect accordance to the next phase of the Masonic plan that leads to a Collapse of the present world as we know it and the subsequent rise of their 'New World' leader after Trump.

BREAKING Marjorie Taylor Greene Thanks God, Demonizes Migrants Blaming Them for Home Prices,
While Standing in Front of a Giant Graphic of the Masonic Great Seal Pyramid and Demon God Horus

*Proof America's Founders Worshipped Lucifer as the Secular God of their Novus Ordo Seclorum 1776
*Masonic Goal Novus Ordo Seclorum 1776 (New Secular Order) Appeared Behind 'Godly' Republicans
*Proof the Freemason's Egyptian Solar Deity Named Horus on America's Great Seal Represents Lucifer The British-owned corporation of the United States that remains under the 13th Amendment [see video below] is all-pervasive in its intent to ensure the entrenched corporate power at the top tier of Anglo-control remains behind a wall of systemic corporate power and a self-serving status quo that empowers it from the Corporate City of London and its counterfeit 'Holy of Holies' known as the Crown Temple Bar. In other words, the Lucifer-worshipping Anglo-elites that created Masonic America at the behest of Masonic Britain view their pawns of lesser pedigree within the same bloodline(s). Perhaps the other truth you'll discover within this website is how theistic Satanism and Anglo-racism are intrinsically intertwined by these same men behind Western power who want nothing more than to see God's entire human creation under their jackboot at the behest of Satan himself. Let me repeat that another way. In every instance in my research into theistic Satanists that worship Lucifer as their literal god, who also commit murder in his name, they most consistently and almost always claim to be descendants of a bloodline with Cain and Tubal-Cain as its original progenitors, while masking that same bloodline as Christ's own. Is it not. In this, Americans are giving in to the lie as seen when their imperialist-serving GOP unwittingly serve the Masonic plan that guides also them. By contrast, the migrants only mistake is actually believing that America is a nation of immigrants and supposed to stand for freedom. Albeit it is still a freedom for Whites only who have been brought here to work and serve the unseen hegemony whose ancestral roots can be traced to not only the original founders of this country, but thru Europe to Kazaria, their original empire, and to an even more ancient placename known as Enoch lost to antiquity within Asia Minor before it. It is also not coincidental that this is what Freemasonry subtly teaches to their most groomed and trusted upon receiving the thirty-third degree. And that's exactly the part the White European and American globalists never want to admit, that they are not of God, but of a god opposing Him. Consider all their many words and actions and which god they so elevate in their preparing the way for the one who is prophesied to oppose Christ Himself. Look also at the corporate elitist that is Trump and his armed MAGA "Christian Nationalists" and how they've clearly been radicalized toward violence to destroy what's left of Christian credibility in the world, as designed, meaning, by the time the Beast ascends to power, Christianity will have become a complete pariah in the world's eyes, by design. (Imagine what also must occur thereafter for the entire world to shelve Christ and Christians in favor of paganism and you've seen a vision of that future. Imagine the bones of Jesus Christ supposedly being "found" and what that would bring to an already diminishing Christian faith, for one example.) Case in point, if liberals attempt to give a stronger voice to the racially marginalized in America, the Trump Republican's knee-jerk reaction is to double down and become even more welcoming to White supremacists who've never stopped their attempts at recruiting MAGA since 2016. DeSantis is no better, with his campaign spreading racist lies about the so-called "benefits for negro slaves," the vast majority of which picked crops from sunup to sundown each and every day no matter their condition or mental state for being crushed of spirit, just like barely paid Mexican migrants in American fields do today. There were no "high skill" slave training as he now wants to create in his mind just so the actual truth of slaves being daily terrorized, whipped, beaten, raped, maimed and killed is never taught in schools because that would amazingly taint the version of history Whites now want to deceive future generations with. DeSantis likes to claim Blacks benefitted from their times as slaves, but a question arises. How did White people better benefit from slavery to this very day? Their increasing lack of empathy is what will destroy those of the increasingly racist right-wing elements within MAGA in this world and the next, and for what? You can't take its money nor a Luciferian/Masonic America with you into the Kingdom of Heaven. Satan knows this which is why he is stringing along many today toward Anglo-racism. It's all for him and his Antichrist, the ultimate racist that will arise to surpass Hitler in his attempted destruction. That is precisely why minority (and especially Jewish) hatred is being cultivated today in the West. Daniel 11 forecasts that Antichrist will *know* of those who hate and thus will raise an army to "conquer many nations" to finish what the former British Empire started in its own deadly to indigenous colonial conquest of the planet. 2 Thessalonians 2 highlights that the plan toward Antichrist has been devised since at least the first century (the time of its writing). As such, the founding of London by the Romans in 43AD as well as Britain's much more recent conquests of every corner of the globe were to set that future precedent to be completed by the Son of Perdition. Simply put, a murderous hatred of the foreigner within Britain and America is needed today to meet the goals of his rising "Revived Roman Empire" and "the army who shall stand for him" tomorrow. In one of their greatest achievements that lingers on as a corporate standard from the British Empire, how intriguing it remains that the tiny island of Britain has made English the official language of the world as we head into the era prophesied that sees the next English king rising who will have claimed of him that he, despite being European, arises from the Biblical ancestry and patriarchy of Israel's King David at a time when the Jews are crying out for a Messiah.

*Read Article Our Missing 13th Amendment to the US Constitution: Britain Controls America
*Read Article Britain’s 600 Aristocratic Families Doubled their Wealth in the Last Decade
*Read Article Arcanum Deep Secrets: The Crown Temple in London Owns Your Country
*Read Article The Racist British Empire Was Much Worse Than You Realized Before

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Have to love how the UK's slave traders and their later politicians affectionately called "White Britons" in the article had no hand whatsoever in the absolute terror they've inflicted over minorities for centuries, to instead have "saved the Black man from his own slavery" as is reported in this slanted article that amounts to a White Savior complex all in itself. Clearly, some cannot see what they have actually wrought against darker skinned "minorities," past and present, because they simply do not care which proves their own surfacing racism all the more. The way they approach this topic only further highlights the Anglo-racism of today with all of the guiltless whitewashing of history that leads to the historical doublespeak so perfectly contained in this very article that never addresses any of the irrefutable points that were actually given by Dr. Jenny Bulstrode of the ongoing systemic racism that still permeates Britain. Well done, The Telegraph UK, thank you again.

Clinton Ortiz on "History Lecturer Claims Britain Did Not Abolish Slavery"

Have to love how certain people act like none of them are racist when they still can't get over a half-black former President no matter how many years wear on, who to them is the secret and solitary nefarious power behind any and everything deemed "Woke" today. They do the exact same thing with Princess Meghan Markle and even the half-black actress who played Princess Ariel in the most recent Little Mermaid film of all things. Apparently, their idea of royals ingrained in them since childhood are WHITES ONLY. They even say Obama is "racist" for being against England's openly racist colonization methods of destroying what God has created and placed in terms of indigenous populations, in favor of England replacing those original populations with Whites only who only speak the King's English. I would ask, how are you a "racist" for knowing that whites took entire continents of land for themselves and wiped out the millions if not billions of peoples that God Himself placed there, only to create Masonic-based societies being too easily taken over by liberal pagan globalists within a few centuries? Sounds like a very purposed and insidious plan to me, and not one caused by trampled underfoot minorities. Your English masters and their robber baron corporations have all of you overwhelmingly distracted and always looking at other races instead of your own just before they bring their global collapse to then produce their ultimate "white savior complex" in Antichrist to "save the world."

Clinton Ortiz on "Obama Backlash for Film's Warning About White People"

Karen Hill has stated "Everybody's ancestors have done plenty of wrong but this is just being selective outrage." No. Trying to create an equal playing field here won't work. Has "everyone's ancestors" taken over entire nations and even continents (as with Australia) to commit genocide against everyone not white to then install WHITES ONLY while the actual landowners were given the worst tracts of land humanly possible? Moreover, you rewrote all of the history to act like England's evil rinse-and-repeat colonization methods were entirely a glorious and beautiful event to be celebrated yearly. Masonic America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc., etc. The very same Anglo-racism that propelled your forefathers then still motivates an entire generation now but keep telling yourselves how "good" you are as you sit there day after day never giving thought to the billions killed of the very same peoples that God Himself created and placed and called "good." Wake up, you're being steered in completely the wrong direction by those bringing even greater evil into the world in their long plan of conquest for not God, as they claim but the one who opposes creation itself.

Within that, half of you are being told that only the Left are evil, while the other side are being told that you're the greater evil, while the ultimate evil has created both the Left and the Right to more perfectly manipulate us all to war. They were behind the colonization of the world then just as they are behind the conquest to come after their planned collapse is brought to install another 'New World' with one of their own to rule it. Our enemies are not ourselves, but they who daily tell us exactly that as they push us all into a societal collapse for completely their own ends at entirely Lucifer's behest, the Masonic God in whom they trust. Consequently, God will judge America not because of what Trump claims, but because of Trump and his evil men and women who've been deceived to think they're actually doing God a service. God will not be mocked and His name will not be misused by a prophesied rise of false christs who are helping fulfill the great "falling away" from true Christianity as Christ predicted in Matthew 24:10-13 would occur in the last days. "And then many will fall away from the faith and betray one another and hate one another [when] many false prophets will arise and lead many astray." They serve Anti-christ already and God will judge America for it. MAGA's purpose is therefore two-fold, to trap as many as possible into its web of lies that Trump is America's savior, as well as to bring in the time after Trump, after MAGA, after America to another 'strongman' the West will better accept in comparison.

Clinton Ortiz, Comment: Obama Backlash for Film's Warning About White People

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

BREAKING Will Whites in America Copy the Rioters in England if Trump Loses Against Kamala Harris?
BREAKING The Same MAGA Cult That Likes Putin are the Same Ones Wanting to Curtail Democracy

*Read Article Donald Trump's History with Purposefully Evoking Adolf Hitler and His Nazi Writings
*Read Article Trump's Daughter-in-Law Lara Trump Calls Dark-Skinned Migrants "The Downfall of Germany"
*Read Article Lara Trump Calls on Americans at the Mexican Border to 'Arm Up and Get Guns and Be Ready'

Why is the 13-Starred Israelite 'Star of David' on Our US Great Seal?

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

You need to take this a step further because there is still a race among us that does get away with unleashing all of the Masonic evils in the world today and who have also created all of the lying propaganda that blames all minorities and especially the Jews. They are rooted in the Western Occult tradition of 'elite sciences' and secretive societies such as the Knights Templar from which they've created the modern banking structure and Western-based global financial system itself. Question: Who destroyed and displaced countless millions of God's created races from every corner of the earth to then install their own white race in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc.? Better question: Where do the sadistic covens that worship Satan now thrive? Because the answer is the same, where also do Occult/Satanic secret societies thrive? Who created all of the European secret societies that rule the world today by which "globalist organizations" like the Jew-hating UN, EU, and World Economic Forum have been built? Who are those corporate globalists that own the media who oversee the lies created for both left and right audiences so that they can control all of us? It is not the Jews, despite some of the names these same "Blood Royale" elites have given themselves to falsely appear as Jews, such as the Rothschild's who are hopelessly Anglo-Aryan Germanic in origin.

Clinton Ortiz, Comment: This Sign Tells of a Nation's Impending Doom

There were two great waves of colonialism in recorded history. The first wave began in the 15th century during Europe’s Age of Discovery when Britain, Spain, France, and Portugal took lands across North and South America. The motivations for the first wave of colonial expansion can be summed up as God, Gold, and Glory: "God," because they believed a higher power [Lucifer] would reward them for "saving" colonial subjects; gold, because colonizers would of course rob the resources of colonized countries in order to bolster their own economies and further "glory," since European nations would often compete with one another in conquering and then robbing the greatest number of "its colonies." Colonial logic asserted that a place did not exist unless White Europeans had seen it and testified its existence, but colonists did not actually discover any land, e.g., what is commonly called the “New World,” was in reality not new at all as people had been living and thriving in the Americas for centuries. And what's actually behind the supposed "spread of Christianity" as touted by the violent and genocidal colonizers? Satan's grand aim is of course to deceive with the heresy called Anglo-Israelism, which is the Masonic lie that Western European-descended Whites are God's chosen people (instead of or alongside, Israel) and as by Divine Right have a unique Heritage to conquer the world supposedly in Christ's name. However, that is yet another red herring instilled into the American psyche because the Masonic "God" they trust remains Lucifer. As such, what really is this plan of so-called Manifest Destiny that is daily seeing the erosion of Christianity in the West as Lucifer rises in its place? The heretical and sordid belief that the Anglo-Saxons (British) and their American descendants are inheritors of God's promises for the nation of Israel was/is also called "British-Israelism," "Anglo-Israelism," "Celtic-Israel," and Replacement Theology. It was brought to the new world of America by the British Freemasons (America's Founders) and later infiltrated certain early Christian churches where it's still used to explain American exceptionalism. It is a lie. Jews are the sole inheritors of God's promises provided to Abraham and exist today in their ancient homeland of Israel as promised for the last days (even as the Jews are the complete collective of all the ancient tribes of Israel fused into one modern people) while those descended from Cain and his descendant Tubal-Cain migrated first to the steppes of the Caucasus mountains before going far into the west. Anglo-Israelism further purports that the British royals themselves have a specific lineage dating back in antiquity to the Old Testament's King David and that according to their interpretation, a future British king will one day be provided a dual role as Israel's Messiah. It would all be seen as a ridiculous heresy if it weren't for increasingly more rabbi's and others in Israel believing it. It moreover could be further discounted if it weren't for the Bible's prophetic warnings (seen below) of a last days deception rooted in an "endless genealogy" and "legend" that replaces truth (Christ) with evil (Antichrist). Add to that the fact that the Bible contains very specific prophecies between Daniel and Revelation that have stumped theologians across the ages regarding the future Antichrist being a European king, as well as Israel ultimately accepting him as their Jewish Messiah, and you discover that it is exactly Anglo-Israelism that connects the two seeming opposites. This would also mean, therefore, that Satan and his earthly workers would also propagate the heresy as fact leaving no wonder that Freemasons (America's Founders) were and still are also doing precisely that. By their own words from those adepts who would know, Freemasons worship Lucifer, are awash in Occult, and comprise the very "globalists" that are today taking this world toward Collapse and ultimately toward its 'New World' aftermath based in their increasing ungodly ideologies and socialist/humanist concepts. As Americans, we are taught to believe we are free, but we've also been educated in a system of Masonic devising where you we're free to go to any state or privately funded school but cannot escape the subtle indoctrination of London's Freemasonry and its own whitewashing of history once there. For example, our oldest traditions in American education subtly forced us to place our right hands over our heart and recite word for word a "pledge of allegiance" to a Masonic-created flag and we thought nothing of it. That specific 'torn heart' hand sign, as it's known within Masonry, was created by design to show your undying loyalty to Freemasonry, as were the very words of the pledge itself written to prove one's allegiance within Freemasonry and ultimately its "God." It makes you wonder what body of men decided we should all engage in their quasi-religious traditions (that worships Lucifer as God) at such an early impressionable age and why. Adults from coast to coast will still enter into the daily ritual of pledging undying loyalty to "God and country" never knowing of its exact origins or what they're actually pledging and daily swearing allegiance to. Within every US institution, they sit as an inner circle carrying out an ongoing Masonic agenda whose goals are subtly conditioning society to accept their global agenda, i.e., the same core elitists have used the façade of democracy for 300 years now aim to install a global government in advance of the Antichrist's ascension, based not on democracy seemingly for the people, led by the people, but on Monarchist rule. This is why Western democracy itself is currently under attack and is being propagated as being entirely corrupt so that Western society is provided its only other accepted alternative in the near future with a return to a much more despotic kingly rule. This is what the West is being tempted with today in their leaning into further-right populist leaders who favor autocrats over democracy.

*Read Article Depraved Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking Rings are Tied to the White House
*Read Article Twenty American Presidents Who Belonged to Shadowy Secret Societies Such as Freemasons

Akkadian history places Cain and his descendants as being the first Royal families of earliest Mesopotamian culture. It is written that Cain and his descendants were supremely gifted in the trades of advanced metal and weapon-smithing, megalithic stone-working, musical instrument creation, and the arts in general, all of which solidified their power and rooted Cainite culture deep into the fabric of early civilization. (See also Lost Language Translated From Ancient Tablets Reveals the Names of Akkadian Gods). Out of such Cainite influences, came the traditions of heretical philosophy and a pagan-based higher education that was eventually adopted by every surrounding culture that was called Godless, Aryan, heathen, Templar or pagan. What our public education has also never told us, is how they have never relinquished their hold on power, but have increased it toward total global domination, holding all power over every institution by which modern man has grown to depend on, including wealth, finance, the mainstream media, and education. It is this supposed Divine lineage that makes up most of the crowned heads of Europe today, including such trans-atlantic banking cartels as the Rothschild's and Rockefeller's, in addition to every single American President we've supposedly "elected" thus far, most or all of whom, not coincidentally, were blood-related to British aristocracy as well as being connected in one way or another to London's Grand Masonic Temple. Both the British and American governments operate in tandem in much the same way that Freemasonry itself works, having an "illuminated" inner-caste knowing the entirety of the Great Work, manipulating an outer-caste within a recruitment program to include the pillars of society to further push their agenda. While the Masonic archons manipulate the levers of a political Left vs. Right (now 'culture war') to serve as a useful distraction, society is to be made disoriented from 24-hour news cycles and their resulting endless political narratives while these same corporate overseers, who own the media itself, centralize further control literally at society's expense. Taken far enough within their individual Left/Right polarizations, I find it most intriguing that both political parties desire a combination of future eugenics and population control, exactly like the elites that manipulate them. Let's never forget this one fact, it's the corporate-owned media via their conservative and liberal networks that are manufacturing and perpetuating lies custom tailored for both the left and right to keep us all deceived and in derision. At this point, their divide and conquer campaigns are working because too many want to stay exclusively "based" within either their far-right or far-left narratives and opposed to the truth they cannot see as a result of the extremist brainwashing coming from both sides of the corporate media. One aspect of the greater destruction happening all around us is being done purposefully in attempt to create racist Whites everywhere so that they will fall in line with the Antichrist who is himself one of them. This is why every elite-owned, globalist-serving corporation that makes products or produces film and TV now employs some version of 'virtue signaling' that everyday Whites interpret are being put in place to "erase the White race in America by elevating Blacks and other minorities." Meanwhile, British, American, and European globalist elites who also control their countries national policies have likewise seen to it that just enough minorities are allowed into the UK/US/Europe from which they will be hated in order to purposefully fan the flames of White racism and extremist versions of nationalism needed for the next Führer to rise up and find his audience readied for exactly his reign. In other words, this is all being done on purpose and by the very government(s) you were taught to die for and trust above all via your unwavering patriotism and sacrifice. Our elected leaders are themselves under a similarly grand derision when being told by the offspring of this nation's founders to carry out some strange agenda they wouldn't ordinarily undertake to "do their part" within the piety of American patriotism but are in reality helping advance the Antichrist agenda in some incremental way toward completion. Ironically, the confusion today waged against us by Western elites is also at the same time purposefully occurring while the East, Russia and China is rising, with a future culture war to come turning literal where Antichrist will seemingly defend the West from the East. Also notice that while the secret government comprised of generational Freemasons systematically remove our view of God from America to replace it with their own "god of light," how the quasi-religious view where the vaccine-demanding American government itself has now become the new God of a State religion by which people on the left are increasingly conditioned, persuaded, and motivated by. Their globalist decree, however, won't stop with either Covid/Monkeypox/Polio/Measles/Disease X, etc., or Climate Change. Both sides of the political divide would revolt in unison if they knew what the powers behind our government were insidiously involved with. Instead of that, the controlled media creates purposefully polarizing narratives designed to undermine what's left of Christianity in the West. What is also seldom understood is that the generational evil in this world believe in the same exact Bible prophecies as Christians but approach the end-time and Antichrist as one of working toward his Messianic rule as opposed to fighting against it. The occult mantra 'As Above, So Below' reflects exactly this, for everything that God has done, Satan will counterfeit in his bid to become like God.

*Read Article Satanic 'Baphomet' Plaque was Unearthed in Scotland at the Late Queen's Holyrood Estate
*Read Article British Royal Anglican Church of England Has Hastened the Modern Decline of Christianity
*Read Article Stone of Destiny at King Charles' Coronation Supposedly Ties Him to Heritage of Messiah
*Read Article Royal Merovingian and Anglo-British Establishment are the Descendants of Satan via Cain

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Dark MAGA Cult Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own vanity shall they heap to themselves teachers. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables. (2 Timothy 4:3-4) Now the Holy Spirit speaks expressly that in the last days some shall depart from the faith to instead listen to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy. Therefore, refuse profane legends and exercise thyself rather unto Godliness. (1 Timothy 4:1-2, 7)

Neither give heed to vain legends and endless genealogies which minister questions rather than Godly edifying which is our Faith in Christ. (1 Timothy 1:4) [In the last days] There shall be false teachers rising among you who shall privately bring in damnable heresies... and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of Truth [Christ] shall Evil [Antichrist] instead be spoken of in its place. Through covetousness shall they deceive you with deceptive words to make merchandise of you... For if God spared not even the angels that sinned, but cast them down to Hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment [how much more will God not spare you]... (2 Peter 2:1-4)

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Dark MAGA Cult Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Helping Satan in this effort is his global elite that work everything contrary to God, His Son, and His Word. Where the final prophecies of Revelation show us the creation of a New Heaven and New Earth, Satan's men counterfeit this by tempting mankind with a Great Reset and New World Order. As mentioned, Freemasonry exists on two levels, one that everyone sees at the local level, and one unseen on an international level. It is the latter that control global events to lead us all closer into what they determine to be a 'New Aeon.' Drawing their arcane knowledge derived from the ancient eastern religions of Nod, Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Khazaria, the places where Cainites held major influence, as well as Egypt, Greece, and Rome followed by the later Druidic Celts and Baphomet-worshipping Knights Templar that then gave rise to London's Freemasonry in their adherence to the Solar cult myths and mythos where Satan is seen as the Aryan Black Sun, a belief that was also picked up by the genocidal Nazi's and used with deadly result. Freemasonry borrows from all of these ideologies toward fulfilling Lucifer's plan of ruling the world ultimately from Zion (Jerusalem) as an affront to God's own plan of ultimately establishing His Son in a future rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. As acolytes, Freemasons are slowly brought into the Luciferian plan and mindset through persuasion into gnostic thought, pagan tradition, and New Age precepts via increasing degrees of supposed ascension to build their "inner Temple" that is then supposed to cause them to see "God." Knowing the Masonic God is merely Lucifer in disguise as God, countless recruits are made following a type of pyramid scheme where Satan and the man he chooses for his Antichrist sit at its top, and everyone else strives to do their part toward placing them on the World Throne. When looking closer at their many members that operate every organized body, committee, institute, and think tank used to fabricate globalist agendas like the Great Reset, Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, what you immediately notice is that their roster of names is not comprised of those Jews believed to be part of the supposed "Jewish global conspiracy." The roster of the New World Order is almost entirely comprised of the elite, royal, noble, and ruling classes of Europe, not Jews. This becomes key when attempting to narrow down who is responsible for the world's obvious corrupting influences and evils that bring someone like the Antichrist to bear. For context, the same Anglo-corporate nobility were behind the release of "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" that while blaming all evil on Jews, such disinformation allowed themselves to conceal their European identities as the real malefactors behind evil, thus allowing their work to continue through the recent centuries undeterred. The same "Jewish World Order" conspiracy is also widely disseminated among Whites today, making them White supremacist (pawns) to be used by the corporate elite against God's larger will and ultimate plan for Israel. How the European ruling classes deceive the largely uneducated in America and Britain, is traced to the false belief that spurred 'Manifest Destiny' itself, based on their other manufactured lie that Great Britain and the United States *are* Israel. Of course, the underlying reason that [actual] Jews and other minorities are scapegoated by the Anglo-corporate entities using them for virtue signaling, is also to evoke the return of the Aryan Superman/"strong man" principle that perfectly serves Satan's final führer, the Antichrist, conveniently presented to a soon apocalyptic world in need of just such a savior to save the remainder of Western democracy itself. (See also CNN Report Calls Prince William a "Global Statesman Protecting Our Democratic Values".)

BREAKING Project 2025 Director Aims to Rewrite Oklahoma's Social Studies Curriculum

*Read Article The Sadistic Lie that England and its Royals are Placeholders for the Messiah
*Read Article Why Republicans Suppress White America in Learning About Critical Race Theory

Notice and preferably read the above link. It focuses on truths that corporate conservative media NEVER want you to know. What Whites are asking for in wanting only their history taught to this next generation of school children, and not those they have historically trampled under foot, amounts to the most common form of manipulative brainwashing: the one-sided story in order to sweep the crimes of their bloodline forebears against minorities further under the rug. One need only look at Florida and its governor erasing entire sections of British/American history that would more accurately portray the truth behind Black and Brown slaves and their epic mistreatment at the hands of their "White owners." Instead, DeSantis just bans it statewide. Nazi's did book burnings. DeSantis prevents books from being read. "To forget history is to allow past evils to rise again." When the racist mass shooting occurred in Jacksonville a week later in August 2023, a still campaigning DeSantis attempted to comfort Black families and other concerned citizens the next day, but like the absolutely brainwashed Conservative politician he is, could not bring himself to call it a racially-motivated attack nor did he ever once utter the word 'racist' to describe the killer. He opted to instead call the admitted racist and murderer a "scumbag" then went back to his ivory tower erasing Blacks from American history in the most racist way possible. Pulling this critical lens back a bit further to see what is often overlooked, much of racism of itself begins in those early years of education when White children in the more rural parts of the country are only surrounded by themselves, other White children, when their earliest hegemonic mindset that usually turns into racism in adulthood is formed. Others like myself benefitted from being raised in larger cities where we were exposed to literally every single race on earth at the earliest ages in education, which never allowed the 'Whites Only' strategy to take root. Consequently, Whites finally realizing "minorities" are humans and thereby can talk to or be close friends with, or marry, is neither "Woke" nor "virtue signaling." It means everyone God created as a soul-embedded human is human. And for those of you brainwashed by the Republican's corporate-serving FOX News and other conservative media, understand that it was none other than a very Republican Richard Nixon who laid the groundwork for China to become the financial, and as a result, military behemoth it is still becoming today. This is yet more proof that the occult Overseers and their corporate henchmen control both opposing parties to better control us all. While Kamala Harris is currently receiving the blame for everything lending toward America's demise, the financial black hole America has given itself stretches further back into past Democrat and Republican administrations since at least the 1970's, when very Capitalist Republican-led US corporations sought out to make a better Capitalistic profit by closing down American factories and setting up shop in mostly Asian nations where they could pay less to workers to produce more profit for themselves, which makes it all the more ironic that today's Republicans blame Democrats for what their own side are still continuing to do where it always amounts to profits over people to shore up its own corporate hegemony. The world's minorities working for them barely make a living by being locked into what amounts to modern day slavery by the very corporations of robber baron Whites who never miss a meal. And Americans are told this is the best part of "Capitalism" as it's what keeps their American corporations leading the world and America great. Child and family labor of Black and Brown children the world over, including within the U.S. by mostly Mexican families, are making the most pale entity on earth even richer while they nearly starve. As if that weren't enough, corporate-weaponized MAGA is taught to mock Black and Brown in the most evil ways imaginable *for* the corporations, capitalism, and the Satanic corporate mindset, by corporate conservative media whose task is to protect all of it. If you're MAGA, this and everything else the Masonic corporate hegemony is still undertaking against mankind is what you actually supporting, not "family values" while the world's families effectively starve. There is an Anglo-elitist population control agenda after all which is why the media, on both sides, must deceive in the way it does.

*Read Article The Nazi's had Admirers Among American Religious Leaders and White Supremacy Fueled their Support
*Read Article Neo-Nazis March in Republican Florida Waving a Swastika Flag Shouting "We are Everywhere!"
*Read Article Liberty University Wants to “Control the Future” Saying Hitler is Our “Perfect Role Model”

Oklahoma's right-wing Superintendent of Schools Ryan Walters announced today that he has assembled a committee to rewrite the social studies curriculum for public schools in that state. The Committee will be led by Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts, who was the principle architect of Project 2025. Dennis Prager from Prager U, whose materials are now being used in Florida schools at the direction of Desantis, will also serve on the committee with right-wing talk show host Steve Deace, Christian Nationalist pseudohistory author David Barton, among others. Walters said the social studies curriculum in OK schools will receive a "complete overhaul" in order to teach a "proper understanding of the American founding" and "completely eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion ideology from schools." Walters made the following statement to the Washington Examiner: “Teacher’s unions have been rewriting history, teaching students to hate America. But not under my watch. Our goal is to give Oklahoma students an education that focuses on history, not indoctrination. The committee that we’ve assembled are experts in American exceptionalism, our Founding Fathers, and historical documents like the Bible. These things are essential to understanding OUR history.

Project 2025 Director to Rewrite Social Studies Curriculum

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

The number 13 in Freemasonry is a master number representing evil, Satan, and the 13 tribes of Q'ayin [Cain], specifically, making it quite intriguing how precisely thirteen colonies were built into the early United States from which the nation grew - with the Masonic master number being enshrined into our religious-like symbology ever since. The 13 stars that comprise the Israelite Star of David appearing on our US Great Seal being one example. As mentioned, British-Israelism is an Anglo-Masonic ideology that dictates the British, Scottish, Scotch-Irish, Welsh and Irish are direct descendants from lost tribes of ancient Israel. As the inherently racist "Christian Identity" story goes, by which the inner-caste of Freemasons use to deceive their 33rd degree neophytes, is that after their captivity by the Assyrian empire and subsequent release by Cyrus, only the tribe of Judah migrated back to ancient Israel while the larger ten "lost" tribes of the House of Israel supposedly migrated to the furthest western nations in Europe, carrying with them the ongoing promises made to Israel and its unique favor of God to dominate all nations in His name, that later became the basis for Manifest Destiny. This same heresy was fundamental in bringing about not only the British slave trade but also imperialist British colonialism that became the foundation for the British Empire itself, and later America. Not only was this Satanic twisting and racist belief created by the Satanic power structure that governs the world today, but it is also being propagated by Freemasons and their figureheads within the British royal family for the explicit purpose of propagating their own future king as Israel's coming Messiah. For Trump's own role in it, his father idolized Cecil Rhodes, who believed it is the destiny of "Anglo-Israel" (largely meaning Britain and America) to dominate all other nations under [the] "God" [of Freemasonry]. A perfect description of what Anglo-racism can be discovered at one of their popular organizations: The United Church of God and the [American] Church of Israel. Both these false Christian churches teach that only Whites in America and Britain are descended from Israel, leaving anyone not White to be treated as less than human, or worse, of Satan, which is completely ironic in this context. Such churches are part of the same Masonic network that actually comprise this world's most powerful elites who have created and fund such organizations in order to deceive. The Scripture pointing out that in the last days "evil will be thought good, and good will be touted as evil" certainly applies to Trump's America, where his army of bullies and trolls, who, like him, slander anyone speaking up against racial injustices. Another example of their easy manipulation, Trump recently came out against Fox News, and so all you hear from them today is how Fox News doesn't go far enough in overtly attacking those who are against their dear leader. (See also White Cops Wanted to “Slaughter N****rs” in Second Civil War.) Trump defends what he thinks are his personal gestapo-like police out there murdering unarmed minorities, and his base literally laughs those killings off to actually believe the police can do no wrong in the Trump era. So like the police they are so always quick to defend (whilst consistently proving themselves to be even more sadistic than cops) no one in the MAGA hive mind is ever held to any accountability because that's reserved for those who see their dear leader for what he is, an obviously corrupt, inept, racist, dictator-wannabe who created the same crony-corporate environment he built in the business world, so that his own corruption as President is better hidden from view. Not even Trump's more than glowing words of Jeffrey Epstein or Ghislaine Maxwell could persuade Trump's most ardent followers that, like them, he too is corrupt. So great is their deception, instead of calling Trump out for being the obvious Anglo-Israelist propagandist he truly is, his ardent followers tell each other he's a Messianic genius sent to them by an "Aryan-favoring God." Trump picks up on all these notions of Messiahship in his subtle hints of a continuous autonomous rule, akin to a monarchy. Instead of White Republicans setting their sights against Critical Race Theory and becoming furious with minorities as they are, they should be more concerned with how their race is regressing to the point of wanting to reignite the Civil War and bring back slavery. How did Masonic-duped America get to this point? The answer is in the question. And now you know what drives these Anglo-racists in America today as well as their dupes within such rising cults as Trump's MAGA. They literally believe that God is not blessing America as He should because their Masonic inspired "GOD" [read: Satan] in whom they trust, tells them there are far too many non-White races in America for it to be "blessed." And there it is. Their "God" is once again proven to be none other than the Great Divider, Satan himself, and it his plan they will also follow beyond Trump to Antichrist.

*A Must Read Book Christian Identity: The Aryan-American Bloodline Religion by Author Chester L Quarles PhD
*Read Article Patriots Believe the United States Connection to Number “13” Means They're the "House of Israel"
*Read Article Conservatives are Once Again Trying to Erase All of Black History to Hide America's Gravest Sins
*Read Article MAGA Assumes its Good Against the "Democrat Evil" but the Evil of MAGA Keeps Exposing Itself

Who is behind MAGA? The Satanic Cabal. Evidence for that is seen tome and again when the corporate elite use Trump and MAGA to achieve its own longstanding goals. It should be noted that when I negatively speak about the US government in general or any one of its institutions going forward in this site, I am speaking to that entity within our government that is a corrupting influence who built the American federal government from the ground up using the Masonic template of an outer caste society that comprises the majority of unwitting Freemasons and the inner-caste of elite occultists who control it from the top for evil purposes and/or its collective self-interest rooted in an evil agenda. Suffice it to say, those who are literally evil incarnate in this corporate-run world carrying out their deadly population control agenda and purposed global collapse are still not the desperate migrant family fleeing evil for the United States. Think about that for how ever long it takes for the point to sink in. Also missing in our early American [Masonic] education was the part that informs us of the actual agreement among the Masonic powers between Washington DC and 1790's London where the British Crown would finance America's earliest expansion westward to become the financial and military behemoth it became in a little over a single century. This was in exchange for America's apparent sovereignty and "freedom" they wanted us to believe came after the Revolutionary War and the "defeat of the British." Suffice it to say, the same Masonic model used to confuse with an outer/inner caste in Freemasonry was also employed within what became our American security agencies the NSA, CIA, and FBI and larger police departments since their own inception, where you'll have a section of those agencies that are legitimately doing the hard work of protecting the United States and its citizens (the outer caste) and a generational evil (the inner caste) that exists within that serves a very Satanic, anti-American agenda that's leading the nation down a path of complete collapse. This exact method of systematic control has corrupted and destroyed past Western empires before ours and can be traced back to Babel and later Egypt, when the occult tenants that led to Freemasonry were first established. Their control is shown to us via the symbols they've used since Egypt, which also conveys the Masonic dynamic of Dual Pillars, where one is seen and the other not seen. How this translates into the dual-political system America has adapted since operates in exactly the same way. There are Democrats and Republicans whose heart represents their constituency and people (outer caste) while there also exists an entity across both parties who are serving a very specific royal/globalist Satanic agenda that leads directly to the Antichrist. As mentioned, this was how America was set up to begin with since its later founders first met in occult meetings while still in 1600's London, long before they first stepped foot on the Native's soil. While Freemasonry is clearly run by a nobility class of Anglo-elite, the same provide just enough occupation to Jews within the banking and finance industries, including the US Treasury Dept, to enforce the false narrative of 'Jewish control' that's still being promulgated for consumption among the ignorant. What needs to be better understood, therefore, is that the demise of the planet's greatest empire goes so much deeper than the rise of liberalism eroding what was a supposedly conservative Christian nation. The purposed leadership behind the veiled curtain that is America were never Christian. The Masonic plan was always much larger than its temporary "New Atlantis" whose destruction is inevitable, but also planned, ironically by the same Masonic Deep State that created the nation. For their "God" (Lucifer) was never our God. While they train us to only see their political distractions, many live their entire lives never seeing the bondage they were born into. In times past, conservative media drilled it their audiences in the most McCarthyistic way possible that Communism and Socialism were their only enemies, which is highly suspect given that our true and more pervasive enemy is not Marxism or Socialism despite whatever Fox and other "news" corporations are distracting their increasingly far-right audiences with today. The actual evil in this world that connects London with Washington controls both explicitly tailored Left/Right narratives for the purposes of pitting one against the other toward controlling the all. Everything else is a distraction toward their end goal. Their control demands we focus on one's absolute patriotism to the Masonic nation-state without question or be labeled a "Socialist Communist Enemy of the State Pariah Traitor" against it. Ergo, freedom of choice remains as much as an illusion today as it did in the days of feudalism. Those undertaking the research to discover who these unseen controllers would be are likewise hastily written off as being either "conspiracy theorists" or a "threat to democracy" itself by the same Left/Right media that was created to serve the controller's corporate entities to begin with.

*Read Article Masonic Grand Lodges Teach That 'Lucifer is the Holy Spirit'
*Read Article "Tubal-Cain" is the Secret Password of 33° Master Freemasons
*Read Article The Elite of Satan and their Tubal-Cain Religion That Became Witchcraft
*Read Article Absolute Proof that All Witchcraft is Absolutely Satanic and of Tubal-Cain

Trump is Hitler for the 21st century and his flattered, ego-stroked, proud "Aryan" followers are blind to it just like the deceived Germans were circa 1939. I listened to that campaign speech he made today in New Hampshire, he also said he would return to the police "all their powers" to "do what they need to do," because "recently, they can't." That is a direct reference to having their police powers of deadly force return against unarmed minorities and having such police crimes swept under the rug within a systemic racist status quo like "when America was great," meaning, before Black Lives Matter called national attention to police killings of unarmed black and brown citizens. In the same speech made on December 16th, 2023, Trump also read a poem known as "The Snake" that depicts a talking snake (like Satan) deceiving a woman who allowed him into her home only for her to be bitten and killed as the result of her trust. While Trump meant for his roaring crowd to understand that the Snake were the whole collective of mostly fleeing migrant families pouring through the Mexican border, one could also see how the Serpent actually represents Trump himself being allowed another term and chance to kill Lady Liberty and the democratic process. He then announced his new 2024 campaign mantra "LIVE FREE OR DIE!" Trump evoking Hitler in all his speeches of late and wanting the killings of minorities reinstated at the hands of police should be telling you all you need to know about what he envisions for the future of the United States. Also very telling is that Neo-Nazi's love Trump's new turn toward the "vermin" speeches that evoke their founder. That alone speaks volumes.

Clinton Ortiz, Comment: Trump's 'Poison the Blood' Evoking Hitler Again

As I write, FOX News is showing interviews of White American citizens ready to hang migrants on sight, furious of the recent murder of a White American female nursing student by a Venezuelan crossing "Biden/Harris' border." Despite conservative media showing its inherent racial biases when it depicts the one-off crime of a 1-in-3-million migrant killing an American citizen, the fact remains that murder rates among illegal migrants absolutely pales in comparison to homegrown American crime and murder rates, much of which is White on White crime/murder that has been happening since the nation began when Whites were themselves the immigrants. Moreover, for every one murder by a migrant of a White person that might occur once every few or several years or once in a decade, conservative media outlets like Masonic-serving FOX will overlook literally hundreds of murders committed every single day somewhere in the nation by Whites who carry out the exact same crime upon another White person. When a news outlet like FOX does land on such a story of crime caused by a migrant or minority citizen upon a White American citizen, they'll purposefully stay on that story to inflate its importance to make it seem much larger than it was by carrying every live newsfeed surrounding it for days/weeks afterward. This tactic both highlights FOX's own agenda and gives further weight to the racist notion that Whites are supposedly more civilized by comparison than minorities, which in itself is a tactic by racist organizations who also conveniently overlook the literally millions of crimes caused by Whites just to brainwash their acolytes and potential recruits among the general public to stay/become racist, a dynamic that has been pushed since the nation began when Native Americans fighting for their own land were "the savages" and their genocidal murderers were the "peaceful people" who just wanted to steal everything from them in accordance with the Masonic plan hatched back in 1700's London known as "The New Atlantis." It is this same plan that is still being carried out to perfect timing and precision today and this point could not be stressed enough. Americans spending any time of their day watching FOX and believing everything they're seeing and being presented with at face value, they're then ready to hang minorities up in the streets and initiate the next civil war they're daily being brainwashed into igniting to serve in a perfect timing the "Collapse" agenda of the Satanic elite who need America's demise so that their Antichrist can rise in Europe from which Satan will continue to lead the West toward its inevitable Armageddon. For Christ's sake, wake up Americans! To whip up anger among Whites constantly reporting that migrants are not here to work but are evil killers, deranged rapists, cartel drug runners, and sadistic sex traffickers, is just that, lies being reported on purpose to continually shore up the elite's own hegemony and their systemically racist status quo among Whites who are still frightened by Fox's own propagated statistic that cited "By 2050, America will cease to become a White majority country." Apparently, absolutely nothing scared Trump and conservatives more than that which is what propels them to view the world in the way they increasingly do as we approach 2050. Knowing this, the corporate brainwashing as seen in the far-right media within the immigrant nation that is still the United States is doubling down on its efforts to push the mentally unfit toward the most racist, hateful, immigrant-excluding and violent form of so-called patriotism as they introduce their new boogeyman alongside socialism called "Woke." But there are two definitions of what is Woke. Less racist minds see it as the post-war era world admitting that racism in all its forms was being leveraged against minorities in 1940's-1960's American society by which more civilized people not given to such biases now want to correct. That is all being "Woke" is, the recognition that minorities of all kinds exist among us and that systemic racism, antisemitism, sexism, ableism, and classism among the majority works against them, and yet, today's Anglo-centric far-right and those occult forces who lead them need to cast their shadow upon the "new Communism" they deem as Woke, which is ironically due to all of their own obvious heavy bias, bigotry, and yes, racism against the "Wokeness" that they cannot help but to hate, and what they hate is very telling indeed. Society should always be moving in the direction away from such obvious hate and biases but now we're seeing in real time just how Nazism took root firsthand with the initiation of their brainwashing being to demonize and dehumanize anyone considered to be a "Woke" outsider. That is where it begins.

BREAKING Exactly Like Hitler '39, Trump is Using a "Marxist" Boogeyman to Brainwash His Cult Within the US Military
BREAKING Trump Reduced US Soldier's Traumatic Brain Injuries After Iran Attack as "Headaches" Angers Veterans Again

*Read Article Trump's Veteran's Day "Destroy Vermin" Message Echoes Hitler's 'Vermin' Speeches
*Read Article Trump Makes Another 'Poison the Blood' Comment Evoking Hitler Yet Again in Speeches
*Read Article Trump-Styled Christian Nationalism Preaches Hostility Towards America's Minorities and Poor
*Read Article After Days of Having to Defend His Anglo-Racism, Trump Retweets a Known British Anglo-Racist

Malcolm X once infamously asked his Black audience, "Who told you that you were ugly?" MAGA today could similarly be asked, "Who told you that 'Woke' is your enemy?" In other words, consider the source. To not be considered "WOKE," you have to be proven 100% White, preferably have a 100% White spouse with 100% White children between you and be in total support of their 'pro-White America' agenda. If you are a minority or half-breed of any sort, you must show your indentured servitude to their proven racist WHITES ONLY agenda because you will not get by with your less than "White-passing" or "colored" looks alone, you must talk and think exactly like them, where not only your family history, but the struggle of your entire people in America means nothing to them. Your history must be genocidally wiped out in favor of normalizing their past genocidal evils with the cover story that a very whitewashed WHITES ONLY "Christian" heritage and history must be preserved for the future. The very idea that other races could equally have a voice and a place in America is "WOKE" and therefore evil on its literal brown face and must be forever suppressed. This is how racist Whites are becoming under Trump, where every time they so much as even use the word "Woke," they are showing their inherent racism by default because they are systematically dividing instead of uniting what are, in fact, Americans. Do not be deceived by them for they themselves have been deceived. Woke is a clear manifestation of their own race-dividing, non-inclusive, genocidal thinking, "identity politics" rooted in the time-honored "old-timey" racism of their forebears, modernized to counter what they believe is a "White Genocide" being today perpetrated by their own government. Don't let them tell you your race doesn't matter in the United States that by most correct interpretations was created for all and not some. Why can't there be a racially diverse, race-equal American history taught (which is the truth) going forward, or better asked, why does MAGA today need half-truths and lies to elevate themselves above whom they now want to be in competition with, when we are All Americans? Conversely, "anti-CRT" WHITES ONLY history is precisely that, the same old Anglo-racism that historically did serve evil and genocide rebranded for the school-aged children of today. Trump-era Republicans can say they're not exclusionary, fascist, nor racist all they want, but conservatives are clearly bigoted against anyone or anything they label as "Woke" which has quickly become a placeholder for anything they simply do not like, or want to destroy for their 'better society' which is a racist-leaning, majority White utopia no matter how you choose to view it. Again, the Nazi's did the exact same thing with the Jews and others that they didn't like, where instead of being labeled as "Woke," they were branded with a yellow star and rounded up in "the largest deportation in history" and systematically killed, which should be proof enough that such biased thinking remains a slippery slope also in the 21st century as it did in the 1930's. And yet, today's Anglo-centric occult forces who actually lead them are figuratively attempting to place a bright yellow Star of David on everything deemed "Woke" today. Whereas Christ Himself was "Woke" in many respects, the Satanic-possessed and Anglo-centric Antichrist coming will ultimately pattern himself to the exact opposite, so in that sense, today's Anglo-centric far-right have a lot to look forward to with Satan leading them more directly in the coming years. To counter this fact, fascist elements are now claiming that the very people who expose far-right racism are themselves 'racist against Whites,' when in reality, we are 'racist' against all of their own Nazi tendencies which they never view as being racist. The greatest irony is that Whites still have no clue that they are under control by a literal Satanic hegemony who are creating the very conditions turning them more racist, such as allowing for the sharp influx of illegal migration as plotted to force more Americans to become more Anglo-centric, and hearken back to a time when "America was great again," as it were, and thus, remain perpetually under the matrix of their elite overseer's control. This is all by design. The twin-pillared Left and Right model seen in Western democracy has been purposefully created by the occult-driven elite to distract and completely occupy the minds of their mental slaves in the working man whilst their overlords remain in untouchable power over them.

*Read Article An "Anti-Woke" Influencer Announces He's Now Open to Working with Fascists and Neo-Nazi's
*Read Article Why Do Many Young, Ignorant, Racist Whites in America Find Fascism So Attractive?

We were taught in our Masonic-influenced education that no one is above the law, but that is clearly a lie, for there are those who secretly control the United States because they created the very laws that generationally protects themselves, just as the law is also measured in its fullness against anyone not of their purposed ancestry and lineage. In lieu of that and beyond what they are being told about "Wokeism," Republican's today are also being mind-controlled to view their enemies as anyone of a darker skin to keep the racist status quo, that ultimately serves the globalists, intact because doing so is "patriotic," "traditionalist," and "American" while the pervasive status quo works to continually protect the very elites who are killing us all. The message being conveyed therefore is that long-held racism *is* patriotic and stands at the very root of Americanism itself, a very dangerous message to be reinforcing to youth who will one day become the generation serving the next Hitler that the elites are also creating. While true on one level that 'Woke' is being used by globalists to appear as if they care about a united world built on racial diversity and equality, that's not the case when the corporate robber barons and Anglo-elites are merely continuing their ongoing plan to subjugate all of the races that God created via the most extreme in genocidal methods before stealing their land to then install only their race as its new owners, all the while under a supposed Christian banner for doing so which is the ultimate deception because while the people might be Christians, the Masonic government that rules over them certainly remains not. The British empire has attempted exactly this with nearly every single nation on earth and whose land that wasn't outright stolen, they managed to instead have those nations become subject to them in other ways that allow Western globalists to dictate what need be. This is certainly seen today with the mandating of Covid-19 protocols as well as within their increasing "Climate Apocalypse" narrative that could be defined as a leftover from their own post-industrial polluting of the earth that's now being used to deplete entire economies being forced into green mandates. As Cecil Rhodes more loosely admitted, this is being done in the West to advance the ultimate goal in Britain bringing a world leader to power who would further their former imperialism whereby only English-descended peoples and their language dominate the world. More privately, Rhodes created a secret society named "The Round Table" that exposed the reasons why the British must control the world at the behest of their Masonic god, the progenitor of their ancient bloodline from which they marry back into as a way of "strengthening" their blue-blood nobility and world power it provides them. At end, Rhodes was referencing the Antichrist of whom even the Scriptures reference as "a [King] that was, is not, but will rise again" in accordance with Revelation 17:8. Thus, a Once and Future King, as it were. Trump's far-right collective also loves to show off their mental deficiency in what should be the common sense understanding that blocking funding to Ukraine equates to collectively playing the role of Chamberlain's complicity toward Hitler before the outbreak of World War II. In fact, there is no difference between current Republican thinking and Hitler, increasingly, but because Putin, a supposed [Russian Orthodox] Christian is speaking the same Aryan-centric language of subtle racism that Trump and they do, they see Putin as another (White) Christian leader (autocrat), who just like Trump in the West, is attempting to protect a long-standing White Christian empire in the East, which is precisely the wrong thinking to own going into these last days knowing what is presented in Ezekiel 38-39. God himself has put it on record 3,000 years ago that he is AGAINST Putin's (Gog's) and Russia's last days aspirations against Israel.

BREAKING There Might Be a Correlation Between How Smart and How Not Racist You Are

*Read Article British Neo-Nazi's Calling for New 'Aryan Laws' and a 'Return to Pagan Worship'
*Read Article Satanic Occultism and Paganism is at the Heart of the Nazi Alt-Right Movement
*Read Article The Far Right is Rising Across Europe and its Ascendancy is Being Normalized

White "Christians" today really need to read Ezekiel for themselves if they are still persuaded toward Trump's so-called "Christian Nationalism" that favors despots like Putin that God is Himself so clearly against! Moreover, the entire mindset they're starting to display is precisely what later empowers the Antichrist and gives him his throne, seat, and allowed authority over them. What society really needs to ask itself is why are both sides of the political divide increasingly pushing both Left and Right in the exact same direction away from God and toward a cult of human personality in His place? In so doing, the extremely racist elites of the "Blood Royale" remain continually untouchable because they are pitting one American against another as an effective Left/Right distraction that works to protect their ongoing plan where Americans and Europeans are being radicalized by the very same occult-led globalist powers that created, funded and supported Hitler and his murderous Nazi regime to begin with. And precisely as the German people were made as pawns in the globalist chess game while they amassed greater power to further their ultimate plan, so are increasingly far-right conservatives today falling over themselves to join that hidden agenda created by the very same occult-empowered globalists that conservatives unwittingly believe they are against. Populist-leaning Republicans ought to be very careful about what they're asking for in another Trump presidency, a proven corrupt businessman, draft-dodger, and democracy destroyer who has already expressed time and again his disdain for everyone from patriotic Gold-Star families and military POW's to the homeless and mentally ill to autistic and other special needs children to entire races not as 'perfect' as his, to half the American voting population not given to his loudly proclaimed far-right tendencies. Once in power, Nazism then attempts to create the "perfect White utopia" via a self-serving media narrative, isolationism, strict racial inbreeding, and ultimately, forced eugenics which serves the globalist's own plan that's attempting to bring about the exact same thing, not coincidentally. The far-right are being told that it's either their far-right Nazi-like "Ultra-Maga" brand of fascism that will go forward to control the nation or the left's supposed Socialism/Communism that controls it, with no moderate views to be had any longer in between. As such, the two extremist narratives are in themselves mind control because it never addresses the fact that the United States is already under control by a hostile, foreign, alien power who has as their task to destroy the People, whether that destruction comes in the form of their various population control methods, wars, deadly vaccines, domestic violence, riots, or in the spiritual corruption that's leading souls further from the God that America was supposedly founded on. It matters not which political party holds power at any given time, the imperialist elite will meet their long-term goals. Whereas the American people and their collective strength are being siphoned off via the systematic erosion of Christian values by these same racist elites, too many Americans are unwittingly helping in their ultimate goal of a national collapse by giving in to the racist views of the robber baron imperialists or its seemingly opposite working among the morally bankrupt intelligentsia of the leftists, while both (Left/Right) are taking the country toward mutual destruction. The Masonic Plan is working. Because only these two extremes are being funded by elitist wealth and are similarly propagated in the controlled media, the more moderate, medium, centrist voices are getting drowned out amidst all the purposed political noise that further divides the nation, the end-goal of which only better prepares the world for its introduction to Antichrist. Of the British and American Freemasons that operate their twin-caste where the ones we see are merely the unwitting front group to a much more organized Satanic cult, it becomes intriguing that they have placed both Cain and Tubal-Cain as their own founding fathers, knowing the lineage of the first murderer was cursed by God from Cain to Tubal-Cain, with Cain believed to have produced their unique "blue-blooded" heritage that supposedly provided them their elitist and imperial status over the rest of mankind ever since. With all of what's being spoon-fed to European Whites and especially White Americans today, it makes me wonder if there's any remote chance, let alone hope, that they could be woken up anymore when their Overseer's matrix that has ensnared them is this unrelenting. The archon of evil which guides this world needs them to take this planet into its next stage of devolution toward Satan's next "Aryan Messiah," and yet, almost none of them can see clearly enough to understand what is actually happening all around them despite the clarity of division God is also highlighting in these latter years to show the world what's behind the culture war between His Son and Satan's chosen one, of which Satan has long worked to stack the deck in only his favor by contaminating both the Left and the Right within the Masonic empire of his design.

*Read Article The European Union Campaign Against Online Illuminati Conspiracy Theories
*Read Article Why Occult Groups Such as Freemasonry Perceive Lucifer as a 'God of Light'
*Read Article Seat Number 666 is Left Vacant in the Masonic-Controlled European Parliament
*Read Article "Send Us Such a Man, Be He God or the Devil, We Will Receive Him" -Architect of the EU

BREAKING The US Department of Justice Now Admits that Cannibalistic Generational Satanism Exists
BREAKING Jeffrey Epstein's Leaked Calendar Reveals Prominent Names Including CIA Chief William Burns

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

America's National Intelligence Has an Admitted Nazi-Satanist Working at NSA

For Aquino, Satan is a real metaphysical being whose devotees were meant to worship and serve as their diabolical deity. This constitutes the first break between atheistic Satanists and theistic Satanists — a rift which has little meaning when considering that either way it's consistent with Crowley’s notion of inversion. [Thus] it does not matter if a Satanist replaces God with himself or the Devil — the ultimate end result serves the same agenda of overturning Christianity and replacing it with Satanic worship. Whether the individual Satanist prefers atheistic or theistic Satanism is irrelevant. Some spin-off groups of theistic Satanists believe this rift will be settled with the emergence of the Anti-Christ in global affairs.

Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set

Our actual unseen leaders who ultimately control both the Left and Right from the top, that sit just behind our elected politicians alongside with the Cabal's own globalists, as they are called today, are allowing this in their perfect timing to create the conditions of self-affirming hegemony and hating everything resembling "diversity" for a reason. The same thing is occurring in Europe, but instead of Central and South American Catholics, it is Islamic Muslims that are allowed to flood Europe for what I believe are the very same reasons, for out of this comes an entire generation more race-centric, isolationist, un-empathetic to non-whites, and thus groomed to favor and espouse older notions rooted in Anglo-imperialist colonialism. Why would the mostly white corporate globalists controlling the West want people to be ultimately like them? They are bringing a new Aryan leader to the forefront after their orchestrated global collapse and as a result are already creating an audience that would be most receptive to his future leadership, today. Moreover, knowing those corporations that led to Hitler's rise are still in control in much of what we see today behind what their media tells us, this cannot be a mere coincidence. The same evil that funded Hitler's meteoric rise is also preparing this world for a green-groomed, globalist Antichrist figure who, at first, will appeal to a blending of both the right and left post-Collapse where survivors care more about their own survival than former political leanings. Climate change, vaccine mandates, open border migration, and transgender madness for today on one end - and a sharp rise in Anglo-centric thinking and neo-Nazi recruitment on the other, with hardly anyone asking the obvious question as to why.

Clinton Ortiz to Redacted, Video: America is About to Change Forever

John Dee was England's pre-eminent Magus during the first Elizabethan era. Together with Sir Thomas Walsingham, Dee was instrumental in establishing the English state's first intelligence service, the forerunner of MI5 and MI6.

Towards an Enochian Grammar

By the time Elizabeth rose to the court in 1558, John Dee had already become her closest personal advisor. Dee advocated imperialism and was actually the first to use the phrase “British Empire.” Dee often corresponded with the queen on confidential matters. He took to signing his letters “007” to designate letters for the Queen’s eyes only. The zeroes represented eyes, and the seven was thought to be a lucky number that offered protection. [The moniker was actually derived from "two-ball cane" -- Tubal-Cain.] Many scholars believe that Dee was one of Elizabeth’s spies, and that his travels throughout Europe were not for “spiritual conferences,” but rather to gather intelligence. Queen Elizabeth employed a number of spies because she was constantly threatened by plots of conspiracy, all of which were quashed by her secret service.

John Dee and James Bond

John Dee (1527-1608) was Queen Elizabeth I’s advisor and astrologer … that helped elevate England to its position as the foremost imperial power in the world. Dee, sometimes called the “original 007,” is accredited with having invented the idea of a “British Empire,” [and] envisioning fledgling America as the New Atlantis, with himself being the archetype of Merlin, and Queen Elizabeth as Arthur. Piecing together Dee’s diaries, the author examines Enochian [Dee's language used to contact demonic spirits] in precise detail and explains how these same "angels" used Dee and Kelley as agents to establish a New World Order that would unify all religions and eventually dominate the entire globe. Presenting a comprehensive overview of Dee’s life and work, Louv examines his scientific achievements, spy work, imperial strategizing, and Enochian magick, establishing a psychohistory of John Dee as the fundamental driver of Western history. Exploring Dee’s influence on Sir Francis Bacon, the development of modern science, 17th-century Rosicrucianism, the 19th-century occult revival, and 20th-century occultists such as [JPL's] Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley, and Anton LaVey, Louv shows how John Dee continues to impact science and the occult to this day.

John Dee and the Empire of Angels

From 1570 Dee advocated a policy of political and economic strengthening of England and imperial expansion into the New World. In his manuscript, Brytannicae Reipublicae Synopsis (1570), he outlined the current state of the Elizabethan Realm and was concerned with national strength. His 1576 General and rare memorials pertaining to the Perfect Art of Navigation was the first volume in an unfinished series planned to advocate the rise of imperial expansion. In the highly symbolic frontispiece, Dee included a figure of Britannia kneeling by the shore beseeching Elizabeth I, to protect her empire by strengthening her navy. Dee used Geoffrey‘s inclusion of Ireland in King Arthur’s imperial conquests to argue that Arthur had established a ‘British empire’ abroad. He further argued that England exploit new lands through colonization and that this vision could become reality through maritime supremacy.

John Dee and James Bond

The frontispiece of Francis Bacon’s “New Atlantis” featured the Pillars of Hercules as a gateway to a New World [America]. According to Occult lore, Atlantis is the civilization from which all hermetic knowledge emerged. The rebirth of this lost kingdom has been the dream of Occult mystery schools for centuries.

Masonic Symbols: Meaning of the Twin Pillars Boaz and Jachin

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Read Article The Statue of Liberty: A Masonic 'Gift' From France to America to Represent Lucifer
*Read Article The Goddess Hecate [Satan in Feminine Guise] and the Statue of Liberty in New York
*Read Article Trump Official Interprets the Statue of Liberty's Poem to Only Apply to White Europeans
*Read Article State of the Nation: John Dee, Atlantis, Freemasonry and the "Master Plan of the Ages"
*Read Article John Dee, the Necronomicon, the Black Grimoire and the Future Cleansing of the World
*Read Article John Dee's 007, the Cainite Ancestor Tubal-Cain and the Rune of the Original Language
*Read Article John Dee, British Agent Number 007, the Freemasons, Modern Israel, and Black Magick
*Read Article That Time When Prince William Worked in Secret with 007 (Tubal-Cain) Spy Agency MI6
*Read Article American CIA is Itself a British Spy Operation That Works for the City of London/Globalists

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

As literal Americans that never needed ships, the North, Central and South Americans were here long before the land was ever named despite the belief many hold that Americans are not Americans unless they're descended from White Europeans only. How ironic. Notice that each and every time when Republicans demonize Critical Race Theory and "Wokeism," their only proposal is to ban Black and Native American history and burn all its books in favor for the doubling down on more of their brand of whitewashing based in Manifest Vanity as if to distance themselves from the murderous colonization force from England that they were/are. The depraved way that especially today's GOP loves to dehumanize asylum-seekers of darker skin while defending all European and now Ukrainian asylum-seekers coming up from Mexico exposes the height of the hypocrisy in their claim that they're not just simply racist. It remains a fact that the vast majority pf these same asylum-seekers just want to work and fill in the severe worker shortages that still persist in post-Covid America. What Republicans are gravely worried about is that these same workers would become voters who would eventually vote the GOP out. That's a legitimate concern, so instead of the GOP attempting to court their vote, they'd just rather ensure they never become citizens who can vote in the first place.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Another form of the Masonic dual caste or twin pillar control mechanism is seen in the Machiavellian Right vs. Left paradigm thus works as an effective good cop vs. bad cop tactic for those behind America's machination of domestic control. In the same vein, both the British and American empires have subjected much of the planet's population not for the truth or justice they equally claim to be promulgating, but to advance a far more ancient agenda referenced time and again within the Scriptures themselves. Of this, one Scripture explains, "In the last days, many shall depart from the [Christian] faith to instead listen to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." Knowing Satan always works in counterfeit actions to God's will, where the counterfeiting of God's Word is twisted to become the Kabballah, and the Aryan Antichrist becomes the Jewish Messiah, it should be no wonder that Christ's own post-Apocalyptic Millennial rule will also be counterfeited to become a wholly secular utopia that this world's globalist elites daily strive toward. While Americans are largely blind to see it because their own nation's political system is a Masonic shell game whereby Republicans are distracted with whatever the Democrats are doing, and Democrats are similarly distracted with whatever the Republicans are doing, the Satanic elites who created the American system are pushing their 'New World' agenda thru both parties. London's Freemasonry has overtaken nearly every nation at the corporate elite level and attempts to make itself Satan's counterfeit of worldwide Christianity, but unlike God's call for mankind to unite under the banner of Christ, Aryan Freemasonry seeks to undermine God and His Son in favor of Satan and his son. The same also control the online narrative via many "truther" websites, which are today turning to Nazism to explain every current social and political event, i.e., citing that multiculturalism is the byproduct of "evil Jews" while others among them more simply believe that Democrats are the "ultimate evil" organized and run by the globalist son of George Soros (a Jew). Whatever the sordid belief, Whites today are being brainwashed by what's called "Replacement Theory" by other Whites who serve as "conservative voices" for what becomes the propaganda wing for several racist White Nationalist organizations. Like what the Nazi's taught the Germans, "Replacement Theory" arises from the inherently racist belief that White privilege is in danger of extinction by minorities to manufacture a hive mindset among Whites that they must rise up under a populist (and equally racist) leader to destroy liberalism and multiculturalism or face racial, political, spiritual annihilation. Of itself, Replacement Theory was created by early Freemasons and is another known heresy that is an offshoot of British-Israelism. Replacement teaches that God's many blessings and promises made to ancient Israel have instead been extended to Britain and America and serves as a foundation of deception whereby Satan can install an entirely new set of rules to make the Antichrist appear as a Messianic Savior to both Israel and the Western world. Such false doctrine has already allowed the British Empire and now America to conquer entire continents of "minority nations" because God has supposedly sanctioned it. Looking at America and Britain today, as well as the state of the Western world itself, clearly nothing could be further from the truth. Of course, none of the racist rhetoric that comprises their delusion ever mentions that both schools of thought are an entirely Masonic idea, not Christian. Despite the occult brainwashing by those creating "The New Atlantis," many Whites feel it's now a do or die imperative to keep Trump and those like him perpetually in office by any means necessary, or face extinction. This is exactly the mindset being perpetrated on them by their unseen archons in power. It should also be noted here that during those first years after the Collapse, the Antichrist will himself be seen as Europe's last [great white] hope, much like Trump was ironically viewed some years earlier by many Americans, which is telling. Because Satan wants to become God, he actively counterfeits everything of God, including God's Son, Christ, with Antichrist, and His own "chosen people," the Jews, with the descendants of Cain. Thus, a counterfeit 'Israel' was born in America but righteous under God it is not because the God of the Masonic founders was never the ancient God of Israel's patriarchs, but Lucifer himself. Those who actually believe this Anglo-heresy only further propagate the Aryan elite's own goals that lead directly into the lie surrounding the 'Blood Royale' where British royalty are to be seen as Messianic, an idea needed in the future to convince Jews that the Antichrist is their Messiah. America and Britain are not Ephraim and Manasseh, as taught in Anglo-Israel belief. They are currently however representative of the twin Masonic pillars from which the entire planet is subjected. Anglo-racist "Christians" in America are being therefore tainted with the specific Satanic ideology citing that they are descendants of the Biblical 'House of Israel,' with Adam (according to them) being the "first White man by which God created to place all mud races under his authority." Again, Satan does counterfeit for his own agenda whose end is the Antichrist born of "noble blood" ruling the world.

*Read Article African-Americans May Have Started Memorial Day in 1865, Whites Suppressed it from History
*Read Article Family of Child says Racist Whites Forced Their Move- "They’re Talking about Lynching My Son"
*Read Article The Knights Templar Were/Are Occult-Based Pagans who Sought 'Anti-Church' Wealth and Power
*Read Article A Black Activist Speaks Her Truth of White Women Being Dangerous and Whiteness is Their Cult

We will not get the MAGA movement (White "Christian" Nationalists) and on to unity until real Christians stand up against the core problem: 70% of Evangelicals are not Christians. They have hijacked Christianity in reverting to following the word of God as instructed by Moses instead of the word of God as instructed by Jesus. The Ten Commandments, and the other 603 edicts of Mosaic Law, have nothing to do with Christianity and more align Evangelicals with Orthodox Jews and Suni/Shia Muslims. MAGA is an Evangelical Jihad armed to the teeth which rivals any Islamic Jihad under ISIS. I'm sure that MAGA isn't 100% Evangelical, but their behavior (right out of the Old Testament) isn't exclusive to Evangelicals, but it was promoted by Southern Evangelicals in response to freeing the Slaves. The racism (and misogyny from the bible), under Mosaic Law, was fair game for generations of low-education, low-IQ people who point to the Bible as their "moral" compass. I am always surprised that a black man would be willing to refer to himself as an Evangelical, but I was always also painting Evangelicals with a broad brush. Evangelicals for Harris made me realize that, only the 70% (only have to be "saved", and any bad thing you do is forgiven; faith, not works) are the Christians in Name Only (CINO). MAGA is CINO/RINO. MAGA doesn't care how vulgar and despicable their cult leader (Trump) is because "he's doing God's work". And of course, they can justify their actions , including violence against the evil (as defined by their cult leader) under the same premise of forgiveness without fear.

The Evangelical Pharisees (Falwell, Graham, et al), along with the Sadducees (Novelly, Huizenga, Sokol and Crow) who own the Supreme Court, make up Trump's Sanhedrin. “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat".-- Jesus (Matthew 23:2). Just like the Pharisees of Jesus' time, they are all hypocrites and absolutely rejected Jesus' Teachings and Commandments. To MAGA, Jesus' Teachings are "liberal talking points". Jamar stood out to me as a real Christian in challenging Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" Bible, but I feel that Jamar (nor you) just doesn't get where the other 70% of Evangelicals are coming from. What really amazes me is the Mosaic Law was only intended for "God's Chosen People" of a newly established Israel. It was not intended for the rest of the planet. In fact, Jesus represents a documented historical movement against the harsh rule of Mosaic Law imposed on the Jews. Our Pharisees of today want it imposed on America. I believe we were established under the framework of Jesus' teachings; taking care of "the least of these", "love thy neighbor", "welcome the stranger", and other "liberal talking points". But these decedents of the "Lost Cause" only want to reclaim America for Caucasians who they believe are one of the Tribes of "God's Chosen People" and want to ensure Mosaic Law is the law of the land. (See Christian Identity)

Dwayne Free

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

This is precisely what the American "Christian Identity" movement in America believes, as well as the members within such Masonic-inspired creations such as the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, and even the early Mormon Church. The same false narratives that serve as the foundation for Jewish hatred and White supremacy today, is well-documented in the Aryan's own "Lost Tribes of Israel" heresy, which states that the coming Messiah (Antichrist) will ascend after the ruined world purposefully crumbles under mounting debt, needless wars, a depleted faith, rise in paganism, poverty, population control, and Trump's populism, when America and its democracy will fall to ultimately give way to a British monarchy to govern what remains of the West post-2030. How prevalent is this heretical teaching in America? So much so that both TBN and CBN, two of America's largest Christian broadcasting networks have at one time or another aired both shows and/or segments that touted various beliefs and tenants found in Anglo-Israelism. This shows how far Masonic occultism has gone toward systematically dismantling Christianity in advance of establishing their Anglo-Messiah [Antichrist] in the West. The hatred being drummed up today against non-White migrants in both the United States and Europe also works toward creating the exact conditions needed for the post-Collapse rise of the "White Crusader" from which Antichrist will initially portray himself and find an audience perfectly conditioned for that rule. (See also: Rise of Luciferians: Fall of the Crusading Templars and The Far-Right's View of the Crusading Knights Templar.) As such, the men who fill the ranks of these modern-day robber baron corporate-owning Anglo-elite have provided for themselves this world's greatest cornerstone of power and generational wealth, using both Machiavellian and other tactics to divide and conquer entire societies, but namely in America, the supposed "Christian nation." The work of the main secret society that capstones this nation's mind control becomes simple when they can first brainwash a society that avowed Luciferians are "good men" and their nation's Founding Fathers by which countless innocent children are still assaulted with in their Masonic State-sponsored schoolhouses to this day. Whenever a segment of that brainwashed society begins to wake up to see they are not free but under an ever-tightening control, the elite will merely create a distraction to blame so that they remain safe and secure from all persecution and prosecution because they can just simply create another distraction as another form of shielding themselves. As proven too many times before, the White elitists will use a narrative against minorities as their chosen distraction knowing their lower-class White brethren are easily led toward racism anyway. [As if by nature, racist "Karen's" employ this same dynamic against minorities on a much smaller scale, i.e., get a minority arrested using a purposed 'shit-stirring' tactic while the Karen is given safety from prosecution for causing the trouble to begin with.] A more extreme example of this is the CIA's own purposed war against minorities by flooding their neighborhoods with drugs and guns only to have ignorant Republicans, who have often been made wealthy off the backs of minorities, turn and blame minorities for America's demise. How ironic. It's not that minorities are destroying the nation but the same Anglo-elites that Republicans protect who literally control the siphon of mass chaos in America on every front. In this way, globalists are left free to continue meeting every single one of their twisted goals that leads toward an Anglo-favoring world order going forward. Understand, the descendants of those who founded this nation still hold the power over this nation. They are NOT what you've been taught in their controlled state schoolhouses. It is they who have manufactured and weaponized everything from illegal drugs and human trafficking, banking and financial corruption, urban gentrification, tainted food and water supplies, and anything else that destroys a society both short and long term, from within, so that even if you happen to survive their myriad of population control methods, you'll live to be taken in by one of their many distractions that are designed to destroy you spiritually and thus remove your place with God, forever, whether that distraction is manipulating your religious or racial beliefs, your morality, or your gender and sexuality. Look at what they're doing to children today in the name of "self-affirming gender care." The simpletons among the slack-jawed would naturally blame "THE DEMOCRATS!" But look closer. Look at the films and other entertainment media the Satanic cabal collectively create in between their financing both Republican and Democrat causes. Does any of their entertainment ever work to edify the soul or uplift the human spirit toward our Creator, or are they manipulating you with everything they know makes you more like them? Take the time to actually read the following links...

*Read Article Freemasonry Seeks to Destroy America and Traditional Christianity
*Read Article Trump's Signal for Violence with Posts Straight Out of Nazi Germany
*Read Article Recent "Christian Trump Event" Left One Evangelical Pastor Horrified
*Read Article Trump's Hypocrisy Threatening Democracy is Still Brainwashing His Cult

It's clear they want American Republicans thinking exactly like them, with upholding profits over people and becoming increasingly racist, while at the same time providing a parallel path of destruction for American Democrats via catering to their upholding of an immoral self-will over God's will and moral laws. It is exactly like Satan to provide the equal opportunity for a soul's destruction no matter what political views were held in life, especially when those two seemingly opposing views were entirely Masonic to begin with. How ironic it is therefore that White Republicans actually believe that they are of God's power and purpose simply because they are not Democrat. Meanwhile, Satan's men in power have perfectly planned destruction for the entirety of mankind in keeping with their Masonic goal which is Lucifer's own will of crowning himself as King over God's remaining creation. In this, American Republicans are certainly not exempt, not when the corporate forces they serve and work to protect are themselves worshipping Satan under the belief that they will be rewarded an integral part within his future New World. Given the current culture divide between the purposefully polarized Left and the Right, perhaps the most important point to grasp in regard to the future under the coming superstate arising out of Europe and specifically the UK, is what components of both Left and Right the Antichrist combines to include the all within his plan for an expedient world domination. Those that live in the 'kingdom of the Beast' will live in something akin to '15-minute cities' under a very strict control believing that such strict controls are necessary trade off post-Collapse. The New Age trend toward non-meat consumption believing it helps save the earth will get to the point where animal meat consumption of itself will be made verboten. Intriguingly, we are provided a glimpse into that future with the Scripture found in 1 Timothy 4:1-3 that predicts: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the last days many shall depart from the [Christian] faith, giving heed instead to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth." From the modern trend toward fascism from both the Left and Right will come a surveillance state and its inevitable Mark of the Beast financial system, where everyone is provided a wearable 'mark' from which to buy and sell with ease, but is more covertly tracking every location, habit, and interest a person would have, as well as likely recording every conversation they may have as a result of its intrusive technology to track any rebellion in real time. Covid-19 proved how far the government can push a society to believe whatever they tell us is supposedly real, therefore, a medical reason may be added to why someone would want to take the Mark, such as it having all of their important medical information recorded and contained within it. We see a semblance of that world today with our daily conversations covertly being recorded by our phones and home devices, our transactions are already being tracked, facial recognition technology already has the ability to follow our every move in stores and within "Smart Cities" with enhanced AI only adding new layers of Orwellian level controls to ensure our freedoms are being eroded at an unprecedented rate. From the Right's fascism/racism will come the belief that the Antichrist (born of both imperial and Merovingian blood) has the "Right of Divine Rule" over the entire planet. From the alien agenda being propagated by the US and UK governments, will come a level of global deception that changes everything virtually overnight, when the globalists will introduce us to our supposed alien benefactors to guide man into his 'next evolutionary step.' Of this, 2 Thessalonians 2:6-12 speaks to: "And now ye know what withholds him until he be unveiled in his time. For the Mystery of Iniquity [Antichrist] does already work. Only He who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way and then shall that Wicked One be revealed [to the world]... Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying miracles and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the Love of the Truth [God's Word/Jesus Christ], that they might be saved. And for this cause, God shall allow them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie so that they all might be damned who believed not the Truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness [i.e., homosexuality, infidelity, witchcraft, hedonism, greed, etc.]." Add of those deceptive lies to come via an alternate creation account regarding aliens and the supposed ancient manipulation of our human genome by a 'Divine Anunnaki' that will eclipse both evolution and Creation to become the basis of a new global religion spearheaded by the Beast and his False Prophet. Seeing is believing, after all, or so the people will tell themselves in those days.

*Read Article How Thousands of Nazi's Were Rewarded a Life in the USA
*Read Article Some of Hitler's Family Came to the US Just Before the War
*Read Article Why Anglo-Racism in America is Far Worse than Seen in Europe

Such deceptions would then cause the world to literally worship the Beast because he has been given the supposed Divine Right to Rule by the Dragon himself, meaning it appears that besides Satan's eventual possession of the Antichrist, he will also be seen as something of an alien God or Goddess to be worshipped, with the Antichrist being announced as "his son." With this, the Scripture in Revelation 13:2-9 informs: "And the Beast [Antichrist] which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion, but the Dragon [Satan] gave him his power, his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death but his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled after the Beast and they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast and they worshipped the Beast, saying, 'Who is like unto the Beast? Who could ever make war against him?' And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue [for another] forty-two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle and them that dwell in Heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints to [temporarily] overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear." From the Left will come the acceptance of all forms of sexuality and the liberal take on New Age Spirituality where everything from demonic possession to pagan worship of the 'Old Ones' will become tenants of Satan's New World Church. Of this, the Revelation 9:20-21 tells us: "And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils in the form of idols of gold and silver, of brass and stone or of wood. Neither repented they of their [sacrificial] murders nor of their sorceries, or fornication, or thefts. The Antichrist will be seen as a Awakened Avatar here to guide the rest of the planet at the behest of not a God, but a Goddess, into a true New Age so that like a collective Adam and Eve, mankind will again fall under Satan's original lie that we can become as God(s), if we just disobey everything within God's Word. The Antichrist's own False Prophet will then initiate a World Church rooted in cultural paganism that blends a kind of fascism with New Age belief, whereby anyone not attempting to connect themselves with "THE ALL" will be seen as hostile to the World Church and the Dragon's plan for humanity. The New Age's religious fascism will get to the point where if anyone refuses any aspect of Satan's attempt at destroying the world and every soul in it, will themselves be hunted down and killed, which has always been fascism's end result. Of this time, the Scriptures from Daniel 11:30-36 inform us what is to occur in Israel specifically from which we can only imagine what occurs elsewhere: "For the ships of Chittim shall come against him [Antichrist]. Therefore he shall be grieved and return and have indignation against the Holy Covenant [the Jews of Israel and their religion]. He shall return to his own land and have intelligence with all of them that also forsake the Holy Covenant [Jews/Israel]. And such as do wickedly against the Covenant [Israel] shall he [Antichrist] corrupt by flatteries but the [Jewish] people that do know their God [in Yeshua Moshiach] shall be strong and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many - yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall fall, they shall be further helped with a little help, while the majority shall cleave to them [holding to the king's] flatteries. Some of them of understanding shall fall to test them, to purge their sins and make them blameless to the time of the end [at Armageddon], because it is yet for a time appointed. And the king [Antichrist] shall do according to his will. And he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak many things against the God of gods and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished. For that which is determined shall be done."

*Read Article The Bloodlines of All US Presidents Derived From Mostly British and French Merovingians
*Read Article At Least 20 American Presidents Who Belonged to Secret Societies Such as Freemasons
*Read Article The Aryan-Rothschild Family & the Satanic Holy Grail Bloodline
*Read Article Freemasons: The Silent Destroyers Based on the Templars
*Read Article Project Monarch: British Monarchy Antichrist Programming
*Read Article The Freemason and Illuminati Plan for Our Destruction
*Read Article Evil: From the Knights Templar to the 33° Freemasons
*Read Article Yale's Mocking Study on End-Time Christian Belief
*Read Article The Skull and Bones: A Racist Nightmare at Yale
*Read Article Yale's 'Covid-19 Test' Receives FDA Backing
*Read Article Corporations Profiting from Covid-19 Deaths

"American Patriots" - The Most Ironic Slaves of the Monarchy

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

The definition of Sedition is very interesting to include the word Monarch knowing how the Crown Temple in London still owns and controls the United States. Perhaps we should all be revolting not against fellow Americans, but against those global elites who view us as their pawns. Such naivety on daily display here, at a time when we can no longer afford such ignorance. You understand that this nation was created by the Lucifer-worshipping Freemasons, do you not? Do you really believe their inherently British-serving power somehow subsided in 1776? Whenever you cannot figure out what America has already done and is still doing toward bringing in a New World Order, remember who controls it. It was never by or for the People. The State will demand you to get forcibly vaccinated and to blindly "trust the science" that is literally the same science that once took in 1,600 Nazi's and claims there is no God, while their media demands you to be repelled by the "conspiracy theories" that expose their evil corporations and tactics.

For example, the media will tell you Satanism or its controlling elites don't exist, while the same media promotes literally everything the elites at the World Economic Forum demand of society going forward. Further, as the corporate media trains society to instantly mock verified accounts of Satanic Ritual Abuse as part of their protecting those same elites being accused of it, they'll also attack the claims by branding it "Satanic Panic 2.0" and go after the accusers by labelling them as mentally ill or seemingly worse, as conspiracy theorists. In short, the Deep State shadow account collectively named "Q" that effectively mixes lies (about Trump) with the truth (about Satanic ruling elites) exists to be taken down by the corporate media in their ultimate effort to remove all conspiracy theories that expose the elite's subversive plan toward a New World Order.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

There is a plan for the world, a New World Order, devised by a British, American, and European financial elite of immense wealth and power, with centuries-old historical roots. This oligarchy controls the politicians, the courts, the educational institutions, the food, the natural resources, the foreign policies, and the economies of most nations.

Real World Order

The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister 1868

Foster Bailey, the husband of Alice Bailey, said that “Freemasonry is the descendent of a United World Religion, a divinely imparted Religion... striving for a United World Order” There is also a move to create a World Stock Market to control all governments in the world. The foundations behind the United Nations are spiritual. The Global Oneness Movement is gaining momentum. Doctor Wilhmhurst saw the dawning of the Aquarian Age as the fulfillment of the Plan* and said that Freemasonry may be the vehicle for that fulfillment. Wise people point out that the New Age Movement is the Universal Religion. The hand of the Mysteries controlled the establishment of the United States Government and the signature of the Mysteries may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United States of America. The US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter said “The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.”

The New Age and World Government by Robert JR Graham

It's no secret the United States is steadily losing its Biblical base. Just look at how many Americans rejoiced in New York's recent ungodly law legalizing abortion up until the day of birth. The more our nation loses its God-honoring element, the closer it draws to spiritual death. But this isn't a recent trend. Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne says the demise of America started in 1877 with a man named Cecil Rhodes, a lifetime member of the Masonic Order. Rhodes formed The Round Table society with the goal to bring the whole world under control of the British Empire, establishing a future one-world government. Since then, a strong and single-focused institution has infiltrated American society, and it has everything to do with money...[and a] globalist system as a prime setup for the Antichrist to arise.

How the Church is Resisting the Rise of Antichrist

There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened beings composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has secret destiny. The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers. This King would be descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined.

Manly P. Hall 33° Freemason, The Secret Destiny of America

John Wight, a writer and political commentator, argues that the mainstream media and their governments in the West are ostensibly trying to "curb dissent" with this controversial intervention on freedom of expression. It’s a very serious and sinister undertaking by the British government to try and control the last free space of communication that exists in society in the UK and in the West.

UK Government to Control Online Free Speech is Very Serious and Sinister

A 2017 project presentation published on the UK government website shows that the “influencing human behavior” section of the project also involves something that could be considered psychological warfare. The research should help London achieve its “geopolitical and strategic aims” through the use of “full spectrum of national capabilities,” including “covert means.” It is also allegedly aimed at developing techniques of “targeted manipulation of information in the virtual and physical domains to shape attitudes and beliefs in the cognitive domain.” A DSTL spokesperson further told the Guardian on Wednesday that the research into targeted manipulation of information was focused on “communicating with overseas audiences and deterring adversaries who threaten the UK’s interests.” These statements sound particularly disturbing in the light of recent revelations about the Integrity Initiative – another UK-funded psy-op outfit. Masquerading as a completely independent charity project aiming to highlight “disinformation” online, this government-funded project has been running influence operations all around Europe and interfering in the domestic politics of other countries.

‘Influencing Human Behavior’: UK MoD-Funded Psychological Research Project Leaked

The Queen is the Patron of the 1,100-member Pilgrims Society of Great Britain and the United States (founded by Cecil Rhodes and fellow robber barons in 1902). Justice Roberts’ CIA father John G. Roberts, Sr. became member via his employers, the First National Bank of Maryland and Bethlehem Steel, owned by Pilgrim's co-founder Andrew Carnegie. The late George Bush Sr. was a Pilgrim member, his son George W. Bush remains a member. Past White House cabinet members included Casper Weinberger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Alexander Haig, and George Schultz. Rupert Soames (SERCO), Sir Nick Clegg (Facebook), and Microsoft founder Bill Gates (EVENT 201), along with Lord Mark Malloch Brown, Prince Andrew and Prince Charles are all current members.

Much like the elite caste within Freemasonry, it is the ruling British Monarch that is the Patron to whom both the British and American Pilgrims Society members pledge allegiance. This is the treasonous “special relationship” the US has with the UK in their joint corporate-fascist New World program. Their population control methods have already employed everything from disease-causing pesticides on our foods, to controlling much of the pharmaceutical drug industry, while more sinisterly planning to reduce the world's population via a pandemic that would eventually prompt for mandatory masks, in advance of a mandatory vaccine and even harsher dystopian government laws after 2021. This would indicate the roll out of "deadlier variants" to ensure total future compliance toward receiving the vaccine but why should anyone take a vaccine when they don't know what's in it? Why is no one even asking or any expert ever explaining? In an age when social media and corporations are "cancelling" anyone asking these questions, claiming even to ask is disseminating misinformation, why are the same media networks continually misinforming the masses in not reporting the deaths associated with the Covid-19 vaccine?

The only answer we're daily given is to blindly "Trust The Science," or else risk being ostracized from the supposed reality that the controlled media is desperately attempting to frame. BBC, SKY, FOX, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC lead the world with pushing ceaseless reports carrying a single, hive-minded Orwellian theme: Get the vaccine, get the vaccine, get the vaccine, when short to long term dangers remain unknown. Of course, all the media has to do is tell society these vaccinations are safe/effective, and it's automatically believed without question. One need only research who sits atop of these networks and where all of those teleprompter scripts being read are actually coming from to see Orwell was right. It's 1984. At end, it would be too late to finally discover that Covid-19 and its countless variants served as a distraction, and the vaccines as a future danger, while the depopulation-favoring elites consolidated more centralization of power between themselves and the one they shall yet push to the forefront of all "science-backed" humanitarian sustainability and green-earth environmentalism.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

From the Substack: Due Diligence and Art by Sasha Latypova
Rand Paul Proselytizing the Gospel of Fauci on RFK Jr. Podcast

...He [Rand Paul] proceeds to fear monger about “deadly viruses from labs are worse then nuclear weapons” and “the next pandemic will be more deadly with 5% to 50% mortality.” This narrative line has been around for at least 60+ years, and, despite constantly advertised ease and accessibility of making dangerous pathogens in labs, resulted in not a single real epidemic, much less a pandemic of anything. Just for your historical reference, here is a quote from the book “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” by Ed Haslam, recalling a conversation with his father in 1962. Haslam’s father was a Harvard-trained medical doctor, working, post-military career, in one of the [already numerous by then] academic bioweapons labs. Attempts to make bioweapons were legal back then but kept secret from the public. Pestering his father about the research on “monkey viruses from Africa” in the backwater Tulane University, Louisiana, Haslam received these admissions: “… Tulane did not have enough money to fund its own research and was dependent… on drug companies and US government, who consequently dictated what was to be researched…[and dictated the secrecy]. … The main reasons [for secrecy] were: (1) potential public panic over an accidental epidemic, (2) growing public pressure from the animal rights movement, (3) secrecy demanded by covert operations. The possibility of public panic over an accidental epidemic was a real and present danger to both researchers and their financial backers. One bad incident might trigger public outcry that would effectively shut down all research for years…” In the very next sentence, Haslam states that there were indeed numerous accidents and resulting illnesses among monkey researchers [but] somehow, none of these numerous potentially world-ending incidents resulted in epidemics. Haslam does not connect the dots, however, believing well into 2010’s that a “lab leak” was and remains a real danger to the entire world. Indeed, since the late 1950’s, the biolabs working on “deadly transmissible pathogens” have proliferated in the US and world-wide. Every major and minor research university in the US has one. Here is a listing of the US academic institutions engaged in GOF from 2013. I assure you, there are even more of them now working on “bio-engineered”, CRISPRed and 100% fake Avian flu viruses, also here. “Deadly pathogens” leak from labs at least every other day of the year, according to CDC reports. And, Pfizer is mutating viruses in their labs as we speak. Rand Paul goes on discussing the fact that there is no evolutionary link to animals from [only existing in computer code] “Covid virus” as evidence that it came from the lab. That’s partially true because manufactured poisons, i.e. chemical weapons, do come from labs and do not “evolve” or “jump” from animals. These chemical weapons are especially dangerous when pushed by the US Government with lies and coercive mandates as “preventative lifesaving vaccines”, because the only tried-and-true, reliable mechanism of inducing mass illness is poisoning by injection. This method, indeed, has total bipartisan support. Wait - you mean covid really did kill a million people in the US? Are you sure, Senator, that it wasn’t the HHS hospital murder protocol with remdesivir and ventilators designed by Fauci and deployed by the HHS using a EUA Countermeasures law, with the PREP Act and mega financial incentives? Have you met with the survivors? Have you heard the testimonies from whistleblowers? Have you reviewed the US public health crimes and fraud data? Numerous US HHS/DOD agencies work on and fund bioweapons development in public and private labs. They all know what they are doing. We do not need another set of useless eaters doing the same thing, but differently now, calling it “oversight”. We need to dismantle the agencies and nullify the laws that incentivize and make it highly profitable to continue their poison-making activities using fabricated need for vaccinations as a cover. Way back in October of 2019, Anthony Fauci (NIAID Director) and Rick Bright (HHS BARDA Director) openly discussed their plans to use Gain-of-Function "outcomes" & "entities of excitement" to intentionally "disrupt" and "blow up" the US and global health care system. The discussion was captured on C-SPAN video during the Milken Institute "Future of Health Summit" featuring all of the usual Covid Cartel actors/criminals: Fauci, Bright, and one Margaret Hamburg. (See Video: Fauci & Bright discuss their plans to "blow up the health care system" and force the "conditions for universal vaccination" during a Milken Institute panel (October 2019).

From the Substack of Dean Henderson by Dean Henderson
Excerpted from My Book Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering Chapter 21: Covid-19 and The Great Reset

"On November 20, 2018, US Patent Number 10,130,701 was granted to the UK-based Pirbright Institute. That patent was for coronavirus, which translates from Latin as “Crown Venom”. The Pirbright Institute runs biomedical research facilities located on 200-acres of land controlled by the British Ministry of Defense near the town of Surrey, England. It was in this region that mad cow, or Creutzfeldt-Jakob, disease broke out in 1986. The Pirbright Institute has close affiliations with pharmaceutical multinationals, including the British Merial (a joint venture between the US drug company Merck and the French Sanofi-Aventis) and the German Boehringer Ingelheim. Funding comes from the Crown charity Wellcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the two largest investors in vaccine research in the world. Wellcome Trust was founded in 1936 by Sir Henry Wellcome who split his Burroughs Wellcome & Co. pharmaceutical empire into Glaxo Wellcome and the Wellcome Trust. Glaxo Wellcome merged with SmithKline Beecham in 2000 to become Glaxo SmithKline (GSK). In 1891, Freemason Henry Welcome launched Columbia Lodge Mo. 2397 for the, “…welding of a new tie to the English-speaking people of the two hemispheres.” This secret society carried forth the wishes of Cecil Rhodes last will and testament, serving as the planning group that created both the Business Round Table and the Pilgrims Society. The modern torchbearer in this effort is the Atlantic Council. During the 2nd South African Boer War, Burroughs Wellcome supplied vaccines to the British Army to conduct the first mass human vaccine experiments in concentration camps holding Boer prisoners. In 1909, Burroughs Wellcome funded the Pilgrims Society First Imperial Press Conference, which launched the Empire Press Union that eventually staffed both UK and US intelligence agencies. African explorer Sir Henry M. Stanley, a friend of Cecil Rhodes, had been funded during his Congolese expedition by Burroughs Wellcome. He was also an agent of the East India Company. While taking over the Congo for Belgium, King Leopold collected poisons that he delivered to Burroughs Wellcome for the creation of their pharmaceutical empire. Stanley’s heirs own a castle near Pirbright. Lord Pirbright Henry de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright was the great-grandson of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who once stated, “I care not who controls a nation’s government, so long as I control her currency.” Lord Pirbright, who had been born on a Rothschild tea plantation in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), served Queen Victoria as Undersecretary of State for the Colonies from 1888-1892. Vaccine manufacturing began at the Pirbright in 1961, where a foot and mouth disease jab was created by Wellcome Foundation Ltd. Research. On October 18, 2019, the Wellcome Trust and Pirbright Institute got together with the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, and DARPA to fund Event 201 at Johns Hopkins University in New York City. The event was built using the Rockefeller Foundation’s Operation Lockstep, which had been published in 2010. It laid out a scenario where a deadly coronavirus was unleashed upon the planet, then gamed how people would respond to heavy-handed government-mandated lockdowns. One month earlier on September 17, 2019, interest rates on overnight repurchase agreements (repos) had spiked unexpectedly. The New York Federal Reserve responded by injecting $75 billion into the repo system every morning for the next week. There were rumors that Deutsche Bank, which had made a killing shorting airline and insurance stocks in the lead-up to the Crown’s Securacom-orchestrated 911 event, was about to go under, taking the global stock exchanges with it. The economy needed a shock – a Great Reset. It was no coincidence that on the very same day of Event 201, the 7th World Military Games commenced in Wuhan, China."

*Read Article Absolute Proof US Army, etc., Was Given Access to Wuhan in the Key Month of October 2019
*Read Article The American Government Admits Covid-19 is Lab-Created While Still Blaming Wuhan "Lab Leak"

"From October 18-27, 2019, military athletes from 109 countries took part in the event. It was the first time China had hosted the event. To showcase the technological advances that the country had made with the help of Google and IBM, China deployed its first 5G system in Wuhan for the games. Not far from the games, a group called the EcoHealth Alliance had been funding gain of function bioweapon research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). In 2014, WIV added a National Bio-safety Laboratory where it experimented on deadly viruses like SARS, Japanese encephalitis, and dengue. This endeavor was in close cooperation with the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas and the National Microbiology Laboratory of Canada. Founded in 1971 by British eugenicist Gerald Durrell as Wildlife Preservation Trust International, the group changed its name in 2010 to EcoHealth Alliance. It receives funding from DARPA, the Wellcome Trust, the Pirbright Institute, and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes for Health. Its partners include Johnson & Johnson, Boehringer-Ingelheim, King Saud University, Princeton University, Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the Brown University School of Public Health where Ashish Jha had served as Dean before taking temporary leave to become the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator. The first reports of a strange pneumonia-like virus had surfaced in Wuhan by December 2019. The Chinese Defense Ministry maintained that the US military had brought the virus to China during the World Military Games. US and UK health officials ignored these claims, then quickly dismissed any theories that the virus could have leaked from WUV, where EcoHealth Alliance had been conducting gain-of-function research. Instead, they claimed the virus came from either a bat or a pangolin being sold at a nearby wet market. The two most vocal advocates of this theory were EcoHealth President and British zoologist Peter Daszak and Wellcome Trust Chairman Jeremy Farrar. In October 2019, the US government quietly shut down a program called PREDICT, which was supposed to detect global virus threats. And on April 24, 2020, the US NIH suddenly canceled funding to the EcoHealth Alliance. From 1996-2013, Jeremy Farrar was Director of the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. In 2013, he was appointed Director of the Wellcome Trust. In 2023, he became Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization. He is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and in 2005, the same year Bill Gates was knighted, Farrar was bestowed the title of Officer of the Order of the British Empire. In 2015, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. And in 2019 he was appointed Knight Bachelor." -- The rest of this specific substack by Dean Henderson contained a promotional paragraph for his book as follows: "ROYAL BLOODLINE WETIKO & THE GREAT REMEMBERING - In his seventh book, Dean Henderson tracks the royal Anunnaki bloodline from Sumeria through Babylon, Egypt, and Rome to their current power base in the City of London and deconstructs their methodology to keep humans enslaved and isolated during this relatively brief period of human history. Drawing upon ancient Lakota culture to remind us who we are, Henderson sees a great remembering unfolding which makes this royal bloodline very nervous."

*Read Article Evidence Proving the Royal British Crown and America's CIA are Behind the Lie of Covid-19
*Read Article American Patriots Find Paper Trail Proving Covid is a Bioweapon Created by Great Britain and US
*Read Article Yet More Evidence Proving So-called 'Covid-19' is a Globalist Bioweapon Connected to the Crown

The above substack with excerpts from Henderson's book provides us intriguing details confirming my own earlier research that the occult-driven Atlantic partners of America and Britain have a profundity role in Covid from its inception to its supposed vaccines meant to "cure" it. As mentioned, the latest attempt toward establishing their warped globalist vision of world control was/is still seen in everything related to their Covid-19 itself, which has led actual scientists and researchers to conclude that Covid-19 was man-made and its resulting vaccines are deadly. Adding in the fact that there are shocking connections supporting the lab theory that connect not China, but the British and US as jointly manufacturing Covid and then covertly released it upon Wuhan, China in October 2019 shows us one path by which twisted corporate globalists have deceived the world while achieving a direct path toward their long-awaited New World Order. It was the US/DoD/CIA and UK/MoD/MI5/MI6 who were/are behind so-called Covid-19, who, in turn, blamed it on Wuhan, China, where they initially seeded the time-sensitive contagion/bioweapon in the latter half of 2019. Its initial bioweapon purpose was used against the enemies of the West; namely China, Russia, Iran, and to not make it too obvious it was a Western weapon against the East, Italy was also seeded early on. The untraceable nanoparticles within the bioweapon's contagion can push widespread throughout any nation the West views as a threat, providing yet another control to those who view the world as theirs to manage and manipulate. The West was provided the necessary fearmongering to brainwash the population for the arrival of the resulting countermeasures to also lower Western population levels via much stricter methods. While children receive the "vaccine" that makes many sterile (to later be blamed on "Climate Change" and environmental contaminates), others are clearly being killed outright via batches created to do precisely that. The "sudden deaths" will continue to increase until the time when its discovered that most children today were "exposed" (from 2020-2023) and have been made sterile by Covid-19 (another lie; cover story). It was their taking of the Covid-19 countermeasures that has made them sterile. This goal among the globalists was long expected and they have effectively succeeded because of the effectiveness of the corporate media and who owns them. Again, the UK and US government have much to answer for in regard to Covid-19 and what has come of their increasing totalitarian control as a direct result. Newly released emails to Dr. Anthony Fauci show that by January 31, 2020, Kristian G. Andersen of the Scripps Research Institute told the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director that some of "SARS-CoV-2's features look engineered." As no doubt some of you have already become aware, Climate Change is here to perpetuate a new opium for the media masses in the form of "Green Thinking," created by the very same evil corporations run by the same controlling elites that brought us deadly pollution in the first place. As such, work that clearly advances an already established globalist vision is not regulated to Democrats only, as conservatives ignorantly believe. Trump's own "warp-speed" vaccination program as well his rolling back of corporate regulations that kept some of the worst polluting, resource-destroying companies in check, proves no President escapes the will of this world's dark forces. It is intriguing that it's none other than London's Imperial College that's become the first in testing a vaccine to supposedly protect us while furthering its Luciferian One World vision based on the idea of "Ordo Ab Chao" meaning "Out of Chaos, Order." Under Biden's watch, Covid is here to herd us all under increased corporate control, provide an excuse for elite-owned corporations to disrupt global supply chains, give rise to crippling inflation, and systematically dismantle world economies to allow a global economic collapse to take down the old order in favor of their coming new order and one to lead it, a plan long worked toward and becoming more obvious by the day. Not coincidentally, knowing how every US President always facilitates something within their tenure to fulfill corporate globalist demands, the Biden administration has itself marked two issues to define the legacy of his Presidency: 1) The Covid vaccine 2) Climate Change (aka Great Reset Agenda). Meanwhile, Putin's war-mongering reactions to NATO expansion will only exacerbate the rush toward a global collapse and a Western-run New World Order. The elite's will have their 'Great Reset' that wantonly uses both Coronavirus and climate change to further advance their remaining goals needed to bring in their darker, dystopian world. It's been rumored for decades how they would eventually employ a deadly pandemic to further take the US into financial ruin and final collapse, resulting in an entirely European centered New World Order to rise in its place. Not coincidentally, this virus has already wiped out five years of rising US economic growth in just three months. While Coronavirus seems like a perfect candidate to lay the groundwork from which a deadly mutation or other deadlier pandemic fused on top of Covid-19 could carry out such a maligned goal, the reports of the US and UK death tolls being greatly exaggerated, as well as Google and others pushing to censor websites opposing the official Covid narrative, proves something not altogether right is already occurring at the media level. If that wasn't somehow compelling enough, Yale University, the home of the notorious ivy league Skull and Bones secret society is undergoing a new study on what type of dystopian messaging it would take for society to accept the vaccine. --Dean Henderson

From the Substack: Due Diligence and Art by Sasha Latypova
Fauci Was Not in Charge of Covid Policy - The National Security Council Was
Commissioned by The Pentagon - Parts 1 and 2 [Translated from German]

When the public face of the U.S. government’s Covid pandemic response, CDC's Fauci strangely announced that Covid's 6-ft social distancing rule “just sort of appeared” apparently out of thin air — why didn't anyone think to ask of its origin? This is just one example of how government committees of “investigators,” when questioning the leaders of the Covid pandemic response, skip right over the most relevant issues as if the overall point of any investigation leaves it unanswerable to this day. However, we do know from the official U.S. government pandemic planning documents that the pandemic response policy was actually not set by these public health figures at all. It was determined by the National Security Council — the advisory board to the President of the United States on matters of national security and not a public health board at all. Now, why was that? A group of military and intelligence people who advise about war and terrorism being in charge of Covid-19, but the NSC wasn't the only government body attached to the pandemic, so was the US Pentagon and Department of Defense. So to answer the unasked question: Where did the 6ft distancing rule “appear” from? It was determined by the group in charge of pandemic response policy — the National Security Council. Was it based on public health or science? No. It was based on the NSC’s lockdown-until-vaccine policy. It was meant to keep everyone terrified and everything shut down until the application of the miraculous mRNA countermeasures could infect as many as possible with military "countermeasures." Why was Dr. Francis Collins, former head of of the NIH, who according its website “spearheaded the NIH’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” “not shown evidence at that point”? Because officially [or supposedly] as of March 19, 2020, nobody in the public health departments of the government was in charge of anything related to the pandemic response. Starting on that date [or a day earlier, according to other documents], as noted in its January 2021 “Initial Assessment Report,” FEMA assumed the lead for the federal response to the pandemic. The role was unannounced, unprecedented, and (I believe) illegal. It removed HHS, the public health umbrella agency, which was designated as Lead Federal Agency (LFA) for pandemic response in every document, exercise and directive leading up to Covid, and replaced it with FEMA — effectively placing the pandemic response under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security, which is the parent agency of FEMA. By law, the Secretary of HHS is supposed to lead “all Federal public health and medical response to public health emergencies”: regardless of the legality of replacing HHS with FEMA, by March 19, 2020 —No one in any public health office was in charge of anything related to the Covid pandemic response. The National Security Council was in charge of policy. And FEMA/DHS was in charge of everything else. All the heads of all the public health agencies who were on TV 24/7 telling everyone about the 6-ft distancing, the masking, the testing, the quarantining: Moreover, nothing they said was based on any science or public health policy. So if the US House Committee on Oversight and Accountability wants to oversee or demand accountability for the catastrophic Covid-19 pandemic response, the question remains: Who was actually in charge of it and what else weren't we told, and perhaps more importantly, why aren't our politicians asking?

*Read Article Army Doctor States Openly at a Hearing that Covid Vaccine is a Threat to All Americans (Video)

The following is an English translation from the original German articles found here and here. The idea of ​​creating vaccines with a completely new technology has its origins in the military logic of biological warfare. The US military was already working on protective mechanisms that would make it possible to use viruses and bacteria in a war more than ten years ago. (Part 1) Biological warfare means triggering epidemics in "enemy country" - with the dangers and consequences that we now know well enough. It quickly became clear that in the event of an attack by someone else or one's own with biological weapons, the population and the military would have to be provided with effective protection. Whatever the ideas of "victory" or "defeat" might be in this case, the use of different viruses or bacteria is part of the tactical arsenal. The military hypothesis: You want to surprise the enemy and hit them without specific protective immunization, but you want to be able to react quickly to your own and foreign germs. Comment: This “military hypothesis” is a) not new, it repeats every military hypothesis of the past 6000 years or so with new and exciting techno-bullshit narrative; b) has been tried before many times; c) it’s built on a fake science of virology and therefore doesn’t work. According to the German Federal Agency for Civic Education, the 1975 Biological Weapons Convention prohibits the development, production and stockpiling of biological weapons. However, it permits work with biological microorganisms and toxins that could be used as weapons of war, as long as they are "justified by preventive, protective or other peaceful purposes" (Article II). This will enable to work on bioweapons defenses. But only biological means of protection and defense make the use of biological weapons conceivable. Comment: Why? A wide variety of means of protection from biological weapons is possible: avoidance, distance and space - biological agents break apart and denature quickly when exposed to the elements; many non-biological treatments help detoxify and heal damage from bio-toxins: small molecule drugs, steroids, purging agents, vitamins, hydration have been demonstrated effective over centuries of “biological warfare”. Ten years ago, the US Department of Defense funded the research and development of synthetic biology as a means of "biodefense" with millions of dollars through its DARPA and BARDA programs. This allowed the mRNA technology, which is now included in the vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, to overcome initial obstacles and reach its current level of development. Comment: None of the “initial obstacles” of mRNA vaccines have been overcome. They are all still there. They were “overcome” by renaming toxic gene therapies into vaccines, and by removing any effective regulation via EUA Countermeasures, PREP Act, and Public Health Emergency laws. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is the agency for defense advanced research projects, and Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) is "a component of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)" and deals with "matters related with bioterrorism and other public health emergencies and disasters." The Evolution of the Genetics Industry Through DARPA and BARDA -- Starting in 2012, the Pentagon commissioned various civilian pharmaceutical companies to further develop the concept of a mass-applicable and flexible protective mechanism against biological hazards, which had already been worked out in the basic principles. DARPA urged Pfizer to radically rethink vaccines. Biotech firm Pfizer signed a $7.7 million deal with DARPA in 2013. The US magazine Fierce Pharma wrote about this on December 9, 2013: "The Pentagon is tasking Pfizer with 'radically rethinking how vaccines are developed. What DARPA has revealed implies that it aims to reduce response times to pandemic or bioterrorism threats by eliminating several of the steps currently required to confer immunity." Comment: As recounted by AstraZeneca VP Mark Esser in a leaked audio recording, Col Matt Hepburn of DARPA came up with the P3 plan. Admittedly brilliant in its puerile hubris, this plan claimed that “safe and effective” medicines can be made in 60 days after the Pentagon identifies a “virus with pandemic potential”. Col Hepburn and his associates approached many pharma companies, including AstraZeneca, with this stratagem. While seasoned drug designers initially reacted to it as “sci-fi, not science”, their pangs of intellectual honesty were soon quenched by ample amounts of money pouring from the unlimited biodefense budgets into the otherwise nonsensical LARP of “rapid vaccine development”. Translation from military bullshit-speak - “identifying virus with pandemic potential” means the Pentagon has created what they think is a pretty workable biological or chemical toxin and needs to test-deploy it. Thus they need lots of pharma companies engaged in a LARP to tick the exemption box which says it’s all defensive “infectious disease, vaccine development”, rather than an offensive bioweapons development activity. In a circular at the time on current contracts, the US Department of Defense stated: "Pfizer will conduct a research and development program aimed at developing a technology platform to identify emerging pathogens directly in an infected or exposed individual and then produce protective antibodies in their organism." In October 2013, the Marine Corps Times portal explained: "The pursuit of this technology has been a reflection of military concerns about bioterrorism. This is a significant national vulnerability."

*Read Article Ex-Pfizer Scientist Mike Yeadon States that Covid Vaccines Were "Created Toxic by Design"

In the same year, the Pentagon allied with Moderna, which was just founded in 2010. The agreement DARPA-Moderna W911NF-13-1-0417 dated 10/02/2013 states: "Towards the Development of a Therapeutic mRNA Platform for Protection Against Known and Unknown Infectious Diseases and Threats from Genetically Modified Biological Organisms." Moderna was immediately among the beneficiaries of the highest grants from the military research programs. On a web page headlined: "DARPA - Advancing mRNA Therapies and Vaccines for Biodefense, Moderna makes clear the military nature of this research. Here the company reports on amounts in the millions from DARPA and BARDA. A recent study by the UK's Institute for Innovation and Public Projects (IIPP) shows that as of 2013, Moderna received 995 million from BARDA and 81 million from DARPA. In 2017, 56 million were added when DARPA founded the Pandemic Prevention Platform. According to the authors, several US governments have invested billions in research funds in the mRNA system. In addition to DARPA, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other private donors were also among the sponsors of Moderna - in exchange for patent shares. The study text of the IIPP states: "DARPA's biotechnology activities are focused on military applications and protection of military personnel." But the institution's defense spending is lower than in other research areas. Experiments with Zika virus as a route to mRNA therapy. The Moderna lab initially worked with Zika virus gene strains, for which BARDA paid 125 million. They provided the material for the early medical RNA messenger technology with nanoparticles for vaccines, which was later also tested with coronaviruses. The experiments are traceable through Moderna's patents of genetically engineered viruses in the years leading up to the pandemic. In general, the US government has secured license-free use of the inventions due to DARPA and BARDA funding. Then, at the onset of the pandemic, on February 28, 2020, Moderna patented the same technique to produce a vaccine against Covid-19 (patent #58558175/16/805,587 or mRNA-1273 program). In 2015, Merck signed a three-year agreement with Moderna to jointly develop mRNA vaccines and drugs against four previously unknown viruses. At the same time, Merck undertook DARPA-funded missions for biodefense. "Gene Surgery" and "Gene Programming" -- The mRNA platform for vaccines would not have been possible (or viable) without the concurrently developed technique of "gene surgery" or "gene editing," for which two women scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2012. The system, called CRISPR/Cas9, makes it possible to make changes to the genetic sequences (codings) of living beings with greater accuracy, speed and cost savings. In 2013, the company CRISPR Therapeutics was formed, which merged with Bayer in 2015, whereby Bayer received patent shares. The automatic gene breakdown and reprogramming with the help of automatic sequencing machines and a computer program is now part of everyday life in bio laboratories. The Nanoparticles -- There is a third factor that made mRNA technology possible: the use of nanoparticles. The tiny globules of fat encase the genetic material and allow the process of cell fusion to trigger the immune response. The consequences of temporary deposits in body organs and in the brain after boosters have not yet been researched (compare: EMA assessment report p. 45/46. According to a report in the US magazine Chemical & Engineering News C&en, this technique was developed over three decades of research. Numerous safety issues had to be overcome (some of which persist despite FDA and EMA approvals of the mRNA vaccines) See here. Both Pfizer and Moderna are cooperating with the Canadian ACUITAS, a producer-company of Nanoparticles. Today there are numerous companies offering in their WEBs all kinds of nanoparticles, including gold nanoparticles, such of silver, silica, titanium, inorganic fluorescent nanoparticles, graphene and carbon nanoparticles, even magnetic nanoparticles “highly uniform”. The last ones are “designed for isolation of nucleic acid (DNA, RNA)”. A special part of this nano-elements used in mRNA-vaccine-production are the Special Shape Particles, (the Magnetic nano-chains are similar those ones detected in mRNA-vaccines by numerous Scientifics around the world). In retrospect, it can be stated that as early as 2012 and 2013, the Pentagon had the basic concepts of the technologies implemented today in the mRNA vaccines and commissioned pharmaceutical companies to develop them further. Short-term immune responses to various pathogens emerging in rapid succession are more important under biological warfare conditions than long-term immunization by traditional vaccines. And these are precisely the characteristics of the current mRNA vaccines against the Covid variants. The massive investment in "synthetic biology" has a dual character, expressing itself in both medical and military research. This is the only way to explain the huge sums of tax money that was raised for this, especially in the USA. It would be the costliest vaccine program in human history if it wouldn’t be part of a long-term strategic defense effort moving forward in stages.

*Read Article Recent Autopsies on Vaccinated Dead Prove Covid Vaccine is Damaging Body Organs

With the help of millions of dollars [printed by the US and UK governments], the pharmaceutical industry set out on the "bio-synthetic" path from 2013 as ordered, experimenting with viruses and bacteria for their future availability in the new vaccines. The necessary infrastructure for the mass production of vaccines, large laboratories with high-tech equipment, was designed and built in several countries, and the appropriate staff-people was trained. DARPA inaugurated a program called "World Demand for Nucleic Acids " in 2019/ 2020, which prepared the international pharmaceutical industry for its role. The aim was, "To provide manufacturing capabilities capable of rapidly producing nucleic acids as vaccines or therapeutics." At the beginning of the pandemic, the production chains were largely in place, you can't improvise something like that in the short term. Nevertheless, at beginning of mass-production of vaccines, there were important difficulties for producing the nanoparticles. Today, private companies offer "guaranteed perishable" gene strands on the Internet. They clone and program on order anything that might be needed to create artificial viruses for mRNA medical devices. The spike protein of the 2019 corona virus can also be delivered directly. However, years had to pass and a real pandemic emergency was needed for the technology to break through into mass production. Because numerous patents were on hold and were not approved for years. The most shocking thing is the fact that the final stage of the project required a real epidemic to reach its goal. Because the decisive question was still missing: the real test data on humans. How could the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines against a given virus be proven at all, if not in an epidemic situation? How should tens of thousands of vaccinated and unvaccinated test persons be compared without being exposed to a real risk of infection with severe symptoms in everyday life? How should the side effects in humans become known - even if they are largely concealed today? The "existential" military goal as justification -- The military, politicians and scientists in the decision-making centers of the western world must have been aware of this. The logic cannot be disproved. The scientific and practical evaluation of the project is indispensable after the billions of investments and due to the long-term, military planning for the operator. Only through an "existential" military goal at the highest level can the elites of power justify this scenario. In this overall context, a study published in the journal Frontiers of Virology on February 22 deserves a rethink. Using a special search program in a database among millions of sequenced viruses, virologists have found a genetic match in the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 from 2019 and the RaTG13 coronavirus patented by Moderna in 2017. It is said to have been used in cancer research (Patent No. 9,587 003 B2 March 07, 2017, United States Patent, Bancel et al.). The scientists say that according to their calculations, there can’t be a coincidence. But the study was swept under the carpet by the media. If Moderna had nothing to do with the military-civilian vaccine program, hadn't been funded with millions by DARPA and BARDA, had no interest in the necessary test data to validate its own vaccine… then the random assumption would have more persuasive power. Since June we have been faced with the next stage of the military-civilian research project. On both sides of the Atlantic, government and health leaders are preparing the next vaccination campaign for the fall - even as the pandemic is coming to an end around the world. What does this have to do with the Pentagon's research program?

*Read Article One in Every 73 People Vaccinated for Covid Wound Up Dead by June 2022
*Read Article "Post-Vac Syndrome": Germany's False Narrative to Cover for Vaccine Injury
*Read Article Millions of Vaccinated Now Refusing Their Follow-up Covid-19 Vaccine Dose

The mRNA Vaccines with Rapidly Interchangeable Genetics – a Pentagon Project Part II -- At the end of August 2022, the next stage of the military-civil research project commissioned and financed by the Pentagon from 2013 became publicly visible. Since then, the Pentagon has commissioned the pharmaceutical industry with allocations in the billions to develop genetic drugs and vaccines that can be quickly modified and reused without prior series of tests on humans. On June 1, US President Joe Biden announced another 3.2 billion for the purchase of some new vaccines. According to press reports, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) then "ordered" the manufacturers to produce vaccines adapted to the genetics of omicron viruses. However, Pfizer is said to have been working on it since January of this year. In theory, the new generation of mRNA vaccines should prove that the genetics contained in the nanoparticles can be quickly and flexibly expanded, exchanged or reprogrammed as required. These "minor changes" would not change the vaccine significantly. With this technology, lengthy studies on humans, as has been the case up to now, should become superfluous. "The only thing that changes from one potential mRNA drug to another is the coding region — the actual genetic code that tells ribosomes to make proteins..." according to a 2020 US study the patents of the genetics company Moderna. The test and examination procedures, that were carried out once at the beginning of the pandemic for a provisional emergency approval of the mRNA vaccines now serve as the data basis for all further mRNA vaccines. According to the EMA, the deficiencies criticized at the time, which were tolerated in the emergency situation, are no longer decisive today. As EMA writes in the approval text, After the mass application of the vaccines and the resulting knowledge, they are no longer an obstacle. The real data on the registered (and hidden) serious vaccine damage and vaccine-related deaths in the USA and Europe are not taken into account. As documented in the first part of the research, the Pentagon's military interest revolves around this type of application of vaccination technology, as it could provide short-term protection for its own population and military in the context of biological warfare with rapidly changing germs. The Two Stages of the Dual Research Project -- The first stage since the start of mass vaccinations in 2021 was about finding out how strong and how long mRNA vaccines can immunize people with the same genetic material despite modified viruses. This led to the booster vaccinations as a result. (They were not mentioned in the 2020 EMA emergency permits). Comment: rapid vaccines for rapidly evolving viruses was of course a LARP cover story, although most active participants even those in upper echelons believed this hubris. The Pentagon probably deployed some non-deadly chemical poisons in various key locations to cause unusual symptoms and stimulate panic and fear. This method of faking pandemics was discussed by James Giordano, a DOD showman, in several presentations. The bulk of “Covid deaths” were hospital murders under fake-PCRed diagnosis. PCR of course is not a diagnostic test and has never been validated as such. Also, US Government has conducted chemical, biological and psychological weapons deployment on human targets without consent for many decades. You can’t vaccinate against poisoning. But you can treat it. The second stage is about advancing to the actual goal of the dual research project. The focus is on replacing the genetic part of the vaccine or adding new gene strands in order to adapt the substance to the respective mutated gene sections of new virus variants – actually Omicron. The new vaccines are intended as booster vaccinations. Comment: this is based on falsely claimed precision of biologics manufacturing. In reality, there is no proven ability to reproducibly, at scale, make precise mRNA product for a precisely defined “mutation” of a theoretically defined (modeled) spike protein of a theoretically defined model of a virus but Covid was not a virus in the traditional and/or organic sense.

*Read Article The Covid-19 Vaccine Pushing CDC Reports that U.S. Fertility Rate Dropped to an Historic Low
*Read Article Corporate Media Wants to Negatively Label All Covid Vaccine Skeptics as Dangerous Extremists
*Read Article A Man Questions Vaccine When His Triple-Vaxxed Mother Dies of Covid Due to Medical System

After US President Biden gave the go-ahead for the next stage on the first of June, everything was ready within two months. On August 31, the FDA approved a first vaccine from Pfizer with new gene strands adapted to the Omicron variant AE.1. On September 16, the EMA recommended final approval of Moderna's and BioNTech/Pfizer's vaccines and their "adapted" booster compounds. Citation: "This recommendation (also) applies to all existing and upcoming adapted Comirnaty and Spikevax vaccines, including the recently approved adapted Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.1, Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.4/5 and Spikevax bivalent Original/Omicron BA. 1." What's new in the second generation? The first adapted vaccine from BioNTech/Pfizer called Comirnaty/AE.1 expands the existing gene portion of Comirnaty with that of Omicron-AE.1, similar to the booster for Spikevax. The second vaccine-substance contains half of the previous material from Comirnaty and half of the spike proteins of the (spring and summer dominant) omicron variants BA.1, BA.4 and BA.5 together. Fast track and with "similar" human data. The experts from both, FDA and EMA authorities, checked and authorized everything at lightning speed, even though the pandemic emergency no longer existed. They accepted the almost complete lack of human medical data on the new booster substances and accepted eight mouse tests in return. Added some (unknown) data from the new Comirnaty booster AE.1. With regard to the FDA approval, US scientists warn against transferring findings from animal experiments directly to humans. The lack of data and the urgency have an explanation: at this stage, new studies are considered superfluous. Fast processing of the approval process is more important. The Pentagon's military-medical concept apparently has also been accepted by the FDA and the EMA. As a reminder, this technology is about. "To reduce response times to pandemic or bioterrorism threats". (Agreement DARPA-Moderna W911NF-13-1-0417 dated 2013-10-02). Comment: of course, the approval of boosters for specific alleged variants of alleged virus is the continuation of the same fake narrative. Nothing is getting “approved”. The regulatory status of these injections is “EUA Countermeasures” - a non-investigational chemical substance, for which regulated human clinical trials are legally impossible. They’s why the regulators pretend 8 mice are sufficient. See the explanation of what EUA Countermeasure is. On September 15, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom declared that the end of the pandemic was in sight. US President Biden also confirmed this assessment the following day. Pandemic data has been falling drastically since the beginning of the year. Omicron AE.1 dominated and spread natural immunity over a large area with only mild symptoms. Corona measures had already been ended in many countries earlier. There is no longer an emergency situation. There is no longer a justification for especial fast procedures in vaccine approvals. Comment: the Biden regime and the war criminal chief at the WHO are of course lying when they are promising the end of the “pandemic”. For one, there has never been a pandemic, only international war crimes. And the criminals committing these crimes are not planning to stop any time soon. The PREP Act for covid has been extended 11 times, currently expires at the end of 2024 but will be extended again. And, just in case, the PREP Act for the Marburg and Ebola pandemics is currently extended until end of 2028. Manufacturers and regulatory authorities quite openly admit that they don’t manage relevant human data regarding the second generation of vaccine with modified genetics - neither in terms of effectiveness nor in terms of side effects. Initial public statements should get us used to the idea that the genetic modifications in the mRNA vaccines do not require new testing. One vehicle for this argument is the reference to flu vaccines. A former FDA Vaccine Chief Reviewer, Dr. Jesse Goodman, justifies the lack of data by saying "... that the annual flu vaccinations with adapted genetics also take place without prior new test series on humans". On the other hand, Dr. Paul Offit, a vaccines expert at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, said the comparison was unfair. "The flu shots are based on decades of experience (8) with viral strain changes, where the flu vaccines generally behaved the same way." The flu vaccines do not work with mRNA nanotechnology, but with the "dead vaccine" method. They cause long-term immunization. The annual renewal is not due to a drop in immune levels, but solely to newly occurring mutations in the flu virus. Comment: mRNA injections are not vaccines and not medicines. Flu vaccine comparison is unfair, but flu vaccines do not work either and do not produce any “long-term immunity”. The regulators are lying and Paul Offit is responsible for mass poisoning and deaths of hundreds of children. --Sasha Latypova

From the Substack: Plague Chronicle by Eugyppius
The Rockefeller Foundation and its Operation Lockstep

Contrary to many claims, “Lockstep” was/is not an operation or a simulation (Kennedy’s term) or a pandemic planning document at all. It’s rather a chapter in a May 2010 pamphlet called “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” (SFTID), which the Rockefeller Foundation commissioned from the Global Business Network (GBN) – a now-defunct consulting firm co-founded by relentless self-promoter and alleged futurist Peter Schwartz, who should start with telling us how the Rockefeller Foundation continues to destroy and meddle in the lives of poor third-world peoples to subtly unleash globalist doctrines such as population control. Also no one's friend, the GBN claimed to specialize in something called “scenario planning,” which, to judge from their document, amounts to spinning up alternative stories about the future which “spark insight, engage exploration and highlight undiscovered areas.” Now, see what they did there? Other consulting firms write lengthy reports detailing risks and opportunities, but not GBN. They take risks and opportunities and bury them beneath egregiously boring pulp-fiction narratives that distracted, self-important, philanthropist types find easy to like as they explore how “technological innovation and globalization might interact to shape the future of philanthropy.” Ugh, more marketing language. The text considers possibilities along two axes, namely the degree to which future generations will be subjected to nebulous international forces beyond their oversight and control. These parameters yield four possible scenarios for the said future: 1) An internationally integrated world abounding in new tech [“Clever Together”]. 2) an internationally disintegrated world that still creates new tech [“Smart Scramble”]. 3) an internationally disintegrated world without new tech [“Hack Attack”]. 4) an internationally integrated world without new tech [“Lock Step”]. Obviously, the philanthropists at the Rockefeller Foundation and their GBN consultants would prefer to live in a world characterized by strong globalist influencers and new technologies to better control the population with. Notice, “Hack Attack” and “Smart Scramble” hardly differ from each other and read like they were both written in crayon on the back of a pub napkin. Our GBN consultants dreamed up this rather stupid dual-axis global integration vs. technology scheme to fill in all four boxes to apparently fool the middle management, as it were, but they really only care about two of the boxes, both of which best aligns with their ultimate goal(s). “Lockstep” imagines a globally integrated future dominated by authoritarian nationalist politics while “Clever Together” is all about a globally integrated future steered by international organizations like the UN and Western philanthropists like the Rockefeller Foundation, conveniently enough. “Lockstep” sounds bad because it’s supposed to. It prepares itself for a time after authoritarian nationalism has won over democracy in which the Western international elites would no longer be able to "foster innovation to prevent the worst of climate change." “Lock Step” is not a plan, it is not a simulation and neither the Rockefeller Foundation nor the GBN want “Lock Step” to happen, at least not yet. But I am getting ahead of myself. SFTID is, in short, a morality tale about why we need enlightened globalists running the international scene and helping us to achieve the nirvana of prosperity and technology. “Clever Together” is the Rockefeller Foundation’s vision of what this would look like. “Hack Attack” and “Smart Scramble” are the least interesting sections here but worthwhile for gaining a sense of how wretched this whole thing is. “Hack Attack,” presents a scenario where a series of asynchronous catastrophes in the drains the coffers of aid agencies and overstresses the global economy. Basically, it’s a financial collapse deepened by unending natural and man-made disasters leading to a complete global collapse.

BREAKING World Economic Forum Admits that the Entire "Covid-19 Exercise" was a "Test"
BREAKING World Economic Forum Forecasts 'Disease X' to be 20-Times Deadlier than Covid

In “Clever Together” the world will be provided magical green tech (doing the same job the water side of the planet already does) to "remove most carbon out of the atmosphere," thus avoiding the difficult de-industrialization entailed by corporate energy transition policies. National politics marginalized, the UN, WHO, and the WEF in control, local life would be managed by an unholy alliance of corporations and NGOs – which was the long-held dream of the Rockefeller Foundation to begin with. How fitting. There would be supposed “enormous strides … to make the world less wasteful, more efficient.” In this favored scenario, the philanthropists would “graduate to working in a more virtual way with wikis, blogs, workspaces, video conferences and virtual convenings.” Happy would be the “considerable flows of talent between the for-profit and nonprofit sectors” and “the lines between these types of organizations would become increasingly blurred.” In this way, the philanthrobros can collect piles of cash while still scratching their itchy consciences. Everybody wins. As such, “Lock Step” is the dystopian counter-vision to the headier fantasies of a complete technocratic international utopia. Notably, however, it opens in with an “extremely virulent and deadly pandemic influenza, which infects 20% of the world population, killing 8 million people in seven months (a .57% IFR).” The US issues mere travel advisories but never interferes with international travel, “accelerating the spread of the virus worldwide.” China, however, resorts to authoritarian measures, including “quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens” and the “instant and near hermetic sealing off of all borders.” These measures “save millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries thus enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.” How accurate was that? “Citizens,” at first, accept the new draconian regime and are “eager for top-down direction and oversight as was done in China.” The first world imposes “biometric IDs” for all citizens as well as tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests. This dystopia is not all downsides. Somehow, authoritarianism manages to improve air quality in India and clean up the water in Ghana to make the increased Orwellian nature of the government seem to be helping. However, there remains, after all, no magical carbon sequestration in “Lock Step,” as “irresponsible politicians” exploit the new political mood for their own benefit, a rise in “virulent nationalism” occurs and the top-down rules and norms harm further “entrepreneurial activity.” “Lock Step” is an alternative universe in which seemingly benevolent policies do not guide us to our best utopian lives as, once again, the all-seeing global elites are tasked to guide our way just as always. Conclusion: The elites desire even more control. Perhaps this is the true goal of the Rockefeller Foundation itself, that no matter what happens to our world now and in the future, they and their corporate creators behind the veil remain in complete control and we are further subjected as their unwitting slaves.

*Read Article British Lab Creates a Soulless 'Synthetic Embryo' Complete with Brain and Beating Heart
*Read Article New Synthetic 'Blood' Grown in UK Lab Injected into Humans in a World-first Clinical Trial
*Read Article UK Scientists Tricking Mosquitoes to Deliver Vaccines is Underway in the United Kingdom

As the Covid researcher and former pharma and medical device R&D executive, Sasha Latypova, puts forth: "All Covid-19 vaccines (heretofore known as "countermeasures") were ordered by the US Department of Defense (DOD), typically as “demonstrations.” From the start, the Department of Defense oversaw the development, manufacture, and distribution of the countermeasures by which hundreds of contracts were quickly developed and made available via FOIA and SEC disclosures in partially redacted form. The contracts include the removal of all liability for the manufacturers and any contractors along the supply and distribution chain under the 2005 PREP Act and related federal legislation except in case of willful misconduct. While the DOD/BARDA countermeasure contracts refer to safety and efficacy requirements for vaccines and mention current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) compliance, this language in contract is designed to fool the reader as it is in fact unenforceable. These compliance items are explicitly carved out as “not in scope” of the contract and not being paid for nor ordered by the US Government. Judge Truncale agreed with this interpretation when dismissing Brook Jackson’s case v. Pfizer under False Claims Act. The case is now being appealed." While there is no end to the amount of underhanded psychological tactics they're employing of late, one need only look at the army of tear-jerking commercials flooding your social media and television using paid actors to appear as everything from medical doctors to those who supposedly had Covid in order to brainwash you to quickly vaccinate. The very fact the first of the Greek letters ("Alpha") variant itself was also known as the "UK Variant," should be telling you something in regard to true origin. The ABC Network aired a report to supposedly answer why Christians are refusing the vaccine in great numbers, but everyone interviewed who stated it was because the vaccines are created using cells from aborted fetuses were intentionally edited to make it sound like they refused because they denied science, when they're precisely aware of what science is being used. The trajectory this coming vaccine is already getting stranger by the day, begging the question -- what's actually in the Coronavirus vaccine besides aborted baby parts that has caused two women in the UK's Oxford AstraZeneca trial to become sick with the same rare spinal neurological-condition known as Myelitis? Despite that major setback, the trials managed to ultimately produce a working vaccine scheduled for global release. The Covid vaccines contain the same deadly "spike protein" found within Covid-19 itself, leading many to conclude the vaccines actually give a person Covid-19, which would explain all of the deaths via "breakthrough cases." More interesting is that since the Covid-19 virus mirrors that of HIV/AIDS, might the vaccines also? If true, then one may not see symptoms from the vaccines for up to ten years or more. We already know toxic levels of aluminum, ethylmercury, and other substances remain in children's vaccines, as exposed by the already 'media cancelled' RFK Jr.

*Read Article Pfizer’s Former Vice President Says the Covid Vaccine is a Fraud and Puts Lives in Danger
*Read Article A Medical Journal Publishes the Truth that Covid Vaccine Causes Heart Harm Months Afterward

What's intriguing about the Covid vaccine specifically, is that even health care experts and health care workers themselves fear it could cause mass infertility, which has always been a long-standing goal of the elites. Knowing how long Americans like Rockefeller and the British establishment have sought after planet-wide depopulation toward what they call "sustainable levels," it's my personal belief that three results will be advanced toward that goal via various vaccines. 1) A certain percentage of deaths will occur from one type of Covid vaccine within 2-5 years while VIP's already serving the State are given placebo. 2) The mass sterilization of most children via a vaccine created uniquely for them to ensure the elites dream of "stabilized population" going forward. 3) A certain percentage of those inoculated with yet another type of vaccine will actually protect them when the engineered virus that killed off millions in China and India is released in the West to ensure those who've believed everything the State claims are allowed to go forward into the engineered New World, while those who distrusted the government's increased centralization of power and outright refused any of its perverted science are killed off enmasse. The various vaccines may not cause sterility or kill overnight, but like AIDS, its more devastating effects may not appear for a decade. In addition to that, now experts are saying there's a new AIDS variant sweeping the globe. There was a recent Forbes article that was brave enough to stand out from the controlled crowd to admit Researchers Warn Some Covid-19 Vaccines Could Increase Risk of HIV Infection, with choice excerpts from that article reprinted here as follows: "Some of the Covid-19 vaccines currently in development could increase the risk of acquiring HIV, warned a group of researchers in the The Lancet medical journal Monday, potentially leading to an increase in infections as vaccines are rolled out to vulnerable populations around the world. Exactly how the vaccine increased the risks of HIV transmission is unknown, but a conference convened by the National Institutes of Health recommended against further use of Ad5 as a vector in HIV vaccines (Fauci was lead author of the paper outlining this position.) Ad5 is used as a vector in some Covid-19 vaccines — Science identifies four such candidates that are currently undergoing clinical trials in various countries around the world, including the U.S., with two in large scale phase 3 trials ongoing in Russia and Pakistan. The researchers stressed the need to understand the role Ad5 might play in increasing the risks of HIV in vulnerable populations before developing and deploying vaccines using the vector, adding that informed consent documents should reflect the “considerable literature” on the risk of HIV acquisition with Ad5 vectors. Some of the leading candidates for a Covid-19 vaccine, including those from Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, use adenoviruses as vectors. There is no evidence that those vectors increase the risk of HIV infection. CRUCIAL QUOTE -- The authors said they went public because Ad5 vaccines for Covid-19 might soon be tested in populations with high HIV prevalence. Lawrence Corey, one of the authors who now co-leads the Covid-19 prevention network in the U.S. that is testing vaccines on behalf of the NIH, told Science that if he were in a sub-Saharan African country, where there’s a high prevalence of HIV, “I don’t see why I would pick an Ad5 vector (vaccine) when there are many other alternative choices.”" There's also a belief that while some being vaccinated are actually being injected with the Covid spike protein that causes them to then get sick, others are being given saline so that the vaccinated won't die off all at once. In this Russian roulette scenario, VIP puppets like Biden was likely given saline and not the spike protein so he can tell the world to make sure they line up like sheep to get their (spiked protein) version. It would seem that those given the placebo/saline initially will eventually be given the full dose of spiked Covid vaccine in later subsequent shots and/or boosters. (See also UK's Depopulation Agenda and America's Own Depopulation Agenda.)

*Read Article UK Rewriting Human Rights Law Claiming More Freedom But Seeks to Erode Them Further
*Read Article UK Health Dir. Admits Hospitals Blamed Deaths on Covid to Create the Illusion of Pandemic
*Read Article New UK Punishments for Those Who Question the 'Fact Checkers' that Serve Globalist Agenda

In her May 2023 interview with Steve Kirsh, Sasha Latypova mentions "families" in her answer as to who is behind Covid-19's creation and further narrows her answer that the larger Covid agenda is wholly connected to and aligns with the "Great Reset," which is as we know was and still is most heavily sponsored by then Prince Charles (King Charles III) providing us a key indicator as to which family Sasha believes is in some way responsible for millions of global deaths past and present as a result of Covid-19 and its resulting UK/US/EU government mRna vaccination program(s). In much the same way, the World Health Organization, CDC, and FDA have colluded with the hive mind of the US DoD/DARPA, CIA, MI5/MI6 and British MoD whose propagated dystopian plans are best exposed by their own spokespeople as found in the outline of their repetitive speeches regarding a New World impending. Case in point, with Prince Charles' Green Horizon Summit, similar-achieving genocidal globalist programs like Agenda 2030 and Great Reset remain among those which the now "slimmed down" British royal family [meaning Charles and William] are consistently championing. A much more frightening picture develops when you factor the global death count by Covid "variants," their own bivalent vaccines, and man potentially being sterilized by them and culled like cattle (which is precisely what Prince Philip referenced in his enigmatic quote about returning as a viral contagion that would depopulate the planet), the scripture found in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 that speaks to a great "falling away" (of population) in the world before the Antichrist can arise, meaning depopulation, of itself, exposes one more part of the overall plan employed by a literal Satan-worshipping controlling elite to usher in his Son of Perdition. Last point, let's never forget how fast that initial UK vaccine came into being as well as the World Economic Forum's rollout of the "Great Reset" to ensure a "safe and prosperous new world [order] post-Covid." As we enter 2022 with a mass spike in Covid-19 deaths among the vaccinated and unvaccinated decimating young and old alike, the comparison from II Thessalonians about a great 'falling away' of world population to occur just before the rise of the Antichrist is brought to bear. What does this lead up to collapsing the present system mean? It means those who are most unwilling to believe the State or its narratives, and even among many of the vaccinated themselves, are to be killed off enmasse so that the globalist's vision of a new world leader overseeing a New World Order is brought forth in their perceived perfect timing. Created in a lab by the West, Covid-19 is State-sanctioned murder on a global scale that's fulfilling the evilest desires of those who control the world itself. It should therefore be concerning to us when every globalist today is already projecting a time in 2030 when their collective agenda is being most referenced by the word fulfillment. The same also speak of a time they reference as a post-Collapse "New Age" of which their chosen leader awaits. The irony that it remains a large segment of Christians and ultra-religious Jews who still absolutely refuse the corporate vaccines is not lost on me, neither is the irony that Germany wants to become the first nation to force vaccinations upon all its citizens going into 2022. We are also at war in the US and globally. Public Health Emergencies have largely the same legal status as war declarations (National Emergency). PHE (PHEIC) declarations effectively suspend the Constitution, let the Executive branch (including DOD and HHS) usurp the power and neuter the Legislative and Judicial branches of the government. Once initiated, there are no stopping conditions. The federal and most of the state governments are gone and captured. Whatever is running the federal agencies (e.g. HHS) really intends to kill you or at least substantially injure you, damage your reproductive capacity and repossess all of your assets in the process. The aim is to reduce the population and terrorize the survivors enough to establish a totalitarian control over much of the world’s territory [which is interestingly enough, owned by the British royal family who still owns 1/6 of the planet's enduring land deeds and titles. -C.O.] Deployment of the biochemical poisons advertised as “vaccines” or any other medical countermeasures (for covid or another made-up “pandemic”) does not depend on federal or state pharmaceutical regulations and are not subject to any consumer or research subject protections, such as informed consent rules. Thus, any activities advertised as “clinical trials” or regulatory actions in relation to these bio-chemical materials are theatrics to fool the public and especially the professional class into believing this is a health event, and that they are receiving (or administering) treatments.

*Read Article Proof the FDA, CDC Lied Knowing Covid Vaccine is a Generational Toxin
*Read Article Autopsies on Vaccinated Dead Prove Covid Vax is Damaging Body Organs

Sasha further exposes what our globalist puppet leaders were injected with during their televised events and well-publicized photo-ops of them receiving "vaccinations": "I am fairly certain that there were no saline placebo batches in broad commercial distribution (with exception of televised injections of government officials and dedicated Pfizer/Moderna employee batches). The Covid-19 Vaccine visually looks very different from normal saline, for one, because it is formulated as a unique type of DARPA hydrogel. Joshua Guetzkow (his research seen here) wrote about the fact that the Pfizer clinical trial was NEVER “double blind” because the vaccine and placebo looked different, 'so the staff administering them would know which is which.' Also, Melissa MacAtee, a whistleblower from Pfizer Chesterfield manufacturing facility reported this appearance of substance in vials. It glows opalescent blue, because it is a hydrogel. She reported that Pfizer placed labels on vials unusually low to hide the substance, but it could still be visible when the product is handled anywhere in the supply chain. Therefore, if there were vials of saline amongst vials with hydrogel, someone would notice this. Too much risk of accidental detection by people who are not in on the scam. This would pose legal risk. While I previously stated that profit-optimizing strategy would be to ship placebo, that is true for profits but poses challenges for their PREP Act liability shield. If there is clearly identifiable simple saline labeled as vax out there - that can be viewed as willful misconduct and bust the PREP Act liability protection. They can ship any kind of biochemical garbage and legally call it “safe and effective vaccine” however. Another puzzle is that in Pfizer clinical trials the placebo arm looked very abnormally high in terms of adverse event rate. Pfizer stated it was saline in the clinical trial documents, but re-analysis of FOIAed data by many experts including Dr. Jessica Rose show that the rate of AEs in “healthy, young, health screened for a study” volunteers was way higher than typical population background rates. This does not add up. One possibility is that fraudulent data was produced by a few DOD-controlled sites (Central Military Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for example) who were briefed on the scam and followed the orders of the US DOD and Intelligence agencies. The principal investigator in Buenos Aires, Dr. Fernando Pollack is clearly an intelligence agent, and that clinical site undeniably produced a lot of fake data for this “trial”. In addition, Pfizer’s data during the trial was not secured, as Brook Jackson reported, being open to the manipulation by the DOD and their “cybersecurity” vendors anywhere in the world. Another possibility, normal saline placebo was not used despite what protocol says, and instead an empty LNP (hydrogel) formulation was used and it is possible to formulate a thin version of hydrogel such that it looks absolutely clear. There was so much fraud in this trial that they could have done either or both. Curiously, in the DOD contract for purchasing up to 500-million doses of “vaccine” the saline was also specified to be manufactured and delivered by Pfizer, and they refer to those vials as "dilutant" throughout the contract. The doses of "dilutant" (but not vaccine) are redacted which in itself is a huge red flag. While in the labeling and in other documents, I have seen the reference to saline USP to be used to dilute the vax content, I also saw the specification that Pfizer will also supply the "dilutant" to use. So, there could be a possibility that Pfizer's "dilutant" when mixed with the vaccine, is where the poisoning is which would make sense given that it's left up to specific hospitals (and the small amount of specific people) in charge of distributing the vaccine that equates to which segments of the population receive more poisoning than in other areas of the nation. In the places where it was used, people would get higher toxicity events and in other places where they got their own saline procured - would be lower toxicity, or none at all. If there are people put in place in advance and thus are in league with the government in these hospitals who know exactly what they're giving their local people following a formula of genocidal math, that is in itself a conspiracy being committed in the hospitals and also explains why so many deaths took place in those hospitals that were falsely labeled as resulting from "Covid-19." My conclusion is that all the vials have hydrogel, with some containing more concentrated toxic biological materials, such as nucleic acid chains, plasmid DNA, toxic metals, and other hazards but gets unevenly diluted during vaccination which results in another level of heterogeneity and explains why some won't have any side effects while others have one or more adverse side effects with varying levels of degree and/or duration. Some doses end up being mostly saline with a bit of hydrogel that does not cause much damage, making for a widely distributed vaccine that would each have a similar clear appearance to better deceive those in the supply chain, but moreover those actually administering the Covid-19 vaccine into people's bodies." --Eugyppius

From the Substack: Plague Chronicle by Eugyppius
Three Grim Myocarditis Updates

A Swiss study on gender-specific differences in Myocardial injury incidence after the mRNA-1273 Covid-19 Booster Vaccination looked at Troponin T-levels in 777 employees of the University Hospital Basel three days after receiving the Moderna booster vaccine. While there were no anomalous ECG results and no major adverse cardiac events in those specific study participants, one in 35 of the 69.5% female cohort showed evidence of cardiac injury. Twenty of these injuries occurred in women, and two in men. While many prior studies have found that serious cases are concentrated in young males, it seems that milder vaccine-induced Myocarditis may be more common in women. It needs to be noted and understood that Moderna is still the highest-dosed and therefore the most dangerous Covid vaccine on the market today and it boggles the mind that it's still on offer to anyone, let alone the young and healthy which it still seems to be targeted most. This study also matches the South Korean one that focused on the most severe hospitalized cases and deaths nationwide but overlooking milder injuries. Of 21 vaccine-related Myocarditis deaths, 8 were identified only upon autopsy and all of these were in Koreans aged 45 or younger. These easily overlooked stealth cases comprise a solid majority of the 12 Myocarditis deaths in this age group. I will go out on a limb and suggest that these are people who developed subclinical heart injuries following vaccination of the kind detected in the Swiss study, and then died suddenly, probably during exercise or some other kind of exertion. A summary of the eight sudden cardiac death cases from the Korean study which are identified as vaccine-related only upon autopsy. Finally, there is this older Scandinavian study on Clinical outcomes of Myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in four Nordic countries from back in December. The authors look at all 7,292 Myocarditis diagnoses which occurred in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden between 2018 and mid- late-2022. 530 or 7.3% of these were a side-effect of Covid vaccination, and 109 or 1.5% were associated with Covid infection; the remaining 6,653 (91.2%) were baseline myocarditis cases. Over 56% of the relatively few Covid-associated Myocarditis cases were aged 40 or older, while 64% of the vaccine-induced cases were aged 39 or younger (38% in the 12–24 age group). The authors conclude, optimistically, that “Compared with Myocarditis associated with Covid-19 disease and conventional Myocarditis, Myocarditis after vaccination with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines was associated with better clinical outcomes within 90 days of admission to hospital.” I find this to be not very comforting, as vaccine-induced Myocarditis is concentrated in young healthy people while other Myocarditis is concentrated in older groups with former underlying conditions. In February, Matthias Nikolaidis noted in the online German magazine Tichys Einblick noticed that the study showed vaccine-induced Myocarditis rates were nearly 5x higher than Myocarditis associated with Covid infection. The vaccines don’t stop infection and, as such, you’re trading one risk for another from the vaccine(s). Even the government's own "studies" show that there are almost zero "Covid infection-related Myocarditis cases" with a supposed 9 for the first two and a half years of the pandemic, compared to a whopping 530 since the vaccination campaign began.

*Read Article It's Now Time for Us in Science to Admit We Were Wrong About Covid-19

The Covid-associated cases are concentrated in older age cohorts, differing in no way from the false category of Covid-unrelated “conventional” Myocarditis that the study's authors have created to make it appear Myocarditis is not as a result of the vaccine itself when it clearly is. In conclusion, the Covid-19 vaccine, especially from Moderna, cause otherwise healthy men and women to accumulate negative heart affects even months to years after their Covid vaccinations leaving me to wonder just how many of these frequent heart attacks and heart-related deaths being reported among former healthy sports figures and other celebrities were in fact caused by one or more of the Covid-19 vaccines and, moreover, why is the mainstream media never investigating the obvious link of vaccines to deadly blood, brain, and now, heart issues? If it bleeds, it leads, right media? Who is allowed on modern media to speak as a "expert" these days? Addicen Bauer, a young ivy-leaguer who couldn't know much (but has elitist family connections nonetheless) is somehow permitted to write for the wretched online news magazine Slate. She wants America to know that “Covid Hospitalizations are Going Up” and asks if the country is “in a surge” given the new numbers put out by guess who? Under her headline clearly designed to panic, we find that not much of anything is happening, in reality. There is no “surge,” in fact. According to the skewed numbers, infections are only trending slightly upwards. Hospitalizations have increased in some regions from very low to rather low. Nevertheless, Bauer wants you to be worried. She further writes: "Even a small increase in cases and hospitalizations means more people have the disease, which isn’t great. Medical journalist Céline Gounder [who will say anything on the CBS Morning show to promote Big Pharma and its questionable vaccines, without question] and Boston physician Jeremy Faust who “diagnosed a few more patients with Covid than usual so far this week,” noted that elderly people and immunocompromised people have been at increased risk of hospitalization throughout the pandemic." OK. Let's see here. I don’t know how to break it to our senior “orientation mentor,” but elderly and immunocompromised people “have been at increased risk of hospitalization” since the beginning of time and long before SARS-2 was even a twinkle in Ralph Baric’s eye. Therefore, once again, this is all about the vaccine promotion. College student Addicen Bauer also included the following: "Integrating a yearly Covid-19 booster into our fall flu shot season will be the track we are on. When you get your flu shot this fall, get your Covid shot too. The updated booster is set to roll out in early October. People over 60 and immunocompromised people will also be getting RSV vaccines this year, which are new. While our current Covid booster shot prevents severe illness for almost a year, it protects from infection for only a few months. Faust is hopeful that this fall’s upcoming reformulation of the booster will prevent infection for a longer period of time, which will encourage more people to get the booster. Right now, a few months out from a new booster, we are in “our least immune moment." Get your shots NOW!" To call the present decayed Covid discourse cultivated by regime outlets like Slate mere misinformation would be far too kind. Waning vaccine immunity has zero to do with the slight virus blip America is seeing at present. Nonetheless, older Americans, who until now merely had to deal with annual flu shots, will now be urged to line up for at least three separate shots every single year because the corrupted corporate media in league with corporate pharma told them so. When polled in 2023, the American people were asked what was the number one influence that made them decide to take the Covid vaccine, the overwhelming amount of Americans admitted it was the media that forced their decision. --Eugyppius

From the Substack: Due Diligence and Art by Sasha Latypova
Analysis of mRNA Injections From Lot to Lot

Biochemical poisons advertised as “vaccines” were pushed on unsuspecting public and fooled professionals under a “bait and switch” scheme where FDA approval (BLA) was a sham and the actual delivered product always (with exception of tiny amount of 35K doses) substituted with the Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) version of the product. Use of Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) covered countermeasures under a declared Public Health Emergency cannot constitute a clinical investigation (21 USC 360bbb-3(k)), therefore these countermeasures could not be tested for safety or efficacy in accordance with US law (21 CFR 312 and 21 CFR 601), nor could compliance with current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) or Good Distribution Practices (GxP in general) be enforced by the FDA. This legal fact was known to high-level FDA officials, to DOD and BARDA officials and to the pharmaceutical companies signing these contracts. This fact was not known to the public, clinical investigators, clinical trial subjects, or the lower-level employees of the pharmaceutical companies and the US Government. The implications of the above can not be overstated. Senior Executive Service officials within the U.S. Government authorized and funded the deployment of bio-chemical poisons on Americans and others without clarifying their “prototype” and “large scale demonstration” legal status, making the materials not subject to normal regulatory oversight, all while knowingly and willfully maintaining a fraudulent pseudo-“regulatory” presentation to the public. These poisons have harmed and killed and continue to harm and kill Americans and other people around the world. The Covid countermeasures deployment program has been partially coordinated through the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) and via several other public, private, hybrid and quasi-governmental entities, including but not limited to the FDA’s Medical Countermeasures Initiative (MCMi); BARDA; and the Medical Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear [CBRN] Defense Consortium (MCDC). Recently, the FDA "authorized" (fake authorized as they do not regulate countermeasures) the continuous (non-batched) mRNA products. I noted that Pfizer have been producing non-batched “batches” even in 2022, such as lot FL0007 was produced over 6 months, has several expiration dates and 12+ million doses. That’s not a batch, that’s a production that is operating for several months where everything is labeled with the same number. Therefore, going forward we will not have the batch analysis method of finding manufacturing fraud anymore. The FDA has destroyed the consumer protections and nobody should trust them ever again with any product, until we can hold them accountable for their actions. I undertook a lot of data analyses in 2021 and 2022 identifying manufacturing inconsistency and lack of compliance with the current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) observable immediately post the mRNA/DNA injections rollout. I used the VAERS database to study variability of serious adverse events (life-threatening, disability, miscarriages, hospitalizations, ER visits or doctor visits) and deaths based on lot numbers. Lot or batch numbers represent vials produced and filled in a single production run (batch) and are printed on vials and are supposed to be recorded on the vax cards and in vax injury reports. People do not always have the vax card when filling VAERS reports, so often they are missing. In many cases they appear to be mistyped. I say “appear” because many investigators, including myself detected algorithmic manipulation of VAERS data and it is likely that CDC changes the lot numbers to further obfuscate the detection of safety signals. Around that time, I met Craig Paardekooper a pharmacy student from the UK who had to leave the university due to the vax mandates. We collaborated with a few other database/software/data analysts under the name “Team Enigma”. Our work focused on trying to understand the relationship between the adverse event data and manufacturing lots of the injections being deployed worldwide. We now know it is a weaponized tech in a vial, but back in 2021 we were still naive and thinking this was supposed to be a pharmaceutical product. Craig put up a website How Bad Is Your Batch ( to present the data to the public. The website presents a huge amount of collective research and record of the worldwide genocide unfolding. The dataset used was downloaded from the VAERS website as of December 10, 2021, limited to the reports submitted from the United States only.

*Read Article Sackler Family Earned Billions from OxyContin's 500,000 Deaths, Wins 'Lawsuit Immunity'

Summary of findings: The total number of adverse events, serious adverse events and deaths reported in lots of Covid-19 vaccines over the period of 12 months were much higher than the total number of these events reported in lots of seasonal flu vaccines over the total available time (approximately 30 years). A very large difference exists for every assessed category: total as well as maximum and average per lot adverse events, serious adverse events, and deaths. Excessive variation of adverse events, serious adverse events, and deaths between lots of Covid-19 vaccines appears to stand in stark contrast to much lower variation of adverse events associated with the lots of the seasonal flu vaccines reported over a 30-year period. This finding indicated that the manufacturing process for Covid-19 vaccines is not compliant with the current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) laws. These results indicate unusual and alarming data patterns in the adverse event and deaths reporting from covid vaccines associated with specific lot numbers. These findings are easy to detect and obvious, yet no regulatory or public health agency have “detected” these signals to date. This willful inaction speaks even louder than numbers of untimely deaths. As of December 3, 2021, the data comparing Covid-19 vaccine lots to seasonal flu vaccine lots from over 30 years showed the following. This data was included in Senator Johnson’s oversight letter sent to the FDA and CDC officials in December 2021 (he subsequently sent 40+ letters which were mostly ignored or given dishonest, gaslighting responses). I found that over 30 years, the seasonal flu vaccine has never had more than 137 total (including non-serious) adverse events reported for a single lot. However, according to VAERS data, in less than one year, 5,297 adverse events were associated with one lot of the Covid-19 vaccines (Moderna 039K20A alone). In total, there were 483,400 adverse effects from the three major vaccines with 48,270 serious adverse effects and 7,457 deaths in a 12-month period. Those three numbers add up to 539,127 people and families negatively affected. The analysis further shows that approximately 80% of U.S.-only adverse events reported on VAERS for Covid-19 vaccines are associated with approximately only 1% of vaccine lot numbers and approximately 80% of serious adverse events (those involving emergency room visits, hospitalization, or death) are associated with only 5% of vaccine lot numbers. This part of my analysis was primarily concerned with manufacturing quality, stability, reproducibility, and other factors that relate to the consistency of the manufactured product lot-to-lot. Vaccine manufacturing is a regulated industry. It is nonetheless expected that the products are manufactured in a high-quality manufacturing environment with conformity of the product lot-to-lot. Pharmaceutical product batches are expected to fall within certain narrow limits of variability on a set of controlled parameters between production lots. There is expectation and assurance from the manufacturers and regulators that the product sampled from different production lots will be essentially the same. In addition, there is assurance from manufacturers and public health authorities that Covid-19 vaccines can be used interchangeably from different manufacturers. There are no clinical studies demonstrating this, however, the public is expected to take the manufacturers’ and health authorities’ word for it. To investigate the lot-to-lot variability for Covid-19 vaccines in comparison to the seasonal flu vaccines, I first plotted Serious Adverse Events for all manufacturing lot numbers in the Seasonal Flu dataset, sorted alphabetically. Next, I created the same plot for the Covid-19 Vaccine dataset, looking at the Serious Adverse Events/manufacturing lot, sorted alphabetically. To summarize the differences in manufacturing lot-to-lot variability between these datasets, I compared coefficient of variation for each dataset. The coefficient of variation (CV) is a relative measure of variability that indicates the size of a standard deviation in relation to its mean. It is a standardized, unitless measure that allows one to compare variability between disparate groups and characteristics. It is often expressed in percentages. The results demonstrate that the Covid-19 dataset the CV is up to 12 times greater than that for the seasonal flu vaccines dataset. In conclusion, the Covid-19 vaccines do not demonstrate consistency in manufacturing lot to lot. This result puts in question whether manufacturing for these products that are being injected into millions of people, including young healthy adults, children and pregnant women are compliant or consistent with manufacturing quality standards expected from medicines. The public is under assumption that these vaccines are safe, effective, and produced with the highest standards of quality. My analysis demonstrates that this is not the case based on the real-world outcomes data. Suffice it to say, these findings are very alarming and require much more scrutiny by independent researchers and scientists not in league with the government or corporate status quo, and in so doing, further exposure by the media.

*Read Article Medical Journal Proves the mRna Covid-19 Vaccine Weakens Human Heart
*Read Article Covid-19 Vaccines are Being Found to be 8x Deadlier than the Disease Itself

BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) is a federal agency within Health and Human Services, however its objectives are militarized: The mission of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) is to develop medical countermeasures that address the public health and medical consequences of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) accidents, incidents and attacks, pandemic influenza, and emerging infectious diseases. In addition, BARDA is neither a regulated pharmaceutical manufacturer, nor a licensed distributor, nor a regulatory agency with a mandate to enforce consumer protection laws with respect to pharmaceuticals and medical devices. This is very important to keep in mind. Yet, they currently claim to have 77 products on the market. For proper pharmaceutical products, in addition to the regulations of clinical trials and manufacturing process, critical part of consumer safety monitoring comes from the regulated licensed pharmacy distribution system we have in the US. Other countries have similar regulations in place. Pharmacy distribution is licensed by each state. Here is for example a handy 800-page book from the State of California explaining all the applicable laws and regulations. The best part of this book is that none of it applies to BARDA who now admits that it is in charge of the distribution of all “Covid vaccines.” What then applies to BARDA? Apparently not much. Reading the SOP that they produced we learn that: These "vaccines" are not regulated by normal FDA processes (as we knew). These were ordered by BARDA (and DOD via Other Transaction Authority contracts) and are handled through BARDA’s own protocols (not FDA). They are shipped outside of the regulated pharmacy distribution chain, therefore no consumer safeguards for pharmaceutical product distribution are in place. Note that they may contract with regulated pharmacy distributors like McKesson, but the distributor is not governed by the same regulations as when they are working with the properly regulated pharmacy products. Here is the “bait and switch” again. The product is shipped from the manufacturer to the Strategic National Stockpile. Presumably it is then shipped from NSS to the vaccinators. This is totally separate from the normal pharmacy distribution, which is licensed by state and subject to FDA regulations for traceability, adverse event monitoring, recalls, etc. None of it applies. The SOP itself simply describes that BARDA receives sealed trucks, checks accompanying documentation, checks that the temperature was controlled and not much else. There is no testing/verification of the contents of the vials. We already know that since lot-release testing by the FDA does not apply to EUA Countermeasures. This was confirmed by Peter Marks (Director of CBER FDA) in his declaration in court. It says that the manufacturers are supposed to provide cGMP certification letter with the product. However, even if they put in a letter stating they are compliant, there is no enforcement mechanism by which the compliance can be verified and assured, therefore there is no real requirement to be compliant. Remember that there is also no statutory requirement as EUA-Countermeasures are deployed based on "maybe effective" criterion only (21USC 360(bbb)). Finally, in 2023 all pharmas must become compliant with: The Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA), was enacted by Congress on November 27, 2013. Title II of DQSA, the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA), outlines steps to achieve interoperable, electronic tracing of products at the package level to identify and trace certain prescription drugs as they are distributed in the United States. This will enhance FDA’s ability to help protect consumers from exposure to drugs that may be counterfeit, stolen, contaminated, or otherwise harmful. These requirements will also improve detection and removal of potentially dangerous drugs from the drug supply chain to protect U.S. consumers. Except covid countermeasures do not have this requirement. They are exempt, of course and thus should be deemed automatically mislabeled, counterfeit and falsified.

*Read Article Forbes: Researchers Warn Covid-19 Vaccines Could Increase Risk of HIV Infection

As the researcher Sasha Latypova further explains: "The masterminds behind this are for the most part private, hiding behind the front names of multinational corporations. They think of themselves as the owners of the world and they believe that we're occupying their space, their resources, and that there should a lot fewer of us. On April 18, 2023, the FDA in their infinite wisdom "Authorized Changes to Simplify Use of Bivalent mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines." In their own words, the FDA has “amended the emergency use authorizations (EUAs) of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 bivalent mRNA vaccines to simplify the vaccination schedule for most individuals. This action includes authorizing the current bivalent vaccines (original and omicron BA.4/BA.5 strains) to be used for all doses administered to individuals 6 months of age and older, including for an additional dose or doses for certain populations. The monovalent Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States.” The criminal FDA has just above stated that children 6 months through 5 years of age who are unvaccinated may receive a two-dose series of the Moderna bivalent vaccine (6 months through 5 years of age) OR a three-dose series of the Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent vaccine (6 months through 4 years of age). Children who are 5 years of age may receive two doses of the Moderna bivalent vaccine or a single dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent vaccine. Children 6-months old through 5 years of age who have received one, two or three doses of a monovalent Covid-19 vaccine may receive a bivalent vaccine, but the number of doses that they receive will depend on the vaccine and their vaccination history. The FDA has further stated that EUA medical countermeasures “shall not be deemed adulterated or misbranded” even if noncompliant with regulations governing manufacturing (cGMP), testing, purity, quality, batch and lot variability, adulteration, expiration dates, labeling, serialization, marketing, branding, dispensing and prescriptions: 21 USC 360bbb-3a(c), 21 USC 360bbb-3a(d), and 21 USC 360bbb-3(e)(2)(B)(ii). It's obvious that the criminal branch of the globalist cartel based in the USA (US Gov/Military/Pharma/Academia/Media) is hellbent on eliminating or injuring/sterilizing the babies and children by any means necessary and are displaying their intent very openly. Two doses of Moderna or three doses of Pfizer for a 6-month-old baby is on top of the 2-5 jabs pushed on the mother while pregnant and/or breastfeeding. It's therefore clear that they absolutely want babies to get 5-10 doses each. Since this is a randomly produced poison, with placebos or underdoses, increasing the number of shots will of course increase the probability of getting the damaging mRNA/toxins/spiked protein to the infant target. The reason they are so brazen is they are absolutely sure they will get away with it. After all, Judge Truncale on March 31 instructed them on how to continue getting away with it when dismissing Brook Jackson’s claims case (alleging that Pfizer falsified data and failed to promptly pursue reports of adverse events in its Covid-19 vaccine trial) specifically, if FDA continues to fake-authorize the poisonous prototype injections and the US Gov keeps buying them under the defense contracts from big pharma, then it’s apparently all good. The benefit of this FDA “simplification” move is obvious. There is to be no longer any truthful data recorded for all those annoying doctors, scientists and vaccine injured to keep discussing and attempting to bring to courts, because there's nothing to back up their very "misinformed vaccine hesitancy" anymore. After a lengthy lawsuit with some expert haggling by the Department of Justice lawyers, the FDA will give us the data they used to fake-approve the bivalent shots. It will be released at the rate of 1-mouse dossier per month for the next 8 month, and half of it will be redacted due to "national security reasons" while the other half won't be revealed for 75 years in accordance with Big Pharma effectively covering for itself [legally] while people's bodies are damaged over time or die in the interim."

From the Substack: Due Diligence and Art by Sasha Latypova
Musings on the Department of Defense
Guest Post by Catherine Austin Fitts

One of the reasons I am grateful for Sasha Latypova’s work and that of her colleague Bailiwick News Katherine Watt is their contribution to helping us understand the controlling role played by the Department of Defense (DOD) in Trump's Operation Warp Speed and the most recent round of poisoning and bankrupting Americans during the Covid-19 operation. The latest Rasmussen poll from May 2024 indicates that nearly one out of five Americans surveyed know someone who was killed by the Covid shots.1 Various statistics and estimates of the rising number of Americans disabled by the shots or still working but made chronically ill indicate that the problem is far wider than just the death toll. Fertility and life expectancy statistics, too, indicate that what I describe as “the Great Poisoning” is accelerating. People from all walks of life are pushing back against the steady technocratic centralization of control. One of the most powerful ways to push back is through the financial system, including the intertwined systems that govern taxation, banking, and investments. If the federal government is operating outside the law—and certainly poisoning and bankrupting American citizens counts as such—then we need to stop financing its criminal behavior and find ways to finance the movement of our institutions back into lawful governance and management. To do that, it is essential to understand how the money works at the institutions involved. To that end, I thought I would provide some musings on the Department of Defense and its finances in the hopes that this may help identify effective ways to push to enforce the law as expressed by the Constitution as opposed to “new rules” invented under the pretense of an emergency (such as we experienced pursuant to DOD’s Operation Warp Speed that then President Trump signed off on) or surprise legislation pushed through using the pretext of a national security threat such as the Patriot Act. This requires mentioning a variety of events in which I have encountered the extensive activities of the Defense Department. For approximately 500 years, the Western world has operated on an economic model sometimes referred to as the “central banking-warfare model.” In brief, the central banks create money, and the military and intelligence services make sure that the money is accepted in trade for labor and natural resources; military-intelligence players also help provide the necessary enforcement that supports liquidity of the money and related instruments such as bonds and stocks. (For a full description, see my discussion of the dollar system in my 2019 report, The State of Our Currencies: The End of Currencies). Every century or so, the reserve currency system seems to go through a reset. We are currently in the midst of such a reset. For centuries, dominance of trade routes, and particularly the sea lanes, helped to determine the reserve currency; the British Navy, and then the U.S. Navy, played an important role in this regard. As more and more information, transactions, surveillance, and even weaponry have been processed by or with the help of satellites, dominance of the satellite lanes also has grown in importance. All media operations and financial institutions depend on reliable high-speed communications. That means that DOD controls their hardware—whether cables under the ocean or satellites in the sky. That’s why, when you see a movie or a media story distributed in the Western world, you can appreciate that DOD let it happen. Not every movie or media story is allowed through. For example, a famous reporter I won't name here was fired by a major network after censoring her story about the chemical nerve agent, Sarin and its use. Despite her Senior management and the network’s general counsel already approving the story for publication, it was canceled because DOD made it clear that the network, which was highly dependent on satellite operations, might find itself experiencing interference.

*Read Article State of Connecticut Secretly Tells Health Care Workers Vaccines are Deadly

Playing controller and traffic cop on both the sea and satellite lanes requires building an expensive global infrastructure that has very high maintenance costs. Although the U.S. central bank and its owners can create that money out of thin air, the labor and resources they trade for must carry the full expense of the infrastructure and generate a return. The growing costs, and the opportunities afforded by new digital technologies, mean that central bankers will find central control of infrastructure, surveillance, and enforcement inherently attractive. The best way to understand DOD’s Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is in the context of the Going Direct Reset, OWS is one aspect of the implementation of this reset. By the very nature of the central banking-warfare model, the central bankers and military must act and pivot together. Because debt is one of the key components of the central banking-warfare model, an indebted country, business, or person is controllable. If a foreign country borrows in dollars, they need to earn dollars to service and pay back their debt. When the U.S. Treasury issues its currency with debt instead of issuing greenbacks directly from the Treasury without debt, it finds itself highly leveraged and dependent on the central bank and the bond market. Recent reports from around the world indicate that national heads of state and officials are going along with various pandemic and health restrictions that are not in the best interests of their people because their countries are in a debt trap; if they do not go along, their loans will not be renewed. There is an old saying: “All wars are bankers’ wars.” Debt is part of that game while interest is part of the tithe to the resulting empire that stands to collect it. In a scene from the movie The International, when a U.S. Assistant District Attorney asks an Italian arms manufacturer why a bank would be purchasing hundreds of millions of dollars of the company’s armaments, he explains: “It’s about control… The bank’s objective isn’t to control the conflict, it’s to control the debt that the conflict produces. You see, the real value of a conflict, the true value, is in the debt that it creates. You control the debt, you control everything… This is the very essence of the banking industry, to make us all, whether we be nations or individuals, slaves to debt.” If countries need to earn dollars to carry their dollar debt, then essentially, they need to earn them from the people who control the dollar system. This means they need to trade—typically across the trade routes that the empire controls—and they need to hold dollars. Ultimately, no matter where those dollars are in the world, they will be deemed to be under the jurisdiction of United States authority and law. Recent reports on the erosion of the U.S. dollar’s petrodollar status often fail to consider the extent to which the petrodollar has been replaced by a global “debt dollar.” The annual budget request by the Department of Defense for fiscal 2025 is $849.8 billion. That is a lot of money. In fact, when you break that budget down, by state and county, into spending, employment, and health and retirement benefits for all the branches and operations of DOD, its contractors, and the companies it purchases from or awards grants to, you will discover that military spending has a significant impact on every local economy in America. In most counties in America, total federal spending, purchases, and retirement checks constitute more than 40% of the local GDP. In some counties, especially those with large military bases and installations, it is even more. America’s national security payrolls, contracts, and acquisitions buy a lot of Congressional, state, and local clout. It is fair to say that military policy is often organized around what generates stock market profits, and employment and revenues in Congressional districts, as opposed to what is needed to ensure a high-performance military. No doubt, as the military, intelligence establishment launches more satellites and implements more surveillance, allowing DOD and U.S. intelligence agencies to track and influence what each of us is saying and doing, it accumulates even more clout at the state and local levels, including by building control files on local officials and decision-makers.

*Read Article 'Sterilization of Most Western Females' is the Next Phase for mRNA Covid-Vaccine Technology

In 1987, I was invited to a budget briefing by the Department of Defense. We had an impressive briefing from a very capable intelligence analyst from Defense Intelligence and then had dinner with Secretary Caspar Weinberger in his private dining room with approximately 15 captains of industry, two token female Wall Street executives (I was one), and one young tech entrepreneur. The goal of the dinner was to achieve lobbying support to pass the proposed DOD budget through Congress. It was clear how dependent numerous companies were on military purchases, the Detroit auto companies among them. At one point, the tech entrepreneur started suggesting ways that new technology could be used to dramatically improve military performance while slashing costs. You could have heard a pin drop. He clearly did not understand the cost-plus contracting model and the unmistakable goal to generate ever-growing revenues for a high-overhead defense infrastructure that employed and kept busy a majority of the scientists and engineers in the country, not to mention law firms and lobbyists, all of which financed a lot of campaign contributions. Which is to say that wherever you are in America, if you follow the money, it will invariably lead back to a military or intelligence budget and related political leashes involving contracts, purchases, grants, and/or payrolls. It pays to track those leashes into your community, company, employer, and family and friend circles. Inevitably, those intimate connections are always there which leads me to my own brush with how I discovered that and much more. In 1988, I was sitting in my office at Dillon Read. I was a managing director and member of the board of this Wall Street investment bank. Our chairman had just agreed to serve as Secretary of the Treasury at the end of the Reagan Administration in anticipation of George H. W. Bush winning the presidential election. Out of the blue, I received a call from White House Personnel asking me if I would serve as an Assistant Secretary at DOD. I was shocked to be offered a position at the Pentagon because this was well outside of my area of expertise at the time, leading me to ask why would the US government need me, someone who was a virtual rookie in global-level finance? Perhaps the answer was always in that question. When I asked for a detailed description of the Pentagon position, I learned that it was something akin to a chief financial officer role, including managing the budget process. I concluded that the job basically would be to tell generals “no.” Because it seemed that a 38-year-old female investment banker with no military experience or training could easily get herself in hot water, I declined the position. At the time, I could not exactly explain why I felt it was a dangerous position for an outsider. However, it turned out to be a good call. A year later, I ended up at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). There, I was instrumental in significantly upgrading their payment, information, and accounting systems, which is why I know that every excuse HUD has ever given regarding the $1 trillion documented as missing from HUD and their failure to produce audited financial statements in any year since 1998 is utter rubbish. Although I never worked at DOD, after more than 25 years of observing the same or worse patterns at DOD as at HUD, I am confident that DOD’s excuses regarding its refusal to respect or obey the financial management laws and regulations are entirely fictional as well, drawing on long-standing cover stories claiming that the problems are due to “complexity,” “incompetence,” and “antiquated systems” that do not talk to each other.

*Read Article 4,000 Reported UK Women Develop Serious Changes to their Menstruation After Covid Vaccine

Amazingly, fiscal 1998 was when vast amounts of money started to go missing from both the DOD and HUD, with those two agencies consistently refusing to produce audited financial statements as required by law. However, secret money was not a new phenomenon in the U.S., however. Subsequent to the passage of the National Security Act in 1947 and the CIA Act in 1949, the growth of secret money at DOD and Treasury was noteworthy. For those interested in this history, see Dr. Joseph Farrell’s presentations on the hidden system of finance at the 20146, and 20158, Secret Space Program conferences as well as my presentation on the black budget at the 2014 conference.10 An executive order during the Reagan Administration turbocharged this growth,11 permitting private corporations to undertake highly classified work as contractors; this created a gushing spigot of secret money contributing to stock market profit. The problem is now much worse as a result of additional national security secrecy in federal accounting, appropriations, contracting, and related bond and stock disclosures governed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This includes the adoption of classification rules, 12 Director of National Intelligence waivers of SEC disclosure for banks and corporations doing business with the U.S. federal government and the 2018 implementation of Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board Statement 5615 described later in this article. The gusher of “un-documentable adjustments” and refusal to publish financial audits or to track down enormous and inexplicable discrepancies in the DOD and HUD financial records that began in fiscal 1998 were significant. They followed the process of globalization begun with the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995 and the push to build a “unipolar” empire. Sir James Goldsmith described it beautifully in 1994 when he tried to stop the U.S. Congress from approving the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) that launched the World Trade Organization. According to agency financials, between fiscal 1998 and 2000, approximately $4.3 trillion went missing from DOD and HUD. These balances would have been managed and transacted with the help of payment and IT contractors at DOD and HUD and the U.S. Treasury and its depository, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The New York Fed is owned by its members, who typically provide many of the functions of the depository as agents for the New York Fed. In the early years, there was a significant effort by reporter Kelly Patricia O’Meara and Insight Magazine to cover the missing money story. You can find all of these articles and historical coverage at the Solari 'Missing Money' website (under “News Coverage”). In the fall of 2001, I was helping Kelly produce a large cover story on the missing money, with charts and graphs demonstrating the cost to taxpayers by state, which Insight had scheduled to publish on September 15. It would have been distributed to all Congressional offices the following week. However, the course of subsequent events resulted in the story being delayed for weeks and then ultimately ignored after DOD received a sudden and enormous increase in appropriations. On September 10, 2001, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced that DOD was missing $2.3 trillion. This announcement was quickly buried by the events of the following day, September 11, when numerous offices filled with records and documents related to the accounting for DOD’s money and related Treasury and other securities were blown up in New York and Washington. This included offices of the Office of Naval Intelligence at the Pentagon, said to be investigating the trillions missing from DOD. Subsequently, the Army—led by a former Enron executive, claimed that as a result of records lost on September 11, it could not produce an audit, even though my understanding was that their accounting operations were run from Ohio. (The relationship between the missing money and the blowing up of financial records was so significant that James Corbett produced a marvelous video on the topic called "9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money.")

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The Department of Defense never explained why the U.S. Air Force ignored standing protocols regarding planes going off-course and effectively “stood down” three or four times on September 11, 2001. What we do know is that the result was not only the passage of the Patriot Act—with few in Congress having had time to read it—but also promotions all around, a $48 billion increase in appropriations for DOD in the first year, and explosive growth in the size and funding of the national security state as the U.S. military expanded both its domestic and foreign operations and wars. By fiscal 2015, the un-documentable adjustments at DOD totaled $20 trillion. The un-documentable adjustments at HUD, including the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and Ginnie Mae with significant credit and responsibilities in the U.S. mortgage market, totaled almost $1 trillion. The $20 trillion calculation of money missing from DOD from fiscal 1998 to 2015 resulted from a survey by Dr. Mark Skidmore and his graduate students in 2017. Dr. Skidmore is Professor of Economics and Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics at Michigan State University, where he holds the Morris Chair in State and Local Government Finance and Policy. When we published this survey, the total outstanding Treasury debt of the U.S. government was $21 trillion. So, grossly oversimplified, the U.S. government had borrowed $21 trillion, and then something like that amount of money disappeared out the back door of DOD’s and HUD’s—or Treasury’s—bank accounts. In theory, this makes DOD and the U.S. government’s bank depository, the New York Fed and the private banks that own it and implement many of its operations, the largest money laundering institutional team in the history of the world. Note that the New York Fed became a shareholder of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in October 1994. The BIS is based in Basel, Switzerland and is the central bank of central banks, having 63 of the largest central banks in the world as its members. The BIS enjoys sovereign immunity and can hold assets without disclosure on its balance sheet. What role the BIS may have played in helping to facilitate New York Fed depository transactions, including those that resulted in the $21 trillion in un-documentable adjustments, is an important unanswered question. Determining where this money went, holding parties responsible under the law, and achieving an offsetting return of assets is at the heart of any meaningful reform. The U.S. government is not run by political appointees and the civil service. It is run by private corporate contractors and banks.24 The largest defense contractors also hold significant contracts at non-military agencies, allowing for significant integration with the military across government. The top contractor at DOD is Lockheed Martin. During the period from 1998–2015, as $21 trillion went missing, Lockheed was the lead information and payment systems contractor at DOD, as it certainly was at HUD. Lockheed spun a government IT division out to Leidos after the 2015 fiscal year in which the Army enjoyed $6.5 trillion of un-documentable adjustments.

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When I was Assistant Secretary at HUD, and subsequently when my company was lead financial advisor at HUD, my staff would sometimes end up having wars with Lockheed Martin trying to get the accounting data we needed to do legally or contractually required tasks. I came to describe the data operations that Lockheed and its national security state colleagues were running as the “Databeast.” DOD, through its Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), and until 2016, the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), plays a significant role in reviewing, approving, auditing, and disqualifying contractors across DOD and many federal agencies. To give a sense of the scope of the work, Wikipedia reports: “As of 14 January 2019, DCMA had 11,641 civilians and 552 military assigned. Number of contractors and number of active contracts remained roughly constant. Total contracts serviced were valued at $5.2 trillion and authorized contractor payments per day was valued at $678 million.” The Big Tech firms and their hardware and software infrastructure and products are now also integrated into these contracting arrangements. For example, Amazon runs the cloud contract for the CIA, which provides an integrated cloud for all 17 intelligence agencies. Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle, Google, and Leidos (which includes the former Lockheed division) share responsibility for the big DOD and Navy cloud contracts. Investigative reporter Whitney Webb has written extensively on the integration of Silicon Valley and the national security state as well as on contracting aspects of Operation Warp Speed. (For those interested in exploring this topic further, we strongly recommend her website, Unlimited Hangout.) Privatization through U.S. federal government contracting has put many operations beyond the governance or control of the government itself. I once bet a retired top HUD civil servant that he would not be able to find a single government employee at HUD who understood how the budget or any of the finances worked. Sure enough, that is where he took me after he had spent a year looking high and low throughout HUD in Washington and throughout the field system and was unable to find an employee who understood how the money worked. The operations were now entirely in the hands of corporate contractors and private banks. This also has put government operations beyond the reach of serious researchers, scholars, reporters, or citizens, as more and more information has become inaccessible through requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Between a handful of defense contractors, Big Tech firms, and New York Fed member banks, the U.S. government can be quickly and radically reengineered, especially in an all-digital financial system. Calls to reform government by getting rid of the civil service would make a radical reengineering that much easier to accomplish. This likely would mean moving governance of the U.S. under the jurisdiction of international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the United Nations (UN) and its various agencies, and the BIS, who would be free to use AI, financial surveillance and control, and robotics without any legal obligation to the U.S. Constitution; instead, these entities would enjoy the protection of sovereign immunity. For those who wish to preserve U.S. sovereignty, the intelligent response to the corruption of the civil service is to reform the civil service and remove private parties from control positions that compromise the government’s informational, financial, and operational sovereignty. Please beware the destruction of sovereignty that is being engineered by a privatized corporate and banking infrastructure operating in secret that can accelerate dramatically if we move to an all-digital financial system. My efforts to stop mortgage fraud as both Assistant Secretary of Housing and then as lead financial advisor to the FHA resulted in my getting fired in 1990 and my company being dropped in 1997.

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After my company was dropped as financial advisor in 1997 without advance notice (a rare event in government), and just as vast amounts of money started to disappear from DOD and HUD made much easier to do after they booted out the lead financial advisor and reversed the mechanisms designed to stop money moving out of the back door of HUD, I was immediately approached by a Washington think tank that did strategic planning for the U.S. Navy. In the process, an effort was made to persuade me that aliens exist and live among us. Since that time, I have occasionally watched various efforts by our own government to now, seemingly, bring transparency to the UFO question as well as to related advanced technology, breakthrough energy, and invisible weaponry controlled by private corporations that play essential roles in the national security state otherwise known as the Deep State. Some of these efforts include something like the following spin: “We need all of these trillions of dollars that are going missing at the Department of Defense to deal with this potentially dark phenomenon. Just trust us with the money.” In their defense, I remember watching the documentary The Phoenix Lights when it was first released. It showed footage of a large UFO that slowly flew through Phoenix to the edge of Tucson in March 1997. In the middle of searching for what was then $4 trillion missing from DOD, my first response was, “I’ll bet Lockheed Martin would build that for $4 trillion.” I was referencing the development of the government's black budget technologies, stealth and/or invisible craft as well as weaponry used to control the weather. I had become convinced that such weaponry was playing a significant role in the dominance of the U.S. dollar as reserve currency in some nations after destroying segments of their populations via a weapon that could create an earthquake, flood, or blotting out the Sun, which the American government was rumored to be building in the 1990's after HAARP. Indeed, in April 1997, U.S. Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen spoke about such weaponry at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy at the University of Georgia. The event was part of the Sam Nunn Policy Forum being hosted by the university. Secretary Cohen was joined by Senator Sam Nunn and Senator Richard G. Lugar. Cohen said: “Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.” He added: “It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts.” If the Defense Secretary says that the earth and the sky have been turned into weapons and are being used as such in the present, we should take this statement very seriously. The DOD’s refusal, for 25+ years, to produce audited financial statements and its increasing inability to account for $20-trillion of un-documentable adjustments resulted, in 2018, in a new administrative policy promulgated with the approval of a bipartisan Congress and the Trump White House: Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board Statement 56 (FASAB 56). This policy purports to authorize DOD and the other agencies of the U.S. government as well as scores of related federal governmental entities to keep what amount to secret books, in essence overriding the Constitution and financial management laws and regulations with an administrative policy.

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In combination with other classification and national security laws, and national security waivers of SEC regulations applicable to public financial statements of private enterprises doing business with the government, the result is that the large banks and corporate contractors that do business with the federal government can also keep secret books. The implications of this policy to the U.S. and global securities markets are profound, essentially rendering a significant portion of the disclosure in the U.S. securities markets meaningless. I would encourage you to educate yourself about this policy. It is highly likely that the success of DOD/Trump's Operation Warp Speed and the Covid operation depended upon the adoption of FASAB 56 in October 2018. I'm often asked how so many secret operations can go on without being noticed. One reason is because so many military and intelligence bases are in restricted areas and underground. In 2010, the Washington Post published an excellent report on this topic, “Top Secret America,” giving an overview of the exploding number of classified military and intelligence facilities built after 9/11 and the passage of the USA Patriot Act. Because of the many rumors about classified underground bases, I once spent several hours a week for two years working with another researcher to estimate how many underground and undersea bases existed in North America—both publicly acknowledged as well as classified or secret. We collected all known reports, rumors, and documentation on underground bases and then analyzed military and federal installations and spending for all U.S. states. Our final guess was that the U.S. military-intelligence establishment and related corporate contractors had built 170 such bases as well as connecting underground transportation systems. Building an underground base is very expensive. Building and maintaining it on a secret basis is many multiples more expensive than that, which is why underground bases are one of my votes for where a portion of the $21 trillion that disappeared by 2015 was reinvested. (Even more trillions have disappeared since 2015, but who’s counting, given that the books are now secret.) Former Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney Amy Benjamin brilliantly explained how such extraordinary secrecy is engineered in her landmark analysis titled “The Many Faces of Secrecy,” published in the William & Mary Policy Review in October 2017. I was put onto her paper by Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who teaches at William & Mary and read it in the peer-review process. I also spent several years in the 1990s looking into the growth of narcotics trafficking in the United States after the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, and particularly after its explosive post-WWII growth. I describe my findings in more detail in my online book, Dillon Read & Co. Inc. & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits, which includes a description along with supporting documentation of the highly informative European Union lawsuit against tobacco giant RJR Nabisco for money laundering with various global mafias also connected to the British Crown and Vatican. I became convinced that opening U.S. markets to narcotics trafficking from Europe, Asia, and Latin America was part of an intentional strategy to finance secret black-budget military and intelligence operations as well as to help provide low-cost capital to fund the rise of American corporations, where the true evil, at least in America, resides.

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For most of my life, such narcotics trafficking was blamed on African-American or Mexican-American teenagers, in their unwitting role as the government's fall guys with the government ensuring they have the drugs the need to sell and the guns they need to murder while they appear as the good guys rounding them and throwing them in prison while they're replaced by others to continue their corruption. At the same time, the American taxpayer was funding a $500 billion to $1 trillion annual budget for the Department of Defense to govern and defend our air space and borders. Despite having the most powerful and expensive surveillance operations in the world, DOD apparently could not stop thousands of boatloads and truckloads of illegal drugs from crossing our borders every year and being marketed into our cities and towns where they poisoned our children and neighbors. Both DOD and DHS currently control the borders and shores, and DOD did so prior to 2003 before the creation of DHS. Yes, the job is made easier by friendly neighbors to the North and South and two large oceans to the East and West. However, in any meaningful quantity, what and who come across those borders and shores into the country is what the U.S. government and military actively permits, nothing more and nothing less. They have the authority and resources to facilitate and increase the flow of human trafficking and drugs, as well as stop it. DHS now includes the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which has taken the position in a recent court filing for Missouri v. Biden that it has jurisdiction over citizen minds because, apparently, what citizens think is a national security issue. Mortgage fraud has long been a vehicle to launder illegal narcotics profits. A very high percentage of mortgages in the United States are insured and regulated directly or indirectly by the U.S. government, through such agencies as the FHA and Ginnie Mae at HUD, the mortgage programs at the Veterans Administration and USDA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Bank System. When I worked at HUD, the relationship with DOD was always close. I came to believe that this was likely because of the use of mortgages to launder money used for black projects. I know some closeness came from sharing the same lead contractors to run IT and payment systems. The same contractors were also believed to play a significant role in DOD black projects and weaponry. During the mortgage “crisis” of 2006–2012, the total U.S. taxpayer bailouts were calculated at over $23 trillion, according to Neil Barofsky, Special Inspector General to the TARP Program at the U.S. Department of Treasury. I never believed the figure of total commitments made during the financial crisis until I saw the backup documents that had been provided by each of the agencies themselves. This total commitment was almost double the entire economic output of the United States. If there were ever a single number that demonstrated the panic felt by the regulators during the financial crisis of 2008, it was that $23.7 trillion. At the time, an estimated $8 trillion would have paid off all of the single-family residential mortgages in the country, which should give you a sense of the extent of the mortgage fraud on the part of the government.

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In 2000, as money was continually going missing from HUD and DOD and mortgage fraud was growing explosively, I met with the chief of staff to the senator who oversaw HUD appropriations. She asked me what I thought was going on at HUD, then run by Secretary Andrew Cuomo who as New York governor, was instrumental in reducing New York State to a corruptive barbarism during the government's obvious and quietly ongoing Covid-19 operation. I asked, “What do you think is going on at HUD?” to which she replied, “HUD is being run as a criminal enterprise.” HUD and its various mortgage programs are run on a matrix infrastructure, which means that to run them as a criminal enterprise requires the cooperation of the Treasury Department, the New York Fed and its member banks which are its owners including JPMorgan Chase and Citibank, the DOJ, and DOD. Allow that to sink in for a moment. Only then can you understand the depth and breadth of the criminality involved as well as the intimacy of DOD’s cooperation with the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, private IT contractors, and the Big Tech companies, and yes, Big Pharma that build and run the digital data and “Databeast” that serves them. When I the looked more into the rise of U.S. narcotics trafficking, for another example, I discovered that running illegal operations was one of the reasons for having such added layers of private contractors. The crack cocaine epidemic in the 1980s exploded after DOJ reached an agreement with the CIA to limit its drug trafficking enforcement to case officers. This left the private contractors free to rock and roll, so to speak. My favorite example was when Congressman Cynthia McKinney referred to the State Department protection afforded to a contractor indicted on sex slavery charges. After Insight ran a cover story describing the contractor’s sex slave trafficking operations and related indictment and conviction, the U.S. Navy issued them a large new contract while the DOJ, SEC, DOD, and even the State Department maintained them as a contractor in good standing. Running global organized crime is apparently big business for the US government, and ultimately, that business is owned and controlled by the people who control the sea lanes, the satellite lanes, and the financial transaction system, all of which connect themselves into the British Crown and its Corporate City of London. As a retired DEA agent said in the late 1990s to a Washington reporter who I was called on to help with research on narcotics trafficking, “Let’s face it, honey. All the wire transfers batch and run through the New York Fed. They know where every penny is.” And one need only follow where the money goes from the Fed's to see where the most corrupt nation on earth still resides. Where does all the money come from to fund DOD’s operations? First, we as taxpayers fund a portion of federal operations with our taxes. Under the law, that should give us the right to see public disclosure of how our money was spent, but clearly, the U.S. government and military are ignoring such Constitutional and legislative requirements. Because Congress nevertheless continues to appropriate funds, they are ignoring the laws as well. Additional sources of DOD funding come from borrowing. The primary source is from the sale of U.S. Treasury bills and bonds to U.S. and global investors. Traditionally and increasingly, the largest buyers are U.S. pension funds—including corporate, union, and state and local pension funds—as well as retirement accounts, such as IRAs and 401(k)s. Banks and insurance companies are also large buyers through their investment portfolios. This means that not only is my pension fund dependent on the credit quality and value of Treasury securities, but so is the creditworthiness of my bank deposits and insurance policies. One of the reasons the outstanding debt of the U.S. government is so large is because we have a debt-based currency. The U.S. could simply have issued greenbacks from the Treasury, but it has used a central bank and a debt issuance process instead.

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This is how the process works. The U.S. government issues $21 trillion of debt (like during the time when Dr. Skidmore published his missing money survey) and more than $21 trillion goes missing whether the assets disappear or are stolen or undocumentable transactions are made and implemented by the New York Fed and its member banks. Now my pension fund holds a Treasury bond sold through the primary dealers who are the trading counterparties of the New York Fed. The assets that the bond funded are presumably gone—into private ownership or someplace else—and my bond is effectively an IOU from the taxpayer, who is me. So, I have traded an asset my retirement savings for a liability from myself! Again, the implications for investors are profound. Solari’s general counsel Carolyn Betts and I addressed them in the “Caveat Emptor” article that we published after the promulgation of FASAB 56. One of the reasons that the Solari team and I worked hard over many years to highlight the issue of the money going missing from the U.S. government was that we understood that this was essentially a theft of resources from U.S. pension and retirement savings. If the theft were not stopped, the only solutions would be to extend the retirement age, lower benefits through inflation or benefit cuts, and/or lower life expectancy. Because the government took numerous actions that began to lower life expectancy starting around the time the financial coup began, I am convinced that lowering U.S. life expectancy is an intentional policy. It seems appropriate that the very same agency that is missing $20 trillion of taxpayer money would be the agency to lead Operation Warp Speed, an exercise that has significantly and intentionally increased excess mortality and done so in a way that extends the solvency of the Social Security system. Grossly oversimplified, if you rob a bank, it is easier to keep the money if the depositors are dependent, weak, or dead, in other words, before they realize their money is gone and can demand it back. This is hard for many Americans to fathom because we have grown up in a world in which the spending power of the American consumer was what generated economic prosperity for the leadership. However, globalization and our investments in ever-changing technology have created new and changing economic models. As Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock, the largest asset manager in the world, recently explained, we now have new models for growing economies in countries with shrinking populations. Fink commented, “I could argue in the developed countries the big winners are countries that have shrinking populations.” What an interesting statement for BlackRock to make, given that governments and the corrupting corporations in the West are also known for their population control programs to create such shrinking populations, with Covid-19 and its proven deadly vaccine notwithstanding. In fact, the latest statistics on U.S. life expectancy and fertility rates underscore Fink’s confidence in the coming opportunities afforded by AI, robotics, and that shrinking population. One of the more baffling questions before us is this: How is the U.S. going to field an effective army and navy if the population that supplies soldiers is shrinking and poisoned? Between the deterioration in the quality of food, the impact of extensive screen time and related mind control, and heavy vaccination schedules, the pool of young people interested in or capable of becoming soldiers has shrunk considerably. During the Covid operation, DOD mandates pushed out or poisoned a significant number of military personnel. You can also go back and look at what happened at DOD with the Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program starting in 1997 to see a possible starting point, but how long have we heard how the U.S. government experiments on its own citizenry before going back more than a century? First, they poison us then they take our money ($21 trillion translates to $65,000 for every citizen). Nearly one out of five knows someone killed by the Covid injections, so this is bound to touch you. Next, they take your kids. How many of your children or grandchildren are between the ages of 16 and 28? How do you feel about them risking their lives to serve the quest for global empire, missing money, pension fraud, taxation without representation, and total technocratic control?

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There is much chatter these days about the possibility of a World War III. Russia is sending nuclear subs to Cuba, and the United States is proposing to send more troops to Europe to protect NATO members. I just reviewed the new U.S.-Swedish agreement for military cooperation that is before the Swedish parliament for final approval. It gives U.S. troops access to 17 military bases in Sweden, and they will operate under U.S. law. In theory, this means that those troops can be used to enforce against or control the Swedish people. One must ask whether this is to protect Sweden from the Russians or to protect the U.S. dollar system by cannibalizing Sweden and the companies and economies of NATO members. No doubt, the push for regime change and implosion in Russia is still on. However, because it has not gone as planned, it would seem that more subsidy will have to be extracted in the G7 nations to make up for it. If you look at the occupying army that the U.S. has stationed in Europe and Japan since the end of WWII, it becomes clear that extracting subsidies for the empire from the G7 nations is far from a new development. The implications of a potential draft for young people in the United States and throughout the European Union are sobering, particularly if the goal is to protect oligarch lives and wealth from the legitimate assertion of rights from domestic populations. Given how many Americans have been poisoned and bankrupted by DOD operations to date, if I were of draft age, I would not be eager to serve the U.S. military. Who wants to finish boot camp only to find themselves in operations to poison their family and launder money out of their relatives’ pension and retirement funds? But this is dangerous business. The leadership of the United States and NATO have put themselves in quite a seeming dilemma, and things could get very serious very fast. Take Action: What Can We Do? The first and most important thing we each need to do is not fall for the corporate manufactured lies. As an investment advisor for many years, I calculated the price paid by a family for one lie related to their health care or financial management. Let’s take the Operation Warp Speed lie that insisted that the Covid injections were “safe and effective.” For many families, this lie has cost them a loved one’s life or health, and/or drained their financial health and future. Not falling for their lies includes not falling for their fake solutions. Fake solutions include the hope that our problems can be solved by a presidential candidate. Proposals to shut down existing institutions such as the Federal Reserve before we get our stolen money and assets returned (and in a manner that facilitates power being transferred to international organizations that enjoy sovereign immunity and operate above the law) are another category of fake solution. Other fake answers include the call to pass new laws or hold a Constitutional Convention in which the Constitution can be hopelessly altered. Solutions require, first and foremost, that we enforce the good laws we already have—and this starts with holding DOD, HUD, Treasury and its banking depository, the New York Fed, responsible to obey financial management laws both currently and retroactively. Reversing the Reset requires understanding what is happening in the financial system and how it relates to what is happening at DOD. We need to understand DOD’s ultimate goals, which means both its money laundering operation and Operation Warp Speed and where those are both going. We also need to understand how DOD’s operations thread through our local economies and lives and the power of its political “leashes” and politicians who claim to represent us. Fundamentally, though, we need to understand that we are staring down the barrel of a coup d’état, mass atrocity, and a serious escalation of global military operations. Someone is trying to kill us and U.S. Department of Defense works for them, not for us. So, we should think twice before we encourage our children and grandchildren to enlist in any semblance of its current military forces when they kick out anyone not adhering to its increasingly dangerous agendas such as taking their Covid vaccine for just one example. In closing, I once again would like to thank Sasha and Katherine for their extraordinary contributions in helping us map this terrain. They are proof that one person can make an enormous difference in this strange world we were born into, where, so far, evil is winning.

Dr. John Coleman, a former intelligence officer, an analyst, and author of world affairs, argues that a very small group of people that he calls ‘The Committee of 300’ is actually “the ruling elite who are pursuing a goal of one-world government”. According to Coleman, in this video you’ll find out that Israel does not control the world or the U.S., as some argue. It’s the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) that controls the United States.

Exposing the Cabal that Rules the World

In America, we have achieved the Orwellian prediction - enslaved, the people have been programmed to love their bondage and are left to clutch only mirage-like images of freedom, its fables and fictions. The new slaves are linked together by vast electronic chains of television that imprison not their bodies but their minds. Their desires are programmed, their tastes manipulated, their values set for them.

Gerry Spence, From Freedom to Slavery

The USA is best characterized as a decomposing corpse of a nation lorded over by a tiny clique of oligarchs who control the herd by wielding Orwellian methods of mind control.

Dmitry Orlov

In this case it is but natural — even from the dead letter standpoint, to view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis, as the real Creator and benefactor, [and] the enemy of God, is in reality, the highest divine Spirit.

Madame Blavastsky, The Secret Doctrine, Founder of the New Age Movement

Who are the Deep State? In America, they are not the leaders purposefully presented before us to perpetuate the lie that our government is for the people, but comprise of those unseen descendants of those who originally founded the nation whose bloodlines are traced back to the British, and specifically, Masonic/Templar establishment.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

Moreover, instead of viewing the January 6th storming of the Capitol building to influence Pence to break the law, which was Trump's direct command to them, they've now brainwashed themselves to believe the crowds storming the Capitol were entirely comprised of BLM and ANTIFA, in keeping with their brainwashing that only radical "commies" loot and destroy symbols of American democracy. As soon as these dupes hear the three Masonic magic words "our Founding Fathers," the Anglo-racist mind trap is at work to systemically perpetuate the lies of replacement theology toward the false ideology that only White, working-class Americans are themselves gods. Remember Satan's lie in the garden to Eve? The result? Armed to the teeth "Patriots" are today being told that their worst enemies are their own countrymen. In fact, this Satanic deception is so great, they actually believe Republicans to be of God whilst the Democrats are minions of Satan, when both the Left and the Right are actually two arms of the same evil Masonic entity that has chained all of us within a barely tolerable enslavement that they tell us is freedom.

While a relative few insurrectionists are being arrested from around the country, the vast majority that would tear the nation down in order to rebuild it on their "1776 template" of a similarly racist, imperialist-serving Masonic "New World" are purposefully left largely alone to arm, prepare and plan. If it wanted to, the Deep State could enact new laws to take down every single Oath Keeper, National Vanguard, Stormfront, Patriot Front, Aryan Nations, Aryan Brotherhood, White Revolution, and KKK member they've infiltrated, but they are themselves preparing and planning for the Collapse. The government knows that the comparative few being arrested since January 6th will only increase right-wing hatred against what they falsely perceive as (only) a socialist liberal tyranny. For every Randy Weaver or Elmer Stewart Rhodes III, there are literally millions now who view them as martyrs in need to be vindicated "for God and country." While Biden pushes a more liberal agenda politically, torches are being lit in far greater numbers by those most willing to unwittingly fulfill the US Government's Ab Ordo Chaos timeline and Masonic agenda which dictates America's fall before 2030.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

A Mortal Enemy: The Anglo-American Alliance of the New Atlantis
What the Freemasons have continually done, is replace Christianity with anything else as long as it mocks the Biblical God under a false guise of freedom that's consistently in favor of Lucifer, the enemy of God. Have they succeeded? Look around. Today's short-sighted "American patriots" interpret evil living among them in the form of their liberal neighbors while our true enemies remain hidden and unhindered in their work to destroy the nation itself. What's really damning against the deceived Right-wing in America, is that they unwittingly worship what amounts to their enemies and everything they actually stand for. They've been fooled by centuries of deceptive propaganda of what they think America stands for, against the reality that the U.S. is merely a proxy corporation controlled at the top by the City of London. 2 Corinthians 4:4 informs us that Satan is the literal ruler, power, and Prince of this world. And yet, who has become the most powerful nation in this world? Perhaps better asked, from whence did America's own racist policies originally derive and whose racist empire is America still facilitating today? Most of the elder Templar families who have emigrated to America, from Western Europe, have strong roots in the north-eastern United States, are of Nordic, Celtic, Germanic, or Anglo-Saxon/English stock, and have held political and financial influence in the New World from the start. While true, the Masonic-allied factions within the American government over these last two centuries have become well-entrenched and wholly allied to the ancient Templar cause that propels them to undertake and achieve the sinister goals of Anglo-racism, the rest of the American government carries out its duties ignorant to the central plan of the inner-caste, much like the inner caste of Freemasonry itself, as blood-keepers of the Oath [to Lucifer], keep their central secret far removed from the lower caste, who by their own connections, and lack thereof, are not entrusted to such knowledge and power. This may come as a shock to some, but to the Masonic mindset, America is nothing less than a joint venture between London and Washington in the form of a grand Masonic experiment called 'The New Atlantis,' whose 'twin pillar' political spectrum is dominated by their Left vs. Right paradigm. Of course, we have been told we carry the defining choice between what we view to be either good, or evil within the construct of our given political spectrum, and that through our collective votes, we can alter our said reality, but choice has proven to be an illusion. The paradigm was originally based upon the schism between Satan and God Himself, of which each of us still have an ultimate choice between. Thus, in place of God's eternal Kingdom in Heaven, is a temporary Masonic (Satanic) Kingdom on earth, by which most have been absolutely brainwashed in its service, believing it is the apex of all human accomplishment that carries with it the divine prominence of the [Masonic] God. The powers behind both the left and the right serve the same entity, however, having even darker forces behind them that work toward a global dictatorship that promotes their counterfeit 'God' and his son [Antichrist], in direct opposition to God and His Son, the 'two pillars' being counterfeited. Everything we learn in their Masonic history-favoring schools, everything we watch on their Masonic brainwashing televisions and film houses, is unmistakably deluged with Satanic, Masonic, and Illuminati re-education, leaving society swept away in a tidal wave of increasingly obvious mind control that propagates Western Anglo-imperialism backed by the remaining power the British Empire still wields from behind its American Empire. This same national sentiment toward Anglo-imperialism and White patriotism in its ongoing dominance over natives, remains in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Greenland, Iceland, etc., making for a clear and definitive pattern in regard to Caucasians themselves of whose greatest progenitor of imperialism was Britain and her persistent empire. By now we've all heard the account where Canadians are in shock over their English and French settlers committing genocide against Canada's indigenous population to supposedly "advance Christ" (but in reality, Antichrist). Britain's Australia did the same against the Aborigines, as did the earliest New Zealanders against the native Māori, as did the United States did against the native indigenous, as did the British and later Dutch did against South Africans. It is not a mere coincidence that Great Britain had destroyed the God-given indigenous of these lands from every corner of the earth to replace them with those of their own accursed ancestry for this is precisely part of the Luciferian plan that turned England into an empiric Masonic power that later provides Antichrist his instant world audience. And yet what do all of these subjugated races from every corner of the world have in common? They were all deceived, conquered, poisoned, sacrificed and murdered, while others were made and kept as slaves. In the place of their natural native languages, they were forced into the "King's English" in return for their lives while being forced to live in infested squalor as their new masters took for themselves the fattest places of the province using God's name, brainwashed in believing they are the the "Merovingian descendants of Christ." The occult, Masonic, Mormon, and the British royal symbol of the colonizing bee that all four share, in itself shows us the larger plan of Lucifer's globalist ambition. All four share a common heritage, meaning, a bloodline that they would say is Merovingian and Davidic, but extends much further back in antiquity to Cain. Their purposed occult imagery is quite telling therefore, a so-called "Sovereign" colonizing the entire world with his/her empiric descendancy, by deceiving, killing, stealing, and then destroying the land and planet with its collective pollution as a form of indignation against the actual Sovereign God who created it. Given how the Republican party in America actually defends both British and American colonization, how could the increasingly Trump-corrupted, institutionally racist, Hitler-favoring, status quo-serving GOP resist their next Aryan strongman in the Antichrist? One thing is certain, London's Masonic control undermining the US has continually infected every US institution for a purpose that continually escapes its citizenry.

BREAKING King Charles III (King William Next) Owns 1/6 of the Entire Planet as Earth's Largest Land Baron

*Read Article An Evil Empire: The British Royals Deliberate over the Pillage They Still Benefit From
*Read Article Indigenous Australian Senator Speaks on the Ongoing Colonization of the UK Queen
*Read Article Australian Indigenous TV Host Quits Over White Backlash to His Truthful Comments
*Read Article New Zealand Anchor with Traditional Face Tattoo Blasts Viewer’s Racist Comments
*Read Article Africans Want the Return of World’s Largest Diamond on Queen Elizabeth’s Sceptre
*Read Article A Millennia of British Monarchy Have Made Us All Weak and Subservient in the UK
*Read Article British Crown and Vatican Own the United States: Two Constitutions in America
*Read Article United States are Still Under the Authority of the British Crown and Monarchy
*Read Article America Established by British Masonry to Perpetuate False 'Freedom'
*Read Article Who Owns All of Canada [and also America]? Answer: Not its Citizens

Given how Britain's empiric extensions of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and the United States have taken giant swaths of this world's land mass using genocide as their path toward ultimate control, why are Whites living in those nations shocked to finally learn how they've obtained the land? Answer: Mind control via a white-washing of genocidal history to instill misplaced loyalty and undying patriotism to a sadistic Masonic-controlled empire, which in America was just as evil as it was genius, given how most Americans remain content to never awake from the obvious blind obedience that drives them. Therefore, it is no mere coincidence that the largest population of generational Satanists are also found within Great Britain's commonwealth nations and former colonial territories by descendants of its oldest and most elite settler families, including in America. With the discovery of America and its subsequent settling and later hidden control of its government, it was as if Cain himself had returned to Eden. At end, what every single person reading this needs to understand, is that England and its eldest Satanic elites have very purposefully colonized much of the planet to establish the foundation from which the future Antichrist will absorb increasing power that leads to a New World Order, which is why every nation mentioned above also has generational branches of powerful elitist Satanic families united in their singular goal to help bring it about. Destroying entire races of indigenous people within their own God-given nations and placing the rest under subjection was only the first part of the much larger plan toward establishing global dominance, not for God. To the majority, the seemingly contrary words of the Masonic motto of 'In God We Trust' appearing on our money seems to clash with the same Freemasons pushing for a New Secular Order, but not when you understand that their Masonic God is not the God of the Bible. Their "freedom from religion" clause that was nefariously placed within the Constitution was never there to protect Christianity, as many think, it was placed to protect that which leads toward their Masonic goal of a secular order using the antithesis of Christianity, which is also, not coincidentally, flourishing in America today. In other words, Satan has merely counterfeited everything of God, including God's own 'Prince of Peace' in Heaven, for an earthly version arising from a supposed "Divine Royalty" here on earth. While God has His chosen people that comprise Israel, Satan also has his, albeit in complete counterfeit. At end, America will have proven itself to be nothing more than a nearly 300-year Masonic experiment to perfect the British Antichrist's own future global kingdom, where all races seemingly enjoy a new era of peace and prosperity but are actually trapped within a Satanic deception where they'll ultimately defy God Himself. This is why both the British and American governments are so deeply involved with mind control programs, one-world propaganda, pagan education, and an overall agenda toward eradicating Christianity and God's Word. With new and advanced mind control networks and programs facilitated by their tightening control over the internet itself, their older projects Bluebird, Artichoke, Paperclip, and MK-Ultra, never ceased, but merely perfected their control over those who remain willingly ignorant to vainly believe their thoughts are entirely their own. As shown, it is this same "New Atlantis" and its hidden alliance with its mother country, Great Britain, that is dividing the world, America included, in a campaign called the 'Great Work' to further manipulate our collective perception in advance of a coming New World (Order) that arises like a phoenix from the ashes of our present "old world" into a glorious New Aeon. The plan is such that whatever remnant arises after the Collapse, they are to quickly fall in line with what the Druidic, and later Templar, masters of the old system have prepared for its Masonic-tainted society in the new. Understanding this, and knowing all they've achieved thus far, what is the ultimate goal of destroying one empire of their own design to pave the way for another? Answering that question goes to prove who they are, why they exist, whom they actually worship, and why they built America, as well as their actual intent for doing so.

*Read Article 'America's Stonehenge' Proves Elites Want Global Population Reduction
*Read Article America's Atlantis Stone: The Meanings Behind America's Monuments
*Read Article Mystery Babylon: Rosenkreutz Mystery of the 'Georgia Guidestones'
*Read Article America's "Atlantic Council" Supported by the British Foreign Office
*Read Article America: The New Atlantis is the Masonic Womb of the Antichrist

Evidence of that can be seen in the way academia increasingly shuns Christ completely, whilst promoting other cultural "world teachers," with the Bible-denying news media doing the same. And it's not just the theory of climate change that the media also pushes, but on the other side of that topic, networks like CNN will present a panel of New Age guru's explaining that to truly clean the planet, we all need to adopt New Age thinking, "green-living" practices, and become "Global Citizens," as outlined in the Masonic plan that is preparing this planet for a 'One World' mindset backed up by a 'Rex Mundi' to lead it. So while the left-wing media is distracting us with all of that, conservative news outlets want to make it appear they're not being increasingly herded into a White nationalist viewpoint, as the corporate powers behind the Republican party continue to produce deadly pesticides, murderous pollution, and antibiotic-resistant viruses that's literally killing both us and the planet. This is precisely why those racists under the delusion that America is for Whites only, look to Trump knowing he is their perceived "savior" of the racist 'Manifest Destiny' America was built upon. Of course, conservative media wants to hide all of that, which is why they'll purposefully seek out the relatively few Trump-bowing Blacks and Hispanics to trout out in front of the cameras, all the while Trump's cult secretly hearkens back to a time in America long before the Civil Rights era. Roll back 75+ years, and had they been born in Germany, the same devoted cult of MAGA followers that see Trump as their imperious Messiah today, would have easily recognized Adolf Hitler as the Donald Trump of their era. How could they not? Simply swap out Europe's hated minorities for America's hated minorities. Just last night, Trump became enraged over the toppled statue of renowned Freemason and Confederate general Albert Pike not far from the White House. But why is no one asking the obvious question here? What is a venerated statue of a known racist Confederate general and creator of the KKK doing in Washington DC? The answer, once again, is Freemasonry. You remember Freemasonry from your Masonic-funded flag-waving grade school, where you were commanded to stand in a literal Masonic pose and stare at their Masonic flag while uttering your Masonic-created oath to it. Afterward, you were fed the white-washed propaganda that our slave-owning 'founders' were all good men who fought off British tyranny to create a new nation based on truth, freedom, and new tyranny. As such, the current political climate and increasing divide that has resulted in a culture war of pushed ideologies did not begin when President Obama entered the White House or when White conservatives could no longer hold in their innate racist tendencies, it began when the two-party system itself was devised by Freemasons to deceive every American thereafter under the false premise of freedom of choice. As slaves within the Masonic Matrix, with America's Left and Right placed like pawns toward their inevitable war, why is no one asking who is behind this increasingly deadly culture war? Of course, the far-right cannot deprogram themselves long enough from the obvious brainwashing to see their hyper-partisan toxic culture does exist, despite their blaming all of the world's ills on liberals, exactly as they're told to do by the Masonic puppet masters heading up their conservative media. It is therefore no coincidence that such lucid assertions presented would confuse today's younger generation who've already been Masonic-conditioned into hatred against God, the Jews, Christians, Israel, and the Bible itself (via education) by the very same controlling elites in Masonic-dominated London and its sister city in Masonic-dominated Washington DC that they've also been told don't exist (by the media). History does at least admit the Puritan and Pilgrims themselves were early working emissaries of the British Crown, and its touted divinity. While Pilgrims were Separatists, seemingly, the Puritan "Christians" were openly loyal to England and the British Monarchy, as non-separating Congregationalists, who believed that the Church of England was the one true church chosen by God to rule the nation, and whatever ruling Monarch(s) that existed were chosen by God to rule the world. Instead of a Pope ruling in Christ's stead, they extended all power to the living Monarch whose Royal lineage is believed to be traced to ancient Israel itself, via bloodline. See also: The US/UK's "Pilgrim Society" ties into the evil power structure. What might be surprising to some, is that same belief is held today by an increasing number of White Americans being tainted with the Satanic lie known as British-Israelism, aka Replacement Theology from which its watered-down version known as "Replacement Theory" was originally based. No matter the specific theory or theology, such race-based tropes are used to steer Whites into White Nationalist thinking that then prepare them for recruitment into Aryan-based hate organizations. Because God commanded ancient Israel to wipe out the indigenous people living in what later became the Holy Land, many early Christian settlers in America believed they could draw a 1:1 parallel from that to determine that God wanted also them to exact a genocide against America's Natives for the exact same reasons that amounted to God's supposed blessing.

*Read Article Trump's Violent and Brainwashed MAGA: [M]aking [A]merica [G]odforsaken for the [A]ntichrist 666
*Read Article Tucker Carlson Once Again Allowed to Preach Racist-Inspired 'Replacement Theory' on Fox News
*Read Article 'Replacement Theory's' Own Tucker Carlson Blames Biden and Democrats for Buffalo Shooting
*Read Article Far-Right Host Tucker Carlson Might Have Just Delivered His Most Racist Fox News Rant Yet
*Read Article Republican Newt Gingrich Appears to Tout Racist 'Great Replacement' Theory on Morning Fox
*Read Article Republican Strategy on Shootings Revealed: Downplay White Nationalism and Blame the Left
*Read Article DHS Whistleblower Was Forced to Downplay White Supremacists by the Trump Administration
*Read Article Trump Wants to Label ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization But Not White Supremacist Groups
*Read Article FBI Agent Says Trump Has Hamstrung FBI Efforts into Investigating White Terror Groups
*Read Article TIME MAGAZINE: Analyzing America's Resurging Brand of Racism in the Trump Era
*Read Article Satanic Occultism and Paganism is at the Heart of the Nazi Alt-Right Movement
*Read Article British Neo-Nazi's Calling for 'Aryan Laws' and a Return to Pagan Worship

The racism rooted in Britain's imperialism and its colonization methods that resulted from such Manifest Destiny speaks to many American Christians to this day who reinforce Britain's sadistic narratives that the British and Americans are God's elect, while the rest of mankind not bred via Britain's largest Commonwealth nations are somehow inferior by reason of birth, thus allowing these larger Commonwealths such as Canada, Australia, and yes, the U.S., to dehumanize darker-skinned "foreigners" despite these same nations doing so from countries that were themselves the result of British racist colonization whose own darker-skinned Natives know the truth while the colonizers educate their children to accept Britain's imperialism outright to this day. Combined with a form of nationalistic megalomania, Trump uses this superiority complex to great advantage over his equally deluded flock. Does all of this mean we should not support American patriotism, on its face? Of course not. But when the hidden hand that actually runs the show brings forward such men like Obama, only to then bring in men like Trump, and then Biden (and Trump again?), in order to expedite the larger Masonic agenda and plan, how can we the collective people not see it? Of that first tier of hidden government that is not elected, but generational, no one can deny that America's once defining Christian identity is increasingly redefined away from Christian precept and dogma. Nowhere can their twisted endeavor be seen more than in our Godless, state-funded academic institutions, called schools, where the goal of these pagan-churning centers of higher learning release an increasing number of radical liberals into society, conditioned toward social utopianism, carrying an even greater inviolable form of systematic atheism than the generation before it. Understand also, the evil forces beholden to Britain who initiated these governments increasingly gain advantage no matter which party holds office, especially in America. While they never appear in public to announce their hidden agenda, you can nonetheless see their nefarious workings over the centuries as proofs of their own obvious existence. If the Republicans hold the most influence, then all of their Anglo-corporate monopolies take advantage where profits are always placed above the people. If the Democrats lead in America, then more laws are pushed to further erode the people's former Christian values to the point of this post-Roman empire's impending fall. In either case, the hidden archons win and the people's reward is ultimately Antichrist despite any one's current view of the distracting illusion called American politics and democracy. After recently viewing a live round-table debate with younger adults discussing the building of a "New World Amidst Climate Change" to hear all of the points made to best achieve their stated goals, it dawned on me that none of them will ever realize how their generation was literally programmed into such cult-like globalist, one world, "global village" thinking during their formal years in the education system, pushed by a Masonic-tainted intelligentsia of Christian-subverting academics that daily provided the foundational building blocks toward establishing a wholly secular, environmentally-centered, racist-tainted, pagan-friendly, witchcraft-leaning, elitist-tithing, fascist-serving, great-reset utopia as mankind's highest achievement yet to attain. Both sides of the political divide would revolt in unison if they knew what the powers behind our government were insidiously involved with. Instead of that, the controlled media creates purposefully polarizing narratives designed to enflame tensions all the more by setting one evil of the elite's own devising against another. Who's behind such control? Why? Ordo Ab Chao. The Antichrist will be backed by the Illuminati, even as they're presenting him to the world as a hero and great humanitarian already despite his actual connections to evil via his family and extended bloodline who've been presented as benevolent humanitarians for at least the last seven decades, and this despite they never actually helped anyone, not on the grand scale they could, given their unmatched power, prestige, political influence, and vast riches. And what are we to think about a Queen who while constantly finding new ways to snub grandson Harry to get at half-Black Meghan Markle, goes to equal if not greater lengths to shield her pedophile Son Andrew, all the while the media portrays her in such biased glowing terms? This is still the same woman who gave Nazi salutes (during Hitler's rise to power) when prompted by her apparently influential parents to which the media also made excuses on her behalf for even that. The British royal family and their elite corporations sit atop a financial behemoth of a Beast, holding the kind of control in this world where they could collectively eradicate hunger, famine, and homelessness virtually overnight, but in the last 70 years she's been on the Throne, what has the Queen or anyone among her family actually done besides the common photo op? Nothing. Why? The world's increasing problems, therefore, many of which were purposefully created by the Western powers themselves over the last century, exist so that the future Antichrist will be looked upon as a messianic figure when he suddenly appears after their 'Collapse" to facilitate every solution that is already prepared for him.

*A MUST READ BOOK Franklin Scandal: America's Elite Connections Within Satanism and Child Sex Traffick

Hillary Clinton & John Podesta's E-Mails Revealed Underworld of Satanic Parties
that Media Has Attempted to Cover-Up Since it was Exposed on WikiLeaks
by Threatening the Freedom and Livelihood of Dissident Julian Assange

(Below) Painting "Satan Summoning His Legions" Miriam Abramovic, Jacob Rothschild

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Whether the country wants to address the horror or simply bury their heads in the sand - the inconvenient truth implies that the British Establishment is in fact a Freemasonic club of psychotic pedophile murderers, in which the entire House of Commons, the judiciary, police and royalty are nothing more than the managers of a vast organization, tasked with maintaining the status quo and the worship of Lucifer for their own evil and nefarious ends.

The Hampstead Heath Satanic Cover-up in England

The alleged sex abuse is primarily thought to have happened in institutions, Bailey said, with 666 of the suspects believed to have targeted victims in establishment places. A total of 154 schools, 75 children’s homes and 40 places of religious worship were among the institutions identified. Bailey stressed UK authorities are seeing "an unprecedented increase" in the number of allegations surfacing. In March, it also emerged that Britain's police watchdog was expanding its operation to investigate police cover-ups of historic sex abuse in the UK. Allegations being investigated by the IPCC span from the 1970s to the 2000s, and include cases where inquiries into MPs, actors and the clergy were dropped due to pressure from senior officers. One claim asserts detectives in central London gathered evidence against a high-profile pedophile ring operating in Britain, and that a file has been submitted to begin proceedings against those identified.

Child Sex Abuse Found Among UK Elite

A European Banker Speaks of Human Sacrifice of Children and Exposes Illuminati

*Read Article As a Utah Sheriff Investigates Several Satanic Crimes the County Attorney Implicates Himself
*Read Article Same Attorney, Accused Satanist Buys a Scottish Castle to Continue Satanic Crimes There
*Read Article Utah Psychologist Connected to Satanic Pedophile Ring Arrested for Child Patient Rape
*Read Article New Arrest Made in Utah Satanic Abuse Case Involving Well-Connected Child Sex Ring
*Read Article Former Child Sex Crimes Prosecutor in Utah Has Been Arrested for Child Pornography
*Read Article NBC Networks are Covering for Utah Satanists by Accusing Accusers of Satanic Panic
*Read Article NBC & Other Mainstream Media Have History Defending Satanic Temple on Abortion
*Read Article A Current Utah FBI Employee is Arrested w/ Multiple Counts of Sex Abuse on a Minor
*Read Article South Carolina Elite Mom Arrested for Child Pornography and Wanting to Abuse Girls
*Read Article CNN Producer is Arrested After Recruiting Moms, Underage Daughters for Sex Traffick
*Read Article Former ABC News Producer for “Nightline” and “20/20” Arrested on Child Porn Charge
*Read Article Royal Academy of Arts and Rothschild Foundation Hosts Satanist Miriam Abramovic
*Read Article The BBC Media Owned by Illuminati, Persuades Readers that the Illuminati is Fake
*Read Article How BBC Show 'TOTP' was a Breeding Ground for Sex Molesters Including Jimmy Savile
*Read Article BBC Honors the Royal Family's Own Rewarded Satanic Pedophile, Jimmy Savile
*Read Article BBC and Microsoft Form a Coalition to Police Free Speech, Censor Conspiracies
*Read Article Why Are the UK and US Media *Still* Silent on Pfizer Covid Vaccine Deaths?
*Read Article Queen Elizabeth Praises the Media's Role During the Coronavirus Pandemic
*Read Article Pandora Papers Making Euro Commission, Queen Elizabeth Look Innocent
*Read Article The Queen's Power Over Media in Ending Investigation into Pedophile Son
*Read Article The UK Queen Expresses a Ringing Support for Global Mainstream Media
*Read Article Royals Threatened ABC a "Million Ways" if it Ran Epstein Reports in 2015
*Read Article Prince Harry Exposes Royal "Invisible Contract" that Controls UK Press
*Read Article How Britain's Queen Elizabeth Still Owns Much of the Planet Today
*Read Article Prince Charles & Archbishop Funded Convicted Pedophile Priest
*Read Article Queen Elizabeth Warns Press to Stay Away From Prince Andrew
*Read Article Ghislaine Maxwell was Given Free Access to the Royal Palace
*Read Article Jeffrey Epstein Acted Like Jimmy Savile Preying on Underage
*Read Article New Documents Reveal Jeffrey Epstein Didn't Kill Himself

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

An FBI dossier on Mountbatten, released thanks to a Freedom of Information request, reveals shocking information about the royal who was a mentor to his grand-nephew Prince Charles. The intelligence files contain information suggesting that Lord Mountbatten was a pedophile with "a perversion for young boys." American intelligence officers began compiling the dossier in 1944, after Mountbatten was named Supreme Allied Commander of Southeast Asia [during World War II]. The decorated war hero was seen as a father figure to the young Charles, his great-nephew, and is even credited with introducing his father, Prince Philip to Queen Elizabeth. Mountbatten was second cousin to Elizabeth and introduced her to his nephew, Philip. Hence, Elizabeth and Philip are third cousins of each other. Mountbatten is also great uncle to Prince Andrew, friend of Jeffrey Epstein. Prophetic words, considering the BBC’s willful coverup of Jimmy Savile’s [Satanic] crimes. Perhaps the truth about the Kincora Boys Home will finally come out.

FBI Files: Lord Mountbatten was a Pedophile / The Sordid Act

[Jimmy Savile] chanted “Hail Satan” in Latin as other pedophile devil worshippers joined in and assaulted the girl at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. The attack, which happened in 1975, shines a sinister new light on Savile's 54-year reign of terror in the UK. Savile, who died aged 84 in October 2011, is now Britain’s worst sex offender after police revealed he preyed on at least 450 victims aged eight to 47. The girl kept her torment hidden for nearly 20 years before finally opening up to therapist Valerie Sinason. She was molested, raped and beaten and heard words that sounded like ‘Ave Satanas’ being chanted. There was no mention of any other child being there and she cannot remember how long the attack lasted but she was left extremely frightened and shaken.” Savile was a volunteer porter and fundraiser at the hospital between 1965 and 1988 and had his own quarters there. Five years after the hospital attack, he abused a second victim during another Satanic Black Mass ceremony held at a house on a wealthy London street. The woman was 21 at the time and was made to attend an orgy, which later took on a darker twist.

Jimmy Savile Was Part of a Satanic Ring

WASHINGTON POST -- Savile palled around with the Royal Family, reportedly spent holidays with the Thatcher's, and was 'knighted' not only by Queen Elizabeth but by Pope John Paul II. He was, after all, a great man. He raised $5.2 million for a hospital in Leeds, one of the United Kingdom’s largest. However, Savile, according to a U.K. National Health Service investigation released Thursday, was a prolific pedophile. The health service investigation only confirmed behavior described in several earlier probes since his death. With unfettered access to Leeds General Infirmary, the health service report said, he raped and fondled boys, girls, men and women in offices and corridors. He also allegedly committed sexual acts on dead bodies. In all, Savile is believed to have abused at least 500 girls and boys, some as young as two, most between 13 and 15, as well as countless adults ranging up to 75 years old. As shocking as the findings are, even more shocking is the fact that Savile got away with it for so long. That realization has “shaken our country to the core,” UK Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said Thursday. For decades, while Savile hosted show after show, the abuse went on. One woman recalled Savile sexually assaulting her when she was 16. After he was done, he turned an imperial eye to her and said, “You won’t talk about this. Nobody will believe you. I’m Jimmy Savile.”

How Jimmy Savile Got Away with Abusing 500 Children and Sex with Dead Bodies

Today we can reveal the documents had been vetted by Buckingham Palace and that the serial sex attacker's Royal connections were removed. One reference Savile made about a cousin of the Queen [Princess Alexandra] was included in an internal police report released in January. But on Tuesday, when Surrey Police published the interview transcripts, there was no mention of her. Other references to Royalty were also seemingly erased - and during our fight to obtain the records, police let slip Buckingham Palace's involvement. Tony Smith, the force's information access manager, made the reference as he explained why it was taking so long to release the documents. He told us that, as well as going to a senior police chief outside the force, the papers had gone "to Buckingham Palace to consider...because they are mentioned in it."

Since, there is no more mention of Buckingham Palace or anyone from the Royal Family in the now edited transcripts, [despite] Savile, who was given an OBE by the Queen in 1972 and 'knighthood' in 1990, being someone who loved to name-drop his Royal connections. He was also a confidant of Princess Diana and claimed to have helped the Duchess of York as her marriage to Prince Andrew fell apart. Crucially, in his 1974 autobiography Savile boasted of his friendship with the same cousin of the Queen. If detectives had investigated that reference by looking at his memoirs, they would have discovered he was someone who [often] preyed on vulnerable young girls. As we revealed in May, Government papers showing links between Savile and Prince Charles were redacted. A Palace spokesman said: "We would not comment on police or Freedom of Information matters."

Royal Cover Up: Police Censor Jimmy Savile Interview Transcript

BREAKING Epstein/Maxwell: The Royal-Connected Billionaires Trafficked Girls as Young as 11
BREAKING Royals Threatened ABC a "Million Ways" if it Ran Reports Against Epstein in 2015
BREAKING The Queen's Power Over the Media in Ending Investigation into Her Pedophile Son
BREAKING Royal Exposed: Andrew Still Met Jeffrey Epstein While He was Under House Arrest
BREAKING Epstein's Recruiter Ghislaine Maxwell Had Complete Access to Royal Palace 4x a Day
BREAKING Like Pedo Epstein, Satanist Jimmy Savile Had Free Reign Inside All UK Royal Palaces
BREAKING British Royal Family and US Government Protected Prince Andrew in the Epstein Scandal
BREAKING After Epstein Died, Ghislaine was Spotted at California Cafe with a "CIA Operatives" Book
BREAKING Jeffrey Epstein's Leaked Calendar Reveals Elites Including Acting CIA Chief William Burns

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

It has been eight days since the public first learned from a leaked video of journalist Amy Robach that ABC News executives in 2016 spiked her reporting on high-powered, globe-trotting pedophile Jeffery Epstein and his network of well-connected sexual predators. It has been seven days since the public first learned that ABC conspired with CBS News to have an individual fired from her job with the latter because ABC suspected that she is the one who leaked the video. In all this time, ABC [Disney] has refused to provide the public with a credible or reasonable explanation for any of its actions. I cannot stress enough just how big of a media scandal this is. ABC News spiked a story about a prolific pederast and his cohort because, according to the journalist whose coverage was killed, the report implicated a [still un-arrested] member of the royal family and the news network was hungry for an exclusive interview with Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. There is no version of reality where ABC does not look evil in this. The way things look, ABC/Disney is involved in a far-ranging conspiracy to protect child abusers.

Washington Examiner

The evil that governs this world couldn't have manufactured a better psy-op as cover from which to continue their reign of terror upon the voiceless. ABC's own Amy Robach's admission that the British royals threatened ABC "a million different ways" in order to suppress the truth about Jeffrey Epstein in 2016 in itself speaks volumes and should be thoroughly investigated. In lieu of the facts presented, and every other heinous testimony provided during the latter half of the last century about the British royals, much of which borders on shocking with allegations of Satanic worship, it is interesting how they're always presented as charming and even harmless, which is apparently both an act on their part as much as it's a deception being propagated by their press office and the media at large. And yet, even a moment's research looking up the egregious name of US Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino would instantly prove the media is lying to cover up for the same Satanic elites that facilitate their very existence. While the media literally runs amuck with questionable science and theories, they stifle every truth that relates back to the same corporate elite behind all of it.

In addition, the corporate-funded and facilitated media is going to have to come up with a better excuse than affluent, generational, theistic Satanists don't exist in order to protect the British royal family. The same media brass that strong-armed reporter Amy Robach into not exposing Jeffrey Epstein prematurely to the world, are not limited to the Disney-owned ABC network but extend into all mainstream media that is controlled at the top by the very same Satanic elites who obstruct and hamper all news implicating themselves, or their child kidnapping, pedophilia, and/or Satanic sacrificial rings of its most elite members, including the British Royal Family itself. (See Pizzagate). The elite-owned media would much rather have you listening to all their latest climate change stories to enforce "green thinking," or how many have died from Covid-19 that day to best set the stage for a necessary "vaccine." Of that, Trump's own followers should question how is it that while not believing in any protective measures for the virus, that their dear leader has ensured an expedient roll-out of the vaccine via "Operation Warp Speed"? They should question how far Trump has gone to please globalists before to see where they are being herded next, in 2024, like sheep.

Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King

British Royal Family Caught Lying Again to Protect Their Namesake

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Read Article Queen Shows Glowing Support for Favorite Son Prince Andrew Amid Epstein Underage Sex Scandal
*Read Article Before She Died UK Queen Elizabeth II Warned the Western Media to Stay Away From Prince Andrew
*Read Article UK Royals Also at Center of Courting Banksters, Cartels and Weapon Smugglers at Royal Residence
*Read Article Trump Lied About Not Knowing Prince Andrew Who Trump Previously Announced Was "a Lot of Fun"
*Read Article Trump's Own Labor Secretary Broke US Law Protecting the Underage Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein
*Read Article Trump and Wife Melania are Photographed with Notorious Underage Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein
*Read Article Watch Donald Trump and Prince Andrew Meet Up Just Before Jeffrey Epstein's Arrest and "Suicide"

1/3/12: Associated Press LONDON — A murder mystery with elements of an Agatha Christie whodunit is unfolding at the vast country estate where Queen Elizabeth II and her family gathered in rural splendor to celebrate Christmas and New Year's. British police said that a young woman's body was found in the forest at Sandringham and that they are treating it as a murder case. An autopsy was conducted Tuesday, but the precise cause of death was not disclosed, and investigators have yet to establish the woman's identity. The royal family is not implicated in the crime in any way. The body was discovered by a dog walker on New Year's Day 5 kilometers (three miles) from the Queen's elegant country home. Norfolk police said tests showed the body had been there one to four months. Police said a forensic pathologist found that it was highly unlikely the death was of natural causes and that there was no evidence of accidental injury. Investigators hoped to use DNA to identify the woman. The Queen and her husband, Prince Philip, celebrated the holidays at Sandringham with their children and grandchildren. The royal couple were still at Sandringham on Tuesday. Forensics investigators in white gear were seen walking through the woods Tuesday in an area cordoned off by police. "We are at the very early stages of the investigation and it could be a complex inquiry," Detective Chief Inspector Jes Fry said Tuesday. "The body had been there for some time." Fry said authorities were examining missing-person reports and unsolved cases around the country to see if there were any possible links. In 2010, the body of a 46-year-old woman was found on the crown estate near Windsor Castle. She had apparently been killed by hammer blows to her head. Her estranged husband was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 26 years in prison. Last March, the body of an American with a royal obsession was found on an island in the park opposite Buckingham Palace. Authorities said Robert James Moore, who had sent rambling letters and strange packages to the Queen, may have been dead for as much as three years. The cause of death was not determined. Now Sandringham, which has served as a private residence for British monarchs since 1862, has been touched as well. Sandringham has long been one of the Queen's favorite residences, especially during the holidays. The Queen has a long-established routine that calls for presents to be exchanged on Christmas Eve, followed by a church service in the morning and a gala lunch. There are usually long walks through the same countryside as well. The royal family also typically enjoys horseback riding and shooting parties at Sandringham in the brisk winter weather. Buckingham Palace officials are staying mum about the murder case. Police are keeping many details confidential as they "try to develop leads." I cannot confirm whether she was clothed because only my staff, the person who found the body, and the person or people who put it there know that, and I would like it to stay that way," Chief Inspector Fry said.

*Read Article 60 MINUTES: History of Child-Murdering Satanism Discovered in Great Britain's Highest Offices
*Read Article UK Commander Lord Mountbatten, Grand Uncle/Mentor of Prince Charles, Loved Young Boys
*Read Article Prince Charles Tried to Keep His Links to Known Pedophile Bishop Peter Ball a Secret: Why?
*Read Article Both King Charles and the Archbishop of Canterbury Funded a Convicted Pedophile Priest
*Read Article The Evil History of the Satanic Global Elite’s Pedophile Bloodlust for Young Boys/Children
*Read Article US Army General Michael Aquino Abused Children in His 'Temple of Set' Satanic Rituals
*Read Article Satanic Witches are Caught Operating a Child Sex Trafficking Ring in Glasgow, Scotland
*Read Article Many in Scotland Want Thousands of 17th Century Witches Posthumously Pardoned
*Read Article Scotland Calling for a 'National Memorial' Be Entirely Dedicated to Scottish Witches
*Read Article The Queen Shows Support for Prince Andrew Amid Epstein Underage Sex Scandal
*Read Article The Prince and Jimmy Savile: Charles’ Connections to Several Pedophilia Networks
*Read Article TIME MAGAZINE: England is the Land of Royals and Horrific Pedophilia Coverups
*Read Article Hundreds of British Children Knowingly Given to Pedophiles For Decades
*Read Article British, American, and Western European Elites are Satanic Pedophiles
*Read Article Berlin Ignores Police Racism After Police Caught Sharing Nazi Content
*Read Article German Politicians Sent Children to Live With Pedophiles for Decades
*Read Article 2 German Childcare Centers Issue "Child Sex Rules" in Sick Manifesto
*Read Article Pedophiles Receive Shorter Prison Sentences in Covid-era Britain/UK
*Read Article Royal's Buckingham Palace is the Centre of a Vast Pedophile Network


Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Related Article Despite Dead Bodies, the Queen Says Sandringham is Still Her Most Comfortable Estate
*Related Article A Baphomet Satanic Plaque was Unearthed at the Queen’s Holyrood Park Estate in Scotland
*Related Article Woman’s Body Was Found Outside Queen's Estate Where the Royals Spend Their Christmas
*Related Article Another Body Was Found Outside Kensington Palace, Where Prince William and Kate Reside
*Related Article European Royals are Accused of Operating Human Hunting Parties Similar to 'The Hunt' Film

Teens were drugged, stripped naked, raped, hunted down in the woods and killed by European royals according to eyewitness to testify before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. The woman was the fourth eyewitness to give accounts about these human hunting parties of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. A former member of the Netherlands criminal drug syndicate known as Octopus testified that victims were obtained for these human hunting parties from juvenile detention centers in Belgium and Holland.

The Hunt or Hunger Games?

At her trial, Ghislaine Maxwell blamed only Jeffrey Epstein for her direct involvement in trafficking young girls to the world's elite society of millionaires and billionaires, past presidents, tech giants, European royalty, etc., instead of the British royal family itself who facilitated both Epstein and Maxwell's enterprise of child prostitution for two decades prior. This was the real reason Maxwell met with the royals up to four times per day, not because of the media's own cover story that Ghislaine had an affair with Prince Andrew, but that the senior royals themselves had an investment and stake in the globalist's network of Satanic pedophilia itself. Of course, the corporate media will tell you Satanism or its controlling elites cannot exist, while in the next breath promote literally everything the elites demand of society going forward. The corporate-funded and facilitated media is going to have to come up with a better excuse than affluent, generational, theistic Satanists don't exist in order to protect the British royal family.

And what are we to think about a Queen who while constantly finding new ways to snub grandson Harry to get at half-Black Meghan Markle, goes to equal if not greater lengths to shield her pedophile Son Andrew, all the while the media portrays her in such biased glowing terms? This is still the same woman who gave Nazi salutes (during Hitler's rise to power) when prompted by her apparently influential parents to which the media also made excuses on her behalf for even that. The British royal family and their elite corporations sit atop a financial behemoth of a Beast, holding the kind of control in this world where they could collectively eradicate hunger, famine, and homelessness virtually overnight, but in the last 70 years she's been on the Throne, what has the Queen or anyone among her family actually done besides the common photo op? Nothing. Why? The world's many problems, many of which were actually created by the British government and the Royals themselves, will be purposefully left for King William to fix.

Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King

BREAKING Despite 30+ People Accusing w/ 12 Sex Charges Against Him, Kevin Spacey Cleared in a UK Court
BREAKING Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service Dismisses Crimes Against Hollywood Mogul Harvey Weinstein
BREAKING BBC's Own Reporter Huw Edwards Found Guilty in UK Court for Child Sex Abuse Photos is Set Free
BREAKING Female Serial Killer of 7 Babies Who Attempted to Murder 6 More is Given a Cushy Life in UK Prison
BREAKING Proof of UK Satanism Again: Murderer David Fuller Allowed Entrance to Have 'Sex' with Dead Bodies
BREAKING From London to Manchester: Police Are Purposefully Mishandling Cases Involving a Pedophile Elite
BREAKING UK Manchester Police Left Young Children at the Mercy of Grooming Gang Pedophiles in Rochdale
BREAKING Hundreds of UK/British Children Were Given to Pedophiles by UK Government 'Over Many Decades'

The UK Government is Proven to Protect Elite Satanists and Satanic Child Abusers

UK Government Has Erased the One and Only Database Proving Their Involvement

*Read Article Dr. John Dee, the Necronomicon and the Cleansing of the World - A Must Read
*Read Article UK Government Names Modern Druidism as an Official State Religion in 2010
*Read Article Several B/W Films of a Young Princess Elizabeth Becoming a Druid Bard 1946
*Read Article Occult Paganism is 'Second Most Popular Faith' in Southwest England Today
*Read Article Princess Elizabeth Made a Welsh Druid (Druids Known for Human Sacrifices)
*Read Article Prince Charles is a Known Member of the "Gorsedd Druid Council" of Wales
*Read Article Project Monarch: British Monarchy Antichrist Programming and Mind Control
*Read Article In 1945 the Royals Destroyed Proofs of Their Support of Hitler's Rise
*Read Article Why the Masonic Queen of England Only Pretends to be a Christian

*Related Article UK Government Actively Hiding Data of How Many Children Have Died from the Covid Vaccines
*Related Article UK Government Again Delaying the Funding of Services that Work to Prevent Child Trafficking
*Related Article UK Anglican Church Sacks Team Investigating Sex Abuse, Investigation was “Met with Hostility”
*Related Article The General Public's Trust in Their UK/British Government is Finally Beginning to Break Down

WATCH VIDEO (BBC) British Broadcasting Company Tellingly Mocks The History of Satanic Rituals
BREAKING The US Department of Justice Now Admits that Cannibalistic Generational Satanism Exists
BREAKING How BBC Show 'TOTP' Became a Virtual Breeding Ground for Sex Molesters like Jimmy Savile
BREAKING Britian's BBC Media Honors the Royal Family's Own Rewarded Satanic Pedophile Jimmy Savile
BREAKING The Royal-Awarded and BBC Satanist Jimmy Savile Abused 500 Kids and Had Sex with the Dead
BREAKING Like Savile, Murderer David Fuller was also Allowed Entrance to Have Sex with Dead Bodies
BREAKING Royal Friend Jimmy Savile was Part of a Satanic Abuse Ring According to His Many Victims
BREAKING Like Jeffrey Epstein, BBC Satanist Jimmy Savile Had 'Free Reign' Inside UK Royal Palaces
BREAKING BBC's 'First Day' Promotes Transgender 12-Year Old Actor For the BBC's Children’s Channel
BREAKING BBC Now Encouraging its Staff to Take Time Out and List Their ‘Transexual-Friendly’ Nouns

*Read Article ABC Reporter Who Claimed Pizzagate was Fake Pleads Guilty to Having Child Pornography
*Read Article CNN Producer is Arrested After Recruiting Moms, Underage Daughters for Sex Traffick
*Read Article Former ABC News Producer for “Nightline” and “20/20” Arrested on Child Porn Charge
*Read Article US Gym Team Sue Justice Dept and FBI Over $1Billion for Their Pedophile Cover-up

The BBC Huw Edwards Case and its Long History of Harboring Known Pedophiles

What is the legal position of the “BBC Celebrity Presenter” accused of sending a child money for sexualized pictures of that child? The sex of the child has not yet been named. Surprisingly the most informative article I have found is from the BBC’s own Home and Legal Correspondent Dominic Casciani. Indeed, the BBC presenter, Huw Edwards, paid a young person £35,000 for sexual photos. The payments are said to have begun when the teenager was 17 - which is over the age of sexual consent. But that's not the relevant law when it comes to allegedly indecent images. The Protection of Children Act 1978 says that it is a crime to take, make, share and possess indecent images of people under 18. The maximum sentence is 10 years. A person under the age of 18 cannot give their consent to the images being taken. So it is cut and dried, these are criminal offences, if what we have read so far from the newspaper that broke the story The Sun, is accurate. In response to the Sun’s original article, which broke the story, the BBC has said, “We treat any allegations very seriously and we have processes in place to proactively deal with them. "As part of that, if we receive information that requires further investigation or examination, we will take steps to do this. “That includes actively attempting to speak to those who have contacted us in order to seek further detail and understanding of the situation.” He added: “If, at any point, new information comes to light or is provided — including via newspapers — this will be acted upon appropriately, in line with internal processes.” The statement is just more PR fluff and guff that the BBC [and other royal-connected media --C.O.] are well known for. The child’s mother contacted the BBC in May, asking the BBC to get the presenter to stop sending money which was fueling the child’s drug habit. Technically the BBC supposedly could not stop Huw Edwards doing this as the child is now aged 20. However, the BBC would have had some leverage against Edwards as it is a sordid matter, involving an asynchrony of age and power, even if the young person was aged 20. However the payments actually began when the child was 17 and were thus illegal. Despite the illegality, after the mother contacted the BBC in May, the BBC did not report the presenter to the police and did not suspend him. He even continued presenting and apparently partying with BBC bosses. In fact, Huw Edwards has been described as "the face of the BBC itself" so the BBC not suspending him immediately shows their compliance, again. By Friday July 7, the day of the first public reporting, the still unnamed presenter (at that time) was said to have been taken off air, but BBC clearly lied (again). Edwards was only suspended on Sunday July 9th, despite “BBC guidelines which state that any staff member accused of a serious breach of conduct can be 'immediately suspended”. No official report has been made from the BBC to the police although they spoke on the 9th and they met today on 10th July. The BBC’s maladministration and lack of action has meant that intense speculation has filled the void and the BBC must take full responsibility for that. The BBC article on the legal situation may have had an ulterior motive, in line with the current government agenda with the Online Harms Bill, i.e., to curb people commenting on social media. “Anyone speculating today on social media about the identity of the presenter should think very, very carefully about the consequences. They could be sued for the harm they cause and financially ruined. An innuendo can be just as catastrophic to reputation.” People telling the truth is seen as a threat to government, intelligence services, the BBC, the deceptively named Trusted News Initiative which the BBC founded and to other authorities e.g., WHO, UN, NATO who all often peddle false narratives, as spectacularly seen during “Covid” and the ongoing “climate change” narratives.

*Read Book Pedophilia and the Empire: Satan, Sodomy, and the (UK) Deep State -A Must Read
*Read Article The BBC Media Owned by Illuminati, Persuades Readers that the Illuminati is Fake
*Read Article BBC and Microsoft Form a Coalition to Police Free Speech, Censor Conspiracies
*Read Article The BBC Cannot Hide its Obvious Hate for the Existence of the State of Israel

As per their usual, the worst spreaders of misinformation and disinformation in this recent BBC case was the mainstream corporate media itself. The Independent reprehensibly even illustrated their Facebook post of this story with a picture of Rylan Clark. Rylan Clark, Gary Lineker and the authoritarian Jeremy Vine then had to rule themselves out as "the presenter" in question. Lucy Frazer, the Culture Secretary, has held urgent talks with BBC boss, Time Davie, and so perhaps things will develop faster now. However, the British government is caught in an interesting position (again) and has secrets of their own, and cases like this often end up with a blackmail standoff. Similarly, the Met Police has a host of secrets on child abuse they do not want public and the British government itself keeps losing all information regarding the explosion of recorded child sex abuse cases occurring nationwide...again, for some reason. (Update July 10, 2023) In another twist, Ranger commented on this article with a link - Sky reports BBC Edwards accused of paying teen for sexually explicit photos including those of children. And now, the teenager at the center of the crisis says Huw Edwards did nothing wrong- but their parents double down on claims and accuse the BBC star of 'getting into their child's head.' Moreover, and perhaps most telling, Scotland Yard is saying they are not investigating BBC's top presenter, Huw Edwards, 'who paid the teen £35,000 for their most explicit photos. The Met says they are currently 'assessing information' - after officers met bosses on Zoom despite a backlash at the media corporations handling of this latest sex pics scandal. The Sun says “E-mails seen by The Sun show the stepfather told the Beeb on May 19 of bank statements detailing huge payments from Edwards.” The family of the youngster ‘paid by BBC star for sex pictures’ says BBC overwhelmingly ignored the bombshell testimony given seven weeks ago. The lawyer of the young person even admitted that the BBC announced to him that 'Nothing inappropriate happened' in this BBC presenter row, so it is not hard to guess who will be paying for Edward's defense here. (Update July 31, 2024) Former British TV presenter Huw Edwards, the long-time face of the BBC's flagship news program, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to three counts of making indecent pictures of children. Edwards was the BBC's highest paid journalist and top news anchor until he quit in April, following allegations he had paid a young person thousands of pounds for sexually explicit photos, something which is [as yet] unconnected to the criminal charges. The 62-year-old was a household name in Britain for more than two decades, announcing the death of Queen Elizabeth to the nation in 2022 and leading coverage of elections, royal weddings and the 2012 Olympics. But he has not been on TV screens for a year and Wednesday's court appearance, which caps a dramatic fall from grace, was his first in public since then. Edwards made his way through a throng of photographers and camera crews into London's Westminster Magistrates' Court, where he admitted having been sent several indecent images of children between December 2020 and August 2021. Asked if he wished to indicate a plea to the three charges, which related to three different categories of indecent images, Edwards said: "Guilty". Judge Paul Goldspring said Edwards would be sentenced on Sept. 16 and that "all options", including an immediate prison sentence, would be considered. During the 25-minute hearing, prosecutor Ian Hope said Edwards had been sent a total of 377 sexually explicit images by an adult male on WhatsApp, 41 of which were indecent, illegal sexual images of nude children. Hope said seven of the 41 images were of the most serious kind and that two of those seven were pornographic videos of a child possibly aged between seven and nine years old.

BREAKING BBC Claims to be 'Shocked' at the 'Abhorrent Behavior' Perpetrated by Their Own Anchor
BREAKING BBC's Huw Edwards Pleads Guilty to Having Nude Child Pictures and Child Porn Videos
BREAKING BBC Paid Huw Edwards 200,000 Pounds Even After His Arrest for Having Child Images

The last indecent image was sent to Edwards in August 2021, when the man who sent it said "the male in the film was quite young-looking and that he has more images which are illegal", Hope said. He added that Edwards told the male "not to send him illegal images and no more are sent from this point", though his chat continued and further legal pornographic images were sent to him without argument. Edwards' lawyer Philip Evans emphasized that the charges to which his client had indicated guilty pleas related only to images that were sent to him via WhatsApp. "There is no suggestion in this case that Mr. Edwards has in any way made, in the traditional sense of the word, any images in any physical way or created any images of any sort," Evans said. Edwards made no comment as he left the court building. Claire Brinton of Britain's Crown Prosecution Service said in a statement: "Accessing 350 indecent images of men with at least 41 of them being of underage boys mostly between the ages of 13 to 15 years of age. In addition to that, Edwards was in possession of a child porn video of an abused 7-years-old boy." Suffice it to say, the BBC look out of their depth here, as each day their brand is damaged even if they were somehow to be miraculously exonerated by a twist coming from those behind the BBC [British royal family?]. The family and their child now addicted to crack is just collateral damage for all parties involved. But, the BBC is at the center of another storm that many believe is of its own making due to their previous sordid history of employing pedophiles and consistently being forced to cover up for them. Strangely, this is nothing new. It has known that organizations take a great deal of care over their logos and image. As such, the founder of the BBC, the royal-connected Lord Reith (who himself had an unhealthy interest in adolescents) commissioned a statue to stand forever above the BBC main door in 1933 by the self-admitted child rapist Eric Gill. Gill's commissioned work for the BBC depicts the statue of a man with an obviously naked boy between his legs. "The man is a wizard and the naked boy his slave as they practice [Satanic] magick" says the book Pedos and Propaganda – The BBC. One does have to wonder exactly what message is this enduring statue still prominently displayed on the BBC's own London building meant to convey, when the BBC has itself faced countless pedophile accusations coming from within its ranks. Whatever message it was/is meant to convey, it does continually send out the message “Child rapists are welcome at the BBC.” And this is no isolated case when you consider how many times the British Broadcasting Company has connected itself with what became high-profile examples of protecting obvious pedophilia, especially when knowing the BBC also funded several other more obvious pedophile "works of art" commissioned by Gill. A thinking person would have to wonder why the BBC does not ever remove them or Gill's most infamous controversial statue from its most prominent position of their evil corporation, especially given this latest accusation from 2023-2024. Many survivor groups, protestors over the decades, and others think the statue should be removed and have made their efforts known in that regard, to no avail. The statue is a clear indication of the BBC’s inclinations, and yet, Britain's 1984-like "Ministry of Information" is under attack once again for not dealing adequately with child sex abuse. Why? It’s bad enough they let it keep happening but the BBC consistently going at lengths in attempt at covering it up is what's really strange, as if they want it to secretly continue with other underage children whose cases are still not being reported.

*Read Article Absolute Proof that the Anglo-Saxon Elite Arrived in England as a Pagan Cult I
*Read Article Absolute Proof that the Anglo-Saxon [Cainite] Elite Arrived in England as a Pagan Cult II
*Read Article Absolute Proof that the Metal-Working Anglo-Elite Arrived in England as a Germanic Pagan Cult III

It’s certainly an unhealthy position for any trusted media organization to be in, especially since they've had to go to court and pay victims for this very thing too many times before. Case in point, BBC's Jimmy Savile was one of the UK's most serious serial sexual predators. Over several decades the television personality groomed and abused up to 1,000 boys and girls in TV studios as well as patients at NHS hospitals across Britain. Interestingly, Jimmy Savile was also a theistic Satanist and this suggests a more sinister side of why the BBC keeps the statue of also Jimmy Savile, the avowed Satanic pedophile himself, on BBC grounds. The BBC even created a recent documentary dedicated to Savile's "vast achievements" during those years he was at the BBC from the 1960's thru the 1980's, the same years he molested countless youth, disabled, and young adults in seemingly sanctioned ceremonies and Black Masses on government grounds. Savile had no medical expertise or experience whatsoever, so his being given the keys to the backdoor of Stoke Mandeville Hospital, along with his being granted an entire basement floor of that hospital to ruthlessly prey on underage children and the sick in the name of Lucifer is beyond explanation, except to conclude that the British government and the twisted British royals themselves who awarded Savile, and others like him, with various honors and "knighthoods" speak volumes as to what the elites get up to when they think no one is watching. Savile's many victims all tell the same tale, that he dressed in hooded black robes (along with several others who have to this day not been identified) to rape, sodomize, kill, and even had sex with his dead victims and other dead bodies in the Stoke Mandeville hospital's morgue while chanting and praising the names of Lucifer/Satan. BBC Media and the British royal family's obvious protection of Savile, while attempting to character assassinate his victims proves which side they stood on then and still stand today. The short list of just some of the BBC child abusers (so far) are: Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall, Mark Page of Radio1, Peter Rowell of BBC Bristol, Tony and Julie Wadsworth of BBC Radio Leicester, Ben Thomas of BBC Wales, Niven Sinclair, and now, perhaps the greatest of all of BBC's many presenters, Huw Edwards. (See also: BBC Child Abuse, Niven Sinclair and the London Met Police

*Read Article England/Wales - the Most Satanic-Religious Nations on Earth
*Read Article Royals Exposed: Naked Child Escaping from Window of Palace
*Read Article The British Royal Family's History of Child Murder Cover-ups and Sex
*Read Article Epstein: The Royal-Connected Billionaire Trafficked Girls as Young as 11
*Read Article The American Government and its Role Facilitating Satanic Pedophile Rings

The Daily Mail has coverage from a UK documentary called William & Harry: Princes At War. In the documentary, royal expert Ingrid Seward says that Prince William “might condemn” Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan and that William believes they may be “detrimental to the Monarchy.” I’m not going to do coverage of Seward’s comments because they are in stark juxtaposition to this story about how Prince Andrew actually spent years damaging the Monarchy by associating so closely with Jeffrey Epstein. How closely? Andrew hosted Epstein and some of Epstein’s trafficked women and girls at Balmoral [the Queen’s private residence] and Windsor Castle: "Prince Andrew’s efforts to distance himself from the Jeffrey Epstein scandal were thrown into turmoil last night as details emerged of how he hosted the pedophile and his entourage at Balmoral. One of the young women on the trip told the Daily Mail how the prince personally welcomed the party to the castle in mid-1999, after the disgraced US financier had already begun recruiting dozens of underage girls as sex slaves. Speaking on condition of anonymity yesterday, the woman who joined Epstein at Balmoral 20 years ago recalled making ‘chit-chat’ with the prince. ‘He was really nice. He was very polite. [He had his] guard up.’ She told how the group stayed overnight at the 52-bedroom castle, and spent the following day being entertained in the grounds. The visit is thought to have taken place in late summer or early autumn – when the Queen is likely to have been in residence. Epstein and his entourage visited the Scottish estate as part of a week-long trip to the UK, during which they also stayed at the London home of Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s ex-partner who has been accused of lining up underage girls for him to have sex with. The woman who joined them on the trip – not long after she had started giving sexual massages to Epstein – recalled how she had felt like she was in a ‘fairytale’, brushing with royalty. But now she says she had no idea why she was ever included in the visit. ‘Why was I really there?’ she said. ‘Did [Epstein] really enjoy my company all that much or was I being prepped to end up being sent out like a gift to some people?’ She avoided any plans Epstein may have had for her that evening by retiring to bed early. Nearly a year later, in June 2000, Epstein and Miss Maxwell attended a party at Windsor Castle hosted by the Queen to mark Andrew’s 40th birthday, Princess Anne’s 50th, Princess Margaret’s 70th and Prince William’s 18th. In 2001, Andrew met another member of Epstein’s entourage, Virginia Roberts, who claims she was on a trip to London with the financier when she met Andrew and had sex with him in a bath. Miss Roberts claims she slept with Andrew three times in London and New York when she was underage. These trips to Balmoral (the Queen’s private residence) and Windsor Castle (a publicly owned residence) came before Epstein’s arrest and plea deal in 2008. But still, Andrew knew who Epstein was and what he did. Andrew even spent time with Epstein AFTER the plea deal. At her trial, Ghislaine Maxwell blamed only Jeffrey Epstein for her direct involvement in trafficking young girls to the world's elite society of millionaires and billionaires, past presidents, tech giants, European royalty, etc., instead of the British royal family itself who facilitated both Epstein and Maxwell's enterprise of child prostitution for two decades prior. This was the real reason Maxwell met with the royals up to four times per day, not because of the media's own cover story that Ghislaine had an affair with Prince Andrew, but that the senior royals themselves had an investment and stake in the entire globalist's network of Satanic pedophilia itself. Of course, the corporate media will tell you Satanism or its controlling elites cannot exist, while in the next breath promote literally everything the elites demand of society going forward. The corporate-funded and facilitated media is going to have to come up with a better excuse than affluent, generational, theistic Satanists don't exist in order to protect the British royal family.

*Read Article British Royals Tortured/Murdered Children in 'Ninth Circle' Satanic Cult
*Read Article 60 Witnesses Testify Before International Court Against The Ninth Circle
*Read Article Queen Elizabeth II Found Guilty in Missing Children Case, Accusers Jailed
*Read Article Mainstream Media was Part of the Evil Network that Helped the Epstein Sex-Ring
*Read Article A Banker Exposes His Invitation to Take Part in Satanic Murder Rituals of Children
*Read Article Bill Gates Claims Mistake Having Fundraisers w/ Epstein Promoting Gates Foundation
*Read Article The Queen's Anglican 'Church of England' is Shamed as Inquiry Finds Child Sex Abuse
*Read Article The British Cover-Up of Many Satanic Rings Engaging in Abuse and Murder of Children I
*Read Article The British Cover-Up of Many Satanic Rings Engaging in Abuse and Murder of Children II
*Read Article Satanic Hampstead & Pizzagate: Satanic Crimes Actively Being Covered-Up by British Elite
*Read Article Underage Pimp Ghislaine Maxwell Given Complete Access to UK Royal's Buckingham Palace
*Read Article Ghislaine Maxwell Visited Prince Andrew 4 Times Every Day at the Royal's Buckingham Palace
*Read Article How the British Royal's Buckingham Palace Became the Epicenter of a Vast Pedophile Network
*Read Article Satanic Sex Trafficking Rings are Also Historically Tied to the United States and its White House
*Read Article From Reagan to Trump, the Masonic American Government is Connected in Child Trafficking Rings

9-9-19: Globe 'Queen Executed Epstein' - Prince Andrew's pervert pal threatened to topple Monarchy. Desperate to avoid another scandal that would destroy her legacy and the British Monarchy, Queen Elizabeth sent assassins to silence Jeffrey Epstein, who was threatening to tell all about Prince Andrew, according to shocking phone intercepts. Chilling transcripts of telephone conversations and text messages leaked by a source in American intelligence reveal a meticulous plot developed by British MI6 intelligence operatives acting "under the highest authority" to take out the convicted pervert. Epstein was ready to tell all after being arrested for abusing dozens of underage girls at his mansions in New York, the US Virgin Islands and New Mexico, where her Majesty's 59-year-old playboy son was a frequent guest. Andrew's sleazy sex trafficker best friend was found hanging in his cell at New York City's federal Metropolitan Correctional Center on August 10, immediately triggering demands for a murder investigation. The coroner ruled the 66-year-old billionaire committed suicide, despite all the suspicious circumstances surrounding the incident. The intelligence operative tells Globe the death scene was staged to look like Epstein took his own life. "It's all being covered up." The Queen had a powerful motive to order the murder. And her daughter-in-law Diana's death in Paris proves the Royals will get their hands dirty when threatened. "Elizabeth had the means to get the job done. There are a lot of powerful people who will thank her for it. Meanwhile, it's business as usual at Buckingham Palace." Since the Epstein fiasco broke, the palace has been working overtime to scrub Prince Andrew's involvement. But Virginia Roberts' courtroom claims that Epstein made her a teenage "sex slave" and ordered her to bed the Prince undermine the effort. Flight logs for the pedophile's private jet, known as the "Lolita Express" show Virginia was in London, New York, and the Caribbean in 2001 - at the same time as Andrew. In addition, a damning photo has surfaced showing a grinning Andrew with his arm around Virginia's bare midriff. Another newly revealed photo shows Andrew in the doorway of Epstein's Manhattan mansion waving goodbye to a brunette believed to be Katherine Keating, the daughter of former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating. "The Queen believed Epstein was about to make a deal for a lighter sentence in exchange for information regarding the very powerful men who was his clients. The New York coroner assumed the broken bones found in Epstein's neck were from his supposed suicide, but the kind of broken bones found in his body would only be caused by a forceful strangulation. It was murder pure and simple." Pure and simple. (See also Prince Andrew Accuser Says ‘Evil People’ Want Her Silenced and British Royals Touted as 'Messianic' Heirs.)

*Read Article ABC Network Lies in Denying its Own Anchor's Claim that Royals Threatened Them Over Epstein Reports
*Read Article Jeffrey Epstein Invited to Meet the British Queen in 2000: The Prince Andrew-Clinton-Trump Connection
*Read Article Jeffrey Epstein Operated an Elite Pedophile Sex Ring Involving Politicians and Other Key World Figures
*Read Article Why Did it Take From 2005-2019 for the FBI to Finally Raid Jeffrey Epstein's Island Sex Mansion?
*Read Article Leaked Video of Prince Andrew Staying in Epstein’s Mansion Forces Palace into Damage Control
*Read Article Britain's Crown Prince Andrew Suddenly Apologizes for Meeting With CONVICTED Jeffrey Epstein
*Read Article The Queen Shows Strong Support for Son Andrew Amidst Jeffrey Epstein Underage Sex Scandal
*Read Article Epstein Found Dead in Unwatched Cell Amidst Strange Circumstances Surrounding His Suicide
*Read Article The British Royal Family and US Government *Protected Prince Andrew* in the Epstein Scandal
*Read Article Norway Crown Princess Suddenly Apologizes for a Meeting With the Convicted Jeffrey Epstein
*Read Article US Authorities Have Still Not Requested to Speak to Prince Andrew in Regard to Epstein Case
*Read Article The UK Queen Strips Harvey Weinstein of His British Honor but Upholds Prince Andrew of His
*Read Article UK Government Investing £170,000 in Elite Sex-Party Company that Hosts Same-Sex Orgies
*Read Article Coronavirus Forces New York to Release Child Sex Offenders and Drop Them Off in a Hotel
*Read Article Controlled Media Still Uses Language to Portray Jeffrey Epstein’s Accusers as NOT Victims
*Read Article Despite Operating an Elite Child Sex Ring for Decades, Trump Wishes Well for Ghislaine

"I just wish her [Ghislaine Maxwell] well, frankly. I've met her numerous times over the years especially since I lived in Palm Beach and I guess they lived in Palm Beach. But I wish her [Ghislaine Maxwell] well, whatever it is."

President Donald Trump

Epstein had ties to President Donald Trump, namely the fact that the two were friends. In 2002, in a profile about Epstein in New York Magazine, Trump was quoted as saying, “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” On Saturday, billionaire hedge fund manager Jeffrey Epstein was found dead by an apparent suicide in his jail cell. Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking underage girls in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005. The Daily Beast first reported the new charges against Epstein, and according to the New York Times, they carried a combined maximum sentence of up to 45 years in prison. But this wasn't the first time Epstein had been faced with such accusations and, what's more, the entire scandal has numerous ties to one particular leader of the free world: President Donald Trump. In the early 2000s, Epstein was suspected of similar crimes in Florida. While federal prosecutors prepared a 53-page federal indictment against him, he ended up striking a plea deal in 2008 and only pled guilty to two prostitution charges.

Then U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta was instrumental in the deal, and in February 2017, Trump nominated Acosta to be the U.S. Secretary of Labor. He was ultimately confirmed to the position, though Acosta’s deal with Epstein was brought up during his confirmation hearings. The deal was kept secret from victims, and it gave immunity to any of Epstein's potential co-conspirators. Epstein served only 13 months in a county jail, and he was also allowed to leave six days a week. The Miami Herald described the deal as “one of the most lenient sentences for a serial sex offender in history.” In February 2019, a federal judge in Palm Beach ruled that federal prosecutors, including Acosta, broke the law when they signed the plea deal with Epstein since the deal was kept from his alleged victims, thus violating the Crime Victims’ Rights Act. However, by June 2019, Trump's own DoJ [led by Attorney General William Barr, himself a protector of Satanic pedophiles] declined to invalidate the deal.

Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein Connected to President Trump

*Read Article Scotland Police are Institutionally Racist and Discriminatory Against Minorities Says Chief Constable
*Read Article Scotland Yard is Now Forced to Explain Why it Dropped its Sex Trafficking Probe into Prince Andrew
*Read Article More Absolute Proof the UK Police and the British Queen Belong to the Same London Freemasonry
*Read Article A New [2022] UK Law Demands the London Metro Police Arrest Anyone Protesting King Charles III
*Read Article Why the Secret Handshake Between London's Police and London's Freemasons Should Worry Us
*Read Article London Police Officer Charged for 33-Year Old Woman's Murder Committed on March Third (3/3)
*Read Article Same London Police Unit that Gave Us a Murdering Cop, Produces Sadistic Rapist Cop Carrick
*Read Article The Freemasons Within the British Police are a Clear and Present ‘Obstacle’ to Needed Reform
*Read Article Hundreds of UK Police Have Convictions for Crimes Like Assault, Burglary, and Animal Cruelty
*Read Article Scottish Police Face Sanctions for Racist, Sexist, Mocking Disabled and Anti-Semitic Texting
*Read Article A Welsh Police Officer Caught Raping an Infant with Cardiff UK State Attorney Sent to Prison
*Read Article Daycare Workers in Wales are Found Guilty of Satanic Crimes Against Children, Sentenced
*Read Article 1500% Surge of Child Abuse by Stressed Parents Due to Coronavirus and Lockdown
*Read Article Bipartisan Bill Aims to Tackle Child Porn Shared on American Pentagon Computers
*Read Article Sexual and Physical Abuse of Young Migrant Children in US Government Custody
*Read Article Trump Admin Threatens Filmmakers Releasing Film Exposing Criminal ICE Police
*Read Article ICE is Opening Several More Migrant Detention Camps in Rural Areas Across US
*Read Article Detention Centers in Europe and the United States Used for Sacrificing Children
*Read Article Trump Now Seeks to Indefinitely Detain Immigrant Children Away From Parents
*Read Article Trump's Need to Preserve the Status Quo Actually Serves the Deep State Elite
*Read Article American FBI Provided Cover for Notorious Sex Abusers Epstein and Nassar
*Read Article TN Police Corruption, Cartel Election Fraud and Links to Human Trafficking

“Intel agencies” use what's called Romeo spies against foreign countries but also against their own citizens, as evidenced when the London Met Police targeted women in environmental protests for relationships and spying. The honeypot is ubiquitous, as the world runs on blackmail, corruption, and ultimately, Satanism. Various people have reported that mind-controlled sleepers are now being activated to commit various terroristic acts and sabotage that allows the cabalistic powers to do as they will to advance their agenda in bringing further chaos and division, especially amongst Christians. We've seen how the government created and is now weaponizing MAGA, who as of this writing still have no clue they are being mind-controlled by the British and US Governments, who will be pointed towards where they can cause most damage. Their background may be convincing but they have been repurposed by the cabal. Such "white knights" promise the earth for survivors by claiming they have the only solution, but they are working as a trojan horse for the cabal to round up survivors information as well as to undermine them from within. Detective Sergeant John Symonds was one of the London Metropolitan Police caught up in the “Times Inquiry of 1969” about police corruption. He is probably most famous for his quote which he gives as “Don’t forget always to let me know straight away if you need anything because I know people everywhere, because I am in a little firm in a firm, alright?” This was caught on tape and became synonymous with Freemasonry and its resulting police corruption. Symonds was a minor player in corruption compared to many others and he was perhaps unlucky as there was routine corruption in the Met at the time, and he was made scapegoat for other officers much worse higher-level corruption. London's Met Police corruption was integral to sweeping away all of the Satanic child sexual abuse scandals across London. The dark psychic forces that are actively working against mankind, and Christian society in America specifically, are literally bred into the ancient Satanic global agenda and plan via the generational Satanic Illuminati they were born into of entirely European descent who adopt Jewish names such as Rothschild in order to make it appear Jews are to blame, while they remain free to carry out their evil completely protected by the same system they manufactured in the West where only they remain above the law. In both America and Britain, politics purposefully keeps the masses distracted so that the actual evil at work can push its evil plot almost uncontested, generation after generation. In other words, the Left vs. Right culture war is there to take our eyes off the true evil that's being perpetuated on a national scale by those who see mankind as mere worker bees paying into a false dream whilst being taxed to death in order to continually fund the Masonic empire that controls them. Millions were/still are brainwashed to believe that our so-called "Founding Fathers" created America as a bastion of hope, freedom, justice, and moreover, religious freedom, but knowing how Christianity was already the dominant global religion of the time, what religion were these Freemasons "bound to the light of Lucifer" actually protecting God, or Lucifer as 'God' in whom they trust? Fast forward to today and America's right-wing "patriots" increasingly arming themselves to the teeth against their "seditious" liberal neighbors, and we already have the groundwork paved toward the next American Civil War, a war in which the radical right believes it would easily win, which is exactly what America's Masonic "Deep State" overlords need toward bringing the global collapse necessary from which the Antichrist can arise.

*Read Article Amber Ruffin Schools White America About Critical Race Theory and Why Republicans Suppress It

As such, the New Atlantis was never meant to exist forever, and it has already served London well in what they've long prepared, a world after America where a new cult of personality will lead the planet. In this, has Trump also served London's underlying purpose, proving how a Jim Jones-like self-styled cultist could easily lead brainwashed followers to his side, where they remain to the death. One must recall, under the spell of a seemingly charismatic leader who also demonized the press and pitted Whites against everyone else, Germany too was filled with homeland patriots and nationalistic 1939. A recent video has gone viral proving just how misled Trump's supporters truly are, when someone pretending to be one of them stood up and gave a speech originally given by Hitler, and they loudly applauded it, thinking it was in full support of Trump's policies. That in itself speaks volumes against MAGA, many of which include once respected Christian evangelists who have unwittingly gone astray into MAGA's version of White nationalism. One such evangelist named Perry Stone is today preaching that the Antichrist's world system is not originating in the Occult-laden West, despite the obvious dystopian words and undermining actions of Europe's "Great Reset" and its never-ending list of Anglo-elite corporations and governments already implementing its agenda. Stone looks right past all of them to instead see an interchangeable cadre of darker-skinned foreigners from China, Syria, or Iran to befit the ultimate evil and never any of the actual bloodline and people from whence the Beast arises. At end, the same evil forces that pushed Germans into a bloody war where millions were indiscriminately slaughtered have also been infecting America ever since. Such is the Satanic deception already at work in Masonic America and deluded American churches whereby everyday Whites cannot even bring themselves to see the truth of their own recent racist history, let alone see one of their own as rising to the greatest genocidal evil that is prophesied to far overshadow Hitler himself. The irony that Hitler literally researched America's racism toward Blacks for his own hatred toward Jews should tell us something, as well as various American preachers like Perry Stone needing a dark-skinned boogeyman to cast as Satan in the flesh. Incidentally, Putin, the current despot in Russia linked to genocide is yet another example that some post-Trump Republicans cannot see as evil no matter what further atrocities he commits. They, like Perry Stone and many (secretly racist) Republicans are too narrowly focused on China. Where does that leave America's Patriot movement that is also being brainwashed by the Illuminist-owned Fox Corporation, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and similar media that leads them into the waiting arms of White Nationalist, Neo-Nazi, or Whites-only pagan groups? The answer is in the question. For whatever reason, Whites can only see a darker face as evil and never their own as the instigator and facilitator of it. In regard to minorities finally rising up and demanding that their God-given lives are exactly that, understand, they are not trying to start a race war in 2020 as the conservative media would tell you, they are trying to end one against themselves.

*Read Article How Reagan/Bush Spread Human Trafficking, Drugs and Crime Throughout Mexico
*Read Article CIA NarcoDrug Trade Distributes Death Throughout Minority-populated US Cities

The Masonic dreamworld they've created for us is based around manufactured action-reaction, problem/solution where they create the conditions for a social movement that ultimately helps them work their goals to gain power by empowering opposite movements, and within that, they create societal problems in order to then facilitate the affected with their already prepared solution as a way to push its own goals until final completion. For just one example, the rise of Hitler was funded and facilitated by both corporate interests in America and Britain so that, ultimately, a great number of Jews would be exterminated - on the other side of which Israel's resurrection would result. Israel having its existence returned certainly fulfills God's own prophetic will and Word, but that is not why Britain resurrected the nation of Israel, it was so the disastrous end of days, also prophesied, would result to usher in Britain's Antichrist figure to the world. This is precisely how Freemasonry operates in its two-caste system with its controllers that keep neophytes, as working pawns, unaware that they are serving evil of which most never become aware of it from the cradle to the grave while others are groomed into its service. Their top-down evil is however being more sensed then seen today among some such as when supposed evangelicals are seemingly holding on to their Biblically-based "conservative," moral, traditional, or otherwise Christian roots can effectively talk down to the progressive left more obviously serving Satan via abortion, homosexuality and LGBTQ+ rights, while the vast majority of them will never see nor understand the top-down control manufacturing their false morality rooted in occultism and its offshoot in racism, despite their being led into increasingly racist, hateful, and otherwise fascist that opposes Jesus Christ and true Christianity, but supports the Masonic goal in Antichrist, a being that will ultimately carry out Satan's will and work from where Hitler left off. To read the sick and twisted comments of the increasingly Jew-hating American Patriot's of late, you'd think we traveled back in time to when Hitler was saying the exact same things, or flung forward into the near future, when Antichrist repeats them. In all of their misuse of the term 'Zionism,' following the Aryan propaganda put out by their unseen Masonic masters who are the authors of the many Anti-Zionist articles they read, it should be noted that in its purest sense, Zionism, of itself simply means a Jewish yearning to live in the land of their forefathers. It is the evil form of so-called "Zionism" that is both created by, and carried out by this world's actual evil controllers that most ignorant Whites are responding so harshly toward today whilst perpetrating their evils under such seemingly Jewish names as Rothschild, but moreover, within Caucasian 'robber baron' names like, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, Morgan, Smith, and Warburg, not all of which falsely claim to be Jews, but all of which are connected to the so-called Blood Royale that vainly controls the West and the majority of the planet.

*Read Article The FBI "Accidentally" Tweets the Racist and Antisemitic 'Protocols of Zion'

Cathy O'Brien described her "Romeo Spy" MK-Ultra experience of what's called "charm school" programming. The following is from her "Trance-Formation of America Chapter 7 and connects the US Government, US Army, and its General Michael Aquino, a known 'Temple of Set' Satanist that ascended to the highest ranks of America's National Security Agency (NSA), as follows: "After Aquino instilled my sex programming, I was then taken by Houston to Youngstown, Ohio to attend the sex slave training camp referred to as "Charm School". Houston often performed in the Youngstown area at county fairs, [Masonic connected] Fraternal Order of Police shows, or any little country music entertainment gigs that would bring us in the proximity of the dreaded Charm School. On occasion, Kelly would go through the torture process with me. But usually Houston delivered me to the door for training with other CIA slaves my age, and then left taking Kelly with him. When Charm School was in session, there were several girls being tortured and trained at once. 1 have seen and known numerous girls to go through Charm School, but, understandably, few are reported to have survived or recovered their minds enough to talk about it. Charm School was reportedly operated by an identified member of the Mellon Banking family (Byrd's Endowment for the Arts' largest contributor). The operator took the name and role of "Governor" from the movie My Fair Lady, in an attempt to confuse my torturous reality with movie fantasy. In the movie, Governor is the cockney title given the professor who transformed a street urchin into a functioning high society lady. Additionally, Mellon's use of the title, Governor, was intended to create scramble for the real Governor who frequented the school as though it were only a whore house. I am referring to then Governor of Pennsylvania (and later U.S. Attorney General, now secretary for the United Nations) Dick Thornburgh. Aquino provided some of the programming at Charm School and everyone I knew in government operations was at least aware of it. Then Youngstown Sheriff, now U.S. Representative Jim Traficant, was almost always present. He capitalized on his ability to portray himself as "Lurch" by slowly opening the door and saying, "Walk this way" to a slave in training, meaning walk like a street whore, called a 'scarecrow' in intelligence circles. Once the door closed behind me. Charm School meant I would be charmed, mesmerized (hypnotized), and programmed to be an elite prostitute for select politicians. I learned how to walk, talk, how to dress, sit, stand, and all the rest. Above all, we were taught how to gratify any sexual perversion. Just as Traficant opened the door to Charm School for slaves, he often times was the one to "test" their newly learned sexual skills to determine when or if slaves could leave. A typical three-day course at Charm School included the usual factors of, sleep, food, and water deprivation; trauma; physical and psychological abuse; and what's called Monarch programming. Often times experimental or tried and proven CIA manufactured "designer" drugs were administered which produced specific brain wave activity to maximize and/or compartmentalize programs. I usually spent the first day hanging in the dungeon. Charm School is housed in an identified stone historical railroad barren's former residence, and the basement was in fact a wine cellar dungeon. It was dark, damp, and musty and was decorated in classic torture chamber fashion. It classic torture chamber fashion. It was complete with various hanging chains, a stretching rack, whips, and altars including one specially designed for bestiality sex. As I hung by my wrists, I could hear and smell the animals in the next cells—a black Nubian goat called Satan, a small donkey named Nester, sometimes a small white pony referred to as Trigger, and various dogs, cats, snakes, and others. All Charm School animals were trained to sexually respond to the smell of urine. When someone, such as Dick Thornburgh who particularly enjoyed this kind of kink, entered my cell and urinated on me, I knew I would soon be released from my chains and led to the animal altar for bestiality lessons, pornography, or to please a perverse onlooker.

*Read Article America's Elites say They're 'Changing the World' but Actually They're Ruling it

I was hung by my ankles, stretched on a rack, burned, and tortured repeatedly. My feet and hands were chained to a wall for what was termed "off the wall sex." I was taught "Silence" in Oz fashion since screaming did not produce results anyway unless they wanted it for pornography. This was implemented with an electronic canine bark collar normally used to train a dog not to bark. I was repeatedly filmed pornographically, and always taken upstairs to the "Master's Chambers" for prostitution to participants, including the real "Governor" of Charm School, then Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thomburgh, Congressman Jim Traficant, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, and others. When Kelly was with me, she endured the same and we were forced to see each other physically tortured as further psychological trauma. This was to ensure I could never remember the who, what, when, or where of our bizarre enslavement. This is what is sometimes referred to as cross-programming. In spite of the deliberately created amnesic blocks, I developed a subconscious sympathetic understanding for other Charm School slaves that extended outside the walls of this man-made hell. This understanding emanated from the depths of my being, creating a compassion for other victims compels me to give voice to their silent plea's for help. Victoria also wrote about the Hivites manipulating Romantic love… Hivites want you to be controlled for life or they want you dead to keep hidden their crimes against you. To control you they want to take all the resources you have and to have handlers be with you. The easiest path to do that is through marriage and sex without marriage. In animal life Romantic love is breeding time. What we call Love is mind control that has been brainwashing us for generations. Fear of being alone is exploited too. If you are offered sex without marriage, push these people aside because it is against your nature. Warn the others about these prostitutes - because many people have been murdered. Hivites parasitize you in groups, they want to get rid of your family and friends along with you. A prostitute reports to the leaders about people that surround you. If you suspect your "husband" or "wife" has cheated on you, divorce them because you have to save yourself and save your family. Do it faster if a prostitute has connection to hivites. A recent well-known case was shown on ABC's 20/20 in which a young mother, seemingly stable, suddenly left her family and lied about being abducted by two Mexican females who branded her and told her she would be sold into a powerful elitist in the community. She lied about all of it, but the details she provided were based in the truth of what she was exposed to long before she had gotten married. Hivite families have women as the leaders and Sexpionage "love" is a psychological operation through which the Illuminati seek to manipulate people. People who enter into relationships should do so from a healthy and strong position where they use their reason to evaluate the suitability of their partners, and they should not look to save or redeem others who are incompatible. Nor should they see romantic love as something that will give meaning to an otherwise empty life, but such people are exactly what the Cabal looks for so they can later control them using honeypot and blackmail operations. Such sexploitation provides for the target a fulfillment of subconscious need that's latched on to and ultimately warped by manipulative MK-Ultra mind control. Different alters want different rewards. Trauma bonding provides for the deepest control via "love bombing" the right brain hemisphere with more subtle core trauma programming. Trauma bonding is an unhealthy emotional attachment to someone who causes you physical, emotional, and/or sexual harm. In such relationships, the abusive partner can fluctuate between extreme affection and extreme abuse in repeated cycles. The episodes of affection serve as positive reinforcement that staying in the relationship is "worth it." Trauma bonding tends to form subtly, often without the abused partner ever realizing it. People with a history of child abuse are vulnerable because they often have an altered perception of what a healthy relationship looks like.

*Read Article Fifty Officers Hurt in MAGA-like Racist 'Thug Attack' on Southport Where Girls Were Killed
*Read Article Russia Likely Behind Rallying of British Far-right Racists to Attack Grieving Town of Southport

In the days following World War II, when Americans were best sleeping in their American Dream-like state, being told that the Soviet Union's communist ideology had somehow infected their liberal neighbors next door, ending up in countless moderates and liberals being "blacklisted" for so much as their hinting at something being wrong with the American government itself. The same dynamic is even more true today, with those citing something still being wrong, only to now be labeled as 'haters of America' by those hypnotized by the same kinds of Deep State programming on Fox News that also plagues today's liberal media. According to Trump and his twisted base and their distorted right-wing media, if you so much as dare hate racism in America, past or present, then you hate America itself and all White Americans and worst of all, you'll then be labeled as anti-American. The Masonic mind control is such that we are never roused out of our collective slumber long enough to look too critically at our "under God" government we were taught to see was of God, as they work toward their New *Secular* Order. Many work every day to unwittingly build the elite's financial behemoth for them to ensure their global dominance over the rest of the planet. America and the UK have always been united in this evil venture, just as the common denominator between them has always been Freemasonry. The Revolutionary War had zero effect on the Masonic "Great Work." Of course, it's difficult for the majority to see any of this when they're only presented the dynamic of political left versus right, as designed. The Masonic divide and conquer being waged against us will only increase going forward, with the current culture war taken to its most extreme to bring us toward collapse, where we literally have to join under a new order just to survive. It will be the Antichrist's task to unite survivors no matter what side they've previously aligned with. For those currently on the right, he will be a leader of "law and order," as Daniel 7:25 indicates, while secretly racist "against the [Jewish] covenant" as Daniel 11:28 also points out. For those on the left who champion social justice and green causes above all else, the Antichrist, as the good cop, will initially appear as the greatest humanitarian ever to unite much of the planet under an Earth-first mantra, which is far removed from America First Trump, the bad cop. The culture war has an end in seeming unity, but the world has to reach a place of complete exhaustion before it will want to coalesce, when Left/Right thinking gives way to its own creator in the Masonic (Luciferian) world mind. It's that devastating point of population control and life exhaustion which the elitist powers controlling the West are dragging us into today from their underworld methods in creating wars, disease, famine, drug trafficking and child trafficking for sex and sacrifice, as well as promoting everything from witchcraft to Satanism to destroy us all. Of course, the sick and twisted Satanic cabal are not limited to the British royal family or other European royals because nobles, lords, barons, baronesses, MP's, law-makers, politicians, judges, police, teachers, clergy and other established community pillars, and those attempting to better their rank and fame in this world engage in the very same ancient Satanic practices that were first committed in the sacrificial murder and consuming of a human body that became a "pre-Christian religious ceremony" that has been reported and repeated time and again wherever the children of Cain migrated into every corner of Europe. Outside of the United States and Britain, the Netherlands is said to be the child sex trafficking capital of the world and that the European and American elite oversee it according to Svali. On December 8, 2018, the Dutch investigative radio show Argos (VPRO) aired 'The Story of Lisa': Lisa was 15 when she reported to the police she was raped by her father and other men in the Nieuwe Scheveningse Bosjes in The Hague. She mentioned the names of several lawyers, the CIO of a large company, and a former top official of the US Justice Department.

*Read Article The City of London Has Become the Next Orwellian Surveillance City
*Read Article Freemasonry Seeks to Destroy America and Traditional Christianity

She also said that she gave birth to a baby in the forest and that it was murdered by her father's acquaintances. The Public Prosecutor's Office decided to dismiss Lisa's complaint. The National Expertise Center for Special Vice Cases called Lisa's statement about the birth unlikely. However, medical research shows that the girl did indeed give birth. Lisa and her mother had intended to submit this evidence to the Court. However, things took a different turn. Judge Jan Wolter Wabeke ruled that Lisa's case should be dealt with as a so-called 12c case (dismissed on insufficient grounds to further proceed with the case). Lisa and her mother were not heard in the council chamber. Furthermore, investigation by Argos revealed that Wabeke had already made a decision before Lisa's attorney had submitted a defense with evidence.” The case should never have been presided over by Judge Wabeke who had already promised never to handle sexual offence cases. The reason for that was because he was once a suspect of child abuse in the (sabotaged) Rolodex investigation. Hence the dismissal of the case should never have happened or been allowed to happen. Joris Demmink was also a suspect in that same case (1998). Both men were rumored never to have stopped exercising their sexual preference for underage boys. Wabeke denied knowing Demmink but the team of Argos revealed that they had obtained a photo of both men during a private dinner which proved that they did know each other personally. According to emeritus professor of criminal law Theo de Roos, also a former justice, Wabeke should have withdrawn from the case. After the Story of Lisa had aired Argos decided to investigate whether similar cases of satanic ritual abuse and organized abuse existed. They designed a questionnaire about organized abuse and received 200 stories of survivors of which 140 had (satanic) ritual characteristics. They aired a radio show about it in 2020: “Glass Shards and Dark Rituals”. That caused quite a stir and led to parliamentary questions and the appointment of a commission for “independent investigation into the nature and extent of organized sadistic abuse of children.” The appointment of the chairman of this commission was controversial because professor of forensic psychiatry and psychology Jan Hendriks once suggested the highly questionable opinion that manipulated (anonymized ed.) child pornography should be made available to pedophiles. “If pedophiles had access to manipulated child pornography, the number of child abuse cases could decline.” A week ago, verdict and sentencing came in what is known as the ‘Coldenhove’ case, which is the Department of Justice case against Huig Plug and others in the Lisa story, about a ritually sexually abused girl. It appears to be yet another case when the “power elite” or “power scum” may be a more apt description, protect the criminal cabal. The Judge was previously accused of sexual abuse and who had said he would not judge pedophile cases. He did. He sentenced to imprisonment the people speaking on behalf of the victim i.e. the victim's mother, Huig Plug and Huig’s cousin. Then the media outlet Argos, who had previously done good work on the Lisa case have withdrawn all their material from public view and it appears to have been removed from the archives as well. Various organizations have been complicit in trying to cover up case of Lisa. During the investigation evidence was not collected and computers with sensitive material on were unbelievably given to the person identified by the victim as a suspect. The Hendriks committee had to admit to there being organized child abuse but they did not admit to ritual child abuse. Even the sentencing of Huig and others appears to have been coordinated. Three days later the Minister of Justice announced a campaign against child abuse with the tag #durftezien which translates as #daretosee, and the next day a report on child prostitution in the Netherlands. All for show to appease and deflect any public outrage. The cover up has been implemented. The cabal are a mix of secretive societies who have taken power globally, are Luciferian and use magick. They do not want to admit ritual abuse because it gets to the core of what they are about. They are Luciferian and use magick, including sex magick via rituals to manipulate events on the earthly plane. The illuminati’s whole philosophy demands the use, abuse, sacrifice and consumption of children as stated in Montauk Boys Blood Ritual: Monarch. Society finally needs to wake up to this reality that is happening all around us, having been established in this world long before our generation.

*Read Article Freemasonry Proven to be the Source by Which Demonic Entities Control America
*Read Article Proof Emerges that Black Magic Satanists Rule World Not Our Elected Politicians
*Read Article Freemasonry's Inextricable Links with Elite Globalism and Black Magic Satanism
*Read Article Hidden Luciferians [Satanists] Within American Culture, Politics and Academia

As mentioned, and needs to be absolutely stressed again, Satan and his men have already infiltrated western Christianity to prepare Christian minds toward accepting the Antichrist, a future British king that arises just as the world descends into chaos. One need only read what's written in the very deceptive "Life, Hope, and Truth" website to see it. This White-racist church teaches and promotes precisely what Anglo-Freemasonry itself ultimately teaches, that both Britain and America [but only its White inhabitants] are supposedly comprised of the "Ten Tribes of Israel" who are serving God's [actually Satan's] purposes to usher in the 'time of Messiah' [Antichrist] onto the world stage. Such seemingly Christian organizations promoting such proven heresy, goes to show how far evil societies who call Lucifer their "God" will go in order to deceive, not just the world at large, but Christians themselves especially in the UK and US. Despite the hiding behind Christianity, it is not God's people that have infiltrated the governments across the Merovingian-infected West. They are Satan's people who call themselves God's chosen ones. Jesus went as so far as to call them "The Synagogue of Satan" for a reason. Despite all its hidden evils, America is not the prophetic 'Great Whore of Babylon,' as believed by other misinformed American Christians. America will have already been removed as a superpower by the time the Antichrist rises. In fact, after the Collapse, it is directly because America is removed from its top status in the world, that Antichrist ascends, with the whole point being, that's also why America [New Atlantis"] was created to rise to great world prominence, secretly under London's Masonic control, so that one day it would be suddenly destroyed to create the kind of far-reaching chaos and displacement of power from which London could then bring its Beast to bear. Many of you reading will have trouble grasping this fact, but it remains true nonetheless. When he ascends, the cornerstone of government in the West will openly shift to London, having the Satanic-tainted Vatican in Rome as its spiritual base of power. According to Revelation 13, the first Beast (Antichrist) will arise in "the Sea" (Britain) while the second Beast (False Prophet) will arise in "the Land" (Israel). Referring back to the first Beast that arises from the sea, Revelation chapters 17-18 explains that the "Great Whore" who is "dressed in scarlet, having in her hand a golden cup filled with blood" who "sits as a Queen" shall "ride the Beast," into global power. As such, the New World King ascends parallel to a One World Religion, to which Revelation 17: 18 states: "And the woman which thou saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth." The key to understanding this city's identity is found in Revelation 17:9, which states: "And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits." That city is Rome, and more specifically, the Vatican, which is why evil has surrounded 'the Church' since its inception. It too was created for a future event and purpose that serves not Christ, but Antichrist. As such, Masonic London, with its bastard child in Masonic-controlled Washington DC, and to a lesser extent, New York's United Nations, along with Brussels' European Union, as well as the corrupted Roman Vatican, all work in unison toward achieving the single goal of the Satanic ruling class which is the destruction of God's influence in the world, and that of His chosen people. With such a large weight cast against it, Israel will be deceived, as prophesied, and this because they continue to reject Jesus Christ. But understand, despite Satan's attempted destructions of the descendants of Israel, God's will prevail. Because of Antichrist, it is prophesied that Israel will see their collective error at the exact moment Christ returns to save them from what would be Satan's complete destruction of Zion. This leaves an important question for you to consider. Who or what actually controls the US and UK government, because it's certainly not their subjected people. Look at the lost war in Afghanistan that cost 2,651 American lives. Was that really a war to deter the CIA-backed Al-Qaeda and Taliban, or was it merely a ruse to cover-up the CIA's role in 9-11? The optics of US soldiers protecting Afghan poppy fields used to make heroin made it obvious as to partially why corporate-serving CIA agents and our military were there. Before 2001, the Taliban held no power in Afghanistan, but now that American troops have left the nation in obvious tatters, how did that 20-year war not empower the Taliban from taking over Afghanistan completely? There's a new book called The Afghanistan Papers that proves just how far the US is willing to go to deceive the American public in attempt to answer why we were there. What the American people need to understand is that their government didn't begin lying with either 9/11 or the Afghan war, and how utterly foolish it would be to think the evidence that the FBI has conveniently redacted to cover-up the details surrounding 9/11 were only in reference to Saudi Arabian involvement and not their own. Incidentally, the photo below shows how even by the time of George Bush Sr.'s time at Skull & Bones, the esoteric numbers of 9 and 11 were being subtly propagated within their own photos.

BREAKING: Despite Warnings, Prince Charles Accepted $1.2 Million Donation from the Osama Bin Laden Family
BREAKING: The 9/11 Hijackers Were Given Bank Accounts and a California Apartment at ‘Behest of the CIA’

*Read Article The 9/11 Victims’ Families are Now Exposing the FBI for Destroying Key 9/11 Evidence
*Read Article Most Americans Believe Their Government is Corrupt and Unaccountable to the Public
*Read Article "Operation Northwoods" Proves the US Government and its Military Work Within Evil
*Read Article Whistleblower Evidence Proves the U.S. Government Hid Osama Bin Laden in Iran
*Read Article The CIA and Masonic Deep State Were Behind the September 11th, 2001 Attacks
*Read Article US Government Deliberately Misled Nation During the Entire Afghanistan War
*Read Article NSA's Spying Program Declared to be Violating Citizen Privacy by FISA Court
*Read Article Great Britain’s ‘Central & Widespread’ Role in CIA Torture Program Exposed
*Read Article U.S. Government Protects 9/11 Terrorists and Disregards 9/11 Victim Families
*Read Article Defense Lawyers Say CIA Director Haspel Purposefully Tainted the 9/11 Trial
*Read Article US Declassifies Key Name in Saudi-9/11 Suit, But Won't Release it Publicly
*Read Article The FBI "Mistakenly" Reveals their Own Saudi Ally is Linked to 9/11 Attack
*Read Article One Nation Under Lucifer: The United States is Under a Masonic Plot
*Read Article Connected: President Donald Trump is a Scottish Rite Freemason
*Read Article Trump Can't Stop Attacking U.S. War Veteran Gold Star Families

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

The Anglo-corporate elites behind 9-11 purposefully left just enough bread crumbs for what became "the Truthers" so that they'd naturally "follow the money" behind 9-11, leading to their unshocked discovery of those with Jewish-sounding names. Because Truthers became relentless in networking toward grasping the larger truth as to why 9-11, its faked pretexts for wars, and other false flag events continued happening is why the elites provided themselves another layer of protection via another wall of division. Enter the corporate power's creation of [Right-wing] "Truther" vs. [Left-wing] "Woke," where minorities 'woke' to fight against their systematic oppression created by the corporate imperial racism, ironically, but where Whites perceive that their minority war is against them specifically. This latest divide and conquer tactic is perhaps the best the London elites have ever devised because it's about to bring another civil war while at the same time, it further distracts us from what should be the war against those Anglo-corporate powers that enslaved us all. While the outspoken Right and Left in America do the heavy lifting in tearing the nation itself apart for them, the archons in power get to sit back and reap the benefits of our collective ignorance. This in itself is fulfilling one of the greatest challenges formerly presented to the elites, and that is getting the behemoth that is still America to destroy itself from within. All the Anglo-archons in power have to do now is add increasingly more fuel to the growing fire through their control over the Left and Right media, and America is on the brink of complete annihilation. Helping in this effort are today's internet influencers who believe whatever the Left/Right media are telling them to add their own voices to the battle against their fellow Americans, thus further influencing to kill "the other."

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

*Read Article The Bloody Masonic Fingerprint Found Everywhere in the September 11th, 2001 "Terror" Event
*Read Article The Original Forefathers of Freemasonry's America Continually Dedicated America To Satan
*Read Article Freemasons Created the United States to Advance the Satanic New World Order Agenda
*Read Article The Masonic Symbolism Found Everywhere Within the Matrix Called the United States

If there's any ray of hope in all this, the evil personages of this world and the Satan that they literally worship, goes a long way in proving that the God and Christ they are still attempting to destroy, will ultimately destroy them in time. The Bible speaks to this time when the indignation of Satan has been completed and God Himself declares "It is finished." After the span of 6,000 years for man's time on earth, since Adam, has been allocated, allowing for every soul to be born to also having been tested, a crossroad of several remaining events will occur that end in Apocalypse and the end of all things as we know it. That culmination is near, and they know it, which is why Satan's children are increasing their attack on everything that was formerly deemed good, or Holy, as they desperately attempt to control what we both see and hear in their systematically stripping away whatever Godly influence that remains. The fact that you and others are finally starting to awaken from what was a long slumber to look much more critically at your nation, as well as its elected (and unelected) leaders, proves paramount if man is to have any chance toward survival of what else is coming. For today, reports proving how the CIA and MI5/MI6 are found to be consistently on the wrong side of everything from the global drug trade and sex trafficking of children to the porn, entertainment, and music industries, lay squarely at the feet of the elite. In the wake of the George Floyd murder, by which the entire world was made witness to, one should be wondering why the Masonic-controlled media isn't asking the actual hard-hitting questions if they are supposedly working toward uncovering the larger truths surrounding White on Black murders. For example, why is no one asking why the CIA fills America's streets with every kind of illegal drug and automatic weapon in minority-dominated areas in order to give local law enforcement more reasons to kill or imprison more Black and Brown to ensure White domination overall? I suppose the better question would be what is to be expected by a cabal of Masonic evil that ultimately works to protect what they created in the first place? "To serve and protect" was never for the people but extended toward the fraternal elites (many of whom live in Europe) and their pyramid scheme of wealth collected up from the bottom, of which non-elite American and European Whites are needed to keep that system of cash flowing to the top. Anything that could potentially disrupt that chain of prosperity reaching its ultimate destination is to be dealt with by police. To say that the West's entire system of capital fortune and corporate assets are corrupt, would be a gross understatement and simply not true. It is entirely corrupt, and there to serve the larger Beast, who is prophesied to one day have control over the wealth of not only the West, but the planet. America's own "ingenuity" and existence has only fomented that future, in its creation of the English-speaking business world, as England's greatest commonwealth. In other words, America exists to bridge the gap from what was the colonial era, into the kind of future needed from which the Antichrist must have to easily stand in his guise as first a post-global collapse humanitarian genius, then a controller of global wealth and life-sustaining food and water. For today, while society itself is currently undergoing fundamental changes in regard to race, other seismic shifts are taking place to better fit the Luciferian-Masonic model and construct that's now forcing society to undergo shifting views on gender itself. This makes perfect sense when you understand that Lucifer is perceived by his elitist worshippers as androgynous himself, whose effigy is perfectly depicted in the Knights Templar trans-gendered deity named Baphomet, whose identifying symbol was the pentagram. The pentagram is a symbol which has long been affiliated with demonic activity. From at least the early Middle Ages an entire genre of ritual magic handbooks and manuals has claimed to originate from King Solomon based, no doubt, on his legendary reputation for conjuring and employing demons in the construction of his temple." By which, no doubt, top-tier Freemasons have become entirely obsessed with in their attaining similar demonic wisdom via Occult precepts directed toward a future rebuilding of Solomon's Jerusalem Temple wholly dedicated to their counterfeit (and apparently gender-neutral) 'god of light.'

*Read Article Freemasonry's Direct Connections and Undeniable Links to Today's Homosexual/LGBTQ+ Movement
*Read Article The Satanic Temple Says That ‘More Than 50 Percent of Our Membership’ is Homosexual LGBTQ+
*Read Article Planned Parenthood Allies with The Church of Satan's Own Homosexuals to "Promote Abortion"
*Read Article Washington Post: One in Six of Today's Indoctrinated Generation 'Z' Now Claims to br LGBTQ+
*Read Article Twitter Accounts Advocating Sex with Children Remain as Anti-Transgender Posts Get Deleted
*Read Article UK Government is Investing £170,000 in Elite Sex-Party Company that Hosts Same-Sex Orgies
*Read Article Sweden Goes Completely Satanist by Declaring Jesus Christ, Mary, and Joseph Were Queers
*Read Article The Church of Sweden Unveils 'Eden Altar' Featuring Gay Couples and a Transgender Satan
*Read Article Finland Accuses Anyone Quoting Bible Scriptures as 'Hate Speech' Against the LGBTQ+
*Read Article UK Mother Sues Tavistock Over Misleading Gender Change Experiments on Her Child
*Read Article Illinois Capitol Has New Law Forcing a Satanic Statue Alongside Jesus Nativity
*Read Article Illinois to Teach New Homosexual ‘LGBT History’ to its Public School Children
*Read Article Norway Removing Children from Parents Because of 'Christian Indoctrination'
*Read Article A Swedish Artist Given Catholic Church Gig to Sing "I Made Love With Satan"
*Read Article Sweden Admittedly Created a Green Revolution Generation Via Mind Control

Fast Forward to 4:30 for Key Info Regarding the City of London's Control Over America

And the rest of those which were not killed by these plagues still would not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils ... neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

Revelation 9:20-21: The Holy Bible

Many of the ugliest episodes in Canada’s history can be traced back to the British royals. Now is the right time for the country to consider turning its back on the Crown. Queen Elizabeth II graces the country’s $20 banknote and all of the coinage in circulation - the Queen’s representative in the country – is still the person who has to sign bills into law, allow elections to be called, and approve governments to be formed. Even pro-monarchy groups acknowledge that each Canadian contributes $1.63 a year – a total of $50 million – to the royal family, who are the direct descendants of those who transported 3.1 million Africans to their colonies in the ‘New World’ while engaging in brutality against indigenous people. The same family engaged in the enslavement of black people for over 250 years and oversaw the violent colonization of territories and people in virtually all corners of the world, from the Middle East, to Africa, to the Asian subcontinent to the Caribbean. Under the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau, the oath has been shifted slightly to ‘recognize’ indigenous people, but it maintains that one will “be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors.”

Rethinking Canada’s Relationship with the British Monarchy

So where should Americans turn when confronted with so many enemies in the world around them, from without and more concerning, from within? Because it is the evil plan of the corporate elites to foremost deceive, they will always offer you what seems to be alternative solutions to combat their own control from seemingly outside sources of their control. For example, there's a large push today to "bring back the Christian Crusaders" comprised of unwitting American "Christians" to mobilize a force against the "evil Matrix-power structure that is the Democrat party." But what those who loudly push for such a post-January 6 mobilization aren't telling you is that this in itself is another ploy of the same US government they desire to crusade against, much like the January 6 riot itself was a plot carried out to crush American dissent against the US government. One such author spearheading such a movement, wittingly or unwittingly, is the ghost author only known as "Knights Templar," whose own synopsis for his latest book reads as follows: "Filled with chapter upon chapter of expert advice on how to protect and defend your family, faith and nation from the coming storm. The Great Reset Resistance is more than just a book, it is a survival guide and the 2nd installment in the Deus Vult Series. An air of mystery and power hangs over the Knights Templar. From their first Poor Knights fellowship, through to their high point as an immensely influential warrior Order, past their brutal suppression and rumors of underground survival. Only one is true and has re-emerged with a mind-set of ‘muscular Christianity’, a plan of action and the technical competence to become something which can legitimately claim to be faithful not just to the form, but also to the spirit, of our ancient and original Templar forebears. This organization is the Knights Templar International, and this book of unique and timely ideas is the proof that – despite world-wide state persecution, media purges and the intense hostility of the liberal Establishment and a myriad of fake or compromised patriot groups – the KTI are sowing the seeds of Christian and traditionalist resistance to the liberal ‘New World Order’ and its anti-White ‘Great Replacement’ project among a new generation. The Time is at hand. You are certainly not reading this by some random accident. So welcome to a world of hidden knowledge, 900 years of experience and the power gained by the blood of our Holy Martyrs! Welcome to the next step on your road to your true Destiny. Arise, and defend our homelands under the blood red banners of Christ’s Holy Warriors, in the famed battalions of the One True God! Our battle cry: DEUS VULT GOD WILLS IT! --" Nice gimmick, however, what this still unnamed author isn't being entirely forthcoming with is that the Knights Templar were not Christians. They were founded by those of the Merovingian bloodline who despite originally calling themselves "The Nine Poor Knights of Christ," were secretly funded by subversive and heretical (read: Satanic) elements within the Roman Catholic Church while amassing great heights of power that rivaled the Church itself, as designed. After the Church was forced to disband them for their discovered Satanism vis-à-vis their sexual and sacrificial rites to "Baphomet," a surviving Templar remnant found refuge in Scotland. The remnant of Templar power in later Scotland became the Freemasons in London, through which they went global, the then 'New World' included. So any Christian today believing that a return to the time of the Crusades to resurrect the Templars is the best choice to war with their perceived enemies (read: their own countrymen) does so under a false pretext, much like the maligned history regarding the supposed "Christian" Templar's themselves. And it's right here where those who are already armed to the teeth today, holding such a Templar mindset based in a deadly crusade without conscience, that makes such modern Anglo-Crusaders just another weapon at Satan's disposal within a racist endgame waged against God Himself and His creation. Consequently, if any so-called Christian (or White nationalist) approaches you with plans to attack anyone, they are exposed. 'For we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against *spiritual* wickedness in high places. - Ephesians 6:12

*Read Article The Knights Templar Were/Are Occult-Based Pagans who Sought Anti-Church Wealth and Power
*Read Article The Medieval Rise of Satanic Luciferians and the Fall of the Crusading Knights Templars
*Read Article The Far-Right's Skewed View of the Crusading Knights Templar (Pro-Templar Site)

After the Collapse, the arc of the Masonic plan dictates Europe's meteoric rise within the vacuum of western power left behind by the former United States. While this New Order will seemingly include all within Europe, it will increasingly turn toward a racist, Anglo-police state, which is why we are already seeing that outcome being perpetuated in Europe already, and all under the guise of "security." Since the Revolution, Britain has used the United States to increasingly protect its own interests, all the while distracting its citizenry with an "American Dream" that provides just enough to keep them striving toward contentment, despite their drowning in interest payments, negative financial leverage, and given early deaths via their corporate manufactured poisons and deadly pesticides in their food. Like a vampiric parasite slowly draining its host, does Britain need America to survive up to a point before relinquishing it altogether. The Merovingian Templar and Anglo-Aryan overlords, who direct the Crown Temple in London, have not only created our modern financial system that has built the West since the European Crusades, but also ensures that Western education is based on an equally adept Occult-based system that works to always enslave the minds of the next generation. (See also II Thessalonians 2:3-4 and One Nation Under Antichrist.) It is that same insidious force that backed Hitler's own rise and propaganda machine, who still control governments now, whilst placing Presidents and other Occult-led puppets to carry out their own wicked global agendas that ends in a final man to rise on their behalf. Each "Leader of the Free World" has only taken us one step closer toward the Masonic dream of their final 'New World Order,' that was publicly announced on September 11th, 1990 - exactly 11 years before the Twin Towers fell on September 11th, 2001. View that iconic George Bush Sr. speech here. Ever since, America is being forced to endure the kind of spiritual attack from its "principalities and powers in high places" that's still seeking to force America toward her own destruction. It remains to be seen whether the inevitable Collapse itself is brought by anti-fascist protests across the nation, or the fascist call to destroy all Trump dissenters, or by some horrific natural disaster, impending financial collapse, new plague, or by some outside entity or nation attacking America at its weakest moment, or a combination of all the above. America and Britain's national policies, and even stranger foreign policies, in seemingly backing Israel on the one hand, but ultimately undermining the Jewish State on the other, were and still are directed toward a future of bringing the Antichrist to bear, against Israel. You must understand that the ascension of the Antichrist is not a new idea, or the result of the current generation of elitist ideals cooked up within any single Bilderberger meeting but is an ancient plan that within each generation has its players who do what they can to bring Satan's ultimate goal, of counterfeiting the Messiah, in Israel. Satan's indignation will only be completed when he possesses a certain King and sits within a Temple in Jerusalem, which explains a great deal as to why the Freemasons are admittedly so obsessed with that coming rebuilt Temple in Zion. This is also the reason the Masonic (Satanic) hegemony behind the Anglo-American policies of entire administrations both past and present, remain so intertwined with the State of Israel. Understand, Satan desires God's earthly Throne at Zion (Jerusalem) in his ongoing attempt to win his war and rule this world and everyone in it. Because of God's still intimate connection with the Jews, via the eternal promises He made to their patriarch's, it is still the people of Zion that Satan hates most of God's creation and is his most targeted for complete destruction. Second to Jews who are slated for annihilation, are all of those who've been grafted in to the promise via Christ, i.e., those of His namesake (Christians). This is why so many lies surround the Jews (and true Christians) to the present day, and why they continually receive blame, when all of the world's ills are attributed not to Jews, but to an equally ancient parallel race of beings who themselves claim are not altogether human.

*Read Article Pagan Witches Serve the Literal Demons of Abortion, Homosexuality and Witchcraft
*Read Article Our Child Sacrifice: Sadistic Witch Cults and America's Abortion Industry
*Read Article Victoria Swift Connects America's Masonic Luciferianism with LGTBQ+
*Read Book [Amazon] Natural Satanic Witchcraft - Traditional, Spiritual, Orthodox

That same deception has worked itself into the modern "truther" movement today that references a "Jewish global conspiracy," when in fact the perpetrators of global evil are the ones who consistently blame the Jews themselves. In other words, consider the source. It has always been Anglo-led secret societies that have manipulated global events, since their incarnation as the wealthy bankers of post-Crusading Europe, i.e., the Knights Templar, who've never relinquished their increasing power or amassed wealth, let alone supposedly handed all of that over to Jews, as those who believe in a global Jewish conspiracy promote. Because so many in America and Europe are being deceived by one or more tentacles of the Masonic Crown's global propaganda machine, that forces the "evil Jew" narrative, millions of deceived conspiracy theorists today are effectively being primed to follow anyone who would bring another final solution-styled genocide against Israel and its Jewish population. In this way has Satan's offspring effectively provided cover for themselves whilst always pointing their pale fingers at Jews, thus allowing their work to continue. While America seems to uphold the Jewish nation, it only does so to ensure Israel's own existence at the time of the rising of the Antichrist in order to facilitate the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, not from God's will, but from Satan's. In one key regard, America is little more than London's personal bodyguard and global bully to ensure both London and Washington's shared Masonic goals are carried out. Lucifer, the Masonic "God of White Light," knows best how to utilize both pride and vanity toward a nation that is itself rife with Luciferian-worshipping elites at the top who keep their lower caste blindly worshipping a Masonic flag and a Constitution as their God. Understanding subversive social engineering carried out in tandem by the CIA and MI6 security services will often appear where you least expect it. For example, while seemingly grass root supported groups like 'Extinction Rebellion' and 'StandUpX' are rising in the UK, notice also how they are increasingly being infiltrated by Wiccans, both atheist and theistic Satanists, Luciferians, New Ager's, and other pagan cultists. That will only increase on both sides of the Atlantic as an effective backlash against Trump and his increasingly racist army of wannabe fascists who still have no clue to how they're being played by the very elites they believe they're against. While the elites in actual power are seemingly promoting racial inclusion via societal diversity, they do so knowing Whites would be stoked to anger and future violence. Understand, diversity of itself is not evil as racist conservatives ignorantly tout, but the Masonic elites promote it to more perfectly counterfeit Christ's own Kingdom in Heaven (where "all nations, kindreds, and tongues" are included) in order to counter Christ's redemptive work, remove the global influence of the Holy Spirit and bring the entire planet into the Luciferian initiation under the Anti-christ. This is what the UK and US governments and their increasing control over social media platforms are working so diligently toward today. As far as Masonic-controlled America being a supposedly free, sovereign, and independent nation far removed from its progenitor in England, actual research that goes beyond all of the mind control proves that the shadowy cabal today referred to as the "Deep State" are comprised of those who hold zero allegiance to what we've all been taught America is supposed to be, because they know the "Masonic Experiment" that is the United States is only another proxy of the United Kingdom whose destiny is to prepare the world for Satan's Messiah. Thus, as America staggers under the weight of its ongoing destruction by those in power behind the Presidency, the UK mind control program is ramping up the internal divisions between us so that we destroy ourselves. Of itself, the 'American dream' was always just that, a dream designed by those in control of the mind-controlling industrial military complex you've been commanded to unwittingly build and pay into, for them. Simply put, the so-called 'dream' of itself diverts attention away from what really happening via the mechanism of thought control being implemented where anyone dissenting against it is a traitor worthy of death, exactly paralleling Freemasonry for those insiders who attempt to expose any one of its many secrets. Crony-capitalism and consumerism is pushed by the same globalist mega-corporations lurking behind the corrupt power structure of Washington DC. Moreover, of White racism, one might wonder how pervasive Anglo-racism is within the ranks of the Satanic cabal. The answer can be found in the life of America's own, Albert Pike, America's foremost Satanist and KKK founder.

*Read Article The Supposedly Charitable Cult of Freemasons Admit Having Racists in Their Ranks
*Read Article Anglo-Freemasonry: The Political Force That Controls the Democracies of Western Nations
*Read Article UK PM Boris Johnson Calls Racist "Round Table" Founder Cecil Rhodes a Hero to Great Britain
*Read Article Written Proof that American Confederate General Albert Pike 33° Believed Lucifer is a Holy God
*Read Article The KKK Was Created by Civil War General Albert Pike, a 33° Scottish Rite Mason and Luciferian
*Read Article Trump Furious Over Toppled Statue of Gen. Albert Pike, the Freemason Who Wrote Lucifer is God
*Read Article Toppled Georgia Guidestones that Promoted Antichrist's "New Age" was Financed by the Ku Klux Klan
*Read Article Anglo-Racist and Rebel General Robert E. Lee’s Legacy Proves Why He Deserves No Whitewash or Statues
*Read Article Scotland Police are Institutionally Racist and Discriminatory Against Minorities Says its own Chief Constable

Religious experts and historians say the controversy points to a centuries-old tradition where dark is bad, light is good. “It’s just part and parcel of the stereotyping and the encoding of dark and black, particularly of African descent, as negative in American popular culture.” Scott Poole, author of “Satan in America” says the linking of Satan and race predates American history. European folklore described Satan as a black man, and the Puritans imported these notions, and raised them during the Salem witch trials of the 1690s. “That’s an idea that the Puritans brought with them from England to New England,” said Poole. “They actually had a tendency to identify all racial others with Satanic powers, Satanic control.”

Dark-Skinned Satan Has a Long History

The Masonic Craft originated in the British Isles and the overwhelming majority of its members live in English-speaking countries. According to the Masonic Service Association, there are about 1.2 million Freemasons in the United States. Far fewer men in Latin countries belong to the separate Grand Orient system, whose components are not usually recognized by the Grand Lodge [in London]. Many fewer still practice forms of “fringe Masonry” such as Co-Masonry, which enrolls both men and women. Prince Hall Lodges, originally for Black men, are generally considered “irregular” by American Freemasons, who were conspicuous in both the original and the revived Ku Klux Klan."

A Final Warning

*Read Article Red (York/Royal Arch) and Blue (Scottish) Lodges of Freemasonry Explained by Freemason
*Read Article Royal Arch: All Masonic Control and Colors are Evil and Support an Anti-Christ Agenda
*Read Article British Influence Over US: When Republicans Were Blue and Democrats Were Red
*Read Article Red vs. Blue: We’re on the Cusp of a Another Civil War Here in the United States
*Read Article Black Man Chased by White Men Found Decapitated - Police say No Foul Play
*Read Article Former KKK Leader Explains "Why We Voted For Donald Trump"
*Read Article A Surprising History: The Second Coming of the Ku Klux Klan
*Read Article Black Men Hung From Trees are Labeled Suicides Across US
*Read Article Alabama Editor Calls for Night-Lynching KKK to Ride Again
*Read Article A "Christian" Arkansas Sheriff Resigns After Racist Rant
*Read Article Ohio Police Chief Left KKK Note on Black Officer's Coat
*Read Article Soldier Posts of Killing Blacks Given Top Security Pass

They dictate to us that to have "success" (and best serve them), you must be educated within one of their Godless education (indoctrination) centers, with the elite (Masonic-connected) ivy league schools best favored - then work in the corporate arena and live in a predominately White area from which you pay your high taxes all the while shunning the poor and minority population completely believing in whatever the media tells you. Rinse, repeat. Of course, this is diametrically opposed to Christ's teaching which is the whole point. Moreover, Whites are now being taught to hate Blacks and other minorities all the more, as they rise up against the racist status quo that has kept them feeling like forgotten indigenous Americans forced to live in ghetto-like reservations, coast to coast. And far be it from any of the modern MAGA-hat wearing, robber baron, Anglo-racists of today to have Godly heart enough to even see, let alone actually care, of the plight of their less-than-White neighbors living among them. That would be too much like having the Spirit of God and Christ working within them. At the same time, it's demanded of everyone, affluent White and the poorest minority alike, to pay their taxes to fund this system of evil, but even there, elitist Whites are greatly favored over their marginalized neighbors of color, allowing the top tier to receive questionable tax breaks while others are taxed to death. Daniel 11:38 and 43 further informs us that Antichrist shall arise to have all power over this world's wealth and finance, the result of foreign wars and western dominance, but also of many generations of its corporate men in power who have seen to it that the third world suffered while the West flourished. Out of chaos, order. Out of many, one world order. The same evil men in power who played both sides from the start, that brought us the wholesale murder and theft of America's indigenous, African slavery, exported poisons, genocidal toxins, industrial pollution, followed up with the removal of Christianity in public education replaced by the promotion of all things witchcraft, homosexual, radical feminist, racist, and anything else against God's will, is where the Masonic 'Founders' have actually taken America, from start to its end. The destruction of Christianity and the promotion of Anglo-Israelism was always the goal of Europe's insidious monarchies since at least the Jerusalem-conquering Crusades, leaving the global Collapse they'll create from 2025-2030 just as much a foregone conclusion in itself to lay the groundwork for Antichrist's arrival. After all, there's a reason why the Masonic hegemony is in the process of manipulating world society toward either racist Nazi paganism on the one hand, or God-denying, speech-banning, climate-religious, progressive-liberal, pseudo-religious, witchcraft-believing pagans on the other. Both the political Left and Right are needed to control us all to best serve their own Masonic final solution that of itself is against God and anti-Christ. As far as current politics and matters of state go, the way Trump is perceived by Netanyahu as being Israel's greatest ally, should at the very least be held in much greater reserve knowing what Trump's ally in Putin is preparing against Ukraine, the United States, and the Jewish state. And why aren't Trump fans ever questioning Putin's increasingly closer ties to their most hated nation of China? Trump was, and now Biden is, nothing more than a temporary Masonic puppet who has become the perfect Anglo-archetype for the coming Antichrist himself, leading Israel to only look to the West to solve all of its most pressing issues of peace and security. Who can deny that the United Nations isn't a post-war Masonic creation whereby Western leaders, especially the President of the United States, are useful idiots and visual proxies for which to push the UN's [Satanic globalist's] latest Agenda program? What's not told on any report CNN would ever show is how these same Agenda programs, like Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 or even the world vax program, will become the global decrees of a post-American New World Leader that currently resides in London. In other words, the controlled media is preparing the world's increasing hive mind ultimately for him; it's all for Satan within Antichrist, the counterfeit of the Holy Spirit within Christ.

*Read Article Cornwall, England is Revealed as the Net's Most Vital Internet Hub of US National Security
*Read Article Former Nazi Holocaust Computational Technology is Now Backing Vaccine Compliance
*Read Article YouTube Has Virtually Become a "Radicalization Machine" to Create More Neo-Nazis
*Read Article Facebook Instagram Still Has a Big Problem with Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists
*Read Article Dystopian BBC Caught Suppressing the Youth Vote With Apathy Mind Control Tactics
*Read Article Microsoft Releases Advertisement Featuring an Artist Known For Her Child Torture Art
*Read Article Facebook ‘Accidentally’ Includes "Big Brother is Watching" Messaging in VR Device
*Read Article Google Funds a Newly Formed European Group to Combat Online Conspiracies
*Read Article Facebook Bans Anti-Vaccination Advertising While Pledges to Promote Vaccines
*Read Article Facebook Bans Researchers Looking into the Platform's Questionable Practices
*Read Article Facebook Caught Placing Children in Harm's Way of Pedophiles and Suicides
*Read Article Despite Rise in Child Sex Photos Shared Social Media Refusing to Prevent It

The modern global financial system, its controlling Satanic hierarchy, and even a semblance of what became its lying media was originally birthed in the ancient world, when the earliest pagan empires of Mesopotamia first influenced the first ruling families in Egypt. In turn, pagan Egypt's earliest financial hierarchy influenced pagan Greece, that influenced pagan Rome, that influenced the rest of supposedly "Christianized" Europe. By the time we reach the latter era of the Crusades, the Satanic-worshipping, Merovingian Knights Templar suddenly became the richest banking cartel in medieval Europe by devising a system of usury interest and loan debt that held many of its (non-Cainite) crown heads crushed under its corruptive weight. As the latter half of the Medieval period evolved into the age of Renaissance and revolution, that same banking and usury structure had grown into this world's time-honored "financial system" by which trillions are funneled back to the elitists who have effectively become mankind's Overlords as a result, ensuring their power and control generation after generation. Where most believe this insidious wealth management is traced only to today's World Bank and IMF, that are both headquartered in Masonic-controlled Washington DC, the actual headquarters of this financial behemoth (Beast) resides within Masonic London's Crown Temple Bar, and under the hidden influence of the British Monarchy itself. While some know of their presence among us, tracing their obvious evils in everything from corrupt politics, finance, banking, and a certain military industrial complex, named America, the same have no idea that all of their wickedness is directly connected to a grand pyramid scheme of the evil father's own design. At its head sits an enthroned Satan that is symbolized by his sole, "All-Seeing Eye," with the members of his thirteen-tribe family positioned in global power just underneath, followed by their many Satanic and Occult-based organizations infiltrating entire governments, like Freemasonry, that both carry out their evil works on a global scale whilst earning a substantial amount of wealth (via taxes, wars, and other illegal means) that's funneled back to the top. The next tier is the aforementioned banking system itself. Closer to the two bottom tiers resides the military control structure and its many industries, as well as their intelligence and security services that carry out the murderous will of the upper tiers on a global scale. The lowest tier of the evil corporate pyramid makes it very apparent how racist the entirety of its self-serving corporation headquartered back in London truly is. They are the Masonic-based fraternal orders behind the police, both federal and local, who while claiming to protect and serve the public, are actually serving and protecting the highest echelon and the racist status quo that serves the Great Work overall. (See also Under Trump, FBI Protects the Corporate Ruling Class and Right Wing by Targeting Left-Wing Groups Only and Nazis and FBI Share Similar Practice.) Beyond their aspects toward human policing, our collective minds are also being daily assaulted via their MK-ULTRA and Tavistock programs that work in tandem with the media to ensure mankind is no longer presented with a choice, of good or evil, but a single narrative that only promotes a coming single hive mind, religion, financial network, and world order. Think they might be preparing the world for one leader, as well? One need only look at the way Western governments are increasingly preventing you from being able to access any counter-information to their own deceptive narrative, including increasingly stricter Google AI algorithms that root out almost all conspiracy searches and other informative websites that would cause society to wake up, to now its outright censorship of Christianity itself, in the form of so-called 'limited state' YouTube videos, shadow banning of people reporting the truth, to outright censorship, to see how far the internet has devolved from an actual working social platform, where speech was once freely disseminated, to one under their insidious control where only the hive mind disinformation of their Masonic mind control is allowed to flourish. Increasingly, free speech is up for debate, setting a dangerous precedent going forward whereby if you aren't following the ever-shifting wave of wherever the manipulated hive mind is going, you're ostracized already. I imagine it's right here someone could ask what about Black Masons? The irony here is as deceptive as it is overwhelming. Knowing how the outer caste of Freemasonry is itself a grand Luciferian recruitment program into a larger Masonic world system run by the inner caste that supports evil, soul corruption, Anglo-racism, and global citizen slavery, I would turn the question around to be: What have they gained?

*Read Article Coronavirus Has Made the UK Press No Longer Question Systemic Government Authoritarianism
*Read Article UK Monarchy and Tavistock Behind the Dystopian Mind Control Program Called Project Monarch
*Read Article Government Mind Control: The UK Press Discovered to be an Orwellian ‘Appendage of the State’
*Read Article European Union Lawmakers Approve of Internet Censorship in a Stunning Move of Global Control
*Read Article Twitter Immediately Bans an Account That Was About to Release 3,000 of Fauci's Covid E-Mails
*Read Article UK's BBC & Microsoft Form an Orwellian Coalition to Police Free Speech, Censor Conspiracies
*Read Article Prince William is Once Again Pushed into Global Headlines with BBC Deceiving Princess Diana
*Read Article Shadowgate: YouTube and Twitter Suppress Film Exposing Deep State, Filmmaker Arrested
*Read Article How Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Silicon Valley Serve the US State Department

Run your own experimental searches into what the controlled internet does and doesn't want you to read or discover. One example is to type "Prince William Antichrist" into Google. As soon as you got to "...Anti," Google used to auto complete and fill in the rest of the word "Antichrist" for you. Not anymore. In addition to that, while all your former searches are remembered in Windows by default, "Prince William Antichrist 666" is one combination of words that are no longer automatically remembered, forcing a person to uniquely type it in every search. And beginning in 2022, there's even an extra warning at the top of some Google searches, including "Prince William Antichrist" that state the following at the top of the given result: "It looks like there aren’t many great results for this search. The results below match your search terms, but some of them may not have reliable information on this topic." Similarly, the same searches on Google that used to bring you to sites exposing Freemasonry and the global elite are now shadow-banned and buried under a myriad of "fact-checked" websites countering the topic you're seeking. For another example, if you're seeking out the well-documented truth behind Satanic Ritual Abuse, you are immediately presented only with the websites that counter SRA. It doesn't take long to realize this is also being purposefully done by the search engine corporations and companies themselves via their latest algorithms. Before 2016, you could easily find information against the Masonic hegemony on key sites like Freemasonry Watch. After 2016, however, an obvious shift began to take place ensuring only Masonic webpages themselves appeared in the highest listings under search terms that should take one to anti-Masonic sites. How utterly ironic it becomes, therefore, that those who are working to expose such conspiracies are now being increasingly portrayed as villains disseminating misinformation when that is the task of the so-called "fact-checkers" themselves and the corporate entities behind them who facilitate lies as the truth in order to support the larger plan they so clearly hold. One need only take a more analytical look at the media today, and their need to precisely control how we view the world going forward, to see but a single aspect of the control itself. (See also CBS: Inside the Secret World of the Freemasons and TIME: What the Freemasons Taught the World.) Knowing how such elitist organizations controlling the media are turning society away from the truth and Christian love of their neighbor, how ironic it is that Trump and his administration are being exposed in not only slowing the division that is plaguing the nation today but has only facilitated it to the point of stopping active FBI investigations into White nationalism as well as far-right, Nazi-inspired, "Christian" militia groups. So, while Trump is supposedly curtailing the much fewer Mexican and South American gangs like MS-13 from entering the country, he's also preventing many more parents and children fleeing from them. Trump claims to be protecting such minors from traffickers, while exposing them to traffickers behind the walls of American detention centers (and now Biden is doing the same). While Trump is seemingly against gangs themselves, or should be, he has actually protected American gangs as long as they are White and nationalist. There's no clearer example of a double standard in the US justice system then when armed, angry Whites are literally allowed to storm the DC Capitol and attack the police for hours, killing one, while individual unarmed minorities are being actively racially profiled, daily stopped by police, and then killed for much less than their much angrier, better armed, White counterparts. It seems the only way that certain right-wing Americans could ever tolerate anyone of dark skin, is if they could "own" or otherwise oppress them in one way or another to better echo the time they believe America was still 'great.' The same consistently blame the generational victims of slavery and its bastard child in ongoing systemic racism, instead of their own British slave-trading forebears or founding fathers, the backlash of which is ironically, today, making patriotic White Americans even more self-serving and wanting to preserve the traditions of Anglo-racism all the more. The question has arisen that given this honest report, if it turned me somehow anti-American, to which I would answer a resounding no, it would be anti-American not to freely disseminate this knowledge to as many Americans as possible in the time we have left.

*Read Article The Masonic Round Table of Illuminist Rhodes
*Read Article An Occult Manifest Destiny of the United States
*Read Article The Freemason Plan for Mankind's Destruction
*Read Article Does the British Empire Still Influence America?
*Read Article How the United States is Still Under British Rule
*Read Article The American CIA is Itself a British Spy Operation
*Read Article Five Eyes is UK Intelligence Spying on US Citizens
*Read Article UK Elitist Control Trampling on Free Speech Rights
*Read Article British MI5 Influencing World's Worst Despotic Regimes
*Read Article UK Spy Agency GCHQ Caught Influencing School Curriculum
*Read Article UK Agents Infiltrate the Net to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy
*Read Article Britain's Black History Month Should Be Called "White Supremacy Month"
*Read Article Black Immigrants More Likely to be Denied US Citizenship than White Immigrants
*Read Article Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans Disproportionally Exterminated by Covid-19
*Read Article The British Government Has Paid UK Academia to Promote its Racist Colonial History
*Read Article US Intel Keeps the Elite Names of Epstein's Black Book a Secret While it Spies on Us

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist EU New World Order London Deep State Europe Bible Gog Magog Prophecy World War III UK British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult Trump Project 2025 MAGA Far Right Racist Nazi Fascist Government World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 Davos Great Reset Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Pedophile Cannibal Blood King Arthur 666 Asteroid Strike Climate Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control US Collapse

It's no secret the United States is steadily losing its Biblical base. Just look at how many Americans rejoiced in New York's recent ungodly law legalizing abortion up until the day of birth. The more our nation loses its God-honoring element, the closer it draws to spiritual death. But this isn't a recent trend. Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne says the demise of America started in 1877 with a man named Cecil Rhodes, a lifetime member of the Masonic Order. Rhodes wanted to form a secret society [The Round Table] with one goal: to bring the whole world under the control of the British Empire, establishing a one-world government. Since then, a strong and single-focused institution has infiltrated American society, and it has everything to do with money...[and a] globalist system as a prime setup for the Antichrist to arise.

How the Church is Resisting the Rise of Antichrist

Thus, both God and Satan knew full well of Cain's importance, that leads to Antichrist, so did God place that mark, protecting Cain from death, so that Cain may live to produce a race of his own. Cain traveled the ancient and now accursed world, where he found a wife, his 'Dark Eve', as it were. Many speculations have been made into exactly who this woman could have been. Suffice to say, no one has written more about Cainite history other than those aligned with the darkest of Occult rituals and blood-sacrifice to Satan and his children than those who would know that history best, the Aryans themselves. The fact that God placed a 'mark' upon the fearful Cain that would "protect" him (meaning his lineage) unto the "seventh generation" proves without doubt that a Cainite Bloodline and unholy lineage is what's being referenced to in Genesis. That same lineage then apparently leads from Cain directly to the Antichrist himself. Moreover, those first seven generations that needed God's protection was only removed when the Cainite Kingdom became self-sustaining under Tubal-Cain, who established a system of laws, backed up by a hierarchy of forces to protect the core establishment of the most pure-blooded descendants of Cain himself. She bore unto him a son, which Cain named Enoch, meaning "illuminated one." The path toward an Illuminati was secured. Cain’s ancient name of Q'ayin eventually worked into its later English root to become four connecting words of importance here, “Arcane,” “Aryan,” “Kin” and “King.” In other words, you could think of Cain as the primordial king upon which the archetype of a “King” of Occult magic is based. Cain and his children were first "Pagans" to worship Satan and his demon "gods," even as it was the Cainites, and those they greatly influenced, who created the very first pagan kingdoms of the ancient world.

In contrast to those non-Cainite pagans who came after, did Molech, Chemosh and Baal, even all the (demonic) gods of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Babylon and Assyria, work with and for Satan's children to increase Satan's kingdom upon this world. It was Cain who carried out the first human sacrifice to Satan, who consumed both the flesh and blood of Abel in honor of his Dark Father. Since Genesis, Cain's descendants, and those who serve their agenda, have engaged in similar blood sacrifices in the honor of their own dark father, Cain himself, of whose Masonic secret is subtly revealed in the etymology within the English words Cannibal (Cain + Abel) and Cabal were also based. The earliest Akkadian histories seem to indicate Cain's descendants were also first in stealing children to be used as slaves, for sex and ultimately human sacrifices that led to the more conventional Black Masses held in medieval Europe that's secretly carried out among Cainite Royalty and the elites who serve them to this very day. From Scripture, we know that Satan has all spiritual power over this world's kingdoms, and over every nation on this earth, but Satan also holds power over each nation's internally corrupt system that placed these 'Sons of the Devil' in positions of politics, education, medicine, and vast wealth. So while Satan controls this world spiritually, it is the Sons of Cain who control this world physically, for Satan.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist EU New World Order London Deep State Europe Bible Gog Magog Prophecy World War III UK British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult Trump Project 2025 MAGA Far Right Racist Nazi Fascist Government World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 Davos Great Reset Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Pedophile Cannibal Blood King Arthur 666 Asteroid Strike Climate Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control US Collapse

Sometime in the 1930s, Heinrich Himmler, [Hitler's SS leader] installed a 'Round Table' in Wewelsburg Castle. One of the study rooms was named Gral [Grail], while another König Artus [King Arthur]. Himmler envisioned it as the literal esoteric centre of the thousand-year reich, where leading SS officers became Knights of the Round Table. Underneath this table was to be the Holy Grail itself ... Himmler gave Rahm until Oct. 31, 1936, to finish his next book. It was called Luzifers Hofgesind or Lucifer's Servants whose underlying thesis is that the Cathars and other Aryan groups actually worshipped Lucifer, rather than the Jewish God and His Son.

Twilight Language: Quest for the Grail

Prince William could be a great leader if he was informed by Arthurian symbolism.

The French Templars were charged of worshipping an idol named Baphomet, urinating on the Cross, ritual murder of children, worshipping the devil and committing acts of sodomy and bestiality. Though the Order was disbanded, and its leader Jacques de Molay executed, legend has it that a number of Knights escaped to Scotland, where they became protectors of a Bloodline affiliated to the Merovingians, the Stuarts, and other supposed descendants of King Arthur.

According to Illuminati legend, King Arthur (a type of Antichrist) will draw around him the bravest and noblest Knights in the realm. They and their monarch will comprise the 'Circle of the Round Table'. In Great Britain today, certain members of the Illuminati, including Prince Charles and Prince Philip, take part in rituals and symbols of an odd secret society. So demented are the leaders of the Illuminati, that they fancy themselves to be the modern-day inheritors of the Arthurian legend.

Since the earliest versions of the Arthurian legends, genealogies have been created (or kept) that link King Arthur back to ancient rulers, including King David of Israel. Monarchs since Arthur have tried to claim descent from him, most notably the Plantagenets and their descendants who still sit on the British Throne.

Children of Arthur, Arthurian Genealogy

Although originating in southern France, it was in Spain that the Kabbalah would develop, and where the most important medieval Kabbalistic text, the Sepher ha Zohar, or Book of Light, was produced in 1286 AD. Rene d’Anjou, whose combined European heritage provided him with the titles of King of Hungary, King of Naples and Sicily, King of Aragon, Valencia, Majorca and Sardinia and King of Jerusalem, was well-versed in the Occult. His interests included Arthurian and Grail romances. [He believed that] ...the Messiah [Antichrist] must be brought about historically, through a long chain of actions that prepare the way [to] ...actively bring about his appearance, first by manipulating the course of fate through the use of magic, and finally, by preparing the necessary political and moral circumstances to receive his coming.

Rosicrucians and Freemasons: The House of Stuart

*Read Book Conjuring The Rise of Adolf Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich of the Nazi's
*Read Article The 'Deep State' are Nazi's Operating in Covert to Increase Pure Hatred Toward Israel
*Read Article The British Royal Family are Ranked Members of the Thirteenth Satanic Bloodline
*Read Article Despite Family's Link to Nazi's, Many Believe William is Descended from Israel
*Read Article The Dragon's Deception During the Coming Third Temple Era of the Antichrist
*Read Article The Blood Victory: 'Hope for the Future of Our Dragon Race' -A Must Read
*Read Article Society's Longing for an "Arthurian Figure" to Rise to Initiate World Order

The Milner Group was birthed as the result of Cecil Rhodes' "Round Table Group," which centers around the idea of the British Empire ruling the entire planet. Corbett also neglected to mention that it was the British royal family themselves, in addition to several American corporations, that provided funding to facilitate the "Unification of Europe" project that was supposed to be Hitler's actual mission, in addition to murdering every Jew in Europe, a task also signed off on by his financiers back in London and corporate America. (See also King Edward VIII’s Nazi Ties that the U.K. Tried to Cover Up.) However, Hitler, a trained occultist knowing something of the older Masonic plan toward placing a global leader that would lead the world from Europe, went rogue to what was to be his part in that plan as a forerunner to that leader, bombed London, and attempted that future global takeover in advance for himself that led to the rest of World War II and the result of Western governments and Hitler's British and American financiers, including the British royals as this news item makes clear, ultimately distancing themselves from him. Despite that, there were a remainder of American-owned factories inside Germany that continued to help the German war effort and Nazi cause even after America finally entered the war. The Masonic powers were then forced to destroy what they themselves helped to create in Hitler's meteoric rise to power, but not before largely allowing for the extermination of six-million of whose surviving remnant would then be allowed by England to create modern Israel, a needed State if the Biblical prophecy of the Antichrist would be fulfilled, which speaks to England's own larger goal of ensuring the occult side of the Antichrist prophecy is fulfilled if only to allow Satan his own ultimate goal in possessing their future Antichrist king who arises in England. This is why the Freemasons were created out of the Knights Templar before them, to ensure that transfer of power occurs in the same generation as the "Fig Tree (Israel) puts on leaves," whereby Christ said that the same generation that sees the regeneration of Israel, wil also live to see all of the prophecies come to pass. This would include the prophecy and arrival of the Antichrist. As such, what the Western Masonic governments could not do thru bloodshed in a forced unification of Europe, they later undertook thru peace, creating the European Common Market in 1957 via the Treaty of Rome, which directly led to the overdue birth of the European Union in 1993, the same union by which the United Kingdom today desires to seemingly abstain from. Corbett should have also dropped the name of Prescott Bush, the father of George H.W. Bush, as another key figure in funding Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party, proving something much generationally worse than Nazis exist among us in America to this day. Moreover, he should have finally dispelled the myth about the Rothschild's being Jewish, when they certainly are not. They are Aryans hiding under Jewish last names in order to protect their Templar-serving evils in global banking and finance to this day, funding the larger Masonic plan that leads to a dystopian global society under the rule of Antichrist. And the Rothchild's are not the only Aryan family on earth purposefully laying all blame at the feet of Jews while they remain free to carry out every Satanic work completely undetected. This still leaves the United States at a severe disadvantage because no matter what Americans do or how they vote, those in control behind the government are preparing for our destruction so that Europe is left by itself to dominate the West. That said, where does this leave America being currently drawn into racial conflict against its own population? The Masonic-American two-party system was wickedly built so that no matter which party could bully or balance the other into compliance, Europe wins. If the far left dominates and completely conquers the next three election cycles as a backlash to Trump's reckless time in office, Europe wins. If Trump still manages to ignite the powder keg of racism to the point that a civil war actually does break out, Europe wins. Because America was created by racist, Satanic Freemasons that still control the US government ultimately, Europe wins. One example of this is seen in the Masonic grip on the media from the conservative extreme. For example, the same conservative media that tells us not to hear the realistic grievances of minorities such as those in Black Lives Matter by continually distracting their audience with false claims that BLM is "Marxist" does America itself the greater injustice because Black America is also America. What America is not, never was, and never will be, is for Whites only, which is what conservative media is secretly attempting to brainwash White Americans with. In other words, you don't have to be a "dirty Woke commie" to hate racism, racial profiling and minority injustice, as well as the murders of unarmed Black and Brown American citizens and their subsequent cover-ups to ensure the racist status quo that best serves the elite, remains. As if to further codify his imperialist-styled Anglo-racism, Trump is ending all racial sensitivity training and is even doubling down on igniting those same racial narratives that Hitler himself evoked, causing an entirely new generation to distrust and hate minorities for their speaking/acting out against the obvious racism. Vicious circle. What we're all witnessing today is precisely what happens when you humanize racists as "great patriots" and dehumanize everyone they hate. What the anti-Woke brigade desires most, therefore, is zero accountability for theirs and their forefather's murderous racism. Their damning of Black lives and Critical Race Theory is just the beginning, they ultimately want to appear as racially blameless whilst bringing their latest Hitler in "vermin poisoning our blood" Trump to the forefront again while God Himself is watching.

*Read Article Jew-Hating American Neo-Nazi's Believe that Trump is Greatly Helping Their Racist Cause
*Read Article Former KKK Leader David Duke Formally Backs Donald Trump’s 2020 Election Campaign
*Read Article Trump Warns Schools Teaching that America was Founded on Racism will Lose Funding
*Read Article 'Stupid People' Rage as Marjorie Taylor Greene Flunks an American History Test

As far as the Summer protests of 2020 ignited by the murders of unarmed minorities by White police from coast to coast, a government's first duty should be to protect citizenry, not corner to cull. To Whites, it appears only their insurrections against the government matter, while they demean every minority seeking a parallel, if not equal, justice. The very fact Trump continues to push the systemic swamp's own racist agenda that so obviously sets the stage for their coming racist, corrupt, evil and charismatic Antichrist, of itself proves Trump is merely one of them. Trump's imperialist-serving callousness towards minorities is further proven when in the face of protests against Police murdering the unarmed, he claims that BLM and other groups that want to pursue the legal route toward police reform to reduce the countless murders, are "preventing the police from doing their jobs." Sorry Trump, when was it ever the police's job to profile, target, and kill unarmed minorities? Trump's further blaming the radical left for their "communism" is another red herring that plays on the Republican's greatest fear, when both the left and right are being pitted against one another in perfect adherence to the Masonic plan that's leading toward the destruction of the American Republic and the rise of Europe as a superstate. (You may remember the recent reports of Europe having long ago banned certain chemicals that are still allowed by the US FDA and present in American foods despite those chemicals having been proven to be killing Americans.) Trump's hastening of America's demise can no longer be denied with his further increasing the powers of US corporations to pollute our air, water and food supplies by rolling back key safety regulations, as well as his constant stoking of racial tensions and insistence that there will come a second American Civil War, complete with inflammatory speeches and tweets that consistently incite White supremacists to kill "radical liberal communists." When Trump and his racist supporters like Tucker Carlson say that "liberals hate America and White men," they effectively give no space for anyone to dare question the obvious racism in their version of America exhibited by Whites, thereby allowing for the unfair status quo to continue in its own systemic racism to ensure their dominance via diminishing the very real concerns that minorities increasingly have. In other words, anyone daring to challenge the American status quo that's so obviously built upon 400 years of ongoing Anglo-racism and corruption, are hastily ostracized by the radical right and labeled anti-American. Meanwhile, those Anglo-elites who secretly control our government exist behind the overwhelming protection that the institutionally racist status quo daily provides them, holding neither political affiliation of either left or right, knowing such distractions to be an opiate they've provided for the masses. They only worship Satan, period. Jews are merely presented by them as a shiny racist-based diversion to allow Satan's twisted plans to remain hidden until the rise of his Antichrist Western King, that returns global 'law and order' after the Collapse, something that Trump archetypally propagates in himself. Understand, Antichrist will initially appear as a leader who unites the planet under an extreme version of multiculturalism, and this is why progressive liberalism is today being driven as a vehicle toward that goal, but much like the far-right espouses, the Beast will also push a "White savior" leadership narrative at the same time. This is partly why both the radical right and radical left are being weaponized toward that objective now. Like Trump has already done, Antichrist will also befriend the state of Israel, at first, to the point of becoming its Messiah, as short-lived as that will be. It's therefore entirely foolish for those in MAGA claiming Trump wasn't put in office by the very same corporate and political swamp they actually think they're against, when Trump was literally born into the Deep State, of which they've been unwittingly taught to believe are entirely comprised of "evil Jews and communists," when the true Deep State is actually comprised of those, they're more often than not, actually related to. Such "truthers" who revel in the "Jewish global conspiracy" mindset would be shocked to discover most of those supposed Jewish names running the banking system are not Jews but Anglo-elites hiding behind Jewish names, a Merovingian tactic that's been employed since the Crusades, when the Templars returned to Europe to create the modern banking system. Never mind all the Crown-serving Freemasons that actually run the United States government since its inception, the actual Deep Anglo-State needs you to believe only Jews are at the helm so that their work goes on unhindered. In other words, if the already corrupt businessman and former Democrat turned corrupt Republican that is Trump had offended the globalist's power structure in any way, whether in DC or London, he never would have been given their Office. Both the political left and right in the West serve one master, and it's not Christ. Christ inspires empathy, peace, inclusion, and love for those oppressed who love their Creator, while Satan as the Oppressor inspires the division of mankind thru distrust, hate, exclusion, racism and war, for those archons who oppress.

*Read Article ANALYSIS: Donald Trump's History with Adolf Hitler and His Nazi Writings
*Read Article Trump's Daughter-in-Law Lara Trump Calls Dark-Skinned Migrants "The Downfall of Germany"
*Read Article Lara Trump Calls on Americans at the Mexican Border to 'Arm Up and Get Guns and Be Ready'

And here's an important question that proves the racism among the Republican party. Why is the GOP elite never investigating further into all of the major child sex trafficking rings centered around England or much closer to home around Salt Lake City in Utah, both of which are proven Satanic rings kidnapping, trafficking, killing, eating and even selling human blood and body parts on the dark web as sacrifices to Satan, to instead only go after the few Mexican traffickers that the GOP makes it seem encompasses 95% of the heavily demonized migrant families who desperately want a shot to actually work in the United States? Like the brainwashed cult they're becoming, the GOP actually believes the cultish Trump lie and repeated Republican talking point that the "invasion" from the Americas contains nothing but evil drug runners, terrorists, and murderers, while the very same types have been born right here in the United States, are White, are of the original immigrants who arrived here largely from England and do practice what they call the "world's oldest religion" rooted in Cain's murder? With the one-off exception in Epstein and Maxwell, why does the justice system on both sides of the Atlantic largely protect the elite trafficking rings while those not in that status quo and systemic network are subject to the actual application of the supposed law with prison sentences? The news item that uncovered that the US Government was beholden to the Queen in her complicit protection of her pedophile son Prince Andrew does show us something of how the Deep State and underworld works in reality. Moreover, there could no more be the strongest of hypocrisy than what is seen today by the GOP in regards to "the border." The self-righteousness they unabashedly display rivals that of other cults who make up their own rules as it best suits only them much to the enjoyment of the Masonic-Satanic cult that actually sustains their ignorance. Let's now investigate that further. The next thirty paragraphs will shock you into a knowledge that far too many have been overlooking in regards to the murderous Satanic cults in America who hold as their god, Lucifer, in keeping with the early American Masonic tradition. Let us remember, Masonic America exists because an entire race of its Godly-placed, indigenous, [actual] Americans in America were slaughtered to fulfill an ongoing Masonic plan hatched in 17th century London that leads to Satan's rise via the Antichrist in Masonic England to coincide with the ending of time that was sped up as a result of the Anglo-American industrial age with all of its many covert twisted sciences riding on the back of its more overt technological advances, advances that were detailed in the Scriptures, such as cars: "their chariots jostle like lightning in the streets, the highways, and byways..." and quantum computing and AI/VR: "No one on the earth will be able to buy or sell except that he have the mark...and he causeth all to worship the image of the Beast which can see and speak and cause all who worship not the Beast to be killed..." and TV/live streaming: "When they finish their testimony, the Beast will make war against them and kill them. Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations everywhere will see their dead bodies laying three-and-a-half days in the streets of Jerusalem...." and airplane travel: [The end will come] when many will move to and fro across nations when knowledge shall be increased..." to inform an ancient audience, as well as our own generation, as to what would be the major technologies at the end of days. Therefore, this notion that racists today like to push that it was the White man who created modern, Western society and all of its technological advances should also be underscored by the more stark reality behind that fleeting fact, that the same White man has also brought us all closer to the end of the world as a result, a fact that will be made no clearer then when the same technologies that the Beast will employ to enslave the planet are even now increasingly distracting the world away from its Creator and toward Satan already.

Satanism and Scientology: Cali Bergandi's Experience [Florida]

I was born into a Satanic cult family who practiced occultism and Satanism in Vero, Florida. For example, my grandfather who had ties to NASA also had connections with Jeffrey Epstein back then who was involved with a weird project in wanting to "seed the human race" with his [Cainite] DNA, and my family and so many others they knew had so many connections doing all of this crazy stuff. My mom had been married before I was born to a man named Gary, Gary Kimball of Brevard County, Titusville, in Florida, which was about an hour and a half from Vero where we lived. And I’ve known Gary my whole life, even though it was my mom’s ex-husband. I grew up around Gary who owns a private airport in Brevard County that Jeffrey Epstein used to fly young girls, as well as corporate types, in and out of there several times a month. And back then, Gary and the others controlled all the air traffic in and out of that specific airport, so they could get in and out of there inconspicuously. I was born into the cult, so from the time I was born, they start using you right away for practices. The women in the Satanic cult in Florida start grooming the bred babies from infancy. I’ve seen it done during diaper changes, for example, where they’ll finger the babies to get them used to the sexual abuse they'll be forced to endure later in their lives. In those early years, my family ritually abused me my entire life with a blindfold on, while everybody else watches, but I couldn't. So when I actually am able to see stuff like that, and showed my shock even as a child, I was usually silenced by either being drugged or beat or raped myself. I learned not to speak. I’ve been to day care centers in and around Vero that were owned by Satanic occult members and was abused in day cares that they were used for child prostitution and trafficking purposes. They even had their own little school bus and to the untrained eye, none of it appeared as if it were abnormal. But my first memory was going to that First Church of God and going out of class because I had cramps. I was, like, three or four years old in day care, and I couldn’t identify what was wrong with me. I just went to the toilet, and I sat on the toilet and had blood in my underwear, and I didn’t know it was blood and I’m [thinking], “I need help.” And I sat there on the toilet at First Church of God for what seemed like hours until a teacher finally came looking for me. And I believe DCF was called at that point, so it did create a problem for them for awhile. I was taken out of that day care and then put into another one where they could abuse me and get away with it. But that’s my first memory of being abused.

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My mother worked in banking and I remember it had a lot of criminal ties to biker gangs, and other types of brotherhoods also. She was working in banking because she was a plant put there by the elders of the cult to obtain account information on the community's most wealthy people in and around Indian River County because they were to be targeted for later extortion and blackmailing scams, as well as potential recruiting after it. I wasn’t allowed to have friends that weren’t in the cult, so I was raped by all my friends’ fathers. Everywhere they took me, they knew somebody, restaurants, restaurant owners, banks, bakeries, the bank president that she worked for at First American Bank. Alex MacWilliam owned the bank, we used to call him Mr. Mac, and after hours, they would go up front and lock the door of the bank at five o’clock and then bring me into his office and he would rape me on the desk in his office at the bank. These men and women are bank presidents, real estate, daycare, restaurant owners, and small business owners of all kinds are tied into the network. In the cult, they encourage you to get into a position of power or local politics, law enforcement, fraternal order of police members, or teaching, or whatever so that they can incorporate and launder trafficking funds through companies or connecting organizations that are then connected to larger statewide and national networks as they ascend in power. The banality of the evil ones -- These people are your hairdressers, they’re your day care owners, they’re people that you trust, respect, view as pillars of the community, and even think first to trust your kids with, which speaks to how good their psychopathic act of appearing "innocent" really is. My own family was very well liked in the community, for example. Proof of this was seen when we had the unexpected arrival of 200 people or more that showed up at my dad’s celebration of life that we had for him after he died, or disappeared, or whatever actually occurred to him in 2016. I mean, there’s a lot of people that know these people, but they don’t really know them. Many are doctors and physicians of all kinds that I have been ritually abused by and tortured by. Doctors are important to have in any cult because of the murders as well as abuse we were all made to suffer for Satan. The "blue blood" ancestral relationships are very common in the cult with fathers sleeping with daughters, brothers and sisters, cousins, is all practiced in common. We were groomed for that, and being raped by all the men in our family. It was not uncommon to see a room full of naked people or to be raped in a room full of people and other people were being raped by them. I was a breeder from the age of eight to fourteen and every year they would impregnate me, but I never had a child as a girl or woman would traditionally have a son or daughter. They never let me carry full term and always took the babies at six months, so I never got visually pregnant. I was always made to wear bigger clothes to cover my "bump" so nobody knew I was getting pregnant. They would take the babies prematurely at about six months, and they were either being used for trafficking purposes, body parts to be used in foods, or killed in sacrifices in their ceremonies, all of which they did. So, several of mine were were killed. And my father strangled one in the back bedroom that was born and then forced me to watch him bury it in the back yard. That was the first.

*Read Article Adolf Hitler's Strange Racial Ideology: Content and Occult Sources

I’m present, but I’m not. I was heavily drugged for the pregnancies, especially during the time of birth because they would induce me then take the baby in an unnatural way. And then I was just rest in recovery after that. I assumed others like me who went thru the same things I have disassociated from reality just like I taught myself to do, and in that, you can get used to spending a lot of childhood recovering from beatings, rape, torture and pregnancies. I knew I wasn't the only one because I've seen others, and others killed for angering the elders too many times. This is how they keep you in line. I was trafficked through the school system in Indian River County so there were teachers, school board members, principals, other people like that in the network that worked at and ran these schools. And I would be taken out of class, literally signed out of class. Men would come and get me and I would be raped, and then brought back to class and picked up from school like the others. There were teachers participating: Redacted. She is the sister of Redacted. Redacted and Redacted are who we called grave diggers because the recently dead in cemeteries were often dug up and used for various occult uses, including the making of human leather out of some, especially if they were Christian or innocent children or both. The mocking of God was always expected of everyone in the cult to prove your loyalty to Satan. So there are roles given within each cult, ranging from the elders who act as judges within a coven, to the executioner who is usually given to those in law enforcement, to the women who act as Dames, down to the teenage boys who are used for thefts, the teen girls who breed and the younger children used for sex and porn to corrupt those in the community and blackmail them into doing all of the cult's bidding. The counties this took place in was (still is) Indian River, Putnam County, Brevard, and Broward. All up and down the East coast of Florida was kind of like their territory. My aunt who worked in the day care that my grandmother owned, is now a 7th grade teacher and trafficker out of Oslo Middle School. They would also rape kids in the day care. The men in my family and other men in the cult would come into the day care when we were kids, and act/dress as maintenance men and just snatch a kid at random and take them in the bathroom and rape them. As long as I can remember, I knew it was wrong. I knew it was wrong. I used to say it to my brother/husband/handler, whatever he is. He grew up with me like a brother, and then he became my handler. They actually let us stay together and we did get married in the back yard in a Satanic ritual. I would tell him when I was a little girl and he would rape me, I would say, “you’re sick to me.” Or I would say to my mom, “Laura, he’s being sick to me,” or “these guys are sick to me.” I never understood it. I was always so confused why everywhere I go with you, this happens to me. You know, they would act like they were oblivious sometimes. Like, they would just take me over to so-and-so, leave me in his office, and then go get something to eat, let them rape me, and come back, and it was just like nothing. And I’m going, “Why does this keep happening to me?” I couldn’t understand why it kept happening over and over and over. And I couldn’t stop it. And there was no help for me. I mean, I tried. I would try to tell on people. Who was I going to tell? They were all doing it to me (sobbing), they were all doing it to me.

*Read Article American Neo-Nazi's Blend in with the "Patriot Movement" of the Alt-Right

State parks and national parks are being used a lot for occult practice. We used to go camping a lot when we were kids, but I would be taken basically out into the woods where nobody could hear you scream. They also use bonfires to worship Satan. We did chants they taught us and stuff like that. And a lot of times we would be masked and drugged. They were giving us "potions," but they were adrenochrome and things like that that they were giving us shots of. So it was like, “Okay, girls, time to take your shots.” We were to act like we were the adults when taking the shots and then we would be used for ritual raped by all the men. The younger boys would practice on us and then the older men would rape us. There was a lot of harvesting energy, for them. They’re literally like vampires. They are vampires. They feed on adrenalized blood. When the Adrenochrome is not available to them, that’s what they use the street drugs, i.e., opiates. Because Afghanistan has some of the biggest poppy fields in the world is why I believe Bush decided to have our military there. After the invasion of Afghanistan back in 2001, that’s when big pharma really started pumping out the opioids and the pill epidemic started as a mass scale operation of the population programs these men run. I’ve seen them bury human remains in and around Indian River County my whole life. But they also got into the pill mills to fund their main cult activities. He actually served eight years, I think, out of a 16-year sentence for operating pill mills in the state of Florida, being part of the whole oxycodone express that was going on down there. They have food machinery and chemicals at FMC, where my dad worked, so they were buying not just juicing equipment for the packing houses, but they were buying pill machines. They were pressing their own pills, buying all the ingredients to manufacture their own pharmaceuticals and selling them to people through these pill mills. They had a customer base coming from Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky. They were coming down to Florida where the laws were relaxed on it. And they were operating these huge pill mills, making millions within a couple of years. And people from all over the world, in all of the United States, flying to Florida just to get drugs from them because they were easy to get, and they were pushing them so hard. And like I said, this started after the invasion of Afghanistan and the US military took over the poppy fields.

*Read Article Satan's Evil Rising in America: How Anti-Semitism Rises on Both the Left/Right

Even the school system is government. I mean, it’s all state, it’s all government, and I was trafficked through the government. I was a born government sex slave for the White House, the FBI, local law enforcement, Masonic Freemasonry, cop gangs. There’s a lot of people who don’t want me talking about this. I think people need to understand and realize that I will now be targeted. Occultism in the United States is not legal, but that’s exactly what they’re doing. It’s not legal. Freedom of religion is legal: occultism is not. But if you look at the origins of Scientology, Scientology clearly states it’s a cult. It’s not a religion, but it’s named as a religion in America so that they could get around the law. And a lot of this was brought into the States by people like Sir Richard Branson, who was knighted by the British royal family, and Redacted, who owns a private island right next to Branson that I’ve been trafficked to my whole life. My family lives in the Bahamas four months out of the year on Compass Cay, which they call Tucker’s Island. Redacted comes up to Vero and stays. He owns the island. He stays with them in Vero when he comes to Vero. So, Redacted gets his shirts and other material printed by a printing company in Vero Beach that’s also owned by my occult contacts, Redacted and Redacted, people that I’ve been trafficked to throughout my life. They print t-shirts for Tucker, my aunt and uncle pick up the t-shirts, take them down to the Bahamas, and they stay down there four months out of the year. I was trafficked a lot by Navy men. There’s a lot of men in the family and in the cult that were associated with the Navy and the military, armed forces. But specifically, the Navy, because there are no laws in international waters, so, they can get away with just about anything out there. I wasn’t just being used for sex, I believe I was being used for my identity, my bloodline. So, every time my identity changed, which was multiple times... I have several aliases, some of my known aliases are Claire J. Cooper, Claire J. Walker and Sarah Bernhardt. Bernhardt, because I would cry during rape, so they would call me Sarah Bernhardt. But they’re using my identity, and that’s basically to traffic funds offshore, to hide laundered funds and trafficking funds and various accounts in my name that are being kept from me offshore. And corporations overseas. My brother became my handler. (I don’t think he was my biological brother) I was later trained to call him my husband at around ten. He was eight-to-ten years older than me and accompanied me on trips to and from, getting me ready for the men I was to seduce so he was the one responsible to take me to them on their private jets or jets they would charter. I would be sitting with him on the plane, and then he would put me in my nightgown or whatever costume the client sent to him or to my parents for me to wear during our date. Other times I was forced to wear a certain t-shirt that had a specific logo on it because it was symbolic of a "child bride," so that the client could identify me as their candy girl when picked up from public airports, etc. Florida was chosen because it's a peninsula with water on three sides, making travel easier to the islands where many international trafficking rings converge, and you know who still owns most of the Caribbean islands, right? They have international airports in Jacksonville and Miami and they just made the regional airport in Fort Lauderdale an international airport, so you can fly internationally right out of Lauderdale now. Clearwater, Tampa, Jacksonville, Orlando, I have been flown out of all of them to mostly private estates on the islands.

*Read Article How the City of London's Corporations Promote Racism as a Business Model

Back then, the porn industry was also becoming more popular in the ‘80s and ‘90s, and just being kind of like a normal practice. My parents started getting into porn and looking to film their own porn, using us, by taping over Disney video tapes, and my parents also had a stash of Busch Gardens promotional tapes they received free from the company. My dad became a necrophiliac around this time. I think from being around so much death that he became attracted to it. He would have sex with human remains and corpses and then coaxed us to do the same. There existed child porn with corpses that we were made to watch that I'll never forget. And now I'm being reminded of the underground tunnels, a whole underground world at Disney, for example. We used to be taken to Fort Wilderness, Redacted Gardens, Disney and all over Orlando. CBS, Nickelodeon, Viacom, a bunch of those big conglomerates were involved in pornography using front production companies, and then they started doing child porn and my parents signed me up for their tapings. I was trafficked to and raped by Redacted. He had an estate in Vero Beach, as did many of the Redacted family who own huge conglomerates that are involved in these type of things. I've been asked how far back in time did these kinds of cults begin? I don't know, but I know that Scientology was like a turning point for the occult here in Florida as the occult practices have become more rampant since "the Church" became more popular. They call it the Church of Scientology, but it’s not a church, or a religion. It's a cult, and there are members that have left that are speaking out but they have their own police force that will silence you if you try to speak out against them and the abuse and death threats made by them. I was taken to the church a lot as a child because my devil cult parents wanted to make important contacts within the congregation there. Through "the Church," I was trafficked to the FBI, the Masonic cop gangs in Florida, the Governor's house, and even to the British royal family through Scientology. I've learned that Satanism is one Brotherhood that has endless tentacles all over the world and in every place where you think it doesn't exist because that's what it wants to do, corrupt. The sextortion, the murder, the recruiting, the human sacrifices, it empowers Satan by diminishing Christ, evil for good and good replaced by evil. Corrupting the world is the plan because what Satan desires most for mankind is complete confusion and mass chaos, and death. Satanism is still being disguised behind politics, behind policies, behind even "Christian churches" involved with politics. So, they meet each other at these events which can easily be disguised as a dinner party and you'll see it in the news media all these distractions of people gathering for these events, be they political events, music or film awards, even sporting events, despite it all being an occult practice operated by those in power. They’re invitation as well as initiation ceremonies for people moving up into elite circles. And yes, even Presidents are involved. You do know that the White House sits at the upside-down point of the Satanic Pentagram that was built into the layout of Washington DC? I was three when I was first taken into the White House, but they didn’t get me in to serve Bush Sr. until I was six but I was only raped by his staff because he preferred boys who were being trafficked constantly to and from the White House in its underground tunnel networks. People have this view of the United States like it is God's Heavenly place on earth when it's actually Satan's playground that is still making people crazy in thinking one way about it, when everything they've been taught is a lie.

BREAKING How Similar is America Today to Hitler's Nazi-led Germany of 1939?

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*Read Article US Prisons Ban Literary Books Having Minority Heroes But Allow Hitler's Mein Kampf
*Read Article Amazon Pulls Death Camp Christmas Ornaments After Complaints from Auschwitz

This is the government. These are world leaders. These are presidents of other countries. Leaders all around the world participate in this corruption. It’s also a huge multi-billion-dollar business for them. It correlates with the food industry. Any type of machinery that they need to process foods, any chemicals they need to process foods, and my dad was an FMC, food, machinery, and chemicals. For 17 years, he was a transporter of human remains for the cult. They were using people that were unclaimed, that didn’t have family, the lost and stolen children especially. But like I said, anything that you can liquefy or make into a powder can be sold. So, there’s a lot of these things, traces of it going into your processed foods, your juices. It’s occultism, and they want everybody partaking in it, literally, so they put it in your food without your knowledge. At this point from what I can see today, it almost seems like all the big conglomerates are in on it these days. I've also been asked how many cults are there? I always answer, thousands, thousands. But like they all say, or at least my parents and their friends said, “It’s all one and the same.” That’s how I was taught. That’s what I’ve heard growing up, that “It’s all one and the same. It’s Brotherhood.” It's Satanic, and they do not have any regard for human life, as they really only care about themselves and this is how you can spot them among you. They don’t care about humans. They'll always claim they do, but they don't. I’ve watched a lot of humans die, men, women and children, whether by "the hunt" or in sacrifices at Black Masses. They’re notorious for making murder look accidental. My own father would run people off the road, he would strangle women to death, drug them, so it would look like an accidental overdose, or it would look like a hanging instead of a strangulation, and it would look like they just ran off the road in a single-car accident when, in fact, they were targeted and murdered. I know a lot of people that have died in car accidents that were caused by members of the cult, and because many of the members attempt to, or do recruit police into their networks, many of the murder cases caused by cult members go cold and become forgotten within a year. And this occurs coast to coast throughout America. It happens somewhere every single day. Yeshua has guided me and directed me and delivered me from this evil. Yeshua is the true name of Jesus, and I never was taught about Jesus or His saving power from Satan specifically. But I know that Jesus was with me through it all, and I know that He is the one who saved me and remains the only reason why I’m still alive today to be able to speak of these unspeakable things. But, now I want to become the voice for the voiceless, for all those who can no longer speak to you because they were killed in some of the worst ways imaginable. It is now their voice that matters and God's Word that is Yeshua for having all of them by His side ever since. Amen.

Satanism and the Church of the Latter-Day Saints [Utah]

Shortly after the birth of the nation in 1776, when Christianity flourished in much of New England, and the witch trials were long since taken over by a much more tolerant view of paganism and Witchcraft (because of Freemasonry), there arose the Anglo-centered cult known as "Mormonism" in upstate New York. Strongly influenced by Freemasonry, its founder, Joseph Smith, claimed an angel named "Moroni" had revealed that native Americans were descended by immigrants of ancient Jerusalem, and as a result, they were "the lost tribes of Israel." The angel then told Smith that these same immigrants of Israel were all supposed to have "White skin, but because of wickedness, they became darker skinned." Mormonism then goes on to twist the racist tale even further to say "the (evil) dark-skinned of Israel killed all the White-skinned (righteous) descendants of Israel, with only the angelic White man Moroni survived. Moroni then revealed to Smith that he was descended from the righteous White men of the House of Israel, and that America itself was the New Israel. By 1830, Smith's 'Book of Mormon' containing all of these many revelations from Moroni, regarding the righteous White men vs. the evil dark men, was printed. (See also A Dark-Skinned Satan.) By the same year, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was formed with only six members. Fourteen years later, his congregation grew to thousands in New York alone. As the Anglo-Israelism of the founding fathers continues to spread like a virus, even older Anglo-racist echoes of the crusading past are increasingly heard in the domestic terrorist manifestos of so-called American "patriots" and their equally duped brethren in various Satanic-leaning Neo-Nazi groups today, both of which claim to be Christian. One must wonder, therefore, what is still coming that shall make the entire world hate Christians and Christianity, as prophesied in Mark 13:13. Like Mormonism, that utilizes an Anglo-racist version of "Christianity," the quasi-Christian Ku Klux Klan itself was patterned in similar fashion by the admitted Luciferian-worshipping 33° Freemason and Civil War Confederate Brigadier General Albert Pike. Both Mormonism and Klan theology are based around Masonic Anglo-Israelism, that teaches the White race is God's "New Israel" and "chosen people," leaving all non-Whites to be little more than an animalistic genetic waste of "non-human garbage." Such belief led the most prominent adherents of this doctrine in Britain and its offspring in a young America to purchase countless "sub-human" Africans from 1619 until 1865, as their own personal slaves. However, as true Divine providence had it, the North ultimately defeated the South, and slavery was forever abolished in the United States. Despite this apparent setback, Satan's bloody wars and hatred against the rest of mankind continued. Between the two British Boer Wars, certain elitist-minded aristocrats, like Britain's Cecil Rhodes, a virulent racist (or as he and his friends termed it, a "Race Patriot,") felt it was incumbent upon his 'White privilege' to plunder Africa of its rich diamond mines. Creating the world renown diamond company DeBeers, and backed by Rothschild & Sons Bank, Rhodes went on to create a Whites-only secret society called The Society of the Elect that later become the Arthurian-themed Round Table Society in 1909, connected to English Freemasonry and the British Crown. Rhode's Round Table was to ensure the Sun never set on the British Empire thru establishing a world federation of English-only speaking Anglo-nations led by Britain (and America) who were/are to dominate the world going forward. The Round Table's ongoing success is still seen today in their creation of The Royal Institute of International Affairs, the American Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), The Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and the United Nations itself, among others in Europe that also push the Aryan-Masonic, Antichrist agenda. The following image depicts the Satanic 'Round Table' of the global elite. Its framework was devised by the Cainite Cecil Rhodes, founder of the Rhodes Scholar Trust, proving the Masonic sphere of ongoing influence and control has extended itself deep into the intellectual psyche of academia itself, but also far into the corporate world where the Cainite work continues to undermine actual Biblical Christianity in favor of a counterfeit form led by a perceived leader from within the corporate world. In 2017, armed patriots, White separatists, and jack-booted Neo-Nazi's marched upon the city of Charlottesville, Virginia to protest the removal of Confederate statues of known Anglo-racists, the majority of which believed in Anglo-Israelism. It was only a single generation after the founding of America, that the Knights Templar-influenced KKK, a known Anglo-Israelist elitist death cult that blends Christianity and Judaism with Satanism was born. Despite their upbringing, and skewed "heritage," the far-right 'patriot' fringe serves not God, as they vainly believe, but Satan, which is why Patriots are now rejecting Christ's teachings wholesale and adopting a liberal-hating 'survival of the fittest' mindset to achieve their patently racist goals.

*Read Article Mormons Believe: A New Messiah [Antichrist] Arises Citing the Bloodline of the Holy Grail

[The link above is key to understanding, read it and watch its video.] Like the Mormons and Masons, Confederate adherents to this day use Old Testament phrasing to describe their White privilege in terms of a supposed "divine right," backed up by their "unique heritage" and "inalienable ancestry," to skirt around the topic of their actual connections to an Aryan-Masonic lineage. When pressed further, they make assertions explaining how their heritage is connected to the ancient House of Israel, and specifically its supposed "12 Tribes." Where have we heard that before? Mormon-connected polygamy cults in Utah and Arizona, like "The [Kingston] Order," have claimed many young women forced into arranged marriages with their uncles or cousins to keep their supposedly exalted lineage as "pure" as humanly possible, leaving one to wonder whose bloodline they're actually trying to keep pure to such extreme. One Utah teen who recently escaped The Order, naively reported afterward that The Order's existence was merely "all about sex." In reality, the leftover tradition of polygamy that derived from older Mormonism is all about the preservation of an elder bloodline with a strict adherence to tradition, interbreeding, and "heritage," with a necessary cult to help keep it intact just as their Royal European cousins have done for centuries. (See Both the Queen and Grandson William are Related to their Own Spouses.) The defined theology behind Anglo-Israelism is called Replacement Theology, which dictates that the Jews are no longer the receiver of God's blessing and eternal promises made to Abraham, and that this blessing and promise of a Messiah has now been given over to England and its Royal Family, and to a lesser extent, the United States, which is a clear and obvious set-up for the Antichrist and his coming Kingdom. Just as the doctrine that elevates Antichrist as a Messiah has its origin across the Atlantic, so too is this same demonic doctrine creeping in unawares to increasingly infect the churches across every continent. As mentioned, the Masonic-devised Mormon Church has much to do with the false doctrine of Anglo-Israelism, much like the Queen's Anglican Church also promotes, albeit in secret. See The British Royal Family are Members of the 13th Satanic Bloodline. While the Anglican's embrace an increasing liberalism, Mormonism, propagates "Another Gospel of Jesus Christ" by which Smith implies Mormons are descendants of Israel as well as the descendants of the legendary King Arthur << A MUST READ. Once again, it is proven by their own twisted beliefs, and made clear by their own words, where Anglo-racism is heading by which the coming Antichrist will later use to propagate the claim that his own specific royal pedigree is traced to King David, the same lineage that Jews explicitly look for when considering Messiah. Because Christianity is the last stronghold that these Satanic forces have to destroy before their 'Global Sodom' can become reality, is why we are seeing such a relentless attack on America and its Christian remnant coming from all sides. Satan's destructive trap is set. Knowing how CBS and other mainstream media are literally infected by a Masonic narrative and agenda, it was interesting to see a recent news piece that so obviously promoted and even endorsed the new Mormon Temple in Washington DC, to the point of propagating its major tenets, showcasing footage taken from inside the new Temple complete with deceptive images of our Lord Jesus Christ, and overtly inviting any interested to go there at its open house in late April 2022. I shouldn't have to mention by this point that the very fact a corporate news outlet like CBS is inviting any who've gone astray toward the luminous flame of Mormonism says a lot about "The Church of Latter-Day Saints" and its connections to those who control the corporate media itself. Another way the media uses mind control to brainwash the general public is by their very opinionated documentaries that, for example, make Freemasons appear as merely a benevolent humanitarian organization and witches as merely feminists born at the wrong place and time. Both of these have a connection in Mormonism in several ways with Lucifer's global worship, making it another point of peaked interest as to why the Freemason and Mormon founder Joseph Smith felt called to travel to Salem to defend women proven to worship Satan, that our Masonic-controlled history likes to tell us were unjustly tried. That obvious tainting of history began with Luciferian-worshipping Freemasons like Joseph Smith, and others like him.

What Joseph Smith and Others Had to Say About the Salem Witch Trials
The following is an article from Deseret News (September 8, 2022)

Doctrine and Covenants 111 was a revelation given through Joseph Smith at Salem, Massachusetts, on Aug. 6, 1836. Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, Sidney Rigdon and Hyrum Smith traveled to Salem that summer to find supposed hidden treasure there [a likely cover story]. But while they were there, they took interest in the Salem witchcraft trials. Salem, Massachusetts, of course, is known for the Salem Witch Trials that began in 1692. The trials only lasted a year, but it has become what most people think of when they think about witch trials. Doctrine and Covenants 111:9 reads, “This place you may obtain by hire. And inquire diligently concerning the more ancient inhabitants and founders of this city.” With this instruction from God, Joseph Smith and his companions visited the East India Marine Society Museum. Not only did they visit this museum, but they also visited the library and studied the Salem witchcraft trials. Cowdery wrote, “This witch business began in 1691 and was so effectually carried on for about two years that the innocent blood of hundreds moistened the earth to gratify the vile ambition of jealous mortals.” Then, he spoke about Mr. Parris’ children and how they were impacted by this movement. Mr. Parris was a priest who did not make enough money. His children were considered bewitched after Mr. Parris began preaching and people revolted. Cowdery considered the Salem witch trial “a disgraceful affair” and also noted that the victims of the trial were innocent. Willard Richards acted as scribe for Joseph Smith where he noted that Salem was “rich in the history of the Pilgrim Fathers of New England, in Indian warfare, religious superstition, bigotry, persecution, and learned ignorance.” About this visit, BYU professor Craig Ostler wrote, “Evidently, the Lord hoped to warn and educate the early leaders of his church concerning the tendency of some in religious societies to establish their own righteousness by excessively crusading against real and supposed evils among them. When this occurs, innocent individuals suffer at their hands and religion becomes a stink in the land.” Joseph Smith’s trip to Salem may seem mysterious, but he and his companions seemed to learn the importance of learning from past mistakes. An even further disturbing account was written by one of Brigham Young's wives (#19), Ann Eliza Young, who ended up leaving the church entirely after discovering just how threatening Mormonism is and how close it paralleled Luciferian Freemasonry itself. Taken from chapters 21-30 follows: "Brigham used to denounce physicians in the most wholesale manner in the Tabernacle, and declare that they should never enter Heaven, but that he would himself close the doors against them. He was so bitter at that time that he would allow none of his family to employ medical aid in any emergency. That was Brigham Young well. Brigham Young ill is another person. In his variableness of opinion, he reminds one very forcibly of the dignitary treated of in the somewhat profane epigram:

"The Devil was sick;
The Devil a monk would be:
The Devil got well;
The Devil a monk was he."

"The only thing that in any degree overcame my disposition was the horror at the oaths which I was obliged to take. They were fairly blood-curdling, they were so awful; and even now a shudder runs through my whole frame as I recall them. The Endowment rites are nothing more nor less than a drama, founded partially upon the Bible, but more upon Milton's Paradise Lost. After our names had been given us, Miss Snow announced that we were ready, in answer to a question from the other side of the curtain. We were arranged in a row facing it, when it was suddenly withdrawn, and we were standing face to face with the men. The sight that met our eyes was very funny, and I had all I could do to keep my features decently straight. I looked out from under my eyelids, to find that the men, over their new garment of protection, wore a shirt only. On their feet were white socks and white linen shoes. The cap was of white linen, in shape exactly like those worn by stonemasons, and tied by a knot in front. They were certainly no more beautiful in appearance than we women, and as is generally the case in embarrassing circumstances, were much less at their ease. We were all conducted into another room, where we were seated opposite each other. We remained quiet for a few moments, getting used to the situation and our clothes, I suppose. Suddenly the silence was broken by voices in conversation. The persons who were carrying it on were concealed; but by listening intently we discovered that it was Elohim in conversation with Jehovah in His describing of the creation of the world. Elohim and Jehovah then make their first visible appearance and go through the form of taking a rib from Adam's side, and on the instant appears Eve, in the person of Miss Eliza R. Snow. It was then that Adam became separated from Eve; and wandered off by himself, very much after the fashion of husbands of the present day; and while he was away, Satan entered and commenced a desperate flirtation with the coy and of Eden is represented by guileless Eve. Satan was dressed in a tight-fitting suit of black, pointed shoes, helmet, and a hideous mask. His costume, with tile exception of the mask, resembled very closely the dress always worn by the stage Mephistopheles. He, in turn, showed her the tree of the forbidden fruit, and tempted her to taste it. She did taste it, and finding it pleasant, offered it to Adam, who, by the time the mischief was done, returned to look after his wife. It required but little coaxing on her part to induce him to take the fruit, and he also found it agreeable. At this juncture they seemed to discover their condition of supposed nudity, and instantly they produced white linen aprons, with fig-leaves stitched upon them, and proceeded to put them on. All the rest of us did the same. The pattern of this apron, by the way, was said to have been given to Joseph Smith by revelation. The Devil was then cursed and he fell upon his hands and knees and wriggled and hissed in as snake-like a manner as possible; we were all brought out from our several hiding-places, the curse was pronounced upon us, which doomed us to leave the beautiful garden, and earn our bread by the sweat of our brows. We were then driven into another room, which was called the world; and then we had taken our "First [Masonic] Degree." We were then given certain signs, passwords, and grips, arranged in a circle, and told to kneel; the women were also required to cover their faces with their veils; then we were bidden to raise our right hands heavenward, and take the oath of implicit obedience and inviolable secrecy. The women promised entire subjection to their husbands will; the men that they would take no woman as a wife without the express permission of the priesthood."

*Read Article Revealing Origins of Freemasonry and Why Christians Should Expose It
*Read Article Cain the Forgotten Father: Lucifer's Children Secretly Ruling the Earth

"We all promised that we would never question the commands of our authorities in the church, but would grant them instant obedience; we swore also to entertain an everlasting enmity to the United States government, and to disregard its laws so far as possible; we swore that we would use every exertion to avenge the death of our Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum upon the Gentile race, by whose means they were brought to their unhappy fate, and to teach our children to foster this spirit of revenge also; and last of all, we swore never to reveal the mysteries of the Endowment House. The breaking of this latter oath was to be followed by the most horrible penalties; torture of the most excruciating kind was to be inflicted upon anyone who should disregard this oath - his bowels should be torn from him while he was yet alive; his throat should then be cut from ear to ear; his heart and his tongue cut out; and in the world to come he should inherit eternal damnation. There should be, nor could be, no chance of salvation for him. These promised penalties are by no means mere forms of words given me to add impressiveness to the ceremony. The "Blood-Atonement" shows that they are carried out, and hundreds of cases could be cited in addition to those already given, to prove that the Endowment-House penalties are by no means dead letters in the Mormon Church law. The cutting of every Gentile and apostate throat, and the "sending to Hell across lots," that have been so openly and emphatically urged from the stand by Brigham Young and others, is only a public expression of the mysteries of the Endowment oaths. Brother Heber endeavored to add weight and emphasis to this horrible rite by delivering a discourse to us on the duty of keeping quiet, even to our husbands or wives, on the subject; from the time we left the room we were in, the transactions therein must not be mentioned, or even hinted at, to anyone. He then entered upon a dissertation of the glories of the Celestial Kingdom, and fairly outdid himself in coarseness and vulgarity. It was then announced to us that the talk finished the ceremony of the " Second Degree," and we were told to enter the next room, for the purpose of having the "Third Degree" of the Order of Melchizedek Priesthood conferred upon us. In this room a portion of the scenes of the last were repeated: the devil encouraged the ministers of the conflicting denominations to visit the new inhabitants of earth and urge their religions on them once more. The apostles stop the proposed visit and explain still further the doctrines of the true faith they organize a new church, which is, of course, the "Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints." Our Temple robes were changed; resting afterwards upon the left shoulder and fastening under the right arm - which was a sign that we were now received into the true church, and subject to the will of its leaders. Another grip was taught to us, and we then received the "Third Degree," and were ready to "pass through the veil." It is claimed that the mysterious rites were taken from Masonry, and that the Endowments are a direct outgrowth of the secret society. Brigham Young delights, I know, to speak of it as "Celestial Masonry," but I am very sure all good Masons would repudiate it and its teachings. In regard to the oaths of secrecy which I took at that time, I do not consider that I am doing anything wrong in breaking them; I am sure I shall in no way be held accountable for so doing. I took them because I felt that I must. I did not know what I was promising until after the oath was given me, while I listened with uplifted hand. I was bound to secrecy, but I feel that right and justice demand that I shall break these bonds. I consider it a duty to expose, as far as I possibly can, the wickedness, cruelty, blasphemy, and disloyalty of the leaders of the deluded Mormon people."

From the Substack of Jenny Marie Hatch
Short History of American Freemasonry and its Connections with Mormonism

"Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that grew out of centuries-old European trade guilds. Freemasons (or Masons) meet in lodges where they commit to be worthy of trust and to be loyal to their Masonic brothers. In addition to participating in these rituals, Masons meet socially, participate in community-building activities, and make charitable contributions to various causes to make them appear benevolent to anyone noticing their efforts. Some early Latter-day Saints were Masons. Heber C. Kimball, Hyrum Smith, and others belonged to Masonic lodges in the 1820s, and Joseph Smith joined the fraternity in March 1842 in Nauvoo, Illinois. Soon after he became a Mason, Joseph introduced the temple endowment. There are some similarities between Masonic ceremonies and the endowment, but there are also stark differences in their content and intent. It is said that there are no known Masonic documents before about 1400, around the time of the crusading Templars. The oldest surviving minutes of Masonic lodges date to about 1600, and at least publicly, appear to indicate that the organization was primarily concerned with regulating the trade of stonemasonry. Later minutes show that the lodges were gradually overtaken by men further involved with the occult who were not stonemasons at all. These members transformed the organization from a trade guild into a fraternity. Masons told a story about how their ancient forebears had learned stonemasonry, used it to build Solomon’s temple, protected the temple site, and held knowledge about their craft as a closely guarded secret. The sharp rise in popularity of Freemasonry peaked in the United States between 1790 and 1826. Prominent American founders George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were Masons, and well-known politicians such as Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay later participated in the fraternity. Even so, many American Christians by Joseph Smith’s day were concerned by the occult nature of Freemasonry's inner-workings and heretical notions behind those strange beliefs. These “anti-Masons” organized as a national political party outspoken against the dangers of the Masonic guilds appearing in nearly every city/town of note in America. In spite of this movement, however, occult societies like Freemasonry flourished in the United States and Masonic lodges were only further established in most communities from coast to coast. In December 1841, 18 Mormon/Masons organized a lodge in Nauvoo, Illinois. Joseph Smith and forty others applied for membership the following day. On March 15, 1842, Illinois Grand Master Mason Abraham Jonas granted a dispensation for the organization of the Nauvoo Lodge, installed its officers, and initiated Joseph and Sidney Rigdon to the degree of “Entered Apprentice.” The next day, Jonas passed Joseph and Sidney as “Fellow Craft” and quickly raised them as “Master Masons.” Historical sources do not explain Joseph Smith’s motives for joining the Freemasons. In many localities in early America, the most important elected officials were coaxed into becoming Freemasons. It is believed that such was the case with Joseph Smith himself joining Freemasonry. In joining, Joseph may have assumed he would gain a network of allies who could give him access to political influence and protection against persecution. After being betrayed by some of his closest associates in Missouri, Joseph may have found Masonry’s emphasis on confidentiality and loyalty appealing. In any event, Joseph, like all Masons, would have avowed that his purpose for joining was strictly to gain knowledge and be of service to others. Many later established Latter-Day Saints followed their leader Smith in joining the Nauvoo Lodge which then became the largest in the state. This rapid growth made many Masons suspicious that Mormons would dominate the organization in Illinois.

Freemasonry and the [Luciferian] Endowment Ceremony

On May 3, 1842, Joseph Smith enlisted a few men to prepare the space in his Red Brick Store in which the Nauvoo Masons met, “preparatory to giving Endowments to a few Elders.” The next day, Joseph introduced the Temple Endowment for the first time to nine men, all of whom were also Freemasons. One of these men, Heber C. Kimball, wrote of this experience to fellow Apostle Parley P. Pratt, who was on a mission in England. “We have received some precious things through the Prophet on the priesthood,” Kimball wrote of the Endowment, noting that “there is a similarity of priesthood in Masonry.” He told Pratt that Joseph believed Masonry was “taken from priesthood but has become degenerated.” Joseph Fielding, another endowed Latter-Day Saint and a Mason, noted similarly in his journal that Masonry “seems to have been a Stepping-stone or Preparation for something else,” referring to the Endowment. Mormons in Nauvoo who experienced both Masonic rites and the Endowment acknowledged similarities between some elements of the two ceremonies but they also testified that the Endowment was the result of the revelation of Joseph Smith specifically. Willard Richards, writing Joseph Smith’s history, taught that the introduction of the Endowment in Nauvoo was “governed by the principle of Revelation [of Smith].” It was believed that Joseph and his associates understood Freemasonry as an institution that preserved vestiges of ancient [pagan [Luciferian]] "truths". The same acknowledged all the many parallels between Masonic rituals and the Mormon Endowment. Masonic rituals deliver stage-by-stage instruction using dramatization and symbolic gestures and clothing, with specific content based in key Masonic/Biblical legends [including Cain and Tubal-Cain]. While Masons had strict guidelines about who could join the fraternity, Joseph Smith hoped to give the Endowment initiation “even to the weakest of the Saints” just as “soon as they are prepared to receive, and a proper place is prepared to communicate it.” While most Masonic groups excluded women to their own Eastern Star grouping, Smith taught that it was essential that Latter-day Saint women receive the Endowment. Many women in Nauvoo were thusly prepared for this ordinance through their involvement in the Relief Society. Accordingly, Brigham Young and other men and women whom Joseph endowed before his death administered the ordinance to thousands of Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo. At first, we are told, the state’s Grand Lodge continued the Nauvoo Lodge’s dispensation, giving it time to correct irregularities in its admission of new members, but in October 1843, it withdrew the dispensation. Then when Joseph and Hyrum Smith were murdered in Carthage in June 1844, Mormon Masons felt outraged and betrayed when witnesses noted that there were key Masons among the mob who murdered them. Tensions between Latter-Day Saints and Freemasons in Illinois and the surrounding area continued to escalate, and in October 1844, the Grand Lodge in Illinois severed all ties with the Nauvoo Lodge and its members. Nauvoo Freemasons, however, continued to operate their Masonic lodge independently until 1846, when the Mormons left Illinois en masse for Utah." -- Jenny Marie Hatch

*Read Article Utah's Great Salt Lake is Drying Up in an Ecological and Economic Disaster
*Read Article Drought-Stricken US Under Assault from a Biblical Plague of Mormon Locusts
*Read Article Cannibalistic Mormon Locust Infestation Leaves Nevada Imprisoned
*Read Article Biblical Plague: Cannibal Mormon Crickets, Smells of Burnt Flesh

In a documented signed letter from both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young to Emma Smith of the Relief Society on March 31, 1842, we have the following damning information connecting Freemasonry to Mormonism: "We have been informed that some unprincipled men whose names we will not mention at present have been guilty of such crimes, we do not mention their names, not knowing but what there may be some among you who are not sufficiently skilled in Masonry as to keep a secret. Therefore, suffice it to say, there are those and we therefore warn denounce them as such and fly from <​shun​> them as the fiery flying serpents, whether they are prophets, seers, or Revelators, patriarchs, Twelve apostles, Elders, Priests, Mayors, Generals, city council alderman, Marshall, Police, Lord Mayor or the Devil, are alike culpable and shall be damned for such evil practices and if you yourself yourselves hear adhere to anything of the kind, you also shall be damned. Now, beloved sisters, do not believe for a moment that we wish to impose upon you...Let that epistle be had as a private matter in your society and then we shall learn whether you are good Masons. If the Lord be God, serve him, if Baal [be God]... (rest is illegible, but the last two words are likely "...serve him [Baal].")

-- Joseph Smith
-- Brigham Young

From the Substack of Full Disclosure by Diana Barahona
The Real Story of Cain and Abel

Northwest Liberty News, Montana (2021) - Cheryl Beck joins me to discuss her horrific tale of satanic ritualistic abuse and how she was able to break free from the grip of the unimaginable evil that controlled her life.

JAMES WHITE: What exactly is Satanic ritualistic abuse?

CHERYL: SRA occurs in the bloodline families. People now know that there are bloodline families that rule the world and that they’re the ones behind the scenes pulling the strings of the puppets that we are seeing in the public that push the agenda for the New World Order. I was born into it in 1961. It’s multigenerational meaning my father was also ritually abused and likely his before him. My step-grandfather was OSS and was also of the bloodline. But he was the one that had my father also sign us up for MK-Ultra, which comes later on when I’m four. The Luciferian families had perfected ritualistic torture to split the mind and create alternate identities or personalities so if they tell anyone what is happening to them, they won't be believed. It used to be called multiple personality disorder, now called dissociative identity disorder, or DID. I was only two when when they began having their Satanic rituals, and it was through torture that they created what became my first alt-personality that was attached to my favorite baby doll, meaning that I was personally to act like an inanimate object for the adults to "toy" with.

JAMES WHITE: When you say they’re bloodline families, where does that bloodline begin?

CHERYL: It started in the Garden of Eden. I’m going to give you their belief. They believe that Cain was the offspring of Satan and Eve while only Abel [and later, Seth] was the actual offspring of Adam and Eve. They believe that the temptation in the Garden was not biting an apple as is commonly interpreted, but that the apple in this case represented sex with the Serpent in the Garden, creating Cain, who was half-human, half-reptilian and sired the blue-blooded royal Houses of Europe. Megan Rose tells us that they are the descendants of the Anunnaki. Abel was an Adamite, descended from Adam [from whence came the later House of Israel]. Conversely, Cain killed [the Adamite] Abel. When you put those two names together, Cain-Abel, you get Cannibal. Those of the bloodline operate a cannibalistic system [in tradition and reverence to Cain, their father] where they’re trying to be as the emissaries of their god, [Lucifer to keep his specific bloodline "pure," which on the surface appears to be aristocratic and European] but is actually half-serpent and half-human. So, they [as Cainites] have their own race, [while] the Adamites are God’s race, and they’re have been both in constant conflict since literally the beginning. And their whole goal is to cannibalize or destroy the Adamites [the Jews] and and enslave the rest of us so they can prove themselves to be better than God and His creation on earth. We’re cattle ["goyim"] to them. We’re expendable. We’re only good for being enslaved to their system which is also why they get rid of a lot of us [via population control] and leave only survivors to become visibly enslaved and only working for them. They’ve invaded every aspect of society with their puppets while the real controllers are not known to the public. They’re always unseen, the ones that pull the strings, and they have their figureheads in all positions of power [in America, Europe, and the British Commonwealths] which is kept a highly-guarded secret. They do not want us to wake up as proven by most not seeing it, especially with their current psyop corona-virus, which means Crown venom [because the English word for virus originally meant venom]. Because these people control everything, everything is being corrupted which is Satan's goal. It’s a global plan played out over centuries to destroy God’s creation and to enslave the masses under Satan's world system. -- Diana Barahona, with added comments from Cheryl Beck, James White, and Megan Rose

And God said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The Serpent beguiled me. And the Lord God said unto the Serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed. I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her Seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His Heel. Unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception because thy desire shall be ONLY to thine own husband.

Genesis 3:11-16

And the woman replied, "Nachash [the Satan] SEDUCED me" (Gen. 3:13). According to Rashi, Satan sexually desired Eve. Thus, the Zohar states: "Two beings [Adam and Nachash] had intercourse with Eve, and she conceived from both and bore two children" (Zohar 136b). And even more specifically: "Nachash injected his impure semen into Eve and she absorbed it; therefore, when Adam had intercourse with her she bore two sons." (Zohar 154a)


Nay, even while Adam was alive, it came to pass that the posterity [lineage] of Cain became exceedingly wicked, every one successively dying one after the other, more wicked than the former. They were intolerable in war, and vehement in robberies; and if any one were slow to murder people, yet was he bold in his profligate behaviour, in acting unjustly, and doing injury for gain.

Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, A.D. 93

It was Satan (called “Azazel”) and his fallen angels who interbred with human females. The Book of Enoch specifies what “forbidden wisdom” the fallen angels or Watchers taught their human descendants. This included astronomy, math, writing, music, metallurgy, and all forms of arts and sciences, as well as how to perform magic. So, we are talking about a bloodline supposedly descended from Satan that was believed to be responsible for acquiring and passing down to us all of the esteemed arts and sciences of civilization, as well as the Occult sciences. This links up with the story of Dagon and his race interbreeding with mankind and bringing them wisdom, or with the Quinotaur inseminating the mother of Meroveus [to beget the Merovingian god-kings.]

In each case, we have a forbidden sexual union between the human and the divine which results in a royal bloodline, and which is associated with the passing down of advanced, forbidden, or occult wisdom. Cain who it is alluded, is actually the son of Satan... whose descendants were responsible for rebuilding civilization after the Deluge. They were eventually deified by their ancestors and remembered as god-kings by the ancients. And as I examine world history and mythology, it is clear to me that it is descent from these semi-human, semi-divine god-kings which have provided all monarchs since then with a divine right to rule. I am willing to bet that all royal houses from throughout the world can in one way or another be traced back to the Cainite dynasties ruling the planet today.

Tracy R. Twyman Interviewed About Rennes-le-Chateau

Cain is said to have created civilizations across the globe, and to have shared with certain chosen men a secret, forbidden wisdom: the Hermetic doctrine of the occult, symbolized by the Lapsit Exillis, or the Holy Grail. These actions brought him into conflict with other members of the divine hierarchy, an occasion immortalized in the Biblical story of the War in Heaven, and in other myths from various cultures that tell the same story. He is also said to have interbred with mortal females, creating mankind’s first royal family, the Grail bloodline, which carried with it the seed of the divine. Their descendants became the lords of the earth, resulting in many, if not in fact most of the world’s royal dynasties throughout history.

Cain was much more than just a murderer, He was the First Luciferian, the First Free Mason, the First City Builder, the First King. What we seek to offer through these books is an actual initiation into our Cult of Qayin, for if practiced correctly and if meant to be the initiates will find their ways to the Inner Sanctum and at that point there are physical rites that can be offered to those who feel the need to join our Temple ...the Hidden Cult belonging to the Bloodline of Cain and His Bride, our Holy Mother granted by the Holy Serpent to Eve.

N.A-A.218, Author of Liber Falxifer

Keep in mind that this ritual is not of modern origin. It has been practiced by Satanists since the days of Babylon. It is a multi-generational practice and it involves human sacrifice and the Satanic “Sacrament,” the consumption of the sacrificed victim’s literal blood and flesh. The Black Cube [original Babylonian] Kabbalah has instructed the literal Children of Satan the world over how the conjuring and controlling of powerful demonic entities by utilizing certain geometrical lines combined with very specific harmonic frequencies of sound, the protective “Watchtowers” can be temporarily disabled, allowing very real and very powerful demonic fallen angels to communicate with the sorcerer or the witch.

The Story Behind The Story

The Powerful Advertising Mogul Gordon Bowen at His Home in Salt Lake City, Utah
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist EU New World Order London Deep State Europe Bible Gog Magog Prophecy World War III UK British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult Trump Project 2025 MAGA Far Right Racist Nazi Fascist Government World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 Davos Great Reset Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Pedophile Cannibal Blood King Arthur 666 Asteroid Strike Climate Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control US Collapse

*Read Article 90% Utah Majority Believe in the Existence of Satanic Abuse via First/Secondhand Knowledge
*Read Article Heretical Gnosticism Exists Solely to Push the Satanic Bloodline as Being Holy and Royal

What were the beliefs of the original Mormons and what has modern Mormonism evolved into? First, the globalist-created Christus has became their new logo, that clearly represents a change for also the future of the children within the hierarchy, who are going through changes themselves such as now being forced to memorize and recite certain parts of the Gnostic gospels that have long been forbidden in their non-canonization since the earliest days of the organized Church because of their obvious heresies against traditional Christianity contained within them, that the Holy Bible itself condemns as "another gospel" to be "accursed." As the future so-called priests of Melchizedek, they're the end-time priests being raised up to formulate a one world religion that is going to worship the Antichrist. And who are they going to proclaim themselves to be? The Christ Collective. They're part of the false Christs Jesus warned us of among many others who are being helped by the Deep State governments being raised up in these last days. When I was in the state-sponsored Mormon mind control system, there existed three ancient/original copies of the Gnostic gospels to be revered (at least that what were led to believe). What is one of the blasphemies that these future youth are already being asked to embrace? First and foremost, that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married. A prime example of this is seen standing in front of the Christus statue itself, where we see a female angelic form with wings seemingly ministering unto Jesus. However, that feminine form is not representing a female angel - it's to represent Mary Magdalene who carries a symbolic basket representing the gathering of seed. So, who holds the seed of Christ? Mary Magdalene. These statues evoke the occult and were created with the intent to deceive Latter-Day Saints and their recruits specifically. Notice the basket’s position. And so, why are these children told they are chosen? They will be told it's because they are the product of the seed of Christ and Mary Magdalene, meaning, they're gods, when in reality they are descended from the seed of Cain whose father was Lucifer himself. It was Lucifer in Eden that originally told Eve she could become like God, as gods, if she would just partake of the fruit he showed her. Likewise, Mormons are going to embrace that blasphemy because Lucifer, not Christ, is their King already. Now, to what extent will they embrace it? The majority of these individuals who signed these contracts in front of the Christus statue, means they've sworn their allegiances to Satan and his son, as opposed to our Heavenly Father and His Son. But ask yourself, who runs all these genealogy things within the Church of Latter-Day Saints, that also corporate media seemingly bows to with their creating entire documentaries on various cable and streaming networks designed to brainwash the general public of these very same occult notions such as the "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" lineage, also called the "Grail Bloodline"? Another question would be, what are the Gnostic gospels ultimately used for by its proponents? I will say this, there are a series of things that the Church is going to use in making contracts that lead up to end-time rituals and the one world religion connected to worship of the Beast, the false messiah.

*Read Book The Children of Cain: A Study of Modern Traditional Witches
*Read Article Satanic Elite and their Religion of Tubal-Cain Known as Witchcraft

Proving the above is an ongoing case developing in Salt Lake City in 2022 involving Satanic child sexual abuse and child sex trafficking connecting both the Mormons with Utah's Republican elite. Before delving into the allegations made, first read what the local media is currently reporting as of June 2022 -- SPANISH FORK, Utah (KUTV) — Utah County Attorney David Leavitt is calling for an investigation of Sheriff Mike Smith’s handling of allegations involving "ritualistic sex abuse" that directly involves Leavitt himself. Leavitt called a press conference Wednesday morning after the Utah County Sheriff’s Office told the media the night prior that it is investigating a child sex abuse ring that operated in Utah, Juab, and Sanpete counties between 1990 and 2010. At the press conference, Leavitt announced that he and his wife were subjects of a child sex abuse investigation approximately ten years ago, but claimed those allegations were founded to be untrue. “I learned that my wife and I were part of those allegations, allegedly that we were guilty of cannibalizing young children, and murdering young children,” Leavitt said. By Wednesday afternoon, Sheriff Mike Smith said that Utah County Attorney David Leavitt has his facts wrong. Smith said the ritual sex abuse investigation involves more than just the case where Leavitt said he and his wife were accused. “Several times, Mr. Leavitt named himself and mentioned cannibalism and murder. This investigation is about child sex abuse,” Smith said. “I take exception to any victim coming forward and being categorized as ‘tragically mentally ill’. How dare you. These are victims of crimes who have mustered the courage to come forward and this is what you call them? Mentally ill. How dare you.” Smith denied accusations by Leavitt that a Utah County Sheriff's Office sergeant had confirmed to Zeus Z24, a website that claims to be an online news site, that Leavitt and his wife were being investigated in the ritual sex abuse ring. The Utah County Attorney's Office alleges Zeus Z24 is run by rape suspect Nicholas Rossi, who is currently fighting extradition back to Utah. Leavitt admitted in his press conference that Rossi, who allegedly goes by the name Arthur Knight, could have fabricated the so-called 'exclusive confirmation' by the Utah County Sheriff's Office that the Leavitt's were 'primary suspects' in the investigation. Smith said nobody from the Utah County Sheriff's Office ever confirmed Leavitt is connected to their current investigation. Smith added that Leavitt may have compromised their case by making certain statements at the press conference earlier in the day. According to Smith, the FBI is involved in its ongoing investigation of the child sex abuse ring and dismissed Leavitt’s public statement that he should resign. “I will not be resigning,” Smith said. “We won’t be intimidated by Mr. Leavitt.” The female victim making these allegations was labeled as "mentally ill" by David Leavitt, who she claims was a main "Elder" within the Church of Satan. For his part, Leavitt strangely disbanded Utah County's Special Victim's Unit that investigates rape, pedophilia, and ritualistic crimes, while making excuses ever since for that decision. Included over the next several paragraphs are a Provo, Utah Police department victim statement made by the woman recounting her pre-teen/teen involvement in the 1990's being raised in Leavitt's Mormon-connected Satanic cult, the same cult allegedly involving Leavitt and his wife. Among the others who were also accused of cult activity and sadistic crimes, was the prominent advertising executive, Gordon Bowen. Gordon Bowen is the founder and chairman of mcgarrybowen [now known as gentsumcgarrybowen], an international advertising agency with offices around the world that has worked with such brands as Disney, Hershey’s, Kraft/Heinz, Coca-Cola, P&G, Marriott, Mondelez, American Express, Chevron, Intel, United Airlines, Subway, and Verizon. He’s credited with creating the “Membership Has Its Privileges” campaign for American Express which was named Advertising Age’s “campaign of the decade”. Mcgarrybowen opened their first international office in London in April 2012, following a merger with sister agency Dentsu London, and almost immediately won the £25 million European launch campaign for Honda's fourth-generation CR-V. Bowen also received a glowing write-up in Forbes, with the author granted a visit to Bowen’s home in which he wrote: "As I arrived at his beautiful home, what struck me most was the sign he has hanging over his front door which reads, “Forget not to show love unto strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” (Hebrews 13:2)." Despite the scripture, which could be interpreted in also an ironic and sinister way because not every angel is holy, it's alleged that Gordon Bowen was/is also a high-ranking member of the Church of Satan referred to as “The Punisher,” because he oversaw torture and murder for the Church of Satan. The woman claims that she was herself raped and tortured by Bowen at his Salt Lake City home on numerous occasions and by numerous others over the span of nearly two decades. The claims from her victim statements are extremely graphic and involve rape, torture, and murder so they come with a trigger warning for anyone who might be upset by such claims. We have no way to verify the claims but are publishing them here because they are a matter of public record via the Freedom of Information Act. Intriguingly, the following also stands as testimony contrary to the notion that only Democrats could ever worship Satan when it's mostly Republicans who stand atop of the multinational corporations that control society itself. The following is also heavily edited from among the nearly 200-pages of her graphic testimony because of the degree of which the claims too often go into the extreme to involve cult-level mind control, underage sex, and explicitly gruesome details of ritualistic murder of mostly underage victims. Her testimony is known as [name] Redacted "Victim Statements #1-#8" 2021 and remains on file with the Provo Police Department in Utah, which begs the question as to what the Hell is going on in Utah?

*Read Article As a Utah Sheriff Investigates Satanic Crimes the County Attorney Implicates Himself
*Read Article Accused Satanist Attorney Leavitt Buys a Scottish Castle to Continue Satanic Crime There
*Read Article More Proof Mainstream Media is Burying the Truth of Utah's Organized Satanic Rings Once Again
*Read Article Twisted Psychologist Connected to Utah Satanic Pedophile Ring Arrested for Child Patient Rape

Master Mahan, in the religious texts of the Latter-Day Saint movement, is a title assumed first by Cain and later by his descendant Lamech. The title indicates that Cain and Lamech were each the "master" of a "great secret" in which they covenanted with Satan to kill for personal gain. The term is found in Joseph Smith's translation of the Bible in Genesis 5 and in the Pearl of Great Price, a religious text of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). The passage discussing the term begins after the ritual sacrifice by Cain and Abel, when God accepted Abel's sacrifice of a sheep but not Cain's sacrifice of crops. According to the passage, the angry Cain made a secret pact with Satan, who asked Cain: "Swear unto me by thy throat, and if thou tell it thou shalt die; and swear thy brethren by their heads, and by the living God, that they tell it not; for if they tell it, they shall surely die; and this that thy father may not know it; and this day I will deliver thy brother Abel into thine hands."

After entering the secret pact with Satan, Cain said, "Truly I am Mahan, the master of this great secret, that I may murder to get gain."

Then, the passage comments, "Wherefore Cain was called Master Mahan; and he gloried in his wickedness." The arrangement was referred to as a "secret combination". Later, the passage states that Cain's descendant Lamech had "slain a man to [his] wounding, and a young man to [his] hurt," and Lamech "entered into a covenant with Satan, after the manner of Cain, wherein he became Master Mahan, master of the great secret which was administered unto Cain by Satan." When a man named Irad, one of the sons of Enoch who knew about Lamech's secret pact, revealed the secret to others, the passage states that Lamech killed him to enforce the blood oath of secrecy. A footnote to Moses 5:31 in the LDS Church edition of the Pearl of Great Price states, "'Mind,' 'Destroyer,' and 'Great One' are possible other meanings of the roots evident in 'Mahan,' but no further explanation is provided. In referring to the footnote, Matthew B. Brown, a Mormon apologist, has stated that he believes that "Mahan" means "destroyer" because "the Hebrew word maha means 'destroy,' and the addition of an n would make the word a noun. Hence, Maha(n) = Destroy[er]." The term is also related to "Master Mason," the highest degree of the Blue Lodge of Freemasonry.

Wikipedia - Master Mahan

I was born in Redacted [year] and named Redacted. I'm the child of Redacted and Redacted but I was taught by my Redacted that I was Redacted's property. They taught me that I had been chosen before birth to be Redacted's second wife and bear his (Satanic) children. Redacted and Redacted are members of the Church of Satan (CS), a group, church, and cult that worships Lucifer. For this reason, we publicly belonged to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints although we weren't always active members. In the places we lived, there were LDS Ward and Stake members around us that were secretly Church of Satan (CS) members. Redacted worked as a clinical psychologist, and Redacted, a homemaker, who oversaw that [younger] Redacted and I were trained in certain subjects that supported our "duties," in CS. [Younger] Redacted and I were taught the doctrines of the Church of Satan. One of the main doctrines and goals is to diminish Christ and Christian influence in the community and to negatively influence and destroy people's lives in general. Redacted and Redacted taught us from a very young age that Satan loved us and because we were born into a "high-ranking family," we were above common people. Redacted abused us in some form or another every single day and they made a business out of it, allowing other CS members, friends from other states, or "clients" to abuse us for money or "trades" to get information, receive social favors, gain political status, or whatever else they wanted in keeping with their main goal. They also told us they had friends in the police force, the police administration, and important government positions who would always protect them. In the Church of Satan, one's obedience to their CS Elders is supreme. Satan's laws are enforced by each group's "Council" - with "High Councils" at the top with the highest leaders, such as Master Mahan (Mahan also used within Freemasonry to denote Cain). Some of the other Council titles are "The Peacemaker" (Enforcer within the coven), "The Deaf One" (deaf to Jesus Christ, as it was explained to me), "The Deceiver," "The Conspirator," "The Witness" (a record keeper), and the "The Punisher." Council members were always men and called "Elders." Women are not allowed on these Councils. The Peacemaker was usually the firstborn child out of every family. The Paterfamilias is the term for the Redacted/husband/eldest male within a household in the Church of Satan. His desire is law. Women and children are "his possession" or chattel and treated as such. Children are often used as collateral for the Paterfamilias to get ahead by using them in whichever way he sees fit, even sacrifice. Whenever the Paterfamilias gave you small amounts of money, basic favors, or gifts, it would be your obligation to accept it and whatever they later collected as payback for it would be completely at their discretion. As a child, especially a female child, and even more so as the Peacemaker, it was then your duty to constantly express adoration toward the Redacted, as Peacemakers are also there to set the example for the rest of the children. I attended Primary and Young Women's but times stayed home "sick." Many times I was legitimately sick due to germs we were constantly exposed to as Redacted's prostitutes. When Redacted told people we were sick on Sundays, [younger] Redacted and I were being forced by Redacted to entertain high-paying clients for the entire weekend. [Saturday/Sundays because each is a dedicated "Sabbath day" to God within both Judaism and Christianity. Corruption of a local community is a goal in addition to blackmailing "pillar of society" clients to gain influence over them before taking over their key positions.] I was also supposed to write enticing "love letters" to the more powerful clients. Redacted and Redacted would write the content, and I would copy it in my best calligraphy. We were told that Redacted first knew Gordon Bowen in New York. He is extremely wealthy and lives inside a huge mansion in the Avenues of Salt Lake City. Gordon is a powerful and revered man in the Church of Satan [not to be confused with Anton LaVey's Church of the same name]. If Bowen has retained the same position he had 14 years ago, he is still "The Punisher." We were initially told he oversaw torture and murder for Master Mahan and the High Counsels. Redacted both awed and reverenced him and often expressed their sexual attraction to him. He would invite us to his mansion in Salt Lake for parties and Redacted was always very excited to attend. Sometimes we took the [Mormon] Church harp and played in a little balcony over one of his main rooms for his guests. One night Redacted told me that all of us (Redacted and I included) were in danger of being "punished." She said we had to go to visit Gordon Bowen with "offerings" (us) and maybe he would be pacified and not punish us. I knew Gordon and his reputation and was terrified we were going to see him. Gordon Bowen was spoken of like a God in our home. Redacted said he was the top punisher in their church. Redacted often talked about his wealth and status in the local community and abroad. He often held parties at his home which were scary as I've been tortured and raped there several times. Redacted said if I did not cooperate, she would arrange to have me live with him for a few months. We drove up with Janae Redacted, Janae's daughters, and several other [Mormon] girls. We drove in separate cars to Bowen's house. No one was home but Redacted obtained entrance into the house anyway. I was sent upstairs to a bedroom Redacted told me to enter where I sat on the bed and just stared at the door. When Gordon finally returned to his home, it was very late and he immediately became very violent and enraged taking his anger out on me particularly being in his room. Then he told me not to move and he got a small leather bundle he had brought in the room with him. It had a leather tie and he unrolled it to reveal a set of small strangely shaped knives. He described each one to me, how sharp they were. He showed me by barely touching it to one of my fingers and how easily it cut and started bleeding right away. He described how he used them on disobedient young women to "skin" and fillet them, among other things. He told me I was never to tell anyone I had been at his house that night. After he left the room, I held my finger until it stopped bleeding and cried. We (Redacted, Redacted, and I) went to Gordon's house again a short time later. This time Redacted said she was going to talk with him and we were to support everything she said or she would make good on her previous threat. We got there and no one was home once again. Redacted made a big dinner as before. Gordon came home and we sat in his library. It was very dark outside by then and the room was not well lit. Gordon sat to the side of his chair with his ankle crossed on his knee listening to Redacted. She started talking about our hardships, Redacted was defending him (his actions) but trying to make herself look like the victim at the same time. She kept trying to find out, without asking directly, what the Counsil had planned for her and Redacted. Sometimes a member will "fall from grace" and lose whatever standing/position they have in the Church of Satan. They are brought before one of the Councils and at the very least, this event brings shame on the person and their family, or at its most severe, torture, mutilation, and death.

*Read Article The Mark of Cain is a Hidden Bloodline

Redacted tried to make us chime in with her, but most of the time we were too intimidated to speak. After a while, he stood up and said he wanted to show us what he was working on. He talked about how much he loved his work for the Church (of Satan). He took us to his work area where parts of the area were well lit, and parts were not. Then I saw a dead man's body hanging from the ceiling that I first believed was an artistic sculpture. There were machines and what looked like a fridge. There were large worktables with straps and other devices to hold someone down. One had lights like in a surgery room and another just had one overhead hanging light. In another area he had a collection of torture devices. He talked about some of them and what they did to people's bodies. Then he showed us his masks. Many members of the Church (CS) have collections of masks from around the world, ceremonial masks, "death masks." Gordon had probably 30-40, but they were made from the skin of real dead people (men, women, and all ages of children) that had been "disobedient." Redacted was trying to flatter him and have him talk more about how he made them. He showed us drawers of his special tools he had collected in his travels and talked about important it was to preserve the facial features from the moment of death. The masks had the hair still on and the eyes and mouth were slits stretched open. He took one down and made us touch it. He said the people's spirits were still in these "masks." He talked about how he would treat the skin to make it soft. At one point, he put on a woman's mask on his head and laughed uncontrollably. He also showed us "coats" and other pieces of clothing he had made with pieces of people's skin and dried sexual organs. He told us that the "mannequins" were actually fully preserved leather shells of real people and that he had sewn seams into them so they could be worn. Redacted kept strangely complimenting him throughout this and then she told him that Redacted were she and [a fellow Mormon] David's offering to Gordon for his kindness to them. She said he could do anything he wanted with us and then Redacted and I looked at each other, horrified. He then shut the door and locked it behind her. Then we experienced hours and hours of torture. Gordon put on the dead man's skin and proceeded to rape me anally while praising Lucifer. He made me wear another man's skin that had no hands and feet and the crotch cut open. He did this with Redacted at different times and also made Redacted wear various skins. He told us that he could make Lucifer's spirits move the bodies around on their own. He made us sit or lie down on his torture devices or on his table while inserting them into our vaginas and anuses. At times he chained us to the wall in shackles where he put cloth bags over our heads and made us listen as the other was being threatened with extreme torture. I could hear sounds of him doing things to Redacted but I couldn't see anything. The air was hot and that space was cramped where I could barely move my body. My arms and legs went to sleep and became extremely painful. When he took me out, I couldn't feel my legs and immediately fell on the floor. I lay there until the feeling came back in my legs. Once in a while he went out and several times Redacted brought him food to the door on a tray (but not for us). Once he worked on one of his dead bodies and made us watch what he was doing. We were not allowed out until the afternoon of the next day. We had urinated at his command or by accident and he had urinated and ejaculated all over us through the night. He had put other fluids from his "work area" on us. My vagina and anus stung afterward. Our bodies had red marks all over them and were already showing bruises. Redacted put towels on the seats of the car, disgusted by how gross we were. No one wanted to sit in the front with Redacted and no one talked on the way home. Redacted and I put Redacted and Redacted in the same seat belt in the middle seat. We went up for years to Gordon's SLC home for parties and get-togethers with a mostly wealthy, talented, or "connected" CS following. Redacted and Redacted would work the people there trying to get more clients for he and Redacted and also use the opportunity to advertise our child pornographic films. We were even introduced once to the whole group by Gordon as "Redacted" with an introduction about our pornographic film and "performance work." Redacted held the LDS practice of setting nights aside for spiritual bonding instruction. Our activities included naked photo shoots and rehearsals for Redacted's child porn distribution. Similar preparations for the live performances and lectures on CS doctrine nearly always ended up in us being struck or raped by the attending adults. Redacted, Redacted and their friends in Spring City often talked about how the original [Satanic] group there was inferior to them, and resentful of them moving in and forming a competing council. Redacted Allred and her husband lived on our same block in Spring City. They were the LDS nursery leaders when [younger] Redacted was old enough to go. Redacted would not allow [younger] Redacted to attend their nursey because he said they were inferior to [our] Redacted bloodline. Redacted and Joe both held Youth callings during the years we lived in Spring City. He also had me attend the Boy Scout activities he ran. This was the time when David and Rosie began to play the "opposite" game with us. They had me sit down and they said something how I was really a boy instead of a girl [facilitating a split personality and mind control attempts of forcing opposite gender upon a child.] They continued to do this with each kid there, male and female telling them they were the opposite gender by having us role play as that opposite gender. Another method David would use in his "therapy sessions" was to divide our personalities into segmented "parts," and telling us what each part was, their attributes, and also their names. [This was done as a method of control where they could bring out a nymphomaniac, submissive, or other segmented personality they desire with no conscience.] Starting when I was a baby, Redacted would take pornographic photos of us with toys, other children of CS members, adults, etc. When I was old enough, she would have me pose with various expressions on my face. I remember some of it but watched how she also did it to [younger] Redacted as little children and she often showed the pictures to Redacted [my sisters] and I over the years explaining that she was teaching us how to draw closer to Lucifer. We were told that most CS families photograph their children in sexual and violent situations. Redacted loved being involved in "posing" us and other children for naked photos and she often commented on my beautiful "alabaster" skin. One night, Redacted said we were going to have to practice seducing men because we needed to become more desirable so she and Redacted could charge our clients more. When we got older, Redacted gave us some training to take provocative pictures of each other that were used as "calling cards" for our clients to keep their interest in us and increase business with elite clientele in the greater Utah area. Redacted (and especially Redacted) often took pictures of our ceremonies. Redacted loved to take photographs of skinnings, murders, children and adults posing with body parts, people being eaten, etc. We were told those brought us the most money. Besides photos, porn films were also made which they sometimes called "art films." They used video stores connected to us that distributed the films and would sometimes tape over the middle of a Hollywood or Disney film such "The Watcher in the Woods," so no one would suspect by looking at the VHS box or plastic casing. They made films of all genres and storylines. For example, one started out with my two sisters and I trapped in a mental institution that tortured its patients. Many started out sexual but would turn unexpectedly violent and disturbing like a horror film. They'd often paused the filming and Redacted or Redacted prayed for demonic possession to release literal evil presences that was also supposed to be released in the locations of whoever viewed the films.

*Read Article The Bloodline Dynasty of King David is [Supposedly] Established in Great Britain

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Adam and Eve are cast out of the Garden of Eden for disobeying God, who did not want them to have wisdom. Soon afterwards, Eve is pregnant. She has two children, although it is not clear if they were twins, or if they were born and conceived separately. Cain is considered the eldest, though. It seems clear that, in part, the knowledge which the Serpent gave to Eve by getting her to eat the apple was “carnal knowledge.” And so it is possible that he indeed impregnated her at that time, spawning Cain, prior to her and Adam conceiving Abel. So once again, we have a sex crime which spawns a Royal race, and which originates with Satan. Is this what the Quinotaur or Q'ayin-otaur? [Q'ayin is the Hebrew rendering of Cain] symbolizes? Is this why the Devil is such a prominent theme in Rennes-le-Chateau? Is this the heresy that really lies at the heart of the Merovingian mythos? Is it this secret knowledge: that our kings, our savior, and all of our human wisdom have a heritage going back to Cain and to Satan? This is the kind of idea that the Church never wants anyone to think about. But it is this very union of the human and the divine, as well as of good with evil, which had always been said to lie at the heart of Occult power.

This is the mystery of the ages. Knowledge of this is said to bestow upon its bearers an omnipotent power. And indeed, it seems that this is what all the Monarchs of history have carried in their blood — the powers of both God and the Devil, inherited literally through blood descent and DNA, the microcosm of the Universe itself. But they also carry within them the curses of their forefathers, Cain and Satan. God would only allow those secrets to be revealed if he was ready for the Apocalypse to begin. That being said, I also think that, if there ever were going to be an “Anti-Christ,” a King who unites the globe in a universal religion and government, declaring himself to be the embodiment of God, it stands to reason that he would probably come from the Grail Bloodline. He would be descended from Satan, which would explain his predestined predilection for evil, but he would also be a descendant of Christ, King David, Abraham, Jacob, Noah and Adam. He could use all of these lineages as credentials to convince members of all the world’s religions that he is not only their divine right king, but the final avatar, or Messiah.

Tracy R. Twyman Interviewed About Rennes-le-Chateau

The Merovingian Franks alluded to their Cainite descent with their legend that their founder, Meroveus, was the spawn of a sea-serpent called the “Quinotaur,” a word not to be found in any dictionary, but which is etymologically linked with the name of Cain (Q'ayin).

The Apocalypse Plot: A Merovingian Antichrist?

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Redacted would always train us socially above our peers at school. Our education however was ultimately in things that would further the Church of Satan of which Redacted said these things were far more important than public education. In order to conceal the abuse of sex rituals while living in Spring City, Redacted enrolled us in 4-H riding lessons. Our instructors were Redacted Walker, a CS member who also performed abortions [sacrifices] for the group, and Lee Redacted. This was purposefully done so whenever I got hurt or showed bruises from the CS torture, Redacted had me tell people that I was injured from horse riding accidents. The main focus for the riding lessons themselves was kept within English (not American/Western) riding because it was more refined and befitting of our "royal birthright," Redacted said. To improve my finger dexterity for sexual "finesse," in my CS progression and home career as a child prostitute and second wife to Redacted, Redacted made me take harp lessons in Provo. Redacted and the CS child porn filmmakers and photographers they used often pictured me playing the harp that were advertised to potential male clients. Richard and Carma Redacted told me that Redacted had purposefully chosen my instrument because LDS scripture says that Cain's descendants had been skilled on the harp. Redacted even made business cards for me that said "Praise the Lord upon the harp" which other CS members knew always meant Lord Lucifer. [They enjoyed being able to conceal their CS worship under the guise of Mormon or Christian worship.] Redacted also said that at any opportunity I should seek to further the kingdom of Satan and follow his promptings. He then said that my actions in furthering Satan's work would bless me, and that Satan would be aware of them, while hid from the face of Jesus Christ and His followers. They told me that I'd find out how I could better serve Satan and build his kingdom and reminded me that it was the utmost importance that I protect Redacted and "the family" by not letting anyone outside of Redacted and groups know my real mission and that by fitting into the world around me I would bring blessings to my family and all of Lucifer's bloodline. Ceremonies were almost always accompanied by some sort of sex act/crime, because as explained to us, they were the physical symbol of "promises" we made to Satan. Redacted would also remind us in public if we spoke out of turn about our religion when near outsiders by smiling angrily at us and saying "Remember, it's opposite day," which was our signal not to reveal anything CS-related. In public, "Jesus Christ" was always used as a cover to mean Lucifer, in addition to "Morning Star," "the first-born," "Lord," "Savior," "Master," "God," "Son of God," "the Spirit," etc. The "Endowment" ceremony is very important in CS. The Elders make you dedicate all you have and are to Lucifer and in turn you are "endowed" (given the gift) of his power and priesthood. People are chosen to act out the roles [akin to Masonic degrees ceremonies]. They often wore costumes and had props. We were taught it was the real story and order of events before and after the World was created as opposed to the Christian version. Then you make a series of covenants and demonstrate we were taught those covenants with Lucifer. At the end, as people go through the "veil," it would always break into an orgy that was often violent. Redacted had a family party at our Provo House. Redacted Nathan and Redacted Anderson, Redacted and Carol, Redacted's friend "Uncle Cory." Sometimes Redacted Linda attended ceremonies, but she was not there this time Redacted [female] had made us get vaginal and anal enemas in the afternoon and put lipstick on us. Redacted and our Redacted made us sit on their laps and talk with them during the party. They rubbed our inner thighs and touched our vaginas with their fingers (I saw this happen to [younger] Redacted, too). Redacted told me to sit on his lap and he kept smelling my hair and talking. Then Redacted came over to Redacted to talk about the ceremony. He said I should play "Eve." He said it was a good test and challenge for me as Redacted often said things like this to me, saying he was preparing me to carry "the torch" (Lucifer means light/torchbearer we were taught) of the gospel (of Satan) into the future. I hated being Eve. When they started the ceremony, everyone put their robes on. I noticed some of the robes being used were pieces of LDS temple clothing. The living room was set up for the ceremony (windows and patio door blacked out, the alter and props ready). Redacted played the narrator, Redacted played Lucifer (his favorite role), Redacted would play Jesus, and Redacted "Uncle Cory" took the God part. The story starts in Heaven, before God sends his children to live on earth. The "War in Heaven," Adam and Eve in the garden, and the story of Cain and Abel is then acted out. God and Jesus are acted out as being punitive and conniving and Adam and Abel are often acted out as being "slow" or mentally retarded. In the garden, Eve partakes of the "forbidden fruit" which they taught meant that Lucifer beguiles her to have sex with her (although they liked me to pretend I was trying to get Lucifer to come on to me). Then Eve goes and seduces Adam and has sex with him. Then God and Jesus arrive and Adam and Eve hide. God and Jesus beat Eve for her sins and decree that Adam will be her Lord from that point forward. There is a line about this law extending to all women who will live on the earth. I am violently raped vaginally by Redacted (Lucifer) and Redacted Gerrit (Adam) I tried very hard to endure it without crying too much, since they sometimes hurt you longer if you looked "weak." They teach that as you become a fully converted disciple of Lucifer, pain becomes pleasure. Redacted also drilled into me that as "The Peacemaker" - a prior role we both had and a CS position and covenant we had both made - I must willingly endure severe "trials" meaning, for our part, more torture and sexual abuse. If it seemed I was unwilling the severity would increase until I behaved as they wanted me to. The story continues as Eve labors and "gives birth" to Cain and then Abel (Gerrit and Corry crawled behind me and then came out from under my overly large red dress. Lucifer, Cain, Abel, and Jesus then have parts and then Cain kills Abel and the chapter concludes. Then the narrator/officiator moves into the more serious ceremony. You make a series of promises and covenants to Lucifer with sexual acts in between. You are threatened with and must agree to disembowelment and that your throat will be slit if you tell anyone what you have covenanted. [These exact same oaths are also undertaken by advancing Freemasons in "Masonic degree ceremonies" making yet another connection between Freemasonry and theistic Satanism.] It is told to us that Satan and Cain made a covenant to destroy all they can in this life in order to bring a "new life" to Elohim's [God's] children in Satan's eternal kingdom. He told me to kneel and praise Satan. I knelt by him as instructed and placed my hands up. I didn't say anything but he made me repeat after him the common prayer they said most often - "Lucifer, thou eldest Son, thou art the Chosen One whose birthright due will be attained..." When he said it, Redacted and Redacted held their arms high and continued praising Lucifer. It was the ceremony of the bloodline. His eyes rolled back and his head shook, hissing praises, and chanting prayers to "Satan," to "Belial," and the "Son of the Morning." Redacted later explained to me that this ceremony has deep layers of meaning. The act creates a chain that links you securely to Satan and to the other members of our bloodline. An elongated "Y" symbol is created with the Elder at the "head" and a long "serpentine body" of people who share the same elect blood. Sometimes Redacted, Redacted, and Redacted would talk about this ceremony as creating the "Dual-Headed Serpent" (one of their names for Lucifer) because the Elder at the head has arms in a "V" and the rest form the Serpent's body. (The Bennion's had a sculpture of a dual-headed snake on their wall in Spring City. One side of it was dark, the other light to signify Satan as both the Morning Star, and the Prince of Darkness.) Redacted then opens a paper envelope and passes out pictures to [younger sister] Redacted and I.

*Read Article Satanic Hampstead and Pizzagate: Both Satanic Crimes Actively Being Covered-Up by British Elite

One of the pictures was of a pre-school toddler laying on what looked like basement concrete with his head cut off and held up by someone's hand out of frame. The implication was this would be what happens to anyone who revealed Satanic ceremonies or names of CS members. Then they showed me a photo of a little girl about 6 or 7-years old hanging from the ceiling by a noose with her eyes still open. She was naked and had a big gash across her stomach where her guts were hanging out down to her bloodied legs. Redacted asked if I was keeping my covenants. I said yes. He said this was a girl who had been disobedient to her elders and that this was done for her own good. At the ceremonies end you go through a "veil," which signifies coming before Lucifer after you have been proven and found worthy to be in his presence. This particular time, Redacted officiated the veil and fondled my breasts and touched my vagina as I covenanted [signifying Satanic lust as opposed to Godly love within ordained marriage.] After this part of the Endowment ceremony, an orgy occurs between all the members present. I was raped anally by Gerrit and was forced to give Redacted oral sex. I saw Redacted and Redacted Cory having gay anal sex in a chain with Redacted. We did the Endowment ceremony many, many times growing up in Redacted's homes and at others' homes. It was popular with CS elders with both Redacted and with Redacted's friends. With the Spring City group and with the Redacted family, this ceremony was often given an aura of being raucous because it was so favored. For example, whenever Redacted and Redacted Steve played Lucifer or Cain, they were excited to sadistically torture and terrorize "Eve." Pain was always mixed with pleasure to continually blur the lines between them [the same is done with murder and fun]. When Eve gives birth to [the wise] Cain (not Abel as he was portrayed as being retarded), Redacted and Redacted Steve loved to stick their fingers inside whoever was playing "Eve" and touch the woman to make her jump and squirm as to symbolize "Eve" being in labor with "Cain." As "Cain" was being born, "Adam" would hold up "Eve's" dress to allow "Cain" to give her oral sex while everyone laughs. Redacted Steve would always add to the ceremony by extending the birth sequence by going under the red dress "for more," his words. On our way to Jacob Hamblin's Arch and Coyote Gulch, we went down to Dance Hall Rock to camp many times in our childhood. Dance Hall Rock is a natural amphitheater. Redacted said early American pioneers would stop there for "parties." Redacted held an adult party and [younger] Redacted and I stayed up and ate. This particular time, the elders had some kind of long doctrinal talk that got heated. I sat on the couch watching TV and fell asleep. Redacted woke me up and told me to come upstairs. We went to my room, she told me to undress and left. She came back wearing a black dress and brought a whitish Victorian-styled one that she said was hers as a young woman. She put it on me, brushed my hair, and looked me over before leading me back downstairs. The living room was filled with members in black robes. I remember Redacted and Redacted Smith, Redacted and Redacted Anderson, Redacted and Redacted Allen, Redacted and Redacted Bennion, Redacted and Redacted Larsen, Redacted and Paul Redacted, Redacted and Redacted Sheets, Redacted, Redacted Craig, [younger] Redacted, Redacted, Redacted, Redacted, and others. The blinds were down and the room was lit by the Lucifer candelabra (a Hamblin family heirloom Redacted told me), as well as an early Mormon pioneer oil lamp. The alter was placed underneath a portrait of Mormon founder Joseph Smith. Redacted stood up and announced that I was being sealed to him and Redacted on that night. They conducted a restrained version of the Endowment ceremony in which they made me play "Eve" again. Redacted narrated, Redacted Allen played God and whipped me. Redacted played Lucifer and raped me. When it was over, Joseph stood behind me and used a large knife to simulate slitting my throat and bowels if I were to ever to reveal what went on in our ceremonies. As usual, I was shown photos of people being murdered taken as they were being murdered, having wide eyes and appearing as they were screaming. During the part about dedicating all you have and are to Lucifer, they made me stand and hold up my dress while Redacted, Redacted Larsen, Redacted (Carma), Rebecca, Lee, Susan, Renee, and other women licked my vagina [homosexuality is an integral part of Satanic worship among all sects]. I was taken through the veil by Redacted and made to get on all fours to be struck and raped anally by Redacted. Then Redacted licked, violently bit, and abused my vagina while the other women held me down. They turned the altar and had redacted and myself kneel on either side of it. Joseph was standing at the head as the officiator and Redacted and Redacted acted as witnesses. I held each of Redacted and Redacted's hands to make the "eternal round." We repeated the covenants that they claimed would bind me eternally to them as wife. Redacted forced herself under me to lick me and I was forced to give Redacted and Redacted oral sex. The next night or a few nights later we drove to the LDS Manti Temple. We were all ([younger] Redacted, Redacted, Redacted, and I) dressed up in white with our hair curled. I was told not to wear underwear and that I was not to bring anything in with me. One of the main beliefs and/or goals of the Church of Satan is that they want to destroy all that God has made and given to His children. From my experience with them, they want to destroy [American] society and/or try to bring others in line to their own belief. They often talk about being in the "Kingdom of Satan" on earth, where if they are born into the proper bloodline, then they will be rulers in his coming kingdom. Some of the doctrines are that they believed Joseph Smith restored the (original) doctrines from Satan's church when creating LDS. They revere him like Cain. They also talked about the "patriarchal order" and how we were from Satan's elect bloodline. Another main goal that I was taught was to allow Satan's spirits [demons] to possess my body. The reason for all of the sex, human and animal sacrifices, cannibalism, etc. was to invoke greater "power" thru demonic possession because "Satan lacked a body." Because we are of his bloodline, we are therefore his representatives in the material world. Murder was a major tenet because CS groups love torturing and committing murder to gain more power for Satan. The first murder that I know I participated in was around age Redacted. The groups would often get infants or children "in trade" with other (Utah) polygamist groups, off Indian reservations, and other ways. They would also murder adults and even those were almost exclusively males.

*Read Article The Satanic Black Mass Database: Satan and Demons Demand Human Sacrifices as Worship

Most of the time when we were younger, sacrificial ceremonies were acted out upon dolls but on "special" occasions they obtained babies from the polygamist communities around Utah and other places. We were taught that they increase our spirit family in Satan's kingdom since the baby would be ceremoniously "sealed to us" and our Lord Satan for all eternity. They were "pure blood children" and our family's cherished bloodlines would be preserved forever in Satan. Abortions [child sacrifices] and ritualistic bathing in the infant's sacrificial blood also took place in Redacted's home. Redacted also often lectured us on this topic saying we needed to prepare our bodies early for creating babies to be used for rituals. After my initial period, I was many times given a pill or series of pills by Redacted after we had been raped vaginally by local clients or other CS members. As with my journals, I was required to go over my menstrual calendar with her. Redacted assigned Redacted and Redacted, to learn how to perform births and abortions on Satanic "feast days." Redacted called her "Nurse Nora." I was pregnant with Redacted's child but Redacted said it was time to abort the baby. This was the first abortion. I had just started to feel better after having "morning sickness" for several weeks. Redacted and Redacted had given me a series of pills and liquid to drink and Redacted had beaten my stomach while Redacted held me down. I was taken down to the kitchen/TV area to have the ceremony. Redacted Walker (horse teacher) and two polygamist women came and they were going to train Redacted she could do abortions on her own. One of the polygamist women was a midwife and the other was one of James Redacted's wives. Ellen and the midwife brought some tools while Redacted had set out blankets and placed sheets of clear plastic underneath me. She also brought the blue and white seashell blanket and wrapped it around my upper torso and put some of it in my mouth to bite into. Redacted did not stay but would check in every so often. They talked to Redacted the whole time about what they were doing and made her try to do a few of things herself. The tools and pressure "massage" were painful and my heart was broken. I began crying into the blanket and becoming hysterical. After everything was done the women left. They had washed me and put on my underwear and cleaned up everything around me. I lay on the floor and wrapped the blanket around my head. I looked over and saw the bowl with the blood and torn body parts in it. The baby was tiny but you could still tell it was a baby. Redacted was mad at me for crying so much and told me to "shut up" and "knock it off." She picked up the bowl and Redacted came in. They did the ceremonies while I kept crying on the floor. Then Redacted brought the bowl over and held up the remains in front of me. She thrust it at me and ordered me to take the first bite. I yelled no and hid my face. She and Redacted got more angry as I resisted and Redacted repeatedly hit me hard on my back before ripping the blankets away from my face to hold my jaw open. Redacted stuck the head of the baby in my mouth then Redacted forced my jaw down to bite. I gagged and choked and they warned me not to dare spit it out. They kept opening my mouth to look inside until it was gone. Then they finished eating the baby themselves. Redacted took me up to my bed where I stayed for several days while she consoled me, giving me the typical Lucifer priesthood blessings and brought me treats, usually chocolate. The blue and white blanket I refer to had also been used in ceremonies before, such as CS orgies, torture, Mormon "camping trips," and other traumatic events. Redacted would also use it whenever I had to transport the harp to a Mormon performance and if I ever got a "bad attitude" about performing (she created my performance schedule for many years), she would talk about things I had done on that same blanket to threaten or blackmail me. She made me take it with me even when I got [CS] married and I was told to never get rid of it. She also loved to talk about Redacted's superiority and the importance of [entire sentence is Redacted]. She would make us sing [Mormon Primary] genealogy songs like "Genealogy - I Am Doing It," and "Truth From Elijah." Especially during those older teen years, unless Redacted had a group or family ceremony or other event scheduled, I was encouraged to date and hang out with boys to give cover for some of the known pregnancies. Redacted did not give me a curfew but would usually tell me to be home by 2 or 3am if there was a (CS) ceremony. I was told that this was so that if I were to ever be suspected of being pregnant, my classmates would more easily accept that I had slept around. However, I was commanded never to sleep with anyone outside of Redacted's knowledge and consent. It was against my religious covenants to sleep with anyone unauthorized by Redacted for fear of tainting our bloodlines. Redacted threatened he would kill any boy who impregnated me. We were told that we, [younger] Redacted and I were the "hope of the bloodline" and that if either of us did become pregnant by another not of the bloodline, that they would keep the baby and use it for "other purposes." It was early evening when Redacted told me that we would be going before Redacted's High Council that night. I tried to ask her questions about it but she would only say that Redacted Susan and Redacted Craig would be there as well as many friends and neighbors. Redacted and Redacted drove separately. In the car she made us wear blindfolds and after a short drive we were already parking. People were there to help us out of the car and we walked a ways and were inside a building led down a flight of stairs. Then we were ordered to remove the blindfolds. We were in a basement of what looked like a church, Redacted was already there and Redacted was at a long table. The Elders were there as well as others dressed in black robes and masks and seated all around us. They opened the meeting with a Satanic prayer and acknowledged every Council member by their title and then Redacted was brought forward. Redacted spoke harshly to Redacted for a long time about the consequences of his "reckless" behavior, his narcissism and putting himself above the leadership of the Church (CS), endangering them. Then he reprimanded Redacted for not bringing David's actions before the Council before. The Council then voted to revoke Redacted's position as "Paterfamilias" over Redacted whose authority was then given to Redacted. Then Redacted called me and stated that as the "Peacemaker" it was my duty to follow the Council's command [and] if I did anything different than what had been decided, I would be violating my covenants and be cut off eternally from my bloodline and turned over to the Punisher. He said there would be no restrictions on what he could do to me and they would easily cover up my murder. After saying similar things to Redacted, we were dismissed to put our blindfolds on and go home.

*Read Article The "Mormon" Church of Latter-Day Saints Comes Out in Support of Same-Sex Marriage Law
*Read Article Freemasonry's Direct Connections and Undeniable Links to Today's Homosexual/LGBTQ+ Movement
*Read Article The Satanic Temple Says That ‘More Than 50 Percent of Our Membership’ is Homosexual LGBTQ+

Many nights and early mornings, Redacted gave me her Matriarchal blessing to call forth Lucifer's power and change my heart. Our Redacted, Redacted, and many other female Redacted did matriarchal blessings on both [younger] Redacted and me. They are shorter generational ceremonies. Redacted was frequently (re)consecrating us, our pets, furniture, other ceremonial belongings, our house (and specific rooms), our land, our city, our country, our world, etc., to Lucifer. All LDS garments and related material are also "blessed" and consecrated before ever wearing/using them. The pin from Redacted is a cameo pin, but very dark. There is a slightly lighter silhouette around the hair, which Redacted said was my strawberry blonde hair. She said the girl on the pin had a beautifully rich darkness around her, like she hoped I would acquire one day. In another nighttime ceremony when I was just age Redacted, Redacted put a metal tub on our coffin altar. Redacted and the other women stood around me holding bowls and Redacted also had a pitcher. She poured something into everyone's bowls and gave the pitcher to someone else. They began chanting and dipped their finger in the liquid and touched their foreheads. I thought it would be water but I could see it was blood. Then they slowly started walking around me in a circle touching parts of my body with the blood. One woman stopped in front of me and positioned my arms out to the sides. She started [Redacted] my vagina [Redacted] as everyone else touched other parts of my body until it had blood smeared all over it. They prayed to Lucifer and began to kiss me and each other. That was the first time but I was made to receive this specific ceremony (for the spirits of the dead) but it occurred many more times throughout my youth. When the men performed a similar ceremony on us, it was always connected with prophetic visions. They put their hands on me and Redacted called me by my full name and gave me blessing [by] drawing extra spirits [demons] around me. They once said the crown of the head is where [demonic] spirits come in and out of a [possessed] body. Redacted said I would be blessed to easily deceive those people who could do our family harm. He also said I would receive many more spiritual gifts from Lucifer to be successful in my upcoming education. He made the sign of the "V" with his arms, holding his hands up to Satan. The "Y" symbol itself is very sacred to CS members. We were taught it's also extremely powerful, representing a person raising their arms in submissive worship to Lucifer to receive his spirits [demons] into us. We were told this [demonic possession] is a very "holy" act, since Lucifer and his spirits do not have a body like us. They said Lucifer richly rewarded those who allow spirits to enter them. They also used the symbol to terrorize us. It was often drawn in blood on our chests, scrawled out in the dirt or other places after ceremonial murder. I would often go write in my journal and find the symbol there at the end of my last entry. Cemeteries were very important to CS members. One reason they often went there was to perform "The Gathering." This ceremony was to gather the recently departed spirits for Satan's cause and kingdom. This ceremony was always done at night and people would try to fit in as few cars as possible to get there. As we approached, some were sent ahead on foot to make sure it was secure. Once they gave the signal, everyone drove into the cemetery with headlights off. In Spring City, we would often pile into Bennion's suburban (and later Redacted's after he also purchased a similar vehicle). They would take the seats out and everyone [the children] would sit on the floor and on each other's laps and I remember many times we were fondled and groped by our elders along the way. They would drop everyone off and either park somewhere more hidden or down the road. It would begin with a prayer circle and a consecration to Satan. One person (often my Redacted) was chosen to house the spirit that was going to "help" the group that night. The spirit [demon] would make a request and that particular time, it was to rape a woman. I was ordered to lie on the ground and pull up my cloak (we were always naked underneath). The ground was cold and damp and it came through my cloak. Redacted began to rape me and Joe Redacted with Redacted Larsen put their hands on his head to "bless" his receiving of the spirit [demon] into his body. His eyes rolled back and then he suddenly began violently raping me and making strange noises. He suddenly spit in my face and grabbed me even harder. Afterward he was still moving in bizarre animal-like ways and giving out the locations of more spirits waiting or hiding from us within the cemetery. Then everyone began to walk slowly and systematically to the given locations while softly chanting praise to Satan. Redacted and his two assistants walked in the center of the lined as we moved to other places. As the specific graves were located and its dead summoned, "acceptance" was made and those spirits would enter others among our group. The group was prepared to do anything the spirits would request or require before swearing their allegiance to Lucifer. Sometimes the "Gathered" spirits would request sex acts with a woman, man, or child. (A young child, usually one of Redacted's would be brought and left sleeping in one of the parked vehicles if they would be needed.) Joe would bring a small cage of his bred rabbits for exactly this purpose, because sometimes spirits would demand to mutilate and kill something living and to eat its flesh and drink the blood. After the requests and offerings, the spirits would then swear oaths to Lucifer and commit themselves to his spirit. On this same night, James Redacted accepted a male spirit that requested to sodomize one of the women. I was again chosen and was immediately raped over the grave of the said spirit. Sometimes the spirits would just want to enter a body to physically fight someone from the group, usually a child or woman. Other times it was to provide us important information regarding human sacrifice. Many babies, young boys, and sometimes girls (especially if they had a mental or physical impairment) taken from nearby polygamist groups (by Redacted Harmston and Redacted Green) to be used as sacrifices in our ceremonies. Often Redacted, Redacted, and many others would come down to "the house" (our house in Spring City) for murder ceremonies dedicated to Satan and "the gods." It was more difficult to do these in Provo because of less space, less privacy, and not an easy way to dispose of the bodies. In Spring City, Joe Redacted used his kiln to destroy bodies. Joe Redacted, "the Punisher" of the Spring City group, is a well-known potter by trade. He would often threaten us [children] by telling us how hot his kiln's would get, and how no one could hear you once sealed inside one of them. I remember many times when there were boys (anywhere from 0-19 or so) at our home during the day, readied to be sacrificed when night came. They sometimes looked apathetic, and others terrified, while others seemed relieved to die. Through more than one conversation, different boys told me that they had been "lied to" and "treated like an animal" their whole lives.

*Read Article Cain is the Father of Masonic Sorcery

Redacted would often take us on his camping trips to Southern Utah where he would do ceremonies contacting Native American spirits. He talked about how important it was to time them to certain moon phases depending on what he was attempting to accomplish. He was particularly obsessed by Cain and the pursuit of finding him and often took us along when camping as "bait." Having done research of all kinds, and through their obtaining spiritual revelations, Redacted, Redacted, and Redacted believed Cain to still be alive in either spirit or bodily form. Redacted would lead several excursions into nearby caves, and more remote wilderness areas hoping to find evidence of Cain, a lot of which was masked behind the cover of finding "ancient American artifacts," etc. We children were terrified of really finding him and wouldn't tell Redacted even when we did see something unusual on the ground. Redacted would usually take us to an old stone altar in the American Fork Canyon region and do sacrifices there. On one of our camping trips in the Southern Utah wilderness, we met a young man in his late teens to early twenties after we had stopped to a bathroom alongside the highway. Redacted started talking to him. I could tell Redacted was trying to "schmooze" (as Redacted would say) the hitchhiker. He ended up coming with us and we had to move stuff around so he could sit with us. He and Redacted talked a lot about "spiritual" things all the way there. Everyone was really excited when we finally arrived at the campsite and that he was with us. They acted like they were really friendly. The Bennion's, Larsen's, their friends, Redacted Steve and Redacted Jeannie and others were also there. Redacted and I stayed on the fringes making dolls out of twigs and leaves. When it got darker, they built a large bonfire and they tied him up and killed him. Redacted called me by my "parts" name "Tabitha," and I had to give oral sex to one of the women I didn't know. Everyone started having sex with each other and then they cut up the man and some ate him raw, others roasted parts of him over the fire. They proceeded to dance ecstatically around the fire and played their drums. Afterward the adults talked for a while about disposing his body and everyone decided to take parts of him to dispose on the way back. Redacted kept some of his bones for her soups she would make. Redacted held a lot of late night "broth parties" (made from human bones) before or after ceremonies. Many times the soups included human meat that "brought them closer to Lucifer" when they consumed it. They also kept bags of "meat" and bones from their human sacrifices and would label the bags with the names or the initials of the victims. To make them laugh, and as another daily punishment to us, they would order us [children] to go out and get her meat from the large freezer. Even if we were just supposed to get her animal meat to make for dinner, they knew we would still be confronted with the murdered people's bodies. On another night, Redacted woke us up and took us over the fence into the neighboring property and to the barn there. We had our cloaks on and nothing underneath. Some people were standing around outside in dark clothing and I noticed the moon was not shining that night. Two people at the door, had their hoods up and nodded to Redacted as she took us in. We walked in and there was just one kerosene lamp in a corner. The room was filled with people in their black cloaks chanting. Redacted led us through some of the people and I saw a naked and gagged man draped over another naked man who was on all fours. The bottom man just looked like he was there to hold the other man higher. The top man was being beaten and whipped by several people, including Redacted who had his hood off. Joe had his hood off standing in an arms up "Y" position and was chanting the prayer to Lucifer. I looked around but it was too hard to see who was there with their hoods blocking each of their faces. I did see the torture instruments in their hands and their acting eager to participate as groups of people were give a turn to strike and mutilate the man. It was hard to tell how old he was because he was already beaten so bad. They beat him with hammers, a crowbar, and a chained ball with spikes [mace]. They poured vinegar over his back in between. He was gagged so tightly that his screams were barely heard. Joe came up with a knife and cut him over and over across his back as he writhed in pain. At one point they switched out the person holding him up then man after man sodomized him. The rest of the group was getting more and more worked up into a frenzy. Some held their arms in a "V" and chanted/whispered prayers to be overtaken by Lucifer's spirits [demons]. Then they threw the man in the dirt and someone cut off his penis. His gag was removed and it was quickly stuffed into his mouth before they duct taped his entire head over and over to keep it in place. They then cut off his toes and fingers one by one and would throw them to the crowd who grabbed for them and chewed on the pieces. The man's testicles were cut off and tossed, then he was disemboweled, and his throat was slit. People started attacking each other sexually. Redacted pushed us forward to the front of everyone. He shoved [younger] Redacted at Joe Redacted and me at Redacted Larsen, who was one of the men holding the sacrificed man up earlier. Redacted then pinned me down and raped me. Others cut up the body and Redacted, Lee, and another woman stood by and spoke to the men. They had large freezer bags and were pointing out the pieces they wanted. Then the rest of the body was wrapped up in a tarp and Redacted, Joe, and Redacted's male friend carried the man's body out. Redacted said they were taking it to the "kiln" (pronounced by them as "kill"). [Younger] Redacted and I had to shower downstairs when we got back to the house. On these nights, many of our Elders attended. They said when killing an animal or a person, the goal of the sacrifice was to make it/them suffer intensely while still being alive because the longer it/they suffered, the greater the power Lucifer would transfer to the one's performing the ceremony. CS members strive to become more and more "worthy" so that they can house more powerful spirits [demons] of Lucifer. They want to get to the point where Satan himself dwells within them and is visible in their "countenance" at all times." Redacted would often pour the blood of the sacrificed into the soil of our gardens in early spring to consecrate the ground and all it produced to Satan who would bless it and bring us an increase of abundance. One year, Redacted consecrated our dying tree with the blood of an infant, and it miraculously returned to life. Sacrificial blood is also rubbed into our skins to retain youth. [Here, they are following another ancient Cainite tradition, consecrating the earth with sacrificial blood. This hearkens back to Genesis 4, when Jehovah called out Cain to reveal his brother's location before cursing Cain and saying "Abel's blood cries out to me from the ground..." Abel's body was never found because Cain had consumed it and burnt the remains.]

*Read Article Project Monarch: British Monarchy Antichrist Programming in Aryan Mind Control

[Note: Why theistic Satanists engage in murder and partake in cannibalism is further because they view Satan as having the power over/of death despite Revelation 1:18 informing us: "I AM He that liveth and was dead and behold, I AM alive for evermore, and have the Keys of Hell and of Death. Amen." Christ won the right to the power over Life, Death, Heaven, and Hell when He Himself was unjustly killed while being sinless and Holy. Because of the curse of death placed by God given to all of those who died up to and before Christ, all went to Sheol, a place of Outer Darkness near the center of the earth where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth to await Judgment Day. While Christ immediately went to Sheol upon death, He announced to all there that He is the Way not only out of their curse of death unto Judgment, but unto eternal life forevermore. Many were saved from Hell in those three days Christ ministered there. Christ then took the power, rendered as keys, of both Death and Hell with Him and ascended back into His earthly tomb, visited with His disciples, and later ascended unto His Father in Heaven from the Mount of Olives in their sight, to which two angels appeared announcing that Jesus would one day return in the same manner (back to the Mount of Olives) as they've seen Him go. In short, Christ has already won what was Satan's power over Death and the Second Death that is Hell, but because Satanists give no credit to Christ, they still believe Satan controls and has power of Death. When they torture, kill, eat, and freeze body parts for later ritual use in magick or for their "feast days" (that take place on Satanic holidays which are holidays to mock God and the Feast Days given by God to the Jews) they do so in the worship of what they falsely perceive is still of Satan's power.]

*Read Article ‡ The Cross of Lorraine and the Mark of Cain ‡

Another ceremony is the one where their "eternal position" is promised. David often told me that when a person's calling and election is ensured a place within Satan's [Antichrist's] kingdom, they receive a mark which they called "The Mark of the Beast." One time in the car I asked him if [younger] Redacted and I would have it, but he said we were too young and have not yet proved our loyalty to Satan. I was actually relieved. During this ceremony, David said you could become either a "son or daughter of perdition." This time period was when the adults (Redacted, relatives, friends) most often spoke about creating a "United Order"-type community with their CS friends as part of their "last days" preparations. Redacted specifically was constantly teaching us about "The Last Days" and that we were living in them. He taught the world as we knew it would end in our lifetime. He was obsessed with collecting and educating himself on survival and emergency supplies, amassing [gold/silver] coins, teaching us wilderness skills because we would probably have to hide in the mountains for some time. The "opposite game" mentioned earlier is used because it reinforces doctrinal concepts in young children. What Church (CS) members call "love," the rest of the world or at least the law would call the opposite. "Love" was always to mean sexually satisfying, and "hate" was going against the Church (CS). We were taught all our lives that "love" meant being sexually obedient to our Elders, male and female. It was the divine right of the Paterfamilias to Redacted, and Redacted to us which is why we were told to always be ready for sex at "every moment." Redacted used many key words, phrases, images, and objects in connection with traumatic events and shared abuse experiences we were forced to endure to constantly threaten and silence us. They also used these in public so they could remind/threaten us in front of other (non-CS) people. They said they could never be caught in the open abusing us but they were ultimately doing "the right thing" and what was "best" for us. To them, they were glorifying God (Lucifer) and "raising up righteous seed" to him. Church (CS) members fully believe, at least we were taught this, that killing a person outside of the group and especially one who has gone against the group in any way is "righteous" and "furthering Lord Lucifer's work on earth." If the sacrificed was from an unworthy bloodline (a lot of them were), we were taught they would be bound to us as our slaves in Lucifer's kingdom forever. They talked about how pure and noble Cain's bloodline was in the kingdom of Lucifer and how important we all were. The "Resurrection" or "Triumph Ceremony" is a very sacred ceremony in the Church (CS) that teaches our members would have the priesthood power to resurrect each other at Armageddon. We were taught that you must become [spiritually] deaf to hearing Jehovah's voice so that you only hear Lucifer's voice when he spiritually calls your name to help him defeat Christ at his return. Once we are resurrected, we would rise to battle Jehovah and his armies, but would triumph in the end. The "Triumph" ceremony therefore represents this as our ultimate goal. To triumph means we have been successful in our faith and have the right to enter Satan's paradise of damnation. Equally important, the "triumph" is that human beings can not only go against God's pre-mortal plan, they can circumvent it completely and have no need for Jesus Christ or his "atonement." The Elders would often [personally brainwash] speak to us about also our personal triumph. Redacted told me how my entire bloodline was depending on [younger] Redacted and I to carry it forward into the future and be worthy of the "Triumph." Murder is not murder in their minds [Lie]. Sacrifice brings Satan greater power. If anyone committed murder, it was us (the children) they said, because our "hearts were not fully loyal to Lucifer" as yet. They also don't believe they or Lucifer is evil. [Another lie.] That is just a "designation" that the world was taught by God and Jehovah (Jesus) to justify what they did by making him "Satan," meaning enemy. [An absolute lie since Lucifer made himself Satan and continues to be mankind's enemy to only his own self-glory; (ref. Ezekiel 28).] In CS doctrine, Lucifer is the trinity unto himself. Our Elders taught us [more lies] that through obedience to Satan, one can rise to a high ranking in his kingdom much more easily and quickly, all while enjoying the fruits of his service (i.e., Power, Fame, Wealth, Satisfaction of Desire, etc.) and that Lucifer's elect followers are the only ones who are promised a high status and ranking in his kingdom on earth and through progression in his future kingdom. According to CS, the "outer darkness" within "the bowels of the earth" that the Holy Bible says is what awaits the damned and especially those who follow Satan, was actually magnificent kingdoms of light for all of Lucifer's most elect. They claimed those of CS who have received their "Calling and Election" have astrally been there and seen this place and it is more beautiful ad exquisite a world then we can ever imagine. They say the name "Outer Darkness" is just to scare away those who are not the elect of God (Lucifer). They also taught that there would be countless slaves for the elect after Heaven is finally defeated and Jehovah's followers become our bound slaves for eternity. I have not received the Calling and Election" ceremony, as it is traditionally very sacred and reserved for those who have proven themselves to a very high degree [again, akin to Freemasonry]. They also taught that after the Millennium, when Lucifer rises victorious above Jehovah and the Throne of God, he will choose the body of one of his resurrected "elect" to inhabit. Our Redacted spoke with reverence that this is the greatest honor one can achieve. We were taught our families were of a royal birthright and among Lucifer's elect and elite in the mortal world. Redacted and Redacted Anderson especially stressed this about our superior generational lines. They would show us stapled pages of genealogy that had been marked for Church of Satan ordinances and other significations. They said they had their own system of red and black dots that they would put next to our names. Our charge was to bring as many souls to Satan as we possibly could. This was done through both the living and the dead. We were often told by Redacted, Redacted, and others of the countless "Gate Keepers" the Church (CS) had positioned in the world and especially in Utah. They said those loyal to Satan were in high and low places and professions including professors, judges, attorneys, doctors, psychologists, etc., where they could easily intercept, intervene, and control threats to the Church (CS). We were told the Church's goal is to raise and restore Lucifer to his rightful heritage, to be successor to the Throne of God and to become even more powerful than our Heavenly Creator. Many times after their frequent beatings, they would openly mock Jesus Christ directly by telling me things like if Jesus loved me at all, He would never let me endure whatever pain they were currently inflicting. Redacted often challenged Jesus to come right then and even yelled out to Jesus to show Himself if He "had any power." They would always laugh after mocking God. In college years, I struggled with the small amount of UVSC classes I attended. "CJ" (Redacted Fenton) was also attending UVSC and I became terrified when frequently running into her. Because Angela had been raised also experiencing ceremonies, torture, murders, and developed severe split personalities as a result, she was known to be the living, breathing example of what would happen to us if we ever tried to "dissent" from our family or the Church (CS). They said we would be trapped just as she was with nowhere but CS homes to go to and no one "outside" to ever believe our history. We were told we could live with other CS families or in a mental institution if we ever wanted to leave home. Redacted had also threatened me at Redacted and Redacted's visitation appointment that he was going to stalk me at UVSC. He said that I would never be safe and he would always be "watching" me. It was because of this and a lifetime of their other threats that I was terrified to stay in Utah. In Redacted [year], I married and moved to Redacted.

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

One of these two so-called leaders even said they called the FBI and turned us in as being a Satanic cult. This again is amusing. The Satanic Brotherhood has many connections in Law Enforcement and the American Justice System. In fact, many of our own Satanic clergy are Freemasons and other related secret society members.

Druwydion Pendragon, Brotherhood of Satan

The Son of Perdition [Antichrist] will be revealed in the end time whose coming is after the work of Satan with supernatural power and lying wonders. In the latter days, many shall depart from the Faith and instead listen to seducing evil spirits and doctrines of demons. There shall be false prophets and teachers who shall bring forth damnable heresies denying that Jesus Christ is Lord and shall promote vain legends and endless genealogies. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they find false teachers who shall turn away their ears from the Truth and fill them with vain legends.

1Timothy 4:1, 1:3-4; 2Peter 2:1-2, 2Timothy 4:3-4; 2Thessalonians 2:9; The Holy Bible

It is my Will to invoke [Satan] the Horned God of Alchemy. Great Vampyric Artificer, afford union with your essence unto me! Tubal-Cain. Cadaverous Harbinger of Insurrection and Death. Resplendent Shapeshifter whose descendants are sorcerers. Cain, Son of Samael [Satan]! Elder Artificer who creates weapons and poisons and founded the first city, manifest within me! Blood-guilty Outcast from the lands of Nod and Tzelmoth. Horned and Bewinged Blacksmith who inspires Freemasons.

Invocation of Cain

And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife and she conceived, and bare Enoch. And Cain built a city, and called the name of the city, Enoch, after his firstborn son. And Zillah bore Tubal-Cain, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron and weapons of war.

The Holy Bible; Genesis 4:16-17; The Holy Bible

The ‘Grant of Arms’ or symbol of the Dragon bloodline in Sumer was called a Gra-al, also known as the Mark of Cain. The Biblical Cain was one of the early Anunnaki-human royal crossbreeds that followed the time of Adam, in fact, he was the first. It is this Gra-al that in Old French means ‘Blood Royale’. The Grant of Arms emblem in Sumer was a cup of waters and a Rosi-Crucis, described in Egyptian, Sumerian, Phoenician and Hebrew records as a cup decorated with a red cross within a circle. This is the true origin of the ‘grail cup’. It wasn’t the cup that caught the Blood of Jesus at the crucifixion because there was no Jesus or crucifixion by that time. It was the cup that symbolized the womb and the [Cainite] Bloodline of the most ‘pure’ of the Reptilian crossbreeds.

Keep in mind that this ritual is not of modern origin. It has been practiced by Satanists since the days of Babylon. It is a multi-generational practice and it involves human sacrifice and the Satanic Sacrament, the consumption of the sacrificed victim’s literal blood and flesh. The British General, Lord Cornwallis, was an initiate who fully understood this dark and unholy secret. In a last-ditch effort to salvage his ego, Cornwallis divulged the hidden agenda of the bloodlines by declaring to Washington and his adjutants: “A holy war will now begin on America. Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than 200 years when it is ended, America will supposedly be the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown [and] ...working for the British Empire.”

The Story Behind The Story

With the discovery of America and its subsequent settling and later hidden control of its government, it was as if Cain himself had returned to Eden.

Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

The above account is part of a recorded victim statement with the Provo, Utah Police Department and provides the basis of what Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith is currently alluding to in his attempting to expose Utah County Attorney David Leavitt and his wife. David and Chelom Leavitt are allegedly the couple being referenced as [adult] "Redacted and Redacted" from the female victim's statements; Redacted and "[younger] Redacted" are her two sisters and all three of them were tragically underage when these horrific events occurred. While Republican Leavitt does have US government connections, as well as connections to Ukraine, he is not known to be part of the most elite of the Satanic cabal that runs Western governments. His rather messy and shady local dealings have already become too well-known as he was ascending the elite ladder, such as his infamous slack regarding his prosecution record in Utah letting many rapists and criminals free, his sleezy donation of $300,000 to his own State Attorney campaign, his supposedly helping [collecting?] Ukrainian children in advance of the Russian war, his rush to Ukraine to retrieve "key documents" before the Russians invaded, etc., etc. Having seen what one alleged ascending Satanist in Utah can do, imagine what the those in actual power of this nation have already done and have yet to do. As you also read above and will certainly learn later, it is intriguing how Cain is consistently a central figure within not only their Satanism, but also Freemasonry. Mormons also have an interesting take on their "patriarch Cain," whom they call the 'Master Mahan' which they interpret to be a grand "Master of a Great Secret." The secret is the bloodline, the same bloodline that European Royals and American Presidents share that provides them such heights of power in this world who they are privy to are controlled by Satanists for the "Lord of this world and world system: Satan." At the higher esoterical levels, one is made to understand that this seed is the seed of Cain, and that Cain’s true sin was not killing his brother but finding out that God was not God and that Satan and man can both arise to be gods above God. They are further taught that their rituals "awaken the seed of Cain and open the doorway for them to arise as gods." The CS belief that God is not God and that they themselves can become gods is a driving force in all their plans to affect both the local and global scale toward Lucifer. They believe in the Satanic dogma and doctrinism of "heeding Lucifer's call" via murdering like Cain and making pacts and blood oaths with Cain and Satan so that they will rule as gods upon earth and in Hell, which they are taught is an eternal Heaven, which explains why they have no fear of Hell whatsoever. They have been brainwashed not to fear anything of God which, in turn, will lead them to their ultimate downfall, as designed by God. [God is going to not only root out Lucifer and his angels from His presence and His eternal Kingdom, but also all of those who want to be like them.] Theirs is the deception that if they do what Satan asks them to do, via one of his possessing demons who act as his messengers, that they will stand as gods with him in Hell, forever, and that they will rule the people in Hell to become their overlords. Thus, they desire to see Satan's plan through so that they can "defeat the weak Son of God" to become the godly viceroys of Hell for all eternity. Naturally, they are also taught that it is Christians who are being deceived by a false God whose doom is inevitable at the Apocalypse with Lucifer standing as the victor to reign in His place. As such, they come under no authority except lucifer's authority. The Satanic bloodline families are said to have developed “spiritual gifts” and supernatural powersafter they allow their bodies to be possessed after various blood rituals. These differ from family to family but often include being granted "prophetic visions" and the ability to 'hear' demons. They can supposedly "attach" demons to inanimate objects and have their spirits taken into other dimensions via out of body experiences. It was also interesting to read the victim statements that revealed how the Church of Satan place great importance on English and Celtic history and legends to reveal key aspects of their heritage and bloodline attributes to their children. That fits into what the Masonic-created Mormon Church of Latter-Day Saints also teach in their seemingly misplaced lore of the legend of Arthur, or more specifically, "Arthur's Messianic Return." The Hamblin victim statement claiming their elders would have them "roleplay" legendary figures involving kings, princes, and princesses from the Celtic and English tradition was indeed telling. In this way, the Masonic-led LDS and its offshoot in CS have supplanted the supposedly Christian King Arthur as their [counterfeit] Messiah that could hold the place of Christ until His own return, despite Arthur actually connected to everything pagan, Druidic, and of Satanic Witchcraft. To see how Mormons discuss the topic of Arthur, you need only read The Great Apostasy and King Arthur on their own forum. So, who will the self-described "fastest growing church in the world" side with when a certain racially correct British Monarch of the "Grail family" finally ascends to power whose very name is literally King (William) Arthur with his seeming connection to every supposed Mormon (and CS) prophecy attributed him? According to them, they would, without hesitation, become his most ardent followers.

*Read Book Dynasty of the Holy Grail: Mormonism's Sacred Bloodline by Vern Swanson
*Wikipedia Article The Legend of King Arthur's 'Messianic' Return in the Near Future

From the "Exposing Satanism" website: "The apostle Paul warns us about Lucifer and Satan in 2 Corinthians 11: 13-15 in much the same way David Whitmer is warning us in 1887. Paul warns us that there will be false apostles who work in deceit by transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ —— “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of Light” so why should we marvel that his ministers are likewise transformed into supposed ‘ministers of righteousness’?" In this, the ancient Knights Templar and Masonic traditions follow closely the pattern given them by Lucifer, to counterfeit truth and the purer Light of Christ. "In the writings of French High Mason, A.C. Del L Rive, he records the following ‘High Council Instructions’ issued to him by Albert Pike on July 14, 1889, as well as to the other 23 supreme High Councils of the world: “To you, Sovereign Grand Inspector Generals, we say this, that you may repeat it to only the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees that the Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately, Adonai is also God. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Jehovah, but 'Lucifer as the God of all good, is struggling for humanity against Jehovah, the God of darkness and evil." In this, one must never lose sight that Pike at this time, occupied simultaneously the joint positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington D.C., and that of Grand Masonic Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston, SC. Now, should any of this be even questioned by even the staunchest American patriots however? The Masonic experiment called "New Atlantis" sent its first colonists over with the telling agenda that, to a large extent, is still being carried out today. While the Anglo-racist Pilgrims provided poisoned food and Smallpox-ridden blankets to at least one indigenous American Indian tribe nearest them, the Puritans birthed increasing members of the lineage of Freemasonry whose allegiance was covertly tied to Britain because of "secret heritage." That term "heritage" is also used today by those in the American South whose recent ancestors were of the eldest Anglo-Saxon families to settle the United States. Thus, we should be very careful when citing the "religion" of our Founding Fathers, as if it was always that of the purest Christianity. It was not. Neither was Christ ever their guiding 'Light.' If the above allegations against Utah Country attorney David Leavitt and other high-ranking CS members prove anything, it proves that their accursed lineage have followed the "way of Cain" via what they deem as "the world's oldest religion" that was initiated when Cain murdered Abel and partook of his flesh (CainAbel - cannibal) while Abel's blood called out to God from the ground. Like the fallen angels themselves, generational theistic Satanists have been blinded to their progenitor's indignation against the Creator, and like Cain, have they made themselves a scourge against mankind to receive the Mark of the Beast, and the cursing of God. It is also the goal of this world's Occult elite to never reveal that Freemasonry holds Lucifer as the god of their existential worship, knowing they could never draw in millions of potential Masonic (or Mormon) members by openly admitting they worship Satan, hence, their consistent albeit vague mentioning of 'the Lord of Light' or in the Mormon's case, Morning Star "Christ" (meaning Morning Star Lucifer) as their leading avatar cloaked behind a counterfeit veil of religious obscurity. Now you understand why God forbade allowing witches and pagans to exist in and around ancient Israel. This is what they do. The same brainwashing methods behind Anton LaVey's "Church of Satan" has been picked up by today's Temple of Satan to perpetuate a growing movement that claims Satan can't exist, but they call themselves "Satanists" and dedicate their mind/spirit to "Satan" nonetheless. Their central tenet, therefore, is in keeping with Satan's greatest lie convincing the world he doesn't exist, while carrying out his ultimate plan leading to his possession of the Antichrist. What the Temple of Satan is doing today is only aiding in that effort by providing actual theistic Satanists cover, as well as recruitment for those wanting more beyond what is falsely called "Satanism" today. The following article is taken from Substack and releases the names of most of those who were redacted above.

From the Substack: Investigations in Ritual Abuse by Go El
Why Did U.S. Homeland Security Protect David Leavitt? (Redacted Names Revealed)

The Department of Homeland Security instructed the Utah County Sheriff’s Office to back off of their original target in the Hamblin case, none other than Utah County Attorney David Okerlund Leavitt. Despite Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith’s public assertions to the contrary, David Leavitt was the original and primary target of the current UCSO investigation into allegations of ritual abuse. Leavitt’s June 2022 press conference was allegedly spurred by his receipt of a 150-page victims statement from a reporter who asked him about the allegations within that statement. The reality is that David Leavitt’s name appears in the police reports from the Provo Police Department’s 2012 to 2014 investigation of David Lee Hamblin as a person of interest. The original GRAMA release by the Provo Police is incomplete, in that it omits the sections of police reports referring to David Leavitt’s role in the allegations against Hamblin and the alleged LDS Church of Satan. Additionally, the Victims Statements clearly have omissions, as subject matter is missing between paragraphs. IRA has filed GRAMA requests with various law enforcement agencies to recover the omitted sections. The sources are in agreement that David Leavitt was the target of the investigation, and that David Hamblin’s arrest was a strategic effort on the part of the UCSO and the prosecutors to potentially flip Hamblin on Leavitt. However, the Department of Homeland Security interfered and ordered UCSO to back off of David Leavitt as a target of the criminal investigation, and two of the sources reference David Leavitt’s work in Ukraine as the stated reason for DHS’s interference. David Leavitt and his wife Chelom Eastwood Leavitt proceeded to purchase Knockderry Castle in Scotland for $1.4 million. The couple left the United States to remodel the castle, and they now have a blog entitled documenting their renovations of Knockderry. Knockderry Castle was said to be "unsuitable for secured lending in its current condition" due to the extensive repairs the property needed. David and Chelom Leavitt purchased it regardless, left the country on short notice and now reside in Scotland far away from the ongoing investigations into trafficking, rape, and murder still underway in Utah. Moreover, they were able to depart the U.S. due to the direct intervention of Homeland Security in the UCSO’s investigation into allegations of ritual sexual abuse. David Lee Hamblin is represented by Michael Petro and Leah Ashton, and Petro has ties to David Leavitt’s nonprofit, having served as a visiting criminal and constitutional law professor in 2006 and 2007 for the Leavitt Institute for International Development in Kiev, Ukraine. The question of who paid for David Hamblin’s legal fees is as yet unanswered, because Hamblin claimed that he could not afford to retain Leah Ashton and Michael Petro during his last hearing in Manti, while simultaneously indicating that he could pay for a private company to monitor his GPS and geofencing if he were to be granted bail. In light of these developments, David Leavitt’s press conference put the UCSO on the defensive. Someone made Leavitt aware of the current investigation, and David Leavitt knew exactly how to color the investigation by referencing the 2012 to 2014 investigation against David Lee Hamblin. By connecting the current case to the prior case against David Hamblin, David Leavitt managed to paint the UCSO’s investigation as part of the Satanic Panic. Leavitt also openly campaigned for Sheriff Mike Smith to be fired, an effort that was ultimately unsuccessful. David Hamblin’s attorneys are currently seeking records related to his daughters’ allegations against him, even though his daughters are not in any way affiliated with the present two cases. The reason is obvious: Leah Ashton and Michael Petro hope to muddy the allegations of the current two victims by connection those allegations to the 2012 to 2014 case against David Hamblin, which centered on his daughters’ accusations against him. David Leavitt’s prior involvement with illegal adoptions related to James Webb, the disgraced owner of the Adoption of Center of Utah.

*Read Article Accused Satanist Leavitt Disbands Special Victims Unit Designed to Protect Sex/Ritual Victims

At its core, the Hamblin case is the story of four little girls born into a family of multi-generational LDS Church of Satan members. Rachel, Eliza, Katie, and Miriam Hamblin allegedly underwent horrific abuse at the hands of their father, David Lee Hamblin, and their mother, Roselle Anderson, who is now Roselle Stevenson. The locations of that abuse are key to understanding the case, as are the tiniest details. David Lee Hamblin was one of five children of Robert and Mary June Adams, who married while studying at BYU. Craig Christensen, candidate for District One City Council in Provo, is a named perpetrator within the Hamblin Victims’ Statements. His nieces Rachel, Eliza, and Katie Hamblin accused him and his wife Susan “Suki” Christensen of being members of the LDS Church of Satan who participated in their abuse. In fact, the Hamblin children alleged that both sides of their families held membership in the LDS Church of Satan across multiple generations, going back to at least their great grandfather Gerrit de Jong on their mother Roselle’s side, and possibly as far back as their great great granduncle Jacob Vernon Hamblin on their father David’s side. The Hamblin girls wrote a chilling narrative about their parents being sexually tortured and abused by their grandparents, Robert L. Hamblin and June Adams Hamblin, along with Richard Lloyd Anderson and Carma de Jong Anderson. They accused their grandparents of molesting and abusing their parents David Lee Hamblin and Roselle Anderson, along with the siblings of their parents. The ritual abuse allegations made by Rachel, Eliza, and Katie Hamblin detailed abuse that extended to aunts, uncles, and in-laws, because the LDS Church of Satan’s families combined their bloodlines with those of other CS families. The goal of intermarriage among CS families was to strengthen the spiritual power of the bloodlines, in order to produce new generations that would effectively carry the cause of the CS forward into the future. For the Hamblins and the Andersons, this was serious business: each family had raised their children within the CS to accept the ritual abuse and perpetrate ritual abuse upon others. Everything the CS families did was sublimated to the cause of their church, and their god, Lucifer. The mythology of the CS decreed that Lucifer, not Christ, was the rightful heir of the birthright from Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father had overstayed his position, instead of handing that position down to his son Lucifer. Through chicanery, Jesus had managed to usurp Lucifer’s rightful position as heir and obtain his birthright. The CS sought to prepare for the inevitable final battle between the followers of Jesus and the followers of Lucifer, in order to prevail on Lucifer’s behalf and restore him to rulership. The followers of Jesus Christ would become the slaves of CS families, and those who were most loyal and effective in the battle to restore Lucifer would reap the rewards. David Lee Hamblin and Roselle Anderson both believed that their family bloodlines were royalty within the CS. By combining those bloodlines, they would produce children who would serve as worthy heirs within the CS, and who would carry its mission forward into the future. Their families were deeply committed to the CS, with their brothers and sisters dutifully participating in the core ordinances of the CS.

*Read Article The Mark of Cain Became the Maltese, Celtic and English Crosses

At the center of those ordinances was a sexual component, with every ordinance and meeting inevitably devolving into a sexual orgy or ritualized sexual act. Children are not naturally inclined to sadism, and therefore the parents within the CS invoke “The Wisdom of Parents,” a proclamation of belief that gives parents unilateral control to raise their children within the CS as the parents see fit. Children are to accept the authority of their father, the Paterfamilias, without question or hesitation. The LDS teaches that parents should raise their children to know and obey the decrees of Heavenly Father in Ether 2:11 of the Book of Mormon, but nothing the Book of Mormon teaches has anything resembling application of LDS Church of Satan. The children of the CS were conditioned from shortly after birth to accept sexual abuse, torture, and pain in order to prepare them to inflict the same on others. Rachel Hamblin and her sisters chronicled in horrifying detail the requirement of their parents to torture, mutilate, and sacrifice in the name of Satan or one of his many demons. This was the family that Rachel Hamblin was born into, a family that was respectable from the outside. David Lee Hamblin was a therapist with a Ph.D from the University of Arizona, working out of his home office in Provo. His wife Roselle was the daughter of lauded LDS scholar Richard Lloyd Anderson, a professor at BYU. Roselle’s mother Carma de Jong was a recognized expert on costume art, and the daughter of the first dean of BYU’s Fine Arts Department, Gerrit de Jong, Jr. David Hamblin’s parents were Robert Lee and June Adams, and June Adams had family real estate holdings throughout Provo in various shopping centers and apartment and condominium complexes. On the outside, the Hamblins and Andersons were respectable, even upstanding, families within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Behind the closed doors of their homes and the homes of their friends and family members within the CS, they were monstrous in their capacity for sadism and abuse. Rachel Hamblin and her sisters detail a systematic abuse that occurred on a daily basis at the hands of their parents, their extended family, and the friends and associates of their parents who were allowed to pay to rape Rachel, Eliza, Katie, and Miriam Hamblin for decades. Craig Christensen was allowed to rape his nieces at CS ordinances, and so was his wife Susan Elizabeth “Suki” Hamblin. Over hundreds of pages worth of Victims’ Statements, Rachel and her sisters detail on 46 separate pages the criminal conduct of Craig and Suki Christensen, including child rape, sodomy, and child murder. The Christensen’s involvement with the normal rites of the CS were extreme in their own right.

*Read Article Exploring the Mark of Cain Connection to the Mark of the Beast - Must Read

Rachel Hamblin detailed a Resurrection and Triumph CS ceremony in 1996 or 1997 which involved the torture and sacrifice of a young polygamist boy. Joe Bennion and Steve Hamblin carried out the torture of the boy, which consisted of skinning him while he was alive, and eventually skinning his penis. According to Rachel Hamblin, Joe Bennion tried to dig out the boy’s eyes with a knife, and Steve Hamblin slit the boy’s throat shortly afterwards. Craig and Suki Christensen were present and participating, and Craig Christensen posed for a photo with the dead boy’s decapitated corpse, placing his head where the boy’s head would have been. This would constitute first degree murder, kidnapping, rape, and trafficking. The boy was sexually abused during the ceremony, as one of the minor females in attendance was forced to climb on top of him and have sex with him. Those who were present would also be liable for each of the crimes as well, because they had foreknowledge of the purpose of the ceremony and participated in the murder of the boy. The Hamblin girls also detail the murder of a hitchhiker at a CS camping trip on the Arizona-Utah border, and Craig and Suki Christensen are named as participants in the rape, torture, and eventual murder of the hitchhiker. According to Rachel Hamblin and her sisters, the CS would frequently task its members with the obligation to procure a victim for sacrifices on the camping trips. On that particular trip, the responsibility for procuring a person to serve a sacrifice fell to David Lee Hamblin. This would place the Christensens at the scene of yet another murder, and it would inculpate them in a homicide that they participated in directly. Although the Provo Police Department and the Utah County Sheriff’s had the Hamblin Victims’ Statements between 2012 and 2014, as well as afterwards, there is no evidence to suggest that they questioned Craig or Suki Christensen about the allegations against them. There is no record of the police or the Utah County Attorneys Office following up with any of the other names within Hamblin Victims Statements. Although law enforcement and prosecutors had a recorded apology from David Lee Hamblin to his daughter for raping her, prosecutors dropped the charges against David Hamblin in 2014. No other charges were brought against David Lee Hamblin’s alleged accomplices, whose names fill five single spaced pages in an index of the Hamblin Victim’s Statements. Today, Craig Christensen is a successful businessman with multiple rental properties across Provo. He sold his company Kraftworx to his former employer FranklinCovey, and he now spends his time as Chairman of the Board for the nonprofit Conserve Utah Valley. He’s running for District One, Provo City Council, and he is mounting his campaign despite the fact that his brother in law David Lee Hamblin is current facing two separate criminal trials for raping two children. If the allegations made by his own nieces are true, Craig Christensen was David Lee Hamblin’s accomplice in an array of crimes ranging from child rape to the production of child pornography and even murder. The average voter in Provo likely has no idea what Craig Christensen was accused of doing by his own nieces.

*Read Book Pillars of Tubal Cain by Nigel Jackson

The abuse will be laid out chronologically throughout this article, with an emphasis on the geographical locations. Rachel Hamblin alleged that she and her younger sister Eliza were brought to a house in Tucson, Arizona at night in 1983. This was likely Steven Hamblin’s home, given the context of the disclosure. Rachel references being forced to engage in oral sodomy at Tucson during visits, at the Hamblin cabin in Wildwood, and in Spring City. Steven and Jeannie Hamblin currently own 475 South Main in Spring City, and they also own a home in Tucson at 6349 E Paseo Otono. In 1983, Rachel Hamblin would have been three years of age, and her younger sister Eliza was born in March 1983. 475 South Main is a block away from Horseshoe Mountain Pottery, and a quick left away from David Hamblin and Joe Bennion’s homes in Spring City. In May 1985, the Pima County Recorder showed a conveyance from Patricia Virginia Long to Steven Lee and Jeannie L Hamblin for Lot 146 of Desert Palms, which corresponds to 8926 E Calle Kuehn in Tucson, Arizona. At the time, David and Roselle Hamblin were renting an apartment in Tucson, as David pursued his doctorate at the University of Arizona. Rachel Hamblin outlines a 1984 incident at her grandparents' old house in Victim Statement 1, where she and her family were visiting. This is likely at 1857 North 500 East, Provo, UT, as Salt Lake County records show that Richard and Carma Anderson resided at this address until 1988. Rachel outlined being fondled while nursery rhymes were recited, and she also claimed that her mother would force her to give oral sex while Roselle reclined on the stairs and Rachel sat below her. The use of nursery rhymes, children’s stories, and LDS Primary songs during the abuse of the Hamblin daughters was ubiquitous throughout the Victims’ Statements. This speaks to a systemic methodology of abuse, and when combined with the fact that Roselle Stevenson and Carma Anderson used the same terminology during their abuse of the Hamblin girls, it affirms the generational aspect of the abuse. These techniques continued into the Hamblin’s 1986 trek to New York, where David Hamblin continued his graduate work at Cornell Medical Center. The Hamblin's rented an apartment at 77 Touraine Ave in Portchester, NY during this time. Rachel Hamblin alleged that the landlord was a CS member who. tortured children in the basement of the three-unit apartment. One of the children being tortured was named Jan, and the torture consisted of the landlord, who was the local CS Punisher, sticking a metal rod into the vagina of female children and electrocuting them. Rachel recounted being taken to the basement with her sister to watch the punishments being doled out to children, which had the effect of intimidating her into compliance with her own abuse in order to avoid such punishments. The Punisher had access to the Hamblin apartment, as he allegedly came in and raped Rachel during the day. New York is a key location in the Hamblin abuse because according to Rachel, David Hamblin first met Gordon Bowen in New York. Their association would continue into the Nineties, as Gordon hosted parties at his Salt Lake home where David Hamblin would peddle his daughters for prostitution and pornography services to other CS members. Even though Hamblin lived in Provo and Spring City, and Bowen was located in Salt Lake, it was Bowen who Roselle Stevenson appealed to when she was facing repercussions from the CS during her divorce.

*Read Article 12 Ways Satanism is Surprisingly Similar to the Mormon Church

Having successfully completed the requirements for his doctorate, Hamblin returned home to Provo with his family. By 1986, he and Roselle had another daughter, Katherine, and the family of five returned to Roselle’s hometown of Provo. They promptly bought a house close to the 1857 North 500 East house of Richard and Carma Anderson. Their home was also in the same neighborhood as David and Deborah Sheets, whose daughter is likely one of Hamblin’s current accusers. In October 1988, the Hamblin's purchased 280 E 2200 N, where David Hamblin would eventually set up a home office for his psychology practice. Initially, Hamblin worked at BYU upon returning to Provo, but he soon went into private practice. His practice would soon become consumed with his “parts theory,” in which Hamblin utilized priesthood blessings to strip parts from his patients and his daughters. Hamblin also began training his daughters to perform sexually, giving them individual names to cue their sexual behavior. Rachel’s name was Tabitha. The training had begun in New York, where Roselle and David had begun teaching Rachel to look at boys seductively and rewarding her with candy when she performed sexual acts in the 77 Touraine Ave apartment in Portchester. This training also consisted of “the scaring game,” where Rachel and her sisters were taught to make terrified, angry, or frightening faces. Roselle emphasized these techniques, along with the opposite game, a method of confusing and dissociating the children by blurring the meaning of words. The methodology was reinforced at Susan Christensen’s New York apartment as well. Susan “Suki” Christensen was David Hamblin’s sister, married to Craig Roy Christensen. The Christensen's had relocated to New York with the Hamblin's, and Suki allegedly had an ongoing sexual relationship with David Hamblin. Suki Christensen demanded that Rachel play the scaring game with the Christensen’s female child, and Rachel initially refused. Her aunt slapped her across the face to force her compliance. Rachel then alternated between smiling and talking to her cousin and growling and lunging at her. When her younger cousin began to cry, Rachel gave her a hug and told her not to worry, and the process started again. It ended with the Christensen’s daughter backed into a corner, crying, and Rachel noticed her aunt looking through the door. Susan Christensen entered, and asked her daughter what was wrong. Susan, Rachel, and Susan’s daughter then walked out of the room. Suki Christensen allegedly forced Rachel to perform oral sex on her at the Christensen’s New York apartment, and when Rachel refused, Suki became furious and held scissors to her throat. Christensen then threatened to cut her niece’s tongue off. Rachel Hamblin detailed a pervasive pattern of abuse involving the same methodologies her parents employed: the scaring game, the opposite game, forced sexual abuse, and physical abuse and threats used to coerce children into compliance with sexual abuse. The methodology was systemic, passed down from the previous generation to the children of Robert and June Hamblin and Richard and Carma Anderson. As Rachel Hamblin outlined in her two victim’s statements, the goal of the systemic abuse was simple: to transform the children of CS parents into adults who would in turn perpetuate the same abuse upon their children. This was done in order to “raise up righteous seed” to Lucifer, who the CS believed was the rightful heir to the Heavenly Father. Lincoln Kevin Kelly and his wife Khaliel were named participants in CS parties at the Touraine Ave apartment, along with the Christensen's. Kevin Kelly was Gordon Bowen’s coworker at Bonneville Communications, and Bowen and Kelly moved from Bonneville to Ogilvy Mather, necessitating a relocation to New York. This fact would further confirm Rachel’s contention that David Hamblin first met Gordon Bowen in New York, as the Kelly family socialized with the Hamblin's and attended CS ceremonies at their Touraine Avenue apartment.

*Read Article Racism in Utah: At Workplace, On Internet, and Inside Schools

The fact that CS members clearly performed their ordinances in the home on a near daily basis would lend credence to Rachel’s claim that CS members relocated in areas where existing CS cells had set up. This would mean that the apartments and neighborhoods selected by CS members were chosen due to the reality that they could practice their ordinances with minimal risk, as their neighbors were like minded individuals. As such, the geographical locations of the CS are of paramount importance, because they were chosen in order to conceal the operations of the CS. CS members would have picked addresses with an eye towards joining local CS councils and cells that were already in existence. Those pre-existing CS councils and cells would have been entrenched in local wards and stakes, as Rachel Hamblin alleged when she claimed that her parents and grandparents said that the CS had gatekeepers positioned throughout Utah and the nation. The fact that the CS was and is a multi-generational group points to the fact that its members’ addresses are not coincidental or happenstance. CS members choose where they live with the goal of meshing in an existing CS group, and those groups would be active within their local wards and stakes. The Hamblin Victims’ Statements clearly outline the counters of a group of multi-generational ritual abusers. The statements, which were not fully redacted, contain the names of multiple adults and children within the LDS Church of Satan. CS members systematically and methodically abused their own children and offered those children up for abuse by other members and their own siblings. This included forcing those children to participate in ritual abuse up to and including animal and human sacrifice. The methodology was simple enough in its design: to bludgeon empathy out of children, and to transform them into adults who would carry on the legacy of their parents and grandparents. The abuse was designed to turn children into abusers, in order to compromise their ability to ever come forward. Rachel Jones, Eliza Bradford, and Kate Baxter all confessed to their involvement in multiple murders and sexual assaults as participants. Those who dismiss their claims should realize that Jones, Bradford, and Baxter confessed to their own involvement in capital murder and felony sexual assaults. They were coerced, but the fact remains that they did not conceal their own criminal culpability in the acts of the CS. They voluntarily confessed their own criminal acts, which gives credibility to the allegations the Hamblin children made against others within the CS. The children of the CS are the foundation of any investigation into the CS going forward. They are potential witnesses who could corroborate the abuse allegations, but they are also potentially adult members of the CS in its current incarnation. The CS membership had their own barter economy for sexual services involving children, along with direct cash payments. David Hamblin allegedly allowed patients of his therapy practice to enter his homes while he was in session with other patients for the purpose of engaging in sex with his daughters. He and his wife Roselle chronicled the abuse their children suffered in written journals, likely for the purposes of blackmail, extortion, and insurance against future culpability. It is entirely reasonable to assume that David and Roselle’s practices were common among other CS members. The Church of Satan recruited members of financial means and social prominence and even if those prospective members did not join the Church, as in if they participated in child rape or procured and viewed their child pornography, the CS gained leverage over those prospective members going forward. That leverage would be used to extort financial concessions and assistance within the legal and political establishments as well as to shield CS members from all legal culpability. And this is how the underworld within Satanism works. Because of their corrupting generational influence, they can manipulate, hinder or even halt investigations, have their corrupted police and judges dismiss cases and even get the national news media to look the other way and blame it all on "Satanic Panic," a name the corporate media devised in the late 1980's to cover-up for the countless deaths of missing and exploited children murdered in their Satanic ritual ceremonies.

*Read Article NBC Network Covering for Utah Satanists by Accusing the Accusers of "Satanic Panic"

In this context, CS children were assets to be leveraged in order to further the goals of the CS and membership. Sexually, children could be offered up internally within the CS for money and other forms of gain, but they could also be offered up to others outside of the CS in order to compromise non-CS individuals. It is not merely that the CS members might be positioned as gatekeepers within the political and legal establishments-and even the LDS church establishment-it is that non-CS members could be compromised by their involvement with CS members and their participation in criminal acts. The compromises did not and do not have to be exclusively sexual. If CS members have knowledge of financial or legal impropriety of any sort by non-CS members, that knowledge could be leveraged to deter scrutiny or exposure of the CS. It could be used to access financial concessions as well. Joe and Lee Udall Bennion are listed on 134 pages in the Hamblin Victims’ Statements. Their inclusion in the Victims’ Statements is never redacted, and therefore there is no speculation as to the extent of their involvement. Outside of the immediate Hamblin and Anderson family members, they are the most frequently listed alleged CS members. Joe Bennion is the alleged Punisher for the Spring City CS Council that David Hamblin affiliated with, and that Spring City Council is the second CS group in Spring City. The first group is dominated by the Allred's whose ancestors founded Spring City. According to Kate Baxter, this happened 4x a year, and often devolved into an orgy afterwards. Baxter specifically states that the Bennion children were present during the viewing of pornography in her statement. Rachel Jones corroborates this, alleging that the Bennion's, Larsen's, Schultes, and others were present during the viewing of pornographic movies at the Bennion home, and their children were present as well. Jones also alleged that the children would watch the movie a couple of times a year. Put simply, Joe and Lee Bennion are directly accused of exposing their own daughters to pornography, along with other CS members. CS member Gordon Bowen allegedly instructed an audience in his Salt Lake home that they should provide hardcore S&M pornography to their male children and make the mothers and sisters of those male children sexually available to the boys. Given these allegations, it is likely that Joe and Lee Bennion abused their own daughters as members of the CS. Those who would rape another person’s child would likely not hesitate to do the same to their own children. Moreover, the CS taught its members that progression into Lucifer’s kingdom depended on total surrender to Lucifer’s demands. Those demands were often centered on the ritual abuse of children, and for a CS parent, sacrificing their child through ritualized abuse would ensure their progression towards making their calling and election sure in the Outer Darkness. It would also have the effect of raising up their seed to Lucifer as his servants in the future iterations of the CS. As with all human organizations and groups, practices and behaviors evolve. Today’s Utah is no longer the Utah that existed thirty years prior. The alleged members of the CS increasingly embrace public positions at odds with longstanding LDS doctrines and positions on everything from homosexuality to abortion. They affiliate with organizations that are demonstrably at odds with the stated goals of the LDS.

*Read Article At 3:30 AM, "Arthur Knight" Posted on His Media the Victim's Statements Against David Leavitt

The Arrington's fit squarely within the nexus of artists affiliated with the CS, such as Joe and Lee Udall Bennion, Brian Kershisnik, the Schultes, the Jimison's, and others. This in turn increases the likelihood that the Hamblin children were telling the truth in the early 2000s and in the 2012-2014 case against their father David Lee Hamblin. Despite all of these facts, and in spite of David Lee Hamblin’s taped apology for raping his daughter, the Provo Police Department and the Utah County Attorney’s Office failed to secure a single abuse conviction against any of the named perpetrators in the Hamblin Victims Statements. James Arrington’s father, LDS Church Historian Leonard James Arrington, wrote 21 books on LDS history and prominent LDS figures. One of those books, The Richest Hole on Earth: A History of the Bingham Copper Mine, was written with Gary B. Hansen. Hansen and his wife Bonnie are alleged CS members who participated in the abuse of the Hamblin children. Gary Hansen allegedly raped Katherine Hamblin during a CS Nativity ceremony at a Provo condominium. His wife Bonnie was also alleged to have forced Katherine to perform oral sex on Katherine Hamblin during the rape. The significance of this is obvious: it puts one of Leonard Arrington’s co-authors within the LDS Church of Satan, as an active member and ritual abuser. Arrington’s son and daughter in law are allegedly members of the LDS Church of Satan who also participated in the abuse of the Hamblin children. The Victims’ Statements claim that the LDS Church of Satan is a multigenerational group operating within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and while Leonard Arrington’s name is not mentioned in those statements, his son and daughter in law and one of his co-authors are named as CS members. This increases the likelihood that Leonard Arrington was also a CS member. Leonard Arrington was connected with multiple members of the September Six, a group of LDS intellectuals who were excommunicated or disfellowshipped in the early Nineties. Arrington’s relationships with D. Michael Quinn, Lavina Fielding Anderson, and Maxine Hanks put him squarely in the middle of a group whose members were and are documented heretics. Quinn was a homosexual Latter Day Saint whose behavior attracted the attention of the LDS authorities, and he was excommunicated. Quinn would divorce his wife Janice Latham, and by his own admission he had known from twelve years of age that he was gay. Nevertheless, Leonard Arrington would characterize Quinn and the others as faithful members of the LDS, decrying their excommunications in his private diary entries. This was despite the fact that the September Six members either engaged in sexual misconduct that directly contravened LDS doctrines-as was the case with Quinn-or they advocated for worshipping Heavenly Mother as the equal of Heavenly Father in flagrant violation of LDS doctrine. In the case of Lynn Whitesides, at least one September Sixer was alleged to be a member of the LDS Church of Satan. Many of the September Six members went on to espouse tolerance for and doctrinal normalization of homosexuality, and D. Michael Quinn went on to allege that same sex relationships had existed among the founders of the LDS.

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Against this factual backdrop, and with the accusations against his son and daughter in law, Leonard Arrington’s positions were not those of a faithful and orthodox LDS member. He was affiliated with at least five alleged CS members: Gary and Bonnie Hansen, James and Lisa Arrington, and Lynn Whitesides. He was a mentor to D. Michael Quinn, who worked as his associate, a colleague of September Six member Maxine Hanks, and a founder of Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, the periodical in which much of the aforementioned Heavenly Mother [pagan goddess being the supposed Mother of God; aka Lucifer] material would appear. Those who advocated for the worship of Heavenly Mother [Lucifer] would go on to elaborate on their motivations for doing so, as was the case in Margaret Toscano’s Sunstone article Heavenly Motherhood: Silences, Disturbances, and Consolations: "It was a long process for me to connect with the Heavenly Mother. I had to start first by admiring other aspects of the Feminine Divine. I found myself attracted to pagan goddesses—their pictures and stories and images: I love Inanna, Isis, Aphrodite, Athena, and Demeter—goddesses of wisdom and love and power. (It should be no surprise that I do not connect much with Hera, the jealous goddess of marriage, or Hestia, the goddess of home and hearth.)" Toscano had toed the line before her excommunication, carefully parsing her words on the topic of Heavenly Mother. Afterwards, she became increasingly emboldened to articulate the full extent of her departure from LDS orthodoxy, acknowledging her attraction to pagan goddesses and her disdain for pagan goddesses who reinforced traditional concepts of gender roles. Toscano explicitly articulates her end position later on in the same article: "Moreover, forbidding prayer to Heavenly Mother also implies that worshipping or honoring her in other ways is out of line for Church members as well. But to not worship or even show gratitude to her is to downplay her role significantly. It takes away from her divinity, and it does in fact diminish her glory, not her actual glory of course but what we attribute to her. It diminishes our view of the cosmic and salvific roles the Divine Mother plays in our lives, and therefore our access to and understanding of her. That there is a lot of nervousness not only about praying to Heavenly Mother, but about worshipping and discussing her, is shown in the 2008 Dialogue article by Kevin L. Barney, titled “How to Worship Our Mother in Heaven (Without Getting Excommunicated).” Using the biblical scholarship of Margaret Barker as a foundation, as well as the work of Daniel Peterson from BYU, Barney argues that the worship of the Mother God by the name of Asherah was legitimate at one time among the Hebrews." In 2022, Toscano’s positions on Heavenly Mother would advance to their logical conclusion: endorsing a view of Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father that encompassed acceptance of active homosexuality and transgenderism: "Thus, popular Mormon culture reflects the same questions posed by scholars. How can Heavenly Mother fulfill important emotional, spiritual, and cultural needs in Mormonism while also meeting the current changing expectations about sex and gender? In response to this question, I argue that an embodied, gendered female deity can be an indispensable figure and source of hope, comfort, and liberation for all the oppressed, the vulnerable, and the powerless—whether they face discrimination for their race, their ethnicity, their sexual orientation, their transgender or nonbinary status, their status as immigrants, or their impoverished or homeless condition." Toscano’s position is not one that evolved over time. It has simply become more palatable for her to utter the beliefs she has always held about Heavenly Mother, the LDS’s doctrines on the LGBTQIA+ community, and the role of women within the LDS. Katherine Hamblin detailed monthly CS Endowment ceremonies that took place at various locations, which the Arrington's frequently attended. These ceremonies involved the repeated rapes of the Hamblin children. The Arrington's were also listed as present CS members during the Council disciplinary hearing against David Lee Hamblin. The Arrington's fit squarely within the nexus of artists affiliated with the CS, such as Joe and Lee Udall Bennion, Brian Kershisnik, the Schultes, the Jimison's, and others. This in turn increases the likelihood that the Hamblin children were telling the truth in the early 2000s and in the 2012-2014 case against their father David Lee Hamblin. Despite all of these facts, and in spite of David Lee Hamblin’s taped apology for raping his daughter, the Provo Police Department and the Utah County Attorney’s Office failed to secure a single abuse conviction against any of the named perpetrators in the Hamblin Victims Statements.

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The Hamblin Victims’ Statements provided police and prosecutors a staggering number of named perpetrators to investigate. Those named by the Hamblin children comprised a who’s who of LDS artists, businessmen, and medical professionals, as well as families whose reach stretched into the upper echelons of the Utah political and legal establishments. Paul and Ann Larsen were named 24 times in the Victims’ Statements and accused of the following crimes: Murders, rape/sodomy of a child, the production of child pornography, and sexual battery. The identification of Paul and Ann Larsen is made certain by the details provided by the Hamblin children. Ann Larsen is an architect and the owner of Ann Larsen Residential Design, based out of Salt Lake City. Paul Larsen is a filmmaker and professor at the University of Utah who is also based out of Salt Lake City. He previously worked for the film program at BYU, where he taught screenwriting. The Hamblin children described Paul Larsen as both a filmmaker and the father of a son with Down’s Syndrome, which matches up with the biography of Paul Larsen on the University of Utah’s Department of Film and Media Arts website. The Larsen’s roots stretch back to the British and Mormon pioneers who built Utah, and their network stretches to certain locations in California with ties to the CS. Their background and network are of critical importance to understanding their place within the LDS Church of Satan, and the credibility of the Hamblin children’s allegations. Ann Fluckiger Larsen’s grandfather Arnold John Melchior Flockiger was born on May 5, 1905, and he married Belva Burton on September 16, 1925 in the Salt Lake Temple. By March 1926, Arnold fell ill with appendicitis and died after surgery on March 17, 1926. His wife Belva was pregnant with their son Arnold Burton Fluckiger, and her husband’s early death forced her to move back into her parents’ home in Aston, Wyoming. Thomas Fielding Burton raised his grandson alongside 13 other children on the family’s dairy farm, until Belva Burton moved to Ogden, Utah, where Arnold went to high school and met Nadine Cordingley. His friend George Osmond played a pivotal role in Burton’s romance with Nadine, for it was George who received the money Arnold sent back from Washington, D.C. to purchase an engagement ring for Nadine. George Osmond was the father of the Osmond Brothers, who would go on to sell 77-million albums worldwide while launching Donny and Marie Osmond into stardom. Marie Osmond has previously alleged that she was sexually abused as a child, and she further claimed that she thought she was gay as a result of her abuse. In fact, according to Arnold’s obituary, George Osmond presented the engagement ring to Nadine. Arnold was working as an Army radio operator in D.C. at the time, after being drafted despite serving in the Merchant Marines at first. Nadine and Arnold were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on June 22, 1948, and Arnold’s path led him to Weber State, BYU, and eventually Stanford University, where he obtained his master’s in architecture. In Menlo Park, he partnered up with Charles Ray Rasmussen to open an architectural firm. The significance of Menlo Park and Stanford is simple enough: Jean Char Gong, the “sister by affection” of the de Jong sisters, met and married her husband Walter at Stanford. They settled in Atherton, California and eventually ended up in Palo Alto, where Walter Gong eventually passed away due to complications from diabetes. Fluckiger’s work to him back to Utah, where he frequently worked with Keith Garner, whose ties extended to Orrin Hatch as a principal shareholder of Amehcor, a corporation formed to develop the Park City Institute. Arnold and Nadine’s daughter Ann was born in 1949, and Nadine would die in 2015 while Arnold would pass in 2018. His obituary would recount his involvement in the restoration of a 100-year-old schoolhouse in Spring City, the city where Joe and Lee Bennion allegedly oversaw much of the CS’s activities in Sanpete County. The original Mormon's views on polygamy gave rise to networks of power among men who used marriage as a means of dynastic intertwining. In their article Evolutionary Speculations on the Oligarchic Development of Mormon Polygyny, Steven Faux and Harold Miller found that ten of the twenty-nine leaders in Joseph Smith’s time were so-called trailblazers in polygamy, with eight of the ten being directly related to Smith. The conclusion reached by Faux and Miller was that leadership appointments depended largely on a candidate’s biological relationship to Joseph Smith. This in turn “may have contributed to the solidarity of the hierarchy.” For females, marrying a higher status male within a polygamous hierarchy ensured increased reproductive advantages for their sons. There was nothing random about the lineages of church leaders in Joseph Smith’s time; women would have perceived this and pursued mates accordingly for their own benefit and the benefit of their future generations. Marrying a monogamous male would not have carried the same advantages as marrying a polygamous male connected by blood or marriage to the founding prophet, either for the wife or her offspring.

From the Substack: Investigations in Ritual Abuse by Go El
The Education of Gerrit de Jong, Jr., Pt. I

This is a tale of immigrants to early America from Europe. Richard Anderson and Carma de Jong represented de Jong’s father Gerrit as part of a royal bloodline within the LDS. The de Jong family hailed from Holland, and Gerrit de Jong was a teenage convert to the Church. His family’s connection to the Church was limited to the missionaries who came into the de Jong’s Amsterdam fabric shop to purchase collars and cuffs. One of those missionaries was the scion of a Latter-Day Saint dynasty, a grandson of Apostle George A. Smith, the son of Apostle John Henry Smith, and the half-brother of George Albert Smith, the eighth president of the Church. Nicholas Groesbeck Smith, Sr. served a mission in Holland beginning in 1902. A year after Smith’s return from Holland, the family of Gerrit de Jong, Sr. immigrated to the United States. Nola Sullivan told of the family’s immigration and history in an interview with "Y Magazine." In 1906, the de Jong’s family shop burned down. Gerrit de Jong, Jr.’s mother made the decision to push forward with a move to America, where her sister Marie Kuiper had joined the Church and was living on Apple Street in Salt Lake with her husband George Morgan. Before the Morgans’ marriage imploded, the de Jong family lived in their home at 46 Apple Street, just up from First North and West Temple, where Nicholas G. Smith, Sr. was working in a corner shop. Mary Kuiper Morgan sent her niece Kathryn de Jong to the store for 25 cents of potatoes, and when Kathryn arrived at the store, she and Nicholas G. Smith recognized each other. For Kathryn, the renewal of an old acquaintance with Smith led to playmates in the form of his sisters Josephine and Lella, and she and the Smith sisters put on shows in the basement of the Smith home. Smith lived in a house on the northeast corner of West Temple and First North, likely at 222 North West Temple. The home had been built in 1864, but Smith was building another home on the same lot at 226 North West Temple. His sister would reside in the home down the street at 82 West 100 North, giving the Smith family the entire side of the street. The de Jong family had moved into another home on Apple Street a few weeks after their arrival, but when the 222 North West Temple home was vacant upon Smith’s move to the 226 North West Temple residence, the de Jong family began renting from Nicholas Groesbeck Smith, Sr. The de Jongs lived upstairs, with other tenants residing on the lower floor, and the de Jong and Smith families became close. Their residences were adjacent, sharing a yard. Linda Marianne de Jong was fast friends with Nicholas Groesbeck Smith’s wife Florence and his sister Josephine. Gerrit de Jong, Jr. and his sister Kathryn would attend the Sunday School at the Seventeenth Ward, along with the Dutch congregation’s meetings. Nicholas Groesbeck Smith’s half-brother George Albert was serving in the Quorum of the Twelve with their father John Henry from 1903 to 1910. In 1911, Gerrit de Jong, Jr. established a Sunday School orchestra in the Twenty-Sixth Ward, and he would marry Rosabelle Winegar. The interlocking paths of Gerrit de Jong and Nicholas Groesbeck Smith, Sr. might appear innocuous enough, except for the fact that both of their families would become entangled in ritual and sexual abuse scandals decades later. Gerrit de Jong’s granddaughter Roselle Anderson’s marriage to David Lee Hamblin would result in his great-granddaughters alleging that their family was part of a multigenerational satanic cult within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Hamblin sisters alleged that Carma de Jong, the youngest daughter of Gerrit de Jong, Jr., claimed that Gerrit was in the spirit world working to bring spirits into the Church of Satan. Carma de Jong allegedly claimed that the girls were part of a royal bloodline within the Church, one that emphasized bloodline purity and intermarriage among certain high-ranking families within the Church of Satan. Unlike other families within the Church of Satan, the de Jong family were converts rather than polygamist pioneers. They had married into polygamist lineages, as was the case when Carma’s daughter Roselle married David Lee Hamblin. Carma de Jong may have been referencing the claims made by others within the de Jong lineage, specifically individuals like Aeneas George de Yong, the grandson of Jacob and Geertje de Jong. In his June 1960 publication 'The De Jonghe, De Jong, or the De Youngs and Related Families,' de Young claims that the family had its inception around 440 B.C. at the city of Troy.

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Those who survived and fled the sacking of Troy by the Greeks settled along the Mediterranean coast of France. Later on the de Jonghe’s made their way to Flanders, Belgium, and Holland, and they were said to be descended from [Merovingian] Charlemagne’s youngest son Lothaire. DeJonghe meant “junior” and Lothaire was the junior son of Charlemagne, and hence the lineage was born under the DeJonghe name when Lothaire was given Holland, Belgium, and northern provinces in France after his father died. When the DeJonghes immigrated to Holland, the spelling changed to de Jong. The de Jongs would change to the Youngs when they immigrated to New Amsterdam, and some of the descendants of Jan Jansen DeJonghe would simplify their name to Jansen. Dirk P. De Young confirmed this in his book De Jongh and Allied Families: Genealogy and History in Europe and America. De Young claimed the same lineage from King Priamus of Troy, as well as Lothaire. The emphasis in both genealogical works is the longevity and prominence of the de Jong lineage, and its ties to prominent royalty in Flanders, Belgium, Holland, and elsewhere dating back to Troy. For the Groesbeck line, circumstantial evidence of prior ties to the de Jongs is found in the family tree of Class Jacobse Groesbeck, whose daughter Maijke Jacobs married Cornelis Arieszn de Jong on May 14, 1646, in Holland. Class Groesbeck is nine generations back in the genealogy of Nicholas G. Smith, Sr., which begs the question, was Nicholas G. Smith, Sr.’s involvement with the family of Gerrit de Jong, Jr. coincidence or deliberate? The emphasis of Latter-Day Saints on temple work is primarily to bring about eternal consequences for their ancestors via temporal ordinances; for Church of Satan members, the emphasis is the same. Each side attempts to recruit the dead to their team, generation upon generation, in preparation for the culmination of the Latter Days: the final battle between Jehovah and Lucifer. Moreover, the ties between a de Jong and the Groesbeck line dating to the 17th century, then renewed in the 20th century with Nicholas Groesbeck Smith, Sr.’s proselytizing in Amsterdam call into question the arrival of the de Jong family in America, where they would reside a mere block away from the Nicholas Groesbeck Smith, Sr., who would later rent out a floor of his old house to the de Jongs. The intermarriage of the Groesbecks into the Smith line presents another question: were the Groesbecks part of the alleged infiltration of the LDS that the Hamblin sisters describe in their Victims Statements? George A. Smith was the first cousin of Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. His son John Henry Smith would go on to take Josephine Groesbeck as his plural wife, and she was the mother of Nicholas Groesbeck Smith, Jr. In turn, John Henry Smith’s son by his first wife Sarah Farr, George Albert Smith, would become the eighth president of the Church. George Albert Smith married the daughter of Wilford Woodruff, and his daughter Emily Stewart would serve on the Primary General Board. George Albert Smith’s counselors during his tenure as general superintendent of the Church’s Mutual Improvement Association were Richard R. Lyman and Melvin J. Ballard, the father of Apostle M. Russell Ballard. George Albert Smith suffered a nervous breakdown from 1909 to 1912 and for three years was bedridden. There are parallels between George Albert Smith’s suffering and that of ritual abusers within the Hamblin case. Roselle Stevenson and Carma de Jong Anderson both suffered mental breakdowns according to the Victims Statements. There is not enough evidence to say that George Albert Smith was a victim of generational abuse, but the documented evidence of his mental condition with a severe depression in the context of his family’s ties to bloodlines connected to the Hamblin's is circumstantial evidence of the possibility. The ties between Gerrit de Jong and Nicholas Groesbeck Smith, Sr. would reverberate over generations, as David Lee Hamblin’s criminal cases in both 2012 and 2024 would be tied to other ritual abuse cases through the connection between both de Jong and Smith.

From the Substack: Investigations in Ritual Abuse by Go El
CS Families and Their Intersections: The Bloodlines of the Church of Satan

Within the Church of Satan, the emphasis on the royalty of the Anderson-de Jong and Hamblin-Adams bloodlines would have hearkened back to this hypergamic legacy of polygamy. Mating and marriage were strategic and tactical rather than romantic matters. For males, compliance with the dictates of leaders was necessary to ensure one’s temporal and eternal standing, as David Hamblin found out when his father-in-law raped his daughter in front of him during his Church of Satan excommunication proceedings, a rape which ended with Richard Lloyd Anderson commanding David Hamblin to eat his semen after he had ejaculated on his granddaughter. It was not enough to merely excommunicate David Lee Hamblin; the Church of Satan had to utterly humiliate him. The dynamic within polygamous networks was hypergamic from the onset, rooted in hierarchies of dominance that carried over into the heretical groups of fundamentalist Mormons and ritual abuse cults such as the Church of Satan. Polygamy was not the norm for Utah in the 19th century; instead, it was the signifier of temporal and eternal rank. At most, 28 percent of male Utahns were polygamists, but over two-thirds of Utah’s territorial officials were polygamists. Polygamy was limited by the mathematical reality that men outnumbered women in Utah, even with a concerted effort to recruit female converts from Europe and Eastern states. As a result, most men who entered into plural marriage only married one additional wife, with 66.3% of polygamist men marrying a single additional wife, while less than 6% of polygamist men married more than five wives. Many of the wives of those men in the latter category were taken from other men, generated what Philip Kilbride characterized as “serial polygyny” for women, who could trade up for higher ranking husbands within the priesthood, whose proximity to ecclesiastical power had also generated temporal wealth. David Lee Hamblin was a shining example of this reality in the modern era. Within his own group, he was able to seduce the wives of other CS members with impunity. His daughters spoke of hearing their father engaged in sexual intercourse with Chelom Leavitt, the wife of David Leavitt, a scion of a prominent political family that had produced a state governor. Hamblin was from a bloodline prominent enough to marry into the de Jong-Anderson bloodline, with ties to the pioneers of Utah. He was David Leavitt’s distant cousin. For Hamblin and his father-in-law Richard Lloyd Anderson, as well as other men within the CS councils in Provo and Spring City, the hypergamic nature of polygamy and the polygynous nature of CS polygamy was obvious. Roselle Stevenson would walk around her Spring City home during the day naked in front of open windows, luring Joe Bennion. When her estranged husband lost his membership in the CS, Roselle Stevenson was able to publicly date James Arrington and other men, even though her lack of discretion upset her father Richard Lloyd Anderson. Hamblin’s daughters were chattel to be offered up in polygamous sealings to men like Joe Bennion and James Harmston, as well as the sons of other prominent CS families. In this way, Hamblin could obtain dynastic ties similar to those outlined by Faux and Miller in their survey of the twenty-nine leaders from Joseph Smith’s time. Hamblin was utilizing the resources at his disposal to reinforce and forge familial ties for his temporal and eternal benefit. Those resources happened to be his daughters. In much the same way, the men around Brigham Young forged familial ties and built networks through the sealing power, adopting individuals into their eternal families who were not part of their biological bloodlines. This reinforced the hierarchical networks, built loyalty, and ensured compliance by offering men outside of the familial lineages a path into the elite circles of the Church. The legacy of polygamy was multifaceted, with temporal and eternal effects designed to reinforce dynastic lineages into the future. There is no denying that such efforts were successful. Many of the current leaders of the Church, like many members of familial groups within cults like the Church of Satan, can trace their genealogies back to those marriages and sealings which took place in the mid-nineteenth century. Those lineages were cited time and time again as the basis for claims to a royal lineage within both the LDS and the Church of Satan by the Hamblin sisters’ parents and grandparents. The repercussions of polygamy outlived the abolition of the practice in ways that we are only beginning to understand as it pertains to the Church of Satan and other fundamentalist groups who purport to be engaged in a restoration of the originalist Restored Church.

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Joseph Wood Bennion, the husband of Lee Patricia Udall, is himself the scion of a family line that stretches back to the beginnings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The challenge of mapping the Bennion bloodline cannot be overstated, as the bloodline intersects with many other prominent bloodlines in the LDS. Polygamist LDS families defy accurate genealogies, with husbands taking on sisters and half-siblings from the the same families as their wives. The trend towards consolidation of bloodlines covered in the previous article on the Udall family line increases with the Bennion bloodlines. The members of the Bennion bloodline have enmeshed themselves in the centers of power within the LDS. The Bennion's are professors at BYU and the University of Utah, they are administrators of the Utah and LDS educational system, and at least one Bennion bloodline member is in the highest echelon of the church: the First Presidency. Henry Bennion Eyring is third in line by age and respective rank to the highest office with the LDS. The Presidency of the LDS typically confers by seniority of age relative to one’s rank; by that standard, Henry Bennion Eyring would be just nine months behind his fellow counselor in the First Presidency, Dallin H. Oaks. Through his paternal grandmother, Eyring is a first cousin once removed of George W. Romney, Mitt Romney’s father. His sons include Henry J. Eyring, the president of BYU-Idaho, formerly Ricks College, and Matthew J. Eyring, the Chief Innovation Strategy Officer of home automation company Vivint. The Bennion bloodline does not merely intersect with the Romney family, it also intersects with other prominent families as well, most notably the Cannon family. It is this intersection that produces the consolidating effect within the Bennion bloodline. This intersection is seen in the genealogy, specifically the marriage of Zina Bennion, born to John Moroni Bennion and Mary Turpin in 1973, to John M Cannon, born to Angus Munn Cannon and Maria Bennion in 1865. Zina was the half-sister of John M. Cannon’s mother Maria, the daughter of John Moroni Bennion, John’s grandfather, making his wife his half-aunt. This would drive home Brigham Young’s admonishments to Saints that it would be better for a Saint to marry their sister or their brother than to marry outside of the faith. The marriage of Lucille M. Cannon to Glynn Sharp Cannon would mean that a pair of grandchildren of John Moroni Bennion and Angus Munn Bennion were spouses. Glynn Sharp Bennion was the son of Israel Bennion, the half-brother of Zina Bennion and grandson of John Moroni Bennion, and Zina was married to John M. Cannon, the brother of George M. Cannon, who was the father of Lucille M. Cannon. There were no branches in the family tree, only loops that circled in on each other. The bloodlines were consolidating in Utah, far away from the prying eyes of the federal government and the enemies of the Latter-Day Saints who had driven them westward. In the desert, the Saints were free to practice their faith and marry as they saw fit. They've simply became a law unto themselves. The realities of polygynous and polygamist relationships in the LDS of the 19th century renders it virtually impossible to map genealogies in any conventional sense. The facts were that among polygynous or polygamist groups, women were a prize. Polygamy ran one way; husband could have many wives, but wives could not have many husbands. The spiritual wifery of the Cochranite's practiced by Brigham Young and his lieutenants, polygynous as it was, involved ritualized wife swapping. The polygamy that Young’s practices publicly evolved into did not involve such practices, but the LDS Church of Satan did practice polygyny if Rachel Hamblin and her sisters are telling the truth. The victims’ Statements outline example after example of wife swapping in the group, with Chelom Leavitt and her sister taking up with David Lee Hamblin, and with Joe Bennion taking up with Roselle Hamblin. The daughters of David Lee Hamblin were polygynously sealed to multiple men within the CS, and the Victims’ Statements tell of multiple girls being sealed to adult males within the CS and its affiliates in Manti, such as James Harmston’s True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days. Rachel Hamblin and her sisters alleged that Jay Mitton lectured them in his home on the necessity of polygamy for entry into the Celestial Kingdom, the highest level of Heaven. Without polygamy, exaltation was not achievable. While Mitton allegedly referred to the Celestial Kingdom rather than the Outer Darkness stressed by the Hamblin’s familial CS group, the ties between the Hamblin's and Mitton’s daughter Julie Mitton Staples cannot be overstated. Ewan Harbrecht Mitton, Jay Mitton’s sister-in-law, was called a prophetess by the CS elders, and Rachel Hamblin alleged "people would go to her for visions/future reading stuff.” The reality was and is that those within the LDS who believe in polygamy would have to compromise by necessity: there was no way to publicly take on multiple wives, and therefore the members of the CS and those within the LDS who believed in polygamy as a requirement for exaltation would be required to engage in secret ordinances with each other’s daughters and wives. Rachel Hamblin and her sisters were sealed on multiple occasions to multiple men within and without the CS. In the early days of the LDS, the reality that men were in competition with each other for wives would have necessitated other compromises, including outright incestuous compromises. For a church that predicated its central doctrine of exaltation on the practice of polygamy, the limited pool of potential wives would have required a consolidation of bloodlines. For those within the LDS who believed in the spiritual power of bloodlines, or in a proto-eugenic approach to marriage and blood purity, incestuous marriages would have been a necessary evil. It is clear that sex was the central driving factor of polygamy, given the sheer number of children produced by men and women in hardscrabble conditions in the Utah desert. A little over a century later, the centrality of sex would be very clear within the Church of Satan as its members concluded virtually every meeting with sexual orgies.

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The meetings themselves featured sexual performances as the CS re-enacted the Endowment, only stressing the eventual triumph of Satan over Jehovah and Christ. Those sexual performances featured the female children of the CS forced to re-enact the role of Eve, which placed them in the position of being raped by the CS men who portrayed Cain and other characters. Fertility was thus emphasized as well, with Eve being impregnated by Satan which is reported as fact in both the Jewish Talmud and Freemasonry itself. There were also specific ceremonies celebrating the onset of a girl’s menstrual cycle, because the impregnation of a CS girl could be used to accomplish abortions that were viewed as a means of increasing the spiritual numbers of the CS family in eternity. Joe and Lee Bennion are the most frequently referenced individuals in the Hamblin Victims’ Statements after David and Roselle Hamblin. As such, the examination of their familial bloodlines is relevant to any investigation into the ritual abuse allegations made by Rachel Hamblin and her sisters. Henry Bennion Eyring was Spencer W. Kimball’s nephew through his father’s sister Camilla Eyring, who married Kimball. His father Henry, born and raised in the LDS community at Colonia Juarez, Chihuahua, was the son of the polygamist Edward Christian Eyring, who had married two daughters of Miles Park Romney, Caroline and Emma. Miles Park was the great grandfather of Mitt Romney, the eventual Republican nominee for president and one of Utah’s U.S. Senators. The Mexican Revolution forced the Eyring family north to El Paso, and they later moved to Pima, Arizona. Henry Eyring earned his doctorate in chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley in 1927. He would marry Mildred Bennion, the granddaughter of John Moroni Bennion through his son Marcus Lowell Bennion, in 1928. In 1931, Eyring took his family east to Princeton, where he had taken a professorship. He would labor at Princeton for nearly 15 years before accepting a position as dean at the University of Utah, where he would also serve as a professor of chemistry and metallurgy. Over the course of his academic career, Henry Eyring would produce 600 articles and thirteen books. His son Edward M. Eyring would go on to become a professor of chemistry at the University of Utah, while Harden B. Eyring would become an educational administrator for the State of Utah. Eyring had served the LDS in many callings, including branch president, district president, and twenty years on the general board of the Deseret Sunday School Union. He was exactly the sort of Saint that the LDS would uphold as an example. His son Henry earned a degree in physics at the University of Utah, but pursued business administration in graduate school at Harvard, earning his master’s degree and his doctorate. Eyring worked as a professor at Stanford University, but in less than a decade he would move to become the president of Ricks College. He would take on callings as varied as seminary teacher and bishop of the Stanford singles ward, but he would serve in 1985 as counselor to Presiding Bishop Robert D. Hales. When Howard Hunter died, Henry Bennion Eyring was sustained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on April 1, 1995. Twelve years later, he would be sustained as Second Counselor in the First Presidency on October 6, 2007. The Bennion bloodline was within striking distance of the highest office within the LDS. Henry Bennion Eyring is still a counselor within the First Presidency. Eyring was not the only prominent member of the bloodline, because the Bennion family intersected throughout the LDS and its affiliated institutions. At Ricks College, Steven Don Bennion would serve as president from 1989 to 1997, when he left to become the president of Southern Utah University. He would leave SUU to serve as the mission president of the New York South Mission in 2006, departing that position in 2009. Steven Bennion had previously served as president of Snow College from 1982 to 1989. His grandfather Milton Bennion was president of the Branch Normal School, which would evolve into Southern Utah University. Milton Bennion had served as a member of the Utah State Board of Education, and as a professor of philosophy at the University of Utah, eventually rising to become the dean of the School of Education. His son Lowell Bennion founded the Institute of Religion at the University of Utah in 1934 and went on to find the Teton Boys Ranch in Idaho. That ranch has since been resurrected as Birch Creek Service Ranch in Spring City, Utah. The looping of the bloodlines continued well into the 20th century. Owen Cannon Bennion, the son of Glynn Sharp Bennion and Lucille Morris Cannon, would marry Lenore Wood, the granddaughter of Zina Bennion through her mother Zina Lenore Cannon. Owen’s grandfather Israel Bennion and Lenore’s grandmother Zina Bennion were half-siblings through John Moroni Bennion’s polygamous marriages. Owen Bennion was Joe Bennion’s father. Owen Bennion taught science at Lincoln High School in Orem, Utah, at Brigham Young High School, and at the Indian Education Department at BYU from 1968 to 1984. His brother George Cannon Bennion was a professor in the BYU English department for thirty years. Owen and George’s brother Robert Cannon Bennion earned his undergraduate degree in psychology from BYU and proceeded to earn his graduate degrees from the Ohio State University, and he returned to BYU in 1961, where he served a professor of psychology for 36 years from 1961 to 1997. He also operated his own private practice as a therapist. Their brother Glynn Colin Bennion obtained his master's degree in botany from the University of Utah and worked as a teacher in various schools throughout Utah for 25 years. Their sister Eileen and her husband Frank McKean served a calling in the mission presidency in the Brazil Recife Mission, but Frank McKean died six months later of a heart attack. Franklin McKean had worked as the dean of admissions for BYU, and as Vice President of Academic Affairs at the University of Utah, retiring in 1983. He had also been a major general and commanding officer of the 96th Army Reserve Command until 1979, having joined the military in 1944. The Bennion family had intersections in multiple LDS educational institutions, in some cases serving as deans and presidents within those institutions. They were deeply entrenched in non-LDS educational institutions as well, such as the University of Utah and Southern Utah University.

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The patterns of intermarriage among their bloodlines, bordering on incest, are consistent with the accusations of Rachel Hamblin and her sisters. Joe Bennion is the alleged Punisher of one of the Spring City Councils of the CS, with the other local council being dominated by the Allred family and their allies. His familial ties extend to the First Presidency of the LDS with Henry Bennion Eyring, and his marriage to Lee Patricia Udall ties his family to the Udall's, the Lees, and the Hamblin's, as well as the Leavitt's. By itself, this may seem innocuous, but IRA has received reports from survivors alleging that Henry Bennion Eyring is involved in the ritual abuse of multiple victims. The allegations span decades and extend to over four dozen individuals who relay remarkably similar allegations of Satanic abuse. Coupled with the allegations against Joe Bennion, his wife Lee, and the rest of the Hamblin CS group, the allegations against Eyring tend to lend credibility to Rachel, Eliza, Katherine, and Miriam Hamblin’s claims of a multigenerational group operating within the LDS and perpetrating sexual abuse, human sacrifice, and cannibalism across several generations of various families stretching back to the great expansion westward of America's earliest families from the eastern coast of the British then "American" Colonies. Like European royalty, these "blue-blooded" families still intermarry with one another repeatedly in order to preserve their "bloodline purity" and enhance what they believe to be the Satanic power of their bloodlines. The Mormons had spent the entirety of their history on the fringes of society and culture. They were rejected-often violently-virtually everywhere they went. The rest of their community saw them as a sex cult due to polygamy. Two brothers from one family marrying two sisters from another family, or one man marrying two sisters, was seen as a purely sexual transaction by the rigidly monogamous Baptists and Catholics and other mainline Christian groups who made up the majorities in Missouri and Illinois. The fact that Mormons were actively proselytizing in those communities, seeking to draw the relatives of Protestants and Catholics alike into their nascent faith, only served to further inflame tensions. Brigham knew that Smith’s death presented an opportunity, an opportunity to bring his polygamous beliefs and practices out into the open, but only if he could build a Zion away from the non-Mormons. He took his followers West, and eventually settled in what would become Utah. Brigham Young understood that power was power, as opposed to an office or a position. He understood that power grew from what you were willing to do while you had an office or a position, not from the office or position itself. He wasn’t interested in holding onto an office or a position simply for the office or the position: Brigham Young understood the utility of the office and the position to exert power, to consolidate power, and to expand power. If there was a Mormon practitioner of realpolitik, it was undoubtedly Brigham Young. It was Young who quietly and discreetly navigated behind Joseph Smith’s back to enable polygamy and his supporters’ embrace of polygamy, and it was Young who proclaimed that polygamy was a revelation received by Joseph Smith nine years after Smith’s assassination. There is not a single firsthand source to support the notion that Joseph Smith ever practiced or preached polygamy, but Joseph Smith’s own words condemned polygamy as heresy and he excommunicated Saints for practicing plural marriage while he was alive. The historical record shows that Brigham Young and his lieutenants were practicing polygamy in England while on their mission and importing their plural wives back to the United States upon their return. Brigham Young instinctively understood that history was either internal or external, and that internal histories were written by the victors. External histories are written by dissidents and the defeated, easily dismissed as the embittered grumblings of those who did not prevail. Brigham Young walked to the stand after Sidney Rigdon called for a vote on his claim to the presidency, and he declared himself the president. Young was accompanied by the men who had served with him on his mission to England, the men who had embraced plural marriage: Parley P. Pratt and Heber Kimball. He was seconded by Jacob Hamblin, who cried out to the congregation: “That is the voice of the true shepherd-the chief of the Apostles.” Sidney Rigdon stood no chance. He had been by Joseph Smith’s side, and his chief ally was dead. Dead men have no share or say among the living. Brigham Young had quietly and discreetly built the foundation for his claim to the presidency over years of behind-the-scenes work. He outmaneuvered Rigdon and any other contestants, and Rigdon would soon be excommunicated and forced out of Nauvoo. Young would write Rigdon’s history, manufacturing a series of controversies and divisions between Rigdon and Joseph Smith that could not overcome one simple, incontrovertible fact: it was Sidney Rigdon who was selected by Joseph Smith as his running mate in Smith’s abortive campaign for President of the United States. Rigdon fled Nauvoo and founded his own Church of Jesus Christ of the Children of Zion, which splintered into several other factions over time. The purported private revelations to Joseph Smith regarding polygamy were rebutted by the fact that polygamy was referred to by the Book of Mormon as whoredom. Orson Pratt waited until August 29, 1852, to reveal polygamy as the official doctrine of the LDS, despite the fact that Young and his followers insisted that Joseph Smith had received revelation on polygamy in 1843. History is written by the victors, and the victors have no need for consistency in their version of events. They hold the power to make lies the truth. This was a hard-won lesson for Brigham Young and his acolytes. Young recognized that if his church was to survive-if his narratives were to prevail-that the Latter-Day Saints would need to move from the fringes to the center. He dispatched his most capable men and women throughout the territories of the Western United States to accomplish that goal. Saints would no longer be primarily concerned with eternal matters; instead, they would set their efforts to temporal concerns like political power, and they would entrench themselves in political offices in Arizona, California, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and elsewhere. David King Udall’s bloodline would be of central importance to this journey from the fringes to the centers of temporal power.

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The bloodline[s] also intertwines with the Udall political dynasty, one that has produced state level Supreme Court Justices and U.S. congressmen, as well as presidential cabinet members. The bloodlines stretch throughout the Western United States, as Lee Bennion herself was born and raised in Merced, California. She was a tall, willowy blonde when Joseph Wood Bennion encountered her, and the two were married on June 29, 1976. Lee was the great granddaughter of Inez Louisa Hamblin, the wife of John David Lee. Inez’s name carried down to Lee’s sister Sara Inez Udall, who married the son of Clyde Everett Sullivan and Nola de Jong, Noel Clyde Sullivan, in 1975. This would make Lee Bennion the fourth cousin of David Lee Hamblin, and her sister Sara would be the daughter in law of Nola de Jong, the grand aunt of David Lee Hamblin’s daughters with Roselle Anderson. Noel Sullivan died of cancer in 1990, and his widow Sara married Robert Henderson, the associate conductor of the Utah Symphony, in 1994. Noel and Sara lived in Texas at the time of Noel’s death. This would make the Bennion’s children and the children of Sara Henderson the fourth cousins one time removed of David Lee Hamblin. The branches of the tree were not branches, but simply loops that turned inward upon each other, with each connection drawing extended families closer together. A central allegation made by the daughters of David Lee Hamblin was that CS families were focused on bloodlines for spiritual power, which might explain the marital patterns that drew Sara Udall and her sister Lee to Utah from California. The political prominence of the Udall family, along with the bloodline’s extensive history with the LDS, would have given the family and its relations the ability to cover for any improprieties of the sort alleged by Rachel Hamblin and her sisters. In Arizona, David King Udall’s children would be instrumental in moving the LDS from the fringes to the center. His son Levi Stewart Udall would marry Louisa Lee, the granddaughter of John D. Lee and Jacob Hamblin, and upon passing the Arizona bar exam in 1922, he became an attorney. He succeeded his father as stake president in St. Johns in 1922, and he continued as stake president until 1945. In 1946, Levi Udall became an Arizona Supreme Court justice, eventually rising to become the Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court. When he died on May 30, 1960, his brother Jesse Addison Udall, previously a member of the Arizona House of Representatives, and a Superior Court judge for Graham County, was appointed to replace him. The Udall family held a seat on the Arizona Supreme Court from 1947 to 1972. Jesse’s grandson Gordon H. Smith went on to become one of Oregon’s U.S. senators. Levi Stewart Udall’s sons Stewart and Mo Udall were both U.S. congressmen, and his grandson Mark Udall was a U.S. Senator from Colorado and a congressman, while his grandson Tom Udall served as U.S. Senator for New Mexico after a stint as congressman. The Lees managed to produce Rex E. Lee, Solicitor General of the United States, later the dean of BYU’s J. Reuben Clark Law School. Rex’s son Mike Lee is now one of Utah’s U.S. Senators, serving alongside Mitt Romney. Mike Lee is the first cousin, once removed of Stewart Lee Udall, and the second cousin of Thomas Stewart Udall. If the end result is any indication, Brigham Young had a knack for recognizing talent among his followers. The decisions he made to send those men out to build his kingdom in Utah, Arizona, and elsewhere resulted in entrenched positions of power from state governments all the way to the federal government. Utah’s former governor Mike Leavitt is a distant relation of the Udall's, Lees, and Hamblin's through Priscilla Leavitt Hamblin, sister of Lemuel S. Leavitt, the great great grandfather of Mike and David Okerlund Leavitt. It was these bloodlines that moved the Latter-Day Saints from the fringes to the center of power, making it possible for the claims of Rachel Hamblin and her sisters to true. Those bloodlines also produced the Bangerter's, specifically Utah Governor Norman Bangerter, who brother William Grant Bangerter married Geraldine Hamblin. Two Utah governors, multiple U.S. Senators, chief justices in Arizona, elected state representatives in Arizona, Utah, California, and elsewhere: the bloodlines of the Church of Satan produced the path for Saints to move from the fringes to the center, and in doing so, those pathways provided the means for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days to move into the mainstream of America’s faith traditions. The journey from the fringes to the center outlined in the preceding sections would have implications for the CS’s claims that they had “Gate Keepers” positioned throughout the world.

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The family lineages outlined in the preceding sections tend to confirm this as a valid possibility. The Hamblin family’s connections extended to U.S. Senators, state level Supreme Court judges, federal court judges, congressmen, mayors of major cities, state legislators, and the like. The relationships between those founding families of the LDS and the patterns of marriage still occur in the modern era, as seen in Lee Udall’s marriage to Joe Bennion and her sister Sara’s marriage to Noel Clyde Sullivan. Lee and Sara were already David Lee Hamblin’s fourth cousins; the marriage of Sara Inez Udall to Noel Clyde Sullivan put her in matrimonial union with David Lee Hamblin’s in-laws through his mother in-law Carma de Jong and her sister Nola de Jong Sullivan, Noel’s mother. The trend towards matrimonial consolidation continued in the present day. This would confirm the claims made by Rachel Hamblin about the bloodlines of the CS and how they worked into the ordinances of the CS with regards to incestuous conceptions to literally create more generational CS members to continually propagate the all-important bloodline(s). Rachel Hamblin’s parents and grandparents emphasized conceiving only with certain bloodlines, for example, because according to the elder generation, the bloodlines were the power of the Satanic Church. Children conceived by incestuous unions between fathers and daughters were spiritually significant in the context of abortion. They were, as David and Roselle Hamblin put it to their daughters, “pure, blood children” that would increase their spirit family’s ranks in Satan’s kingdom. Since mothers within the CS took the lead in fertility ceremonies with male children, it is conceivable that mothers were conceiving children by their sons in the same manner. Far from being a hindrance, each incestuously conceived child would have added to the ranks of the spiritual armies the LDS Church of Satan members believed were waiting on them in Lucifer’s Kingdom. The importance of bloodlines is repeatedly stressed in Rachel Hamblin’s Victim Statement, as her grandmother Carma de Jong performed a matriarchal blessing that decreed Rachel would desire the purity of the family’s bloodline. Rachel Hamblin claimed that she and her sisters were forced to engage in an LDS ceremony twice a month to form the “Chain of Lucifer,” which Hamblin referred to as “a ceremony of the bloodline.” The bloodline is central to the CS. Rachel Hamblin’s parents and grandparents stressed how their familial bloodline depended on Rachel and her sisters carrying forth the mantle into the future. Without the children of the various CS bloodlines, there was no hope for the CS to continue its work into the future. There would be no Triumph for those bloodlines in Lucifer’s Kingdom, or there would only be a reduced level of Triumph. The ranks of the families who progressed from the mortal, physical world to the Outer Darkness Kingdom of Lucifer would be negatively impacted if their children did not carry on the work of the CS. The bloodlines had a temporal concern and an eternal significance. The temporal concern was raising children to positions of power as adults within local, state, and federal government agencies. These would be the Gatekeepers who could intercede to protect the CS from exposure. The eternal concern was raising a righteous seed, as David Lee Hamblin put it, to Lucifer, so that the bloodlines would prosper in his supposed eternal kingdom. In the process of carrying out their beliefs, the members of the CS committed any number of crimes. The examples in the previous section detail forcible rape, sodomy, and incest. The allusions to Gatekeepers interfering in criminal investigations into those activities implicates the CS in obstruction of justice and public corruption. The reason it is important to place the CS against the backdrop of a historical context is simple: the allegations made by Rachel Hamblin and her sisters are sensational, arguably too sensational, for a jury of ordinary individuals to buy. Those allegations must be decoded, demystified, and placed into a logical framework that follows from facts. By placing the allegations about bloodlines and Gatekeepers into a genealogical context, those who research the Hamblin case can present evidence for the plausibility of the Hamblin children’s allegations. That evidence can show how the current alleged members of the CS like Joe and Lee Bennion, David and Chelom Leavitt, and countless others fit into the multigenerational patterns of the alleged LDS Church of Satan. Connecting that history, and its emphasis on bloodlines, with the teachings of Brigham Young, can demonstrate that the CS, much like other polygamist and fundamentalist offshoots of the mainline LDS are claiming an originalist version of the LDS’s doctrine while dismissing the current church’s doctrine as a bastardized and even heretical form of teaching. Polygamy, even incestuous polygamy, is something these groups believe trumps current law and current LDS doctrine because the spiritual significance of bloodlines and the eternal implications of those bloodlines is of paramount importance for the CS and its sister groups. The relationships between their members go back decades on a personal basis and over a century on a familial basis.

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Another member exposed by the Hamblin sisters was Brian Kershisnik, who was a struggling art student finding his way at BYU when he met Joe and Lee Udall Bennion during his first year. Kershisnik’s father had taken the family all over the world due to his career as a petroleum geologist, but Brian’s summers were spent in Rock Springs, Wyoming. He initially attended the University of Utah, but he left after being called as a missionary. When he returned, he went to BYU, where he met the Bennions. That summer, Brian Kershisnik worked in Joe Bennion’s pottery studio, but he soon found he had no talent working with ceramics. Despite that, Lee Bennion took the aspiring young artist under her wing and Brian Kershisnik began to paint. A gallery owner named Dolores Chase helped him put together his first exhibition. As he progresses through his career, his pieces become somewhat sharper and more defined while the simplicity that defined him as an early artist remains in place. The cliches of "Mother Eve," various lovers, parents, dead families, and the like dominate Kershisnik’s increasingly stranger choice of themes. His work entitled “Find Me,” shows five dead adults and four children. It is atypical of Kershisnik’s work, standing out for both its subject matter and its inconclusive position as families lie by children in a state of obvious death, with the curious words: "Find me" painted next to them. [It is reported that after sacrifice, Joe Bennion disposes of most or all remains by turning them to ash in his industrial size pottery ovens.] Another work, depicting three naked young women standing alongside the other, could be referencing “The Three Graces,” the Hamblin sisters themselves who were forced to perform in child pornography from a young age under of which Brian Kershisnik and his wife were accused alongside many other CS members who participated in those productions from behind its illegal scenes. The fact that Kershisnik painted this piece two years after the initial charges against David Lee Hamblin were dismissed out of court might be rightly interpreted as a mocking aside to Hamblin’s daughters as The Three Graces. A 2002 article by his future wife, Suzanne Kershisnik, details her first encounter with young Brian Kershisnik. Suzanne noticed that even early on, Brian’s work was unmistakably his. There was no confusion about who the painter is when you look at one of Kershisnik’s works. This could be taken as either a comment on his originality or as an indictment against his style, given that virtually no one imitates his work. He is a demanding man, indifferent to others when their desires conflict with the immediacy of his needs or wants. The Kershisnik’s marriage dissolved the same year that Katie Hamblin walked into the Provo Police Department to accuse her father and mother of child rape. Hamblin and her sisters would go on to accuse dozens of individuals including Brian and Suzanne Kershisnik of child rape, child sodomy, and other crimes up to and including murder. Were David Lee Hamblin and his wife the friends who Suzanne Kershisnik didn’t know, or were they the friends she disliked? Did she regard David and Roselle or Joe and Lee Bennion across the unconscious form of her sleeping husband after dinners? That question may well be answered by the genealogy of Suzanne Belle Kershisnik, maiden name Christensen. A little over two hours south of Salt Lake City, the town of Kanosh is crammed into an area of land under a mile in size. It was once populated by Pahvant Indians who had converted to the LDS, led by Chief Kanosh. Brigham Young instructed the settlers of nearby Petersburg to move to Kanosh, then just a campground for the Indians led by Chief Kanosh. Today, Kanosh is a town of just under 500 residents. On December 6, 1987, it was the site of a wedding reception for Suzanne Belle Christensen and Brian Thomas Kershisnik. The couple had been married in the Salt Lake Temple, with an open house given on December 5, at the Provo home of Mark and Julie Magleby. The December 6th reception would take place at the home Suzanne’s parents. Suzanne’s father Steven and her mother Ella had settled in Kanosh, raising Suzanne and four other daughters. Steven had earned his undergraduate degree in chemistry, and an MFA from Southern Utah University. He had been employed by the FBI, and he had also worked for Sunrise Engineering. His passion had been painting, much like his new son-in-law, Brian. In 1987, Brian Kershisnik was a newly minted graduate with a BFA from BYU. His wife had earned her undergraduate degree in English, while dabbling in stage productions of Shakespeare. The Kershisniks stayed in Provo, Utah for a little over a year, and then moved to Austin, Texas in 1989, where Brian pursued graduate studies at the University of Texas.

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The Kershisniks had their son Noah in Texas, but returned to Kanosh in the 90's after Brian obtained his graduate degree. Suzanne Kershisnik set up shop as an acting coach, while Brian set up a painting studio. Suzanne was the director of the Kanosh Acting Company, putting on Shakespearean productions with student actors ranging from 6 to 17 years of age. Noah was followed by Elizabeth Eden in 1994, with their sister Leah rounding out the family in 1998. The Kershisnik children maintain active online presences across multiple social media platforms. Their content is unanimous in one respect: it rarely references their father but frequently references their mother. Through their mother Suzanne, the Kershisnik children had a direct familial connection to David Okerlund Leavitt through a shared ancestor: Jeremiah Leavitt, the 5th great grandfather of Suzanne Christensen. Despite sharing a last name with Craig Christensen, Suzanne Christensen does not share common ancestors with Craig Christensen. The link is with the Leavitt family, and the allegations made against Suzanne Christensen and her ex-husband Brian place them squarely in proximity to both Leavitt and Joe and Lee Bennion. Brian Kershisnik’s family originated in Wyoming, and they were primarily Catholic until his father David Thomas Kershishik joined the LDS. David Thomas Kershisnik married his wife Mary Ann Kovach on May 9, 1953 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They would later be sealed in the Provo Temple. Kershisnik’s connection to the LDS Church of Satan does not appear to stem from LDS bloodlines, but through his marriage to Suzanne Christensen and his friendship with Joe and Lee Bennion. In her second victim statement, Rachel Hamblin recounts an event in 1994 or 1995 around the time of Brian Kershisnik’s birthday. Within the LDS Church of Satan, birthdays are significant because members are required to perform a Rebirth Ceremony in which they re-dedicate themselves to Satan. Kershisnik was born on July 6, 1962, so the event most likely occurred in July of either 1994 or 1995. According to Rachel Hamblin, she and her sisters were ordered by David and Roselle Hamblin to perform a “sexy version of Happy Birthday.” Hamblin and her sisters Eliza and Katherine led Brian Kershisnik to a chair as they were directed by Hamblin to sing and dance around him while rubbing his chest. The Hamblin girls then began performing ***** sex on Brian Kershisnik until he **********. Rachel Hamblin would have been 13 or 14 years old during the abuse, and her sister Eliza would have been 11 or 12. Katherine Hamblin would have been 8 or 9 years old. His wife Suzanne is alleged to have received sex from Rachel Hamblin during the orgy that broke out in the Hamblin’s Spring City home. This would then implicate also Suzanne Kershisnik herself. It should also be noted here that this same incident described by Rachel Hamblin is corroborated in her sister Katie’s own victim statement to the police. The Kershisniks are accused of retaining the services of David Lee Hamblin to train their children to comply with ritual abuse within the LDS Church of Satan. In 1993, at their home in Kanosh, Utah, Brian and Suzanne Kershisnik allegedly hosted an “introductory demonstration” for their son Noah, who was two or three years of age. At first, David Hamblin explained the “opposite game" to Brian and Suzanne. The game consisted of alternating expressions of kindness and aggressive and terrifying behavior, and it was designed to confuse the young children within the CS who were subjected to the game. According to Rachel, Noah became terrified as his father and David Hamblin alternated between smiling at him and screaming. Roselle and Suzanne copied their husband’s actions, and Noah Kershisnik was faced with a roomful of four adults breaking him down emotionally and psychologically. What occurred next was worse: Brian Kershisnik allegedly pinned his son down on the floor and made his son... [redacted].

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David Hamblin was not finished. He frequently ordered his daughter Rachel to strip naked and give everyone in the room, including Noah Kershisnik, sex. All three Hamblin daughters vividly described adults lying in a circle and also a Y shape made up of the bodies of CS orgy participants. After one such Satanic CS meeting, Noah Kershisnik was allegedly forced to brutally sacrifice a dog. Hamblin conducted multiple sessions with the Kershisnik's at the Hamblin residences in Spring City and Provo throughout the 1990's as David Hamblin instructed Brian and Suzanne that they needed to condition their son to accept the abuse as he gave Noah a name for the part of Noah’s psyche that would be dissociated to accept the abuse. For David Hamblin, this method had worked well with his daughters, as Rachel’s part was named Tabitha. The date of the initial training session clearly establishes sodomy on a child as the crime committed by Brian Kershisnik on both Noah Kershisnik and Rachel Hamblin. Both children were under 14 years of age at the time of the abuse. Additionally, Brian Kershisnik committed rape of a child by forcing Rachel Hamblin to engage in sexual intercourse with him during the initial demonstration in Kanosh. Depending on the date of the follow up sessions, Brian and Suzanne Kershisnik committed multiple sex crimes against Rachel Hamblin, falling under either forcible sodomy or sodomy on a child. Katie Hamblin’s Victim Statement corroborates Rachel’s allegations about the training sessions at the Kanosh residence. Much of Brian Kershisnik’s sexual anger and sadism was apparently focused on Katherine Hamblin specifically. In her victim statement, Katie Hamblin accused Brian Kershisnik of raping her 15 times and characterized his sexual assaults as extremely violent. The rapes typically occurred at Bible Studies held at the Hamblin residence in Provo. Katherine Hamblin gave date ranges between 1990 and 1992, which would put her between 3-6 years of age. Additionally, Katie Hamblin accused Kershisnik of violently raping her as well, which would mean that Brian Kershisnik committed sodomy on a child. Katie Hamblin also named Brian Kershisnik as one of the main patrons of her parents’ child prostitution business. Katherine Hamblin also recounted meeting Brian Kershisnik in 2006 and receiving an invitation from him to apprentice with him in his art studio in Kanosh. Eliza Hamblin’s Victim Statement recounts the murder of a hitchhiker, which is also described in the Victim Statements filled out by her sisters. Eliza’s statement names Brian and Suzanne Kershisnik as CS members who were present at the rape, torture, and murder of the hitchhiker at a campsite on the Utah-Arizona border. This would place the Kershisniks at the location of a murder, and would make them accomplices in that murder, if not outright participants. Present day Suzanne Christensen is still running a children’s theater company in Provo, one that operates and performs largely out of her home. For a few hundred dollars, parents can sign their children up to take weekly acting lessons and rehearsals in productions of Shakespeare’s plays. Her son Noah and her daughter Leah are actively involved. Brian Kershisnik has remarried to a Marriage and Family Therapist named Faith, who runs Evolve Therapy. He is still painting, and his work is displayed in LDS buildings and the U.S. State Department. Noah Kershisnik is currently an actor who works in various theater productions around Utah, as well in movies and television and commercials. He recently appeared on The Chosen. His sister Elizabeth Eden is a hairstylist in Provo. Noah Kershisnik is friends on social media with Zina Bennion, Joe and Lee Bennion, and various other individuals named in the Hamblin Victims Statements. --Go El

From the Substack of Jenny Marie Hatch
David Lee Hamblin March 2023 Update

David Lee Hamblin is currently in the Utah County Jail awaiting trial for raping two children thirty years ago. He has previously been found to have molested two of his own daughters by clear and convincing evidence in a custody hearing. Those daughters came forward in 2012 to accuse their father of raping them almost daily from within two weeks of birth into their teenage years, up until at least 2006. The Provo Police Department taped Hamblin apologizing to one of his daughters for raping her, and he was arrested on 18 counts related to the rape and abuse of his daughters. Despite a taped apology, the Utah County Attorney's Office failed to convict Hamblin and moved to dismiss the charges without prejudice in 2014. One of Hamblin's alleged accomplices, attorney David O. Leavitt, then became the Utah County Attorney, making an alleged child rapist the chief prosecutor in the county that charged David Hamblin with child rape in 2012-2014. As the Utah County Attorney, David Leavitt disbanded the Special Victims Unit of sex crimes prosecutors and proceeded to dismantle the Utah County Attorney's Office from within. Prosecutions dropped, convictions dropped, and prison sentences decreased. Leavitt tried to have Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith fired after Smith investigated the allegations against Hamblin in 2022, with that investigation ultimately resulting in Hamblin's most recent arrest. David Leavitt lost his most recent bid for reelection, but due to the obvious conflict of interest, the most recent case against David Lee Hamblin is being prosecuted by Juab County Attorney Ryan Peters. Hamblin was initially denied bail in his current case after his arrest. The court found that he was a danger to the community, because the allegations against him stretched back four decades and involved both minor and adult victims of sexual abuse. Hamblin lost his license for sexually abusing his patients while he was a therapist. He confessed the abuse to the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing. Incredibly enough, Judge Roger Griffin ruled in March 2023 that David Lee Hamblin should be released on bail in one of the two current cases against him. Griffin did not dispute that the State had met the legal threshold in establishing that Hamblin should be denied bail at the onset of the current cases. In fact, David Lee Hamblin did not dispute this. Instead, Judge Griffin found that the thirty years between the alleged abuse in the current cases and the present day does not suffice to establish that David Lee Hamblin is a current threat to the community. This is despite the fact that David Hamblin allegedly administered peyote to children in recent years as part of his medicine man healing circles, which he established after losing his license to practice psychology for sexually abusing his patients. Judge Griffin noted that one of the victims in the current cases against David Lee Hamblin had received threats, but he stated that the prosecution could not establish that David Lee Hamblin had anything to do with those threats. No one else had the motive to threaten that particular victim, because no one besides David Lee Hamblin is sitting in the Utah County Jail at the moment [3/16/23]. As a result of Judge Griffin's outrageous ruling, David Lee Hamblin as a hearing on March 22, 2023, for his motion to reconsider bail. Judge Griffin has recommended that Hamblin be released on a mere $100,000 bail for one of the two current cases. We must stop this miscarriage of justice and protect the community from David Lee Hamblin. You can contact the prosecutor, Juab County Attorney Ryan Peters, at 435-623-3460. If you want to attend the March 22, 2023, hearing remotely via Webex, you can do so via this link. Stop child rapists in Utah. Sign the petition and get involved. If you don't take a stand now, David Lee Hamblin and his accomplices will continue to rape and abuse children going forward, continuing at least four decades worth of abuse into the foreseeable future. Enough is enough. Seemingly removing themselves from future prosecution, David Leavitt and his wife have moved to Scotland last month. They've purchased a Scottish castle that they intend to renovate. Their progress is being kept in an blog online titled "What The HELL Did We Do?" as if to make light of their allegedly getting away with murder.

From the Substack: Investigations in Ritual Abuse by Go El
David Lee Hamblin's Ex-Wife Roselle Stevenson Arrested for Child Sodomy

Craig and his former sister-in-law Roselle Stevenson are alleged members of the fringe religious group within the LDS known as the Church of Satan, and they’re facing a rough patch. It turns out that most law enforcement opposes child rape and administering peyote to little children, even if it’s for "[pagan] religious purposes." In addition, invoking the Wisdom of Parents instead of the Fifth Amendment when asked about the Church of Satan’s activities is not a solid legal strategy for prospective defendants, it would appear. As such, the Church of Satan at least in the state of Utah is facing annihilation as one by one, its gatekeepers tumble. First, Utah County Attorney David Leavitt lost his reelection bid, and without that office, he couldn’t run interference for the CS to stop prosecutions of its members. Second, the investigation into ritual abuse allegations that grew out of a Homeland Security trafficking investigation which resurrected the 2012 to 2014 allegations against David Hamblin and his CS accomplices ended up in the hands of special prosecutor Ryan Peters from Juab County, which meant that David Leavitt couldn’t spend his final months in office sabotaging the investigation and prosecution of David Lee Hamblin. Third, David Leavitt fled the United States to go remodel a dilapidated and crumbling castle in Scotland with his wife Chelom. Finally, Roselle was arrested today [August 9, 2023] by the Utah County Sheriff’s Office. As the competent generation of the Church of Satan has died off, what remains are the rejects and castaways like David Hamblin, the peyote addled self-styled medicine man wannabe who holds “healing circles” throughout Utah County. Down in Sanpete County, there’s Joe Bennion, running his pottery business and holding sweat lodge ceremonies. David Hamblin’s brother-in-law Timothy Nathan Tuttle is now dead, after being convicted of molesting his adopted daughter, and his wife Krii Tuttle has now renamed herself Maarah Grayye. Krii decided on the name after consulting with a numerologist in Israel. Brian Kershisnik continues to draw and paint crude two dimensional figures and sell them to art collectors who want to support a Mormon artist. His marriage with Suzanne Kershisnik ended in divorce, and he has since remarried. His new wife Faith is a marriage and family therapist who owns Evolve Therapy in Provo, Utah. She received her master’s degree from BYU, where she would have likely crossed paths with BYU professor Chelom Eastwood Leavitt, herself a marriage and family therapist. Brian Kershisnik’s ex-wife Suzanne runs a children’s theater troupe out of her home in Provo. And so the sands of time pour forth in the hourglass that measures the progression in the lives of the middle aged and useless alumni of the LDS Church of Satan, whose wild Nineties sex cult has gradually faded into lore. Their children are all grown up now, and most have left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for astrology, tarot, Wiccan traditions, and other mystical mumbo-jumbo alternatives. [UPDATE August 30, 2023] Roselle Stevenson Gets Bail The waiver hearing for Roselle Stevenson, formerly known as Roselle Anderson Hamblin, was recently conducted. During the hearing, Roselle managed to obtain bail of cash or surety for $10,000, with the stipulation that she wear an ankle monitor. AMP will be monitoring her release, and she is barred from leaving the state of Utah without court permission, and she is barred from contact with anyone under 18 years of age. Roselle Stevenson is also barred from possessing a firearm and she is ordered to avoid attending hearings where Emily Elisabeth Sheets is present as a result of two separate protective orders. Emily Sheets is the victim in the current case against Roselle Stevenson, and she is the daughter of Dave and Deborah Sheets, who are both named as members of the LDS Church of Satan in the Hamblin Victims Statements. I was aware of her status as one of the victims in the current Hamblin investigation, but I did not publish it because her name was previously unknown to the public. However, the protective order in the current case against Roselle Stevenson references Emily Sheets by name.

*Read Article Examining Mind Control Techniques Used in Religions and Specifically Mormonism

David Leavitt managed to incinerate his political career by holding an ill-advised press conference to preemptively deny being a member of a satanic cult that raped and murdered children, while also engaging in cannibalism. No law enforcement agency or employee had accused Leavitt of any criminal acts, but Leavitt managed to conflate the Utah County Sheriff's Office investigation into ritual abuse allegations with the so-called “Satanic Panic” allegations of the 1980's. He also managed to draw attention away from the investigation to himself and to a fugitive named Nicholas Rossi. In Leavitt’s narrative, Rossi had managed to come across the 2012-2014 case against David Lee Hamblin, and he had used that the allegations against Hamblin to smear Leavitt. Leavitt, who was named in the Hamblin Victims Statements as a perpetrator of child rape, trafficking, and murder, insisted to the world that he was not a satanic cannibal ritual abuser. No one had publicly accused him of any such crimes. Behind the scenes, however, David Leavitt had been the target of an ongoing criminal investigation from 2014 to August 2020. When the charges against David Lee Hamblin were dropped in 2014, sources indicate that the Provo Police Department packed up their case files and turned them over to the Department of Homeland Security. HSI Special Agent Jared Browne took over the case, five years into a thirteen-year career with the Department of Homeland Security. For Browne, the case was on the back burner due to his already stacked case load. Additionally, Browne was a Special Agent and Task Force Affiliate with the Utah Valley Child Abduction Response Team, or CART. David Lee Hamblin and his alleged accomplices within the LDS Church of Satan were in the clear, thanks to the Utah County Attorneys Office’s decision to drop the charges against Hamblin. Although the prosecutors had Hamblin on tape apologizing to his daughter for raping her, they had dropped every single charge. Their motion to dismiss was without prejudice, meaning they could refile charges in the future, and their stated reason was the inability to procure old medical records. The allegations were 20 to 30 years old. Jared Browne had current allegations to focus on, and within a year he transferred the case over to Special Agent Adam Koeneman. Koeneman had started with Homeland Security in 2006, and the case was one of many he was tasked with investigating. The allegations, sensational though they were, were difficult to unravel. Browne, himself a Latter Day Saint, believed the allegations made by Rachel, Eliza, and Katherine Hamblin, even though the Utah County Attorney’s Office had dropped the charges against David Lee Hamblin. For years, the Hamblin allegations lingered in the back of Koeneman’s caseload as an HSI Special Agent. In 2019, a young analyst named Noel Engels started his job with the Department of Homeland Security, and he was paired with HSI Special Agent Adam Koeneman. Sources characterized Engels as a maverick, and an individual willing to push for unconventional investigative tactics. Noel Engels began pressing forward on the 2012 to 2014 allegations against David Lee Hamblin, which had languished for five years as DHS prioritized other cases. As Engels began to contact the alleged victims of David Lee Hamblin, he began to strategize with Koeneman on an extremely unorthodox tactic: a subpoena of the Kirton McConkie sex abuse hotline to determine if the Hamblin daughters or any other victims of Hamblin’s LDS Church of Satan group had reported their abusers to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This set Engels on a collision course with the rest of the DHS in Salt Lake City, because many of the special agents were Latter Day Saints. Engels wasn’t simply putting David Lee Hamblin on the spot; instead, he was targeting the Church of Jesuss Christ of Latter-Day Saints. HSI Special Agent Brandon Crane, a dedicated Latter Day Saint, got wind of Engels’s idea. Sources unanimously indicate that Crane was incensed with the idea, and angry with the young analyst for proposing that DHS subpoena the sex abuse hotline run by Kirton McConkie.

*Read Article Satanic Child Sacrificing Rituals are Reported from Inside the American Mormon Temple
*Read Article Native Americans are Facing a Crisis of Mysterious Abductions and Murders in America

Noel Engels wasn’t simply pulling at a thread that would unravel the Hamblin case; he was yanking at a thread that threatened to reveal the inner workings of the Mormon Church and its protocols on sexual abuse. The Church was a $150 billion target, and Noel Engels was an outsider who had no real idea how the LDS worked, or how the culture of the LDS extended well beyond the Church itself through its members in various occupations. Brandon Crane was a Latter Day Saint first, and a Special Agent with the Department of Homeland Security second. Noel Engels was about to get an education in how pervasive the institutional prerogatives of the LDS were embedded in LDS members, particularly those within federal, state, and local law enforcement. As it turned out, Engels wasn’t even a special agent, he was a mere analyst with less than three year's experience. Engels wasn’t simply setting himself up for a collision with Kirton McConkie, he was setting himself up to confront the most powerful institution in the state of Utah, the Mormon Church. At the core of Engels efforts was his belief that the victims had contacted the sexual abuse hotline, and Kirton McConkie had buried their reports. The Church did not need to overtly act, it had loyal members who would cover its flank from the likes of Noel Engels. Brandon Crane was just such a member. Meanwhile, within DHS, Engels was becoming a problem. Adam Koeneman and Noel Engels were given a gift in the form of David Leavitt’s interview with a documentary filmmaker. In that interview, Leavitt described the process of adopting a little Native American girl, a member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of Montana. Leavitt described the obstacles he countered adopting the girl, characterizing the resistance to his adoption as rooted in prejudice against non-Native Americans adopting Native children. [It would also appear that Satanists as seen in the larger British Empire's own colonization campaigns rooted in Anglo-racism have a fetish for dominating, abusing, and ultimately sacrificing "minority races."] This would have been an innocuous enough characterization, but Leavitt explained how he had overcome the initial resistance to his adoption. Leavitt claimed he had managed to persuade Killsback to greenlight his custody of the Native American girl by offering to leverage his contacts in Ukraine to export buffalo from the Northern Cheyenne to Ukraine. In doing so, David Leavitt clearly offered an inducement to a public official to achieve an adoption that was illegal under the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) of 1978. ICWA gave Native American tribes exclusive jurisdiction in child custody proceedings relating to children who were domiciled on a reservation, and concurrent and presumptive jurisdiction over Native American children in foster care placement cases. Most importantly, ICWA specified that state courts had no jurisdiction over the adoption of Native American children residing within tribal reservation and the child David Leavitt sought custody over was an enrolled member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of Montana but physically domiciled on the Northern Cheyenne Tribe’s reservation. Tribal courts have exclusive jurisdiction in custody, adoption, and foster placement proceedings for such children. David Leavitt did not petition a tribal court to obtain custody of the child. Instead, he went directly to Lawrence Jace Killsback, the president of the Northern Cheyenne. Killsback had no legal authority to bypass the tribal court and facilitate an end run around the tribal courts, who held exclusive jurisdiction under ICWA. Leavitt needed to override Tribal Social Services, which was refusing to hand over the child. Killsback initially consented, but Tribal Social Services dug in, and Leavitt made a second visit to Killsback. Killsback made a call to Social Services, telling them “the Leavitt's are friends of the tribe...They’re assets to the tribe for more than just this.” According to Leavitt, five minutes later the phone rang and a social worker told him there was a way to get the child to him.

*Read Article The Missing and Murdered Native Americans in America Has Reached Crisis Numbers

On September 27, 2017, David Leavitt left the Northern Cheyenne Reservation with Allisandra Florence Fishinghawk, the Native American girl he had fought Tribal Services over, after offering Lawrence Jace Killsback a way to export buffalo from the tribe’s reservation lands to Ukraine. That was not the full story. Killsback allegedly later told an NBC reporter that Leavitt had paid him $30,000 to fast track the foster placement of the child. In March 2020, HSI Analyst Noel Engels and Specialist Adam Koeneman became aware of the documentary video in which David Leavitt recounted his trade of buffalo exports to the Ukraine for the girl. Engels would later go public with his allegations that Leavitt’s actions constituted trafficking when he illegally bypassed ICWA to take a Native American child across state lines without first getting the authorization of a tribal court. David Leavitt was on video detailing actions that constitute bribery in order to illegally obtain custody of Allisandra Fishinghawk. It is unclear why the media outlets who covered that video footage did not also cover Leavitt’s alleged payments to Tonah Fishinghawk and Lawrence Jace Killsback, particularly since Killsback went to federal prison for fraud he committed while he was the president of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe. David Leavitt’s actions constitute adoption fraud, potentially reach to perjury depending on the specifics of sworn statements he made in the adoption proceedings, bribery, and human trafficking. Given the allegations of James Webb, the disgraced former owner of the Adoption Center of Utah, Leavitt’s history of adoption fraud and malfeasance extended to utilizing his office as Juab County Attorney to intimidate Webb into returning the vehicle Leavitt had given to him in lieu of paying for his adoption fees. Prior reports have noted David Leavitt’s alleged criminal conduct with regard to the daughters of David Lee Hamblin, which extend to child rape, the trafficking of a polygamist boy, and murder. The allegations surrounding his adoption of Allisandra Fishinghawk provide clear context of Leavitt’s use of his elected office to run interference for Tonah Fishinghawk’s criminal violations, and nothing in the record indicates that Leavitt disclosed to the court that he was in the process of finalizing the adoption of Tonah’s daughter while he was prosecuting Tonah for possession and child endangerment charges. David Leavitt broke the law with regards to his adoption of Allisandra Fishinghawk. It is time for the Utah County Sheriff’s Office, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to bring Leavitt to an account for his conduct, and to return Allisandra Fishinghawk to her family. It is time for DHS to root out those individuals within its Salt Lake City office who prioritized protecting the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from investigative scrutiny over getting to the bottom of David Hamblin and David Leavitt’s alleged criminal acts. Given that David Hamblin apologized on a recorded line to his daughter for raping her, those acts are proven. Given the clear timeline and evidence surrounding David Leavitt’s procurement of Allisandra Fishinghawk, David Leavitt broke numerous laws regarding the foster placement and adoption of Native American children. No one should be above the law, no matter how politically connected or wealthy or that "main pillar of the community" title they love to hide behind. It is time for David Leavitt and David Lee Hamblin to face a reckoning. It is time for those individuals within the US Government's DHS who ran interference for David Leavitt in the current investigation of the Utah County Sheriff’s Office to also face justice, whatever that means anymore.

Brief History of Utah Legislative and Judicial Assists to Child Rapists
(How a 4-Year Civil Statute of Limitations on Child Rape Came to Utah)

The State of Utah was gripped in the 1980's by what has since been dubbed the Satanic Panic, an epidemic of sensational allegations against prominent Latter-Day Saints detailing their involvement with ritualized sexual abuse. The victims detailed being raped in meetinghouses, Masonic temples, LDS temples, and named prominent LDS figures as their abusers. With the aid of a skeptical press corps, and the backlash generated by a nascent public relations machine typified by the False Memory Foundation, the so-called panic receded into a distant memory. Victims were said to have conjured up their memories of abuse under the lead of psychologists and counselors who deployed hypnosis to implant false memories of abuse. The public went on about its business, inured to allegations of ritualized child rape by the sheer mass of allegations and the sheer mass of backlash by a media that seemed hell-bent on discrediting victims. This culminated in the Utah Legislature’s 1992 enactment of a four year statute of limitations for civil suits against victims of child sex crimes. If the victim did not sue within four years of majority (18 years of age) they were barred from seeking civil redress. Rep. Ken Ivory attempted to remedy this with his reform, which extended that statute of limitations to 35 years of the victim’s 18th birthday, or three years of the effective date of the legislation, whichever was longer. The multitude of child victims in Utah suddenly had a chance to bring their cases before a civil court. The Utah Supreme Court struck down the reform in Mitchell v. Roberts, stating that the perpetrators of child sexual abuse have a vested right to rely on statutes of limitations as a defense against civil claims from their victims. In laymen’s terms, as long as you’re competent enough to obliterate your victim’s memory for four years beyond their 18th birthday, due process under the Utah Constitution gives you a substantive right to elude civil consequences for raping and brutalizing children. If you manage to intimidate or cow that victim for four years after their 18th birthday, you obtain a substantive right to evade consequences for your actions in civil court. The absurdity is obvious: there is no version of due process, either in Utah or at the federal level, that encompasses a right for child rapists to assert immunity against civil claims for rape. No framer of any due process clause would make such a bare argument to enable those who rape and brutalize children to evade culpability as part of their “rights.” The Utah Supreme Court held that due process functioned as a restriction on legislative power, stating that “[t]he legislature “could enact general laws for the future, including the laws for acquisition and use of property, but [it] could not assume the ‘judicial’ power of deciding individual cases.” By retroactively establishing a different statute of limitations, the Utah Legislature was in effect assuming powers judicial in nature. To wit, the Utah Supreme Court analogized the 2016 reforms to the 1897 case In re Handley’s Estate, which e adjudicated the Utah Legislature’s 1896 statute allowing polygamist children to relitigate a final judgment that allowed the children of the father’s legal marriage to take inheritance from his estate, while excluding the children of his polygamous marriage from any inheritance. In that case, there was a final judgment already in place, and the Legislature’s reform would have allowed the polygamist children to vacate that judgment and relitigate the matter.

*Read Article Return to Paganism: The Spiritual Fall of America, Western Democracies

In Mitchell, as in virtually every single case that might have been brought under the 2016 law, there were no final judgments in place. Mitchell’s case had not been previously litigated, and no prior judgment would have been overturned. Handley did not touch on any statute of limitation whatsoever. It simply dealt with the Legislature’s attempt to vacate a prior judicial judgment in a specific case. Such a law would have rendered any judgment uncertain going forward, because any time the Legislature disagreed with a court’s judgment, it would pass laws to enable the losing party to refile and vacate the judgment. The absurdity of applying Handley to Mitchell is obvious to anyone with common sense. The two cases are not analogous to one another in the slightest, other than in the sense that the Utah Legislature attempted to construct a statute with retroactive application. The difference is that a final judgment in a civil lawsuit is supposed to give confidence to the parties that the matter is settled once and for all, so long as it has been constructed within the boundaries of the law and existing judicial precedent. Without such confidence, no one would have any reason to trust a judgment’s finality. There is a vested right to rely on a civil judgment, but there is also a vested right to follow processes to challenge that judgment if the losing party feels that the judgment was made incorrectly with respect to statutes or constitutional processes and requirements. There is no vested right to rely on time as means of exculpating yourself from accountability for rape. The Utah Legislature did not set aside prior civil judgments or criminal verdicts with its 2016 reforms. It simply gave victims of child sexual abuse 35 years from their 18th birthdays or three years from the effective date of the statute to sue their rapists. No prior civil judgment was set aside, and therefore no incursion was made on judicial power. The Utah Supreme Court held that State v. Apotex Corp, which did examine a retroactive legislative extension of statute of limitations under the Utah False Claims Act, established the defense of an expired statute of limitations was a vested right which could not be taken away by legislation that applied retroactively. The reasoning for this was rooted in Ireland v. Mackintosh, which extended the statue of limitations from four to six years on financial instruments such as notes. Again, in business, the importance of certainty cannot be understated. A party to a financial transaction who faces the prospect of uncertainty in the form of a retroactive legislative reform extending their obligation under an expired claim relating to a financial instrument operates without any confidence as to when his obligation actually expires. In analogizing Apotex and Ireland to Mitchell, the Utah Supreme Court effectively puts sexual assailants on the level of businessman engaged in legal activity to hold that both are entitled to certainty of outcomes, even though the former is engaged in rape and the latter is engaged in a legally valid contract or lending arrangement. The banality is the court’s reasoning is clear, because the two parties are not analogous or equivocal at all. Moreover, the court in Mitchell neglected to cover the actual facts of Mitchell’s claim and its history, which was originally filed on March 16, 2016, two months before the Legislature passed its reform and made it effective May 10, 2016. Mitchell alleged that she had been subjected to “sexual abuse of a child” which was not a valid cause of action under Utah law, and under the law at the time of the abuse in 1981, Mitchell was not a child and therefore could not have been raped as a child. She was 16 years old, and under Utah law in 1981, she was an adult who could consent to sexual contact with her twenty-seven-year-old alleged assailant. Mitchell withdrew her Original Complaint, and then refiled it on September 26, 2016, arguing that the Legislature’s May 10, 2016 reform enabled her to do so. The reality was that by filing in March 2016, Mitchell had filed under the old statute, and by alleging an invalid cause of action, she had further sabotaged her own case.

*Read Article (LDS) Mormon Church Faces a New Lawsuit for Operating a “Scheme of Lies”

Since the case was arguably decided when Mitchell filed and withdrew her complaint prior to the reform’s effective date, it was a final judgment of sorts. Mitchell’s withdrawal was in response to the defendant’s motion to dismiss, which would have been granted under the law. Instead, the Utah Supreme Court seized on Mitchell’s case to abolish the entirety of Ken Ivory’s reform, on the grounds that it would deprive child rapists of a vested right to avoid future culpability for past rapes, despite the fact that no plaintiff would be able to revive previously adjudicated claims under the reform. Moreover, no plaintiff would be able to claim, as Mitchell did, that they present day standard on age of consent applied retroactively to their sexual dalliances with men over 18 in 1981. Ken Ivory attempted to amend the Utah Constitution to expressly grant the legislature the power to retroactively abolish statutes of limitations consistent with his 2016 reform. That amendment was unsuccessful in 2022. Therefore, men like David Lee Hamblin have a vested right to avoid all civil culpability for their decades of rape, torture, and brutalizing of children so long as those children don’t file before their 22nd birthday. The Utah Supreme Court takes the rights of child rapists, especially their due process right to evade civil repercussions for raping children, far more seriously than it takes the mountains of scientific literature showing that it takes far longer than four years for victims to piece themselves together and file a civil suit against their rapists. After all, certainty in child rape is of paramount importance, and how will child rapists be able to rape with confidence without knowing that they have a four-year statute of limitations upon which they can rely, thanks to the stalwart constitutionalists of the Utah Supreme Court? In Utah, there is no criminal statute of limitations on many child sex offenses, which begs the question: who will step forward to establish similar certain for child rapists in criminal courts? What about the child rapists, who operate under uncertainty in Utah’s criminal system, even though the civil system affords them the confidence that they can rely on a four year statute of limitations to shield them from any and all culpability? That’s why we’ll be focusing not only on exposing David Lee Hamblin and his alleged accomplices, proving the allegations against them beyond a reasonable doubt, but also advocating for reform in the form of a constitutional amendment to Utah’s Constitution to enable the Legislature to retroactively abolish statutes of limitations on sex crimes. Ideally, there would be no civil statute of limitations on child sex crimes, which is consistent with the criminal laws of Utah, but we’ll take the 35 years Ken Ivory tried to pass into law before the Utah Supreme Court came riding to the rescue of men like David Lee Hamblin. Given the 1992 implementation of the four-year civil statute of limitations after hundreds of LDS men were accused of ritually abusing children, one can guess at what the Legislature’s motivations were in 1992. After all, giving certainty to sexual abusers is what the Utah Legislature was about in 1992, and it’s what the Utah Supreme Court is about today. That has to change. The Right Honorable Rep. Ken Ivory has reintroduced the amendment to enable the Legislature to retroactively override the statute of limitations in order to deprive child rapists of certainty in civil cases. Call your elected officials and tell them you want HJR 7 passed. If it passes, you’ll have a chance to vote on it in the next general election in 2024. --Go El

From the Substack: Investigations in Ritual Abuse by Go El
The Latest Salvo in the Bennion Saga

Why has law enforcement failed to make substantial headway against the Bennion's or their alleged accomplices in the Church of Satan, either in terms of debunking or corroborating the allegations against them? It is an either/or proposition: either the Bennion's are Satan-worshipping child rapists who engaged in murder and ritual sexual abuse or they are not. There is no in-between. The Hamblin sisters are telling truth, or they are lying. In two years of diligent work, I have found one corroborative piece of evidence after another, and not a single piece of evidence that would debunk or diminish the credibility of the Hamblin sisters. David Lee Hamblin’s attorney Michael Petro alleged that communications within the Utah County Sheriff’s Office contained the claim that the Hamblin sisters stand by their statements, more or less, and he used that to cast doubt on the entirety of those statements. The reality is that prosecutors, four in total at this point, because the State Attorney General’s Office, the Juab County Attorney Ryan Peters who was the special prosecutor, and the Utah County County Attorney’s Office, as well as current special prosecutor Nathan Evershed-examined the current allegations and decided to go forward. Now, prosecutors are not in the business of losing. They have a limited number of personnel and resources, and they bring cases when they believe they can secure a conviction. County attorneys are elected officials and licensed attorneys, and if they bring spurious cases to court, they can lose their re-election and/or face disbarment. Throughout all of this, what will never change is the apology David Lee Hamblin gave to his daughter during a pretext call before his arrest: "I am sorry for raping you." The Bennion's have made no effort to offer any evidence to me, and to my knowledge, they have made no effort to offer any evidence to anyone else-that the allegations against them are false. They haven’t disputed a single point with any evidence. They haven’t sued the Hamblin sisters for defamation. Instead, they have resorted to threats of litigation against me for covering those allegations, and for working diligently to either confirm or debunk the allegations. They have reached out to Substack with the clear intention of getting this entire Substack permanently deleted via a spurious allegation: that I published their private information. That information is publicly available to anyone with a computer and an Internet connection. In their efforts to obtain an ex parte stalking injunction, the Bennion's and their son-in-law resorted to misleading the court by omitting the clear instructions I provided to aspiring researchers. The Bennion's have represented any attempt to write about the allegations against them as stalking. It isn’t. I didn’t need a warrant. I didn’t need a badge. I didn’t need vast sums of money. I simply needed the will to keep working. What I do is simple and accessible to anyone, including law enforcement. The fact that I’ve been doing this for almost 24 years enables me to work more efficiently and effectively than most, because experience is the finest instructor. The question I have is this: if I, working a shoestring budget and with limited resources and authority, can take down or expose sex traffickers and pedophiles and rapists, why is it that the conviction rate for rape in the United States hovers at below 3%?

*Read Article The Latter-Day Saints Mormon Temple Also Teaches that Lucifer is the Father of Cain

As seen above, actual theistic Satanists who ascribe to a literal Satan and practice the most radical form of Satanism are often also murderers in their purposed and religious following after the example of Cain, their perceived and often times literal patriarch depending on their specific Celtic, Anlo-Saxon, Merovingian, Germanic, as well as certain Eastern European ancestries. They are naturally evil, sadistic, hateful, corrupting, murdering cannibals that befit the classic definition of what is criminally insane. Their own core beliefs willingly pit themselves against the perception of anything that is good, other's salvation, but ultimately against Jesus Christ and the Father Himself, which the Scriptures teach us is the spirit of Antichrist. The only truth that CS holds is that Satan is right now building a devout human army from among anyone who also denies the Father and Son, which is denying their shared Holy Spirit and thus the unforgivable sin. Being generational and of a specific bloodline that is upheld as all-important and key to one's power within the organization, generational Satanists most often only recruit among themselves, turning their own children into murdering products of doctrinal Satanism who have ritually burned all connections to their Creator, and thus, hold no empathy nor conscience for the rest of His creation. They are also what you support if you champion Satanism in any of its many unsuspecting forms, from the false religions within the New Age movement, paganism, and other heresies, to atheism. Mormons themselves are keen in knowing that Pike writes in his Morals and Dogma, p. 102: “Satan is not a black god, but instead is the negation of God. For the initiated, this is not a person, but a Force created for Good, but which may serve for evil. It [he, Satan] is the instrument of liberty or free will.” Moreover, Pike outright celebrates Satan’s ‘liberation’ of Adam and Eve. He stated that the “power of the Serpent” in the Garden of Eden was a pure source of ‘light’ and is honored by the “pure Luciferian religion” as “Serpent power”, and the “Force”, that is also described as the Kundalini or “Serpent Force.” Pike even declares that Satan is not the god “of the Powers of Darkness,” but instead, is the prime ministering 'Force' of the god of Masonry’s light, Lucifer. Albert Pike also revised the Black Mass in which Satan’s subversion of Adam and Eve is celebrated. As such, honest Mormons need to consider, are they not also ‘celebrating’ the fall of Eve in the endowment? Are they not asked to support Eve in her ‘deception’ by Lucifer when she asks Lucifer “Is there no other way?” and then accepts Lucifer's lies by saying, “I will partake that man may be”? Are Mormons not asked to honor Eve to become complicit with her as making a supposedly wise decision by obeying Lucifer and disobeying our Creator to bring man into existence, or more accurately, to bring forth Lucifer's seed approximately 6,000 years ago? The LDS Endowment parallels the Sumerian texts, and accounts of King Nimrod and his Queen, in that they both describe the Whore of Babylon as being blessed with extreme wisdom and the knowledge of esoteric mysteries, as secrets passed from the Serpent unto Eve, after her fornication with him. Thus, could this ‘fruit’ be sexual intercourse with Lucifer that produced the personage of Cain – Lucifer’s “only begotten son” as according to the gnostic tradition? Adam Weishaupt (Illuminati) and Albert Pike (Freemason) both have written extensively about the supposed levels (degrees) of illumination provided by God/Lucifer, known as the “Third Degree.” To achieve this level, a priest or priestess must use perverse sexual liaisons to mock the Biblical God, using the most sacred gift given by God – that of procreation and human reproduction, which in the Occult, is made counterfeit and twisted to become what is called 'sex magic.' (Read Books Satanic Ritual Abuse and Mormonism and Mormonism, Magic and Masonry.) Specific Luciferian rituals include perverted sexual activities to open certain psychic and/or metaphysical centers of the human body, it was believed, so that ultimately demons were allowed full access to their bodies, both physically and spiritually, in order to possess them upon which they were, only then, granted a degree of so-called gnosis. This Satanic teaching regarding America and Britain as being somehow divinely wrought, by supposed virtue of DNA and lineage, aka Replacement Theology, also extends itself well outside of the Mormon Church, and into a wholly racist version of Anglo-Christianity, as well, as seen in this American 'Christian Identity' website, where they interpret the Bible to say that England, and its bastard albeit loyal child, America, should ultimately rule the world by divine right of God because they are the supposed new inheritors of His ancient promises toward Israel. And to which two nationalities took Replacement Theology most to heart? Exactly, Britain and America. There is much proof I will show by the Synagogue of Satan's own Masonic hand connecting them and their manufactured heresy that propagates Anglo-Royal 'Zionism' as the root basis for the Royals' supposed inherent right to the Throne of Israel for the reason of establishing their eventual King in direct opposition to the King of Kings. (See also Revelation 2:9). It is all part and parcel of the generational plan toward steering mankind ever away from God in favor of God's ancient enemy of whom Mormons believe can be saved.

From the Substack: Emma's Substack by Emma Katherine
Masonic Ritual Abuse Survivor Exposes Multi-Generational Trauma

[Podcast Intro] I know personally that I never thought to research my family lineage growing up outside of what I knew to be true in the present day with immediate relatives. One of the interesting aspects of podcasting for me personally has been in observing and considering the consistencies between survivors and even moreso between specialized types of abuse like Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and what I'm now going to refer to as Masonic ritual abuse (MRA). Kate’s awakening began right around the moment you see in the photo above. What Kate discovered through her own extensive research into her bloodline and family tree was that she was born into a multi-generational Masonic bloodline family that dates back at least 1,000 years on both her mother and father’s side of the family. The two family bloodlines seemed to be intertwined throughout history - intermarrying and carrying on the generational trauma and abuse generation after generation. All the way up Kate’s family lineage leads to Freemasonry. Father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great grandfather… and so on and so forth on both sides of the family, Freemasons. Even all of the women were Eastern Star Freemasons and on both sides. As such, Kate’s story didn’t begin when she was born. Her story began generations ago. And she was supposed to carry on the abuse to the next generation after her. Little did her abusers know that Kate would grow up to expose them because had they known she would never be with is today and the world would be at a loss of another story that proves the truth behind the occult and generational Satanism in America (and Europe). ‘Masonic Ritual Abuse’ is always paired with Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and many times with the US Government's infamous mind control program they named MK-Ultra and PROJECT MONARCH [the Antichrist is a *monarch*] where occult ritualistic oaths are passed on though the spirit of a generational iniquity that takes place in most often the most affluent homes of those deemed to be the most trusted pillars of the Church and community. Our bodies have a tremendous and miraculous defense and survival mechanism called ‘dissociation’ built in without our conscious thought that activates when trauma is too much for our bodies and minds to bear. Without this survival mechanism, we would die when trauma becomes too much. It allows a person to leave the ‘present and conscious moment’ and safely retreat into our unconscious minds where there is no perception or knowing of abuse taking place. This creates ‘fracturing’ or ‘splitting’ of the mind - also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder. D.I.D. used to be termed ‘Multiple Personality Disorder’ and there’s been a tremendous misunderstanding of how and why this happens to someone. It’s been looked at as form of insanity in our society and has been labeled as a ‘dis-order’ when it should just be looked at as a natural response our body has - no different than any other function of our body such as breathing, fight or flight, or crying. The abuses perpetuated in MK-Ultra, SRA, and other systematic and periodized child abuse systems are designed to be traumatic enough to cause this splitting to allow abusers to completely control their victims. When this splitting of the mind occurs, it creates amnesic barriers between different parts of the brain. Each ‘part’ of the brain carries specific memories that other parts of the brain are not aware of so the person experiencing the trauma can go on with life as if the abuse isn’t happening. Eventually (around 25-35 years after splitting has occurred), the amnesic barriers begin to break down and the person’s brain and mind begin ‘integrating’ their compartmentalized memories together that were separated for so long - although this is not always the case and can take much longer or even shorter amounts of time before this break-down occurs. This survival mechanism is not taught in any academic setting (by design) and has been the focus of ‘conspiracy’ for much too long. But when you learn how dissociation actually works and why, it makes perfect sense. This is hidden knowledge from the general public because if society were actually taught about dissociation, then society would have to listen to survivors.

*Read Article The Occult-Based Mormon Church Strangely Obsessed with the Morning Star Lucifer
*Read Article English Royal Heirs: The Mormons as Unwitting Masonic Cultists Worshipping Lucifer

When I first started interviewing survivors of abuse and specifically Satanic ritual abuse, I inherently knew that I needed to give them my silence and all the time they needed to speak truth to power. After reading countless books and articles on abuse and watching videos, it wasn’t until I saw a 3 1/2-hour testimony by Cathy O’Brien that my life would truly shatter into a state of greater awareness of the evils that lurk in our nation and how they all connect within both parties of American politics, finance, and the older corporate powers that continue to sustain them. When I listened to a survivor testimony in its (general) entirety instead of the bits and pieces I was finding on the internet. It gave me the epiphany moment I needed to realize how compartmentalized my own psyche was after years of my parent's conditioning. e.g., puzzle pieces came together that had been floating around in my subconscious mind while I was trying so desperately to reject them from my conscious mind. I’ve been told by more than a few of my podcast guests, “I did a podcast one time before, but the host kept interrupting me and only gave me 20 minutes to tell my story.” What I had began to understand was that what we are dealing with is thousands of years of elite family inbreeding, intrigue, and lies. Society cannot comprehend the magnitude of what a survivor suffers from over decades of their lives in just 20 minutes, it’s just impossible. One testimony alone could talk days to get out in its entirety, so I’ve always had a policy when a survivor came on my podcast that the clock doesn’t matter. They are able to speak as long as it takes to get the story out of their souls in a way that returns to them the justice they were prevented from having in their youth. Giving this space to a survivor or whistleblower is a gift. To allow a survivor or whistleblower who has a lifetime of abuse is how we discover what still goes on every day and night behind some closed doors in "Christian America" and the West at large. Satan has his army going strong in these cult systems. Outside of Christ Himself, there is no Masonic-led politician or average ignorant person is coming to save us. We need to stop relying on our elections to "make a difference" while idolizing greed-driven celebrities who are paid to endorse satanic agendas. We need to turn our attention instead to those who were hand-picked by God to emancipate and liberate humanity from these ancient and satanic occult systems and manufactured realities we’ve been brainwashed to believe are the limits of our ‘real life’. In the beginning of my podcasting journey, I had a specific incident happen after breaking a really huge testimony on my old YouTube channel before YouTube deleted it and trolls appeared in droves to harass. It was a little overwhelming having never experienced that level of evil hacking before. I had thoughts creep in about retiring from podcasting altogether, letting the trolls win. Apparently, the more truth that is revealed about Satanism in America, the more that these Satanists want to make it seem it's a useless battle for those who champion the truth to come up against their need to bury it. Blunt truth must be the focus therefore because those being held captive by them are right now being forced to explore the limits of the human body, sexually and in all else right up to the point of their deaths. Survivors live a hundred lives while most of us on the outside of the Church of Satan's influence only live once. --Emma Katherine

From the Substack: Full Disclosure by Diana Barahona
Jessie Czebotar’s U.S. Postal Service Affidavit

I (Jessie Marie Czebotar) sworn under the pains and penalty of perjury claim the following facts to be the truth. I would like to submit upon the record the knowledge that the Luciferian Brotherhood works in conjunction with the U.S. Postal [Service] to provide retired Elite Members of the System with children for consumption. In the early 1980s I was present and witnessed that the majority of Luciferian Brotherhood High Priests and Priestesses I experienced in rituals from 1981-1987 retired in nursing homes in the Peoria, IL; Middleton, WE; Stoughton, WI; and Verona, WI areas. These nursing homes are marked with the French Symbol, the Masonic Compass, or a variation of the male symbol of the compass or the receiving female chalice, or V symbol. These facilities supply children for consumption to the Elite through: 1) The United States Post Office and 2) Hand delivery from local human farmers. I testify that during the years 1981-1987 I visited many of these nursing facilities with Clara Odelia Acker Church. During our visits I witnessed infants and children being delivered both by hand and by regular U.S. Postal mail to the facilities for the purpose of consumption by the retired Elite. If they came by hand, it meant that someone who looked like a nanny or babysitter would bring the baby or child by and hand them off to the person they were to deliver to. The story was always the same, “They were the babysitter who was helping the child to visit their grandparent.” The first few times I witnessed this, I noticed that I never saw the child leave the facility. When by mail, the children came with a sedative and were sleeping. There were times they were shipped with just string tied around them and their mouths gagged. When we started visiting the cooks in Peoria, IL, -Madison/Middleton, WI-area nursing facilities, I saw children arriving in mailboxes or crates in what looked like plastic wrap. I have horrific memories of people being suffocated with plastic bags over the head. When I saw the children in plastic wrap, I would start to panic. Several of the larger nursing facilities had large refrigeration units. I saw children hung in these refrigeration units by meathooks created for hanging pig slabs and cattle. Some of the “meat factory” supply also came from nearby farms with large barns where human sacrifices obviously took place. Because the areas had high Norwegian and Swedish cultures, they use the old procurement methods for meat. I saw bodies hung with salt, smoked or cured into blood sausages. At one of the Peoria nursing facilities, I would see the retired nuns working in the kitchen areas with old meat grinders grinding up the human meat. I also saw children come in with crates of iced fish and would watch them get chopped up, baked and cooked. The ovens at these facilities at the time were the older large brick ovens or big fireplaces. Several times during holidays I did see people roasted on spits like a pig roast; they were served like a turkey for holiday meals. As a child there were several occasions that Clara Odelia Acker Church made her “special pot roast.” If you ask her why it’s so special, she will say it is because her secret ingredient is Cordial Brandy. The truth is that this pot roast is made usually with human meat, or a few times it was our pets or neighbors pets. [How ironic Trump falsely accuses every other race of eating dogs and cats except his own. -C.O.]

From the Substack: Armor of Faith by Crimson Warrior
Satanic Monarch Abuse Survivor Exposes European Elites, Royals

Once you are assigned a handler by your parents who are themselves generational Satanists and start going to elite ceremonies assigned to your growth within the larger network that spanned across Europe, there were many things that I began to pick up in those days as a child between three and six. I always noticed the similar patterns in the structures of the buildings and later castles I was taken to as they all seemed to have the same shapes, artwork, decorations, furniture, colors, and room layouts inside them. For example, every castle had rooms known as Cabinets and Boudoirs that had multiple mirrors in them that I later learned was because the elites used mirrors in several different ways pertaining to accessing the spirit world (as they were all occultists who made undertook much study into the older occult works [grimoires] passed on to them from the elders within their specific ancient bloodlines, some of whom were considered to be more "blue-blood" and powerful than others as a result of their familial arcane knowledge, amassed wealth, or achieved royal status or all three). There were also black-and-white checkered floors in every castle I was taken to, the same in what I've later learned is built into every Masonic lodge in Europe, Britain, America, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc. Other things that were consistently placed in many of the palaces was near black mahogany or teak wood furniture that starkly contrasted against the blood red velvet of the furniture and walls that kept a black-red theme throughout the space. If there's any wallpaper, it often contained symbols such as the fleur-de-lys that represents the unholy bloodlines of the elite powers in this world as well as the unholy trinity. Then there's always the rooms that have horns prominently placed on the wall, whether those horns are by way of artistic creation or actual heads of animals killed in hunting parties. The horns represent the presence and worship of Satan himself in his pagan form as Cernunnos, the most strong, wise, and ancient Celtic deity of the woods. Satan is also symbolized as a winged great horned owl for obvious reasons pertaining to wisdom, ever watchful eye, as well as his ability in flight. As a child and being taken to these places by my handlers who were employed by my elite father, I also remember many times I would randomly wake up in the middle of the night to hear voices chanting in some guttural tone and language a floor above or beneath me within these unfamiliar residential palaces and castles of other wealthy elites. When I walked out into the otherwise vacant hallways, I would often see random people sitting in those mahogany or teak chairs that appeared like ghosts having no expressions on their faces staring back at me. I often wondered later if those weren't my own family members who passed on long ago watching over what was also happening to me. What always comes to mind after remembering this are the underground and secret rooms used for Satanic rituals where children appeared in the castle from places I never knew who seemed exhausted or drugged because they never said a word. They were always killed and their bodies devoured by the black robed adults in a frenzy of bloodthirsty murder who then always engaged in sexual and same-sex orgies afterward. These ceremonies occurring underground made it convenient for the disposal of whatever remained of the children's dead bodies. Whatever wasn't collected for later magickal purposes was thrown into a deep earthen pit connected to the underground lair. One of the castles I spent the most time at for ritual preparations was Neuschwanstein in Schwangau, Germany.

*Read Article The Tubal-Cain Website Explains that the Pagan Gods of Old are Satan and His Demons
*Read Article The West/Europe Allowing Demons to Reprise their Roles as the Pagan Gods and Goddesses
*Read Book Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in 19th Century Culture [An Occult Website]

In that Disney-like castle, the layout was similar to all of the other castles and royal residences I was also taken to as a child with the only difference being that much of the initial ritual preparations were undertaken in its main tower and uppermost floors, as opposed to the basements and stone-lined catacombs built into other elite "houses of worship." Of that uppermost floor of Neuschwanstein there was a massive sanctuary that appeared to be Christian if looked at from an outsider's point of view, but anyone who is occult would immediately see it exists in obvious mocking counterfeit to Christianity. For example, the saintly "Angel of Light" that prominently appears on the blackened wall surrounded by black candles is not St. Michael the Archangel, but Lucifer, in the regalia of his former Heavenly estate before he fell. On the ceiling appeared a "thousand points of light" that was to convey Lucifer's abode among the angelic "stars in the side of the North" as alluded to in Isaiah 14. I didn't know it at the time, but this would be the last ritual I engaged in from when I was six years old as we stood at the foot of Neuschwanstein's large spiral stairway and were each given a lit black candle to hold that matched the black robes we wore as we stepped onto that tight spiral staircase that led upward into the Solars of Neuschwanstein's Great Chamber. The younger "Sisters of Light" and the elder "Mothers of Darkness," all of whom remained completely expressionless and silent, methodically walked up in pairs in solemn procession. Upon entering the Great Chamber, I was finally told by my handler that we would be summoning "the Queen of Heaven" that I later learned in adulthood to be Ashtoreth, a demonic spirit worshipped by ancient pagans from Greco-Rome to Asia Minor. It was told to me that because I was of a certain ancient bloodline, they were trying to connect me to the Queen of Heaven (Ashtoreth) to gain power as a recruited Sister of Light and that this would be a ceremony for that recruitment. (It was only later in life that I learned the Catholic Church is itself connected to these same evil bloodlines who control it and that their use of Mother Mary, also called "The Queen of Heaven," is a front the Vatican uses for hiding their own worship of Ashtoreth as the "Whore of Babylon" that sits upon the seven hills of Rome, of whom the entire planet would one day worship as a Divine Feminine force of nature within a single, global religion. Apparently, this Goddess figure will be equated to "Mother Nature" itself and held in great reverence among the global masses under control by the male Beast figure, because she supposedly saved earth from what would have been a complete destruction. This mirrors what the globalists are already readying the world for with their doomsday scenario rooted in their Climate Change narrative that even now forces the planet to 'religiously' become "green" or face nature's impending wrath.

*Read Article Princess Diana: The Matrix of the Monarchy
*Read Article Devil Worship in France: Dealings with Diana
*Read Article The Cult of Diana by Prophecy Author Texe Marrs
*Read Article Deathwalking with Diana by Dr. Maureen Roberts PhD
*Read Article Connections Linking Lucifer to the Roman Goddess Diana

Upon entering the Great Chamber, I saw that there stood other adults adorned in similar black robes. I also saw the typical white pentagram etched into the middle of the black floor with the same ancient and foreign lettering around it that I've seen before at other occult houses of worship. Different here were lit red candles around the pentagram instead of white, as well as what appeared to be a bloodied human body part or dead baby laid across a marble alter at the far end of the darkened room. Those who were waiting for us removed our robes and they laid me down completely naked in the center of the candle-lit room. The Sisters of Light began to sing as all of the adults began to chant in Latin as the castle ceiling began to open up like a space observatory to reveal the night sky and stars to apparently make it easier to conjure evil spirits looking on during their ceremonies that occurred upon "feast days." I distinctly remember the chill sweeping over my naked flesh and seeing the cold night filled with stars far above me. After what seemed like a long period of their being engaged in the occult working, I began to hear a series of scratching sounds off to my left. When I looked in that general direction not seeing anything at first, I suddenly saw this monstrous and grotesque thing suddenly manifesting amidst the candle's light that was clearly staring back at me and no one else. This was my breaking point. Even as a child being trained into their evil network, I innately knew that because they held Jesus Christ as their ultimate "enemy," He was the very one I needed to myself conjure thru prayers of my own to repel the horror they had managed to summon. What I can only describe as a literal demonic creature not of this world, it appeared as if a male entity, I felt, and not the "divine feminine" spirit they had brainwashed me with, claiming it would enter me to grant me supernatural powers, a ceremony they had all underwent themselves in their childhood and what made them powerful among other elite of our kind. With it clawing its way toward my cold and naked body, I began to loudly utter the name of "Jesus!" to which the creature as well as everyone near around me became literally stunned. The demon itself recoiled as if in horror as if completely unexpecting that I would or even could say the Lord's name in that decisive moment. The demon dissolved into nothing as all of the women screamed and stepped toward me in anger as if wanting to murder me without question. They lashed at me as my handler grabbed my arm and shuttled me out with herself angrily throwing me around and beating me as I quickly lost consciousness. I can only imagine what would have happened to me in that moment had I not been a part of the considered most elder of elite families that I was born into because I know had I been anyone else, they would have literally cut me in pieces without a thought for evoking their archenemy into what was a "holy" working. My father was of course told what happened at Neuschwanstein and urgently sent for me to return home where though I became a pariah to him until the day he died, I held on to and even strengthened inwardly in Christianity to develop a personal relationship with my Creator, completely unbeknownst to my earthly father. He sheltered me nonetheless and seemed to love me enough to ensure I would otherwise be protected and live comfortably, having no need to hold any rank within that network he oversaw in central Europe. After his death in 1997, I moved to the United States and immediately joined a Protestant church where I feel a sense of great spiritual protection over me and my unknowing husband, children, etc., even though I know for a fact Satanic cabals and Luciferian networks heralding from equally prominent bloodlines such as my own exist everywhere across the United States since its founding and likewise operate within a vast underground network of secrecy in the exact same way it still does in Europe. --Crimson Warrior

*Read Article Satan in the Guise of a Coming 'Goddess of Forces' -A Must Read
*Read Article The Pagan Goddess Diana: The Religion of the Antichrist -A Must Read
*Read Article The Royal's Anglican Church Now Paving the Way for "Goddess" Inclusion

How ironic is it that nearly none of these proven accounts of Satanic cults operating from coast to coast in America, the UK, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia that almost always involve children appear in the media, or when they do, it's always dismissed as "Satanic Panic" if reported at all? Look at the many arrests currently made in Utah where the local media may reference the crime of a child sex ring among the supposed pillars of society there, but never mention the word Satanism in connection to it. Why? We know why. The media operates to protect the Satanic elite who own/created them. But, beyond the media, what of the medical field and psychology? As a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse specifically connected to Mormonism, Jenny Hatch, writes: "Whenever a survivor comes forward to tell their stories of ritual abuse against the rich, famous and powerful the propaganda PR machine cranks up with the usual garbage. The psychopathic powers try to denigrate any survivors that come out from the perpetrators mind control experiments and torture programs including Monarch programming and Mk-Ultra. The globalist criminal cabal even went as far as inventing a “False Memory Syndrome” and also forming a False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) to try to counter the truth and sow disinformation. FMSF was formed by and from a bunch of corrupt characters and MK-Ultra perpetrators. Unfortunately, it was successful to a large extent in confusing, getting the mockingbird media to parrot their lies, and getting the court to accept their lies as “expert witnesses”. The cabal know well their experiments and torture, and they try and pretend that these memories which remain in the mind but may surface later are false memories. They pretend that all the memories from all the ritually abused and mind-controlled people who went through their sadistic programs are somehow induced much later by a therapist or psychologist i.e., iatrogenic. The cabal try and gaslight authorities and victims, knowing full well that what the survivors think happened, did happen. Of course, the cabal have a vested interest in lying and gaslighting. They are guilty. The Cabal say that there is no such thing as Freudian repression of memories. One of their propaganda tools, Wikipedia says “Repressed memory is a controversial, and largely scientifically discredited, claim that memories for traumatic events may be stored in the unconscious mind and blocked from normal conscious recall. I doubt that, but that argument is the deflection, the bait and switch. The real point is that a different alter, an alternate personality caused by extreme trauma, has in their memory what happened, but there are amnesic barriers between alters. The “false memories” cabal know very well that such alters deliberately cause alternate personalities in the brain that have amnesic barriers between, and one alter will not remember another alters experiences. Evidence comes from many survivors of programming and more every day, but also ex top-level programmers such as Svali. You only have to check her website to know the depths of depravity to which the programmers sink… and the compartmentalization of victim's brains is deliberate, desired by the perpetrators and very highly organized. Much of the nonsense about false memories came from Elizabeth Loftus who published a book, not a scientific paper of a properly controlled experiment. Fiona tore apart the False Memory Syndrome Foundation and Elizabeth Loftus in her excellent book Eyes Wide Open Lockdown Edition I have reproduced most of the mentions of False Memory in Fiona’s book, so that the sections on the False Memory Syndrome Foundation are more easily available, as this global disinformation organization still rears its distorted head, as do the lies behind them. The USA FMSF however was disbanded just 4 months after her book, in 2019. The UK version still limps on.

*Read Article The Damning Case Against Psychiatry

The following is an excerpt from The Corbett Report by James Corbett -- Although there is nothing in the bill itself declaring that "political enemies" of the state will be sent to "psych wards," the idea that psychologists and psychiatrists might be employed on such a commission to diagnose political dissidents with some form of mental disorder is not a misplaced one. In fact, there is a long and worrying history of psychiatry being used as a weapon to silence those declared to be enemies of the state. And, more worrying still, recent events have demonstrated that—far from being a relic of the past—the pathologization of political dissent is becoming even more widespread than ever before. The history of psychology is, to a large extent, the history of cruel and unusual punishments meted out by rulers on political dissidents. That psychology has always been a convenient tool for the ruling class to wield against dissenters may seem like a controversial observation at first glance. But this is precisely what the most mainstream of establishment sources tell us when they're talking about the establishment's enemies. The horrors of the Soviet psychiatric system—in which political dissidents were routinely diagnosed with "sluggish schizophrenia," psychiatric hospitals were used as temporary prisons during periods of protest, and troublesome rebels were kept in medically induced comas or drug-induced catatonic states for extended periods of time—has been well documented in numerous mainstream sources, both popular and academic. But these horrors were given their most poignant expression in the words of Alexander Solzhenitsyn The incarceration of free thinking healthy people in madhouses is spiritual murder, it is a variation of the gas chamber, even more cruel; the torture of the people being killed is more malicious and more prolonged. Like the gas chambers, these crimes will never be forgotten and those involved in them will be condemned for all time during their life and after their death. As Reich correctly observes in his report, the Soviet pathologization of dissent does indeed serve as a warning that psychiatry is vulnerable to being misused "wherever it is practiced." But, by a funny coincidence, these concerns only ever seem to come up when psychiatry is being "misused" in countries that are on the US State Department's enemies list. There are no shortage of sources that will tell you about: the abuses of Nazi psychiatrists, who sat on planning committees for the Aktion T4 euthanasia and sterilization program and who directed the Nazi regime's horrific (and failed) attempt to eradicate schizophrenia by systematically killing off Germany's schizophrenic population; the abuses that Japanese psychiatrists inflicted on their patients during and immediately after WWII, resulting in an abnormally large number of patient deaths, the Cuban revolutionary government's use of psychotropic drugs and electroconvulsive therapy in order to obtain information from, punish, demoralize, coerce, subdue, terrorize, and cause psychological damage to those deemed a threat to state security; and any number of similar examples of psychiatric abuse by governments at war with or in the crosshairs of the US government. Often excluded from this analysis, however, are the horrific abuses that psychiatrists in the West have inflicted on their patients in the name of state security. For example, while the history books will rightly condemn the horrors of the Nazi eugenic sterilization program, they seldom explore the roots of that program. As it turns out, those roots were in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. What's more, Ernst Rüdin—the director of the also-Rockefeller-funded Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry and one of the key architects of Germany’s eugenics program—modeled the Nazi eugenics legislation on America's own "Model Eugenical Sterilization Law." In fact, America's first professor of psychology, James McKeen Cattell, helped bring the eugenics pseudoscience to the shores of America in the first place. Having befriended Francis Galton, the progenitor of eugenics, during a trip to England in 1887, Cattell returned to the US with an enthusiasm for the idea. He later wrote a letter to Galton bragging, "We are following in America your advice and example."

*Read Article Why the Science Behind Psychiatry is Evil

Still further back in history, Benjamin Rush, one of the founding fathers of the United States and the man officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association as the "father of American psychiatry"—made early contributions to the weaponization of psychiatry by inventing a number of mental disorders to pathologize dissent. The most notable of these made-up disorders was "anarchia," a type of madness Rush defined as "an excess of the passion for liberty," which "could not be removed by reason, nor restrained by government" and "threatened to render abortive the goodness of heaven to the United States." And what did this "father of American psychiatry" prescribe for those he deemed to be suffering from mental illness? Well, for starters, he "treated his patients with darkness, solitary confinement, and a special technique of forcing the patient to stand erect for two to three days at a time, poking them with sharp pointed nails to keep them from sleeping—a technique borrowed from a British procedure for taming horses." He also invented two mechanical devices for the treatment of the insane: a "tranquilizing chair," in which the patient's "body is immobilized by straps at the shoulders, arms, waist, and feet [and] a box-like apparatus is used to confine the head," and a "gyrator," "which was a horizontal board on which torpid patients were strapped and spun to stimulate blood circulation. Rush's apprentice, physician and outspoken germ theory critic Samuel Cartwright, made his own contribution to the field by inventing a disorder he named "drapetomania, or the disease causing negroes [slaves] to run away": The cause in the most of cases, that induces the negro to run away from service, is as much a disease of the mind as any other species of mental alienation, and much more curable, as a general rule. With the advantages of proper medical advice, strictly followed, this troublesome practice that many negroes have of running away, can be almost entirely prevented, although the slaves be located on the borders of a free state, within a stone's throw of the abolitionists. Thus, the history of psychiatry is replete with examples of political dissidents, unruly populations or other "social undesirables" being labeled as insane and sent to the madhouse or worse. But that was then, many would be inclined to argue. This is now. Surely psychiatry isn't used to suppress dissent any more, is it? Critics have long questioned the influence that Big Pharma has had in pressuring the APA to diagnose more and more behavior as "abnormal" in order to prescribe pharmaceutical interventions to a greater and greater percentage of the public. Concerns over Big Pharma's influence on the creation of DSM are not trivial. In 2012, a study led by University of Massachusetts-Boston researcher Lisa Cosgrove noted that 69% of the DSM-5 task force members had ties to the pharmaceutical industry, including paid work as consultants and spokespersons for drug manufacturers. On certain panels, the conflict of interest was even more profound: 83% of the members of the panel working on mood disorders had pharmaceutical industry ties, and 100%—every single member—of the sleep disorder panel had “ties to the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the medications used to treat these disorders or to companies that service the pharmaceutical industry. If these task force members' goal is to make sure that more and more pharmaceuticals are sold, then by every measure they've been remarkably successful. The weaponization of psychology against those independent, free-thinkers who tend to question authority is not some vague, amorphous concern about a Big Pharma boondoggle that is hurting people in the pocketbook. Rather, this weapon is now being used against critics of the biosecurity agenda and others who dare point out that the globalist, transhuman emperor is wearing no clothes.

*Read Article Psych Meds, Psychiatry and Psychology Are Evil

But if it is true that the study of the mind has been weaponized and that that weapon is being deployed against conspiracy realists, the obvious question then become who loaded the weapon? In October 1945, George Brock Chisholm —the man who would go on to serve as the first Director-General of the World Health Organization and the man who helped spearhead the World Federation for Mental Health, delivered an incredibly candid lecture in which he laid out his plans for steering the profession of psychiatry in a bold new direction. Published in 1946 as "The Reestablishment of Peacetime Psychiatry," the lecture includes a proclamation that psychiatrists should take it upon themselves to rid the population of the concept of good and evil entirely: "If the race is to be freed from its crippling burden of good and evil it must be psychiatrists who take the original responsibility. This is a challenge which must be met." Perhaps unsurprisingly, Chisholm's call to action was taken up by the British military. The "challenge" of "freeing the race" from the "crippling burden of good and evil" was taken up by British military psychiatrist Colonel John Rawlings Rees, the first president of Chisholm's World Federation of Mental Health and chair of the infamous Tavistock Institute from 1933 to 1947. In 1940, Rees gave an address to the annual meeting of the UK's National Council for Mental Hygiene in which he laid out in predictably militaristic terms how this ambitious plan for reforming the public psyche was to be achieved. In "Strategic Planning for Mental Health," Rees—after claiming that the psychiatrists of the council "can justifiably stress our particular point of view with regard to the proper development of the human psyche, even though our knowledge be incomplete" —asserts that they must aim to make that point of view "permeate every educational activity in our national life." He then launches into a startling confession: We have made a useful attack upon a number of professions. The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the Church; the two most difficult are law and medicine. If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people I think we must imitate the Totalitarians and organize some kind of fifth column activity!" Then Rees brazenly proclaims that "Parliament, the Press and other publications are the most obvious ways by which our propaganda can be got across" before reminding his audience once again of the need for secrecy if this plan to influence the development of the public psyche is to succeed: "Many people don't like to be 'saved', 'changed' or made healthy," he remarks. So what were Rees and his fellow travelers really aiming at in their "fifth column" campaign to "attack" the professions and propagandize the public? His true intentions are revealed through his work for the British military—including his alleged drugging, poisoning and mesmerizing of Rudolf Hess, the Deputy Führer of the Nazi party who was captured and held by the British for decades after making a still-unexplained solo flight to Scotland in 1941—and through his work at the Tavistock Institute, where he attempted to mold public opinion in the UK to his liking. As The Campaigner magazine explained in a Tavistock exposé published in 1978: "The theme of all of Rees’s known work is the development of the uses of psychiatry as a weapon of the ruling class." That work, the article elaborates, included advising Rees's superiors how they "can succeed in structuring a stressed individual’s or group’s situation appropriately, the victim(s) can be controlled and induced to develop for himself a special sort of 'reaction formation' through which he 'democratically' arrives precisely at the attitudes and decisions which the dictators would wish to force upon him." And there it is. In other words, Rees's work centered on the [Masonic] Problem-Reaction-Solution method of mass social control that Corbett readers will be very familiar with by now. It should be no surprise, therefore, to learn that Rees's research heavily influenced the operations of a budding young intelligence service that was then forming in the United States called the Central Intelligence Agency." Perhaps more intriguing still, it is none other than the current monarch and future king, Prince William, that has been tapped by the British government to be the Ambassador of Mental Illness and Wellness "leading a campaign of mental healing extended toward the British and UK public as well as the world at large."

*Read Article Alternative Perspective on Psychiatry's So-called Mental Disorders

Indeed, the CIA has always been interested in weaponizing psychiatry as a way of achieving success in their covert operations. In fact, the CIA even openly advertises job opportunities for psychiatrists to "help the CIA mission where it intersects with psychiatric and broader behavioral issues." But when most people think of the CIA and weaponized psychiatry, they think of MK-Ultra and mind control. As even the Wikipedia article on the subject admits, the CIA's "Project MK-Ultra" was "an illegal human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), intended to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used in interrogations to weaken individuals and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture." There is much that the public still does not know about this project, its forerunner programs, Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke, and the depths to which agents of the US government sank to discover ways of manipulating, melding, erasing or reprogramming individuals' psyches. But what we do know about the program is chilling enough. One series of experiments, presided over by Sidney Gottlieb, involved administering LSD to unwitting Americans, including mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes. This included "Operation Midnight Climax," in which unsuspecting men were drugged and lured to CIA safe houses by prostitutes on the CIA payroll. Their sexual activity was monitored behind one-way mirrors and was used to study the effect of sexual blackmail and the use of mind-altering substances in field operations. Another experiment, dubbed MKULTRA Subproject 68, was overseen by the esteemed psychiatrist Dr. Ewen Cameron. This subproject involved Dr. Cameron using LSD, paralytic drugs, electroshock therapy and drug-induced comas to attempt to wipe patients' memories and reprogram their psyche. When brought to light, the program was identified as an attempt to refine methods of medical torture for the purpose of extracting information from unwilling sources and was condemned. Lawsuits regarding the blatantly illegal experimentation conducted by Cameron continue into the current era. Although MK-Ultra "officially ended" after its exposure in the 1970s, the CIA has not stopped employing psychiatrists to find new and innovative ways to psychologically torment their opponents. In May 2002, Martin Seligman, an influential American professor of psychology and a former president of the American Psychological Association, delivered a lecture at the San Diego Naval Base explaining how his research could help American personnel to—in his own words—"resist torture and evade successful interrogation by their captors." Among the hundred or so people in attendance at that lecture was one particularly enthused fan of Selgiman's work: Dr. Jim Mitchell, a military retiree and psychologist who had contracted to provide training services to the CIA. Although Seligman had no idea of it at the time, Mitchell was—as we now know—one of the key architects of the CIA's illegal torture program. Naturally, Mitchell's interest in Seligman's talk was not in how it could be applied to help American personnel overcome learned helplessness and resist torture but rather how it could be used to induce learned helplessness in a CIA target and enhance torture. As it turns out, Mitchell's theory (that "producing learned helplessness in a Qaeda interrogation subject might ensure that he would comply with his captor’s demands") was bogus. More experienced interrogators objected at the time, noting that torture would only induce a prisoner to say what his captor wants, not what he knows. What those interrogators didn't understand was that extracting false confessions from prisoners was actually the point of the CIA torture program. It was "confessions" extracted under torture, after all, that went on to form the backbone of the 9/11 Commission Report, with a full quarter of all of the report's footnotes deriving from torture testimony. Yes, from mind control experiments to torture programs to brainwashing and lobotomization, there can be no doubt that the governments, militaries and intelligence agencies of every major nation have devoted considerable resources to the weaponization of psychiatry over the course of the past century. But, as it turns out, one of the simplest and easiest techniques for controlling dissent is simply to pathologize it. As we are beginning to see, simply declaring resistance to the status quo to be a form of mental disorder can be an exceptionally powerful tool for silencing opposition by making them think, believe, and say exactly what their programmers wish.

*Read Article European Banker Exposes His Invitation to Take Part in Sacrificial Murder Rituals of Children

The following is a short excerpt from Eyes Wide Open, Lockdown Edition by Fiona Barret ‘FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME’ -- "In 1993, Dr Corydon Hammond, a professor at the University of Utah’s School of Medicine, conducted a seminar on federally funded mind control experiments. Topics covered by Hammond included brainwashing, post-hypnotic programming and the induction of multiple personalities by the CIA. Hammond contended that the cult underground has roots in Nazi Germany, and that the CIA’s cult mind control techniques were based upon those of Nazi scientists recruited by the CIA for Cold Warfare. (Researcher Lenny Lapon estimates in Mass Murderers in White Coats that 5,000 Nazis resettled in the US after WWII.) Hammond was forced to drop this line of inquiry from the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, and a barrage of CIA death threats. The concept of ‘false memory’ was in fact the brainchild of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, the US Army Intelligence Officer who headed Psychological Operations. In classic PsyOp style, Aquino appeared on talk shows dressed in theatrical pop-satanism garb (akin to Anton LaVey) to muddy the waters after multiple children identified him as a Luciferian pedophile and murderer. Aquino was implicated in every major USA case involving CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse, and MK-ULTRA mind control, including the well-known McMartin Preschool, Presidio Preschool, and Franklin scandals. Aquino and Orne’s False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) and its Australian counterpart (AFMA) were formed specifically to counter the tidal wave of disclosure by victims of CIA child trafficking and Project MK-ULTRA which peaked in the early 1990s before the CIA supposedly shut it down. The FMSF Board comprised of former CIA and military doctors with backgrounds in behavior modification – not ritual abuse. All members were accused pedophiles and/or CIA perpetrators. Like PIE, the FMSF offered legal support to accused pedophiles." Much of this also extends into American Protestantism itself, and more than likely, since the founding of America as a Masonic nation that's always been subversive to Christianity as a whole, e.g., we've just seen how this same subtle subversion operates within Mormonism, and to an even greater extent, Catholicism, as well. It is believed that the Jesuits are at the top of faked Christianity at the Roman Vatican who are arguably one of the most systematic in their own mind control, child sexual exploitation, evil, homosexuality, and human sacrifices. Svali, a former Jesuit who engaged in human programming including what's called Alice in Wonderland Matrix Programming, admits that Jesuit ceremonies are held at the Vatican for the top classes, and as is done every year, new classes “graduate” upon which the public is not allowed near the Vatican for the week before or after this ceremony called “the slaughter of the innocents.” The inner courts of the Vatican are cleared, and golden poles are erected throughout. The first part involves going to Satan’s Throne at the heart of the Vatican, giving a sacrifice on the black alter there, descending to Satan’s throne in the spiritual realm, and being given a name by Satan himself. A few days later, the other, more horrific ceremony occurs. Top leadership from other occultic societies travel to Rome and sit in an indoor coliseum where there is displayed banners representing the Order of the Knights Templar, The Order of the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, Magnificat, The Order of the Rosy Cross, among others. Upon the golden poles are tied infants, toddlers, and young children, and one by one, the Jesuit trainees that appear must slaughter them. Around the arena are golden bowls used to catch blood from each victim that is then offered to Satan. At the end of this Satanic ritual, the acolyte is considered an ascended master and his brown robe removed as they are given the black robe of the approved. Most of these new Fathers are put thru a period of mind control leading to a collapse of their ego after increasingly Satanic ceremonies where they are never the same again. The design of this type of literal blood guilt is to create dissociation to the point the individual believes that God could never forgive them therefore they might as well live out their doomed existence serving Satan in rebellion. Of course, such mind control is not limited to any one or group of individuals in keeping with the overall agenda of its generational financiers, its plan is global. American society as a whole is being manipulated and kept in a cultural tug of war largely between "pro-life" violent and murdering "Christian" racists on one end, with pro-death, abortion-serving homosexual pagans on the other, all the while the Cabal providing them more rope display all four traits; racism, murder, homosexual and witchcraft. On one pillar stands the Republicans, who, like Christ might believe in God, country, life, and freedom, but at the expense of those who are poor, destitute, sick, and/or not White and made to feel hopeless... the very kinds of people Christ was called to love, heal, and save. Thus Republicans, who are much more like the Pharisees of Christ's day, extend the Anglo-elitist status quo of Britain's former imperialism into the modern era via the United States' neo-imperialism.

Antichrist will at first appear liberal, inclusive, New Age, and green-promoting during the first half of his Tribulation reign to garner world support, but all of that withers away once he attains the world, is possessed, and initiates the Great Tribulation. This is precisely why the Satanic elite are behind such extreme left-wing narratives, but also right-wing propaganda that is more White supremacist, anti-Semitic, pro-violence, pro-murder, Satanic, soul-polluting and favoring right-wing despotic strongmen. Both polarizing narratives ultimately serve Revelation's Beast in the future.

Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King

On the other pillar stands the Democrats, who like Christ, may care for the poor, destitute, and marginalized, but promote abortion, homosexuality, and witchcraft which clearly serves the same aforementioned evil. And it's this that the Masonic power structure provides all Americans, the supposed freedom of choice of two evils when Americans have no freedom or choice. How many examples have we seen, even recently, when Whites don't even realize how they're being insensitive, evil, or racist? When you've never experienced systemic racism or racial oppression all of the days of your life, you obviously don't know what you don't know, which doesn't provide any excuse for Whites, but should be allowing them to be all the more loving, humble, and empathetic to those who God also created. Instead of that, Trump has whipped them up into a racist frenzy where they want to mock, hate, berate, or even kill anyone not White and feel they should get away with it via the current justice system. This is what The Matrix film creators were actually trying to tell us regarding the current illusion of choice between a Left/Right, Red/Blue system itself that is our American Matrix, created by Freemasonry to keep most of us sleeping and living out our lives within their American dream social construct as slaves, whose energy and taxes they need to keep building their future empire. The Masonic 'twin-pillar' parallel to reality here is two-fold. On the one hand, every man is presented by God with a similar choice, between Satan or Christ. Satan is being referenced by the Left Hand Path and has its increasing connection to the (Blue) Democrats and their liberal system that takes many of its cues from the East, where God is openly rejected in favor of mankind's own will. On the other hand, Christ is seemingly being connected to (Red) Republicanism and awakening. Notice I said, seemingly, because in its political archetype, this apparent war between the Red vs. Blue paradigm is in reality two sides of the same Masonic coin, and it's been this way since the very first Occult-led President of the United States, a Freemason. What is the Matrix? Control, over mental slaves living within an invisible Orwellian prison system whose unseen leadership are entirely in service to not any polarized political ideology, agenda, or corporate profit, but Satan himself. Christ knowing far better than us, explained that we needed to overcome the 'world system' for a reason, while other Scriptures show us that Satan is the "Prince of this world" leading unseen "principalities and powers in high places." Knowing how pervasive the Masonic control has not only infiltrated, but created the Left vs. Right paradigm should tell you something. The lesser of two evils is still evil. In America, we've been lulled to sleep because we believe we have the freedom of choice, when there is no choice, not when every political party serves the same Masonic overlords that daily plan our sacrifice to Satan. Those who are "Redpill" actually believe they've been awakened and now serve on the side of right (right-wing), while those who remain "Bluepill" are made out to be the robotic-like proxies of the Satanic Matrix (left-wing) and must be destroyed to help destroy the Matrix itself. That is the interpretation of the film by those who follow Trump. In reality, the dream world of the Matrix parallels the long-standing American dream itself. People should have picked up on the subtle clues within The Matrix as soon as the film dropped "Alice in Wonderland" references, which in itself was a story depicting the false perception of reality vs. the truth of what lies behind false perception, and certainly by the trilogy's second and third films when the Merovingian was introduced through which the film's creators all but announced their trilogy was Christ [Antichrist]-themed.

*Read Article The Matrix Hollywood Film and its Overt and Covert Satanic and Occult Symbolism
*Read Article All US Presidents Have the Same Rh-Negative Blood Type (British Royal Lineage)
*Read Article Like Trump's MAGA in US, the British Right-Wing Turning More Racist Against BLM

Alice falls into a world underground where various characters, like demons and/or the "degrees" of Freemasonry itself, reveal aspects to her of what is true behind the thin veil of perceived reality that we've all been taught to believe, which makes you question what Alice in Wonderland's author actually wanted to impart to his readers. The main antagonist within the story is the Red Queen of Hearts, who while the author Lewis Carroll never officially disclosed the inspiration for his Queen as he did for other characters, many readers believe she was based on Queen Victoria who herself was connected with Freemasonry. Researching Lewis Carroll also himself proved interesting, in that he was a pedophile for the real-life Alice of whom he based the book upon. He also attended Oxford, notoriously known for its Satanists who recruited the elites among British society into their "Hellfire Club." Also interesting was that Alice is later in her life connected to England's New Forest, known for its own deep connections within Druidism, the most ancient forum of Celtic Satanism.) Another key evidence that the Wachowski's have served up a modern cyberpunk tale subversive to Christianity is their inclusion of countless references from Voltaire to the heretical gospels that are already subversive to Christianity. A perfect example was their creation of the character called the Merovingian. The Merovingian was added so that people might research the topic surrounding the historical Merovingians and all of what was claimed of them. For those who weren't made aware of those claims by their higher education, or Dan Brown's The DaVinci Code, or its earlier forerunner in Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the completely heretical (and false) account purports that Jesus Christ impregnated Mary Magdalene and thus created a lineage of royals that one day would usher in one who would lead the world as the Rex Mundi, a World King, in reality, the Antichrist. The fact that the Wachowski brothers are believed to be occultists themselves is further underscored by the naming of the other characters within the Matrix trilogy, such as Trinity, Seraph, Apoc[alypse], Smith, Cain, Abel, the Twins, and so as to make no mistake that The Matrix is telling the story of Christ vs. Antichrist from a Grail mythos perspective, the Wachowski's gave us the character of the Merovingian and a Messianic storyline that revolves around the impending "destruction of Zion." The Matrix contained innumerable veiled references to Christ and Antichrist with not so veiled background props, subliminals, and verbiage, that were entirely Masonic. The film's trilogy can be confusing to most, but not when looking at it through what the directors themselves are trying to imbue in their Masonic-laden 'As Above, So Below' twin-pillar enigma. The Machine World that has enslaved mankind are, like everything else in the film, to be taken as two-fold, even as opposite Yin/Yang ideologies juxtaposed within or against themselves. On the one hand, the Machine World represents Masonic control over the Western society itself (which is the truth), but on the other hand, the machines represent God's perceived wanton control over all creation, which is not coincidentally from a Luciferian perspective, as I strongly suspect the Wachowski's brothers obviously hold. By the time we're introduced to Morpheus, it's clear Morpheus is akin to the Devil attempting to wake up his chosen candidate to become "the One," which is the Antichrist. As mentioned, however, there's an opposing flipside at work. As the Wachowski's would have it, Neo is at times also representing Zion's Messiah Jesus Christ. However, as this page makes clearer, Neo could only be the Antichrist who saves those going to Hell. Satan's archetype in Morpheus presents itself more clearly when he first meets Neo, in which he explains to him that he offers only the truth via two pills in either of his hands that from Neo's perspective appears as a blue pill in Morpheus' left hand (Left Hand Path), and a red pill in Morpheus' actual left hand. Neo is then told there is only one choice to make in the form of consuming either the red or the blue pill, that will either awaken him to the truth of his enslavement in the Matrix or have him continue sleeping blissfully unaware within it. The parallel to our daily reality here is also two-fold, as it were. On the one hand, the colors of these two pills denote Freemasonry itself, with its Scottish (British) Rite represented by the color blue, and the York (American) Rite denoted by the color red - while in America, these two colors (not coincidentally) represent the Left and Right political parties of Republican v. Democrat that together keep everyone sleeping blissfully unaware to their enslavement within the larger Masonic-Matrix reality. On the other hand, everyone is presented with the ultimate choice between Satan or Christ (good or evil).

*Read Article Both Director and Producer Killed Over 1943 Film 'Exposing Masonic Secrets'
*Read Article The Satanic Religions Birthed in the West: Theistic Satanism and Witchcraft

Neo ultimately chooses the red pill and awakens to the reality that his whole life was a dream within the Machine's Matrix computer program. By the time Neo ascends in the power of self-awareness as the One (a very New Age/Eastern concept used to replace Christ), he meets the computer program that created the Matrix named the Architect, which again shows us how the Wachowski brothers have written The Matrix using dual parallels of meaning throughout. While the Architect's name is an obvious reference to Freemasonry's Grand Architect, the Architect of the Matrix, in parallel, also represents God the Father with his telling Neo, (who in this scene represents Lucifer) that he "is the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden to sedulously avoid it, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control.” Compare that to Ezekiel 28:14-16: "Thou [Lucifer] art the Anointed Cherub that covereth and I have set thee so. Thou wast upon the Holy Mountain of God, thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in all thy ways from the day that thou wast created, until iniquity was found in thee. By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned. Therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God." Obviously, Lucifer is the 'eventual anomaly' that used his free will for evil, who himself was not beyond a measure of God's control to then use him for mankind's own test that results in their own individual choice of good or evil. Further underscoring the Wachowski's obvious Luciferian-Masonic connection in their trilogy, is Neo's line "The problem [for the Machines/Architect] is choice" referencing the God-given free will that was provided to each of us, the same free will Lucifer used to rebel against his Creator. But the Architect's creation of the Matrix world system to keep mankind under manipulated control, proves he is ultimately Satan, and we know that from the way he mocks Neo's love for Trinity, and his wanting to "destroy Zion," (interpreted: Jews/State of Israel which is precisely the Masonic-controlled globalists and the royal-produced Antichrists' ultimate aim). Neo's attempt at not being controlled by the Architect to instead choose the path of love for Trinity and saving Zion in this instance makes him Jesus Christ, but again, only temporarily, as the Wachowski's make much use of mixing lies with the truth and blending good with evil archetypes where Neo is sometimes Christ, and others times, Antichrist. When Neo is introduced to the Oracle, he stands under a sign in Latin that in English reads: Know Thyself, a concept that is widely upheld in Freemasonry. Neo also stands in front of a beaded curtain that contains the Freemason's symbol for Lucifer as a double-headed eagle, the esoteric meaning of the two heads looking in opposite directions to convey the Masonic illusion of choice that always ends in Lucifer's will as opposed to God's will being made manifest [the same two-headed eagle symbol that appears on the cover of Dan Brown's latest pro-Masonic series 'The Lost Symbol']. For America, the Masonic-controlled two-party political system is our illusion of choice that only has one outcome by which the founders have devised as a foregone conclusion. All of the parallels combined within The Matrix go to show that the film's plot is attempting to wake us all up to the reality that we are each a mere slave within a Masonic system of dystopian government that's engaged in mind control, called the United States, and that there are varying degrees of consciousness to which the vast majority never wake up from. [Note: Eerily similar to Alice in Wonderland and The Matrix is the Resident Evil franchise, where main character Alice confronts the Red Queen and an evil corporation named Umbrella who wants to control the planet via human experimentation and the use of vaccines. In a connection back to The Matrix anime film Animatrix, Trinity gave herself the hacker name Red Queen.] The Matrix trilogy ends with Neo (Christ/Antichrist) attempting to stop the virus replication of Smith (Antichrist/Cainite control), who threatens the Matrix program (world) itself and most of mankind still trapped within it. With help from the Machines, Neo sacrifices himself (like Christ) to rid the Matrix of the virus (Antichrist archetype). The Matrix is about a simulated reality not unlike what we've been born into, albeit instead of a computer simulation, God has placed our souls to endure the flesh so that we may live out our lives with one of two choices in front of us, not a red pill or blue, but life or death via Christ or Satan. That is the subliminal, if not subversive, plot behind The Matrix. At the end of the original Matrix film, Neo is shot several times in the chest and killed by Smith. Albeit, because of Trinity's hidden love for him and the Oracle's prophecy left unfulfilled, he finally stands up to become The One, resurrected according to the prophecy. It is only then that Neo is fully awakened to literally see the Matrix for what it is, a computer programmed 'reality' that can be manipulated at the will of the One awakened.

*Read Article Aryan-Cainites: Satan's Counterfeit Zionists and Counterfeit "Chosen People"
*Read Article Keanu Reeves Exposed the Elite of Hollywood 'Drink Blood from Dead Babies'

As with the whole of the franchise, this scene could be interpreted in one of two ways, the three agents including Smith could represent the Unholy Trinity as mentioned in Revelation (as "Satan, the Beast, and the False Prophet") in their stand against Jesus Christ at Armageddon, or as I believe the Wachowski's meant to imply in this specific scene, the three agents represent the Holy Trinity itself of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who according to the Satanic mind will be defeated by the Satan's Chosen One, the Beast. Why? Like Neo in this scene, the Antichrist is prophesied to resurrect from a "mortal head wound" as the world marvels at his return to life (after a likely assassination). He arises as the completed Antichrist meaning from that point forward, Satan will completely possess his Antichrist whereby afterward his war moves from attacking the Jewish people and most notably God's Two Witnesses, to attacking everything of the Trinity i.e., holy angels and God's chosen people in the Jews thereafter. The time allowed for Antichrist to do so, as given in Daniel and Revelation, is 1,290 days from the moment of his resurrection back to life to the moment Christ returns to cast him alive into the Lake of Fire. After this, we see a resurrected Neo calling the as yet unknown creator of the Matrix (later discovered as the Architect). Neo explains that he intends to "show these people what you don't want them to see...a world without you." At end, this could only have a single interpretation. The Wachowski's are approaching their story as a tale that ultimately attempts to portray the circumvention of God's plan regarding Jesus Christ, in favor of Antichrist. It is Neo in his ultimate role as Christ's opposite who saves those damned souls trapped at the center of earth's core that the Wachowski's falsely call 'Zion', in counterfeit of the actual Heavenly Zion where God and His Son dwell. Tank, a minor character in the original film has a line that provides a clue to this when he tells Neo that 'Zion' is "near the earth's core, where it's still warm," which is a not-so-veiled Biblical reference to where damned souls are currently trapped in "Outer Darkness" that exists within "the bowels of the earth," where the deceived of Satan await their final judgement and Christ's fiery breath that ignites it to ultimately become Hell. The conclusion then becomes that The Matrix is a cleverly made film rooted in subliminal subversion following a long line of CIA-connected, Satanic Hollywood "agenda films" that attempt to erode Christianity and replace it with Satan/Antichrist worship instead. That being the case, it could be said that Neo is the perfect archetypal reference of what Antichrist as [the false] Messiah will claim to do versus what Christ as [the actual] Messiah will do. By the end of the trilogy, we see Smith, like a virus, has replicated himself to genocidally kill most everyone in the Matrix which, again, could be interpreted on many levels. Here, Smith represents the collective of Cain's descendants within the highest tier of Freemasonry that invisibly controls our world today, who have managed to spread their prophesied seedline (see Genesis 3:15) throughout the world and wherever England extended itself to genocidally murder a nation's indigenous populations to then install their own White race (Canada, America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc. Another way agent Smith's replication could be viewed is in keeping with Lucifer's grand goal via his personal war against The Machine (representing God), in which he uses his agent of destruction in the Antichrist to visibly take over the rest of earth itself and God's creation within it. This is precisely what the Antichrist will do in, as prophesied, causing all [the unsaved] world to worship him to the point where they'll even mock and hate God as Lucifer does. Again, because the Wachowski's have purposefully and masterfully interwoven a whole host of competing narratives of this world's true power structure into one storyline, Neo is a dual character that at times represents key aspects of Christ and other times, Lucifer's weaponization of the Antichrist to attain the final stages of world power via religious and financial control. At the trilogy's last scene with Neo, we see him sacrifice himself like Christ, with arms outstretched as if he were on a cross to free Zion from its would-be destruction. Here, Neo is very Christ-like, but also Antichrist-like in counterfeit because the Antichrist will himself be killed and resurrected "for mankind," but where Christ's sacrifice leads to life eternal, after the Antichrist is given a mortal head wound and killed, he resurrects into a tyrannical world leader that brings all into Armageddon. Helping to explain this Christ/Antichrist plot concept, there is a scene in the second film where the Oracle lets Neo know that "He (Smith) is you, your opposite." Smith then fills in the rest of that truth to make Neo understand that when Neo seemingly destroyed Smith in the first film, there was a part of his code that was overwritten by Neo's code, to in effect make them as powerful equals, Christ with Antichrist, as they once were in their time in antiquity as "The Morning Stars." (See Job 38:7). The exact quote Smith tells Neo is: "Our connection, I don't fully understand how it happened, perhaps some part of you imprinted on to me, something overwritten or copied, but it is at this point irrelevant. What matters is that whatever happened, happened for a reason... And now here I stand because of you, Mr. Anderson. Because of you, I am no longer an agent of this system. Because of you, I've changed. I'm unplugged. A new man so to speak, like you, apparently, free."

*Read Article Like Morpheus Trump Presents a Choice Between the Red Pill or Blue Pill
*Read Article In the Film 'Devil's Advocate,' Satan's Favorite Man Lives Atop Trump Tower
*Read Article Angry Destructive Desperation How White Americans Morphed into a White Mob
*Read Article The Undeniable Racist History and Hypocrisy of Corporate Insurance in America

The rabbit hole descends into the bowels of what can only be described as “deep national corruption” – augmented by the current state apparatus called BLP government (when the empirical reality shows: we are dealing with an autocratic/dictatorship in the making). And if this condition is allowed to fester, it posits a gargantuanly dangerous challenge for any future government to try an unravel the sheer mess that has been created by corrupt government leaders and officials over far too many decades – make draining the proverbial ‘swamp’ an almost lurid impossibility.

The Evils of Freemasonry

Q is a fictional character in the 007 [Two-Ball Cane; Tubal-Cain] novels by Ian Fleming. Standing for Quartermaster, Q is the head of Q-Division, the black ops division of the British Secret Service, MI5 and MI6.

Q, Wikipedia

The Tavistock Institute was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation and is a research program involved in human behavior, social sciences, and psychology. The Tavistock Clinic is stationed in London and is directly involved with the British government and the House of Windsor. Today the Tavistock Institute is covertly involved with social networking sites, alternative media, and conspiracy forums and it gathers intel on members of society. Those who don’t go along with society’s program are psychologically tormented and this psychological torment is overseen by the Tavistock Institute. The USAF and DARPA run covert programs on the internet using research developed from the Tavistock Institute. Their goal is mass manipulation of society through social networking. The United States Department of Defense and intelligence agencies are infiltrated by British Crown knights and Freemasons working for the British Crown.

The Tavistock Institute is pure evil and involved with ruthless mind control. David Rockefeller Jr. and the Rockefeller Foundation are involved in financing Tavistock agendas [whilst] the Russell, Parsons, Carnegie, and Spencer families in the United Kingdom are covert managers of the Tavistock Institute. The Tavistock Institute works with MI6 headed up by Alex Younger and MI5 headed up by Andrew Parker. These agencies work with the American CIA. Facebook and smart devices use Tavistock brain reading software as part of their social engineering program. Organized religion is also involved including Christian Churches and especially the [Mormon] Church of Latter-Day Saints. Secret Societies are organized crime groups and include Jesuits, Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, Chabad, fraternities, sororities and they work with less organized groups like Wiccan and New Age cults. They hire commenters to dictate the narrative and gatekeepers to target people who disrupt their programs. Their goal is to understand and control the minds of their opposition. They develop alternative media programs and themes like QAnon, that are intended to distract, undermine, and misdirect.

Tavistock Institute for Mind Control

*Read Article ‘Trump Is Our Savior!’ Woman Reads Insane E-mail Live On Air Demanding DA to Stop ‘Torture’ of Trump
*Read Article President Trump Appoints the Illuminati Occultist (George Mentz) to the US Federal Education Board
*Read Article New Poll Finds Americans’ Belief In God Sees Drastic Drop Since 2016 - Year of Trump's Candidacy
*Read Article Modern Society's Longing for a New Arthurian Figure to Arise and Establish a 'New World Order'
*Read Article Top QAnon Influencer Says She is Now “Queen Romana” and is the New Age Leader of the World
*Read Article QAnon's 'Queen Romana of Canada' Orders Her Insane Followers to Arrest All Police Officers

More Traditional American Christianity hasn't escaped this Satanic hijacking and subversion by Masonic Anglo-Israelism either. In fact, Christianity washed up on America's shores, along the first Puritans, colonial settlers, Slave traders, and others, being racist by default, believing they were far superior because of their beloved version of an Anglo-racist inspired "Christianity" that deceives them. If anything, Trump's base is today showing all of us that nothing has changed from that time to this. Speaking for this supposedly "Christian" Trump movement since his first appearing on the Dark Web in 2017, is one referred to as "Q Clearance Patriot" or simply "Q," who leaves intentionally cryptic messages on 4Chan forums that were picked up by Trump's political base, known as "QAnon." While Q disseminates true conspiracy theories centered around the global elites, such as Pizzagate, Q negates to inform that Trump is one of those same global elitists. In so doing, Q makes it appear Trump is against such things as pedophilia rings, for example, despite Trump's many disturbing connections to Jeffrey Epstein, who he described as a great guy who just happens to also love young, beautiful women. If you notice, like a true politician he claims not to be, Trump is always defending his lies and corruption, whether it be covering for his own failures as a businessman, or for a corrupt dictator in Russia, North Korea, or within his own cabinet, or even within his own immediate family, he is quick to defend it. Of course, anyone reporting on that corruption is quickly labeled by him as spreading "fake news." Like Trump, Q also claims "fake news" is anything that actually informs the public to the truth regarding Trump and his megalomania, while at the same time propagates his own fake news and altered conspiracies to steer Trump's base further down the path of the extreme right. One such QAnon cult member, known as "Redpill (the World)," has like all the rest of MAGA, hijacked the premise of The Matrix film to imply that they are the only ones "awake" as others sleep within the elitists' "communist-liberal Matrix," never understanding that the 1999 film was actually portraying ALL Americans, both left and right, collectively sleeping within a false Masonic history and elitist-proposed narrative of a supposedly "free republic," a false narrative that 'Q' and MAGA have literally made as their gospel, wearing its colors, upholding its Masonic "founding fathers," and loudly spouting Masonic deceptions while completely under the assumption they were Christians. They were not. None of these facts stops Redpill, however, from creating hour-long videos ranting about her skewed version of current political events backed up by Q's own subtle racist undertones that are designed to wake up those sleeping inside the Deep State/Democrat Matrix. Moreover, Redpill believes Christ is already destroying Antichrist and the evil cabal itself via Trump's anti-liberal and racist policies. Armed with her radical new interpretations of the Bible's prophecies that are combined with an unhealthy dose of Anglo-Israelism and an anti-Rapture theory, she further deceives her YouTube audience with whatever 'Q' and Trump claims for the day and connects all of it back to God Himself. The premise of Q's agenda is based around what QAnon calls "The Great Awakening" that's supposedly being globally unleashed because Trump is "daily rooting out evil wherever he finds it," and that Trump's work is, in her view, directly connected to the return of Jesus Christ Himself or that's he's been sent by God in the place of Christ, which any good Christian would know God would never do but Americans are losing faith in God and are seeking anything and anyone to replace Him. While QAnon is correct about a world run by Satanic elites, Trump is hardly the Messianic proxy to bring such powers and principalities in high places down. Aside from Trump's own numerous connections to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, Trump's own Attorney General pick, Bill Barr protected and allowed sex-abusing Satanists to walk in the 1980's, despite their heinous crimes against dozens of underage minors. Ironically, whenever we see or hear Barr today, he's spending a large percentage of his time defending Trump and his many questionable motives that consistently border on criminality, all the while Trump claims to be a "law and order" President, as long as that same law and order serves the larger Anglo-corporate agenda being waged against us all. What's more alarming is her style of skipping entire sections of the God's Word to prove her premise, which consistently involves disregarding the malevolent evil that's still taking over the world leading up to the Tribulation, just to skip to its aftermath where Christ returns in full glory to defeat evil itself. What becomes most dangerous is when she reads parts of Scripture that can only occur when Antichrist has secured the entire planet, that she instead reinterprets to fit the current events of the day, where every corrupt person in power (who they simplistically view are only Democrats) has been rounded up in "mass arrests" to fit Q's narrative that Trump will be behind all of it, an event that supposedly makes Christ's return imminent as a direct result. In reality, however, all we have seen are members of Trump's own administration being jailed one after another for their own corruption within a corrupted government, while his admitted pals Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell garner more scrutiny for their little "black book" which will likely never be leaked by the FBI because of the totality of its powerful names contained therein.

BREAKING QAnon: US Government Psy-Op Carried Out for a CoIntelPro Purpose to Support Trump
BREAKING Government-Connected Corporations are Pushing Theory of Trump Winning 2020 Election

*Read Article Despite Operating Child Sex Ring for Decades, Trump Wishes "Well" for His Friend Ghislaine Maxwell
*Read Article Trump Lied About Not Knowing Pal Prince Andrew Who Trump Already Admitted Was "a Lot of Fun"
*Read Article Kayleigh McEnany: The Woman Actually Believes Trump has Never Lied About Anything Ever
*Read Article Liar, Opportunist Kayleigh McEnany Pushed Election Claims to Get Her New Fox News Show
*Read Article US Army's Michael Aquino (Admitted Satanist & Nazi) Operates Within National Security
*Read Article Tucker Carlson’s Top Writer Proven to be a Vicious Racist Hiding in Online Forums
*Read Article Why Do So Many Anglo-Racists Keep Working for Tucker Carlson and Fox News?
*Read Article Mary Trump Admits that She Grew Up Hearing Racism, Remarks in Trump Family
*Read Article After Having to Defend His Own Racism Trump Retweets a Known British Racist

Other examples of corruption surrounding Trump include Trump's own Labor Secretary (and former federal prosecutor) Alex Acosta, who himself stands accused of allowing the known underage sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein to go free in 2008, violating US law in the process. As mentioned, Trump's current Attorney General, William Barr, has likewise been connected to what's known as the "Franklin Scandal," allowing accused Satanic child molesters their freedom in the 1980's. Of course, all of this makes "Q" version of events, whereby Trump's tenure was to cause "mass arrests of Deep State members" to be one of countless lies it uses to deceive the gullible. Despite the US government covering its own involvement with the Epstein-Maxwell sex trafficking ring by arresting them and Trump having nothing to do with either their overdue arrests, to the point of wishing "well" for child sex ring operator, Maxwell, while also saying he's "met her numerous times over the years," the vast majority of Satanic-connected human trafficking for the purposes of both sex and sacrifice is thriving under Trump's watch, inside America, Britain, New Zealand, and Australia. While more obvious Masonic-controlled social media outlets like Facebook are now making a big show of banning QAnon, they're only doing so to make "Q" seemingly appear credible and not of the same evil that's deceiving the planet at present. We already know why Trump panders to the increasingly Anglo-racist and imperialist-minded evangelical voting bloc, but how does all of this Christian pandering back to Trump does not dissuade his Messianic-styled megalomania that daily feeds his Luciferian-like vain and twisted ego, when clearly the man is the forerunner to the Antichrist himself. From Revelation 13:4 “And they [unwittingly] worshipped Satan which gave power unto the Beast, and they worshipped the Beast, saying, Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with him?” Redpill, who is again, supposedly a Christian, claiming that there will be no Antichrist (because of...Trump) takes a not so subtle deviation from what the Scriptures actually warn, making her no better than those racist historians who conveniently skip all of Hitler's own seven-year long atrocities culminating in World War II, to pick the story up when the Allies finally captured Berlin to win the day, thus basing a flawed history around a skipped version of chronological events. She's giving zero credence to all of the millions who will die in the process, from the days of Pre-Tribulation unto the time Christ returns seven years after the Antichrist's own murderous iron-fisted rule. As such, Satan can make great use of people who believe there is no use for a traditionally interpreted Antichrist Tribulation as described in detail between Daniel, Zechariah, and Revelation. Redpill also pushes the metaphysical lie that the Age of Aquarius and the "New Age" is not of Satan but belongs to Christianity. That, coupled with an anti-Rapture belief followed by subtle doses of Anglo-Israelism to round out her warped New Age, psuedo-christian fringe beliefs, is what makes up the typical "Q" belief system. While she drones on about a supposed "red wave" of right-wing American politics rising, we should be better reminded how the Antichrist will also employ right-wing ideology of "law and order" to his own advantage. Of Christ's warning to flee into the mountains because of the "Abomination of Desolation" sitting in the Temple, she radically reinterprets the "Abomination" is when Trump brings "desolation" to any person or organization causing evil. Her swapping out of traditional prophetic belief and interpretation for one of Q's own devising never allows for God's Word to effectively stand on its own which is why she must create scores of videos on a near daily basis in attempt to constantly reinterpret the Scriptures according to Q, as it were. In truth, the world and those that control it, will guide the planet increasingly toward only evil and its Antichrist propagation, which speaks volumes that she so earnestly denies that could even be a possibility. Between her obviously New Age-inspired Heaven on earth scenario, and the complete removal of the Antichrist's literal 7-years of Tribulation, we must remember where this world is actually placed according to God's prophetic timeline, which is on the verge of a complete global collapse, to which Antichrist, not Christ, arrives to pick up the mantle of power. QAnon therefore is nothing less than a grand deception to push those already on the fringe right over the edge toward adjunct Nazism, and we were forewarned of this, of false Christs and false prophets rising to spread a false gospel among society in the latter days, that while using Scripture, the end result of slightly twisting those same Scriptures, or omitting them completely, corrupts the whole report. Whoever or whatever this nameless "Q" is, the Trump-voting MAGA cult believes everything he says as if it were literal Gospel, leaving many to believe it's another CIA mind control campaign against duped Americans. Q's own motto is "Trust the Plan." Then there's the name of Q'anon itself and its strong resemblance to that of Q'ayin, the Hebrew name used by Satanists for Cain, meaning Spear and/or Blacksmith, which begs the question, what could a true Blood-Bought Christian ever had to do with Satan or his surreptitious bloodline? Clearly, the prophesied great "falling away" from the Christian faith has begun and Satan is wasting no effort in beguiling also Christians in advance of his possessing the king, the Beast. (See also: New Age Lie of an Aquarian Messiah.)

*Read Article Name of Cain Means Spear [Racist Symbol] and "Political Leader"
*Read Article Cain's Seed: Satanic Bloodline, German Frankfurt School, Tavistock
*Read Article The Serpent Seed Working Thru Trump's Anglo-Racism to Distort Truth

In 24 hours, President Donald Trump - whose presidency has emboldened neo-Nazis and who repeatedly plays into anti-Semitic tropes, claimed Jewish people are “disloyal” if they vote for anyone else but him, and tweeted that Israeli Jews should view him as the “Second Coming of God” and the “King of Israel.” “I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty,” Trump said.

Trump Claims “King of Israel” Title

On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in Poland, Jewish groups worry that the world’s collective memory is fading even as anti-Semitic attacks grow across the United States and Europe … the rise in anti-Semitism in the U.S. and elsewhere feels eerily like 1930s Europe as fascism swept the continent [with] the same stuff said about Jews today as was said about Jews by the Nazis in the 1930s. An alarming trend is that 1-in-4 Europeans harbor pernicious and pervasive attitudes toward Jews, according to a November study on anti-Semitism. Nearly 1-in-2 Millennials asked could not name a single extermination camp, where millions of Jews were systematically killed, worked to death and experimented on by Nazi doctors. Sonia Klein, who was a teenager when she arrived at the Nazis’ most notorious death camp in the spring of 1943, said the most important way to honor its liberation two years later was to ensure that as many young people as possible know what happened there. “Those who play with [white] nationalism, nativism and racism, they’re playing with fire, they’re playing with our [Jewish] lives.”

Anti-Semitism Surges as Memories of Holocaust Fade

While politically propagating Trump and infusing mind control elements of 'White genocide,' "Q" also wants to make it appear that Satanic pedophiles are exclusively Democrats, when more often than not, the actual Satanic elite in Europe don't even live in the United States, and those that do know all too well of the Masonic shell game and distraction for the uninitiated that is American politics. It's only when you grasp the fact that both the political left and right are two sides of the same control, can you see why one element is pitted against the other to achieve a desired goal in which society itself is always the loser and the elites are allowed to achieve their next goal. The media's seeming war against QAnon is a perfect example of this dynamic, when closer to the truth, the same Deep State that controls the media is controlling QAnon itself. The State will demand you to get forcibly vaccinated and to blindly "trust the science" that is literally the same science that once took in 1,600 Nazi's and claims there is no God, while their media demands you to be repelled by the "conspiracy theories" that expose their evil corporations and tactics. For example, the media will tell you Satanism or its controlling elites don't exist, while the same media promotes literally everything the elites at the World Economic Forum demand of society going forward. Further, as the corporate media trains society to instantly mock verified accounts of Satanic Ritual Abuse as part of their protecting those same elites being accused of it, they'll also attack the claims by branding it "Satanic Panic 2.0" and go after the accusers by labelling them as mentally ill or seemingly worse, as conspiracy theorists. There's a case in Utah between Sheriff Mike Smith and County attorney David Leavitt where this is occurring right now. In short, the Deep State shadow account collectively named "Q" that effectively mixes lies (about Trump) with the truth (about Satanic ruling elites) exists to be taken down by the corporate media in their ultimate effort to remove all conspiracy theories that expose the elite's subversive plan toward a New World Order. Once QAnon is trashed with all of Christianity along with it, society will forever mock anyone ever thinking that Satanic pedophiles ever existed, thus protecting the Antichrist plan while making Christians the kind of societal outcasts not seen since the early Roman era. The evil that governs this world couldn't have manufactured a better psy-op as cover from which to continue their reign of terror upon the voiceless victims of their abuse, murder, and cover-ups, and upon world society as a whole. And yet, even a moment's research looking up the egregious name of US Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino would instantly prove the media is lying to cover up for the same Satanic elites that facilitate their very existence. While the media literally runs amuck with questionable science and theories, they stifle every truth that relates back to the same corporate elite behind all of it. In addition, the (largely Republican) corporate-funded and facilitated (left-leaning) media is going to have to come up with a better excuse than affluent, generational, theistic Satanists simply don't exist. Once again, we see how the British Crown-connected (MI6/CIA) "Deep State" operates on many fronts, using the internet and ideological groups to obfuscate, confuse, and deceive for the purposes of installing their future King. The fact that Qanon is also connected to both Tintagel and Glastonbury in itself proves Qanon was created by the very Satanic elites that Qanon is supposed to be against. Meanwhile, in their easily assembled hit pieces against Qanon, the corporate media wants to make it appear that Satanic ritual abuse and child sex trafficking doesn't exist because "crackpot QAnon" says it does, which is also exactly the point. It's all about mind control toward and for Antichrist, but away from the elites bringing him to bear. Of course, the documented reality of the human sacrificing Black Mass and its cannibalism reaches far back into antiquity, long before Trump in 2016 and QAnon's subsequent appearance in 2017. It existed among Satanists for millennia and exists even more so today as we approach the era of the Son of Perdition. As such, where Redpills are being told by Q that the corrupt businessman, former Democrat, and New York elitist that is still Donald Trump is doing his best to "drain the swamp," they would do better to remember Trump is the swamp, being groomed from his youth into elitism by his imperialist-minded, Masonic-connected father.

*Read Article Trump's Need to Preserve the Status Quo Actually Serves the Deep State
*Read Article Trump Working for the Same Elite as President's Bush, Clinton & Obama Did
*Read Article Is the Once United States of America Headed Toward a "Two-State Solution"?

Looking at Trump's strange foreign policies in both seemingly helping Israel on the one hand while helping Russia to gain a dangerous foothold in the Mideast on the other, which is setting the stage for the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 when Russia invades Israel, the last event that brings the Collapse and Antichrist in its wake. The rise of the far right and neo-Nazi's in Britain, Germany, Austria, Hungary, or in Sweden fighting for "racial freedom," to which Trump greatly favors as long as it isn't America's minorities fighting for equal justice, makes it clearer where Trump is leading the melting pot of America. Thus, when we also see how Trump consistently overlooks the Russian menace that is right now working toward America's fall, how is Trump not a pawn in the much larger chess game being played by generational globalists far more evil, purposed, intelligent, and experienced than he? In other words, much of America's strangest motives of foreign policy are not for today, but for a future that has long since been well-planned far in advance. Their "New World Order" and its future agenda is what Skull & Bonesman George H.W. Bush was referencing in his speech made on September 11, 1990, when he openly admitted this Order was a carefully planned, (albeit entirely vague and overwhelmingly non-transparent) "big idea," that will prove successful for "future generations." As some of you are no doubt beginning to gather, perhaps even more duped than the American people are the United States Presidents themselves, by the same Masonic hegemony they deem as this nation's spirit guides and illuminated overseer's whose stated goal remains a 'Secular Order of the Ages' guided by a supposed divine [Masonic] prominence that's already proven to be Lucifer in his guise as God Himself. Trump's own cult of armed simps prove this point daily by their being led by a White elitist who vainly uses them as pawns in his self-serving game of Luciferian pride. Seeing the fractured divisions obviously tearing America apart, the former KGB-trained officer turned Russian autocrat, Vladimir Putin, is not wasting his opportunity to capitalize on America's demise. In the skewed estimation of Trump, America is only for "real (aka White) Americans" that hate the Democrat's "communism," but admire Russia's own ex-Communist, Putin, who has aspirations of returning Russia to Soviet grandeur and this despite Russia's destructive cyber-attacks against America's most vital infrastructure and federal agencies in March 2020, including fuel and food resources, water plants, electrical grids, and nuclear facilities. Despite all of that, FOX News' own unwitting traitor Tucker Carlson tells his largely White audience to back Putin like Trump does. It's getting to the point where far-right Republicans are becoming so accustomed to not believing the mainstream media especially when it comes to Putin's obvious dictatorship and Russia's war in Ukraine, that they can't believe anything the media says even when it's telling the truth about race or Putin's racist/genocidal actions. The far-right would rather have Tucker Carlon playing his role as sheep herder within another kind of "Ministry of Information" than ever understand what is actually happening to their psyche under the same kind of intense mind control that's being pandered to the left. I personally know a Christian in Utah who's falling for literally everything the Right dishes out and tries to convert me daily toward the far-right fascist mindset via Facebook memes, of all things. But tell me, who else is sowing the seeds of a new civil war among us? Russia and China couldn't have imagined a better scenario than the United States being divided against itself. But moreover, just as Freemasonry is deceiving the left, Freemasonry continues to deceive the right and what they falsely believe the United States stands for since the year of their lord in 1776. At end, you're not remotely serving the God who created you when serving the "God of Freemasonry" who they've already admitted in 1776 is Lucifer. When the near-sighted right demands a bloody insurrection against Democrats believing they are literally killing evil itself, understand that the actual evil pulling their strings does so in its own place and timing.

*Read Article Tucker Carlson Now Backs Putin's Illegal Invasion of Ukraine
*Read Article Trump Dismisses Russia's Cyber-Warfare Upon US Security Systems
*Read Article America Facing an Unparalleled Russian Aggression Near Alaska and Arctic
*Read Article Tucker Carlson Claims Ukraine's Elected President is a Dictator and Backs Putin
*Read Article Russia Says it May Fire to Sink "Intruding" Western Warships Near Crimea, Ukraine
*Read Article Trump’s Obvious Subservience to Russia's Vladimir Putin Back in Full Display at G7
*Read Article Putin Justifies Imprisoning Navalny by Demonizing the Black Lives Matter Movement
*Read Article Trump Lied About Not Receiving Any Intel on Russian Bounties for Killing US Troops
*Read Article Socialist Donald Trump Only Offers Handouts for the Rich and Capitalism for the Poor
*Read Article In Trump Wanting a Warp-Rushed Vaccine He Puts Perceived Advantage Over Health
*Read Article Racist Whites Taught There Exists a ‘White Genocide’ that Endangers Their "Superiority"
*Read Article Autocrat Trump Suggests that the 2020 Election Should be Delayed Inviting Mass Chaos
*Read Article The Atlantic: An Oral History of Donald J. Trump's Brand of Racism, Bigotry, and Intolerance
*Read Article Trump and Vladimir Putin Use Racism to Divide the United States in Order to Destabilize It Further
*Read Article The Eugenics Program: The Strange Nazi-like Idea of Fashioning a Master Race Created in America
*Read Article New and Damning Proof of the Merger Between American Conservative Media and the Russian Kremlin
*Read Article Putin's Russian Media Promoting the Populist, Racist American Right-Wing Agenda Explains a Great Deal
*Read Article Former Ku Klux Klan Leader David Duke Praises Donald Trump for Recent Vladimir Putin Press Conference
*Read Article Ukrainian Leader Zelensky Tells United Nations that Putin Wants to Divide the World into Spheres of Influence
*Read Article White American Hearts Bleed for (White) Ukrainians But Latin Americans Seeking Similar Asylum? Not So Much
*Read Article Trump Caught Dancing After Reading List of Dead Mexican-American Children Shot in Uvalde, Texas Massacre

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Trump is a Merovingian, a near-perfect reincarnation of an early medieval Germanic king. His personality and approach to governing almost exactly replicate the patterns and preferences of the men who ruled France from 481 until 752, descendants of the warrior-made-king of the Franks known as Clovis the Merovingian.

Trump the Merovingian

So interesting to see Progressive Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came?

President Donald Trump on Twitter

An investigation has been launched after a secret Facebook group for US Border Patrol agents of nearly 10,000 members who routinely joke about the death of migrants and make racist and sexist comments about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They frequently post faked images of her in a sexual position with President Donald Trump and detained migrants. In another exchange, group members responded to a news story about a 16-year-old Guatemalan boy who died in Weslaco, Texas last May. One member coldly responded “Oh well,” while another responded with a meme with the words “If he dies, he dies.” Still another group member posted a photo of a father and his toddler daughter lying face down in the Rio Grande after drowning that they say was “faked by Democrats” because in their biased estimation, the drowned family looked “too clean.”

Trump's Wall of Hate and its Sadistic US Border Agents

And as He sat upon the Mount of Olives, His disciples came unto Him privately, saying, Tell us, what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world? Jesus answered... because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall turn cold. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he that does the will of my Father in Heaven. Many will cry out in that day, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, cast out devils, and done many wonderful works?" I will answer, Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity for I never knew you. Depart from me into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.

Matthew 24:11-12, 14; 7:21-23; The Holy Bible

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

If Trump was the "Cyrus-like king" that his cult claims of him, he would have sat down with BLM to work out the comprehensive changes needed with police reform to help curb their needlessly murdering unarmed minorities from coast to coast. But Trump is far too busy trying to incite the race war he and his followers want and his hidden puppet masters need. Trump wastes so much time and energy condemning anyone who actually respects all races instead of what should be his constant condemnation of White nationalism that goes beyond robotically reading another ghost-written speech from a teleprompter. His friend and fellow despot, Vladimir Putin, is no different. Both are making speeches glorifying their bend toward nationalism and race, whilst demeaning minorities. Putin even blamed the death of George Floyd not on overzealous police who resort to shooting first and asking questions later, but the Black community itself, citing that the Black Lives Matter movement is only there to destroy White/Christian domination of the West, not end the cycle of murderous racism Whites in power have for anyone not White. Of course, Putin has just revealed he'll be in power over Russia until 2036, when his term should have ended over a decade ago. Again, no wonder Trump idolizes Putin. Like Putin, Trump might also refuse to concede power in early 2021, which could only lead to violence from the right-wing who today damn Black Lives Matter for being "violent" and property-destroying will themselves become worse if given even the slightest perceived verbal command from Trump. Now you understand why Trump is so hellbent on building his wall. It's all about the numbers, not of the cost of the wall itself that Mexico still won't pay for, but in keeping the number of Whites in America larger than any collective minority to maintain the dominating presence post-2050. Remember this the next time you see scores of mostly White Republicans standing at the Mexican border pretending to care about young families and children crossing over into the US. To Trump and his Republican base, it's all about numbers, power, anti-migration of dark-skinned minorities, and the so-called "preservation of White culture," which again, is exactly what Hitler and today's neo-Nazi's believe. This is also why Trump revels in racist-based fear tactics that plays perfectly to his like-minded base who must be placated until the 2020 election, when Trump will unleash his true self. Of Trump's 2018 "Migrant Hoard/Invasion," that was actually comprised of families who sought asylum and a new life, it was very interesting to see actual American veteran patriots that fought its most recent wars going back to Vietnam, speaking in unison against the "draft-dodger-in-chief," stating that Trump has no protocol in calling for the US military to shoot unarmed migrant men, women, and children at the border by stating that the "US Military is much more disciplined and would exhaust all manner of non-lethal force if met with rocks." This left the current Vietnam-era draft dodger in the White House foiled once again and forced to dial back all of his undisciplined, racist, and murderous rhetoric that was disturbingly reminiscent of his "good people on both sides" Nazi-pandering comments from a year earlier. Trump even said that if the "migrant invasion" were filled with people from Norway, as opposed to Mexicans or South Americans, the entire situation would have been "very different." Such racist dog whistles are clearly understood by Trump's racist supporters which is why he utters them. Trump sees America as they do, and he wants them to know it. In January 2019, one of Trump's former press secretary's, Sarah Sanders, was caught lying to a Fox News host when he actually pushed back against her false claim implying that 4,000 Arabic terrorists were caught at the southern border, when in reality, they were caught already in the country at one of America's airports, not from Mexico. Absolutely zero were apprehended at the Mexican border. The Trump administration next played up the lie that a so-called "Islamic prayer rug" was found at the Mexican border when in reality it was a much more common Adidas t-shirt. Now, while we know the government lies about a great many things, Trump was supposed to be the one who, according to himself, was going to be "the most transparent and inclusive President in history." For reference, the same Anglo-globalists that funded Hitler are also behind the latest psy-op pushing multiculturalism in order to initiate its backlash by stoking the fires of White racial hatred just before the rise of a White Antichrist. Is it working? Look around. While a relative few insurrectionists are being arrested from around the country, the vast majority that would tear the nation down in order to rebuild it on their "1776 template" of a similarly racist, imperialist-serving Masonic "New World" are purposefully left largely alone to arm, prepare and plan. If it wanted to, the Deep State could enact new laws to take down every single Oath Keeper, National Vanguard, Stormfront, Patriot Front, Aryan Nations, Aryan Brotherhood, White Revolution, and KKK member they've infiltrated, but they are themselves preparing and planning for the Collapse. The government knows that the comparative few being arrested since January 6th will only increase right-wing hatred against what they falsely perceive as (only) a socialist liberal tyranny. For every Randy Weaver or Elmer Stewart Rhodes III, there are literally millions now who view them as martyrs in need to be vindicated "for God and country." While Biden pushes a more liberal agenda politically, torches are being lit in far greater numbers by those most willing to unwittingly fulfill the US Government's Ab Ordo Chaos timeline and Masonic agenda which dictates America's fall on or near 2030.

*Read Article CIA Advisor Explains that America is Now 'Closer to Civil War' than Ever Thought Possible Before
*Read Article Trump Tweets New Warning that His Impeachment Will Cause ‘Civil War-like Fracture’ in America
*Read Article In Attempt to Bring Further Divide Trump Re-tweets "The Only Good Democrat is a Dead Democrat"
*Read Article Next Civil War: Right-Wing "Cowboys for Trump" Leader Calls for Leading Democrats to be Executed
*Read Article Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Our "God-Given Gun Rights" to Answer for America's Mass Shootings
*Read Article Treasonous: Marjorie Taylor Greene Criticized For Her Fantasizing About Killing Her Colleagues
*Read Article White Supremacists Masquerading as Antifa Members Caught Destroying Properties in Rioting
*Read Article Three White Cops Wanting to Slaughter “N****rs” Calling for a Second American Civil War
*Read Article Researchers Warn that Christian Nationalists Turning Radical are Targeting Voting Rights
*Read Article Russia Could Strike the West by Calling on a Network of White-Supremacist Terrorists
*Read Article Canadian National Security Task Force is Preparing for the Collapse of the US

"Marxist insurgency"? So you're saying those unarmed college kids who protested in 2020 are Marxist and an armed insurgency? Really!? Who's buying them the guns lol? From what I witnessed too many times in watching the live protests were BLM and its allies becoming agitated and offended at the only open AR-15 gun-toters there who happened to be from the conservative right (so you probably now have to ask yourselves why would ARMED WHITES offend Black Lives Matter?) BLM is "quiet" because there hasn't been a giant rash of White police killing unarmed minorities from coast to coast of late, and this is very likely because police have only increased for the good in their own training and effectiveness in enforcing the actual laws - and as a result, they are not killing unarmed citizenry so easily because of all the attention brought on them by BLM, your great enemy of the moment. In 2020, BLM protested, yes, but still none of the most insane predictions you and so many others gave back then against minorities in general ever came true. It seems in your great need to want to prepare for a racial or civil war, you're clutching at straws to go after BLM of all groups that you yourself admit are quiet. Meanwhile, the fires of Nazism are soaring and remain ever increasing while you never focus on their growing threat as the igniter of that civil/race war. In your skewed mind, that civil war has to be started by someone of color while Nazi's consistently get a pass "because at least they're White" is still the prevailing mindset among the very people who claim not to be racist. Waking up to these facts doesn't mean you're weak, or "Woke" or whatever, it just means you better be smart and damn sure you're going after the right, largely unarmed, people if you're going to launch a civil war against them. You've been wrong before, Patriot Nurse. Remember Charlottesville 2017 and your siding with a neo-Nazi?

Clinton Ortiz to Patriot Nurse: Unveiling the Left's Plans for Civil War 2024 - Will You Respond?

As seen in the above comment, Patriot Nurse is still under the Masonic delusion that Democrats are her only enemy in this world whilst actually promoting replacement theology and the Anglo-Israel doctrine of the "founding fathers." Her Patriot delusion is so complete that after the Charlottesville riots in August 2017, Patriot Nurse angrily defended the rights of a 20-year-old neo-Nazi named James Fields, and his purposefully plowing into a crowd of anti-Nazi protestors, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer among them. Like the majority of those counter-protestors on that day, Heather happened to be a card-carrying Democrat, which was all Patriot Nurse needed to hear before launching into a video tirade about how she could care less about Heyer's public murder, a video she has since removed, by the way, which of itself speaks volumes. Like all of Trump's most ardent supporters who lie and purposefully alter their facts to ensure Republicans turn increasingly further toward the far-right, Patriot Nurse had quickly concluded that Heather Heyer deserved to die merely because she was a "bleeding heart" Democrat. Hopefully, you as the reader can see the insanity here when it comes to what the so-called Republican "American Patriots" and "Christian Nationalists" increasingly believe, and how they are increasingly being driven far-right to the point of having Republicans largely agreeing with neo-Nazi's today. So-called "Christian Nationalism" (especially the American version) is NOT a Christianity that Jesus would ever recognize because it calls for a repressive exclusion instead of a loving inclusion. American Christian Nationalism better fits into what the Pharisees believed, of whom Jesus was forced to constantly contend with. Moreover, America was found much more on the occult/Masonic ideal (Novus Ordo SECLORUM) than a Christian ideal. The powers that control America are certainly not Christian but play more toward the corrupt corporate globalist agenda that brainwashes both the left and the right and leads directly to Anti-Christ, not Christ. Patriot Nurse, caught up in the Masonic spell, fully advocates for "America's next Civil War," which is the goal of the Satanic global elitists of which she is unwittingly serving. Moreover, she believes that because she is a "real American" standing in the shadow of her Masonic forefathers, of which she proudly claims lineage, that she now has every right to kill any and all "seditious Marxist liberals" in an upcoming Civil War. Her mantra commands her followers to "[shoot] twice in the chest, and once in the head." She also claims to be a Bible-believing Christian Nationalist. But as Ephesians 6:12 point out, "We wrestle not against [human] flesh and blood, but against [non-human] principalities, powers, and against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Therefore, it is none other than Satan and his non-human minions that are too easily hiding themselves behind the facilitating of tribal, politically charged and racially motivated, class warfare, knowing how easily mankind can be divided against themselves, in effect, making his destructive work much easier. The level of propaganda spewed forth from such ultra-nationalists today, with certainly leaders included, is exactly what Hitler used against the German people in advance of his own warped Messianic aspirations. A recent comment I had to leave on one of her insane new Civil War-promoting videos, appears as follows: "Gunning down your fellow Americans on the Left because they've been duped by the education system in this country is not the answer, nor is toppling the US government to then install your version a right-wing only totalitarian state, to even better serve the very powers you claim to be against. You claim to be a Christian but speak against Christians for actually sowing peace in a time of political war. You claim to be on the side of God, but like too many Republicans today, you want to kill everyone that doesn't agree with your increasingly divisive rhetoric. You claim Jesus Christ but like modern day Pharisees dismiss His every commandment about your neighbor. You claim the Old Testament but ignore what God still desires most in feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, visiting the prisoners, and freeing the mentally infirmed, such as the very same homeless people surviving among us that too many Republicans want to round up and place in prisons. Like Satan, you dismiss God Himself. You speak ill of anyone loving others, even their enemies, while at the same time, you'd have everyone taking up arms against their neighbors. Do I need to tell you who the author of that violent mindset is because it's certainly not Jesus Christ. You speak about being rooted in something far older than the mere American political winds of the day, while at the same time become entirely entangled by them, not understanding the only way evil will be defeated is after the "indignation of Satan is accomplished," and God declares "It is finished." Until then, this must all come to pass exactly as prophesied. Yes, many churches are falling away today, but right on schedule, as, like yourself, they're also becoming deceived by all of this world's many distractions, agenda-driven politics, racism, and other spiritual heresies. My advice to you PatriotNurse is this, sell all those weapons you've accumulated and give that money to someone who actually needs it, thus, sowing the kind of peace today that will grant you access to the Kingdom of God tomorrow. Do that and watch how fast Love can replace the self-destructive calls to action based on fear. In other words, replace the fears of this fleeting and temporary world to take on the peace of Christ's more infinite Kingdom, as opposed to concerning yourself too much with this temporary planet being geared toward Anti-Christ. How do think you've not been deceived by Satan and his violent, extremist, divide and conquer campaign of Left v. Right when you offer no other solution but to join it?"

BREAKING Steve Bannon says 'Maga Army is Ready,' as He Reports to Prison
BREAKING Trump Mocks the Hammer Attack Againt Pelosi’s Husband in Speech
BREAKING Reagan's "Shining on a Hill" Twisted into Trump’s Dark Vision of Christianity
BREAKING Trump's Lawless MAGA Republicans are Trying to Overthrow the United States

*Read Article Republican Carl Paladino Walks Back His Saying “Hitler is the Kind of Leader We Need Today”
*Read Article A Racist Republican Claims Buffalo Shooting Involving Racist White Gunmen was a 'False Flag'
*Read Article 'Replacement Theory's' Own Tucker Carlson Blames Biden and Democrats for Buffalo Shooting
*Read Article How American Militia Groups Became the Private Police for Anglo-Racist White Supremacists
*Read Article Trump Wants to Label ANTIFA a 'Terrorist Organization' But Not White Supremacist Groups
*Read Article Neo-Nazi Murderer Called Heather Heyer’s Mother an ‘Anti-White Supremacist Communist’
*Read Article Donald Trump Will Not Condemn the Neo-Nazi Terrorist Attack/Murder of Heather Heyer
*Read Article Neo-Nazi Convicted of Killing Roommates Warns: ‘Stay Away From Extremist Groups’

Despite the ignorant if not insane pseudo-religious banter coming from MAGA, if Christ were born into modern-day America instead of first century Israel, He'd have to create His own party based in actual Truth far outside of the Masonic-controlled two-party system of so-called left and right. Neither left nor right entirely promote God fully, as they were craftily designed to merely placate the Godly and ungodly while both fester in their own pustule of sin within a Masonic "New Secular Order" that's under the God of Freemasonry. The Scriptures predicted exactly this, with the last generation calling good evil, and evil good. This dynamic is precisely what we have in America among gun-toting patriots who believe that killing every last one of their political opposition is a necessary final solution. The same dynamic goes for those Trump's fascist supporters who ride in force into areas like Portland, Oregon, to incite violence with anti-fascists, thinking the media will be forced to show how "destructive and violent" Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA supposedly are, weighed against how cop-loving and law-abiding they claim to be. On August 29th, 2020, for example, instead of staying in their pickup trucks for their usual photo-op, many of them got out of their trucks to violently confront those who heckled their appearance. So much for Trump's violent MAGA gang being peaceful. Moreover, instead of viewing the January 6th storming of the Capitol building to influence Pence to break the law, which was Trump's direct command to them, they've now brainwashed themselves to believe the crowds storming the Capitol were entirely comprised of BLM and ANTIFA, in keeping with their brainwashing that only "radical commies" loot and destroy symbols of American democracy. As soon as these dupes hear the three Masonic magic words "our Founding Fathers," the Anglo-racist mind trap is at work to systemically perpetuate the lies of replacement theology toward the false ideology that only White, working-class Americans are themselves gods. Remember Satan's lie in the garden to Eve? The result? Armed to the teeth "Patriots" are today being told that their worst enemies are their own countrymen. In fact, this Satanic deception is so great, they actually believe Republicans to be of God whilst the Democrats are minions of Satan, when both the Left and the Right are actually two arms of the same evil Masonic entity that has chained all of us within a barely tolerable enslavement that they tell us is freedom. While BLM was birthed in reaction to great injustices against minorities, there are some within the movement who've become just as racist, just as militant, and wanting to kill the other side as the racist MAGA's, neo-Nazi's, and Klan members themselves. Common sense dictates that you don't stop evil by becoming evil yourself. You're only creating more evil. Evil itself must be rooted out, and you only do that by becoming the ultimate in good. That is what our Creator wants to see and is testing us all by. Therefore, RESIST. You want to fight a war against evil? Then always let the other side be the angry violent ones while you denounce Satan in all his many forms. Stand with God and His Son to stand your ground spiritually using weapons of the spirit. Denounce Trump. Denounce Biden. Denounce Masonic brainwashing overall. Denounce Anglo-Israelism and its empiric imperialism. Denounce Satanic racism and Satan's ongoing need to steal, kill, and destroy. He and his who actively divide us from God and each other as one human race are the true enemies of us all. I can appreciate the political right's spirited stance against what they perceive as evil, but you in no way can effectively deter that power by destroying its unwitting pawns being used by a cabal of unseen elites. You destroy Satan's power through Jesus Christ and committing to those works that edify others toward Him, not joining Satan in his increase of death and destruction. Conservatives make much ado with the Founding Fathers and their allowance of citizens bearing arms, specifically, the one-shot muskets of their era to kill tyrants, but even they would have likely banned today's military-styled assault weapons for citizen use due to their consistently ending up in the hands of those who murder completely innocent Americans on a mass scale. Moreover, the far-right belief that teachers need to be armed like police is another ridiculous notion being that the educational field attracts the exact opposite of alpha types. In other words, teachers didn't enter their specific field to also become cops. Most wouldn't know one end of a gun from the other and are repulsed by both the gun and its mandatory training. Lastly, the backwards notion that more guns would end crime is the most ignorant of them all, given that more guns would translate into current gun owners selling their older ones for new, which ultimately allows more third-party sales to potentially those less vetted who go on to murder. Clearly, the world is being manipulated on both sides of the Collapse by the ultimate divide and conquer tactician, Satan himself, but what's more disturbing is that the American people keep falling for it to the great joy of his spiritual forces unseen, but also our collective physical enemies in the East who would love to see nothing more than Americans slaying other Americans. Patriots, therefore, shouldn't ever underestimate the same Deep State that fully expects their patriotic reaction to its own occult actions. They've anticipated the next move patriots are devising and have planned their "Great Work" under their "All-Seeing Eye" in kind, a work that anticipates the downturn of the United States to bring about a global collapse, on the other side of which rises one man to rule the West, post-America. They serve the Destroyer and know how to destroy. Remember, they can both create and control (actual) pandemics.

*Read Article US Army Right-Wing Satanist Plotted to Murder Liberal News Anchors and Antifa
*Read Article UK's Nazi-Satanic 'Order of Nine Angels' Wants a 'New Aryan [White] Civilization'
*Read Article Antifa Group From Israel Hacks a KKK Website and Exposes its Member Information
*Read Article US Marine Under Investigation for Promoting the Swastika and Other Racist Propaganda
*Read Article US Coast Guard Neo-Nazi Planned Terror Attacks Against Key Democrats & CNN Anchors
*Read Article Marjorie Taylor Greene is Still Clueless Why People Criticize Murderous White Supremacists
*Read Article Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Those Helping Migrants at the US/Mexican Border Agents of Satan
*Read Article Kellyanne Conway Asks “What’s Your Ethnicity?” of Jewish Reporter Questioning Trump’s Racism
*Read Article Chicago Cashier Asks Customers Their Ethnicity Demanding They 'Go Back Where They Came From'

I recently had the sore displeasure of watching a dozen Republicans drone on in a press conference of how bad Mexicans seeking asylum are because they're apparently not wanting to work or seek asylum anymore but are entirely made up of "drug and human smugglers, male rapists, and murderers who kill Mexican women and children." On perfect display was the Republican's countless lies and fake concern for those same women and children they're vainly using to make their skewed point, many of whom are desperately trying to seek asylum in the US for their children's better future - to which the very same Republicans absolutely refuse! Why? They're NOT WHITE. This in itself proves Republicans are full of deceit feigning their "great concern" for [Mexican] migrant women and children that they later label as "an invasion," in the same press conference. For context, their views are hardly original. Trump announced his 2016 presidential candidacy on the backs of his patently racist view that there are no longer Mexicans seeking hard work or a better life, but all are "murderers, rapists, and drug smugglers" knowing he'd have an instant following, to which Republicans never adopting a plan toward creating a comprehensive citizenship path for those same "women and children" speaks volumes. Meanwhile, non-English-speaking Ukrainians and other White asylum seekers are allowed into the country in droves to which White racists and Republicans never find issue with. And so what does the Scriptures teach us about these last days, when Christ was specifically asked about the days leading up to the time of the Antichrist and His return? He said "because iniquity will abound, the love of many will grow cold." Patriot Nurse, you make videos constantly slandering "the bleeding hearts" in society who actually care for people enough to show them Christ's Love. Where is Christ's Love in you? Better asked, do you even know who the ultimate Bleeding Heart is? Your supposed Lord and Savior is the answer. At His Judgment, there will be many who cry “Lord, Lord, haven’t we done many great and wonderful things in your name?” And yet Heaven's door will be shut in their face with Christ saying, “For even as you have not done unto the least of these, you have not done unto me.” Only then will the two greatest commandments come into their memory as they understand who their neighbors truly were in this world. That little Guatemalan girl who died of thirst whilst in US detention camps at the border after suffering on the floor in what amounts to worse than prison conditions, was your neighbor. The father and his young daughter who drowned in the Rio Grande was also your neighbor, the same father and daughter who FOX News reduced to "a liberal-pandering publicity stunt to deceive the bleeding hearts..." to ensure that their viewing audience remains as cold-hearted and far-right Republican as possible heading into the 2020 election season. Many others who were too easily overlooked in this world, of whom you openly mocked as having not been born under such White privilege will also appear at that same Judgment, when "the first will be made last, and the last shall be made first." Only then will some finally understand how much God loved those He created, and how they called upon Him just before they died and ascended to His loving arms. How hard is it to imagine that if Christ or one of His Angels secretly walked among us today and visited the sick, hurting, and imprisoned there, that all their efforts would be overwhelmingly mocked by Trump, reducing Christ Himself as a mere "fake news socialist on the left there for a photo-op to score political points for the Dems." Matthew 7:21-23 tells us quite plainly: "Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father in Heaven." And since Christ already admitted what we will be judged by Love, where does your violent rhetoric to destroy the Democrats fit? There is a long and sordid history there that goes back to the Roman and later, British, and now American empires, with all three engaging in the same genocidal tactics, where natives are murdered, then marginalized, controlled, and forced into an Aryan-serving form of "Christianity," while their government is actually run by a Satanic elite. While armed militias are increasingly coalescing, holding rallies against everything from voter's rights to Critical Race Theory, I'd have no problem reminding the supposed Christians in that audience that no amount of their misplaced anger, intimidation, or bullets could ever deter that which God has already determined. The best we can do for our God during this time is reveal the truth to get others saved. That is what Satan, his demons, as well as all of those who serve them fear most from us.

*Read Article How President Trump Has Systematically Destroyed the White Evangelical Church As We Know It
*Read Article Why it's Satanic for Pres Trump to Blame the Charlottesville Riots on 'Non-Whites' or 'Many Sides'
*Read Article Trump's Christian Nationalism is of Satan Because Christian Nations Never Put Nationalism First
*Read Article Marjorie Taylor Greene and US Republicans Actually Believe Christian Nationalism is Salvation
*Read Article Why True Christians Are Now Calling Racist Neo-Nazism and all White Supremacy as 'Satanic'
*Read Article British Neo-Nazis on the Rise and They're Becoming More Organized and Increasingly Violent
*Read Article US Army Soldier Caught Helping a British Satanic Neo-Nazi Group is Charged in Murder Plot
*Read Article US Soldier Who Openly Posted about Killing Black People is Given 'Top Security Clearance'
*Read Article The Silence Being Loudly Heard by the "Religious Right" Enables Trump’s Racism
*Read Article WaPo Opinions: The Fundamental Flaw in Trump's 'Make America Great Again'
*Read Article Why Some White Americans Deny the Obvious Existence of their Own Racism

As such, the children of Evil are doing much to ensure this world collapses so that their Master arises in Christ's place, and they hold all the corrupting power in this world. People really need to understand this one key point. What we have today is NOT the fulfillment of their New World Order, as Alex Jones and others teach. 2030 and beyond is their goal. However, they must first bring us all into a complete Collapse before their "New World" and its one leader arrives to unite what's left of the weakened planet. The weakened minds of the people who actually survive all of what's coming will accept the inevitable calls for world unity at that time because they will believe they have no other choice - the Collapse will be that devastating. So, Biden, the border, and inflation that the Right-wing likes to constantly throw in their sheep's faces as a way to recruit more voters toward voting red? Those are all distractions for what is coming when 10.0+ earthquakes begin to devastate the nation, civil war, nuclear war, and worse. As a result, we need to focus on what's truly important because this goes so far beyond mere American politics of the Masonic-created Left vs. Right that was presented as a "choice" so that they can control the all. Do not help our collective enemy by aiding in his population control methods via hurting your own countrymen, left or right. That is precisely what they want of you. See beyond their latest manufactured crisis to distract and lead you toward the chaos they *need* for a New World, while making the future example that America fought against itself and failed. Make them NOT able to tell that lie in the future in their bid to bring world unity. Be smarter than this. Move beyond what you see currently to see ready yourselves and your loved ones spiritually for when, not only America, but the entire Universe is removed and fled from before God, and all stand in judgment before Him. Failing a great end-time revival across the land under Christ only, America has no viable hope of political redemption when all that's presented to them from their own Masonic-controlled government is far-right Nazism via the Republicans or far-left Nazism via the Democrats. You can thank the direct descendants of your ill-worshipped "founding fathers" for that, as well. It is they who still control the United States, for Britain, and that dark entity falsely called "God" by which they serve in their temple. In short, George Washington was never a Christian, and neither are his Masonic descendants. As for Trump and Fox News, you'll never receive the truth of the history of Anglo-Israelism there, not when they're too busy fulfilling Anglo-corporate interests and keeping the truly evil elites in power via brainwashing Fox's audience with tales of a communist takeover to ensure an increasingly far-right, crony-driven, Republican vote is there for each election cycle. Being a staunch Republican since the Reagan era, as well as a long-time viewer of Fox News since at least 9-11, I also fell for every single right-wing ideology and narrative Fox pushed, right up until Trump's first few months in office. It was Charlottesville and the Nazi murder of Heather Hayer, followed by her being instantly demonized by even Trump's most (pseudo-) "Christian" supporters for her simply marching against Nazism, that finally made me painfully aware of where Trump was taking the Republican party. It wasn't long after that, I started leaving comments on those same frequented "Christian" YouTube accounts I'd frequent, to leave anti-Trump comments such as "Don't be deceived, while Trump makes empty speeches about Christian persecution in Egypt, Africa, Indonesia, China, India, and Syria, to placate you, he also harshly labels them as one collective of dirty, hostile, non-White immigrants, who in Trump's sick mind deserve imprisonment if they so much as dare think about obtaining a better life for themselves and their children in the West. I ask you again, what did Christ say about loving our neighbors, and by what measure will He judge Christians on His Day? Moreover, who are those who loudly call Him their Lord, as He declares "Depart from me...Even as you haven't done by the least of these, you have not done it unto Me!" The sordid belief that Trump is the last defender of all things innately American and "Christian" is a deceptive lie on its face that nonetheless serves a future purpose." Trump was groomed into Anglo-racism on the knee of his elite-connected father who himself shared the exact same beliefs as Cecil Rhodes, that the world should be dominated by Anglo-culture, finance, and its Masonic-devised Anglo-Israel religion - which dictates Britain and America are part of the 'House of Israel.' The Masonic group that meets alone with and guides each new President since the very first President, as connected by Royal bloodline and the founders of this nation they might be, are far off from following after Christ in their nefarious work toward establishing Antichrist. Every ploy made toward Israel by Trump today is just that, another ploy serving a much larger agenda that ends in the Antichrist first deceiving, before conquering, Israel and sitting in its newly rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. The fact that Trump is finding great success in propagating the racial lies of the Masonic cabal that hides behind a racist-based ideology to ensure their murderous depopulation agenda as well as their ultimate plan is carried out, proves evil is gaining ground. For the Masonic powers in Washington and London didn't get this far in the world for nothing. Since the seismic shift of both the Republican and Democrat parties that twice took place in the last 150 years, the generational powers that control America have seen to it that both parties are morally bankrupt, whether it be the right's traditional racist views, greed, and corporate evils or the left's constant push toward paganism, greed, and one world globalism. Both effectively serve the same master and his Antichrist; counterfeit father and son.

*Read Article EPA and Trump Refuses to Ban a Pesticide Linked to Autism and Brain Damage in American Children
*Read Article GOP Republican Pedophile Candidate Matt Gaetz Mocks the Autistic Child of His Democrat Opponent
*Read Article Trump Trumps Pentagon to Pardon Two More Soldiers Charged with Murder and Heinous War Crimes
*Read Article Trump's Vile MAGA Cult Threatened the Families of Republicans and Others to 'Stay in Power'

How could the modern American political landscape not be perfectly in tune with what the Satanic elite desire most, when no matter which party you pick between the two choices they provide, you're only choosing what you perceive to be the lesser of two EVILS? If you lean toward "old timey" Christian Americana or have traditional family values as your driving inclination, then you pick Republican - where you're also choosing profits over people, corporate pollution, and inherent systemic racism as status quo. If, on the other hand, you rather uphold fairness, racial equality, and equality overall, than you're siding with the liberal Democrats, where you believe everything the State tells you, there are countless genders, adoption is always an overlooked option, and innocent babies are given literal death sentences without care or conscience. Instead of the Masonic experiment called 'America' caring for those youth lucky enough not to be aborted but ended up in foster care, the elites would rather force them out into the streets on their 18th birthday knowing they'll likely end up mentally ill, in the prison system, or dead. This is the result of the American government's ongoing destruction of the family unit, from the miseducation of would-be parents to its result in abortion or to such limited options otherwise provided. They will, for another example, tell Americans to stand in line to get forcibly vaccinated and to blindly "trust the science" that is literally the same science that once took in 1,600 Nazi's and still tells them there is no God because apes created man and man created God. Bottomline, taking responsibility for sex does NOT begin with an abortion. From their belief in the Masonic-tainted government, to the instilling of a propaganda-styled, anti-Christian, witchcraft-centered education system in the public schools, whereby atheism, socialism, communism, aspects of Nazism, Darwinism, utopian ideologies, paganism, New Age, globalism and magical thinking are all promoted to fill the void left over from their systematic removal of God from both the social and academic arenas, the left have become the perfect soil from which their Masonic overlords manipulate and control all of society via subtle incremental changes over time. And look how far that societal control in the West reaches toward greatly influencing the rest of the world. Such is the structure of the world's Masonic re-education, that while removing every aspect of God, it has only replaced the resulting void with anti-Christian, anti-Biblical, and now, anti-Israel ideas where Antichrist-thinking is the result. After reading several articles by the ascending Millennial generation, such as, "10 Reasons Why Hitler Was One of the Good Guys," it's all too easy to see where Trump's America is headed. Because they are so easily beguiled by their Aryan masters who are behind the coming New World, youth will be told again and again that Israel and Jews are the harbingers of every evil, all the while, the true enemies of mankind remain protected under a deluge of deception. In fact, there's little difference today than when Hitler's Youth Brigades were being brainwashed in the 1930's by the torrent of anti-Zionist propaganda manufactured by the ϟϟ that precisely mirrors what is being disseminated into the receptive minds of 'Gen Z'. How perfectly the Satanic global elites have this generation under their derision as the world blindly marches under Satan's increasing Nazi-like control toward the ultimate goal of the Masonic 'Great Work' itself, to be finalized in Antichrist. With 4 out of 10 Millennials never educated about the Holocaust, again, purposefully via public education, how could another Hitler/Antichrist not rise among them to repeat the doom of the twentieth century? The anti-Israel deception today is more easily discerned when you understand that the oldest ruling Illuminati families in Europe have a clear and distinct operatus morandi they consistently operate under. Foremost is their goal of completely undermining no other religion but Christianity, no other religious book but The Bible, and no other religious figure but Jesus Christ, and no other nation but Israel. Next is their absolute hatred of Jews themselves that propels the Aryan elite to inject such rampant disinformation within far-right media to blind the world from the Truth. The Anglo-elite look upon as cattle to be consumed via population control or sheep to be controlled via media, while they blame it all on the Jews to befit Satan's unfinished agenda. For today, America tells you that you have only two paths you can go by: Left or Right. Pick one and despair or choose more wisely in choosing neither.

*Once Trump's Racist Neo-Fascists Enter Office it will Be Game Over for the United States of America
*President Trump Asked Why His Own Military Generals Couldn't Be Like Hitler's More Loyal Generals
*Neo-Nazi Flags Outside of Turning Point USA Summit Attended by Trump is Condemned as 'Pure Hatred'
*Trump's Armed to the Teeth MAGA Cult Already Acting Like Nazi Brownshirts Long Before the 2024 Election
*A Pro-Trump Republican Group Pays Teens to Be Internet Trolls Posting Pro-Trump as well as Racism Online
*Putin's State Media Makes an Insane Offer for Americans to "Help Save America" by Helping 'Comrade Trump'
*Trump Who Stated He Would "Lower the Temperature" in U.S. Just Escalated His Threats Against FBI & Police
*Putin Ally Admits that Russia Interfered in the 2016 US Elections and will Continue to Do So in the 2024 Election
*Fox News: Former President Donald Trump Poses a "Danger to America" if He Loses 2024 Presidential Election
*Kremlin Propagandists Openly Fantasize About a Second Trump Term Wrecking America: "The Worse the Better"
*A Pro-Putin Calendar for the New Year of 2024 Depicts Armed Russian Soldier at the Steps of the Capitol Building

*Read Article Trump Amps Marjorie Greene’s Claim that the Kremlin is More ‘Truthful’ Than the Democrats
*Read Article One Year into Trump's Presidency, Russia Made Film About Nuking Trump's State of Florida
*Read Article Russian State-Controlled TV Says Eliminating the American Military is Russia's Ultimate Goal
*Read Article Former President Trump is Hailed as "The Destroyer of America" on Russian State Television
*Read Article Trump's Most Staunch Backers Poised to Launch Civil War if Trump is Excluded from 2024 Race
*Read Article Donald Trump Calls for the 'Termination' of the United States Constitution Over His Own 2020 Loss
*Read Article 'Comrade Trump' Now Wants Liz Cheney Arrested for the Truth About Putin's Vast Influence Over Him
*Read Article Russian Media Considers that Putin Should Offer Asylum to MAGA if Trump Loses the 2024 Election

(See also Donald Trump’s Plan to Destroy America.) Let us also never forget Trump's belief that his buying Greenland was all about moving himself and his supporters there should term limits prevent him from becoming a self-appointed 'emperor' like his friend in Russia has effectively done until 2036. Trump's own resulting delusion has him believing America and Israel are lost brothers whose destiny will result in the fulfillment of a united Zionist front going forward. Make no mistake, while Trump seems to be protecting the Jewish state, the Masonic homogeny directed by London have a very different plan toward Israel. Such deception waged against the Jewish people will continue as we approach the time of Satan's next Aryan King. The same secret Occult organizations that were behind the rise of Hitler in the past, are the very same that are paving the way for Antichrist in the future, a future that while seemingly based in Antichrist since long before his birth. In other words, one cannot be against the work of the evil elitists if they're helping them with their ultimate goal toward establishing the Antichrist, and his later goal of destroying the Jews. Where Satan's elite have today's youth swearing allegiance to Hitler, and blaming the Jewish race, others are becoming completely brainwashed by the elite's other propaganda arm that promotes the Occult as the old/new global religion that is to replace Christianity itself. The fact that many don't realize this or have been systematically blind to all of it doesn't matter. Satan and his Angels exist, and so do those who exist to do their bidding. Satan works in counterfeit actions to God's Will, thus, he finds ways to counterfeit not only God, but God's Word, His global Religion, His Chosen People, His Zion, His Messiah, Christ's Millennium, and even Heaven itself. While God's chosen people reside in Israel, the land of their ancestors, Satan's global-controlling Anglo-elites reside largely in Europe and the United States. While the most literal definition of 'Zionism' means that Jews should be able to return to their ancient homeland, where they more often than not, flourished over 4,000 years ago, the twisted counterfeit version of 'Zionism' is summed up with the Anglo-Satanic elites seeking the destruction of Israel, first thru the propaganda war of today, and later, war itself. Not coincidentally, within the windowless halls of Freemasonry, Christ is shunned completely in favor of the ancient pagan and demonic gods of Canaan, Sumeria, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Egypt. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14.) Factor in that Freemasons literally name Lucifer as their "ancient Sun-God Lucifer; God of light while instilling into each of its Masonic tenants the elevation of Lucifer over God, being adopted from the same pagan cultures that were also known to worship demons as gods, and it can be easily determined that Freemasonry is merely Luciferianism on a grand scale. Moreover, when it can be found in their own writings the overt veneration of such evil Biblical characters as Cain, Tubal-Cain, and Judas, it becomes much clearer that Freemasonry is the religion of God's enemies. For just as 'Q'ayin (Cain) was the First Murderer' as well as the "Father of All Witchcraft," Masonic teaching ultimately implies that Cain's Father was not Adam, but Satan Himself. It's intriguing how closely parallel witchcraft is to Freemasonry.

*Read Article MAGA's Hot Babe who Claimed Obama is an Illuminati Lizard Turns Out to be a Chinese Spy

Those who desperately want to view Trump thru his own egotistical lens will continue to do so, despite his many lies that only advances his narcissistic brand. Only in America could a self-promoting elitist so obviously pander to his grand collective of nameless worker bees that he calls his base in order to make America great again, for London. In reality, Trump is merely an archetype, a Masonic figurehead of a long-lost era when Anglo-racism ruled this nation with an imperialist fist, stomping upon the necks of anyone not White within its stolen borders. Trump's vision of a great America returning is not without its own parallels with that of Nazi Germany, when scapegoating another race is what kept the German "patriots" in line under the guise of a new era about to be realized, carrot and stick. As it now stands, no amount of evidence proving Trump's own racism and true agenda will ever alter the American "patriots" godlike perception of him. Like 4chan/8chan, YouTube also has become another fertile ground by which such obvious Project Monarch-connected mind control has churned out MAGA dupes and their brethren in neo-Nazi affiliated groups, by the thousands, each of them referring to a day when they will go violent en masse to take down anyone who is not exactly like them. This is America today. The most common defining hallmark of the Anglo-Masonic elitists is their Anglo-Aryan styled racist policies that drive today's Whites increasingly to the far-right, so that they become mindless drones armed to the teeth and carrying out Satan's murderous agenda upon both liberals and minorities. Perhaps even more telling, is that both the left and right today actually believe they are aligned against a common enemy in the form of a vague, albeit corporate, "New World Order," when they merely serve their unseen slave owners as two arms of the same entity to usher in chaos and collapse before a new law and order. All of it is just another phase of the overall Masonic plan that has borrowed heavily from Hitler's own proven Nazi "Mind Kontrol" [MK] program that migrated west toward Britain and America via Operation Paperclip. The British Crown, itself connected to Nazism, is behind both the multicultural, Global Village, United World campaigns as well as facilitating their reaction in the form of an increasing anger against multiculturalism by mostly American Whites who have had it drilled into them that only America is "exceptional." And none of these major changes to come are limited to only the current Republican party. Unbeknownst to most of Generation Z and their older Millennial peers or siblings, all of this was predicted to occur in our time by the same Scriptures they were repeatedly required to reject. Moreover, the Scriptures speak to several attributes of these two most recent generations today, explaining they "will have a form of Godliness (via their social justice activism, etc.) but deny the true power [of God] thereof," but more specifically, they will "deny both the Father and the Son," which equates to having the "spirit of antichrist." This is why the first attack launched against what was a Christian society in America, was the removal of Christian prayer and increasingly any acknowledgement of God in public schools, by Freemason Supreme Court Justices beginning in the late 1950's. By the 1960's, almost immediately after the CIA-connected murder of JFK, the CIA then decided to infamously distribute LSD to create a counterculture that further eroded Christianity and brought about a return to paganism and Witchcraft. This was done purposefully whereby today we have an entire generation of youth that wholesale disregards God, Christ, life, morality itself, traditional marriage and conservative values, in favor for their exact opposites. Who can really deny anymore that our own government, best known for its murderous wars and population control agendas upon both foreign and domestic citizens, is also providing a perfect path to Antichrist and thus the destruction of mankind by his evil hand? Society is under siege by an action/reaction-based mind control whereby Satan's coming Newer Order is brought all the quicker, whereupon the final capstone on their unfinished Masonic Pyramid is finally placed. This is the sole purpose of such "Global Village" indoctrination centers called public schools that work to debase our Creator whilst promoting the Masonic antithesis summed up in Luciferian idealism. What's really intriguing there is that President Trump once appointed George Mentz, a known Occult and New Age author, to the head of America's education system.

*Read Article The Occult of the Luciferian/Satanic New Age Movement Has a Global "Student Curriculum" of their Own
*Read Article President Trump Announces Creation of National '1776 Commission' to "Promote a Patriotic Education"
*Read Article President Trump Appoints the Illuminati Occultist (George Mentz) to the US Federal Education Board
*Read Article Teacher Suspended for Telling Class that Oxford, MI Shooter Should Have Created Distraction First
*Read Article Sweden Has Admitted to Creating a Generation of 'Green Revolutionaries' Via Mind Control Tactics
*Read Article Yale's Mocking Study on Christian Belief that End-Time Signs are What's Behind Climate Change
*Read Article UK Government Adviser Backs Eugenic Birth Control and Giving Children Mind-Altering Drugs
*Read Article UK Government Caught Paying Off and Influencing Academia with Racist Colonial Policies
*Read Article How Britain's Royal-Connected Tavistock Institute Destroyed America's Education System
*Read Article Liberty University to Control the Future Via Education Says Hitler is a Perfect Role Model
*Read Article UK Spy Agency GCHQ Used Secret School Curriculum to Target Children for Recruitment
*Read Article Author Details a New Progressive Satanism Has Taken Over Today's Education System
*Read Article British Intelligence Tavistock Tricking British Students into "Changing their Own Gender"
*Read Article UK Mother Says Her Daughters School Teachers Pushed Her Into Wanting to be a Boy
*Read Article American Teacher Sued for Confusing and Telling 9-Year Old Students to Try Being Gay
*Read Article UK Parents Shocked: School Tells Kids to Write Suicide Letters for an English Exercise
*Read Article England Bans God and Creationism in Every Public School Across the United Kingdom
*Read Article British Broadcasting Company Caught Suppressing Youth Vote Using Apathy Tactics
*Read Article The Satanic Temple Wants to Bring "After School Satan Clubs" in 9 American States
*Read Article Freemasons Offer "Free Support Program" to Educators for Their "At-Risk Children"
*Read Article California ‘Nazi High’ Reopens Probe After Students Caught Throwing Hitler Salutes
*Read Article ACLU Hails After-School Satan Club for Children and Parents at VA School Meeting
*Read Article Today's Protesting Youth on College Campuses Are Steeped in an Occult Education
*Read Article New Data Shows People from Elite Backgrounds Increasingly Dominate Academia
*Read Article Teacher Makes Public Display: 'One Nation Under Antichrist, Children Hail Satan'
*Read Article Girls Plotted to Murder Classmates, Eat Their Flesh, Drink Their Blood 'For Satan'
*Read Article Cannibalism is Not Only Considered But Subtly Promoted Among Academics

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

MK-Ultra, the CIA's infamous mind control program, was an extension of the behavior control research conducted by the Tavistock Institute. Formed at Oxford University, London, in 1920 by the Royal Institute for International Affairs, a sister organization to the Council of Foreign Relations created by the Round Table, the Tavistock Clinic became the Psychiatric Division of the British Army during World War II. The clinic took its name from its benefactor Herbrand Russell, Marquees of Tavistock, 11th Duke of Bedford. The Dukes of Bedford was the title inherited by the influential Russell family, one of the most prominent aristocratic families in Britain who came to power and the peerage with the rise of the Tudor dynasty. The basis of the project of the Tavistock Institute was explained by Round Table member, Lord Bertrand Russell [who] offered a revealing glimpse into Frankfurt School’s social engineering efforts in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society: I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called "education." Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part. It may be hoped that, in time, anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment. Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely.

The Holiness of Sin: Freud, the Frankfurt School and the Kabbalah

Public schools and children in America have become strategic targets for conversion to the ideology of the New Age movement. It can be conclusively demonstrated that Occult, New Age philosophy and practices have been integrated into public educational curricula and programs. This intrusion is especially evident in certain health, sex, guidance counseling, art, and gifted education programs. These New Age psychotherapeutic programs are usurping parental authority. The imposition of these harmful techniques and programs [no matter how subtly placed] violates federal laws and constitutional protections. As well, it can be shown that these techniques actually increase problem behavior.

Public Education or Pagan Indoctrination

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

The Cain Effect: A World Subjected Under Sinister Occult and Satanic Influence
I recently heard a CBS documentary where it was asked "Why don't people believe in science?" with the graphic displayed of an ape eventually becoming human above a million-years timeline. The more accurate question that should have been asked is, "Why don't people believe in the science that consistently denies God in favor of apes in effect creating mankind?" When you finally understand that Western education has a Royal/Masonic agenda, the questions answer themselves. As a whole, Western science itself has been tainted and entirely biased from the onset by completely removing God from the equation to become the baseline that purposefully biased every succeeding generation thereafter. As you will see in the following video, it was the British Freemasons and its Royal Society who were behind the propagation of the God-denying, unproven theory of evolution, which has since brought the heavily controlled sciences to where they remain today, Godless. This is why you'll hear, for example, the accepted science that touts everything related to "climate change," rather than the truth that we're living at the end of time itself. As such, the corporate elites have created an effective cover for the increase of disasters worldwide by claiming they're not God's signs of the end (that are actually affecting the entire universe as a whole) but that such disastrous signs are regulated only to the earth in the form of industrial emissions, nothing more. And no one in the media ever questions that. Of course, the agenda behind it is yet another vain attempt at removing God's increasingly obvious power, presence, and prophetic Word from coming into its own finality. Disturbingly, when I traced this same lineage of Cain back thru the ages, I discovered that it, and many of its own well-guarded secrets surrounding it, became the very foundation and basis for the Occult itself. Moreover, such knowledge lay at the root of the very "gnosis" that many less astute were actually searching for, in their own research and exhaustive study into the darker elements of forbidden wisdom. The purported "treasure" sought out and found by the mysterious Knights Templar involved, at its heart, the knowledge of Cain and his offspring, the same beings who have always ruled this planet since the days of Nod. In truth, the Templars only wanted to make it appear they discovered such a secret in the Holy Land, when in fact, they already held the knowledge of Cain's direct descendants long before their trek into Israel, during the Crusades, but they needed to establish the work that would eventually lead to Antichrist, and his later claim to the Holy Land itself. Much more on that later. Thus, the reality of Cain's Bloodline, of which many of the Templar elite themselves were born with, suddenly became "Christ's Bloodline" and the Church, being somehow convinced and believing this heresy, knew such a possibility of Christ having a wife and children needed to be kept in strict confidence between the ruling elite behind Vatican walls, and the French Templars, a secret never for consumption among the masses by either faction. In essence, what the Occult secret societies were undertaking, even then, was to lay the 'ancient foundation' to be later drawn, of turning Satan into Christ to, in effect, hide Cain's lineage behind the façade of a Messianic "Christ (Davidic) lineage" by which the future Antichrist King could claim as having. In this way, could Satan himself ultimately be accepted by a future Israel (modern Israel) as their Messiah, because Israel's only real prerequisite to become their Messiah is that 1) The candidate can perform "Godly miracles" and 2) He must be descended from the Bloodline of King David. This latter part is interesting, since it is precisely where Satan, for centuries now, has had to come up with a myriad of deceptive ways to make this coming lie about a European King descended from his own wicked lineage, to seemingly appear he is actually from the same Royal Bloodline of Israel's ancient Kings by which King David, Solomon, and indeed, Christ were all descended from. But its right there where such a deception is absolutely diabolical in its intent, if you have it in mind that Israel and its Jews who are seeking a Messiah, are your intended target. It becomes very interesting to see all of who lines up against the State of Israel today, therefore, as many of the same occult factions that pander to Israel in the hopes of deceiving Jews toward the Antichrist, there are both far-right conspiracy theorists -and- liberals who both have an aversion of Jews and Israel.

*Read Book Will Satan's Antichrist Claim to be the Jewish Messiah?
*Read Book (Satanic) Liber Falxifer II: 'Our (Cainite) Bloodline'
*Read Book Liber Falxifer: Book of the Left-Handed Reaper
*Read Article The Characteristics of the Antichrist

As mentioned, many far right-wing conspiracy theorists also believe as their ultra left-wing liberal counterparts do, in their increasing stance against Israel and the Jewish people. Whereas Alex Jones would describe the threat to humanity as "corporate global governance" and more specifically the Davos/Bilderberg corporate elites, David Icke more accurately refers to these same global rulers as "Reptilians" because of their bloodline and supposed supernatural power, albeit never making the more telling connection that in all of their obvious Satanic worship, that they are in fact Satanists first and foremost, and thus, are carrying out Satan's plan of eternal enslavement for humanity in Hell. Where Icke goes off the rails is his propagating that Jews are themselves part of the Reptilian control by citing they are descended from "Khazars," who were actually nomadic Cainites in the ancient region of modern-day Ukraine who practiced human sacrifice and death magick in their worship of their father, Satan. Icke moreover fails to see that his 'Reptilians' are Satan's literal children from whence all of the more generic references toward an "Illuminati bloodline" are brought to bear. That is to say, at the top, it is none other than Satan himself that is directing his children to carry out every wickedness of their Dark Father, whereby he effectively replaces God's will on earth, for his own. While such elites throw themselves into every corner of black magic dedicated to a literal (not figurative) Satan, of whom they perceive to be their Reptilian Father, how anyone could deny anymore that Satan doesn't exist isn't interpreting correctly the headlines of the day, all of which portray a literal cabal in the world who worship a literal Satan, leading to a literal Antichrist figure. Such is David Icke and many others. he prophecies clearly point this out across the entire span of the Scriptures that Satan is a literal cursed-bound Serpent of wisdom (in Genesis), an airy Red Dragon (in Revelation), and sea-bound Leviathan (in Job) by which every ancient culture in the ancient world was influenced by. Despite that, Icke remains a metaphysical-inspired Gnostic that cannot be persuaded into any literal interpretation that proves the Bible as correct, because believing in a literal Word of God warning us about Satan would then mean having to believe in a literal Christ, and he cannot have that. The Illuminati-inspired Matrix-film (based more on an 'Antichrist sacrifice' for humanity, than Christ's own) has sidetracked people like Icke to literally believe in that we are all living within a simulation, in which "the Church is just another form of Orwellian control." As such, so-called truth-seekers and Gnostics entertain every twisted belief system directly descended from Lucifer's original "wisdom" that tainted the earliest of ancient cultures toward hating God, His Word, His Son, and His future Church. Such cannot ever bring themselves toward the truth, because in their minds, the Bible itself is a form of patriarchal control from which Lucifer is conversely viewed as a symbol of freedom much like Prometheus. However, the purpose behind Satan's mind control leads anyone believing such Occult concepts to be further persuaded to accept the rest of his "New Age" and "New World" plan that works to counterfeit God's future 'New Heaven and New Earth,' as depicted in Revelation 21. In other words, what both Gnostics and New Agers have done is open themselves up to the very same Cainite influences that initiated heretical Gnosticism to begin with. Despite what is written in man's edited and controlled history regarding Cainites to be "a small sect of Gnostics who merely venerated Cain," the truth surrounding the Satanic power elites purposefully becomes lost in a virtual flood of false information regarding not only their own historical infiltrating of man's earliest pagan empires in the ancient world, but also their modern control of such governments from ancient Egypt to the United States of America, to the future Kingdom of the Beast, Mystery Babylon the Great.

*Wikipedia Article Cainites Defined as the "Second Century Gnostic Sect that Worshipped Cain"
*Read Article How Today's Witches Reconcile the Fact Q'ayin (Cain) Murdered for Gnosis
*Read Article Gnosticism Exists to Push the Satanic Bloodline as Being 'Holy' and 'Royal'
*Read Article Cainites: The Ancient Historians Who Wrote the Heretical Gospels
*Read Article The Heretical Gospel According to Jude - Is it a Cainite Writing?
*Read Article US Catholic: Is Gnosticism Winning in the Catholic Church?

In addition to that, Icke will also point such things as America's Anti-BDS laws to supposedly prove his point of Israel, or its lobbying groups, controlling America, and not that the American government (who receives all its subversive Masonic directives by way of London) has both drafted, created, and is currently putting such laws into effect to ensure Israel is always placated (and continually deceived) ultimately by the British Crown itself. Despite Icke's own book, "The Biggest Secret" that actually contains a chapter within it too appropriately named 'Satan's Children' (that can be read in its entirety here)," Icke has still managed to completely miss all of what his own research was clearly leading, that those who rule over us are literally Satan's children. Instead of a literal Satan, the evil that overshadows the Satanic-worshipping global elite who literally worship the Devil himself in the classical Christian sense, Icke believes they are more likely worshipping a fallen ancient sky god of the alien kind, that, ironically, is Lucifer's own description in the Bible. But because Icke cannot bring himself into accepting anything literal from the Scriptures, he, like many others today, assume the ancient accounts of fallen supernatural Angels must be the ancient accounts of UFO's and their inhabitants. Here, Icke is more right than he knows, since Satan and his minions have both played the role of ancient gods as well as alien entities from time immemorial. This is why Icke wholly endorses a Gnostic view of the Scriptures, because it completely circumvents the Biblical account of a literal Satan, in favor of a more cosmic duality construct that interprets "evil" as a mindless force serving to merely balance its "good" counterpart, with no absolutes to either invoke, nor evoke. And yet, such a view is precisely what a literal Satan would have the world believe, knowing his work is best carried out when no one believes he or his minions exist, despite both his Serpent and Dragon image, as well as the images of his many demons, being literally worshipped everywhere on the planet for millennia. Clear evidence of this is seen depicted on the walls of Mesopotamian, Akkadian, and Persian wall reliefs leaving no doubt these 'pre-Christian gods' not only had communication with the ancients, but they also provided their ancient worshippers with an advanced knowledge in return for ritualistic human sacrifices, from China to Mexico to Britain and wherever giant earth or stone monuments were dedicated to them. It should also not be seen as mere coincidence that everywhere such a "flying serpent" was worshipped, pyramid-shaped temples were built, and human sacrifice employed as worship to these 'non-human' intelligences. For how long has Satan told mankind that they could evolve, ascend, or advance toward Godhood by circumventing God by sacrificing his fellow man to "the gods"? Correct, since the beginning. (See also Ancient Chinese Built Large Pyramids for Human Sacrifices and Ancient Artifacts in China Show Sacrificial Culture to Horned Serpent Being.)

*Read Article Satanic Worship and Satanic Pedophile Practices of the English Royal Family
*Read Article The Anglo-Racist British Royal Family and their Elite Drug Trade Management
*Read Article Satanic Pedophilia: What is the Role of the Global 'New Awakening' Community?

This is one very possible location of the Templar treasure, in the modern banking system. To summarize, the Templar treasure was never lost. It is hidden in plain view used to replicate the same banking system that proved successful for the original Knights Templar. It is the Royal Bank of Scotland, the Bank of England, Rothschild banking, UBS Bank, and all of their cross-connected and interbred offspring.

Templar Treasure Today

The Occult elite is all about power and symbolism. The above ceremony showcased both. The Occult Elite tell the world that they control the world's resources and manpower. In other words, they are the only ones who can make such projects because they control politics, finance and business.

Occult Ceremony Opens European Tunnel

The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of England

The posterity of Cain, who were before the Flood, masters of the Earth. Scripture reports them to have been a Titanic race, builders of great antediluvian cities and Cyclopean edifices. Indeed, the megalithic wonders of our ancient world are undoubtedly restorations of Cainite ruins.

Cain is said to have created civilizations across the globe, and to have shared with certain chosen men a secret, forbidden wisdom: the Hermetic doctrine of the occult, symbolized by the Lapsit Exillis, or the Holy Grail. These actions brought him into conflict with other members of the Divine hierarchy, an occasion immortalized in the Biblical story of the War in Heaven, and in myths from various cultures that tell the same story. He [Satan/Cain] is also said to have interbred with mortal females, creating mankind’s first Royal family, the Grail Bloodline, which carried with it the seed of the divine. Their descendants became the lords of the earth, resulting in most of the world’s Royal dynasties throughout history.

Mankind, St. Augustine teaches, has been divided into two Cities, one of which was founded by the race of Cain. But if as Scripture attests, Cain's progeny were extirpated in the Deluge, then how is that their City lives on and prospers? One response to this question is to ascribe the survival of Cain's legacy to the sinister machinations of Secret Societies. This explains why the spirit of Cain must be born again in Antichrist at the end of time.

There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened beings composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has secret destiny. The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a [New] World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers. This King was descended of a divine race, that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined.

Manly P. Hall 33° Freemason, The Secret Destiny of America

The Royal Family is dipped in the blood of the Arthurian and Templar Grail secrets and the ritual of creating the “Once and Future King”. The Saga of Princess Diana's marriage to Charles and birth of William is a ritual that was meant to be Biblical in scope. This bloodline is the “Holy Grail,” with those possessing it believing themselves the rightful heirs to the throne of a New Zion. Prince William would be considered a divine progeny, fit to be the holy heir to the secret kingdom of the Earth. The interchangeable goddesses and their namesake play an important role in identifying the Antichrist and his kingdom that is coming. The era of the Once and Future King is upon us.

Pretty Flowers 2 Di 4

Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity, an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect.

The Evils of Freemasonry

There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened beings whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has secret destiny. The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers. This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined [Illuminati].

Manly P. Hall 33° Freemason, The Secret Destiny of America

The day has come when Fellow Craftsman [Freemasons] must know and apply their knowledge. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion, which places the energy of the universe at their disposal. When the Mason learns ... the mystery of his Craft, the seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain.

Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree, KT (Knights Templar), The Lost Keys of Freemasonry

Q'ayin [Cain] was much more than just a murderer, He was the first Awakened One of Spirit, the First Tiller of the Soil, the First Sower of Seeds, the First Harvester, the First Sorcerer, the first Tamer of the Horse, but then also the First Killer of Man, the First Necromancer, the First Exiled, the First Luciferian/Satanist, the First Conqueror of Fate, the First Freemason, the First City Builder.

Interview with N.A-A.218

Cain has always been at the center of true Satanism. Adepts assert it was Cain who first used the Craft to debase God which culminated in the murderous sacrifice of Abel. Robert Graves in his seminal work titled 'The White Goddess' which contains the traditional verse sung during the Witch's Sabbat. Tubal-Cain thus became associated with the most ancient Horned God [Satan] who is still worshipped.

Aradian Witchcraft: The Worship of Lucifer and Diana

Cain is said to have created civilizations across the globe, and to have shared with certain chosen men a secret, forbidden wisdom: the Hermetic doctrine of the occult, symbolized by the Lapsit Exillis, or the Holy Grail. These actions brought him into conflict with other members of the Divine hierarchy, an occasion immortalized in the Biblical story of the War in Heaven, and in myths from various cultures that tell the same story. He [Satan/Cain] is also said to have interbred with mortal females, creating mankind’s first Royal family, the Grail Bloodline, which carried with it the seed of the divine. Their descendants became the lords of the earth, resulting in many, if not most of the world’s Royal dynasties throughout history.

It was Cain who carried out the first human sacrifice to Satan, who consumed both the flesh and blood of Abel in honor of his Dark Father. Since Genesis, Cain's descendants, and those who serve their agenda, have engaged in similar blood sacrifices in the honor of their own dark father of whose Masonic secret is subtly revealed in the etymology within the English words Cannibal (Cain + Abel) and Cabal. The earliest Akkadian histories seem to indicate Cain's descendants were also first in stealing children to be used as slaves, for sex, and ultimately, human sacrifices (that led to the more conventional Black Masses held in medieval Europe) that's secretly carried out among certain Royalty and the elites who serve them to this day.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

This is also why more mainstream conspiracy theorists such as David Icke promote the fake racial theory that Jews in the State of Israel are not Jews, but entirely comprised of diluted European "Jews" called Ashkenazi's in order to cast every kind of consternation upon Israel and Zionism, citing that Israel shouldn't even exist. Where have we heard that before? From all of my vast research into the topic, I've learned that what is globally understood as "evil Zionism" has nothing whatsoever to do with the Jewish people or even Israel itself, but everything to do with their attempted genocide once again at the hands of their former genocidal destroyers, the Aryan "Zionists" of Europe who purposefully call themselves "Zionists" to bring even more hatred to Jews whilst these Aryan globalists effectively hide under certain Jewish names. And they, as the descendants of Cain, have been doing this for centuries in order to bring Satan's plan, including the Antichrist, to fruition. In fact, the Aryan hegemony I am speaking of, who created every single elitist Occult secret society the world over, whose origin already existed before ancient Israel was founded, outnumber every single man, woman, and child within Israel itself. Moreover, there are not enough Jews on the entire planet for them to hold the kind of power structure or level of Masonic influence and outright Satanic manipulation that both Britain and America already wield, the kind of ruling power amassed since the Crusades. The notion that the poorest Jews living in segregated European ghettos somehow managed to wrest every power from the banking and financial behemoth that Medieval Europe increasingly established for itself, is absolutely ridiculous on its face and shows how far today's Masonic powers have continually deceived you, for this is the exact information they push. The fact that the Knights Templar themselves, who created the modern banking system itself and was one of the first Anglo-secret societies that was known to worship the Devil, and also murdered Jews in great numbers on their travels back and forth from Jerusalem, should at the very least give you room to pause. Understand, these same powers amassed such great power and prestige unto themselves because of their service to the "prince of this world" that the Scriptures inform us is Satan himself, and their agenda is his agenda, and his agenda is ruling the planet and to destroy every last Jewish man, woman, and child because they are heirs of God's promise. This is why so many lies are perpetrated against Israel and the Jews today, because it helps Satan and his minions in their global takeover tomorrow, which is again, the whole point. I've lost count how many times I've entered into conversations with "truthers" only to hear how blaming Israel remains central to their linear thinking. They blame everything on Jews, while the actual conspirators in Europe hide under Jewish-sounding names and receive a free pass to work their evil unimpeded. Like them, Icke himself denies the Holocaust, and so do the Truthers, but unlike what Truthers do, in their speaking nowhere else but in their own echo chambers, I actually spoke with elderly Jews years ago in Chicago, whose numbered death camp tattoos can still be read off their forearm. I can attest these Jews actually exist, just as the Holocaust is also proven and cannot be denied by biased research that the Satanic Aryan's consistently make against Jews and the Holocaust. An unsettling report has recently surfaced that 1/3 of Europeans never heard of the Holocaust, seemingly leaving history one-third doomed to repeat itself. Millennials, who get nearly all their information via the internet, and have thus become brainwashed by London and its minions of internet NPC's, now call their subsequent holocaust denial and the act of hating the Jewish people and the State of Israel, whilst completely accepting the Nazi narrative of White supremacy. As such, being "red-pilled" is the act someone who wasn't previously brainwashed by hateful Satanic and/or Nazi doctrine, made to have been convinced of it by someone already red-pilled, meaning brainwashed. This is how London is currently deceiving the White masses in advance of their future King, the Antichrist. As perfectly stated by one of Icke's own devotees, "The Rothschild Jews are the most evil people in this world and behind every conspiracy against the White race." I replied "That's ironic, because that is precisely what your true enemy in the Anglo-Masonic banking empire wants you to believe about Jews, albeit the Rothschild's are not Jews and never were. They, like the British Royals themselves, are Aryan-Germanic and born into great wealth, prestige, power, and notoriously, Satanism." So while men like Icke are correct to expose 'Reptilians' for the power they wield, he is nonetheless confused regarding Seth's Messianic lineage (that led to Christ and Israel) with the children of Cain (that led to Europe's ruling elite and Antichrist). In general, Icke speaks much truth to power in regard to his exposing the many evils committed by high-ranking officials within the British government, with their hidden Satanic worship, child kidnapping, torture, trafficking and human sacrifices across both the United Kingdom and the West as a whole. But his way of debasing both Christ and Israel in the very next breath, while subtly promoting figures like Hitler, consistently undermines his overall message. In fact, Aryans, since the crusading Templars to the modern Freemasons, have only consolidated power and global wealth in preparation for their rising Antichrist, and have never lost that global power to the State of Israel. Moreover, the corporate Anglo-Satanic cabal in the West are working to specifically deceive Israel into Antichrist compliance, not the other way around.

*Read Article Why Does Satan (False God of the Global Elite) Hate Israel to the Point of Genocide?
*Read Article The 1948 Rebirth of the State of Israel is a Sure Sign We are Living in the End Times
*Read Article The Ruling Elite Vs "Our Awakening" Who Will Win? -From the Truther's Perspective
*Read Article Lucifer’s Double Agent David Icke Has Become a False Prophet
*Read Article The Internet's False Prophet David Icke Versus Jesus Christ
*Read Article Skeptical Inquirer Also Gets it Wrong About "Reptilian Jews"

The same lying, evil entities that desperately want you to think Jews are inherently evil, are the very same telling you that Nazi's and Hitler were good. The confusion perpetrated by Satan's lot today also centers around the false assumption that the Rothschilds themselves are Jewish, of which they are clearly not. They are descended from the "Synagogue of Satan" bloodline to be sure, but as both Genesis 3:15, and Jesus Christ Himself points out, there's a stark difference between Satan's seed and God's chosen. (See also The Knights Templar Invented the Modern Banking System I and The Knights Templar Invented the Modern Banking System II.) As noted, David Icke consistently misses this entire point, as he increasingly deceives his readers to carry out the same goals of and for Satan's elites, which is to 1) Demote God 2) Dismiss the Bible 3) Debase Christ 4) Despise Christians 5) Destroy Jews and 6) Boycott, dismantle, and finally, eradicate the State of Israel. But examine that short list a bit closer, this same check list ultimately belongs to the Antichrist himself. And so it goes, the evil in the world gets to continue unchallenged, because today's Biblically ignorant generation is too easily distracted and deceived by the very Illuminati-created, Zionist propaganda they either believe they're against, or more simply ignore. One aspect of the confusion between Jews and the true perpetrators of evil in this world, is that they both use the mysterious Kabballah. While the Jews use it in their unwitting attempt to become closer to God via supposedly revealing His mysteries, Occult-driven Satanists use it to draw closer to Satan via the revealing of his counterfeit gnosis. As such, the occult creation of the Kabballah works to distract Jews, while recruiting Satanists, leading to the confusion and blurred lines between Jews and the Aryan Satanic globalists who target them for destruction. Concordantly, it was a single rumor spread by both Neo-Nazi's and Satanic globalists following 9-11 that cite it was ultimately the Jews behind the destruction of the Twin Towers, that has deluded the internet ever since. It wasn't long after the attack, that came the first supposed proof of Israel's involvement in the form of "dancing Israeli's" who seemingly rejoiced as the towers fell. However, the film used as "proof" was from a much older file tape of Jews dancing after a wedding from years before. Now, I distinctly remember that day, and also remember the live camera reporting clearly showing it was not Jews, but Palestinians, in both suburban Detroit and New York City, that were caught rejoicing as the Towers fell. Despite any actual facts presented by the earliest truthers, the lies about Jews went immediately viral, which is telling, given the great need to blame Israel became a shadowy deflection away from any of America's and Britain's own intelligence agencies. The next faked proof of Israel's involvement was strangely found to be embedded within Microsoft's Wingding font, of all things. When writing: "Q(u)een 33 NY" the resulting icons that appear on the screen depict an airplane flying into what appears to be two towers, with a skull and crossbones symbol appearing next to them, and next to that, a Jewish Star of David. Immediately, the idea that Israel was behind 9-11 went viral across the internet. Add in the fake news about "dancing Israeli's" and Larry Silverstein, and you have your first "Truther" conspiracy theory, that Israel, not the CIA, caused 9-11. Interestingly, Microsoft, the elitist-serving megacorporation known to have subliminally placed Swastika's in their logos, as well as the number '666' embedded into a prior code of Windows programming itself, just happened to have created the Wingding's font. The Anglo-corporate elites behind 9-11 purposefully left just enough breadcrumbs for what became "the Truthers" so that they'd naturally "follow the money" behind 9-11, leading to their discovery of those with Jewish-sounding names. Because Truthers became relentless in networking toward grasping the larger truth as to why 9-11, its faked pretexts for wars, and other false flag events continued happening is why the elites provided themselves another layer of protection via another wall of division. Enter the corporate power's creation of [Right-wing] "Truther" vs. [Left-wing] "Woke," where minorities 'woke' to fight against their systematic oppression created by the corporate imperial racism, ironically, but where Whites perceive that their minority war is against them specifically. This latest divide and conquer tactic is perhaps the best the London elites have ever devised because it's about to bring another civil war while at the same time, it further distracts us from what should be the war against those Anglo-corporate powers that enslaved us all. While the outspoken Right and Left in America do the heavy lifting in tearing the nation itself apart for them, the archons in power get to sit back and reap the benefits of our collective ignorance. This in itself is fulfilling one of the greatest challenges formerly presented to the elites, and that is getting the behemoth that is still America to destroy itself from within. All the Anglo-archons in power have to do now is add increasingly more fuel to the growing fire through their control over the Left and Right media, and America is on the brink of complete annihilation. Helping in this effort are today's internet influencers who believe whatever the Left/Right media are telling them to add their own voices to the battle against their fellow Americans, thus further influencing more to kill "the other."

*Read Article Growing Depiction of Israel as a Zionist 'Apartheid' State
*Read Article How or Why the Jews of Israel are Confused with the Euro-Khazars
*Read Article Marjorie Taylor Greene Blames Blizzards on Jews and George Soros
*Read Article Conspiracy Sites Mix Anti-Illuminati Info with Racist Anti-Israel Disinfo
*Read Article Makow Almost Admits Illuminati are not Jews, but are of European Descent
*Read Article Israel's Most Hateful Critics Admit That ‘There is No Occupation’ in Palestine
*Read Article European Union: We Do Not Recognize Israel's Sovereignty Over the Golan Heights
*Read Article New Zealand Government Website Erases Israel From Map - Replaces it with "Palestine"

People such as the holocaust-denying Nathan Stolpman and his British wife Katie of "Lift the Veil," have completely bought into nearly every single lie that the increasingly anti-Semitic truther movement disseminates, such as propagating the entirely racist idea of a so-called "White genocide," that not coincidentally, both neo-Nazi's, the KKK, and Christian Identity all promote, as well the idea that Jews and other minorities are "evil" and need to be purged from American and European society. The Stolpman's also push the truther narrative that every mass shooting perpetrated by White men is automatically a staged "false flag event" by the US government to disarm Whites, while never giving the same kind of cover to armed, or moreover, unarmed minorities for any reason. In addition to that, Nathan specifically spouts the same New Age, Gnostic, and Occult ideologies that promote the future Anglo-Masonic agenda itself, such as Christ surviving the Crucifixion, and cherry-picked elements belonging to the "Holy Grail Bloodline" lie, interestingly enough. Stolpman currently spends much of his time on the D-Live (anagram for Devil) video platform guiding his overwhelmingly White audience toward supporting racist police killings, and hating the unarmed minorities being slaughtered for whatever reasons the conservative media digs up against them, using Zero Hedge, Epoch Times, Daily Caller, and even the neo-Nazi's StormFront, as news sources. His chatrooms on Twitch, D-Live, and RokFin are mostly filled with imperialist-favoring anti-Semitic Whites whose skewed reality is being further tainted by Stolpman telling them that they're in a war of Good [right wing] vs Evil [left wing]. In the George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Kyle Rittenhouse murder cases, Nathan and Katie consistently fell on the side of the Anglo-racist view while demeaning both minorities and minority justice organizations. Like too many others since 9-11, Stolpman and wife were radicalized by right-wing media and racist organizations who've been actively brainwashing since the onset of the Truther Movement and certainly by the 2020 protests after a string of unarmed minorities were killed by mostly White police. In Stolpman's chatrooms, you'll find White supremacists subtly recruiting and consistently downplaying racism while constantly promoting it. When engaging his chat, they'll explain they're not racist, but just believe 'White people are superior over minorities.' Stolpman's frequent guests include the holocaust-denying Adam Green, as well as the admitted racist founders of RedIceTV. Nathan and Katie Stolpman of "Lift The Veil" are but two of the many false prophets leading ignorant Millennials and Gen Z down a very dark path that nonetheless was prophesied for this time. Like every White racist and false prophet before him, he invokes the Bible when convenient, combined with heavy doses of New Age, Occult, and Anglo-supremacist lies, while painting a future where a "benevolent monarchy" will be established to bring a global rule of law, backed by a favored cryptocurrency or logo-based, Mark of the Beast type, NFT cashless society. How ironic he has his following as if to perfectly fulfill Matthew 24:24. Stolpman and his wife are perfect examples of those who never experienced White systemic racism waged against them, and act like it. Neither have they been on the wrong side of the status quo in any of its forms, from constant false accusations to house discrimination, and as a result, cannot see or understand when they are themselves facilitating the racist status quo. This is the mental plague of most Whites who live within the unseen bubble of their protected privilege automatically provided them. What's more ironic, is that if it were Black officers having the habit of killing unarmed White men for nearly a century, with Whites beset on every side by a Black-favoring system of justice and armed Black men calling themselves "American patriots," dominating the nation itself, you just know "White riots" would too easily exist against the "oppressive Black system." What irony. Such vitriol is of course attached to minorities by the fascist far right because it somewhat disguises their innate murderous intentions of any race not White. In addition to promoting imperialist-styled Anglo-racism, the couple are also fostering an environment on their social media channels that propagate nearly everything being geared for the Antichrist, including his touted place in future history as the greatest defender of what will remain of Western culture at that time, as well as his crypto-based financial system to which Nathan greatly extols that would invariably become the prophesied Mark of the Beast, meaning, instead of the demonic-inspired far-right being repulsed by Satan in the flesh, they will be first to fall in line to defend him for all the reasons aforementioned.

*Read Article Gnostic Millennials Push the Satanic Bloodline as Being Anglo-Royal and Holy
*Read Article White Supremacists, Anti-Semites and Other Extremist's New Weapon: Subtlety

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Because they are so easily beguiled by their Masonic Aryan-Masters who are behind the coming New World, youth will be told again and again that Israel and Jews are the harbingers of every evil, all the while, the true enemies of mankind remain protected under a deluge of deception. In fact, there's little difference today than when Hitler's Youth Brigades were being brainwashed in the 1930's by the torrent of anti-Zionist propaganda manufactured by the ϟϟ that precisely mirrors what is being disseminated unto Millennials today. How perfectly the Satanic global elites have this generation under their derision as the world blindly marches under Satan's increasing Nazi-like control toward the ultimate goal of the Masonic 'Great Work,' the ascension of the Antichrist. With 4 out of 10 Millennials never educated about the Holocaust, again, purposefully via public education, how could another Hitler/Antichrist not rise among them to repeat the doom of the 20th century. The anti-Israel deception today is more easily discerned when you understand that the oldest ruling Illuminati families in Europe have a clear and distinct operatus morandi they consistently operate under.

Foremost is their goal of completely undermining no other religion but Christianity, no other religious book but The Bible, no other religious figure but Jesus Christ, and no other nation but Israel. Next is their absolute hatred of Jews themselves, that propels these inherently Anglo-Aryan elite to inject such rampant disinformation regarding them today, of whom they've blamed every evil that they themselves commit on the Semitic race for centuries. Under Jewish sounding names, they control the press and media, increasingly injecting a false narrative to blind the world from the Truth. The marginalization of Jews by German National Socialists in the '30's ultimately led to The Final Solution, where Nazi's attempted to murder every captured Jew. Such marginalizing is also going on today toward a global extent never seen before, as we approach the time of Satan's next Aryan King. It's therefore quite intriguing how Anglo-racists find Christ so unappealing today, and in His place, are taking up the old demonic religions of paganism, witchcraft, Celtic-Druidism, Egyptian pantheism, Greco-Roman, Norse and Teutonic-Aryan occult myths, all of which serve the arrival of Anti-Christ.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Within the duped truther mindset, Microsoft's Wingdings font, the so-called dancing Israeli's, and one Mr. Silverstein was all the burgeoning movement needed to prove Zion's supposed involvement, despite the Anglo-American government's clear role in 9/11. Conveniently, after the attack in New York came the obvious psy-op films "Loose Change" and "Zeitgeist," that provided truthers all the evidence they'd ever need to declare that 9-11 was, in fact, an inside job, whose ultimate blame should be laid at the feet of Israel for its "control over the United States government." So instead of the NSA, CIA, and British MI6 being directly blamed for taking down the towers, their own psychological operation films want all of us to believe it was Israel's Mossad who carried out the attacks, to which, we should all be asking, why would a supposed ally of Israel, blame Israel and not themselves? What was also quite telling, as far as intent, was that the Zeitgeist film specifically went out on a limb to state that Jesus Christ was a mere mortal following in the pagan tradition of prior "Sun Gods" born via "virgin births." As if the deception of who really took down the twin towers weren't enough, which led to rampant anti-Semitism, now people were being exposed to deceptive Antichrist programming, and this is where truthers have remained ever since. II Thessalonians 2:7 explains that Satan's plan toward Antichrist was already well underway by the time of its own writing; "The Mystery of Iniquity already doth work...." That is to say, Satan and his rebel army had ample time to taint man's earliest pre-Christian religions with notions of a 'virgin-born Sun God,' so when Christ was born, it would appear He was merely following after established pagan tradition, and therefore not the Son of God at all, which was the whole point. Satan is that clever. Because such films influenced a growing majority online, who in turn infected the next generation who came after, you cannot read much of what's labeled as "truther" and not be taken down a rabbit hole where literally everything is Israel's (or Christ's) fault, again, as cunningly designed. Furthermore, you cannot listen to any modern truther's own words, without hearing their own brand of specific anti-Semitism, by which they now claim Adolf Hitler as a hero, and Aryan paganism or New Age (Occult lite) pantheism as their collective belief, again, as designed. Consistently, the same people who believe that, also desire for Israel to be destroyed in favor for a Palestinian State. Any real understanding of actual history proves colonial Great Britain has unmistakably managed to manufacture the current troubles seen in Israel today, with their allowing the Jews to return to their ancient homeland, while at the same time not providing anything to the Palestinian people from 1948 unto the present day. Again, this was and is done to ensure the Jews are more easily made into a pariah by the international community. But not only has Britain done this to Israel, but they've also created similar lasting negative post-war conditions for South Africa, Turkey, in Hong Kong, war-torn Afghanistan, Syria and Ukraine, as well as the nuclear rivals of India and its neighbor Pakistan and now Yemen, to see how the UK masterfully plays its dual hand as overt "humanitarian" and hidden destroyer in bringing population control, deadly weapons, mass starvation and untold misery into this world in order to shape it toward the greater need of a strong world leader to supposedly free the planet from such rampant atrocity. Given its manipulative subversion on the world stage and internal occult history both past and present, in addition to the fact that King Charles III currently owns 1/6 of the world's available landmass, an important question arises: How could England NOT produce the Antichrist? The British made sure the Jews would always be seen as an occupying force rather than being able to peacefully exist in their own homeland. We have the British Royals and their patsy, Lord Arthur Balfour to thank for all of that. The diminished peace existing within Israel today was London's plan all along, thus creating the conditions whereby the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39 could most easily be fulfilled, knowing its aftermath sees the rise of their Antichrist king stepping onto the scene as the Mideast's seeming savior. Looking at all sides of the issue at it stands today, one might ask if London and other Western nations decided Jews should return to Israel in 1948, why didn't they convince Egypt, or Libya, or Sudan, or Lebanon, or Jordon, or Iraq, or Syria, or Turkey, or Kuwait, or Iran, or Saudi Arabia, or the UAE, or Dubai, or Yemen, or Qatar, or Oman, to take in these disenfranchised and starving Palestinians? For that matter, why haven't any of those nations ever bothered to actually help the Palestinians in any regard that would facilitate lasting peace with Israel, instead of providing the former PLO, and now Hamas, more guns, bullets, rockets, and bombs that would kill Jews unless killing every Jew was their stated goal? Might it be that they collectively hate the Jewish people want Israel in a perpetual state of war?

*Read Article China Strengthens Claims Over Disputed Waters With New Law Against Foreign Ships
*Read Article War with China by 2030? UK Sends Warship "Queen Elizabeth" to Asia Permanently
*Read Article How Great Britain Created the Past and Current Mideast Crisis

The creed of Hamas goes far beyond children throwing rocks at the IDF, it dictates that they will not stop killing Israelis until all Jews are dead and the Jewish homeland under sole Arab control. In other words, the Palestinian want for a two-state solution is merely their attempt to build a Palestinian State military and air force that would then move to carry out their actual goal of annexing the State of Israel. This is precisely why, from a point of survival, Israel counters such terrorism in equally extreme ways. The Palestinian cause is often worked into fever pitch as the result of a covert operation arising out of the British security agencies counterfeit version of 'Rothschild Zionism,' that far too often gets blamed solely on Jews themselves, but again, this is done purposefully to constantly present Israel as evil and warlike, which again, serves the purposes of the global elite aligned against her. This was the case in 2014 and again in 2021, when Hamas again hid within buildings housing the foreign press and Palestinian families from where they'd indiscriminately launch thousands of rockets into Israel. The Israelis are not wrong in protecting their own civilian populace against Hamas terrorists, an organization sworn to the destruction of every last Jew within Israel. Of why Israel holds so much sway via AIPAC and other lobbying groups, understand that Jews in general simply advocate for their own survival, given what they were forced to endure during past attempted Aryan global takeovers, from the Crusades to Hitler's Third Reich, to today. So how ironic it becomes that the Jewish right to merely exist brings out all those sinister racist forces who insanely want to destroy them all the more. So how hard is it for any of you to finally discern that for want of erasing the Jews out of existence is exactly why such racist and neo-Nazi organizations are behind the faked "Israeli Occupation" stories being circulated today? They want the world to hate the Jews, just as their Aryan Masters in London do, and thus spread such increasing anti-Semitism across the internet and seemingly rally behind the idea of "Palestine" as a form of global recruitment. One proof of that is seen on many American colleges today, where Neo-Nazi's have found easy recruitment via their boycotting Israel campaigns. As a result, Israel is far too preoccupied with their own day-to-day survival, being surrounded with Arab enemies on all sides, for Jews to be the earth's shadowy bogeyman that some Whites, ironically, need them to be. Finally, when it comes to the modern nation of Israel, what most cannot understand but need to understand the most, is that the Jews are from God's own perspective, protecting their nation and their people for the arrival of He who comes after the Beast. That is to say, God has the Jews existing, protecting, and saving their nation for the return of His Son, of whom they will believe in upon seeing His physical return to save them from the future Jerusalem-conquering Antichrist. In other words, God has made a way for Abraham's descendants to return to their promised nation of Israel just before Antichrist ascends, and more importantly, Christ returns. Now, I can understand the human rights issue in regard to Palestinians, but also understand, God owns the land, and the time is getting short. It is He that is working thru the Jewish people at returning Israel to them as prophesied for the last days, and it is that dynamic at work which stands behind the Jewish settlements issue, and why Israel is systematically removing Arabs from off Israel's sovereign territory. The very fact the Palestinians consistently destroy every ancient Jewish artifact they find that connects Jews to their ancient homeland in itself speak volumes. For context, the State of Israel was literally attacked the very next day after its founding on May 14, 1948, and the warlike "Palestinians" haven't ever changed to try a more peaceful approach in all of that time since, as they move from war after war, decade after decade. The closest they tried was with the former terrorist himself, Yassir Arafat, but because of his own many terrorist crimes against Israel, his long shadow on the so-called "peace process" always fell short. Israel will always belong to Israel because there is a God, our Creator who has deemed Israel first as His. Hamas merely exposed the "Palestinians" and therefore, the Arab's true feeling about God's chosen. Simply read Ezekiel chapters 38-39 to see how Russia, Iran, Turkey, and all of the others that align themselves with Russia and Iran "in the latter days," as it states, to invade Israel in the very near future also FAIL in epic fashion. God gave the Land to those He did for a reason and His people, as stated, "shall never be uprooted again." It is time that the "Palestinian" Jordanian nomads and traders who camped in the post-Crusade Holy Land of Israel pack up and return to Jordan from whence they came.

*Read Article Israel's Inalienable Right to the Holy Land of their Forefathers
*Read Article Great Britain's [Sadistic] Role in the Modern Creation of the Jewish State of Israel
*Read Article (BBC) British Broadcasting Company Cannot Hide its Obvious Hate for Israel's Existence
*Read Article Exposed Twitter Editorial Executive Over the Mideast is Also a British Army Psyops Soldier
*Read Article Britain's Racist Anti-Semitic Government Has Targeted Post-War Jews for Assassination Before
*Read Article British Lord Arthur Balfour's Letter to Lord Rothschild that Help Lead to State of Israel's Creation

Netanyahu's latest right-wing government wanting to raze more of Palestinian settlements while building more for Jews is in keeping with what God and Christ Himself want for their nation of Israel. Again, most cannot understand this one fact. God and His Son know the collective mind of the Palestinians that still wants to push the Jews into the sea and take the land for themselves and their "god." Therefore, in the same manner that the Palestinians judge Jews with mass exodus and death is the same measure by which God likewise judges the Palestinians. Netanyahu (a name that translates as "Gift from God") is thusly carrying out God's will. There is also confusion today among some non-Christians when it comes to Israel. Some of the more ignorant like to compare Israel with White Europeans "rightfully" taking over Native American land, as if White Europeans are "God's chosen" and their taking America can be equated with modern Jews in Israel who lived in Israel thousands of years before Islam or its "Palestinians." For their misplaced comparison to be correct, White Europeans would have to had lived and thrived for a few thousand years in America before 1620. Palestinians have even resorted to claiming the historically renowned First and Second Temples of Judaism on Jerusalem's Temple Mount never existed, while calling the still-existing tombs of Israel's most ancient patriarchs as belonging not to ancient Jews, but themselves. Mind you, the Palestinians also have a unwritten law whereby they'll destroy any ancient Jewish artifact they find, especially those found on or near the Temple Mount. Many Palestinians make a further break with history and reality by claiming Abraham, Moses, and even Jesus Christ Himself are of Arab descent, in their attempt to deny that the ancient Jews ever existed in the land at all. Remember this the next time you hear Hamas firing indiscriminate missiles upon Israeli civilians because Jews merely wanted to visit their Temple Mount, or the ancient places of their own forefathers. Again, and so there is no more confusion, history itself proves Jews lived in Israel long before the much later 5th century Greek historian named Herodotus decided to call the place 'Syria-Palestinia' because it lacked a name after Israel was conquered by Rome in 70 AD. In other words, because the Holy Land had no single race of people living there by which to more accurately render the land a more proper name, is why it was deemed to be a province of Syria. Interestingly, and also very telling, the proxy name of Syria-Palestinia never stuck in the minds of anyone that traveled through its virtual wasteland for the next 1,500 years after Herodotus so named it, because, other than Saladin's army, no one actually lived there for any length of time other than a relatively few Egyptian and Jordanian nomads and traders who would sometimes camp there in travels to or from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan." As a result, there were never any "Palestinian people living in Palestine for thousands of years before 1948," as some media and social media narratives falsely push. The recent Israel vs. Gaza battle in 2021 itself showed just how many people today are completely misinformed with their not even knowing the Jews existed in Israel long before 1948 AD. Try 1948 BC. Not counting the relatively short times Israel was displaced by Egypt, Babylon, and Assyria, the ancient people of Israel held their Holy Land from 1300 BC unto 70 AD, when the Romans conquered Jerusalem. In fact, it was approximately 4,000 years ago when the people that became the Jews first entered what became the ancient nation of Israel. 3,500 years ago, Moses' successor, Joshua, is accredited for the Israel's founding. Archeology itself bears these facts and proves Israel was a Hebrew-speaking/writing Jewish nation who produced both King David, King Solomon, and later, Jesus Christ Himself. Herod's Temple, the Temple that existed at Christ's time, has a Western "Wailing" Wall that can still be seen and touched to this day. By the time the Holy Roman Empire was waning in power in the Middle East, Jerusalem, in turn, became the 'Holy Land' of the regional religion and consolidating power among the Arabs called Islam. By 1095, the equally ascending power that was the Vatican eventually decided to wrest Jerusalem from Islam by launching the first of nine military campaigns called the Holy Crusades, out of which arose the Merovingian-descended "Knights Templars." The Crusaders won decisive victories over the Arabs, including winning Jerusalem for a time, but ultimately lost its defense in subsequent Crusades that followed. By 1291, the Vatican's dream of owning the Temple Mount was temporarily over (only to be later picked up by the Templar-Jesuit faction) and Islam seemingly ruled the land by win of war, but never established a people to fully inhabit the Holy Land itself. Interestingly, after a visit to Palestine in 1869, it was none other than Mark Twain who infamously recorded how the Holy Land was not only uninhabitable, but a deserted wasteland with only the few, scattered, Arab nomads of largely Jordanian descent, camping about the place as nomadic traders travelling to Egypt. Thus, while mapmakers of the time may have used the name "Palestine" on older world maps, there was certainly never a Palestinian people by which the land is actually named after, as so many believe today. As a further note of interest, the UK commonwealth of New Zealand is now refusing to place Israel on any map, to instead replace its name with "Palestine." (See also "Palestinians" Are Actually Jordanian Arab Nomads and Debunking Claim that “Palestinians” are the Indigenous People of Israel.)

*Read Article Prince William Arrives in 2018 to "Charm the Tense Middle East"
*Read Article Rothschild 'Deep State' Operates to Increase Hate Toward Israel
*Read Article Crusaders Protect Israel Today to Save it for Antichrist Tomorrow
*Read Article The Secret Scroll: Satanic Templars and their Future Control of Zion
*Read Article Prince William Scheduled to Visit Israel in Hopes of Confirming a Covenant
*Read Article Prince William Vows to Create a Lasting Israeli Peace as His Lifelong Project
*Read Article Trump's 'Abraham Accord' Peace Sets the Stage for Antichrist's Future Confirmation

As to timing, British officials swear blind it has nothing to do with this year's 70th anniversary of Israel's creation. No one can quite explain why it had to be this year. But the visit and the anniversary are, we are told, simply coincidence. A busy time awaits Prince William, and the odd potential pitfall, as he wanders among the bones of Empire.

Prince William in Israel

In my Father's house are many mansions. I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I AM, there you will be also. I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man may cometh unto the Father, except thru Me. Hereafter, I will not be with you, for the Prince of this world [Satan/Antichrist] is coming. And the people of the Prince that shall come, shall destroy Jerusalem and the Temple and the end thereof shall be with a flood, unto the end of the war desolations are determined. For he [Antichrist] shall confirm a [false] covenant of peace with many for one week [shabua; meaning 7 lunar years in Hebrew]: and in the midst of the week, he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease [in the Temple], and for the overspreading of abominations, he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, when all that is determined shall be poured upon the desolate ones.

John 14; Daniel 9:26-27; The Holy Bible

Kingmaker: The Round Table's Prince Visits the Nation of Israel in 2018
Daniel 9:26-27 is once again brought to central prominence. It is a very specific prophecy regarding the Antichrist's connection to both the past and the future ('Once and Future King' dynamic) that will especially hold special significance this year, in 2018. I am not saying that Daniel's apocalyptic vision regarding the Jewish Temple will be fulfilled in this year, as it's a prophecy specifically for the future Antichrist when he destroys the Third Temple (yet to be built) by violently conquering it and crowning himself inside as 'King of the Jews,' in counterfeit of Christ. However, what is intriguing is that this number of 70 appears twice in William's upcoming trip to Israel. First, his visit falls in the 70th year of Israel's existence in the modern era. Apparently, it takes 70 years of existence for the British Royal Family to finally recognize Israel. Second, but most important here, is that the number 70 holds great meaning to specifically the Temple Mount area of Jerusalem, where William will no doubt be touching the ruins of the Second Temple (called the Western Wall) an act that directly conjures up the year that Temple was destroyed, in 70 AD. Stranger still, the chilling prophecy that connects itself with that Second Temple's destruction also references a "Prince to come ...who shall destroy the City (Jerusalem) and the Sanctuary (Second Temple)" (Daniel 9:26). History has already proven fulfillment of this when the Roman war leader known as Titus ('the Prince') son of Vespasian, destroyed Jerusalem and its Temple. As a result, millions of Jews were killed, and the majority from that day forward were scattered themselves throughout Europe and Asia Minor. The comparatively small remnant that remained later attempted a second revolt that failed in 135 AD. After which, Jerusalem was renamed Aelia Capitolina and a Roman Temple to Zeus was built on the ruins of the Temple Mount. For 1,878 years (40 x 40 years) did the Jews suffer in the Diaspora (the scattering). Stranger still, the very next verse (Daniel 9:27) shifts its focus from Titus to the future Antichrist ("revived Roman Empire" leader) likewise referencing him as a "Prince to come," who arrives in the end of days to deceive Israel with peace, but ultimately brings about the 'Abomination of Desolation,' and later, Armageddon. Thus, from the prophet Daniel is gleaned much information, much of it being directly told to Daniel by the Angel Gabriel, and the "Son of Man," Himself. All of this certainly makes the Future King's upcoming visit to the Holy Land of great interest indeed, especially when you factor in that Daniel 8:9 explicitly tells us that the Antichrist must travel "South and East" to arrive at Israel, which also fits perfectly, given London's geographic location in reference to the Holy Land. Not to mention, this decision made on part of his hidden network of handlers that has him visiting Israel in this "Seventieth Year," knowing the Temple was wiped out in 70 (AD), once by a "Prince" of old, and next by a future "Prince to come," who arrives in Israel, specifically, makes for what I call "The Curse of the Seventieth Year" yet another mystery you should be paying closer attention to, especially when it's in conjunction with "Daniel's 70th Week."

*Read Article Jerusalem Post: "The Future King is Coming" Jerusalem Prepared for the King
*Read Article Daniel's 70th Week Proves Jesus is Messiah and a Coming Prince is Antichrist
*Read Article Archaeologists Find Evidence of Jerusalem's Destruction 2,000 Years Ago
*Read Article Queen Elizabeth II is Related to the Ancient Roman Caesars by Bloodline
*Read Article Historians Believe the Queen is Related to Islam's Prophet Muhammad

Prince William's handlers will likely write a speech for him that makes reference to the ruins of that Second Temple, and of the Third Temple yet to come. [Compare Daniel 12:11 with Matthew 24:15.] Another timely aspect that fits into this, is the potential discovery that William, through his grandmother's Royal ancestral lineage, is also found to be a distant relative of the ancient ruling classes of the ancient Roman Empire, specifically Prince Titus himself, if only to make it a literal fulfillment that Antichrist would be 'of the people of the [Roman] Prince to come,' meaning Prince William and Rome's Prince Titus, are related via bloodline. It should be noted here that the Queen has visited 130 nations in 66 years on the Throne. Israel has many times requested the Royal Family to come see their blessed State of Israel over as many decades. Each time the British Royals have provided only excuses related to the lack of peace Israel has with the Palestinians since 1948. Question: Then, why send William? An article in the Times of Israel, follows: "News of Prince William’s upcoming visit to Israel might just be a small silver lining to the very dark cloud of the Iranian threat. That threat has intensified in recent weeks as Iran, through its proxy, the terrorist group Hezbollah, has sought to flex its muscle in Syria. There have been plenty of requests and invitations, and the royals have travelled widely, but whenever discussions of an Israel trip gained momentum, the idea was spiked. The late Haaretz editor David Landau, British-born and a keen royalist, once accused the Windsor's of harboring a “nasty, petty British intrigue to deny Israel that rankling vestige of legitimation that is in their power to bestow or withhold — a Royal Visit.” So, it seems the catalyst for the change in Riyadh has been Iran, as the Saudis are alarmed by the Iranian threat and growing closer to Israel in order to counter it. London still reveres Riyadh, which bought $1.5 billion worth of British arms last year. When there was talk of a visit in 2015, a government source told Britain’s Daily Telegraph: “Until there is a settlement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the Royal Family can’t really go there.” But times have changed, and even though a peace settlement seems distant, Prince William will be heading this way before the end of the summer, in what Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin called “a very special present for our 70th year of a time when a question mark hangs over the American role and the Palestinians are refusing to cooperate with Washington. “The Brits want to play a larger role to help resolve the conflict,” he said. Eytan also believes that the young royals like William have prompted a rethink in London. “There’s a new generation and the young Prince wants to turn a page.”

*Read Article Since Prince William's Visit, 3 Signs Fulfilled in Israel Connected to the Messiah
*Read Article Prince William's 2018 Jerusalem Visit is to Hold Great Meaning for Jews Globally
*Read Article Jerusalem Post: What Prince William's Jerusalem Visit Means for Jews Worldwide
*Read Article The Times of Israel: What Prince William's Visit Means to the Christians Worldwide
*Read Article In the Footsteps of Jesus Christ Himself, Prince William Enters the Tomb of Christ
*Read Article The August 2018 Birth of a Red Heifer in Israel Signals the Era of the Third Temple
*Read Article Temple Institute: The Tenth Red Heifer will Be Prepared by the Messiah [Antichrist]
*Read Article Israel Reports Red Nova Collision in 2022 Linked to Arrival of their Coming Messiah
*Read Article A Rabbi in Israel Claims That God Will Uncover Messiah's Identity to Israel in 2022
*Read Article Prophetic Omens Above: The Rosh Hashanah Ring of Fire Eclipse and its Comet in 2024

Of course, the "Royal visit" was not prompted by current politics, or even recent Iranian aggression in the region, but was well-prepared for in advance by the Royal Family and its global handlers strategizing to establish William in Israel, on this side of the Collapse, as to provide him the increasing roots needed for his destined role as ultimately becoming Israel's (false) Messiah on the other side. William's very ironic visit to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial that honors the six-million Jewish dead who were murdered at the hands of William's German relatives, where upon William laid a ceremonial wreath on the charred human remains of Jews burnt in Nazi ovens, was clearly the most ironic event of Prince William's entire visit, something of which he carried out on his first day in Israel. While we aren't to expect much from his 2018 Royal Visit, politically speaking, in terms of a finalized peace treaty, the visit does, by default, open the gates for Prince William to return in the future. British-controlled media are naturally much more in tune with the way Buckingham Palace wants this visit to convey, politically (and spiritually), with William's visit to the Mount of Olives to pay his seeming respects to his great-grandmother, Princess Alice of Battenberg. She was buried at the Mount of Olives and posthumously given such prominence in Israel because she helped Haimaki Cohen's widow (Haimaki Cohen was a former member of British Parliament) and their children to hide from the Nazi's in Greece. Princess Alice heard of Rachel's desperate situation and offered to shelter them at her home, with several instances of the Germans being suspicious and paying Alice several visits. In one interview by the Gestapo, it is reported that Alice used her well-known deafness as a tool to pretend not to understand their questions until they left out of sheer frustration. After the war, Princess Alice continued to maintain contact with Rachel, often visiting her at her Athens home. In December 1969, Alice died at Buckingham Palace, the same year Prince Charles had his investiture earlier that summer and was officially made the Prince of Wales. In 1988, her coffin was flown to the Russian Orthodox Church of Saint Mary Magdalene on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, where she was reburied next to the tomb of her Aunt Elisabeth, the Grand Duchess of Russia. There's little doubt that if Prince William visits her grave, that such an event is just one of many in this trip purposefully chosen to make William (and his lineage) seem to be sympathetic toward Israel and the Jewish people, when the reality of what's coming in their future is anything but. Putting that aside for a moment, what the mainstream media isn't explaining is by far more interesting, which is that despite Princess Alice of Battenberg's seeming good works toward a single Jewish family, her own daughters married senior Nazi SS officers, had lavish meals with Hitler himself, while her son, Prince Philip once prominently marched alongside senior Nazi officials. (See also William's Grandfather Prince Phillip: The Sickest and Most Evil Man in England Today?.)

*Read Article The British Royal Family's History with Nazi Germany & Prince William's Jerusalem Visit
*Read Article How the British Royal Family and the Illuminati Anglo-Elite's Facilitated Adolf Hitler's Rise to Power
*Read Article Seven Ways that Adolf Hitler was a Perfect Candidate for the Biblically Prophesied Future Antichrist 666
*Read Article Wewelsburg: Nazi 'Grail Castle' Where Himmler Used Satanic & Arthurian Themes for World Domination

Prince Philip, later married Princess Elizabeth and entered into the British aristocracy at the top to eventually become the grandfather of Prince William. Despite his sisters and marching with Nazi's in the 1930's, modern Israeli's honor Prince Philip for his placating speeches and attending Jewish events since becoming a Royal, much like Prince William is doing today. His grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II herself was taught at an early age to give the Nazi salute by her royal parents, notoriously proven by a private family film that recently became leaked by someone within the British establishment. The film clearly depicts the Queen Mother and King George VI seen encouraging young Elizabeth to give the Nazi "Heil Hitler" salute for the camera, all of which greatly tarnishes whatever positive legacy Alice may have personally established with Jews. Of course, the media knows all of this, in detail, but why did they not divulge any of those truths when it was most relevant, at the time when Prince William was visiting Israel? So while Prince William is portrayed as a supporter of Jewish plight and their senseless genocide at the hands of the same Nazi's, his own lineage has ironically proven time and again to support everything that ultimately brought about that Jewish genocide to begin with. Thank God at least one leading Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, is reporting today of those complicated historical facts about the Nazi's and their connections with the British Royals, reminding its readers of the hard truth. And yet, judging from reports coming out of Israel, it seems the Jewish people were mostly left in awe at the young royal's presence among them. Prince William also traveled to the reputed site of Christ's ancient tomb known as the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, from whence Christ resurrected. In an even greater irony, Prince William even walked inside the grounds of the Arab-controlled Temple Mount, entered the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque (the future site of the Third Temple itself), as well as visited the Mount of Olives, where Christ is to return and where his great-grandmother is buried. Netanyahu was clearly charmed by William, as were many of the Jewish religious leaders who led William to the Western Wall, a remnant of the original Jewish Temple, where Prince William "prayed for world peace," or so he claimed. At the end of the day, it becomes clear why Britain has been so instrumental in creating the modern Middle East, with its Lord Arthur Balfour Declaration of 1917, et al, as well as having its role in Israel's creation, for this very moment, and for the near future, when William returns to Israel in the post-Collapse. The vast majority of Israeli media and Jewish articles are shaping William's trip to Israel as not one that would immediately foster a lasting peace between the Israelis and Palestinians, or anything of such relative global importance, but one where such a time could come later, citing that this trip is what could pave the groundwork for such an historic undertaking in the near future.

*Read Article Philip Never Came to Terms with His Nazi Past
*Read Article Why Jews Feel Indebted to the Late Prince Philip
*Read Article Will the Antichrist Claim to be the Jewish Messiah?
*Read Article The Messianic Rain Within the Aquarian Tribulation
*Read Article The Synagogue of Satan Already Positioned in Israel
*Read Article What Jews Expect to See From their Coming Messiah
*Read Article Prince William Enters Dome of the Rock, Prays for World Peace

The Round Table's Evil Works in the Shadows Behind Governments
Contrary to what certain "truthers" read on the internet, Israel is not mankind's collective enemy. But our collective enemy does hate Israel. In fact, Israel is their primary target. Along this same line, neither is the American government your real enemy, but does have Masonic entities who work within it in order to direct the last Christian empire toward Anti-Christianity and its eventual fall. Their plan must include the decline of the American superpower, so that Europe can ascend to fulfill its destined role as the Kingdom of the Beast. The present European financial shakeup with Brexit, etc., is only part of their larger plan toward increasing Britain's standing as the strongest of the European nations that will comprise a much greater United Kingdom in the future. This plan is not new but rooted in the Dark Ages and further strengthened in the Crusades, and after, when the Templars were forced into Scotland. Over time, elements of the Masonic global plan would surface when certain Freemasons, such as Cecil Rhodes created groups that promoted the "Great Work" in a much more public way. Cecil Rhodes, founder of the Rhodes Scholarship, became one of the most important, affluent and influential members of the Satanic Anglo-elitists of the 19th century. His vast wealth and empire came about after plundering African diamond mines that laid the groundwork for how global corporate greed in business would be conducted far into the future. He believed that the Anglo-British and American Empires had the right to conquer the planet, and that only educated Whites (British or Americans having Celtic or British stock) should become the inheritors of such an entirely Anglo-governed world. Rhodes also created 'The Round Table,' forever providing us a clue as to who Satan's men are preparing this world for. Understand, that the New World and its Order shall come about as the result of a global grass roots effort among the survivors of the coming Collapse, who will band together to form increasingly linked communities of similar laws and common reasoning that shall play out among them. Behind it, however, will be the same secret societies who've existed for centuries that will spark the genesis of these same 'Green World' communities tomorrow. As such, their plan is to bring the world into ten distinct districts, with a new European Union overseeing it all. Out of that New Europe, that arises like a phoenix from the ashes, a Masonic King will arrive to oversee the building of the world's last great superpower from the ashes of a world collapsed. In that world coming, governed by its new utopian-like 'Green King,' will the collapse-weary world who have just witnessed the destruction of our present order, be readied for such a figure who arrives on a platform of peace, prosperity and a New Global Constitution seemingly based on harmony and balance with all living things. He will create a new rule of law that seemingly favors peace over war, a new global financial system, unlimited clean power for energy, as well as the establishment of a Goddess-centered "green religion" that blends ancient Druidism, Witchcraft, New Age, and Judaism with other pagan 'earth religions.' "And yet the whole world will marvel at the Beast, who was, is not, but will be again." -Rev. 17:8

*Read Article A New Judaism For a New Age
*Read Article Religion in Israel Becoming 'New Age'
*Read Article New Age Judaism Expects the Messiah Today

Being conditioned on a massive scale by Cain's lot, the world is already accepting Satan, in their rejection of their Creator God, sealing their long-prophesied fate ending in unrepentant man's final destiny at Armageddon, which of itself is the end-result of all the wrong choices man has collectively made since Eden. In so doing, the world has allowed the 'Destroyer of Kingdoms' to rule over them, willingly, and so shall he rule, in direct result. The modern State of Israel needs to pay special attention to these many things, as it their Kingdom, promise, and people that Satan seeks to destroy the most, as it is they who God has deemed His own. Satan shall accomplish this through a deception geared specifically toward Jews, regarding their coming Messiah. Moreover, the false religion this Antichrist shall promote, shall be one of a Metaphysical Judaism, where he can unleash his greatest weapon against mankind, first upon them. In this, with Israel conquered, shall Lucifer finally obtain a temporary right to the land of God's Promise, Zion, with the vehicle ultimately driving him to conquer Israel and the world, having its own origins in a currently much debated, albeit false, lineage of wanton pre-eminence that claims a Bloodline of Christ. Thus, the coming One World King, the Antichrist is alive, and exists right now, however, currently he is just a man, not as yet possessed by Satan himself, and as a man, he may not even know of his own inescapable destiny. In a single, pivotal moment in time, when the world is at its weakest, he will be presented with a choice, and he will choose absolute power. In that single moment, shall Satan enter the 'Son of Perdition,' the product of years in interbreeding Occult Bloodlines, a Cainite lineage that has gone thru ancient Nod, Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and then, Roman Britannia. In fact, it was the ancient Romans that first settled and created London, during the years just after Christ was crucified. Therefore, when we read in Daniel's prophecy about "the Prince that shall come" who arises out of the same people that destroyed the City (Jerusalem) and the Sanctuary (Solomon's Temple), we know that was referring to the ancient Romans. Amazingly enough, at the very same time Prince Titus of Rome was destroying both Jerusalem and its Temple, in 70 AD, Rome was already underway in its building a major port city called Londinium, in its furthest western province of Britannia. That city eventually came to be called London. In other words, what the Book of Daniel was telling us all along, is that the future Antichrist arises out of a revived Roman Empire (today's European Union) as a Prince and Future King, that is to be born in London. One should also remember that the European Union itself saw its rise begin in a 1957 trade agreement signed in Rome between the nations of Europe that led to the European Common Market. In this way did the spirit of the former Roman Empire pass its torch and mantle unto England proper, which in turn became the British Empire (which despite the belief that the 'sun has set' on what remains of the Empire, England couldn't be stronger currently with the United States as its corporation, owned by the British Royal family, the Vatican, and other Anglo-Satanic controlling interests [Cainites] in Europe). Thus, ancient Rome's connection with today's EU, and Britain specifically, are many. After Collapse, the 'Raiser of Taxes' and his global restoration toward a New European Order will pave the way for the ten-nation "Revived Roman Empire" that the later ascending Antichrist himself oversees.

*Read Article Rare Celtic Coin Found Dated to Time of London's Founding by Rome in 47 AD
*Read Article Roman Eagle Unearthed in London is Reminder of London's Roman Empire Origins
*Read Article Stunning Roman Mosaic is Unearthed in London and the Largest Found This Century
*Read Article A 2018 Study Finds Ancient Roman Roads Led Directly to Europe's Modern Prosperity
*Read Article The Land and King Are One: Roman Britain Ascends with the Antichrist - A Must Read
*Read Article The Royal Standard and Symbol of the Eagle and the Bloodline Nations of Master Cain
*Read Article Could the British Royal Family Bring a Lasting Peace Between Israelis and Palestinians?
*Read Article Peace Activists Suggest Setting Up 'The Administrator' to Oversee Mutual Control Over Jerusalem
*Read Article Royal Family Still Pushing Prince William to be Seen as Pro-Israel at Recent MI6 Statue Unveiling

The coming world leader commonly known as the Antichrist has 33 titles ascribed to him in the Old Testament and 13 titles in the New, yet despite what some may think, he is only called the "Antichrist" five times in all of Scripture and all of those are found within the epistles of John, possibly the same man who wrote Revelation where Antichrist is then called "the Beast". However, there are two more titles in particular that reappear four times between Isaiah and Revelation which further intrigue. The coming Antichrist is called a "Prince" in Daniel 9:26-27; "the people of the Prince that shall come shall destroy the City and the Sanctuary," yet he is also called a "King" in Revelation 17:8; "the King who was, is not, yet will be again." This shows us that the coming Antichrist is not just metaphorically called a King, as some believe, but that he will move through the normal procession of a monarchial tradition, being first a European Prince, and then a King. Daniel 9:26-27, which makes a Biblically common dual-layered prophecy whose first fulfillment came in 66 AD, the year of a large Comet seen, an evil omen in the skies above, as the Jews initiated their ill-fated revolt against their Roman oppressors, and were met with Vespasian along with his son, Titus (fitting the 'Roman Prince' archetype) and his armies who systematically destroyed both Jerusalem and the Temple (the City and the Sanctuary) over the next four years until Jerusalem became a salted wasteland. The parallel fulfillment comes in the near future, during the Tribulation when the Antichrist (along with his False Prophet) and armies desecrate a future rebuilt Jewish Temple, and with it, Jerusalem itself. The Scriptures have used this more enigmatic but precise kind of multi-layered prophecy before. Thus, Christ's own prophetically coded language found within Matthew 24:3-33 (among others) in which he links Daniel's entire prophecy about the "Abomination of Desolation," the future "Prince to come," to be the end-time Antichrist, who arises out of the same people who destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple before, of whom Daniel 11:36 refers to him as 'The Willful King.' As with most prophetic Scripture, especially those found in Daniel, God always makes a way for the correct interpretation to be known. In this, Christ made it clearly known what was meant by Daniel's prophecy when providing the interpretation that there were two distinct destructions coming upon Israel, the first by the Roman "Prince" [Titus] and his 10th Legion of the Roman army (which destroyed Jerusalem and its Temple in 66 AD), the later fulfillment in the end-times by the Antichrist, a European Prince that arises out of a nation formerly included in the ancient Roman Empire, or who perhaps, he himself will arise from Euro-Roman descendants. Thus, while my colleagues in the Biblical prophecy collective have been searching for a Roman Prince ever since, they would have been more wise to consider a London Prince, specifically.

*Read Article Prince William to “Confirm” Covenant with Israel by Geri Ungurean
*Read Article The Throne of British-Israel: Its Biblical Origin and its Future [King]
*Read Article EU Paving the Way for an End-Time 'Hitler': The European Antichrist
*Read Article The European Union Paves the Way for a Future European Antichrist
*Read Article Today's European Union is Patterned After the Ancient Roman Empire
*Read Article Today's European Union Morph's to Become the Kingdom of the Beast

As mentioned, the city of London was actually created, founded, and populated by the ancient Romans a decade after Christ was crucified, around 43 AD, making the prophetic Scripture in II Thessalonians quite intriguing "For even now [the first century] the Mystery of Iniquity [London/Spirit of Antichrist] is already at work." In time, as this Roman outpost grew shortly after the death [resurrection] of Christ [by the hands of the Romans], Rome eventually flooded thousands of their troops into south-eastern Britain, via London, in their expanse of the still growing Roman Empire. A commander of the Roman troops at that time, Aulus Plautius, pushed his men from their landing place in Kent towards Colchester, then the most important town in Britain, into London, where they built the city. As the growing Roman armies increasingly began to get a foothold, pushing south, their southern advance was only halted by the Thames River, were Plautius was forced to build a bridge to get his men across. Interestingly, this first "London Bridge" built by the Romans was found to be only yards from the modern London Bridge seen today. The Roman bridge proved a convenient central point for the new network of roads which soon spread out in every direction to allow the quick movement of an even greater number of Roman troops to fill and expand the area further. The Roman settlement on the north side of the bridge, was then named Londinium and quickly became important as a trading center for army supplies and goods brought up by the English Channel and into the Thames River, by boats unloaded at wooden docks by their ancient bridge. Just eighteen years after the arrival of the Romans, Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni tribe of present-day East Anglia, launched her rebellion against the new rulers of Britain and against their new city, Londinium. The Roman general Gaius Suetonius Paulinus managed to send some troops to London before Boudica's much larger forces arrived. What happened next was recorded by the Roman historian Tacitus, in what was the first written record of London. He detailed 'At first, Gaius hesitated as to whether to stand and fight at Londinium. Eventually, his numerical inferiority forced his decision to sacrifice the single city of Londinium to save the province as a whole. The inhabitants were allowed to accompany him [in retreat] but those who stayed because they were women, or old, or attached to the place, were all slaughtered by the enemy.' Excavation has revealed extensive evidence of the cities destruction by fire, in the form of a layer of red ash beneath the city. The Romans responded to Boudica's attack by slaughtering as many as 70,000 Britons in the Battle of Watling Street. After Londinium fell, it was quickly rebuilt as a planned Roman town and recovered after a decade. During the latter years of the first century, therefore, Londinium expanded rapidly, and quickly became Roman Britain's largest city to replace Colchester as the capital of Roman Britannia.

*Read Article The Vacant Seat # 666 is Still Being Reserved in the European Parliament
*Read Article American Corporate Elites Know Prince William is the Future Antichrist 666
*Read Article Corporate Elites Depict the Antichrist as a Young, Blonde-Haired Masonic Boy
*Read Article Prince William Has Taken Another Step Toward Becoming 'The Masonic Christ'

From their new city stronghold where they pushed north, the Romans advanced and conquered much of Britannia, only stopping at Scotland's border to create Hadrian's Wall (upon hearing that the Pictish tribes were even more pagan, warlike, and bloodthirsty than the vanquished Druids whom the Romans had just destroyed in Wales). Excavations all around Britain and Wales prove Romans held extensive outposts within the Celtic nation, and that the established Celts and earliest Britons were pushed to the brink of an already harsh survival before the onset of the Dark Ages, living, like the rest of Europe before them, under the sword of Roman occupation. Biblical prophecy authors and researchers have debated for decades announcing that the Antichrist must be a Roman, and arise out of Rome, from their linear understanding of the Scriptures in Daniel and Revelation. A more careful look at those same prophecies, however, indicate that the coming Prince arises out of a nation (and city) that was part of the ancient Roman Empire, not Rome itself. The fact that London was actually created by Roman hands does lend an interesting connection and shows us that London virtually became, in effect, the 'New Rome' by 66 AD. Britain officially became part of the Roman Empire by 84 AD whereby the Roman Legions remained there until around 410 AD. As Rome and the Roman Empire itself waned in power, England and its new capital city of London gained power, prestige, and global influence. Today, we have a Prince and soon-to-be King about to rise from this ancient 'Roman nation whose power still sits upon many waters,' which brings to mind that Apocalyptic Great Harlot, Mystery Babylon of Revelation 18 who holds in her hand the golden Grail of Blood. Add to this, certain facts now surfacing attempting to expose the secretive Occult factions behind the American and British Governments, and their intelligence agencies, whose end goal is the creation of a British-led Anglo-Empire uniting the world in 'peace' while bringing forth an Aryan-Arthurian figure to the forefront after a great global destruction, at a time when the world is weakened enough and in need of such a leader, and we have all the makings of the ultimate conspiracy. We aren't told who this future ruler might be, yet the Occult underground is supposedly preparing their ranks for a young and charismatic Prince who will be seen in the future as a King Arthur returned. Shortly before her untimely death in France, the late Princess Diana herself is quoted as saying - "I believe Wills can rebuild Camelot and I will be his Merlin. Together we will return to the chivalry, pageantry, and the glory that was King Arthur's Court. William will remake the British Monarchy by showing love, leadership, and compassion," the exact opposite of which is shown among today's world and its purposefully feckless leadership. In other words, because today's leaders have traits that seemingly reflect the world's own hate, failed leadership, and lack of compassion, is why when Antichrist arises, he will be seen as exactly what the world needs him to be. Hope. It should also be noted here that with the Brexit, Britain's dramatic exit from the European Union, that even there has England just secured for itself to become the first of the coming ten eventual nations that enter into a newly devised European-centered union, with not Brussels, but London as its capital. The Land and the King are One, et al. Six months after the Royal Wedding, while Diana was already three months pregnant, came Holy Blood Holy Grail in 1982. Its three authors made no shortage of shocking claims, supposedly exposing long held Templar secrets provided them by a mysterious French Illuminati agent named Pierre Plantard.

*Read Article The Antichrist "British-Israel" Doctrine is Already Described as a 'Minor Heresy'
*Read Article Agartha 666: The Anglo-Aryan Children of Satan Take Control Over the Nations

Plantard revealed a French genealogical record of the Davidic/Messianic Bloodline passing thru Christ, and His supposed descendants, to become the Frankish Merovingian Kings of France who later created the Templars, and through them, Freemasonry itself. The story doesn't end there, Holy Blood, Holy Grail also made several assertions that a Messianic figure could arise from the 'Grail' lineage, to rule the world in place of Jesus Christ. Figured prominently into that same lineage were the Jacobite Stuarts of Scotland, whose most famous descendants was Lady Diana Spencer herself. The underlying message being that we should be expecting the prophetic fulfillment of the birth of a King who is to lead the planet into a coming New Age that arrives after a contrived 'Apocalypse.' As such, Holy Blood Holy Grail was the first attempt to put forth the 'Priory of Sion' lie that Satan's "Merovingian" lineage is the Messianic lineage of Israel, whose own progenitors included Abraham, King David, and Christ Himself. While the book had its critics, the vast majority of its global readers became intrigued into further [Occult] research, despite the entire premise being built on a series of lies that hides within them the greatest deception perpetuated against mankind since Eden. In this way, have the Satanic elites funneled mankind's ignorance into exactly where it needs to be for the next part of their sadistic plan to emerge. The next event that occurred that same year of 1982 was the birth of Prince William himself, which seemed innocent enough, but given how Satanists viewed his arrival, something rather important is still on the horizon of his adult life. A decade later, the Royal Genealogist to the House of Stuart Laurence Gardner presented his series of books not only backing up the Messianic claims of Holy Blood Holy Grail, but pushed the idea even further to add that the Merovingian lineage came to Scotland to present the Messiah whose throne still sits in London, which is why Templarism came to London to become Freemasonry, ensuring the Templar plan of placing the Messiah on the British Throne succeeded. Naturally, all of this talk of bloodlines and endless genealogies takes on an even more sinister working when you understand that the Occult's interpretation of the Holy Grail, and its Bloodline, is rooted in a far older account that involves Satan's once Holy status as Lucifer and his Holy Grail', not coincidentally. When looking into the signs and symbols of the purported heraldry of today's British [Germanic] Royal family, one finds upon Britain's Coat of Arms, the Lion and the Unicorn as clear identifications with the nation of Israel, and proof of their manipulative racism that vainly uses the Bible as its source, albeit in sharp counterfeit “. . . he hath as it were the strength of a UNICORN he crouched, he lay down as a LION, and as a GREAT LION who shall stir him up?” - Numbers 24:8-9; a Scripture that ironically sounds a lot like Revelation 13:4 "And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast, and they worshipped the Beast, saying, Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with him?" The two quadrants (first and third) containing the lions represent England, whilst the second quadrant, containing the Lion rampant, represents Scotland. The Harp, displayed in the fourth quadrant of the shield, is associated with King David (I Samuel 16:23) and represents Ireland. The Crowns surmounting the Lion and Unicorn symbolize a combination that invokes "Messianic Kingship." In truth, Abraham and Sarah were promised that their ultimate descendant would become the Messiah and King of Israel (Genesis 17:5-6, 49:10; Deuteronomy 18:15–19). What Britain has cleverly done was to usurp that promise of Messiah to replace God and His Son with Satan and his. The Scriptures that appear in the letters of Peter and Timothy which warn of a certain damnable heresy and genealogical deception inspired by demons by way of vain (read: racial) "legends," "fables," and "old wives tales," currently go right over the heads of even most Christians and Messianic Jews alike, which is why Jesus informed us that "If it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived." The reason it won't be possible to be deceived with such Satanic lies regarding "endless genealogies" or ancient bloodlines is that God Himself won't allow His elect to fall under the global deception propagated by the Antichrist and his False Prophet that works even now to entice the fallen world toward Antichrist. God's elect will instead be possessed by His Holy Spirit, and as such will immediately reveal every beguiling blandishment of the Enemy as a profane lie and teaching of devils. Again, it was Peter and Timothy who prophesied of the Satanic teachings that shall yet infect the Christian Church and Jewish Synagogue as to bring them both under a single lie [of a "Holy Bloodline] that promotes Antichrist. For just as Christ had a long genealogy that ended with Him which opens the New Testament in Matthew, so too has Satan seen to it that his Antichrist will have the same, albeit counterfeited, to end the New Testament in Revelation.

The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own vanity shall they heap to themselves teachers. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables. (2 Timothy 4:3-4) Now the Holy Spirit speaks expressly that in the last days some shall depart from the faith to instead listen to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy. Therefore, refuse profane legends and exercise thyself rather unto Godliness. (1 Timothy 4:1-2, 7)

Neither give heed to vain legends and endless genealogies which minister questions rather than Godly edifying which is our Faith in Christ. (1 Timothy 1:4) [In the last days] There shall be false teachers rising among you who shall privately bring in damnable heresies... and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of Truth [Christ] shall Evil [Antichrist] instead be spoken of in its place. Through covetousness shall they deceive you with deceptive words to make merchandise of you... For if God spared not even the angels that sinned, but cast them down to Hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment [how much more will God not spare you]... (2 Peter 2:1-4)

*Read E-Book The Satanic Power of the 'Illuminated' Anglo-Elites
*Read Article The Satanic Grail: Secrets of Thoth, Knights Templar
*Read Article Taking Red Pill vs Blue Pill: Masonic Diana Connection
*Read Book From Satan's Crown to the Holy Grail by Diane Morgan
*Read Book Walking in Albion: Christed Initiation by Richard Leviton

Princess Diana Chosen to Create the Antichrist Royal Heir Upon the 'Throne of David'
The fact that the aforementioned Stuart lineage (aligned with Scottish Rite Freemasonry for centuries), has produced its most infamous Queen-to-be, in the late Diana Spencer, and you might begin to see the larger picture here. While there is discrepancy as to whether or not the Windsor claims to the Throne of England are even legitimate, being descendants of the Germanic House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, most scholars agree that the Stuart lineage are not only the rightful heirs to the Throne of England (and Scotland), but also to the [Anglo-Israel] Throne of King David, and therefore, of Israel itself. This intriguing and most infamous of all arranged marriages between Prince Charles and Grail Princess Diana was not hatched solely by the Windsor's themselves. It was of far more ancient design and connected to 'the Knights of the Temple,' and then their later spawning within the twin or dual (Blue and Red) factions of Freemasonry, of whom the British Aristocracy owe their "Divine Right to rule," the goal of which was always to bring about a proper human vessel, of a far more wicked and ancient hereditary, by which their god, Lucifer, could likewise easily enter into human form, like Christ had done, and go about to counterfeit His every Holy work as the Anti-Christ. Thus, on the other side of all the battles and wars coming, shall a New Age of global reconstruction, false religion, and peace result, defined by a lack of Christ, and filled by those teaching Antichrist, with vain lies of racial genealogy and Anglo-Israel legends of godly chosen superiority. In this, Satan is already gaining ground. The evil groundwork being firmly rooted into both the so-called 'British-Israel' and Jewish consciousness today will only be intensified going forward, much of it via archeology and the finding of false artifacts to support the claims that England and Israel are related via an ancient bloodline. As Satan attempts to closely connect then two distinct racial profiles of England/Europe and Jewish/Israel, into one people sharing a common heritage of a prophesied Messiah. In light of this, it was therefore of paramount importance that the Windsor's, and their secret handlers, seek out a 'Virgin of the Merovingian Bloodline' to marry into, in effect, to finally legitimize their long-held dominance and supposed authority claimed of them being descendants of Crusader Godfrey de Bouillon, who himself was given the honor of the Kingdom and declared "King of Jerusalem" in 1099. The British Coat of Arms stands today as a reminder of God’s great and unfailing promises. ‘Virgin’ from the Merovingian Bloodline to marry into, in effect, finally legitimizing their long held occult power and authority claimed of them as well as pouring the most Holy Blood of Christ into any child to come from such a union, and so, a Merovingian Virgin was sought by the Windsor’s and found in Diana Spencer. (See also Dianic Wicca.) This Magdalene heresy, prepared in secret by the Knights Templar, is where most Grail lineage theorists begin. However, the actual plan to bring about a Messiah from the Merovingian line did not begin with these nine men, it can be traced as far back to the ancient Celtic Druids, and far beyond them to a cursed priesthood some label only as Atlantean, albeit hiding behind the personage of Abraham's more blessed descendants. (See also Biblical Proofs That Israel's Messiah Must Be a Descendant of King David.)

*Read Book The British Nation is the Lost Tribe of Israel (Published 1879)
*Read Article False Teachers of the Anglo-Israel Doctrine Among Us Today
*Read Book 47 Identifications of the British Nation with the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
*Read Article Antichrist Now: The Dangers of the Satanic Lies Called 'British Israelism'
*Read Article Why Certain Medieval European Kings Held the Title: ‘The King of Jerusalem’
*Read Article False Identities: Are the Celts (Welsh, Scottish, Irish) the "Lost Tribes of Israel"?

Despite Charles and Diana themselves being related via the Blood Royale, albeit more distantly, their temporary marriage was an attempt to produce a supposed 'Christ descendant' that would result in the reign of a new 'Anglo-Zionist Monarchy' for the ages. The very fact that Occult, Masonic, Satanic, and even some supposed "Christian" [race-based] organizations are so heavily attempting to promote the 'Holy Grail Bloodline' theology today as something connected to Jesus, knowing that Christ Himself is actually descended from the Royal lineage of King David, proves Satan's ancient plan of perdition is already convincing many to rethink their beliefs about who a modern 'Messiah' could be. Wikipedia explains the Messiah in this way: "The Jewish messiah is a leader anointed by God, physically descended from the Davidic bloodline who would come to rule the united tribes of Israel and herald the Messianic Age of global peace. The article goes on to explain that a Messiah doesn't even have to be Jewish, and cites its evidence to be a supposed Scripture that claimed "Persia's Cyrus the Great himself was a messiah," and I can tell you, nowhere does that appear in the Bible. Using that flawed logic, anyone can be seen as a messiah. The Messiah, chosen by God, however, denotes something else entirely. Likewise, Satan is going to take full advantage of people's ignorance and rampant stupidity in regard to the Scriptures, even a deception that is tailored perfectly for the daft world, a world that now shuns Christ and accepts anything Occult. Case in point with all of The DaVinci Code fervor over a decade ago that appealed to the world's vast ignorance regarding the faked 'Holy Grail Bloodline' actually believing Christ had descendants. Who knew that one book could set off such a cult-following? Apparently, every lying Occult-guru that put out a book before the Occultist Dan Brown, and copied him afterward. As mentioned, it goes even deeper than that, as those who have put forth the Merovingian propaganda, even those who first created the premise to begin with, did so in order to hide Satan's sinister lineage among the Holiness that was God's Son. The Merovingian Satanic lineage hides the fact that one day its own lineage will produce the Antichrist, but with any of its guru's tell you that? This has major implications when you take its tainted disinformation to its fullest extent, because it means that this increasing global disinformation that claims Western Europeans, specifically, today's British Ruling elites in the British Royal Family, have a supposed lineage that can be traced back to Israel's King David, is also saying that any of the future Kings in line to the British Throne could be a candidate for Israel's Messiah.

*Read Article Lies of Kabballah: Hebrew Royal Blood Supposedly Descended from Satan's Aryan Lineage
*Read Article Some Rabbis Believe Anglo-Saxon and Celtic England are Descended from Ancient Israel
*Read Article Jewish Rabbi Yair Davidy Connects Ancient Israel to Modern Welsh, Scottish, and British
*Read Article The Lost Tribes of Israel: Origins of 'British-Israelism' Also Called Royal 'Anglo-Israelism'
*Read Article The British-Israel-World Federation: Ephraim and the Throne of David -A Must Read
*Royal Tree Bloodline Leads British Royals to Claim a Jewish Messianic Heritage -A Must Read

Furthermore, since the equally dangerous belief that Israel's future Messiah doesn't even have to own any supernatural qualities whatsoever, truly sets the stage for the rest of Satan's plan to manifest, even flourish, when he does begin to exhibit something uniquely strange about him. We are already being subjected to what the Bible predicted would be legends, and specifically, legendary bloodlines, of which the Scriptures warned us would be "a doctrine of devils" taught to a world readied for its deceptive lies by "false teachers" working on behalf of "seducing spirits." This ancient secret that included a unique Bloodline supposedly descended from King David, so powerfully wrought with arcane knowledge, that it threatened the gluttonous ruling classes of Europe and the Roman Church, granting the original Templars enough power to rival both Europe's nobles and the Church itself with extinction, is now more dangerous than ever, because people want to believe it. People today want the Antichrist to rule over them, because they are being conditioned to, as those who govern us already have been using varying degrees of mind control from our cradle to graves. Why? Because they serve Satan, literally, and Satan wants us all to receive his punishment, which is an eternity far removed from God and anything good. Knowing it is only God's enduring Love that sustains us, daily, how we as a species are still sleeping through all of this, is what's most amazing to me. While God provides us all that we need to survive this world, Satan has chosen he was going to be God's hateful enemy, whereby he is always affecting our lives toward disease, abuse, hate, murder, and death, followed by eternity in Hell, with him. Satan's helpers in this grand effort have had their own sorted role in this, being everything from an infamous Pharaoh of Egypt that withheld Moses, the Knights Templars, a literal army of those descended from Cain, known for their worship of Satan and engaging in an early form of the Black Mass, of whom prospered greatly after the Crusades. In fact, the Knights Templar quickly became the first multi-billion dollar (in today's wealth) banking cartel in Europe, insomuch that it was the Templars who infamously had many of the Crown heads of Europe in debt to them. As a result, the Church, feeling somewhat displaced, as well as the new King of France, eventually had enough and conspired to exterminate the once untouchable Knights Templar and put them to death, so history tells us. While the majority of the Templar leadership were arrested and executed, rumors since hold that many more of the vanquished Knights fled France, taking with them their vast wealth, power, and Occult knowledge. It wasn't long after that several stories arose about a strange heretical group gaining power in the rural highlands of Scotland, bringing with them a familiar heretical lineage, masonic architecture, Occult science and secrets where they patiently waited, and subtly worked, having help from a shadowy organization already established and native to Scotland. Many of today's secret fraternal Orders, including Scottish Rite Freemasonry, as well as the cunningly devised metaphysical movements which prepare for a New Age, even Satanic cults themselves, all trace their spiritual roots to Grail Templarism as well as the so-called Divine Feminine, the root of future Goddess worship. Christ's prophecy of false christs going out and deceiving the world, will also have its part in people, even today, explicitly telling their audience that the Biblical prophecies of the end, and moreover of Christ's return, won't ever happen, while others will say it already happened in some strange New Age interpretation of it. These false prophets will all share one message, however, in saying that the Bible's prophecies regarding the Antichrist already happened, with Nero, Hitler, or anyone else that's not actually the Antichrist. Satan's minions will bring this about because the real Antichrist has arrived and is about to fulfill every single prophecy written of him between Daniel and Revelation. Remember that.

*Read Article Whoever Controls Princess Diana Controls the World
*Read Article The Apocalypse Plot: The Coming of a Merovingian Antichrist
*Read Article Future Church of Antichrist will be Based Around Goddess Diana

While in Scotland, the Templars created the Jacobite movement, which placed Freemasons and Templars in control of the British Throne, as well as establishing the model that later became called "British-Israelism," a heretical doctrine that falsifies ancient genealogical charts to make it appear that the British, and specifically, the British Royal Family, can be traced back to Israel's King David. Thus, the Merovingian "Davidic Bloodline" had now secured the British Crown, in what was becoming the most powerful country in the world, allowing the Knights Templar, the Royal House of Stewart, and early Scottish Rite Freemasonry to be connected to the British Royal Throne ever since. This conspiracy was well in effect when Queen Elizabeth I died without an heir and James Stewart VI of Scotland became King James of England. As such, the Merovingians, via the Royal House of Stewart, and its later descendants, eventually produced Diana Frances Spencer of Scottish Stewart Royal lineage born on July 1, 1961, in Norfolk, England. Diana was the third of the Lord and Lady Althorp's four children. Diana's mother, the Honorable Frances Shand-Kydd, is the daughter of a wealthy Celtic-Irish baron. Lady Fermoy, Diana's grandmother, was for years chief lady-in-waiting to the Queen Mother herself. Diana's father, the Viscount Althorp who became an earl in 1975, was a remote descendant of the Stuart kings and a direct descendant of King Charles II (1630-1685). The Spencer's have long served the Crown as courtiers for generations and are related to the Sir Winston Churchills and at least eight U.S. presidents, including George Washington, John Adams, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Diana's younger brother Charles is Queen Elizabeth's godson, and her father was the late Queen Mary's godson and former personal aide to both King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. And so it was, Diana grew up at Park House, a mansion in Norfolk located next door to the Royal Family's Sandringham estate. It was likely the Queen herself who ensured her own children had other Royal playmates, of which, Diana is known to have frequently played with everyone of Prince Charles siblings, except Charles, which was odd. Although Prince Charles had known Diana as literally 'the girl next door' for virtually all of her youth, and had actually dated Diana's older sister, Lady Sarah, it wasn't until 1977 that Charles and Diana formerly met on a family hunting trip at Althorp, an event arranged by both the Queen and Prince Philip. Charles was later reported to have told his mother that Diana "was adorable … full of vitality and terribly sweet." Charles was also struck by "what a very amusing and attractive 16-year-old she was." In July of 1980, then 19-year old Diana visited the Royal Family's Balmoral Castle in Scotland to see her sister, Lady Jane, who was married to the Queen's assistant secretary. Once again Charles just happened to "run into" Diana, and it wasn't long after this final "chance encounter" that the two soon became hounded by local press, at first, and then the global media. Charles was quoted as saying "I began to realize what was going on in my mind, and in my mothers, in particular." Despite her own Royal pedigree, that was seemingly being kept secret by the media (with Diana constantly being referred to as "common"), it was all made official on July 29, 1981, when Lady Diana married Prince Charles Arthur. Not long afterward, the truth was finally revealed that both Charles and Diana were actually related, being distant cousins, just like the Queen and her husband are related (as well as Prince William and his wife). Now a Princess, Diana was moved into Clarence House where she was instructed in royal protocol by the Queen herself.

*Read Article Before Dying, Diana Concluded She was Used by the Queen for Her Blue-Blood (to Create William)
*Read Article Assassin Wanted to 'Wipe Out Entire British Family' October 1981 (When William was Conceived)
*Read Article Princess Diana Likely Conceived Her Firstborn Son Prince William While in Wales October 1981
*Read Article Princess Diana Threw Herself Down Palace Stairs While 4-Months Pregnant with Prince William
*Read Article The Return of the Occult's 'Rex Mundi' Concept and the Antichrist Merovingian Connection
*Read Article Princess Diana's Mother Was a "Jewish Rothschild" [Actually a Merovingian/Cainite]

It wasn't long afterward that Diana began describing the British Royals as "The Firm," "not human," and more explicitly, as "evil" to her closest confidantes. While many believe the British Royals hold all are at the pinnacle of elite global power, they are actually under the unyielding subjection of those who have been preparing the way for Satan's Antichrist, since Cain. Whilst the specific Windsor lineage was known to be of Cainite stock, via Germanic nobility, Princess Diana's lineage can be traced back to the Merovingian Kings, they being the Templar's link between the Satanic "Blood Royale" and European Royalty, to which included the Hapsburgs, Plantagenets, as well as the Sinclair and specifically Stuart lineage, of which Diana was descended. Thus, as it is believed by elite Occultists, her 'divine womb' would bring forth a powerful Merovingian King back into the world to rule over the United Kingdom, its Commonwealths, and ultimately the world. This ultimately means therefore, that the British Throne, according to the dark powers behind it, must have as its Royal Monarch a more rightful heir descendant of Cain. This is precisely why Lady Diana was selected by the British Royal Family for the most infamous of arranged (and alchemic) marriages to create the Antichrist. To the Occult mind, she literally was the Holy Grail, the receptor of not Christ's, but Cain's 'Holy Blood,' and embodiment of Lucifer (aka "Divine Feminine"). According to the DaVinci Code, such knowledge of "Christ's Bloodline" [read: Cain's Bloodline] were kept hidden from the rest of the world, having been suppressed by the Catholic Church and revealed only by the original Knights Templar who then passed these shocking revelations on to an underground stream of alchemists, astrologers, cabalists, necromancers, and elite Royal families through various secret societies, such as the main inheritors of the arcane secrets, the British Freemasons. The Occult has always championed this same notion of the feminine balance [of Lucifer] to rival God's overwhelming masculine force, to bring the Universe into a supposed harmony, resulting in a New Age. According to the Occult narrative, at its core, this is the entire basis behind the New Age Movement itself, which of itself is a thinly veiled attempt at producing the necessary religious mindset to accept Antichrist as the Messiah for a new Aeon. Satan seeks to replace Christ, which must have been a large part of why he rebelled against the Father to begin with. The interesting irony here, of course, is while the Satanic elites ascribe little or no 'Royal' or supernatural powers to Christ, let alone provide Him His true title as the Son of God, they are quick to ascribe all manner of titles, divine rights, and godly supernatural powers to those of Christ's [actually Cain's] European prodigy, which speaks volumes of the true source and spiritual alignment of all the Satanic links surrounding the British Royal family. (See also Masonic Group Holds Demonic “Last Supper” in the Queen's Anglican Church.) Throughout history, the Occult masters behind this 'Great Work' who wrote most of history, mind you, of course could not openly display whose actual lineage they were secretly attempting to elevate onto the world stage, thus, to anyone who peered too closely at their more obvious workings, namely the outer-caste members of The (Roman Catholic) Church, Cain's Bloodline eventually became "Christ's Holy Grail Lineage," a supposed Church-destroying heresy, even as it was always meant to be.

*Read Article The Unholy Grail: Avoid The DaVinci Code - It is Accursed
*Read Article Mary Magdalene Used to Propagate the Satanic Bloodline Deception
*Read Article The Great Kate Middleton Scam: Prince William and Kate are 'Jews'?
*Read Article Prince William and Kate are Related by Royal Lineage of King Edward III
*Read Article Prince William will be the First King Descended from the Stuart Dynasty

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

For even now [1st century Rome] the Mystery of Iniquity is already at work.

2Thessalonians 2:7; The NET Bible

The Man of Sin [Antichrist] will be revealed in the End Time whose coming is after the work of Satan with all supernatural power and lying signs and wonders. In the End Times many shall depart from the Faith and instead listen to seducing evil spirits and doctrines of demons. There shall be false prophets and teachers who shall bring forth damnable heresies denying that Jesus Christ is Lord and shall promote vain legends and endless genealogies. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts [racial pride] shall they find false teachers who shall turn away their ears from the Truth and fill them with vain legends.

1Timothy 4:1, 1:3-4; 2Peter 2:1-2, 2Timothy 4:3-4; 2Thessalonians 2:9; The Holy Bible

Holy Blood, Holy Grail suggests that the legendary Grail isn’t a cup at all, but that it in fact refers to a bloodline that goes directly back to Jesus himself [who] married Mary Magdalene. The authors contend that the legendary Holy Grail is actually both the womb of Mary Magdalene and the sacred [European] Royal Bloodline she gave birth to.

Banned Books: Holy Blood Holy Grail

There are at least a dozen families in Britain and Europe today with numerous collateral branches who are of Merovingian lineage. These include the Houses of Hapsburg-Lorraine, Plantard, Luxembourg, Montpezat, Montesquiou, and various others. According to the Prieure documents, the Sinclair family in Britain are also allied to the Bloodline, as are various branches of the Stuarts. All of these Houses could claim a pedigree from [King David and/or] Jesus. Thus if one man at some point in the future is to be put forward as a New Priest-King [Messiah], we do not know who he is.

Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 409-10

It seems to be another deception designed to bestow apparent credibility on the Merovingian survival story, this time laying a trail to London. All this prompted Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln to hypothesize that the mysterious Grail represented a real lineage - a bloodline, but whose bloodline is it?

The Sion Revelation p. 209, 261

The state of Charles' and Diana's marriage was one of the prime reasons the Queen indicated she intended to continue as reigning Monarch until her death. Charles would find it all but impossible to take the religious vows at his coronation as King and head of the Christian Church and the Throne of England would pass directly to Prince William.

Antichrist and a Cup of Tea p. 240

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

The Antichrist's Much Propagated Bloodline is Descended from Cain, Not Christ
Endless genealogies with detailed charts based on "legends" showing how the British Royals are not descended from Cain's Satanic ancestry, but instead want to prove their lineage is the same Holy Lineage from which Jesus Christ Himself was descended from, remain at the heart of the British-Israelism belief. This false genealogy depicts both King Arthur and King David, as well as King David's son, Solomon (builder of the Jewish Temple) in the Windsor Family Tree which is utterly ridiculous on its face but will later be used to nonetheless establish the Windsor's Cainite lineage as Messianic. As mentioned, some Rabbis and Jews within Israel are already teaching this deception. Of this Royal Protocol given to Queen Elizabeth II, as well as among the elites themselves, and their crafty need to establish a global 'Round Table,' as it were, history is keen to provide some very interesting facts connected to all of this. In other words, this is not the first time where strange ideas about King Arthur returning, Atlantis being found, pacts made with Satan to obtain power, as well as demonic contact made via 'Angelic languages" and forbidden magickal rites, have alluded to a Royal-Masonic conspiracy. It was Queen Elizabeth I, ironically enough, who while being under house arrest by her sister, Queen Mary Tudor ("Bloody Mary"), first encountered John Dee, a noted Occultist and mathematician, who was himself imprisoned by Bloody Mary for a horoscope that he cast to ascertain when she would die. A few years later, Mary was dead, and her sister, Elizabeth, was crowned Queen Elizabeth I, and the Elizabethan era was born. Once Queen, Elizabeth wasted no time in employing John Dee, as her Royal Advisor in all the most important matters of state. In the following years of her infamous reign, Elizabeth's left-hand man, so to speak, had made several key discoveries into magic and the Occult, with his most prominent being the founding of a more divinely structured language used to contact and control fallen Angels, called Enochian. Enochian's actual origins are still unknown but is believed was given to Dee by a demonic entity, whilst 'scrying.' This notable Occult language, like the Tables of Abramelin, and the Good-Evil knowledge of Kabbalah's Sephiroth "Tree of Life," serves as the basis for much of the Occult workings in the modern era, and by many Satanists today, for its "unique (and dangerous) power that obtains desired results." As Royal Advisor, Dee held much influence with Elizabeth I, and is accredited with no less than the creation of the British Empire itself, after he foretold that her destiny was to create a navy of globe-trotting warships and vessels by which she could systematically rule the world. Dee believed such a control over world affairs was due Elizabeth, because she was a direct heir to the legendary King Arthur, and that her first conquest should be "Atlantis," Dee's name for the Americas, seated across the Atlantic. In time, while Elizabeth had a world to conquer, Dee went on to further his Occult knowledge via his own travels into Europe, where he met Edward Kelly. The rest is history, as they say, and even all of this goes so much deeper than most would ever suspect.

*Read Article Dr. John Dee, the Necronomicon and the Cleansing of the World - A Must Read
*Read Article UK Government Names Modern Druidism as an Official State Religion in 2010
*Read Article Occult Paganism is 'Second Most Popular Faith' in Southwest England Today
*Read Article Princess Elizabeth Made a Welsh Druid (Druids Known for Human Sacrifices)
*Read Article Several B/W Films of a Young Princess Elizabeth Becoming a Druid Bard 1946
*Read Article Prince Charles is a Known Member of the "Gorsedd Druid Council" of Wales

Freemasons exist to serve as a network of men who spread a great and ancient lie, of submission to various ancient fallen Angels of the ancient world who disguised themselves as gods, being dispatched by Satan to act as his conduits by which mankind would be taught every type of false truth behind the hidden veil of Gnosis. Just as the fallen taught Cain's children how to build the first in a now long history of Satanic pagan empires, so too do elder Freemasons teach their younger neophytes that they are merely the human representation of Jerusalem's Temple, meaning, they are representatives of Zion in the flesh. Of course, they fail to mention the reason that so much emphasis is to be placed on the Jerusalem Temple in Freemasonry is because Lucifer's ultimate goal is to be enthroned in it. That knowledge is not easily given, or subtly hinted at, however, until at least the 32rd Degree. Neophytes go thru the process of ascending degrees and obtain this ultimate secret via the arduous study of the Occult, be that by way of the Satanic Kabbala, metaphysical Luciferianism or other such Gnostic teachings, thus, completely circumventing the actual need of man to submit only to his Creator. Instead of the Truth that Christ is the only way by which mankind can return to the Father, lower degree Freemasons are taught no concept of Sin or of any Godly redemption for sins, as all their Gnostic teachings are quick to steer them far away from such notions of a Biblical God in favor of their own will. In fact, this is the very definition given by Satanists for Satanism itself 'Do as thou will, shall be the whole of the Law,' a law that had its first utterance by Satan to Eve, in Eden. The apprentice Mason (magician) therefore, goes about his days studying all of the Metaphysical and Occult works provided him by his higher-ranking leaders, thinking he is doing the world, himself, and even his local community a Godly service. This continual priming that is steeped in the Occult, continues until the Mason is finally trusted to undergo the teachings of the Master Mason, where by that time, he is ready to believe that Lucifer, as the God of Light, is not only the God of Freemasonry, but the God of the Universe itself." Instead of the most ancient God of Israel, Freemasons are taught by their Satanic elders to worship Lucifer as a hybrid deity consisting of two ancient pagan gods attached to Jehovah. In this way they can worship Lucifer as "God," in the form of Satan's two primary attributes that are represented by Ba'al (Demon Lord) and the pagan-Egyptian Mother Goddess, Isis (Female Goddess). With this strange triple God/dess figure of the Masons known as JA-BUL-ON (reflected in the older god of the Templar's known as BA-PHO-MET) Freemasonry mocks the Holy Trinity.

*Read Article The DaVinci Code Was Another Obvious Attempt to Deceive the World Into Researching the Occult
*Read Article Satan's Counterfeit Christianity: Combining the Truth with Demonic Lies to Create a New Faith
*Read Article Satan and His Demons as Inspiration Behind Many of the World's Myths and False Religions
*Read Article An Ancient Merovingian Elite or King Discovered Buried with Headless Horse in Germany

Where is this obvious Merovingian disinformation campaign of a supposed Bloodline from Christ taking us? According to this latest revived heresy developed with a very specific purpose and timeframe yet to play out, Jesus did not die on the cross and rise from the dead becoming mankind's Salvation, instead it is claimed He had sex with Mary Magdalene, survived the Roman crucifixion, and lived to father at least one, or a number of Divine children, the firstborn said to be a son named Judah (or Merovee, depending on your source), a name later given to the first Merovingian King in France (447 to 458 AD) while others believe the child was actually a daughter, given the name of Tamar, which became the name of an ultra-secretive organization whose task it was to protect future Merovingian descendants. Regardless of the supposed names, titles, and endless genealogies, an entire race of enlightened Christ-like beings each leading to the next in succession in some Messianic Dynasty has supposedly passed down through the ages toward a final One who would rule in the name of Christ, albeit, instead of Christ. This could only be Anti-Christ. The fact that this information is so well propagated by such authors as Dan Brown and others, to this generation starving for such Occult disinformation strongly indicates the time of the Masonic Antichrist's revealing is near. So what really lies behind all of this "evidence" of a Merovingian King in line to the British Throne having rights to be called Israel's Messiah actually leading us, or Israel for that matter? Certainly, many who would never deem themselves to be students of the Occult have in fact unwittingly become just that, via Dan Brown's book. In fact, they are learning such things that at one time, were only found in Occult literature, yet is now, thanks to The DaVinci Code, leading us thru what can only be best described as a grand Luciferian indoctrination. In my over twenty-years of research into the Occult, I can tell you what such people involved with its inner-workings are preparing for, and that is an Occult Messiah to lead them into a New Age, where they shall witness their god worshipped by an entire world of mesmerized citizens of the Utopian World State, each one wearing the Solar Mark denoting their status in The Kingdom. And yet, it's who this coming Anglo-Messiah patterns himself after, that is perhaps most interesting, or shocking, for it is a King of former questionable existence, a King that I have since come to believe not only existed, however, but exists as the very template by which Lucifer shall achieve his ancient goals. This Once and Future King, as he has been so named, has a place firmly rooted in the psyche of every Western child since the time of the Crusades, and in the Darker Ages before. From Occult works to Secret Societies, he is always found, there, still alive, affirming his presence, beckoning us toward a light amidst such eternal darkness, he stands, a King in waiting to break forth into future history like a lion, seeking whom he may devour. Also interesting, is the fact that this ongoing and sordid history of Britain and its royal families are seemingly connected to long-standing curses. History proves that every single royal that was in line to the British Throne who was happened to be named 'Prince Arthur,' has mysteriously died before becoming King. In other words, many Royal heirs to the British Throne have mysteriously died before they could ever become 'King Arthur.' This would effectively leave only one "King Arthur" of legend that we can today connect to a single, shadowy figure all his own, and none far. With the very much alive Prince William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor, however, it would appear that is all about to change.

*Read Article Glastonbury Traditions Claim King Arthur was a Descendant of Ancient Israel's Davidic Kings
*Read Article The New York Times: King Arthur's Role in 'The Weird, Mystic Pull of Southwest England'
*Read Article Rise of the Mystical Shadow King: From Prince Charles to Britain's Next King, William
*Read Article Both Princes Charles and William Are “Competing” for Humanitarian Cause Spotlight
*Read Article USA Today: Today's Millennial Generation Wants King William Next to Rule England
*Read Article 2021 Poll Shows Majority Want Prince William to Be King Instead of Prince Charles
*Read Article The Queen Secretly Wants Prince William Next to Take British Throne Not Charles
*Read Article The Future King Prince William Chases Destiny Even if it Means Discarding Family

While the Royals are given much respect, the truth about the “Royal Family” is dipped in the blood of the Arthurian and Templar “Grail” secrets and the ritual of creating the “Once and Future King.” The death of Diana and her cohorts appears to be a ritualized affair in an endgame strategy. The Saga of Princess Diana, the marriage to Charles and the birth of Prince William is a ritual that was meant to be Biblical in scope [while] the area of Pont D’ Alma [where Diana died] was an ancient Merovingian sacrificial site to the Goddess Diana. Therefore, according to the ancient mythologies, Prince William would be considered a divine progeny, the holy heir to the secret kingdom of the Earth. The era of the Once and Future King is upon us. The “Queen of Witches” and the “Death-Bringing Goddess” is the bearer of the child who is to be Prince of the Kingdom of the Antichrist.

Clyde Lewis

The book Holy Blood, Holy Grail demonstrates the link between Mysticism, Occultism and the 33° Freemasons. The work shows how they are cooperating, and have been for years, to produce the New World Order and its man, the Antichrist. Ever wonder about the King Arthur saga or the origins of Freemasonry, Templars, or the Rosicrucians? We recommend this book to the mature believer in the Biblical Jesus Christ, who wants to see how European this New World government plan is.

In the latter time of their book about the Holy Blood theory, they state that they noticed the repeating theme of the Grail in their historical research. For example, Godfroi de Bouillon was according to medieval legend descended from Lohengrin, the Knight of the Swan, who was in one Grail text the son of Perceval, the original Grail hero. However, the real similarities seem to arise when comparing aspects of the Arthurian legend to the Merovingian Empire.

The Holy Grail: The Legend, the History, the Evidence p. 135

This becomes notably relevant, when Laurence Gardner (Genesis of the Grail Kings, page 224) notes that the Grail dynasty from King David and King Solomon would ultimately progress to the Merovingian Kings of France and other established Kingdoms in Celtic Britain and Ireland.

Library of Halexandria: Descendants of Tubal-Cain

For example, the Merovingian Bloodline was established in Britain by Joseph of Arimathea, from which King Arthur and other Kings of Britain were descended. This same "Grail Bloodline" led directly to the House of Stewart [and thus to Princess Diana Spenser and Her Firstborn Son Prince William].

The Sion Revelation p. 285

The Royals of Great Britain in particular have arranged for the destruction of Christianity. The Holy Grail blasphemously represents the Blood of Jesus as having been preserved in the British Royal Family, heirs to the Throne of Jerusalem. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (p. 406) speaks of a New King of the Holy Seed of David who will preside over a Masonic Kingdom. Who might be the heir of this purported Royal Bloodline of Jesus deemed worthy to sit on the Throne of David?

When this celestial Round Table manifests on earth, it will be chaired by a Merovingian descendant of King Arthur who was the fabled Guardian of the Grail during his particular era of history. Another New Age book titled 'The Light Shall Set You Free' recalling 'King Arthur's olde mandate' at Glastonbury Avalon confirms that England will be the future center for world Transformation. It will be through 'the Grail in England' that the energies of transformation and ascension will be channeled, which eventually will bring the Earth into the 7th Golden Age.

Through its golden portals shall pass the New Messiah, King of the Earth. Before its evil altar, he shall announce to all the world that their Universal Savior [Antichrist] has finally come, a man knowledgeable of the Holy Kabbalah, the exclusive heritage of the people of Israel.

Freemasonry's "Morals & Dogma", page 839

How could the world today not be enamored of his arrival after a coming global collapse perpetrated by this planet's elite when society has overwhelmingly embraced the Crown's brainwashing already? The coming New World and its Order, of which the future society will believe they owe their very lives to, will be centered in the United Kingdom. Glastonbury will have its spiritual role, as well as Rome and Jerusalem. Paganism itself will become the foundation by which he is placed as a New Age Messiah in the hearts of those who take his mark. And yet, despite the world's near complete ignorance to anything related to his timely arrival, this was all prophesied in great detail. It only required the correct interpretation.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

It was thought that in 1344 King Edward III inspired by the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, made a spectacular demonstration of his interest in Arthurian legend during a tournament at Windsor Castle. He also promised to renew King Arthur's fraternity of Knights with all the paragons of knightly virtues with a complement of 300 men. Work also even began on a gigantic circular building two-hundred feet across within the upper ward of the castle to house this so-called 'Order of the Round Table' which eventually became 'The Order of the Garter'.

The Queen has appointed William to be a Royal Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter is the most senior and the oldest British Order of Chivalry and was founded by Edward III in 1348. Our Future King, William, has today become the 1,000th Knight of the Ancient Order.

The Prince of Wales Official Website

Additionally, to create the rebirth of King Arthur in young Prince William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor (born Summer Solstice 1982) would require some extremely powerful magickal energy indeed; which could only be raised by the ritual murder of a “Divine King” or a “Royal substitute.” It is entirely possible that Diana was sacrificed in substitute for Charles’ ritual murder. Also telling in this regard is that for the vicarious sacrifice to be effective, it would have to be done near but before the Harvest feast. August 31, the day of Diana’s accident does qualify. The missing piece of this odd puzzle is that the Garter has been a symbol of a Witch Queen. To this day, The Order of the Garter remains one of the most elite societies and appears to be at pinnacle of English-speaking Freemasonry, if not all Masonry. The Garter itself appears on the coat of arms of both the Queen and Prince Charles. This is why the strange Masonic overtones to Diana’s death are so significant.

With One Accord: The Divine King

BREAKING Prince Charles and Princess Diana Chose William's Names to Reflect the 'King Arthur Legend'
BREAKING Prince William the Future King William Arthur Philip Being Groomed as an 'Ecological Messiah'
BREAKING Society's Longing for a New Arthurian Figure to Arise and Establish a New World Global Order
BREAKING New Article Predicts that William Might Choose "King Arthur" as His Name Upon His Coronation

» The Legend of the Once and Future King

The account of Arthur as a Future King who will return again leading his people to victory at a time of their greatest peril is thought to have its origins in the 5th-6th century defeat of the Celts by the Anglo-Saxon invaders of Britain. It is certain that by Malory's time, this same legend of a future return attained an even more subtle connection emblazoned in the Celtic heart and soul when he wrote “King Arthur is not dead, but he shall come again. I will not say it shall be so, but rather I will say there is written upon his tomb this verse: Hic Jacet Arthurus Rex Quondam Rexque Futurus or Here lies King Arthur, the Once and Future King. Add to this the account of Arthur's grave having been found at Glastonbury in 1191 and the myth begins to fade leaving traces of a real King from legend whose time might come again, when he is needed most. Given the state of the world today, we are close.

» It's Time for Another King Arthur?

"When the Queen dies, the Crown should skip a generation, evading Prince Charles and moving directly to William. If I were a Monarchist, which I am not, I would settle this issue by asking just one question. Which of the pair is willing to call himself King Arthur?

It's time we had another King Arthur, since the only one in our entire history occurred fifteen centuries ago.

Both Charles Philip Arthur George and William Arthur Philip Louis are Arthurs, although Princes who use the name Arthur have a record of mysteriously never reaching the Throne...

...It appears that will soon change."

The Guardian U.K., 2001

» The New World Order and the Holy Grail Bloodline

"Second Thessalonians talks about the revealing of the Antichrist and the coming of the Antichrist as two distinct event in a naïve attempt to put a human face to the mask that the Dragon Court has worn since its inception, Chancellor Sir Laurence Gardner and Sovereign Grand Master Prince Nicholas DeVere von Drakenberg revealed much about their Occult philosophy and belief system. Having been appointed Sovereign Grand Master by the House of Habsburg DeVere caused a stir with his website where he openly discussed the values of the Order, namely Vampirism Witchcraft and Satanism. He also admitted that their forefathers, the Knights Templar, were a Satanic Organization.

This would be of little consequence were it not for the fact that the Knights Templar are also the founding fathers of modern Freemasonry and the role model for the Ivy League secret society Skull and Bones of which past President and CIA director George Bush was a member, as is his son, the current President. However, with their claims that a "child of pure Blood was born in the 1980's and is being raised by the Jesuits" and that "two Royal children with even purer [Satanic] Blood are residing in Great Britain, the plot twists are becoming less Shakespearean and more like The Omen every day." -Nicholas DeVere

[Damien Thorn reading] And it shall come to pass that in the end days, the Beast shall reign one-hundred score and thirty days and nights. The faithful shall cry: Wherefore art thou in the Day of Evil? And the Lord shall hear their prayers. For out of the Angel Isle He shall bring forth a Deliverer. Angel Isle: the original Latin is Ex Insular Anglorum - England. So they're here in England for the birth of the Nazarene. He was born last night.

The Omen III: The Final Conflict, 1981

Behold a great Red Dragon cast out, that old Serpent called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: He was cast out into the earth and his Angels were cast out with him. And his [Antichrist's] power shall be mighty, but not by his own power. The Dragon gave him his power, and his throne, and great authority. And they all worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast.

Revelation 13:2-3, 4, 9; Daniel 8:24; The Holy Bible

The unwary soul who fails to grapple with the Mocking Demon of illusion, will return to the earth as the slave of illusion. To become a true master of fate you must first become a 'Knower of Self.' When you can repose in comfort between the wings of your Dragon, then will shadows forever vanish leaving that which within you knows for it is Knowledge not of fleeting lifetimes of illusion, but of a real man that was, that is, and that will be again - for whom the hour shall never strike!

The 21 Lessons of Merlyn p. 395

The Beast that was, is not, and yet will be, shall ascend out of the Bottomless Pit and go into [the man of] perdition: And they that dwell on the earth shall marvel, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they shall behold the Beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666.

Revelation 13:18, 17:8; The Holy Bible

Despite others' attempts to identify a certain number with Satan, it will be known that Nine is his number. Nine is the number of the Ego, for it always returns to itself. No matter what is done through the most complex multiplication of Nine by any other number, in the end the final equation nine will stand forth. The infant is learning to walk and by the first Working Year of his age, that is to say 1984, he will have steadied his steps and by the next [Working Year] in 2002, he will have attained maturity, and his reign will be filled with wisdom, reason and delight. Hail Satan!

Anton LaVey "The Satanic Rituals" p. 219 and 220

Since the so-called "Enlightenment," mankind has gradually fallen under the spell of the Kabbalah. What we have been taught to believe is "progress" is actually the resurgence of an ancient satanic pagan fertility cult, epitomized by the Kabbalah. The "god" of the Kabbalah is not God at all. It is Lucifer. Freemasonry is based on the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah is based on ancient pagan mythologies which recount the story of an original God who created the Universe, and a usurper god (Lucifer) who eventually defeats God and comes to rule the Universe in His stead. Essentially, the god and the goddess were seen as two aspects of a single god - Lucifer. Lucifer who exemplified evil, was known as a "dying God" because every winter he died and descended to the underworld where he ruled over the spirits of the dead. Lucifer demands sacrifices [and] must be appeased. The most evil sacrifice is the slaughter of a child. Rituals of death and resurrection imitated that of the god [Lucifer, dying on Dec. 21 and being reborn on June 21st, of which, in Prince William, this was literal]. Participants would imbibe intoxicants and dance to music in order to achieve a state of ecstasy, [then] supernatural abilities like shapeshifting, clairvoyance and other magical powers. In this state, they would slaughter a child and eat its flesh and drink its blood so that the god [demon] could be reborn in them." These rituals afterward involve sexual orgies where a priest and priestess impersonate the god/goddess [Lucifer/Diana] in a "Sacred Marriage" and produce a "son of god" [Anti-Christ] who would then rule as 'King.'

The Kabbalah- The NWO's Satanic Bible

Prince William Born on Rare Solstice Eclipse During the Saros 666
On the eve of June 21 1982, Satanic witches from all over the world celebrated at the birth of William Arthur, the Future King, with his birthday not coincidentally falling upon the day of the pagan's Summer Solstice, a day that has been celebrated for centuries within the Pagan calendar. As such, the Summer Solstice of 1982 was indeed unique within England for it was also prophesied by the ancient Druids that their Sun-King will return to them, upon some future Solstice to bring the balance back. Therefore, much like Christ's own birth that was foretold by certain prophecies as well as signs in the heavens, so was his. But what's not widely known is how Diana was forced into labor to ensure she gave birth to William precisely on June 21st, to coincide with the ancient Druid holy day, that is also revered in Satanism. Where Christ was known to have an alignment of stars foretelling His own birth as the new King of Israel, the signs above surrounding William's arrival were no less important. At precisely 9:03pm, June 21st, Princess Diana of Wales gave birth to Prince William, thus England was given its next King. Some hours earlier that day was the Solstice celebration at Stonehenge, with Pagans of all kinds keeping the ancient tradition of their Druid ancestors who worshipped centuries earlier by sacrificing a child just as the first blood-red rays of dawn came over the horizon, in effect, Lucifer reborn. Specifically, Prince William's birth took place just after a solar eclipse on the Summer Solstice, an especially powerful moment when the Sun, Moon and North node aligned in the 7th House under Cancer. (William's Astrological Chart). Eclipses are the great power points of the Zodiac. They run through space and time in regular series called Saros cycles. The Saros cycles take about 1200 years to travel from the North to the South Pole, and vice-versa, each series has a different founding horoscope as well as a different theme. William was born into a series called 2 Old North, which began in 792 AD, just before the first recognized English King was crowned. It is due to end in 2036 AD, when King William Arthur is 54 years old. This raises many questions. The most obvious is when William becomes the King, whether or not he will be the last. The meaning of the Saros 2 Old North Series is said to be that of “separation or ending of unions,” a recurring theme clearly lived out in William's young life thus far. The time allotted for this period of 'Saros' is 18x37, the equivalent of 666 years. Another interesting pint to be made in this regard, is that Prince William has the astrological sign of Cancer, a sign that has long been represented by the emerald. Entire books have been written depicting the account of the Fall of Lucifer and his casting out of Heaven, where the Emerald that once adorned him (Read Ezekiel 28:13) also fell to the earth and was subsequently lost to time. The legend that arose since explains should that powerful stone ever be found, Lucifer would return to continue his war against our Creator.

*Read Article Prince William is Believed by Occultists to be 'King Arthur Returned'
*Read Article Prince William as King Arthur: An Evil Satanic Illuminati Bloodline Creation
*Read Article USA Today: Millennial Generation Wants King William Next to Rule England
*Read Article Secret Bloodline History of the Grail: From History's King Arthur to Prince William

Just hours after his birth, came an unusually dark night in the form of a completely blacked-out New Moon, a time traditionally known since ancient times to be a time of sacrifice and death. Also prominent in the sky overhead was Orion. In Masonic writings, the constellation Orion is sacred, representing the "Return of a Conquering Messiah," just as it was for their spiritual forefathers, the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians believing that their first King and Pharaoh Khufu, was 'possessed of the Sun' and had 'ascended to the stars' to be reborn in the future. In addition to everything else, Prince William has also been connected to the Demon Star Algol, which the ancient Hebrews called Rosh ha Satan, or Satan's Head, a star that carries with it a strong negativity since ancient times. These events occurring all on the same day seemed to herald something of deep significance was indeed taking place. As mentioned, Pagans from all over the world descended upon Britain in 1982, which was not unlike Christ being met with wise men who traveled from Babylon for His birth, following astrological signs above. The fact that the Moon Goddess Diana was giving birth, to the astrological Sun-King, made the eclipse that day all the more significant. It meant the union of the two most important Royal Bloodlines within the Occult world, Saxe-Goth, seen as the Grand Dragon Royalty of all Witch Covens worldwide, and the (Stuart) Merovingian, whose own lineage is traced back to Cain himself. Largely kept secret within coven circles, it was already known before it was reported in any media circles that their male heir to the Throne and future king would be suitably named Arthur, drawing from one of the middles names of Charles. In the days following the birth of the future king, a news item was being circulated among the media citing that when Prince Charles was visiting the Princess and newborn Prince for the first time at St. Mary's hospital, a member of the public who gathered questioned Charles over the heir's name. The Prince of Wales is quoted as rather hastily replying, "You'll have to ask my wife, we're having a bit of an argument over that!" This is because Charles and family wanted to name the boy, Arthur, but Diana, knowing of the curse whereby no Prince named Arthur ever lived to become king, strongly disagreed. As a result, the name William was officially given to a waiting world. You have to wonder, however, what was in the Royal Family's mind when wanting to name today's Prince William, as the future King Arthur. Interestingly, when William finally does become King, it is only he who has the option to change his name to whatever he likes, as per British Royal tradition, by either using one or all of his given names in his new role as Britain's King. Afterward, it has been speculated that if Charles had his way, his son would have as his first name, Arthur. In the article "No More Sacrifice," the London Psychogeographical Association Newsletter reminds us that there are some British Christians who have already pointed out that should William become King, he would be called King William V and by taking the W as two V's with the I's as Roman numerals for one, they have constructed a most unsettling anagram for the future King of England: I AM VI VI VI or I AM 666. Not to mention, Prince William being the son of Charles (whose own name means 'Man') also effectively makes William, 'The Son of Man,' a title that was given to Christ Himself, by Christ Himself.

*Read Article Will Prince William the 'Son of Man' Become the Once and Future Pagan King Arthur?
*Read Article Prince Charles and Princess Diana Chose William's Names to Reflect the King Arthur
*Read Article Prince Charles Originally Wanted to Name Prince William as the Future 'King Arthur'
*Read Article Young Prince William Taking Another Step Toward Becoming 'The Masonic Christ'
*Read Article Israel News: UK Public Wants William's Third Baby to Be Named 'Prince Arthur'
*Read Article Prince William Becomes the '1,000th Knight of the Order of the Garter' Society
*Read Article British Royalty and Satanic Prime Ministers: The Druid's Order of the Garter
*Read Article Order of the Garter's Creation was Based on King Arthur and His Knights
*Read Article Despite Nazi Link, Many Believe UK Royals are Descended from Israel
*Read Article Prince William Weds Same Day Hitler Married Exactly 66 Years Later
*Read Article The Smithsonian: 2022 Archeological Dig is Connected to King Arthur
*Read Article A British Lodge/Chapter of the Freemasons Named After 'King Arthur'
*Read Article June 21, 2020 Ring of Fire the Arthurian Summer Solstice Alignment
*Wikipedia Article The Legend of King Arthur's 'Messianic' Return -A Must Read

Notes on the Mystical Antichrist Number of 666 Throughout History
As you will see revealed in this website, God has well used the numbers 666, 66, and 6 throughout history as signs to connect the Antichrist identity, as well as anything associated with the numbering of his name, his nation, nations he will yet conquer (Israel and its future Third Temple), his future military, financial system, and the timing of his arrival into our world. For example, with the prophecy in Daniel regarding the 'Revived Roman Empire' to be fulfilled with a revived Europe becoming central in the rise of the Antichrist, history reminds us that Rome's historical possession of Jerusalem for 666 years began with the battle of Actium in 31 B.C.E. that lasted until the common era in 636. Thus, the number 666 is found everywhere surrounding the Antichrist Kingdom and King. As mentioned above, because William has the ability at his coronation as King, to name himself anything he wishes, it has been difficult, thus far, to attach that as yet unknown future name to either the Hebrew or Greek gematria that could then be added up to six-hundred and sixty-six. Despite this, we have been given several clues in advance of that time. For example, you will later come to learn that King Arthur's reputed English burial site at Glastonbury Abbey, was measured to be precisely 666 feet in length. The city of London burned in the fateful year of 1666. Using Greek gematria, William's name and future title add up to 666. William's astrological solar sign, being the Sun, is stranger still, as every ancient and modern Occult work connects the number 666 to the Sun itself. Moreover, as you will soon read below, Prince William was born during a celestial event known as the 666 Saros cycle. The connections to the number 666 do not end there however. The Order of the Garter, of which Prince William has been made its 1,000th Knight since its founding, is celebrating its 666th year of existence in 2014. Equally fascinating, is the number 66 itself relates directly to Israel and Britain in some very uniquely historical ways, such as there was 66 members of the family of Jacob who came into Egypt, as cited in Genesis 46:26, the Biblical law citing 66 days until a woman was clean after giving birth. The year 66 AD came an ill-fated comet over the skies of ancient Israel that coincided with the Jewish revolt against Roman occupation, which led to the Roman destruction of Jerusalem's Temple in 70 AD. In 2018, the modern State of Israel turns 70 years old, and while Queen Elizabeth II has made it a point to snub Israel for the last 66 years, it was decided that Prince William will be the first British Royal to walk in the footsteps of Christ, visiting ancient Jewish, Christian, as well as Islamic iconic landmarks in June 2018 [18= 6+6+6], including the Western Wall of the original Jewish Temple. Something to note there, both Jewish Temples were destroyed on the same day - the Ninth of Av in the Jewish calendar, exactly 656 years apart. In the year 666, came Anglo-Saxons to Britain. In September 1066, William the Conqueror conquered Britain. Arriving in that same year in 1066, came a wave of the first Jewish migrants to England. Precisely Six hundred years later, on September 2nd, 1666, the entire city of London caught fire and the city was forced to rebuild, many of whose buildings exist today. Going back earlier into the 1600's, the ancient manuscripts of the Bible came to Britain, and by 1611, King James had successfully translated them into Middle English. The King James Bible consists of 66 books. The sum of numbers from 1 to 66 equals 2211, the Kabbalistic representation of God in the Temple. The coming Antichrist will claim to be God sitting in the Temple, and become the "Abomination of Desolation," a prophecy first outlined by the Prophet Daniel in 606 BC, who infamously named the Antichrist as "The Prince who is to come." On June 6th (sixth day of sixth month) in 2020, a giant asteroid as big as "six football fields" flew past earth. Stranger still, is that the Ring of Fire solar eclipse of June 21st, 2020 (Prince William's 38th birthday) also has an alignment that connects itself with both Stonehenge and King Arthur's Avalon (Glastonbury). One ring to rule them all, as it were.

*Read Article Time: Prince William Sides with Israel and Even the Article's Web Address Contains 666
*Read Article American Media Such As Time Magazine Founded by "Skull & Bones" Satanist
*TIME Article Satanic TIME Magazine Reports - The Evolution of Modern Satanism in U.S.
*TIME Article Satanic TIME Magazine Reports - And the Most Godless City in America is...

After the Jews wandered Europe for nearly 2000 years, Israel was reborn. 66 years from which is the year 2015, when Prince William turns 33 years of age, the same age Christ was when crucified as "The King of the Jews." During that same year of 2015, the British government itself was rocked by an investigation into Satanic pedophilia. Out of that, came precisely 666 suspects who were found had targeted child victims at schools, homes, and worship centers. More recently, Abortion has been made legal in the Republic of Ireland by the overwhelming voting margin of 66.6%. Staying in Europe, there is a strangely still vacant seat number in the European Parliament known as Seat Number 666. It also becomes quite intriguing that Prince William married his wife on the exact same day Adolf Hitler married his, exactly 66 years later. Then there is the name, Prince William's full name being Prince, or soon King William Arthur Philip Louis. Here is the mind that truly hath wisdom, when he becomes King, it is customary for the new British King to be able to choose any name he desires at the time. This means William could literally become "King Arthur" (whose own grave is reputed to measure exactly 666 feet long) or King William V, or any one of a long list of other variables. Being that we won't know of that name until he provides it, no one can effectively determine his connection to the number 666, until his revealing as Britain's next crowned Monarch. "and then that Wicked shall be revealed, whose coming is after the working of Satan.' -2 Thessalonians 2:8-9. [See also 'The Omen' Astrology]. Other events that occurred in 1982 connecting William's birth to the Antichrist prophecy included a London murder connected to Freemasonry's P2 in the same month William was born. Also in June came a rather cryptic message regarding the appearance of Maitreya (Messianic figure created by Englishman Benjamin Crème, founder of Share International) citing that the Messiah was going to appear in London in 1982. In addition to these interesting events, 1982 was the last year that official rosters were kept of the power elites arising from the Skull and Bones secret society. In the spring of 1982 came the release of what became a best-selling book titled "Holy Blood Holy Grail," the first book of its kind detailing the Royal Merovingian Bloodline as being the same lineage that is soon to produce a European king, or ruler, who will have all rights to Jerusalem. Readers of that book came away with yet another reason to believe something was unusual about Diana, the new Princess of Wales, as she held the very bloodline the book was subtly explaining would produce a new Messiah. Other intriguing passages to be found between its pages purport to show an Arthurian connection and why secret societies wanted to protect the Templar secrets behind the "Holy Grail." For Prince William's own role as given him today, being the 1,000th member of the Masonic-connected Order of the Garter, the President of BAFTA as well as NATAS (Satan spelled backwards), it would appear he is very involved in not only great humanitarian causes but also furthering the arts and entertainment industries.

*Read Article Hollywood's A-List Film Stars Are Connected to the British Royal Family and Elite by Bloodline
*Read Article All of the Masonic-Connected, British and Hollywood Celebrities Knighted by the British Royal Family
*Read Article Prince William is Currently the President of the British Film Academy (BAFTA) Oversees Film Industry
*Read Article Showtime's Penny Dreadful Introduces Satan as a Character for Second Season - BAFTA is Mentioned

Another interesting numerological point that should be made here that connects itself to both Satanic feast days as well as the Antichrist is seen in the number 13 itself. The numerology of Genesis 3:15, for example, which was God's first announcement that there would be an Antichrist near the end of time is (3+15=18 or 6+6+6). The only use in the Bible of the capital "S" for Six is found in Revelation 13:18; and it personifies the number as you would capitalize a proper name, thus, Let he who hath wisdom calculate the number of the Beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six-hundred, three-score, Six. The number calculates his name. The numbers in the King James Holy Bible have significant meaning that follow the number throughout the scriptures. The number 13 has always been an unlucky number. The number 13 is the number that represents Satan, evil, wickedness, devils, and everything vile that is connected to them. This book is a chronological account of the number of rebellion in the bible from Genesis to Revelation. The word "THIRTEENTH" is found to be the thirteenth word in a bible verse only one time at: Esther 9:1 Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same. The words thirteen and thirteenth appears 26 (2x13) times in the bible. There are 13 famines recorded in scripture. There are 13 kings recorded from David to Zedekiah who went into Babylonian captivity. 2nd Chron. 36:10 contains the phrase: 'the old serpent', 'thousand years', 'Jannes/Jambres' have 13 letters. The Antichrist (13 letters), who we know to be 'Judas Iscariot; (13 letters), is the one who 'betrayed Jesus' (13 letters). He is the coming to rule over 'New World Order' (13 letters) that is being set up currently by the globalists. The Antichrist 'is the man of sin' (13 letters) spoken of by Jesus in the gospels, and his final abode will be 'the lake of fire' (13 letters). A sample of the Revelation 13:18 (a 13 with 3x6), the 66th book of the bible; the 13th chapter; and the 18th verse; here we get the "number of a man"; 'the Antichrist', which is 666; the unholy trinity. The word "Beast" in sole reference to the person of 'the Antichrist' (13 letters), himself, appears a total of 36 (6x6) times in Revelation. No coincidence. The address 13:18 (13+3x6) added together is: 1+3+1+8=13; and 13+18=31 a 13 reversed; 'the Antichrist' is covered over with 6's, 13's and their multiples. Another infamous 13:18 is found in John's gospel (see); John is also the author of the book of Revelation; and he records Jesus, at the last supper, quoting Psa. 41:9 and Jesus says: "He that eateth bread with me hath lift up his heel against me," a direct reference to the betrayer 'Judas Iscariot' (13 letters) and the quote just happens to be 13 words long in the language of the Beast, English. Knowing Judas was himself a Cainite, the numerical acrostic and number of thirteen is obviously connected to both the Cainite lineage (including Judas) and their ultimate spawn in the Antichrist himself. The number thirteen itself is intrinsically linked to the Knights Templar as they were known to be finally found guilty of Satanic worship on Friday the 13th, 1307, a day that has lived in mystery and superstition ever since, add to this the fact that the last full year of Templar reign was the year 1313, that the Templars were active in preparing the world for the coming of the Merovingian Antichrist, that the Antichrist first appears in the Book of Revelation in the 13th chapter, and you have either the greatest coincidence ever, or the greatest conspiracy and cover-up. Princess Diana herself was indeed likely exterminated Princess Daiana who just happened to die at the 13th pillar under the Paris tunnel named "Pont D'Alma" which is loosely translated as the point, gate, or stairway to Heaven, built upon the ancient site where the Knights Templar were reputed to sacrifice virgins to Baphomet.

*Read Article [רע] RA Means Evil in Ancient Hebrew, Appears Exactly 666 Times in Scripture
*Read Article Nationwide Satanic March During the ‘Ring of Fire’ Eclipse June 21 2020
*Read Article The Significance of King Charles' Coronation Falling on a Lunar Eclipse

Akkadian, Sumerian, and Egyptian histories and texts reveal much about the expansive migrations of these monsters seen and unseen, for wherever these Cainites went, their shared Occult symbols that supposedly revealed a "divine gnosis" followed them into the very nations they later influenced or outright controlled. For example, the Occult number thirteen (13) itself represents Cain and his lineage, from its nomadic thirteen tribes in the ancient world encompassing Mesopotamia to their dark ages descendants who spanned the whole of Europe. Their own Knights Templar met what should have been the end to one faction of their powerful genealogy, on Friday the 13th, 1307, when the French King Philip IV had arrested the Templar Grand Master, Jacques DeMolay and scores of his fellow Templars, who were burned at the stake seven years later. However, upon their being rooted out in France, surviving Templars fled to Scotland to spawn their own elite, Masonic-connected families such as the Scottish Sinclair's and Stuart's, of which the virgin Diana herself was later descended. Diana's own involvement with the number 13 itself proves intriguing. She died at the 13th pillar underneath exactly where, in ancient times, the Merovingian Knights Templar (who claim the 13th Bloodline) held human sacrifices of virgins dedicated to Baphomet (Satan). Also interesting from an Occult standpoint was that the date of Diana's death is (6+6+6) 18 days after August the 13th, which according to author Charles Leland ['Aradia: Gospel of the Witches'] was the sacred festival day of Hecate, the Witch Queen of the Dead who is worshipped by various ancient pagan religions (including within modern Satanic Wicca and Witchcraft) with blood sacrifices and subsequent cannibalism of both children and of virgins. The Goddess Hecate herself is represented by the number 13, which is why witches sacrifice on both on the 13th, of every month, and its reverse, on the 31st, when Diana was killed. According to the 'Gospel of the Witches,' the pagan god Lucifer and his goddess-consort, Diana, was believed to have had a magickal child named Aradia on August 13, in the year 1313, and that Aradia served as a type of Maiden/Messiah (or feminine version of the Antichrist) to those Witches who worshipped her in addition to Lucifer and Diana. This same Italian sect of Witches, of whose roots stretch back to the Roman Empire, held their sacrificial rites in "sacred groves" near an ancient lake located east of Rome, where the ancient Temple of Diana itself once stood. They ordered themselves in sets of 13, with 13 becoming the basis for covens ever since. The stream that flowed into Lake Nemi was said to contain a water nymph called Egeria, which is believed by some scholars to have been an early template for the Arthurian 'Lady of the Lake.' But at its core of origin, the number 13, despite all its many historical incarnations and esoteric musings within the Occult, is earliest representative of Cain and his thirteen tribes whose own symbolism is best seen today in the Masonic code contained in the United States of America's own most enduring symbols. For example, July 4 is 13 days after the Summer Solstice (the day of Satanic human sacrifice and consumption of a baby among various Satanic blood cults in their worship of Satan, Cain, and the Antichrist of their bloodline, as well as Prince William's birthday) and 66 days from April 30th, the Day of Walpurgisnacht (that also became the day Hitler and Braun married, as well as the day Prince William married exactly 66 years later). The fact that Prince Charles, Prince William, and Princess Diana, all contain 13 letters, and that Diana was killed at the 13th pillar, along with her heritage linked to the Templars likewise proves intriguing all its own, as if God Himself is telling us something. Then there is what God is overtly telling us already beginning in Revelation 13: "I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the Beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is 666."

*Read Articles 13 Connected to 666, Sacred 13, President George W. Bush's connection to 13, and Revelation Chapter 13
*Read Article New Theory Indicates the Corpse of Princess Diana was Decidedly Moved From Althorp to St. Mary's Church

Cain has always been at the center of true Satanism, or at the very least placed somewhere within its offspring in Druidism, Witchcraft, or its Occult Magick. Adepts assert it was Cain who first used the Craft to debase God which culminated in the murderous sacrifice of Abel. Robert Graves in his seminal work titled The White Goddess which contains the traditional verse sung during the Witch's Sabbat known as 'The Coal Black Smith,' clearly pays homage to Tubal-Cain as a Kenite Goat-god. Tubal-Cain thus became associated with the most ancient Horned God who is still worshipped.

Aradian Witchcraft: The Worship of Lucifer and Diana

The cult, although 'Dianic' after the famous description of nightriding with Diana in the [Vatican's] Canon Episcopi worshipped the Devil, the male horned god. The prospective Witch joined through several marked ceremonies of admission. Having been approved they would renounce all previous religious vows and take new ones to Satan, to obey him and make over to him both body and soul without reservation. This verbal contract would then be reinforced with a written pact or signed covenant. Covens comprise of 13.

From 'Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History' p. 67, 90, 100-101, 130-131, 136

The Grand Master was further assisted by a Maid or Queen of the Sabbat who acted as consort. Sir Walter Scott described her in his Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft as a girl of personal attractions whom Satan placed beside himself and treated with particular attention.

Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History p. 174

They worshipped with sex orgies held in underground or in abandoned buildings. In the flickering light of their torches they began by chanting a litany of demonic names until the Evil One appeared. The Devil appeared as a Beast or in a form reminiscent of the Canon Episcopi. They renounced Christ and desecrated the Christian Cross. Torches were extinguished and the congregation indiscriminately copulated. Children were inevitably conceived at such meetings and eight days after they were born - they were eaten.

Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History p. 67

Related theories held even up into the 19th century in Italy when Charles Leland wrote of Witches who worshipped Diana and Lucifer. 'Aradia' was a legendary medieval Witch in Italy whose name was popularized by Charles Leland. Aradia was born on August 13, 1313. The year 1313 probably denotes a mystical concept; August 13 was the ancient sacred festival day of the Goddess Diana and 13 is the mystical number of the Moon. In Leland's book, Apollo is identified with Lucifer [whilst] Diana is his consort. Diana being the Goddess of the Moon and of childbirth. Lucifer was viewed as the eternal consort of the Roman Moon Goddess Diana.

Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 260-261, 15-16; A History of Witchcraft p. 150

Do you really think all of this is coincidence? What are the odds? So what are we really looking at? We have President George Bush Jr. who is 13th cousin of Britain's Queen Mother, and of her daughter Queen Elizabeth and is a 13th cousin once removed of the heir to the throne, Prince Charles. Officially becoming the 43rd President on December 13th of a nation that originally had 13 colonies, who celebrates its Independence Day July 4, which is exactly 13 days after Summer Solstice on June 21. Anglo-Israel belief teaches that America is the 13th Tribe of Israel. Bush rules from the White House which the cornerstone was laid by a Masonic Ritual on Saturday, October 13, 1792, which is surrounded by 13 approximately straight lines of avenues which Freemason L'Enfant planned for the city to be symbolic of the 13 stripes of the national flag upon which also has an Israelite Star of David comprised of 13 stars.

Robert Howard: George Bush Jr. and the Number 13

The names of the Lord's people are multiples of 8, while His enemies are multiples of 13. The numerical value of the [Jewish] Seth line of names collectively is a multiple of 8 whilst those of the [Cainite] Cain line collectively is a multiple of 13. Cain's bloodlust continues in his Bloodline today. It is said that there are 13 Bloodlines that comprise the “Illuminati.” In fact, there is only Cain’s bloodline

E.W. Bullinger

By meeting in groups of thirteen Witches were following an ancient tradition: Christ had twelve Disciples [making Judas the 13th person in the entourage when including Christ]. Likewise, King Arthur seated twelve Knights around the Round Table [making himself #13]. King Edward III enshrined the number 13 in his Order of the Garter, England's highest Order of Chivalry. One can still see it encircling the Coat of Arms of the British Royal Family. The Order comprised of twelve Knights under the King and twelve under the Prince of Wales, that is, two 'covens' of thirteen. The King as its leader wore a mantle covered in a total of 168 Garters which with the one he wore on his leg made 169 (or 13 x 13). For Gardner it established the Sacred 13 at the heart of British aristocracy and demonstrates the use of the Garter as a badge of rank amongst Witches.

Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History p. 172-173

"Bush, They Say, Is Indeed a Connecticut Yankee From King Henry’s Court" by Steve Lohr, July 05, 1988 - Vice President George Bush may be narrowly trailing Dukakis in the opinion polls, but he is far ahead according to another indicator of Presidential prospects: the ”Royalty factor.” “Going by the statistics of the past, Mr. Bush will be the next President of the United States,” said Harold Brooks-Baker, publishing director of Burke’s Peerage Ltd., the 162-year-old directory of British nobility. Burke’s Peerage today released a report tracing the vice president’s family tree to the 1400’s. The study by Burke’s senior genealogist, Roger Powell, and an American colleague, William Ward, found that Mr. Bush has more connections to British and European royalty than any president of the United States. For example, Mr. Bush is a 13th cousin of Queen Elizabeth II and is related to all members of the British royal family, according to Burke’s genealogists. Moreover, he is related to all those who have married into the British royal family, like the Queen Mother, the Princess of Wales and the Duchess of York. Bush is also related to all current European monarchs on or off the throne.

Bloodlines of All U.S. Presidents

*Read Article Source of USA Corruption: America's Masonic Founders Followed a Belief Rooted in Satanism and the Occult
*Read Article The Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Programmer 'Svali' Explains the European [German] Roots of the 1776 Illuminati
*Read Article America's Founding Founders Have Nearly Completed their 1776 Goal of a Secular Antichrist Order of the Ages
*Read Article America's President Trump Announces His "1776 Commission" to Promote "Patriotic [Masonic] Education" For All

[The following information is found elsewhere on this page but appears also here for topical context.] By the 1760's, their "Founding Fathers" came to power, bringing with them the arcane secrets of Occult traditions from Satan's former pagan empires of Egypt, Greece, Britannia and Rome, filtered thru the so-called 'Scottish Rite' and handed down to them from the Knights Templar, Cathars, Merovingians, and that vanquished Celtic Order of Solar-worshipping priests before them. These same Founding Fathers wasted no time in establishing themselves as architects of this New Atlantis weaving their brand of Satanic Templar-Druidism into the fabric of the burgeoning American government. Interestingly, America started with 13 colonies, the same number of counties in Wales, and no doubt, the number 13 originally connected to Atlantis itself. Thus is America connected to Atlantis, making America only a temporary 'experiment' that is to prepare for the next Atlantis to come, the global United Kingdom (Antichrist Empire) controlled by The Beast by way of Masonic London. And yet, Masonic America also seemingly protects God's Chosen in Israel, however, Cainites only seemingly protect Israel today to save it for the Antichrist tomorrow. Why? Satan wants to destroy Israel himself. Antichrist is his weapon, and those so-called Twelve Tribes of Israel from which Britain and America are supposedly descended from, are of two of the Tribes to be sure, just not of Israel. They are descended from Cain and his Thirteen Tribes, of which America and Britain are NOT the Israelite Ephraim and Manasseh, but Cain and Tubal-Cain. Those who know are in the highest echelons of command behind the scenes and know that United States is still a British Colony. King James I of England, the first (Scottish-)Stuart King of England, most famous for his King James version of the Bible, was also responsible for the First Charter of Virginia in 1606. That Charter granted America’s British forefathers a license to settle and colonize America. The charter also guaranteed that all future Kings and Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all future citizens and colonized land in America, despite American history reporting that this British charter was absolved in 1776. Although King George III of England seemingly gave up most of his claims over the American colonies, ensuring the American people were completely pacified with the ideal of "freedom," the King kept his right to continue receiving payment for his business venture of colonizing America the rest of his natural life. It's no mere coincidence therefore, that the year 1776 itself saw both the rise of the Aryan Illuminati in Bavaria, and the rise of the Masonic United States in the New World, even as both operations were being orchestrated by the same Satanic Royal Family. In fact, their choice of starting such an undertaking in the year 1776 is rooted on their promoting Satan, whilst debasing and mocking Christ. Knowing how far numerology factors into the Occult and Masonic Gnosticism, in general, the year 1776 is best explained 888 + 888 = 1776. Another parallel can be brought to bear when the current propagated 'New Age' number of 1111 is added to the Antichrist's number 666, resulting in 1777, the first (full) year of both the American and the Bavarian Illuminati's existence. For the Masonic experiment called "New Atlantis" [America] it was ultimately decided that the Roman Eagle should best represent the new nation, while also depicting their god's eye overseeing an unfinished 13-stepped, pyramid (13 is both Satan's and Cain's prime number). In total, the symbolism carefully chosen and portrayed on the back of our Satanic Anglo-American currency represents their Cainite history, of where they have been, from Atlantis to Egypt, from Rome to the Americas, as well as where they are still taking the world itself, from Cain to the Antichrist. In other words, the Masonic dollar is pictorial history of Satan's children, who have been at the creation of every pagan empire since the dawn of man. This is precisely why we are seeing America's true Masonic hand at work, subtly turning America into just another pagan empire, in keeping with its original design. If America could be archetypally compared to ancient Babylon, then of a truth, Babylon is falling according to the Masonic template set for the sinking New Atlantis. It is also quite interesting that the archetype of global Goddess worship was seen in the recent death of Queen Elizaeth II, with her body paraded in the streets for the entire world to mourn (and worship) for a final time. The event was intriguing for another reason. The Queen was referenced as The Queen of Babylon by British Freemasons for 70 years, with Babalon being the Occult spelling of Antichrist's future kingdom, spiritually named Babylon, referencing London.

*Read Article The Order of Illuminati 'Pyramid' Insignia That Thomas Jefferson Used for American Seal
*Read Article The So-Called Early American "Christian" Awakenings Tied Directly to Satanic British-Israelim
*Read Article The Satanic Subversion of the United States Military and its Soldiers -Mentions Arthur's Excalibur
*Read Article The British Army's Secret Information Warfare Machine Using Blackmail Tactics Against US/UK Dissidents

From the Substack: The Fox Blog by Cathy Fox
The Satanic Summer Solstice of June 21st

This post is a continuation of the series of posts about various satanic holidays, this time Summer Solstice. The summer solstice is when the sun is at its furthest point from the equator, making it the longest day of the year. It can slightly vary in date but is around Jun 20th in the Northern hemisphere. Pagans also call it Litha. “Solstice” comes from the Latin words “sol” (sun) and “stitium” (still or stopped). In Britain this year, 2024, the Solstice is on 20th June 21:54 in London, with the solstice full moon a day or so later, an hour or so into the 22nd. There are of course very widely publicised exoteric public ceremonies held by modern Druids to reflect the pagan and sacrificial ceremonies of their ancient predecessors held at Stonehenge, which some believe was a type of calendar that was built to mark both the summer and winter solstices. Mysticism and magic are a common theme in Midsummer folklore across the world as well as in the UK. Magic was thought to be strongest during the summer solstice and myths told of the world turning upside down or the sun standing still at Midsummer. [Painting shown]: An 1855 oil painting from Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire, Scottish painter William Bell Scott was described by him as ‘fairies dancing before a great dying kitchen fire… at a Haunted House on Midsummer’s Eve.’ It was the esoteric summer solstice survivor’s stories that I was interested in, but I was surprised to find that there is not much information available. I have not checked through the many survivor videos, as it would take weeks to watch them and extract the information, without proper shownotes. Many survivors are now coming forward thanks to platforms such as 50 Voices of Ritual Abuse Index and Videos Blood Cult 1 and 2. If you know of a summer solstice ritual story on a video, please leave the link and timestamp in the comments and machine transcription if you can, (preferably non youtube as they often have limited life span due to censorship, as well as being part of the Satanic google [which has been very busy in making sure actual websites documenting theistic Satanism are either removed completely or are given poor search engine rankings so they are virtually never seen by the public, in favor for those websites created by unwitting pagans and Satanists themselves who speak in favor of whatever Occult-related topic you're searching for.]) Summer Solstice is the beginning of a 13 week time period. The time between the Summer Solstice ritual (which plants the seed) and the harvest of the Grand Climax is sacred; this a time of Satanic incubation to "ready" the coven for the reward of diligence and patience. Theistic Satanism, Summer Solstice. Many rituals manipulate, focus and transfer energy and summer solstice is no exception, the emphasis being on fertility and sexual energy. In Luciferian and satanic terms this means torture and rape and sacrifice and consumption on an infant. Orgies which can include animals… days that animals are included in the type of celebration, which are nearly all labeled as “orgies”. Springmeier has also said that in regard to the Triple Goddess ie. Maiden, Mother and Crone that summer is the Mother’s time of the year. She is honoured by Beltane (May 1), Summer Solstice, and Lunasa (Aug 1). The Mother part of the Goddess Trinity is the high point in all cycles and is the full moon which is her monthly point of power. Mothers actively work magick and are associated with adulthood and parenthood. The Mother is ripeness and balance and a nurturer. She is confident with no indecision and knows what she is. Traditionally her colour is red, the colour of life force. Clearly with Summer Solstice being in the middle of the time in which the mother is honoured and almost coinciding with a full moon which is also her time, then this year at Solstice will be an especially strong one for Mothers.

*Read Article Bloodlines of All US Presidents From Mostly British and French Merovingians
*Read Article Britain's Prince William is The (False) Anointed One (Satanic Grail Messiah)

Related to the 19 year cycle, Springmeier said “The Cabalistic tree needs balance and becomes operational with balance. Special rituals are chosen for each individual, so the rituals from one alter in one system to another will vary. Individualization may actually be a choice from a selection – that is menu of options – rather than actually totally unique.” Hugh Hefner had a Midsummer Night’s Dream Party at the Playboy Mansion for many years. This was probably a cover for the cults solstice or midsummer esoteric rituals. Midsummer and Solstice are actually separate events technically and can be a few days apart. Murals in the Playboy mansion show Hugh Hefner’s close association with the Dionysian Cult. Hefner’s family links back to one of the 13 Illuminati bloodlines and the ancient Dionysian Cult from the Aryan-Anglo-Saxon Dragon Illuminati bloodline. Pedophilia and Empire Chapter 15: Satan and Pedophilia Rule Hollywood - The only actual esoteric solstice ritual that I could find is one I have covered before, described by Jessie Czebotar, but repeat some of it here. The Midsummer Solstice is a time to celebrate fertility, usually during a full moon cycle. This is when it is believed that magic potency is at its highest. The emphasis of the ritual usually is on first time use of sex magik. In the Lucifarian Brotherhood System, virgin girls are groomed in the art of arousing virgin boys, they believe the more alluring and enchanting the moment, the more heightened one’s energy is and the seed can be gathered from the male. The night before the Climax Ritual night, which this year is June 21/22, there usually is foreplay in a wooded area. The virgin boys are released into the wooded areas to wander and the girls are released to walk through the forest acting like sirens or fairy creatures to seduce as many virgin boys (age 12) as she can. There isn’t an emphasis on separation for the maidens, they can stick together, and seduce together, and this is encouraged. There is an emphasis on seduction and foreplay. And the wood ritual is not where the sexual climax is reached. The goal is to arouse and create an irresistable urge and desire for sex. This desire is created in the foreplay, oral sex is allowed and part of the foreplay but girls are taught to stop... The epitome of this evening ritual is focused on girls and celebrates the Sacred Heart of Mary. At higher levels it’s taught that Mary’s enlightenment was to give herself over to God to bear His Holy seed. There is an older virgin (usually aged 13-18) who has been chosen as the sacrifice to have her heart eaten. This ritual can take place in or outside of a Catholic Church. It is believed that the ones who eat the heart contain within themselves the holy sacred seed. At the core of this belief, those who are new are told that it represents the seed of Christ, that the virgin was of that seed and those receiving her sacrifice and partaking in it are indwelt with this seed. However, at the higher esoterical levels, one is made to understand that this seed is the seed of Cain, that Cain’s true sin was not killing his brother but finding out that God was not God and that Satan and man can rise together to be Gods above the one true God. They are taught that these rituals awaken the seed of Cain and open the doorway for them to arise as gods. The children are put through a time of testing, where they are encouraged to partake in their first blasphemy, this includes declaring that you are indeed “a god”. This involves choosing which great evil sin you will “willingly” partake in. The night of the climax there is a Feast. This feast includes cannibalism. Usually the heart is the main course and are reputed to be cut out from children’s chests and consumed while still beating. From here the 12 years old boys are brought to the place for their ritual. One interesting fact to not here is that Prince William was born on the Summer Solstice in 1982, June 21st. -- Cathy Fox

*Read Article The Solstice Sun King 666 and the Birth of His Royal Moon Child -A Must Read

Preceding the August 11 through 13 ritual (which ends with the day of Hecate, the goddess of chaos and death) is the July 28th lunar eclipse. This eclipse is also extremely unusual and powerful in that it also involves a Grand Square and the House of Aquarius goes direct - its effect is at full strength. The Moon on this date is a New Moon - a time to plan and cast spells for the plan. During the solar eclipse, the next day and on the Day of Hecate (every August 13th and 29th of every month), there will be human blood sacrifices. This will signify opening the Eye of Horus, opening the passage for the lower fourth dimensional energy and the closing, the shutting down of the human 3rd eye - consciousness on the planet. They will remove the heart and consume it, signifying the taking away the vibrational chakra of love. They will also remove the liver (strength), the eyes (sight), and brain (knowledge, thought, action). They will consume the blood (life force from them). Their ritual acts all encompass and empower them for what they wish to spiritually do to us. What they do is to be given strength which is brought into actual physical being by the solar eclipse, the lunar eclipse, and the grand squares of their ruling planets with those particular energies accompanying the grand squares. The effect on the Earth if they succeed will be terrible. Ultimately, thirteen is the Master Number of Satan, with ''13' being his Occult Signature' that is visibly seen everywhere in his handiwork. Diana died on the 31st that in in reverse is 13. The Witch's pagan calendar is divided up into four 13-week sections (Winter Solstice, then Spring Equinox, then Summer Solstice, and finally Autumnal Equinox). There are eight major nights of human sacrifice in the occult holiday system: Dec 21, Feb 1, March 21, May 1, June 21, Aug 1, Sept 21, Oct 29-31 (Samhain/Halloween being the most important). The other four nights are only observed (the equinoxes/solstices), and if you add six weeks to each you’ll get the animal/human sacrifice night. Add seven weeks to sacrifice night and you get the next equinox/solstice. This is best represented by a breakdown of the Satanic calendar. Thus, 13 is the earthly completion of Satan's attempt to counterfeit God's Trinity, whereby 3 are 1, and 1 become 3, the Masonic "Lucifer as God" concept, as well as numerology's 3 + 1 = 4, which is considered a number of Satan due to his original sin and desire to become the fourth part of the Godhead. Perhaps more intriguing, there are 13 letters to make Prince William. Diana was killed at the 13th pillar of Pont de l'Alma, each pillar becoming a letter. In the Venusian (Luciferian) tradition, number 13 denoted the stages on the alchemical process leading from death and rebirth. In addition, 13 stages were inscribed by Thoth-Hermes as 13 concepts on a tablet called the Emerald Tablet that was made of solid emerald; thus the three stages leading to the creation of the Philosophers Stone, which is yet another Occult allegory for the creation of the Beast. The festival of Diana celebrated by ancient Witches on August 13th, was always marked by a torch that reflected their light off the waters of Lake Nemi, which must have only added to the overall gothic mystique and magickal aura of the ceremony itself. The Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft states on page 176 that the Moon Goddess Diana belonged to the "torch-bearing class of deities who themselves were always connected in some manner with the underworld."

*Read Chapter Names LIBER FALXIFER II: Qayin's Bloodline
*Read Article Atlantean Gardens: The Mystical Number of 13
*Read Article The Atlantean Conspiracy and the Number 13
*Read Article Council of 13: Royals and the UFO Agenda

When elite-connected actors and actresses have served a key role in their craft that in some way propagates the Aryan-Antichrist agenda, they are awarded with Arthurian knighthoods by the British royal family, the same Nazi-connected 'Crown' family that formulated Tavistock and infuses Aryan, Occult, and Satanic propaganda into every trace of modern life, including modern pop culture, music, and film. The more you look into the racist-connected and Occult power structure that is Great Britain, and its most charismatic man born to be King, the more you discover that everything being disseminated from the top, is created in service to him, or better said, what he will yet become. From the website "With One Accord" we also see the following: "As witches in the 1970’s, we believed that there was something “magickal” about the Royal family. Countless spells were done by many covens to bring to pass an occult prophecy. When a woman would sit on the English throne bearing the name of the Great Mother Goddess [Diana], the child she would bear would be an incarnation of the celebrated King Arthur. We conjured tirelessly to bring this to pass. It would be analogous to the Second Coming of the Lord to a Christian. There are various Occult tales about the origins of noble blood and the “Divine Right of Kings.” One, made popular in books in the last decade, involves the concept that Jesus had children by Mary Magdalene and that Royal blood (especially the Merovingian line) is actually the lineage of Jesus. In any event, Diana’s charm was evident from the moment she stepped into the limelight. When we saw her, and heard her name, we hoped that she would be the fulfillment of the prophecy. Then, when the Royal wedding took place in Lammastide, we knew something was afoot. (Lammastide, from late July to early August, is the traditional time for 'witch weddings.') Now, whether or not Diana even knew any of this, no one may ever know. We are not saying Diana was a witch. Perhaps she was not, but only being manipulated by her family and/or the royal family for their own ends. She seemed a sweet and innocent young lady. Many people with high-level Occult backgrounds raise their children with no knowledge of their dark heritage, and then covertly arrange marriages with other families possessing carefully guarded bloodlines. Few bloodlines are as guarded as those of 'the Firm' (the media name given to the British Royal Family). Of course, the controversial doctrine of “British Israelism” teaches that the British monarchy is actually the House of David. They believe that when Jesus returns, the throne of David will be in Westminster Abbey over the Stone of Destiny. Thus, Diana’s firstborn son, William (from our former Occult perspective) would be very special indeed. He would not just be the heir apparent to the throne of England, he would also represent the confluence of two powerful Occult bloodlines. Additionally, he would be sitting on the “Throne of David.” From all we have learned, both before being saved and current research, we believe sincerely that Diana’s “accident” was not just an assassination, but a ritual sacrifice. It was certainly convenient for Charles and the Queen that Diana would be out of the way, so the palace would have full control of their Princes." (See also Prince William's Solstice Birthday Marked by Satanic Sacrifices in Arthurian Cornwall, UK)

*Read Article The Antichrist William: Portraits of a Wounded Prince
*Read Article The Camelot Project: The Silver Thread Enigma (Must Read)
*Read Article The Red Thread of Cain and the Worshipers of Lucifer Azazel
*Read Article Pop Singer Rhianna Announces 'Prince William is the Antichrist'
*Read Article Pop Princess Britney Spears Claims Prince William is a Reptilian
*Read Article Logical Hierarchy: Antichrist Prince William is Satan's 'Little Horn'

The Mystery of 11:11, 9-11, and the Arrival of the Messianic Antichrist
The Knights Templar originated from 9 Knights in the years just after 1111 AD. Research into the history of the date September 11th can reveal more into how Freemasonry and its worship of Lucifer, is found time and again to be the religion of their coming New World Order. For example, there's the intriguing case of Captain William Morgan, who infamously became the first American author to expose Masonic secrets on a grand scale, only to later get falsely arrested on September 11, 1826, and be found subsequently murdered. Another example of the peculiar date was seen in the creation of one of America's most secretive and enduring national symbols. The Pentagon was originally devised by Brigadier General Brehon B. Sommervell to provide a temporary solution to the War Department's critical shortage of space just before the time of America's overt involvement in World War II. The groundbreaking ceremony took place on September 11, 1941, with the Pentagram chosen to lend its central shape to create the unique architecture of Pentagon itself, with the Pentagram also provided its enduring root name to form the Pentagon. Coincidentally, World War I ended on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month. Another example was the cornerstone ceremony of the General Accounting Office conducted by Harry S. Truman on September 11, 1951. Harry Truman was a 33rd degree Freemason. Yet another example was George Bush's speech on September 11, 1991, that took place inside the House of Representatives announcing a "New World Order." Exactly ten years later, came the attack of 9/11/01. These examples are not a coincidence. The number eleven is important to the Freemasons. More intriguing is that 911 (rendered as 9 + 1 + 1) itself equals 11. September 11th is the 254th day of the year (2 + 5 + 4) = 11. After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year. The first plane to hit the towers was American Airlines Flight 11. The first tower hit collapses at 10:28 am (1 + 2 + 8) = 11. Flight AA11 had 11 crew members, 2 pilots and 9 flight attendants. Flight AA11 had 92 people on board (9 + 2) = 11. Four of the hijackers on flight AA11 had the initials A. A. for their names (AA=11). The fifth hijacker was the pilot, Mohamed Atta (A.A. initials again) whose names has 11 letters total. The Flight 11 call letters were AA11, (using A=1) equates to 1111. The State of New York was the 11th State added to the Union. Manhattan Island was discovered on Sept. 11, 1609 by Henry Hudson (11 letters). Trade Center is 11 letters. Skyscrapers is 11 letters. World Trade Center Towers is 22 letters (11 + 11 = 22). The WTC Towers are each 110-stories high, 1 short of 111. The first fire unit to arrive was FDNY Unit 1 that lost 11 firemen. The WTC towers collapsed to a height of 11 stories. The official death toll was 2,801 people (2 + 8 + 0 + 1) = 11. The World Trade Center fires burned for 99 days (9 x 11). The WTC Twin Towers standing side by side, physically appeared like the number 11. The list of "coincidences" are seemingly never ending with all of them relating to Freemasonry, Crowley's writings, or the occult in some way. Other examples include the Masonic master number of 77 which is (66 + 11). On 9-11, doomed American Airlines Flight 77 was crashed into the US Pentagon with the Pentagon itself relating to the occult. 33rd Degree Freemason, Aleister Crowley, aka The Great Beast, and creator of the Silver Star (represented by the letters A.A. [or 11]) outlined in his master work "777 and Other Qabalistic Writings" that such occult numbers hold great power and have guided the globalist Satanic elites on their path to world control that leads to The Beast. In Book 77 (Liber Oz), he outlined the "Law of the Strong" with his mantra "Do what thou Will shall be the whole of the Law." A lesser parallel can be brought to bear when the current propagated 'New Age' number of 1111 is added to the Antichrist's number 666, resulting in 1777, the first full year of both the American and the Bavarian Illuminati's existence (1111 + 666 = 1777). Aleister Crowley stated in his book "777" that the number stands for the Qlippoth. Whereas 666 is the destructive nature of the Sun, 777 means the ascension of the 666 into Godhood. Of itself, 77 remains a key Masonic master number that also relates to the British royals). Crowley's Thelema places the number 93 as its occult cardinal number. Flight 11 crashed into the north face of the North Tower of the World Trade Center between floors 93 and 99. 17 minutes later, Flight 175 crashed into the south face of the South Tower of the World Trade Center between floors 77 and 85 at 9:03 am. An hour later, Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville, PA on 9-11-01 at 10:03:11 eastern (9:03 central).

*Read Article 666 is Connected to the 'Alien Agenda'
*Read Article The Occult Numbers of 911, 1111 and 666
*Read Article 13 Connected to the Number of the Beast 666
*Read Article The Occult Connection: 111 and the Antichrist Number 666
*Read Article The Masonic Numerical Secrets that are Hidden in Plain Sight
*Read Article The Numbers 11, 111, 1111 are Seen Everywhere in 9-11 Attack
*Read Article Meanings and Shocking Coincidences Behind the 911-Related Symbols

Satan exists to counterfeit God's creation. One example of this is seen whereby Christ has a rise of modern apostles being committed to very powerful works of righteousness and prophecy in His name at present, Satan has false christs rising in every equal corner of the world to deceive and to guide as many as possible far from the truth of what would be their salvation. Another example is seen in the Tree of Life. The Scriptures tell us that this centrally placed 'Tree of Life' (separate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) exists in Heaven for the "healing of the nations." Satan's counterfeit called the Sephiroth, considered by Gnostics and Freemasons to be the path to spiritual illumination itself, has become Satan's latest trick to deceive mankind away from the Truth of what is coming. There are said to be 32 paths on the Tree of Life. The first 10 are the Sefiroth, not including Daat. The remaining 22 correspond to the lines or channels of energy that join the Sefiroth together. Each of these, in turn, corresponds to one of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Parallel to this, there are 22 (11+11) cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot, 22 Crenels constructed for Magdalen's Tower in Merovingian France, 22 Chapters in the Book of the Revelation, 22x3 (66) books in the Bible, and if Prince William is ever given the title 'Prince of Wales,' he will be the 22nd to have it. In the book, The Templar Revelation by Clive Prince, he reminds us that "There is a good reason for the emphasis on eleven and twenty-twos: these numbers are Master numbers within the Occult. They are particularly significant in Cabalistic studies." To the theistic Satanist, 11:11 is coded language to represent the 'Age of Aquarius,' a time when the world will be under the Antichrist's rule. The individual numbers 9 and 11 themselves are easily found within LaVey's Satanism, known to have Nine Satanic Statements & Eleven Rules. One should also remember we have already seen 11 directly relating to Antichrist before, in Scripture: "And the Ten Horns out of this Kingdom are Ten Kings that shall arise; and another shall arise after them and he shall be diverse from the other Ten." (See Daniel 7:24). The 'Little Horn' that arises after Ten Kings, makes Antichrist the 11th King in one respect, as denoted by Daniel, while another aspect to the Antichrist (likely speaking to his bloodline), he's referenced as the 8th King by John in Revelation. On every level, 11:11 represents a Powerful threshold (or Stargate) from which Satan will again pass thru into our world, having his full destructive powers restored to attain his ancient goal of sitting upon God's Throne at Zion. Page 202 of the Necronomicon collectively seem to refer to the spirit of Antichrist rising up from its ancient Abyss to reign as King from the future rebuilt Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, which oddly enough displays two sets of pillars on either side of its entrance seemingly making a perfect 11:11 "doorway" into the inner Temple. The Astrological Age of Pisces (Christ) moving into Aquarius (Antichrist) is so strongly connected with 11:11, with the numbers themselves representing the transition from God and His Son to Satan and his son, with the Kabbalistic Ein Sof completing the unholy spirit that is to supposedly overshadow the Holy Spirit itself. "As above, so below." That said, perhaps many have all too quickly put away the work of Nostradamus and his Quatrain about a Great King of Terror from the skies above, bringing back the "King of Angolmois [England]" from below, an event connected to the "Last Total Solar Eclipse of the Millennium" that occurred on August 11th, 1999 that has since been intrinsically linked with Tintagel and King Arthur himself. This is because on that day, precisely at 11:11 AM GMT, the shadow of that 1999 eclipse was first cast on earth at Tintagel, UK a place renown since the Dark Ages as being the reputed birthplace of King Arthur. In addition, knowing how Nostradamus used anagrams such as "Angolmois" makes Prince William's own connections to Algol (the Demon Star) all the more intriguing. Then there's 2 Corinthians 11:14: "For even Satan can appear as an ANGEL of light." From the etymology of the root word for 'ANGLO,' we get 'ANGEL,' as well as the name of ANGLO-LAND (England). Therefore, might that Scripture be foretelling that Satan (via Antichrist's) own race is ANGLO, British? Also interesting to note was that exactly 20 years to the day after the August 11, 1999 eclipse, there was completed a large bridge leading to Tintagel Castle, the reputed birthplace of Arthur. Also intriguing, the G-7 Summit held in the Arthurian county of Cornwall in June 2021) saw the Queen, Prince Charles, and Prince William meeting with the world's top leaders, with both Charles and William also holding high level round table meetings throughout that weekend to discuss Covid vaccines and other pressing matters of global state going forward.

*Read Article Satanic Link to number 11 and 11:11 (Christian Perspective)
*Read Article Modern science Proves the Existence of God: A Look into DNA
*Read Article False Tree of Life: 22 Subjective Paths that Connect Pairs of Sefirot
*Read Article The Atlantean Conspiracy: Atlas, 33, and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life

It is Genesis 1:14 that informs us that God created and purposefully placed the planets and stars in our skies above as 'signs' and omens. Thus, when Christ referenced that the "time of the end" (see Matthew 24) is to be heralded by strange signs in the Sun, Moon (such as eclipses), and among the stars (i.e., supernovas, comets, etc.) we need to be pay close attention. Scientists today are increasingly astounded by many of the things they're now spotting within our own Solar System, let alone in deep space. It's actually difficult to keep track of all of the near daily things they're seeing and actually reporting to the public (such as the recent story NASA Scientists Shocked: ‘We’ve Never Seen Something Like This’ and Gamma Ray Bursts Cause Time to Flow Backwards and 2019 Became Record Year in Numbers of Near Earth Asteroids.) Of these many signs in the skies, including all of those increasing larger asteroids that have been barely missing the planet of late, Christ also connected His "Sign of the Son of Man" in Matthew 24:30 with His statement in Luke 21:28 that told our latter generation to "Look up, for your Redemption draweth near," so clearly the stars (including planetary alignments, eclipses, asteroid and comets, and unexplained or unknown phenomena) play a large role as we advance toward the Tribulation period and its Antichrist figure. What I personally find intriguing related to space, is how every single Christmas/New Year season, there's a different comet always appears over the planet almost every single Christmas or New Year holiday following a distinct yearly pattern that the media never mentions. For example, in 2021 there was the "Christmas Comet" named Leonard. Likewise never mentioned by the ungodly media, are the yearly natural disasters or mass killings that occur on the week of Christmas, usually on Christmas Eve. Solar and lunar eclipses are treated much the same way by the ungodly media. They'll inform us about every individual eclipse in advance, but never what the potential meanings that their strange patterns could potentially represent. On April 15, 2014 came the Total Lunar "Blood Moon Eclipse" that initiated the first of four such rare "Blood Moons," that are collectively referred to as a Tetrad. The next such Eclipse took place on October 8, 2014, and another on April 4, 2015, with the fourth on September 27, 2015. Then came January 2018, containing three very rare lunar events in the same month starting at the 1st day of that new year, and culminated on the 31st with a Super Blue Blood Moon."

*Read Article 11:11 and 333 - Are They Connected? (New Age/Occult Perspective)
*Read Article 11:11: Number of Satanic Activation/Deception/Meaning/Phenomenon

As if all of that rarity above us weren't enough, God then sees to it this generation is also made witness to yet another 'Blood-Moon' eclipse six months later, on July 27, 2018 with a deep crimson Blood Moon that lasted nearly two hours total. Just days later, on August 11-12, 2018 came the Charlottesville, Virginia Nazi protest which further tore the nation apart along racial and ideological lines. As if highlighting the tumultuous year to come, the New Year of 2020 will showcase a 'Wolf Moon' eclipse that kicks off the first of 13 full Moons. The June 21, 2020 solar eclipse that occurs on Prince William's 38th birthday is unique because it was a rare "ring of fire" event. Another intriguing fact about 2020, is that normally, there are 12 full moons in a year because one occurs each month, but October 2020 had two full moons, one on October 1st and then another on October 31, the so-called "holy day" within the Satanic calendar making for a total of 13, with 13 related to both Satan, Cain, Witchcraft and America. Two full moons in the same month is known as a "blue moon" and the fact that the second one in October 2020 just happens to fall on Halloween makes for something special for the theistic Satanists carrying out the inevitable sacrifices across the British isles and in America. The May 26, 2021 total Blood Moon eclipse arrived just after Israel had another tumultuous battle with Palestinian Hamas which greatly angered Putin who has made his most direct threat to Israel ever. Thus, it may very well be that all of these tetrads occurring in the past decade work as God's countdown to the Battle of Gog and Magog itself, when Russia attempts an invasion into Israel on the other side of which sees the rise of Antichrist. For today, it remains quite interesting that the Devil's Comet is above us in 2024. The last time it appeared in the skies was in June 1953, when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned. Might the Devil's Comet that coincides with the "American Solar Eclipse" of 2024 therefore mean another major change in British rule is impending and there will be another death of a royal within five months from April 2024, parallelling when Princess Diana died five months after Hale-Bopp burned thru the constellation of Queen Cassiopeia in 1997? One thing is certain, God is warning mankind to pay much closer attention to prophecy and God's omens and signposts among the stars. Amazingly, this period of five months is also Biblical, specifically from the Old Testament, as it was the span of time that Egypt received all of its plagues from God for its insolence in holding the children of Israel captive, and from the New Testament's Book of Revelation when men shall be tormented for five months by demons that shall arise out of the pit of Hell.

*Read Article The 'Devil Comet' Not Seen Since Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation to Coincide with American Solar Eclipse
*Read Article Rise of the Antichrist: Christ is Dramatically Announcing Satan's Revelation 12 Presence in America's Eclipse
*Read Article The Beast Ascends: One by One the UK Royals are Falling to Clear the Path for William in Globalist's Timing

Thus, the appearance of the 'Devil's Comet' in April 2024 may very well spell disaster for either King Charles or Princess Kate, or both by September 2024. With the way much of the British royal leadership has fallen in the past several years, from the Queen Mum to Prince Philip to the Queen herself, as well as the removal of Prince Harry, Princess Meghan, and even Prince Andrew, one can clearly see how the path of William is being fixed on earth even as the many omens and other warnings from God that speak to his arrival are consistently displayed among the stars for the whole world to witness. We are also witnessing the initial fulfillment prophecy of Zechariah 12:3, as follows: And in those [latter] days will I make Jerusalem/Israel a burdensome stone for all people on the earth. All that burden themselves with her shall be cut asunder, though all the people be gathered together against Israel. Israel is at this very moment being threatened with destruction by Iran. How will America respond? Might Israel attack Iran first and incite a larger regional war? How would America respond then? Wars and rumors of war, exactly as Jesus predicted. Just last week, Biden was thinking to strip away American support for Israel which would certainly incur God's wrath upon America not unlike when Katrina struck New Orleans as a result of Kadima. On September 22, 2005, then President Bush signed off on an American-backed treaty given Israel whereby long time Jewish homeowners were to be suddenly and forcibly removed from their Gaza homes in an attempted plan of peace. The live feed displayed on TV's on that day showed the last holdout of Jews on their roofs in Kadima, Gaza, begging the IDF to let them stay to no avail. Jews were forcibly removed from their homes and Gaza was entirely given over to the warlike Palestinians of which Palestinians made sure to send deadly rockets into Israel from Gaza on the very next day. Exactly five weeks later, on August 29th, 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck. To this day, what the world remembers most watching live from that deadly and widespread destructive hurricane was the people on their roofs begging for their very lives. In keeping with God's own obvious countdown to the Battle of Gog and Magog which are contained into the timing of all the Blood Moon Tetrad and eclipses the world has been made a witness to since 2014 with this most recent total solar eclipse of April 2024 notwithstanding. America is about to be judged, and we can see this in the way the eclipses of 2017 and 2024 have formed an 'X' directly over the United States. America is about to be hit by earthquakes and a form of locust, between 2024-2025, almost mirroring exactly what occurred in ancient Egypt when Pharoah mistreated Moses and the children of God. For example, if you look at where the next waves of cicada bugs will appear, it follows the precise center of where the two eclipses of 2017 and 2024 intersect over the small town of Cairo/Little Egypt, Illinois on April 8th, 2024. Now, recall the Old Testament scripture referencing God's judgment against Egypt with a plague of locusts, etc. As mentioned, America's support for Israel is not what it seems and God knows what America and Britain are really up to with its seeming support for His people. Now, recall the Old Testament scriptures referencing God's judgment against Egypt with a plague of locusts. It also remains intriguing that as a major meeting on Gaza at the UN was underway on April 5th, 2024, with a pro-Palestinian speaker making her speech against Israel, with the Palestinian ambassador seated next to her, the ground underneath their feet began to shake along with the entire UN building itself from the earthquake in the New York City region that occurred that day. That was the Lord Himself announcing to the world that Israel is His and given to His people and no other, period. The age we live in now is therefore like no other time in this world's history and yet much worse is coming to make it all the more obvious.

*Read Article All Biblical Prophetic Scriptures Pertaining to the Blood Moon or Red Moon
*Read Article Ninth of Av Date Calculator Determines Future Third Temple Conquering by Antichrist
*Read Article There are at Least Thirty-Two Bible Verses About the Strange Signs in the Skies Above Us
*Read Article Israeli Report on God's Warning to America Connections with Upcoming April 2024 Solar Eclipse
*Read Article Netanyahu Creating Ezekiel 38-39 Conditions Where Russia and Iran and Islamic Allies Invade Israel
*Read Article Total Solar Eclipse Has Initiated the Ezekiel 38-39 Countdown to the Russia and Iran Invasion Into Israel

The "Ninevah Eclipse" is so obviously a multi-tiered warning from God on many levels, with what I believe will be a space of five months until we see its most negative portent/fulfillment, ergo watch September 2024. In addition to what others have discovered, I've looked into the numbering of days between the former August 21, 2017, eclipse over America with the April 8, 2024, eclipse over America that amounts to a total of 2,422 days. That number is familiar in that it closely parallels the numbering of days allowed for the Antichrist to have power over Israel. The Scriptures tells us the exact numbering of days that the Antichrist will have power over Israel that totals a little more than 6 and 1/2 years of Tribulation, is first a period of 1,260 days from the day the Antichrist confirms a [false] peace covenant with Israel unto the initiation of a second period of 1,290 days from the day he conquers Jerusalem and takes the Jewish Temple for himself, unto the day Christ returns to destroy him and free the Jewish people from that day forward. 1,260 + 1,290 = 2,520 days which parallels 2,422 days between the eclipses in America with only a difference of 126 days between them. In other words, the days between these two solar events over America that form an "X" parallel the 6.667 years of total Tribulation that is often called the "7-Year Tribulation of Antichrist." Now, Intriguing for the Autumn of 2024, there are to be another Israel-connected “Blood Moon” Eclipse, the “Comet of the Century,” and a “Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse” to take place on October 2, 2024, which is the Jewish New Year Day of Rosh Hashanah, and all of these Godly warning signs take place within 30 days of each other. Needless to say, it is very unusual for so many historic heavenly events to occur so close to one another. And of course, these signs in the heavens are all happening at a time when our entire planet is rapidly descending into a state of complete and utter chaos. On the night of September 17, 2024, there will be a partial lunar eclipse during another Supermoon (meaning the closest full moon to the autumnal equinox), appearing larger and brighter in the night sky. If that wasn’t enough, there will also be a partial lunar eclipse that night. Those watching will be treated to a moon that is 14% larger than normal and blood red in color, creating an eerie autumn effect. The twin event will be visible in Europe, South America, Africa, and much of North America. Subsequently, a spectacular comet that has been dubbed “the comet of the century” by astronomers will be visible in the night sky starting in late September and October 2024. Due to its characteristics, astronomers believe it will be exceptionally bright, similar to Halley’s comet in 1986 or comet NEOWISE in 2020. C/2023 A3 will shine in the northern hemisphere sky from September 27 and will remain visible until near Halloween 2024. Jesus explicitly warned us that when we BEGIN TO SEE all these things occurring at the same time, that we are to look up, for our Redemption draws near. We have seen the false prophets, the wars and rumors of war, the strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars, the earthquakes, the pestilences, and the famine. So, watch Israel. Amen. Moreover, watch the skies. Even so, come quickly Lord Yeshua.

*Read Article Six Eclipses Three Supermoons and Rare Great Solstice Appulse: A Sky Watcher's Guide To 2020
*Read Article North America’s Triple Eclipse Countdown Begins: Three Solar Eclipses in Four Years (2021-2024)
*Read Article The Significance Of King Charles' Coronation Falling on a Lunar Eclipse (Hint: He Should Buckle Up)

During this period, the comet will reach its minimum distance from the sun, before beginning its journey back out of the solar system. According to the specialized blog Cometography, the day when C/2023 A3 will shine the brightest will be on October 2, 2024. The comet will appear until the 12th and its tail will be long and spectacular at this point due to its proximity to the sun. Okay, this is beginning to get really weird. Do you remember what else is happening on October 2nd? There will be a “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse that just also happens to occur on Rosh Hashanah, and the same day that “the Comet of the Century” is the brightest in the night sky. And all of this will be happening just as the festival of Rosh Hashanah is beginning. 2024 will forever be known as the year when God's prophetic time clock and the warnings showing us where we are within His prophecies are being brought to bear. As I discussed in a previous article, only 2 solar eclipses occur in 2024, and both of them fall on very noteworthy dates. In 2024, there will be a total of just two solar eclipses. The first happened on April 8th, 2024 and was known as the “Great American Eclipse of 2024.” That occurred just after the sun had gone down in Israel and the first day of the first month on the Hebrew calendar had begun. The second solar eclipse of 2024 will take place on October 2nd. When it occurs, the sun will have just gone down in Israel and the festival of Rosh Hashanah will have just started. And most of the population also doesn’t seem to realize that our planet is becoming increasingly unstable. On Monday, southern California was shaken by a 3.6 earthquake struck in Southern California early Monday with its epicenter was recorded about 3.5 miles north of Malibu, the USGS reported. Further north along the North American coastline, we just witnessed a magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck off the coastal city of Port McNeill, in British Columbia, Canada, on Sunday, the United States Geological Survey said. Earthquake activity in California is literally breaking records, and yet hardly anyone seems alarmed. In a bit of ominous news befitting Friday the 13th in September, 2024 (the date when the Knights Templar leadership were burned at the stake and their leader cursed the French king and Pope that they would both die within 12 months. They did.): It turns out that the asteroid Apophis could have a very small chance of colliding into Earth when it is expected to make a close flyby on Friday the 13th, 2029 in April. There’s still no cause for concern, at least not yet. For the asteroid named for the Egyptian god of chaos to pose a risk to Earth, it would need to be hit by another space rock at just the right angle to redirect the earth-killer on a collision course. It was Nostradamus that predicted a "devastating and disasterous war" would begin at the time "the comet would run" that then kicks off a series of end-time events that lead to the Antichrist. I believe this comet either to be the September-October 2024 "Comet of the Century" or Apophis itself arriving in April 2029 and returns in March 2036, thus perfectly representing a "Once and Future King."

*Read Article Comet of the Century Appears in the Skies, First Time in 80,000 Years
*Read Article Israel Media Connects Rosh Hashana Solar Eclipse with End-Time Events
*Read Article Prophetic Signs Above: The Rosh Hashanah Fire Ring Eclipse and its Comet

Interpreted: The Anglo-King is a Descendant of the Bloodline of Solomon

In the year 1999 after seven months [August]
From the sky will come the Great King of Terror
who will bring back the Great King of Angolmois
Before and after this, shall Mars reign supreme

-Nostradamus Century X Quatrain 72

When the Eclipse of the Sun will then be
The Beast's Omen will be seen in the daylight
One will interpret it much different from the rest
High price unguarded: many are ill-prepared for it.

Nostradamus Century III Quatrain 34

Born on the day of an eclipse in the shadows
He will be supreme in lawful rule and goodness
He will renew his Blood[line] in the ancient Grail
Causing the [New] Golden Age to turn to brass.

-Nostradamus, Century V Quatrain 41

There are various coincidences concerning the time and location of the August 11th 1999 Solar Eclipse. For example, the time, 11:11am, has extensive coincidental associations, while the location [of] where the Eclipse Shadow strikes land [is upon] Cornwall, the southwestern tip of England, [which] has incredible associations, including the Arthurian legends of the Quest for the Holy Grail.



The lead up to all of these current prophetic events announced in the stars actually began with the last Total Solar Eclipse of the twentieth century with the Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 whose earthly shadow initiated precisely at 11:11am over Tintagel, England (the reputed birthplace of King Arthur) and was considered by many in the Occult to be the literal "seeding moment" for the "spiritual birth of the New Messiah." The period between August 11-13 in that same year of 1999, that is to say between the Eclipse on August 11th and the Moon festival of Hecate on August 13th, was a time of great celebration and sacrifice for Satanic witches in Britain who connected such stellar events with not only King Arthur, their ancient pagan King, but also Satan and the Hecate sacrifice of their pagan goddess Diana. Appearing in Britain exactly one week later on August 18 1999, a Celtic Cross was seen formed by the astrological signs of the Lion, Eagle, Bull, and Aquarius/Man, the same four (1+1+1+1) Holy Beasts of Revelation appearing in Revelation 4:7. The Celtic Cross was popular at the time of King Arthur and found everywhere throughout the ancient British Isles, as well as in Gaul. However, it is of far more ancient design. Occultists attribute this 'Cross' to not being a Christian symbol at all, but a very ancient pagan rune of their Sun God, Lucifer, even as it later became 'the Mark of Cain.' Others have likened the Grand Cross Alignment to an imperfect 'crooked Cross' or Solar Swastika, over Britain. Still others have linked this UK 'Anglo-Cross' with the future Grail King and/or the Lost Tribes of Israel. Occult author and practicing metaphysicist Kathy Doore, stated "The August 1999 Cross in the heavens will form the Hebraic Tau; the emblem of the Initiate who has triumphed over death." It also signifies the 22nd and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet denoting the end and perfection of the Kabbalistic Great Work, as well as the soon rebuilding of the Third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and the return of a Grail King to oversee it, who is symbolized by the 22nd letter of the English alphabet, as 'V.' Taking all of this into account leaves only one conclusion. The 'Great Work' of Satan and propagated by his Occult religion, is no less than the fulfilling of his ancient plan to conquer Zion in order to 'become like God,' a goal referenced in his 5th "I Will" citing "I Will Be Like God," which, as I've pointed out, factors prominently into Prince William's future name: King WILL-I-AM V (the Fifth) leaving no question as to the meaning behind the Quatrain above. The 'Great King of Terror' is none other than Satan himself, whose planet is represented by Mars, that descends so that the spirit of "King Angolmois" (King Arthur) can ascend, to become the 'New King' anointed to initiate a global New Age. That August 1999 Eclipse was a clear omen very few understood at the time, or even understand to this day, but was predicted by Nostradamus, and long before him, by the Scriptures themselves. "The Beast that thou sawest was, and is not, but will be again, shall ascend out of the Bottomless Pit and go into [the Son of] Perdition. To the Occult mindset, Satan is the Sun God, Diana is the Moon Goddess and their tantric union is represented by the symbol of the Baphomet, and also by a total solar eclipse symbolizing 'The Once and Future King' who according to the prophet Nostradamus, is to be born under the Astrological sign of Cancer, with Mars active and Sagittarius rising, the exact astrological sign of Prince William himself. I also discovered that if you turn '11:11 AM' into 'i11i AM' then add the letter "W," you are left with: W iIIi AM. The 11:11 synchronicity and the 1999 Total Solar Eclipse casting its Solar shadow upon King Arthur's ancient birthplace, connected to a celestial Celtic Cross [Mark of Cain], both above and below, and linked to the Beast King of Revelation as well as Nostradamus' own King enigmatically called Angolmois, heralded by Mars (the Devil) must mean something, and it does. There is also strong evidence that ancient signs of the Zodiac are said to be built into the natural landscape surrounding Glastonbury itself. According to the deceptive 'Lost Tribes of Israel' mythos, the Messianic Royal Bloodline of ancient Israel was reunited in Britain. Other such mythic "evidences" point to Judah being associated with the lion, England's heraldic symbol, and Glastonbury being called the "New Jerusalem." Another note of interest points to that the 12 Tribes of Israel correspond directly with the Grand Cross and Zodiac in the heavens at the time of the 1999 eclipse, over the areas having the 12 Zodiac signs built into the English landscape, and over people thought to carry the Blood of the ancient Hebrew kings. Eleven months after the August 11, 1999 Arthurian Solar Eclipse came the Eclipse of July 1, 2000, on what should have been the 39th birthday of Princess Diana. As if God uses more than one kind of interstellar portent above in our skies to highlight and foretell the next event that is linked to His prophetic timing, comets, like eclipses, also figure most prominently as Omens that predict dire consequences for our world. As such, comets have been historically viewed as harbingers of destruction and more specifically have foretold the death of a Royal. In ancient times, their presence blazing across the night skies were considered messages sent by the gods themselves.

This will be preceded by an Eclipse of the Sun more obscure and tenebrous than has ever been since the creation of the world, up to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and from thence till now. There will be in the month of October a Grand Revolution made, so one would think that the liberating body of earth had lost its natural movement in the Abyss of perpetual darkness. Signs seen in the spring-time and after with extreme changes ensuing, reversal of Kingdoms and Great Earthquakes...accompanied with the procreations of the New Babylon

Nostradamus' Epistle to the King of France Henry II

The solar eclipse of August 11, 1999 might well be one of the most important events in human history. At the very least, it will be one of the most incredible "coincidental" symbolic events of all time. It could be far more, perhaps the Ascension, the Transformation, the return to the Golden Age, the change of the Ages from Pisces to Aquarius, the return of the Avatar, or the second coming of Christ. In this article I will review the various connections and symbols involved and give links to other sites with related information. The location, specifically - where the eclipse's shadow first struck land at Cornwall, the southwestern tip of England, has the most incredible legendary and symbolic associations, including the Arthurian legends of the Quest for the Holy Grail. The date, August 11, coincides with a number of events in the crop circle phenomena and in a few other ways. A crop formation seeming to show the number 666 appeared in 1993, with the sixes arranged in a perfect triangle.

Joseph E. Mason

*Read Article Freemasons Built DC Capitol Structures to Reflect Occult Star Alignments
*Read Article Freemasons Went to Great Strides in Building Around Key Star Alignments
*Read Article Why Star Alignments are Seen as Dire Prophetic Messages to Us from God
*Read Article 'There will be Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars, Roaring of Sea and Waves'
*Read Article Apocalypse Now: Falling Idols and Spiritual Adversaries - New Age Perspective

In fact, Comets have plagued mankind's psyche for millennia. The ancient Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh described fire, brimstone, and flood with the arrival of a particular Comet. The year 66 AD came an ill-fated comet over the skies of ancient Israel that coincided with the Jewish revolt against Roman occupation, which led to the Roman destruction of Jerusalem's Temple in 70 AD. Belief in comets as negative omens was so great, that during the time of the Roman Emperor Nero (ruler from 54-68 AD) saved himself from the "curse of the comet" by having all possible successors to his throne executed. Bringing all of this into our modern era, it was March 1997 that the Comet known as "Hale-Bop" appeared and carved a path thru the constellation of Cassiopeia, the Queen, as if to foretell that a future Queen was about to be 'crossed out' of existence. Five months later, Diana was dead. It stands to reason, therefore, that the Antichrist would have both Eclipses and other signs from above surrounding events in his own life. 1) The birth of Prince Charles saw the first of 13 Eclipses that later mark the Future King. 2) There was a Total Solar Eclipse after the marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana in July 1981. 3) There was a partial Solar Eclipse during the birth of Prince William on June 21st, 1982. 4) There was a Total Lunar Eclipse that highlighted the painful divorce proceedings of William's parents in December 1992. 5) The following hours after Princess Diana died was a Partial Solar Eclipse 6) Two years later came the "King Arthur" Total Solar Eclipse of August 1999. 7) There was a Total Lunar Eclipse in January 2001 with its shadow cast over Patagonia Chile, where William was visiting while on gap year. 8) While William was in Africa on his 19th birthday, there was a Total Solar Eclipse over Africa on June 21st, 2001. 9) Exactly one year later, on June 21st, 2002 (Prince William's 20th Birthday) saw Mars closer to the earth than it had been in thousands of years, shining from the constellation of the Sword, fulfilling Nostradamus prophecy in C6Q24 regarding a New King rising. On the same day, an unexpected 'killer asteroid' had just missed our planet coming within 1/3 of the distance between earth and the moon. 11 days before was an Annular Solar Eclipse. 10) There was a rare 'Supermoon' during the birth of Prince William's firstborn son in July 2013. 11) There was a rare "Blood-Moon' eclipse that occurred during Prince William's trip to New Zealand and Australia, with his new wife and son. 12) There will be an Annular Solar Eclipse again on Prince William's 38th birthday, June 21st in the year 2020. 13) There will be a Solar Eclipse again on Prince William's 66th birthday, June 21st in the year 2048. 14) Exactly ten years later, on Prince William's 78th birthday, there will be a Partial Solar Eclipse on June 21st 2058. It is also interesting to note that going forward 20 years from August 1999 brings us to the Jewish date known as the 9th of Av, in 2019. This date is both historically and notoriously significant to Jews as it saw two separate incarnations of their all-important Temple being destroyed on that same date, 656 years apart. This would likely mean that any future Third Temple to be built in Jerusalem, where the Dome of the Rock stands today, will be conquered by the "Abomination of Desolation," the Antichrist, on the 9th of Av precisely 1,260 days from the day he creates a working covenant of peace between Israel and the world, as prophesied. Knowing that the 9th of Av is always in Summer, usually occurring between early July to mid-August, if we subtract 1,260 days from that future July/August month of when the Great Tribulation begins, we can determine when the Antichrist initiates the seven-year Tribulation itself. My calculations have determined that month to be December/January, and more than likely during a new year. This makes perfect sense when you factor in Daniel 7:25 that explains Antichrist shall arrive to "change the time, and the [Jewish] laws." Further calculations have provided me a timeframe of years when the Antichrist ascends to power. It will be a New Year between 2030-2067, with the median year of 2047, that the Antichrist shall ascend to global prominence to initiate the beginning of the end.

*Read Article King Herod’s Death, Jesus Christ's Birth and the Omen of a Lunar Eclipse
*Read Article The Unique Solar Eclipse Over the North Pole that Occurs on June 21, 2048
*Read Article The Unique Solar Eclipse Over the North Pole that Occurs on June 21, 2058
*Read Article Sixth Century Comet Struck King Arthur's Kingdom Possibly Initiating 'Dark Ages'
*Read Article Postcards From the Apocalypse: Did Comet Hale-Bopp Foretell the Death of Diana?
*Read Article The Never Again "Christmas Comet" Leonard (2021) Appears Near the Star Arcturus
*Read Article The Star Arcturus is Known as "King Arthur's Star" as Seen in the Dark Night Abyss Above
*Read Article According to Occultists and New Agers, Arcturus Represents the 'Cosmic Return of King Arthur'
*Read Article 'Arcturus' Covid-19 Omicron Subvariant Accounts for Nearly 10% of the Latest Cases in the US

Prince William’s chart shows that he has a mysterious and magical soul because Neptune and Lilith are rising. Prince William’s rising star is a highly esoteric and anciently important star called Etamin, the Right Eye of the Dragon. In ancient Egypt it was known as Isis. Lilith also conjunct the Ascendant suggests his darker magical and Occult side. No doubt the tragedy of his mother's death turned him inward in the search of deeper meaning. This terrible pain can be seen in the horoscope with the close conjunction of Venus and Chiron on the agonizing fixed star Algol (the Demon Star). This conjunction on this star is very potent, made more-so by being the action point of a Yod aspect pattern to Neptune sextile Pluto. Rosenburg says of Algol, “you [William] will be aware of the depths of suffering that can occur, whether through human depravity or “Acts of God” and you will not be able to ignore suffering and horror. Transiting Pluto has been on Prince William’s Part of Fortune this last year, perhaps intensifying his studies into the Occult.

Prince William Astrology Chart

Algol, the Demon, the Demon Star, and the Blinking Demon, from the Arabians' Ra's Al-Ghul, the Demon's Head, is said to have been thus called from its rapid and wonderful variations. In Greek myth, Algol also represents the head of the Gorgon Medusa, who was slain by Perseus. The Hebrews knew Algol as "Rosh ha Satan," meaning Satan's Head; but also as Lilith, Adam's legendary first wife, the nocturnal Vampyre from the underworld that reappeared in the demonology of the Middle Ages.

History of the Star: Algol

As Princess Diana, mightest have liftedth down off the Cross our Holy-Unholy Son William Arthur Prince of Wales, to granteth Mankind its prophesied, Divine, Once-and-Future, Millennial King. Princess Diana accepteth our Holy-Unholy Blood-destined lot as estranged genetic mother to King Arthur.

The Matrix of the Monarchy

There is also, increasingly, a desire for a true leader not a Fuhrer, but a species of wise and benign spiritual figure, a Priest-King in whom mankind can safely repose its trust. How might the advent of Jesus' literal descendant be interpreted? To a receptive audience, it might be a kind of Second Coming [thus] the Grail story became much more closely linked with both King Arthur and also of Jesus Christ.

Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 412-413, p. 288

I think Jesus Christ is really King Arthur, the hero who at the darkest hour comes to save us all from Evil. Have you heard this before, that King Arthur was the British Jesus Christ? Why haven’t I heard that before?

Radical Goddess Theology: King Arthur Better Than Jesus


The Antichrist Must Be a King Whose Kingdom Rises From the Sea
The above links are more important than you probably know, considering that the Traditions of Glastonbury connects itself with both Christ and the Antichrist, and figure prominently within New Age movement as well as the most Cain-connected cults within theistic Satanism. The Glastonbury tradition cites that a young Jesus Christ traveled with his uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, during his "lost years" (from age 12-30) on Arimathea's documented tin-trading route in the British Isles, and specifically, Tintagel, Cornwall. The same well-known English tradition also claims that King Arthur was himself, a tenth descendant of Arimathea, placing him squarely in the Messianic lineage from which anyone claiming to have British Royal lineage, could also claim Messianic heritage in Israel, and this is precisely what the modern British Royal family have more or less claimed of themselves via the genealogical trees created for them. [See also Beyond Today: Joseph of Arimathea and the Line of Nathan. Such revelations by way of increasingly stunning finds of archeology connecting Britain with ancient Israel will play out all the more in the coming years as we approach the time of Antichrist's unveiling. Be that as it may, it is widely held that as a King, he must have been put in power and well beloved of the people, whoever those peoples might have been, as Arthur's legend stretches forth from his native Cornwall into Wales, Brittany, Scotland, and across the sea into Ireland. On 6 March 1906 in Cambridge England, two women involved in experimental 'cross-correspondence' used automatic writing to contact the realm of the netherworld. They made contact and proceeded to ask specific questions regarding future events. The spirit contacted, who called itself 'Nora' began to ignore their direct questioning and seemed only interested in responding with excerpts from the book of Revelation about the Antichrist. Fleming then wrote to Mrs. Verrall to pass on the communicator's question, but three days later, before her letter could have reached England, she received another psychic message through automatic writing. It seemed even more vague than before, to the point of being meaningless, yet it was soon to prove of great significance. It read: "18, 15, 4, 5, 14, 14, 15, 5, 12. Not to be taken as they stand. See Revelation 13, 18, only the central eight words." Alice Fleming could make nothing of this cryptic message, as it appeared to have no relevance to any message previously received. Nevertheless, she forwarded the message to England where it was examined by a renown spiritualist who realized that the 'central eight words' of the message could be interpreted in one of two ways, either literally, to produce 'Of the Beast for it is a number,' or by looking at the punctuation and overall meaning of the verse; 'For it is the number of a man.' After carefully studying this new enigma, Mrs. Verrall wondered if the numbers that formed the two opening sentences of the message were cryptic in themselves. Using the more popular English gematria of the time, which allows the turning of letters into numbers from 1-26, to the shock of all involved, a name was discovered, Roden Noel. Roden Noel, who died just several years earlier, was a rather obscure poet, perhaps best known for his "Sea Slumber Song," and little else. The spirit then provided Verrall a single line from the dead and forgotten poet, via automatic writing, the line was from one of the most obscure of his poems, called "Tintagel." None of this made any sense to Mrs. Verrall at the time, but when I read the account of her dealings with automatic writing, everything clicked. Verall's story resounded with what I believe is the truth of what that spirit was attempting to convey. Tintagel was the infamous birthplace of none other than King Arthur. The two women very likely went to their graves never making the connection of whatever Tintagel had to do with the Antichrist. Any amount of further research proves that stories and legends regarding Satan himself have long plagued the county of Cornwall in West England. According to one, Satan flew across the Cornish midnight sky carrying a large stone to create a ring of standing stones. As the local legend goes, Michael came and battled with Satan through the night whereby Satan dropped the stone back to the earth. The town that rose up where the rock fell became to be known as Hell's Stone, and later as Helston, England. In addition, there have been many horror films since made in or near Helston, Cornwall. In fact, when the forces of Hollywood came to revive "The Omen" franchise to film its most key scene where Christ battles Antichrist, they did so at Roche, Cornwall. Disney recently filmed in Cornwall for both 'Pirates of the Caribbean' and its remake of 'Alice in Wonderland' both starring the actor and reputed Satanic occultist, Johnny Depp. Interestingly, Disney first used Cornwall more than 70 years ago during the 1949 production of 'Treasure Island.' On August 6th, 1998 (one year before the infamous 1999 "King Arthur total solar eclipse" took place in Tintagel, a team of British archaeologists revealed a stone they believed physically connected King Arthur with Tintagel. What they discovered has been hailed by the press as the "King Arthur stone" or more precisely, the Artognou relic, which points to an historical King Arthur figure not only having existed in the time he is reputed in history to have existed, but he can finally be historically linked to the same craggy coastline at Tintagel, Cornwall that is reputed to be his birthplace. Dr. Geoffrey Wainwright, chief archaeologist at the English Heritage said "It has given us the name of a person, Arthnou, so it is a massive coincidence at the very least." The stone, which was broken along the right-hand edge, shows the remainder of two Latin inscriptions that read: Pater Coli Avi Ficit. Artognou Col[i] Ficit. A translation was quickly obtained to read: "Artognou, father of a descendant of Coll, has made this." (See also Dark Ages Ledge Unearthed at Tintagel.)

*Read Article The Poem 'Tintagel' by Roden Noel
*Read Article 18% of Brits Believe in Satanic Possession
*Read Article Why I Became a Satanist: Ouija Board Mentioned
*Read Article The Satanic Illuminati: Demonology and Devil-Lore
*Read Article Respected Psychiatrist: Demonic Possessions Are Real
*Read Article A Case of Demonic Possession by Dr. Richard Gallagher
*Read Article Haunted Cornwall: King Arthur Conceived at Tintagel Castle
*Read Article 5 Haunts in Cornwall: From Satan's Roche Rock to King Arthur's Goss Moor
*Read Article England's Cornwall County & its Ancient Connections with Traditional Witchcraft
*Read Article A Comprehensive List of Films and TV Productions that Filmed in Cornwall, England
*Read Article Biden and the World's Top 7 Leaders to Meet in Arthurian Cornwall, UK for G7 Meet

*Read Article Archaeologists Have Discovered King Arthur's Birthplace to be Cornwall County in SW England
*Read Article Queen Elizabeth Surprises Biden and World Leaders at G-7 Summit in Arthurian Cornwall, UK
*Read Article Prince William and Prince Charles Also to Attend Roundtable Meetings with 7 World Leaders
*Read Article Prince William's Solstice June Birthday Marked by Satanic Sacrifices in Arthurian Cornwall
*Read Article Cornwall England is Revealed as the Internet's *Most Vital Hub* of US National Security
*Read Article King Arthur's Cornwall Has in the Most Ironic Way Become a Center for QAnon Cultists
*Read Article Archeologists Find Tin Ingots in Israel that Came From Arthurian Cornwall in England

Revelation 13:1-2; 17:8, 11; Daniel 11:33-36; Daniel 8:23-25 And I saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. The Beast that thou sawest was and is not; shall ascend out of the Abyss and go into [the Son of] Perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall marvel, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the Beast that was, is not, and yet is. And the Beast that was, and is not, even he is the Eighth (King), and is of the Seven. And the King shall do according to his will, and he shall exalt himself above every god, and shall speak against the God of gods. And the rough goat [is] the King of Grecia [Alexander the Great]. Now [he] being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four Kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation [Greek Empire], but not in his power. In the latter time of their [European] Kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a King of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy supernaturally and shall prosper and practise and shall destroy the mighty and the Holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause Craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart and by peace shall he destroy many. He shall also stand up against the Prince of princes [Jesus Christ] and then he shall be broken. The Biblical word used here for "sea" was also used in the Old Testament in reference to countries that were across the Mediterranean Sea and foreign to Israel (Daniel 11:45), moreover it is a direct reference to islands or nations surrounded by water, such as the Greek Empire was, and the UK is today. And yet, little is known about the life of this world's most infamous Welsh leader that history does prove went on a killing rampage against his Saxon foes to secure his place in what became the stuff of legend. However, this same "King who was, is not, yet will be again" as the Book of Revelation so perfectly describes him, does have a known report on his renown activities kept in the Vatican Archive, in Rome, which helps in the way toward providing certain details of what this overly glorified King has done, even against his own people before he arose to become the "war leader king" seemingly defending them. This, most interesting of all accounts and known histories, actually shows he was not a defender of the people (as many would like to believe), yet merely defended the lands he brazenly claimed as his to begin with. Meanwhile, the Anglo-Saxons, understandably, were not so enthused about this Warrior Bear who they knew would be an obstacle in what otherwise would be their rapid conquest. In this Vatican report, discovered and researched by the renown Arthurian novelist Bernard Cornwell (who included the details of this same report in his Arthurian novel entitled "The Enemy of God") described Arthorius as a Celtic war chief whose memorable symbol was a Bear, to be an entirely ruthless Pagan-worshipping thug as well as an absolute murdering serial killer, thief, rapist, land-stealing, Satanic beast-man who showed little in the way of mercy, especially among his own people. He is depicted as an even greater menace to anyone who would dare become his mortal enemy, as he quickly arose in both power and might among the backdrop of a Saxon invasion that pushed increasingly into what he solely perceived to be his already claimed territory in Wales, Scotland, and Brittany. The Church heard of these rather compelling exploits and thought little to them that a Pagan leader would be brutal enough to wipe out his own kin, as such an act of overt malice would only save the dark ages Roman Church and Empire of having to do it themselves. Thus, the Catholic powers thought nothing of this until they started receiving reports that he was now himself killing literally hundreds of Saxon enemies in one day, many of whom were Catholic in faith, and only then did the Church grow increasingly wary, even fearful, of this Celtic war leader, fearing he could rise to such heights of self-imposed power as to take on the Church itself, of which there was even a Celtic prophecy at the time stating he would do just that.

*Read Article The Beast From the Sea - The Merovingian Conspiracy and King Arthur's Druid Priest Merlin
*Read Article A 13th Century Manuscript About King Arthur's Celtic Druid Preist Merlin Has Been Found
*Read Article Leading Catholic Website Asks: Has King Arthur's Legendary Round Table Been Found?
*Read Article Chicago Tribune 1985: Scholar`s Quest Leads to the Real King Arthur Being Found
*Read Article Catholic Organization Explains That Their 666 Logo Represents the Holy Trinity
*Read Article The Book of Revelation Not Literal? Catholics are Not Ready for the Antichrist
*Read Article Catholic Review of the 2017 Film 'King Arthur and the Legend of the Sword'

The Earliest Historical Accounts for King Arthur and His Knights or Disciples
The written history and otherworldly exploits of King Arthur were first noted by Gildas, a sixth century monk believed to be a contemporary of the historical Arthur. Gildas wrote 'De Excidio Britanniae' in which he names Badon Hill as a great British triumph over the Saxons, and even makes mentions of a 'Bear' (an Arth) involved. The 9th century author, Nennius, believed to be a more credible source of British history, published 'the Historia Brittonum' where he mentions King Arthur's twelve battles, and links the winning of the battle at Badon Hill to King Arthur "who killed 940 Saxons in one day." In the tenth century 'the Annales Cambriae' cites King Arthur dying at Camlann. It should be understood therefore, that writers of the later King Arthur romances were in fact using the known history of Arthur and mixing it with the esoteric allegory and archetype of the Bloodline which they were first to call 'the Holy Grail' in their attempt to tell the real story of Arthur and his connection to 'the Grail' while using symbology and metaphor which spoke volumes to those societies privy to the truth, while the rest of the world were enticed by the obvious Messianic figure of King Arthur who would return someday bringing with him the lost Golden Age. Chretien de Troyes, living just after the Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099, is the first significant author in the development of the Grail legend as we know it today. Such an action not only asserted the further historicity of King Arthur, but also gave him the necessary literary authoritative from which a future historical link, and thus likewise, supporting narrative, could later be drawn. Glastonbury itself became notable for myths and legends concerning the Holy Grail and King Arthur, having been introduced by the French poet Robert de Boron in his 13th century version of the Grail mythos, thought to have been a trilogy though only fragments of the later books survive today. The work became the inspiration for the later Vulgate Cycle of Arthurian tales. De Boron's account confirms the already early Anglo-Christian beliefs of the time (ref. The Traditions of Glastonbury by E. Raymond Capt) relating how Joseph of Arimathea captured Christ's blood in the "Holy Grail," which was subsequently brought to Glastonbury, or Avalon. Steeped in the Occult tradition, with Kings having a wizardly priest-like figures as their spirit guides, and mentor in the case with Arthur, is Merlin. Merlin made his first appearance in literature during the twelfth century A.D. in "Prophecies of Merlin" by Geoffrey of Monmouth. Geoffrey based Merlin from a Welsh legend describing a sixth century northern bard named Myrddin, who was said to have prophetic powers. Myrddin is described as the bard to Gwenddoleu, the king of the Welsh-speaking territories of southern Scotland and northern England. At the battle of Battle of Arfderydd (believed to be in Cumbria) in 573 AD Gwenddoleu is killed. Driven mad by the carnage of battle, Myrddin flees to the forests of southern Scotland where he develops a reputation for his visions and predictions. Myrddin is alleged to have been buried by the Powsail Burn near the town of Drumelzier on the banks of the Tweed. A strange prophecy by Thomas the Rhymer exists about the Myrddin's final resting place that states that should the Powsail and the Tweed meet at Merlin's grave England and Scotland shall have the same monarch. The prophecy is often understood to be a thinly veiled reference to King Arthur – the fabled ruler of all Britain. Interestingly, the Tweed burst its banks and flooded the Powsail on 24th March 1603, the exact day that James VI of Scotland was crowned James I of England. Stranger still, at his birth, James was hailed as "Little Arthur," since he had a direct claim to the thrones of both Scotland and England. It through another Arthurian author, Geoffrey of Monmouth, that Merlin first becomes associated with the legend of King Arthur and becomes a half-mortal, half-magical being with supernatural powers. During this transformation Merlin is irrevocably associated with Wales and its rich Celtic history and literature.

*Read Article 2018 Media Propagating New Evidence for an Arthurian King Found in Glastonbury, England
*Read Article Uncensored History: King Arthur, Jesus, the Ark of the Covenant and Glastonbury, England
*Read Article The Attempt at Making Glastonbury ('The Most Pagan Earth in all England') Christian
*Read Article Catholics Being Primed to Accept All Things Arthurian via "Traditions of Glastonbury"
*Read Article The Crusading Knights Templar Patterned After the Knights of the Round Table
*Read Article Freemasons: The Silent Destroyers Based on the Crusading Knights Templar

The next chapters in Merlin's progress from Pict or Scots 'wild man' to Welsh sorcerer come from France. when Wace, Robert de Boron, and Chrétien de Troye, independently revisited Monmouth's work and added crucial elements to the Arthurian Merlin story. De Boron elaborated on Merlin's magical powers, Wace added King Arthur's famous round table while de Troye added the romance between Guinevere and Lancelot and also the glorious castle of Camelot. These French interpretations reflected the sensibilities of their medieval audience, and the earthy Celtic paganism of the early myths was forgotten in favor of more chivalric notions of brave 'Christo-pagan' (or Catholic) knights on perilous religious quests, the same template by which the later Knights Templar themselves were formed. At the time of the first Crusade, Geoffrey of Monmouth, often hailed as the first inspiration for the later Arthurian romances, began his work on Arthur. His Historia Britonum gives the history of King Arthur from the intrigues which led to his birth, to the time of his death. Some people denounced Historia as a "lying book," saying it "was received by possessing devils," while it was favorably received by others to the point it had a considerable influence in welding the Saxons, Britons, and Normans together into a single nationality, as well as providing the Matter of Britain with a source upon which later Arthurian writers could draw from that time till the present day. For since the Merovingian dynasty’s power waned in 751 AD, the great Celtic saga of the Grail quest emerged necessitated by a need to perpetuate certain Occult traditions in a more subtle form while avoiding the scrutiny of its adversaries namely that of the Catholic Church. It was a way of writing an Occult story, not unlike a Bible narrative, laced with every sort of 'truth' which could be gleaned by those who knew what to look for, while vain infidels and neophytes not trained in its precepts can only see and comment on what's presented at face value. The truth behind the myth of the Grail Quest, therefore, was to bring about the furthering of the Great Work, e.g., the Knights Templar, an order patterned after the Knights of the Round Table and formed by French knight Hugues de Payens between the years 1111-1119, were formed to seek out the Graal, the Sang Rael, which would bring their great King out of the great wastelands and back to life. By the time the Knights Templar hastily returned back to France, their mission and quest seemingly complete, the Grail Mythos, and of King Arthur himself, was already flourishing in an explosion of literary works by various authors, Chrétien de Troyes chief among them. It is theorized that since the noted Arthurian author, Chrétien came from the same region in France as Templar founder Hugues de Payens, perhaps they colluded together about the true meaning of the San-Graal and what it would mean to find it. What the Knights Templar returned from Jerusalem with, however, certainly made all involved rich beyond comprehension, many believing the Roman Catholic Church of the time was also paying them to keep silent. The Knights Templar went on to become the First Secret Order of Freemasons, and to this day, reveres the War Leader and supposed peace bringer that was Artos Rex, King Arthur. For centuries King Arthur has remained a mystery with the site of his fabled Camelot long forgotten and the true location of his final resting place completely enshrouded by the mists of Avalon. Thus far, history of itself has provided relatively little in the way of providing a clear and definitive of the man who was, the man whose ensign was the Bear, under a Red Dragon. In better determining that "King," "who was," as Revelation calls the Antichrist, we need to focus on the attributes of Romano-Celtic war leader at the Dark Ages time "Arthur" is believed to have lived. In my opinion, only one figure stands alone at the time who fits almost every single trait from which the Crusader-era romances were later based.

*Read Article The Order of the Garter's Creation Based on King Arthur and His Knights
*Read Article British Royalty and Satanic Prime Ministers: The Druid's Order of the Garter
*Read Book Edda: Great Epic Poem of the Ancient Britons - From Cain to Satan to King Arthur
*Read Article The King Arthur of New Age Legend, Ancient British History and Discovered Fact
*Read Article Archaeologists Believe a Real King Arthur Actually Existed Between 400-500 AD
*Read Article The Complete Bibliography of Modern Arthuriana (From the Years 1500-2000 AD)

Although many themes within these so-called Arthurian French romances are clearly invention, such as his supposed connection with Christianity, a much older manuscript written in Britain three centuries before the earliest of these Crusader tales was composed, records that 'Arthur' was already a known, albeit shadowy, historical figure who carried Britain during the resulting anarchy and tribal feuding that followed the wane of Rome's 400-year influence upon the island nation. According to the work of the ninth-century Welsh monk Nennius, 'Arthur' was one of the last British leaders to make a successful stand against the Anglo-Saxons who invaded the country from their homeland in Denmark and northern Germany, in the latter fifth to sixth centuries. Nennius does not say where Arthur originated, but he does list twelve of his battles, with the last of them being the battle of Badon which can be effectively dated from the separate historical work of the British monk Gildas, as Gildas wrote within living memory of the battle of Badon. In his De Excidio Conquestu Britanniae ("On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain"), dating from the mid-sixth century, Gildas makes reference to the Badon battle to have occurred in approximately 500 AD. During that same time, Britain had fragmented into a number of smaller kingdoms, the largest and strongest of which appears to have been the Welsh kingdom of Powys that covered much of what are now the Midlands of England and Central Wales. Powys, Wales was the largest Romano-Celtic kingdom at the time of the battle of Badon, and its capital, a once thriving Roman town named Viroconium, held great wealth, power, and national importance. The latest archaeological excavation that took place there in the mid-1990s revealed that there was a major rebuilding of the city around AD 500, and that there once existed a massive, winged building that appears to have been the palace of an extremely important tribal chieftain. As the work seems to have begun at the very time the Britons defeated the Saxons at the battle of Badon, it may well have been the seat of power for the Celtic chieftain who obviously led the Britons at the time. Thus, might the west country of Wales, and specifically Viroconium, be the reputed Camelot of legend? A tenth-century manuscript detailing the family trees of important Dark Age chieftains, catalogued as Harleian MS 3859 in the British Library, tells us of who that battle of Badon war chieftain may have been. Owain Ddantgwyn [Owain White Tooth] was the son of a warlord named Enniaun Girt, whom the manuscript lists as a king of Powys in the late fifth century. Owain's war symbol was a Bear, and not the Red Dragon or Eagle that most Arthurian researchers ascribe to King Arthur. When they first discovered Owain Ddantgwyn, Arthurian researchers Graham Phillips and Martin Keatman were immediately disappointed, that was until they learned that "Arthur" was not a personal name, as such, but a war title. Because the language of the Romano-Britons was Brythonic, a cross between Latin and the native Celtic tongue, which survives almost intact in modern Welsh, it later became of great interest to Phillips and Keatman when they discovered that the Welsh word for bear, is "Arth." Moreover, many linguists believe that the name Arthur is derived from the Welsh word for bear. This would then suggest that Arth-ur may actually have been the battle-name of King Owain Ddantgwyn, or has he is better known to us, King Arthur. The name of an animal, in some way typifying the qualities of the individual, was given to many Dark Age chieftains or kings as an honorary title. Gildas, writing less than half a century after the battle of Badon, actually refers to Owain Ddantgwyn’s son Cuneglasse as "The Bear" which is perhaps the strongest evidence of all. Knowing that many such battle-names where inherited by the chieftain's eldest sons, this sheds greater light as to why a whole succession of Welsh kings where called "The Dragon" during the latter half of the Dark Ages, which is partly why it became the national ensign of Wales that endures to this day. Another ancient town, Carmarthen, in Wales, is known in the archeological world for its infamous "Black Book" that contains previously unknown histories of ancient Welsh kingdoms. The nearly 800-year-old Black Book of Carmarthen is often argued as the first historical Welsh text to include the semi-historical figures of King Arthur and his Druid, Merlin.

BREAKING The Druid's Summer Solstice Marked by Satanic Sacrifices of Animals in Cornwall, England
BREAKING Sheep Stabbed to Death and Painted with Satanic Symbols Found in neo-Druid's New Forest

*Read Article Queen Elizabeth II was Inducted as a Druid High Priestess, Human Sacrifices in 1946
*Read Article Arch-Bishop of Canterbury's (Church of England) Honoring as a Welsh Druid 2002
*Read Article British Government Names Modern Druidism as an Official State Religion in 2010
*Read Article "Celtic Spirituality" is Turning Today's Unwitting Christians Into New Age Pagans
*Read Article Mystic Christianity: Mixes Arthurian/Templar Heretical Concepts into Christianity
*Read Article Great Falling Away: "Celtic Christianity" Leads Directly into Arthurian Paganism
*Read Article Celtic-Christianity: Occult Enterprise to Steer Christians into New Age Thinking
*Read Article The Glastonbury Legend Stakes Glastonbury as 'The New Age Jerusalem'
*Read Article Avalon Rising: Glastonbury as the New Jerusalem for a New Golden Age

"Seven, Six, and Eleven
The Numbers of the letters of the name
Three red ones will stain three parchments
after adjoining, a great wonder is seen"

7 - 6 - 11

William [7 letters] Arthur [6 letters] Philip-Louis [11 letters]

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
People Magazine Cover From June 1991: Prince William Wounded

The Future Antichrist Must Recover From a Potentially Mortal Head Wound
Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed and all the world marveled after the Beast. Certainly, this specific prophecy from Revelation is making the connection to how Antichrist will counter one of Christ's greatest miracles, that of resurrection itself just before he conquers the Temple. On June 3 1991, nine-year-old Prince William received a near fatal head wound from a sporting accident and was immediately taken to a London hospital where sources originally cited he was close to death from a fractured skull. The event may even have been foreshadowed in an eerie occurrence at his baptismal ceremony. Reports were that the candle lit during the ceremony by his parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana, flickered but did not go out. The Archbishop of Canterbury had baptized the infant, and handed the lit candle to the father, Charles. The windows were open and as a terrific storm gathered, a gust blew through the church, causing the candle to flicker. This was believed to predict a crisis in the young Prince’s future, but that he would survive whatever it was - according to a psychic, named Van der Post. On page 410 of Kitty Kelley’s book on the Royals, she wrote: “Prince William was accidentally hit on the head with a golf club, which fractured his skull, necessitating emergency surgery. Diana, who was at San Lorenzo restaurant when she received the news, hurried to her son’s side and spent two nights in the hospital with him until he could come home. Charles visited him for a few minutes after his surgery but did not otherwise interrupt his own schedule. He said he had to attend a performance of Tosca. The press was appalled. Jean Rook in the Daily Express asked: “What sort of father of an eight-year-old boy, nearly brained by a golf club, leaves the hospital before knowing the outcome for a night at the opera?” The medical report read as follows: 'Full name William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor age nine. The accident took place on June 3, 1991, and he was admitted to Royal Berkshire Hospital. He was operated on at Great Ormond Street Hospital for a depressed fracture of the skull.' William obviously recovered, quickly, and much wasn't made of the story of William's near death after that. A large scar can still be seen to this day on the far-left side of his forehead. During one of his many humanitarian jaunts, William was overheard telling a group of young Harry Potter readers, about his own 'curse scar.' Interestingly, the first person ever to be marked on the forehead, was Cain, as a mark of divine protection. However, the prophecy in the Bible about a King surviving a head wound is interesting as it's describing certain attributes for the Antichrist of Revelation. Coincidentally, or not, according to historical records of King Arthur, he died from a mortal head wound having his skull broken at the Battle of Camlann between 516-550 AD. Continuing with the connections that mark the lives of Christ as King, King Arthur, and the Antichrist, all three created a new religion/New Age/new way of thinking for others to pattern themselves after, and all three gather up a select group of ten or twelve Knights, Kings, or Disciples who then go out into the world, united by a fundamentalist charge and conquer the earth through redemption/salvation or unity of man. All three, Jesus Christ, King Arthur, and the future Antichrist share intriguing parallels that define them, foremost of which all three are Kings that draw unparalleled strength and loyalty from those who see them as the epitome of what is most good, or most evil, in the case of the Antichrist. All three share the kind of heights of power that also saw an infamous betrayal; with Christ this was Judas, for Arthur it was Mordred. For the Antichrist, it will be the ships of Chittim. The three have already and/or will achieve great exploits accredited to them, placing all three on the level of a spiritual or national Messiah. All three have writings attributed to them that sound very similar. While Christ is known as the One who was, is, and is yet to come, King Arthur was known as the Once and Future King. In Revelation, Antichrist is known as the King who was, is not, but will be again. Moreover, Christ, King Arthur, and Antichrist are all said to return at a time when their people need them most, at a time just before the world ends. Even more intriguing than all this is making a comparison of Revelation 1:18 (and 17:8) with Daniel 8:23 to see how close Christ and Antichrist can blur the lines, providing us another clue to how people might be deceived by the coming false Messiah. It is also worth mentioning here that King Arthur and the areas throughout Britain, Wales, and Scotland that still hold his namesake, as for one good example, King Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh, have become the secret places where Satanists practice their profane craft and magic.

*Read Article Prince William Reveals that He Has a Glowing 'Harry Potter Scar' After Childhood Accident
*Read Article Stranger than The Omen: Looking Back at 9-year Old Prince William's 'Cracked Skull' Incident
*Read Article A 'Once and Future King' Has Returned: The Death of King Arthur and the Legend of His Survival
*Read Article A 5,000-Year-Old Monument Connected to Exploits of King Arthur Being Excavated in 2022 England
*Read Article King Charles III Invokes the Arthurian Psychodrama by Claiming to be 'Mortally Wounded' by 'Spare'

Since Revelation's prophecy about a King rising up from a mortal head wound is somewhat well known, some believed that President Kennedy was the Antichrist, especially after he was assassinated by a globally witnessed mortal head wound. They certainly believed JFK was charismatic enough to become the world's most beloved and adored leader, which is ironically the most intriguing attribute of the prophesied Antichrist, to the point that his charismatic reign even took on Arthurian overtones, which carries with it a death knell all its own that rings throughout British, and now, seemingly, American history, whereby anyone named Arthur in direct line for the British throne, died in strange and mysterious circumstances so that they never reached the title as King. In Kennedy's case, he was killed shortly after being dubbed a type of Arthur presiding over a new Camelot, by early 1960's American media. The infamous schoolbook depository building from where Kennedy was shot, called Dealey Plaza, was formerly the site of the first Masonic Temple of Texas. Moreover, it is widely known that Kennedy was killed on Elm Street, but if you look at any map of the area - which lays precisely upon the 33rd Parallel) In looking at photos, it even appears that the three streets Elm, Main, and Commerce converge to form the perfect outline of a "Holy Grail." Others looking at Dealy Plaza see the Trident of Poseidon or Satan's Pitchfork. Yet another connection made, this time via Hollywood cites Ira Levin (author of Rosemary's Baby) must have been influenced by, or he believed that American President Kennedy paralleled the Antichrist himself, because a likeness of him was used in the 1968 film. Actors that looked almost exactly like John and Jackie Kennedy, appeared in Rosemary's hallucination brought on by a Satanic cult's rape drug. Rosemary awakens from her strange 'dream' telling her husband she was raped by something inhuman, astonished by how real the rape seemed. In this way, have Levin and Polanski returned us to Eden allegorically, with Eve's conception of Cain that was supposed to be Adam's son, but clearly was not. It would appear Levin knew something of the unbroken (Cain to Antichrist) "Grail" lineage. As another point of interest, the increasingly Kennedy-esque Prince William has announced his creation of Earthshot Prize, a foundation that places its focus on earth and climate-related solutions, whose inspiration is taken from JFK's wanting to lead America into space. The JFK Foundation and Caroline Kennedy has personally thanked William for his own 'inspiration for the future.' Kennedy was clearly killed by the CIA, ending his era of Camelot, but the added irony there was the Queen and Prince Philip actually visited Jackie and children in the days after the assassination, with Philip holding young JFK Jr's hand in photos. JFK Jr's own strange death by way of a plane crash he was piloting in 1999 perhaps lends even more to the supposed curse on the Kennedy's themselves. Factoring in the well-documented curse of every Prince William throughout British history never reaching the throne because of very strange events or freak accidents, as well as anyone adopting the Arthurian theme, like JFK, and as some believe, RFK and Martin Luther King, etc., never completing their own leadership, would make it appear that the Camelot curse would either destroy all who cross into it, underscoring that deadly mantle and Arthurian template is destined for one accursed man and no other, the Antichrist. For today, we have a new Camelot figure rising in JFK's shadow who increasingly has no competition within what is becoming Camelot. It is Prince William Arthur that is clearly being groomed for his destined role as the final fulfillment of a Once and Future King in accordance with the fulfillment of the Camelot mythos. Thus, JFK was murdered not just for seemingly interfering with that prophetic optic, but moreover for his willingness to bring the entire world into World War III when the Satanic Archons have their own timeline for that war (within the 21st century), after the Beast was born and after he had already matured toward becoming king himself. Interestingly, both William and Kate are currently wearing similar clothing and taking staged photographs to appear like Jack and Jackie Kennedy circa 1963. Chalk that up for just another "coincidence" in an endless list of coincidences.

*Read Article Prince William Invokes "JFK-like" Faith
*Read Article The Kennedy Assassination: King Kill 33
*Read Article The Kennedy Assassination and the Knights Templar
*Read Article MK ULTRA: Lee Harvey Oswald & The Kennedy Assassination
*Read Article CAMELOT: The Masonic Killing of the King - Kennedy & Arthur
*Read Article Dealey Plaza: Esoteric Masonic Symbolism in the Death of JFK
*Read Article The Kennedy Assassination and Mystery at the Thirty-Third Parallel
*Read Article Kennedy's personage used in First Hollywood Film about Antichrist, called Rosemary's Baby (1968)
*Read Article The Dark Side of Hollywood: Roman Polanski’s Epic About the Antichrist - Rosemary’s Baby (1968)

Until 1951, England had laws strictly prohibiting the practice of witchcraft, but just over a decade later, an interest in witchcraft and the occult spread throughout the counterculture. The 60s were a decade of social and cultural upheaval, where people were breaking out of the status quo and looking for alternative pathways. A number of young people were rejecting established social, political, and religious institutions, and an interest in esoteric ideas, including Eastern religions, witchcraft, and the occult, was spreading. The witch came to be a symbol of resistance, embodying an anti-establishment image of female empowerment and sexual liberation – all of which were important factors of the countercultural movement of the late 60s. The rise of second-wave feminism and women’s liberation also included the notorious feminist-witch fringe movement, the Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell (W.I.T.C.H.), which formed in 1968 and acted as forerunners of various forms of feminist-oriented Paganism, like Dianic Wicca [worship of the goddess Diana].."

Major Labels Releasing Witchcraft Rituals

Druidism can be considered a synonym for sorcery. Most of their rituals took place in groves of oak trees and the oak was sacred to them. Kennedy or more properly Ceannaideach means "wounded or ugly head"; Mrs. Kennedy made a pilgrimage to the Ancient Oak in Thomasville, Georgia. The Kennedy administration was referred to as "Camelot" supposedly in joy [by the media] over the renewed promise of the youthful and vigorous president, and the potential of 'New Frontier' reform. The power of the Secret Government over the news media continues unabated. In Alchemy, the 'Killing of the King' was symbolized by a crucified snake on a Tau Cross, a [counterfeit] variant of the crucifixion of Christ. Jesus Christ was tortured and murdered as the result of the intrigue of the men of the Temple of Solomon who hated and feared Him. They were steeped in Egyptian, Babylonian and Phoenician mysticism. In the JFK assassination [Masonry] went to incredible lengths and took great risks in order to make this heinous act of theirs correspond to the ancient fertility oblation of the Killing of the King.

"Hoodwink: A symbol of the secrecy, silence and darkness
in which the mysteries of our art should be preserved
from the unhallowed gaze of the profane."

-Dr. Albert Mackey 33, The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.

John F. Kennedy, 1961 Speech to the Media

That is how they see us, as "profane” as "cowans" (outsiders), unclean and too perverted to look upon their hallowed truths. Yes, indeed murder, sexual atrocities, mind control, attacks against the people of the United States, all of these things are so elevated, so lofty and pure as to be beyond the ken of mere humans. An archetype of betrayal of the "common man" involves a great deal of Fertility and Death [Witchcraft] symbolism that is seemingly motivated by the endeavor to "green" Israel, rebuild the Temple of Solomon and [ultimately] establish a One World Government. It is by way of Masonic Sorcery that the union of opposing principles is supposed to be brought about and the people that practice Masonic Sorcery are Arch-Criminals who have been and are perpetrating a crime against humanity itself.

King Kill 33

Antichrist initially becomes strong with his own people, of the lineage of Cain. This would therefore mean that this database being set up by the British and American military is to act as a roster whereby they will round up the registered and provide them a place of safety in order to survive the coming planet-wide catastrophe. These same people, who are non-elite kin to the Cainite lineage, would be indoctrinated and prepared for the coming New World on the other side of that false "Apocalypse" to act as hive mind-controlled 'subjects' immediately loyal to the King. This is the endgame of the MK-Ultra mind control program itself, to ultimately cause the entire planet to worship Satan via Antichrist. In this way, shall Antichrist ascend in that Orwellian-controlled New World with an intensely loyal base already in place, who in turn affect others to then worship the Beast.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

Notwithstanding, the descendants of those same Satanic-hybrid beings, steeped in generational Satanism and their allegiance to a depraved evil, have been manipulating history and events toward the rise of Antichrist among the world of men ever since. Kennedy was assassinated for many reasons, not least of which was the perception of his own charisma, as well as his increasing archetypal Arthurian connections presented in the media as the West's new "King of Camelot." In short, JFK was setting a new precedent by which those who followed would have to equate or surpass. But, his shining light was never to be. The very public 'killing of the King' ceremony that plunged American society further from its supposed Christians roots, and deeper into the insidious mind control that highlighted the rest of the 1960's, sunk American morality to its lowest depth not seen since the Civil War. Kennedy's death became the crossroad that brought with it civil unrest, a sharp rise in racism and murder rates, rampant drug use, public sexual perversion and promiscuity, homosexuality, and women's insatiable desire to shake off societal norms to smash the patriarchy, not to mention, their revived interest and turn toward Witchcraft and the Occult. [Read .PDF "Tavistock Institute: Building Absolute Mind Control for the New World Order".] On the wave of a new mindset targeted toward youth, Tavistock UK employed the 'British invasion' to be quickly followed up by the British Crown-serving CIA pushing their 'LSD' creation on college campuses in order to create a counterculture to negatively impact the American moral fabric to which America has never recovered since. Of course, America suddenly turning Godless, pagan, and liberal, along with its current reaction of a rising nationalism to supposedly defeat it, is still destroying Christianity in America, whose ultimate agenda serves only one master, not Christ. It was MI6 who pushed Lee Harvey Oswald to the forefront as their patsy in an epic distraction campaign to cover-up their own assassins. This explains all of Oswald's strange public overtures years earlier in playing his role a bit too well for a disenfranchised citizen dissident. Thus, the former American version of Camelot and the life of its new King was doomed from the start, not by the lone assassin who many believe provided Kennedy his mortal head wound, but the international agenda behind the assassin(s). America, and to a lesser extent, the world, was shocked into a grand collective of mass mind control to perpetuate the arrival of a new, more Satanic age. Another interesting fact that may add a Christ-Kennedy-Masonic connection, is that Christ was murdered at age 33, Kennedy was murdered at the 33rd Parallel, 33 feet from the crossroad where once stood the First Masonic Temple of Dallas, at a date that equates to 33. -- 11/22/63 (11 + 22 = 33). 33 appears most often as the numeric signature of the Freemasons, a Templar Brotherhood clearly working at establishing the Biblical Antichrist as a future King/Messiah figure. Despite the many fascinating connections between the original Arthurian Camelot era of the Dark Ages King and the JFK's Camelot, we must understand that these are only mere archetypes that pave the way for the coming Antichrist and reflect his mankind's final, counterfeit utopian Camelot era to come. Kennedy's death also kept too perfectly in line with the old curse known in England whereby no Arthur has ever ascended to the English Throne. Since the time of the Dark Ages 'Arthurian era,' every one that should have gone on to become a king named Arthur in British history has died young under mysterious circumstances. America and Britain have produced leaders between them who held chivalric courts as if to reflect the Arthurian mythos in one aspect or another, from Lincoln to JFK, and beyond. Each were absolutely driven in their belief toward "the equality of man" by appealing to his seemingly better angels. In the case of Martin Luther King, his very name contains 'King Arthur' within it (mARTin luTHER KING).

*Read Article A Reporter Just Uncovered the Absolute Proof Connecting Assassin Lee Harvey Oswald to the CIA
*Read Article More Proof Keeps Revealing Itself Connecting the CIA to Oswald who Admitted He was a "Patsy"
*Read Article Robert Kennedy Jr Supports JFK Assassination Conspiracy, Blames CIA For His Uncle's Death
*Read Article The FBI and New York Police Department Both Conspired to Assassinate Malcolm X
*Read Article The Aryan-Anglo Rothschilds Assassinated at Least Seven American Presidents
*Read Article CIA, Mind Control and Mass Shootings - Is There a Correlation Between Them?
*Read Article An American School Cancels President Assassination Party Game for Children
*Net Database Satanic Cults, Illuminati, MK-Ultra, Mind Control, Freemason Connection

With King Arthur, this took the form of a Round Table, where those who sat at its chivalric archetype for a united world, were all to be seen as equals, having equal say and commitment. Such notions are said to have also influenced the minds of Lincoln, Gandhi, Kennedy, MLK, Mother Theresa, and Diana, who became shining examples of not only the best in men, but also, the best of what the coming Antichrist will himself supposedly subscribe to, at first. Such souls, seemingly of God, who were defined by their own noble efforts within equality and civil rights, returns us all to the notions of charity and chivalry itself, as well as the Grail Quest by which such supposed noble traits are sought in the collective hearts of all men, or so those under demonic-inspired New Age influence would tell you. Of course, the first to institute such radical thoughts as human equality were first brought to mankind by the Messiah, Jesus Christ Himself, but there is no question that Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, RFK, and Princess Diana to a much lesser degree provided contributions toward demonstrating that all men and mankind were in fact created equal. And yet, where are they today? Why were the majority of such people of their caliber assassinated before they could cause an even greater positive effect in this dark world? Perhaps better asked, who would assassinate them and why? Just as the "MK" in MK-Ultra stands for the former Nazi's "Mind Kontrol" program that migrated from post-war Germany to Masonic London and America in Operation Paperclip. As such, the same twisted minds behind Project Monarch use the symbol of the Monarch butterfly as their iconic moniker in a not-so-veiled attempt to steer the idea away of its true connection to the British Monarchy. "Monarch" is their code word for the British Royal Monarchy and more specifically, for the Antichrist himself. Similar codewords are given to other government projects and of those who conspired around them, such as Excalibur, the sword of King Arthur, and Majestic-12, referencing his twelve knights. Kennedy's secret service codename itself was Lancer, referencing Lancelot. Causing and using the deaths of such great humanitarian personalities as Princess Diana, JFK, MLK, Lincoln, and others, as templates, Satan knows well the chivalrous path by which his own chosen one must therefore take in order to systematically beguile the future world. In other words, Satan will use whatever mankind has determined to be the best qualities in humanity, to shore up the beloved and much adored personality that shall make up his counterfeit to Christ, and he has succeeded, overwhelmingly, with William Arthur Philip Louis, the future King, in accordance to the "Project Monarch," the last goal within London's "Great Work." How many of you felt an innate sadness or worse, were led to feel even more compassion toward her children, when Princess Diana's life was unexpectedly cut short in 1997? Satan understands the psychology of man and will use man's own emotional state and personalities, against himself. Another trait these former leaders share, is that they all were cut down in the prime of their lives. This was true with Christ, so it was true with Arthur, and Lincoln, King, Kennedy, as well as Diana. Each of them were also murdered/assassinated. Obviously, all of this points toward something larger, yet to come. As such, how will the Antichrist's own brush with death affect his legacy? Revelation 13 informs us that the Antichrist himself will receive a grievous mortal wound to the head, like Kennedy, like Lincoln, like Diana, but unlike all of them, he will miraculously survive. The Scriptures tells us that even Antichrist himself will be assassinated, and yet, in his mimicking of Jesus Christ, he shall likewise resurrect back unto life, except instead of being filled with the Holy Spirit like Christ was, the Antichrist shall be 'born' into the spirit of Satan, the Satanic counterfeit of being born again of the Holy Spirit. In effect, all the shocking deaths of formerly great leaders serves a higher purpose, as to create a archetypal shadow of what is best in humanity, an archetype that Satan's chosen one is certain to emulate, emanating those innate traits that these great people once held, from charisma, humanitarian ideals, soul-stirring oration, and the wisdom of where to lead the world next - each their own hallmark of a great leader that most would follow to Hell, and back, which is the whole point. For just as Christ's Resurrection was only revealed to a chosen few, Antichrist's counterfeit resurrection will occur in the sight of the whole world, as he rises to become evil incarnate, completely possessed by Satan who then initiates the latter half of the Tribulation. During this apparently globally watched event, is precisely when Satan shall possess the young King, animating his seemingly lifeless or dead body, to become someone far more powerful. While Christ was imbued with the Holy Spirit of Life, at His death, Antichrist shall become possessed by the Spirit of Death, at his resurrection. Therefore, as Christ became low in the eyes of the world, while taking on Power from Heaven above, Antichrist shall become great in the eyes of the world, while taking on power from Hell beneath. 'As Above, So Below.' Let us furthermore never forget who is the Monarch being subliminally referenced to within the UK's aptly named Monarch programming as the future Rex Mundi, the Antichrist.

*Read Article Vigilant Citizen: Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control
*Read Article The British Army Has Now Been Employed as Internet Influencers
*Read Article 1960s National Anthem Broadcast Contained Subliminal Messages
*Read Article Monarch Programming: Alters and Triggers by Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D
*Read Article CIA has an Illegal Top Secret Program that Collects American's Data in Bulk
*Read Article UK Intel's "Five Eyes" Comprised of Britain's Commonwealths Spying on US Citizens

All of this is in keeping with the global collective of London's mass mind control that works on many levels to cause a break in the collective consciousness of a generation to ultimately prompt the need for the Antichrist to be seen as Messianic, but what of such Satanic abuse on an individual basis, such as those enduring more direct manipulation? As Bride International cites in their research on MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder and SRA: "Satanic Ritual Abuse is far more prevalent than many people would like to imagine. For survivors of SRA, most are dissociated from their experiences. It may take decades for a survivor to surface memories or to begin to understand that SRA is part of his background. For this reason, the abuse and trauma during rituals remain hidden even from those who are involved. Some people that have endured SRA do not come from families that openly present themselves as Satanic. Others do come from families that are openly into witchcraft or Satanism. Many survivors of SRA come from families that are deeply involved in various secret societies such as Freemasonry, the Knights of Malta, Eastern Star, Rosicrucianism, and a long list of others. These families can often appear to be very respectable externally. Some survivors of SRA have a difficult time reconciling the societal standing of their family with the memories they begin to recover. Satanic Ritual Abuse can occur in a number of locations. It can take place in basements, in secluded locations, in fields on private property, in the woods, in barns, and just about any place where the cult is able to keep its activities from being discovered. For some families, a majority of their rituals will actually occur out of the body in other realms. These realms can include places in outer space or under the water. Some cults have more influence in government and military than others. For this reason, some cults enjoy an incredible amount of immunity. They also enjoy access to facilities such as hospitals, universities, and military bases. Connections can also provide some cults with access to high-level technologies and mind control drugs that will assist them in their activities. Rituals will include subjection to blood and sex rituals in order to conjure up evil spirits. It can involve animal and human sacrifice. Rituals can include incantations, marriage ceremonies between adults and children, and marriages between people and evil entities. There will be horrible physical trauma that does along with SRA, such as physical or sexual abuse. Further, survivors are often forced to consume fecal matter and urine of animals or humans. The rituals are so horrific that children completely dissociate from them just to survive. Dissociation is the separation of normally related mental processes, resulting in one group functioning independently from the rest, leading in extreme cases to disorders such as dissociative identity disorder. Dissociative Identity Disorder is defined as a disturbance in the normal integrative function of memory, identity, and self, and it is the only mental disorder with two or more distinct personality states. Dissociation is a God-given coping mechanism that all humans use to one degree or another in order to navigate discomfort and trauma. While dissociation can help us to survive trauma, it typically leads to fragmentation in cases of moderate to severe trauma. This is why dissociative issues will result from heavy trauma, especially when that trauma is experienced in early childhood, typically before the age of seven. Not all dissociation results in alternate personalities, but severe and repetitive trauma beginning in early childhood will cause the individual to dissociate into alternate personality states. The ability to dissociate this way can become problematic when it begins to impair normal and healthy functions necessary for life." The ultimate and final desired outcome by those causing the ritualistic abuse, is that the individual is fractured in both mind and spirit to the point they are made subject to demonic possession, giving home to the infernal spirits by which the Satanist elite both communicate and collaborate with. This is precisely why certain government intelligent agencies (CIA and MI5) are consistently found among the connections embedded deep within Satanic organizations themselves, who are in turn given access to "black project" funding and key military infrastructures used for ongoing human experimentation and resulting demonic control.

*Read Article UK's BBC and Microsoft Form a Coalition to Police "Conspiracies"
*Read Article UK Press Discovered to be an Orwellian-Like ‘Appendage of the State’
*Read Article Call of the Monarch: Mind-Controlled Slaves to Antichrist Programming
*Read Article British Monarchy: Their Nazi Mind Control Program Called 'Project Monarch'
*Read Article UK Nazi-Satanic Group Order of Nine Angels Becoming Explicitly Malevolent
*Read Article UK's Nazi-Satanic 'The Order of Nine Angels' Wants a 'New Aryan Civilization'
*Read Article US Army Soldier Caught Helping the British Satanic Group 'Order of Nine Angels'

MIND CONTROL Torture is alive and well in the UK. MI5, the UK's secret police, regularly use Non-Lethal Weapons on any dissidents. Since MI5 have a well-documented history of hating the Labour Party and were instrumental in bringing down the Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson, they naturally took to spying on, and discrediting, any group or person who did not follow their rabid right-wing dogma. A vast catalogue of mind control frequencies in the MHz range, FM radio, TV and mobile phone frequencies, have been measured, which are used in the UK for mind control and killing or disabling victims: 147, 153, 197, 199, 447, 453, 456, 466, 853, 883, 884, 887... Symptoms can be depression, befuddled thinking, loss of memory, stress, not being able to cope, manic behavior, schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, physical collapse, brain and nervous system damage, heart attacks, cancer... An example was Brighton police van, parked outside the Brighton Pavilion which was used to beam UHF and microwaves at vagrants to clear them from the area. Particular excitation potential is then broadcast by pulse modulated microwave transmitter. This pulse modulated microwave beam has the ELF excitation potential frequency imprinted upon it. It was found that each behavioral set in humans had a distinctive frequency. There was one for: anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust...etc. Intelligence operatives in the UK regularly park microwave transmitters outside targets' houses and beam specific mood inducing excitation at the victims.

FCC ID #1092223856297

Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set.

US PATENT #US6506148B2

New evidence shows that the UK is hosting intelligence training for some of the world’s most oppressive regimes, which have been involved in numerous atrocities. Why is it not being held to account for this? The news that Britain is once again knee-deep in some seriously sordid affairs is disappointing, but hardly a surprise. But the Queen’s government has sunk even further, as it’s reportedly been actively reaching out to despots, dictators and democracy deniers, according to documents obtained by Declassified UK. It’s been sending out a glossy sales brochure to entice the world’s rogues to sign up and learn how to abuse their power more efficiently. It’s all part of the 11-day International Intelligence Directors Course, which resembles the shadiest corporate getaway known to man. And it’s operated by the finest of Britain’s domestic security service, MI5, and its external spy agency, MI6. Why they wanted to train such regimes so badly is an uncomfortably puzzling thought.

Where’s the Outrage?

Graham most certainly had Church of Satan "Watchers" and inner-caste Freemasons influencing him toward increasing iniquity and corruption in his darkened life, being the perfect target for their destabilizing attacks as Graham was touted as America's senior evangelist during a time of perceived post-war Christian revival. He was also a "great friend" of the British Royal family who no doubt further "recruited" him into all things occult behind the scenes, just as their senior hand was involved in everything from Satanic trafficking for sacrifice to propping up key underworld elite organizations such as Epstein and others to further corrupt other influential elites that they could later control. It is believed by many that the Windsor's specifically carry the so-called "Holy Grail" lineage (aka the Blood Royale) descended from Cain that would ultimately produce the Antichrist himself. Such articles as "Royals and the Antichrist," and others go at great length highlighting this.

Statue of Satanist Billy Graham to be Erected in the Capitol

*Read PDF Article Fiona Barnett: Eyes Wide Open CIA MK-ULTRA Satanic Ritual Abuse and Mind Control (FREE E-BOOK)
*Read PDF Article The Illuminati Formula to Create Mind Controlled Slaves - Billy Graham and the Queen Mentioned
*Related Article The Shocking Witness Statement by Fiona Barret, Victim the Satanic CIA's 'MK-Ultra' Programming
*Related Article How Britain's Royal Queen Elizabeth and Australian Kidman's Own Much of the Our Planet Today

Once and Future European Union: The Revival of the Ancient Roman Empire
Revelation 13:1, 3-4 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, having Seven Heads and Ten Horns, and upon his Horns Ten Crowns, and upon his Heads the name of blasphemy. And I saw one of his Heads as it were wounded to death, but his deadly wound was healed, and all the world wondered after the Beast. And they worshipped the [Red] Dragon which gave power unto 'the Beast.' Israel was reborn on May 14th 1948, as the descendants of those Jews that once shared in the original building of ancient Israel, that was later destroyed by Rome and its ancient peoples scattered throughout Europe just forty years after Christ's crucifixion, were able to finally come home in the twentieth century, only to find others suddenly laying claim to their new homeland. At the very same time, while Israel was carving out a new State of Israel, to her northwest, were the European nations also rejoining together as if being miraculously reborn (but following a secret society plan toward creating a new Roman Empire growing in parallel strength to the newly revived nation of Israel). History was and is clearly repeating, Rome and Israel are both returning to power, at the same time, precisely as the end-time Biblical prophecies told us they would. By 1957, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands were first to join in economic alliance, then France, Italy, and West Germany united under the Treaty of Rome. In 1972, three additional members signed on: Denmark, England, and Ireland were received, then, on January 1 1981, Greece became the ratified tenth member. Now, the Bible shows us yet another interesting clue between Daniel and Revelation. Daniel clearly states that out of an original ten-nation grouping of nations would arise a Little Horn (or "young Prince") who would become the Beast [of Revelation]. The exact prophecy in the book of Daniel 7:20 in reference to this Prince-King-Beast informs us that: 'I [Daniel] considered the horns and behold, there came up among the ten, another little horn and in this horn were the eyes of a Man.' In other words, after a ten-nation European confederacy is born, afterwards would arise a little horn, the human being who later becomes the Antichrist. So this [eleventh] horn having 'the eyes of a man,' etc. is not referring to an 11th country of the still reviving Roman Empire, but the Scriptures are clearly telling us to look for a 'little' man who suddenly appears after the ten. Thus, Prince William was born the very next year (1982) just months after Greece became #10 in the European Community of Nations. By 1990, a newly reunified Germany joined, and in 1993, the European Union was officially born amidst much fanfare and celebration across the continent not seen since the days of the ancient Roman Empire itself, and yet, the Scriptures predicted it all, and moreover, what is still to come as the EU shifts its course and ultimately becomes beholden to Britain, after the Collapse. That is the purpose and final outcome of the current Brexit crisis, that while seemingly a complete debacle for Britain, will later ensure their dominance over the continent of Europe. Even though many have been stockpiling for over a year, the British government is now demanding their military services and population begin stockpiling food and water to buy into their purposefully stoked "Brexit fears." This is the secondary goal of the UK's Deep State Brexit plan that ensures the survival of as many British military and citizenry as possible during what they know is a coming Collapse of the present world system circa 2020-2030. The very fact that under Obama's watch, that American control over global intellectual entities such as the Internet was given over to the consolidating powers in Europe, and now with the EU facilitating Article 13 which amounts to their future censorship (over any website, social media posting, or printed work they deem hostile to their world order) should be telling the more intelligent among you just what nation is doomed to be most affected by such a coming disaster. More recently, the European Court has been making landmark rulings over what amounts to the freedom of thought itself in America, and the world, resulting in a tightening of control that also has its place in that darker Orwellian future at the time of the Antichrist's reign in Europe, post-America. (See also EU Court Orders Facebook Remove ‘Hate Speech’ Globally and Finland Accuses Anyone Quoting Bible Scriptures as 'Hate Speech' Against LGBTQ+.) This increasingly enforced systematic removal of freedom itself is directly connected to the Antichrist in advance of his bloody regime and having no one able to counter it or want to counter it by that time. While we are dealing with the banning of free speech today, that ironically the Freemasons are often accredited with creating in the first place), the time will invariably come when saying anything remotely dissident against the Freemasons ultimate ruler will meet with a ban from not only the social media construct of his era, but from life.

*Read Article 'Devil Pact, Unleashing Demons': Brexit Strangely Surrounds Itself with Occult Overtones in UK
*Read Article Prince William's Former School Entrance Exam Question: UK’s Out of Petrol, Kill the Protesters?
*Read Article UK Police Ready 10,000 More Officers as Fears Brexit Tension Could Escalate into Mass Riots
*Read Article New Coronavirus "Emergency Laws" are Giving the UK Police Dystopian Powers Over Citizens
*Read Article Elite UK Soldiers Being Housed in ‘Nuclear-Proof Bunker’ Named 'PINDAR' Activated for Brexit
*Read Article Pindar is Another Code Name for Satan in His Role as the Antichrist and New Age World King
*Read Article NASA: A Large Asteroid as Powerful as a 50-Megaton Nuke May Slam Into Earth in 2023
*Read Article Leaked UK Government Report: Hard Brexit to Cause Food, Fuel, Medicine Shortages
*Read Article The UK’s COVID-19 Response is Being Led by a Secretive Incompetent Cabal
*Read Article Not Trusting UK Government, Brexit Preppers Stockpiling Food and Water
*Read Article Health Minister - NHS Stockpiling Body Bags to Handle a ‘No-Deal’ Brexit
*Read Article Pentagon Provides 100,000 Body Bags for US Civilians in Virus Outbreak
*Read Article Business Leaders Warn Covid is Pushing the Global Economy Over a Cliff
*Read Article Europe’s Economy on the Path to Overtake the US After the Coronavirus
*Read Article UK Outmaneuvering EU with Dirty Tricks in Ongoing Brexit Negotiations
*Read Article UK Won’t Align With EU Laws in Post-Brexit Relationship, Sunak Says

And yet Britain's moves also bear the imprint of a country eager to set itself apart, two years after it left the European Union... "The U.K. is differentiating itself from Germany and France, and to some extent, even the U.S.," said Malcolm Chalmers, the deputy director general of the *Royal* United Services Institute, a think tank in London. He continues, "That comes out of Brexit, and the sense that we have to define ourselves as an independent middle power

New York Times, Britain in Standoff with Russia and Ukraine (2022)

*Revived Roman Empire: Euro NATO Massively Expanding its Collective Army in Response to Russia
*Germany 'All In' Offers 35,000 Troops, 200 Aircraft and Ships to New NATO Deterrence and Defense
*The Modernized German Army Sets Up its "First Overseas Bases Since Hitler's Second World War"
*As in the 1930s, a Racist Fascism is Rising Across Europe and its Ascendancy is Being Normalized
*Europe Doesn’t Need America Anymore but will Americans Give Up its Role as the 'Global Police'?
*What Newly Accepted Member Sweden Specifically Can Add to NATO's 'Collective Military Arsenal'
*With Sweden and Finland, NATO Would Increase in Both Size, But More Importantly in Firepower
*An Investigation into Racist British Marines Drawing Nazi Swastika's on the Skins of New Recruits
*A Top German Court Rules that Anti-Semitic 'Jewish-Pig' Sculpture Can Stay on Medieval Church
*Germany Invokes its Nazi Past by Recreating Panther Tank Claimed the 'Most Powerful in World'
*As in the Days Before World War II, Nazi's are Once Again Infiltrating Ranks of the German Army
*From a New Munitions Factory, Germany's Scholz Calls on Europe to Ramp Up Arms Production
*Berlin is Remilitarizing: Soon to Have the 'Largest Conventional Army of NATO's Euro Members'
*While Racism Hides Within an Anti-Woke US, Germany is Leading EU Campaign Against Blacks

For the time being, the evil principalities and powers want us to believe that "Brexit" will cause major upheaval, but it's all a lie. It's not Brexit they are preparing for and manipulating society with, but their release of a global contagion followed by several other disasters they know are prophetically coming in advance of Antichrist. The following links prove how that increasing control will form the basis of the Beast's consolidating power, between pre-Coronavirus and post-Collapse. The manufactured "Brexit crisis" was just another vehicle to get there. The British government knew Coronavirus was coming months in advance, because they themselves created it in accordance with their Masonic "Order Out of Chaos" slated for the years leading up to 2030. In this way, are they providing themselves a ten-year window in which to establish Agenda 2030, the agenda that clears the way for the future King of England, the Antichrist. In other words, Coronavirus is here to ramp up the centralization of authoritarianism in the name of supposed safety and security within everything from monitored social media platforms to new laws being implemented to ensure a global hive mentality, where the people listen to and believe everything the State tells them as well as the new and emerging technologies that are leading us all into that even harsher, dystopian, New World coming. Coronavirus is also here to dismantle economies to allow the necessary global economic collapse to take down the old order, thus making way for the new. It's no less intriguing why 2020 was chosen as the year that the recent "Global Reset Conference" that wantonly used both Coronavirus and Climate Change to further advance those remaining goals needed to bring in that darker, post-Collapse world into fruition, of which Prince Charles' touted Green New World Order would result. All of the former doom predictions surrounding Brexit, such as the UK government's stockpiling of tens of thousands of body bags, were never for Brexit, or even Coronavirus, but are being stockpiled for the coming Collapse. (See also Second Coming of Coronavirus to Kill 120,000 People in UK Alone and COVID-19 Death Toll in UK is Faked). Despite its own internal struggles of late ("iron mixed with clay," as prophesied in Daniel) the European Union has at least managed to successfully group the ancient nations of Rome once more, eventually to form what will become the last world empire from which the Antichrist shall arise. The European Union's very existence in our time, especially in the Brexit era, means we are close to seeing England leading Europe, instead of the other way around. Somehow, their questionable Brexit and pre-planned Coronavirus laws, and whatever is coming next, shall make it happen. Britain's hand has already been telegraphed before, with the way the Queen and 'her government' have subtly tipped off their interest in the continent, but only on their terms. (See 'Future of Britain is in Europe,' the British Queen told Germany in 1988.) Brexit is no less part and parcel of the larger Antichrist plan toward giving more strength to England (iron), while a weakened Europe (clay) is forced to take its lead increasingly not from Brussels, but London, once again. The Scriptures also informs us that Antichrist's Kingdom, like himself, resurrects from a mortal head wound, i.e., the Coming Collapse. In other words, as Brexit is clearly demonstrating already, the European Union, in its present state, must eventually die so that it can live again, to become "The Fourth Reich" of Daniel 2:40. The Land and King are One. Both will be dealt a mortal head wound, both return in greater power. Closer to our time, what sets Europe on its fated path as a global force is the resurgence of Russia as a hostile power bent on seizing former Soviet Bloc territories in order to attempt a return as a superpower, as well as the rise of radical Islam that parallel to Russia, also seeks to completely take over the West, and, because of coming terror attacks, especially in Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, Europe as a whole shall be increasingly forced to bolster its Anti-Terror policing. Already, we are seeing Europe forming new, increasingly united, and more aggressive military forces to stem the tide against them, and radical Islam. The recent NATO Summit held in Wales was a clear and present countermeasure to current Russian aggressions, but the meeting attended by several Western world leaders, was important for a more important reason, in that the UK itself, specifically Wales and its Anglo-Masonic connections to London, are beginning to demonstrate their own future power as a global police force, today. In fact, David Cameron own words regarding the 2014 Summit, cited it to be "This, I believe, was a successful NATO conference. It proved this organization is as important to our future security as it has been to the past." He went further to announce: "I think Wales must make sure we secure the legacy from the summit which I think can be seen in trade and investment; this was a great window on Wales. Stressing the role for a new rapid-reaction force, he said: “After the end of the Cold War, NATO stood down its highest readiness force. At this summit we decided to reverse that decision and scale up our readiness to respond to any threat. A new multinational force will be formed and will be deployable anywhere in the world within two to five days – this is vital in underlining our article five obligations to collective defense, and the UK will support this." After this, Newport West Labour MP Paul Flynn thanked Mr. Cameron for the chance to prove Wales to be a "world habitat for occasions of this kind."

*Read Article NATO Summit in Wales: Gathering of World Leaders Hailed as Significant for a Generation
*Read Article Wales Imposes New 'Firebreak' in Order to Help Curb Shocking Rise of Covid-19 Outbreak
*Read Article Joe Biden and the World's Top 7 Leaders to Meet in Arthurian Cornwall, UK for G7 Meet
*Read Article European Leaders Admit Unified Army is Developing Much Faster than Thought
*Read Article Boris Johnson Reveals Europe Wants to Become a Hitler-Inspired Superpower

As hard numbers go, already the European Union has one million more troops, than the Unites States. In addition, they already have 2000 more tanks, 600 more aircraft, 695 more warships. In fact, the only area where the US beats the EU is in its current stockpile of nuclear weapons, with 9938 on the American side, to the EU's 550. However, it is also important to note that the United Kingdom alone has enough material to create 17,000 more nuclear weapons by itself. In terms of raw financial power, the EU's net economy generates two trillion more than America. While the U.S. is sacked with nearly 20 trillion in debt, the EU is only burdened with half that. (See also European Stocks Surge Ahead of US as UK/EU Uses New Fiscal Plans to Mitigate Impact of Coronavirus). At the same time, while America’s population tops 300-million, Europe's combined population nearly doubles that of the USA, at a whopping 500-million people, making it clear that if the USA continues forward in both its debt and erosion of power, the European Union will inevitably forge ahead to become a superpower like this world has never seen. This is chilling, given the aforementioned prophecies. While Europe's own ascension will certainly become the later power behind the Throne, so to speak, the unwitting world will believe that Europe's incremental ascension to such heights of power has come by way of those who were randomly able to survive the coming collapse and forge a new world, for themselves, not knowing anything about "the Great Work," or of the elites who devised it nor of God's prophecies of Antichrist exposing their same plan. In other words, it will only be those survivors arising out of the coming Collapse who band together into survival communities, towns, city-states, and "nations" who rise together for a common cause of rebuilding the world according to new lines, ideas and post-religious neo-paganism, that shall seem to lay the groundwork of solidarity that leads into the hegemony of a new world that greatly favors Europe, overall. (See also Here's What We Can Learn From Brexit's Doomsday Preppers in the U.K..) The dark forces that have guided Europe since the Dark Ages, have well prepared the current world for the New Dark Age, contrasted with their New Golden Age (Tribulation) to come. With Europe's numbers, added to Britain's resolve in terms of its Cainite leadership pulling the strings of the entire continent toward that inevitable goal that ends in a British King presiding over an eventual ten-nation European confederacy based first in London, and later, Jerusalem, is not only on course but perfectly melds itself into the Antichrist's own plan when he is given the honor to rule it all. Of course, all of this largely funneled, funded, and faked "grass roots" efforts we are seeing today that seemingly is paving a way forward toward a "global rule of the People," is just that, fake already. The youth of today are especially targeted and being made to believe that their united voice has global power to affect dramatic change, toward what they vainly perceive is true freedom, when they couldn't be more under the strict control of their 'illuminated overlords.' Ergo, the Green Agenda combined with youthful idealism carries with it a very powerful deception to make the coming post-collapsed world believe it is creating new world as they will see fit, never grasping the fact they've been manipulated to do so in line with the larger Masonic goal to place the Antichrist as central to their choosing of he who will seemingly rally all their efforts into a single cohesive force with the formation of a quasi-religious Green Initiative that becomes the basis of a new global constitution. In other words, the power people think they're having today in the United Kingdom is itself a well-orchestrated ruse toward a very controlled, Orwellian-like, New Secular Order. Brexit itself is a manufactured crisis and vast deception designed to force the British people into the next phase of the elitist's foregone conclusion. For while the continent is centralizing power, Britain will seemingly be separated, as it also centralizes power, leaving both to gain more power in a short space of time. Meanwhile, America is already showing its own signs of fracturing in every way, out of which America will be suddenly stripped of its global superpower status resulting from an internal disaster that instantly places the remainder of Western power in Europe, and specifically, London. As London secretly centralizes European power unto itself under the guise of Brexit, is how London will have its totalitarian power at the ready after the Collapse. With the advent of the UK's proven links to Covid-19, perhaps one of its touted deadly variants is the way London shall force the European continent under its future economic subjection via what could only be described as a malevolent plan of covert attrition. On another manufactured front, both European and American elites are creating the "migrant crisis" in their own respective borders as to enflame racial tensions so that they can more easily radicalize an entire generation toward neo-Nazism. This is being done by design to ensure the Antichrist has an audience of those like him to shore up "arms who stand on his part" after his destined betrayal of the Jewish people at the onset of the Great Tribulation. In short, the Antichrist will have need of an army. That army is being radicalized today by the very same royals and other global elites who are supposedly not racist and "inclusive" despite their complete allegiance to the World Economic Forum and its leader, Klaus Schwab, a former Nazi serving in Hitler's youth brigade.

*Read Article Britain Seeks to Create a United "European Naval Force" to Counter Iranian Aggression
*Read Article Ursula von der Leyen Calls for a Massive Expansion of Powers for the European Commission
*Read Article Macron Accused of Having a Hidden Agenda that Desires to Blend French and German Armies

Delving into the Priory's murky history reveals even darker links with racist, collaborationist, and even terrorist seems that at least the concept of the European Union is the product of an Occult conspiracy inspired by individuals who believed they were in contact with spirit entities. Where it will go next remains to be seen, but almost certainly sooner or later it will affect us.

The Sion Revelation p. 430-431

The Fourth Beast [World Empire] shall be the Fourth Kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms existing before it, and it shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down and break it in pieces.

Daniel 7:23; The Holy Bible

And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the Woman sitteth. And there are Ten Kings which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as Kings one hour with the Beast. And the Woman which thou sawest is that great city [Rome], which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Revelation 17; The Holy Bible

During the 19th century the Prieure de Sion working through Freemasonry and the Hieron du Val D'or attempted to establish a revival of the Holy Roman Empire - a kind of United States of Europe ruled simultaneously by the Hapsburgs and by a radically reformed Church. A Europe of this sort would constitute a new and unified political force in international affairs - an entity whose status would ultimately be comparable to the Soviet Union or the United States. Indeed, it might well emerge stronger than either. The Hieron du Val D'or sought to reconcile, as the legendary Ormus was said to have reconciled, Christian and pagan mysteries [with] special significance to Druidic thought.

Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 410-411, 228

It should also be noted here that with the Brexit, Britain's dramatic exit from the European Union, as well as the dissolving of NATO, that England has just secured for itself to become the first of the coming ten eventual nations that enter into a newly-devised European-centered union, with not Brussels, but London as its capitol.

Clinton Ortiz: The Return of the Once and Future King

The “Queen of Witches” and the “Death-Bringing Goddess” is the bearer of the child who is to be Prince of the Kingdom of the Antichrist. It appears that this king would most likely be Prince William. The era of the Once and Future King is upon us. The British exit from the European Union is meant to scatter the United Kingdom in order to for it to eventually be brought back together under one shepherd, and one King.

Pretty Flowers 2 Di 4

*Read Article 2018 Swedish Elections Putting Former Neo-Nazi Group Into Power Decades in the Making
*Read Article Why the 2017 Nazi-Linked Far-Right Austrian Election in Europe Should Terrify Europeans
*Read Article The Brexit Aftermath: Research Shows that "English Nationalism" is Now on the Rise
*Read Article British Neo-Nazis are on the Rise and Now They’re Becoming Much More Violent

After the Collapse, in NATO's place will ascend a centralized army controlled by the Antichrist that hearkens back to the Roman legions under the auspices of an emperor. Therefore, the current European Union, and its current standing in the world, including militarily with NATO, is slated for a purposeful demise at the hands of its dark rulers so that a revival of an ill-fated empire can result in its place. Equally intriguing is the fact that some within the media are equating Brexit to a "death by decapitation." (See also We Are Experiencing the Brain Death of NATO, Macron Warns Europe.) It was also no less ironic that the British Royal Family, and their global media machine, who subtly forecasted doom if the UK left Europe, only served to steer the people even further against Brussels' control over their lives. Such well-played global manipulation is the continuing hallmark of those who actually control our world. This same British pride, that rival's Lucifer's own, has managed to retain its commonwealth in all four corners of the world, from Canada to Australia, and these same nations of enforced "commonality," retain their connection to the British Monarchy and Throne, as if willingly. Like the Roman Empire before them, Britain's empiric imperialism was mostly paid in the blood of those they conquered, and/or otherwise secretly rule over. Britain's seas have certainly secured for the island a buffer of not only time, and place, but a literal hedge of protection against whatever is plaguing the continent, making this this current controversy between Britain and the European Union one of assured convenience. While many other European nations have all but virtually gave up their national sovereignty under Brussels and a EU flag, the UK will, in the end, unveil its 'iron' destiny long foretold, against a continent to be used to serve its final ends. "And I saw the Woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, and when I saw her, I wondered with great perplexity. And the Angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the Woman and of the Beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. The Beast that thou sawest was and is not; and shall ascend out of the Bottomless Pit and go into [the Son of] Perdition. They that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the Beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the Whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil His will, and to agree, and give their Kingdom unto the Beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a Queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine, and she shall be utterly burned with fire. For strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." -Revelation 17:6-8; 18:7-8

BREAKING Are British Elites Driving a Racist Form of Nationalism in Post-Brexit Britain?

*Read Article The European Union's Strange Online Campaign Against Illuminati Conspiracy Theories
*Read Article After Closed-Door Meetings, Europe has a Fresh Cast of Powerful Un-elected Leaders
*Read Article The EU Sees Itself in the Future as an Orwellian Utopian Kingdom Straight Out of 1984
*Read Article Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) Explains How Britain's Brexit is Becoming Like Orwell's 1984
*Read Article Orwellian 'European Media & Information' Being Created to Combat Internet Conspiracy
*Read Article The Who's Singer Roger Daltrey Compares the European Union to the "Fucking Mafia"
*Read Article Chemicals in Tap Water are Causing Thousands of Cancer Deaths Across EU/Europe
*Read Article European Union Pushes for Global Unity and a Vaccine at Deceptive Celebrity Event
*Read Article Europe’s Economy is on the Path to Overtake the US After the Coronavirus Pandemic
*Read Article European Union is Considering the Use of a COVID-19 Vaccine Passports for Travel
*Read Article UK Secretary Admits London’s Internal Market Bill Violates International Laws
*Read Article Investor Mark Mobius: Brexit Could be Terrific for Britain in Markets Trading
*Read Article The "White Savior" Antichrist Arises Out of a Post-Brexit United Kingdom

As Gabriel explained to Daniel: "The [Antichrist] Kingdom shall be divided; even as the strength of the iron shall be in it, yet mixed with miry clay; the Kingdom shall be partly strong, yet also partly fragile. They will mingle with the seed of men, but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay." Thus, with a colorful metaphor God explains that the Antichrist Kingdom of Europe will ascend to superpower status, however, elements of its otherwise powerful status will have certain obstacles which cause a drag on its overall momentum. When looking around in the world for initial fulfillments of this same future-fulfilled prophecy today, one cannot overlook how strong Europe was on its way to seemingly becoming until the Euro-zone Crisis hit in 2011, with Ireland, Greece, and Italy on the verge financial disasters, threatening to bring the European Union down with it. Of course, this is all a dry run for the much greater global financial collapse to come, upon which both gold and entire economies must be diverted to feed that future Kingdom of the Beast. Despite the UK seemingly leaving the European Union, make no mistake that the Antichrist plan toward a 10-nation confederacy based in Europe, with Britain leading it, will be the outcome on the other side of Brexit and the coming Collapse. It is worth noting that the leaders of France, Italy, Germany, and England have called for the need to have a powerful leader head the new and rising European Union ... in a moment of time this man would immediately possess the power over all of Europe that eluded Adolf Hitler (Germany), Kaiser Wilhelm (Germany), Napoleon Bonaparte (France), and the royalties of England, Spain, and others to gain and restore the dominion and power of the ancient Roman Empire. It's also worth mentioning here that in their own dry run toward establishing the global Kingdom for the Beast, the United Nations has divided the entire planet and its nations into ten distinct regions Therefore, when we see any politician today, whether in Europe or even America, leading the global charge to a United Nations' government, or are in any way pushing the globalism agenda in general, we know that this is all in keeping with Satan's plan. We also know that its final implementation is the result of a conspiracy, supernaturally directed by Satan for well over a century. And, just as the Bible foretold, this conspiracy will result in the appearance of Antichrist, making the entire plot a generational plan carried out by Satan's men in power to finalize what will ultimately become the Beast's global rule via the Whore of Babylon, the Kingdom of the Beast. When you begin to see formerly moderate countries such as Sweden turn Nazi, then you'll know the rest of the Aryan-European plan is nigh at the doors. Also interesting is that Adolf Hitler's forerunner in World War I, Kaiser Wilhelm II, is connected to the future King William V not just in their shared Germanic heritage and bloodline, but also their name and destiny. As an archetype for the future Antichrist, and despite his receiving credit for it, Hitler's own plot to divide and conquer the world was seen two decades earlier in Kaiser Wilhelm II's own plan of having Germany conquer the planet. Of specific family connections, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, King George V of England (father of today's Queen Elizabeth II), and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia were all third cousins of each other. Should we even be surprised at this point?

*Read Article Brexit: You Only Think You Have a Choice When Both Sides are the Worst
*Read Article Germany's Role in a European Plot to Unite All European Armies into One
*Read Article Merovingian France Plots a European Strike Force Outside of EU Control
*Read Article The Brexit Propels the Need for a United European Army Strike Force

And, we've seen all this before, with Germany just after World War One going through its own financial, spiritual, and moral collapse, only to turn isolationist, before blaming all its ills on its minority of unwanted immigrants, namely Jews, only to emerge on the other side as an Occult-influenced, superstate hell bent on destroying anyone not in league with their Aryan worldview. We the people mean nothing in this world compared to those who rule us. Our only role is to work to fund their current empire and pay our taxes to bolster their future plan toward a final Antichrist Kingdom. We must never forget that Britain has a bloody, ruthless, hateful, racist, and murderous history all its own, so its Orwellian future is all but a foregone conclusion at this point. Prince William's own sentiment's regarding 2016 Brexit vote reflects exactly the feelings of the Queen herself. The Royals claim to not want any part of a succession from the continent in public, while in private, they are well aware of what Brexit will actually bring, which is the survival of Britain through the coming Global Collapse, ultimately. The extent of which the Queen has seemingly removed all stops for overriding the 'Brexit vote' circa June 2016, might make it appear the people have a vote in whether or not to break with Europe, but again, this is a façade to cover what's actually taking place behind the scenes until Europe's shared goals with Britain in regard to Satan are inextricably met. Despite the prophecy in Daniel regarding end-time Europe being like 'iron mixed with clay' which could also be interpreted as the far left vs. far right in Europe, we must also understand that ultimately, 'Satan's Kingdom is not divided against itself.' Satan will never cast out Satan, as it were, especially when Satan's own ancient plan toward a final world government depends on it. The debate in the media will continue, but because the EU is increasingly becoming the strongest financial system behind the United States, nothing will deter the destiny given Europe by those dark Templar forces that control the West. Always feeling itself quite separate from the European continent, and quite proud of their unique insular position, geographically and geopolitically, England is doing all it can to ensure its coming survival, financially and otherwise, no matter the cost or current Brexit. UK citizens themselves are being led to believe that no one on the continent cares for them or their nation (again "iron mixed with clay"). Correspondingly, one could then interpret the iron to be Great Britain itself, leaving the clay to be the Continent. In fact, the whole point of Brexit was to make that separation all the clearer, with the majority of British citizens (or so we're told) having an increasing distrust of far-off Brussels, and thus felt separation from the demanding European Union was inevitable. Of course, nothing is ever what it seems with either America, the UK, or Europe proper. While the rest of the unwitting European populace sees Britain as a lone wolf to be starved out of the pack, Masonic-run Britain knows exactly what it's doing toward securing a stronger future, not for the continent as a whole, but for itself. The Little Horn must arise. It is this mindset by its hidden rulers that still dominates the continent.

BREAKING The EU Has Finally Admitted it Needs Britain More Than UK Needs It

*Read Article The United Kingdom is Part of a Secret Anglo-Saxon Global Conspiracy (to Conquer Europe)
*Read Article United Europe Was Once a Racist, Far-Right Nazi Project and it Could Soon Be Again
*Read Article Hitler's Mein Kamph, Jewish Hatred and Nazism are on the Rise in Europe Today
*Read Article The Utopian: Why Europe Will Remain Globally Powerful Far into the Future
*Read Article Like the 1930's, Anti-Semitism and White Racism are Spreading in Europe
*Read Article British Neo-Nazi's Calling for 'Aryan Laws' and Return to Pagan Worship

The Little Horn Waxes Great Towards the South and East
Daniel 7:23-24, 8:9, 11:21, 11:28 And the Ten Horns out of this Kingdom [Europe] are Ten Kings that shall arise; and another shall arise after them and he shall be diverse from the other Ten. [The Ten Kingdoms, united] shall be the fourth [Satanic] Kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all the Kingdoms before it, for it shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down and break it in pieces. And out of one of the ten came forth a little horn which waxed exceedingly great toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the Pleasant Land (Israel): A vile person, to whom they shall not give the Honor of the Kingdom, but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the Kingdom (of Israel) through lies, cunning deceit, and flatteries. Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the Holy Covenant [the Jews]; he shall do great exploits and return to his own land. From just these few prophetic Scriptures in Daniel an important and much overlooked clue is seen. For here, we see the Antichrist King is not native to the nation of Israel. Pay close attention, for it clearly mentions that after his initial visit to Israel, where he will do great and remarkable exploits, the Antichrist King "returns to his own land." This fact should stun those who vainly believe that the Antichrist must be a Jew living in Israel. Therefore, from these two clearly mentioned cardinal directions provided us in the Book of Daniel, informing us that this Antichrist King is not of the Holy land of Israel, yet must travel some distance both south and east to even get to Israel must mean that "his land" is positioned northwest of Israel. Looking on any detailed map and tracing a broad northwestern line from Israel, we see all of what was the ancient Roman Empire yet following this northern and western line to its furthest extent, we arrive at the nation of Great Britain, an island nation, which perfectly fits the aforementioned Scriptures of the Antichrist King arising from the Sea, from a nation in the Sea. Therefore, with this, the Scriptures are clearly showing us another clue, even wanting us to know something of the identity of the Antichrist himself, who is clearly foreign to the nation of Israel, comes from a non-Jewish, Gentile nation, and as seen from other Scriptures, is entirely a European King actually having no Jewish blood within him whatsoever and yet he eventually is given the 'Honor of the Kingdom' and accepted as the prophesied Messiah and King of the Jews. Amazingly, the Jews themselves are not completely without an Antichrist figure in their religious tradition, for there exists a very old Jewish belief that in the Last Days, a false Messiah will arise whose name shall be AR-milus. Might the Jews' AR-milus be Antichrist's AR-thur? Regardless of the similar sounding name, we already know that the Jews are destined to be deceived completely by the Antichrist, so much so that they will actually anoint him as their long-awaited Messiah.

*Read Article President of Greece: The Threat to Europe is Not Withdrawal of Nations from the EU, but Neo-Nazism
*Read Article EU's Hungary is Now Producing White Racist Textbooks for its School Age Children in Public Schools
*Read Article Racist Right-Wing Youth in Finland Formulate Racist Campaign Against Non-Whites Invading Finland
*Read Article Once Peaceful Sweden Has Become a Key Political Base in Europe for Aryan Neo-Nazism
*Read Article Why Male European Royalty Once Carried the Title of Being ‘The Kings of Jerusalem’

How can any of this be? There really is only one answer, the Bloodline of the Holy Grail - the heavily propagated, but false lineage, that seemingly connects William to King David, or Jesus Christ, depending on which Occult faction you are listening to, or more accurately, depending on which audience the Satanic elite are attempting to deceive, be it Christian or Jew. Now you can see yet another reason why the tenants of the so-called "Ten Lost Tribes" of 'British-Israel' doctrine and its pompous beliefs are so dangerous, for it is already deceiving those within the so-called "world's fastest growing religion," Mormonism, into accepting the notions of a future Messianic figure from England, but this Satanic doctrine is also targeting Jews today in Israel, as well, as designed. Going back to the above map, something else proves interesting with it. Notice the line I have drawn from Israel, Greece, Rome, and Germany all moving increasingly further north and west from Israel. What I discovered here is how that same path seen above also follows in an historical timeline. That is to say, starting the line follows from, and points to, the next aggressor country in the path of nations that have conquered Israel since ancient times, leading right up into World War II with Hitler's Germany, and who will conquer the Jewish people in the near future. Look again carefully at the map above, Israel was first conquered by Greece in 312 BC, then, Israel was conquered by Rome in 63 BC, then the displaced Jewish people of Israel were "conquered" by Hitler and his Nazi Germany during World War II. Seeing how this line has always been correct in determining who the next aggressor nation to Israel was, and will be, I believe it is entirely correct to announce, given the track record, that England is next, and shall fulfill her role as that next country that Satan uses against the Jewish people. Moreover, this then becomes yet another point of Scriptural evidence that effectively destroys the ignorant idea that Antichrist must be a Persian (from Iran), or Babylonian (from Iraq), or Syrian or Egyptian, as some Christian authors sadly and mistakenly cite today. They make this mistake because the Bible does compare the future Antichrist to be an archetypal Pharaoh, and a 'King of Babylon,' and a 'King of Assyria' all leaders who at one time conquered Israel, like Antichrist is yet to do. But like several other references to ancient kings of the Mesopotamia/Egyptian region, God is merely making an archetypal comparison to the Antichrist, and not leaving clues as to his nationality. I delve into this topic heavily in the "Israel" webpage of this site, but suffice it to say, the Scriptures tells us that the Beast will be a Prince, turned King of a European nation situated northwest of Israel, who of himself is certainly far removed from any Syrian president currently, as some Christians mistranslate the Antichrist to be. As such, in no way has God ever informed us that Satan's 'Man of Sin' was/is/will be of any Arabic descent. In fact, God's Word goes at some length to inform us that Antichrist is of Western nobility, which becomes a point of interest when you grasp that modern London is touted by Occultists to be a modern "Babylon" from which shall one day be ruled by a King, 'The King of Babylon,' (Babel-London), as it were.

*Read Article So You Still Think London, England isn’t Mystery Babylon the Great? Then Look at This
*Read Article Iron & Clay: The Left (France/Macron) vs. Right (Italy/Salvini) "Threaten" 2020 Europe

The Future Antichrist Kingdom Arises Out of the Former Roman Empire
Just as the birth of the true Messiah was announced to Mary by the mighty Angel Gabriel, so too did God dispatch Gabriel to announce the birth of the Antichrist to the prophet Daniel, albeit some six-hundred years before. In fact, the bulk of the book of Daniel is spent with Gabriel first making the Antichrist prophecy known, to Daniel, and because Daniel couldn't understand what he was being shown, the rest of the book is spent explaining the Antichrist to Daniel in greater detail. We should all thank Daniel for that, because from these, we can glean further the attributes, works, and powers of the Beast. In an unprecedented series of events depicted in Daniel's prophetic book, he is visited by the Angel Gabriel who is commanded to show Daniel the apocalyptic vision of four world empires that would rule leading up to the final Antichrist figure of the Last Days. These four beasts were: a Lion, a Bear, a Leopard with four wings, and a fourth Wild Beast (a Dragon), and another Little Horn developing out of the fourth empire with a Man's eyes and "a mouth speaking great and boastful things against the Lord." These four distinct creatures have already been interpreted as: Babylon (the Lion), which fell to the stronger Medo-Persian kingdom (The Bear) which, in turn, was ended by the lightning conquest of the Grecian forces (the Leopard) led by Alexander the Great. In a few short years he built an Empire which embraced areas of the Mideast, Asia, and Europe, in essence the very first European based Empire to hold such a global position, from which, Rome (the Wild Beast) eventually took over with their empire. Rome itself is seen as a great wild beast unlike any other because it has dual appearances in history, and one of its two incarnations has already passed while the future Roman Empire is yet to rise. In its time, the Roman Empire surpassed all the preceding empires not only in the extent of its domain (covering the Mediterranean, reaching even unto the British Isles) but also in the efficiency of its military machine and power of its application of imperialistic Roman law into each of its united 'commonwealth states.' Rome's ancient "Pax Romana" or Roman peace was therefore merely a foreshadowing of the yet to be revealed, New World Order that a future United Europe and revived Roman Empire would bring about, which was the great goal of Elder Secret Societies to be completed by the year 2000. Rome was also the world's main political instrument in power at the time of Christ's first advent and according to prophecy, it will be in power again just before His Return, making the European Union's very existence today yet another strong sign we are entering the timeframe when the rest of prophecy is to be fulfilled. Interestingly, right after the Crucifixion, it was the ancient Romans who created the necessary port city of Londinium (London), a place where they could land their ships and storm onto the English shore in search of its last territorial land grab before Rome's impending demise, it became the most important trading port from Rome to this new world, this 'New Rome.' In time, the resulting British Empire became far stronger than ancient Rome ever had.

*Read Article Why Were the Roman Battle Legions Afraid by the Celtic Witches, and Druids?
*Read Article The United States of Europe is a Merovingian Master Plan Toward Antichrist
*Read Article How Today's European Union Morph's to Become the Antichrist’s Kingdom
*Read Article Rome's Tacitus Writes of "Blood-Stained Druid Altars" of Anglesey Wales
*Read Article The Prophecies of Merlin Actual Work Written by an Historical Merddyn
*Read Article Ancient Occult Knowledge of Druidism Seeks a New 'Green Generation'
*Read Article 'Modern Freemasonry is the Spiritual Descendant of Ancient Druidism

Keeping that prophecy of Daniel (7:7,8,24) in mind regarding the Antichrist's Kingdom as "The Little Horn," I want to draw your attention next to the very interesting figure that takes shape when one looks closer at the region of north-western Wales, at Anglesey (See map of England-Wales here). There appears to be the outline of a man, arising out of the forehead of the much larger, grimacing, western-looking "face of England," with the man being a "Little Horn" protruding from the English/Welsh landscape. Focusing on this area further, is even seen this 'man' having an open mouth, as if speaking, and a single arm outstretched with finger pointing. Moreover, out of his "forehead," as it were (See map), can be seen a nearby island with the name of "Holy Head," just off the coastline of Anglesey, Wales. For whatever reason long since lost to time, Holy Head was the "holy of holies from the Druid's standpoint, a kind of 'spirit center' of the ancient Druids where they practiced their Occult arts. Connecting the area with Scriptures, it becomes very interesting that the area surrounding Anglesey itself appears as the figure of a man with a single, outstretched arm. Intriguingly, the Book of Daniel cites that one of the horns that makes up the Beast, is seen as the figure of a man, called a "Little Horn," having "eyes" and a "mouth" speaking great things against the Creator. Historically, Anglesey has been long known to have been the last bastion for the ancient Druids who were being pushed into extinction by the conquering Roman armies, giving rise to a rather obscure but enduring legend of their eventual revenge against the Church near the end of the world. History proves that when the Roman army first encountered the Celtic Druids practicing their dark rites of arcane worship and even darker rituals of human sacrifice, they were filled with immediate dread and debilitating fear at seeing the Druid's bloody services. It was after that, when word came from Rome to annihilate the barbarians completely and leave no trace of their existence, that Rome's armies went on a campaign of mass genocide of any and all pagans practicing Druidism in Wales, at least, so we are told. The areas that provided the Druid's last stand has infamously been known to be haunted by all sorts of malevolent forces and evil spirits to this very day. The Castle of Caernarvon, for example, built during the reign of King Edward I, lent itself to great tales of restless spirits and ghosts who are still being seen in 2019. Caernarvon Castle is also where Prince William's father, Prince Charles, was officially made the Prince of Wales on July 1, 1969 in a globally televised event. As fate would have it, Prince William Arthur Philip Wales has had his connection to the area, as well. Prince William and his wife lived in Anglesey whilst he was an RAF pilot from 2010 until 2013.

*Read Article Evil Satanic Child Sex Cult Involved in Black Magic Operating in Wales
*Read Article Druid Solstice Marked by Satanic Sacrifices of Animals in Cornwall UK
*Read Article Druids Gather at Anglesey Site Conduct Summer Solstice Ritual
*Read Article The Ancient and Evil Curse Upon Castle Caernarfon in Wales
*Read Article King Arthur's Ancient Wales Still Holds the Dragon's Magic
*Read Article A Solar Witch Cult is Operating in Northern Wales

This ancient Celtic priesthood dedicated their ritualistic murders to strange and demonic-looking gods, to obtain their favor. It wasn't long however before the battle-hardened Romans became so frightened by all they had seen and heard of the Celtic Druids, that they did something they've never done before since they became an Empire. They ran, breaking ranks to scatter in all directions. How interesting it is, therefore, that these same areas in Northwest Wales where even the pagan Romans determined to be of an evil magic, and under "demonic power" held such a prominent place with the Druids then, and British Royals today. It is also known that the areas of Glamorgan in southern Wales were reputed to be the home of the Druid prophet Merlin or Merddyn, who infamously trained the young Arthur in sorcery, paganism, and knighthood, who may very well have encountered the Romans at some point during their conquest of ancient Dark Ages Britain. It was this same Welsh seer who infamously made the prophecy of a "Last Great World Emperor who shall arise from Wales." History tells us that once the Roman legions reported back to the empire about these dangerous pagan Druids, Rome gave the order to destroy them all. Thus were the ancient 'men of the oak tree' pushed back across Wales and into the island of Anglesey, where the last of these Druids made their final stand. Even though history tends to be quite antiseptic in its reporting, claiming that the Romans stamped out every last Celtic Druid in the British Isles, some obviously escaped. It is believed some remained in the forests of Wales, while others crossed in ships from Anglesey to Ireland. Some like myself know there exists a solitary band of authentic Celtic Druids who exist there in Wales to this day, and completely in Satan's service, awaiting the moment when this world undergoes its Collapse in the coming years. It is then that this secretive but small society that will foster the King into his own pagan education. Celtic Druidism never died at the birth of the Dark Ages, and a great artifact of its power remains hidden there, in Anglesey, leaving one to wonder what Anglesey holds for the future. Just as his father was, William also will be drawn to the Welsh countryside, and Anglesey. While still at St. Andrews University in Scotland, Prince William was reported as saying "I knew I'd be seeing a lot of Wales in the future.". The haunted place of ancient Druids will always have an undeniable effect, on anyone, yet more so for him, and his being stationed there as a helicopter rescue pilot has not lost its irony on me either, for in the Scriptures our enemy Satan is known as "The Prince of the Power of the Air. Whoever is guiding the young Prince in his life thus far, planning all his many charitable events and important speeches with key world leaders on certain dates linked to Satanism certainly know who and what this is all for.

*Read Article Prince William Completes a Secret Work Meeting with Britain's MI5
*Read Article Prince William Urges 'Green Vision' from Base of Ancient Oak Tree
*Read Article The Queen was Inducted as a Welsh Druid in 1946 Human Sacrifices
*Read Article All About Prince William and Kate's Special Connection to Wales
*Read Article Druidic Symbolism Found in Freemasonry and Their Meanings

The Romans repelled by the Druids' practice of human sacrifice (though they themselves had only banned it by senatorial decree in 97 AD) outlawed Druidry by order of the Emperor Claudius in 43 AD. In 60 or 61 AD, the Roman Legions laid waste to the Druid Holy Sanctuary of Mona now called Anglesey. Tacticus describes how black-robed Druidesses (Witches) urged on the Celtic warriors and cursed their Roman attackers. Romans vigorously persecuted Druids for they feared their potential as a unifying force among the warlike Celtic tribes.

Rosslyn: Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p. 52

As new groups such as the Illuminati arose to proclaim ancient wisdom, old groups became reinterpreted, even revived. The Druids so thoroughly eradicated were after more than a millennium, resurrected. Witches, so thoroughly persecuted if not quite eradicated were seen in a new light.

Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History p. 85-86

From an early age in childhood, I had come to the realization that the inner core of my being sprung from Druidic philosophy and values, a fact which had stamped my life indelibly. Instinctively, I grabbed my copy of Geoffrey of Monmouth's The Prophecies of Merlyn off the shelf and thrust it open of its own accord. A cold chill of realization edged through me as I read the exposed words: And a Boar of Cornwall [a future King Arthur] shall come forth and crush their necks under his feet.

The Lost Books of Merlyn p. xxi

A recent study of the 13th century Robert de Boron's romance of Merlin has detailed remarkably close parallels existing between the characters and careers of Merlin and those of the Antichrist.

The Quest for Merlin p. 195

When he would become King, William will be the first Monarch to descend from King Charles II since Queen Anne. His royal bloodline will be traced up not on the Windsor's but on the Spencer's because the Stuarts preceded the Hanover's. The Hanover's, Queen Elizabeth II's direct bloodline, mounted the British throne when the last Stuart monarch, Queen Anne died without a direct successor. Prince William is now preparing his future role as King by training in all branches of the British military. As of 2008 he is with the Royal Air Force, training as a pilot where he is known there as Flying Officer William Wales.

William will have more kingly training compared to Prince Charles and is already exposed more to charities than his father. By 2010, according to reports from Buckingham Palace, William will join the Foreign Ministry office. After the death of his mother in 1997 and his great grandmother in 2002, he is now considered as the most beloved figure in the Kingdom and the most popular Royal family member. His looks, that strongly resemble his mother, together with the Spencer [Stuart] gene add to his appeal and magic.

And his [Antichrist's] power shall be strong, but not by his own power. The Dragon gave him his power and his throne and global authority.

Daniel 8:24; Revelation 13:2; The Holy Bible

The Antichrist's Symbolic Depiction as a Dragon in Bible Prophecy
Classic depictions of our collective enemy, Satan, has curiously been very consistent over the span of millennia, from man's original interaction with him in the Garden of Eden, where Satan tempted Eve with the first iteration of the Occult, with its blood lust, sex magic, and death's curse (and later human sacrifice, via Cain, the son of Satan) to the angered, nearly-defeated Red Dragon of Revelation, literally, from the beginning of mankind, to the end of the world, has Satan never changed in his unique physical description in all of that time. However, one could make an argument regarding Baphomet, with its medieval introduction of goat-like features, worshipped by the Knights Templar, which I would counter is Satan's spiritual, not physical, attributes. While having the Dragon's scales, wings, and horns of the classic Devil, in Baphomet is seen everything else from a male phallus to female breasts, a goat's head (that symbolizes Satan's spiritual aspects found within Azazel, the Hebrew's scapegoat upon which a blood atonement and sacrifice was made by the High Priest on behalf of Israel's sins), as well as various symbols such the pentagram, caduceus, eclipsed sun and crescent moon, all of which is to depict what Satan stands for, according to the Occultist, balance. "As above, so below." It is no wonder, therefore, that the image of the Baphomet was not created by a Bible-believing Christian, but an Occult-following Satanist hiding behind so-called Gnosticism. Intriguingly, man's own historical depictions of demonic sightings of both Satan and his spectral rebel army throughout the centuries showcase little change from the Scriptures. While clear, Satan has strong reptilian features, his demons have various shapes from everything resembling wingless amphibians to misshapen humanoids that often haunt mankind, appearing as everything from ghosts to supposed aliens. It thus becomes little wonder that this very same ancient symbol of the blood-crimsoned Dragon adorned the Roman standards of Titus' army, who destroyed Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple in 70 AD of whose "people" [Europeans] were prophesied in Daniel to return in the end of time to repeat that same historical event, under a future "Prince to come." Not coincidentally, the Scriptures also informs us that the Antichrist himself receives his earthly throne, supernatural power, and political authority from the Red Dragon, which is to say directly from Satan. Drawing a parallel from early Celtic literary sources attributed to ancient Druid prophecies, The Prophecies of Merlin, kept in the Vatican archive, makes an interesting assertion tied into this. In one such prophecy, Merlin looks far into the future to reveal a '...last World Emperor, from Wales...who shall lead the world under the banner of the Dragon.' The Antichrist couldn't have a more fitting title than a "last world emperor," leading the world, of whom Merlin attributes to none other than King Arthur. A second prophecy of Merlin reveals: "The exercise of religion shall be destroyed, and churches be laid open to ruin. At last the oppressed shall prevail and oppose the cruelty of foreigners. For a Boar of Cornwall (King Arthur) shall give his assistance and trample their necks under his feet. The islands of the ocean shall be subject to his power. The house of Romulus shall dread his courage, and his end shall be doubtful. He shall be celebrated in the mouths of the people and his exploits shall be food to those that relate them."

*Read Article Both Ancient Jewish Temples Were Destroyed on the Same Day: The 9th of Av
*Read Article The Ninth of Av Future Date Calculator Shows Third Temple Date Destruction

All of this becomes even further highlighted when you consider that the current ruling British Royal Family has made the Red Dragon their official ensign, as clearly displayed also on their Coat of Arms, with the words "I Serve" written next to the Red Dragon's image. In 1969, Prince Charles was made the Prince of Wales at his Royal investiture in Northern Wales, at Caernarfon Castle. The Red Dragon of Wales was clearly presented everywhere at the now infamous ceremony. There was even a large Red Dragon cut into the backrest of the throne in which Charles sat while swearing his oaths as Queen Elizabeth II spoke to Charles with hauntingly familiar Scriptures as if reading, word for word, straight from Revelation 13. At this globally televised event, she announced "This Dragon gives you your Power, your Throne, and your Authority" to which Prince Charles replied to the world - "...I am now your Liege-Man (meaning Lord-man) and worthy of your earthly worship." Certainly what was done for the father in their ongoing monarchial tradition will be passed on to the son, and so from that moment to this, the way was paved for the Antichrist to achieve the false Throne of King David in England, while also having his stake in Wales (and now Scotland where he attends University near Rosslyn Chapel). There is one last connection to be made with the Antichrist, Diana's child, Prince William, and the Red Dragon of Wales, as this future King of England is actually believed to have been conceived in Wales during an October 1981 three-day visit by Prince Charles and his then newlywed Princess, it being Diana's first public engagement and first ever official function outside of London under her new title 'Princess of Wales'. Today, many believe that in their zeal to protect the Merovingian lineage from ever being tainted or producing an unwanted Royal heir who would forever be connected to the future King of England, the Knights Templar ensured Princess Diana's before any possible new marriage or pregnancy could result. In 1997, both a marriage and pregnancy were rumored to be true. She died two weeks later striking the 13th pillar in a Paris tunnel. The Scriptures explicitly describes this spirit of the Antichrist as a Red Dragon, rising up from its otherworldly abyss to possess 'the Prince who shall come' the Son of Perdition. Interestingly, in some versions of the Bible, the Antichrist is referred to as the "Willful King" (see Daniel 11:36) who will not, and in effect cannot rise to power until after the coming battle between Israel and its enemies Iran and Russia, as prophesied in Ezekiel 38-39, which of itself precedes the coming greater cataclysm, to leave ten surviving European nations that make up the Kingdom of the Beast, with one (England) including three within it; Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland, by default.

*Read Article Great Britain/England is the Most Satanic-Religious Nation on the Face of the Earth
*Read Article Prince William is the Red Dragon's 'Little Horn' as Described in Daniel/Revelation
*Read Article The Dragon's Deception During the Third Temple Era of Antichrist
*Read Article The Blood Victory: Hope for the Future of Our [Dragon] Race

First to arrive will come a global "Raiser of Taxes" that rebuilds the ten European nations after the glory of ancient Rome itself, and then shall Satan's "Little Horn" rise up among them. Like Christ rising meekly from Bethlehem and going out to conquer the known world for his Father, so too shall Antichrist arise from the aftermath of a destroyed world among a small [number of] people (as Scripture also prophesies) to go out and conquer the world for his father. After the coming Collapse and at sometime during the earth's Reconstruction, King William V will literally be seen as everything to everyone, a man with seemingly all the answers. With the natural charm of both parents, the Antichrist will exhibit the strongest traits of his Germanic father, himself known for trying to unite global faiths as well as adopting a more radical view on "green" environmentalism. From Diana, his Celtic-Merovingian mother, William will seem to exhibit all her maternal instincts toward humanitarianism, reaching out to the lost and hurting in the world, if only to better counterfeit the persona by which Christ exhibited. In the world's own deceit and lack of knowledge regarding God's Word, shall Satan's Antichrist easily deceive the world, his greatest legacy among the people being the bringing of peace, security, and a means by which people will only rely on him for their own existence, an Anti-Christ indeed. He will also do that which was never completed by his fathers, he will remove the most devastating weapons of war from every surviving nation as he very subtly creates for himself a world where he alone holds all power. In attempt at thwarting God from ever finally fulfilling His Word, with Christ's return, Satan's final goal via his World King becomes just that, to destroy the earth completely and everyone in it, so a returning Christ has no Zion, no Chosen people, no Israel, or world to save. Like Hitler, Satan would rather take everything and everyone down with him, as many away from the Salvation of God as he can, and not be alone in his damnable judgment. This is why Christ said in Matthew 24:22 had not the last days of the Antichrist's reign been cut short, no flesh would be saved, Jew or Gentile, yet for the Elect's sake those days were cut short. (A more careful study of the prophecy of Daniel seems to indicate that the Antichrist's openly evil reign against Israel was first determined in Daniel 8:14 by the Angel Gabriel to last a total of 2,300 days from the time Antichrist conquered Jerusalem and the Temple until its Cleansing, yet by the time Daniel encounters Christ in Daniel 10:5, the Lord Himself shortens the time of Antichrist's latter reign from 2,300 days to 1,290 days as mentioned in Daniel 12:11-12). Of course, it always becomes quite interesting to see how God has left us yet another sign, quite easy to see, of all these things to come, for emblazoned right upon the flag of Wales itself is the Red Dragon, the single most iconic symbol of Satan, King Arthur, and the Antichrist.

The films feature a recurring archetype: the arrival of a stranger, the discovery of a secret cult, then a vicious murder, perhaps a sacrifice, designed to propitiate pagan gods. The metropolitan visitor, the outsider from the mainland, comes into a situation strange to them and to us. Here the enlightened laws of the nation do not pertain. In these forgotten spaces, there are other laws: rules and rituals that are both familiar remnants of some tribal memory yet utterly strange. In their portrayal of the crowd, these films display a kind of power worship – the mob over the individual. Later, we may side with another crowd, the revengers, but that identification will be just as dehumanizing. As long as there is blood and suffering, we are supposed to be satisfied... He and his partner may think they are crusaders, King Arthur’s knights executing horrible people, but we quickly realize they are just vicious killers themselves. The gang-rape and murder in 'Blood on Satan’s Claw' begins from the victim’s point of view, but then plays out through the watching mob’s lascivious gaze. The killing crowd in these movies is us.

Cults, Human Sacrifice and Pagan Sex

Antichrist's Symbolic Depiction of a Lion/Leopard/Bear/Dragon in Bible Prophecy
Revelation 13:2; Daniel 7:5, 24 The Beast I saw which arose from the sea was like unto a Leopard, its feet were as a Bear, the mouth of a Lion. And behold another beast, like unto a bear, it raised up itself on one side and had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. And a (little horn) arises, he shall subdue three kings... This vision and prophecy of the Antichrist is given by the Angel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel who cannot understand it, therefore the Angel interprets: The Angel then describes a Bear" who subdues "three ribs" (3 Kingdoms) suggests that the nation from which the Antichrist arises, has already three distinct nations under its control. I shouldn't have to tell you that of all the nations on this earth, Britain stands alone in subjecting three other formerly autonomous nations that once enjoyed their own distinct sovereignty to become the so-called United Kingdom. Those three distinct nations are, or were: Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, answering partly why the British have been attempting to conquer the Irish nation since 1169. The history of these three kingdoms being "united" extends back to 1603, when James VI (King of Scots) became King of England and King of Ireland, thus forming a personal union of the three kingdoms. Scotland subsequently entered into a political union with the Kingdom of England on 1 May 1707 to create the New Kingdom of Great Britain. Of all the Scriptures pertaining to the Antichrist and the Kingdom that empowers him, perhaps it is this that goes far in proving the Beast's innate connection to London, specifically. Interestingly, at the time of Boris Johnson's Prime Minister win in December 2019, Scotland is pushing harder than ever for independence from the UK, with Ireland and Wales potentially following suit. Assuming all three gain their short-lived independence at some point in the following years, the Bible prophecy remains, and will only fulfill when three *independent* nations are quickly annexed within the coming Kingdom of the Beast. Moreover, King Arthur lived at a time when these nations were also being unified under a single banner. This would also explain why in the future there are only ten European nations from which the Revived Roman Empire arises with, as perhaps only ten nations of Western Europe will actually survive the coming cataclysm. We are already seeing the Celtic nations unite according to their common ancestral roots. One should remember that the European Union itself saw its rise begin in a 1957 trade agreement signed in Rome between the nations of Europe that led to the European Common Market, and later, the EU, of which the final Kingdom of Antichrist is yet be based after the dissolution of the EU to become that Revived Roman 10-nation confederacy spoken of in Revelation. The Biblical description makes keynote of three distinct nations joining the British King almost immediately. This would be: Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, who would declare him as their unifying King, and with these three, he eventually rises in power to take in seven more loyal to his rule. Notice that it is the Angel Gabriel who provides the interpretation of the vision to Daniel stating that the "Little Horn" [Antichrist] is also symbolized by a Bear. Remember also, the ancient Celtic word for Bear is Arth-ur, and the name Arthur literally means Bear.

*Read Article UK Seeks to Bury its Role in Murders During N. Ireland 'Troubles'
*Read Article Prince William Urges Ireland 'Our Precious Bond' to Remain in UK
*Read Article The Ancient Origins and Meaning of the Name Arthur (Artos); The Bear

The Book of Revelation provides a parallel yet expanded view of the nature of Antichrist which is hauntingly familiar of Daniel's vision and perhaps adds something more. In it we see the Beast is a four-fold creature, being a Dragon, Bear, Leopard, and Lion, exactly the same creatures from Daniel's vision, however, in Revelation, we now see added features of the Wild Beast, who now takes on more detailed attributes of a Red Dragon. From these we can understand there is a mystery to solve in these, very different, amalgamated and merged [Lion/Leopard/Bear] Beasts which make up the totality of the future post-apocalyptic Antichrist Beast-King. The Beast speaks with great authority, as a roaring Lion, as a King. The Lion therefore represents the symbol of the nation from which this King arises, whilst the Leopard speaks to his strength and youth, connecting with Alexander the Great, who was himself represented by the leopard because of his quick conquering of both Asia Minor and Europe. The Dragon denotes his true source of power, while the Bear reveals his kingly name, Arthur. Fleshing this out further, we know from the Scriptures that Satan himself is depicted both as a Red Dragon and a "roaring Lion" that travels "to and fro upon the earth seeking who he may devour." The Leopard's relation to Alexander and his Macedonian heritage parallels that of William's Greek-born grandfather, Prince Philip, whose own father was the son of King George I of Greece. Prince Philip was also the nephew to the King of Greece, King Constantine I. For those who interpret 'the Bear' only to be Russia, it would interest you that in addition to a Danish heritage, Prince Philip has Russian ancestry. All of these symbols of world status and power become further underscored when you understand that Prince William's Royal Crest itself depicts the roaring lion, with the body of a leopard, and the feet of a bear, with the Red Dragon overseeing it all from beneath. Equally intriguing, were William to decide to use his first name as his regal name, he would be known as King William V. But William is free to use any one of his Christian names to call himself as King. Were William to decide on any of the four names given him: William, Arthur, Philip, or Louis, any one of them would make the usual beloved headlines attributed him, in this world. However, Philip II of Spain was a King consort of England, and is his own grandfather's name, while Louis VIII of France was proclaimed King of England in London in 1216, although William's most recent son is named Louis. Therefore, it seems he will be left with only William or Arthur to pick between. Now, should Prince William decide to take the name of the semi-mythical King Arthur, he would immediately lend to the legitimacy of both the legend and historical relevance to the one notoriously dubbed The Once and Future King, fulfilling that ancient prophecy in a single moment. William Arthur's other attributes may contain within them something more than just what has been formerly interpreted on face value, as the entire symbology of the amalgamated Beast of Daniel and Revelation may in fact be a code for the Beast's names:

*Read Article Absolute Proof that Witchcraft (Wicca and "The Craft") is Entirely Satanic and Based on Cain
*Read Article Masonic Attempt to Make it Appear the Antichrist Bloodline of Cain is Messianic and Arthurian
*Read Article About the Satanic Worship and Evil Pedophile Practices of the Modern British Royal Family
*Read Article The Satanic Elite Engage in Cannibalism With their Worship of Both Satan and Cain
*Read Article The Evil History of the Satanic Global Elite’s Pedophile Bloodlust for Young Children
*Read Article Arcanum Secrets: The Crown Temple in London Owns the USA and Your Country

William - The Conqueror (The King of England) = LION / Mouth / Speaking / Charismatic / Leader
Arthur - King Arthur Pendragon (Celtic, Rome) = BEAR / Feet / Strength / Ressurrection / Spirit
Philip - Alexander the Great (Macedonia, Greece) = LEOPARD / Body / Conquering / Youth
[Merovingian/Stuart] - (Scottish Royal Masonic) Unicorn = Little Horn / Human Eyes / Man
Windsor-Wales - (Celtic Royal Druid Masonic) = Red Dragon / Satanic Power / Possession

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

When Scotland Yard confirmed in August that it had begun an investigation into claims that Diana, Princess of Wales was murdered by a member of the British Armed Forces, no one was more surprised than members of the Royal family. The claims were given to the force by the Royal Military Police, after surfacing during the trial of Dan Nightingale, the SAS sniper convicted of illegal weapons possession. The dossier was said to include a claim that the SAS was behind Princess Diana’s death. “Soldier N” whose identity cannot be disclosed, joined the SAS four years after Diana and Fayed were killed in the crash in Paris. He allegedly told his wife several times how their Mercedes limousine smashed into a pillar in the Pont de L’Alma underpass on the banks of the River Seine when an intense beam of light blinded Paul and that members of his regiment were involved.

Princes William to Learn Truth of Diana Murder

The firefighter who initially resuscitated Princess Diana after her 1997 Paris car crash was certain she would live through it. Sgt. Xavier Gourmelon, who led the response team exactly 20 years ago Thursday and administered CPR to the British royal, said in a Sun interview published Tuesday that he was convinced the Princess of Wales would make it when her heart started beating again and her breathing resumed. He resuscitated her and she was conscious, and her eyes were open when he pulled her from the wrecked Mercedes she was riding in with Harrods heir Dodi al Fayed and driver Henri Paul. He said she had a slight injury to her right shoulder but saw no other significant wounds or blood on her. "I held her hand and told her to be calm and keep still. I said I was there to help and reassured her," Gourmelon said. "She said, 'My God, what happened?' “To be honest, I thought she would live. As far as I knew when she was in the ambulance, she was alive and I expected her to live," he added. "But I found out later she had died in hospital. It was very upsetting." Diana was famously eulogized as “the most hunted person of the modern age."

LA Times: Princess Diana Remembered

About the lack of CCTV footage from the night of her death, and it taking more than two hours to get to a hospital that was just minutes away even in heavy traffic, there were about ten video cameras on the route taken by Diana's car. Despite this fact, there are no recordings from any of the 14 CCTV cameras in the Pont de l'Alma underpass, where Diana's car struck the 13th pillar, because most were "turned off" on the same night she died...the Queen was accused by some of a failure to capture the mood of the nation in the days following the death of Diana. There were also accusations that the Queen remained in Scotland for far too long and did not return quickly enough to London where intense public grief over the Princess' death increased daily outside the gates of Kensington and Buckingham Palaces. Public grief quickly turned to public anger after the Crown's decision to issue an apparent "business-as-usual" message and attitude.

Telegraph: Diana Murdered?

I am sitting here at my desk today in October, longing for someone to help me & encourage me to keep strong & hold my head high. This particular phase in my life is the most dangerous. My Husband is planning 'an accident' in my car. brake failure & serious head injury in order to make the path...

-Princess Diana, Oct. 1996

Special Report: Princess Diana’s Chief of Staff Alleges King Charles's Courtiers Waged a Systematic Campaign Against Her
Special Report: How The Death Of Princess Diana Nearly Sparked a British Anti-Royal Revolution Against the Monarchy
Breaking: 25th Anniversary of Diana's Death Media Omits Her 2-Hours Long Ambulance to Hospital 5-Minutes Away

The 1997 Conspiracy of Princess Diana's Murder and the Royal Cover-Up that Followed
Immediately after the late Princess Diana was murdered, an anonymous source called and stated that the place where Diana was killed was the site of an ancient Temple devoted to the pagan Goddess Diana, and that the 13th pillar where she met her death was explicitly chosen to be the exact point where the altered Mercedes would impact. Add to this, certain witnesses actually hearing a large explosion just before the actual impact of the car which initially led them to believe a bomb may have been detonated, and we have the hallmark of something much more sinister going on than what was initially reported. It has been determined on the one hand that the car was driving anywhere from 65 to 90 mph, yet the extreme level of the car's destruction knowing it was heavily reinforced with armor plating has caused much confusion, for example, how could a Mercedes that heavily armored look like it was literally destroyed at 65 mph? Other investigations quickly followed in attempting to subdue the original 'lower speed-great damage' report and stated the car must have been traveling in excess of 120mph from the hotel into the tunnel. It was the French police who claimed that the speedometer inside the Mercedes had frozen at a very high speed, supposedly showing the driver (Henri Paul) had been speeding thereby seemingly absolving any other blame than his own and his obvious need for great quantities of alcohol. One of the most obvious signs of a conspiracy directly involving the French authorities was that the Paris security cameras in and around the tunnel were all switched off just before the accident, with the official word being that they were shut down for repairs. Very soon after the deaths, other reports surfaced that Henri Paul, the driver of the Mercedes must have been intoxicated, the media stating there was found a blood alcohol content of 0.25% in his body yet this too has been proven to be a lie of the French investigative teams because like the entire event itself from the French ambulances 'getting lost' to the scene, the many hours it took to get Diana to hospital, to her dying from something she would have otherwise survived, the blood and bodily autopsies were seriously mishandled in the resulting chaos. More than this, it is Diana's own prediction about her death just 11 months earlier by way of a car accident that reveals itself to be much more than a mere unexplained or coincidental occurrence. A wiser person would ask what led Diana to believe the Royal Family were even capable of such an unsolvable murder. Explained away in the report was the many strange events which seemingly became known only after the accident which led to the deaths of Diana, Fayed, and her driver. Excuses were made for the reason every close circuit camera in and around the scene being mysteriously switched off on the night of the crash, as well as French ambulance claims of "getting lost" enroute to the scene when they were only minutes away, not to mention it taking two hours for them to begin lifesaving work on Princess Diana certainly left ample room for a conspiracy. What cannot be so easily explained away, however, is Diana knowing she would be killed in exactly this way. New light being cast on the French for being somehow involved with the British in Diana's death wasn't helped when after she was finally taken to hospital, her body was immediately drained of all blood and embalmed (mummified) before a proper investigation could be performed. Naturally, the world believed something was amiss yet their knowing very little of the actual facts only led to mourning instead of outrage. Certain facts about that night have been made known and the world slowly learned about things such as Merovingian Kings, Bloodlines, and Royal Secret Societies, as if the killing of Diana made the timing right to release such information.

*Read Article Mercedes Has Been Caught Spying on Drivers with Secret Tracking Devices
*Read Article Diana's Mercedes Limousine was a Death Trap and "Doomed for Destruction"
*Read Article Account of SAS *Soldier N* and How British Military Forces were Used in Killing Diana
*Read Article CIA's Secret War Against WikiLeaks Founder Included Kidnapping and London Assassination

It soon became apparent even to the lay person that Diana met her fate at the hands of some shadowy organization which manipulated events within British intelligence, and that it somehow related to the Merovingian Bloodline, which Diana was descended, and now her two sons being connected by the Blood, and one of them is slated to be the next King. Everything seemingly led back to the Knights Templar involvement, from the location of the accident, its name, right down to the very pillar in which Diana's car struck, eerie connections can be made as if God Himself were leaving the clues. First, Diana was killed after her armored car struck the 13th pillar under a Paris bridge, which in ancient times was called Pont de l'Alma (loosely translated as "A Stairway to Heaven"), which was used by the Merovingian Kings of France thirteen centuries earlier as a place of human sacrifice and worship to the Roman Goddess Diana. The Occult Merovingian Bloodline Diana carried is known as the all-powerful 13th Bloodline of the Illuminati, an extremely ancient Serpentine lineage that can be traced back to Eden. In the case of the driver, and his own autopsy, no heavy amounts of alcohol or even the smell were recorded to have been in his organs at the time of death despite the 0.25% ratio made. More startling, his blood was determined to have been 'switched' even 'lost' by the time the Paul family wanted their own investigation opened. They were instead met only with further inconsistencies and mishap; their own questions never being answered. As the few investigations that were 'allowed' went absolutely nowhere, and as those who attempted their own personal independent investigations, such as Mohammed al Fayed, or even security advisor and veteran of Scotland Yard, John McNamara, all discovered they were met by hostile forces within British government. McNamara himself was threatened with an impending arrest and long-term imprisonment if he continued any further investigation, citing his alleged "crimes" to be obstruction of justice among many others. Some of you may remember the variety of reports of a white Fiat Uno that was seen by more than a few witnesses as it sped away from the scene just after the underground crash. Its model-specific paint was even found on the front passenger side of the Mercedes. The same people who were there that night claiming to see the white Uno also had it impressed upon them that this vehicle was the actual perpetrator in causing the wreck. Some even heard to them what sounded like a bomb, a deep thud of a dual explosion (from perhaps inside the Mercedes itself) just before the actual sound of the crash. One American witness, Tom Richardson, has gone on national television in his own account of hearing an explosion seconds before the car's impact. However, there was one lone witness in particular who stated that he saw a dark car, driven by an indiscernible figure or figures who had in their hand a small device that was described as not a camera, which flashed a strobe-like beam just before impact. All witnesses agree there was absolutely no sound of breaks being applied before the car hit the thirteenth pillar. So many questions were left on that August night in 1997, but what's worse than that is how every investigation that subsequently looked into the deaths were fraught with such overwhelming inconsistencies that it's become clear Diana's murder was certainly orchestrated in such a way as to 'never be solved.' Regarding the Bible Matrix referencing Diana and her death in August 1997, are the words that appear in ancient Hebrew "Murdered" "By evil," and "They took my blood." Her chilling admission, seemingly from beyond the grave, describes a "they" who killed her, which perfectly aligns to what she believed in life, with "they" who would eventually kill her to be none other than the British Royal Family itself, that is to say, by the proxy of their own security services. The fact that the date of 'August 29th, 1997' was scripted into the Terminator films, and the day that Diana called her sister expressing her fear that she was being shadowed by security forces while on vacation with Fayed, the same forces who terminated Diana to clear the way for the future, not for "John Connor, the future leader of the human race," as in the film(s), but for her own son, the future leader of the human race.

*Read Article Queen Says Diana was Poisoned with SAXITOXIN at the Crash Scene on Charles' Orders
*Read Article What Princess Diana Knew About the Satanic Royal Family That Ultimately Killed Her
*Read Article Bible's Torah Codes Predict the Deaths of Princess Diana and Israel's Prime Minister

Death of a Would-Be Merovingian Queen and the Satanic-Cainite Number 13
The number thirteen itself is intrinsically linked to the Knights Templar as they were known to be finally found guilty of Satanic worship on Friday the 13th, 1307, a day that has lived in mystery and superstition ever since, add to this the fact that the last full year of Templar reign was the year 1313, that the Templars were active in preparing the world for the coming of the Merovingian Antichrist, that the Antichrist first appears in the Book of Revelation in the 13th chapter, and you have either the greatest coincidence ever, or the greatest conspiracy and cover-up. Princess Diana herself was indeed likely exterminated for two reasons: 1) To cause a shocked world in the wake of her death to venerate her as a form of Goddess, much like Mary, mother of Christ is worshipped today, perfectly setting the stage for her progeny. 2) To cause a rather unique global adoration for her two sons, which her untimely death has certainly created for them on both counts. To the Windsor's Diana had already served her purpose as a royal "breeding sow" and was therefore expendable. One book which detailed the connections the Occult had with Princess Diana very early on was aptly titled Diana: Queen of Heaven by Rayelan Allan explaining the many fascinating coincidences between Diana and her ancestral connections with the Merovingian Kings of France. Another book, 'The Hidden Evidence' by Jon King speaks directly to the cabal of powerful men who help lead the Royal Family to arrange the doomed Royal marriage between her and Prince Charles in the Summer of 1981, and ever since, proceeded to stalk her every move which eventually led to her untimely death. The secret powers monitoring her couldn't have the mother of the future "Messiah" to Israel, and the potential mother to any Muslim child, turning her attention away from landmines in war torn regions of the world, to criticize the State of Israel. The conflict of interest between a Messiah lending complete support toward Israel, initially, and anyone close to him having an exact opposite view, would have presented a problem of epic proportion in their view. This was another reason Diana was erased. She had already been very successful in tearing down Prince Charles in the eye of the world. As a result, many believed she was killed on order by Charles himself, because she said in interview that Charles would make for a terrible future King, and that only her son(s) could save the Monarchy, despite the fact it is was British Intelligence, and their links within the Masonic hegemony in coordination with certain SAS and MI5/6 agents, that devised the hit. The 13th Illuminati Bloodline also known as the Merovingian is the purest of the Satanic lineages from Cain to Antichrist. The descendants of this most ancient of bloodlines has given birth to some of the most infamous world leaders as well as the oldest of Occult fraternities steeped in odd, if not deadly, secrecy. Not all are known by name yet most are known by the pagan religions and organizations developed: Celtic Druidry and Witchcraft certainly counted among them, as well as the ancient Mystery Schools of Europe, Egyptian sorcery, black magick of the Knights Templar, and Satanism itself. Some of the very earliest attempts to account for and trace this seed of Satan were books written which did extensive research and genealogy on the early migrations of Cain's descendants. As children, we were told many stories about devilish creatures in high and low places, and those same stories usually were connected to a local Royalty in some way or another. But what our parents never told us was that literal monsters not only exist, but literally control this planet. One would be keen to remember the Queen's words to Diana's butler, Paul Burrell after her 1997 death, "Be careful, Paul. No one has been as close to a member of the Royal Family as you have. There are dark powers at work in this country of which we have no knowledge. Do you understand?." It's intriguing to me how the Queen felt she needed to feign such seeming ignorance in regard to these 'dark powers at work' which, truth be told, must be as familiar to her as her own reptilian face in the bloody mirror.

*Read Article Rothschild Power: The "Holy Grail Bloodline" Plot Against Princess Diana
*Read Article Psychopussy: Whoever Controls Princess Diana Controls the Whole World
*Read Article The [Satanic] Bloodline of the Holy Grail ~ Freedom Network - A Must Read

*Read Articles The Cross of Lorraine ‡ & Divided by One

Today, while anyone can stand near the Diana's torch memorial in Paris that overlooks the tunnel and site of the pillar where she was killed in 1997 to reflect upon her great humanitarian spirit and mortality, even as it's marked by the mythic Torch of Lucifer, only a select number can even view the [supposed] gravesite of Princess Diana at her families estate in Althorp, in northern England. The insular gravesite itself is reminiscent of Avalon, a small island surrounded by mystical waters thus making Diana the archetypal Lady of the Lake derived from Arthurian lore. The overall gothic theme is made complete with a white-pillared Greco-Roman-like Temple nearby that stands in Diana's honor, like the Goddess similarly revered in the ancient Greco-Roman Temple that once served ancient paganism and its Diana-serving patrons of original Witchcraft. (See also David Icke's Diana Assassination video). It should be no surprise to anyone why the recent decision was made by British Channel 4 to air the graphic pictures and video of Princess Diana's impending death. The 13th anniversary of her demise is still an open wound in the hearts of many the world over, to blatantly rip at that wound again by those in the Occult-run media only plays to their deeper agenda at wanting people to have a renewed mourning for her and feel the need to love and adore her all the more, via her sons. New evidence suggests that Diana was, in fact, pregnant when she died. The Templars who have men placed deep within UK Intelligence were not about to have even the possibility of a half-Muslim hybrid Merovingian heir being born as it would have caused a future conflict of interest with the coming Antichrist, whose own supposed Royal genealogy becomes paramount in the future in regard to deceiving Israel. Having a sibling and a living mother with Islamic ties would have certainly been, at the very least, complicated, especially if Diana herself at some future point was convinced to convert on any level, to Islam. Furthermore, British Intelligence knew if she had lived long enough within the Fayed family, who were well known to have set themselves against the Windsor Royal Family many times before in regard to business, certain complications could and would inevitably result with a future 'Mrs. Diana Fayed.' In any event, Diana eventually became a liability and thus a direct threat to the Great Work which is by this time, nearly complete and certainly when the secret cabal of men who control even the Royal Family realized that Diana was a direct threat to everything according to their ancient plan. From birth to her manufactured death, Diana's fate was sealed. The ongoing evil perpetrated by the true power behind the Royals, and their security services, proves there will be no stopping them in their murdering Satanic bloodlust at placing their Future King upon the World Throne. Perhaps more than anyone else at this time, it is Kate Middleton who needs to be reminded that among the security services that were actively following Diana's every move, were covert elements within the American Secret Service, NSA, CIA, British MI6 and SAS who paved William's path going forward. In May 2021, amidst the backdrop of a deadly Israeli/Gaza battle and subsequent ceasefire, the BBC attempted to both cause the world to empathize with William all over again by producing a story claiming BBC's reporter Martin Bashir doctored papers that he supposedly showed Diana causing her to believe she was being hunted by evil actors on behest of the Royal family, in order to sit down to an interview. Of course, Diana believed that long before sitting down with Bashir in 1995, so clearly this is yet another manipulative attempt by the BBC itself to push William's name in the global headlines and to bring more questions into the 'Diana conspiracy theory' by making the narrative of Diana's death by car accident seem more plausible. And consider the timing all these years later for the media to be reporting about Princess Diana, with such a bombshell story, knowing Prince William would go on international television to respond. Knowing the BBC, this story was purposefully done so that Prince William would directly and forcefully respond via video, leaving the world to hold renewed empathy for the man, while at least one in the global media concluded that he's set a tone on that day of May 20, 2021, for his future kingship.

UPDATE Before Dying Diana Concluded She was Used by the Queen for Her Blueblood to Create William

*Read Article The Masonic Ritual Murderers Attached to Agents (MI6) Attached to British Royal Security
*Read Article Prince William is Pushed into Global Headlines with a BBC Deceived Princess Diana Story
*Read Article Princess Diana Threw Herself Down Palace Stairs While Pregnant with Prince William
*Read Article British Stage Play Depicts a Pregnant Princess Diana on the Night She was Killed
*Read Article Satan Invited: The Temple of Ba'al Recreated in London and New York
*Read Article 13 Days in April Dedicated to the Coming Antichrist and Baal'Zebub

Adding more fuel to the intrigue, it was reported recently that “Princess Diana will go down in history as the woman who restored Stuart blood to the Royal Family.” According to Laurence Gardner, the Stuart branch are the true inheritors of the Holy Grail lineage. As the Grail Queen (Queen of Cups) it seems that Diana’s son, William, would be the Grail Prince (Knight of Cups). The last time the mystical Grail made such an appearance was in the time of King Arthur of Britain.

Like the Phoenix, Diana was the Holy Grail who came to carry the sword Excalibur for the distance of one lifetime. When her spirit passed, she pulled on the handle of Excalibur. In the end, she was taken to a lake [as] the Lady of the Lake. Is this a sad ending to a legend, or was something else at work in the heavens?

The Queen Mother expired on 3/30/2002: [Since 15 in numerology means 6, 1+5 = 6] She died on the 15th month of the new millennium, at 15 minutes past the 15th hour, which totals 6-6-6. It was also Saturday (Saturn's Day), the 6th day. Diana died in a Mercedes 600 in a 660 foot long tunnel, again 666.

Ellis C. Taylor

If there ever were going to be an “Anti-Christ”, a King who unites the globe in a universal religion and government, declaring himself to be the embodiment of God, it stands to reason that he would probably come from the Grail bloodline. He would be descended from Satan, which would explain his predestined predilection for evil, but he would also be a descendant of Christ, King David, Abraham, Jacob, Noah and Adam. He could use all of these lineages as credentials to convince members of all the world’s religions that he is not only their divine right king, but the final avatar, or messiah, which their prophets have been predicting. So yes, I think that our generation may yet see the rise of a Merovingian Anti-Christ.

Tracy R. Twyman, Occult Author and Expert

It is also here in England where those that continue to reject their Messiah are based, and why the powerful Judean minority of England always backs their Judean brothers in the Mideast, and why their offshoot America always follows their lead and vice versa. For although England is called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, its Kings and Queens are not the true lineage of David. For only in the Last Days will our King David step forward, via his ancestral blood and fulfill his prophetic appearance via the Stone of Destiny...and a new King Arthur shall reappear to establish a new Round Table of Equality.

David Jay Jordan

Whenever you have need of anything once a month and when the Moon is full, ye shall assemble in some secret place, or in a forest all together join to adore the potent spirit of your Queen, my Mother, Great Diana.

Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 175

So that not only this our Craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the Temple of the Great Goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence destroyed, whom all the world worshippeth. And when they heard these things they were full of wrath and cried out saying, Great [is] Diana of the Ephesians!

Acts 19:27-28; The Holy Bible

The whole spectacle was yet another example of what the Bible condemns as an abomination. Perhaps it was the figure of Diana that John has in mind when he conjures up the Mother of Harlots [in Revelation]. Diana was an ancient Moon Goddess known earlier in Greece as Artemis. Witches had been publicly linked with the worship of Diana in Rome as early as 30 BC.

A History of the End of the World p. 67; Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 23, 453

And I saw a Woman sit upon a scarlet coloured Beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the Woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a Golden Cup [Grail] in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and of Abominations of the Earth.

Revelation 17:3-5; The Holy Bible

By the oath of Belial and Saturn, the awakening of hidden light. I call upon thee, Asmodeus, devil-lord. I invoke thee within my very essence, Pass beyond the veil little known by most, for I AM a Child of this flesh! I offer now my own WILL to the powers of night, and of the Great Work itself! That through my dedication to the path of Witch Blood, I shall know the secrets not so hidden!

Grimoire of Luciferian Witchcraft



DEATHWALKING WITH DIANA -by Dr. Maureen B. Roberts PhD -A Must Read






Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control


The news that Kate Middleton is to marry Prince William has ended years of speculation. But does she really know what she is letting herself in for? The royal family does have a knack of taking women who are either independent, or on the brink of independence, and bringing them very low. Ominously, as the coverage of Middleton's upcoming marriage to William has unfolded, much of it has harked back to that ultimate Royal Wedding 30 years ago.

Aleister Crowley in his book "777" stated the number itself stands for the Qlippoth. Whereas 666 is the destructive nature of the Sun, 777 means the ascension of the 666, into Godhood. In addition to these examples, and there are many, the Almighty has blessed each seventh portion of time, i.e., the 7th Jewish Holy month of each 7th year at the 7th hour. On this date, the Marriage Feast between the Messiah and His Bride begins. 777 is the "Child of Midnight" and a symbol of reincarnation. This is the secret of...that Angelic Beast.

Nemo Pendragon

I was given this official list of 777 names; world dignitaries, governors, all sorts of people, and not one person I knew. I rang up my Grandmother [The Queen of England] and she told me to bin that list and start over.

Prince William, September 26th, 2011

Kate, who I understand wishes to be called Catherine now (more appropriate to a Princess or Queen), will likely be a phenomenon alongside her Solstice King. If the Solstice King and his Queen reflect the chivalry of King Arthur (his ancient ancestry) along with the love of the people’s well-being as the foremost goal of the monarchy (as her Cancer Moon would wish), might their role become something much more appropriate to our times – true leadership figures representing fierce protection of all life and culture? This beautiful couple has much to do with our ancient past and our amazing future.

Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady

Prince William's wedding date is the same as Hitler's wedding date - April 29th. The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton marks the 66th anniversary to the day of the bizarre union of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun as the Third Reich collapsed. Hitler married Eva Braun, his long-time mistress, in a bunker as the Russians closed in on him. The pair reportedly committed suicide together the next day although some historians believe Hitler escaped to South America. Are the matching wedding dates of William and Hitler just another of many coincidences?

Prince William Marries on Hitler's Wedding Day

April 29th 2011: The Royal Wedding of the Century and its Occult Significance
It was precisely seven lunar months after the Jewish New Year (5771), and 77 hours, that Prince William wed Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey in London. It has been estimated that 3-billion people worldwide viewed the Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton, carried live via satellite, to the rest of the world, with a total of 23-million viewers residing in the United States. The remarkable interest and viewership rival the sum total of the 1981 Royal Marriage between William's own parents. Thus, we are that generation still witnessing the ascendant rise of a young, wealthy, and charismatic Merovingian Prince as he increasingly acquires the humanitarian roles of charitable duty paved by his mother and groomed toward a much larger global responsibility like no other Royal before him. He appears to not only be a man of great reserve, but he also innately displays the noble traits of Masonic chivalry, evoking the medieval knight that adheres to a strict code of conduct, unlike his brother, whom the Royal Family made sure to place him back at war in Afghanistan. It should also be no shock to anyone that while the Royal Family and their Masonic handlers had not arranged this Royal Marriage, that the Occult completely overshadows this union just the same. That is to say that both William and Kate have been discovered to be descended from a very wicked Tudor infamous for his debauchery and human depravity. Of course, this was completely overlooked by the global media when only positive stories were running in advance of the royal wedding, but one thing is clear, Kate is hardly the "commoner" they wanted so desperately to portray her to be. Sound familiar? They covered Diana in exactly the same way, when she was anything but a 'commoner.' In fact, Diana held just as much Templar blood as Charles, if not more, with her being descended from the same Merovingian royal lineage that sired the Knights Templar themselves. As with all important Cainite unions and marriages, the two are always 'blue-bloods' and related, despite the media reporting the more recent notions that one is royal and one is common, as was seen with the examples in royal Charles and supposedly commoner Diana, as well as his royal son, William, and the supposed commoner Catherine Middleton, when in fact, like Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, William and Kate are second cousins. It seems that the 'Golden Age of Information' that was supposed to be the internet today, with the majority of its latest generation being made so ignorant by corporate media, they will never become aware of the darker realities which hold sway in this world, nor the fact that there are literal and figurative monsters ruling the planet for Satan himself. Anyone who knows even a limited amount of twentieth century world history should have at least picked up on the date of April 29th, it being infamously renown in pagan, neo-Nazi, and Satanic circles as Walpurgis Eve, the same date Adolf Hitler married Eva Braun. It just so happens that Prince William married his bride exactly 66 years after Hitler married his. In remembering that the British Royals are themselves Germanic, it becomes further intriguing that the date of the honeymoon of Prince William and Kate Middleton (April 30th thru May 1) is associated with the German, pagan, and Satanic holiday of Walpurgisnacht and known as Beltane in the Celtic tradition, or as we more commonly call it, May Day.

*Read Article The End of April is Still a Time of Fire and Human Sacrifices
*Read Article Prince William Weds on Same Day Hitler Married, 66 Years Later
*Read Article The Unknown Hitler: Nazi Roots in the Occult and Satanic Worship
*Read Article The Niece of Meghan Markle Caught Up in a Satanic-Hitler Scandal
*Read Article The Antichrist Prince William's Royal Wedding and its Apocalyptic Rituals
*Read Article The Necro-Nuptials: Kate Middleton as the Occult Version of a Corpse Bride
*Read Article 13 Days Known as the 'Sacrifice Unto the Beast' Begins April 19th to May 1st

According to one otherwise illuminating pagan source: "In our tradition Beltane is one of the two times of year when we pay homage to Tubal Cain. This is Qayin in his fiery aspect, rising in the east. He is the Morning Star [Lucifer], the bringer of light and enlightenment to mankind." Beltane is named after the pagan demon god Belinos (or as some believe, Ba'al or Belial) the fearsome divinity of the ancient world to whom children were sacrificed in great numbers, being passed thru large, roaring fires. Animals too were often sacrificed and cooked, and divination practiced by cracking their bones on the flames, from where we get the word “bon[e]fire.” In the Celtic Irish tradition, May Day bonfire rituals of sacrifice were an essential aspect of the holiday. Legend holds that on Walpurgisnacht, witches and evildoers come from all over central Europe to Brocken, also called the Blocksberg, a tall mountain in the Harz range for the Hexensabbat, a celebration of unholy Satanic rituals dedicated to both Belinos, the Sun-god, and interestingly enough, Satan himself. Like other bald-top mountains throughout Europe, Brocken is considered unlucky and evil because such similar mountains for many centuries have served as locations for Satanic rituals. The Lysa Hora motif is where we get the legendarily Occult-derived musical piece “Night on Bald Mountain,” composed by Mussorgsky and arranged by Rimsky-Korsakov. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe cemented Walpurgisnacht in popular culture when he wrote a scene of his Magnum Opus Faust, wherein Faust and Mephistopheles witness a Satanic Black Mass at Brocken on Walpurgisnacht. Bram Stoker wrote a short story about Dracula that takes place on Walpurgisnacht. HP Lovecraft and even the modern children's author, JK Rowling, use the Walpurgisnacht theme as well. Walpurgisnacht is also depicted in the classic Disney film "Fantasia" (whose backwards letters contain "Satan") in which the Satanic figure of Chernobog, who summons spirits and skeletons from their graves to do his bidding during the festive night of Walpurgis eve, before being banished by Christian Church bells at dawn. From their holiday of Belinus and going forward, Witchcraft Covens often met through Walpurgis Eve, and Walpurgis on April 30th, upon which human sacrifices were dedicated to Satan (the same date when Anton LaVey founded his Church of Satan, in 1966), all of which lead up to May 1st to honor Satan's unbridled sex rituals in the form of "May Day." May Day is the time at the very end of April to the beginning of May, with Beltane being the ancient pagan holiday in which "the veils between the Celtic Otherworld and our own are at their thinnest," much like on the Druidic Samhain aka Hallowe'en. Pagan holidays such as Beltane or Samhain, have strange rituals all their own, as well, depending on the nature of the specific Coven holding the festive rituals, that is also dependent on whether an animal or an innocent child, i.e., a human girl of virgin status, is sacrificed to the Dark Lord of the Wood, Cerunnos (Satan), with her virgin blood sprinkled across a stone altar, in a sacred nemeton (Druid grove), shielded from outside view by tall hedgerows. May Day also initiates a time of general promiscuity, unabashed sexuality, Satanic rites of homosexuality, as well as fertile intercourse between a man and woman, where pagan 'handfast' marriages last only a year and a day could be undertaken.

*Read Article The Satanic Date of April 29th - From a Satanic Cainite Perspective
*Read Article April 29th: Our Favorite Satanic-Occult Holiday - Pagan Perspective
*Read Article Beltane: Britain's Ancient [Satanic] Fire Festival is Making a Comeback
*Read Article The Queen to Mark 90th Birthday by Lighting First of 1000 Points of Light

Young couples would spend the entire "Honeymoon night" in the woods taking place in paganized Sex Magick rituals until the Sun came up, which they then danced feverishly around a towering phallic Maypole that represented the virile fertility of the Sun-God. Where have we seen that before? Remember, the same Sun God (Lucifer) was similarly worshipped in ancient Egypt of whom was dedicated giant Obelisks, whose architecture later came to Masonic-controlled Britain, then America. In fact, a 555-foot tall (111 feet of it underground) white obelisk stands in our nation's capital today, dedicated to our first Masonic President, George Washington. Some who joined the later-held May Day ritual were even allowed to remove their wedding rings for this one night, representing Eve's dishonoring of Adam and her subsequent falling willingly under Satan's own seduction, that spawned that very first Sex Magick ritual that resulted in the first so-called "magickal Child," Cain, the ancient forerunner and patriarch of the future Antichrist. Thus, within the Satanic pagan tradition, May Day was the time that has long since celebrated Eve, the original May Queen who became pregnant by Satan, with Cain. As a result, Eve became the Mother, Witch, or Whore, depending on the need, from which countless later myths spawned of a virgin, princess, or witch, who met a lustfully divine, albeit forbidden, fallen god of knowledge and wisdom, by which Satan has well-hidden himself for millennia, into the culture and characters of Prometheus, Apollo, Mithras, Zoroaster, Tammuz, Merlin, and so many others down thru the ages. By the time of the Dark Ages, Eve's shadow had already worked her way into the ancient Celtic and Druid tradition as the pagan Goddess Diana, the 'May Queen' who was sacrificed unto the Sun-God, giving even more credence to the inescapable Diana-Lucifer[a] connection by the time Aradia was later authored, as well as adding yet another aspect to why the Occult elite so purposefully murdered Princess Diana. By 1644, May Day came under a fierce attack by the Puritans who banned it by an Act of Parliament, only for it to later return with the restoration of Charles II in 1660, but it didn’t have the same openly robust force, as before. Thus, Satanic and Pagan revelry was, by then, pushed further underground and held in secret in the form of the Black Mass, while the common folk kept but a shadow of the old traditions alive in their so-called "holiday merry making." As if I even had to add to the death overtones of the coming Royal Wedding, it has been reported that Prince William invited Kate to the gravesite of Diana one week before the marriage, which must have been a strangely macabre time for Kate, if not an altogether decimating experience. So much strange death, murder, and evil conspiracy has virtually always surrounded the British Royals from the Dark Ages going forward, that it must have crossed Kate's mind that the Royals seem to bring only curse, death, and destruction whenever any outsider is brought into the fold. Might she have unwittingly taken on much more than just a marriage to Prince William? Hindsight provides us a clear understanding that if Princess Diana had never married Charles, she would be alive today, but that, it seems, was never her fate from the moment she was born. For in the moment Diana Spencer was born, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip were made aware and planned the most infamous arranged marriage in world history, knowing Diana would give her a grandson and Prince that would one day rule not only Britain, but the world.

*Read Article Global TV Special About Diana Designed to Illicit Global Adoration for Princes
*Read Article NBC Reporting on 'King Arthur Pendragon' as One of its Inspiring Stories from UK
*Read Article Despite Link to Nazi's, Many Still Believe British Royals are Descended from Israel
*Read Article NBC Wishes Prince William a Strangely Flattering 35th Birthday Complete with Video
*Read Article He's the Future Defender of Faith So Why Does Prince William Never Go to Church?

NBC Propaganda Promoting the British Royals Daily on American Television
So it is, in an age when the media is reporting nothing but the declining state of the world via crushing recessions amidst unparalleled natural disasters, famine, new plagues, wars and rumors of more wars, more than any other network, it's the NBC Today Show that consistently shines a light, almost daily, upon the Queen, Prince William, Harry (and interestingly, the media is still not shining enough light on Prince Andrew, the pedophile). The psychological effect that this has on the unsuspecting world is effective in its leading the planet into an increased global adoration of William himself, as it is all designed to. No where is this constant adoration more prevalent within the American media than in NBC's Today Show, who seem to find any excuse of keeping the British Royal Family relevant to all the other news of the day. In fact, the Today Show's own website has a strangely dedicated page to all things British and royal, seen here. Why does America's NBC network stay so interested in foreign British Royalty, is a question many have asked before. I believe it has a lot to do with the way Diana's own charismatic spell turned all our attentions to her, from 1981 forward, and through her, now is that same spell worked on us by those she birthed, rather than that increasingly draconic, old guard of the Windsor Royal Family. Knowing that Satan's men are well-entrenched in every corner of media today, especially at NBC and their ultra-liberal cable network, MSNBC. Given the number of times they've produced glitzy-styled documentaries regarding such New Age rubbish as "The Holy Grail Bloodline," "The Search for Atlantis," Templar, Masonic, and the occasional, but no less strange pro-Witchcraft documentary, as well as "End of the World" survival programming, it becomes quite clear what agenda they're working toward, and already in league with. The entertainment industries as well as social media, all play an active role in the ascension of the Antichrist, today, and sometimes their dedication to the Royals can be determined by as much what they will report, as what they won't. For example, on New Year's Day in 2012, found near the British Royal Family's Sandringham estate, was the cold but rotting body of a missing woman that immediately became a cold case. It was determined that the Royals were actually at the estate for their Christmas holiday while the woman's corpse was dumped there. The media was quick to not make much of this, despite the still unsolved mystery surrounding the young woman's untimely demise. Other news items not making their way across the pond; Kate Middleton's family is related to the late Queen Mother herself. Interesting that. In keeping with the strict "blueblood" tradition of interbreeding, Kate Middleton and Prince William are in fact cousins, sharing an infamously evil ancestor that was so bloodthirsty and notoriously evil, that he has since been virtually erased from history, or at least far from the network media's reporting. In fact, NBC and others are attempting to spin the story that Kate is a "commoner" in the same way that Diana was, even though Diana had just as much, if not more, royal blood than Charles. As mentioned, NBC obviously wants to keep the Future King in our daily sight, and always in the back of all our collective minds, in its inherently positive reports about William, always coming across as a great humanitarian or keeping with the modern definition of what it means to be a modern hero, which is the whole point. By contrast, William's own brother will be forced to take a dramatic backseat in stark comparison with William's rise in both popularity and power in the coming years. How that specifically plays out is still anyone's guess. There can only be one, after all. As such, one by one shall those closest to William leave his life. This also includes his wife and children, undertaken by the same 'dark forces' who removed his mother. Only then will his path to the dark side manifest itself before him. That is his destiny as prophesied. The war between the 'Morning Stars,' Satan vs Christ, must end for the last judgement to commence. This is the will of God and the reason we are here to also make our choice and complete our destiny provided.

*Read Article Prince William and His Bride Kate: There's Much Occult to their Fairytale
*Read Article Prince William is Taking Another Step Toward Becoming the Masonic [Anti]Christ
*Read Article "Sacrificed on an Alter..." Harry Drops Satanic Descriptive Keywords in Interviews
*Read Article Harry ‘Creating a Cain and Abel Saga’ With His New Memoir Exposing the UK Royals

On the day I'm writing this, Prince William has made the 24-hour news cycle once again, for his "heroic efforts in saving a Russian ship that was sinking" off the coast of Britain. Just before this event, He and Kate were helping UNICEF provide food to third-world nations. Just before that, the Royal Couple visited a Cancer Hospital and had the resulting photo op with terminally sick children went viral. In a revealing chapter of a recent book written about the new Royal couple and their infamous 2007 break-up, amidst rumors of cheating, William was heard shouting loudly at Kate "Do you know who I AM? No one tells me what to do! I do what I want!" which is reminiscent of the loud outbursts from his angered youth when he taunted and threatened his school-age peers with locking them in the Tower of London to await their beheadings. From these examples, and others, we can already glean what motivates him, and what motivates him is power over people. In fact, in the days leading up to the Royal Wedding, Prince William issued a decree, as it were, threatening reporters with "using the fullest extent of the law" should anyone get too close to Kate. Not to mention, William is still fueled by his intense hatred against the paparazzi press over his mother's death. Unlike anytime before, he now has the ability and increasing power to make good on his threats. Regardless, the world will only see a cheerful time during the wedding festivities, on the surface of it all, as usual. Thus, anything negative related to his new Bride, and the press, could only fan that older flame of hatred in him into a raging inferno. Taking this to the furthest extent and possibility, or, inevitability, should Kate be killed, despite the cover story associated with it, this would push William toward the complete ego collapse from which they will build a new order and world for his darkened soul to enter into. Everything changes after that. In this world that is increasingly fraught with murder, death, war, terrorism, assassinations, natural disasters, civil unrest, and those yet untold deadly things coming. For every beginning, there must come an end. Prince William's recent decision to have him and his family travel around the UK almost solely by helicopter, has supposedly upset the Queen enough for it to leak to the UK press, so any accident "threatening the line of succession" as she calls it, would naturally have drastic effects upon William and the world. The demise of his wife and children would actually be necessary to throw William's idyllic world down into a sea of churning, negative emotional states of loss, depression, despair, hatred and vengeance, where Satan could more easily lure him toward the dark side. Of course, those who know Prince William best already know of his dark side. In addition, he's already making strange statements to the UK media about keeping his children up at all hours of the night, for whatever reason, but his need for travel with them on his nearly daily excursions promoting himself and the royal brand, may very well see a strange freak accident that clears the way for his ascension. [See also ISIS Terrorists Threaten to Kill the Young Son of Prince William and His Wife.] Wondering what could possibly anger William for the future already has a certain precedent in the past when a younger William was reported to have almost killed a photographer whilst out riding his horse, "forcing his horse to charge the photographer who fell backward into a nearby ditch as William let out a furious four-letter rage that greatly unnerved the photographer." Albeit largely hidden from public view, there clearly exists a dark side which churns within the young royal already, bringing to mind the Scripture: 'Anger provides a great foothold to the Devil.' -Ephesians 4:27. While still largely innocent to that depravity of evil which daily stalks him, William's destiny has long since been paved before Eden itself. In a strange twist of fate, William's violence and anger has already been compared in at least one press account to the way Cain overwhelmingly turned against Abel for standing on the side of truth. As even films regarding the Antichrist correctly portray, one by one, all of those who stand in his way will fall so that the Antichrist's dark path and murderous destiny will reveal itself, to him, and time. We are getting very close to that time now. "And no wonder, for even Satan himself can appear as an Angel of Light." -2 Corinthians 11:14

*Read Article Pop Singer Britney Spears Claims Prince William is a Dominant Illuminati Shape-Shifting Reptilian
*Read Article Prince William at British Orphanage Announces That He was Very Angry After Princess Diana's Death
*Read Article Queen Elizabeth II Allegedly Didn’t Like How Princess Diana Raised Prince William and Prince Harry
*Read Article Prince William Reported in 2019 of Being a "Very Controlling Character," Holding Grudge at Press
*Read Article The Daily Beast: Prince William's Notorious Anger Surfaces Once Again Amid Harry's UK Ousting
*Read Article Younger Prince William's Violent Rage and Four-Letter Fury at Well-Known British Photographer
*Read Article Timeline Showing Both William and Kate Displaying Anger at Photographers and Their Children
*Read Article In Great Irony Prince William 'Flies Off the Handle' If People So Much as Patronizes Wife Kate
*Read Article Is Prince William's Wedding Ring Refusal a Terrible Sign of Things to Come for Their Future?
*Read Article The Queering of King Arthur: New Book Focuses on a Gay King Arthur as Legendary Ruler
*Read Article Prince William Says He Would "Fully Support" His Kids if They Came Out as Homosexuals
*Read Article Pregnant Kate Middleton Reveals She Often Felt or Still Feels Terribly Lonely and Isolated
*Read Article Prince William Accepts the British Homosexual Award Called 'Straight Ally of the Year'
*Read Article HRH Royal Prince William Spotted Dining at a ‘Queer-friendly’ Restaurant in Poland

And He [the Antichrist] Shall Have No Desire of Women
Many who initially take the task that is my website always start out with a certain degree of disbelief, wondering how could someone so good-natured as Prince William ever turn into a man that would literally overtake Hitler in his blood thirsty need for complete power. And yet, time and again, we see this smiling Prince has a lineage descended from some of the worst despots this world has ever seen, Vlad the Impaler among them, as well as many others who've manipulated and slashed their way to Throne of England. It is my belief that this seeming gap between what he appears to be today with what he'll become in time, is bridged with an event that when it occurs, would not only shake the world to the core, but more than anyone else, it would cast him into a very dark place from which he would never return. After a string of solemn events in his early life, summed up by the murder of his own beloved mother, how could that next turn in his adult life not be filled with equal or even greater tragedy designed to guide him right into the arms of those same dark forces behind his life all along? We all know and understand and can even see the Collapse that is coming. Therefore, it shouldn't be a mystery that within it, shall many die in its lead up to when the world itself falls under the weight of mankind's collective sin. We also know and understand that William's own mother was murdered at the hands of those who brought an end to her life in order to affect William's life toward the negative already. But when the same fate meets his own wife and children, how could not such un unthinkable "accident" or Act of God not throw his entire existence into a tailspin by which he will afterward have "no regard of women" as cited in Daniel 11:37? Only when William is further weakened by such a devastating event and tragedy, could Satan then carry out the next phase of his Antichrist manipulation, leaving William with the dark choices he is yet destined to make going forward. What still needs to be understood is that once this is carried out, the young King will be guided along to meet his dark father. Once the Antichrist is finally possessed, all benevolent traces of what the young man was before the Collapse will have entirely been eclipsed by Satan's self-centered mission toward destroying both man and God going forward. To say that "he [Antichrist] shall have no desire of women," is an understatement. The Antichrist has no desire of women because his mission is to destroy every last man, woman, and child on the face of the earth, his eyes burning with Occult wisdom and understanding dark sentences, as it were. This is the destiny of the charismatic Antichrist-King, having been prepared for him since his forefather Cain walked the earth. Factor in that we are today living in a world of great upheavals and ever more radical changes again coming toward fulfilling this prophecy. As such, look for those next in line after him, like his own brother, to suddenly lose their bids for the future British Throne, leaving William and Kate to gain the full limelight as a result of casting Harry and Meghan as the perpetual villains. We are already seeing the dark shadowing of things to come, when William is more exclusively to be about his father's business. As fate had it, Harry's wedding went on to completely eclipse the popularity of his brother Prince William ("the heir") and his wife Kate, which could only spell danger for Harry ("the spare") and his wife Meghan. This, coupled with the fact Meghan was half-Black, meant there was no lasting place for her or Harry within the British Royal family. The Royals and their minion's control of the press immediately went to work against Princess Meghan in attempt to, like Princess Diana before her, push her toward suicide. Kate Middleton's own brushes with hardships since joing the royal family, not least of which is her deadly cancer she and both King Charles III were stricken with at the same time, would have its effect clearing the way for William to enter his darker destiny, a fact intriguing in itself given how many other royals have recently died that have systematically advanced William ever closer to the Throne of England. As such, Princess Kate's untimely death by cancer would also be used much like his mother Princess Diana's own death via a car crash in 1997, to bring even more global empathy to William in a world being increasingly manipulated for him. If you recall, the last scandal that recently included Kate Middleton was her rumored affair with Thomas Kingston, a man who was since found dead “with a catastrophic head injury” apparently caused by a gun found left at the scene. The controversy before that was Kate's reaction to William's affair with Rose Hanbury, and before that, Kate's comments about the skin color of Meghan Markle's babies, and before that her chosen attire for leaving hospital after having a baby matched exactly that of Mia Farrow's own attire in Rosemary's Baby (1968), a film about the birth of the Antichrist. Perhaps more disturbing, in The Omen (1976), the mother's name who actually was taken out of the way and murdered by the boy who would become Antichrist, was named Kate. The ironies and strange coincidences seemingly never end with the future British King William Arthur.

*Read Article The Queen's Death/Funeral Coverage is Not Airing Her Giving a Nazi Salute in Family Film
*Read Article Black/Brown Minorities Were Actively Banned from Serving in Buckingham Palace Until 1960s
*Read Article Prince Harry & Wife Meghan Admit that Royal Racism Drove Them From Queen's Palace and UK
*Read Article Queen ‘Personally Intervened’ to Ban Prince Harry and Wife Meghan from 2020 UK Remembrance
*Read Article King Charles Personally Intervened to Ban Prince Harry and Wife Meghan from Trooping the Colour 2023
*Read Article Princess Diana Would Have Embraced Meghan Markle and Taught Her How to Survive in the Royal Family
*Read Article William Feigns Concern Over Racism in UK But Did Nothing When Meghan was Called a "Monkey" for Years
*Read Article After Marriage to Meghan M, Prince Harry Wanted to Move in with His Queen Grandmother but Was 'Denied'
*Read Article Prince Harry & Wife Meghan Markle Admit that Royal Racism Drove Them From the Queen's Palace and UK
*Read Article The Queen Herself Personally Intervened to Ban Prince Harry and Wife Meghan from 2020 UK Remembrance
*Read Article Prince William and Kate Middleton Completely Ignore Harry & Meghan at Recent 'UK Commonwealth Service'
*Read Article Body Expert: Prince William Trying to Suppress Rage Against Prince Harry & Meghan on Commonwealth Day
*Read Article Furious Prince William Didn't Want to Attend Diana Statue Reveal with Brother Harry, But Kate Convinced Him
*Read Article Prince Charles Will Alter Key Legal Documents to Ensure that Meghan's Son Archie Can Never Become Royal
*Read Article Royal Biographer Says Harry is ‘Creating a Cain and Abel Saga’ with New Memoir Spare Exposing UK Royals
*Read Article Prince William is Once Again Proving His Racist Family's Anglo-Racism With His African Population Comments
*Read Article As If Rewarding William's Angry Behavior Against His Brother, the Queen Offers William a New "Religious" Title
*Read Article As If Rewarding William's Angry Behavior Against His Brother, the King Gives Harry's Old Military Title to William
*Read Article The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Admits that the Queen's Church of England is ‘Institutionally Racist’
*Read Article America's Own Racist Republican Leaders Want 'Half-Black' Meghan Markle Stripped of Her British Royal Title
*Read Article Was it Charles Who Commented on Archie's 'Skin Color' and How That Would Subtract from the UK Monarchy?
*Read Article Harry Wants His Father and Brother Back but the Royal Family Wants to Keep He and Meghan as "the Villains"

It was rumored in the British press (which we now understand works in questionable tandem with the royal press office) that the Queen ensured William at the top of all popularity polls going forward, where despite the current drama, he remains at a positive 75% while Harry has quickly dropped since 2020 (or so the polls are quick to tell us). Thus, despite the known evils of the British Royal family and their now sudden ousting of Harry and Meghan, Prince William and Kate's placement in the hearts of the world remain at an all-time high, again, as designed. In perhaps the greatest irony, it was reported that Prince William "flies off the handle" if media or others so much as shower Kate with accolades for her talents as seen with her skill with piano on Christmas 2021. This is ironic in that he could care less if his brother's wife was racially assaulted daily in the UK press, with many of them calling her a "monkey," but if someone actually speaks well of his own wife in the media, he lashes out in great fury. William obviously fears media attention directed at his wife, Kate, still believing it was the media who killed his mother, Diana. What William still hasn't determined is that just as his mother was marked for death to bring him into his current state of mind so too is Kate marked for many of the same reasons. William must be made to feel a profound sense of loss that then leaves him open for Satan's possession. We've already seen William's own documented anger channeled toward hate, and it is hate that shall fuel his later destructive nature. As far as William's monarchical succession and nearing coronation, Prince Charles' recurring "Covid" as well as the Queen's age remain as mitigating factors by which William's path to the Throne might be eventually cleared before 2030. In addition, with ("Abel") Harry labeling William an "Archnemesis," and the way some media are already calling William "Cain," one has to wonder just how long Harry and Meghan have left. If William "green lights" his own brother, as I believe he will, he would, in fact, be carrying out an historically long and bloody royal tradition dating back to their perceived patriarch Cain. After all, how difficult would it be for the same SAS security attachment that took out their mother to remove "the spare" and his wife in a freak accident, paparazzi chase, or mock terror attack, or kill William's own wife by cancer? While Harry is merely telling the truth from everything to inherent royal racism to how slavery was financed by the British royals historically, he is still forced to endure character assassination in the media, all the while Prince William is never scrutinized for his documented need to control, and now, physical violence. Thus, the media's psychodrama is all about getting the Western world to hate Harry (the bad cop) and love William, their good cop, with Western media normalizing William's many angry outbursts, cheating on his wife and children, and increasing bent toward violent behavior against those closest to him, including his own father, Kate, and Harry, thus far. Adding to all of this is the unsettling fact that UK law itself dictates that Prince Charles and his firstborn son, Prince William, who stands ready to become the United Kingdom's next 'Sovereign King' and as such cannot be arrested for anything, including murder, when William is so increasingly becoming violent and violently lashing out. What has the Queen thus created for this monarchy and unleashed upon our world? (See also Queen Elizabeth Couldn't Stand the Idea of Meghan & Harry 'Eclipsing' Will & Kate).

BREAKING Prince William's Anger of Being 'Overshadowed' by Harry and Meghan Led to Megxit
*Read Article Harry: The Royal Family Said "Very Racist Words Relating to My Wife's Skin Color"
*Read Article Debate-Skipping Donald Trump ONLY Wants to Debate Meghan Markle - Why Meghan?

*Read Article America's Republican Leaders Want Half-Black Meghan Markle Stripped of Her British Royal Title
*Read Article Fox News Explains Why the British Monarchy's Racist Colonialism and Also Slavery was Needed
*Read Article Fox News Provides Cover for Royal's Racism in Defending Prince William Against Meghan Markle
*Read Article Fox News Completely Overlooks the New King Charles III to Propagate Prince William's Accolades
*Read Article Harry Wants Father and Brother Back but the Royal Family Wants to Keep He & Meghan as Villains
*Read Article It was the Late Queen Elizabeth Who Ordered Harry's Royal Snub Seating at Her Seventieth Jubilee

*Read Article As If Rewarding Prince William For Meghan Leaving the UK, Queen Offers William New Religious Title
*Read Article As If Rewarding Prince William For Harry Leaving the UK the King Gives Harrys Military Title to William
*Read Article Prince Charles Alters Legal Documents to Ensure that Meghan's Son Can Never Become a UK Royal
*Read Article William Feigns Concern Over Racism But Did Nothing When Meghan was Called a Monkey for Years
*Read Article Meghan Markle Accuses Prince William of Allowing Aide to Spread Bullying Allegations About Her
*Read Article A New 2022 UK Law Demands the London Metro Police Arrest Anyone Protesting King Charles III
*Read Article Prince William Once Again Proving His Family's Racism With His 'African Population' Comments

*Read Article Prince Harry Acknowledges the British Royal Family Past to Present are a 'Death Cult'
*Read Article Prince William Was ‘Literally Sick With Worry’ Before Harry and Meghan’s Oprah Interview
*Read Article Prince Harry Saw a Red Mist Overtake Prince William Before Brother William Attacked Him
*Read Article Violent William's Threats and Bullying Discovered as Reason Harry and Meghan Left the UK
*Read Article Prince William Told King They Needed a ‘Clear [Media] Strategy’ to Deal With Harry/Meghan
*Read Article Prince William Left His Own Father King Charles III Shaken After a 'Very Heated' Argument
*Read Article Prince William Again 'Absolutely Furious' Over Latest Book Scandal Depicting Royal Racism

*Read Article The Palace Was Happy to Lie to Protect Prince William After He Bullied Harry and Meghan
*Read Article Prince William and Kate's Recent Snubs are Directed Towards Harry and Meghan’s Kids
*Read Article Prince William, Kate Middleton Called Out Being Manipulative for Sabotaging Coronation
*Read Article Meghan Proves Royals in Damage Control by Creating "Exhausting Circus in the Media"
*Read Article A New Book Details that ‘Short-tempered’ Prince William Can be ‘Difficult’ to Work With

*Read Article Prince William Becoming British Royal Family’s 'Brutal Enforcer' Forcing More Family Out
*Read Article The Old Prince William is Gone, According to Expert: ‘He’s a Completely Different Person’
*Read Article Harry and Charles Talking Peace but Angry/Violent William Wants Nothing to do With it
*Read Article There Can Only Be One: William Left Alone to Become King Charles' Sole Liegeman
*Read Article King Charles Miffed Over Son Prince William Forcing Him Out of Frogmore Cottage
*Read Article Prince William Took a "Large Sum of Money" in the Murdoch Phone Tap Settlement
*Read Article CNN Calls Prince William "A Global Statesman Protecting Our Democratic Values"

UPDATE Prince Harry & Princess Meghan’s Security Detail says Car Chase Could Have Been Fatal
UPDATE "Friends of" Prince William Taunt Harry and Meghan About the Deadly Chase in New York
UPDATE The Twisted British Royals are Reported as Laughing at all of Harry's Perceived Mishaps
UPDATE Royal's Own PR Tabloid States Harry Can Return to Royal Life if He Gets Rid of His Wife
UPDATE Another Source Confirms Above to Admit the Royals [Racist] Issue was with Harry's Wife
UPDATE Nazi Podcasters Sent to Prison for Inciting Murders of Prince Harry and His Toddler Son
UPDATE Meghan Named in Racist Messages Sent by Ex-British Police Officers There to Protect

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

As the boy becomes a man, his father's minions pave the way. Set in motion now, Armageddon, Final Conflict, End of Days. When the Jews return to Zion and a comet rips through the sky, the Holy Roman Empire rises, then you and I must die.

The Omen

BREAKING Global Empathy Pours in for Royals Upon Announcement King Charles Has Unnamed Cancer

*Read Article At 2020 "Global Reset" Conference, Prince Charles Calls for a 'Green' New World Order
*Read Article William's Grandfather Prince Phillip: The Sickest Most Evil Man in the United Kingdom?
*Read Article Cancelled Documentary: Prince William Felt Used by His Father After Diana Was Killed

In recent years, several prophecy writers and teachers have proposed that the Crown Prince of England, Prince Charles [now King Charles III] is the Antichrist, in waiting. However, one would be wise to remember how transfer of power works in Monarchies, especially in British history, which is sorted at best. There have been numerous examples of how British heirs took power, by force, via strange events, circumstances, missing persons, murders, deaths, or just by the sheer will of their shadowy backers. Of course, none of that need be if a King-to-be has a father who simply passes on the power of the Crown, to him shortly after Prince Charles finally becomes King. Many today increasingly believe Prince Charles might simply abstain his kingly place in line to instead pass it on to William, which is exactly what the majority of British people want him to do, supposedly, according to polling as cited by the royal-serving media. Thus, the son inherits all that was of his father by Monarchial right, a right still seen by some in England as Divine. As far as Charles being Antichrist, Monte Judah, Joan Veon, and a Jewish author named Tim Cohen have recently produced research with this view. Tim Cohen, the author of a book entitled The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea, has the most in-depth work on the subject, perhaps to date. The strength of his premise is largely found in the genealogy, religious beliefs, and heraldic symbols associated with Prince Charles of Wales. The flaws in his theory however are found in the genealogical evidence largely built upon the historical teachings that are found in the Merovingian history, i.e., the dynastic European Royal families descended from various secretive groups such as the Priory of Zion, and Knights Templar, which is true for the Merovingian lineage, the only issue is that Prince Charles is not descended from the Merovingians, his ex-wife was. While most scripturally sound Bible prophecy authors reject the veracity of connecting Jesus to this elaborate and dubious European genealogy supposedly going back to King David, some of the conspirators themselves believe it, so it becomes a valid source of information for their own and others' deception. While some in the Royal Family believe it to be true, other outside of the Firm know it to be a grand deception which leads to the completion of the Great Work; the setting up of a counterfeit Messiah. Born Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor on November 14, 1948 at Buckingham Palace in London, England as the eldest child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Prince Charles is today current heir to the British Throne. Charles was made Prince of Wales in 1958 and served as a pilot and commander in the Royal Navy from 1971-76. After a string of women in his life, most notably Camilla Parker-Bowles, Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer in 1981 at one of the century's grandest Royal weddings. The match proved a bad one; the couple separated in 1992 and were divorced in 1996, the year before Diana's untimely death in a Paris auto crash. Their union produced Prince William Arthur in 1982, current heir to the British Throne after Prince Charles as well as a spare in 1984, as Harry was called, who will likely be steered far from the Throne during William's fated ascension. Prince Charles is already the oldest man to hold the title Prince of Wales since it became the title granted to the heir apparent, and he is the oldest British heir apparent. He is both the third-longest serving heir apparent and third-longest serving Prince of Wales in British history and is well known for his extensive charity work, which includes The Prince's Trust, The Prince's Drawing School, The Prince's Regeneration Trust, The Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment, The Prince's Charities and The Prince's Charities Foundation. He also carries out a full schedule of royal duties and, increasingly, is taking on more duties from his elderly parents as official representative of the Queen and deputy for his father. Tom Gallagher, Encyclopedia Britannica editor and a British expert in Romanian politics and history has wrote that Charles was once offered the Romanian throne by Romanian Monarchists of the ancient House of Vlad Tepes [Dracula], to which Charles was fast to decline, but not before it was quickly picked up by the press and reported around the world, although, more interesting, however, were the larger media outlets who seemingly pushed the story into obscurity and wouldn't report it.

*Read Book Antichrist and a Cup of Tea: Is Prince Charles the Merovingian Antichrist?
*Read Article 'Wales Online' Website Mocks the Author of 'Antichrist and a Cup of Tea'
*Read Article Royal Biographer: Why I'm Sure that Charles Will be a King for the Jews
*Read Article King Charles Provided Fragments of Christ's Cross by Pope for Coronation

As a type of False Messiah himself, clearly Prince William's father is unknowingly or knowingly preparing the way for his eldest son. The following are just a few of his own titles and accomplishments and what he has done to place himself in such global prominence leading many to believe that he, Prince Charles himself, is to become the person of whom the future world will adore and worship. However, those who believe Prince Charles is the Antichrist must ultimately admit that Prince William, who thru blood inheritance, and imminent line of succession to the Throne of England, shall certainly reap all of what his father has already sown. Prince Charles received his power and authority from the "Red Dragon" in his induction ceremony to become Prince of Wales. His Coat of Arms contains a great number of Biblical imagery connected with the Antichrist (the same of which is reflected in William's own current and future crests). Given his extensive holdings, he could be one of the richest men in the world. His name adds up to 666 through various means. Prince Charles has been instrumental in the seeming toleration of all religions, especially that of Islam in his slated role as the world's Green Advocate. He also claims descent from King David, Jesus, and Mohammed. He also spearheads and prepares any and all new cutting edge, as well as 'earth friendly' technologies that will later be used by William in his time to better enact his control over a reduced albeit significant future global population. In his ongoing efforts of preparing for his son for the world, and vice-versa, Prince Charles has also partnered with the United Nations and World Bank, steers the environmental ethics and business agendas of over one hundred of the world's largest and most influential multinational corporations, is credited for the Rio Earth Summit (where global depopulation via a faked global contagion was originally planned) and Kyoto Protocol, and other such "Green Movement" causes, enforced environmentalism, and is behind the funding of scientific research reducing the effects of 'global warming.' In 1994, Prince Charles stated that he would be known as "The Defender of [All] Faiths", rather than "Defender of The [Christian] Faith" which had been the former title for England's Kings as the titular head of the Church of England for hundreds of years up to his announcement. He initiated the Global Security Programme and its lecture series, for which Mikhail Gorbachev has since become a spokesperson. In 2002, the Prince of Wales launched the 'Respect campaign' which calls for greater tolerance and understanding between all global faiths and religions which is clearly laying the foundation for the Antichrist and his future New World/New Age global religion that looks to a goddess as opposed to a God. Consequently, also in 2002, Prince Charles joined a Druid Council called the Gorsedd of Bards, adding to his already long list of other such secret societies and knightly orders such as the Order of the Garter, the Club of Rome, Bilderbergers, Thule Society, Knights of Malta, White Brotherhood, the Temple of Light, Rosae Crucis, OTO, and several other quasi-political magickal groups. In May 1995, Prince Charles had his son William "marked" in his right hand by an electronic chip which was touted in the media as being merely a homing device that would interact with a UK satellite in the event Prince William were ever kidnapped and/or missing. This same technology is thought by many to be a tool by which enslaves a future world under the banner of Global Unity, where no one could buy or sell, or even participate in that society unless they are similarly marked.' Prince Charles even appears to have been responsible for the initiation of the current Mideast peace process, which came about just before the late Israeli Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated in 1995, an event foretold by the Bible Code. Another strange connection that is given to the British royal household with Israel is seen with the Stone of Destiny, an oblong block of red sandstone that has been used for centuries in the coronation of the monarchs of Scotland and later England. It is also known as Jacob's Pillow Stone and connects itself to the Biblical patriarch of Jacob. The following account is from Genesis 26:10-15: "And Jacob went out from Beersheba and went toward Haran. And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; And thy seed shall be as [many as] the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. And, behold, I AM with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest and will bring thee again into this land for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of. After waking up, Jacob exclaimed, "How dreadful is this place! This is none other but the House of God and this is Heaven's Gate."

*Read Article Black Spider Memos Reveal Prince Charles' Control of UK PM Tony Blair
*Read Article Tony Blair Insists a European Army is the Only Way to Confront Terrorism
*Read Article Pandora Papers Implicates Tony Blair as Holding Illegal Offshore Accounts
*Read Article Hackers 'Anonymous' Connect Ex-PM Tony Blair to Jeffrey Epstein's Sex Ring
*Read Article Prince Charles & Archbishop of Canterbury Funding Convicted Pedophile Priest

Subsequently, he called the place Bethel, which translates to "House of God." He consecrated the stone and made a vow to God in reference to his eventual return. This same stone is to this day used as evidence that God favors the Anglo-Saxon, and specifically, the British Royal Family as they are supposedly the heirs of the implied Messianic promise to produce the Messiah one day. There's only one problem in this vain belief mostly touted by Whites today and prophesied against in later New Testament Scriptures referencing a "demonic teaching" in the "last days" rooted in "vain legends" that "minister many questions..." Jesus Christ is the Messiah but knowing how Satan operates within paganism, witchcraft, and vain legends used to deceive the world for his future Antichrist, I believe this ancient "Scottish stone" has its actual origins with the Knights Templar at the time of the Crusades in the Holy Land, being the stone upon which Satan (their god) took Christ on the "exceedingly high mountain" where he offered Christ the entire world that Satan also exclaimed was under his control even then. Satan went on to claim that he could give world power to anyone he chooses as long as they would fall down and worship him. Therefore, it would make perfect sense that the very sandstone from which he said these haughty things would be used to coronate British royals from which his Antichrist shall ascend. Intriguingly, this same so-called Stone of Destiny is to be used in the May 2023 Coronation of King Charles III and in William's future crowning and believed by occultists and Anglo-Israelists to connect the British Royal Family to the ancient bloodline of King David, thus making whoever ascends the British Throne to become a candidate of Israel's future chosen Messiah of whom they must yet choose. Their prophet Daniel tells us that Israel's future choice of the Antichrist then sets God's people on the course for their ultimate destiny with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself on "The Day of the Lord," also called the "Last Trump," "Armageddon," and the "Second Coming of Jesus Christ" when as their Zechariah makes known "They shall see Me whom they pierced," and from that day forward shall Israel know Yeshua is both the Son of God and their eternal Messiah and King. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus. Amen. The book Antichrist and a Cup of Tea which sets out to prove that Prince Charles is the future Antichrist, and details the British Monarchy's centuries-long conspiracy for a New World Order notably using its unique standing within the Order of the Garter, an Order of Knighthood originating in medieval England and most recently bestowed on Prince William, its 1,000th member since the Order was founded in 1348. The Order is the pinnacle of the honours system in the United Kingdom as its membership is limited to the reigning Sovereign, the Prince of Wales, and no more than 24 Knights as his Companions around the British Throne. Knowing the Order's founder created the Garter based around epic Arthurian tales of chivalry and knighthood, his 24-member Companions rule is clearly there to mimic the 24 Knights of the Round Table, that in itself is the counterfeit of Christ's own Heavenly Round Table of 24 Elders. The Order of the Garter is rightly believed to comprise the core leadership of all modern secret societies and includes key members of the British Royal Family. After the coming Collapse, as the world moves closer toward a totalitarian state, with Britain leading, and while the earth is still rising out of a time of great global civil unrest and lawlessness, the coming Antichrist will early on exhibit a leaning toward martial law against any and all who cause instability in what is to become his New World Order that is being forged in incremental ways by our politicians and "elected leaders" already. As with all despotic tyrannical leaders, this will begin slowly at first and likely begin in secret yet as more power is gained by his hand, and the world falls under his complete control, then will he begin to show the iron fist which always appears once all the power given, turns into the power that is all-corrupting. This is important, as the prophecy in both Daniel and Revelation also points to the extent by which the lies told by the Antichrist, will be so overwhelmingly accepted by that hurting world after the Collapse. In this, then, has the Masonic "Great Work" and plan been very effective, in leading up to that time, and today. In a world that just witnessed every kind of horror that proceeded after a world war and comet strike, as well as the resulting complete collapse of society, already vetted but once empowered, the Antichrist King will be quick to crush every kind of lawlessness remaining across the planet by first seemingly defeating "a great evil" that will have been conveniently placed for him to remove in whatever form that may take. He shall then establish an order of new laws and times, based upon his desire at establishing a New Order for the Ages, or Novus Ordo Seclorum, as it were. Sound familiar? As such, he will be seen as the only one having all the answers to the world's "apocalyptic" issues of the day, a rather strange world where too many things are connected back to either King Arthur past or Prince William future, or both. In addition, as the prophet Daniel also stated, the Antichrist will have all power over wealth and precious things in that climate-apocalyptic world and this is because his family has been receiving what amounts to Satanic tithes to the British Royal fund that used its "charitable organizations" to move percentaged amounts of national GDP's (of those largely Western and UK Commonwealth nations on board with the Masonic 'Great Work') to fund Satan's operation in the future Antichrist. All of the late Queen's as well as Prince/King Charles' own "financial scandals" arising from his charitable fronts attest to that fact.

*Read Article King Charles' Membership to Exclusive Society 'The Magic Circle'
*Read Article British Royalty and Satanic Prime Ministers: The Druid's Order of the Garter
*Read Article European Elites and British Royals Are Satanic Worshipping Pedophile Murderers
*Read Article Prince Charles Calls to Save the World From Global Warming by Ending Capitalism
*Read Article Prince Charles Hails Abortion and Population Control of Several Developing Nations
*Read Article Why Prince Charles’ Environmental Concern is Fake: Weapons and Exported Poisons
*Read Article UK Royal's Charitable Organizations Amount to International Tithes to the Royal's Themselves
*Read Article King Charles III's Controversial Financial Evil's are Being Overshadowed by the Queen's Death
*Read Article Prince Charles' Charitable Fund in Another Scandal for Taking Tithes from Qatari Elite and GCHQ
*Read Article Prince Charles Just Accepted $1.2 Million Donation (or Dues?) from the Osama Bin Laden Family
*Read Article From a Gem-Filled Throne, Charles Just Made a Lying Speech About Hungry Families and the Poor


When this celestial Round Table manifests on earth, it will be chaired by a Merovingian descendant of King Arthur who was the fabled Guardian of the Grail during his particular era of history. Another New Age book titled 'The Light Shall Set You Free' recalling 'King Arthur's olde mandate' at Glastonbury, confirming that England will be the future center for world Transformation. It will be through 'the Grail in England' that the energies of transformation and ascension will be channeled, which eventually will bring the Earth into the Seventh Golden Age.

Antichrist Accepted as King of a Post-Apocalyptic New World
Revelation 17:8; Daniel 11:23; Revelation 6:2-4 The [spirit of the] Beast shall ascend out of the Abyss and goeth into [the Son of] Perdition. For he shall come up, ascend, and become strong with a small people. Behold a white horse: and he that sat upon it, for a Golden Crown is given him to go forth and conquer. Thus, very much like the Antichrist, upon his own ascension to power, Adolf Hitler surrounded himself with a relatively small group of German men involved with a local secret society named Thule who shared common interests in both the Occult, as well as global domination via racial Aryan ideologies. In similar fashion, Antichrist himself is to ascend among a small society of the most elite, steeped in Satanism and the darkest aspects of his Occult religion, who were from old destined to guide the aging King toward his rule over the world. According to some very obscure works spanning a few Occult texts, this elite group are descendants of the original nine Knights Templar who bound themselves to this ancient work at the time of the Crusades, who themselves grew into the most renown and mysterious Occult order bound by a secret oath by which all secret orders have since spawned from its Satanic root. In this way, has the larger Luciferian Great Work and plan toward Antichrist manifested within the whole of secret societies themselves since at least the dawn of the Crusades, and before. Daniel 11:20-27 Then shall stand up in his estate a Raiser of Taxes for the glory of the Kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle. And in his estate shall stand up a Vile Person, to whom they shall not give the honor of the Kingdom [of Israel]: but he shall come in peaceably and obtain the Kingdom by flatteries. And with the arms of a flood shall they all be swept away from his presence, and they shall be broken [killed]; yea, even the prince of the covenant. And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up and shall become strong with a small people. He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time. And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him. Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow. And many shall fall down slain. And both of these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table but it shall not prosper, the end is not yet.

*Read Article Vile Man: Antichrist Obtains Honor of the Kingdom by Peace and Flatteries
*Read Article Britain's Prince William Flatters & Praises Jewish Unity at Charity Event
*Read Article Prince William Greets Jewish Auschwitz Survivors at 75th Anniversary
*Read Article Prince William Charms the Tense Middle East on First Visit to Israel

With this, we can now see how the coming Collapse of 2020-2025 dramatically affects events favoring the Antichrist's ascension to power. For after the destruction there is to be a period of global reconstruction, building up the waste places for a period of some years (possibly three), out of which shall arise a great Raiser of Taxes who shall build upon the remnants of ten surviving European nations, a great Revived Roman Empire, and yet, in those days even he is quickly removed from power and taken out of the way. Notice the vocabulary used in verse 22 of Daniel 11, with its detailed description of a flood, that like the Collapse, clears away all former powers that clears the way for the Antichrist's path to power, "even the Prince of the Covenant," as Daniel 11:22 states. As such, with the removal of all former leaders and politicians of the present world system, arises the Vile King to quickly take the reigns of such former powers. The Scriptures then tell us that this newly crowned Antichrist King shall waste no time, but immediately seek out Israel in order to "confirm" a former peace treaty between it and its many neighbors. It is then, almost from his onset, that he begins to work deceitfully against Israel. The Jews, and to an even greater extent, the world itself, will not see the Antichrist as evil during those first 1,260 days after he confirms the peace covenant with Israel, but make no mistake, even as the Scriptures tell us, that behind the scenes, Antichrist will have knowledge of those who also hate the Covenant, meaning the Jews themselves, as much as he does. This is startling, because it also means that while the Antichrist shall be playing out his faked role as the Jewish Messiah, to the point of even engaging in their many laws, sacrifices, and oblations, regarding the Jewish Feast Days and Temple observances, such as sacrificing bullocks, rams, and lambs, he does so only to make it appear he is their prophesied High Priest. All of this, with Antichrist making such ovations to Israel, is only in keeping in with Satan's attempt of gaining access into that Third Temple's Holy of Holies in order to desecrate God's earthly Throne, thus, in advance of setting up the Abomination of Desolation (himself) as "God." The prophesied 'Abomination of Desolation' occurs because Antichrist has finally gained all of that which Satan has long desired according to his "5 I Wills," so again, how appropriate this will be carried out by King WILL-I AM the Fifth. Once the Jewish Temple is his, Satan sheds his fake Messianic persona and suddenly everyone sees the Antichrist for what he really was, as Satan in the flesh. Many Jews will die on that day, even all of Israel's renown Israeli Army will have been routed by then, rendering Israel almost completely defenseless, leaving 1,290 days called the Great Tribulation, to ensue, when Hell is literally released upon the face of the earth (Revelation 9:11). And yet, all of this begins with something so seemingly innocent, when the Antichrist initiates his role as a seemingly benign global humanitarian for peace, a role that is increasingly brought to bear within the many global and humanitarian causes provided him already.

*Read Article Prince William Being Labeled a 'Hypocrite' After Royals Back COP26 Climate Summit
*Read Article Jews Are Waiting for a Messiah in the Form of a Prince Who Will Sacrifice Animals
*Read Article Third Temple Coming: Sacrificial Animals Returning Considered a Prophetic Sign
*Read Article Prince William Has Spoken in Full Support of Hunting Endangered Wild Animals
*Read Article Prince William Accused of Racist 'White Savior' Complex in Conservation Role
*Read Article Prince William Accused of Racism Over His 'African Population' Comment
*Read Article Africa Resource: How the [White] Freemasons Came to Rule the World
*Read Article The Rothschilds Publicly Accused of Preying on South Africa

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

And he shall speak great words against God (the I AM That I AM, Father and Son). In his estate shall he [Antichrist] honor the god of forces: a god whom his forefathers knew not shall he honor with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus he will take action against the strongest fortresses with the help of a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain. And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast.

Daniel 7:25, 11:37-39; Revelation 13:4; The Holy Bible

Cain has always been at the center of true Satanism, or at the very least placed somewhere within its offspring in Druidism or Witchcraft. Adepts assert it was Cain who first used the Craft to debase God which culminated in the murderous sacrifice of Abel. Robert Graves in his seminal work titled 'The White Goddess' which contains the traditional verse sung during the Witch's Sabbat. Tubal-Cain thus became associated with the most ancient Horned God who is still worshipped the world over.

Aradian Witchcraft: The Worship of Lucifer and Diana

The Hexagram consists of 6 sides, 6 points and 6 smaller triangles, thus 666. Before Revelation was written, 666 stood for the Triple Goddesses as 6 was a sacred number, and still is today in Hinduism and Buddhism. So the story of the Beast 666 in Book of Revelations was a attack on Goddess worship as 666 was also used to represent the Triple Babylonian Goddess Ishtar whom Revelation called, "The Great Whore Of Babylon,"

Goddess Symbolism Within Freemasonry

This necessarily places her in the role of a Goddess figure. And just like the Virgin Mary, the figure of the Magdalen built up by legend, and portrayed in Catholic iconography, has most certainly been patterned on the imagery of the ancient goddess Ishtar or Venus. Mary Magdalen is shown wearing the same headdress in a statue outside the church at Rennes-le-Chateau. Ishtar was actually called “the Mother of Harlots.”

Tracy R. Twyman Interviewed About Rennes-le-Chateau

The Temple of the Great Goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all the world worshippeth. And when they heard these things they were full of wrath and cried out saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians!

Acts 19:27-28; The Holy Bible

The whole spectacle was yet another example of what the Bible condemns as an abomination. Perhaps it was the figure of Diana that John [Book of Revelation author] has in mind when he conjures up the Mother of Harlots. Diana was an ancient Moon Goddess known earlier in Greece as Artemis. Witches had been publicly linked with the worship of Diana in Rome as early as 30 BC in the writings of Horace, Ovid, and Lucan.

A History of the End of the World p. 67; Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 23, 453

And I saw a Woman sit upon a scarlet coloured Beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the Woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a Golden Cup [Satanic Grail] in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her [sexual] fornication ["and the blood of the saints"]. Upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and of Abominations of the Earth.

Revelation 17:3-5; The Holy Bible

Before she was removed, Princess Diana had said of William: I believe Wills can rebuild Camelot and I will be his Merlin. Together we will return to the chivalry, pageantry, and glory that was King Arthur. William will remake the Monarchy by showing love, leadership and compassion.

Excerpt from the best-selling book Diana: Life of a Legend

Whenever you have need of anything once a month and when the Moon is full, ye shall assemble in some secret place, or in a forest all together join to adore the potent spirit of your Queen, my Mother, Great Diana.

Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 175

In the Typhonian Tradition the Bear is the constellation of Ursa Major. The stars must be aligned in a specific way in order for Satan to be properly invoked. To the Priory of Sion (the secret, occult organization dedicated to preserving the Merovingian Bloodline), the Bear was an animal of the Goddess Diana. According to Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, the authors of The Templar Revelation, ' ...the Merovingian kings, from their founder Merovee to Clovis were 'pagan kings of the cult of Diana.'

The Merovingian Connection

Since the so-called "Enlightenment," mankind has gradually fallen under the spell of the Kabbalah. What we have been taught to believe is "progress" is actually the resurgence of an ancient Satanic pagan fertility cult, epitomized by the Kabbalah. The "god" of the Kabbalah is not god at all. It is Lucifer. Freemasonry is based on the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah is based on ancient pagan mythologies which recount the story of an original God who created the Universe, and a usurper god (Lucifer) who eventually defeats God and comes to rule the Universe in His stead. Essentially, the god and the goddess were seen as two aspects of a single god ...Lucifer.

The Kabbalah- The NWO's Satanic Bible

In order for the Sons and Daughters of Cain to punch a hole in this earth’s ‘veil,’ certain protocols of quantum physics must be followed. The Black Cube (original Babylonian Kabbalah) has instructed the literal Children of Satan the world over how the conjuring and controlling of powerful demonic entities that by utilizing certain geometrical lines combined with very specific harmonic frequencies of sound, the protective “Watchtowers” can be temporarily disabled, allowing very real and very powerful demonic fallen angels to communicate with the sorcerer or the "Mother Goddess" witch.

The Story Behind The Story

Upon entering the Great Chamber, I was finally told by my handler that we would be summoning "the Queen of Heaven" that I later learned in adulthood to be Ashtoreth, a demonic spirit worshipped by ancient pagans from Greco-Rome to Asia Minor. It was told to me that because I was of a certain ancient bloodline, they were trying to connect me to the Queen of Heaven (Ashtoreth) to gain power as a recruited Sister of Light and that this would be a ceremony for that recruitment. (It was only later in life that I learned the Catholic Church is itself connected to these same evil bloodlines who control it and that their use of Mother Mary, also called "The Queen of Heaven," is a front the Vatican uses for hiding their own worship of Ashtoreth as the "Whore of Babylon" that sits upon the seven hills of Rome, of whom the entire planet would one day worship as a Divine Feminine force of nature within a single, global religion. Apparently, this Goddess figure will be equated to "Mother Nature" itself and held in great reverence among the global masses under control by the male Beast figure, because she supposedly saved earth from what would have been a complete destruction. This mirrors what the globalists are already readying the world for with their doomsday scenario rooted in their Climate Change narrative that even now forces the planet to religiously become "green" or face nature's impending wrath.

Crimson Warrior

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Antichrist to Worship Satan in the Form of a New Goddess Religion
Daniel 11:37-39, 7:25; Revelation 13:4; 9:20-21 In his estate shall he [Antichrist] honor the god of forces: a god whom his forefathers knew not shall he honor with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus he will take action against the strongest fortresses with the help of a strange god, and he will give great honor to anyone who also worships this strange god. And the people worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast, and they worshipped the Beast. And he shall speak great words against [the Male] God, and shall wear out the Saints, and think to change times and laws; and they shall be given into his hand for forty-two months. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god for he shall magnify himself above all. And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues, repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk. Neither repented they of their murders [human sacrifices], nor of their sorceries (Satanic magick), nor of their fornication (sex magick), nor of their thefts. Once again, we are shown many things in relation to the coming Antichrist-King, with good reason, for even he worships a god, albeit not the God that his fathers, nor is that "God" entirely male in personage. Those involved with Witchcraft today love to explain how they worship mostly a feminine deity in their ritualistic ceremonies, as the wisest among them knowingly worship Satan in his purposeful guise as one of many goddesses, with various names of their choosing. This level of intense worship has also its parallel in the New Age movement, with the veneration of Gaia. Deuteronomy 32:17 which states: "They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not." Therefore, if we are to further narrow down the Antichrist's identity, the question here becomes, which God did "his fathers," meaning those of his ancestry, worship? This is easily answered once you discover who Prince William's, and indeed, his fathers from Princess Diana's lineage include, such as King James, the same King whose name graces every King James Bible since 1611. So not only does William's distinct Merovingian (Cainite) genealogy supposedly grant him access to the Throne of Israel's Jewish Messiah, via British-Israelism. In fact, King William V can even make the claim to Christians that he carries direct descent from King James, the creator of the King James Bible itself. Society today is increasingly being tempted by Witchcraft and 'Earth Magic' as if it's in their hereditary given to them by Eve, the first Rose who was also tempted by Satan with such powers over God's world. The last Rose was Eve's descendant, Princess Diana, a direct descendant of Cain. Interestingly, in the days and months following the death of Princess Diana, many grieved so intensely by her untimely devise, that they claimed to be receiving messages from her from beyond the grave. Many have forgotten that her presence in this world was that strong. And who can deny that William's intense love and longing to see her again is so strong, that he would love nothing better than to be able to have her at his side once more as they seemingly set the world to right. Satan knows perfectly how to tempt his Antichrist candidate. You might remember Diana's famous line about her being "William's Merlin" and he rebuilding a future Camelot with her help. Strange, for a mother to say about a son who at that time was merely a child. Perhaps she did know something much more of his Celtic-Stuart fate than she let on. It becomes a matter of necessity to discern and interpret this prophecy about the Antichrist worshipping a God[dess] of Forces, of whom his ancestors never knew, perhaps never knowing because she wasn't alive in their day? Amazingly, and fitting here, both the Romans, Ephesians, and the ancient Celts worshipped a Goddess Diana, so much so that her name even appears in the New Testament, when describing how fierce her worshippers were, to deny God Himself in favor of "the Great Diana."

BREAKING British Royal's Anglican Church Paving the Way for Pagan "Goddess" Inclusion

*Read Article The Idea of Western 'Feminism' is Deeply Rooted in Satanism and the Occult
*Read Article The Homosexual Agenda Being Propagated Within Global Freemasonry
*Read Article Freemasons Now Accept Transgender "Women" who Joined as "Men"
*Read Article Paganism is Making a Remarkable Comeback in the Western Nations
*Read Article How Aleister Crowley Interpreted the 'Rose' Goddess Babalon Whore
*Read Article Agenda 2030: Preparing the Way for the New World Age of Antichrist
*Read Article Sisterhood of Avalon Waits for King Arthur and a Goddess to Return
*Read Article God is a Woman: The Goddess Symbolism Within Freemasonry
*Read Article Masonic-Tainted Episcopal Church Removes God's Masculinity
*Read Article Queen of Babylon: Female Illuminati, Other Secret Societies
*Read Article Lilith Diana Athena as The False Prophetess -A Must Read
*Read Article Many in Israel are Embracing Mix of Judaism & Witchcraft

The same Bible also tells us, that even though the then Satanic-possessed Antichrist will have no longer desire mortal women, at some point in his future, he will, however, very likely replace his personal loss of a Divine Feminine by instituting a Mother Goddess, for the world. One need only look at the way the New Age movement has been propagating their Mother Earth - Gaia - Goddess figure deity, and her power over so-called Earth Magick, to understand that all of that former brainwashing of pagan Witchcraft and needing a Goddess, instead of a God, over the period of several centuries served as the lead up to when Antichrist (possessed by Lucifer himself) will initiate Goddess (Lucifer/Diana) worship globally. In other words, Satan will bring anything to man that causes his worship to steer far from God and His Son over to their opposite, in a "Goddess." Venus, Isis, Diana, Ishtar, Columbia, Cerridwen, Rhianna, or Hecate, no matter the name or from which pantheon, Lucifer and his demons use such worship as a mockery against the Trinity just as they also lead away from the Creator's worship in favor of the creation, with their knowing the best of creation perfectly reflects the Creator/Trinity. (In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on His Throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the Temple. Above it stood the Seraphims... and one cried unto another, and said, Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory.) Knowing how the Scriptures speak to a "strange god" that the Antichrist will "increase with glory" and worship, the word "strange" has already been modernized by more than one Biblical researcher as "alien," meaning a foreign or an unknown being or one not of this world. The fallen angels and Satan himself have consistently been swapped out of various belief systems the world over with "fallen gods from above" who taught ancient man a forbidden wisdom that become the basis of their ancient cultural belief system and/or religion. Knowing also how the alien agenda is being propagated in the Pentagon and Western press of late, as it helps in the coming deception toward the building the Masonic New World of tomorrow, society is already being desensitized with the notion that we were created not by a loving, eternal, sinless, Divine Godhead that's testing us on earth, but a much more stoic, unapproachable, apathetic alien race that's seeded this world with what amounts to an experiment in animal/alien hybrid genetics. Some of these same disturbing notions even venture to deceive with catering to a Nazi belief system, claiming Whites are themselves descended from specifically Nordic/Aryan progenitors from above, which is supposed to explain why Whites were "far more advanced than earth's own root races." Within these same notions is found the Aryan Goddess account that is likewise being heavily touted within metaphysical, New Age, pagan, Anglo-Wiccan and neo-Nazi beliefs today. It would make sense therefore that if not a specific personage such as Diana to fulfill the role of Daniel's "strange god," it would be an entirely new personage that not only does the Antichrist's "fathers knew not of," but no one currently knows of because its ultimate revealing is yet for the future by the Antichrist himself. Whatever the name, this same supernatural being (alien; demon) will be pushed as the Divine Feminine to perhaps encompass many or all of earth's goddesses, namely from the ancient West and/or be the transgendered fusion of both a male and female deity. One example of Satan leading his followers toward a balanced blending of male and female godly worship was seen in the transgendered fe/male hermaphrodite deity of the medieval, Satanic-worshipping Knights Templar, called Baphomet. Baphomet itself must be ruled out as this "strange god" because the Antichrist's own Masonic and Templar fathers did know of and worshipped him/her. As I alluded to earlier in this page, both the far-Left and far-Right do have a symbiotic relationship that is not being revealed or expressed in their chosen corporate media. The connection they have rests within paganism, specifically, and they are being herded into a centralization of paganism from two opposite ends of a political spectrum. Remember also, the Left/Right are controlled by the same entity so that they are able to control the all, and all power is what has been prepared since America's "democratic" founding by the same body of men who designed Washington DC with its most enduring monuments that were purposefully built according to the constellation alignments of the celestial goddess Columbia, in the District of Columbia, no less. Suffice it to say, this fact is not being said enough today but it remains key if one is to better understand where mankind is being cornered into. As proven in Revelation 9:20 the future is pagan. "The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands, and they did not stop worshiping demons, and their idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood."

*Read Article Princess Elizabeth Made a Welsh Druid (Druids Were Known for Human Sacrifices)
*Read Article Several B/W Films of a Young Princess Elizabeth Becoming a Druid Bard (in 1946)
*Read Article British Neo-Nazi's Calling for New 'Aryan Laws' and a 'Return to Pagan Worship'
*Read Article Satanic Occultism and Paganism is at the Heart of the Nazi Alt-Right Movement
*Read Article Neo-Nazi Group Calling Itself "Blood Tribe" Advocates 'War Against Non-Whites'

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Even the names of the gods can be traced to the fallen angels. Of this, Justin Martyr wrote: "Whatever name each of the angels had given to himself and his children, it was by that name that they called them."

Project Muse

This article examines Justin's appeal to Gen 6.1-4 to explain the origins of pagan worship. In an innovative twist on earlier Jewish traditions, he proposes that the progeny of the fallen angels became demons who masquerade as deities and trick pagans into persecuting Christians.

The Trickery of the Fallen Angels and the Demonic Mimesis of the Divine

The Devil would not lead us to death and fire, but to life, creation, pleasure, ecstasy and wisdom. Lucifer has been described within a Sabbatic context before, specifically as the husband of Diana from the legend originating from Italian folklore. Lucifer (the Sun) was the husband of Diana (the Moon).

It is virtually impossible to understand the Witch cult without first comprehending the position of the deities of Wicca ... The "Horned One," ... was Satan. The Goddess, whose name is also secret, is of great significance to the witches themselves ... Thus Diana went to the fathers of the beginning, to the mothers of the spirits which were before the first spirit and lamented unto them that she could not prevail with Lucifer. They told her that to rise, she must fall; to become the giant of Goddesses, she must become mortal and in the ages in the course of time, when the world was made. Diana went to earth, as had Lucifer, who had fallen even into the Underworld. Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, ex-husband of Diana is the current top Noble of that Order of the Knights of the Garter. Is he a High Witch of the Wicca cult?

Quotes From Alex Sanders

Roman Catholicism stems from Mithraism, the ancient Luciferian cult in which male priests were married to boy brides (alter boys), and temple prostitutes (nuns) bore children to the priests for ritual murder on key ritual dates. The Latin mass is a whitewashed version of the high Luciferian black mass in which a new-born baby is ritually murdered, and its blood and flesh eaten. This is the ritual that occurred at Bathurst City Hall in 1985, presided over by the current president of the Australian Human Rights Commission, Rosalind Croucher. When I was 14 years old, Grande Dame Patricia Anne Conlon chose me to succeed her. With Sydney being the capital of Luciferianism, this effectively made Conlon the highest-ranking female Luciferian in Australia. I was selected based on my Aryan appearance, IQ level, bloodline, skills and teachability. Women with blonde or red hair are favored candidates because this relates to the appearance of the Aryans that Nazis aspired to.

Luciferianism is arranged according to a hierarchical structure which vaguely resembles a caste system. At the very top sit 13 family dynasties including the Rothschilds and the British Royal Family. These are recognized by the cult as demi-gods. Below these sit approximately 300 Luciferian bloodlines who are generally high IQ, although this tends to have been watered down in some families due to intermarriage. Below this group sit the commoners who can never attain higher status because they lack the desired bloodline. These are your random covens based on nationality (e.g., there’s a strong Scottish coven in Bundaberg), sexual orientation (e.g., Bond University has a lesbian coven), gang membership (drug cartels, biker gangs, etc.), or self-styled whatever goes these days. It is from these lines that the cult obtains ‘breeders’ – women who are forced to breed unregistered babies for porn, sex trafficking, and/or sacrifice. We refer to them as ‘coven scum’. Their behavior is usually barbaric and requires constant management to stop them exposing the cult, and they show no respect for those in the caste above them. There is much jealousy and animosity directed by these lower members toward the bloodliners.

Fiona Barret

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

As mentioned, in his twisted desire to be included within the male Trinity, Lucifer proposed to bring his newly defined feminine energy to supposedly "balance" the dominating male energy of the Godhead. Of course, this would also mean Lucifer was actually demanding to become part of God Himself. Our Creator was not persuaded and Lucifer was cast out as a result. Modern women wanting to smash the patriarchy parallels Lucifer's own want and need to do the same. Both are rebels against what has already been determined by our Father. Conversely, this is how and why Lucifer looks upon women as a kind of symbiotic cohort, just before first beguiling and ultimately destroying them altogether, making it very ironic that women should ever unwittingly serve Lucifer, and not the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who gave us life to being with. In short, what God has already established in Heaven, should be reflected back on His earth, among us. In other words, what God is doing among mankind is first testing him, but also preparing those who would enter into His Kingdom by giving him the earthly archetypal lessons first, before advancing his knowledge in the Heavenly realm. But as our Master Jesus Christ so perfectly asked, "If you cannot understand earthly things, how can you understand Heavenly things?" That is to say, what God has ordained among us here on earth, perfectly befits the archetype of what has and will always exist in Heaven, thus making heterosexual marriage, the husband in the lead, and women actually being content in their God-given role, there to reflect a much larger dynamic that is already established within eternity. Only after Satan, and his powers over sin and death no longer hold sway over the saved souls of mankind, shall the collective Bride of Christ ascend to equal her consort, and with God, rule forever as within a true United Kingdom. Since the future World Church of the Antichrist will be rooted in ancient Babylonian paganism whose ancient Goddesses are still venerated by millions worldwide and because the Antichrist has already been determined to be both Biblically connected to ancient Greco-Roman as well as Celtic proto-culture, certainly this Goddess who shall be received as central to any Antichrist Church must be one that was worshipped in the ancient world, including Rome and Dark Ages Britain, right up until to the present day. As such, Diana was not only vehemently worshipped and violently adored in the ancient world, she is still being invoked as a relevant Goddess right up until the modern age. The name Diana is not lost in its eerie coincidence to that of Prince William's mother, herself seen as the modern version of a benevolent Goddess figure adored the world over, in life, and even more so in death. Also interesting is the fact that Princess Diana was buried in Althorp on a small isle surrounded by water, recalling the timeless Arthurian Lady of the Lake saga. Even the Scriptures cite how Diana was held in such high regard among those who withheld not to invoke her name at the dawn of Christianity, which still holds true today. The Goddess Diana is so intertwined within modern Witchcraft that those invoking her name in their blood rituals are known as Dianic Witches, and it shall be Witchcraft (and its male counterpart, Celtic Druidism) that shall make up the core belief system of the future New Age Church of Antichrist. The Scriptures of Revelation 9:20-21 and 1Timothy 4:3 detail a future time when people accepting the Antichrist religion will worship demons in the form of idols, as well as abstaining from eating meats and partaking in marital sex or the Godly institution of marriage will be banned altogether in Antichrist's Kingdom. For just as Christ will be given over in Marriage to His Church which is called Virgin [Revelation 19:7-9], so shall the Antichrist have his counterfeit Church, albeit a Whore. Instead of having Christ's Blood wash away the sins of man, Satan uses Christ's Blood(line) to perpetuate the Antichrist's washing of man's minds. Instead of being built on God's Truth, it is built on lies, from the original liar to mankind who since Eden has sought to destroy man. Witches today want to erode the Bible in favor of Witchcraft that place women above man, as Satan adores for his own twisted purposes of deception, as goddess above God. Now we know why the Antichrist's Goddess, was a 'god whom his father's knew not,' because his fathers, meaning his ancestors going back hundreds to thousands of years, couldn't have ever seen, let alone have known of Diana Spencer specifically. [1961-1997].

*Read Article Princess Diana: The Matrix of the Monarchy
*Read Article Devil Worship in France: Dealings with Diana
*Read Article The Cult of Diana by Prophecy Author Texe Marrs
*Read Article Deathwalking with Diana by Dr. Maureen Roberts PhD
*Read Article Connections Linking Lucifer to the Roman Goddess Diana
*Read Article Satan in the Guise of a Coming 'Goddess of Forces' -A Must Read
*Read Article The Pagan Goddess Diana: The Religion of the Antichrist -A Must Read
*Read Article The Satanic Connections Between Princess Diana and King Arthur (Antichrist) I
*Read Article The Satanic Connections Between Princess Diana and King Arthur (Antichrist) II
*Read Article 2018 Church of England Poll Finds Princess Diana Topples Virgin Mary as Nation's Spiritual 'Mother'
*Read Article Prince William on Following Princess Diana's Coffin Said 'It Felt Like She was Walking Right Beside Us'
*Read Article Prince William Desires the Statue of His Dead Mother Diana to be Placed in Kensington Palace Grounds
*Read Article For Some Reason, Prince Harry says He Believed for Years that Mother Diana Might Have 'Faked' Her Death

In Occult lore, Babalon is the Dark Primal Mother Goddess holding the Grail which contains the Knowledge of both Womb and Death. There is a Satanic prophecy that speaks to this 'sacred feminine' aspect comparing Babalon to Jezebel returning with her children (see Revelation 2:20-24) culminating in the Whore of Babylon, the feminine side of the one-man empire of Antichrist. The Whore stands in direct opposition to Christ's Virgin Church, also called His 'Bride.' Satan's Whore, therefore, is the Global Temple Babalon, the Whore Bride of Satan. The Magdalene (Merovingian) Bloodline, from which is brought forth flesh for the Antichrist. This is the reason why Catholics, who have been worshipping their version of a Virgin Goddess for over two millennia, will easily be able to assimilate themselves into that future Rome, the Satanic Vatican, the probable location of that future Antichrist Church called Mystery, its children called 'deceived.' The fact that the Book of Revelation depicts the Whore of Babylon as riding upon the Beast proves that these two distinct entities share power in their meteoric rise to power, however once Antichrist achieves all that brings him complete control of world power, he suddenly brings the Whore down to her utter destruction. Interestingly, as early as 900 AD, the Church actually addressed the pagan worship of Diana in the Canon Episcopi, a document which stated that the followers of Diana were deceived by Satan himself regarding her worship, of course this was all done at a time when the Church itself practiced Goddess worship itself in the form of Mary [Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 450]. The Canon Episcopi itself helped establish the historical concept of the Sabbat which also cited that as chief of the Demon horde, Diana was equated with Satan therefore the women who follow her must be worshippers of the Devil [History of Witchcraft p.54]. The Canon specifically says: "some wicked are perverted by the Devil and led astray by illusions and fantasies induced by demons, so that they obey Diana's commands; on certain nights are called out in her service, for Satan has the power to transform himself into a god/goddess." Diana has as many names as Lucifer himself, and therein lies another strong clue. She was the Beltis of the Babylonians, Ishtar of the Assyrians, Astarte of the Phoenicians; Isis of the Egyptians; Artemis of the Greeks; Venus of the Romans, and Diana to both the Ephesians and ancient Celts, which of itself proves interesting in that the two cultures never interacted (but had the same demon god). From the earliest epoch of Babylon and Nineveh up to the present day, she has been almost universally represented as a young woman with a male child who is given to the world for its King. As Isis, she was regarded as the mother of Horus.

*Read Article Pope Francis Appointed a Woman to the #2 Position in the Vatican's Government
*Read Article How the Celtic Gods and Goddesses Found Their Way to Become Catholic "Saints"
*Read Article The Pagan Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient World Were/Still are Satan's Demons
*Read Article Demons and Their False Religions Created to Destroy Man - Goddess Diana Mentioned
*Read Article Earth's Pagan Religions Made Gods and Goddesses Out of Satan and His Fallen Angels

Here's another clue, the same Scripture that admit Antichrist worships a "God[ess] of Forces" a single verse earlier [Daniel 11:37] explicitly tells us: "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god, for he shall magnify himself above all." Not regarding the "desire of women" is interesting. Look around today, the desire of many women, especially Pagan women, wiccans, and Witches, is without question a Goddess figurehead. Just as Satan provides the Jews all of what they expect in their male Messianic figurehead, in Israel, Satan also provides everything that would complete the desire of pagans; a global church and feminine deity. The line in Scripture that cites "a god whom his fathers knew not" tells us more than is seen at first glance. The Scripture seems to be telling us that the Antichrist's Bloodline ancestors were not Christian at all, but were inherently, pagan, as its only pagans whom have worshipped gods and goddesses. Now, we know that King James of Scotland/England is part of his Royal genealogy but be aware that King James was only one Christian King in a line of Satanic and pagan Royalty that extends far anterior to that of the late medieval era, going back to the original Lucifer-worshiping Druids of Albion. The fact that even William's oldest pagan ancestors wouldn't have recognized the God(dess) whom Antichrist ultimately chooses to represent his global Pagan Church also speaks volumes. In Revelation 17:9, God warns of us of pagan Rome and its current "World Church" and what their future Goddess becomes. Because God wants His people knowing every important aspect of that Tribulation to come, far in advance, as any good Father would, He has always made us keenly aware, far in advance, of the moment coming when Satan's Beast will no longer have need of that false Roman Throne and its Pagan Church, rebuilt. For Satan never needed anyone in his own selfish bid to storm God's true Throne (in Jerusalem) and announce himself as God, his goal from the moment he became Satan, and evil. As such, Revelation goes on to explain how Antichrist will command his Ten Kings to "burn the Whore with fire, and to eat her flesh." This almost certainly proves the Ten Kings under Antichrist are those same ten archons who've ruled earth and Hell since the Fall of Lucifer. Revelation 17:13'These Ten Kings have one mind, and shall give their power and strength, and their Ten Kingdoms, unto the Beast.' The Annunaki, seen by the ancients as powerful glowing god-kings, were once God's Holy Watchers whose task it was to look after the dealings of mankind in the ancient world. Genesis Chapter 6 and the Book of Enoch both inform us that in so doing, they fell in lust with the daughters of man and took them as wives, the same who later beget a race of giants known as Nephilim.

*Read Article Spawning of Feminist Witchcraft and Modern Wicca
*Read Article The Feminist Roots of Modern Wicca and Witchcraft
*Read Article Feminist Movement is Demonically Inspired to Advance Satan's Agenda
*Read Article A Feminist Priestess Says 'Father' is Not the Only Way Referencing God
*Read Article Paganism and the Goddess Worship of Dea (Pro-Witchcraft, Anti-Christian)
*Read Article The Tubal-Cain Website Explains that the Pagan Gods of Old are Satan and His Demons
*Read Article The West/Europe Allowing Demons to Reprise their Roles as the Pagan Gods and Goddesses
*Read Book Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in 19th Century Culture [Occult Website]

This says much about who and what these ten Kings could be, or as humanity wants to see them. Justin Martyr is correct in his assertion that by whatever name mankind wants to call his pagan gods, by that name will they come, even as they've employed such malign trickery against our eldest ancestors since the beginning. Intriguingly, Matthew 24:37 informs us that "As the days of Noah were, so shall the coming of the Christ be." Noah's days were an extremely wicked age described as a time when Fallen Angels (Sumerian language; Annunaki) impregnated mortal women, begetting the Nephilim. Revelation 9:20-21 goes further to describe how such depravity will once again befall mankind "The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; neither did they stop worshiping demons, and their idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and of wood, neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornications" [sex with demons]." In other words, under those relatively few years under Antichrist, mankind sinks to a new level of Satanic depravity not seen since the days of Noah. We can now see why Christ compares the last days with that of Noah's time, when wickedness of every kind flourished and filled the earth. As it was, so it will be again. Therefore, the Ten Kings ruling with the Beast are likely ten alien Annunaki or former pagan gods (arch-demons), ruling over ten regions of his global empire. The prophecy in Daniel 11:39 speaks to this coming "Beast rising from the sea," as follows: "He [Antichrist] shall cause them [the Ten Kings] to rule over many, dividing the land for gain.' The very fact this future global kingdom is ruled by one King, yet divided into ten, each controlled by a lesser king, strongly parallels the legend of Atlantis having ten districts ruled by ten kings. Other connections include the round Temple Church in London, built by the Knights Templar in the 12th century, where they've built ten effigies of Templar Knights called "kings." The British Museum itself holds an aptly titled painting called 'The Ten Kings of Hell.' You might recall that Revelation 9:11 informs us of one of their names; Apollyon, a viceroy of Hell who rules over the souls of the human damned in the black, cold, bowels of the earth where there is human weeping and gnashing of teeth. This leads me to conclude that the 'god[dess] of forces' that Antichrist worships is none other than Satan himself, that was used to gather all regions under one roof, so to speak, to later destroy them. It is a fact that Satan shares no power with anyone other than what he makes for himself. This is exactly why the powers that rule this planet demand a blending of male and female for this last generation, as Satan's counterfeit to the Holy Trinity. The Antichrist himself is only being used as a human tool so that Satan can physically carry out his 5 "I Wills" that culminate in him seating himself on Zion's Throne. Thus will he do within the Holy of Holies in the coming Third Temple, in Jerusalem, from whence he then will claim to be God Himself, perfectly counterfeiting Jesus Christ's own destiny given Him by His Father. Satan certainly would not have the world awakened to the fact that they are worshipping him, so he provides the yin-yang dynamic of a God-like man (Antichrist) united with a Goddess (Antichrist Church) so that the New Age lie regarding a return to perfect balance in a new age is made manifest in the visage of the Beast, and its feminine rider, the Whore of Babylon.

*Read Article Revisiting the Ancient Accounts that Demons Created Arthur's Merlin
*Read Article Similar Accounts of the Ancient Fallen Angels Found Across World
*Read Article The Ten Divided Regions of the Future Whore & New World Order
*Read Article Texts Reveal Earth was Once Ruled by Eight Otherworld Kings
*Read Article A Global Financial Crisis Will Produce Europe’s Ten Kings
*Read Article Babalon Working: Jack Parsons and the Stargate Ritual

The Scripture in Daniel 11:38, citing that 'he shall honor a god of forces,' that seemingly contradicts the Scripture just before it, in 11:37, 'he shall not regard any god, but magnify himself above all,' proves that this 'god of forces' that Antichrist worships is none other than himself. Knowing this aspect of Satan's ego, alter-ego, and narcissistic personality, it becomes somewhat easy to determine the persona he will use to achieve his aims in building a One World Church under the 'Divine Feminine' principle by which ancient druids, witches, Templars, and modern Freemasons worshipped Lucifer before. Of course, Satan might also update his supposed "Divine Feminine" alter ego to match his Occult-influenced New Age audience of today, and William more directly, to emulate the late Princess Diana herself. Satan's feminine personage in the form a Goddess is yet another aspect to the coming narrative by which the whole world will be deceived, and, indeed, were already deceived in the ancient world before, thru Isis, thru Ishtar, thru Artemis, thru Hecate, and thru Diana. In conclusion, all of this largely funneled, funded, and faked grass roots efforts we are seeing today that seemingly is paving a way forward toward a "global rule of the People," is just that, fake already, created in think tanks back in London and Brussels to bring increasingly more under their hive control. While Greta Thunberg's (#climatestrike) "Climate Change" campaign remains real for her, she has no idea how her supposedly "Woke" ideological leanings were entirely supplanted within the curriculum of her Masonic-based education, backed up by the more obviously controlled global media, both of which are under an insidious Masonic control working toward a global hegemonic mind of their devising. (See Sweden Admits to Creating a Generation of 'Green Revolutionaries' Via Mind Control.) Mark these next words I write, for what is today's green generation and their social justice campaigns, especially those connected to ecological activism, will be used to spearhead a future, green-centered, One World Religion that worships the Beast, the future Messianic figurehead of a coming "Green Revolution" that becomes the driving force of a post-Collapse New World. Remember, to get there they need your general compliance. Don't give it. Since they control the very things we need to sustain daily life, such as water and electricity, you would do well to adopt a more sustainable approach to all things pertaining to self-sufficiency going forward. In other words, never assume that power and water will always be there for your convenience. In that coming age of Collapse, with its widespread power grid outages and failing satellites, what good is your cell phone, social media, and cryptocurrency, if electricity and the internet no longer exists? These are the terms you must think in going forward. (See Climate Worship is Nothing More than Rebranded Paganism and Climate Sins: Eco-Activism is Becoming a Religion.) Therefore, do not be shocked to finally discover in the coming years that today's youth will ultimately find themselves becoming part the growing revival that is also in line with pagan Witchcraft, the ultimate 'earth religion' fused with other so-called nature-centered, pagan, and New Age Goddess religions, in their quest to save "Mother Earth" just in time for the ascension of its still rising Eco-Christ, the Antichrist. And let's never forget the "green pedigree," as it were, of Prince William's rather unique heritage, with his father, Prince Charles, still deeply connected in the ecological movement, and his mother, Diana, who is better remembered for her own activism in the form of actual humanitarianism. The point I am making here is that what you see today in the Green Movement's efforts toward becoming a global force to be reckoned with, shall ultimately become the foundation by which a global-uniting, quasi-religion will develop after the coming Collapse. That quasi-religion will then morph into the Antichrist's needed One World Religion. This is precisely why the youth of today are especially targeted and being made to believe that their united voice has global power to affect dramatic change, toward what they vainly perceive is true freedom, when they couldn't be more under the strict control of their "illuminated" overlords.

*Read Article Swedish School Under Fire for Forcing Children to Take Part in "Global Climate Strike"
*Read Article Thousands of Pagan Witches are Assembling to Battle Against 'Global Climate Change'
*Read Article Prince Harry Joins With Greta Thunberg Saying Climate Change is a "Race Against Time"
*Read Article A New Saint Greta Thunburg? Climate Worship is Nothing More than Rebranded Paganism
*Read Article Very Creepy Dystopian/Orwellian Mural of Greta Thunberg Overlooking Downtown San Francisco

Antichrist Employs His Supernatural Powers of Genocide and Destruction
The Green Agenda therefore carries with it a very powerful deception, to make the world believe it has chosen their post-Collapse future, all the while every stage of it has been very well-orchestrated ruse toward a very controlled, Orwellian-like, New Secular Order. Brexit itself is a manufactured crisis and vast deception designed to force the British people into the next phase of the elitist's foregone conclusion. What needs to be understood most by youth today is how such media-hyped events as Climate Change and the supposed pandemic both work to bring the world under increasing unification by which the Beast uses to launch his later wave of destruction upon the planet, albeit arriving first in peace after a destructive comet and great war. The Scriptures speak to that time when Satan takes control over first Antichrist, then the world. Daniel 8:23, 11:36; 2Thessalonians 2:1-4,6,9-12; Daniel 11:37-39; Matthew 24:9-15 And in the latter time of their kingdom when the transgressors are come to the full, a King of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And the King shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods and shall prosper till the indignation is complete. Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto Him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the Day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come except there come a great falling away [from the Christian Faith] first, and then that Man of Sin be revealed, (the Antichrist), the Son of Perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God and now ye know what restrains him that he might only be revealed in his time. Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the Truth [Christ], that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the Truth. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. When ye therefore shall see the Abomination of Desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the Holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand) Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house. Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to infants in those days. But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day [more proof Jesus is speaking not to Christians, but future Jewish Christians here, in Israel, who get saved in the Tribulation]. For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved, but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened (to 1,290 days as opposed to the original 2,300 days).

*Read Article Lies of Kabballah: Hebrew Royal Descent from Satan's Aryan-Cainite Lineage
*Read Article Judaism Intertwines with (Satanic) Kabbalah: The 'Messianic Symbols' Examined

Here we see many things, the first being that Christ will not arrive before the Antichrist, as many in the early Church were obviously concerned with. For this reason, 2nd Thessalonians places a strict chronological series of events which must occur first before the return of Christ, and what must occur first is that which restrains Satan and his Antichrist even now, must be removed and taken out of the way. Many scholars interpret this to mean the Holy Spirit and his (true) Church which restrains Satan. Both are true, for where the Spirit goes, the Church follows and if the Spirit goes back to complete the Trinity, the Church is raptured. Therefore, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that prevents Satan from carrying out his ancient will of global destruction and setting himself up as God, even now. Once the Holy Spirit removes itself from the earth taking with Him the raptured remnant of the Church, Satan is allowed to bring his Antichrist to bear. Daniel 8:23 stated "In the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a King of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall stand up." The human aspect of the Beast with his "fierce countenance" is easily understood when you consider the man who becomes the Beast goes not in the Rapture, obviously, but is left behind during the Collapse and must endure all that takes place in its wake. Destruction will be rampant, and many will perish in those days. Those who manage to survive, likely alone without their loved ones who were killed, will emerge on the other side scarred in every way including physically. Thus the 'fierce countenance' Scripture regarding the rising Antichrist King rising and understanding dark [Occult] sentences is there to tell us that not only will William's visage change, so too will his soul become darkened and at end, overshadowed by Satan himself. Also to consider will be the way the Antichrist will physically appear after his slated 'resurrection' as outlined in Revelation 13:3 (And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the Beast.) Where most cannot see it today, King William V, the Willful King, would instantly have a "fierce countenance" if he were to be killed and then resurrect by some kind of evil supernatural power by Satan possessing his body and empowering his mind. It is after this key event of the Antichrist's death that he then seeks to dominate Israel and take its Jerusalem Temple, "speaking great words in blasphemy against God" to his then global audience largely comprised of Millennials and Gen Z who've been primed their entire lives to openly receive his God-denying speeches. As prophesied, in place of the truth shall the Antichrist and his False Prophet promote every kind of "vain legend," "endless genealogy," and "doctrines of devils and teaching of demons" to promote his World Throne while blaspheming the Holy Trinity and thus committing the unforgiveable sin in the process. This is what was meant in 1John by the spirit of Antichrist which comes in the Last Days, as it makes mankind more apt to deny Christ's Divinity, of whose teachings are already seen infecting the Churches today, marked by those deny the reality of the Holy Trinity and the full power of God. Notice also, the Scriptures own words "In the latter time of *their* Kingdom" which depicts a Kingdom of Satan already established in the earth. This is most interesting because it relates to the true lineage of the Antichrist and that of his forefathers, who are not Jesus Christ, King David, or Solomon, but Cain, Jubal, Lamech, Tubal-Cain, and their descendants in the Merovingian's, Sinclair's, Stuart's and Windsor's. The Antichrist King having "knowledge of dark sentences" proves his connection to demons and Satan himself, even before he becomes possessed by them, for having an extensive instant knowledge found within the Occult can only come by either a lifetime of serious study, or via demonic possession or communication.

*Read Article On the Satanic and Evil Nature of the Rabbinic Kabbalah
*Read Article The Kabbalah: A Thelemic and Satanic Interpretation
*Read Article The Evil of Zohar: Satan in the Kabballah

The Satanic prophecies themselves point to what I refer to as The Source Kabbalah that is yet to be discovered. This Source Kabbalah will provide the Antichrist and False Prophet everything they'll need to wreak the most destructive forms of magick, resulting in total chaos upon the earth. This is why God has warned us all in the Scriptures never to become involved with sorcery (demonology) as it literally opens a gateway by which Satan could hold even more sway over this world, meaning over mankind, then he already has. Satan within Antichrist, holds no such boundaries, having the power to not only destroy "the mighty and Holy People of God" [the Jews], he will also have the power to kill God's Two Witnesses sent from Heaven. For just as Christ stated He could conjure twelve legions of Holy Angels to defeat the Romans in Matthew 26:53, so too will a Satanic-possessed Antichrist be able to conjure entire legions of Hell's most wicked to destroy even his mortal and immortal enemies sent from Heaven. Because the future Antichrist will be possessed by the same ancient Morning Star that brought Heaven war, there will be many attributes that Antichrist will likewise display that were seen before when Lucifer became Satan. The Antichrist's unique human ability to 'understand dark sentences,' that is likely the language of demons and Satan himself would indicate that the Future King will become one with Satan and Satan's minions, Abraxas. The ancient Chaldean language of the Book of Daniel, as originally written and translated by the Strong's Bible Concordance, reveals both the words 'dark' and 'sentences' to be the same word (#2420), to mean "a puzzle; or "trick saying." The expression itself comes from the root word #2330 which means "to put forth." This important clue tells us that the Antichrist will purposely use language designed to mesmerize and trick his audience, ultimately placing them under his complete control, even as he is under Satan's direct control. His being able to also understand Occult languages, for example, Enochian, proves his sinister intent toward mankind itself, for Enochian can be extremely dangerous, as well as handling 'magic squares,' etc. Understand, Lucifer deceived the Angels under his command to war with their Creator, therefore the level as to which Satan distorts reality is able to even deceive Angels themselves, let along ignorant mankind. Consequently, Satan is a defeated foe, so prophesied, as lies cannot stand under the full weight of the Truth. So, his only purpose now is to cause mankind's last generation of evil doers to fulfill their own accursed destinies and rise up to mutiny against God, as Lucifer Himself has, so that they too may be cast down into outer darkness and ultimately, into the Lake of Fire with him. In return, God receives unto Himself only those who truly love him, and would worship Him as their Creator, in all faith, forevermore. In this way, God is still creating an (eternal) environment by which there would never again rise up another 'Lucifer' amidst God's coming New Heaven and New Earth, and stands as the reason why God made humble servitude as a form of Godly worship to be begin with, so that by it, we could all come into His wisdom by reason of His Holiness thru His divine love, grace, and mercy perfected, extended to all of us who would simply receive it. The loyal Holy Angel's own humility thru love served its purpose in fully exposing Lucifer's free will for what it became, evil. This is also why Christ originally came to us as a meek and humble servant for all, to reverse and undo the works of Satan's evil and original sin that came by way of his uncontrollable pride and wanton violence. In this way has Jesus set a better example for us toward the only path back to the Father by which we are saved. This is also what the Jews cannot understand (yet), because they fully expected any Messiah of theirs to be an all-powerful, glorified, conquering supernatural hero who immediately destroys all of Israel's enemies, when Christ was better setting the example for how we should live in a world bedraggled by sin. In every test toward humility, resulting in His own shed Blood, did Christ set the perfect atonement for mankind's collective sin. In so doing, Christ became the ultimate, conquering, and supernatural hero defined in a Godly Messiah, who by His death and resulting resurrection, won the keys of both Death and Hell from Satan, setting mankind free ultimately from God's judgment, but again, if they so choose it. Conversely, anyone wanting to remain in sin, in any form, will likewise receive sins own reward, death.

*Read Article Death Magick and Necromancy in the Digital Age
*Read Article Unforeseen Dangers of Practicing Enochian Magick

After 42 Months of Increasing Power Satan Finally Possesses the King
Daniel 11:23,27-28,16,30,17,41,31-32; Revelation 12:12;11:1-3; Revelation 12:13-14,17; Daniel 12:1 And after the league made with him he [Antichrist] shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up and shall become strong with a small people. And both these Kings' hearts shall be filled with mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper. Then shall he [Antichrist] return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be [secretly] against the Holy Covenant [Israel]; and he shall do great exploits and return to his own land [England]. But he that cometh against him shall do according to his own will. For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved and return [to Israel] and have indignation against the Holy Covenant and none shall stand before him [and live]: and he shall stand in the Glorious Land [Israel] which by his hand shall be consumed. He shall set his face to enter with the strength of his whole Kingdom, and upright ones with him; thus shall he do: He shall enter into the Glorious Land, and many shall be overthrown: And arms* shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the Sanctuary [Third Temple] and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall [in its stead] place the Abomination that maketh Desolate [Antichrist in the Third Temple] and such as do wickedly against the Covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries (see also the Necronomicon p. 202). Woe to the inhibiters of the earth and of the sea! For the Devil is come down unto you, having great anger and wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time left. And the Angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the Temple of God, and the altar and them that worship therein, yet the court which is outside the Temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles (Antichrist's European army) and the Holy City shall they tread under foot forty and two months. The word that is translated as "arms" in "arms shall stand on his part," is no less an intriguing one. While this is correctly interpreted to be the Beast's European army collective, modern technology is increasingly creating robotic hunter-killers for that Orwellian society coming. Today's smart cell tech, with all the mass mind-conditioning and mass-surveillance control behind them, will eventually employ "quantum AI" to seek out anyone abstaining from the New World financial and worship system that's connected to the Beast network. As prophesied in Zechariah 14:2, a second hellish holocaust is coming for Israel, when Satan unleashes his full indignation upon them. The Messianic Jews who instruct other Jews to become Christians in the face of the Antichrist's now obvious existence in the Temple, will face death via "the sword, flame, spoil, and captivity for many days," as stated in Daniel 11:33, while those Messianic Jews who took heed to Christ's warning of leaving Israel for the wilderness before Antichrist's return to Jerusalem will be protected by Michael the Archangel for the remainder of the Great Tribulation, as stated in both Daniel 12 and Revelation 12. Both Revelation and Daniel agree: For He shall command Michael to stand up and protect those who shall hide themselves from the face of the Serpent. And to the Woman (Jewish Christians) were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time (protected 3.5 years) from the face of the Serpent. And the Dragon was wroth with the Woman and went to make war with the remnant of 'her seed' [See Genesis 3:15] which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. And at that time shall Michael the Archangel stand up, the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people, and there shall be a time of Tribulation such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time, and at that time thy people [the Jews] shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the Book of Life.

*Read Article The Pentagon is Moving Toward Letting AI Kill Humans
*Read Article British Engineers Create New Life-Like Robot Named Ameca
*Read Article Great Britain Confirms it is Developing Drone Attack Swarms
*Read Article The US Rejects Calls for Regulating or Banning Killer Robots
*Read Article AI Systems "Already Displaying Deceptive Behavior" Raises Alarm
*Read Article Report Finds Artificial Intelligence Could Abuse and Torture Mankind
*Read Article DARPA's Autonomous Killer Robots Will Leave Humans Defenseless
*Read Article Novice AI Defeats Veteran F-16 Pilot 5-0 in DARPA’s Computerized Dogfight
*Read Article Killer Robots Would be ‘Dangerously Destabilizing’ Force in Our Future World
*Read Article The Future of Warfare: Robots, Cyborg Soldiers and the Dawn of Killer Robots
*Read Article Like the Terminator films, Scientists Covered a Robot Finger in Living Human Skin
*Read Article Plague-carrying Drones and Gene-edited Super Soldiers are the Current War Research

In keeping with this, he may likely seize the world's nuclear arsenal under the guise of a "global peace initiative," but instead of dismantling the destructive weapons, he would stockpile them for his attempted later use at Armageddon, when Christ returns. Perhaps this answers how the Whore in Rome is "eaten" and destroyed in an all-consuming fire within a single day. Revelation 17:16 also points out that the Ten Kings "which hate the Whore of Babylon" shall destroy her under the Antichrist's command, despite fulfilling the will of God Himself that it be done. Aside from the power of God that shall take His direct vengeance out upon the earth, through seals, cups, and trumps, could nuclear weapons also be what is being referenced when 1/3 of the Sun is blotted out, 1/3 of all grasses burned, etc. Knowing Israel already owns an arsenal of such weapons, might they be used by the Beast against the nations, to cause the world to hate Israel all the more with its weakened survivors seeing no other alternative but to attack the Antichrist in Jerusalem with combined force? The Scriptures speak to the entire world coming against Jerusalem in the last days of the Great Tribulation. The very fact that such nation cannot simply use nuclear weapons against the Antichrist proves something very intriguing has happened to the world's nuclear stockpile by the time he turns on Israel and the world at large. The result? Armageddon. The way for the Kings of the East (China) and the King of the North (Russia) to go on the attack against Jerusalem will finally be cleared. Consequently, the world, specifically Israel, has allowed one man to rule, completely disregarding their owns prophets, prophecies, and ultimately their own Messiah. If world history has proven anything, it has shown that any ruler given such heights of power invariably becomes corrupt, and where such evil has invariably sought to force mankind's demise before, the Antichrist will attain the perfect position and power to facilitate mass genocide upon the human race. In former times, it has always been Satan who worked through the 'antichrist spirit' which has invaded many spiritual offices serving man's carnal need, yet it will be Satan's final assault on man and God that seeks the total annihilation of God's entire creation on earth. As such, forty-two months into the reign of Antichrist, Satan will have so completely possessed the man who becomes Antichrist that any former trace of the former prince will have been completely erased by that point. Interestingly, the seven-year duration of Antichrist's faux peace treaty made with Israel and others, is the same amount of time that Antichrist is allowed by God to rule. We also know from the above Scriptures that about midway through this seven-year period, just after he leaves a 'Round Table meeting' in Israel (likely discussing details of his false Peace Covenant with Israel, going forward). He then returns to his native England having great malice in his heart regarding the Jews, knowing he has just deceived most of them into thinking he is their Messiah. However, as we will see next, not all Jews will be so easily persuaded by this Gentile king claiming to be the Jewish Messiah...

*Read Article Satan's Diabolical Deception and Destruction During the Third Temple Era
*Read Article The First Seal is Broken: Rider on the White Horse is the Conquering Antichrist
*Read Article Judaism and New Age: Religious Communities in Israel Turning to New Age Beliefs
*Read Article A Former New Ager Explains the 'Four Ways that the New Age Movement Has Tricked You'

Suddenly, Antichrist is attacked by the Ships of Chittim, after which he sends in his entire gentile (European) Army to conquer Israel and trodden on its Temple for the next 42 months to be trodden underfoot by the Gentiles, reminiscent of the way the Roman armies under Titus took both the city and the Sanctuary as prophesied in Daniel 9:27. Even though the Scriptures do not outright say, I believe there must be a connection drawn from this attack he receives by these mysterious ships, and his immediate counter-attacking and conquering of Israel, as if fueled by pure revenge, leaving one conclusion: the Ships of Chittim must be of Jewish origin that then forces Antichrist's hand against Israel. Obviously, these ships must be operated by those who do not believe the Antichrist is their Messiah. Perhaps they will have been persuaded by the testimony given by the Two Witnesses who speak on the behalf of Christ. Remember, the Two Witnesses have been prophesying against Antichrist, and for Christ, during the first half (42 months) of Antichrist's rule, whereupon at the end of that time, Antichrist arrives in Jerusalem to kill them to initiate the Great Tribulation. Now we know what brings him to such anger enough to shed his humanitarian and Messianic guise to turn around and attack Israel: the Ships of Chittim. When researching this Scripture in the Hebrew, I discovered that the Ships of Chittim are launched from Cyprus, just off Israel's coast. Therefore, might these bands of ships be some kind of Jewish resistance movement against the "Messiah" whom they've learned is the Antichrist? I believe so. Notice that the Scriptures make clear that these ships are renegades, not fulfilling the will of any State policy, but seemingly carrying out "their own will" against the Beast, meaning, if they are Jews, as I suspect, they are not moving against Antichrist as ordered by the foregone State of Israel, but carrying out their own plan for killing the Beast, because they already have knowledge that he is Satan in the flesh. However, there can be no lasting peace while nations are always on the verge of war, with war even being an option. Ironically, as Antichrist secretly prepares for Armageddon, the war to end all wars, he will be removing every weapon of war from the hands of the people not with the intention that they not attack each other during his global tenure, but that they not attack him or his own forces as they systematically take over the world. This also means that Antichrist will make it difficult for any one nation to later rise up to attack any part of his global kingdom, which is essentially the reason for the New World Order, so that no other nation rises over the ruling despot's own nation, while his imperialist nation conquers the planet. Now we know why England was imperialist in its time and why the United States picked up from where they left off. After America falls, however, it will be the European powers, led by the UK, who will create a post-Brexit imperialist superstate overshadowing both in might and economic power what was the former United States by that time.

*Read Article The False Messiah's Reign of Terror During the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble'
*Read Article Christians Debate Whether Satan Could Resurrect Antichrist or God Allows It

As seen above, both Daniel 11:27-31 and Revelation 13:3 prophesies that at some point in Antichrist's reign, he is assassinated and seemingly dies from a mortal head wound, which brings in an event that stuns the entire world, leaving the Satanic possession that ultimately overtakes the Antichrist to be much more of a dramatic event than most ever theorized, as it may coincide with the assassination attempt made against King William V somewhere very near the midpoint of his global reign. Shortly afterward, however, he suddenly arises with even greater supernatural power, completely mocking the Holy resurrection of Christ. For just as the true King of the Jews was only dead for forty hours and resurrected then ascended unto His Father, so shall Antichrist, the false King of the Jews, albeit in stark counterfeit. Upon becoming completely possessed by the spirit of Satan, shall the 'Son of Perdition' then rise up and go forth to attack Zion. Since Christ was crucified 3 1/2 years into His reign as Israel's (unrecognized) King, by the Jews, perhaps the Antichrist, as Israel's (recognized) 'King' will be assassinated precisely 3 1/2 years into his reign, by a Jew. This would be startling, even as I write it, but it reveals much into the extent of how far Satan will yet go to prove his power. The timeframe of 3 1/2 years is also important and may provide the final clue. The Scriptures explicitly detail the number of days that Antichrist will reign as Israel's false Messiah, that is to say, seven years in the Jewish lunar calendar, which works out to be 1,260 days to the Tribulation's midpoint, then an additional 1,290 until final Armageddon. This then makes for 2,550 days in total. Since the Scriptures also predict that the Antichrist suddenly turns against Israel at the midway point of the Tribulation, it is therefore entirely possible that the Antichrist is killed by these 'Ships of Chittim,' is later (after three days?) given a mock "resurrection" and is completely possessed by Satan from that day forward, being granted the full murderous strength of Satan's power. The Scriptures inform us that the Antichrist will have a fierce countenance, which again speaks to his mind and body being completely taken over by the insanity that is the boundless indignation of Satan. As such, the wiser amongst the Jews will remember what the Two Witnesses said, and finally begin to see the evil shining through from beneath the shadow of their chosen Messiah, for Satan's own maniacal ego will not be able to contain itself any longer. And so shall the Antichrist begin to speak out against Jehovah, and only then will all of Israel see their "Messiah" is actually Satan in the flesh. In those days, shall some Jews finally begin to understand why their Messiah, King, and Creator came to this world. For just as Satan has likewise taken flesh, to destroy them, has their ancient God taken on flesh, and manifested Himself in His perfect love to save them. Instead of dying for our collective sins, and setting us free from the bondage of Death and Hell, the Accuser that is Satan prepared the snares of Sin and Death, wanting to kill us all whilst in our sin, so that we may be forever separated from the Love of God, that manifested Himself in Christ Jesus. Such is the stark contrast between the Prince of Peace, and the "prince of this world.

*Read Article Prince William Loudly Booed at What Was Perceived by Protestors as a Pro-Nuclear Service
*Read Article Prince William’s Laser Gag Proves He’s As Out of Touch as the Rest of Britain’s Royal Family

However this notable future event takes place, the resulting world that witnesses the seeming resurrection of the Beast will believe everything he evokes in the aftermath. This would of course tie into the ultimate delusion that befalls the entire world as mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 where "God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie, so that they would all be damned who believed not the truth..." Because of this, we shouldn't discount the nature of that delusion not somehow involving the (demonic) alien and UFO agenda for certainly that will also be a part of the greater deception to come, even as the US and UK are already choosing to peak global interest in UFO's currently." Coinciding with the Antichrist's mock resurrection event and complete possession by Satan will be the "Time of Jacob's [Israel's] Trouble" also known as the first day of the Great Tribulation when Antichrist breaks the seven-year Covenant with Israel and he openly attacks the Jewish State precisely 1,260 days from the time he originally signed the false Covenant of Peace. In other words, the Satan-possessed Antichrist's blitzkrieg-styled conquering of Israel will initiate the Great Tribulation period that marks the Antichrist's final 1,290 days that finally ends at Armageddon and Christ's return when Israel will be saved from Satan's utter destruction. Luke 21:23-24 tells us explicitly: "For there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people [the Jews]. And they [those unsaved Jews not spirited away by Michael deeper into the wilderness for 3.5 years] shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles [Antichrist's armies], until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." Amazingly, Zechariah chapter 14:1-3 prophetically and chronologically picks it up from there: "Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle and the city shall be taken and the houses rifled and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the Lord [Christ] go forth and fight against those nations as when He fought in the day of battle. And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east..." According to Psalms 2, because Satan has always desired to have what Christ was given in regard to Zion, Antichrist will be allowed to capture Jerusalem for 3.5 years right up until Jesus returns. Remember, Tribulation, Antichrist will be completely possessed by Satan on that first day of the Great Tribulation, after which, God shall counter him further by releasing Revelation's vials and trumps that finally begin to destroy Satan's earthly kingdom that he's methodically built to serve him over the last 6,000 years since Cain walked the earth.

*Read Article Prince William is Being Accused of Having Racist 'White Savior' Complex in Conservation Role
*Read Article Britain's Prince William Gives Speech Warning Too Many People Are Currently Living on Planet

He must be Antichrist sitting in the Temple of God!

An Arthurian Reader p. 206

And as He sat upon the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, When ye see the Abomination of Desolation (Antichrist), spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the Jerusalem Temple, then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains. For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to that time. And except those days be shortened, no flesh would be saved: Then said He unto them, When this Gospel is preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and tribes; then shall the end come.

Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13

And there shall be signs in the Sun, and in the Moon, and in the Stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, earthquakes in different places. Wars and rumors of war. Famine, pestilence. The Sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

Matthew 24; Luke 21:25-26, The Holy Bible

And the rest of the people which were not killed by these plagues from God, still would not repent from creating their idols by which they would worship demons in the form of [Goddess] idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood. Neither did they repent of their murders, nor of their Sorcery, nor of their fornication, or their theft.

Revelation 9:20-21; The Holy Bible

How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, Morning Star! How art thou cut down to the ground, you which corrupted the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart...

1] I WILL ascend into Heaven [Heavenly Zion].
2] I WILL exalt my throne above the Angels of God.
3] I WILL also sit upon the Mount in the Sides of the North [Earthly Zion].
4] I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds.
5] I WILL become like God [as a false Christ]

Isaiah 14:12-14; The Holy Bible

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Read Article Royal Arch: Freemasons Make Blasphemy in Announcing "I AM That I AM" in Masonic Ceremony

'The Willful King' Conquers Israel Then Invades the Temple in Jerusalem
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 The Son of Perdition who stands against God, will sit in the [Third] Temple of God claiming that he is God. Once Antichrist sends forth his united European armies to trodden the Holy City of Jerusalem underfoot (until the times of these Gentiles be fulfilled) and destroys any surviving Israeli military forces that stood to protect Jerusalem, Satan's power will then be at its absolute height. Having accomplished all of his ancient desires through his 'son,' Satan within the Beast might then mockingly ride into the city upon a white horse making his way toward the Eastern Gate, kills the Two Witnesses who protected the Jewish Temple, and walk thru into the inner sanctum leading to the Holy of Holies to commit the ultimate blasphemy against God by seating himself therein upon a throne, announcing to the world that he is God in the flesh. Jesus warned us that the "Abomination of Desolation" would do precisely this in Matthew 24:15. With that, the most ancient and Great Work of the occult that was always geared toward the five goals of Satan, has finally been accomplished. Antichrist enters the Third Temple at Jerusalem, which in pre-ancient times was called Mount Zion, and the Sides of the North, which was then ascended above the heights of the clouds, having just crushed both fleshly and Angelic forces alike, he places himself above all the Angels of God, and then claims to be God Himself (the I AM), and therefore believes he has achieved every one of his 5 "I Wills" via the Antichrist, his proxy; King Will-I-AM the Fifth. Therefore, Lucifer, now as the evil-incarnate human King seated in the Temple, as a Christ-like King, above the Angels, claims to be God, the 'I AM,' seemingly fulfilling all Five of his ancient I Wills which he has exultantly proclaimed, has he also revealed himself. Utilizing Lucifer's own 5 I Wills against him, in the very language of the Antichrist (English) has the Antichrist himself been revealed into an English anagram: King / Will / I Am / 5 or King William V, aka King William the Great (Let him that hath wisdom understand, and count the Number of the Beast, for it is the number of a man...). This was the very reason why Lucifer fell, to become Satan in the first place. Thus it makes sense that his chosen Antichrist figure, as his human representative here on earth, should have a destiny, purpose, name (and lineage) that best reflects Satan's own. Now you know what is really behind all of the pagan disinformation behind Witchcraft's Pentacle, and Satanism's Pentagram. As another interesting side note, we see for the first time the Scriptures and their intriguing commentaries referring to the Antichrist as 'The Willful King' in Daniel 11:36. Daniel 8:10 The [Little] Horn waxed great even to the Host of Heaven; and he cast down some of the Host and of the Stars to the ground and trampled upon them. This Scripture is most curious as the Antichrist, being Satan in the flesh whose true destructive power is now finally unleashed, seemingly even has gained the power to kill both Jews and Angels, as the Greek word used for Star and Host in the context provided, indicates that the Antichrist has destructive power over certain Angels of God, or the spirits of the saints, as well as unsaved Jews at that time.Revelation 16:1-2,10-11; 9:20-21 And I heard a great voice out of the [Heavenly] Temple saying to the Seven Angels, Go your ways and pour out the Vials of the Wrath of God upon the earth. The First Angel poured out his Vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the Mark of the Beast, and [upon] them which worshipped his Image. And the Fifth Angel poured out his Vial upon the Throne of the Beast; and his Kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain and blasphemed the God of Heaven because of their pains and their sores, and yet still repented not of their deeds. And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues repented not of their [devil] worship of idols made from gold, and silver, brass, stone, and wood, made by their own hand. Neither repented they of their murders, sorcery, fornication, nor of their thefts. From this we see just how the overwhelmingly unrepentant Citizens of this coming Satanic Utopia would rather die than renounce their unabashed loyalty to Satan, or his demon 'gods' that they worship thru various idols made with their own hands. From this, it can be determined that Witchcraft and its idol worship, that is only increasing among Millennials and teens today, goes forward in the future to become an even more integral part of daily life and false religiosity, in the reign of the Beast. And yet this is the very purpose for the Tribulation, and why God allows such a coming era to seemingly flourish for a time, if only to display the stark contrasts between those who humble themselves before their Creator, versus those who carry a great pride not unlike Lucifer himself.

*Read Article The Coming King of Europe will Become the Universal Messiah 666
*Read Article God's Purpose for Israel During The Tribulation Period of the Antichrist

Even in this very moment, as it was in the beginning, right up until the Great Tribulation's end, is God ever working toward our Salvation, sending His Angels who go forth preaching the everlasting Gospel of Yeshua HaMashiach to all, so that they too may be saved. For God's Word shall not return to Him void. The majority of the world, however, has already made their choice. Knowing that man's sinful heart is seared, unaffected, and lazy, Lucifer allows the world to live quite comfortably within their own sin that goes unrecognized, without so much as a guilty conscience to better guide them. Just as Christ is being increasingly shunned, metaphysical humanism is increasingly taking over, as mankind becomes increasingly reliant on Lucifer, which is why mankind allows Satan's world kingdom operated by those who believe Lucifer is God, to rule over them in the way that it does, under the guise of "freedom." But it is all a lie, just as the Antichrist himself is the lie made manifest, and no wonder, for Satan is the Father of lies. For ever since Lucifer uttered his first words to humanity, has mankind been infected with the “spirit of Antichrist,” that is to say, a spirit which denies God as both the Father and the Son (I AM that I AM) that leads to man's own destruction. One need only look at what has become of the Godless United States, to see how successful Satan and his children have become in their epic work against God and His Son. And so, as we approach the Great Tribulation, marked by a time when the Antichrist will do away with God altogether, will he perform false miracles, signs, and wonders to prove to the world, once and for all, that mankind should likewise battle God, even as Lucifer rallied his angels to do. Mankind is ready to embrace just such a person that while at first deceives with peace and harmony in a world of tolerance, love, and goodwill, will at the end wage his most epic war using God's own creation against their Creator. This is Satan's endgame, and the people he doesn't kill outright, are those he will later want to use to help him dethrone Christ. Daniel 11:42-43 He shall enter also into the Glorious [Holy] Land, and many countries shall be overthrown. But these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom [Russia], Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon [China?]. He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps. Does this mean Antichrist shall have the entire continent of Africa under his complete tyrannical control? It would seem, given those were two well-known kingdoms in Biblical times, with Egypt situated in between them. It was the ancient's way of saying "from New York to L.A." to mean the entire U.S. Knowing that, which modern nations have a large stake in Africa today? As more recent history proves, the glory of the British Empire in the 19th century was bankrolled by its military incursions into Africa and the plundering of its vast deposits of gold, silver, emeralds and oil, which has become a hallmark of the Anglo-Israelists in not only Britain but in America and Australia as well. In so doing, have such British aristocratic plunderers, such as the renowned Cecil Rhodes, who later created the infamous Rhodes Scholarship, where upwardly mobile Anglo-elites and their children are secured an education and future into their global power structure. Therefore, Africa, unwittingly, has done much in paving the way for the Anglo-British Empire, funding those initial Anglo-corporations that afterward became the same Anglo-controlled, multinational corporations that have promoted every kind of evil since, from corporate greed and ethnic genocide to the drug and slave trade. Since the Antichrist is also bankrolled by those who control the global wealth, and therefore placed in power by their own hand, in their allegiance to Satan, it seems Antichrist merely carries on this evil tradition to its fullest extent, funding his own murderous campaign of placing all non-white nations under tyranny. There has arisen a recent story that connects Prince William and racism in regard to African conservation. In following the nature of the Satanic Bloodline, that has proven itself to be inherently racist against anyone of color and knowing of Britain's historical racism against Blacks in South Africa that led to apartheid, might this mean there will be a White subjection imposed on Africa and other nations during the Great Tribulation, when Antichrist will be seen as a ruthless tyrant suffering from the ultimate white savior complex. Revelation 12 then describes how Satan will pursue the nation of Israel with relentless fury, his intent being the complete destruction of the Jewish nation from within, a goal he tried to accomplish previously in history in attempt at preventing the Messiah from ever being born.

*Read Article Prince William's Increasingly Genocidal State of Mind Regarding Africa
*Read Article Antichrist Breaks the Covenant with Israel at Midpoint of the Tribulation

Once the Antichrist turns his European Army against Israel and solidified total control over Zion, God in Heaven readies His Warrior Angels of Destruction to wreak havoc upon all those who have ignorantly aligned themselves with the Two Beasts, the Antichrist and the False Prophet, and upon their global Kingdom temporarily placed under their control. The Age of Great Tribulation begins and it is entirely centered around Israel, specifically Jerusalem, where Antichrist has made his Throne, and from where he then rules over the planet with great cruelty and a fascist iron fist, counterfeiting Christ's Millennial Rod of Iron rule given Him by His Father (Psalms 2 and Zechariah 14:16-19). At this time, Jewish apostates and rebels who have followed the Antichrist will begin to be purged out of Israel (Zechariah 13:8 says two-thirds of Israel will die) while those Jews who finally see what their choice in a Messiah has become eventually look toward Christ for their salvation, believing the Gospel ministry of the slain Two Witnesses, will be protected. 144,000 Jewish people will be sealed and protected by God to serve as evangelists during the Tribulation: twelve thousand from each of Israel's ancient tribes. Their ministry will be similar to that of the Two Witnesses in leading the Jewish people to faith in their one and only True Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ who Himself speaks from the past in Matthew 24 (quoting His own words which He gave to the ancient Jewish prophet Daniel), to the future Jews of that Great Tribulation to flee into the Judean wilderness, upon seeing the Abomination of Desolation (the Antichrist) seating himself in their Third Jewish Temple. He further informs them to look up, for their redemption is near, as His return soon follows the 'Abomination that maketh desolate.' God assured Israel through Jeremiah, "I AM with thee for I will make a full end of all the nations to which I have driven thee; but I will not make a full end of thee" (Jeremiah 46:28). Though deliverance of Israel will involve the personal salvation of individuals, it will occur on a grand scale large enough to literally become a national deliverance. The remnant of believing Jews during the Great Tribulation constitute the "all Israel" of Romans 11:26, not to mention, the future nation entirely being saved by Christ at Armageddon. Thus Israel's hope is that someday its purging will end, the nation will be saved, and the long-awaited messianic Kingdom will be established. The end of Daniel 12:1 verifies that fact: the delivered are "every one that shall be found written in the Book." The promise of deliverance and salvation is for those who believe, shall again be given to the Jews. The Book of Revelation explains how the remnant of Israel will come to believe in the One that Judaism has so long ago rejected, Israel's true Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Even though the Antichrist's power is seemingly increasing in its destructive might, Israel itself is not to be completely destroyed because as also prophesied in Daniel 12:1, "at that Time of Jacob's [Israel's] Trouble, Michael the Archangel shall rise up." Called the "Prince of your [Jewish] people," Michael (whose names means 'One like God,' meaning, Christ) will personally undertake defending his people and lead the Jewish remnant out of Antichrist-occupied Jerusalem and into the vast wilderness surrounding the Dead Sea for the remainder of the Great Tribulation. Many things could be said here, but what this clearly shows is that just as the obviously powerful Michael the Archangel is their Prince, Christ is their King, which is why Michael is "One who is like God" because he steps into the same powerful role as Defender of Israel and the Jewish people. Again, this is why Satan hates the Jews so much from their beginning in Adam and Eve, realizing that God's entire plan centers around the Jews and their ultimate salvation thru Jesus Christ, upon which which the entire world is blessed. With this, God is keeping his ancient promise made to Abraham and his descendants, that after the Diaspora, Israel would never be uprooted again, and so Michael will protect the Christ-believing Jewish remnant, who will return to Jerusalem to help fight at Christ's own return to destroy the Antichrist. It is there, at Armageddon that every Jew, believer or not, will see Christ returning in the air as stated in Zechariah chapters 12 and 14. The last chapter of Daniel specifies the exact amount of days from the time Antichrist enthrones himself in the future Third Temple, until the time Christ returns and the Temple Mount is cleansed for the preparation of Christ Himself to be seated within. During that remainder of the Great Tribulation's 1,290 days, Satan will release all of Hell's forces against Israel and the Messianic Jewish remnant just as Heaven's most powerful Angels are directed by God to release His wrath of increasingly devastating destructions upon the Kingdom of the Antichrist, leading him to Armageddon.

*Read Article Mormons Believe: A New Messiah [Antichrist] Arises Citing the Bloodline of the Holy Grail
*Read Article The MacArthur New Testament Commentary on the 'Abomination of Desolation' [The Antichrist]

Daniel 8:13, 12:7-10, 9:25-27, Revelation 16:16-17 Then I heard one Angel speaking, and another Angel said unto that certain Angel which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the Transgression of Desolation [Antichrist] to give the Sanctuary and the Host to be trodden under foot? And I heard the Man clothed in linen sware by Him that liveth for ever that it shall be for 1,290 days when he [Antichrist] shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the mighty and Holy people [the Jews], all these things shall be finished. And I heard, but I understood not: saying Lord, when shall be the end of all these things? And He said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the latter end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Know therefore and understand: the people (the Army) of the Prince that shall come shall destroy the City and the Sanctuary (Jerusalem and the Temple), the end thereof shall be with a flood, and even unto the end of this age, desolations are determined. He (Antichrist) confirmed a peace covenant with many for one week [one shabua; 7 years] yet in the middle of the week [1,260 days later] Antichrist shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease in the Temple and make [Jerusalem and the Temple] a place of utter desolation, because of his transgression. And at the time of the end, tidings out of the East [China] and out of the North [Russia] shall trouble him (Antichrist): therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy many. Behold, the Day of the Lord cometh: for all nations will be gathered against Jerusalem to battle. Russia and China's own aspirations of global dominance are nearly as evil as London's and are only curbed by the military and financial behemoth that is still Britain's vanguard, the United States, who, not coincidentally, has done more to ensure China's prosperous future than any other nation on the planet. Meanwhile, China is taking a new, much less subtle, military stand against the West, and against its own citizenry. As I write, both Russia and China have hundreds in their streets protesting certain rollbacks on freedom that both Putin and Xi deem necessary to go forward with their obvious dictatorships. And yet Revelation has predicted it all, of Russia's soon leading a confederation of Islamic nations against Israel, and China's meteoric rise to power as the prophesied "Kings of the East." To that end, it has already been reported that China will be the strongest economy in the world by the year 2030, and we already know that much of that same mammoth economy is pouring into their collective military, with their navy already surpassing that of the United States. In those years after the Collapse and during the Tribulation reign of Antichrist, it may potentially be only Europe and China that ascend to superstate status, in effect, the new East-West. It remains to be seen how much influence the Western Antichrist could have with Communist China, post-Gog/Magog, when its ally Russia will have been overwhelmingly diminished in every way, by God Himself, as prophesied in Ezekiel 39. Because of that, Russia might feel forced into the Beast's global economy at the time just to survive. Revelation explains that at the end of the Antichrist's reign, just before Christ returns to destroy him at Armageddon, the Beast will "hear tidings out of the North and East, that will greatly trouble him, therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many." This would suggest that not every nation will fall so easily, or ultimately, into Antichrist's global union as final Armageddon nears. As mentioned, Daniel 11:41 states that there is to be three distinct nations who will not fall under Antichrist's global sway: Edom [Russia], Moab, and the chief children of Ammon [China?]. After Russia's military was largely defeated in the Battle of Gog and Magog, and the East, for the most part, failed to topple the West, but here once again both Russia and China rise against the Western Beast. Other scriptures go further toward exposing the Antichrist as a Western leader, just as both Daniel and Revelation informs us that he is a king. Daniel 11:44 states explcitly: "But tidings out of the East and out of the North shall trouble him, therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many [at Armageddon]." The directions themselves "out the east and out of the north" prove the Antichrist is positioned in the West, in comparison to the extreme North and East. At that time, the Western "Abomination of Desolation" leader will temporarily reign from inside the Third Temple in Jerusalem. Satan does this to mock God and His Son, but it remains interesting nonetheless to see that Satan within Antichrist will become angered at the "tidings" of news that both Russia and China are coming against him, because Satan knows the prophecies and knows this move against him represents his end. Jesus is the One coming for him at Armageddon. It's also quite intriguing that Prince William is reported as already being angered at both Russia and China specifically for not attending COP26 in November 2021 and committing to the globalist's Climate Change agenda.

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*Read Article Russia is Building Army of Robot Weapons & China's AI Tech is Helping
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*Read Article NORAD Scrambles Jets to Intercept Russian/Chinese Bombers Near Alaska Coast

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him [Antichrist]. Therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the Kings of the East [China] might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the Dragon, and out of the mouth of the Beast, and out of the mouth of the False Prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the Kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the Battle of that great day. And he [Antichrist] gathered them into a place called Armageddon.

Daniel 11:40-44; Revelation 16:12-16; The Holy Bible

Saith the Lord, which stretched forth the Universe and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people. All that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. And I will seek to destroy all the nations that have come against Jerusalem. And I will pour the Spirit of grace upon the House of David [the Jews], the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

Zechariah 12:1-3, 9-10; The Holy Bible

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*Read Article Putin's Russia and China Join Forces To Wipe Out American Dominance in World
*Read Article The New Russia-Chinese Military and Trade Alliance Continues to Worry the West

Revelation further explains that the Kings of the East, which could only be China, along with (Edom) Russia, shall decide to attack Antichrist after they apparently determine he is about to destroy the world. The Book of Revelation astonishingly predicts that the total number of troops that China alone will send to invade Israel will be a 200-million man army, a number that far surpasses the numbers behind China's current military, which, according to the Human Development Report of 2007-2008, is the largest in the world already, at 2.25 million troops (nearly double the amount of America's current 1.5 million). Since China is spending one-hundred billion dollars per year on their military, and since it has relaxed its two-child policy to three, it has been estimated that the Chinese military will achieve this 200,000,000-man army within our lifetime. At some point, however, one has to ask themselves, why does the future Chinese superpower during the Tribulation era feel it needs a post-global collapse military of 200,000,000? Besides their seeking global dominance in all things, perhaps the massive number of China's future military is in direct response to the Antichrist's own amassing of European armies into a single massive force. So it may very well be that China will become one of those three nations the Scriptures mention that the Antichrist cannot himself conquer, allowing them to both escape his rule and deceptive measures of control. Also interesting, it has been recently reported that a future Russia and China option may be, if necessary, to unite their militaries into one conglomerate strike force against any threat in their sphere of control by the West. The fact that they reside in the North, and in the East, respectively, as the Bible reveals, only proves how far those current treaties made between them will go in their determination to attack the future 'King of the World' ultimately. The reason that Satan [via Antichrist] brings all nations to battle with him at Armageddon, in Israel, is because Antichrist hears negative "tidings out of the North and East" of a military alliance and coup about to come against him. Immediately after hearing of this report, he essentially challenges not just Russia and China to battle, but what's left of the entire world's armies to meet him in valley of Jezreel, upon the plains of Megiddo. As you've no doubt already read, the future Antichrist mirrors much of what of Adolf Hitler both accomplished and planned for after the war, thus when Hitler heard similar news of forces pushing against him from the east and west, it caused him to hunker down in Berlin. Similarly, Antichrist will do the same in Jerusalem, upon hearing that armies are inbound from the east wanting to blot out his existence. This would fulfill Daniel 11:45 'yet shall he come to his end, and none shall help him.' Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations as when He fought in the Day of Battle. In that day shall be great mourning in Jerusalem and in the Valley of Megiddo. Another strong point needs to be made here, and Jews more than anyone need to understand this. At his first advent, Jesus came humble and humiliated to destroy (reverse) all of Satan's works (1 John 3:8). This means that while Jews fully expected their Messiah to be a supernatural war leader, acting on behalf of God, God instead had a greater lesson to teach Israel, and still does. For it is Israel's own great pride that is like unto Lucifer's own, and as a result, God must correct Israel if He is to keep His promise to Abraham and save Israel, even for His namesake. Ergo, this is why God will allow Satan to become Antichrist, so that through Israel's choosing him as their Messiah, they would ultimately see their own error in Judaism, even as Christ literally returns to them at the time of their greatest need, at Armageddon. Then shall be the sudden bright appearance of Jesus Christ returning with the glory and power of His Father. The Scriptures explain that while yet in the air, Christ will speak a word that utterly wastes every army gathered against Israel. Christ then sets his eyes upon Jerusalem, where the Antichrist and his False Prophet shall immediately be judged and cast into the Lake of Fire, while Satan himself is bound and cast into the Bottomless Pit for 1,000 years, the entire duration of Christ's New Millennium era.

*Read Article Israel Heatwave Reaches Record-Breaking 122° in Sodom
*Read Article Road To Armageddon: River Euphrates Already Drying Up
*Read Article The Euphrates River Continues to Dry Up in the Year 2020
*Read Article Four Ancient Demons Bound in Euphrates River to be Loosed

Because of Christ's own hinting within His Parable of the Fig Tree, that Armageddon and His return, even all of prophecy itself would be fulfilled in its entirety within the 70-100 year lifetime or generation of those people who were alive in either 1948 or 1967 when Israel, the "Fig Tree, put forth leaves"* somewhat answers that most unanswerable question as to when all of these things, regarding the Antichrist's Tribulation and Christ's Return, must occur. What is a lifetime, then? Between 70-100 years now, so this puts the Tribulation and Christ's Return to destroy the Beast at somewhere between the years 2018-2067. Although, because Satan must first be given his 2,550 (1260 + 1290) days to reign as Antichrist, this would then push that timeline of Christ's Return closer to a 2025-2067 timeframe. Speculatively, 2025 would have to be further pushed back to 2030 to include for the ascension of Antichrist, at its earliest, because even if the Collapse happened tomorrow, there must exist a space of time, say five years at least, to allow the world to rebuild before Antichrist can rally that post-civilization era into a New World Order. So we are looking at the Tribulation to occur somewhere, at its earliest, between the years 2030-2067. Now that this is correctly determined and we have a more proper timeline, 1948 cannot be the starting point of Christ's 'generation of the Fig Tree' as it doesn't leave enough time for the Antichrist to achieve what is destined him. In other words, 70 years from Israel's rebirth in 1948 brings us to 2018, and Antichrist has not yet risen to global dominance. Consequently, the year 1967 is almost certainly what Jesus was referring to when connecting a generation alive at the time of His return. 1967 makes perfect sense, considering Israel could not have been an ancient nation 'reborn' without its ancient capital, Jerusalem (Zion) having been established, which occurred in 1967. Obviously, Jesus referencing Israel as a 'Fig Tree putting forth leaves' was literally fulfilled on June 7, 1967 - at the moment Jews captured Jerusalem for their own. As such, while the founding of the State of Israel was key for 1948, the capturing of Zion was the single event that has brought the world into the "Last Days." In 1967, historic rainfall seemed to indicate that God Himself was causing it as a sign of Israel's complete rebirth as a nation. Because Jerusalem was captured in 1967, this places the Tribulation (and Christ's Return at the end of it) squarely between the years 2030-2037, if a Biblical "generation" equates to 70 years. If Christ's use of the word "generation" is 80 years, then the Tribulation falls somewhere between 2030-2047. If Christ's use of 'generation' meant a natural lifetime span, knowing that present life expectancy now is in advance of 100 years, a generation could also mean our current lifetime. In that case, the Tribulation is pushed to its furthest and final extent of occurring somewhere between the years 2030-2067. In other words, Armageddon and the return of Christ can occur no earlier than 2030, and no later than the year 2067, with the median year between them being 2048. It should also be noted that Armageddon should not be confused with the actual final battle that occurs 1,000 years later, after Satan has been released from the Bottomless Pit. For while the two battles are completely different, they both involve Magog (Russia). Of that battle, on the other side of Christ's Millennial reign, Revelation 20:7-10 informs us: "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the Saints about, and the beloved city [Millennial Jerusalem] but fire shall come down from God out of Heaven and devour them. And the Devil that deceived them was cast into the Lake of Fire and brimstone, where the Beast and the False Prophet [already] are, and shall be tormented day and night forever."

*Read Article Preparing the Way for Antichrist and a Newer World Order for 2030
*Read Article MIT Computer Program 'World One' Predicted World Ending in 2040
*Read Article Human Race Could Reach Singularity and be Identical to AI by 2045
*Read Article A History of the Apocalypse - The Coming Antichrist and His Kingdom
*Read Article The Parable of the Fig Tree, Israel: "1967 The Last Date in the Bible"
*Read Article A Planet-killer Asteroid Named Apophis Might Strike Earth in April 2029
*Read Article A Planet-killer Asteroid Named Apophis Might Strike Earth in April 2068

That Fig Tree (prophetically interpreted as Israel with its capital city of Jerusalem) referenced by Christ has certainly put forth leaves (its Jewish population) since 1967. Of this, Christ also said, "That same generation [that is alive to witness the Fig Tree's putting forth leaves] shall not pass away till all things written are fulfilled." I have turned 56 years of age in January 2024, which is to say, I was conceived in 1967. So it is entirely this/my/our generation that Christ had foreseen to be the generation that 'shall not all pass away (die off completely) until all things written in the Scriptures are fulfilled.' This would naturally include everything written in regard to not only the Antichrist, but more importantly, Christ's return to Israel to save it from the deadly hand of Antichrist. In connecting more of God's timing, Christ also makes it a point to reference the time of Antichrist's reign as being 'cut short, lest no flesh would be saved.' This becomes another vital clue that points to a most interesting aspect that is hardly mentioned, if ever. Daniel 8:14 proves that there was a time when Satan and his final agent of destruction were originally to receive a total of 4,600 (2,300 x 2) days to employ their evil within the Great Tribulation period, which works out to be over 12 1/2 years. However, when God peered forward 3,000 years into that dark future, He obviously saw or determined that no flesh would survive a 2,300-day Great Tribulation period under Satan. Therefore, the decision was made to cut the number of days from the original 2,300 down to 1,290 days, as mentioned in Daniel 12:7, 12, and Matthew 24:22. More amazing still, is discovering that this determination made by our Creator, regarding the reduced numbering of days within the Great Tribulation, took place in real time whilst He was yet revealing certain aspects of that future Tribulation to Daniel. But because those added 1,010 days [2,300 - 1,290 = 1010] of the latter Great Tribulation under a Satanic-possessed Antichrist would have resulted in the destruction of every single man, woman, and child on earth, God "shortened the days" of Tribulation from roughly 4,600 days to 2,550 days, with the resulting Great Tribulation being only 1,290 days, whereby Satan is allowed his destructive power to complete his own ancient indignation (his 5 'I Wills' personified in Antichrist) against God and His creation. As an interesting side note, regarding the timing and the specific year of Armageddon, it was none other than Sir Isaac Newton, who in 1704, calculated that Christ's return would be fulfilled in the year 2060, specifically. However, how Newton arrived at that year is what's more interesting. He wrongly assumed that the 1,260 days that are attributed to the power of the Beast, were instead to be taken as a numbering of years, in effect, totaling 1,260 years. Moreover, Newton used the establishment of the Holy Roman Empire by [Merovingian] Charlemagne, in 800 AD, connected with the Pope’s religious primacy of that specific year, to, in his mind, initiate the marker from which God started his countdown to the end of time. Consequently, the 2060 year marking the end of time as we know it, was arrived by simply adding 1,260 years to 800 AD, which, in hindsight, is seen as a rather crude way to determine the end of days, but given that the Second Earth Age will extend at its furthest to 2067 (see above), the man may have come closer to revealing the Tribulation timeframe and the Day of the Lord that ends it, than any other before him. Lastly, there's the age of Prince William himself, born in 1982, whose family is known to live well into their 90's. The end of all things and Christ's return is clearly within his natural lifetime. The 'Future King' would be 66 years of age in 2048 and 85 in 2067.

*Read Article As War Creeps Ever Closer to Megiddo in Israel the 'End of Days' Doesn’t Seem So Far Off
*Read Article Apocalypse 2030-2067: Jews Look Up to See Jesus Returning to Save Them From the Antichrist


Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

The Priests of Cain: The Knights Templar and Global Freemasonry Take Control
1717: Year when an Occult British society of Druid priests united in a venture to create a Masonic Grand Lodge in London, where they would meet to discuss global affairs forming something called the Druid Circle of the Universal Bond. Not coincidentally, 1717 was also the same year that an Order of Freemasons in Great Britain opened their own Grand Lodge in London, where the dual-caste societies of Masonic Druidism remains intact to this day. London's Druidic/Templar-inspired Masonic movement became the leading Occult society that would further the Great Work, vis a vie a grand social alchemy that was to culminate in a world that would shift from Christianity to Satanism, just before the rise of Satan's Antichrist. But how did the Freemasons achieve such raw heights of power that today control both politics and finance today? One stream of evidence comes by way of Cainite influence initiated over the earliest nations in Mesopotamia, whose own power stabbed ever westward into Europe, via Rome, the founders of London. The authors of Holy Blood Holy Grail also subtly inform us of the Occult secret lodges within British society that is generational [via bloodline] passed down from parent to child. In fact, both Celtic Witchcraft, Celtic Druidism, and Theistic Satanism have overlapping histories, across many sources, and are most often described as being ancient, generational, and Satanic in origin, and moreover, that Celtic Witchcraft itself is merely the 'divine feminine' form of male Celtic Druidism, from which later arose French Catharism, French Templarism, and their spiritual descendant in British Freemasonry. As much as Freemasonry has become a powerful entity whose counterfeit "God" sits atop of their world control and its financial system, it becomes of interesting note how specifically thru the Knights Templar first consolidated such power that later become the modern banking system. The short history being: Before fleeing into Scotland, the Knights Templar initiated the dark side within what became the modern dynamic of the West's banking system by which money flows into and out of that bankrolls much of Satan's corporate cabal to this very day. After the burning at the stake by King Philip IV of their Grand Master Jacques DeMolay in France, the Templars fled into Scotland carrying with them the occult knowledge that would one day give rise to the Antichrist himself, their ultimate goal. This arcane knowledge is also embodied within a bloodline from Cain to Antichrist and symbolized by the Mark of Cain; an equal-sided cross usually red on a white background, the same symbol that adorned the clothing and regalia of the Templars, and still adorns the Swiss flag to the present day, albeit white upon red. Having been correctly accused of working adversely against Christ by the French King and Pope Clement V (like a Satanic heretic himself) then forced into Scottish exile, the Templars moved south and rebranded themselves, so that by 1717, in London, they began to call themselves the Freemasons. The longer history shows us that during the Crusades, European nobles joined the Merovingian/Templar in droves, but not before first placing their many estates in the hands of the Templar Order during their military absence, whose trust was so placed because the Order's seeming foundation was the Church and the Pope himself. This meant that, by 1150, the Order's original mission to [seemingly] protect Zion [Jerusalem] had changed from a military strike force, to becoming a security service for pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land, to finally one of guarding their many valuables in exchange for a letter of credit describing their holdings, that at the time was considered an iron clad system given that these stock holdings, as it were, were encrypted leading many to believe that Templars were instrumental in creating that which became the Swiss Banking system itself, predating the Italian banking houses by more than a century. In time, the Templars involvement in banking and usury grew to the point they controlled much of global banking itself, with hundreds of banks, ships, and castle deeds at their disposal, as well as controlling 9,000 land estates from Scotland to Syria. To fund his wars against his own barons in England, King Henry III took out extreme loans from the Templars, depositing the British Crown Jewels with them as security. It wasn't long until they had most of the wealthiest nobles in Europe in debt to them, including one infamous King of France. King Philip IV of France rounded up thousands of Templars putting hundreds of them to death, most notably, their Grand Master, on Friday the 13th in 1307, on reports of idolatry and Satanic [Baphomet] worship. Those who did not die at the hands of King Philip escaped with much of their wealth to Scotland, where they carried on their Occult traditions and furthering of the Great work. (See also Knights Templar Banks, Bushes and Bilderbergs.) Thus, many of those born into the inner caste of Freemasonry were placed into the most prominent positions of power from where they could guide society into 'Luciferic initiation' using various educational, social, and political campaigns.

*Read Article Daily Record: Freemasons in Scotland in a Social Media Purge After Secrets Spill Out
*Read Article The British and American Freemasons: Silent Destroyers Based on the Knights Templars
*Read Article Accused of Being 'Jews,' French Freemasons Warn Not to Attend Jewish Community Events
*Read Article The French [Merovingian] Knights Templar Invented the Global Banking System, Not Jews I
*Read Article The French [Merovingian] Knights Templar Invented the Global Banking System, Not Jews II
*Read Article Parallel Histories of Knights Templar and Freemasonry: Masons Want to Hide Templar Connection
*Read Article Templar Switzerland's Role in Relaying Top Secret Messages Between US and Iran During Arracks
*Read Article Financially, Both Switzerland and the United States are the World’s Two Most Corrupt Nations on Earth

Because Freemasonry in London had seemingly eclipsed the elder Scottish tradition in its rise to power, some neophytes were largely unaware of the Order's Templar history in Scotland and before that, in France. The tradition of what became the Scottish Rite was as follows. After the dissolution of the Templars, many of the Knights migrated to Scotland and placed themselves under the protection of Robert the Bruce. After the battle of Bannockburn, in 1314, this monarch instituted the Royal Order of H.R.M. and Knights of the R.S.Y.C.S. from which the present Degree of Rose Croix de Heredom may have taken its origins. Whatever may have been the origin and foundation of the Royal Order of Scotland, its claim to the oldest, if not, indeed, the only Masonic Order of Knighthood, is presumably valid. "The Order of Knights Templar" was instituted by Freemasons, as many believe, to honor their former incarnation as those Merovingian Knights who "once conquered Zion," and through a coming Rex Mundi, "shall conquer it again." With regard to the veridical history of the Order, there is presumptive evidence of a Provincial Grand Lodge who kept many of the original Templar beliefs and met in London in 1696, from which came indubitable evidence to show that this very same Lodge still existed in 1730, meeting at the 'Thistle and Crown' in Chandos Street, Charing Cross. In 1747, Prince Charles Edward Stuart issued his famous Arras Charter in which he claimed to be Sovereign Grand Master of the Royal Order, a clear homage to the former rank and file attributed to the original Order of the Knights Templar, who it was reputed carried in their veins the enigmatic Blood Royale, also known as the Holy Grail. Many of the insidious Satanic elite already situated in ancient (Pictish-Celtic) Scotland, including its Stuart Royal Family, had developed strong connections with the influx of French Knights Templar, as they shared a same goal. It is believed by some within Masonry that what became the Scottish Rite sought introduced higher degrees than those offered by other Masonic systems at the time. It promised initiation into greater and more profound ancient mysteries preserved and handed down by the Templars. Further, it established more direct connections between Freemasonry and those already involved with Alchemy, Cabalism and Hermetic thought (collectively regarded as 'Rosicrucian'). Scottish Rite Freemasonry elaborated not only on the antiquity but also on the illustrious pedigree of the Craft. While in Scotland, the Templars created the Jacobite movement, which placed Freemasons and Templars in control of the British Throne, as well as establishing the model that later became called "British-Israelism," a heretical doctrine that falsifies ancient genealogical charts to make it appear that the British, and specifically, the British Royal Family, can be traced back to Israel's King David. In time, the politically exiled Scottish House of Stuart had become even more involved in the idea of placing one of their own line on the Throne of England. Thus, the Merovingian "Davidic Bloodline" had now secured the British Crown, in what was becoming the most powerful country in the world, allowing the Knights Templar, the Royal House of Stewart, and early Scottish Rite Freemasonry to be connected to the British Royal Throne ever since. In time, Scottish Rite Freemasonry evolved into the main organization behind the true thrust of the Great Work that was carried over into their "New Atlantis" (America), and subsequently, by the late 1700's thru early 1800's, such devotion to Lucifer was literally built into the American capitol's landscape. Freemasons were included into membership of British Parliament, the House of Lords, MI5, MI6, attaches to the Royal Family, and certain members of the Royal Family themselves over the last 300 years have became powerful Freemasons of the Satanic inner-caste and out of these, some became renown world leaders affecting global policy, such as Winston Churchill, who arose to lead Great Britain during its 'greatest hour' in what was the second World War. Churchill was born in 1874 and his father, Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill, had been a Freemason and this may well have provided Winston with his first introduction to the fraternity. Although there are different accounts of exactly when and where Churchill became a Mason it seems that he was initiated into the Entered Apprentice degree in 1901 in Studholme Lodge (no. 1591) in London. Churchill subsequently advanced through the Fellow Craft degree and was raised to a Master Mason in March 1902 in Rosemary Lodge (#2851). A photograph in Stuart Piggot’s book The Druids shows a young Churchill flanked by a number of men, some wearing Druid robes and others in ordinary suits. According to the inscription this photograph shows Churchill’s initiation into the Albion Lodge of the Ancient Order of Druids in August 1908 at Blenheim, his family home.

*Read Article The Freemason and Illuminati Plan for Our Destruction
*Read Article Winston Churchill’s Druids and Britain's Satanic Prime Minister
*Read Article Druidic [Satanic] Symbolism Found in Masonry and Christianity
*Read Article The Rise of Global Satanism and the End of the American Dream
*Read Article Do the British Druids Still Control Occult Events and Ceremonies?
*Read Article Freemasonry: Its Occult Religious Lures, God Blasphemy, and Satanic Evil
*Read Article Freemasonry's Initiation Ritual Revealed as a Veiled Mockery of Christ's Death
*Read Article Freemasonry: A Political Force That Controls the Democracies of Western Nations
*Read Article Freemasonry: The Evil Midwife To An Ancient Occult Empire and New World Order

The "Ancient Order of Druids" aka 'The Order' was founded in 1781 by Henry Hurle. The year 1833 was a defining period for The Order as it saw a schism over the issue of its future orientation. The majority of members sought to take The Order in the direction of a fraternal and "benevolent [front] society" and they departed and adopted the name United Ancient Order of Druids. The minority retained the original name and continued mixing their fraternalism with the darkest aspects of Occult mysticism. The Ancient Order of Druids in particular had a considerable overlapping membership with Freemasonry, staying true to the inner-caste and outer-caste system by which modern Freemasons are known for. Whilst the inner-caste know they worship only Lucifer as God, the outer caste are told they can worship any deity they wish, with the understanding that "God's" name is Jah-Bul-On (a combination of Israel's Jehovah, with Canaan's Ba'al, and Egypt's Isis) of whom, according to Freemasonry, is the Great Architect of the Universe. In 1866, the Societas Rosicruciana was founded in Anglia, a project not dissimilar to the Ancient and Archaeological Order of Druids. SRIA members were also required to be Master Masons first. It was three members of the S.R.i.A. William Wynn Westcott, Samuel Liddle McGregor Mathers and Dr. W. Woodman who founded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an order which has gained a notorious reputation largely by introducing the self-titled 'Beast,' Aleister Crowley, to certain aspects of the Occult (despite Crowley later becoming disenfranchised by the Golden Dawn to create his own secret society that worshipped Satan more directly). The British Royal aristocracy itself linked to Freemasonry directly or through one of its parallel groups such as the Order of the Thistle or Garter, as well as several other Knightly Orders, chivalric organizations, and their many humanitarian front groups. British Freemasonry traditionally provided three degrees of initiation, which is remarkably similar to Wicca/Witchcraft which offers the same three-degree system. The Cords of Initiation were used to indicate the level of experience in many traditions of Witchcraft with knots indicating first, second, of third-degree attainment. Some believe that using cords to indicate degrees originated in the 19th century while others believe the practice originated in more ancient times when cords that were used to bind the Slain God/Divine King in the European mystery tradition's mockery of Christ's sacrifice. In the same vein, the Red Cord symbolized the Royal Blood of Cain and identified the initiate as a follower in league with the inheritors of the most ancient of all pagan "mystery traditions," that Satan is their blood-Father and Witchcraft is his religion. Today, such red cords are most often seen being worn around the wrists by those who study Kabbala, which has been Satan's greatest spiritual weapon against both Jew and Gentile alike, since its Satanic inception. Understand, Satan's greatest physical weapon in the Antichrist, shall yet merge with his greatest spiritual weapon, in the last days for an unprecedented attack upon God's people such as never before. For this reason should we be warning Jews of what was, and what is to come. Any amount of serious research into the Occult including its demonic conjuring spells that were also included into the most ancient forms of Celtic Druidism and Celtic Witchcraft, were born out of Satanic worship from their inception, even as such cultural and ancient pre-Christian religions long worshipped Satan before Satan's name ever appeared in the later Holy Bible. Of course, you'll never be taught that in any classroom, not when the Masonic education system can teach anything and everything related to the very same pagan religions of world that revere every kind of false god, but a mention of Christ or the God of the Bible (in a non-sarcastic way) will get you immediately suspended, until you comply to only their Anti-Christian mandate. Not coincidentally, within the halls of Freemasonry, Christ is also lost amidst a pantheon of ancient Canaanite, Babylonian, and Egyptian deities like Isis, Anubis, and Ra, and whatever else falls under Satan's many ancient names spanning across time and culture.

*Read Article Pagan Resurgence: Ireland Turning Away From Catholicism in Record Numbers
*Read Article Thousands of 17th Century Witches to be Posthumously Pardoned in Scotland
*Read Article Scotland Now Calls for a National Memorial be Dedicated to Scottish Witches
*Read Article Freemasonry Watch: The Global Spreading of Witchcraft & Modern Wicca
*Read Article "Celtic Spirituality" is Turning Unwitting Christians Into New Age Pagans
*Read Article Ireland Facing Sharp Increase in the Number of Demonic Possessions
*Read Article The Ordo Templi Orientis [OTO] of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
*Read Article The Celtic Druids, Alien Gods and Ancient Magic Abound in Ireland
*Read Article Freemason Books Prove Connection to the New Age Movement
*Read Article Freemasons and their Creation Called the New Age Movement
*Read Article Aleister Crowley: The Greatest Luciferian of the 20th Century?
*Read Article Satanic Freemasons Promote New Age Eastern Messiahs
*Read Article Freemasonry and the Twentieth Century's Occult Revival

What other nation's education systems are so blatantly shunning God, Creationism, and Christ, at every level, in every grade, whilst using (Masonic conditioning) New Age curriculum techniques that cause children to believe in Witchcraft than those nations already supporting the Antichrist, namely America and Britain? Remember, Satan works in counterfeit actions to God's Will, thus, he finds ways to counterfeit not only God, but God's Word to the point whereupon evil is called good, and good is called evil - another prophetic hallmark for our last days. With regard to Freemasonry's "holy trinity" counterfeit in Jahbulon, outer caste Masons would do better to actually pick up their Masonic Bibles to read "I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father except thru Me." -Jesus Christ, John 14:6. Taking the Masonic-state's education to its furthest, even the most atheist of scientists themselves know that the universe is not old enough for life to have formed by chance alone, so they now have chosen to extend time to infinity in an endless loop in their vain attempt to explain away God. Of which, they now claim that our present universe came out of another universe far older, and that universe also came out of another older universe, and so on to absurdity. They create all these overly simplistic theories to explain away the obvious, and hide behind an obscure shadow of ad infinitum, just so that they never have to consider for a moment, that a Creator could exist within that same infinity. Likewise was the theory of evolution devised by the Freemasons and the [British] Royal Society that is today taught as absolute fact within western academia to best serve Satan's Royal emissaries on earth, the British Royal Family. The obliviously unknowing Freemasons of the outer-caste were never allowed to grasp the fullest extent of the workings within the inner caste, which holds even more true today within Freemasonry. It is believed that the Masonic neophyte must achieve "Ascension" toward the coveted 33rd degree, because it "readies the man toward the knowledge and acceptance of the secret behind Freemasonry itself," that Satan exists and is the Masonic 'God.' As such, whereas Satan and his demons are laying the spiritual foundations that we can't see, he requires the earthly Templar's help toward physically building that New Secular Order for his Antichrist to later secure. For millennia, Satan has deceived those in the Occult well, for these same workers of iniquity only hasten the time when the Beast sits in a future Masonic-built Temple in Jerusalem as the Resitiutor Orbis, Adam Kadmon, Rex Mundi, Alchemical-Christ; himself being the result of countless men in league with the Wicked One since the time when men and their wives first conversed with the Serpent-being to become wise of evil's beguiling "gnosis." As Overlords of this Great Work, they will stop at nothing less than Satan's final goal achieved and his ancient destiny [from Genesis 3:15] accomplished. The governing principle of classical Satanism has always been the principle of inversion. The Black Magic belief is that power comes to the individual occultist through committing acts of inversion or rebellion that specifically defy God’s Will and design. Thus, if God says not to murder, murder becomes a potential ritual act that stores up demonic energy for the committed practitioner. The more serious the practitioner, the more serious the acts of defiance. I speak here, not of pop Satanists and alienated youths, but of real, elite practitioners. The long history of human pacts with devils, real witchcraft and ritual Satanism are all based around this fundamental principle of inversion. While generally coming under the guise of promising liberty, freedom and power, the Devil’s con is always the same – man ends up tricked into being a dupe because Satan, ultimately, does not share power. Luciferianism can even be seen in the very names from which his duped societies choose to brand their names: The Golden Dawn, Order of the Morning Star, Eastern Star, Silver Star, White Light Order, Order of the Sun, Black Sun, Sol Invictus, The Solar Temple, and most infamous of them all, the Illuminati, whose God can be none other than the Light-Bearer himself, as they do subtly admit. The inner caste of Freemasonry uses the outer as a type of hedge of protection from the outside world and this was admitted more than once by the renown Masonic Masters Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall. Not only is their own admission of two completely separate levels of awareness within Freemasonry made apparent in their writings, yet they also exultantly confess who the God of Freemasonry truly is...

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange mysterious name to give the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer is the Son of the Morning! MORNING STAR! Is it he who bears the Light!

Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma; Scottish Rite of Freemasonry p. 321

The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explanation is reserved for the Adepts, the [true] Princes of Masonry.

Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma; Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 819

Satan is referred to by Occultists and Masons as the Morning Star, that is, Venus, “because it is his light that heralds for man the dawn of a greater consciousness…” and Masons themselves (and others) tell us that Lucifer is the Light bearer and the Morning Star. Blavatsky writes about the Druids, Magi, Zoroastrians, and others all greeting the Morning Star, the beautiful Venus-Lucifer.

Druid traditions were also preserved with Freemasonry, which is thought to have evolved from the Druids or at least alongside of them. This connection is addressed in Gould's History of Freemasonry. The three part structure of the Masons is identical to the three offices of Druidic priesthood: Ovates, Bards, and Druids. Also, the secret teachings embodied therein are practically the same as the mysteries concealed under the allegories of Blue Lodge Masonry.

Gerald Gardner is considered by most to be the founder of modern Wicca starting around 1939. Gardner was a Freemason who had also studied Oriental Mysticism. Gardner blended the hereditary Witchcraft of New Forest Coven with Masonic-like ceremonies and a handful of other practices popularized by Golden Dawn creating the religion we know today as Wicca. Many of the Rites, Initiations of three Degrees and ceremonies of Wicca are borrowed from Freemasonry. It is claimed that Aleister Crowley was initiated by George Pickingill in 1899 and that Crowley initiated Gardner in 1946 and shared his Book of Shadows with Gardner which helped form the basis of Wicca.

Essential Wicca p. 17, 353, 391

Pickingill openly advocated the demise of Christianity and tried to form an alliance with Satanic Covens to expedite his vision. It has been alleged that in order to protect against their discovery, the elders of the hereditary traditions in [Britain's] East Anglia set things in motion to discredit the claims of Gerald Gardner concerning the [modern] survival of Witchcraft families.

Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 327

In order to survive, these cults went "underground," meeting only in secret and creating strict laws to ensure non-discovery. Witches took refuge in Masonic groups and other Secret Societies both to protect themselves and to continue the ancient practices with other Witches. Masonic influences in the Witches' Craft are readily recognized by their own similar practices. Modern scholarship point to the inclusion of such things as a three-degree initiation system, similar beliefs, ancient pagan, and the "five-fold kiss" as evidence. The First Degree of Initiation begins with a warning and the initiate's courage is tested at the point of a sword. He or she is given a password [in later degrees, this password is "Tubal-Cain"] and is blindfolded. The Second and Third Degrees follow similar lines. In fact, in style, if not quite in content, the [Witchcraft] Initiation is entirely Masonic.

Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 23-24, 169: Witchcraft Out of the Shadows p. 110-111

Contrary to the German-Nazi concepts, secondary assessments of the Order's ritualistic [Satanic] rites are interpreted as Paganism, specifically [from] the Druids or Wiccans. The Satanic Occult theme draws historical memoirs with the Celtic and Scottish peoples.

The most notable American Freemason of his time, Albert Pike, wrote in Morals and Dogma, that: “Masonry is a search for Light... that leads us directly back to the Kabbalah.” However, the earliest pagan rituals by which gave us the same Kabbalah, of itself blends the most ancient forms of magic with the Torah itself, largely by way of Mesopotamian and Babylonian conjuring rites of demons, via immolation, molestation, and Molech ritual blood sacrifices and burnings, all of which the Templars later engaged in, and were rightly accused of in their evil worship of Baphomet. Baphomet shares its animalistic appearance with Herne and Cernunnos of the Celts, as well as the Greek god Pan, all of which naturally lent its overall physicality to the classical image of Satan, as both a Serpent and a Goat, a Dragon and a Man, a Woman and a Child. Perhaps even more telling as to the true dual nature of Baphomet is its image being used by Satanists to depict the Beast of Revelation, the Antichrist, itself depicted as a combination of animal attributes fused with human similarities, even as the Animal (Satan) shall enter into a Man (Antichrist) that so perfectly counterfeits God's highest expression, which is His Spirit entering into a Man (Christ). Perhaps the best-known representation of Baphomet is the drawing by the 19th century French magician, Eliphas Levi, whose Baphomet has a goat's head, human trunk with rounded, female breasts, a caduceus in the midriff, human arms and hands, cloven feet, demonic wings with a pentagram placed in the center of its forehead and a torch on top of the skull between its horns. Levi combined elements of the Tarot Devil card (where a naked man and woman are bound in chains to Satan) and the goat worshipped in antiquity in Mendes, Egypt, which was said to fornicate with its women followers, as the Devil was reputed to do with witches, which only strengthens the point that Baphomet and its torch is actually the representation of Satanic carnal knowledge (and Bloodline), just as the pagan fires of Beltane to this day have their connection to the celebration of carnal wisdom, the Knowledge of Good and Evil as it was called in Genesis. Further examinations of Baphomet clearly display several other archetypal and mysterious symbols throughout its devilish alchemic appearance. In 1754, the first 25 Degrees of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry were written by the Jesuits in the College of Jesuits of Clermont in Paris, for the purpose of restoring to power the Jesuit controlled House of Stuart to the throne of England. There are a series of degrees in the Masonic York Rite hierarchy known as the Order of Knights Templar. The Templars received papal sanction as "the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ" a decade after their founding. Of course, such a title merely was in name only, with the actual Templars themselves knowing well of whom they actually served, and it was never Christ. Like Satanists today, the Templars worshipped. The earliest image of the beastly Baphomet was marked with the sign of the Pentagram on its forehead, where above it appears Lucifer's torch of wisdom that also appears as the death memorial of Princess Diana in Paris. While others connect wisdom's torch to only the myths of Prometheus, Baphomet's own designer, Eliphas Levi, spoke of this symbol of wisdom, saying that the flame of intelligence shining between his horns is "the divine light of Lucifer himself." Examining further this beastly image, one notices that a single arm is female, the other male like those of the Divine Androgyny, its hands forming the sign of Hermetism, one pointing up to the white moon of Chesed, the other pointing down to the black one of Geburah. As above, so below. Medieval Astrologers saw within Baphomet the conjunction of the Moon and Venus, or the Sun and Moon united in tantric eclipse, while Alchemists saw Sun and Moon in union of transmutation, ethereal with material, while pagans believed it to be their Sun-god merging with their Moon Goddess. It also is no wonder that since the days of Cain and the earliest occult writ as well its use of symbols such as the pentagram, that ancient Hebrew letters are found inscribed upon its relics of antiquity. Just as the children of Cain purposefully took among themselves the names of prominent Jews already living since Enoch, they also copied the language of the Jews for their magickal workings so that anyone becoming aware of them would unwittingly assume it was the Jew who was conjuring demons and worshipping Satan in those darkened places where Cain's descendants continually sacrificed in his father's name.

BREAKING Transgender Satanic Musician Ethel Cain Headlined at the Masonic Temple in Hollywood

*Read Article The Masonic Grand Lodges Teach that the Satanic Baphomet is the 'Holy Spirit'
*Read Article The Church of Sweden's New "Eden" Altar Features Gays and Transgender Satan
*Read Article Today's Homosexuality and Gender Confusion and The Satanic Spirit of Baphomet
*Read Article Occultists Believe Ascension Toward Godhood Achieved by Transgender Androgyny
*Read Article The Satanic Temple Unveils Nine-foot Templar Statue of Baphomet in City of Detroit
*Read Article The Satanic Temple Says It Will Fight to the Death for LGBTQ+ [Gay/Bi/Tran] Rights
*Read Article Boston Children's Hospital Pushes Underage Hysterectomies, etc. for 'Trans Minors'
*Read Article Trans-Satanist Wants Family to Accept His Beliefs But They Say “God Made You a Girl”
*Read Article The Satanic Ruling Elite’s Pedophile Bloodlust for Our Children: From Antiquity to Today

Satanists both past and present believe it to be Satan and his Whore of Babylon, the woman riding the Beast. Clearly there is an alchemical union of powerful cosmic duality represented, a union which brings forth something else entirely: The Child of Ascension, a prodigy of Satan. In the Middle Ages, the Baphomet was believed to be an idol represented by a human skull, of keen importance to the crusading Knights Templar who were thought to worship the demonic effigy as the source of fertility and wealth. Later admissions by arrested Templars claimed that they had been instructed by elder Templars to worship the idol as their only god, with the elders anointing the image of the Beast with the fat of murdered children. In 1307 King Phillip IV of France accused the Knights Templar order of Satanic heresy including male sodomy, blood sacrifice, the magic of invoking demons. During the height of Templar power in continental Europe, Templar's built the infamous 'gargoyle-protected' cathedrals including Notre Dame, Chartres, Reims, Amiens and many others, with many placed in very unique geometric patterns against the landscape, that when seen from above, formed perfect Pentagrams obviously dedicated to the goddess Venus (aka Lucifer). This begs the question why Church authorities allowed a Lucifer-worshipping bankers, that the Templars became, to adorn their cathedrals with all manner of Occult and pagan artifacts and effigies placed internally and/or externally. Chartres Cathedral itself was built by Templar Masons using "sacred geometry," on a site where the Black Madonna was venerated from pre-Christian times. Beneath Chartres is a crypt, originally a pagan 'initiation grotto' and before that, a 'healing well' of the Druids. Knowing that such watery grotto's were best known to be one of the places where demons are said to have made pacts with wayward souls, it becomes clear why Catholics, who infused many beliefs of their own religion using older paganism as a template, saw these as 'healing wells' from which could be drawn supposed 'holy water.' The Witchcraft historian Montague Summers suggested that Baphomet was a combination of the Greek Baphe and Metis, meaning 'absorption of knowledge.' The midriff also lends a clue toward the overall nature and identity of the Baphomet, as it is covered in reptilian scales. 'And Satan, as The Serpent, was the most subtle Beast in the field.' In The Garden of Aton, compiled by Nora Boyles in 1993, a spirit guide by the name of Ceres-Hatonn is reported of accusing the Freemasons of unspecified black magickal practices and ritual Druidic-Masonic rites. The center of these accusations was found to be within their Satanic worship and involvement in the Gothic Templar-styled Black Mass. According to Ceres, Freemasons and other occultists utilize the symbol of Baphomet rendered by Eliphas Levi for the same horrible purposes as their Templarian forefathers before them, in which all manner of evil practices were carried out in the name of Satan, whilst employing the image of Baphomet. In describing the Baphomet illustration, Boyles wrote: the lower abdomen clearly shows the Caduceus in the form of a stylized phallus, strengthening the new theory that Baphomet is in fact an encoded fertility symbol for the explicit purposes of Satanic pro-creation. Furthermore, using the Masonic Atbash Cipher in decoding the name Baphomet, we are given 'Sophia,' the Goddess of wisdom who is also equated with the Moon Goddess Diana, whose male consort is Lucifer. Therefore, the myth that is Diana (Lucifera) would be used by Satan in some capacity to promote his Antichrist King in the future because she already appears in his surrounding mythos. The trend toward captivating today's youth with transgender androgyny is rising because it is a direct reflection of Lucifer himself, that is to say, his chosen nature being one of androgyny, but also reflects the occult Diana-Lucifera concept of blending the two genders knowing it is an affront against God Himself. The elites have thusly made it quite apparent that this is what's behind their "gender-affirming" hysterectomies, for example, knowing such severe, extre, and life-long mutilations of our children also serve another purpose advancing their population control goals. The Satanic cabal knows that subversively pushing homosexuality in the schools equates to the end of what would be their continued family branch/line due to their not having children in most cases and/or never being able to have children because their organ from which to do so has been mutilated/changed.

*Read Article Detroit's Baphomet Statue and the Coming 'Abomination of Desolation'
*Read Article Temple of the Goddess Diana - Both Lucifer and Cain Are Mentioned
*Read Article Prince William Desires a Statue of His Dead Mother Princess Diana
Read Article The Roman Statue of Goddess Diana Unearthed in Central Italy

The image of the Baphomet, revered so vehemently among Satanists, is nothing more than the secret of the Satanic human-hybrid bloodline that ultimately produces the Antichrist. Secret societies therefore utilized this kind of Occult symbology, specifically the enigmatic Baphomet effigy as idol worship steeped in deep esoteric mysticism to keep their Great Work a well-guarded secret only imparted to trusted members, while those who are actually born into such knowledge are aware of the Baphomet's true personage, DIANA-LUCIFERA on one level, and Satan-Eve, on another. Despite what Occultists say to the uninitiated, the frightening depiction of the Satanic Diana idol was ultimately to convey the birth of the Alchemical Christ, the Antichrist, as a Golden Child. The Egyptian God Horus and his symbol of the All-Seeing Eye above the Pyramid (a symbol whose roots are traced back to Atlantis) is most often seen today on the back of the American Dollar bill. The Eagle depicted on modern currency was originally going to be a Phoenix, symbolizes a new, secular, American Order that the Freemasons were attempting to bring forth, as rising from the ashes from the older Piscean Age and order, of which they attribute to Christ. The seemingly contrary words of "IN GOD WE TRUST" seems to clash with our same founders desiring a "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" (a New Secular Order), but not when you understand that their Masonic God was never the God of the Hebrew Bible despite their evil use of the supposedly Hebrew Kabbala (Kabbala is actually of Babylonian design). The American (Masonic) idea of "freedom of religion(s)" actually serves as the freedom from religion to protect Luciferian Witchcraft and Masonic Satanism, from Christianity period. Only when you begin to understand that, can you understand that the United States itself is little more than a grand Satanic Empire that hides itself behind the quite-telling and ever-shrinking title of a "Christian nation" as it prepares the West and the planet for the final Masonic goal of London's Antichrist. As such, their Masonic Sun God, (Lucifer) as perfectly represented in his other guise in the Egyptian deity Horus that's placed on America's most used denomination for all to see, is there to tell you whom you really serve in America, despite whatever it is you still might believe in accordance to your earliest Masonic education. Remember the Masonic hand-over-heart hand sign they taught you, as well as your Masonic oath given, as well as what "God" they secretly meant. For just as the Horus myth parallels the Satanic trinity that ultimately represents the Antichrist himself, thru its Egyptian counterparts in the Father Osiris, Mother Isis, and their magickal Child Horus, we know that the exact same Occult archetypes are actually represented in reality by Lucifer, Diana, and young child created between them that so perfectly represents Prince William. For the Masonic experiment called "New Atlantis" [America] it was ultimately decided that the Roman Eagle should best represent the new nation, while also depicting their god's eye overseeing an unfinished 13-stepped, pyramid (13 is both Satan's and Cain's prime number). In total, the symbolism carefully chosen and portrayed on the back of our Satanic currency represents their Cainite history, from Egypt to Rome, as well as where they are still taking the world itself, from Cain to the Antichrist. The next "American" symbol that propagates the DIANA-LUCIFERA Antichrist archetype is the Statue of Liberty sitting in New York harbor since 1886. Created by French Freemason Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who used the earlier French depiction of Baphomet for his template when creating "Lady Liberty," Bartholdi carried over the same right arm extended skyward, as well as making sure to include the flame of "Wisdom's Torch" (known as the wisdom of Lucifer in the occult) prominently depicted in her right hand. [This Masonic symbol of the torch is also, with all of its many ironies and standing nearly 12 feet high, what represents Princess Diana at the site of her death in Paris, a site known for Templar sacrifices.] As it appears on the Statue of Liberty, the Torch of DIANA-LUCIFERA represents not the freedom of the American people, but as freedom from the Biblical God for America's Masonic founders. It is also true that the earliest and most prominent American Freemasons were themselves bloodline descendants of the original Merovingian-descended Knights Templar and comprise the Satanic cabal in this nation today, as they still promote secularism to erode every remaining Godly trace from our framework over the course of now centuries. Their subtle hand is still turning America into a pagan empire, like Babylon, like Egypt. If America could be archetypally compared to a New Atlantis according to their own design that was purposefully made to appear as a great "Christian Empire," then it is sinking as was their plan all along. "Babylon is falling." The recent death of Queen Elizaeth II, with her body paraded in the streets for the entire world to mourn (and worship) for a final time, was its own strong parallel with the archetypal falling of Babylon, as she was known in Masonic circles to be their Queen of Babalon by British Freemasons for 70 years, with Babalon being scripturally connected to the Antichrist's future "kingdom of Babylon," referencing his global church and kingdom that he will ultimately lead to collapse. Thus from Babylon to London has the Cainite migration and plan been made complete.

*Read Article New Atlantis: The Fall of Babylon and a Master Race Risen
*Read Article The Ancient Babylonian Stargate Seen in the New Atlantis
*Read Article A Reflection of Our Modern Time: The Mystery of Babylon
*Read Article Restored Boleskine House to Promote Sex Magick

American expatriate journalist and author, Charles Leland in his investigation into ancient Witchcraft traditions in Italy which culminated in his authoring 'Aradia: Gospel of the Witches' (1899) details at length the importance of Diana and Lucifer as the main God and Goddess of true, hereditary, European Witchcraft. Aradia also recounts the legend of The Children of Diana in which it is stated that Diana created the Great Spirits of the Stars, with 'stars' being a known Biblical metaphor for Angels. Italian Witches believed therefore the Grigori (Watchers) as Lucifer's demonic fallen Host of Angels, were the literal offspring of Diana and Lucifer. Richard Cavendish in his book 'The Powers of Evil' makes references to the Watchers as Fallen Angels of Satan that magicians would call forth in their ceremonial magic. [Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 430-432]. Similarly, Celtic Irish legends informs us that the Goddess Dana is the mother of the Tuatha de Danaan. Aradia: Gospel of the Witches by Leland goes on to explain that the Goddess "Diana initially had by Lucifer, who had fallen, a daughter whom she named Aradia which Diana had sent to the earth to be the First Witch to teach Witchcraft to those who would learn, thus setting up a secret cult in opposition to Christianity." [A History of Witchcraft p. 150] Leland's book would probably not have had the influence it did if not for the credibility allegedly bestowed on it by the work of Margaret Murray who startled academics and historians with her book 'Witchcraft in Western Europe.' Murray who lived in Glastonbury, England received mysterious information by what she called an "unknown informant" whilst living in Glastonbury, the reputed Avalon (and burying place of King Arthur) which proved to be the key that unlocked the door to the whole mystery. Murray believed that she discovered the secret meaning behind the religious history of Europe, and so did others. Her theories created an enormous stir when they first appeared. In two later books: 'The God of Witches' and 'The Divine King in England' she extended her theories even further claiming that the Witch religion of the 'God that is reborn' not only survived, but actually dominates British Royalty to the point many English Kings were ritually murdered according to the rite of their cult. [A History of Witchcraft p. 152-154]. Another interesting quote, this time from Britain's own late head of Alexandrian Witchcraft, Alex Sanders, said: "It is virtually impossible to understand the Witch cult without first comprehending the position of the deities of Wicca ... The "Horned One," ... was Satan. The Goddess, whose name is also secret, is of great significance to the witches themselves ... Thus Diana went to the fathers of the beginning, to the mothers of the spirits which were before the first spirit and lamented unto them that she could not prevail with Lucifer. They told her that to rise, she must fall; to become the giant of Goddesses, she must become mortal. Diana went to earth, as had Lucifer, who had fallen even into the Underworld. Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, ex-husband of Diana is the current top Noble of that Order of the Knights of the Garter. Is he a High Witch of the Wicca cult? So was Diana also a Witch of Wicca?" What a question for someone like Alex Sanders himself to ponder! But as I had to remind a fellow researcher after viewing his video "Why is Paganism Booming in Europe and Beyond?" -- "Sounds like you actually believe what Wiccans deceptively say about themselves and their "history," which actually does connect to older Witchcraft ideals, and therefore, is rightfully considered pagan. Rest assured, they are of paganism, and paganism is of Satan. It matters not if the individual neo-pagan likes to think (or were taught) that their religion is far removed from Christianity, or exists as some later protest to counter it, because those who know within the highest echelons of the occult know whom they actually serve. It takes some (who believe everything they read within the occult) years to finally determine how many forms their collective "nature religion" has taken since even before Christ's birth. For if Satan exists, and many believe he does from every corner of the occult, then his worship has actually pre-dated Christianity, just like Paganism. What you're also not addressing here is the answer to your own question. Paganism is growing in Europe because Satan exists, and his Son must have a unifying global religion, after all."

*Read Article The Killing of the King Ceremony
*Read Article Hermetic: The Golden Dawn Notes
*Read Article The Satanic Beasts of the Golden Dawn
*Read Article History of English Wicca: From 1939 to Present
*Read Article History Of Freemasonry by Albert G. Mackey 33°
*Read Article The Feminist Roots of Modern Wicca & Witchcraft
*Read Wikipedia Wiccan Views on Divinity - Diana and The Horned God

Depiction of the Pagan Trinity
Diana and Satan with their
Child (Symbolic of the Antichrist)

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Read Article Goddess Diana: A Future Worldwide Satanic Church to Arrive with the Religion of the Antichrist
*Read Article Wicca (British Alexandrian Witchcraft) Exposes the Antichrist Plan of the Evil Cainite Global Elite
*Read Article Absolute Proof that Paganism is Evil and Witchcraft (Also Known as 'The Craft') is Actually Satanism
*Read Article The Bible Predicts Modern Witchcraft Will Deceive the Whole World Toward a 'Strong Delusion' by Satan

The “Queen of Witches” is the bearer of “the Child” who is to be Prince of the Kingdom of the Antichrist. It appears that this king would most likely be Prince William. The era of the Once and Future King is upon us.

Clyde Lewis

Adding more fuel to the intrigue, it was reported recently that “Princess Diana will go down in history as the woman who restored Stuart blood to the Royal Family.” According to Laurence Gardner, the Stuart branch are the true inheritors of the Holy Grail lineage. As the Grail Queen, it seems that Diana’s son, William, would be the Grail Prince. The last time the mystical Grail made such an appearance was in the time of King Arthur of Britain.

Oh Horned One of ancient fame, I invoke you by your secret name that echoes down through history lore as [Satan] Lover of the Holy Mother [Diana]. You are our co-Creator and Father. Transform my soul that through You I may see the whole of vision great that is your plan to transform all the souls of man.

Wicca: The Complete Craft p. 262 simply the guy in charge of the Underworld and the spirits of nature who witches regularly invoke. Wiccans call him the Horned One, the old grimoires call him Satan — but it’s basically the same guy. My lecture about Satan’s role in the grimoires focused heavily upon this very subject.

Satan and Paganism – Should Wicca Go To Hell?

The symbol of Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. Through the ages this symbol...represents the Powers of Darkness combined with the generative fertility of the goat. Many people in the Middle Ages thought some women rode at night with Diana, Goddess of the Pagans. The Goddess of [all] witches had various names, but learned texts commonly refer to her as Diana, Goddess of the Moon.

Anton Szandor LaVey; The Satanic Bible p. 136; Exploring the Unknown p. 207

The Devil would not lead us to death and fire, but to life, creation, pleasure, ecstasy and wisdom. Lucifer has been described within a Sabbatic context before, specifically as the husband of Diana from the legend originating from Italian folklore. Lucifer (the Sun) was the husband of Diana (the Moon). The two were joined in a great union of opposites.

In Witchcraft, the Old Ones was a term for the Primal Spirits, the so-called 'Elder Race' [or Watchtowers]; god-like beings to which Diana went to seeking solace from her consort who praised her for her courage. They told her that to rise, she must fall, to become the Goddess she must become a mortal [i.e., Princess Diana].

Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 315

Crowley's wife Rose repeated the strange phrase over and over again, adding "It's all about the Child." On April 8th, Crowley sat down alone in the apartment and awaited the message of the gods [demons] and for three days, Crowley wrote down all that he heard. The result was the Book of the Law which announced the passing away of the Aeon of the Dying God (Jesus Christ) and the inauguration of the Age of the Crowned Conquering Child, Horus [Antichrist]. This book would also become the foundation stone for modern Witchcraft.

Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History p. 95-96

Surely if true, these demons were Satan's emissaries, appearing in forms answerable unto Horus and Mompta, the old deities of Egypt, to delude unhappy men. For those dark caves and mummy repositories are Satan's abodes, wherein he speculates and rejoices on human vain-glory, and keeps those Kings and conquerors, whom alive he bewitched whole for that great day when he will claim his own, and marshal the kings of Nilus and Thebes in sad procession unto the pit.

Religio Medici, 1643

The promoters of witchcraft, and especially Wicca, are constantly reminding us that their religion is not Satanic, but research into their history proves otherwise. One of the foundational texts of Wicca is called Aradia: The Gospel of Witches. According to the text, the Goddess Diana is Queen of the Witches. She is said to have a brother, named Lucifer, who is The Sun God. Diana incestuously seduces him to create the unholy union between Diana and Lucifer. The political explanation has been offered that the idea of Lucifer as the true head of the witches was too 'strong meat' for the beginning Wiccans. However, Diana is described as 'Queen of the Serpents' [lineage].

The Darkness Now Growing In America

Since the so-called Enlightenment, mankind has gradually fallen under the spell of the Kabbalah. What we have been taught to believe is progress is actually the resurgence of an ancient Satanic pagan fertility cult, epitomized by the Kabbalah. The "god" of the Kabbalah is not god at all. It is Lucifer. Freemasonry is based on the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah is based on ancient pagan mythologies which recount the story of an original God who created the Universe, and a usurper god (Lucifer) who eventually defeats God and comes to rule the Universe in His stead. Essentially, the god and the goddess were seen as two aspects of a single god, Lucifer. Lucifer who exemplified evil, was known as a "dying God" because every winter he died and descended to the underworld, where he ruled over the spirits of the dead. Lucifer demands sacrifices [and] must be appeased to avert his evil and direct it against one's enemies. The most evil sacrifice is the slaughter of a child. Livingstone explains: "This [child sacrifice] became the basis of this cult throughout the ancient world. Rituals of death and resurrection imitated that of the god [being reborn on June 21st]. Participants would imbibe intoxicants and dance to music in order to achieve a state of ecstasy, [then] supernatural abilities like shapeshifting, clairvoyance and other magical powers. In this state, they would slaughter a child and eat its flesh and drink its blood so that the god [demon] could be reborn in them." These rituals afterward involve sexual orgies where a priest and priestess impersonate the god/goddess [Lucifer/Diana] in a "Sacred Marriage" and produce a "son of god" [symbolic of Antichrist] who would then rule as 'King [of the world].'

The Kabbalah- The NWO's Satanic Bible

The black witches and magicians, being aware of this, and knowing that this terror could come from the very depths of the dark side of the subconscious, accepted sex rites and blood [murder] rites as a basic foundation for their worship, and they learned to control this terror that could come from within themselves to wreak havoc among the unsuspecting (page 16). The general accepted symbol of the left-handed path is the inverted triangle, called the triangle of darkness, symbolic of the Christian [abode of the dead] darkness, and it is passed on to this day among initiates.

Quotes From Alex Sanders

Keep in mind that this ritual is not of modern origin. It has been practiced by Satanists since the days of Babylon. It is a multi-generational practice and it involves human sacrifice and the Satanic “Sacrament,” the consumption of the sacrificed victim’s literal blood and flesh.

The Story Behind The Story


Aradian Witchcraft: The Worship of Lucifer and Diana

Treguenda: [Aradian Sabbat] Aradia's followers meet every month at the full moon
Aradia Invoking: At Midnight during a full moon, Witches invoke the spirit of Aradia
Conjuration of Cain: Cain is conjured as a lunar spirit and asked to foretell the future
Diana Conjuration: Diana is implored and constrained to perform the Witches wishes

Cain has always been at the center of true Satanism, or at the very least placed somewhere within its offspring in Druidism, Witchcraft, or its Occult Magick. Adepts assert it was Cain who first used the Craft to debase God which culminated in the murderous sacrifice of Abel. Robert Graves in his seminal work titled The White Goddess which contains the traditional verse sung during the Witch's Sabbat known as 'The Coal Black Smith,' clearly pays homage to Tubal-Cain as a Kenite Goat-god. Tubal-Cain thus became associated with the most ancient Horned God who is still worshipped.

Aradian Witchcraft: The Worship of Lucifer and Diana

The Basic Steps to Becoming a Dianic [Satanic] Witch

*Be sponsored by a member or approached by the [a] Devil.
*Renounce all previous religious vows.
*Swear to obey the Devil and sign a pact to this effort.
*Be rebaptized and take a new Witch name.
*Be branded with the Devil's Mark and drink blood from a ritual sacrifice.
*A snakeskin Garter is optionally worn on left leg to denote the Witches rank.

The cult, although 'Dianic' after the famous description of nightriding with Diana in the [Vatican's] Canon Episcopi worshipped the Devil, the male horned god. The prospective Witch joined through several marked ceremonies of admission. Having been approved they would renounce all previous religious vows and take new ones to Satan, to obey him and make over to him both body and soul without reservation. This verbal contract would then be reinforced with a written pact or signed covenant. Covens comprise of 13.

From 'Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History' p. 67, 90, 100-101, 130-131, 136

The Grand Master was further assisted by a Maid or Queen of the Sabbat who acted as consort. Sir Walter Scott described her in his Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft as a girl of personal attractions whom Satan placed beside himself and treated with particular attention.

Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History p. 174

They worshipped with sex orgies held in underground or in abandoned buildings. In the flickering light of their torches they began by chanting a litany of demonic names until the Evil One appeared. The Devil appeared as a Beast or in a form reminiscent of the Canon Episcopi. They renounced Christ and desecrated the Christian Cross. Torches were extinguished and the congregation indiscriminately copulated. Children were inevitably conceived at such meetings and eight days after they were born - they were eaten.

Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History p. 67

Related theories held even up into the 19th century in Italy when Charles Leland wrote of Witches who worshipped Diana and Lucifer. 'Aradia' was a legendary medieval Witch in Italy whose name was popularized by Charles Leland. Aradia was born on August 13, 1313. The year 1313 probably denotes a mystical concept; August 13 was the ancient sacred festival day of the Goddess Diana and 13 is the mystical number of the Moon. In Leland's book, Apollo is identified with Lucifer [whilst] Diana is his consort. Diana being the Goddess of the Moon and of childbirth. Lucifer was viewed as the eternal consort of the Roman Moon Goddess Diana.

Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 260-261, 15-16; A History of Witchcraft p. 150

Do you really think all of this is coincidence? What are the odds? So what are we really looking at? We have President George Bush Jr. who is 13th cousin of Britain's Queen Mother, and of her daughter Queen Elizabeth and is a 13th cousin once removed of the heir to the throne, Prince Charles. Officially becoming the 43rd President on December 13th of a nation that originally had 13 colonies, who celebrates its Independence Day July 4, which is exactly 13 days after Summer Solstice on June 21. Anglo-Israel belief teaches that America is the 13th Tribe of Israel. Bush rules from the White House which the cornerstone was laid by a Masonic Ritual on Saturday, October 13, 1792, which is surrounded by 13 approximately straight lines of avenues which Freemason L'Enfant planned for the city to be symbolic of the 13 stripes of the national flag upon which also has an Israelite Star of David comprised of 13 stars.

Robert Howard: George Bush Jr. and the Number 13

The names of the Lord's people are multiples of 8, while His enemies are multiples of 13. The numerical value of the [Jewish] Seth line of names collectively is a multiple of 8 whilst those of the [Cainite] Cain line collectively is a multiple of 13. Cain's bloodlust continues in his Bloodline today. It is said that there are 13 Bloodlines that comprise the “Illuminati.” In fact, there is only Cain’s bloodline

E.W. Bullinger

By meeting in groups of thirteen Witches were following an ancient tradition: Christ had twelve Disciples [making Judas the 13th person in the entourage when including Christ]. Likewise, King Arthur seated twelve Knights around the Round Table [making himself #13]. King Edward III enshrined the number 13 in his Order of the Garter, England's highest Order of Chivalry. One can still see it encircling the Coat of Arms of the British Royal Family. The Order comprised of twelve Knights under the King and twelve under the Prince of Wales, that is, two 'covens' of thirteen. The King as its leader wore a mantle covered in a total of 168 Garters which with the one he wore on his leg made 169 (or 13 x 13). For Gardner it established the Sacred 13 at the heart of British aristocracy and demonstrates the use of the Garter as a badge of rank amongst Witches.

Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History p. 172-173

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

BREAKING The Bloodlines of All US Presidents From Mostly British and French Merovingians
BREAKING LionHeart: Britain's Prince William is The "Anointed One" (Satanic Grail Messiah)


Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Manly P. Hall stated clearly in his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, that the US was nothing less than a “Masonic experiment,” designed to allow Freemasons to “dominate the world.” Considering the world from which they were escaping, one in which [Christian] religious dogma still influenced all aspects of life, whether their experiment was a noble one or not is perhaps based on your own perspective.

10 Intriguing Masonic Connections To The Founding Of America

Masonic orders have contained the most influential men in many governments, and virtually every Occult order has Masonic roots.

Satanic Church Founder Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Rituals, p. 78

Freemasonry is a powerful force – it has infiltrated in all power structures and it exerts a malefic influence in America and in the entire world.

The Secret Homosexual Agenda of Freemasonry

British Freemasons Work to Establish Their Hidden Commonwealth: The United States
On May 14, 1607, a Masonic group calling themselves Virginia Company landed a group of colonists in Jamestown, Virginia, where the first American Masonic secret society was set up. The fact that the London's Masonic Hall already had their hands in the creation of the United States by 1607 proves without any doubt, from the very onset, America was created to be a Masonic nation that would be forever linked with the Masonic Brotherhood back in London. The lofty ideals of this element of the Anglo-conspiracy created by English Freemasons surprisingly came about in part by the literary works of Sir Francis Bacon author of The New Atlantis in 1627. Bacon is said to have "exerted a considerable and beneficial influence on the forming of America," the understanding being that the Freemasons were going to build for themselves, a New Atlantis, a powerful utopian society which would be a Masonic light and leader of the world. Almost immediately after the novel was published, Christoph Nicolai began claiming that a grand, Anglo-American, cross-Atlantic conspiracy was underway between American Freemasons and prominent English Freemasonry and Rosicrucian's in London to conceal secret political efforts to restore the exiled Scottish House of Stuart, as well as rebuild the Temple of Solomon in America (since there was no 'Kingdom of Israel' at that time), whereby ever since, the persistent rumors of a grand Masonic conspiracy of London and American societies have never wavered from that time to this. One thing is certain, after the formation of the new Druidic Grand Lodge built in London in the year 1717, the ranks of Freemasonry surged as increasingly more Freemasons were enamored of the Atlantis conspiracy, even if it meant treason and war with the armies of the then British King. In time, as the plan took root across the Atlantic, even while the earliest Americans who settled the first Colonies were comprised of British "Christians" known as Puritans, enslaved to the Crown. By the 1760's, their "Founding Fathers" came to power, bringing with them the arcane secrets of Occult traditions from Satan's former pagan empires of Egypt, Greece, Britannia and Rome, filtered thru the so-called 'Scottish Rite' and handed down to them from the Knights Templar, Cathars, Merovingians, and that vanquished Celtic Order of Solar-worshipping priests before them. These same Founding Fathers wasted no time in establishing themselves as architects of this New Atlantis weaving their brand of Satanic Templar-Druidism into the fabric of the burgeoning American government. Interestingly, America started with 13 colonies, the same number of counties in Wales, and no doubt, the number 13 originally connected to Atlantis itself. Thus is America connected to Atlantis, making America only a temporary 'experiment' that is to prepare for the next Atlantis to come, the global United Kingdom (Antichrist Empire) controlled by The Beast by way of Masonic London. And yet, Masonic America also seemingly protects God's Chosen in Israel, however, Cainites only seemingly protect Israel today to save it for the Antichrist tomorrow. Why? Satan wants to destroy Israel himself. Antichrist is his weapon, and those so-called Twelve Tribes of Israel from which Britain and America are supposedly descended from, are of two of the Tribes to be sure, just not of Israel. They are descended from Cain and his Thirteen Tribes, of which America and Britain are NOT the Israelite Ephraim and Manasseh, but Cain and Tubal-Cain.

*Read Article The Council of Thirteen: Secrets of the Reptilians and Illuminati’s 13 Ruling Families
*Read Article Freemasons in Rugby are Searching for the Descendants of 13 Founding Members
*Read Article The True History of Scottish/Stuart Esoteric Masonry - According to Freemasons
*Read Article America's Arcane Origins: The Founding Fathers and Their Occult Freemasonry
*Read Article An Occult Family Tree: Ancient Knights Templar to Today's Freemasons
*Read Article Satanic Trafficking Rings are Historically Tied to the US White House

The very same ancient and Occult symbology carried over from Scotland and England derived from the York/Scottish Rite and Bavarian Illuminati quickly took root in America, just as the Masonic Founding Fathers imposed their own powerful influences onto every facet of the New Atlantic Kingdom. The earliest evidences of British-Israelism were displayed through the Masonic secret language of symbols even then, more clearly seen in the modern version of the Great Seal today. Just as the Biblical Kings and prophets were each given divine revelations often times thru the guidance of an Angel, America's first President, George Washington, himself a Masonic Master, was reported to have prophetic visions about America already foreseeing the future greatness and power of the New Masonic Kingdom. Despite the efforts of the despised King George, there was no stopping it. A New England was to be created across the Atlantic and become vastly more powerful than the original, however, what those who weren't privy to the Masonic plan for a New World Order couldn't realize, that the new Masonic nation was never going to cut its ties with England completely, quite the contrary, it only waited for a time when even the ruling powers in England would themselves become Masonic, and the two governments would be as allies, thereby establishing the Masonic dream of raising up a New Atlantis that was to be a united venture of Freemasonry to ensure their shared goals were met. It is this same bizarre notion that even now unites the secret Masonic commonwealth governments of America and Britain today, the same nations who are behind every evil global conspiracy during the last three centuries that ultimately seeks to place a Bloodline descendant of Satan's Cain upon the Messianic Throne of David, meaning, Israel. However, a perfect world for tomorrow cannot be built without the blood of countless innocents at the hands of their Masonic Overlords. Thus, for today, the Trans-Atlantic Alliance or New Atlantis being the temporary superpower that empowers the Anglo-British plan toward Tribulation dominance, even now controls world events thru the use of disinformation, assassinations, sabotage, political intrigue, puppet governments, tyranny, and Middle East wars that protect Israel long enough so that Antichrist can take Zion. Again, not everyone in the American government knows the Masonic end game that leads to the Antichrist, in fact, most no not know. However, that matters not when those who do know are in the highest echelons of command behind the scenes and know that United States is still a British Colony. King James I of England, the first (Scottish-)Stuart King of England, most famous for his King James version of the Bible, was also responsible for the First Charter of Virginia in 1606. That Charter granted America’s British forefathers a license to settle and colonize America. The charter also guaranteed that all future Kings and Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all future citizens and colonized land in America, despite American history reporting that this British charter was absolved in 1776. Although King George III of England seemingly gave up most of his claims over the American colonies, ensuring the American people were completely pacified with the ideal of "freedom," the King kept his right to continue receiving payment for his business venture of colonizing America the rest of his natural life. It's no mere coincidence therefore, that the year 1776 itself saw both the rise of the Aryan Illuminati in Bavaria, and the rise of the Masonic United States in the New World, even as both operations were being orchestrated by the same Satanic Royal Family. In fact, their choice of starting such an undertaking in the year 1776 is rooted on their promoting Satan, whilst debasing and mocking Christ. Knowing how far numerology factors into the Occult and Masonic Gnosticism, in general, the year 1776 is best explained 888 + 888 = 1776. Another parallel can be brought to bear when the current propagated 'New Age' number of 1111 is added to the Antichrist's number 666, resulting in 1777, the first (full) year of both the American and the Bavarian Illuminati's existence.

*Read Article The Order of Illuminati 'Pyramid' Insignia That Thomas Jefferson Used for American Seal
*Read Article The So-Called Early American "Christian" Awakenings Tied Directly to Satanic British-Israelim
*Read Article The Satanic Subversion of the United States Military and its Soldiers -Mentions Arthur's Excalibur
*Read Article The British Army's Secret Information Warfare Machine Using Blackmail Tactics Against US/UK Dissidents

Systemically, the number of Jesus Christ is equated in the Gematria to 888 and other variables of 8. Thus, the year 1776 becoming the starting year of the Secret Societies' largest push toward Antichrist that has carried us into our modern era, was a way of mocking God's and His Son by showing them how they can turn what is a Holy number into something completely evil and Anti-Christ. And we have already seen at least one of their Masonic "new ages" before, dressed up as the Novo Ordo Seclorum (New Order of the Ages) of the United States of America, where from its inception was following an all too familiar pattern seen in Europe. Long before America's own British-born Forefathers (of whom only some were Freemason, but all were Anglo-racist) the Puritan and Pilgrim people themselves were slaves of the British Crown. While the Pilgrims were Separatists, seemingly, the Puritan "Christians" were openly loyal to England and the British Monarchy, as non-separating Congregationalists who believed the Church of England was the one true church, and whatever ruling Monarch that exists at the time is its Godly head. While the Separatists served to pacify the idea of freedom, the Congregationalists became those powerfully elite families by which arose the most elitist "American Freemasons" from among them, some of which went on to take the highest positions of power offered them. So while the Anglo-racist Pilgrims provided poisoned food and Smallpox-ridden blankets to at least one indigenous American Indian tribe, the Puritans birthed increasing members of the Anglo-racist Freemasons, whose allegiance was still to Britain because of "heritage." That term "heritage" is most often used even today by those in the American South. Thus, we should be very careful when citing the "religion" of our Founding Fathers, as if it was always that of the purest Christianity. It was not. (See also Early American History: What’s the Difference Between a British Pilgrim and a Puritan? and Native Americans Groups Fight the Skull and Bones Society). Centuries later, the long-since corrupted US Congress committed the biggest theft in world history. They passed Paul Warburg’s Federal Reserve Act in 1913 handing over America’s gold and silver reserves, and total control of America’s economy, to the Rothschild banksters of Europe, who have their account with the Bank of London, meaning all of their wealth ultimately is owned by the Queen of England herself, and whom shall take her future place on the Throne. Most Americans still believe that their Federal Reserve, is owned and controlled by the American Government, however, it is not. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned banking system whose majority Class 'A' shareholders are many including the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Kuhn and Loeb, JP Morgan, Rockefellers, Israel Seiff and the Lehman Brothers. This private banking cartel is also known as the Federal Reserve and is never audited and never pays taxes. All of today’s think tanks originate from the Committee of 300 and include "The Round Table Society," the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, the Bilderberger, the Club of Rome, Royal Institute of International Affairs, and the Trilateral Commission founded by David Rockefeller. Like monstrous tentacles of an evil family tree all connected to London, these world controllers each have their connections to the Black Nobility, that's ultimately governed by the current British Royal Family. The fact that every single Presidential administration has members with known ties to Occult organizations, not to mention the fact that nearly all US Presidents are related to the Queen of Babylon herself, remains quite telling. After the death of the Queen's distant cousin, President George H.W. Bush, remembered for his liberating Kuwaiti oil, as well as his infamous September 11th, 1990 State of the Union address, where he openly advocated for a West-driven New World Order (11 years to the day of the September 11th, 2001 Twin Tower attacks) the Queen was noted as saying that President Bush was "a great friend and ally of the United Kingdom" and a "patriot."

*Read Article The Queen of Babylon: Female Branch of Illuminati and Other Secret Societies
*Read Article The Goddess Hecate [Satan in Feminine Guise] and the Statue of Liberty in NYC
*Read Article Is American Ex-President George W. Bush Related to British Satanist Aleister Crowley?
*Read Article The Notorious Beast 666 Named Aleister Crowley and the George Bush Family Connection
*Read Article Queen Elizabeth II's Relationship with Every Single US President From Truman to Donald Trump
*Read Article British Queen Elizabeth II and the Timely Overthrow of Former American President Donald Trump

Several American Presidents have common lineage that can be traced to the Royals of France, Scotland, and England, and wherever else the Merovingian Bloodline has traveled, which then paints a picture that the United States of America is no more its own sovereign entity, than a mere British Masonic proxy controlling global events for the usurped Windsor Crown of England. America's former reigning President George W. Bush, the Skull and Bonesman who has obviously been seated in the White House by some extremely powerful people pulling the strings, like his father before him, has certainly carried out the Antichrist agenda during his terms in Office. The very fact that men like George W. Bush, Obama, and now Trump, can even attain such heights of power all but proves the hidden connections going on behind the scenes all the more, each one falling right in line with the grand undertaking of the British Crown that dominates the Anglo-American 'Atlantis' Alliance. Conclusively, what we have in the American Presidency, a position that is often referenced as the "most powerful man in the Western world," no matter who holds it, are little more than placeholders for the coming western Antichrist. What other institutional form of government allows for one man to wield such heights of global power, during a short tenure of 8 years (against Antichrist's 7 years, comparatively) that effectively sets policy for the entire planet, leaving the rest of the world forced to follow in his shadow, while he is directly connected to British Monarchy by literal DNA and Bloodline, and secretly does their bidding? In other words, the entire Masonic goal here with having Presidents in what was, since its Masonic inception, designed to become the most powerful nation on earth, is to get the rest of the planet used to the idea of looking to only one man for answers. Lately, however, as America is purposefully diminished by the same people who built it (to make a return to Monarchy rule seem increasingly more attractive) we are increasingly getting less and less politically adept men holding the office. It should also be no surprise therefore that both of the 2008 Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama, as well as the 2016 Presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were each connected thru a branch leading back to the Merovingian Kings of Europe. As such, it has become very clear that American Presidents are not elected by ballot, they are selected by Bloodline, so that no matter who arises to assume the role of the American Rex Mundi, they only act as witless placeholders for the ultimate recipient of the Blood Royale. In this way do some believe that America is a "Christian nation" while inside, at its deepest core, America only serves the British Crown that selects our Presidents according to their Crown-connected lineage, via the Monarchies' own check and balance called the Electoral College. As such, Donald Trump himself is merely another ‘false flag candidate’ used to secure the vote of a manipulated constituency in order to lull the US into a false sense of positive political novelty to impose right-wing fascism, leading to a nation-wide race war as devised by the masters of class adversarialism, since at least 1717.

*Read Article Founding Fathers of 1776: America's Role in the Greater Occult Plan Toward Antichrist
*Read Article Same Freemasons that Created the United States are Proven to Worship Satan
*Read Article Henry Makow: A Satanic Cult that Rules Our World and its Present System
*Read Article Who Really Rules the World? The Cainite Origins Of Evil Secret Societies
*Read Article Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are Cousins Related to King Edward III
*Read Article Prince William and Kate are Related by Royal Lineage of King Edward III
*Read Article The Satanic and Occult Meaning of ‘The Divine King 666’ "OK" Hand Sign

Throughout the centuries, these Blood families have played major roles in their involvement with the greatest conspiracy ever perpetuated on mankind and spurred on by the inherently vain belief that theirs is a Royal Lineage going back to Jesus Christ (actually Cain) and that it is their Divine Right to rule the world, a global Manifest Destiny, as it were. With the Presidential election of 2012, the world witnessed as Mitt Romney entered into a race against the Illuminati's own, Barack Obama, seemingly pitting themselves against the Mormon Church. However, being that the Mormon Church is itself just another arm of the Illuminati, how does one escape from this same British Monarchy that again and again places before us choices where there are none? The Mormon Church is based entirely on the Satanic scheme called British-Israelism, even as the church was founded by Joseph Smith, an Occult Freemason. With the election of 2016 came Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton, and as the above link clearly proves, they are both related to the same ancestor that also happens to be related to King Edward III of England. Of course, Americans like to believe there are choices they can make to determine the future of the nation, but when the two strongest candidates are consistently related to the exact same Bloodline and ultimately the British Crown, one begins to understand that this nation will forever be under the rule of the British and its Templar Scottish Rite, of which, our Founding Fathers were already steeped in by the time James Madison, a Freemason himself, began to write the American Constitution. Naturally, Madison and the rest had to make it their founding of America sound to be an entirely Christian endeavor, using the words "God" and "Creator" where applicable, when their Masonic God (Lucifer, the so-called Great Architect of the Universe) is not our Creator. The people placed all their hopes in these men then, and still do to this very day. What irony. So the question then becomes, how well do we truly know who these Founding Fathers were, when even their own writings were tainted with lies from the Occult? American history wants us to believe that Masonic slave owners were only 'good men,' were they? Contrasting the notions that our American founders, and their many associates who also arrived from England, should only be equated as holy priests on some kind of divine mission of manifest destiny from some vague God known only to them, proves something isn't entirely right as they want to make it seem. And yet, another generation is about to march headlong into the public school system filled with a tainted curriculum that even their parents are clueless about, so on it goes. Of that American history tainted thru the Masonic lens, I find it fascinating how so-called historians manage to overlook all of these things written in this website, in order to present America as lofty as the Freemasons who created it. Of course, the reason they manufacture such a white-washed version of their own occult history, is precisely so that you don't investigate it further.

Seafox: Is there any gov't agency that actually does its job properly?

Clinton Ortiz: No, I have never found one. And when you consider that all of this institutional corruption goes back to 1776 and the Freemasons that still worship Lucifer as "God," you come to a place in questioning what are you actually being patriotic to, regarding America? “Annuit Coeptis (Our Final Goal) Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Secular Order)” is theirs, not ours. America is still being controlled by the descendants of its founders, and not for God, but their counterfeit god of light. In short, God has His chosen people on the earth, and so does Satan, albeit in counterfeit to God's own.

Sasha Latypova: Due Diligence and Art

From the Substack: Full Disclosure
The Connected Bloodlines of All American Presidents

U.S. presidents are descendants of British and [Merovingian] French royal families. The books, Burke’s Peerage & Baronetage and Burke’s Landed Gentry, have for 175 years recorded the genealogies of the UK and Ireland’s titled and landed families. Often referred to as the Aristocracy Bible, these are without comparison as a genealogical reference to the influential figures and families of Great Britain and Ireland. Burke’s publishing director, Harold Brooks-Baker, [said in 2000] George W. Bush’s royal connections are startling. “He is closely related to every European monarch both on and off the throne,” says Brooks-Baker. Some of the Texas governor’s royal kin include Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, Duchess Sarah Ferguson and even the late Princess Diana. His most prominent ancestor may be England’s King Charles II. Going back nearly 1000 years, Brooks-Baker points out both the Bush and Pierce families [Barbara Bush’s maiden name is Pierce] were high society. “Not one member of his family was working class, middle class, or even middle, middle class,” he notes. Albert Gore’s family members weren’t exactly peasants. The vice president’s family tree includes Charlemagne and three Holy Roman emperors. And the vice president’s most famous ancestor is England’s Edward I, who defeated and executed Braveheart [William Wallace]. Gore is running a bit behind Bush in the European royal count; his bloodline runs close to some American nobility, including Thomas Jefferson. As for John Kerry (who ran against Bush in 2004), “the 60-year-old can trace his roots back to the first Massachusetts governor, John Winthrop, to every great family in Boston and to a host of royals in Europe. Kerry can almost certainly be traced back to King James I and to the bloodlines straight through the Windsor and Hanover families,” Brooks-Baker said. “But both candidates have a remarkable number of royal connections and both are related to Queen Elizabeth.” Bill Clinton seems to have deliberately obscured his royal ancestry by taking his stepfather’s name. In an Associated Press article published in The Daily Oklahoman on October 28, 1996, Harold Brooks-Baker said: “Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe, but took his stepfather’s name as a teenager. Clinton’s ancestry can be traced back, on his mother’s side, to King Henry III, who ruled England from 1227 to 1272. He is descended from King Robert I of France. Furthermore, he is related to every Scottish monarch to the current British royal family. Clinton’s royal roots include several medieval monarchs and Simon de Montford, a statesman and soldier under King Henry III. Through de Montford, Clinton is related to every ancient aristocratic family in Britain today.” In the same article, the journalist revealed that “Bill Clinton’s family goes back to William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison, making him related to Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. His kinship to Ford makes him ‘near kin’ to Richard Nixon and George Bush.” This is a jealously guarded secret. The president had all records of his family history, school records, medical history, etc., sealed. Still think that the American Revolution freed us from aristocratic governments? Lynn Cheney, wife of Dick Cheney, while doing an inter with Houston, Texas talk radio station KTRH 740 AM, dropped quite a bombshell. While talking about her forthcoming book, she let it slip out that Barack Obama and her husband are eighth cousins. The journalist with the radio station with whom she was speaking yelled out a surprised “What?!” at the revelation, as if she had never heard of the presidents being related. Lynn Cheney was quoted as saying: “One of the things I discovered [in doing research for my forthcoming book] is that Dick and Barack Obama are eighth cousins. Isn’t that an amazing thing? If you go back eight generations, they have a common ancestor.” This common ancestor has been identified as Mareen Devall, a 17th century immigrant from France. Of the 43 Presidents thus far, 34 of them have connections all the way back to Charlemagne (742-814), the most famous of all French monarchs. Even though America has been referred to as a melting pot of immigration, this genetic diversity has NOT been fairly represented among White House occupants.

*Read Article New Female President of Mexico Claudia Sheinbaum Did Not Invite Spanish 'Lizards' to Inaugeration
*Read Article About the Evil Satanic Worship and Satanic Pedophile Practices of the British Royal Family Elite
*Read Article The UK/British Royal's Family's Buckingham Palace is the Centre of a Vast Pedophile Network

There have been no presidents other than wealthy European nobility—certainly no one from the working class. Thus, it must be said that America is governed by an oligarchic aristocracy. Bill Clinton was represented as a so-called common man; however, he has been rumored to have ties to the Rockefeller family, and he would have to possess that type of familial connection in order to even run for president. According to the Burke’s Peerage website, 28 of the first 42 Presidents are cousins to, at most, the seventh degree. George Bush Sr. shares 15 cousins who were president with Franklin Roosevelt. Gerald Ford and William Taft are related to 14 presidents. And Barbara Bush is a member of the Pierce family, and is herself related to Franklin Pierce, our 14th President. Thirty-six of the first 42 presidential families can be traced back to royalty from England, Scotland, or Wales. George W. Bush “ran against” Al Gore in 2000 and against John Kerry in 2004. They are all cousins. In addition to being related, Bush and Kerry are both members of Yale’s Skull & Bones Masonic fraternity. David Icke wrote the following in his book THE BIGGEST SECRET [pgs. 191-192]: “At least 33 of the first 42 Presidents of the United States have been related to England’s King Alfred The Great (849-899) and Charlemagne (742-814), the famous monarch of France, and 19 Presidents are related to England’s King Edward III (1312-1377), who has a thousand blood connections to Prince Charles. George H.W. Bush Sr. and wife Barbara Bush are both from the same aristocratic line, among others I have noted. They come from the Pierce bloodline, which changed its name from Percy after fleeing England in the wake of the Gunpowder Plot to blow up the English parliament. The Bushes married for genetics, as the eastern establishment families in the States have always done in line with their fellow royal and aristocratic blood relatives in Europe. Even Bill Clinton and Bob Dole, who ‘opposed’ each other in the 1996 election, are distant cousins. They can trace their ancestry to England’s King Henry III, who reigned from 1227 to 1273, and U.S. Presidents William Henry and Benjamin Harrison. This information comes from the publication, Burke’s Peerage, which traces the lineage of royal and aristocratic families. Clinton has far more royal blood than Dole and is directly descended from the same bloodline as the House of Windsor, every Scottish monarch, and King Robert I of France. This is why he was the Brotherhood’s choice.” Harold Brooks-Baker, the late publishing director of Burke’s Peerage and Gentry, said the following during the 2000 American Presidential campaign: “The Presidential candidate with the greatest number of royal genes has always been the victor, without exception, since George Washington.” There is this American myth that anyone can become President of the United States. At least 34 of 43 Presidents come from the same family line, and the chart [see below] traces 25 of them, all of whom come from the same family tree. But, that’s not all! Obama is also related to the Bush family, as recently reported by the Chicago Sun-Times: “That’s because they share the same great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents—Samuel Hinckley and Sarah Soole Hinckley of 17th century Massachusetts. That means Obama and former President George Herbert Walker Bush are 10th cousins once removed. Obama is related to Cheney through Mareen Duvall, a 17th century immigrant from France. Mareen and Susannah Duvall were Obama’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents and Cheney’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents. That makes Obama and Cheney ninth cousins once removed. Cheney and Bush are related to one another by a completely different common ancestor. NOTE: I would like to comment upon those who try to say that these are distant relationships. Of course they are, because we are talking about the 17th century here. The thing to keep in mind here, is that ALL our Presidents are members of an aristocratic oligarchy that has run this nation since day one — and continue to do so to this very day. So, anyone can become President or are we merely choosing between two predetermined selections — on the RIGHT and on the LEFT when in fact they are merely two arms on the same monster?

*Read Article Horrifying Proof Emerges that Black Magic Satanists Rule World Not Your Elected Politicians
*Read Article Adrenochrome: The True Account of Global Elites Stealing Children Worldwide to Cannibalize

"Bush, They Say, Is Indeed a Connecticut Yankee From King Henry’s Court" by Steve Lohr, July 05, 1988 - Vice President George Bush may be narrowly trailing Dukakis in the opinion polls, but he is far ahead according to another indicator of Presidential prospects: the ”Royalty factor.” “Going by the statistics of the past, Mr. Bush will be the next President of the United States,” said Harold Brooks-Baker, publishing director of Burke’s Peerage Ltd., the 162-year-old directory of British nobility. Burke’s Peerage today released a report tracing the vice president’s family tree to the 1400’s. The study by Burke’s senior genealogist, Roger Powell, and an American colleague, William Ward, found that Mr. Bush has more connections to British and European royalty than any president of the United States. For example, Mr. Bush is a 13th cousin of Queen Elizabeth II and is related to all members of the British royal family, according to Burke’s genealogists. Moreover, he is related to all those who have married into the British royal family, like the Queen Mother, the Princess of Wales and the Duchess of York. Mr. Bush is also related to all current European monarchs on or off the throne."

*Read Article A Dark History of Child-Murdering Satanism Discovered in the Highest Offices of Great Britain

The Hellfire Club: Prominent Freemasons Plot the Course of Global Events
This historical account begins with Philip, Duke of Wharton (1698-1731) a prominent English politician and Freemason who created the first Hellfire Club in London. These meetings were often held in a tavern near St. James's Square, complete with "Satanic" trappings. The Hellfire motto went with the philosophy of “Fais ce que tu voudras” (Do what thou wilt) a philosophy associated with François Rabelais’ "Abbey at Thélème" (and later used by the Occultist Aleister Crowley, who added 'Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law, before it ultimately found its place with the American Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey in 1966.) The Hellfire Club enjoyed a modest following of aristocratic Anglo-elitists who hated the Christian Go to instead commit every kind of act debauchery in their glorification of Satan. Wharton's Hellfire Club came to an end in 1721 when George I, under the influence of Wharton's political enemies, put forward a Bill against 'horrid impieties' of the then notorious Hellfire Club, which by that time even included several rumored rapes and murders. After his Club was disbanded, Wharton became a Freemason, and in 1722 he became the Grandmaster Mason of all England. During the installment ceremony, the orchestra played "Let the King Enjoy His Own Again," a Jacobite anthem. This amounted to a dangerous declaration of political allegiance. The Jacobites favored the House of Stuart's claim to the British throne over that of the Protestant, and very German, House of Hanover's. Whatever Wharton's motivations, he threw himself into the Jacobite cause, and was awarded the Star and Garter by James Stuart, whose family later produced Princess Diana. As if picking up from where Wharton left off, came Sir Francis Dashwood (1708-1781) who became heir to one of the greatest of all 18th century fortunes. His father was an extremely wealthy businessman who had married into the aristocracy. when young Francis reached the age of twenty, he was sent on a Grand Tour of Europe with a tutor in tow to complete his education. While sojourning in Italy, Dashwood was introduced to Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the Jacobite heir to the British Throne. Following their meeting, or so it is claimed, Sir Francis became a Jacobite secret agent whose own secrecy might explain his later involvement with the Rosicrucian "Christian" movement and various other Masonic organizations. By 38 years of age, Dashwood formed his own secret society which became known by a variety of names, but is best known by its most infamous, The Hellfire Club. Initial meetings were held at an old inn in London but as interest and darker rituals were introduced, a move to a more secluded location became necessary. In 1752 Dashwood moved his club to a ruined medieval abbey on the banks of the Thames at Medmenham, where he converted the ruins into a Gothic-styled building, with rooms dedicated to pagan gods and goddesses (like the Roman Diana, Bacchus and Venus) whilst the outside had extensive gardens replete with little temples in the Grecian style and hundreds of stone and marble figures of nymphs, gods and goddesses scattered everywhere. Despite this seemingly harmless pagan-looking front provided for the general public to see, the group’s more private antics involved sexual debauchery, Black magic and Satanism, of which its members then retired to another room 'in which to plot the course of the Anglo-British Empire.' The hidden and outlandishly 'gothic' (read: Satanic) rituals encouraged membership of the Club to blossom throughout the 1750s, to such an extent that Dashwood was eventually forced to split the members into two different categories. The first were known as the Superior Members and comprised of a counterfeit of the twelve apostles plus Sir Francis acting as Antichrist.

*Read Article The Aryan Rosicrucian's Want to Counter Belief that Cain Fathered Aryan Race - A Must Read
*Read Article The Evil Lineage of Cain: From the Knights Templar to the 33° Freemasons - A Must Read
*Read Article The Rosicrucian's are a 'Quasi-Christian Gnostic' Cult Created to Counterfeit Christianity
*Read Article The Satanic History of Occult Freemasonry Originates with the Worship of Lucifer
*Read Article Mystery of the Iniquity: The Hellfire Caves and Other Photographic Evidence
*Read Article The University of Oxford: The Devil visits Brasenose College (Pro-Atheist)
*Read Article From the Masonic Sourcebook: A Knights Templar History (Pro-Templar)

The second group were Inferior Members, no doubt following the pattern of the Freemasons themselves, with its own two caste system of providing the ultimate secrets to the inner-core group, whilst the much larger outer group remains unwittingly ignorant. By 1762, the British people were surprised to learn that their Prime Minister, the Marquis of Bute, along with The Chancellor of the Exchequer, were all members of this Satanic organization. The antics of the Hellfire Club, infamously continued unabated, carrying on in the tradition of the crusading Knights Templar, with invoking the Devil to appear, enjoying orgies and drinking to excess, were all considered their normal. In time, Dashwood decided to move again, this time to the former estate of his youth, which was meant to accommodate an ever-growing list of new members to join. But while the building was large enough and private enough, it sadly lacked that most of elusive of things, ‘atmosphere’. Undeterred, Dashwood came up with the extraordinary idea of excavating a vast network of caves underground. Extending the caves, however, also had a far more sinister purpose and it was an undertaking in which Sir Francis reveled, personally designing each room, each twist and turn of these underground caverns. The entrance was surrounded by dark yew trees (trees normally associated with graveyards), beyond which lay a passageway leading downwards to join a whole system of caves and catacombs. On the walls of the corridors were carved grotesque faces (thought to be images of the Devil) while beyond the catacombs lay a Banqueting Hall from the ceiling of which hung a huge Rosicrucian lamp. Beyond this room was the Triangle (so named because of the shape of the chamber) and after that a river which the apostles named the River Styx, beside which stood a well called ‘The Cursing Well’ that was filled with ‘unholy’ water. In the very deepest part of the caves lay the Inner Temple, a circular room in which the black mass was practiced. The caves suited the HellFire Club’s purposes perfectly. Hidden from view, no prying eyes could see what the Hell-Fire members were doing or how many prostitutes were being brought there for human sacrifices. Normal service was resumed and continued discreetly. On moonlit nights during the reign of England's King George III, immensely powerful members of His Majesty's Government, important intellectuals, and influential artists could sometimes be seen travelling up the Thames River by gondola to a ruined abbey near West Wycombe. There, to the sonorous tolling of the deconsecrated cloister's bell, they dressed in monkish robes and indulged in every manner of depravity, culminating in a Black Mass celebrated on the naked body of a debauched noblewoman in the mysterious chapter-room. Its furnishings remain unknown, and consequently the use to which it was put itself remains a mystery, but given what we do know, it was used for Masonic as well as Satanic ceremonies. John Wilkes, an important member of the Medmenham circle who did not become a Freemason until after leaving Hellfire, wrote an article seemingly defaming his former friend, writing: "No profa ne eye has dared to penetrate into the English Eleusinian mysteries of the Chapter-room, where the monks assembled on all solemn occasions, secret rites were performed and libations poured forth in much pomp to the Bona Dea." Author Michael Howard has interpreted this mention of the Bona Dea, or "Good Goddess," to mean that Dashwood practised Druidic sorcery, for which he was earlier expelled from the eighteenth-century Druid revival group 'An Ulieach Druidh Braithreachas' in 1743. By 1770, Dashwood met Benjamin Franklin who by that time was already doubling his efforts to persuade the British government that unless the American Colonists’ demands to have proper representation in Parliament were met, a revolution was likely. Dashwood immediately invited fellow Mason Franklin down to his country estate where the two became fast friends. It is believed Dashwood did everything he could to help Franklin achieve some kind of compromise with King George over the American Colonist question, and even went so far as to invite the new British Prime Minister, Lord North down to West Wycombe to meet Franklin, where they produced a plan of reconciliation for Britain and her increasingly rebellious colonies in North America. The plan was ignored by the British King, with well-known consequences that unfolded over the next six years.

*Read Article Do Satanic Druids Still Control the World?
*Read Article The Rothschilds Rule the World with Druid Witches
*Read Article Knights Templar (and Druid) Tunnels Discovered in the UK
*Read Article People from Elite Backgrounds Increasingly Dominate Academia

A notorious English society that met in the ruins of Medmenham Abbey in Buckinghamshire, England. It was founded by Sir Francis Dashwood in 1745, and its members reputedly indulged in debauchery and in the mocking of organized religion [read: Christianity] by the performance of blasphemous [read: Satanic] ‘Black Masses.’ Its membership included many politicians.

Oxford University, UK

Benjamin Franklin officially joined The Hellfire Club in 1772. Dashwood died on December 11, 1781, and with his passing there slipped away one of the most curious of all Anglo-Secret Societies – a group of men who, to every intent and purpose, ran the country, but whose real passion lay deep underground in dark blood-stained caverns beneath the quiet English West Wycombe countryside. In 1998, workmen restoring Franklin's London home dug up the remains of six children and four adults hidden in the grounds beneath. The London Times reported on February 11, 1998: Initial estimates are that the bones are about 200 years old and were buried at the time while Benjamin Franklin was living in the house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762, and from 1764 to 1775. Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut. One skull has been drilled with several holes. Upon interview, Paul Knapman, the Westminster Coroner, said "I cannot totally discount the possibility of a crime. There is still a possibility that I may have to hold an inquest." Thus, the Hellfire Club enjoyed a time when it became increasingly linked with running Britain itself, and this because so many of its members were themselves the most influential people in England at the time, from the Prime Minister to the Mayor of London and even a son of the Archbishop of Canterbury. In 1781, Dashwood's nephew Joseph Alderson founded the Phoenix Society, established as a symbolic rising from the ashes of the Hellfire Club. The Phoenix Common Room's continuous history until the present day is a matter of great pride to Brasenose College, at Oxford. Interestingly, the Masonic symbol of the rising Phoenix ultimately became (the much less Occult-connected) American eagle, that was chosen instead to more openly represent the burgeoning United States. In short, what the Freemasons have created for themselves in their New Atlantis, amounts to a hedge of protection, not for us, the People, as it were, or our own supposed religious freedom, as Christians, but only for themselves. Thus, what we believe is our God-given right to religious freedom, speech, and being absolved of tyranny in these United States, is just another grand scheme of their tyrannical control to cement their rule with their commitment to the elites' Great Reset and Masonic Great Work, of Satan, in place of the Great Commission, of Christ. It must be further understood that these freedoms we all enjoy had their origins with the Satanic Templars wanting to establish and control new nations from which they could worship their "God" (Lucifer) as they saw fit, while pushing the One Nation Under "God" narrative for the masses. Understanding all too well that God would destroy any such kingdom of their Cainite devising that was completely evil, as Sodom was, is precisely why they allow some work of Christianity to exercise its higher will, if only to prevent God from destroying everything they've built for Satan. Whether the Coronavirus and its supposed vaccine are two ways the elites have planned a mass genocide to help bring the Collapse remains to be seen. As such, the modern era now sees Oxford helping to bring about AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine, now in the human trial phase at London's Imperial College, with both university's connected to the elite British establishment, including its Royals. While most assume the vaccine itself is the danger, one must also consider the even more insidious alternative where the Templar powers have found a perfect way to kill off all of those who are most suspicious of them and their government by having the Covid vaccines act as not a future catalyst that results in the severe population control they've always alluded to, but as a kind of antidote to a much more deadly strain of the virus to be released once the majority of the planet have been vaccinated. Yet another possibility would be that the vaccine has two versions (A and B) where one acts as the killer and one the protectant, given to those they desire most to pass into the 'New World' (such as those who carry the Rh-Negative blood factor). This would mean that the various big pharma corporations that are producing vaccines are themselves helping to fulfill the Masonic agenda. How ironic it is therefore, that while Prince Charles is telling us to not fear the blood-clot causing vaccine, after supposedly having Covid himself, that he also sits on the controlling board of AstraZeneca, the same vaccine connected most with deadly blood clots. (See also Prince Charles' Wife Dismisses AstraZeneca Vaccine Clot Concerns).

*Read Article The UK's Oxford Vaccine is Being Created Using ("HEK293") Aborted Fetus Cells
*Read Article COVAX Aims to Immunize Every Human on the Planet with the Covid-19 Vaccine
*Read Article AstraZeneca is Not Being Transparent About British Female Contracting Myelitis
*Read Article Second Covid-19 Vaccination Volunteer is Stricken with the Same Rare Condition
*Read Article Despite Trial Concerns, UK Rolls Out Oxford's Covid Vaccine on January 4, 2021
*Read Article More Nations are Refusing UK's Oxford Vaccine After Death & Deadly Lung Clots
*Read Article UK Says AstraZeneca Vaccine is Safe Despite Rising Numbers of Very Rare Clots
*Read Article The UK will Experiment Using mRNA Vaccine on Pregnant Women and Newborns

British-Masonic America was and still is fulfilling her role as the New Atlantis, following an occult timeline which seemingly transitions in the year 2020. From very early on in the government's formation, the idea was formulated that Washington DC would become the capitol city for this New Atlantis and so that no one could ever make any mistake as to the real architects and builders of this new nation, the Masonic Square and Compass was purposefully constructed into the Washington layout. Deriving their Cainite heritage from the ancient Templars, Greco-Romans, Egyptians, and Druids before them, several government centers and historical monuments were aligned to certain constellations in the stars, imbuing the city with mystical, Occult power. The Freemasons wanting to mark their historical fathers into this layout of Atlantis, the four influences of Templar, Greco-Roman, Egyptian, and Druidic can still be seen today. The Maltese Cross of the Knights Templar was built into the US Capitol itself. To show their connection with Egypt, the Washington Monument was built using the solar scale of 666 inches created in the shape of a white obelisk, the Egyptian Solar/phallus Sun-God symbol whose own bloodline fathered such a kingdom. The ancient Greek and Roman influences (who patterned their ancient pillared buildings after Atlantis) are also built right into the most important of DC buildings, such as the Capital building, Lincoln Memorial, and White House. Lastly, to show their connection to Druidism and its witchcraft, the layout denotes several ancient Druidic symbols such as the Three Rays, Triple Tau, Solar Circle, Pentagram and Owl. Perhaps as a fifth connection the Freemasons wanted to make is that with ancient Israel itself, as the Square and Compass symbol itself was adopted knowing two more lines would also form a Star of David, a symbol clearly seen in the form of 13 stars and placed on the U.S. Dollar Bill. As their collective name hints at, the Freemason's, being the Master Occult builders of our age, as well as the Bloodline descendants of Cainite Celtic Druids (who placed large standing stones on very ancient and sacred sites of telluric power aligned with ley lines) carry on the work of Occult builders going back to Cain himself. Cain's descendants have always used the mysterious Occult art of so-called "Sacred Geometry," as a way of unveiling hidden truths within our world, and the Otherworld. As such, did the Knights Templar, and later, their offspring in the Freemasons, build large Occult-inspired Cathedrals on specific nodes of power all across Europe, which when seen from above, form perfectly drawn pentagrams and Occult geometrical alignments denoting the area's Satanic history, as well as current and later importance to the Great Work overall.

*Read Article Anglo-American Satanists Operating Inside United States Government
*Read Article Benjamin Franklin: America's Founding Father or Sadistic Satanic Killer
*Read Article The Masonic Foundation of the 'New Atlantis' or United States of America
*Read Article The Freemasons Built DC Capitol Structures to Reflect Occult Star Alignments
*Read Article Freemasonry is the Source by Which Alien (or Demon) Entities Control America
*Read Article No Separation of Satan and State: Satanic Christmas Appears in State Capitols
*Read Article The Masonic Compass & Pentagram: Royal Secret Symbols Hidden in Plain Sight

The Atlantic nations who follow these Masonic principals now control the world, dictating a global policy that favors their will alone, despite the will of the other nations which their Anglo-Zionist and prejudiced policy negatively affects, and it is this which incites, infuriates, and makes increasingly hateful enemies of nations who do not subscribe to the Anglo-Masonic tenants and beliefs, namely the Antichrist-serving element within global Masonic Zionism. At times such as these they are quick to forget their own history, when Atlantis itself was cast into the sea as a sign unto any future nations which would be foolish enough to follow her lead. Moreover, one should also remember, Satan will use whatever "Atlantis" or Roman Empire which happens to exist at any point in history, during any given generation, to ultimately achieve his own aim of world dominance until that nation is used, destroyed, and another arises in its place. It is his very ancient plan toward a global version of false Utopia which has been under way since Eden, that seeks to recreate, albeit in counterfeit, a One World-Eden to dominate all nations with its marked children of Cain in complete control, while giving all worship to the Forgotten Father. Presidents of this current New Atlantis therefore are themselves only mere front men to the Great Work, putting forth its policies, citing its globalist agenda, carrying us and the rest of the world along in its epic quest toward global unity under the Masonic God of light. For just as there are inner and outer-caste societies within globalized Secret Societies such as Freemasonry, the worker-bees for the Merovingian Satanic Bloodline, there are also inner and outer-castes within the Satanic Merovingian Ruling and Royal Families themselves (as above, so below). While the unseen inner-caste ruling Rex-Deus Families remain hidden behind the scenes pulling the strings of global events in their 'Zionist' effort and protocol toward bringing in the Antichrist, it is the task of the outer-caste European Royal Families to stand in the limelight, putting a public face on the Satanic lineage, while among them one is chosen to become the last Son of Perdition of an ancient Royal Line of Kings. And so, who is it that has been pushed as the most popular Royal Family in all of Europe? Now, of them, the Windsor's, who is seen as the most popular, globally adored, wealthy, charismatic, and beloved humanitarian Royal figure within that same Cainite-European family? Exactly. Of course, to effectively carry out such a secret that involves the advanced stages of nearly complete global control, means there must be a control of the media itself. But this was always the purpose of grooming young men into such American east coast ivy league academia to begin with so that they tow the Masonic/Cainite line for the next generation.

*Read Article American Media Such As Time Magazine Founded by "Skull & Bones" Satanist
*TIME Article Satanic TIME Magazine Reports - The Evolution of Modern Satanism in U.S.
*TIME Article Satanic TIME Magazine Reports - And the Most Godless City in America is...
*Read Article Grail's Divine Monarchy: The King of the World Rex Mundi Concept
*Read Article The Satanic Black Mass Database Exposed and Categorized
*Read Article Rothschilds Sacrificed at Least Seven American Presidents
*Read Article Almost All US Presidents Had the Rh-Negative Blood Type

Prince Michael makes the point that England does not have a Constitution and therefore the Monarchy is little more than a despotic feudal system. He emphasizes, however, that Scotland has a Constitution, in fact the very model used by the Founding Fathers of the United States. It seems General George Washington, a Freemason, knew the importance of a Monarchy with a hereditary Bloodline and even offered the "American Crown" to British Monarch Charles III of the Stuart lineage.

The Bloodline of 43 American Presidents from George Washington to George W. Bush go back to European Royal and aristocratic families who have interbred to keep the gene pool "pure." Their genealogy, and that of today's key politicians, banking tycoons, business leaders, and media owners, continues back even further into the distant past through those European Royal and noble (Aryan) families to the ancient kings of Sumer and its empire, not least Egypt. Throughout history the right to rule has been decided by Bloodline. For thousands of years it was done openly, yet today it is achieved through covert manipulation and the secret society web called the Illuminati.

Children of the Matrix, David Icke

Centuries later, the long-since corrupted US Congress committed the biggest theft in world history. They passed Paul Warburg’s Federal Reserve Act in 1913 handing over America’s gold aren't interested in the extra time, money, and considerable effort of going further. There are around 60,000 Mark Masons in Britain. Unlike that of the [Third Degree] Craft, membership of the Accepted Rite is by invitation only. Despite the restriction, the Rose Croix has around 35,000 members in some 860 Chapters primarily in England and Wales.

A Brief History of Secret Societies p. 139-140

On July 14 1889 [Albert] Pike issued these instructions 'Lucifer is God, and unfortunately, Adonai [Jehovah] is also god. The true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonai; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good is struggling against Adonai, the god of Darkness and Evil.' If genuine, it indicates there is a Satanic - or Luciferian - strain in American Masonry. Various Occult symbols are often also sexual symbols, and in these Freemasonry abounds.

A Brief History of Secret Societies p.151-154

One of these two so-called leaders even said they called the FBI and turned us in as being a Satanic cult. This again is actually amusing. The [Satanic] Brotherhood has many connections in the Law Enforcement and Justice Systems and they have great secret respect for us as individual Satanists and as an organization. Many of our high clergy are Freemasons and other related secret society members.

Druwydion Pendragon, Master Councilor Brotherhood of Satan























The bloodline family members continued to demand (through the Luciferian Brotherhood/Druidic Council) that humanity offer blood sacrifices to these hybrids to the present day. Inanna was called Ishtar in Akkadia, Isis in Egypt, Astarte in Phoenicia and Aphrodite in ancient Greece. The figure of the owl in the clay relief of Inanna was at the center of an annual human-sacrifice ritual that took place until fairly recently at Bohemian Grove in California, which was called “the cremation of care. Deriving from a line of bluebloods, Anna’s family is of pure Aryan lineage and is traceable beyond Germany. Belonging to one of the most prestigious organizations in America, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the family also belongs to an organization that predates even that: the Daughters of the American Colonies. Most of Anna’s family were involved in the military and the occult. Her great-grandfather was one of Hitler’s mentors. Anna’s mother worked for the OSS and was tied to Nazi agent William Donovan and MK-Ultra chief Ewen Cameron. Anna explained that Cameron’s family, like hers, were multigenerational occultists. Both families embraced the same occult philosophy as those who surrounded Hitler.

They believed that as Aryans, their genetic lines predated ancient Sumeria. Identified as the Sumerian Brotherhood of the Snake, or the Vril, these people... [founded] the Knights Templar, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and every other secret society. Anna refers to these as the Controllers and says that this elite group changed the very nature of time. Anna was designated as Ewen Cameron’s control, a term that denotes ownership. Ewen believed that she was the incarnation of Inanna, the first “non-human vehicle” on Earth. The Controllers believed that by harnessing the energy of the Goddess, they would [have dominion]. One of their primary missions was to keep the lineage of the Aryan blood line pure. Ewen was a part of this and his specialty was mind control. He used these very words to her in describing his role. His goal was to keep the genetic line [pure] in order to establish and maintain the New World Order. The desired population were to be Aryan. Anna also met many key players, including Alexander Duncan Cameron Sr., who was described in The Montauk Project as smuggling Nazis into the United States. Her family acquired large plots of land and became part of an underground system for moving Nazis through the United States.

The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection pp. 48-50

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William 666 Rise of Antichrist Prince William 666 Fascist State Evil British Royal Family King Charles Racist London EU New World Order Far Right Government Europe Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Cainite Lucifer Freemason Knights Templar Illuminati Globalist Agenda 2030 Satanic Conspiracy Pedophile Cult Cannibal Ritual Deep State World Economic Forum Davos Great Reset Collapse World War III Trump Project 2025 Bible Prophecy UK NHS Infected Blood Scandal Covid Vaccine Cancer Kate Middleton Dead Climate Apocalypse

Genesis gives the descendants of Cain out to four generations. Strangely, their names are each strikingly similar, and sometimes even identical to the names of the descendants of his [half-] brother Seth. And after four generations, nothing more is said of the Cainites in the Bible. It is assumed that they all died off in the Flood. Jewish legends state that they were swallowed up by the Earth, and thereafter lived in a subterranean world called the “Arka.” But did they die out? The deliberate obfuscation caused by the similarities in the names of the Cainites and the Sethites makes me wonder...

Tracy R. Twyman Interviewed About Rennes-le-Chateau

It is possible that the cursed seed of the Serpent continued long after the Deluge. Merovingian authors claim there is a living descendant of this demonic bloodline who will one day rule over a revived Atlantis. In the thoroughly pagan milieu of Alexandria, an Egyptian priest and magus by the name of Ormesius founded the Society of Ormus whose members included the Therapeutae of Alexandria and the Essenes of Qumran (apostate) Jews who had embraced the Neo-Platonist doctrine of the lost continent of Atlantis. Ormus involves a kind of anagram which combines a number of key words and symbols. Ours means Bear in French, an echo apparently of Dagobert II and the Merovingian dynasty, their secret was the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon.

Cain is said to have created civilizations across the globe, and to have shared with certain chosen men a secret, forbidden wisdom: the Hermetic doctrine of the occult, symbolized by the Lapsit Exillis, or the Holy Grail. These actions brought him into conflict with other members of the divine hierarchy, an occasion immortalized in the Biblical story of the War in Heaven, and in other myths from various cultures that tell the same story. He is also said to have interbred with mortal females, creating mankind’s first royal family, the Grail bloodline, which carried with it the seed of the divine. Their descendants became the lords of the earth, resulting in many, if not in fact most of the world’s royal dynasties throughout history.

Once came a race of men, the posterity of Cain, who were, before the Flood, the masters of the Earth. Scripture reports them to have been a Titanic race, builders of great antediluvian cities and Cyclopean edifices, beside which the most ambitious architecture of the modern era shrinks to miniature scale. Indeed, the megalithic wonders of our ancient world are undoubtedly restorations of Cainite ruins.

Mankind, St. Augustine teaches, has been divided into two Cities, one of which was founded by the race of Cain. But if as Scripture attests, Cain's progeny were extirpated in the Deluge, then how is that their City lives on and prospers? One response to this question is to ascribe the survival of Cain's legacy to the sinister machinations of the various Secret Societies. This explains why the spirit of Cain must be born again in Antichrist at the end of time.

Daniel answered the king saying, The secret which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men, astrologers or magicians shew unto the king. But there is a God in Heaven that revealeth secrets and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the last days. And whereas thou saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. And in the days of these [Cainite] kings shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed, but break in pieces and consume all these [Satanic] kingdoms.

Daniel 2:27-28, 43-44; The Holy Bible

The Bloodline of the Holy Grail is the Aryan-Masonic Synagogue of Satan
The Rothschild's. The very name conjures a sinister, deeply entrenched, and incessant evil that controls much of the wealth of our world toward nefarious ends. But knowing that history was and still is being written by that same evil in control of all things, what if I discovered a truth and passed it subsequently along to you, that this same Rothschild family that we are consistently told are supposedly Jewish, are not at all. They aren't. The Rothschild family, and moreover, their entire bloodline is not Semitic in origin, but Aryan, to which I've made an even more telling discovery, that whenever anyone uses the term "Aryan," they are actually referring to the Tribe of Cain and their descendants. You might then skip three moves ahead to ask, why would anyone want the entire world to hate the Jewish people enough to brand themselves falsely with Jewish-sounding names in order to carry out the evil's attributed to those who control this entire planet for Satan? To which I would point to Christ's own words when He explained in no uncertain terms, the following: "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." - Revelation 2:9. Going back to the beginning, we've all read, or at least heard, of the accounts in Genesis, written by Moses, informing us of how evil came to be in the world. However, what we were not explicitly told, is how the Antichrist was planned by Satan in the very same Garden of Eden that Eve begat her children, that becomes most prominent in indirectly informing us of the world that was, called good by God, that came to be the resulting cursed world that we all inhabit today. For just as the Adamic/Sethite children of Israel were blessed by God with the works of their hands, so too has Cain's children been 'blessed' in the most malevolent sense, by the King of this world, by Satan, to seize every global position of power, for Satan. This same cursed lineage known as the "Aryan," descended from Cain, that first 'man of sin,' born in sin, who lends his blood to the greatest Man of Sin, the Antichrist, commits its every evil atrocity under Jewish sounding names in order to bring only hatred to the Jewish people by the ignorant world. This is the same global synagogue of Satan, Cain's Bloodline and lineage, that have conquered Europe and from Europe have they controlled the whole world, birthing the most powerful Anglo-Masonic evil secret societies in the process. It is this same monstrous cabal of evil which are of the same Cainite (non-Adamic) Bloodline that also spawned the ruling Monarchies of British and European Royalty, that after six millennia, are finally poised in perfect position toward bringing their Master Lucifer every one of his five ancient goals, the final one of which enthrones Satan, via Antichrist, as God in the Third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem (Zion). Of course, Christians are almost always never taught these many things of what Genesis is actually telling us from its original Hebrew language, making it much easier for evil men in obvious power to remain so comfortably perched over man, generation after generation. Whereas Alex Jones would describe the threat to humanity as "corporate global governance" and more specifically the Davos/Bilderberg corporate elites, David Icke more accurately refers to these same global rulers as "Reptilians" because of their occult bloodline and supposed supernatural power, albeit never making the more telling connection that in all of their obvious Satanic worship, that they are in fact Satanists first and foremost, and thus, are carrying out Satan's plan of eternal enslavement for humanity in Hell. Icke moreover fails to see that his 'Reptilians' are Satan's literal children from whence all of the more generic references toward an "Illuminati bloodline" are brought to bear. Suffice it to say, those who still blame every world ill on the "Talmudic Jews" are blaming Jews in their total ignorance and racism. It was always the children of Cain who are committing every atrocity in their father Satan's name while making it appear they are Sethite Jews, when they, as Cainites comprise a completely ulterior genealogy and spiritual motive for existence.

*Read Article Modern Pagans (and Racists) Consistently Exalt Cain in Order to Demote God
*Read Book Pre-glacial Man and the Aryan Race - Connections Between Aryans and Cainites
*Read Book The Evolution of the Aryan - More Connections Between Aryans and the Cainites

CAINITE (Children of the Serpent) (also written as Qayin / Qayinites): A race of malevolent beings that have existed on the Earth since the dawn of the present age; the father of which is literally said to be Satan who had corrupted and had intercourse with Eve. Where some ignorantly say that nowhere in Genesis or in the rest of the Scriptures does it ever make a case for Satan begetting a literal race of evil beings that do his sole bidding upon the earth, Moses, the Holy Spirit-directed author of Genesis and the Torah itself, utilized very specific descriptions to inform us in Genesis 6, that Fallen Angels had indeed lusted after mortal women, "taking among them wives," and had sexual intercourse with them to produce a monstrous hybrid race known as the Nephilim. These same "heroes of old" also became the "mighty men of renown," who carried out superhuman feats, upon which many of mankind's later myths of gods and goddesses first arose in their honor, and of that who beget them. In the modern world, that has been so greatly affected by Zechariah Sitchin's own works, such beings are more often referred as "Watchers," "Annunaki," or more recently, as the History Channel calls them, "Ancient Aliens." These beings, described as giants, are accredited with building many of the awe-provoking megalithic structures of the ancient world as seemingly enduring testaments to their supernatural power. As the History channel tells us, "the consistent legend permeating such beings, spanning the globe from Mexico to China, is that one day they will return." And that enduring legend remains. We see its propaganda literally everywhere, from science, documentaries, and Hollywood films depicting ancient "magical bloodlines," to the inescapable apocalyptic trend in both film and what we're actually seeing all around us today in the media. Mankind needs hope, and a savior. Not coincidentally, Christ Himself said that "As the days of Noah were, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be," which begs the obvious question, what were the days of Noah like? We are given that answer in Genesis 6. According to the strong implications given by the History Channel (itself under Masonic agenda control and devised by those who control history itself), such mighty beings of renown built Stonehenge, Machu Picchu and the Great Pyramid itself, all of which continue to astound both UFO believers and engineering experts alike. Such propaganda always seems to connects man's most ancient wisdom as being originally disseminated by these fallen "sky-beings from the stars," of whom became to be worshipped as ancient "gods" in their own right. To more fully understand how our world came under the spiritual authority of such beings to begin with, understand that when Adam and Eve sinned, they lost much more than Eden, they lost their rights of divine authority over the planet and all its inhabitants, which is now given over to Satan, as Rex Mundi, a position that was originally set aside for Adam. The original and divine hierarchy holds that the Holy Trinity, as the Creator God of all, exists above all, with God's Angels next holding their own given positions in Heaven, the heavens, and in the earth, with Adam set as ruler over the rest of mankind under God's authority, with animals and also Satan and his demons subject to man. Therefore, what Satan has effectively won, with his beguiling of Eve, was to ensure he and his spectral army are firmly situated, not below, but above mankind, whilst remaining under the authority of God and His loyal Angels. Secondly, the destruction of God's imposed innocence upon mankind's first Adamites, is also what Satan had in mind when attacking God thru beguiling Eve, to curse the whole of mankind, which is also why Satan's angels are since allowed to steal, torture, sexually corrupt, and then ritualistically kill and partake of the flesh of man, either directly, or through their Cainite descendants. Therefore, it was not Satan, but Adam, who was originally intended to be the King of the world, ruling within God's more divine hierarchy, as His High Priest, with Adam and Eve directing all of the world's worship to God. Such was the original purpose of the Adamic race of which the entire world would have been blessed and is yet prophesied to be blessed with after Christ's return.

*Read Article Mysterious Species Discovered Buried their Dead and Carved Symbols 100,000 Years Before Humans
*Read Article According to the Bible's Original Hebrew, Adam and Eve Were Not the First Humans on Earth
*Read Article Mankind Was Created on the 6th Day While Adam was Formed on 8th Day
*Read Article Why Does the Scriptures Call Jesus Christ 'The Second Adam'?
*Read Article Why Does the Scriptures Call Jesus Christ our 'High Priest'?

Understand, Adam was not the first man nor Eve the very first woman who existed in this world. As the Scriptures make known, while mankind [plural] were created on the Sixth Day, Adam and Eve were formed on the Eighth Day. This is clearly revealed in original Hebrew text but gets somewhat lost by translation into the middle English. In the original Hebrew, whereas God *created* the original races of mankind (plural) on the Sixth Day, placing each race within the borders of what became their ancient nations, He thus rested on what became the Sabbath Day. Afterward, on seemingly what would be the Eighth Day, the Hebrew text suddenly explains the account by which God specifically *formed* a single man, from the dust of Eden itself. God named this specific man, Adam, and commanded him to till Eden's soil, upon which He also gave Adam authority over all the animals seen in Eden. With God seeing Adam needed a helper, Eve was then formed out of Adam himself, and thus what became the race that later spawned what we collectively call the Jews today. The term surrounding the entire House of Israel and all their descendants as the "chosen people" itself carries a certain misunderstanding among many Christians, in that it suggests God much later decided that Abraham was chosen to bring forth the nation of Israel, when in fact Adam was literally created to spawn an entire race that God chose from the start to embody His will and divine purpose upon the earth, including the creation of Isra-El, meaning from its earlier name given to Jacob as '(they) who wrestle with God (Christ).' [Jacob/Israel's fourth son is Judah (Gen. 29:35). Judah rises to prominence among his three older brothers. The land of Judah is central to Israel, and the capital of Israel, Jerusalem, was situated within Judah. King David was from Judah. By the time of Jesus, the name Judah was also applied to the Roman province they named Judea. Thus, the Israelites who formed Judea out of the Babylonian exile became collectively known as Jews, meaning those of Judea.] Adam and Eve's only commandment by which God effectively tested them, was that they not partake of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, where Satan dwelled. Satan beguiled Eve, humanity itself fell as a result. God obviously foreknowing that Adam (and Eve) would fail and fall from their place in God's intended hierarchy, prepared Christ to be that Second Adam (through Adam's Bloodline) to redeem the entire world that was placed under Satan's authority, and new powers over Sin and Death. In other words, because Adam failed at keeping his destined role as High Priest over mankind, God took it upon Himself to fulfill this role through His Son, Jesus Christ as one who could not be beguiled by Satan, nor fail in His leading to the eventual restoration of God's divine hierarchy in the New Heaven and New Earth (that apparently was already being prepared at the foundations of this world). Moving into the next stage of human events, it became absolutely vital to God's entire plan of mankind's salvation, that the Adamic bloodline was kept pure from Seth to Jesus, and thus not tainted by either Satan's own children nor by the DNA of the second wave of Fallen Angels, that according to Jude, "kept not their first estate" but corrupted themselves by having sex with mortal woman, of whom "God spared not these same Angels, but cast them down to Hell, delivering them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto the Judgment Day." Why did God hide the true events of the obvious Satan-Eve sexual union behind the allegory of a fruit picked from the Knowledge of carnal good and carnal evil? Because, as God Himself prophesied, by the same measure would Satan and his seed be allowed to counter "her seed," to establish an unholy lineage from which his counterfeit Messiah would war against the Jewish Messiah. Thus, from Nod to the city of Enoch, from Babylon to Rome, have Satan's children walked among us to ultimately establish a global kingdom at the end of time by which Satan would provide his Son of Perdition. What I refer to as the "second wave of the fallen ones" should not in any way be confused with Satan's original fallen angels cast out from Heaven, as the two sets are very separate, by both its members, as well as by time itself.

*Read Article Who or What are the Annunaki?
*Read Article Did Fallen Angels Create the Nephilim?
*Read Article Origin of Giants and Contamination of Human DNA by Fallen Angels
*Read Article Opinions on the Nephilim: Who Are They, What Are They Doing, and Why?

Whilst Satan's many demons exist in Sheol, on earth's surface, and in our atmosphere, the specific earth-bound Holy Angels of Genesis 6 called Watchers, were commanded by God to watch over and protect mankind, but, in time, became lustful over man's own daughters, marrying them and begetting a hybrid Angelic-Human race of giants called the Nephilim. Such confusion over these two sets of fallen ones is more easily cleared up when understanding that Satan, as chief of the original fallen angels cast out of Heaven, fell long before either Adam or Eve were ever created. Those who cannot grasp this basic concept are wrapped up in the typical doctrine that purports this world (as opposed to world age) to be only 6,000 years old, believing that Satan and his demonic host fell just days before Eve was tempted. Such a doctrine makes no sense given that dinosaurs actually existed millions of years ago, and they were, for all intents and purposes, giants in their own right. Of course, those ascribing to the six literal days Creation theory, claim such dinosaurs walked the planet alongside early mankind, and lived simultaneously with him before the Flood. Refuting that becomes quite easy when understanding that earth's own geological record stands against such insular Christian belief of those who only read their Bibles in the English and not the Hebrew, and God Himself is no liar. That is to say, God Himself did not make it seem that the earth is millions of years old when, according to them, it's only 6,000 years old. That said, the geological record is correct, and earth's most ancient 'lizard giants' did exist millions of years ago. Now, how those same reptilian beasts came about could be up for discussion here, as I believe they were every one the result of Satan's initial tainting of God's perfected creation that roamed this world, albeit in a time far more ancient to that of Adam. As such, Satan's tainting of God's original creation would be precisely what Satan would have done leading up to, or just after his casting out of Heaven onto the Earth in his unlimited need for revenge and hatred of His Father. In other words, the Genesis 6 'Watchers' of Noah's time were certainly not the first Angels to have intercourse with a flesh to beget giants. Satan already had well-paved that path long before, which also stands to reason why God destroyed that world and left the resulting planet over to chaos with Satan and his minions in complete darkness for untold eons before re-establishing the planet in the six literal days following Genesis 1:2. In this way did God fashion this seemingly new world for mankind's new existence. As a result, God's test of man began with placing Adam and Eve in a Garden knowing that Satan was also there to tempt them. Adam fell, and the already existing mankind fell as a result. Death and Sin entered to corrupt and curse mankind ever since, leaving God room to establish a perfect Savior for anyone who would love God more than themselves, thus rooting out forever any rebellious spirits from ever again arising within Revelation's 'New Heaven and New Earth.' Several authors of late, with the Scottish House of Stewart, royal genealogist Laurence Gardner among them, believe this supposed Messianic figure carries a rare bloodline of powerful god-Kings, known as the Annunaki (or Shining Ones) and that his appearance will supposedly complete the work of Christ. Of course, what Gardner fails to mention is that Christ's work will only be completed at His destruction of the Antichrist. Gardner further asserts that this New Age king of whom secret societies like the Freemasons are preparing the planet for, carries within his veins the lineage of Christ via the Holy Grail Bloodline. The so-called 'Holy Grail Bloodline' theory desires to inform us that such a lineage should not only rule over mankind, but more occultly, that we should allow it to achieve all of its darkest goals that are ultimately bent on our own destruction, which is telling. Who ultimately seeks mankind's destruction? Though his seed may look like us, they are not like us.

*Watch Video Bible Evidence Proving the Gap Theory of Genesis One to be a Fact
*Read Article A Closer Look at Hovind's Six-Day Creation Theory and Other Claims
*Read Article Evidence Against a Recent (6,000 year old) Creation is Overwhelming

More telling, is that those who call upon these same Annunaki and Reptilian gods across the centuries, employing the same sacrificial ceremonies of infants and children to them, do so using by invoking the ancient Mesopotamian pantheon of gods and goddesses by which ancient demonology and Satanism was based. Their lineages were mostly extinguished in the Flood, but when tracing those of the surviving bloodline of the "Holy Grail" back to its progenitor, one amazingly arrives at Cain (the first murderer), or as Freemasons and other occultists deem him, the "first Freemason." Freemasons and others reading this know whereof I speak, in regard to what they've been taught regarding not only Cain, but Tubal-Cain. That said, it becomes very apparent that since the beginning, Satan's plan toward countering God revolved mainly around the corruption of Seth's bloodline and descendants to destroy the promise of Christ's birth. Because of what God prophesied in Genesis 3:15, Satan knew God's Son would ultimately set mankind free from his Satanic grip, to which he knew he had to corrupt the lineage of Seth that led to Christ. This led directly to "the days of Noah," mentioned by Christ, by which former Holy Angels left their former abode as man's overseers to instead fall as a result of their own lusts to have sex with mortal women and beget a monstrous hybrid, as well that everything else that Satan was also employing to work against what would become the deified God-Man in Jesus Christ, such as creating counterfeit sun-gods within every pagan religion to make it seem that by the time Christ was born, both His virgin birth and claims of being the Light (Sun-God) and God's Son dynamic would have seemed wholly unoriginal and quite passé by the first century. And yet, despite much of what became Satan's 4,000-year-old endeavor to prevent Christ's birth, he only managed to help Christ fulfill the very prophecies given Him that led Christ to the cross and ultimately as mankind's only Savior. Seeing that, Satan's retaliatory strike against Christ's post-resurrected authority and new Church then shifted to counterfeiting the Bloodline of Christ itself, to which today is referenced as "The Bloodline of the Holy Grail." With this, Satan is currently succeeding, the proof of which is seen in every single book, film, website or resulting media that touts the "Christ-Magdalene" heresy as fact and corrupts minds toward Antichrist as a result. Revelation 12 explains that when Satan discovers he cannot harm God's Resurrected Son via the corrupted tainting of His ancestry, that he immediately turns to once again seeking the destruction of the Jewish people themselves, through genocide. Thus has Satan's war of destruction against the Jewish people specifically manifested itself in many forms over the centuries, first seen in 70 AD, within the Diaspora, and again in World War II. Currently, with anti-Semitism on the rise since the birth of the Antichrist, reaching murderous heights not seen since Hitler walked the earth, it should be understood that the Antichrist's specific task to cause Israel (and the world) to recognize Satan as both Messiah and God, will manifest on the day Antichrist enters the Jewish Third Temple in Zion claiming to be God, thereby circumventing both God and Christ's own authority over Zion and creation itself. In a very ironic twist that most Biblical scholars never pick up on when commenting on Christ's own 40-day testing in the wilderness, Satan wanted Christ to become his Antichrist figure to obtain the ultimate revenge against God the Father. Matthew 4:8-11 informs us: the Devil took Him [Jesus] up unto an exceeding high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them. Satan said, "All these things will I give you, if thou will fall down and worship me." Then saith Jesus unto the Devil, "Get behind me, Satan. For it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve. The Devil [obviously angered] immediately left Jesus where the angels of God came and ministered unto the Son of God. Interestingly, Revelation 12 also speaks to Satan becoming increasingly angry going forward in time, first by knowing that "his time is short" but also because God has already determined and perfectly countered Satan's plan toward destroying all of humanity at each step, only allowing certain things to succeed for a time when it suits God's larger test of each and every soul on the other side of which stands Christ being ultimately recognized as the King of Israel, who is the entire reason for the Tribulation and for the Antichrist himself, for Israel shall not escape God's Son as perfectly outlined in Psalms chapter 2.

*Read Article Prophecy Forum: Why Does Satan Hate the Modern State of Israel?
*Read Article Let Him who Hath Wisdom Calculate the Numbers 666 versus 888
*Read Article The Son of God Jesus Christ vs the Evil Work of Lucifer/Satan

Many of you reading this are already aware of these beings albeit under a different name, a name created by David Icke in his limited attempt to explain the overwhelming evidence pointing to a global society of evil beings who share in the world's domination, and yet all have a single sinister goal, which has always been to prepare this world for the Antichrist, Satan in the flesh. However, as well-intended as David Icke may be, Icke leads his global readers right into a trap by not providing the entire truth regarding Satan's offspring, nor can he provide any true way to fight against these seemingly all-powerful, avowed, enemies of mankind. While loosely based on a Biblical fact, his shape-shifting beings from the stars that he intriguingly calls 'Reptilians' [Serpent Children] who today have attained the highest positions of power in this world, Icke will never make the most obvious connection, that these children, serpentine in nature as they are, are the literal children of the Devil. As it is written, Eve encountered Satan in the Garden of Eden. They had an encounter in which the Bible cites his beguiling of her, via a fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which is as I believe, a grand metaphor for a sexual encounter with the being that often inhabited that same Tree. In fact, the phrase "fruit" of the Tree is Hebrew word # 6529 meaning a) fruit, produce (of the ground), or b) fruit, offspring, children, progeny (of the womb). The phrase eat of it is Hebrew word #398; 'akal (aw-kal'); This word has many uses, among which, one use means to lay with a woman (as a sexual act). Touch is Hebrew word # 5060; naga` (naw-gah'): to lay the hand upon (euphemism for) to lay (have sex) with a woman. Therefore, God charging not to eat of the fruit, or even touch it, has a much different meaning in Hebrew, than in English. Etymology of the word "Arcane" proves equally interesting, being derived from Latin to mean secretive and/or having hidden knowledge, its verbal breakdown containing the name of ['ar']-Cain.' The next we read about Satan and Eve, God is directly cursing them both, whilst Adam's curse comes in the way of an indirect one, in that he will have to toil harder to yield the same result in harvesting the earth. Shortly thereafter, Eve is in childbirth, seemingly with twins. Eve first gave birth to a son, Cain, a Hebrew name meaning "Spear." The Biblical text goes on to state that she continued in childbirth (proving that she was having twins) and then begat Abel, a name meaning 'Vapor.' Researching the line of Cain further proves their systematic goal, which is the complete genocide of the Jewish race that originated in Cain slaying Abel. At the time Eve made that statement, the only beings that she knew were God, Adam, and Satan. From the Dead Sea Scrolls, Genesis 4:1 states: And Adam knew his wife Eve (who was already pregnant by Sammael [Satan]) and she conceived and bare Cain, and he was like the heavenly beings. According to Genesis 4:1 narrative, Eve did not say 'I have gotten a man from Adam,' which she should have said to be clear. She instead said, "I have gotten a man from the Lord," which was perhaps an exclamation said aloud to ensure Adam heard it. As some other translations render that same verse, Eve more interestingly claims, "I have gotten a man from the Angel of the Lord," leaving many possibilities as to who or what she actually meant. From 2 Corinthians 11:14: "And no wonder, for even Satan can disguise himself as an Angel of light."

*Read Article The True Meaning of the Name of Cain via Hebrew Etymology
*Read Article Biological Children of Satan in the Earth Descended from Cain
*Read Article Prince William: A First King Descended from the Stuart Dynasty

Having fraternal twins means a man can have sex with his wife and his wife can still give birth to another man's child, an account some make applicable to Cain and Abel, albeit this is still not readily taught in the mainstream Churches [but theistic Satanists teach amongst themselves]. Fraternal means being half-brothers in the womb, which can only come as a result of two different fathers having sex with the same woman. As such, Cain, whom Satanists cite is their most revered patriarch, was the literal son of Satan, while Abel was actually the first genetic son of Adam. Certain paganized versions of this account hold that Satan first entered the Garden on April 29th (a date which is still celebrated today by Satanic pagans and the day which, 66 years apart, both Hitler and Prince William married) and that by May 1, had already impregnated Eve with Cain, resulting in what became the whole May Day sex ritual festival, a Cainite "Holy Day" played out in medieval Europe, right up until the present day. Genesis 3:15-16 clearly reveals to us that after cursing the Serpent and all "his seed," God then immediately turns to the woman, Eve, and curses her with great pain in childbirth, and with that, the connection is made. Satan's seed and Eve's impregnation are linked to be of the same sin whereby the entire world is then cursed with the result of such Sin, which is the punishment of Death and Hell, the power of Satan. In time, when Eve finally brought forth her firstborn, knowing it wasn't of Adam's seed, she shouted, "I've been given a man by God." She did this to clearly beguile Adam, to dash what must have been his lingering doubt he likely had over what he knew would result in NOT a man from the Lord, but Satan himself. Thus, in one day came Satan's evil seed and Bloodline into the world by an Unholy Conception. Likewise, therefore, in one day, did God make a way out from this contamination of Evil via a Holy Conception to undue Satan's power over mankind. In other words, by evil Blood, came Sin, and so only by Holy Blood (and Christ's own shedding of it) could Sin be taken away. Because Satan had infused himself into the genetic pool of early man, via conceiving a son, dooming the entire planet under the curse of death and eternal Hell from which man would have no hope of escaping. For many, this is still true, and Satan has been effective in binding mankind to his own curse, forever. As such, God's mentioning of Satan's "seed" in Genesis 3:15 is not only literal - even as "her [Eve's] seed" is literal and ends in Jesus Christ - but becomes the only way Satan's "seed" can fulfill itself to ultimately spawn the flesh for the Antichrist, the man whom Satan is yet to possess to battle Christ. Thus, Satan's "seed," as used in Genesis 3:15 is not metaphorical, as too many teach, but must be literally bred unto and born out of a mortal woman, or a long-standing generation of men/women. I've already answered in above paragraphs as to why God must keep all of this a guarded secret among the world of men. That said, it becomes clearer the reason Satan sought Eve to beguile in the first place. It was because she could be made pregnant by his seed to sire a generational family of evil "illuminated ones" that Satan believed would be his greatest thwarting of God's own plan. The example of Christ coming into the world to undo Satan's power over Sin/Death, and their result being Hell was also seen in Christ obtaining the Keys of Death and Hell from Satan when Christ Himself died. As the InVerse website explains: "Let’s reflect for a few moments on Revelation 1:18, where Jesus has the keys of Hades and death. The grave is the prison, the dead are the prisoners, and Satan is the jailer with keys in hand, who does not let his prisoners go free (cf. Isa. 14:17). The good news is that Jesus died, went into the grave, took away the keys from the jailer, and came forth with them in His hand. Because He lives, we will live also (John 14:19). When the venomous serpents in the wilderness bit the Israelites, God neutralized the venom by raising His own serpent, a symbol of the death of Jesus (John 3:14, 15; 12:31–33). Scientists make antivenin from venom. Likewise, Jesus defeated the venom of death by His death! He went into the grave, took away the keys from Satan, and came out alive! The book of Hebrews explains that by His death, Jesus destroyed Satan, who had the power of death: “Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage” (Heb. 2:14, 15, emphasis supplied). As we stated previously (cf. Matt. 16:18), the gates of Hades will not prevail against the church because they did not prevail against Jesus (v. 21)."

*Read Article Another Satanic Website Wants to Claim Satanism as the 'World's Oldest Religion'
*Read Article People from 'Elite Backgrounds' Increasingly Dominate Western Academia
*Read Article The Elite of Satan and the Religion of Tubal-Cain called Witchcraft
*Read Article The Children of Cain: A Study of Modern Traditional Witches
*Read Book "Natural Satanic Witchcraft - Traditional, Spiritual, Orthodox"

Eve knew that Cain was not the son of Adam, but kept that in her own beguiled heart nonetheless. Genesis then tells us she then gave birth to Abel, of whom Cain later kills in the first human sacrifice to Satan, who consumed both the flesh and blood of Abel in honor of his Dark Father, from which the eldest form of Satanism and Witchcraft were originally wrought. God having to ask Cain where his brother was might provide another clue that Cain felt the best way to hide Abel's corpse from his parents was consuming his flesh and drinking his blood, something which Christ later asked we do to 'remember' Him. And this is what is venerated by modern theistic Satanists today, death, specifically by murder, but more specifically, the death of an innocent male at the hand of one of Satan's own that is supposed to best reflect Abel's own murder, the first murder. Interestingly, Abel's innocent blood being shed also served as the foreshadowing archetype of Christ Himself, who purposefully shed His blood to remove Satan's power over death from among us all. Intriguingly, the numerology of Gen. 3:15 is (3+15=18 or 6+6+6). The only use in the Bible of the capital "S" for Six is found in Revelation 13:18; and it personifies the number as you would capitalize a proper name, thus, Let he who hath wisdom calculate the number of the Beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six-hundred, three-score, Six. The number calculates his name. The numbers in the King James Holy Bible have significant meaning that follow the number throughout the scriptures. The number 13 has always been an unlucky number. The number 13 is the number that represents Satan, evil, wickedness, devils, and everything vile that is connected to them. This book is a chronological account of the number of rebellion in the bible from Genesis to Revelation. The word "THIRTEENTH" is found to be the thirteenth word in a bible verse only one time at: Esther 9:1 Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same. The words thirteen and thirteenth appears 26 (2x13) times in the bible. There are 13 famines recorded in scripture. There are 13 kings recorded from David to Zedekiah who went into Babylonian captivity. 2nd Chron. 36:10 contains the phrase: 'the old serpent', 'thousand years', 'Jannes/Jambres' have 13 letters. The Antichrist (13 letters), who we know to be 'Judas Iscariot; (13 letters), is the one who 'betrayed Jesus' (13 letters). He is the coming to rule over 'New World Order' (13 letters) that is being set up currently by the globalists. The Antichrist 'is the man of sin' (13 letters) spoken of by Jesus in the gospels, and his final abode will be 'the lake of fire' (13 letters). A sample of the Revelation 13:18 (a 13 with 3x6), the 66th book of the bible; the 13th chapter; and the 18th verse; here we get the "number of a man"; 'the Antichrist', which is 666; the unholy trinity. The word "Beast" in sole reference to the person of 'the Antichrist' (13 letters), himself, appears a total of 36 (6x6) times in Revelation. No coincidence. The address 13:18 (13+3x6) added together is: 1+3+1+8=13; and 13+18=31 a 13 reversed; 'the Antichrist' is covered over with 6's, 13's and their multiples. Another infamous 13:18 is found in John's gospel (see); John is also the author of the book of Revelation; and he records Jesus, at the Last Supper, quoting Psalm 41:9 and Jesus says: "He that eateth bread with me hath lift up his heel against me," a direct reference to the betrayer 'Judas Iscariot' (13 letters) and the quote just happens to be 13 words long in the language of the Beast, English. As proven later, Judas was himself a Cainite. Thus, the numerical acrostic and number of thirteen is obviously connected to both the Cainite lineage (including Judas) and their ultimate spawn in the Antichrist himself.

*Read Article The Modern Satanic Elite Engage in Human Cannibalism to Worship "Q'ayin" (Cain)
*Read Article Cannibalism is Not Only Considered but Subtly Promoted Among Academics
*Read Article Cain is the Father of Masonic Sorcery; Son of Satan (Lumiel)

As written, Abel's blood cried out to God, having been spilled into the earth, remains something that modern Satanic witches attempt to recreate in their glorification of Satan's power over death and Hell, via human sacrifices, cannibalism, and feeding the earth and crops the blood of their sacrifices. This is also why theistic Satanists shape their own historical, albeit hidden narrative, by calling Satanism the "world's oldest religion," connecting it back to Eden. Consequently, the following generations of Cain were steeped in the original "Gnosis" of the illumined, that is to say, they knew the Occult secret that Satan begat Cain, their eldest ancestor. And because God had provided the prophecy (Genesis 3:15) to Satan about his seed being conquered by her Seed, and knowing that thru Adam and Eve's lineage would come the Messiah who would destroy the much later Antichrist, Satan wasted no time in marking Abel as his first target, believing that destroying him would render God's own prophecy and promise of a Holy-born Messiah thru the generation of Adam to be impossible. Despite Satan's vanity-laden thought, God's own promises cannot be made void and thus, Adam and Eve conceived their second son, Seth, meaning 'substitute.' As such, Satan knew his war was far from over and that God's prophecy of the Messiah, first uttered in Genesis 3:15 - which relies completely on a Holy Lineage from Adam to Christ was still very much in effect. As a result, there have been two distinct lineages unleashed into this world, with Cain being the first 'serpent' born of Satan's Royal Blueblood ("Reptilian") lineage, an accursed lineage of death that has ultimately generated today's illuminated descendants of the Morning Star (Lucifer's) Solar blood, against the Sethite House of Israel. It would then, in turn, become Satan's ongoing mission to destroy the Holy ("Jewish") Lineage of Seth, so chosen because it is the very DNA that God would work thru to bring about His Son, the Messiah. It turns out that God's "chosen people" are therefore much more than simply being children of Abraham, they are of a divine lineage that has brought an eternal life itself unto us in the form of both a spiritual Christ and His physical nation of Israel, past and present. Now you know why evil still seeks to destroy the Jewish people. Because of their subversive knowledge of evil itself, as well as being guided by demonic "principalities and powers," Cain's descendants have become this world's controlling "elites." And worse, Jews not only remain largely ignorant to their presence as Cainites and the Satanic plot still being waged against them, but also of God's ultimate plan for them on the other side of their ultimately choosing Antichrist as their Messiah. God tells us quite plainly in Hosea 4:6: “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” This is strongly reminiscent of Ezekiel 39:23, which states: “And the heathen shall know that the House of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against Me, therefore I hid My face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies, so fell they all by the sword.” I believe that last line references both the time of the Holocaust, and perhaps to some extent, even the Israel's even greater tribulation during the future age of Antichrist, of whom both the books of Daniel and Revelation predicted that Antichrist shall conquer the nation of Israel in the latter days to oppress the Jews. In this way, shall God bring His Son once more to bear, after Israel finally sees the end-result and grave error of all their choices, when Antichrist sits enthroned in the Temple's Holy of Holies claiming to be God Himself. Only then, will Jews clearly see Isaiah 53's "suffering servant" and "stone of whom their fathers rejected" is more correctly interpreted to be Jesus Christ Himself. Until that day, the Jews see none of it, primarily because they, like the world, have no idea the children of Cain still exist beyond the Flood despite their evil hand being seen throughout history wherever spiritual and financial corruption destroyed empires or whenever Jews were brought into captivity, spiritual ruin, or near complete extinction.

*Read Book Occult Liber Falxifer II: 'Mother of Our Cainite Bloodline'
*Read Article Modern Witchcraft Teaches that Cain is the Son of Satan
*Read Article Seed of the Serpent: Who Begat the First Murderer Cain?
*Read Article The Religion of Witchcraft Teaches Tubal-Cain is their Witch-Father

Matthew 1:2-16 and Luke 3:23-38 infamously provides the lineage of Jesus Christ, via Seth (Adam's son) but negates to mention Cain as Adam's son, with good reason. Cain is not Adam's son. Despite that fact, I still receive letters from those citing how Cain has to be Adam's son because "that's what it says in the ENGLISH version of the Bible." Be that as it may, however, American Christians often forget the Scriptures were not written in their personal use of the King's English. Jewish scholars themselves understood that Cain was not Adam's son, because what is revealed in the original ancient Hebrew used in Genesis. The belief regarding Cain as Satan's son by such scholars are contained in many works including but not limited to Zohar 154a and Legends of the Jews 1:3:1 where it explicitly states Satan had sex with Eve to beget Cain. I've also heard some say in criticism, that God couldn't have meant what He said when He explicitly told Satan that "his seed" would one day wound Christ's heel, and that Christ would one day wound the head of that apparent offspring of Satan, in Antichrist. But understand, God was not speaking in metaphor in reference to Satan's seed, and suddenly reversed Himself 180 degrees to then speak to Eve about her seed in the literal sense, but this is exactly what traditional Christian interpretations would have you believe when God was obviously speaking to the both of them in the literal sense of what would literally occur between these two seedlines in the natural course of time. Even as some Christians ask, why would God never more openly reveal all of this to us more plainly in His Word? I would answer, first, you haven't read the text in its original Hebrew, but also, just as God protected Cain unto the "seventh generation," God is also protecting the knowledge of Cain's descendants from being revealed to a great extent because the Antichrist himself remains part of God's larger divine will. Understand, what God receives on the other side of the Antichrist is the nation of Israel itself. In short, they will believe in Christ, because of Antichrist. A more careful reading of Genesis 3:15 bears this out. Just as God never overtly announced that the Messiah would be named Yashua and be born during Herod's reign, because that would have corrupted God's test for the Jews, is why God also never announced overtly that Cainites lead to Antichrist. If God told everyone plainly that Cainites exist, it would mean they wouldn't exist, because man would round them up and kill every last one of them just like earlier man wanted to kill Cain, in revenge. For this same reason of God's divine protection over the generations of Cain to ensure their establishment that leads to Antichrist, is also why, that while the Nephilim were mostly exterminated in Noah's Flood, the Cainites that were already establishing themselves in ancient cultures were not harmed by the Flood whatsoever. The entire concept people still mistakenly hold makes no sense on its face, not when it was God Himself who protected the Cainites to their seventh generation to ensure they became established in the earth, not suddenly die off in an instant some 7+ generations later. Put another way, God wouldn't lend such a divine protection of that level given to Cain and his descendants, and for that long of a period of time, just to have all of that God-ordained protection be for naught in an instant; to have the children of Cain entirely die off in what is still being falsely taught as a worldwide flood. It isn't made clear in the King James English, but in its original Hebrew and in the later in Greek New Testament account of it, Noah's flood did not encompass the entire planet, as still far too many ignorantly believe. The King James English translation would have us believe that "the waters were on the face of the whole earth" (Gen. 8:9). However, in the original Hebrew, the word used for "whole earth" is actually "eratz" #776, to mean a known land; a limited area. Therefore, eratz does not mean the surface of an entire planet in its translation, but rather a limited land area that is commonly known. In addition to that, the later New Testament Greek word used in referencing Noah's flood from 2 Peter 3:6, tell us: "Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished." -- The Greek word used for world there means specifically 'world order,' not the surface of the entire planet. As described by Abarim Publications: "The important noun κοσμος (kos-mos) means order, and that mostly of the civilized, governed and cultured, known, human world.

*Read Article Was the Great Flood in Noah's Day Localized to Only a Single Geographic Area?
*Read Article Genesis Six Conspiracy: House of Dragon - Bloodlines of the Prehistoric Giants

Giants might not just be for fairy tales and imagination anymore. It seems they might've actually roamed the Earth, according to Archaeologists in Nevada, US who have discovered extraordinary human remains. The story started back in 1911 when some miners went searching for bat droppings to use as fertilizer. In doing so, they came across some strange items in a cave close to Lovelock, Nevada. Giant skeletons with distinctive red hair and measuring far larger than humans were uncovered, some reaching as far as 10-feet-tall. The most fascinating uncovering was the mummies measuring 8 to 10-feet-tall, called the Lovelock Giants. Additionally, they found massive 15-inch-long sandals that were suggested to have been worn down from use, as well as a boulder with what looked to be a massive handprint engraved in it. Furthermore, in 1931, the local newspaper, the Nevada Review-Miner, reported the findings of two giant skeletons in a dry lakebed near Lovelock. Again, they measured 8.5 and 10 feet and seemed to be mummified in a similar fashion to the ancient Egyptians. According to Paiute beliefs, an ancient tribe in Nevada, there’s a tale of red-haired giants known as the Si-Te-Cah who travelled from a distant island and made their way to the Americas thousands of years ago. This tribe of had a reputation for cruelty and cannibalism.

Archaeologists Unearthed 10-foot-tall People in Nevada

It does not denote the "cosmos" or the "world" in the sense of our planet or some earthly realm or territory, or even the biosphere at large; it doesn't really refer to anything physical or tangible but rather the elements of human order that define humanity and which separates humans from wild animals. Thus, Noah's commonly taught "worldwide flood" did not flood the entire planet, as proven by both the ancient Hebrew and the Greek. It was a localized flood to exterminate the specific spreading of Watcher/Annunaki DNA throughout mortal women as clearly referenced in Genesis 6, which is explained as the reason God needed to exterminate their monstrous offspring, the Nephilim, from the area they were specifically spreading in, not the entire planet at that time. God thus caused the area to rain for forty days and nights, the resulting waters of which covered from Israel to Persia, and whose receding waters produced run-off into the Mediterranean, Persian Gulf, as well as Red, Black, and Caspian seas. Ergo, Noah's flood greatly reduced the population of evil demonic offspring that were spreading too rapidly over the Mideast area, of which also 'The Book of Enoch' makes known in some detail. In so doing, God prevented Satan and his Angels from destroying the lineage of the Messiah, thereby preserving Noah and his family, knowing Noah's was the last of the line of Seth (Adam' son) to not be tainted with either Satanic Cainite or demonic Annunaki blood, of which Satan planned to infect all of mankind with evil bloodlines in order so that the Messiah could not be conceived. The children of Cain, protected up to the seventh generation, likewise also survived Noah's flood to fulfill God's destiny for them, which at the end of time produces Antichrist to fulfill God's will outlined in Genesis 3:15. As a general rule, one must escape the trappings of the English text and read what's actually being said in the original Hebrew, Chaldean, Aramaic, or Greek when it comes to accurately reading the Scriptures. For example, when Cain was "driven from the face of the earth" (Gen. 4:14), it is denoting from the land, not the whole planet as, again, some too simply suggest. When the plagues were upon Egypt and the "rain was not poured upon the earth" (Ex. 9:33), no scholar suggests there was a worldwide universal drought upon the entire earth, because the word used there is eratz, which scholars understand to pertain the land of Egypt only, not the entire planet. In fact, Noah's flood obviously did not even reach Egypt, for the entire extent of ancient Egyptian history as well as an unbroken dynasty of Pharaohs continues right thru the time that Noah's flood occurred. In addition, the more localized flood of Noah might not have flooded the planet, but it still affected the surrounding areas as some of the fallen angel offspring were forced to leave the Near East to link up with their brethren further west and east, explaining, for example, China's "Longshan Giant" as well as the entire town filled with 5,000-year old Giant Skeletons found in China's Shandong province. America, specifically Nevada, also had excavations that found what is called the "Lovelock Giants" who were known for their long red hair as well as their "cruelty and cannibalism."

*Read Article Controversial Rock Art Might Depict Extinct Giants Existing Before the Ice Age
*Read Article Startling Evidence of the Nephilim Giants from the Caucasus Mountain Region

As stated, the limited flood of Noah with its forty days of rain was very unlike the instantaneous and global flood which God caused the First Age world to be destroyed via exterminating every single pre-Adamic inhabitant of that more ancient world. Thus, the accounts this world's most ancient cultures still have regarding a flood that engulfed the whole planet were not Noah's but speaking to the equally verified account of that flood whose pictures and glyphs were still left on the ancient walls of this world's first nations and anterior cultures, i.e., long before the Cainite takeover and subsequent corrupted historical account. Demons themselves naturally survived the Flood, and their own post-diluvian pedigree and/or influence can be determined by wherever human sacrifice was made a major tenet within a culture's specific "pagan" religion, as well as wherever pyramids, earth mounds, standing stones, and pagan temples were built. In fact, what has been reduced to "ancient paganism" in the academic world is almost always a form of either Satanism or demonology because demons always made themselves known to the spirit-attuned and "witches" within every culture since Eden's fall. This was true from the original cultures of Mesopotamia with their human sacrificing to a pantheon of literal "demon gods," to the ancient British Isle's human sacrificing priests known as the Druid's to China's own human sacrificing ancient priesthood, to Mexico's human sacrificing Aztec and Mayan cultures, etc. What God had formerly called "good" when looking upon mankind after their creation as seen in Genesis 1, became almost entirely corrupted by Genesis 6, and as Genesis 6:2 makes known, this was due not only by "the Sons of God" (Watchers/Annunaki) lusting after mortal women in the region of Mt. Hermon who begat the titans, but moreover due to evil existing in the hearts of common men "continually," an even darker influence that was the direct result of Satan and his fallen angels and their powers of sin and corruption being concentrated most in the areas surrounding what was Eden in what is today the Mideast and later Near East within which man's first mega-empires grew with help of occult/forbidden knowledge passed from fallen angels to those nations that first served these "pagan gods" and made blood sacrifice to them as seen in ancient Sumeria, Babylon, Caanan, Lebanon, China in the east and Mexico in the west and, as noted, is still being waged against mankind by Cain's bloodline descendants to this very day. Another recent discovery proving otherworld intelligences brought early man a level of genius that rivals all former beliefs formerly taught is a 3,700-year-old stone tablet known as Plimpton 322 discovered in what was ancient Babylon. "This is a rare example of the ancient world teaching us something entirely new," says its discoverer, Dr. Daniel Mansfield of Australia. The stone contains a trigonometry table so highly advanced that it has practical applications even today for use in advanced mathematics, surveying and computing. The tablet itself predates the Greek astronomer Hipparchus, who has long been regarded as the father of trigonometry, by 1,500 years and uses a novel kind of math that employs not angles and circles, as traditionally used in trig, but more advanced ratios - leaving Mansfield to conclude it to be a fascinating mathematical work that clearly demonstrates undoubted genius on the part of an extremely ancient empire that has since, somehow, fallen to time.

*Read Article Satan's Fallen Past Empires: Origin of Sun Worship, Trinity, Babylon and Sunday Worship
*Read Article Lucifer was Archetypally Referenced as the 'King of Babylon' by the Prophet Isaiah for a Reason

And God said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The Serpent beguiled me. And the Lord God said unto the Serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed. I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her Seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His Heel. Unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception because thy desire shall be ONLY to thine own husband.

Genesis 3:11-16

And the woman replied, "Nachash [the Satan] SEDUCED me" (Gen. 3:13). According to Rashi, Satan sexually desired Eve. Thus, the Zohar states: "Two beings [Adam and Nachash] had intercourse with Eve, and she conceived from both and bore two children" (Zohar 136b). And even more specifically: "Nachash injected his impure semen into Eve and she absorbed it; therefore, when Adam had intercourse with her she bore two sons." (Zohar 154a)


Nay, even while Adam was alive, it came to pass that the posterity [lineage] of Cain became exceedingly wicked, every one successively dying one after the other, more wicked than the former. They were intolerable in war, and vehement in robberies; and if any one were slow to murder people, yet was he bold in his profligate behaviour, in acting unjustly, and doing injury for gain.

Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, A.D. 93

It was Satan (called “Azazel”) and his fallen angels who interbred with human females. The Book of Enoch specifies what “forbidden wisdom” the fallen angels or Watchers taught their human descendants. This included astronomy, math, writing, music, metallurgy, and all forms of arts and sciences, as well as how to perform magic. So, we are talking about a bloodline supposedly descended from Satan that was believed to be responsible for acquiring and passing down to us all of the esteemed arts and sciences of civilization, as well as the Occult sciences. This links up with the story of Dagon and his race interbreeding with mankind and bringing them wisdom, or with the Quinotaur inseminating the mother of Meroveus [to beget the Merovingian god-kings.]

In each case, we have a forbidden sexual union between the human and the divine which results in a royal bloodline, and which is associated with the passing down of advanced, forbidden, or occult wisdom. Cain who it is alluded, is actually the son of Satan... whose descendants were responsible for rebuilding civilization after the Deluge. They were eventually deified by their ancestors and remembered as god-kings by the ancients. And as I examine world history and mythology, it is clear to me that it is descent from these semi-human, semi-divine god-kings which have provided all monarchs since then with a divine right to rule. I am willing to bet that all royal houses from throughout the world can in one way or another be traced back to the Cainite hegemony ruling the planet today.

Tracy R. Twyman Interviewed About Rennes-le-Chateau

The fact that Satan still holds the powers of Sin, Death, and Hell over the unsaved proves that Christ's power can only be implemented into one's life through the freedom of one's own will, that God the Father has provided us all, both Angel and man alike. Conversely, Satan's ongoing power speaks volumes as to what truly occurred in that fateful first encounter between Satan and Eve that led us all to have to make that epic choice, ultimately between Heaven or Hell. While so many preachers today continue to speak of a bitten apple, it would be wiser for us to understand that the very reason it takes such a heavy ransom like the shedding of Blood by God's own Son to remove Satan's grip on Evil, itself proves that there was much more going on there than the bite into an apple. Clearly sex, semen and blood, were all involved on the day this world was cursed by God, just as only God and His Holy Blood through His Son could ever remove what are the carriers of unholy blood that still works to keep mankind in the darkness of Sin, Death and Hell. The Scriptures back all of this up by informing us that the shedding of Christ's Holy Blood, not only has the power to remove Sin from our lives, but even sets us forever free from the bondages of Death and Hell, as well. Moreover, the Scriptures cite that Christ took upon Himself all of our collective Sin, since Cain, whereby He then went down to Hell, in the bowels of the earth, to preach the Good News to the captives there. After three days of which, just as the spirit of Satan shall arise from the Bottomless Pit to go into the Son of Perdition (Antichrist), Christ returned back into His body whereupon He rose from the dead, continued to preach the Gospel to His stunned followers, only to later ascend back to His Father. Thus, whether you stand today as a Christian, or not, you should be thanking God for His precious Son, on this day of someone's salvation. For by one Morning Star, came Death itself into the world, and by another Morning Star, has God given us the victory through Life eternal. He has given us the victory through His Morning Star, and conquering Son, so that we may never taste death, but be given an everlasting victory unto Life Eternal, by His side. Meanwhile, Satan continues to deceive the rest of the world who haven't awoken to the fact that they are spirit beings having this human experience for a reason that goes far beyond their seemingly mundane lives. We have been born into a war that rages until the moment that God's 7,000-year plan and His announcement that "It is finished," has commenced. Moreover, it was these children of Lucifer who effectively disguised their presence among our ancestors, managing to control the historical account that favored Aryans and their western expansion ever since. While they have attempted to banish the Holy Scriptures itself, God has warned us repeatedly of their 'Synagogue of Satan' dedicated to Q'ayin (Hebrew rendering of Cain) knowing no boundaries of their own evil. And no marvel, for this is the very nature of Antichrist himself, their ultimate prodigy and "Son of Perdition." And this is why the theistic Satanism of the controlling elite still employ sex and murder in their black masses, denoting Satan's still existing power over Death and Hell (for the unsaved) that was established when his sex with Eve produced their father. Cain's later creating of metal tools used to kill and cannibalize, are themselves given religious-like importance by his theistic followers when partaking of their victims' flesh and blood in mockery of Christ, while worshipping Satan/Antichrist. Again, because Satan/Cain shed innocent blood to bring man's further ruin and establish his/Satan's kingdom on earth, is why God/Christ had to come into the world and reverse it via innocent blood shed not of another, but that of His own. In short, only Christ's own shed Blood and eternal authority could bring mankind's eternal redemption unto Holiness before the Father.

*Read Article The Satanic Black Mass Database: Satan/Demons Demand Human Sacrifices
*Read Article Cain the Forgotten Father: Lucifer's Children Secretly Ruling the Earth
*Read Article The Children of Cain by Three Hands Press, Satanic Publishing
*Read Article The "Satanism" of Cain in Context: Byron's Lucifer by Schock
*Read Article Ixaxaar Publications: The First Murderer - Our Master Q'ayin

Adam and Eve are cast out of the Garden of Eden for disobeying God. Soon afterwards, Eve is pregnant. She has two children, although it is not clear if they were twins, or if they were born and conceived separately. Cain is considered the eldest, though. It seems clear that, in part, the knowledge which the Serpent gave to Eve by getting her to eat the apple was “carnal knowledge.” And so it is possible that he indeed impregnated her at that time, spawning Cain, prior to her and Adam conceiving Abel. So once again, we have a sex crime which spawns a Royal race, and which originates with Satan. Is this what the Quinotaur (Q'ayin-otaur?) symbolizes? Is this why the Devil is such a prominent theme in Rennes-le-Chateau? Is this the heresy that really lies at the heart of the Merovingian mythos? Is it this secret knowledge: that our kings, our savior, and all of our human wisdom have a heritage going back to Cain and to Satan? This is the kind of idea that the Church never wants anyone to think about. But it is this very union of the human and the divine, as well as of good with evil, which had always been said to lie at the heart of Occult power.

This is the mystery of the ages. Knowledge of this is said to bestow upon its bearers an omnipotent power. And indeed, it seems that this is what all the Monarchs of history have carried in their blood — the powers of both God and the Devil, inherited literally through blood descent and DNA, the microcosm of the Universe itself. But they also carry within them the curses of their forefathers, Cain and Satan. God would only allow those secrets to be revealed if he was ready for the Apocalypse to begin. That being said, I also think that, if there ever were going to be an “Anti-Christ,” a King who unites the globe in a universal religion and government, declaring himself to be the embodiment of God, it stands to reason that he would probably come from the Grail Bloodline. He would be descended from Satan, which would explain his predestined predilection for evil, but he would also be a descendant of Christ, King David, Abraham, Jacob, Noah and Adam. He could use all of these lineages as credentials to convince members of all the world’s religions that he is not only their divine right king, but the final avatar, or Messiah.

Tracy R. Twyman Interviewed About Rennes-le-Chateau

The Merovingian Franks alluded to their Cainite descent with their legend that their founder, Meroveus, was the spawn of a sea-serpent called the “Quinotaur,” a word not to be found in any dictionary, but which is etymologically linked with the name of Cain (Q'ayin).

The Apocalypse Plot: A Merovingian Antichrist?

I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the Dragon [Frog and Dragon both Reptilian], and out of the mouth of the Beast, and out of the mouth of the Prophet. For they are the spirits of demons, working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle.

Revelation 16:13; The Holy Bible

Cain and His Lineage Protected to Establish Their Dark Destiny Toward Antichrist
Satan had infected the mind of his son, whereby the nomad that Cain became was then banished by God into the land of Nod. As he traveled, he saw what ruination that his parents had also brought into the larger world. It wasn't long after that Cain cried out to God, announcing that his punishment was unbearable, and he feared for his life, stating anyone else finding him would immediately kill him for bringing further curse and ruination upon their world. God then placed a Mark upon him by which no man could kill him, not because God somehow favored Cain, but because Cain would live to produce an entire accursed race of his own, one that would exist as a counterfeit to that Holy (Jewish) Lineage of God that would ultimately result in Jesus Christ, lest Cain's own role in the Genesis 3:15 prophecy by God, as being the blood enemy of both God and man, that is to say, Antichrist, be brought to naught. Thus, both God and Satan knew full well of Cain's importance, that leads to Antichrist, so did God place that mark, protecting Cain from death, so that Cain may live to produce a race of his own. Cain traveled the ancient and now accursed world, where he found a wife, his 'Dark Eve', as it were. Many speculations have been made into exactly who this woman could have been. Suffice to say, no one has written more about Cainite history other than those aligned with the darkest of Occult rituals and blood-sacrifice to Satan and his children than those who would know that history best, the Aryans themselves. The fact that God placed a 'mark' upon the fearful Cain that would "protect" him (meaning his lineage) unto the "seventh generation" proves without doubt that a Cainite Bloodline and unholy lineage is what's being referenced to in Genesis. That same lineage then apparently leads from Cain directly to the Antichrist himself. Moreover, those first seven generations that needed God's protection was only removed when the Cainite Kingdom became self-sustaining under Tubal-Cain, who established a system of laws, backed up by a hierarchy of forces to protect the core establishment of the most pure-blooded descendants of Cain himself. She bore unto him a son, which Cain named Enoch, meaning "illuminated one." The path toward an Illuminati was secured. Cain’s ancient name of Q'ayin eventually worked into its later English root to become four connecting words of importance here, “Arcane,” “Aryan,” “Kin” and “King.” In other words, you could think of Cain as the primordial king upon which the archetype of a “King” of Occult magic is based. Cain and his children were first "Pagans" to worship Satan and his demon "gods," even as it was the Cainites, and those they greatly influenced, who created the very first pagan kingdoms of the ancient world. In contrast to those non-Cainite pagans who came after, did Molech, Chemosh and Baal, even all the (demonic) gods of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Babylon and Assyria, work with and for Satan's children to increase Satan's kingdom upon this world. It was Cain who carried out the first human sacrifice to Satan, who consumed both the flesh and blood of Abel in honor of his Dark Father. Since Genesis, Cain's descendants, and those who serve their agenda, have engaged in similar blood sacrifices in the honor of their own dark father, Cain himself, of whose Masonic secret is subtly revealed in the etymology within the English words Cannibal (Cain + Abel) and Cabal were also based. The earliest Akkadian histories seem to indicate Cain's descendants were also first in stealing children to be used as slaves, for sex and ultimately human sacrifices (that led to the more conventional Black Masses held in medieval Europe) that's secretly carried out among Cainite Royalty and the elites who serve them to this very day. From Scripture, we know that Satan has all spiritual power over this world's kingdoms, and over every nation on this earth, but Satan also holds power over each nation's internally corrupt system that placed these 'Sons of the Devil' in positions of politics, education, medicine, and vast wealth. So while Satan controls this world spiritually, it is the Sons of Cain who control this world physically, for Satan.

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Enoch carried the mark of his father Cain proving this Enoch was not the same as Seth's son of the same name. This also became true with Lamech, a descendant of Cain, as well as another Lamech, a descendant of Adam. Resultingly, there are two seedlines clearly moving in polar opposite directions spiritually, and yet, before even the 7th generation, we are seeing the same names, i.e. Enoch and Lamech being given to their early descendants. Why? Assuming that these weren't just popular names of the time, and knowing there is almost no mere coincidences so recorded during that pre-flood world, what is God attempting to show us? Even when reading the text today, you can see how confusion can arise from having two very different Enoch's as well as two Lamech's in the early world, to which Satan could use to his greater advantage. Ergo, obviously Satan took full advantage of what he could in the days of Genesis, using similar names and personages it at various points within all of history to mask his Cainite children with that of the descendants of God's chosen race as part of the larger work over millennia to finally establish his Antichrist to ultimately deceive the Jews in the last days. The mark and symbol of the Cainite clans were denoted by the Mark which God placed upon Cain, with most scholars believing this same iconic symbol being the blood-red, equal-sided Solar Cross which originally marked their accursed skins. This same mark, as well as other supernatural traits, has also been passed down thru millennia of Cain's generations via their entirely unique Rh-Negative blood type, to which, also not coincidentally, survives today in the veins of the modern British Royals. A study into Rh-Negative blood proves it is not human, or entirely human. Geneticists claim the Rh-Negative factor is a mutation of unknown origin which apparently originated nearly six-thousand years ago (4004 BC). It is acknowledged that blood factors are transmitted with more exactitude than any other human or animal characteristic. The Rh-negative blood people spread heavily into the area of what is now Germany, France, Spain, England, Ireland and Wales, specifically, their ruling and aristocratic "Royal Houses." Amazingly, the highest concentration of RH negative blood occurs in the Basque people of Northern Spain and Southern France in the Languedoc region, not coincidentally, where the entire "Holy Grail Bloodline" story originated in the modern era, by way of Rennes le Chateau. Only 17% of the global population (16% being of European descent) are known to have the Rh-Negative blood factor whilst "O" negative constitutes less than .07%. Those known to have this blood type generally exhibit high intelligences, with the majority having eyes that may change color like a chameleon (perhaps where Icke obtained his "shape-shifting" attribute) but also piercing blue eyes, blonde, or reddish hair, a higher perception of discernment, social activism, as well as various paranormal abilities. Also interesting, is that Rh-Negatives carry an extra rib or vertebrae, as if to say that they are something other than a Creation that is descended from Adam. Moreover, Rh-Negatives are seemingly the 'chosen people' among UFO abductees, as they comprise the vast majority of demonic UFO encounters, which speaks volumes as to where (and by whom) this ultra-rare blood type has found its way among mostly Anglo-Saxon and Celtic descendants today. Equally intriguing, are the historical accounts that the Merovingian's themselves, who are perhaps the most infamous carriers of 'The Blood Royale,' who it is believed shared a common physical characteristic, a "birthmark resembling a Christian Cross" that was seen usually positioned either between the shoulder blades, the base of the forehead, or in a strange link with the Templars, over the heart. All of this becomes quite intriguing considering the American 'RED CROSS' deals in extracting tons of blood for the purposes of "saving lives," while those who control entire cities where these blood banks are most active, literally drink human blood on a daily basis. A much less physical "Mark of Cain" is the curse that also marks those would-be mothers of the progenitor Bloodline itself. Disturbingly, having Rh-Negative Factor O-Negative Blood almost always results in a succession still-birth children, unless the woman strictly interbreeds with other Rh-Negatives. To this day, Rh-Negative women have to receive a certain vaccine in order so that they may produce children with men not of the Rh-Negative factor, which in itself speaks volumes as to the murderous attempts, or Cain's "mark," as it were, within this scientifically designated "non-human" blood type. In fact, 87% of all Rh-Negatives die being born, proving a curse of death itself is upon it. Generations over millennia have wondered what shape the physical Mark of Cain might have been, whilst others simply know. This account, bizarre as it may be, is emblematic of the unambiguously Luciferian symbolism that recurs constantly in league with the Grail Bloodline lore - symbolism that has been consciously cultivated by the Merovingians themselves throughout their own long history.

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[The following two paragraphs were written by fellow researcher Veronica Swift]. THE RED CROSS. Let’s explore a bit about the history of the red cross as a symbol. This mark, whether in its 'X' form or the more traditional equal-sided '+' form, stems from an original symbol used during the dawn of man when Cain walked the earth as well as the time when ancient fallen angels (who presented themselves in their perceived role as familiar, local or cultural 'gods') interbred with early man. The later Merovingian bloodline (which stems from an amalgamation of two different royal bloodline tribes/houses) was said to possess “a curious red, cross-shaped birthmark located either above the heart or between the shoulder blades, representing their true heritage. Merovingians were sorcerer-kings in the same spirit as King Solomon, with his judgment and wisdom, as well as his (alleged) prowess as a (Masonic) mystical magician in the Ring Lord tradition.” So, these were the ancient Freemasons, the ancient Solomonic Magicians, and the ancient “right to rule” king lineages. They believed they stemmed from the House of David through the offspring of Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ. In other words, they believed they contained both the divinity of God and also the sorcery of Mary Magdalene. She was believed to be an Essene Priestess by some, emerging from the Gnostic (sorcery) tradition. This all is occultic folklore and tradition (aka the Israelite, Davidic, or Jesus Strand/Grail/Bloodline), and is said to be hogwash by Christians who deny that Christ ever had children, let alone those secretly living as heroic supernatural kings in their own right today. But it remains the source of occult lore regarding the rosy or red cross that has inserted itself sinisterly into modern culture and by whom the authors of "Holy Blood Holy Grail," and later, Dan Brown have made infamous, nonetheless. By the time of the Dark Ages and thereafter, the carriers of this angelic infection via the Merovingians were deposed by the Roman Catholic Church in 800 A.D. By plot of revenge, the Merovingians, in turn, began to infiltrate both Church and state to attempt to regain power throughout the so-called Holy Roman Empire. As the Catholic Church and state kingships absorbed their lineages, the “demonic bloodline was preserved within its ‘Imperial and Royal Dragon Court’ which later came to be known as the Black Nobility and Jesuits. This group’s insignia was a circular dragon with the red cross in the center. The dragon has morphed into the more modern ouroboros which is typically a snake and not a dragon. In England, the red cross surrounded by the dragon has morphed into the symbol of the Order of the Garter, with the Ouroboros obfuscated by representing it by a belt with a belt buckle. After infiltrating the Roman Catholic Church, the church also incorporated the red cross symbol into their Jesuit rituals. As one reference puts it, the “Insignia of the demonic bloodline was preserved by the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court.” In the 1300’s the Knight Kadosh, a faction within the Templar order “ceased wearing the black cordon and red cross and substituted a large blood-colored cordon…. to which was attached a black double-headed eagle with spread wings.” The Masonic Order 'Knights of the East and West' also wear “long white robes with a red cross on the breast.” The modern-day 13th Masonic Degree known as Knights Kadosh also use “drapery strewn with Red Crosses and a banner with a red cross and a double-headed eagle.”

*Read Article Is it Coincidence that Almost All US Presidents Had the Same Rh-Negative Blood Type?
*Read Article Mammon Messiah: What Does Your Rh-Negative (Non-)Human Blood Type Mean for You?
*Read Article Synthetic "Blood" Grown in British Lab Has Been Injected into Humans in a World-first Clinical Trial

On the York Rite Freemasonic ladder of degrees, the Order of the Red Cross, Order of the Knights of Malta, and the Order of the Knights Templar are the three highest-ranking, and all three use a variation of the red cross symbology in their sigils. According to the book Freemasonry: Royal Arch by Christopher Earnshaw, all three of these orders are actually the old Knights Templar group, modernized. He states that the “Knights Templar reformed their degrees, making three; the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, the Order of the Knights of Malta, and the Order of the Temple.” There are numerous other Masonic groups that adopted the red cross as their defining symbol during the first century after Christ’s birth. It is precisely because it signifies the bloodlines of the fallen angels (Annunaki) and the bloodline of what they believed was the lineage of Jesus Christ, from which would arise the “true Messiah” or Anti-Christ that they used this sign. It’s not by mistake that both the domestic and International Red Cross philanthropic organizations chose that particular symbol for their own. They are a group that is organized and run by Luciferian hierarchy individuals as a philanthropic organization cover/front for Antichrist lineage purposes on the back end. In recent times, the bloodline hierarchy affiliations with the charitable/humanitarian group we know as the Red Cross have been numerous. Nathaniel “Natty” De Rothschild (1840-1915), who was from a bloodline hierarchy family, was chairman of the British Red Cross charitable organization. Jane Arminda Delano (1862-1919) founded the American Red Cross Nurse’s Service. Delano is one of the 14 occultic bloodlines of the modern era. It is also believed that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was also a bloodline/hierarchy child working in conjunction with the British Crown to advance their shared "Grail agenda." Anna Starfire’s grandmother, whose bloodline hails from the royal family in Romania, worked in the American Red Cross during World War I and World War II, and Anna speculates that her position there was to “supply both Nazis and Soviets with blood from specific bloodlines.” In 1996, Cornelio Sommaruga attended the Bilderberg meeting as President of the International Committee of the Red Cross. In 2018, Christine Beerli was a Bilderberg attendee as a former Vice President of the International Committee of the Red Cross. ( Virtually every Bilderberg attendee is a high-level witch or warlock, as the Bilderberg Group is a breakout meeting of the Satanic Council. In 2020, Peter Maurer the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, was on the list of delegates to the World Economic Forum’s conference in Davos. Virtually all the attendees of that meeting are bloodline hierarchy Luciferians. During the First World War, F. Trubee Davison, who was head of the Red Cross War Council, helped raise 370 million dollars, of which many millions were diverted to Russia to shore up the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks were a sub-group of the so-called Khazarian mafia, that also became the elite ruling classes of Europe and most notably, the British royal family (whose own Queen Elizabeth II donated to the Red Cross more than 40 times during her reign). The Red Cross’ clandestine work after WWII was to bolster the ratlines, the underground railroad that had gotten war criminals out of Europe for life in the United States and South America. They provided paperwork for visas and passports. Often, the background checks and other requirements were ignored if a good word from a Catholic priest was murmured to a Red Cross official. Infiltration and takeover of the Catholic church was completed many centuries prior; the Jesuit oaths are taken kneeling on a red cross on the floor and a red cross on the flag, the very same blood red-upon-white colored cross that adorns the older British and specifically London flags. -- Veronica Swift

*Read Article Research Shows People with Rh-Negative Blood Type are Not From Planet Earth

One of the men they smuggled out was Josef Mengele, an occultist that is also believed to have been connected with the Luciferian Brotherhood. Dennis Cuddy wrote, “A friend named ‘Kurt’ acquired an International Red Cross passport for Mengele. Posner and Ware wrote: “The International Red Cross file on Josef Mengele was shrouded in secrecy for forty years after the war.” Remember, the Red Cross has been used as cover for U.S. government operations, as in American Red Cross representative Raymond Robins literally forcing Lenin to dismiss Assistant Commissar for Foreign Affairs Ivan Zalkind.” The German branch of the Red Cross was an “ideal front for the Nazi Underground.” Gianni Salvatore accuses the Red Cross of pocketing most of the money they make today, insinuating that they are a money-laundering operation for the elite occultist hierarchy. The Red Cross’ yearly budget is $25 Billion dollars, he claims. Corey Lynne of Corey’s Diggs concurs with Salvatore. In an article she wrote titled “Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework — Part 1” she details the beneficiaries of the International Organizations Immunities Act (IOIA) of December 29, 1945. Every president of the United States has added organizations to the list protected by this act, including Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden, all of whom serve an overall Masonic agenda whether they realize it or not. What does the IOIA do for the Red Cross (which incidentally was added by President Reagan in June 1988)? it gives the organization and the individuals running it complete immunity from the normal judicial process and oversight that would otherwise mark it as acceptable or corrupt, as well as immunity from any search and seizure of property and assets, exemptions from property taxes, IRS taxes, transportations taxes, and customs duties. Red Cross members do not have to be fingerprinted or registered as foreign assets and can even travel without customs checks, thus making it the perfect vehicle to transport both human and illegal material cargo across international boundaries. They are exempt from registering as aliens, and the archives of the organization are also “inviolable.” Under the IOIA, the Red Cross, along with many other Luciferian-Brotherhood-run organizations like the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (also under the UN), the World Meteorological Organization (UN), the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, the International Coffee Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization (UN), the Pacific Salmon Commission, the World Trade Organization and many, many more, are protected to a degree as to make them exempt from operating under many guidelines at all. They have free reign to do as they please. Ally Carter, who was a victim of severe abuse and child trafficking, says this about the Red Cross: "People have started to notice that after hurricanes and fires, FEMA is not there to help. They are there to land grab, create trouble, and order you off your land. Insurance agencies are also not there to help. They are there to keep their capital intact and make sure that they don’t pay what you’ve contracted with them to pay. We see these kinds of things being reported more and more on social media. The world is in a time of disaster transition where we’ll be seeing increasingly more of a transition in the organizations and institutions that were set up under the faked auspices of being humanitarian to take on more of their capacity that assists in the transition from our current old age into their "glorious" New Age where an messianic-like figure takes center stage." Is the Red Cross a part of the war machine, as well? The Department of Defense’s Law of War Manual mentioned the Red Cross no fewer than 220 times. War is definitely an important activity to occultists. It is part of their blood ritual sacrifice requirements to appease the ancient gods (demons) of their heritage.

*Read Article UFO/Alien Encounters w/ Race of Blond Nordic Aliens & Tall White Pleiadeans
*Read Article Geneticist DNA Confirmation: Satan's Fallen Angels Mated With Ancient Humans
*Read Article Snopes - All Blue-Eyed Humans Share a Single, Common Ancestor Circa 4,000 BC

The Kingdom of the Cainites ... maintained since the fell deed by bloody Cain was done, which first inflicted Death, the doom of Sin, pronounced upon our nature at the fall. Succession earned to their imperial Throne. Such horrid intercourse was frequent then, of Cain's cursed progeny ... produced a monstrous brood of half-devils and half-men.

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine p. 129 Vol. XLVI July-December 1839

There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened beings united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. It is composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has secret destiny. The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers. This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined [Illuminati] for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes perfected.

Manly P. Hall 33° Freemason, The Secret Destiny of America

Those who Know and Serve the Adversary of the Demiurge [Satan] will of course always remain and endure, for such opposition is the very essence of the Bloodline of the Serpent.

N.A-A.218, Author of Liber Falxifer

BREAKING Rh-Negative Blood and the British Royal Family - Prince William Mentioned
BREAKING Rh-Negative Blood Type and the Occult: Is There Connection Between Them?

This "Holy Bloodline," as it became to be called, migrated long after Noah's flood, spawning within it those kings who came to world renown, such as King Nimrod of Babel, King Nebuchadnezzar of ancient Babylon, all the way into our present day, with every American President also connected to this same lineage. While much of this would be kept secret with plausible deniability, lesser stock Cainites today likely number in the millions, having spread from Old World Europe into the New World United States (outer caste). However, it is still only pure-bred unions between themselves, namely among European Royalty (inner caste) and those Satanic secret societies that protect the lineage, that have produced this planet's ruling elites. The greatest of these early world empires were devised by Cain's direct descendants resulting from strict blue-blooded interbreeding. In fact, the Merovingians themselves descended from a Cainite tribe later known as the Sicambrians, who became the long-haired and fair ‘Sorcerer Kings’ that ruled France and part of Germany from the 5th to 7th century. Another offshoot of this same tribe became the ancient Teutonic Knights that won great battles which later inspired some Germans to believe theirs was a noble race, even superior. Much like the tales surrounding the Annunaki, the Sicambrians bore the classical tall, "god-like" blonde, blue-eyed Aryan appearances of the formerly fallen 'sky-gods,' that became the basis for Hitler's own vision of a 'superior race' that would destroy all Jews and rule the world, Satan's ultimate plan. According to tradition, one ‘Merovee’ sometimes referred to as Merovech, had two fathers, one was human enough, but the others was allegedly a serpentine sea creature, known as the ‘Quinotaur’. Sound familiar? According to Merovingian lore, it was from this heritage that the Merovingian reputation for possessing supernatural abilities arose, that included but were not limited to elemental and earth magic, clairvoyance, telepathy and holding remarkable curative powers. This claimed blending of human and non-human genes might well be a precursor of alleged alien/ human interfaces, interspecies breeding and harvesting fetuses that remains prevalent in Celtic tales about the otherworld, as well as all of those strikingly similar accounts found in UFO 'abductee' accounts today. As mentioned, there is a strange link to this Satanic lineage, and particularly the US and British governments that want all of those who carry the Rh-Negative factor to register in an international online database (see below) by which they can track those who have Cain's lineage today. London's century-old plan and final systematic release of the Coronavirus (Latin/Spanish for "Crown Virus") in late 2019 was to infect the planet with a sleeper contagion that will later "awaken" into a highly toxic mutation in order to meet their twisted and timely goal of a global population reduction in advance of their global Collapse by 2030. Meanwhile, their "medical experts" now have the perfect excuse to overtly test as many as possible via our saliva and/or blood in order to find as many Rh-Negative's as possible in the interim. As the MedicalNewsToday website points out, "According to 2018 research, a sample of dried saliva can reliably indicate blood type." In this effort, the Skull & Bones own Yale University has just produced its 'Rapid Covid-19 Test Kit' that almost instantly received emergency FDA backing for widespread use. How convenient. On the other side of the same pond, the old Hellfire Club's own Oxford University is furthest in bringing their Covid-19 vaccine to light. What will the Western powers do with all of that information on everyone's blood, or of the people themselves, are the pertinent questions everyone should be asking. Might the knowledge of who is or isn't of their desired blood type or bloodline become the larger basis of who lives or dies going forward into their inevitable brave New World? Daniel 11:23 does make reference that Antichrist will arise and become strong "among a small [number of] people." It is my estimation that there will be two sets of Covid-19 vaccines divided up among the various manufacturers, such as one set created by Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca and the other set by Pfizer and Moderna. Set 'A,' as it were, could be for those that the elites desire for eventual sterilization and/or eradication while 'B' is quite another vaccine provided to those they don't. We also have to consider the connection between the Covid vaccine and sterility/infertility that certainly would meet another of the desired end-goals of the elites. It's also intriguing how the Covid-19 virus itself includes what could be understood as a racial component that disproportionately targets the blood of victims who are mostly not White. To a great extent, we already know who the undesirables are and from that can better determine who the desirables most likely will be to comprise the numerically "small people" who arise with the Antichrist after the Collapse: they would almost certainly be, like him, Rh-Negative's. (See also Some Covid Vaccine Batches More Deadly Than Others and Covid Vaccine Turns Red Blood Cells from Round to Tubular and US Army Creates New Super Vaccine That's Believed to Counter All Covid Variants)

*Read Article The RH (-) Registry Homepage
*Read Article 'The Red Cross' as the Mark of Cain
*Read Article King Arthur's Symbol: The Red (Dragon) Cross
*Read Article Chapter Seven: The Satanic Knights of the Sun
*Read Article Dragon Family: America's Presidents & Atlantis
*Read Article Atlantis: Rh-Negative Blood of the Ruling Elites
*Read Article Project Monarch: UK Monarchy Antichrist Programming

Apparently, this Rh-Negative database being set up by the US Army is to act as a doomsday roster whereby Rh-Negatives will potentially be rounded up provided safety during the Collapse, on the other side of which they are to build a New World. Covid-19's connection to this remains largely unknown but suffice it to say that with widespread testing comes DNA data banks that would have otherwise not been there if not for a "global pandemic." Both America and Britain share about the same 15% of Rh-Negatives within their population, a relatively small number indeed, which of itself may shed new light on Daniel 11:23: "And after the league made with him [Antichrist] he shall work deceitfully, for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small number of people." Revelation 13:4 also tells us: "And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast, and they worshipped the Beast, saying, 'Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with him?'" The coming Mark of the Beast may very well not be new either. The Mark of Cain has 'marked' those of the Grail Bloodline throughout history. It also speaks to the way that this same evil lineage desires to overthrow God and His Son, while seemingly appearing to the uninitiated as the symbol of Christ Himself, with little deviation. However, the symbol that God placed upon Cain is markedly different in that it is equal sided thus denoting its similar, albeit counterfeit nature. The red was to reflect a number of occult truths, that Satan was the Red Serpent and Red Dragon of old who beguiled Eve, that Cain was also of a similarly Adamic ruddy complexion but was himself the spawn of evil and progenitor to parallel a race of beings to counter God's chosen people, and that his DNA would play the most pivotal role at the end of the age in countering Christ Himself via Antichrist. In Cain, Satan also received his Satanic High Priest who would go on to create a religion in Satanic Witchcraft (the most ancient religion, as some tout) to replay again and again the murdering and eating of Abel's flesh as a way of disposing his body so God couldn't find it, leaving Abel's blood to cry out to God from the earth. Cain was then given the Devil's Mark () with two opposite red lines to denote his father, Satan, and his mother, Eve, to form accursed symbol denoting the hybrid of an angelic/human elite race of beings that works to this day in counterfeiting the redemptive work of Christ. The Mark of Cain was first given infamy during the Crusades by the Order of Hospitallers (✙), a group attached to a hospital in Jerusalem which provided care for the poor, sick, or injured traveling to or from the Holy Land, circa 1023 AD. This Order was known to wear what most pilgrims believed to be the Cross of Christ upon their vestiges, albeit a starkly, equal-sided, more ancient, white cross upon a pitch-black background. The Order of Hospitallers themselves were later confirmed by a Papal bull of Pope Paschal II in 1113, with the later Knights Templar () adopting the same pagan cross, albeit red, as their own. While the Hospitallers eventually retreated to Malta, the Merovingian Knights Templar formed in 1119 AD, from which they swept thru Jerusalem to largely win every battle against the controlling Muslims. The Templars later returned to Europe to amass great power over the wealth of kings and kingdoms. From later Templar initiates made privy to their covert meetings and ascending power, came tales of a military order not indebted to Christ, but Satan, symbolized by a 'cross' that bound its wearers not in Christian resolve, but with the work of Satan in his systematic takeover of the world, first thru war, then power over global wealth and influence, followed by the eventual control of the Vatican itself. The fact that today's European Aristocracy are heavily adorned with the Mark of Cain itself speaks volumes. As history explains, the Templars were seemingly disbanded, despite many retreating to Scotland, and their Red Cross wasn't seen again until it became the symbol of England and specifically, London itself. Certainly, the older British legend about St. George creating the symbol of the red cross was little more than a clever ruse making it seem the brood of Cain are somehow 'Christian' to facilitate their growing power and numbers in both the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches, where they attack Christ and global Christendom from within.

*Read Book Pillars of Tubal Cain by Nigel Jackson
*Read Article The Mark of Cain is a Hidden Bloodline
*Read Article ‡ The Cross of Lorraine and the Mark of Cain ‡

From the Substack of Carmen Hansen
Blackstone and WEF's Genetic Grab of Your DNA

Rh-Negatives also seem to be the targets for protectionary exclusion for the later Beast world system being developed from within the joint venture between the World Economic Forum and Blackstone in their desiring to take DNA from the Ancestry database. Moreover, the Cabal are also trying to find out who will more likely become a slave to the Beast system to take its branding mark and who would abstain. The susbstack by Carmen Hansen begins as follows: "There has been some recent talk about Blackstone buying for 4.7 billion dollars. The concern with this news is that Blackstone now has access to millions of people's DNA. Let's discuss two issues here. First, this sale is not new - it happened in December 2020 [height of Covid-19]. So why is this coming up now? People may not realize the history of Blackstone Inc. An obvious question to ask is, does it have any connection to the World Economic Forum? If so, what kind of connection? Here's the real concern behind those two questions. Does this purchase of millions of digital records of people's DNA have the ability to be connected to the 2030 agenda of the World Economic Forum? The answer is yes; stay with me and let me walk through this history and the connection. As I said, this purchase of happened over three years ago in December of 2020. Shortly after Blackstone's purchase, a lawsuit was filed in Illinois. The lawsuit claimed that Blackstone violated Section 30 of Illinois's 1998 Genetic Information Privacy Act. This act provides that no person or company "may disclose or be compelled to disclose the identity of any person upon whom a genetic test is performed or the results of a genetic test in a manner that permits identification of the subject of the test." Both plaintiffs in this lawsuit had purchased DNA testing products from Ancestry and submitted saliva samples for genetic testing. Because Ancestry had allegedly paired the plaintiffs' genetic tests with personally identifiable information, such as names, emails, and home addresses, they maintained that Blackstone's disclosure of their genetic identities violated Section 30 of the Genetic Information Privacy Act. Unfortunately, in May 2023, the court ruled in favor of Blackstone and dismissed the suit., founded in 1996, is a leader in the digital subscription business and has continued to grow significantly. To date, Ancestry has more than twenty-two million people in the AncestryDNA network and an extensive collection of over twenty billion records. Blackstone, the entity which purchased, is involved in real estate, credit, infrastructure, hedge funds, and insurance. As of May 2024, Blackstone manages more than one trillion dollars in total assets, making it one of the largest investment firms globally. Blackstone and Blackrock are separate entities. However, in 1988, Blackrock originally started under the umbrella of Blackstone. Blackstone, which now owns, was co-founded by Peter Peterson and Steven Schwarzman. Originally, the two were colleagues at Lehman Brothers.

*Read Article The Mark of Cain Became the Maltese, Celtic and English Crosses
*Read Article Vlad the Impaler (Dracula) and UK's Prince William

When they founded their own company, they decided on a name that blended their surnames. Schwarz is German for "black," and Peterson comes from the Greek for "stone." On the other hand, Blackrock was founded by Larry Fink, who used to be associated with Blackstone as Schwarzman and Fink worked together for five years, from 1988 to 1994. In 1994, when Fink decided to branch out on his own, he needed a new name for his asset management company, and Steve Schwarzman, the co-founder of Blackstone, suggested having a family name keeping the word "black" in it. Thus, Blackrock is birthed from Blackstone. Today, both firms have a significant role in the financial AUM, or assets under management, industry. Blackstone manages over $368 billion in assets, and Blackrock, the largest asset manager globally, manages over $5.4 trillion. Both companies have a present and firm connection to the World Economic Forum. Blackrock's connection to the World Economic Forum comes from their CEO, Larry Fink, who sits on its Board of Trustees. At the 2022 annual meeting in Davos, Blackrock signed an agreement to promote gender lens investing. Gender lens means they will focus on investing in companies that specifically have a higher representation of women on their boards and in senior management positions. This agreement ties into the World Economic Forum's society and equality agenda. In 2023, Fink spoke at the annual meeting in Davos, this time focusing on the World Economic Forum's ESG agenda. ESG stands for "Environment, Social, and Government," which is the beginning of a social credit score. When the Central Bank Digital Currency system (CBDC) is implemented, one's social credit score will eventually dictate how much funds you can access and how you may spend those funds. Your social credit score will revolve around how much you follow the guidelines put in place by the powers that be. You will be "scored" on how you live. For example, do you drive a car, or have you decided to forgo an automobile for riding a bike or using public transportation? Do you eat meat, or have you decided to forgo meat and have embraced having a diet of plant-based foods? It will all come down to how well you jump through their hoops. Getting back to Blackstone's purchase of, does this purchase of millions of digital records of people's DNA have the ability to be connected to the agenda of the World Economic Forum? The answer is yes. Blackstone CEO Steven Schwarzman is a member of the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum and now owns As a board member, he is critical in fulfilling the World Economic Forum's global agenda. Through its partnership with the World Bank, the United Nations, and businesses like Blackstone and Blackrock, the World Economic Forum now has access to billions of DNA records. This means it has the means to control the world's finances, credit scores, housing, food production, healthcare, gender equality, and education, all to fulfill its 17 areas of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Once again, another piece of the puzzle has been put in place as the world heads towards establishing a future one-world Antichrist system. The good news is Yeshua/Jesus also has a plan, and his plan for the future will not be stopped. -- Carmen Hansen

BREAKING Trump's Would-be Assassin Appeared in an Ad for Corporate BlackRock, Company Says

*Read Article Exploring the Mark of Cain Connection to the Mark of the Beast - A Must Read
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Both the Templars and Hospitallers controlled not only the large sums and subventions in kind which came from the West, but also substantial estates in the east which were given them by the governments of the crusading states. For a century and a half no important decision was taken in the Holy Land without consulting the Grand Masters of the Military Orders. By the beginning of the thirteenth century the Templars had become the international bankers of Europe and were appointed treasurers to the French royal family and the Vatican (Michael Howard: Occult Conspiracy). Almost at once the Templars became bankers to every throne in Europe. They lent money to monarchs at low interest rates and transferred money for merchant bankers...They became moneychangers and original capitalists who conducted diplomacy between monarchs. In England, the Master of the Temple was soon given precedence over all other priors. (Nicholas Hagger: Secret History of the West). The Knights Templar came to own estates of varying size scattered throughout Europe from Denmark, Scotland and the Orkney Islands in the north, to France, Italy and Spain in the south. In England and Wales alone they had over 5,000 properties. They also extended their interests into Africa, establishing a major presence in Ethiopia, where the Essene Book of Enoch was eventually rediscovered many centuries later. (Christopher Knight and Alan Butler: The Hiram Key Revisited). Templars were firmly established in England by 1154 and had already obtained lands, privileges and exemptions of importance. This was the foundation on which the Templars were to build their great edifice of power, wealth and influence. (Thomas Parker: The Knights Templar in England). During the late twelfth and all of the thirteenth centuries, they were the greatest bankers in England, easily overshadowing the Jews. [The Edict of Expulsion was a royal decree issued by King Edward I of England on 18 July 1290 expelling all Jews from England.] Besides agriculture, which was practiced throughout England and was their major economic concern, the Merovingian Templars engaged in trade and the exchange of money, the acceptance of cash and valuables for deposit, the transfer of funds, the issuance of cash and credit instruments, the execution of trusts, and the grant of loans were systematically and widely engaged in. Indeed, the Templars were the foremost bankers in western Europe. In England and France, their chief clients were the English and French kings themselves. The close relationship of the Templars to the English crown is also to be seen in the grant of privileges to them and in their use as officials and advisers to the kings in matters political and administrative as well as economic. These privileges made the Templars independent of local ecclesiastical and lay authorities and responsible only to the pope and the king. The kings found the Templars reliable and effective as royal advisers and as keepers of royal revenues. The Templars eventually became so rich that the monarchs of some of the kingdoms within which they operated were wholly dependent on their support. Several kings of England actually lodged the treasury of the realm at the Templar headquarters in [the City of] London, as surety against the massive debts they ran up with the order. This gave the Templars great power to influence decision-making, and they regularly acted as arbiters for warring monarchs (Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe: The Knights Templar Revealed). By 1250, the Templars had become a largely secret and closed society. Their initiation rites were hidden from view, as were their operations and internal rules majority of persons associated with the order were now estate managers, laborers and international traders and bankers. Even criminals were permitted to join, if they brought some skill or resource of value and the order had become the primary banking enterprise in the European world where they remain to this day, namely within the City of London. Many misinformed and/or duplicitous writers having a notably racist, anti-Semitic agenda state that the Templars eventually lost their awesome wealth due to being permanently disbanded. This is absolutely false. The public and private records giving this false impression were manipulated by the later agents of the Templars themselves. These same agents helped propel and guide the British Royal family toward the modern era, where they sit atop of a global cabal that's involved in everything from the illegal drug trade, to causing and funding global wars, population control, financial corruption, human trafficking and Satanic pedophile rings.

WATCH VIDEO (BBC) British Broadcasting Company Tellingly Mocks The History of Satanic Rituals Again
BREAKING The US Department of Justice Now Admits that Cannibalistic Generational Satanism Exists

*Read Article An Ex-Globalist Banker Exposes His Invitation to Take Part in Satanic Murder Rituals of Children
*Read Article Investigation: The British Cover Up of Satanic Rings Engaging in Abuse and Murder of Children I
*Read Article Investigation: The British Cover Up of Satanic Rings Engaging in Abuse and Murder of Children II
*Read Article Satanic Hampstead and Pizzagate: Both Satanic Crimes Actively Being Covered-Up by British Elite
*Read Article The UK Government Now Investing £170,000 in Elite Sex-Party Company that Hosts Same-Sex Orgies

Trump is a Merovingian, a near-perfect reincarnation of an early medieval Germanic king. His personality and approach to governing almost exactly replicate the patterns and preferences of the men who ruled France from 481 until 752, descendants of the warrior-made-king of the Franks known as Clovis the Merovingian.

Trump the Merovingian

The ‘Grant of Arms’ or symbol of the Dragon bloodline in Sumer was called a Gra-al, also known as the Mark of Cain. The Biblical Cain was one of the early Anunnaki-human royal crossbreeds that followed the time of Adam, in fact, he was the first. It is this Gra-al that in Old French means ‘Blood Royale’. The Grant of Arms emblem in Sumer was a cup of waters and a Rosi-Crucis, described in Egyptian, Sumerian, Phoenician and Hebrew records as a cup decorated with a red cross within a circle. This is the true origin of the ‘grail cup’. It wasn’t the cup that caught the Blood of Jesus at the crucifixion because there was no Jesus or crucifixion by that time. It was the cup that symbolized the womb and the [Cainite] Bloodline of the most ‘pure’ of the Reptilian crossbreeds.

Maltese Crosses [were] on the scepters held by the Queen of England in her ceremonies and there are Maltese crosses on the Crown of the British Monarch. Scepters and rods were symbols of power in ancient Egypt. The Maltese or splayed Cross was found in caves in the former Phoenician lands of Cappadocia, dating back many thousands of years and it became the cross of the Knights of Malta, the Knights Templar, and then the Nazis. If you look at Nazi soldiers you will see the whole set: the Maltese Cross, the reversed Swastika, the Skull and Bones, and the Roman Eagle.

In the Merovingian Royal House and in the families connected with it, there was a surprising number of specifically Judaic [-sounding] names. One Count of Roussillon was [sur]named Solomon, and another Solomon became King of Brittany. Judaic names became increasingly prominent through dynastic marriages between the [Cainite] Merovingians and the Visigoths.

Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 388

666 is the sum of the first 36 natural numbers. Six hundred and sixty-six is called the "number of the Beast" in Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation. The number 666 is a frequent visual element of Aryan Brotherhood tattoos.

Wikipedia, The Number 666

Notice the Cainite/Templar Cross and Satanic Red Dragon on the KKK's Garment

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

*Read Article British Neo-Nazi's Calling for New 'Aryan Laws' and a 'Return to Pagan Worship'
*Read Article Satanic Occultism and Paganism is at the Heart of the Nazi Alt-Right Movement
*Read Article Neo-Nazi Group Calling Itself "Blood Tribe" Advocates 'War Against Non-Whites'

By the 1830s, Freemasonry had been widely condemned in the US as a would-be dictatorial "British underground" intrusion into America. With British assistance, the Masonic lodges were reintroduced, however, under the control of the Scottish Rite based in Charleston, South Carolina, as a front force for Southern secession. Since the 1840s, the entire Masonic structure in America has been strictly dominated by the Scottish Rite. Despite its creation in December 1865 by the Scottish Rite Freemason and Civil War General Albert Pike 33°, the Ku Klux Klan quickly established itself as a viable force against Lincoln's emancipation proclamation. The Ku Klux Klan, the Southern Confederacy, and the pre-Civil War secession movement were a single, continuous project, with Pike’s "Scottish Rite" at its center. Interestingly, Pike patterned the KKK's ceremonial attire after the crusading Knights Templar, who interestingly enough, also worked to keep the inbred Merovingian bloodline "pure." Though the Confederacy was defeated, Pike's racist project lives on today to continue the same occult goal and Anglo-racism whose origins were transplanted from England and took root among the 13 original colonies and their earliest "ivy-league" academic institutions. The American south was however responsible for a particularly virulent strain of Anglo-racism via Scottish Rite Freemasonry, that could care less about the appearance of placating non-Whites, as was done in the north. It's here where men like Pike found commonality among others whose own racial hatred could not be as effectively hidden or as seemingly contained as with their northern counterparts. While those north of the Mason-Dixon worked toward the appearance of including Blacks within their society, most southerners desired nothing less than genocide for newly freed Blacks after the war. As such, entire institutions in the south were created having openly racist ideologies that promote the White race as superior above all others, exhibiting the same kind of inherent racism that their imperialist cousins across the Atlantic made infamous in the British Empire. Houston's Baker & Botts, for example, was the powerful law firm formed by die-hard Confederate and Masonic officials after the Civil War. With extremely racist views derived from British imperialism, family-owned institutions like Baker & Botts dominated the elitist American power structure in the south. As if to showcase that power, Baker & Botts eventually produced James A. Baker III, who served as White House Chief of Staff and United States Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan, and later, the US Secretary of State and White House Chief of Staff under President George Bush Sr. Baker’s grandfather, Captain James A. Baker, brought the British [racist] 'race scientist' Julian Huxley in to supervise the "race purification" study program for Texas, at Rice University. Baker’s family wealth and power came from their representing Harriman, the international oil companies and George Bush’s Zapata Petroleum, all sponsors of both population control and 'ban-dark-babies' movement that's synonymous with the Scottish Rite. As the "Grand Dragon" of the Ku Klux Klan in Arkansas, General Pike's influence cast a long and sordid shadow that haunts America to this very day. Bill Clinton, the former governor of Arkansas (who studied at Oxford under the Cecil Rhodes Scholarship program) has been connected more than once to an unsavory occult underground within the Arkansas elite during his own rise to political prominence. As governor, Clinton supported abortion and carried out the death penalty, which in practice means the executions of mostly southern Blacks. As President, Clinton supported partial birth abortions, which have proven to be a virtual genocide among Blacks, and yet, he attempts to distract from his powerful racist connections. Clinton's more recent scandal involving his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein is already becoming infamous, having flown to his 'pedophile island.' (See also Epstein Invited to Meet the Queen: The Prince Andrew-Clinton-Trump Connection).

*Read Book Christian Identity: The Aryan-American Bloodline Religion by Chester L. Quarles
*Read Article Georgia Guidestones that Promoted Antichrist New Age Financed by Ku Klux Klan
*Read Article Trump is Praised by the Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard & Leader David Duke
*Read Article How President Trump Has Systematically Destroyed the White Evangelical Church
*Read Article Book Reveals Bill Clinton Reportedly Had an Sexual Affair with Ghislaine Maxwell
*Read Article American Leaders Past and Present Worship Moloch OWL at Bohemian Grove, CA

In researching 'White Guilt', it occurred to me that collectively, Whites do own this undercurrent of something related to guilt, whether consciously or unconsciously, for the brutal genocides they've committed in placing their collective race on top by wiping out millions, perhaps billions of others, again, thanks to the Satanic warfare launched in every corner of the globe by host England, overtly, and now covertly, by Britain, America, and the EU. Cain killed his brother, his fellow man, and though he carried enough guilt to cowardly cry out for God to protect him, "lest someone find me and kill me," he did so not caring for Abel who he slew, but just to save himself only. I see a stark connection there, as while those carrying an almost perfect lineage of inbreeding from Cain to the European-descended elites remain quite naturally evil, those of the much more common "goyim" stock are also the descendants of what was a very innocent Eve after all. Cain established a city in Nod and named it after his first son, Enoch, which is why Cainites are also known as the Enochians. [Note: The 16th century occultist John Dee of Queen Elizabeth's court enigmatically called his demonic inspired "angel language" Enochian.] Eventually multiplying into thirteen tribes that branched out from their chief city located in what was ancient Persia, they set out to conquer the Asiatic near east. There is also the evidence that even by the sixth generation of this unique Angelic/Human hybrid race, that Lucifer's genetic traits (revealed in Ezekiel 28:13, including his being adorned with "pipes, tabrets, and viols," by which he used to sing with, as revealed in Job 38:7) manifested themselves within the Cainite ranks, even as they developed a propensity for the arts of all kinds, the production of musical instruments to architecture. Lucifer is depicted as God's instrument of not only light, but also of music. As such, Genesis 4:21 makes known to us that the Cainite "Jubal was the father of all that handle the harp and organ." Thus, Satan's talents passed eerily on thru his earthly hybrid children, however, these traits were not limited to only music, or building cities. Satan also became a violent god of war, and by Cain's seventh descendant, we see that Tubal-Cain (Gen. 4:22), "grew to be a worker of brass and iron," creating the strongest weapons of war ever devised in the ancient world. While all of the nations were still using weapons fashioned by mere variations of sticks and stones, it was the Cainites who first understood the craft of metallurgy, an art passed on to them from Satan's fallen angels. Then there is the name of Cain itself that later took on the Anglicized rendering as the surname "Smith," whose etymological roots are believed to connect to the older English, meaning "to smite," (as Cain did against Abel) as well as "to black-smith," further underscoring the earliest traditions of the oldest Cainite traditions of weaponizing iron and brass into tools of war that they used to dominate surrounding cultures. (See also SMITH included as Member of the 13th Satanic Bloodline.) According to medieval alchemists working in metallurgy, Tubal-Cain was "the great Vulcan of the era," and the first "holder of Plutonic theory" and therefore "the first Alchemist of his time." In fact, Tubal-Cain was the first Cainite who was born that no longer needed God's mark of protection on his body, which is why that same mark became their talismanic sigil for every generation thereafter, and a symbol they would wear in the form of tattoos, metal amulets on chains, rings, or drawn on clothing and in magical books. By the timely reign of Tubal-Cain, the Cainites had established themselves as masters of the ancient world, and as a result, guided its progression toward a global society long before anyone knew of a New World Order. By his birth into a Cainite dynasty, Tubal-Cain became the ruler of the city of Enoch, and his legacy became that of the master craftsman using occult means, which is partly why he is still considered to be the first Master Mason within Freemasonry today. Modern Freemasons, who have long been the keepers of the secret knowledge that Cain and his descendants were the standard bearers of Lucifer's wisdom, are believed to be descended (spiritually or literally) from this first Master Race. They also taught mankind how to war with each other, while they collected all the spoils from war, another tradition they still employ to this day. Cain's 'lost tribes' settled into increasingly larger areas of Asia Minor, from the steppes of the steppes of the Caucasus, where they later pushed into western Europe. Today, the direct descendants of these 'Serpent Kings' who control the majority of this world's corporations and banking system, have as their overarching task to pave the way for the Antichrist causing as much disease, war, famine, death and destruction as possible to achieve that single goal. (See also: First Cainite City - A Christian's Perspective

*Read Article Strong Comparison Between Adolf Hitler's Occult Nazis and the Future Antichrist
*Read Article Legend of the Quinotaur: Another Aryan Origin for the Royal "Blue-Blood" (of Satan)
*Read Article The Concept of a White, Blonde, Blue-Eyed Master Nordic Race Did Not Originate with Hitler

While the vast majority of its blue-blood descendants still reside in Europe, namely Germany, France, Spain, and the UK, others came to the "New World" to create the United States as the military behemoth it quickly became to ensure Europe's survival as they advance toward their finalization of a Novus Ordo Seclorum [New Secular Order] within the latter years of the United States itself, as we approach their imposed worldwide collapse which Europe survives then ascends into its own military-based empire to initiate a new peace for a touted New World Order. It should also be noted that the number one surname that was spread by Great Britain's genocidal colonization methods, namely in America and Australia, was Smith. Wikipedia lists Smith as a common surname who had its origins in England, being "the most prevalent surname in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States, and the fifth most common surname in the Republic of Ireland." The article further explains "The surname Smith is particularly prevalent among those of English, Scottish and Irish descent. The surname was sufficiently prevalent in England to have prompted the statement: "Common to every village in England, north, south, east and west" and sufficiently common on the (European) continent (in various forms) to be "common in most countries of Europe." The name derives from smið or smiþ, the Old English term meaning one who works in metal related to the word smitan, the Old English form of "smite," a word that can be used in reference to striking metal, or killing people, or both. Considering how Anglo-racists hold up as their greatest achievement that of their 'work ethic,' to which today's violent neo-Nazis invoke their National Socialist German Worker's Party murderous roots, one can see how 'work' is being used in its skewed racial context as a word to intimidate "lesser cultures" by the "advancements of the White race both in work and war." Of the elitist Cainites and their much lower-ranked, working-class descendants, the vast majority of which now live in the United States, it becomes more readily apparent how the supposed 'ingenuity' of the people that literally manufactured their way into becoming the most powerful nation on earth, was one by design. The 'working of brass and metal' into 'weapons of war' has been taken to its greatest example on earth, by those who share Cain's ancestry right into the post-industrial modern era. Regardless of whatever temporary power Satan wields in this world, or his own history by which he has established himself as the counterfeit Prince/King of the World, the Book of Job proves God is in complete control over the Universe itself and everything in it. We are here to determine what choices we will make in the face of such a chaotic world that we've allowed so much chaos and power over us, since Eve, as well as what we would do to counter the inhuman principalities and powers residing in high places who disseminate Satan's plan. And yet, none of this has been made too secret when Cain's descendants seemingly love to tell the tales of their own dark history thru the very same "arts" they have long been attributed in originally creating. For example, look at Hollywood today and the amount of films being pushed where there's placed great emphasis on ancient bloodlines, and mutant, titan-like traits derived from mutated crossbreeds of human with non-human entities. Look also at the magical powers and or supernatural abilities they wield. Interestingly, The Matrix (1999) film unveiled a rather different dystopian story with a uniquely added Cainite perspective thrown in. In the film, mankind was already conquered and kept asleep in a virtual, Orwellian world, called the Matrix, devised by their machine overlords who harnessed the collective energy of the human race to power and populate the Matrix computer program, as well as power the machine overlord's world itself. "Agent Smith," the Machine's program assigned to arrest and/or kill awakening humans and their allies, eventually rebels against his own creator(s) to take power for himself, making him both Lucifer and Cain. Neo, whose task it is to fulfill the prophecy of "The One" aims to awaken all of humanity and to teach them how to fight against their machine masters, who represent the global control and Satanic power structure that currently rules over mankind, leaving The Matrix not a coincidence with its pseudo-Messianic plotline, apocalyptic theme, Gnostic-styled props, and use of Biblical as well as Masonic-based characters like the Architect, an obvious wink to Freemasonry's "Great Architect of the Universe."

*Watch Video Names of Cain's Children Encoded with End-Time Message
*Read Article The Modern Name of 'Smith' is Derived from the Biblical Cain
*Read Article Origins of Freemasonry: From Cain to Enoch to Lamech to Tubal-Cain
*Read Article Absolute Proof that the Anglo-Saxon Elite Arrived in England as a Pagan Cult I
*Read Article Absolute Proof that the Anglo-Saxon [Cainite] Elite Arrived in England as a Pagan Cult II
*Read Article Absolute Proof that the Metal-Working Anglo-Elite Arrived in England as a Germanic-Pagan Cult III

This is to say that Satan and his wicked spirits still commune with wicked men. Despite Christ already winning the best by which mankind could ever hope to achieve, which is oneness with God, Satan can only try and deceive man to cause man to collectively circumvent God in all things, Satan knowing that a soul so deceived will then be destroyed by their Creator. On the other side of all of this, God will collectively allow the former souls of mankind to achieve the collective office of the Morning Star, that same office still held by God's begotten Son and formerly by God's first created, Lucifer. Satan's most successful deception campaign to date, were all of his decoy religions made, based around a semblance of the truth, albeit skewed beyond all reality, into the mists of ancient myth and cultural root religions. Evidence of this is easily found right up until the modern day, where pagans are always quick to place so much emphasis and belief behind something they actually believe is "older than Christianity" when they have no clue that God/Christ created the very earth and (now fallen) Angels they are worshipping. Those attaining true power in this world, via their own ancestral connections to Satan, commit themselves to grand schemes that chip away at the very foundation of Christianity, whilst promoting the subtle realm of the counterfeit to everything good, knowing that is the only way to keep empowering their Evil Master, because Satan can do nothing in his relative power against a far more ancient God, that just also happens to be His own Creator. Obviously, Satan knows exactly how to attack man psychologically, since his claiming that he can provide all manner of God-circumventing "knowledge" was how he conquered early man to begin with. This is precisely why the Occult and its religious counterpart in "Gnosis" is purely Satanic on all levels, for its claims to be a higher wisdom than Christianity when it's comprised of nothing but the oldest lies told to man. Like the Celtic Taliesin, Satan has also changed his shape over the Ages, taking on every attribute of the cardinal elements revered in Witchcraft and Druidism; being the Prince of the Power of the Air, the King of the Earth, and of Hell's fire, as well as Leviathan, the Dragon in the Sea. The latter image of an aquatic beast brings to mind both Revelation's image of a Beast rising from the Sea at the time of Satan's Antichrist, as well as the now infamous Quinotaur/Beast of the Sea who impregnated Europa, giving rise to the Merovingian lineage. Despite some never seeing it, the Holy Scriptures themselves makes great mention of this seed of Satan, calling them everything from "your seed" (Genesis 3:15; when God was speaking to Satan in Eden) to Christ's calling them "children of the Wicked One" and "tares," to His exposing them further in Revelation as the "Synagogue of Satan" himself. It was always the Cainite, and later the Fallen Angel/Annunaki lineages, that God never wanted Israel being cross contaminated with, for good reason. Just as God commanded Abraham to move his family from the land of Ur (modern Persia) eastward to the Holy Land, Satan commanded his earlier Cainite tribe to move from the region of Nod (modern Persia) toward every corner of the known world. Understand, immediately after God told Satan (Genesis 3:15) of his doomed fate brought about through "his seed" that ends at Armageddon (Revelation 19:19-20) did Satan devise to establish Cain's lineage to effectively take over the world. Since Eden, it became Satan's plan for a certain king to be born into that evil lineage to perfectly counter Jesus Christ, whilst bringing every one of his five "I Wills" to bear. (See also The Fertility Cults of Canaan.)

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*Read Online Book The Grand Grimoire: The Book of Lucifer
*Read Article The Zohar Claims that Azazel is the Seed of Lilith
*Read Article The Satan Seed Theory Found in The Zohar – Critical
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*Read Article Princess Diana's Mother Was a "Jewish Rothschild" [Actually Merovingian/Cainite]

Stewart Swerdlow - Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict and Creation

The reptilians developed a plan to insidiously retake the surface by blending their genetics with the genetics of the humans on the surface. Because the human prototype already had reptilian genes, it was easy to access the mind pattern to manipulate further. The reptilian frequency was already established in the brain stem as well as the reptilian brain section of human hybrids and the population of Sumer is believed was chosen as the starting point. The reptilians have a preference for the genetics of blond-haired, blue-eyed people whose mind patterns and genetics are easily controlled [and mirror the otherworldly beings themselves]. Using these humans, the reptilians began a new hybridization program that took several generations to perfect. Their goal was to reach a human-reptilian genetic ratio of around 50/50 to produce a human-looking reptilian that could easily shapeshift from reptilian to human and back again. Shapeshifting was accomplished simply by concentrating on the genetics the hybrid wished to either open or 'lock up,' for whatever the situation called for. Once the hybridization program was complete, the Sumerian leaders had become shapeshifting reptilians. The new reptilian hybrid became the elite of that culture. Their blood, because of the increased reptilian DNA, contained a higher copper content. Since copper-based blood turns blue-green when exposed to oxygen, these reptilian hybrids became to be called bluebloods. The bluebloods quickly realized that with a 50/50 human-reptilian genetic split, it was necessary to intermarry to maintain the 50/50 split bloodline necessary to shapeshift. When the split increased too far to the reptilian side, shapeshifting became difficult and holding human form became impossible. In these cases, it was discovered that the ingestion of human flesh and blood allowed the reptilians to maintain the human form. Human form was necessary to maintain to avoid exposing their presence among the general population unaccustomed to the reptilian form. In other words, control of the masses was easier when the orders came from a humanoid. The statues found in Sumer of their ancient mythic gods and goddesses reflect the reptilian influence among mankind, even showing an unmistakable female reptilian holding a reptilian-human hybrid baby. The shapeshifting reptilian bluebloods needed with the daily maintenance of their human forms. It was determined that feeding themselves human blood from an altered animal form, [or a human with Rh-Negative blood type] would be the easiest way to carry this out without the occupied population noticing. --Stewart Swerdlow, Blue Blood True Blood: Conflict and Creation— A Personal Story (2002). St. Joseph, Michigan: Expansions Publishing Company

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
The "Khazar Jews" That Settled Into Europe are Not Jews, but Anglo-Cainite

One of these two so-called leaders even said they called the FBI and turned us in as being a Satanic cult. This again is amusing. The Satanic Brotherhood has many connections in Law Enforcement and the American Justice System. In fact, many of our own Satanic clergy are Freemasons and other related secret society members.

Druwydion Pendragon, Brotherhood of Satan

It is my Will to invoke [Satan] the Horned God of Alchemy. Great Vampyric Artificer, afford union with your essence unto me! Tubal-Cain. Cadaverous Harbinger of Insurrection and Death. Resplendent Shapeshifter whose descendants are sorcerers. Cain, Son of Samael [Satan]! Elder Artificer who creates weapons and poisons and founded the first city, manifest within me! Blood-guilty Outcast from the lands of Nod and Tzelmoth. Horned and Bewinged Blacksmith who inspires Freemasons.

Invocation of Cain

And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife and she conceived, and bare Enoch. And Cain built a city, and called the name of the city, Enoch, after his firstborn son. And Zillah bore Tubal-Cain, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron and weapons of war.

The Holy Bible; Genesis 4:16-17; The Holy Bible

Cain was much more than just a murderer, He was the First Luciferian, the First Free Mason, the First City Builder, the First King. What we seek to offer through these books is an actual initiation into our Cult of Qayin, for if practiced correctly and if meant to be the initiates will find their ways to the Inner Sanctum and at that point there are physical rites that can be offered to those who feel the need to join our Temple ...the Hidden Cult belonging to the Bloodline of Cain and His Bride, our Holy Mother granted by the Holy Serpent to Eve.

N.A-A.218, Author of Liber Falxifer

With the discovery of America and its subsequent settling and later hidden control of its government, it was as if Cain himself had returned to Eden.

Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King

I am a Western Chauvinist and I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world, and we calling ourselves ‘the Proud Boys’ makes us a social pariah. Why don’t we take back Bethlehem? Why don’t we start our own Crusades? That’s what the [Templar] Crusades were.

Proud Boys Founder, Gavin McInnes

I began keeping a journal of my experiences to help me assimilate and record all that transpired during my deprogramming. There was no set chronological order to the information I received. Some memories are very recent, while others date back to my early childhood. Through the use of the “green spiral staircase” and the “monarch butterfly” exercises, memories that were suppressed over a lifetime began to surface: I was treated as a queen holding court over her subjects. Upon being seated on the throne, a procession of well-dressed men began showering me with lavish gifts. During the ritual I again took in the demonic entity as I had previously, while the men began to emit deep guttural noises. During the height of the ritual, tiny babies were brought into the room and devoured by the men. Walking down the aisle of the cathedral, I was naked and dressed only in a gold ceremonial robe with a very long train attached similar to that of a wedding dress. Flanked by attendants on either side, I walked towards the altar, where Martin O’Malley, the current mayor, lay naked waiting for me. Behind the altar was a priest surrounded by people I could not identify, all of whom were dressed in white robes similar to that of the Ku Klux Klan. Joining the mayor upon the altar, we began the sexual ritual. Shortly into the ceremony, with knife in hand, I began cutting him during the sex ritual. I first made an incision horizontally across his (Martin O’Malley’s) stomach, cutting deep enough to draw blood. Above the first incision I proceeded to carve a large “X” into his chest, again drawing blood as before. During this part of the ceremony I took in the demonic entity, whereupon I descended from the altar to address the audience. In a voice not my own, but of the demon entity, I uttered, “I am the Light, I am the Power. All who come here will kneel before me.”

Satanic Rituals of America’s Ruling Families

Luciferian royalty King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain [wearing] the white ribbon which I believe signifies a contract with Lucifer. See Foreign Powers Occupying the U.S. for Jessie’s explanation of the king’s military medals. I’m certain one of the [Maltese Cross] medals means that he claims authority granted to him by Lucifer over the people of Latin America.

Claudia Sheinbaum Didn't Invite Spanish Lizards to Inauguration

Jacob Rothschild and Prince William Attended Eton and [Will] Have Parallel Lives

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Ezra 9:1-2 states "The people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, have not separated themselves from the people of the lands, doing according to their abominations, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites. For they have taken of their daughters for themselves, and for their sons so that the Holy Seed have mingled themselves with the people of those lands." Does this mean Israel mixed themselves with the descendants of Cain? It is entirely possible that while not the entire House of Israel was infected, a small remnant, perhaps a certain tribe (such as the cursed Tribe of Dan) was infected by Satan's DNA. This would explain why many of the later elite, religious establishment wanted so desperately to kill the Jewish Messiah, in favor of keeping their subtly paganized traditions intact thus ensuring the continued twisting of Judaism itself. It would likewise explain the role of Judas, of whom Christ purposefully chosen, but called "a devil" and a "son of perdition." Remember, Satan's plan was always global in scope so that he could one day establish himself in the possessed body of the Antichrist. As such, he has effectively stacked the deck in every way imaginable, even though the very races that effectively control his world system toward that singular goal. Contrary to popular belief, the Cainites did survive the flood of Noah's time, just as they will ensure their own survival as the collapse of our present age leads directly into the coming, counterfeit New Age. One of the questions I'm asked most in that regard, is when did Cainites first assume their power structure in the West from which they've become such ruling Monarchies, whether covertly or in the open. Over the centuries that followed the banishment from Eden, and when Cain was banished to the land of Nod (circa 5,700 BC), the first Aryan nomads left the region of Cain's largest city of Enoch, located in modern Iran, to position themselves closer toward Egypt in the west, and India in the east. However, the vast majority of such nomads pushed north until they came to the southern steppes of the Caucasus Mountain region in modern Russia, from which the later word "Caucasian" was derived. (See also Ancient Woman with Alien-like Skull Unearthed in the Caucasus Region.) This would imply that both the ancient Celts and the Anglo-Saxon Brit'ish were derived from the same progenitor - or perhaps while the Celts came to exist via the lineages of the Annunaki (Satan's fallen host) and their tall Nephilim descendants, the larger Anglo-Saxons came into existence, more specifically, via Cain's descendants. It was there at the foot of the Caucasus where the Anglo-Aryan descendants of Cain linked up with the Gallic, pagan-worshipping Celts, who would have marveled at the more advanced god-like skills and near superhuman abilities of what became the Aryan-Saxon peoples, whose innate skillsets included blacksmithing, weapon-making, and advanced mason-building. As a result, the Aryans quickly assumed elitist roles among the proto-Celts. It was also in the shadow of the Caucasus that the origins of Aryan-Cainites first mixed their Satanic DNA with the parallel proto-Celtic population. By 4,000 BC, the collective of Aryan-Saxons initiated their western migration by pushing into what became the Nordic nations as well as Turkey, before mostly settling the western half of the Carpathian Mountain range in Romania from where later battles by their warlike Celtic brethren were historically won against both the Greeks and earliest Romans. While some of Cain's "Aryan" descendants further established their increased foothold into Eastern Europe, in the region of the Carpathians to take residence in pre-gothic Romania, the savage Celts migrated further north and west, into Brittany, Gaul, and finally they were first to enter into what became the British Isles, settling mainly in Pictish Scotland, Wales, and of course, Ireland. Meanwhile, the Ango-Saxons had assimilated themselves among the earliest Teutonic (Germanic) tribes. (See New DNA Evidence Links Ancient British with Germany and Scandinavia.) Ironically, but not coincidentally, this is also when those who propagate the "Lost Tribes of Israel" lie and heresy, claim that God's chosen [Aryan] race of "ten tribes" began to populate all of Western Europe itself.

*Read Article History of the Celts
*Read Article Wikipedia: Celts in Transylvania
*Read Article The Irish Times: The Caucasus Connection
*Read Article The Russian Roots of Britain's Prince Philip
*Read Article Queen & Husband Prince Philip are Related
*Read Article Giant Nephilim from the Caucasus Mountains
*Read Article The Proto-Celtic Settlement of Eastern Europe
*Read Article The Legends of Cain in Old and Middle English

Such was the relationship between the Aryan-Celts and the earliest of Germanic tribes, that most of the Aryan mixing that obviously occurred with Germany's eldest Teutonic ancestors, entered into the foggy realm of legend by the time the Nazi's used it to define their own version of an ancient "Aryan supremacy." (See also Are the Germans originally Celtic?.) Always seeking a homeland of their own, by 1,000 BC, the Aryans along with their Celtic hosts eventually settled into areas of Gaul (France; producing the Merovingian Kings), while a smaller tribe migrated further southwest, into the northern Basque region of Spain, an area known to contain the greatest density of non-Royal Rh-Negative blood types per capita in the world today. (See also EU Times: Vegans in Spain Now Eating Human Blood). By 500 AD, the remainder of the now, proto-Saxon, Aryan-Celts in Gaul then sailed toward Britannia, before eventually settling large areas of Britain, Wales, and Ireland, where (on that side of the later American migrations) they've largely remained to the present day. In nearly every nation that bowed to their apparent might, saw the rise of Europe's earliest monarchies among them, all of which were seemingly unified under a single, archaic symbol (the Mark of Cain), a red/iron Maltese Cross and/or similar stone Celtic Cross that defined their origin, presence, and supposed "divine right to rule" in the ancient world. While Cain's descendants grew in both financial and political might in Europe, they effectively turned the lesser working classes into virtual slaves to build their resulting empires. The foundations for what became the later feudal system in Europe was born out of such insidious Cainite control. That same system remains with us today, albeit masked into a more elaborate façade between the heavily taxed working class, and the elites that still rule over them. This is not to say that every single person of white descent has a member of the Cainite lineage in their own ancestral tree, however, of all the tribes upon the face of the earth, the children of Cain did blend most into the earliest migrations of what became the Celtic (Irish, Welsh, Scottish) and Germanic Anglo-Saxon (British) peoples. In short, your own DNA that potentially borders on either being human or angelic [fallen] depends on how many generations your ancestry is removed from being descended from European nobility, of which, those families with the Rh-Negative factor are almost always carriers of the same DNA/ancestry resulting from the Aryan migration. Those who mostly intermarried among themselves and were thus of the purer descendants of Cain's descendance over the near six millennia, became the aristocrats of Europe, while those who strictly intermarried among themselves [as "Blue Bloods"] became the ruling Monarchies of Europe itself. This leaves the largely Nordic, Celtic, Saxon, Gaulish, and Germanic "commoners" left behind in their diluted "slave stock" as mongrel working classes to both fund (via taxation of workers) as well as provide a buffer of protection for the elite. In this way have Satanic Cainites been able to perfectly assimilate themselves among the Western nations and since the Crusades, they have been able to work their plan toward Antichrist almost completely unimpeded since. Satan's entire plan from the beginning is nothing if not absolutely wicked in its racial deceit and twisted cunning, namely in allowing European citizenry under its control to become "Christian" under their Dark Ages to Medieval Vatican empire to the point of stamping out what was a thriving paganism among the common people from Rome to Britain (thus leaving the world to believe such nations under their control were Christian to this day) only to destroy that same Christian moral fabric, whilst effectively stoking White hatred against Jews and other races, just before the rise of their Satanic Messiah. It remains quite telling that the area of southern Germany was once named Kahzaryan, or Kahz-Aryan, where the word Aryan was likely derived to describe the main push of Cainite migration into Western Europe from whence its most powerful "noble ruling families" were generated such as the Rothschild, and more notoriously, the Saxe-Coburg's and Gotha who ultimately became the so-called Windsor's, a purposefully faked "proper English-sounding" name more commonly known among us commoners as the British royal family. How odd it is, therefore, that one of their own in William would want to bring "peace" between the Israelis and Palestinians as he claims he would bring during his time as the United Kingdom's next ruling monarch. That is precisely what the prophesied Antichrist would bring.

RELATED The British Royals are Actually Germans (Specifically of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha)
RELATED British Royals Destroyed Documents that Proved Their Support of Hitler's Rise at War's End
RELATED ANALYSIS: Donald Trump's History with Adolf Hitler and His Racist Nazi Writings

*Read Book The Blood of the Celts: An Ancestral Story
*Read Article RH-Negative Blood: the Reptilian Connection
*Read Article Cain Surname: The Celtic Family Crest and Coat of Arms
*Read Article Interesting Connections Between Celtic-Aryan and Aryan-India
*Read Article Rosicrucians Burying Truth that Cain Fathered the Aryan Race
*Read Article Hebrew Royal Descent Purposefully Confused with Satan's Cainites
*Read Article Are the Celtic Peoples Descended From the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
*Read Article The Cain as 'First Vampire' Origination Theory by the Author Lyn Gibson
*Read Article Cainite Conspiracies: Role Playing Game Depicts Cain as the First Vampire

The First Commissioned Painting Honoring King Charles Contains Dual Baphomet
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

At some point during Cain's wanderings, three angels independently visited him and offered a chance to repent for his brother's murder. He refused all of them. They further cursed him with a weakness to fire, aversion to sunlight, and an insatiable desire for human blood (Talmud, Book of Adam and Eve).​

CAIN: The First Vampire

And now, Cain, art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand. When thou tillest the ground, it shall not yield unto thee her strength [proving why they need slaves to grow for them]; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth. And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth, and from thy face shall I be hid. And I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth and it shall come to pass, that every one that discovers me shall slay me. And the Lord said unto him, Whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken out on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a Mark [of protection] upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

Genesis 4:11-15; The Holy Bible

The Aryans or “Noble Ones” are thought to have remained together on the Caucasian steppes from about 4500 BCE until about 2500 BCE when groups began to migrate. Their single language, known by linguists as Proto-Indo-European, evolved into many of the Asiatic and European languages, such as: Sanskrit, Persian, German, Gaelic, Latin, Greek, Russian, and English. The Indo-European language family has the largest number of speakers of all language families as well as the widest dispersion around the world.

Human Journey: The Noble Ones

Like the Romance, Slavic, Germanic and the [Edenic] Indo-Persian language families, the members of the Celtic family show considerable similarities in vocabulary, grammar, and so on. Centuries of work on the greater Indo-European family have already been done, insights and advances continue, and many resources exist for the Celtic conlanger and linguist to draw on.

Proto-Celtic Blog

It is also interesting that a particularly distinguished brand of traditional British Witchcraft was named after Cain's descendant, Tubal-Cain, who is honored as the maker of the Athame, or ritual tool of Witchcraft used for many diverse purposes, with ritual blood-letting among them.

The Mystery of Cain

The Sethanic [Cainite] Witchcraft current has been cultivated in Europe through those who hold the key to the gnosis within their minds; it seems to speak through the blood. This unspoken aspect of the tradition of the old is known as Witchblood. It is a silent, unspoken yet natural degree of the folk ability to practice Magick. This is the inner magickal voice of angels and demons, the very core essence within each initiate... While the direction of those involved in the Luciferian Tradition in America are well aware of its context of approach, the defining state of consciousness must be adhered to. The Order of Phosphorus is founded upon the techniques taught through the lore of Luciferian Witchcraft. Witchcraft was a natural tool, taught by Luciferic Angels known as the Watchers, and their Cain–inspired brethren known as the Nephilim. It is through the Luciferian Circles that the Watchers and fallen angels brought to us the gift of what is called Witch-blood, the Black Flame of Awakening that offered an awakening of senses. Each Angel [demon] still exists in spirit form upon the earth, allowing a lineage to emerge.

A plausible but little known legend speaks of a hidden, hereditary group of European families who have exerted great influence over European life from before the time of Jesus, to the present.

Rosslyn: Guardians of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p. 97

'The Grail Keepers' were represented by a Red Cross. We find more evidence of the Grail Keepers nearly 400 years later with King Arthur, Lancelot, Sir Gawain and Perceval all bore the Vampiric Cross on their shields. The plan was to place a man of the Holy Bloodline as the [Messianic] "King of Judah." The Grail Kings were allowed the time needed to implement such a plan.

The first of the Sinclair's to be born in Scotland, Henri St. Clair, accompanied Godfroi de Bouillon to the Holy Land in 1096 and was present at the fall of Jerusalem. He was accompanied by knights from eleven other leading Scottish aristocratic families. Representatives of all twelve families met regularly at Roslyn prior to the Crusades, and for many centuries afterwards. The group included ancestors of the Stuarts, with whom the Sinclair's made marital alliances and were involved with the Templars throughout their history [and] with early Freemasonry in Scotland, with support of the Stuart [Jacobite] cause. The Rex Deus legend suggested that the Stuarts were actually descended from among the ancient hierarchy in Biblical Israel.

Rosslyn: Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p. 200

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control
Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Another instance of this kind may be cited in the case of Mr. John Spargo, author of a small book entitled The Jew and American Ideals. On page 6 Mr. Spargo declares that when visiting this country in September and October 1920: I found in England great nationwide organizations, obviously well-financed, devoted to the sinister purpose of creating anti-Jewish feeling and sentiment. I found special articles in influential newspapers devoted to the same evil purpose. I found at least one journal, obviously well financed again, exclusively devoted to the fostering of suspicion, fear, and hatred against the Jew... and in the bookstores I discovered a whole library of books devoted to the same end.

Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, by Nesta Webster, p. xi

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

The Connections Between Cainites, Demons and Vampires
Returning in time to their migrations from the base of the Caucasus mountains into Eastern and then Western Europe, Cain's descendants carrying with them their "Blood Royale" migrated into Anatolia (modern Turkey) and into parts of Greece, where they via the proto-Celtic migration established a throne in ancient Pergamum, before the larger of the migrations travelled further north where the reports of 'hybrid-gods with monstrous attributes' began to take hold, this time in Europe. This also introduces the theory that as children of Satan, perhaps Cain's lot who already might have felt their lineage was becoming somewhat diluted, interbred with Annunaki in order to reclaim their strengths. Such hybrids have been called in history prior: Nephilim, Rephaim, Anakim, and Emim, of whom it is believed were largely destroyed by a series of events culminating in the Biblical flood. (As my research proves in the Atlantis page, Noah's flood did not overtake the whole world but only the northern reaches of the Mideast toward the Caspian Sea, which explains why the dynasty of Egypt's Royal lineage continued before, during, and long after Noah's Flood.) These new and stronger lineages of Cain then migrated into the whole of eastern Europe, by way of Romania. It also seems the many tales of their true origin, history, and reputed misdeeds followed them into Europe as Cainites came to be known as literal "Sons of the Devil" and it was first in Romania where one family in particular were first to be called Vampires. Vlad the Impaler, the most notorious of any Slavic ruler who came after, was born in 1431 in Transylvania to a private society of Cainite elders known as The Order of the Dracul, with Dracul meaning both "Dragon" and "Devil" in the native Romanian tongue. Vampires, like Cainites, are accredited to having extremely ancient Bloodlines, stretching back to a single progenitor, which it was already believed as cited in several Transylvanian historical accounts, to be Satan himself, via Cain. Some interesting correlations can be made when comparing several attributes of Vampire accounts and lore with the nature of Cain's lineage, and even further correlations can be made when connecting Vampires themselves to the nature of our collective enemy in also Satan himself. The first being quite obvious. Both Vampires and Cainites are connected to blood, murder, and the extraction of one's life force. On the metaphysical level, both Vampires and Satan as 'The Serpent' or 'Red Dragon' have bat or dragon wings, talons, and fangs that tear flesh. As Satan did initially with Eve, in seducing her to the point where she no longer was in control of her own will, do Vampires have the innate ability to enforce their will and beguile others, especially women. Still another connection can be made between Satan's offspring and Vampires in that they are both said to be immortal, while having amazing aversions to either the effigy, fetish, symbol, or name of Jesus Christ, all of which is very telling. Both can shapeshift. Also interesting to note, is that for millennia, Satan and his demons have been depicted with bat's wings, just as the shape-shifting vampire. Both have their connections crossing over into the lore of the Antichrist, and both are said to return at an end time to destroy the Kingdom of God on behalf of Lucifer. As modern scholars cite, the Impaler, himself an archetype of Antichrist, "had caused more rivers of blood to flow than any other tyrant in the history of the world." This certainly makes this most infamous of Cainite 'vampires' surpass the mere legends, easily elevating their own bloody reputation second only to the level of Satan's own 'Son of the Devil' himself. Interesting how this same branch of eastern- European Cainite lineage ends up in Prince Charles, and by default, Prince William of Wales, in whom the 'Son of the Dragon' lineage intertwines with a certain Welsh and Saxon prophecy about a Once and Future King. There was a written history of these things also written across various Satanic apocrypha, all of which agree that Cain was the son of Satan, even "the first Vampyre," a tradition that was handed down through the most powerful of elitist Anglo secret societies, such as the Freemasons, the same societies which gave homage to Tubal-Cain. Renown in the ancient world for their extreme strength and murderous cruelty, Cainites were perceived by fearful Europeans to be gods in their own right, worthy of worship. Their seemingly divine and dark natures calling out to mankind to perform every manner of bloodthirsty evil which brings forth the blood of innocents, again alluding to the story of Cain and Abel and the reputed Vampires of legend. (See also 17th Century Vampire Unearthed in Poland with Sickle Around Her Neck.)

*Read Book 'Vampires and Demons' by Augustin Calmet (1746) First Edition Print
*Read Article Varied Reports Citing Scotland and England Having a Coven of Vampires
*Read Article Prince Charles Found to be a Descendant of Vlad the Impaler [aka Dracula]
*Read Article Prince Charles' Ancestor: [Dracula] Vlad the Impaler's Grave Unearthed in Italy
*Read Article Vlad the Impaler (Dracula) is a Distant Uncle of HRH Prince William
*Read Article Both Queen Elizabeth II and Her Grandson Prince William are Related to their Spouses
*Read Article Vampiric Royals of England Love to Dine on the Vampiric Fish of Michigan's Great Lakes
*Read Article 5,000-Year-Older "Stonehenge" was Just Found at Bottom of Lake Michigan in Great Lakes

Before Britannia's later rise and wherever world power was rising, Satan had his Cainite-Khazarian children placed there ever ready to take the highest positions of power and influence over the more common 'goyim' who were to be secretly ruled by multi-tiered societies of the purest blood members to physically rule the world for Satan. Because Satan knows all too well of the prophecy that "through the [Sethite/Jewish] children of Abraham shall the entire world be blessed [via Jesus Christ]," Satan has sought to corrupt the children of Israel even before the time of Moses but certainly after the death of Moses when the Israelites began to lose their way that ultimately caused them not to recognize their own Messiah and King in Yeshua/Jesus. As the generations of Cain grew in prominence and control after absorbing themselves into Satan's forbidden occult knowledge to create secret societies that also grew in number and corrupted nations round about, came the horrific accounts of literal 'bloodthirsty monsters ruling the world' who would sacrifice and eat children in accordance with their Khazarian religion. A clan of Cain's later descendants also found their way into Egyptian, Media-Persian, Greek, and Roman societies as well as the Roman-conquered Holy Land, taking upon themselves Jewish names as if waiting for the birth of Jesus Christ knowing that He was to appear after the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. Thus, from all he could glean from God's promise and prophecy in Genesis 3:15 as well as what else is written on the surface and encoded into the Torah, Satan must have been keenly aware that his ancient rival in God's only true begotten Son was to finally arrive around the time of the Second Temple, for he knew the prophetic Scripture referring to the Messiah cleansing the Temple of its moneychangers and thieves. Satan certainly knew Christ's birth was imminent by the time Gabriel announced to Mary that she would bear the Messiah, as well as seeing that unique alignment of stars that announced a New King of Israel was to be born which prompted Satan to then have Herod murder every Israeli baby under two years of age thereafter. Satan therefore would have been wise to place his own chosen peoples in positions of power at the time of Christ, fulfilling exactly what is portrayed in Revelation 12 with 'a Great Red Dragon waiting for the Woman to birth the Child who was to rule all nations, to devour and kill that Child as soon as it was born.' As it turned out, the Jewish Priesthood known as the Pharisees, who controlled the religion of the Jews at that time did have certain connections within Pagan Rome, and ultimately did have Christ killed, yet not before Christ publicly spoke out against them. Amazingly, Christ lashed not out at the occupying Romans, for their obvious brutality in keeping the Jews under their control, but He always did set Himself in total opposition to the Pharisees, to the point of loudly declaring them to be of that "murderer from the beginning" [Cain] and of "their father the Devil." Thus, Christ could not be deceived by them, knowing exactly whose control they were under, going as far as to announce that their father is none other than the Devil and that he [thru Cain] "was a murderer from the beginning," a most revealing perception that combines Cain's murder with Satan being a father. In fact, Christ even exposed them as a generation of serpents, and in one revealing outburst, as a "brood of vipers."

*Wikipedia Article Cainites Defined as the "2nd Century Gnostic Sect that Worshipped Cain"
*Read Article Cainites: Ancient Heretical Historians Who Appeared in the Second Century
*Read Article Cambridge University: Cain as the Scion of Satan, a Zohar Gnostic Myth[?]
*Read Article Gnosticism Works to Propagate the Antichrist "Holy Grail Bloodline" Heresy
*Read Article The Heretical Gospel According to Jude - Is it an Ancient Cainite Writing?

In effect, Christ was speaking to the evil natures of both Satan and Cain to be replete within the Gnostic Pharisees themselves, and as can be pointed out, some are not necessarily actually within Cain's lineage, but were affected directly by them in one way or another. Indeed, I believe while God wanted to largely keep the very existences of Cainites largely a mystery to be uncovered between the pages of the Scriptures, and certainly at the end of time, to protect them in much the same way God protected Cain himself, Christ still referred to them directly and indirectly by the very measured words He used to point out that they do, in fact, exist, to which we are to correctly interpret. Some will never reconcile this fact, choosing instead to remain willingly blind to it, despite Cainites scribes actually appearing in history for a brief time following the death of Christ to create Gnostic writings and heretical "gospels" by which Satan could later employ to sow confusion and pave the way for his counterfeit Christ. As determined from within the links above, Cainites are proven to not only have historically existed, but their own ancient writings became the very heretical texts that are most often used today to promote the "Holy Grail Bloodline" mythos and lie by which the Antichrist is, and will be, supported. Interestingly, the most infamous Gnostic work put out in the second century was named "The Book of Enoch," to which if one understands that Cainites first had an Enoch in their pedigree [Cain's firstborn son], that was far removed from the later Sethite Enoch, then perhaps this same heretical text that never was allowed into The Holy Bible, was itself manufactured by Cainite design in reverence to their ancient ancestor of the same name. This would make The Book of Enoch a history book of the Fallen Ones that beget the Nephilim, of whom their own ancestors obviously allied with under Satan. When these same "Cainites," as they called themselves, were questioned as to where they received all their "forbidden knowledge" they described themselves most intriguingly to be a simple sect that merely worshipped a deified Cain. But who would ever worship Cain, that first Satanist who carried out the first human sacrifice dedicated to Satan and build a religion around him in the process? Interestingly, Cain and his sick lineage is also heavily revered within Freemasonry itself. Perhaps the Freemasons are just another Gnostic sect who worship Cain too, and it's all a mere coincidence. Right. It was none other than Christ Himself who connected the Pharisees to the "murderer from the beginning," amazingly connecting Satan to Cain himself. Whilst Christ acknowledged that the Pharisees were indeed the sons of Abraham, being Jews (John 8:39), Christ was making a larger point that those among them who wanted to kill Christ were acting on behalf of Satan and his children, which should explain to us that these same Pharisees were also being influenced not only by the spirit of the Devil, but perhaps the descendants of Cain lurking somewhere within Israel's religious power structure of the time. Since the death of Moses, certainly the religion of the Pharisees had fallen under certain Satanic influence by way of Egypt, Babylon and Assyria, and had thus becoming a corrupted service to Satan, as evidenced in their own increasingly strange traditions that much later became the very anti-Christian Talmud, Zohar, and the Kabballah itself. Christ being fully aware of these things, past and future, spoke to the power behind Judaism's throne when He announced "If God were your Father, ye would love me for I proceeded forth and came from God. Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because ye cannot hear my Word. Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He [within Cain] was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him" (John 8:42-44). In Luke 22:3, we read "Satan entered into Judas," thus possessing him to bring about the murder of Jesus - just as Satan possessed Cain when murdering Abel, and how Satan will yet possess the Antichrist to battle Christ at Armageddon. The Biblical phrase "Son of Perdition" denotes the Cainite lineage itself, of which Cain, Judas, and the Antichrist certainly share. It is therefore no coincidence that Revelation 17:8 tells us that the (spirit of the) Beast ascends from the Bottomless Pit to go into "Perdition," meaning into the Son of Perdition, Antichrist. In John 17:4-5 and 12, we see Jesus praying this prayer unto His Father: "I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory that I had with thee before the world was. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name, those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them [the disciples] is lost but the Son of Perdition; so that the Scripture would be fulfilled."

*Read Article Ask a Bible Teacher: A Murderer From The Beginning?
*Read Article Gnostic Witches Say Q'ayin (Cain) Murdered for Gnosticism

Christ likewise gave no quarter to he which ultimately betrayed Him to the Pharisees, Judas Iscariot, saying in John 6:7, "Have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil?" This suggests Jesus knew full well that the "son of perdition" Judas would not only become the betrayer, on behalf of Satan, but that he was never a descendant of Israel from the start. This is important because evidence also suggests that Christ chose his twelve according to their individual connection by lineage to one of twelve Tribes of Israel, of whom the same Disciples would one day judge the twelve tribes of their ancient forefathers ("I assure you that when the world is made new and the Son of Man sits upon His Throne of glory, you who have been my followers will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel" Matthew 19:28.) Certainly Judas, more than any other which can be documented by Scripture, was a Cainite, so much so that even the Second Century scholar Irenaeus, when speaking of the Gnostic sect of Cainites, said, "They [Cainites] declare that Cain...acknowledge[d] that Esau, Korah, the Sodomites, and all such persons are related to themselves...They [also] declare that Judas was thoroughly acquainted with these things and that he alone, knowing the truth as no others did, accomplished the mystery of the betrayal [of Christ]." That 'mystery' is solved with the knowledge that Judas knew the truth of his destiny long before he was chosen by Christ. Iscariot's destiny, as Irenaeus was alluding to, was part of an ancient plan devised by the Devil himself, who ever since Eden, waited for the Son of God's appearance to murder the flesh-born, pre-incarnate King of Glory. The larger mystery would be that while Satan is ultimately behind Christ's death, working thru one of his Cainite sons of perdition, that the blood-letting sacrifice was ultimately the plan and will of God Himself, who allowed His Son's death for the greater salvation of men's souls by which death itself would be destroyed, and individual sin forever cleansed in perfect atonement. This was always God's will since the beginning, even the very Beginning when God created Lucifer, has the mystery of God's will worked ever toward a post-Judgment 'New Heaven and New Earth,' with the souls of redeemed men to populate it and live as joint heirs with His Son. As a result, never again could there rise another vain and rebellious soul against Christ within God's final and perfected Kingdom. This is the mystery of all mysteries, that God has loved us from infinity to infinity, and carried out His perfect will for all those who eternally love Him. Returning to the mystery of Cain, Christ explained to us in Revelation 2:9 that "I know of the blasphemy of those who call themselves Jews, but are not [of Judah], they are of the Synagogue of Satan. Christ also referenced Judas in John 17:12, saying, "Of all the disciples, none has been lost except the Son of Perdition," meaning there could be no hope of salvation for Judas, or his accursed lineage. Calling Judas out and naming him as a Son of Perdition, meaning a Son of the original sin and sinner and a "murderer from the beginning" of itself speaks to the murderous act of Cain at the behest and likely possession by Satan. Satan entered Cain, Satan entered Judas, and Satan likewise will enter the Antichrist. In this way has God never hid the Cainite presence among us but has clearly been revealing their presence and His mystery all along. Many of us just never chose to see it. And even where some still cannot see Satan, they can always see his handiwork via his children orchestrating global events in the form of every Anglo-Aryan secret society, that while placing Lucifer as God, have also worked tirelessly, for centuries, to cause as much malice, murder and hatred against the Jewish people as possible. Christ's comparison of Judas as a "murderer from the beginning," with Satan, also shows that shortly after this world was (re)formed, is when Satan became violent and rivaled God in mutiny. This would give further reason as to why he and his fallen angels hate mankind and why God has made us dwell among them to test us.

*Read Article 'The Antichrist is Judas Reincarnated'? by Arthur W. Pink
*Read Article Judas, the Suicide of Satan, and the Salvation of the World
*Read Article Antichrist Will be Called the Son of Satan by Arthur W. Pink
*Read Article Judas Doomed to Walk the Earth for All Time, Until Christ Returns

While Satan is a spirit, able to walk among us, it is they who carry out Satan's works and the day to day evil among us, within every generation going back to the first generation. It should stand with undeniable evidence that while the future Antichrist is already called a "Son of Perdition" in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, that Judas was also ascribed that exact same title, by Christ, in the Gospel of John 17:12. Of course, this has led some of the less astute among us, who don't see the keyword there to be "Perdition" that pertains to a cursed lineage, have instead automatically assumed that Judas himself will become the future Antichrist/Beast of Revelation. (See link above.) Most miss it, but the Scriptures further make a distinction between Judas, and Christ's other eleven Disciples. We see this when Christ suddenly announces to the Disciples that during "the renewal of all things" (in the eternal Heaven Age) that His Disciples would be responsible for judging the 12 Tribes of Israel. This is obviously without Judas, of whom there can be no salvation. Despite some liberal, New Age-tainted, so-called 'believers' wanting you to believe that Cain, Judas, Hitler, Antichrist, and ultimately Satan himself, should all have equal rights toward receiving salvation, and forgiveness. We know better. And yet, of whom did Judas claim to be? Perhaps the more pertinent question becomes of what Tribe of Israel was his namesake so given? In Revelation, Christ explains that those who claim to be Jews, taking for themselves Jewish-sounding names, but are instead of Satan's Synagogue. Such an operation couldn't hold any more true than in the case of Judas, who supposedly hailed from the tribe of Judah, when in truth he was a Cainite, or as Jesus rightly called him, "a devil," obviously of that lineage of Perdition, called the "Synagogue of Satan." Since Christ also alluded to the fact that twelve Disciples are to judge the twelve tribes of Israel, at the time of Judgment, that each tribe will be judged by their own specific tribal lineage. Naturally then, Judas will not be a judge of Judah, because he was never descended from Judah, but from Cain, the original 'Son of Perdition' whose father was Satan himself, or as Christ rightly called Satan, a "murderer from the beginning," clearly referencing Cain, thus connecting Cain with the Devil himself. However, the betrayer known as Judas was no less important in the lead up to Christ sacrificing Himself for all humanity, as Judas effectively spied on Christ at the behest of the Cainite-influenced Jewish priests of the time, who provided Judas his thirty pieces of silver for his betrayal; greed being the "root of *all* evil," because it was greed, with the hoarding of earth's natural resources, as well as envy, jealousy, and pride, that led to Lucifer's casting out from Heaven to begin with. Indeed, Judas Iscariot was "a devil," possessed of the Devil, carrying Cain's accursed Mark and Bloodline of the Devil, and as Satan's Son of Perdition, he carried out his evil work against Christ on Satan's behalf, whose own inescapable destiny it was to cause the extermination of the Son of God. God the Father knowing this from the Beginning, allowed it because out of the great evil that was His Son's murder, God would turn it around for the greatest good to become a Holy Sacrifice for all man's sins for all time.

Jesus answered them, saying Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?

John 6:70; The Holy Bible

Peter, turning around, asked "Lord, who is the one who betrays You?" "Lord, what about this man?" (Peter referring to Judas) Jesus said to him, "If I want him [Satan/Judas] to remain until I come again, what is that to you? You follow Me."

John 21:21-22; The Holy Bible

Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve.

Luke 22:3; The Holy Bible

And then Jesus said: “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like white tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead man's bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness. “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. And you say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. Go ahead, then, and complete what your ancestors started! “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to Hell? Therefore I AM sending you prophets and sages and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town. And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. Truly I tell you, all this will come on this generation.

Matthew 23:27-33; The Holy Bible

Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres. Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute. That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation. From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation.

Luke 11:48-51; The Holy Bible

We do know that during the Great Tribulation, as mentioned in both Isaiah and Revelation, that many in those days will desire to kill themselves but cannot. They shall cry for the rocks to fall on them, and attempt various ways to inflict death on themselves, but aren't able to. Might that same rule have already applied to either Judas or Cain himself). Interestingly, there are two seemingly contradicting accounts in the New Testament regarding Judas' supposed suicide, with one Gospel saying he fell, likely on a sword as King Saul did, while the other Gospel account depicts Judas committed suicide by hanging. Those who are too quick to dismiss the Bible's dual accounts as reason for a supposed discrepancy cannot reconcile how both accounts could be true, when they are not only both true, they add to the overall account and hidden truth of what God is attempting to point out. Jesus alluded to Judas not being able to die but will be alive when He returns. This would seem to indicate that Judas is still with us today, which might shock some never seeing that Scripture in John 21:21-22 but let's take that one step further. What if Judas has been around since the beginning of mankind itself? What if the Son of Perdition Judas is the Son of Perdition Cain? This would parallel and provide a more complete context behind the mysterious passage given to the Antichrist from Revelation 17:8, that references him as a "king who was, is not, yet will be again" who will "go into perdition." The global cabal rules this planet and acts as our overlords was never leaderless throughout their history. For just as Satan leads the 'Great Work' from the spirit world, Cain and all his descendants operate Satan's grand undertaking in our physical world. As history proves, the majority of Jews rejected Christ in favor of their own vain traditions and self-delusions of what they believed their Scriptures meant. Without someone to lead them, as Moses did, the Jews were known to stray far from the will of God, and so without Christ, their Messiah, they are about to make the Devil as their King, both literally and spiritually. And yet, how many times have we seen in the Scriptures where God takes something so evil, only to turn it completely around for the greatest good and His Holy will? This same dynamic will no less be done with Israel, ultimately, which is why God even allows Satan to possess the flesh of the Antichrist, for it shall bring Israel closer to His Son. Christ is about to complete the sum of God's perfect will, as well, meaning the "Sabbatical Week" - the 6,000 years of human history that would incur before God's Son would rule and reign from Jerusalem for 1,000 years. But first, Antichrist will be given his time to rule from Jerusalem, for three and one-half years, with Christ appearing at the 1,290th day of Satan's rule, at Armageddon. This is called "The Day of the Lord" when Jesus saves Israel in a literal rescue mission from the murdering genocide of the Antichrist. As such, God's use of seven's is rampant, given that there are given mankind 7,000 years of history before the end of all things, with, His "70 Weeks Prophecy" given Daniel, that points forward in time to seven years of Antichrist's deception upon the Jews, and, of course, there's seven days in a week. In Daniel's '70 Weeks,' God gave the prophet Daniel an exact numbering of years, beginning with the Persian King Artaxerxes' decree to rebuild Jerusalem, unto the year that the Messiah would appear to Israel, would equal 490 lunar years. Using correct math, this would put the Messiah's work to have started in 27 AD, when Christ was baptized by John to initiate what became His three-year long ministry. This then puts the Crucifixion at 30 AD, likely on April 7. Now because Christ was unrecognized by the Jews of His time, and as a result, was killed in the brutal way He was, God repaid Israel with yet another takeover and destruction of their God-given land, this time by the Romans, in 70 AD. What's interesting there, is that this destruction and subsequent loss of Israel itself, occurred precisely 40 years after Christ was crucified by the Romans upon request of the Jewish authorities. Forty, like many other numbers employed by God's in His use of Biblical numerics, is assigned a spiritual meaning. It is the number of probation. Mind you, Jews today do not want to face the facts about anything regarding a cursing of their people as a result of their rejecting Jesus. In fact, they wholly and collectively reject anyone who utters such a thing which amounts to a great heresy against them in their mind. Let's examine this in further detail...

*Read Article The 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel Proves Christ's Ministry Began in 27 AD
*Read Article Our Messiah Jesus Christ was Crucified and Rose Again in the Year 30 AD
*Read Article 70th Week Proves Jesus is Messiah and 'the Prince to Come' is Antichrist

I have found no cause of death in Him. I will therefore chastise him and let him go. But they were instant with loud voices, demanding that He be crucified. And the voices of them and of the Jewish chief priests prevailed. Therefore, Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they required. And there followed Him a great company of people, and of Jewish women, which also bewailed and lamented Him. But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

Luke 23:22-28; The Holy Bible

Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of Flesh and Blood, Christ likewise took part of the same; that through His death He would destroy him that had the power of Death, that is, the Devil, and deliver them who were all their lifetime subject to bondage. For verily Christ took not on Himself the nature of Angels, but He took on Himself the [Sethite] seed of Abraham to make reconciliation for every Sin.

Hebrews 2:14-16; The Holy Bible

I will consume all things from off the land, saith the Lord. I will also stretch forth my Hand upon Judah, and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem and I will cut off the remnant of Ba'al from this place, as well as the name of [demonic] Chemarims with the [false] Priests. And it shall come to pass in the day of the Lord's sacrifice [of Jesus the Messiah] that I will punish the King's children [the children of the Lord; Israel]. Their goods shall become stolen and their houses a desolation. They shall also build houses, and not live in them. They shall plant vineyards, but not drink the wine thereof. Neither their silver not their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord's wrath, but the whole land [Jerusalem] shall be devoured by the fire of His jealousy, for He shall make a speedy riddance of all of them that dwell in the land. [ABSOLUTE PROOF FROM THE JEWISH OLD TESTAMENT THAT ISRAEL WOULD BE CURSED FOR HAVING PUT TO DEATH THE MESSIAH]

Zephaniah Chapter 1; The Holy Bible

Son of man, when the House of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it by their own way [as opposed to Christ's Way] and by their own doings. Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the [Holy] Blood that they had shed upon the land and for their demonic idols wherewith they had polluted it: And I scattered them among the heathen and they were dispersed through the countries of the world according to their way and according to their doings I judged them yet [now] I will take you from among the heathen nations, and gather you out of all the countries and ye shall once more dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God. [Fulfilled May 14th 1948]

Ezekiel 36; The Holy Bible

So the House of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that day and forward. And the heathen shall know that the House of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity because they trespassed against Me, therefore hid I my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies. According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions have I done unto them and hid my face from them. Behold, now will I reverse the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole House of Israel once more and will be jealous for my Holy Namesake. After that they have borne their shame, and all their trespasses whereby they have trespassed against Me, When I have gathered them out of their enemies lands [Germany, Russia], and am sanctified, then shall they know that I AM the Lord their God which caused them to be led into captivity among the heathen.

Ezekiel 39:22-28; The Holy Bible


The numerical value of forty (40) is meant as God's number of testing and probation, out of which comes either a blessing or a curse, reward or punishment. One example of this is seen in Moses' leading the children of Israel out of bondage from Egypt and into wandering the Sinai desert for the designated time of forty years before entering the promised Holy Land. Because of their former sin of idol worship, God tested them for 40 years of wandering a lifeless desert. Another even earlier example was seen in Noah's time, when for forty days and forty nights the rain fell, even as the earth (or Noah's local 'world' as he knew it) was itself was put on probation. Even the Son of God was to be tested by God in His time, and so He fasted for 40 days/nights during which He was tempted by Satan, out of which Christ was victorious and proved to the rebel Satan of His continued loyalty to His Father. As a result, Christ was rewarded with us, His Church for an eternal possession. Another example can be seen after Christ was crucified, when He was supposedly dead for 'three days,' from Good Friday 3pm until 7am Sunday morning, when Jesus was resurrected, however that timeframe is not 72 hours, but precisely 40. Then, Jesus appeared to His disciples for a total of forty days after the Resurrection. Knowing this, and knowing that forty years was given to Israel, as a nation, from the date Christ was crucified to a date in 70 AD, it can be determined why Israel was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. God was punishing Israel with great "shame" (see Ezekiel 39:23-29) for killing His Son, but since God already foreknew this would happen, as proven in Genesis 3:15, He made that death ultimately worthwhile to all mankind, retroactively, and for all time, by making Christ's death as the source for all redemption of sin. By Christ's Great Commission, the first apostles of the early Christian Church did everything in their power to save as many Jews in those forty years as possible because they understood time was quickly running out for the rest of the those yet unsaved in Israel who wanted nothing to do with a dead "false Messiah" who couldn't bring them out of their Roman bondage like Moses did with Egypt, or some "new religion" that would replace their ancient Judaism. Thus, God allowed Israel to be destroyed. The order came down from Rome to finally wipe out "the Jewish rebellion" including, every single Jewish man, woman, and child they found, which made this Godly punishment very different than any before as in previous times at the hands of the Egyptians, Babylonians, or Assyrians, wherever the children of Cain had created or otherwise controlled the world's former empires, the creation of the Kabbala itself being a perfect example. Those today calling such works like the Kabbala as being the result of "Judeo-Masonry" are actually helping in the deception its actual creators present. In other words, the Jews did not "create" the Kabbala, as still too many believe. The children of Cain communicated with devils and demons and created the most ancient texts that evoke and invoke Satan's legions against the children of Seth, and the rest of mankind. The origins of the specific magic seen culminating in what is called Kabbala were initially recorded in ancient Egypt and Babylon (both cultures of which Freemasons connect their occult knowledge to) and only later given to captive Jews to taint, divert, and destroy their formerly established connection to God, and His Word, in favor of Satan and his. It is their fingerprints that are found everywhere in ancient Mesopotamia, most notably among the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, and wherever mankind received vast knowledge including occult/evil knowledge at the expense of their collective souls.

*Read Article Queen Elizabeth II Has Direct Lineage from the Ancient Roman Caesars by Bloodline
*Read Article Cainite Seed of the Ancient Serpent Empire and the Future Mystery Called 'Babylon'
*Read Article Historians Believe Queen Elizabeth II is Related to the Islam's Prophet Muhammad
*Read Article The Blood Victory: Hope for the Future of Our [Cainite] Race and Civilization

(Note: The link seen above depicting the Queen and Royal Family being descended from many of the elite ruling nobilities in the ancient world, and at least one creator of Islam itself, speaks volumes, but most notably that the British Royal Family can be all things to all people. They could now be touted as Roman, Jewish, Islamic, and also Messianic in both the Jewish and Islamic traditions. This would go to prove just how far the children of Cain went to infect the ancient monarchies of the world, both religious and secular alike, for a past, present, and future purpose.) Interestingly, not only Jews but also most Christians have completely overlooked the New Testament account that directly pertains to Israel's cursing and what very likely was a prophecy of the Diaspora itself. As Mark 11:12:12-14, 21 explains, that when nearing Jerusalem, being hungered, Christ saw a lone fig tree (which is the ancient symbol of Israel) that while having leaves was not bearing any fruit. This angered Him and He cursed it. As such, the fig tree began to wither away, its leaves scattering to the four winds. Israel was clearly cursed and it withered on Passover 70 AD, when the Romans finally conquered it, leading to its Jewish population to be mostly scattered among the Gentile nations of the earth for nearly the next 1,878 years. Of worthy note, Jesus also gave us something to connect to that passage about that cursed fig tree in two different Parables of the Fig Tree, as they are called, being two distinct prophetic aspects given by Christ referencing the same thing, the cursing of ancient Israel because of its rejecting the Son of God, as well as the blessing returned to a modern Israel and its Jewish people during the time they are just about to receive and accept the Son of God. One such Fig Tree parable is found in Luke 13:6-9 and the other in Matthew 24:32-34, which states that when we begin to see the Fig Tree (Israel/Jerusalem) put on leaves (in the latter days), then we are to know the rest of all prophecy that has been written is near to their final fulfillment. Amazingly, these two Parables of the Fig Tree also coincide with what is written in Mark 11:13-15 where a Fig Tree (Israel) is first cursed before it is later blessed. Therefore understand, in 1967, the Jews captured and returned God's Holy City of Jerusalem thereby placing the Old City under Jewish control not seen since Passover 70 AD, which marks 40 years after Christ's crucifixion to the day. In other words, from the day Christ was killed at Passover 30 AD unto the day Rome conquered Israel at Passover 70 AD, and subsequently scattered the Jewish people to the four corners of the earth, was precisely 40 years to the day, intriguingly enough. Fast forward to the time when the resurrected Christ is just about to ascend into Heaven and gives His disciples the Great Commission which is to go out and save the world beginning in Jerusalem. He first tells His disciples to go out into the larger world to preach the Good News (that Satan's power over Sin and Death is defeated) starting in Jerusalem. While still in their sight, He immediately ascended into Heaven. Again, the early Christian Church did everything in their power to save as many Jews in those forty short years as possible. The Book of Acts (2:41) tells us that the Apostles once saved 3,000 Jews in one day, yet time was quickly running out for the rest of Israel, the Fig Tree (Israel) about to be withered and its leaves (the Jews) scattered unto the four winds. I can only imagine what those same disciples must have later felt, when, 40 years later, the news reached them in their far-off missionary travels that Rome finally destroyed Jerusalem. I imagine that it was in that same moment that Christ's own words warning about the Fig Tree once again came into their remembrance. Matthew 24 tells us of what Christ said would happen on that day, pointing to a certain area of the then still thriving Temple of God saying that not one of those stones would be left one upon the other, and that this event would also foreshadow the even larger event yet to come, when Antichrist himself takes the Third Temple. Now, while many Jews were saved after Pentecost, the vast majority of them cleaved to the vain religion of the Jewish Pharisees. For just as the Jewish Pharisees were tainted by centuries of pagan influences from surrounding nations, so too was Judaism itself also being infiltrated and led further into a false belief by those who hated them most. So it was, just as Israel rejected God and His Son, that He would reject Israel for a period of 40 x 40 years + 278 years (for a total of 1,878 years) that brought the post-World War II Jewish survivors unto May 14th 1948, the day Israel was reborn, and came into the modern age, that began on June 7th 1967, when Jerusalem was captured to complete that enigmatic 'Fig Tree' by which we know we're that last generation that shall see all things that were written as fulfilled. Of this specific day Christ also prophesied, When ye see the Fig Tree (Israel) putting on leaves, then you know the summer is nigh. Verily, I say unto you, that generation won't pass away [die off completely], until all these things are fulfilled." That would, therefore, include the prophecies of the "Abomination of Desolation" that Christ mentioned earlier in that same passage as also coming to pass, indicating that our generation is the last and the Antichrist lives among us.

*Read Article The Dark Electronic Music Band 'Royal and the Serpent'
*Read Article The Black Metal Band 'Of Celtic Blood & Satanic Pride'
*Read Article The Dragon Legacy by Author Prince Nicholas DeVere
*Read Article Attributes and Legends of the Ancient Serpent People
*Read Article Anus Horribilis: The Great Serpent Queen Elizabeth II

Conversely, while the Jewish tribes fell under a temporary curse by God, the children of Cain used that same time to seemingly flourish into the modern era. By the time we reach the Dark Ages and the Celtic era of mist and legend, the Cainites have all but found a nation for their own in the two largest isles nearest the Atlantic, the isles of Albion and Eire (modern Great Britain and Ireland), as well as in areas of Celtic-Gaul (France). Their Solar-worshiping Priests (the Druids) along with its war band of Celtic warriors vanquished many Dark Ages foes, and up until the time of the Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Viking invasions, they seemed unstoppable. As it was, shortly after the Romans began retreating back to their own dying empire, the nearly vanquished Anglo-Celtic Cainites looked toward a hero to come, to bring back their once great heritage by birthright, to put back the fear of their father/god back into the hearts of their enemies, to bring back again that which was lost so long ago, if only for a brief and shining moment, the return of their King, and with him a Golden Age of light. And so, like some black ethereal specter passing through the veil of time, did Sorath enter the world, once again, and leave it, as if to leave behind a legacy from which later to build upon. Those who came after the Once and Future King, carried on in his spirit, becoming renown in their own right. For at the time of the Crusades did the many Cainite 'Rex Deus' families create a society of Anglo-European warriors and knights, born from their own Satanic lineage, called the Knights Templar. As history goes, the Templars did find something under Zion, at the ruins of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, and whatever that was later led to their vast accumulation of wealth back in Europe. The modern version of this same history would like nothing more than to tell us they found what amounted to be the secret of an unbroken lineage of families, descending from Christ to the noble heads of Europe, yet might what the Satanic-led Knights Templar actually have founded be more closely akin to the evidence of an unbroken lineage from Satan to those same blue-blooded and aristocratic crowned heads of European Monarchy? Might what the Knights Templar found in some way further legitimize the Satanic notions of the 'Rex-Deus' Families? These same elite families who migrated further west, out of England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland to create what was becoming the United States of America, their 'New Atlantis,' by which Britain could effectively expand itself on both sides of the Atlantic. It was then that they also began to adopt for themselves American-sounding names that later became the Rockefeller's, Carnegie's, Vanderbilt's, the Germanic Warburg's and the Astor family. While the scattered, homeless and still wandering Jews could hardly hide or blend well in or among any of the European nations they settled in, Cainites learned to hide very well in and among their human counterparts, living exactly as their own symbology shows, as a parasitic creature off the blood of the common man, which they, using the Jewish vernacular, were called 'Goyim.' As such, they became quite skilled at placing themselves as Western Europe's new elite by the time of the Dark Ages. Many Cainites even went as far to replace their own names for Jewish sounding surnames while committing their parasitic acts in business and finance to further even more distrust and hatred toward anyone of legitimate Jewish descent. During the Crusades, Jews were outright slaughtered at the bloody hands of the Knights Templar who saw genocide as a useful and beneficial tool in reducing Jewish population. (See also The Dark History of the Knights Templar.) While their Semitic brethren were being all but wiped out in the Holy Land, the Jews living in France, Spain, England, and among other Rex-Deus nations also began to be persecuted by their most ancient archenemy. Three times in their history, Great Britain has displayed their extreme racism against the Jews, since their arrival in 1066, on the heels of William the Conqueror's take over.

*Read Article The Astor Bloodline
*Read Article The Royal Line of Cain
*Read Article DRAGON: The Grail Family Today
*Read Article AZAZEL (SATAN) Tubal-Cain (Q'ayin)
*Read Article AZAZEL (SATAN) Cain's Bloodline Magick
*Read Article Cain's 'Khazars' are Scapegoats While Aryans Rule
*Read Article Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy
*Read Article Who Really Rules the World? The Cainite Origins Of Evil
*Read Article Prince William's Connection to this So-Called Global Jewish Conspiracy
*Read Article European Kings and Leaders were Once Titled ‘The King(s) of Jerusalem’
*Read Article The Modern British Royal Family Actually German, Having Nazi Family Ties
*Read Article Documentary Reveals Connections Between Prince Philip and Hitler Regime
*Read Article Nazi Castle Created as a Literal Axis of Evil Based on King Arthur's Camelot I
*Read Article The Nazi Castle Created as a Literal Axis of Evil Based on King Arthur's Camelot II
*Read Article The Crusading Knights Templar were Patterned After the Knights of the Round Table
*Read Article Knights Templar Ideas Merged with Germany's Teutonic Knights to Inspire Adolf Hitler
*Read Article 2022 Russia Proves it Knows Nothing About Cainites by Saying 'Adolf Hitler was Jewish'
*Read Article Russia and Israel Tension Continues to Escalate Over Russia's 'Jewish Conspiracy' Beliefs

The Masonic Movement is [a] custodian of law, holder of the Mysteries, and the seat of initiation, a far more Occult organization than can be realized, intended to be the training school for coming advanced Occultists.

Alice Bailey

The Kabbalah contains such power and demonic teaching, it is more than enough to give the ideology and driving force needed to lead the world astray and to keep such an evil conspiracy alive through the centuries. The Kabbalah is a teaching source of the Freemasons.

John Torrell

Since the so-called "Enlightenment," mankind has gradually fallen under the spell of the Kabbalah. What we have been taught to believe is "progress" is actually the resurgence of an ancient satanic pagan fertility cult, epitomized by the Kabbalah. The "god" of the Kabbalah is not god at all. It is Lucifer. Freemasonry is based on the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah is based on ancient pagan mythologies which recount the story of an original God who created the Universe, and a usurper god (Lucifer) who eventually defeats God and comes to rule the Universe in His stead. Essentially, the god and the goddess were seen as two aspects of a single god, Lucifer.

The Kabbalah- The NWO's Satanic Bible

Keep in mind that this ritual is not of modern origin. It has been practiced by Satanists since the days of Babylon. It is a multi-generational practice and it involves human sacrifice and the Satanic “Sacrament,” the consumption of the sacrificed victim’s literal blood and flesh. Kabbalah has instructed the literal Children of Satan the world over how the conjuring and controlling of powerful demonic entities by utilizing certain geometrical lines combined with very specific harmonic frequencies of sound, the protective “Watchtowers” can be temporarily disabled, allowing very real and very powerful demonic fallen angels to communicate with the sorcerer or the witch.

The Story Behind The Story

The Anglo-corporate elites behind 9-11 purposefully left just enough bread crumbs for what became "the Truthers" so that they'd naturally "follow the money" behind 9-11, leading to their unshocked discovery of those with Jewish-sounding names. Because Truthers became relentless in networking toward grasping the larger truth as to why 9-11, its faked pretexts for wars, and other false flag events continued happening is why the elites provided themselves another layer of protection via another wall of division.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

Ellen: They are communists. why is a jew who becomes a communist forever labeled a jew? can’t be both as communists don’t believe in a monotheistic God and don’t follow the 10 Commandments!

Answer: Because being "Jewish" can also extend beyond one's political or religious beliefs, to one's bloodline that goes back to one of the ancient Israelite tribes or later blending of those tribes that collectively became to be called "Jews." By Christ's time, for example, this collective name of Jews was already being used, as clearly seen in the New Testament with innumerable examples presented therein. This means that no matter what the individual would believe, they are Jewish because of their literal bloodline and are called Jews as a result. Indeed, this can easily get into the entire debate of Christ explaining in Revelation that there are those who call themselves "Jews" falsely, and many have fallen into that to think that the modern State of Israel is not comprised of the descendants of Abraham, or that supposed "lost tribes" became the British, etc., but that is their belief, not mine. I believe Christ was rather referring to those "elite powers" that control governments who like to hide behind faked Jewish names, such as Rothschild, etc., so that ALL the world's ills and resulting blame is then laid at the feet of the actual Jews/Israel/God's Chosen. That would be the sinister thinking and precisely what Satan would do, the ultimate architect of evil in our world that these "elites" word toward in carrying out his goals, with murderous population control (via Covid-19 vaccines, etc., etc.) among them. It would explain why these same "elites" are so often connected to theistic Satanism and human sacrifice, etc. The ultimate goal of these Satanic elites would therefore be the Antichrist, Satan possessing one charismatic male leader (called a Prince in Daniel, and King in Revelation) to bring the whole world to greater ruin.

Sasha Latypova: Due Diligence and Art

It seems after more than a century of trouble supposedly caused by Jews and the wild anti-Semitic myths told about them (the infamous blood-libel cases among them) only stoked increasing distrust and hatred from every corner of Britain. In 1274, King Edward I of England enacted the 'Statute of Jewry,' by which every Jew, after he is seven years old, was to wear a distinguishing mark in the form of a patch on his outer garment, a yellow star. It was this same exact method of identification that was later adopted by Germany's Nazi Party to distinguish Jews from everyone else. In 1290, the King of England expelled the Jews from Britain. The next obvious racist action taken by Cainite-run England against the Abraham's Sethite descendants came in 1917, in the form of Arthur Balfour's letter that was sent to Baron Walter Rothschild, an established Cainite of immense power and wealth. The letter became the "Balfour Declaration" which, on the surface, seem to appeal to Jews in giving them a framework for eventual nation status in their ancient homeland of Israel, making Anglo-racist England appear helpful to their ongoing, generational plight. As such, Masonic-controlled Britain became the main driving force behind the creation of the modern State of Israel, but only doing so for its own long-planned Antichrist agenda. Likewise, other European nations have similar histories in their treatment of God's children. France's King Charles II expelled every Jew from France in 1394. In 1492, all Jews were expelled from Spain on orders from King Ferdinand. These unfortunate events finally led them in large numbers into Germany, and yet whilst the Jews were never officially expelled by a Germanic Royal decree, they were instead placed in absolute horrid living conditions called ghetto's. Such marginalization's of Jews by German National Socialists ultimately led to The Final Solution, where Nazi's attempted to murder every Jew in Europe. Such hatred of Jews is again on the rise, as we approach the time of Satan's next Aryan King. Because the so-called "British Royal" family are themselves not British, but of German ancestry, and knowing how the British and Germanic Anglo-Saxons make up a large swath of that Satanic global elite and given that many Jews have taken on Germanic names during their time in diaspora -- proves many Aryans never had to change their surnames to masquerade as "Jews." The Rothschild's are a perfect example, being a family of German elite, but deceiving the world in their counterfeit appearance as "Jews," all the while funding projects in World War II to bring about the genocide of actual Jews. By the 1920's, a German anti-Semitic secret society called the Thule Society arose to eventually recruit a young idealistic Austrian named Adolf Hitler, who after reading their propaganda, developed a great hatred against the Jewish race. His fate was sealed. Being further encouraged by the racist German Dietrich Eckhart, an Occultist, Hitler's hatred was groomed toward solving the 'Jewish problem,' with a final solution. So it was, the extremely ancient plan by Satan to destroy Seth and his descendants came into the modern era, to be finally accomplished (as it was hoped) by a then rising Nazi government bankrolled by elite Europeans and American industrialists. (See also How Britain and America Made the Third Reich.) The advent of World War II was a perfect example in history where we clearly see the Cainite hand of evil working against the children of Seth. In their own ignorance, people wonder to this day why would "Jewish bankers" want to finance the Holocaust and kill off their own kind? Now you know. Those who financed Hitler and all his twisted beliefs might have been rich industrialists and the wealthiest of elitist bankers, but they weren't Jews. For they only call themselves "Jews," but are not. Thus, even when it seems the roster of conspirators have Jewish sounding names, they are, in fact, not Jews, but are the lineage of Satan who've purposefully taken Jewish sounding names to deceive and distract the rest of the world. It is this very same deception that was explained in Revelation 2:9 by Christ Himself: "I know of those who lie calling themselves Jews, but are not Jews, they are the Synagogue of Satan."

*Read Article Hitler's Strange Racial Ideology: Its Content and Occult Sources
*Read Article How the Royal Anglo-Saxon Elites Facilitated Hitler's Rise to Power
*Read Article How/Why Britain's Anglo-Racists Created Their Evil Brand of Zionism
*Read Article The So-Called "Jewish" Conspiracy is Connected to British Imperialism
*Read Article The Nazi's are Once Again Infiltrating the Top Ranks of the German Army
*Read Article Trump's Vet Day "Destroy Vermin" Message Echoes Hitler's Vermin Speeches
*Read Book Conjuring the Rise of Adolf Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich

Mankind cannot say they were never warned. As if to further underscore this warning regarding the evil ones of this world who call themselves "Jews," Jesus purposefully repeats Himself in Revelation 3:9, making sure the world not only understands that a race of evil lives among us, but that they are calling themselves Jews, to further Satan's goal (Antichrist). When you do the research, you come to the grand realization that what's still rising out of Europe, is the result of Satan's ongoing indignation against God, His Word, His Son, His chosen people, and the State of Israel itself. Therefore, whether Satan's evil offspring are kidnapping, selling, or sacrificing children whilst hiding behind governments and shifting the blame toward Israel, they are not Jews, no matter how many deceived "truthers" say so. One of the most infamous Cainite families connected to the globalist agenda for over a century, is the Rothschild Dynasty, but know they are only one powerful Cainite branch from the evil tree whose root is the Devil himself, hiding under Jewish surnames to advance their ongoing work that leads to one man ruling it all, against Jews. Thus, the Bloodline of Cain are in control of this planet, a world they have created with the help of its ruling Lord, Satan, each of them waiting for the time when Satan's ultimate weapon against God is born. They only now need to further mankind's sympathy toward the Magical Child of Diana before he will become as Satan in the flesh. In many regards, the Once and Future King is Cain the metaphorical Antichrist who ceremoniously dies by mortal head wound, is "reborn," meaning "possessed," and finally used on Satan's behalf for a direct assault against Christ to finish the War he began. Similarly, just as the half-divine Cain was cast out of Eden's east for the killing of his half-brother, we see Lucifer, the once bright Morning Star taking yet another opportunity at defeating his elder brother, the Morning Star, that 'Angel of the Lord' and God's only Begotten Son who is the Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. However, Revelation alerts us that Satan and all of his children's grand undertakings originating from Eden, then Nod, all the way up to their global New World Order at the time of Antichrist, are doomed to ultimately fail despite all their evil works. Having been the Bankers of Europe since their time as Knights Templars, amassing great wealth, it was these same Cainites who began to assimilate themselves, as 'Jews' in their new stint as the "Jewish Bankers" of the Middle Ages and thereafter. Hiding their evils, or even better, openly displaying their evil, whilst under a Jewish surname, only helped Satan in his grand effort of isolating and targeting the Jew for human destruction, while in Europe. Such infamous cases as the "Jewish blood libel" (that is today being purposefully confused with the actual drinking of children's blood by Aryan Satanists) only brought increasing hatred for the Jewish population, marginalized and distrusted as they already were. At the same time, Cainites were able to amass greater wealth and power in the world, with the world duped by the idea that "the Jews" were "children of the Devil," never realizing the two very distinct and polarized lineages between Cain and Seth. Worse, when ordinary Europeans discovered that even the Jewish religion contained strange Satanic rites inspired by both the Talmud and Kabbalah, the Jews couldn't be seen as anything but devils themselves. Just as Satan has attempted to stamp out the Sethite House of Israel by first, with the murder of Abel, by Cain, and afterward, a literal tainting of their bloodline, of which at that time, only Noah and his family found refuge. Satan found some amount of success by tainting that of which God would not protect, the spiritually-wayward, demonic-infused Jewish religious system which was already going astray after the death of Moses, and stands as the very reason why Jews were not able to recognize Christ as their own Messiah and King, but instead put Him to death, Satan's goal all along. And what of Satan's children that have always targeted God's children? Strange how the very race that have been involved with the greatest genocides in all of human history point their finger at the Jews who themselves were on the wrong end of one of their genocides.

*Read Article When the Jews Believed in Other Gods
*Read Article The Evil of Zohar: Satan in the Kaballah
*Read Article Even Jews Ask: Is Our Judaism a Satanic Cult?
*Read Article The Talmud, Zohar and Kabbalah Entirely Satanic
*Read Article Satanic Cainite Black Magick: Abramelin the Mage
*Read Article Ancient Egyptian Demons and their Pagan Influence
*Read Article Do Jews Traditionally Believe in Satan and Demons?

And their [Sethite/Jewish] seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, saying they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed. For thou art an Holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.

Isaiah 61:9, Deuteronomy 7; The Old Testament

For there are many proud deceivers, especially they of the circumcision [Jews], teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. Rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the [Christian] faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, that turn away many from the truth... where even their mind and conscience is defiled. They profess to know God, but they deny Him by their own works.

Titus 1:10-16; The New Testament

In whom the god of this world [Satan] hath blinded the minds of them [Jews] which believe not, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them [even now].

2nd Corinthians 4:4; The New Testament

This book also argues that the little-known eschatological beliefs of the Jewish theologians, according to the Talmud and other rabbinic writings, seem to encourage Jews to accept as Messiah, a man with the exact characteristics of the Antichrist. Though this view is the earliest view of the church, it has been almost totally forgotten in recent years. If it is true, it would mean the deception of Satan in the end times will be far more potent that many of us have ever imagined.

Chris White, False Christ: Will the Antichrist Claim to Be the Jewish Messiah?

Various forms of black magic, Occult, Goddess and all demonic worship, reincarnation and idolatry incontrovertibly comprise the under-publicized, formative core of Judaism’s oral traditions, or as they would call it “the ancient Jewish mystical ascent as performed by the ‘descenders to the Merkavah.” Such traditions have exerted a profound influence on every Rabbi and religious member since their captivity in Babylon eighteen hundred years ago. One of the oldest repositories of Babylonian magic in Judaism are the texts, Sifrei ha-Iyyun, the Sefer ha-Bahir and the Hilkoth Yesirah (also known as the Sefer Yetzirah) circa 200 A.D. The earliest extant copy of the latter is the Genizah ms., tenth century. The practice associated with this school of thought is Theurgic Magic, which is described as the performing Occult rituals with the intention of invoking an action or evoking the presence of one or more gods (demons), especially with the goal of uniting the magician's self with "the divine god or gods." It was Theurgic Magic that early Jews in Europe used when attempting to make a golem to protect their ghettos. The strand of earlier tradition that led up to Jews ultimately using the Occult as a means to do for them what the God of Israel prohibited. so it becomes interesting to note that the first of such blood rituals were carried out by the Cainites themselves, of whom, Satan still seeks to infect the Holy Adamic race with. In their own Cainite writings, Tubal-Cain was known to partake of the blood-soaked flesh of human enemies, proving why generational Satanists to this day do the same, in their father's honor. These 'Vampires,' as they came to be called, who actually drink blood and ate human flesh, while partaking of the Satanic "communion," counterfeit of Christ's "blood" (wine) and "flesh," (bread), actively blamed their own murderous activities that occurred throughout Europe, upon the European Jews, and their bogeyman Golem's. During their stay in the ghetto's, Jews weren't helping their own cause in not being blamed, while partaking in a similar pagan tradition with their Metzitzah, by which all of the rumors of blood libel took root. Another form of magic employed by some religious Jews is Merkava mysticism that designates a form of visionary mystical praxis that reaches back into the Hellenistic era but was still alive as late as tenth-century Babylonia. The old Merkava and magical literature was preserved among the earliest European Jews. The best way for readers to acquaint themselves with the Kabbalah and spot its many inherent evils is to read the Aramaic Zohar in the Pritzker Edition using the Professor Daniel Matt translation. While the Jews themselves are not inherently evil, as a race, as a bloodline or as a nation, anterior to that of their later magical influences, their religious belief system has certainly fallen under Satan's subtle control nonetheless. Any book that explicitly commands the hating of Jesus Christ and all Christians proves the source of such writings. While much of Judaism still holds true to Adonai (God of the Hebrew Bible), the tainting of Judaism is certainly there and twists just enough of the truth to make it the perfect weapon that can lead a soul to wonder the desert of Satan's making. Remember, not everyone in Israel is ultra-religious, or have even seen the Zohar or Talmud, or studied their spiritual offspring in the Kabbalah, let alone have taken such beliefs to heart. Of those two books, six representative quotes from the evil works of Satan are seen in the following examples...

‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a) ‘May his (Jesus) name be wiped out forevermore.’ Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b) “Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness.” (Sotah 47a) “Mary had sex with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only) “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) but played the harlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a) “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a).

*Read Article Judaism Teaches that Jesus was the Anti-Messiah as Jews Still Await a Messiah
*Read Article Hermetic Kabbalah: Theurgy Occult Magic within 'Western-Influenced Judaism'
*Read Article Evil Lineage of Cain From the Knights Templar to the Freemasons
*Read Article How Satan's Anglo-Christ Will Deceive Both Europe and Israel
*Read Article Dispelling the Myth of Jewish Control Over the Banking Sector
*Read Article FBI Slammed for Tweeting Out a Link to The Protocols of Zion
*Read Article The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Written by the Rothschilds
*Read Article Baroness Philippine Rothschild and Her Lies of Being Jewish
*Read Article False Jews: Brief History of the Cainite Rothschild Dynasty
*Read Article The Rothschild Elite and their Satanic Holy Grail Bloodline

Despite God having blessed Israel, they've collectively gone astray, and have infused just enough of ancient pagan Satanism from Egypt, Babylon and Assyria, into some aspects of Judaism, that it caused God to deliver them over to those same nations, as their just reward, and yet today, God surely protects the land of Israel. Why? God has an epic plan, for them. Because Jews had allowed themselves to become corrupted, is precisely why they later were no longer able to recognize Christ as God's Son, their King, the Prophet, and Messiah. This was entirely Satan's goal for them all along. However, because God promised Abraham that He would ultimately bless, protect, and fight for Israel, as a nation, God saw to it that Israel would be brought back into their own land and that He would bless them once more. Proving this point, God even stated that they would never be entirely uprooted again, like what occurred in 70 AD. This is where we are at now in God's prophetic timing on the cusp of Ezekiel 39-39 being fulfilled. Israel lives among us as a nation and God will continually honor His promise to Abraham, just as God will also honor His promised inheritance that was given to His own Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. For Zion is the Lord's, and His people are His inheritance. While Antichrist will conquer Zion, for a short time, he will not be able to kill every Jew from its borders. In fact, as Revelation 12 points out, the Believers in Jesus among them will be protected for 42 months from the human 'face of the Serpent,' the Antichrist. Just before Jews turn to Christ in those great numbers prophesied, Satan's Beast will further corrupt the once Holy Jewish religion with further Occult lies from the Satanic Kabbalah, Talmud, and Zohar, to ensure that some Jews are his slaves until the very end. This is why God wants us to pray to Him for Israel. Closer to our own time now, yet another form of destruction by which Satan can hide his global web of evil works to make it appear to be a 'Jewish conspiracy' is his Anglo-Satanic brand of Zionism, which is entirely BRITISH-CONTROLLED, thus, setting up the European Gentiles themselves to be spiritually destroyed, as well. As seen in a video above, many today have fallen into this trap already, believing Jews to be Satan's kin, as opposed to they being what they truly are, as still God's people, even the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, of whom God shall yet choose over all the other peoples of the earth. This is clearly proven in Zechariah, when God Himself declares that He will defend Israel against all of the nations of the world that come against it. Does that ever stop these literal children of the Devil who control this planet and have always sought to destroy the Jewish people (now Israel itself) from explaining to the world who they truly are? You can find that answer in their own writings, even as they desperately attempt to label Jews to be inherently evil, when it is only they, as Cainites from "Khazaria," who have deceived the world with their racist bait and switch. Knowing how Cainites have largely controlled history itself, it really should cause one to question everything we've been taught in regards to those we were told were Jews, such as Karl Marx for one example, who actually arose out of Germany to write On the Jewish Question in 1844, and create Marxism, the early forerunner of modern "progressive" liberal beliefs that almost always favor Witchcraft, Wicca, Druidism, the Occult, and other Satanic religions, sects, and lifestyles over traditional Christianity and/or a Godly Patriarchy. To truly wake up from this world's deceptive nightmare known as MK mind-control originating from Britain, the human collective needs to understand the truth that Satan exists and that the Jews are completely ignorant to the fact that Satan is preparing himself and the world to accept his false Messiah. So ask yourself, which nations has this Satanic Bloodline dynamic and ongoing plan toward Antichrist consistently proven itself to be in league with Satan from at least the Crusades to World War II? The same is where you will find Cainite control that leads the entire planet to inevitable destruction. Our collective and global enemy still resides in Europe, of Cainite proto-European blood who do purposefully lie to falsely claim to be Jews, that is, when they're not claiming to be the Royalty of Europe itself.

*Read Article How Some ‘Jewitches’ in Israel are Still Embracing Both Judaism and Witchcraft
*Read Article New Age Judaism: Jews Already the Targets of Celtic Witchcraft & Neo-Paganism
*Read Article Judaism and New Age: Religious Communities in Israel Turning to New Age Beliefs
*Read Article The New Age Swastika: A Warning to Jews Regarding the Satanic New Age Movement

As such, the Satanic Deep State largely operated from Great Britain and America funds Israel's self-rule and protection, because they know that God won't destroy any nation that actively protects the Jewish people, both financially and militarily. This is why the British-controlled Commonwealth of America funds Israel, not on the basis that it is God's will to do so, but that they can effectively hide behind that divine protection and blessing of God, if only to carry out their nefarious plans toward placing Satan as World King, in the flesh. In this same way, and knowing the time is increasingly short, has the Crown-serving, Masonic industrial military complex known as America, also allowed Christianity to take such root, while secretly operating their evil Antichrist agenda nearly unimpeded. They believe that a Christian population is necessary to provide them a hedge of protection to continue their ongoing evils, that ironically seeks to erode that same Christianity on a larger scale as we approach the time of the Beast. By the same token, Satanic elites had a role in allowing Israel to exist, yes, but only to serve their own future interests and goals. Those same goals lead to Antichrist arriving who later conquers Israel and takes over its coming Temple, which is Satan's will. Never forget, precisely because Israeli's are the Jewish people is why Satan is working so diligently to destroy them, once again. Satan could care less about so-called Ashkenazi's, or anyone else. His aim is directly against the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, of whom his hatred knows no bounds. This is why Israel is hated so today, and why the same people that hate Israel hate the God of Israel who placed them there. In His Word, God prophesies in detail of the time when the Jewish people are forced to wander the nations, in their epic punishment for what became 1,878 years, just to end up back in Israel from whence they started. This then begs the question, why? Moreover, what were they punished so long for? Insomuch as Jews themselves have debated this very issue for centuries, as to why God so quickly fell out of favor with them precisely 40 years after Christ was crucified, they have yet to grasp the answer. Unfortunately, that discussion still cannot be had, given that religious Jews since the Diaspora, have been brainwashed with the evil teachings of the Talmud and Zohar, two demonically-inspired works that led to the creation of the Kabbala itself, a system that combines God's original encoding of the Torah with Western-influenced Occult teachings. The irony here is that Jews picked up on those earliest Occult teachings while held captive in ancient Egypt, Babylon, and Assyria, for their consistent straying from God. All of this leaves the Jews of Judaism at a severe disadvantage, spiritually, but one that directly leads them into accepting the Antichrist and his Occult twist on Judaism itself. When God miraculously released His people from Egypt, they, despite it all, kept Egyptian pagan worship deep in their hearts, remembering it, taking part in its rituals in private, and even changing their own religion ever so subtly based around the very paganism God warned them not to engage with. They did not listen. Not only did they not listen, some even taught their children of the pagan worship of demonic gods of other nations. This led Jews far from God's heart to the point they couldn't even recognize God in His own Son. This was further highlighted when just before He was crucified, Christ told the weeping women, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, weep for yourselves and for your children." Jesus foreknew that the Jewish diaspora was coming forty years [number of probation and testing] from His crucifixion, and why it would come.

*Read Article The Secret Scroll: Satanic Templars and their Future Control of Jerusalem
*Read Article How the Illuminati Luciferian Satanists Infiltrated Secret Societies & Religion
*Read Article Crusaders Protect Israel Today if Only to Save it for the Antichrist Tomorrow
*Read Article America Would Attack Friends and Foes to Protect its Twisted Zionist Hegemony
*Read Article Cain's Seed: Royal Bloodline, the Frankfurt School, Tavistock, and the Kabbalah
*Read Article The Hebrew Zohar Presents Cain as the "Scion of Satan" - Cambridge University
*Read Article Kabballah Implies that Hebrew Kings are Descended from Satan's Lineage of Cain

The forty years of wandering the desert before finding and entering the Holy Land led to 40 x 40 years when they lost Israel in the year 70 AD and was not allowed Zion again until 1948. Ezekiel chapter 39 explains why and it is as the direct result of first century Jews rejecting their King Jesus Christ when He came to save them all. God not without making His colossal point as to why He was punishing the Jews, who from that time to this, still replace Christ with the tainted traditions of pagan-influenced men whose ideas originated in ancient Mesopotamia, Babylon, Persia, Egypt and wherever the demonic Annunaki dwelled and originally held influence. As mentioned, this began after the death of Moses, when the Jews began to adopt the pagan religions of the nations round about them. 1 Kings 11:1-40 informs us, "Of the nations concerning which the Lord said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall not go into them, neither shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart after their [demon] gods. For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after their gods and his heart was not perfect with the Lord, as was the heart of David, his father. For even Solomon went after Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites. And Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord. Then Solomon built an altar for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of Ammon. For this, I will afflict the seed of David, but not for ever." In Ezekiel 39, we read that only after Israel has completely "borne their shame," and only after God has hidden His face from them until the day they have paid their debt in full, upon which sees their release from the lands of their enemies (Germany, Russia) then will they be allowed to return to the land of Israel once more, and from that day forward shall God favor them even to the Day of the Lord, known as Armageddon. Knowing this, God wouldn't send Christ back to Megiddo first, then Jerusalem to set His feet upon the Mount of Olives on the east side of the Temple to become enthroned as the Messiah, if God didn't feel those so-called "Khazars" [children of Cain] weren't worth the effort in finally destroying them to allow His children to inherit all things from the current "god of this world" Satan himself. As such, Jews live in Israel today because God has faithfully followed thru on His prophecies for the purposes of their coming reconciliation to Christ fulfilled exactly as predicted in Zechariah Chapters 12 and 14. Remember, while those of Cain's lot are not altogether human, Jews are irrevocably human. This was proven in Genesis when God allowed them to be tempted of Satan, and upon Adam and Eve's failing that test, came a cursing upon the whole of the human race, proving that Jews are the chief of our divinely created human race as our Creator has deemed it. I'm not saying individual Jews cannot ever be corrupted by this world, as many have, from Kissinger to Alan Greenspan, but there clearly exists a very active campaign among the Aryan elites to lure some Jews into controlled situations to make it appear Jews are behind evil itself. That said, I find it interesting that before their infamous arrests, both Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein eiher met or had connections with Queen Elizabeth herself. In the case of Weinstein, the Queen honored him with a widely respected CBE Award while Jeffrey Epstein was also invited to meet the Queen in 2000, just after he created his infamous child trafficking ring that included the Queen's own son Prince Andrew as a client. The name of Alan Dershowitz could also be dropped here, because he's still doing what he can to cover-up for Epstein, the London socialite Ghislaine MaxwellGhislaine Maxwell (UK agent?), and former US President Bill Clinton. Epstein was finally put on trial after over twenty years of running a high-profile pedophile ring, while his counterparts in royalty, celebrity, and politics remain completely untouchable. That said, I would not be surprised in the least if Ghislaine Maxwell, was herself the mastermind behind the much-touted "Epstein sex ring," making Epstein the inevitable fall guy, or if her connections in Britain's MI6 doesn't of itself make her a British agent employed by the Crown. Ironically, Maxwell's arrest and subsequent jailing may meet the same fate as Epstein, while the still untouchable elite see Maxwell as a severe liability to the Satanic network. Take careful notice how the Queen's own son, Prince Andrew remains above the law. (See also US Authorities Have Still Not Requested to Speak to Prince Andrew and Controlled Media Still Uses Language to Portray Jeffrey Epstein’s Accusers as Not Victims.)

*Read Article After His Presidency, Bill Clinton Stayed at Epstein's Island with Two Underage Girls on Each Arm
*Read Article Jeffrey Epstein Invited to Meet Queen in Year 2000: The Prince Andrew-Clinton-Trump Connection
*Read Article Reputation Managers Working to Erase Connections Between Clinton and Epstein from Wikipedia
*Read Article Queen Elizabeth II Warns Press to Stay Away From Royal Balmoral Hideaway and Prince Andrew
*Read Article The Queen Holds Much Power in Being Able to End Investigation into Her Pedophile Son Andrew
*Read Article Jeffrey Epstein and the Secret Pedophile Ring Involving Politicians and Royal Prince Andrew
*Read Article The Royal Family and US Government "Protected Prince Andrew" in Jeffrey Epstein Scandal
*Read Article Former Epstein-Maxwell Victim Paints Her Many Elitist Abusers as "Lizard People"
*Read Article Prince Andrew Accuser Says ‘Evil People’ Want Her Silenced, Meaning Killed

Formerly Fourth Empire Blog Now Energy Blogspot by Jane Burgermeister
"Jews against Soros" Calls Him Out for Using Jews as a Shield for his Nazi Ideology

Foreword by Cathy Fox -- It is a long established propaganda tactic of the globalists to paint anyone who questions the globalist narratives with the antisemitic slur. So it is interesting to see someone meeting that strategy head on. The following is a blog post by the excellent Jane Burgermeister, who was the whistleblower in the 2009 Bird flu pandemic currently in Greece, and targeted. Last year she was held in detention and forced to take drugs against her will. Her Fourth Empire blog was banned a few months ago and she is now using this small Energy Blogspot blog. I wish she would use Substack as I believe she would rapidly build up a large following. For those that venture to the roots of the globalist agenda, Soros was the head of the Globalist Council for 60 years and recently replaced by former President Obama. Jane’s post appears as follows: Of all the many despicable lies that the Nazi linked World Economic Forum have told, was about the Covid-19 vaccines. First and foremost, among these dangerous liars is George Soros, who worked with the Nazis during WWII in Hungary as he admitted in an interview with Steve Krost in 60 Minutes, supports the vaccine rollout on the people of Israel, who really are trapped inside a mini state surrounded by hostile nations. George Soros uses the label antisemitic as well as far right as a cynical bludgeon to smear and silence legitimate criticism and warnings about his crimes also against Jews, against the free media, and against basic human rights. The fact that the Israelis were chosen as the first to get the Pfizer shots shows the true nature of this monstrous complex brazenly repeating the crimes committed against the Jews in Nazi concentration camps, including medical experiments. I warned about this in 2009 because the Israeli army was given the same Anthrax vaccines as the US Army. We are dealing with one continuum, one single project and overarching conspiracy. So, in 2023, we saw distressing videos of Israeli doctors injured by the jab being censored on social media for saying so. It is like Nazi-linked King Charles and Prince William feigning to the public to be British patriots and sweet people caring for the environment to lure everyone to take toxic Covid-19 vaccines and impose a totalitarian terror regime on them. But we must remember, Soros is just the right-hand man of the Windsor's and the City of London. His amoral character has served their purposes very well. Incidentally, Soros himself does not seem to understand the difference between amoral and immoral. Immoral is best described as violations of recognized values, while amoral is an attitude which recognizes no values. To be amoral is a personal choice and not a cultural choice.

*Read Article The Rothschild 'Deep State' Operates in Covert to Increase Global Hatred Toward Jews/Israel
*Read Article Time of Jacob's Trouble: God's Purpose for Israel During Tribulation Period of the Antichrist

While China flourishes using a central banking system which prints money debt-free as single-entry bookkeeping, the UK, USA and EU is being looted by the banksters back in the Temple Bar City of London using double-entry bookkeeping, itself a form of fraud which can and should be charged in courts. To say the very Western financial system is fraudulent is a metaphor or a description. It is a fact. Now, the Soros, Gates, Windsor cartel have a very uncomfortable opponent in the CCP who know everything about them and whose policies are very different also Covid vaccine policies. If a country is trying to make its people prosperous, it is not going to give them toxic jabs. Soros [and now his son] is a menace to Israel, Europe, the UK, USA and the world. Anyone who wants an insight into what vile, hardened liars and brutal criminals Soros, Gates, Charles and William are just need to read the crimes organized against those who speak the unfettered truth who've endured campaigns of defamation with fake mainstream media newscasts, negative magazine and tabloid articles, social media bots, etc. But the thing is Soros and Gates were caught in the probes along with Trump and Faymann. The probes offer a surgical, clean and simple way to put them on trial, close their many foundations, dismantle their think tank networks, and root out the families destroying the earth - including the British royal Windsor cartel, the financiers of one Jeffrey Epstein. -- Jane Burgermeister. Jane Burgermeister knows whereof she speaks. This was precisely how Satan and his children have sown distrust, discord, and hatred upon the Jewish people for centuries, while Cain's lot literally got away with murder to feed their Black Mass "Blood Libel" rituals in Europe. Of course, such crimes were laid at the feet of the "evil Jews" by the Cainites in power, who to this day still get away with the murder of innocents on a global scale. (In Britain and across the planet today, thousands of children go missing each year and while the Royals themselves are protected under new laws designed to circumvent any specific prosecution of the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Prince William specifically. How ironic that the Antichrist himself cannot be prosecuted for anything ever, going forward). Thus have the Jews been effectively scapegoated by those who carry out Satan's plan. From the Russian Empire to the West, have anti-Semitic propaganda caused Whites to hate the Jews. "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (1903)," for example, a fabricated anti-Semitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination that was attributed to the Russian government of Nicholas II, found its way to American industrialist Henry Ford who funded an English translation of 500,000 before it then came into the hands of Adolf Hitler to justify his extermination program, reminding us it has always been the Jews who were always the targets of Satan's hatred and unquenched thirst for revenge against God. But why does God grant Israel His blessing today knowing they will yet choose the Antichrist as their Messiah? Because God has peered through time from the Beginning to the day when Israel finally chooses His Son, after awakening to their great error of choosing Satan himself as a Royal Messiah.

*Read Article The Second Coming: At Armageddon, Israel Sees Jesus Literally Returning to Save Them
*Read Article Rothschild Family and the Evil Satanic 'Holy Grail Bloodline' -King Arthur is Mentioned
*Read Article God Promised the Jews that They Would Regather in Modern Israel Before Messiah
*Read Article Jews Feel Strangely Compelled [by God] to Live in Israel in These Last Days

God also knows how the Jews will react to seeing the Antichrist sitting in their Temple, claiming to be God Himself. God also sees the Day of the Lord, thereafter, when He commands His Son to return to save Israel from destruction at the hands of Israel's most ancient enemy. Because of this, shall Jesus against set His feet upon the Mount of Olives. Thus, shall all Jewish eyes see their King of whom they pierced, coming out of the skies over Israel, bringing with Him the Glory of His Father. And they call upon His powerful name, Yeshua HaMashiach, as He saves them from Death itself, fulfilling Joel 2. On that Day, the Day of the Lord, shall ALL of Israel be saved, as Zechariah 12 also makes known. It is this that the Father is preparing Israel for, even today. Therefore, God is behind the Jewish presence in Israel, today, even as it was only He that foretold of its return, and why. Despite all the hatred directed at the people of Israel, understand, they are only at the early stages of realization that God has a much larger Divine plan than even they currently know. In other words, they do not yet realize any of the rest of this that is being freely revealed to you in this website. So, while true, the Jews have an unwitting current relationship with Satan, not of their own will, even as Satanism has creeped into their haughty religion that is modern Judaism, ironically, it remains largely unknown to them. Moreover, the Cainite counterfeit brand of Zionism that's connected to Lucifer's Antichrist agenda, today, is traced back to the Garden of Eden, and literally manifested in Cain, the anti-hero for all theistic Satanists since. It is they who are the driving force behind ensuring that Antichrist is helped in every way possible toward defeating Christ. Remember this the next time someone blames anything on the Jews. The racial bait and switch between Cain and Seth, therefore, freed them to more easily set their evil plans in motion quite openly, and sometimes under Jewish sounding names, the implication of which makes it appear that Jews are the children of Satan, and that they as the generational offspring of Cain, don't exist. In this way, they operate like the Devil himself, of whom the world also isn't inclined to believe in, allowing his evil to more subtly infect the planet on a greater scale undeterred. In the literal sense, Cain's descendants have become a Satanic mafia controlling every dark enterprise of both physical and spiritual corruption in their being the authors of it since the beginning. Whereas, for example, the later Italian Mafia more or less have a code of underworld ethics they tend to live by based in a semblance of Catholic/Christian morals, Satan's Aryan generations work in complete and purposed contrary to God as they subtly influence mankind toward its complete physical and spiritual destruction; Satan's goal. You now understand who the true blood-drinkers of this world are, and it never was the Jews, but their mortal enemies whose own kinship placed them directly in league with Satan, the nefarious power and Deep State behind the worst evils at work in the world today.

The Scriptures Proving the Ancient God of Israel Stands with Modern Israel

Moreover the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying: Have you not considered what this people have spoken, saying, “The two families which the Lord has chosen, He has cast them off”? Thus they have despised My people, that they should be no more a nation before them. Thus says the Lord: If My covenant for day and night does not stand, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth, then I would have cast away the seed of Jacob and David My servant, so that I would not take any of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Yet I will restore their fortunes and have mercy on them.

Jeremiah 33:23-26; The Holy Bible

[Israel During the Battle of Gog and Magog] Then will the Lord be jealous for His land and pity His people. Yea, the Lord will answer and say unto His people, Behold, I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith and I will no more make you a reproach among the heathen. But I will cast out from you that Army from the North [Russia] and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savor shall come up, because he hath done evil things. Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God.

[Israel During Great Tribulation] And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit. And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The Sun shall be turned into darkness, and the Moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and of the [Jewish] remnant whom the Lord shall call.

Joel 2:18-20, 23, 28-32; The Holy Bible

[God Looking Forward to Armageddon] I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat (Megiddo). There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance of my people Israel. For they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my Land. [Other Scriptures prove that Jerusalem shall be "trodden upon by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled," also fit here proving there will come a battle over Jerusalem itself, by the Antichrist and his military. They will conquer Jerusalem, divide its land, and the Great Tribulation begins. Daniel 11:39 tells us "Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain."

Joel 3:2; The Holy Bible

[Israel During Armageddon and Return of Christ] I will strengthen Judah [the Jews] and save the tribes of Joseph. I will restore them because I have compassion on them. They will be as though I had not rejected them at all, for I AM the Lord their God and I will answer them. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they [the Gentiles] shall war both against Judah and against Jerusalem [at Armageddon]. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people. All that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and even the feeblest among them will be like King David; and the House of David itself shall be as God, even as the Angel of the Lord before them. And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon the House of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourns for his only begotten son, and shall be in bitterness for Him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddo [Armageddon].

[Israel During the Return of Christ] Behold, the Day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the [previous] Day of Battle [likely referencing the Battle of Gog and Magog]. And His feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof. And the Lord shall be King over all the earth. In that day shall there be one Lord, and his name One... and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the House of the Lord of hosts.

Zechariah 10:6, 12:2-3, 8-10 14:2-4, 9, 21; The Holy Bible

Another one of the more underhanded and deceptive tactics used to bolster the Satanic-Aryan propaganda that Jews supposedly control the world are found in the actual Masonic powers ensuring actual Jews head up the very offices that allude to their supposed global control. For example, Henry Kissinger (May 27, 1923 – November 29, 2023) was an American diplomat and political scientist who served as the United States national security advisor from 1969 to 1975, and became Nixon's and as secretary of state from 1973 to 1977, working across the Nixon, Ford, and Carter eras. Notably, since Henry Kissinger, scores of Jews have been given key positions within presidential administrations and other such policy-making institutions such as the Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, US Treasury Department, the CIA, ever since. (See also As David Cohen Becomes CIA’s No. 2, Jews Appear to Have it Easy at Security Agencies.) One example of Masonic control over American presidencies and their administrations was seen in the Deep State wanting China to become the global power that is predicted in Revelation in its citing that the "kings of the east" having "a 200-million man army" marching westward. At the time of the Nixon and Kissinger, however, China was still a very third-world nation. As they've been preparing everything in advance in laying the groundwork for the Antichrist's rise since 1776, as in centuries before, the Masonic Deep State in 1973 knew they had to do something to help China fufill their own prophecy of becoming a military behemoth. To get there, they had to make China first a financial behemoth. Presidents being mere figureheads of the true power that guides the United States, the dark and insidious power that is seen as "just and glorious" by American Presidents dictated to Nixon their needs, and as all Presidents do, he obliged. In other words, Nixon and Kissinger had no clue their inviting China into the world market would have led to their rising in financial power, and as a result, becoming a military power that would turn around and seek to rival the United States itself and the Deep State also saw to it that it would be Kissinger, a Jew, to largely facilitate China's path to power. After Kissinger's allowed power in government slowly waned post-Nixon, he was then given a well-known New World Order think tank to operate in his name called The World Order Project that seeks to remove America's world dominance and facilitate a shift toward World Order whose cornerstone of future global governance would be given back to Europe; a Revived Roman Empire. Again, the Masonic State holds NO empathy for the nation they created. The "Christian" United States is to be used as a sacrifice to Satan, which is why the insidious power has allowed Christianity to take root knowing one day the entire nation would be given over to Satan in a grand sacrifice that would make all of their former sacrifices, like World War I, Pearl Harbor, World War II, and 9-11 to be mere archetypes of the greater one to come, the one that sees Europe to rise to even greater prominence to lead the West via its rising leader. Thus, the allowing of Jews by the Jew-hating Masonic powers that truly run the United States is, however, like everything else in America, surreptitious at best. On one level, America cannot appear as a racist Masonic superstate and empire, so (a very faked) diversity is key. On the other hand, for there to be a narrative that Jews control the world, they have to be given the very positions from which (false) evidence can be pointed to and shown that, indeed, Jews hold key positions within politics, banking, finance, industry, education, medicine, science, entertainment, etc. Of course, Jews being blessed of God would attain all manner of leads in such institutions anyway but understand that many are also provided such heights of power so that they can either be corrupted, made the fall guy, or pointed to later as a collective problem in the globalists larger agenda of making it appear that the Jews are "Khazarian boogeymen" so that the actual Khazarian bloodline of Cain are able to carry out their evils while Jews get all the blame, as mentioned.

*Read Article Britain's Anti-Semitic Turn: New Manifestation of the Oldest Hatred Now Demonizing Israel/Jews
*Read Article Britain's Racist Anti-Semitic Anglo-Government Targeted Post-War Jews for Assassination Before
*Read Article The Evil/Sinister "Jewish" [Cainite] Scientist Behind the CIA’s MK ULTRA Mind-Control Program
*Read Article The Website Ancient Origins Lies Yet Again About "Jewish Elders" Birthing Europe's Evil Elite

Again, just because Jews are being deceptively blamed by those who are literal evil incarnate, doesn't negate their ability to also be deceived themselves by the same evil in control. While Cainites work on earth to deceive the whole world, including Jews, it will be the Antichrist's specific task to deceive the Jews in Israel, first and foremost. Jews are deceived [currently] because they have rejected Yeshua, and as a result, Israel will be allowed Satan within Antichrist promoting a New Age form of Judaism that while heavily borrowing from occult and metaphysical tenets, seeks to further confuse Jews with the insidious "Holy Blood Royale" narrative that their Messiah could be a European King, because, as is believed by some already, Western Europeans are the "Lost Tribes of Israel." At least two Rabbi's in Israel already teach that heresy by which the later False Prophet (false Elijah) will also propagate in Israel shortly before the Antichrist ascends in Europe. Rabbi Yair Davidy and Rabbi Avraham Feld teach both Jewish and Gentile audiences of how nations such as Britain, Ireland, Scotland, a handful of other Western European nations and their descendants in America are supposedly the "Ten Lost Tribes" soon to return to Israel to greet their Anglo-Messiah. Thus, whatever requirements the Jews feel that Christ did not meet 2,000 years ago, shall the Antichrist have believed of him in the time of his revealing in the near future. So great will be the deception launched against Israel during those days, that it will take the sending of God's Two Witnesses and later, the 144,000, to correct Israel and reprove them back to God. And, upon seeing the Antichrist finally begin to show his true Satanic self, in the flesh, near the mid-point of his reign whilst contrasted by the true light of His Holy Spirit shone thru those whom God shall send to Israel, shall many Jews finally see the Gospel and Christ for what His true Self remains, as God in the flesh, and in Spirit. Despite all these things, some still ask what could ever make the Jews believe in such a strong delusion that causes the religious of Israel to choose the obvious Satanic counterfeit over the Son of God? Consider also that whatever this delusion might be, it somehow causes Israel to completely be taken in by something they would under any normal circumstances never consider, let alone become so persuaded by as to choose Satan for their "Moshiach Ben David." But because Satan will have every opportunity to unleash his most deceptive supernatural powers in that post-American New World Order, the entire planet, including Israel, will be quickly conditioned to accept the prophesied Antichrist narrative-deception to base their new and forming ideas about a Messiah on. Such is the case with the Satanic-inspired heresy also known as British-Israelism that seeks to alter Jewish and European history to befit a narrative that creates "Lost Tribes" where there are none, so that children of Cain can appear as Children of Israel and Antichrist as the Messiah. "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Church of Satan" -Jesus Christ, Revelation 2:9. Despite the evil "tares" that have sifted themselves into the wheat, by the Devil himself, God never forget His promise to Abraham. As God also stated in Ezekiel 38-39, He will have mercy once again on Zion and turn His face back toward Jacob (Israel) and bring them out of all the nations from which they were scattered, reestablishing them in the Holy Land of their forefathers, from which they would never be entirely uprooted from the land of Israel ever again. This is how we know God will always keep His promises to Abraham and his Jewish descendants, despite whatever vanity others teach in their spreading "doctrines of demons and teachings of devils" that work in accordance to propping up the Anglo-Antichrist. Too many forget that outside of the New Testament's book of Revelation, the more ancient book of Daniel is the Old Testament's red flag warning to the Jews regarding the future Antichrist. It was initially the archangel Gabriel and ultimately Jesus Christ Himself who came to Daniel to warn every single Jew living within the future Tribulation, with Daniel spending almost the entirety of chapter 10 describing the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ in radiant detail, with Chapter 11 going in even greater detail when Christ Himself describes explicit attributes and key exploits of the future Antichrist.

*Read Article The Satanic Worship and Pedophile Practices of the Modern British Royal Family
*Read Article How American Racism Influenced the Dark Father of Nazism, Adolf Hitler
*Read Article Southern Poverty Law Center Lists Insane Beliefs of the Aryan-Racists
*Read Article The One: Man of Sin, Son of Perdition, Wicked One, The Willful King
*Read Article The Occult Was Always a Safe Haven for Racists and the Anti-Godly

This is how much God the Father and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, loves the Jews yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Jesus warned specifically how Satan will take Israel for three-and-a-half years, how the archangel Michael will protect the Jewish Christian believers from the human "face of the Serpent," and how Antichrist will supernaturally meet his end. And yet, the Scriptures in Job 38:7 and Ezekiel 28, prove God has not kept any of this a secret, as many think. By the time we arrive at Genesis, with God restoring a previously ruined world into an Edenic paradise once more, Satan had already planned on how to destroy the human race, and chief of all, what would become the Israelites. Satan specifically targeted Adam and Eve because they were the first of God's chosen race who would go on to produce a Holy lineage resulting in the God's own Son as Messiah. Thus, Satan believed he could thwart God's entire plan of salvation toward the rest of mankind itself, by tempting the only two people in the world at that time, thru which Christ would eventually be born. As a result, Satan planned to impregnate Eve before Adam could. Eve was quickly beguiled, setting in motion a war between the two opposing Bloodlines ever since. One doesn't even know the other exists, while the other controls this world for Satan and has been trying to stamp out the Jews for centuries. In so doing, their earthly war (below) became the ongoing reflection of the First War (above) between the Two Morning Stars, Christ and Satan, that is still being waged between the Angels of God and Lucifer's fallen host, unseen and all around us. In time, while Seth survived Cain and went on to carry his legacy of Holy lineage that eventually became the children of Israel, Cain also found a wife, had children, and founded a city from which he spawned the world's first "Royal dynasty," who taught the surrounding kingdoms of mankind the early sciences of metallurgy and how to war, worship demons as pagan 'gods,' establish a rule of law (that protects their own at the top while brutalizing other races), sacrifice and traffick children, and anything else that would corrupt society toward their own destruction. Carrying this secret of arcane knowledge, came the first of many various secret societies such as the Freemasons, who fight Satan's war against God, on earth, in the physical realm, and because no one hates Jews more than Satan himself, is why such societies work to recruit also Jews into their influential networks of sin and corruption, if only to make it appear that the entire Jewish race is inherently corrupt, to fit their own deceptive narrative and disinformation war against them. It cannot be said enough that the hive-minded government of the United Kingdom and the United States are run by the very evil mentioned, that whilst giving millions to the state of Israel, only do so to further the groundwork needed to advance their Antichrist, who will be accepted as Messiah by the unwitting Jews, as prophesied. The relatively few nations on earth that haven't been largely affected by this insidious Masonic control on a grand scale are the very same nations that the West wishes to topple in future wars, making it readily apparent that Cainite influence seeks nothing less than to dominate control the entire planet, and kill the rest who won't easily bow to their Deep State agenda. While destroying much of the planet through the corruption of innocence via sacrifice, wars, disease, plagues, drugs, and mass murder, they are working toward a Collapse and "New World" where mostly the Rh-Negative factor will preside over humanity under the utopian-like rule of a touted "benevolent Monarchy." Who comprises the Deep State? In America, they are not the leaders purposefully presented before us to perpetuate the lie that our government is for the people but comprise of those unseen descendants of those who originally founded the nation whose bloodlines are traced back to the British, and specifically, Masonic/Templar establishment. The eldest bloodlines of that establishment are traced back thru the ancient world into the land east of Eden where Cain and his founded a city named Enoch, establishing its resulting world order steeped in a 6,000-year plan toward Satan ruling this world through a prophesied descendant. Of that, the Book of Revelation speaks of the Antichrist ruling over a future Fourth Reich represented by "seven heads and ten horns." The current archetype and foundation of this coming kingdom is already represented by a 7-horned Masonic juggernaut whose epicenter is [1]Masonic London, followed by its military industrial complex ruled by [2]Washington DC within the United States, [3]the Vatican, its financial center in [4]Switzerland, its Templar base in [5]Paris, its corporate behemoth of [6]Germany, and its EU centralization of powers at [7]Brussels, Belgium.

*Read Book Read Chapter 5 - Secret History of the Reptilians: Presence of the Serpent
*Read Article Absolute Proof that Witchcraft ("The Craft") is Satanic and 'Based on Cain'
*Read Article From The Dragon Court to the Royal Satanic Halls of Buckingham Palace
*Read Article The Council of 13: Connections Between the Royals & Demonic UFO Aliens
*Read Article Despite Nazi Connection, Many Believe British Royal's are the 'House of Israel'
*Read Article Jewish Archivist Wisely Asserts the British Are Not Descended from Lost Tribes
*Read Article European Elites and British Royals Proven to Be Satanic Worshipping Pedophiles
*Read Article Wicca (Witchcraft) Itself Exposes the Antichrist Plan of the Evil Cainite Global Elite
*Read Article Freemasonry Proven to be the Source by Which Demonic Entities Control America


Read Genesis 3:15 again, or for the first time with new eyes. It's speaking about two distinct "seeds" in which one ultimately leads to Christ, and the other, Antichrist. Notice who God is speaking to when providing this key prophecy. Notice also how "your" and "her" are used by God in His own explanation of what must yet occur. Don't allow this key to continually allude you. The Jews themselves understood this to be the parallel lineages of Cain and Seth. The family of Seth became the House of Israel and eventually the line of David from whence Christ came. Cain's lineage went on to create a Satanic structured elite from antiquity, surviving the flood that removed the second wave of fallen angels and killed their Nephilim descendants as described in Genesis six. Thus, Satan has long ago marked from which family his Son of Perdition would arrive, for it is his own. This also happens to be the same infamous ancestry connected to Occult secret societies for millennia, and who have amassed so much more than some of the richest men today could ever acquire in a hundred lifetimes. Put it this way, neither Satan nor his controlling men put in power to serve the Beast from antiquity were set just to arrive at the end of time to then choose the most entitled, affluent, or expedient person of the hour. All of this traces far back into antiquity and runs so much deeper than one's most simplistic conclusion linking to the most politically or socially expedient person of the day. As yet, many still believe that the Beast would have to be a computer or corporate genius to enslave the planet under his prophesied financial system called the "Mark," but this is also not true. It is the task of Satan's elite to ensure that the eventual "Son of Perdition" has all the collective corporate financial power, media, and technology needed to carry out his destiny. This is precisely why the Satanic corporate-merging elite and their control over media exists. Therefore, all that is required from the technology side of it will be prepared in advance of the "Eighth King's" arrival.

Another key Scripture provided us is found in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 "And now ye know what withholdeth [him] that he would be revealed in his time, for the Mystery of [Satan's] Iniquity does already work." At the exact time of this first century writing, the Roman Empire was creating their port city in Britain they named Londinium (modern London) from which Daniel (9:26-27) referenced as "the people of the Prince that shall come will destroy the city and the sanctuary," a dual prophecy connecting both ancient Rome's Titus Vespasian, who destroyed the Second Jerusalem Temple (verse 26) with (verse 27) a future European king "who shall destroy the coming Third Temple in Jerusalem. We also know from Revelation that the Beast shall inspire a post-Collapse generation of global followers during his time, by which they will literally "worship" him as noted in Revelation 13:3-4. In reference to the Antichrist's obvious royal connection as outlined by both Revelation and Daniel, where he's called a prince and other times a king, one should strongly consider how the entire planet would worship the British Queen when she passes to determine how such modern royalty is beloved to the extent it is the world over. Revelation 17:9-11 informs us "And here is [to] the mind which hath wisdom ...There are seven kings: five are fallen, one is [Nero], and the other is yet to come, and when he cometh he must continue a short space. And the Beast that was, is not, but will be again, even he is the eighth [king] and is of the seven that goeth into perdition." Antichrist referenced as the "Son of Perdition," in 2 Thessalonians remains equally intriguing, as 1 Timothy tells us in the last days many will be deceived by a doctrine of demons and teachings of devils in the form of a "vain" but "endless genealogy." Ergo, this word used for perdition likely equates to a bloodline of evil and its kings, of which six are now fallen, and one will rule for a short time, while his son/successor becomes the Beast. Today, there exists one future British king whose ancestry descends from the Roman era via his father, but even moreso the royal Merovingian blood of his late mother.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

We [Witches] believe Wicca is just a modern interpretation of Gnosticism where the Serpent [Satan] is the 'Horned One' and the Goddess represents Eve, to whom it is alleged the Serpent copulated with, and instructed her in the gnosis or secret wisdom or knowledge of the gods, making her the first Witch by which all others emulate as the Great Whore/Mother Goddess. "Aradia, in her quest of knowledge ... naked and bound she was brought before the Lord of Shadows, who was Lucifer, his light shrouded in darkness. He recognized her and desired her for his Queen ... She, the most beautiful of all created things saw only ugliness in his dark face. Thus it was that she was taken and made to kneel to death's scourge. The pain of this chastisement opened her eyes to the truth and she knew the hidden wisdom. She perceived the veil that covered the radiance of Lucifer, and seeing him to be that which she sought, they made love and were one.

I have repeatedly said the [Wiccan] Great Rite was re-enacting the alleged sexual relations of Eve and the Serpent, this account by Alex Sanders of the Wiccan belief behind the Great Rite confirms our suspicions ... Thus Diana went to the fathers of the beginning, to the mothers of the spirits which were before the first spirit and lamented unto them that she could not prevail with Lucifer and they praised her for her courage. They told her that to rise, she must fall; to become the giant of goddesses she must become mortal and in the ages in the course of time ... Diana went to earth, as had Lucifer, who had fallen even into the Underworld. Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, ex-husband of Diana is the current top Noble of that Order of the Knights of the Garter.

Quotes From Alex Sanders, Wiccan

The human aspect of the Beast with his "fierce countenance" is easily understood when you consider the man who becomes the Beast goes not in the Rapture, obviously, but is left behind during the Collapse and must endure all that takes place in its wake. Destruction will be rampant, and many will perish in those days. Those who manage to survive, likely alone without their loved ones who were killed, will emerge on the other side scarred in every way including physically. Thus the 'fierce countenance' Scripture regarding the rising Antichrist King rising and understanding dark [Occult] sentences is there to tell us that not only will William's visage change, so too will his soul become darkened and at end, overshadowed by Satan himself.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

One Nation Under Lucifer as God: America is Deceived by Both Political Parties
Earlier in this website, I make special note of how the American and European right-wing are being used to bring Antichrist closer to prominence, but like the two arms of the same evil entity, Freemasonry has also hijacked the far-left liberal agenda to likewise lead its adherents on a path that also ends in Antichrist, as their way of ensuring the whole planet caves under the Satanic deception. Like the American and European "Patriot Movements," take careful notice how militant in tone today's pagans are becoming today. Such fervor rising against Christian ideals, specifically, were first seen in the days of the Obama administration when he attempted to drive the country against the Evangelical wing within the Republican party, that has inexorably led to a backlash from the right, that led to Donald Trump. With Trump, we now see two events happening in America, first a rise in pseudo-Christian racist movements becoming his most ardent followers, as well as an even stronger backlash of pagans rising up in sharp protest against him, thus providing them increased power. In this era of Trump, those who actually led to his tenure as President are more violently seeking to erode the traditional moral fabric of American Christianity, to where every ungodly thought is upheld and seen as good, even superior, while every time-honored, Biblical, Christian belief is virtually trampled underfoot. Today's liberal media, that supports both abortion and homosexuality, social media, along with the blatant brainwashing occurring every day in our public schools where children are subtly taught to mock Christianity from an early age, makes it near inescapable for anyone born after 1990 to know which way is up anymore. Today's youth have been so twisted, made to be so ignorant, depraved, even overtly hostile toward God's Word, that they can no longer question or even see how they are being targeted by their Masonic overlords to think the way they do, even as they now accept without question the sick mantra of the far left-wing political agenda, whilst seeing the Christian right as their mortal enemies. There are no coincidences here, this is all done by design, by the same master Templar builders who themselves were known to be homosexuals and infant killers, who mocked and desecrated the Cross of Christ in their service to Satan. Ironically, this same Templar, now Masonic, brainwashed generation is also the first one to deny God even exists and taught precisely that in their Masonic-funded education system, all the while serving Satan's ancient plan in ways they never even know. Take for example the way youth engage in as much illicit sex as possible, feeling driven by an over-sexualized pop culture gone mad that is increasingly getting to a point where there is no longer any moral authority to oppose such immoral choices. The result? More abortions, more drugs, more addicts, and more crime and murder to complete the destructive circle. Promoting much of the same attraction to sin and death, is today's entertainment music industry that's clearly promoting Masonic, and Occult ideologies directed at those children who managed to escape abortion. The sheer and idiotic hypocrisy among liberals that defend the destruction of society via their own increasing atheism to their own push of tearing down of all former Christian values, even of Western society itself, extends far beyond the bedroom and into every other facet of our collective lives. It has just been recently announced on MSNBC that you'll know how vital you are to the Democrat party by how deep you've placed yourself into the 'hot-button issues' of abortion and gay marriage. Very telling, and yet a day is soon coming when Christians won't even have the right to speak from the Bible about either abortion or homosexuality, or if they do, they are to feel the full wrath of politically correct peer pressure and made a social pariah by the left's increasing cancel culture. During my research into the Occult, I found it very interesting that almost every Occult and Satanic work I've ever read promoted 'Satanic rites' in the form of not only the killing of children, drinking their blood and eating their flesh, but also advocate ritualized homosexual acts as additional 'Satanic rites' and a form of Satanic worship going back to at least the crusading Templar era. Why? Satanists know that the act of traditional marriage and its resulting children is of God, while illicit sex, carnal debauchery, homosexuality, child sacrifice and cannibalism stand as the absolute height of human depravity by which Satan has them engage with as a form of his worship, to mock God. This is precisely why homosexual acts, child rape, infanticide, and yes, abortion, have always been a form of ritual worship within the Satanic Black Mass and standard within the global Satanic cabal, because such depraved acts are determined as a counterfeit form of 'worship' against God and for Satan. Whereas God sacrificed His Son for the eternal atonement of mankind, Satan has mankind sacrificing themselves in reversed worship toward him, so that man may share in his eternal damnation.

*Read Article The Satanic Global Elites Don’t Want Us To Know That God Exists
*Read Article Hidden Luciferians Within American Culture, Politics and Academia
*Read Article England Bans God and Creationism in All Public Schools Across UK
*Read Article Obama's IRS Helped Satanic Cult's Tax-Exempt Status While Christians Wait 7 Years
*Read Article Trump's IRS Declares 'Temple of Satan' a Viable Religion to Provide Tax-Exempt Status
*Read Article Trump Appoints Known Illuminati Occultist and Author to the US Federal Education Board

Satanists understand that the modern form of human sacrifice made legal is abortion, which is why they overwhelmingly support the "progressive agenda." Just as Satanism is rising among the liberal left, so is all of the depraved acts by which Satan is worshipped is increasingly being made legal, including transgenderism and homosexuality. Such "lifestyles" remain the exact opposite of what God has ordained for man, thus, Satan requires it, as a form of worship to him. Again, Satan knows precisely how to destroy that link between God and man, so it is any wonder why abortion, homosexuality, atheism, feminism, paganism, and Witchcraft are overtaking the West, including America, and helping our collective mortal enemy in his every pursuit toward global domination? (See also The Week UK: The Rise of the Satanic Temple.) Further, Satan helps keep mankind in ignorance by making it seem the Bible is something to either mock, shun, or hate, while making mankind's Creator to be treated as non-existent, while he basks in the glory as the new God of atheism. At the same time, his Freemasons, and others, work to establish his counterfeit Kingdom on earth that has already led to the extrication of most public worship, whereby even "God" is to be struck from all future swearing-in ceremonies of public office, and as some are reporting, even from the American currency itself. Moreover, look at how the homosexual agenda via gays, transgenders, and lesbians are being weaponized by the Masonic powers to equate them with traditional married couples, and normalize their sexuality among increasingly younger children, knowing to do so greatly angers God and places that society in judgment. This is again to ready the world for Lucifer in his coming form as a Goddess, and its global religion, along with his chosen one, the Antichrist and False Prophet who will mandate Goddess worship. 'Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor abusers of themselves [same gender] with mankind.' - 1 Corinthians 6:9. Revelation 21:8 more explicitly makes God case, when its states: "But the cowardly, unbelieving, vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the Lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death." In their attempted defense, the homosexual explains that since they have "love" for their own gender, and since God is Love, that this allows them to freely do as they will, sexually, and that God made them do so. Murderers love to murder. Does that make it right, or is a consequence of God's intention? Despots love to inflict suffering and kill their own people. Are they sanctioned by God to do so because they feel drawn to it and love killing? Thieves love to steal. Rapists love to rape. Pagans love demonology, sorcery, and magic. In other words, all sinners have "love" for their sin. Is that love then rewarded or justified by God? Leviticus 20:13 explicitly tells us "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death for they are guilty of an offense against God." This is not the only such Scripture which parallels homosexuality with witchcraft, a capital offense which is another affront to the Creator because it knowingly serves the enemy of God that is Lucifer. While the known Scriptures from the Bible outright condemn homosexuality as being evil and not within God's will for mankind, two more key aspects also found within the Scriptures are often overlooked but nonetheless also point to God's absolute disdain for homosexuality. The first being when God contemplated creating mankind to begin with, He did so in a complete break with the formula of His former spiritual creation of the original Elohim who were entirely comprised of male entities known as "The Sons of God." Job chapters 1 and chapter 38 clearly speak to and reference these "Sons" with Job chapter 1 listing a then Satan (formerly Holy Lucifer) as among them. Even more evidence that there existed no female angelic beings in Heaven before mankind was created is also seen in Genesis 6, when immortal (male) Angels fell as a result of their uncontrolled lust for mortal women and again in 1 Corinthians 11:10 with mortal women needing to "cover their heads because of the Angels," implying such Angels can be brought to lust when looking upon a woman's beauty. Here's the point, God having created only spirit males to dwell with Him in Heaven's past could have easily been carried over when He created a physical earth with its physical mankind, i.e., males being with males and able to conceive by males. God did not create such a world. In the physical world that is entirely dependent on human sexual procreation, God created physical man to have physical sex with physical women to create children who would mature to do the same, generation after generation - with the underlying fact being that God's intended will for mankind was and still is to procreate with women of which God equates to a Holy act within the confines of a loving marriage and family. The second aspect overlooked is found in God mysteriously wanting certain fighting men of Israel who "met at the river" to be killed, even every one of them. It is believed these men were of only a few who met in secret because they were homosexuals of ancient Israel's military force and feared being killed for their own lust for one another. All of these examples and more that are found in God's Word point to a single dynamic which is Lucifer's counterfeit versus God's will. God would have men only love women and women only love men, which is precisely why Satan provides his counterfeit to be the exact opposite of what would otherwise bless a family under God to bring a curse upon us all.

*Read Article Freemasonry's Direct Connections and Undeniable Links to Today's Homosexual/LGBTQ+ Movement
*Read Article The Satanic Temple Says That ‘More Than 50 Percent of Our Membership’ is Homosexual LGBTQ+
*Read Article Planned Parenthood Allies with The Church of Satan's Own Homosexuals to "Promote Abortion"
*Read Article Washington Post: One in Six of Today's Indoctrinated Generation 'Z' Now Claims to br LGBTQ
*Read Article Female Illuminati: Masonic Lies to Empower the Goddess Principle Setup for a 'New Religion'
*Read Article Policy Center Teaches Parents to Recognize "Global Village" Brainwashing
*Read Article Satan's All Out War Against Traditional Christian Moral Family Values
*Read Article Freemasonry Seeks to Destroy America and Traditional Christianity
*Read Article School Teaching Occult is Facing Lawsuit for its Double Standard

Even science calls a male lion, a lion, and a female lioness, a lioness. That, as of this point, remains iron clad and not given to anyone's personal gender interpretation. Therefore, should all of science now warp itself around someone else's trendy ideas regarding gender and political correctness too? Meanwhile, in the real world, a lion is still a lion. For gays to arrive at their conclusion that they were created by God to be homosexuals, is a non-starter on its face when the very same people are forced to tear out entire sections of the Bible that condemn their immoral sexuality that's entirely based on a corrupting lie, the same kind of lie that "trans-people" have to force in their claiming to be a "he" when they're not or a she when they're not. Thus, what good can come out of a damnable lie? Where is their blessing under such confusion of self that God is not the author of? Perhaps better asked, can they, as homosexuals, naturally produce children according to His command, His Word, and His will? Why not? Not only do these people reject God's command within natural law, they rebel against Him and His Word completely in going their own way based on lust over law. Who was another even more infamous rebel who did not honor God, manufactured a mutiny against God to go his own way serving himself and the more liberal mindset where he is his own god? More importantly, why do theistic Satanists still have as their major tenet within their "religion" such occult undertakings absolutely deluged in homosexual rites along with murder? Perhaps because they know it to be Satanic and a perfect way toward serving its true author who works as an affront to all that is of God. What has become the general perception among the LGTBQ+ community as this world's gravitates toward Antichrist that already supports Lucifer? Instead of being called out and away from this world and its world system, as Christ explicitly designated for us to do, homosexuals run like a collective herd naturally into Satan's world system and follow whatever the globalist media tells them which in itself speaks volumes. They are slaves to the world system, and as such, who is this world's god? So goes their blessing, by Lucifer. Knowing homosexuality glorifies Satan because it is an affront against God, how do we know they weren't born into such fleshly condemnation in accordance with their own choices while in spirit? How do we know they didn't choose their own lot before their spirit took on flesh? Having no memory of our former being before incarnation, perhaps theirs is the given hindrance and stumbling block they created in choosing Lucifer before incarnation. Thus, who are we to judge God for His own judgment against them? Their sin remains the extra hurdle in this life to which God would still have them choose His will over their own, which is still tethered to Lucifer as if by nature but from which they are still able to repent. The problem is, however, they feel no natural inclination in their fleshly mind to repent of something they view is intrinsically tethered to their flesh, despite Christ clearly affirming in Matthew 22:28-30 that we shall have no connections to sexual love of any kind nor even earthly marriage in eternity. ("...Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? For they all had her. Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they shall neither marry nor are already given from [earthly] marriage but are as the Angels of God in Heaven." -Matthew 22:28-30). One of the first examples of God not tolerating sin of an otherwise "loving" sexual nature among specifically the same sex, is found early in Genesis 6, when certain guardian Angels known as 'Watchers' fell from their original abode by lusting after mortal women. The Bible is very careful to explain that these same Angels are now in the black abode of the dead in the center of the earth being reserved for an even greater punishment on Judgment Day. This is because they strayed far outside of God's intended law for them, proving that what God has intended ultimately matters not only for this world but the next as well. If God has reserved Hell for once Holy Angels feeling forbidden "love" for mortal women, what could await mortal man who have strayed even further outside of God's own intended and natural law for them for men to take other men as husbands or women to take among them wives? By the time we reach Genesis 19:4, we see how Satan deceived the depraved men of Sodom, who gathered around Lot's house so that they could have sex with Lot's two male visitors who were actually Angels of God sent to rescue Lot and his family. The Angels of God first struck the Sodomites with blindness before their twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were obliterated in the vengeance of God's wrath. This is why it is so dangerous for today's liberal teachers to disseminate such a Masonic curriculum purposefully laced with Satanism in all its forms whereby our own very impressionable children are targeted in Satan's wanton destruction against mankind. Thanks to a Masonic-influenced Supreme Court in 1962, with at least two justices who were Freemasons, gone are the days of prayer and Godly worship in public schools. Consider also the timing in these last days whereby public education feels it's their prerogative to tell children that they're each latent homosexuals, and what the archons in power are actually doing in accordance within their Antichrist agenda in consistently distancing our youth from their Creator. America has fallen, albeit not entirely by the liberal Democratic party as blamed by the equally Masonic-serving far-right, but by its own Masonic founders who control the twin pillar of American politics itself. The following links are examples of Masonic control they carry out via the left wing, however, the following links should not take away from the most glaring fact that it is Republicans who while claiming that only Democrats could ever worship Satan, the fact remains that it's mostly Republicans who openly serve and protect the multinational corporations that control society toward parallel destruction. While Democrats have abortion and homosexuality as aforementioned, the Republicans have tyrannical racism and unmitigated greed.

*Read Article The Luciferian Left in America
*Read Article Satanists Always Vote Democratic in Cycles
*Read Article That Hideous Strength: Satan is a Democrat
*Read Article Satanists Now Trolling Conservative Christians
*Read Article The Democratic Party Requires Service to Satan
*Read Article Left-Wing Satanic Temple Gaining Explosive Growth
*Read Article The Liberal Media is Run by Actual Anti-Human Entities
*Read Article NBC News Promoting The Satanic Temple's Views on Abortion
*Read Article Satanic Temple Says Abortion Used as Satanic Ritual, Cosmopolitan Defends It

The promoters of Witchcraft, and especially Wicca, are constantly reminding us that their religion is not Satanic, but research into their history proves otherwise. One of the foundational texts of Wicca is called 'Aradia: The Gospel of Witches.' According to the text, [there's] unholy union between Diana and Lucifer [and] Lucifer as the true head of the witches was too 'strong meat' for the beginning Wiccans.

The Darkness Now Growing In America

Crossroads were considered sacred to Diana-Hecate, the deity who is both Virgin and Whore. Such crossroads were the favored sites of witches and Masonic sorcerers who were her votaries. Crossroads were and are of significance to ritual sex magic. Crossroads were also places of human and animal sacrifice and such rites were often carried out in conjunction with magica sexualis, since the participants recognized an existing relationship between fertility and death. These sorts of activities are extremely secret in keeping with the lore of Hecate as illustrated in the saying "Triple Hecate, who giveth forth rays cognizant of secret mysteries."

King Kill 33

I published two books that advanced my research undertaken during the previous decade of works dedicated to the fundamental virtues of Lucifer, Satan and the Devil and how the myths and histories relating to them are configured within the Craft, and how that has primarily affected my own Tradition, the Clan of Tubal Cain. Tubal Cain haunts us as the ante-diluvium progeny of Cain. All who carry ‘that’ mark [of Cain] find reference ... through the dark trials of sacrifice. Partake of ... divine life-blood ... the raw gift of life, Manna borne of earth. In their sacred consumption, each participant observes the triune grace [of Hecate, meaning Lucifer].

The Devil's Crown

It is also interesting that a particularly distinguished brand of traditional British Witchcraft was named after Cain's descendant, Tubal-Cain, who is honored as the maker of the Athame, or ritual tool of Witchcraft used for many diverse purposes, with [sacrificial] ritual blood-letting among them.

The Mystery of Cain

Cain has always been at the center of true Satanism, placed somewhere within its offspring in Druidism or Witchcraft. Adepts assert it was Cain who first used the Craft to debase God, which culminated in the murderous sacrifice of Abel. Being greatly influenced by Graves, the London Occultist Robert Cochrane formed his magickal Coven "The Clan of Tubal Cain."

The Worship of Lucifer and Diana

Since the seismic shift of both the Republican and Democrat parties that twice took place in the last 150 years, the generational powers that control America have seen to it that both parties are morally bankrupt, whether it be the right's traditional racist views, greed, and corporate evils or the left's constant push toward paganism, greed, and one world globalism. Both effectively serve the same master and his Antichrist. What I would just as quickly condemn the progressive left for is their way of dismissing anyone that cannot divert from the entire far-left package deal, where there are countless genders, adoption is an overlooked option, and innocent babies are given death sentences without conscience. This notion of a woman claiming that their pregnant body is "their own" is a point devoid of reality considering there's another living body she has to kill first before her body returns as her own, not to mention the left too easily believes whatever the Masonic State tells them, beginning with the anti-God (but pro-Witchcraft) education system that's designed to kill them spiritually. What this too often comes down to, therefore, on the part of a woman so willing to kill her own child, is that they know they are incapable of loving (and/or supporting) that child, and that's why it becomes all the easier for them to kill babies. Despite adoption being an option even there, in the minds of those who would kill their own children, not only have they no love for the child, they aren't even willing to go through what it takes over nine months to bring their child to term. In that light, their most overused mantra claiming that it's solely "their own body," is truly the height of all narcissism based in a lie.

Instead of the Masonic experiment called 'America' caring for those youth lucky enough not to be aborted but ended up in foster care, the elites would rather force them out into the streets on their 18th birthday knowing they'll likely end up mentally ill, in the prison system, or dead. This is the result of the American government's ongoing destruction of the family unit, from the miseducation of would-be parents to its result in abortion or to such limited options otherwise provided. They will, for another example, tell Americans to stand in line to get forcibly vaccinated and to blindly "trust the science" that is literally the same science that once took in 1,600 Nazi's and still tells them there is no God because apes created man and man created God.

Of course, not addressing the much more common act of teen sex or illicit sex as the main cause behind abortion, Biden appeared on television immediately after the Supreme Court made its ruling to ridicule the decision by citing the comparatively rare cases of pregnancy by incest, rape, etc. A week later, he began citing a supposed case of a raped 10-year-old made pregnant and whose alleged "life was in danger" on top of it. It should be noted that a study from the Guttmacher Institute found that only one percent of abortions occur due to rape, and less than 0.5 percent occur due to incest. Despite this fact, the left will cite their trumped-up 1.5% of examples as if they're the 98.5% of the majority reason why their eugenics-styled ideas behind abortion are warranted in the 21st century.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

The Three Issues Important to Satanists of Every Era, Most Important Today
There are 3 main issues vital to Satanic ritual and religion going back to the Black Mass, since Cain. 1) Child Murder/Abortion. 2) Homosexual rites/rights. 3)Witchcraft/Pagan rights. Next, you will see how each of these soul-damning precepts have so easily become the top three today among Millennial liberals and Satanists who espouse "religious freedom" (except Christianity), abortion, and gay rights. Girls and young women today are besieged with Satanic propaganda, telling them they are goddesses, have every power and ability, a perfect setup for the "Eve complex." For just as Satan deceived Eve in the most beguiling way possible, by placating to her own gender, emotional states, and desire of flattery, is the education and media today filling women's minds with not promotion or power, as it would seem, but empty pride that almost always directs them toward earth-based spirituality, Wicca, Witchcraft, or worse. More ironic, is the fact that while the American left-wing advocates an anti-gun-pro-life agenda of school-age children, while the very same people have zero sympathy toward those children who are murdered even before they attend a single day at school. They loudly declare that only women have "the moral right to terminate," the body of that that eternal soul she helped create, and is now killing, is solely hers, completely removing man and God from the equation. This is what women are being led to believe, globally, by the very ones who create such propaganda and plot against mankind itself. So instead of taking the responsibility before the sex, take it after, in the form of killing the infant is essentially what they espouse. What a message. The vast majority of pregnancies come by way of consensual sex between two kids in their tweens or twenties, not rapes or forced marriage that their flawed statistics consistently indicate. As a result, so many babies were needlessly slaughtered because their own parents believed sex was not for procreation first and foremost. To this day, gullible teenagers by the tens of thousands are never educated about the vast number of qualified, loving, life-established would-be parents already in the adoption system, desiring a child of their own to live, love, and grow in their care. Planned Parenthood’s own report states that from Oct. 1, 2011 to Sept. 30, 2012, the organization performed 327,166 abortions and only 2,197 adoption referrals. That equals just 1 adoption for every 149 abortions. While a woman who chooses adoption can see the smile on her biological child’s face through pictures (or even in person depending on the adoptive parents) the mother who murders their child sees and hears nothing of that human soul, until eternity. The Satanic elements within the government adore the act of ritualistic infant murder, whether that be in a densely wooded area, behind elite doors, or a baby-killing mill called an abortion clinic to appease their bloody GODDESS OF ABORTION, LILITH*. Women who defend infanticide will scream and chant all day long about defending women's rights, and I couldn't agree more, their rights should be defended albeit starting at the womb. Those who cannot see future women are also being murdered via abortion really need to study photographs of bloodied and dismembered bodies of adult murder victims and compare those to photos of aborted babies to see there's literally no difference whatsoever between them, not to mention that both sets of victims were killed against their will. The left actually believe anti-abortion laws are merely Republican's playing politics proving they literally cannot see it's about saving children's lives and the spiritual life of this nation. If Republicans were solely playing politics with abortion, they'd be keenly aware that most abortions occur among Democrats and/or the poorest within society who'd mostly grow up to then vote straight-ticket Democrat their entire lives. We also shouldn't be discounting the possibility that the Roe v. Wade leak of it potentially being overturned in the Supreme Court isn't also serving the Ab Ordo Chaos mantra whereby the Masonic undercurrent is once again sowing chaos, knowing liberals would revolt and thus bring them and the armed "patriots" toward a civil war in perfect timing with the Collapse. The woman that is suing Texas for her not being able to legally kill her child there made a rather intriguing statement in the abortion-favoring media that exposes her mindset and intent. She said it is "the most frightening thing in the world to get pregnant in Texas." Her own words perfectly expose her idea that it's much easier to have her child destroyed after the fact, than to have protected or over-protected sex (where both partners take responsibility if they already know they don't want a child as a result of sex). These are the same kind of women who view their bodies as solely their own, where any child growing inside her (as a result of her own sex) is treated worse than any germ or other "foreign invader" requiring a doctor to remedy it. However, and this should go without saying, taking responsibility for sex does not begin with a Satanic-favoring abortion.

BREAKING Knowing Abortion is Sacrifice, The Satanic Temple Claims Abortion Should Become a Protected 'Ritual'

*Read Article The Satanic Temple Announces ”The 72-Hour Abortion Waiting Period is Against Our Religion”
*Read Article The Satanic Temple Sues State of Missouri Over its 72-Hour Wait Law on Abortions of Babies
*Read Article By a Voting Margin of 66.6 Percent, Ireland Republic Has New Laws that Make Abortion Legal
*Read Article Why Ireland Today is Facing an Unprecedented Number of Demonic Possessions Across Nation
*Read Article Satanist Claims “Babies Are Ritually Aborted and Murdered for Satan as Everyday Occurrence”
*Read Article Why Satanists Are Fighting America's Abortion Laws That Would Save So Many Children's Lives
*Read Article A New Film Connects Abortion and its Wanton Body Harvesting to the Father of Lies, Satan Himself
*Read Article The UK's Oxford Vaccine as Other Covid-19 Vaccines are Created Using ("HEK293") Aborted Fetus Cells
*Read Article Trump's Touted Covid Cure Was Originally Developed Using Extracted Kidney Cells From Aborted Babies
*Read Article The UK Receives Green Light to Now Experiment Using the mRNA Vaccine on Pregnant Women & Newborns

Abortion fuels another dark industry in which human body parts are harvested, that while some parts are sold to medical science, most disposed human parts are used for Satanic and Occult rituals. Abortion is murder and carries with it an evil most will never know, but even the most unsuspecting have partaken of it, quite literally in one form or another. The so-called 'war on women' that Hillary Clinton references is too ironic, because when just one innocent is so needlessly murdered, an entire future family tree has also been removed in that single moment, the daily war of which is being waged against mankind itself, therefore. Abortion is nothing less than genocide, literally propagated and even funded by population-controlling elites who more than anyone understand how millions of future lives, families, and entire generations are being snuffed out with every abortion committed, every single day. The very fact that Prince Philip and Prince Charles have both hailed abortion, eugenics, and population control for decades should tell you something where the Satanic elites who govern this world stand, or where you *should* stand against it, and them. The latest statistical (Guttmacher Institute) data shows 1 in 4 American women have at least one abortion by age 45. The liberals claim that there is a "war on women" and that women's reproductive rights are in danger by conservatives (to which they actually mean Christians in this context) who believe that life is always the result of a God-given soul that's uniquely different than the mother that bears him or her. In contrast, liberal democrats can only affirm that the same unborn child is merely a grouping of cells that have randomly attached themselves to a woman's uterus, through no responsibility of her own, and are therefore, neither unique, nor different than the woman who bears him or her. This process of thought is then readily disseminated to young women, in order to make it much easier for them to decide to "terminate the pregnancy," as Democrats call it, thus killing that unique child of God and preventing that soul their life. If ever confronted by those who support the Satanic murdering of children, ask them one question. "What about the war on unborn women?" Hillary Clinton's own comments comparing Christian conservatives to "terrorists" proves her own ignorance but shows precisely how liberals think in their serving the larger agenda of corporate globalists and their need to destroy Christianity in advance of their Antichrist. It's not too difficult to determine why Satanists and The Satanic Temple consistently rally behind the Democratic party and its 'liberal agendas' against Christians, but if one could attach the label of terrorist to any one side, it should only be used for those actually supporting the tearing apart of brains and limbs of the most defenseless persons among us, and then, selling any deemed useful parts on the black market. Inasmuch as the post-Trump right is still being recruited ultimately into Nazism (via the much more subtle usage of redlining, housing discrimination, gentrification, a racist justice system, murderous acts of attrition via blocked access to insurance, medicines, health care, and other tactics that amount to racial eugenics) the left is also doing via abortion and adopting globalist narratives that promote genocide. As such, abortion is only part of the larger population control agenda/war being waged on mankind by the corporate elite. This insane view that there is a war on women from the progressive liberal viewpoint, never takes into account the daily murdering of thousands of would-be women whilst they are yet slumbering in the womb, women that would have lived, to produce other women, and men, and children, had not anti-Christian politicians been vain enough to call their genocidal eugenics program necessary for their larger dream of a more perfect utopian society. Hitler and his Nazi's believe the same. And so it is, progressive liberals consistently place all their hateful blame, and resulting death sentence, on the most innocent of us. Instead of the public schools teaching that the act of sex is primarily for the creation of children, their focus is placed solely on contraception which sends the wrong message entirely, not to mention that even the American Constitution guarantees "personhood" to an infant who of themselves have been "endowed by their Creator" the Godly, Constitutional and "inalienable right" to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" that no one (including their own mother) can take away. In the Masonic environment that has created for schools to debase God, Christ, Creation, but advocate murder and abortion, naturally babies are treated as some unwanted by-product of sex, a teaching from Hell itself, even as it's been put there in the curriculum by those who worship Satan himself. American society, now in its epic decline, will atone one day for the untold numbers of murders committed not from its many wars or their collateral damage estimates, but the bloody war occurring much closer to home against LITERALLY the most innocent among us who receive death sentences every few minutes somewhere in the United States.

BREAKING Globalist's Population Control Win: Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2023
BREAKING Globalist-Owned BBC Tells Us: "Societies Grow Vulnerable to a Great Collapse as Time Passes"

*Read Article "Pagan Ireland" Turning Away From Christianity in Record Numbers
*Read Article Child Sacrifice, Witch Cults and America's Satanic Abortion Industry
*Read Article Google Censored Christian Search Terms Ahead of Irish Vote on Abortion
*Read Article Former Satanist Claims: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics”
*Read Article Hollywood Actress Tells School Girl: "I Still Haven't Had an Abortion, But I Wish I Had!"
*Read Article The ACLU Hails the First After-School 'Satan Club' for Children at Virgina School Meeting
*Read Article To Supposedly Counter Covid-19, Women in 2020 Can Now Get the Abortion Pill in the Mail
*Read Article To Counter Texas State Abortion Ban, FDA is Making it Easier to Receive Abortion Pill By Mail
*Read Book Gianna: The Infant Abortion Survivor That Grew Up to Make a Positive Difference in Our World

I wonder how the math works out, as to how many other, entire future generations end when just one single infant is murdered each day, which then would have to be multiplied by how many lives, and resulting entire generations, were snuffed out since Roe v. Wade, and before. That number is your judge, pro-death supporters. May it serve you well at the Day of Judgement, for every soul you have helped kill in this world shall greet you in the next. In the increasing vacuum of a society that has all but removed every last stronghold of that once great American moral fabric of the Christian upbringing, what in the Hell does this demoralized society expect the end result to be? They have taken it so far in the last fifty years, to the extreme point where, now, you cannot openly display any sign whatsoever of your Christian Faith, or even utter the word "Christmas," or "Christian" while the same Democrats have created a virtual hedge of protection around Muslims, pagans, homosexuals, and especially, Satanists. At least some Christian Republicans have already established a saner process amidst all the insanity, toward allowing the mother to see and hear their own child's heartbeat before making such a final decision on whether or not that child should live or be torn apart within her which is precisely what abortion is. This law has saved some, who never receive media attention as the media spends its time demonizing that law. Abortions kill more Americans than were killed on 9/11, every single day. Every single year, in the United States, abortion in all its forms kills more than a million children, which is about as many Americans as have been killed in all of the wars in US history combined. If God heard the single voice of Abel's blood crying out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10), what is He hearing from the nearly 60,000,000 infants who've been butchered in America since 1973? Perhaps nothing could sum up the way this current Millennial generations has become so brazen in their Satanic brainwashing, then what happened in Michigan one Easter weekend in 2016. During a Christian pro-life event, a Detroit Satanist group arrived and conducted a disturbingly grotesque counter-protest, with some of the Satanists dressed in ugly baby masks and diapers while others dressed to look like doctors used supposed abortion killing tools to mockingly destroy the most innocent as if making light of a nameless child's senseless murder. It is by no mere coincidence that Satanists today so actively defend queers while supporting abortion, even as those two detestable acts, infant murder and homosexuality, have taken place in European and American Black Masses dedicated to Satan for centuries and has been attempted to be normalized in especially within the Masonic American experiment since the 1960's, after the Christian Bible and prayer were systematically banned from public schools by the Supreme Court. And don't become deceived with what Satanists say of late, namely that they don't believe in the gods they worship, which makes no sense on its face. For example, they claim not to believe in Satan...and yet call themselves "SATANists." While those who love to support abortion talk a good game, they would be instantly distraught and inconsolable if any of the ones they love the most today, were stabbed at by a scalpel or had their brains vacuumed out of their heads and then torn apart in the most bloody and inhumane possible years earlier in an "abortion clinic." In other words, those who would too easily erase a life are never concerned to ever humanize those they are killing, which ironically parallels those on the far-right who have no regard for unarmed minorities being killed by overzealous police. Both views need to change if America is to have a future under God. Writing this on the very day Roe vs. Wade is being struck down by the Supreme Court and seeing so many women screaming for their right to be able to kill children, one wonders what one of them would say if presented with the scenario that their best friends next to them, also screaming, had a mother that faced a temporary problem at the time of her pregnancy with them, and aborted them, all of them, leaving her all alone. Would she then be upset? Would she then cry realizing not only has all her friends been killed, as well all their known hopes and dreams, but so ends any and all possibility of the children they could have produced, and their children, and so on. Would she slip into a depression finally realizing that every death at the end of the abortion doctor's bloody instruments amounts to a genocide also of women? Of course, not addressing the much more common act of teen sex or illicit sex as the main situational causes behind abortion, Biden appeared on television immediately after the Supreme Court made its ruling to ridicule the decision by citing the comparatively rare cases of pregnancy by incest, rape, etc. A week later, he began citing a supposed case of a raped 10-year-old made pregnant and who's supposed "life was in danger" on top of it. It should be noted that a study from the Guttmacher Institute found that only one percent of abortions occur due to rape, and less than 0.5 percent occur due to incest. Despite this fact, the left will cite their trumped-up 1.5% of examples as if they're the 98.5% of the majority reason why their eugenics-styled ideas behind abortion are warranted and necessary for all.

*Read Article Planned Parenthood Allies with The Church of Satan to Promote Abortion
*Read Article The Violence Against Anti-Abortion Groups is Rising - Here’s What We Know
*Read Article Is There Any Satanic Reparation for Selling and Eating Body Parts of Infants?
*Read Article Satan Worshipers & Planned Parenthood Defend Aborted Body Parts for Profit
*Read Article Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft: The Satanic Black Market Body Parts Trade
*Read Article US Abortion Doctor Stashed Over 2,000 ‘Preserved’ Fetal Remains at His House
*Read Article Flavor Additive Used by Kraft, Nestle, PepsiCo, etc. Made From Aborted Baby Parts

From the Substack: Investigations in Ritual Abuse by Go El
The Role of Bisexual Behavior in Ritual Abuse Groups

In the prior articles, the common characteristics of ritual abuse groups were outlined: first, ritual abuse and the covenants thereof are familial; second, the purpose of those covenants and the secret codes and combinations is always power; third, the consequences of secret codes and combinations are abominations and whoredoms, including secret murders, perpetuated by people who have secret signs and secret words to distinguish themselves from others to avoid culpability. Sexual abominations such as homosexual behavior and bisexual behavior are outgrowths of ritual abuse, and they are outgrowths of idolatry. Within the LDS Church of Satan, sexual ordinances are critical. Redacted and other elders taught us that masturbation is a powerful and important form of prayer to to temporarily escape from this mortal life and commune with our God (Lucifer). The Church of Satan’s members sublimated everything to sex. Roselle Stevenson allegedly brought her daughters Rachel and Eliza into the master bedroom of the Hamblin apartment on Touraine Avenue in Portchester, New York, to incorporate nursery rhymes and songs in a sexual context. The reality for Rachel, Eliza, and Katherine Hamblin was that their parents were conditioning them to worship Lucifer through sexual acts. This sacralizing of sex is directly connected to worship; in much the same way, the idolaters of the Old Testament patronized temple prostitutes in ritualized sexual encounters to curry favor with Baal and Asherah. Every prohibited sexual act mentioned in Leviticus 18 is connected to the religious rites of those nations God cast out of the land that would become Israel. God makes it clear that incest, adultery, bestiality, child sacrifice, and homosexual conduct were connected to the Egyptians and the Canaanites, and the Jewish people were not to “walk in their ordinances.” These were the acts of Egyptians and Canaanites, connected to their ordinances, and specifically forbidden to God’s people. Within overt ritual abuse groups, and within the fundamentalist groups, these acts occur. Men take mothers and daughters as wives, and sisters as wives, within those fundamentalist sects that still practice plural marriage. Within ritual abuse groups, members routinely engage in sexual acts that fit within those prohibited degrees of kinship outlined in Leviticus 18, and they do so within the context of religious ordinances. The prohibitions of God continue in Leviticus 19: his people are commanded to abstain from eating anything with the blood, or from using enchantment, or from observing times. In ritual abuse groups, the use of blood is sacralized. Carma de Jong Anderson allegedly took measurements of Hyrum Smith’s bloodstained shirt, and claimed she prayed over the blood after touching it. David and Roselle Hamblin would pour blood into the soil of their garden in order to consecrate the soil to Satan and bring abundance in harvest. Throughout the victims’ statements, the importance of blood within a ritual context is stressed. Within the context of enchantments or observing times, ritual abuse groups often consult with fortunetellers, astrologers, and seers. Rachel Lee Hamblin specifically alleges that her mother took her to see Jan Carpenter in Salt Lake City, and a fortuneteller in Fountain Green as well. Rachel’s second victim statement named Ewon Mitton as one of the individuals her parents sought future readings from, and Mitton was in the local ward. Rachel Hamblin’s second victim statement also references a a phone call her parents had in Spring City with “some author who had written a book of “visions”/”dreams” that the author had “received” regarding “the last days.” There is one author who would fit: John Pontius, whose book Visions of Glory contained the accounts of Thom Harrison’s visions of the last day. Thom Harrison provided counseling services for Gordon Bowen and his ex-wife Barbara Timothy, and his assessment of Gordon Bowen is cited in the divorce proceedings between Bowen and Timothy.

*Read Article The Demonic Root of Homosexuality

The prohibitions of Leviticus were violated at every turn by the LDS Church of Satan: the Hamblin sisters alleged that they were forced to perform as child prostitutes, and in child pornography films. Leviticus 19:29 explicitly prohibits prostituting one’s daughter, lest the land fall to whoredom and become full of wickedness. Those who go whoring after familiar spirits, wizards, and those who ignore child sacrifice and refuse to punish the perpetrators will be cut off from God. Adultery, incest, homosexual conduct, the taking of a wife and her mother, bestiality, and otherwise walking in the manner of those nations God cast out of the land before the Israelites are all cited as punishable by death. Each of these behaviors is connected to the worship of false gods such as Baal, Asherah, Astarte, and others. They are the product of worshipping false gods, and every single instance cited in the Old Testament makes it clear that those who follow after the ways of Baal worship, who make groves for Asherah worship, do inevitably resort to the behaviors cited in Leviticus. Manasseh, who reigned 55 years in Jerusalem, made altars for Baal, established a grove for Asherah worship, and worshipped all the host of heaven, building altars for those hosts in the temple. He sacrificed his son, observed times, used enchantments, dealt with familiar spirits and wizards, and ultimately seduced the people to do more evil than the nations the Lord had destroyed before the children of evil. His grandson Josiah restored the law, and burned the vessels for Baal and Asherah, for the hosts of heaven, and he slaughtered the priests who burned incense to Baal, to the sun, the moon, the planets, and to the hosts of heaven. Josiah then destroyed the houses of male prostitutes, and of the female servants of Asherah who wove hangings for the grove, and then Josiah destroyed Topheth, where parents had sacrificed their children. Josiah’s wrath extended to Ashtoreth, to Chemosh, to Milcom, and to killing those who worked with familiar spirits, the wizards, and he destroyed the images and idols. He did so to bring the nation into compliance with the laws and commandments of God. The story of Josiah makes it clear that the abominations and whoredoms of sexual sin are a byproduct of idol worship. They are not only a byproduct of the worship, they are the means by which idols are worshipped. In the same way that David Lee Hamblin and the LDS Church of Satan consecrated their sexual acts to Lucifer, the idol worshippers of the Old Testament ritualized their sexual acts in order to gain favor with Baal, Asherah, Astarte, Chemosh, Milcom, and others. The prevalence of sexual abomination in our wider culture is indicative of the reality that our society has become degraded. We deny God, and we exalt false gods in His place. Rachel Lee Hamblin’s second victim statement details the CS version of the Endowment, which culminated in Uncle Cory having anal sex in a chain with David Lee Hamblin. Rachel’s description of the CS sealing ordinance contains an allegation that the women in attendance-Roselle Stevenson, Ann Larsen, Carma de Jong Anderson, Lee Bennion, Rebecca Allen, Susan “Suki” Christensen, and Renee Easton Olsen Hamblin-performed oral sex on her before she passed through the veil. On page 51 of VS 2, Rachel described being forced to give oral sex to Deborah Sheets and Paula Schulte after a prayer orgy. The purpose of these sexualized ordinances was simple enough, as page 90 makes clear: David Lee Hamblin and the other CS members believed that through ritualized sexual acts, they would receive spirit revelation, as well as enhanced standing and power within and without the CS. On page 95 of her Victim's Statement, Rachel Hamblin described being raped by her father David Lee Hamblin, while Conrad Gottfredson began to have anal sex with Hamblin. During her rape by two men as part of compensation for the purchase of a pedal harp, Rachel described seeing her male assailants engage in anal sex with each other. The sexual abuse took place within a ritual context, as the use of robes, masks, and candles during ceremonies would indicate. Rachel’s description of ritualized bisexual conduct by the male and female members of the CS is extensive, and it is corroborated by her sisters.

*Read Article British Media BBC Extols the Graces of America's 'Satanic Temple'

Katherine Hamblin described a “Mark of the Beast ceremony” during which a young man who participated in David Hamblin’s ceremonies was anally raped. The individual in question had initially shown hesitation when ordered to rape Katie, but after he proved himself at a later day, he was given the Mark of the Beast through the gang rape, which was allegedly performed by David Lee Hamblin, James Mooney, Joe Bennion, and other men who participated in the Hamblin ceremonies. Katie Hamblin’s victim statement outlines multiple instances of lesbian sexual encounters with her aunts Jeanie Hamblin and Krii Tuttle, as well as incestuous homosexual sex between David Hamblin and her uncle Craig Christensen. This contact between David Hamblin and Craig Christensen extended to David’s brother Steven Hamblin, as VS 3, pg. 24 makes clear. On page 63 of Katie’s Victim Statement, Brian Kershisnik and David Lee Hamblin masturbated each other while Katie was forced to perform oral sex on Suzanne Kershisnik. Eliza Hamblin alleged that her aunt Jeanie Hamblin forced her to perform oral sex while Jeanie’s husband Steve sodomized her. This was not isolated, but part of a continuous pattern of behavior for Steve and Jeanie Hamblin.¹⁸ Eliza, like her sisters, outlines multiple instances of bisexual, incestuous, ritualized sexual acts. Those acts extended to sexual contact with animals, as Eliza Hamblin alleged in her victim statement. Her grand-uncle Clyde Sullivan, who was going blind, had also allegedly raped her anally. There are myriad examples of bisexual contact between the adults and children of the CS contained within the first four victims statements filled out by Rachel, Eliza, and Katherine Hamblin. Bisexual behavior is central to the LDS Church of Satan, as it is with other ritual abuse groups. It is arguably an extension of the worship of Lucifer, just as the same ritualized bisexual conduct was an extension of the worship of Baal and Asherah in the days of the Old Testament. The behavior outlined within the Hamblin Victims Statements is remarkably consistent with the behaviors prohibited by God in Leviticus, which are attributed to the worship of the prior inhabitants-the Canaanites, Egyptians, and others-who God drove out of the land before giving it to the Jews. Incest, child sacrifice, homosexual conduct, child prostitution, bestiality, enchantments, wizardry, and familiar spirits appear in both the Victim Statements and the passages within the Old Testament that outline the worship of false gods. This is not incidental. It is causal. When we exchange the worship of the Creator with the creation, we are given over by God to our basest desires, as Romans 1 stipulates. Those who exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image (Gr. eikon) were given up to their basest fleshly desires, left to their sin as a result of God’s wrath. Hosea 4:17 makes it clear that God gave Ephraim. He left Ephraim alone; God no longer punished his daughters for whoredom or his spouses for adultery, or for sacrificing with harlots. God chastises those whom He loves; when He gives us over to sin, He no longer chastises or corrects us. We who join to idols are left alone, and the result is simple enough: we are given up to uncleanness and dishonor our own bodies between each other in our idolatry. For those who engage in the ritualized idolatry of ritual abuse groups, who worship the created Lucifer instead of the incorruptible God, the verdict is simple: they change the truth of God into a lie, and for this God gives them up to vile affections, which extends to the men burning in their lust towards one another and the women doing the same. God gave them over to a reprobate mind, and He has given the CS over to reprobate mindsets. The result is simple: incest, bisexual conduct, child sacrifice, bestiality, and other forms of conduct which are contrary to the clear dictates of self-preservation. The consequences for Rachel, Eliza, and Katherine Hamblin were staggering: they wrote of being constantly sick from infections contracted in the course of their sexual abuse. They were forced to become pregnant, and then ritualistically abort [and even eat] their infant children. The role of bisexual conduct within ritual abuse groups, be it the Hamblin CS or any other ritual abuse group, is to sever the cord between the Creator and His creatures. It is to condition children to grow into completely depraved adults who will perpetuate the purpose of Lucifer through the world. The popularization of bisexual acts and behavior, and the consolidation of sexual acts into entire identities, is no accident. It is the byproduct of an evil ideology that posits sin as identity and self-classification. The growing acceptance of that viewpoint within the wards and stakes of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is confirmation of a deeper spiritual ailment. It is also indicative of the inroads the Church of Satan and other related groups have specifically made within the Mormon Church over decades of their subversive activity in the United States.

*Read Article The Demon of Lust

Given that Joe Bennion identifies as a communist, openly espouses his support of gay marriage and gay rights in flagrant defiance of the doctrine of the Church. For Joe and his wife, gay marriage and traditional marriage are equal-to crib from the liberal ideology that they adhere to, “Love is love.” However, God, who is the Source of Love, does not lie, and Love does not rejoice in evil. Leviticus 18:22 classifies homosexuality as a clear abomination because it perverts what God has already established as [His] 'natural order.' God told the ancient Israelites that they are not to engage in any of the abominations listed in Leviticus 18, for the nations who resided in the land before them did so. Leviticus 18:29 makes God’s position clear on the abominations listed in the chapter: "For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people." [That verse proves we have an eternal connection to people, even our people, our families, in the afterlife. --C.O.] If you love someone, you tell them the truth in order to save their soul, by condemning and rebuking sin. The plain language of Leviticus 18 places homosexuality in the same context as incest, child sacrifice, and bestiality. When Joe Bennion and other Latter-Day Saints fly a pride flag on their lawns and storefronts, they are telling a detestable lie to the world: they are saying that homosexual conduct is not sin, in flagrant opposition to God’s Word. When those same Latter-Day Saints take a moderated stance on sexual purity for heterosexuals, they are doing the same thing: they are saying that sexual activity outside of marriage is not sinful. They are lying, and anyone who believes them because of their priesthood authority and apparent good standing as Latter-Day Saints is being misled to the point of damnation. Leviticus 20 makes the consequences of such abominations clear: God will cut off that man or woman, and He commands that they be put to death. Leviticus 20 makes it abundantly clear that God classifies homosexuality, incest, bestiality, child sacrifice, and witchcraft and wizardry, and adultery, as abominations. Our covenant with Him as heirs through Christ obligates us to abstain from such abominations [to which God felt it important enough to list, in detail, for these abominations are the things of Satan and it is he who God is actually warning us against. --C.O.]. Joe Bennion’s eldest daughter Zina is a self-professed tarot card reader, witch, and an occultist. He does not condemn his daughter for her obvious apostasy or her embrace of demonic ideologies and practices because he himself is a Satanist and she is his daughter raised in a CS [Church of Satan] home. It is not love that drives Joe Bennion to abstain from rebuking his daughter; it is his own personal apostasy and embrace of his coven's Satanic beliefs that classify evil as good and sin as righteousness, denying any substantive difference between same sex marriage and traditional marriage, or witchcraft and the Gospel, for the purposes of eternal consequence. [Satan wants us to sin to destroy us all in his great affront against God --C.O.] In Joe’s worldview, those who take up witchcraft and engage in homosexuality or adultery will not face any substantively different outcome in eternity than those who adhere to God’s commandments. Joe has no fear of God [because he honors Satan --C.O.] That much is evident in the public positions he takes in opposition to God’s commandments. It is obvious from his embrace of those positions even as he holds callings in the Restored Church of Jesus Christ, callings from which he can sow apostasy within the Church itself. The fact that Joe Bennion has not been disfellowshipped or excommunicated solely due to his public embrace of apostate positions is a damning indictment of the Church leadership in his ward and stake. Joe and Lee Bennion are not content to simply contradict the doctrines of the Church they hold membership in; they seek to utilize the legal and ecclesiastical process to discourage and intimidate Latter Day Saints who condemn their apostate positions. One does not have to consider the criminal allegations made by the Hamblin sisters and others against Joe and Lee Bennion in order to make the case that their actions and positions merit excommunication; one simply has to look at the endorsement of sin [and the murderous practices of Satanism] they engage in. It is not enough for Joe Bennion to hold membership in a Church he does not believe in; he actively seeks to contradict that Church and its teachings in order to confuse others. As an example, here is a list of things that are current hot-button topics that ONAC believes you can make your own choices:


LGBTQ rights.

Catherine Deshayes Monvoisin aka "La Voisin" - Took over the professional art of poisoning developed in Italy during the previous century, in addition to providing abortions, fortune telling, and other 'services.' Organized Satanic Black Masses [were held] at her house in Paris, for the aristocracy, starting in 1666. The most notable of these were those performed by the Abbe Guibourg [were] on the naked body of the mistress of Louis XIV, King of France. The Guibourg Mass clearly followed traditions already developing in France during the previous century. During the Black Mass, offerings were made to two demons [in particular] - Astaroth and Asmodeus. She was executed in 1680.

The Black Mass

Humanity is being preyed upon, as a species, not only by old Satanic families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, Collins, Dupont, Warner, Russell, [plus] the world’s monarchies and the Vatican, but they’re also preyed upon by governments, the military, banking institutions and education.

Sean Young, Red Ice Radio

Crossroads were and are of significance to ritual sex magic; the wearing of clothes of the opposite sex and the performance of bisexual acts are so-called "Crossroad Rites." The women engaging in these perversions were, in the vernacular referred to as "Dykes" and it was said that they traveled "The Old Dike Road" and "The Old Dirt Road." These sorts of activities are extremely secret in keeping with the lore of Hecate as illustrated in the saying "Triple Hecate, who giveth forth rays cognizant of secret mysteries." Crossroads were also places of human and animal sacrifice and such rites were often carried out in conjunction with magica sexualis, since the participants recognized an existing relationship between fertility and death. Hecate is therefore also identified as a "Death Goddess" [exact opposite of the God of Life, Jesus Christ] and her Sex and Death attributes are similar to those ascribed to Venus [aka Lucifer].

King Kill 33

Freemasonry is a powerful force – it has infiltrated in all power structures and it exerts a malefic influence in America and in the entire world. The fact that this group is evidently ...biased in favor of homosexual relationships should not go unnoticed, and neither should the fact this group is using its influence to try to impose pro-homosexual “values” on the public.

The Secret Homosexual Agenda of Freemasonry

Google has been accused of blacklisting pro-life [and Christian] YouTube search entries ahead of last year’s vote in Ireland on legalizing abortion. Pundits call it “a deliberate manipulation” and demand that the company be held accountable because it played a role in the 2018 referendum on abortion in Ireland. “They really need to be held accountable,” believes Jennifer Breedon, human rights attorney. She found it “horrific” that “a company from Southern California” decides issues for the people of Ireland, including on contentious topics like abortion. Google’s interference in the referendum in Ireland should send a warning to everyone who’s interested in democracy.

Google Censored Christian Search Terms Ahead of Abortion Vote in Ireland

*Read Book Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in 19th Century Culture
*Read Article Western Idea of 'Feminism' is Deeply Rooted in Both Satanism and the Occult
*Read Article The Queen of Babylon: The Female Illuminati and Other Luciferian Secret Societies
*Read Article Florida School Girls Plotted to Murder Classmates, Eat Their Flesh and Drink Their Blood
*Read Article Liberalism Serves the Ancient Pagan God of Abortion, Death, Homosexuality and Witchcraft
*Read Article BBC's 'First Day' Depicts a Transgender 12-Year Old Slated For the BBC's Children’s Channel
*Read Article BBC Now Encouraging its Own Staff to Take Time Out to List Their ‘Transexual-Friendly’ Nouns
*Read Article Liberal College Professors Now 'Teaching' that Jesus was Merely a Misunderstood Homosexual
*Read Article Totally Demon Possessed: An American Drag Queen’s Abortion Act in a Bar Stuns Social Media
*Read Article UK Mom Says Her 12-Year Old Daughter’s Teachers & Friends Pushed Her Into Wanting to be a Boy
*Read Article Boston Children’s Hospital Pushing Underage Hysterectomies and Other Mutilation for 'Trans Minors'

From the Substack: Du Mez CONNECTIONS by Kristin Du Mez
[Trump's] Abortion About-Face: What Now, Pro-life Christians?

“The pro-life justification for supporting Trump has just collapsed,” Pete Wehner contends in his latest piece in The Atlantic. Pete is a former speechwriter for George W. Bush and senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and current senior fellow at the Trinity Forum. A longtime Republican and an evangelical Christian, he has been a consistent critic of Donald Trump since Trump arrived on the political scene nearly a decade ago. He has also critiqued his fellow evangelicals for sullying their witness by linking arms with a man who is “a convicted felon and a pathological liar, a man who has peddled racist conspiracy theories, cozied up to the world’s worst dictators, blackmailed an American ally, invited a hostile foreign power to interfere in American elections, defamed POWs and the war dead, mocked people with handicaps, and encouraged political violence,” who “has threatened prosecutors, judges, and the families of judges; who attempted to overthrow an election; who assembled a violent mob and directed it to march on the Capitol; and who encouraged the mob to hang his vice president.” Now, Wehner takes a hard look at the fate of the pro-life movement [as follows]: “…[E]nding Roe is not the same thing as reducing the number of abortions in America. In fact, the number of abortions has increased since the 2022 Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe… From a pro-life perspective, though, it’s actually worse than that. Trump has done what no Democrat—not Bill or Hillary Clinton, not Mario Cuomo or John Kerry, not Joe Biden or Barack Obama, not any Democrat—could have done. He has, at the national level, made the Republican Party de facto pro-choice. Having stripped the pro-life plank from the GOP platform, having said that Governor Ron DeSantis’s ban on abortion after six weeks is “too harsh” and a “terrible mistake,” and having promised to veto a national abortion ban, Trump has now gone one step further, essentially advocating for greater access to abortion. But that’s not all. The public is more pro-choice today than it was at the start of Trump’s presidential term, with pro-choice support near record levels. Approval for abortion is strongest among younger people, who will be voting for many decades to come. (Seventy-six percent of 18-to-29-year-olds say abortion should be legal in all or most cases.) Since the Dobbs decision, ballot measures restricting abortions have lost everywhere, including deep-red states such as Kansas and Kentucky. In addition—and this fact doesn’t get nearly enough attention—the number of abortions increased 8 percent during Trump’s presidency, after three decades of steady decline. So voting for Donald Trump didn’t mean you were voting for fewer abortions. Abortions declined by nearly 30 percent during Barack Obama’s two terms, and by the end of his term, the abortion rate and ratio were below what they were in 1973, when Roe v. Wade was decided. But they went up again on Trump’s watch. Public opposition to abortion is collapsing. Pro-life initiatives are being beaten even in very conservative states. The GOP has jettisoned its pro-life plank after having it in place for nearly a half century. And Trump himself is now saying he’d be great for “reproductive rights,” a position that pro-lifers have long insisted is a moral abomination. This is not a surprise. Betrayal is a core character trait of Trump’s. He’s betrayed his wives, his mistresses, his friends, his business associates, people who have worked for him, and his country. There is no person and no cause he will not double-cross. The pro-life movement is only the latest thing to which he has been unfaithful, and it won’t be the last. The question to ask yourself is: Who in the pro-life movement— Al Mohler, Mike Huckabee, Franklin Graham, Eric Metaxas, Marjorie Dannenfelser, Ralph Reed, Tony Perkins, Robert Jeffress, and countless others—will speak out, publicly and forcefully and relentlessly, against Trump’s about-face? Will they tell the full truth, which is that abortions increased during the Trump presidency, that the pro-life movement is weaker than at almost any time in its history, and that, when it comes to making the Republican Party the home of the pro-life cause, Trump is doing unprecedented damage? Will they now say of Trump what they say of liberal Democrats, that he supports the murder of innocent unborn children?”

*Read Article Panicking Trump Keeps Flip-flopping on Abortion and American Women are So Over It

There have been a few voices from inside the movement offering tepid warnings to the Trump campaign not to take the pro-life vote for granted, and a few signaling that they will vote American Solidarity instead. But for the most part, there is rationalization. The Democrats are worse. We need to think politically, and what’s important is winning. Think about the border. About immigration. We need to deal with reality. Such nuance, if you will, is disorienting for those familiar with the movement. For years, any Christian who didn’t align 100% with the political strategy of the pro-life movement, which amounted to only ever voting Republican, has come under harsh judgment. Seeing such grace extended to Trump’s about-face is jarring. I’m not aware of any political pollster who expects this change of heart to significantly affect Trump’s evangelical support. In fact, polling suggests that evangelicals prioritize many other issues over abortion when they cast their ballots—issues like improving the economy, health care, and immigration. Nevertheless, abortion has served as a strategic moral linchpin for the Christian Right, painting all who allign with their position on abortion as de facto moral voters and all others as immoral. This moral/immoral divide then extends to the broader party platforms, such that any Democratic proposal—no matter how decent— is necessarily tainted, and any Republican proposal—no matter how problematic—is whitewashed. Wehner has observed these dynamics up close. As one who has challenged his own party, he has seen the cost to our political culture, and also to the church: “…This is not a hard call. Trump deserves the disapprobation of evangelical Christians, not their vote. But he will get their vote, in overwhelming numbers, even if he has sold out the very cause they once professed greatest devotion to. Character counts? That’s so passé. Being pro-choice is a moral travesty? Only, it seems, if you’re a Democrat. Moral relativism is a threat to our nation? Not if you’re part of MAGA world; in that case, taking a blowtorch to moral norms and truth is a blast. Love your enemies? Not if they’re progressive. Donald Trump has done incalculable damage to our political and civic culture. But he has also performed, even if inadvertently, a public service. He is a political and moral CAT scan, showing the ethical core of many of his supporters. It has been quite the revelation. The evangelical movement comprises tens of millions of Americans; many of them are people of integrity and faithfulness. My own life has been profoundly enriched by its adherents. But we cannot deny what is true: Much of the evangelical world has validated many of the worst indictments of the secular world. There are so many scandals, so much cynicism and hypocrisy, so much to grieve. Much of what evangelicals and fundamentalists have claimed to stand for, certainly in the realm of politics and culture, turns out to have been an affectation, an illusion. They want power and revenge. Donald Trump Jr., in channeling the attitudes of many Trump supporters, said at a Turning Point USA gathering in 2021 that the teachings of Jesus have “gotten us nothing.” In his book The Subversion of Christianity, the French sociologist and lay theologian Jacques Ellul argued that what we call Christianity is “the opposite of what we are shown by the revelation of God in Jesus Christ.” In many cases, and throughout history, according to Ellul, the Church, with its emphasis on moralism and its teachings in the political sphere, has perverted the Gospel. Ultimately, Ellul is hopeful because, as he puts it, “Christianity never carries the day decisively against Christ.” That is the hope many of us hold on to, but it’s hardly ideal. A movement that claims Jesus as its own should be more than a whitewashed tomb.” [Thus] the hypocrisy revealed in the dissolution of the pro-life movement as we know it and its decoupling from the Republican party may not move the needle on the next election when it comes to how evangelicals vote. But it may in time open up space for a reexamination for what it means to be “pro-life” in a deeply divided and democratic society, a conversation that is unlikely to happen as long as the issue remains a political football. -- Kristin Du Mez.

Much like the deranged gunmen killing innocent school children they like to separate themselves from, liberals have ironically proven to similarly have little regard for innocent life that God has given in the womb. However, as it is so clearly mentioned above, one cannot say much of the population control-enforcing right-wing either who too eagerly stand behind a system to increase corporate pollutions, poisoning the majority of its citizens rationalizing that they are 'saving America' by saving the lives of the corporate collective [themselves] by sacrificing the uncared for poor and minority, which is interesting, since that is the same kind of logic that most abortionists feel just before they wantonly slaughter their would-be children. The moral decline of American society was perhaps best summed up by Norman Mailer (of all people) who wrote: "The new [1960's] generation believed in technology more than any before it, but the generation also believed in LSD, in Witches, in tribal knowledge, in orgy, and revolution. Why do you think people loved Hitler in Germany? Because they all secretly wished to get hysterical and stomp on things and scream and shout and rip things up and kill–tear people apart. Hitler pretended to offer them that. If America gets as sick as Germany was before Hitler came in, we’ll have our Hitler. One way or another, we’ll have our Hitler." Despite his accuracy in a new kind of paganism taking root within what was a more moral upbringing of our nation, what Mailer failed to see is that the destruction of America had begun long before the anti-Godly views of the 1960's ever took hold and can be traced back into the secret meeting places of those most anti-Godly men who laid the blueprint for the United States to begin with. The Freemasons may claim to only be upstanding men who sought only "Light" to "build the Solomonic Temple of man's collective Soul." They clearly violated us all when they removed God and prayer in the public schools, followed by the removal of Creationism in favor of Godless evolution that's now being overshadowed by overt God-bashing, witchcraft, and/or rampant atheism. This was their plan all along, beginning with the 'Separation of Church and State,' the first goal of a 250-year plan in which they would systematically separate God and His Christ from America, in favor of Satan and his Antichrist, thus separating not only Church and State but Church and Nation. Christ and His Church are to made of nil-effect in the more perfect Luciferian/Utopian vision that the Freemasons have always desired for their 'New Atlantis.'

*Read Article State-Enforced Paganism in America
*Read Article The Feminist Roots of Modern Wicca and Witchcraft
*Read Article IN GOD WE DISTRUST: America’s Death Embrace with Atheism
*Read Book How Satan Turned Liberal America Against the Biblical God of Israel

The current generation that is being systematically (albeit ever so subtly) taught to rise up in "revolution" against Christianity, has no clue that they're being used as pawns by those Satanic elites who control them. Moreover, they've been trained to hate anything relating to God, whether that be within their own community or against the government at large. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 predicts the generation of the last days to be evil masked as good, haughty, self-serving, narcissists, back-biters, gossips, despisers of those who truly are good, while seemingly believing they are Godly, having "love," and being progressive in what they perceive to be the top social issues of their day, but completely deny Christ Himself, the one Being that is God's perfect Love, personified. Thus, this witless notion that removing God, the Ten Commandments, as well as any and all traces of Biblical teaching, the very core teachings which built America, from the public square and schoolhouses, only helps to push the new anti-Godly society they are trying to build, into being more anti-Godly. In other words, what the Hell do secular (anti-Christian) politicians expect to happen to a society that they've made to be anti-Godly, suddenly acts anti-Godly? Why remove all traces of the greatest example of love toward mankind ever, in Christ, and then expect to fill that void with nothing to obtain a better result? It is only the morality that each person will be held accountable for their own sinful actions, literally, for eternity, and that there is a day of ultimate judgment coming for all. So, while Democrats, as the largest voting block of Anti-Christians, 50 years running, continue to push their eroding agendas toward creating a more perfect Godless union, they should be first to understand how we got to the point America is at now. In fact, the Bible, before 1961, was used so extensively in public classrooms and curriculum throughout the land, that it was not uncommon for teachers to reference it openly, but after the Bible and open prayer was removed from the public schools, scholastic aptitude test scores dropped considerably, and violent crime nearly quadrupled between 1960 to its peak in 1991, to today where we see all too frequently, the classrooms are being used as human target shooting while the Enemy of us all are laughing at this ignorant generation and its nearly complete immoral idiocy. Is there a conspiracy therefore being waged against America's moral fabric, and Christians in these latter days? Interestingly, it continues to be that same liberal Party which again and again places itself tirelessly at the forefront to erode, change, and ultimately, destroy what was Christian America, yet what most of you don't understand, is that this has been prepared since the founding of the nation itself. The same Masonic powers who were behind the founding of America are now fanning the flames of destructive "progressive liberalism" just as they are also fanning the flames of rampant anti-Semitism whilst promoting Anglo-racism in every British Commonwealth, in America as well as in Europe. The statistics themselves bear these facts out. Since God has been removed from the classroom, between 1960 and 1990, violent crime increased 560 percent, illegitimate births increased by 400 percent, divorce rates quadrupled, the number of children living in single parent homes tripled, teenage suicide increased by 200 percent, and there’s been a drop of 80 points in the average S.A.T. scores. Between 1972 and 1990, teenage pregnancy climbed from 49.4 to 99.2 per thousand girls. Child abuse escalated from 101 to 420 per thousand in reported cases from 1976 to 1991. Alcohol and drug use is unacceptably high, with alcohol usage averaging around 90 percent for high school students since 1975. A 1993 U.S. Department of Education survey indicated that two-thirds of our high school students cannot read at their own grade level. Furthermore, 9.3 million Americans are functionally illiterate. So what was the touted answer from the educational experts? Harry Potter. But of course.

*Read Article Finland Accusing Anyone Quoting Bible Scripture as Hate Speech Against LGBTQ+
*Read Article The Third Racism Scandal Hitting Finland’s Government in Space of a Single Month
*Read Article Norway Government Removes Children from Parents Because of 'Christian Indoctrination'
*Read Article The Satanic Temple Says It Will Fight to the Death for LGBTQ+ [Lesbian-Gay-Bi-Trans] Rights
*Read Article New Jersey Teacher Sued for Telling Students to ‘Try Being Gay’ Confusing 9-Year Old Children
*Read Article Desperate to Find Meaning in Life, Anti-Christian Millennials Are Becoming Obsessed with the Occult
*Read Article The Pagan Explosion: Why Young People are Turning to Satanism and other Non-Traditional Religions
*Read Article Twitter Accounts Advocating Sex with Children Remain as Every Anti-Transgender Post is Being Deleted
*Read Article Prince Charles and Archbishop of Canterbury Caught Helping and Funding a Convicted Pedophile Priest

Knowing well of man's own unique combination of vanity with ignorance, Satan has become quite adept at his destruction, and since true Evil always works best within the realm of subtlety and quiet subversion, Satan has learned that the first step of removing anyone from God's grace is to first cause doubt that a punishing God exists, quickly followed up by the most subtle forms of a liberal morality to be paired with its underpinnings in atheism, while accepting some form of Occult indoctrination, the final stage of which is the onset of covertly worshipping Satan more directly. When you understand that Freemasons, in all their many guises, like their Occult Templar and Celtic Druid forefathers before them, were, and still are entirely Satanic organizations, who deceptively want to appear as a Fraternity of Lucifer's Light, then you'll understand why they must destroy God's Word and the truth of Christ as man's only legitimate Savior, in order so their own "hidden god of light" may prevail. In truth, the success of any nation begins with morally stable, God-loving, peaceful society, but all the progressively liberal, ungodly, homosexual, pagan, atheistic, and/or Satanic elements within American society have done since the 1960's, is purposefully create an environment that leaves God little choice but to view America as another once-great empire reducing itself into the ash heap that was Sodom, pagan Egypt, Greece, or Rome. I am well aware that these words of mine might sound severely outdated placed against your more liberal, politically correct mindset, but your Creator is an Ancient Being and Father, who, together with His Son, as Co-Creator, have set in motion their generational plan for us all, based on His very specific principles regarding family, morality, mortality, sex, and the rearing of children, and all of that which He, as Creator, labels as sin. This therefore stands forever as the greatest hubris of man to vainly think he can place himself as his own god, telling God what is and isn't right, whilst in so doing, and this is precisely what makes God furious against mankind, mankind is unwittingly supporting Lucifer's plan for their own destruction. Consider also the way that children of liberal parents who actually do make it past the butchering abortion doctors, grow up only to be placed in an education system where they are only taught that the God of the Bible doesn't exist, or that Christ has no place in their lives, while at the same time, they are systematically brainwashed to invoke, evoke, pray to, respect or otherwise uphold the pagan worship of: Mohammad, Buddha, Gaia, pagan Diana, Witchcraft, and then ultimately, Satanism itself, while the [Biblical] Christ is to be marginalized or stamped out completely, from everything. Their Great Work is succeeding. The first wave was always to foster a rampant disbelief in God and Christ in education first, followed by second wave deluged in a return to paganism and "Green Witchcraft," before the third and final wave of introducing a white-washed form of Luciferian-based Satanism for society to best serve their New World leader. The erosion of Christianity won't be complete until today's "cancel culture" cancels every Christian, and ultimately, Jesus Christ Himself. All the globalists have to do is broaden the negative "QAnon" label to encircle Christians as a whole, and Christianity is ostracized in a single moment of their choosing. The label of "anti-vaxxer" in the age of Covid-19 is already being akin to wearing a proverbial yellow star of David. A March 2021 op-ed found in the widely read and respected Washington Post read as follows: "Anti-Vaxxer Extremism is Akin to Domestic Terrorism." Considering how the vast majority of that group are Christian, how could Christians not be next on the chopping block of progressive liberals? (See First Sign that "Anti-Vaxxers" will be Ostracized in the Elite's Brave New World.)

*Read Article Public Schools Are Now Teaching the Occult Religion
*Read Article: Evil and Occult Practices in Our American Public Schools
*Read Article The New World Order Values Brainwashing Children in Their Schools
*Read Article Our Modern Public Schools Becoming Pagan Religion Indoctrination Centers
*Read Article State of Illinois Votes to Teach Homosexual LGBT History to School Children
*Read Article Problem Millennials: Students So Bad That Professors Can't Even Grade Them
*Read Article Colorado School District Distributes 'Satanic Lite' Study Materials to Their Students

“What did you learn in school today?” used to be a fairly benign question to ask one’s children, but this is no longer the case. Thousands of parents around the country are awakening to the startling reality that there is something terribly wrong infecting public education. What these parents are beginning to understand is that the New Age movement has made significant inroads into the educational establishment and has infused many curricula and programs with its practices and ideology. The most prominent areas of contamination are health courses, gifted curricula, guidance counseling, some literature and creative writing courses, and most sex and drug education programs. Are public schools actually teaching the ideology and practices of the New Age movement? Are our children being taught that they can autonomously decide what is right or wrong, including whether to use alcohol and drugs, or engage in sex? Are such occurrences anecdotal and sporadic, or are they systemic? Who actually does have the right and authority over the education of our children — the state or the parents? Upset with the ongoing trends in modern public education, a mother who unwittingly placed her child in today's public schooling system, has expressed her concerns thusly: "I'm becoming increasingly alarmed at the occult practices that are being introduced to my children in public school and even in Kindergarten. As momentum increases to try to remove Christian Religious Education from public schools, it alarms me that I see the pagan influences increasing. My daughter is in grade four and my son in grade one. Every year so far there has been a battle with regards to this issue. When my son was in his last term of kindergarten, he had a substitute teacher for the last few weeks to cover maternity leave. She had the kids sit in a circle and pass around a stick. This stick had a string attached to the end of it with a feather attached to the string. She asked them to wish for a pet as they held the stick. She also practiced visualization and meditation with them. She would get them to visualize their parents as tiny and in the palms of their own hands as they said some sort of mantra exerting their own will over their parents. When my husband and I found out about this we were extremely alarmed. We complained to the kindergarten. They could see nothing wrong with what she was doing and said she was encouraging “imagination,” etc. It was only when we threatened his permanent removal from the center that they arranged a meeting with us and they agreed to stop this kind of “teaching.” These kids were 4 years old at the time. I have had to go up to school when my daughter was in grade one and meet with her teacher as I heard that she was about to start reading a famous story about witches to the class. I requested that she consider not reading the book, but if she were to go ahead with it that my daughter be removed from the class whilst she read the story. She decided to not go ahead with it. In grade two my daughter’s teacher began leading them through guided meditation and visualization as they lay on the floor. In grade four this practice still continues in her classroom but, praise God, after much prayer about this the teacher has now given the children the option to “opt out” of it. My daughter now giggles and chats quietly with a friend or reads a book as it goes on. A “reflections” garden is now being planned and designed for the school with winding pathways and orbs. Maybe I am getting overly alarmed, but this to me also sounds a bit worrying. There seems to me to be a double-standard here – get rid of Christian education, remove the history of our Judeo-Christian heritage here in Australia, but practices from any other religion such as Buddhism, Hinduism or even Satanism, are always acceptable." They have a global army of Antichrist followers to create, after all.

*Read Article Author Details How Progressive Satanism Has Taken Over Today's Entire Education System
*Read Article JK Rowling Included the Stereotypical Racist Caricatures of 'Evil Jews' in Harry Potter
*Read Article Millennial: I Became a Witch Because of the 1990's Witchcraft Film Titled 'The Craft'
*Read Article How Harry Potter Books Helped in the Creation of an Entire Satanic Generation
*Read Article Occult Author JK Rowling's Harry Potter and Her Masonic-Infused Dark Order
*Read Article Ex-Witch Warns of Harmful Demonic Spirits Hiding Behind the Occult
*Read Article Satanists Wage Campaign to Destroy Remaining Christian Influence

JK Rowling: Author of Harry Potter, Satanic Gargoyle Placed Over Heart, Giving Masonic Hand Sign
Standing in Front of the Mirrored Sun Symbol Behind Her Lucifer is Symbolized by the Ancient Sun
*BREAKING The Masonic Grand Lodge Teaches that Lucifer is the 'Holy Spirit' and Even God Himself

A British headmaster of the independent Acorn School in Nailsworth, Gloucester, UK has urged pupils not to read Harry Potter after claiming the books cause mental illness. Graeme Whiting told parents to steer clear of JK Rowling's frightening books to instead read classics like Wordsworth. Writing on his blog, Mr. Whiting said 'I want children to read literature that is conducive to their age and leave those mystical and frightening texts for when they can discern reality. He added: 'Children are innocent and pure at the same time, and don't need to be mistreated by cramming their imagination with dark, demonic literature which could warp children's subconscious minds. It is the duty of parents to spend time to study such matters and form their own conclusions, not to think that because the world is filled with such sensational literature they have to buy it for their children, because everyone else does. Nikki Ellis, parent and former teacher at the school, agreed with his views, saying 'For me, having read the first book of Harry Potter and watched one of the movies, I feel that the darkness of the books is so palpable that it wasn't the sort of thing we want to expose young children to in their formative years. I think there's an element that's so detailed about Occultism, that it can desensitize children to the dark things in the world. They are being exposed to things that can drag them into the dark world of the Occult, particularly in Harry Potter' with all of its subversive focus on a pure "Slytherin" [slithering; serpent] bloodline that forces children to become enamored by the idea to later make them far more receptible to receive Satan's own "Cursed Child" and "Half-Blood Prince."

Reading Harry Potter Causes Mental Illness

Let me get this straight: In America we have court decisions banning most public Christian activities, persecution of Christian business owners, LGBT parades, child sacrifice (abortion), no prayer or teaching of the Bible in schools, no prayer at public events, no public displays of the Ten Commandments, no Christian crosses but we can erect symbols of Baal worship in Times Square and London?!

Ben Kinchlow

J.K. Rowling has promoted Witchcraft in her well know series "Harry Potter", something I use to be a big fan of. This is the use of what is known as "Wicca," an evil magic that takes the form of "white magic" in-order to recruit the innocent. When someone is recruited they are mislead into the idea that "There is good and bad magic and only the bad magic is evil" But in truth, so-called "good magic" is [represented] only to engulf the innocent into the use of black magic.

Is J.K. Rowling , a.k.a. Robert Galbraith a Satanist?

The promoters of Witchcraft, and especially Wicca, are constantly reminding us that their religion is not Satanic, but research into their history proves otherwise. One of the foundational texts of Wicca is called 'Aradia: The Gospel of Witches.' According to the text, [there's] unholy union between Diana and Lucifer [and] Lucifer as the true head of the witches was too 'strong meat' for the beginning Wiccans.

The Darkness Now Growing In America

Despite open prayer and Creationism effectively being banned a decade before, none of this was overtly going on when I was a youth in school in the early 1970's, but I would add that it's precisely because of that, that people of my generation can spot the heavy indoctrination of today within today's public schools so easily. Children today have no idea they're tethered slaves to the Masonic indoctrination presented in classrooms from Western Europe to the United States, that's preparing them for that utopian-like Masonic Kingdom under the auspices of the Antichrist. Not seen since the days when black and red Nazi flags flew in Germany, have children been so absolutely bombarded with Satanic propaganda incorporating blatant atheism, Godless evolution, Goddess-worship, western-styled Occultism, Masonic-funded cartoons, Harry Potter books, etc.), eastern religious and/or New Age teachings (from which Nazism itself was born), as well as globalist ideals, and homosexuality, in order to mold them into becoming model global citizens and soldiers of Satan's New World Order under Antichrist. Interestingly, the Scriptures paint a picture of the coming Antichrist as being someone that today's Millennial and Generation Z would literally swoon over, being a great humanitarian (like his mother), "green-aware" and environmentally conscious (like his father), and exactly the kind of person today's children are themselves being groomed to adore, with their new wave of education steeped in (one world) "global village" multiculturalism, environmentalism, humanitarianism, Occult-infused magical thinking, as well as a heavy dose of atheism, anti-Christianity, anti-Creationism, and anti-Biblical morals, all to lay a new foundation within education, all the while boasting complete acceptance of every other religion and/or religious tenant out there that is not Christian. In fact, there isn't much left in the way of truth for that next generation when the Harry Potter generation of parents themselves believe it's all harmless fun, not understanding that Witchcraft is preparing them for a much greater brainwashing to come. Of that, do not be deceived by what this pagan world is now promoting as seemingly benign, morally upstanding, or globally 'green,' no matter what kind of peer pressure is leveled toward your compliance, nor whatever New Age name or catchy spirit branding is ascribed to it, because the agenda attached is one of pure evil, methodically masked as good. The 'Temple of Satan' promo video for the so-called "After School Satan Clubs" says it all. In the end, "Satanism" is just that, no matter what those who want to draw you into it might tell you in their promotion or active recruitment, citing a supposedly atheist-only propaganda-based "religion." Satan himself doesn't want you knowing he actually exists, so what do you think his earthly promoters will tell you? These two daft Millennials above, and their vast ignorance that's displayed in their own sophomoric words regarding that which they know not, should give any right-thinking person immediate pause. Notice how many times they contradict themselves from one sentence to the next in trying to form a final, coherent thought on the matter, when the option to just say no seems so far removed from their idealistic mindset. Those Occult indoctrination centers (public schools) that follow after a Masonic-influenced curriculum provided them from the State, with far-left wing, witchcraft-friendly "education" that allows Satan his increasing platform. How could the public school system even resist Satan's after school education? Answer: They won't. And yet, much more of this is on the way. In fact, this is just the beginning. America's premiere Salem witch, Laurie Cabot, wrote in one of her books in the 1990's that because Churches have also been infiltrated and are falling by the wayside in great numbers, that witches today also need to go wherever the children are, to "educate" the next generation into "The Craft." So when their own witch-queen speaks about a massive indoctrination plan to be waged locally, by suggesting that her readers get hired in "schools, libraries, and community centers," you know the children are being used as Satanic pawns in their larger game of increasingly overt indoctrination.

*BREAKING How Britain's Royal-Connected 'Tavistock Institute' Destroyed America's Education System
*BREAKING Satanists Want Your Children to Attend Their 'After School Satan Clubs' (Official Website)
*BREAKING [Witchcraft] Lilith News Asks: Could Today's Prince William Become the Next King Arthur?
*BREAKING Prince Charles, Princess Diana Chose William's Name to Reflect the King Arthur Legend
*BREAKING Article Predicts that William Might Choose King Arthur as His Name Upon His Coronation

*Read Article Young Prince William Taking Another Step Toward Becoming 'The Masonic Christ'
*Read Article Secret Bloodline History of the Grail: From History's King Arthur to Prince William
*Read Article The Masonic Round Table of Illuminist & Rhodes Scholar Creator Cecil Rhodes
*Read Article Britain's Prince William is The (False) Anointed One (Satanic Grail Messiah)
*Read Article USA Today: Millennial Generation Wants King William Next to Rule England
*Read Article Prince William as King Arthur: Satanic Illuminati Bloodline Creation
*Read Article Prince William is Believed by Occultists to be 'King Arthur Returned'
*Read Article Logical Hierarchy: Antichrist Prince William is Satan's 'Little Horn'
*Read Article The Camelot Project: The Silver Thread Enigma
*Read Article Prince William: Portraits of a Wounded Prince

[ANGLO-ISRAELISM / FALSE TEACHING] Now the Holy Spirit speaks expressly that in the Last Days some shall depart from the Faith, giving heed instead to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons... For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves [false] teachers. And they shall turn away their ears from the Truth and shall be turned unto fables... and endless genealogies. There shall be false teachers among you who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the Way of Truth [in Jesus Christ] shall evil be spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you, whose judgment slumbereth not. For if God spared not the Angels that sinned, but cast them down to Hell [within the earth], and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment and spared not the old world, but saved Noah [while] bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes to make them an example unto those that live ungodly...

1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 4:3-4; 1 Timothy 1:4; 2 Peter 2:1-6; The Holy Bible

[GENERATION Z] This know also, that in the Last Days, perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness [via their social justice] but denying the power of God thereof. They are always learning but are never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth. From such, turn away. ["Social justice" atheists who help the needy, stand up for the oppressed, hold rallies for the down-trodden, fundraise for the homeless, etc., but deny Christ of whom those loving actions would otherwise serve.]

2 Timothy 3:1-7; The Holy Bible

[CARS] Their chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the highways and byways. They shall seem like torches, running to and fro like the lightnings.

Nahum 2:4; The Holy Bible

[AIR TRAVEL / KNOWLEDGE] And in the Last Days, when the transgressors are come to the full, a King of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty but not by his own power, and he shall destroy supernaturally and shall prosper, destroying the mighty and Holy people. And through his policy shall he also cause Craft to prosper in his hand. And there shall be a time of Tribulation such as never was since there was a nation, even unto that time. And at that time, thy people of Israel shall be saved. But thou, Daniel, seal up the words of this book, even to the time of the end, when many shall travel to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. And I heard, but I understood not. Then said I, my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And He said, Go thy way, Daniel. For the words are closed up and sealed until the end time. None of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.

Revelation 13:2, Daniel 8:23-27 12:4, 8-10; The Holy Bible

[INTERNET STREAMING] When they finish their testimony, the Antichrist will make war against them and kill them. Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations everywhere will see their dead bodies laying three-and-a-half days in the streets of Jerusalem.

Revelation 11:7-9; The Holy Bible

[AI / CRYPTO / VR] And he [the False Prophet] had power to give life unto the Image of the Beast, that the Image of the Beast would both speak and cause as many as would not worship the Image of the Beast to be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a Mark in their right hand or in their foreheads that no man might buy or sell, unless he that had the Mark, or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast. For it is the number of a man and his number is 666.

Revelation 13:15-18; The Holy Bible

What is Called "Global Warming" Is Actually God's Signs of the End
It's almost fascinating to watch, that while Millennials are gaining ground in their increasing control over the world, that those some in the media are still attempting to narrow down how an entire generation of fleckless youth came to be such spoiled, over-dramatic, self-entitled 'Royalty,' that have turned increasingly cold toward anything good, and is specifically hell-bent on debasing anything Christian, or Biblical. Again, we must remember, they're only a product of their upbringing, the media itself, and the education system. Clearly, the prior generation of liberal parents that reared them should be first to blame, for they have allowed their child to become a virtual slave/student to the state education system, quickly followed by the paganized public education system itself, as well as the godless media, and now, social media that is further driving already God-hating youth, into pagan-minded, drama-driven, vain people who have nothing in the way of true wisdom or moral fortitude to actually back up their equally devoid, narcissistic egos. The empty shells they have been taught to become have been filled with nothing but a sense of self-serving egotism whereupon they are their own gods. You would be wise to recall Satan's very first lie to mankind here. He deceived Eve with a lie that she would become like God, even her own god, if she would just disobey God. It was 1990-1991 when I first noticed a seismic shift in what the children were systematically being taught in schools to include: New Age, eastern meditation, and tantric breathing concepts, which were used by various cults in the 1960's to brainwash its members. The newer Masonic-derived curriculum, as seen in the 1960's "Whole Earth Catalog" even began to promote what was touted to be health-orientated diets, with a strong emphasis on vegan and vegetarianism, in order to help bring about a weakened mental state among children, exactly like Eastern-influenced cults were already proving successful with in brainwashing youth of the time. In fact, the entire 1960's counterculture that was itself created by the CIA and Britain's MI5 for purposes of mass mind control of an entire generation. This ramped up after World War II so that every succeeding generation would be infected with a mind control to accept the coming British-born Antichrist. By 1993, we had a new President as well as a new technology that only seemed to further a new curriculum being taught in schools, into one based on single planet hive-thinking and one-worldism. The rapid ascent of the internet not only brought us closer into a one-world mind overnight, from which immediately arose the so-called "global village" awareness, that if you remember, was heavily promoted by Bill and Hillary Clinton. By 1997, schools were actually encouraging the reading of novels based on Western Occult themes, black magic and sorcery, of which, JK Rowling infamously arose to fill that void. Now, also understand, with the onset of a New World coming, Satan's network has also planned a completely different alternate history of our planet that is to be revealed shortly after the Collapse. Seeing how they've already turned God's own end-time signs into some the scientific-sounding sideshow that it's become branded as "climate change" already look for no less of a coming scientific explanation hinging on their former "evolution" theories, to add something more extra-terrestrial as we near Antichrist's own arrival. When you understand that Satan and his legions are, in many ways, "alien" to our planet, you will grasp why so much emphasis is increasingly being put on the UFO phenomenon of late. Mankind will ultimately be told that they are not God's creation, as we know it, but the result of a creation by some otherworldly alien force, a deception that's already propagated in today's UFO/UAP documentary programming.

*Read Article Bible Predicts Witchcraft Will Deceive the Whole World into Accepting a Strong Delusion
*Read Article 1980's-Era Article(s) Highlighting Satanic Involvement in Corporate World and Education
*Read Article Population Control's 5 Reasons Why Millennials Not Having Kids (One is Climate Change)
*Read Article 'Globally Conscious' Prince Harry Comments No One Should Have More Than Two Children
*Read Article British Students Stage an Organized School Walk-Out to Protest for Climate Change Policies

'Global Warming' is the secular name given in the Godless media for Bible Prophecy being fulfilled. Anyone who dissents against the climate or Covid narrative is labeled as crazy, a terrorist, or seemingly worse, a "conspiracy theorist," thus programming and conditioning the world toward immediately dismissing anyone actually utilizing critical thinking against the shifting societal paradigm where you're literally being told how to think.

God's own signs of the end combined with the elite's twisted science being used to manipulate the weather and melt Arctic ice exists for the Problem-Solution purposes of the larger deception to promote "Green Thinking," ironically created by the very same evil corporations run by the same controlling elites that brought us deadly pollution in the first place. Covid is here to herd us all under increased corporate control, provide an excuse for elite-owned corporations to disrupt global supply chains, give rise to crippling inflation, and systematically dismantle world economies as a dry run for when the Satanic elites will extend their hand toward taking down the world economy for real. This will be done through what has always made them the most riches: War and illness. Not coincidentally, knowing how every US President always facilitates something within their tenure to fulfill corporate globalist demands, the Biden administration has early on marked two issues to define the legacy of his Presidency: 1) The Covid vaccine 2) Climate Change (aka Great Reset Agenda), his quote. Meanwhile, Putin's war-mongering reactions to NATO expansion will only exacerbate the rush toward a global collapse and a Western-run New World Order. The elite's will have their 'Great Reset' that wantonly uses both Coronavirus and climate change to further advance their remaining goals needed to bring in their darker, dystopian world.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

Following Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s shock announcement that they will be stepping down from their role as ‘senior’ members of the royal family, the Mountbatten-Windsor's have been making non-stop headlines. But among the Duke and Duchess’ controversial decision to step down and the celebrations around the Duchess of Cambridge’s birthday, one royal family member to make viral news this week was Prince William, getting the world talking as he took part in a top-secret London meeting. The secret event in question saw the Duke, President of BAFTA, take part in a roundtable discussion with broadcasters. The roundtable reportedly saw the Duke discussing a need to highlight climate change in the media with commissioning editors from Channel 4, ITV, BBC and Sky News.

Prince William’s Top Secret London Meeting

Another Bible prophecy that shall see its fulfillment in the very near future is likewise found in the New Testament that predicts how mankind will respond to God's wrath and destructive end-time signs that are now being deceptively called Global Warming via new laws to abstain from meats and refrain from marriage and/or having children. The Scriptures also tell us it is the Antichrist who is in charge of creating "new times and laws" after the Collapse. I Timothy 4:1, 3-4 states: The Spirit explicitly informs us that in the last days, some shall depart from the [Christian] faith to instead give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. They will forbid marriage and command others to abstain from meats which God has created to be received with thanksgiving." The trend in these last days is already tuned toward not accepting sound Biblical-based doctrine, but in its place is the return of Witchcraft and other paganism that are being promoted as pre-Christian "green, earth-based, vegan-friendly" religions. The prophecy further and more specifically informing us about the future forbidding of marriage is likely tied to the forbidding of births in keeping with the globalist's idea of reducing so-called carbon footprints by reducing supposed overpopulation in the future that remains the entire basis surrounding their faked "Climate Change" mind control already. Now, today's headline: UN Climate Report Urges People to Stop Eating Meat to Save the Planet. So, as proven countless times before, the mainstream media is also involved in brainwashing the world in order so that the globalists can take this next generation straight to the feet of the "Green Messiah" [Antichrist] of whom they were effectively trained to worship since kindergarten. (See also: 22 Population Control Quotes from the Global Elite.) The prophecy therefore seems to be fulfilled already, but it won't truly be fulfilled until after the Collapse, when the elites have reduced the world's population by a third and the mandate is given to end the consumption of meats and abstain from marriage under a single-child (or no-child) global mandate. Knowing this is where the world is going, how are the Templar powers preparing global society for a time when even greater end-time signs are raging and having no one come to the conclusion they are in fact signs from God of the end of time? Answer: "Global warming." It is of their design and why their controlled media is constantly referring back to it in order to force its belief. This is not to say that certain aspects of what is called "green sustainability" are not in themselves valid, they are, if only to curb all of the destructive industrial pollution that ravaging God's creation. So, it becomes an intriguing dynamic, therefore, that the same evil men who are wasting the planet today for profit are the same who are preparing for a time when their groomed despot arrives on a "green platform" to close the circle around the Project Monarch and MK-Ultra mind control programs that have kept British and American society locked within its unyielding mental trapping. While there is a massive campaign toward deceiving children in this regard within education, having been there since the Global Village ideology that was formed in the early 1990's from which sprung a heavier promotion of homosexuality, bisexuality, abortion, atheism and Witchcraft to become the demonic curriculum that it's become today, the backlash to counter such evil is never successful because post-Trump "Christians" have been motivated by hate of "the evil democrats" by the same "seducing spirits and doctrines of devils" that's turning them into ineffectual, slack-jawed racists. In other words, while the left has gone full Satanic with the only exception seen in their furthering civil rights and other humanitarian causes, the increasingly isolationist far-right offers no solution to enforced paganism other than to join with them spiritually to worship "pagan gods" (demons) themselves, such as the Aryan gods Odin or Thor. Thus have the Masonic powers made it so there is no escape from the Satanic globalist brainwashing that ultimately ends in accepting the Mark of the Beast slated for the diminished majority post-Collapse.

*Read Article Why Do Many Young, Ignorant, Racist Whites in America Find Fascism So Attractive?
*Read Article British Neo-Nazi's Calling for New 'Aryan Laws' and a 'Return to Pagan Worship'
*Read Article Satanic Occultism and Paganism is at the Heart of the Nazi Alt-Right Movement
*Read Article The Far Right is Rising Across Europe and its Ascendancy is Being Normalized

Despite the world going to Hell, most can't see it, and thus, blindly accept those talking points so readily given to the public by the Masonic-controlled media, as designed. We have long heard that this planet's most elite have their network of underground bunkers, military bases, and scientific research laboratories, by which they advance their mind control to perfection, but also know those same facilities are also manufacturing a deadly contagion to create a global pandemic that will largely depopulate the planet in advance of the Antichrist's arrival. After the Collapse, when the New World and its resulting New Order is finally complete and a global financial system is set up that enslaves all of humanity, shall the unseen elite that built his system of global governance finally relinquish all their amassed power, technology, and hidden wealth unto the Beast, fulfilling Daniel 11:43 ("But he will gain control over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all precious things." And this will completely blindside the Millennial and younger Generation Z, for they have been literally trained to completely disregard both God and Satan, whilst ensuring they collectively keep in perpetual lockstep with a Masonic-led hive mind that is deluged with their New World and Antichrist propaganda, and as such, are far more concerned with their individual "carbon footprint" in this temporary world than their own immortal soul. Despite their instilled hubris as a result of their Masonic education, brainwashed Millennials and Gen Z are doomed to have the recent history of World War II repeat, but instead of Hitler, it is the Antichrist who creates a Fourth Reich that they are still being recruited into from both the Left and the Right. Therefore, marvel not at the way they mock anything related to God, Christ, prophecy, or Scripture, while at the same time, promote everything of Satan of whom they believe doesn't exist. A perfect storm is coming with an entire generation having been created and explicitly attuned toward the Man of Sin. This is so obviously a direct result of the Masonic agenda and the complete removal of God in the public school system. Indeed, you'll find many youth today being further driven into Satan's top counterfeit of Christianity that is the New Age movement. One of the movement's most prolific authors is Eckhart Tolle, who encourages everyone "focus on the Now," as opposed to the eternal. This is so obviously one of Satan's greatest distractions, second only to his original deception given to Eve, that if you simply disobey God, all "knowledge" will be revealed unto you. That is what Satanic occultists live by. Focusing only on the now, instead of another's much more important eternal future, keeps one locked in a mindset where your personal Salvation (read: Jesus Christ) is never needed, which is precisely the mindset the Enemy of us all wants to deceive the world with. What God would have us do with each moment of the now, is to use it to save others and further the Kingdom of God, period. As the Body of Christ on earth, filled with the combined Holy Spirit of both the Father and of the Son, we are each called to undo the power of Satan and his demons that, like us, are also currently bound to this world. In that, Christ literally gave us each the vast power to "trample upon serpents, scorpions, and all of the power of the Enemy (Satan)" to open eyes and cast out the influence of demonic wickedness that binds people, so that each should receive forgiveness unto eternal life to become the children of the living God. Because Satan blinds, binds, and destroys, we are called to heal, free, and restore souls on the path back to our Creator. If you read anything contrary to this, or that places no value on Christ by which we could in no wise collectively return to the Father, then you couldn't throw such a book or its resulting ideology away fast enough. The Satanic 'New Age' counterfeit of Christ is just that. Infinity is always greater than fleeting moment. Therefore, the better mindset to have would be: What we labor within the now should always be working toward the Eternal. If one is going to effectively meditate on anything, it should be the explicit love of the Father that remains in Christ, not your breath, so-called chakra color, or Lucifer's "white light." When contemplating the Scriptures citing the Mark of the Beast becoming an established currency accepted throughout most of the planet, several intriguing points of interest immediately come to bear, not least of which indicates that the Mark or name of the Antichrist or the number of his name (666), will in itself become a kind of advanced global cryptocurrency connected to a New Age 'crystal' mantra that will supposedly bring one into perfect affinity and tune with the Beast as well as the whole of humanity itself, as deceptively "culty" and Orwellian as that sounds.

*Read Article Today's Futurist Millennials Resort to Paganism to Explain Away Christianity
*Read Article Anti-Christian Faith of Millennials Moves Towards a Secular New Age 'Spirituality'
*Read Article Generation Z Call Themselves 'Spiritual' but Why Aren’t They Attending Any Church?
*Read Article Judge Acquits Arrested Satanist for Disrupting Government Meetings with Satanic Prayers
*Read Article American Government Declares 'Temple of Satan' a Viable Religion with Tax-Exempt Status
*Read Article US in Moral Decline: Satanic Symbols Appearing at Government Buildings All Across the US
*Read Article Christian Chaplain Banned From Wearing a Christian Cross the Size of a Thumbnail in the UK

As Revelation 13 makes known, those not taking the Mark either upon their right hand or forehead will almost certainly be forced to live as a homeless and/or treasonous outcast of that future society under Satan's control. Since the entire world up that point has already been effectively brainwashed not to believe in any higher power other than themselves, they are easily manipulated to follow after whatever the Antichrist decrees in that coming post-Collapsed world that many will feel God forgot. It is therefore with no shortage of irony that the very same generation that has been systematically trained to abhor God and His prophetic Word, to the point of their great parody, ignorant mocking, and consistent ridicule, becomes the very same generation that, in turn, helps fulfill every remaining prophecy in God's Word. Together, the future Antichrist and his future Millennial/Gen Z audience are on the ascendant, at just the time this oblivious, but increasingly Sodom-like world, is receiving warning signs from above pointing to its impending demise. Is history repeating? Better asked, where are pagan Sodom, Babylon, Persia, Egypt, Greece, or the Roman Empire today? Clearly, their own elevated societies believed that they and their own cutting edge utopian kingdoms were indestructible. What need did they have of God when they became their own gods, or need for a Creator at the time of their destruction? Ask any youth today what sets their own generation apart from all the rest, and the first answer you'll get is: technology. And so here we are, media reports of late are subtly making a case for the need of a cashless society, citing that physical money can spread disease like Coronavirus. The advent of Coronavirus has only hastened this dystopian vision by those who control the West already. A recent report has surfaced proving a future whereby those not falling in line with the Covid-19 narrative, may be barred or otherwise have restricted access to travel, government buildings, medical facilities, sporting events and even restaurants. Thus, the kind of Global Citizen hive-mindset that the globalists are so desperately pushing are just further continued attempts at building the foundation that ultimately leads to the Mark of the Beast. That Mark will be a future identification system, financial cryptocurrency, as well as carry your medical and/or criminal history denoting you are a premier member of their brave New World under the guise of their "Great Reset." With it, there will no longer be a need for endless paper trails, further pushing the green narrative, as the Mark will store everything that is increasingly relative to the modern global citizen. This includes their academic achievements, work and vaccination history, medical records, as well as their link to each other, as this post-Collapse technology will be able to connect to a future internet and allow communication between one, a group, or the entire global network of "marked" citizens, not to mention this same Mark includes a global tracking device connected to their virtual wallet and electronic bank accounts. The addition of wearable 'Smart Glasses,' (worn on the forehead) would bring an entire world of interactive virtual reality into everything they see, touch, and hear, the Image of the Beast, as it were. It is because every facet of their lives is currently falling under some form of Orwellian control, with a smart phone attached to everyone's right hand already, containing their "virtual wallet," ID, and other records, that society will so naturally accept the resulting technology. The World Economic Forum presents the ‘Great Reset’ as a positive and leave it up to CNN and similar mainstream media that are being controlled by government security agencies to propagate its supposed necessities, now and in the future. However, when implemented, such an Orwellian system will of course only usher in a new dark age of soul-destroying totalitarian tyranny as prophesied it would. (See also Same IBM Tech Given to Nazi's for Holocaust Computation Now Used for Covid Vaccine Compliance Tracking.)

BREAKING Bill Gates Prepares World for Global ID Card as Precursor to Mark of the Beast

*Read Article Bank of England Governor Calls for a New Global Monetary System to Replace Dollar
*Read Article Current US Debt Crisis Wasn’t Supposed to Happen Until 2035, Covid-19 Accelerating It

While the Antichrist is not yet in direct control of the planet, his global Mark of the Beast system is already being planned whereby the important freedoms that we all took for granted will be lost in the globalist's plan post-Collapse. Mass compliance will become the new normal of their New World will those who want to survive, thrive within their utopian-styled "15-minute cities" resulting from the globalist's post-Collapse "build back better" [bbb/666] plan. (See also CNN Pushes Idea Coronavirus-Infected Money Should Prompt the Need of a Completely Cashless Society.) In short, the reason the CIA and MI6 created the "Crown virus" scare was to serve the Crown's agenda going forward to drive the mass compliance needed for people to be forced with the ultimate choice of receiving the Mark of the Beast on their right hands or foreheads or being forced into a virtual death sentence without it. While the Antichrist is not yet in direct control of the planet, his global Mark of the Beast system is already being built in advance of his arrival. Tech executives say specialized glasses similar to but less bulky and more comfortable than the virtual reality headsets of today will allow for greater connections to an AI-based system of human augmentation where you're able to buy and sell from home with a mere thought. Also being created in the present to serve the future are AI-powered robots to fulfill nearly every task from shipping to corporate CEO-level management. It was Revelation 13:15-18 that quite plainly informed us: “And he [the False Prophet] had power to give life [AI] unto the Image of the Beast and that the Image of the Beast would both speak and cause as many as would not worship the Image of the Beast to be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a Mark in their right hand or in their foreheads that no man might buy or sell, unless he that had the Mark, or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast. For it is the number of a man and his number is 666.” At end, the Antichrist's Mark of the Beast would likely employ a combination of all these technologies rooted in AI-empowered quantum computing empowered by the latest in clear graphene chips or the even more advanced silicon-photonic (SiPh) chips that use light instead of electricity to carry out a quintillion computations per second perhaps paired with quartz or purer crystal that has been miniaturized into a wearable biometric augmentation linked within a cashless, cryptocurrency-based financial system. While the Mark of the Beast connects itself to the Sun represented by a solar spiral, the Image of the Beast will incorporate an AI-empowered augmented reality from which to stay connected within the Beast's globally connected network. Despite the general belief many still hold the Mark, what will almost certainly not appear on the right hand or forehead of those who accept the new system will be the number 666 overtly printed across it. Lucifer's infamous number will however be covertly embedded within it, unseen. What will be seen and heard in that darker future is the dystopian narrative that such a global financial system is both warranted and necessary in the post-Collapse New World. It would also appear that those who take the Mark during the first half of the Tribulation will have as their largest incentive for doing so the enticement of becoming wealthy or at least be provided every creature comfort within their 15-minute city zone. This would be especially true in Israel in keeping with the scripture "But in his estate shall he honor the god of forces, and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honor with gold and silver and with precious stones and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the greatest strongholds with a strange god whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory. And he shall cause them to rule over many and shall divide the [Holy] land for gain." Daniel 11:38-39

*Read Article Millennial Claims 'There's Good Life Lessons in The Satanic Bible'
*Read Article Why Younger Millennials Are Turned Off by the 'End of the World' Talk
*Read Article A Millennial's Mindset: I Am the Future of Tech Banking and Biometrics (666)
*Read Article Prince William and Prince Harry Seen by Youth Today as the 'Ultimate Millennials'
*Read Article Brainwashed From Birth: Millennials Already Think Like New World Order Citizens
*Read Article The Queen Secretly Wants Prince William Next to Take British Throne, Not Charles
*Read Article USA Today: Today's Millennial Generation Wants King William Next to Rule England

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist EU New World Order London Deep State Europe Bible Gog Magog Prophecy World War III UK British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult Trump Project 2025 MAGA Far Right Racist Nazi Fascist Government World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 Davos Great Reset Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Pedophile Cannibal Blood King Arthur 666 Asteroid Strike Climate Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control US Collapse

A Google executive has recently spoke about AI and how it is being programmed into every leading industry. He openly described how AI is quickly evolving and how the government is monitoring and controlling people through technology already in development at Google and through think tank ventures like the 2045 Initiative. In the last phase of the 2045 Initiative, for example, nanotechnology will be interwoven into our brains to bring us cybernetic immortality and what some are calling “spiritual self-improvement.” The executive further explained that obtaining data is the key; it will be used to modify individual behavior as we head into a cashless society with cryptocurrencies and their logo(s) [Mark of the Beast] as well as bringing no cash into stores and banks becoming more commonplace. Revelation 13:15 depicting the "Image of the Beast" being able to both hear and speak, tells us much about the future technology which almost certainly will be paired, where the latest in quantum computing meets AI advances. Once again God is warning us, showing where computer technology is going and what that Mark of the Beast system and network will yet become. Therefore, we must be aware of the signs of its arrival. The Google executive said that people are “unaware that they are being controlled today by technology.” Given the way people have absolutely given their lives over to the Internet as their false god already, how could such an era described in Revelation not be on the horizon? As we approach each day closer to the Antichrist's progressively tuned, "gender-neutral," Witchcraft-laden, pagan god worshipping, globalist Utopia on earth, the world seems increasingly impervious to the glaring fact that they are being conditioned into accepting Satan's own mark on their right hand or foreheads and that no one will be able to buy anything without it. Under Trump's, then Biden's watch, Covid arrived to herd us all under increased corporate control, provide an excuse for elite-owned corporations to disrupt global supply chains, and systematically dismantle world economies to allow a global economic collapse to inevitably take down the old order in favor of their coming new order with one to lead it, a plan long worked toward and becoming more obvious by the day. Not coincidentally, knowing how every US President [and Pope] facilitates something within their tenure to fulfill corporate globalist demands driving the Masonic plan, the Biden administration has itself marked two issues to define its legacy: 1) The Covid vaccine 2) Climate Change 3) Build Back Better [bbb/666]. Meanwhile, Putin's war-mongering reactions to NATO expansion will only exacerbate the rush toward a global collapse and a Western-run New World Order. The elite will have their 'Great Reset' that wantonly uses both Coronavirus and climate change to further advance their remaining goals needed to bring in their darker, even more dystopian world needed. As Christ said in Matthew 10:15, "It shall be more tolerable for the generation of Sodom and Gomorra in the Day of Judgment than for that [last] generation!" Why? Because neither Sodom or Gomorrah had the luxury of having the Biblical prophecies to at least warn them during their day - which is something this latter generation has been conditioned to reject out of hand to their own greater peril. Suffice it to say, as the world increasingly denies their own Creator, how could the cancerous Satanic agenda that's existed since a marked Cain walked this earth not increasingly fill the resulting void? In related news, it seems that while the elder Royals, including Prince Charles, Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II, attended a recent event celebrating the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, that their Golden Child and highly favored future king, Prince William was once again noticeably absent. That is ironic given that William is a direct descendant of King James himself through his late mother.

*Read Article He's the Future Defender of Faith So Why Does Prince William Hardly Ever Go to Church?
*Read Article Why the Masonic Queen of England Pretends to be a Christian 'Defender of the Faith'
*Read Article Princess Elizabeth Made a Welsh Druid (Druids Were Known for Human Sacrifices)
*Read Article Several B/W Films of a Young Princess Elizabeth Becoming a Druid Bard (in 1946)
*Read Article A Masonic Group Held a Demonic “Last Supper” in the Queen's Anglican Church
*Read Article The Queen's Church of England is Shamed as Inquiry Finds its Child Sex Abuse
*Read Article The British Royal Family Are Supposed to be Christians - But Are They Really?
*Read Article The Royal Family Doesn't Want General Public Knowing It is Entirely Masonic
*Read Article William's Bullying Discovered as Reason Behind Prince Harry Leaving UK
*Read Article With Harry Out, The Queen Offers New Royal "Religious" Role for William
*Read Article Prince William Taking Another Step Toward Becoming the Masonic Christ

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist EU New World Order London Deep State Europe Bible Gog Magog Prophecy World War III UK British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult Trump Project 2025 MAGA Far Right Racist Nazi Fascist Government World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 Davos Great Reset Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Pedophile Cannibal Blood King Arthur 666 Asteroid Strike Climate Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control US Collapse

More than anyone else, the Satanic elite know their time is short, and this is another of their desperate attempts to control the narrative and remove the Creator from His creation while forcing mankind into a "Mother Gaia" and "Green Religion" mindset, in preparation for their New Age Messiah. Therefore it is no wonder that Satan's Anglo-elites are using "Global Warming" to first, explain away God's own specific warning signs of the end, while also ensuring mankind is properly conditioned (brainwashed) for the world ruler's own future agenda in advance of his arrival. One clear evidence that certain mainstream media is involved in the 'green' promotion of the globalist's New Age agenda, is their assembling of New Age spiritualists and guru's like Deepak Chopra to explain to us why "Climate Change" is 'real.' You'd think it would make more sense for spiritual "experts" to stay in their own philosophical lane, but the media is increasingly lining up that by which the world is to be deceived with in advance of the Antichrist taking power. Understand, it is not the creation but the Creator that is showing us signs of what He already forewarned would happen long ago in regard to man's sin. For in the same way that the world turns its face increasingly against God, so does God turn His face against the world. Worse, the more Christ is debased among mankind, the more power is given Satan to trash our earth and destroy mankind. While its largely the Democrats pushing a green agenda, the Republicans cannot hide behind their wall of moral exclusivity against the obvious need of clean technology. Corporate-allied conservative media consistently downplays the fact that industrial pesticides and pollution are a huge and deadly factor not only on our own health, but the general health of the planet. So while I agree that climate change as it's being reported doesn't exist, but corporate greed and pollution certainly does -- and this is something that the Republican party, while patting themselves on the back over all of their so-called high moral standards, superior ethics, former eugenics, and supposed Christian beliefs, never wants to address. This is why corporate evil in the West, has employed increasingly deadlier methods of population control as they advance toward their 2030 goal, via needless wars, untraceable bioweapons, and deadly pesticides waged against the masses knowing that their final depopulating event would bring a final Collapse of the current system. In other words, the globalist plan dictates that current hedonism will eventually lead to a much deadlier physical falling away in advance of their rising Son of Perdition. Ironically, man's current dependency on fossil fuels that powered the latter part of the industrial age largely had its provenience in the American industrialist Henry Ford, a Jew-hating funder of Hitler's rise to power, but Ford was certainly not alone. (Ford and General Motors Scrutinized for Their Nazi Collaborations and How Britain and America Made the Third Reich.) Henry Ford being idolized by Adolf Hitler enough to receive an honorable mention in Mein Kamph tells us all we need to know about Anglo-Israelism and its inherent connection to Nazism. A recent statistic regarding multinational corporate entities cited that nearly all business today is owned in some way by twelve major corporations, and that number is shrinking all the time thru various sellouts, mega-mergers, and unifying consolidations. This is precisely what I meant by the corrupt Republican Party's faked rally behind the issue of supposedly being "pro-life," when the very corporations they support, enrich, and receive kickbacks from, are killing not only the unborn in the womb via pollution, but all of us in great numbers via the many diseases their products knowingly cause. Ultimately, a single corporate entity will exist that controls the entire planet post-collapse. Its future CEO has long been predicted in Revelation 13 to control all buying and selling, provided one carries his mark or corporate logo.

*Read Article Our Children's Pop Culture Control Serves Queen Elizabeth, the Royal Families and Satan
*Read Article The Arthurian 'Grail DNA Lineage' and Today's Generation of So-Called 'Indigo Children'
*Read Article First Hand Proof that Witchcraft and the Occult are the Gateways to Demonic Contact
*Read Article Ignorant Millennials Encouraged to Name their Children After Demons and Devils
*Read Article New Wave of Anti-Israel Hate Among Top College Campuses Across America
*Read Article The Millennials are Growing Up: America's Dark, Secular and Satanic Future
*Read Article Another Millennial Claims Church of Satan & Satanism Makes a Lot of Sense
*Read Article College Students Hold Offensive Signs Mocking Jesus and Praising Satan
*Read Article USA Today: The Millennial Generation Wants King William Next to Rule

The signs both in the heavens as well as upon the earth can no longer be ignored. The decade of 2010 began with a sharp increase of massive and deadly earthquakes beginning in January 2010 with the great Haiti quake, then another in Chile just days later. One year later, on March 11th 2011, came the 4th largest earthquake ever recorded in history with the devastating 9.0 earthquake/tsunami in Japan. In fact, 2011 proved to be the most destructive and costly year for natural disasters ever, thus far. God is warning us all of what else is to come. I've also noticed that many natural disasters seem to be reserved for year's end, in or around December, near Christmas. So it was, on the last day of November 2018, came the most devastating earthquake near Anchorage, Alaska in the state's history. Since at least the 2004 Christmas Eve Tsunami in the Indian Ocean that struck Indonesia, Thailand, and Sri Lanka and claimed 230,000 lives, we have had several year's end disasters involving mostly earthquakes, as if God is highlighting the name of Christ, and Christmas, amidst a backdrop of increasingly Apocalyptic portents. Another dramatic sign was the powerful 2011 earthquake at Christ's Church, New Zealand on Christmas Eve, that jolted the appropriately named city (that was only beginning to recover from the major 7.8 earthquake that occurred 10 months prior and killed 185 people) to which Prince William came in the wake of that disaster to make a speech of how he and the Royals would stand by them in their rebuilding efforts. Christchurch was struck yet again on Christmas in 2014 and again eleven months later in November 2016. (See also Prince William Visits Christchurch 2019 Mosque Attack Survivors in New Zealand. (See also New Zealand Government Website Erases Israel From Map, Replaces it with Palestine.) Immediately after the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse, came an undeniable destructive wave of three record hurricanes that destroyed the best known American-funded "paradises" in the Caribbean, including Puerto Rico, and the Florida Keys. A year later, Paradise, California itself was utterly wiped off the map by a wildfire that was solely blamed on global warming. Again, near Christmas, came the volcano eruption near Java that caused a killer tsunami in the middle of the night that swept away and killed hundreds. In September 2019, the Bahamas, another paradise in the Caribbean, was obliterated by Hurricane Dorian killing untold numbers. In 2023, came lightning dramatically striking Rio's Christ the Redeemer statue days after the deadly Turkey/Syria quake that killed over 50,000 people. Ultimately, it is entirely up to each individual whether or not they are helping in the effort to bringing Heaven or Hell upon our world, but the signs remain clear nonetheless as to how, collectively, man has chosen his way over his Creator's will. On the other side of what God is doing, the world's elites have warned us of the global depopulation event they have planned. Prince Phillip, Prince Charles, and now, Prince William are effectively reading off the same script when they are telling us that a 'culling' of global society must come, and is coming, so that they are allowed to continue in a world of peace and prosperity, while the rest of us are to become all the more pawns of their twisted game. While Prince William and his grandfather connect the earth's wildlife with the depopulation of humans, Prince Charles is off making speeches touting the "positive effects" that abortion is having in "developing nations."

*Read Article Mainstream Media Censors Leading Environmentalist Exposing Climate Change as a Myth
*Read Article Thousands of Pagan Witches are Assembling to Battle Against 'Global Climate Change'
*Read Article Finnish Study Finds Climate Change and its Supposed Human Connection Insignificant
*Read Article Al Gore's Films on Faked 'Climate Change' Blames End-Time Signs on C02 Emissions
*Read Article Swedish School Under Fire for Forcing Children to Take Part in Global Climate Strike
*Read Article 'Global Warming' Data is Manipulated Because United States is Cooling Since 1930's
*Read Article Intentional Efforts to Cause Glacier Melting by Those Behind Faked 'Climate Change'
*Read Article NOAA Scientists Falsify Data to Dupe World Leaders Toward Climate Change Laws
*A Must Read Book The 'Global Warming' Scare Is About Population Reduction - Not Science

Prince Phillip was infamous in saying that he wished to return [via reincarnation] "as a deadly virus in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation." He went further to say, "I don't claim to have any special interest in natural history, but as a boy I was made aware of the annual fluctuations in the number of game animals and the need to adjust the cull to the size of the surplus population." So, that's where his formal [Nazi] education, that's now turned entirely into eugenic-thinking, abortion, and population control via plague started out, as a boy. Speaking during the Tusk gala Thursday, the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William said the growing human population is damaging the environment, and more must be done reverse the trend. He went on, “In my lifetime, we have seen global wildlife populations decline by over half,” Prince William said. “We are going to have to work much harder and think much deeper, if we are to ensure that human beings and the other species of animal with which we share this planet can continue to co-exist. Africa’s rapidly growing human population is predicted to more than double by 2050, a staggering increase of three and a half million people per month. “There is no question that this increase puts wildlife and habitat under enormous pressure. Urbanization, infrastructure development, cultivation—all good things in themselves, but they will have a terrible impact unless we begin to plan and to take measures now.” Despite his blatant call for population reduction for Blacks in Africa, and despite his father Prince Charles loudly behind abortion as a method of population control in "developing nations," Prince William and his wife, are adding yet another of their shared Bloodline to our ignorantly swooning world today. As I write, Prince William and his wife are in hospital having their third, and Prince Charles couldn't be happier "about their future." However, Prince Charles has just returned from another speaking engagement, where he says he fears we are “perilously close to an environmental calamity that will ultimately result in the end of humanity unless we act now.” He then added, “Our survival as a species is dependent on us living in harmony with our environment. Failure to do so will prove catastrophic.” In a memorable scene from The Omen III film that has always stayed with me since it first appeared in theaters. The Antichrist, Damien Thorn, is shown his own corporate-created documentary film put out there for the masses showcasing Thorn Industries as solving world hunger thru hybrid crop modification of soybeans. After watching the film, Damien snickers, knowing the world feels indebted to him because he has seemingly solved one of their most important issues. He also creates a youth following realizing their importance toward world domination. In this same way does the Masonic hegemony and their Masonic-led Prince work, within Problem/Solution. While the imperialist Royal hegemony involves itself in everything that continues to plague humanity, like world hunger, they will also provide its "solution" to everything they have already corrupted. One must understand also, what the UK government is currently calling "Brexit" is yet another distraction to grant the British government increased resource and time to prepare for what they know is actually a coming Collapse, their greatest depopulation event to affect our planet in advance of placing the Antichrist. In their control of the timing of such an event, it would not surprise me that the corporate elites haven't used HAARP for nefarious ends or created a satellite that uses the Sun to superheat and melt the glaciers that they're basing much of their global warming and overpopulation rhetoric on.

*Read Article Global Elitists Have Planned to Reduce Our Global Population Through 'Coming Events'
*Read Article Satanic Illuminati Plans a Destruction of the Present Order so a New World Can Result
*Read Article Prince Charles Hails Abortion and the Population Control of Many Developing Nations
*Read Article Prince William Gives Speech, Warns 'Too Many People Currently Living on the Planet'
*Read Article Prince William's Eton New Entrance Exam Question: UK’s Out of Gas, Kill Protesters?
*Read Article A Group of Elite UK Soldiers Activated for Brexit Stationed in Bunker Named 'PINDAR'
*Read Article PINDAR: Another Occult Code Word and Name for Satan in His Role as the Antichrist
*Read Article Prince William's 3 Weeks Working in Secret with the British Spy Agency MI5 and MI6
*Read Article The UK is Currently Stockpiling Thousands of Body Bags in Advance of the Collapse
*Read Article InfoWars: The Elite Agenda for Global Population Control Not a Conspiracy Theory

And think not that their methods of mind control end with their media. It works on many fronts. You've heard of the "anti-vaxxer" movement, where parents today absolutely refuse to give their children any (or any more) immunization shots, while the media pushes the consistent narrative that shots should be absolutely mandatory. Anti-vaxxers would demand justice all the more if they ever became privy to how the same twisted US government that experimented with various methods of mind control upon unwitting test subjects in the 1950's, using such powerful hallucinogenic chemicals as LSD, ultimately created even more powerful, untraceable, mind-altering chemicals they then placed in vaccines, their goal all along. The entire MK-Ultra mind control program spearheaded by the CIA and MI5 had nothing to do with countering the Soviets, as history loves to tell us. Their evil far transcends such common diversions given to the general public to distract their thinking. The end result of all their experimentation led to chemicals, that by 1990, found their way into our children's immunization vaccines in the West. With that, an entire generation is now affected to become future citizens (mental slaves) of a coming system that they will believe is their only hope for survival at precisely the time the Antichrist assumes power. However, despite their wanton attempt at being untraceable, there came a very noticeable side effect of their perverted science, nonetheless. Autism rates saw a sharp and dramatic increase at the same time the newly formulated vaccines were released. Where autism only affected 1 in 10,000 children in the 1980's, it mysteriously jumped to 1 in 150 children in the year 2000 (when my autistic child was born) to today's 1 in every 59 children. (See also Anti-vaccine Posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Would Be Banned Under New UK Laws and Australia Wants to Punish "Anti-Vaxxers" for Refusing Any Future Coronavirus Vaccine and Anti-vaxxer Ads Now Banned on Facebook as Platform Pledges to Promote Vaccines and The CIA's Quest For Mind Control.) One conspiracy blogger has summed it up perfectly. "The Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Institution helped in funding the German eugenics program and even funded the program that Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz. They were all in league with some of America’s most respected scientists hailing from such prestigious universities as Stanford, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. These academicians espoused race theory and race science, and then faked and twisted data to serve eugenics’ racist aims. Ever since the United Nations assumed primary control and responsibility over the Global Depopulation Policy in the early 1960s, it has been looking for more [destructive] ways to achieve the intended demographic objectives and has concentrated much of its effort and resources on finding psychosocial ways to change the dynamic of family life. Destroying families is a fundamental way of killing off or trimming that fat of a world whose population needs to decrease." This agenda by the UN goes even further, rising above the original Agenda 21 Program, that's now updated to having its sinister goals met by 2030, instead of the original 2050. At the recent "2030 Summit on Global Sustainability," new rules were pushed to enforce 17 sustainable development goals and 169 sustainable development targets designed to radically transform our world by 2030. All of this sounds well and good especially when compared to Trump and his Republican party polluting and trashing the planet for their short-term monetary gain, but even this is all a façade on the globalist's part. The Agenda 2030 plan, implemented worldwide, is there to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and ultimately, all human beings in the world. "And he will divide the land for gain." (Daniel 11:39). Aside from the Satanic elites own gains through abortion, disease, plague, and subtle eugenic programs, is the news that because of global pollution, the human race will have an increasingly difficulty being able to reproduce, exactly as the elites would have it (the Scripture in 1 Timothy 4:3 predicting when marriage itself will made a pariah in the end of days, notwithstanding). I'll leave it up to you to determine what Revelation 11:18 means: "And the nations were angry, for thy wrath is come, when the time of the dead should be judged, when thou shalt reward thy servants, the prophets, and destroy them which destroy the earth."

*Read Article Trump Helping His Corporate Cronies Pollute the World for Financial Gain
*Read Article America Uses 388 Million Pounds of Fatal Pesticides Banned in EU, China
*Read Article “Destroy and Curtail” Trump OK’s Destructive Bio-Engineering on Refuges
*Read Article Trump Refuses to Ban Pesticide Linked to Autism Damage in Our Children
*Read Article GOP Pedo-Chud Matt Gaetz Mocks Autistic Child of Democrat Opponent
*Read Article BASF Knew for Years that Their Farm Products Destroy American Farms
*Read Article Family Awarded More than $1.5 Million in Vaccine-Autism Court Win

As Christ said when praying to His Father, there are those who could never be plucked out of His hand because they were "chosen before the foundation of the world." As such, a man stands as less than nothing without His Creator who daily nurtures his frail existence in this very fragile world that daily sustains him. This is the fear of the Lord that leads one to all wisdom, that we are nothing without God who at every moment since the very beginning, helps us live in trillions of ways that many still take for granted in this world every day. While those having blind faith shall literally see God in Heaven, those who remain spiritually blind on earth shall be given a new world whereby you are deceived by your own eyes, where wicked angels appear as Holy, Satan as Messiah, and the coming post-apocalyptic 'New Earth' as a one-world, globally United Kingdom ruled by a Once and Future King. It's therefore ironic to know that the very same royals and corporate globalists who claim they're "saving the planet" via green summits and various ecological causes, great resets, et al, are actually the ones destroying it through every means available to them for profit. This is why they await the moment when the "inevitable destruction" occurs that causes approximately "two billion people worldwide" to suddenly be counted among the dead and missing in subsequent cataclysmic events that occur during the Collapse, so they will say when in reality, Christ has raptured His Church from the face of the earth to which it is estimated that there are two-billion Christians on the planet now. That is also not a coincidence, that the globalists are already perparing the deceived world for 2-billion being estimated among the dead and missing during a future global collapse when that is exactly the same number of Christians to be taken up in the twinkling of an eye to meet Jesus in the air. I was asked recently "Why would he [Christ] need to 'lift everybody in the air?'" I replied: "Did He not lift up Noah out of the water? Did He not lift up Lot out of and from the fire descending upon Sodom? Did He not lift up and save Lazarus from the earthly grave? He WILL lift up His Church into the air, and forever shall we be with the Lord. Amen." As I make greater mention of in the Rapture page of this same website, I do believe the Rapture is not only Pre-Tribulation, it is directly connected to the prophecy that was clearly given by the pre-incarnated Christ in Ezekiel 38-39, when Russia is prophesied to invade Israel, after which leads to major fulfillments of multiple prophecies thereafter, including the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple and later rise of the Antichrist whereby Satan steps into his deceptive role as a Davidic Messiah. Satan, planning for the end of time far in advance, has not been idle in his Masonic 'Great Work' if the Anti-Rapture conspiracy being repeated among some today is another indicator of his discouraging would-be Christians toward a sense of increasing angst and apathy regarding Christ's power and will to save His Church from wrath. Working like a demonic worm into the collective minds of Christians today is this idea that because Christ suffered greatly before He was ultimately killed by the will of the Jewish people and the hands of the Romans, that Christians need never suffer at all because Christ did it all for them. I asked one who has given herself over to such belief the following: "Excuse me, but what Christ did was take our collective sins upon Himself so that we could have a working path back to God the Father, not so that we could sit and revel in the fact of how "saved" we are. Did not Peter and Paul suffer greatly even after Christ suffered on the cross? That is why we Christians know and better understand that to be doing the actual work of a Christian in this world (that is still controlled by Satan) we will suffer intensely as all of those who did Christ's work before us have suffered in one way or another for it. Understand, if we're actually doing the work of a Christian, Satan and his demons will certainly seek us out and attack us at times with every temptation this world has, and, in general, they make us endure a difficult time with others they control. In fact, Peter and Paul, just for two examples, suffered intensely and ultimately were killed for their work in saving thousands via their testimony of Jesus Christ. Paul even listed all of his many sufferings in the New Testament such as shipwrecks, jailings, death threats, being hunted constantly by the Roman Empire, but as he himself stated, he found joy in such sufferings because he realized as [true] Christians, we will still suffer and be tested in this world but on the other side of which is eternity with our God. The point is that even though Jesus suffered and died, we too must "overcome the world," as He did and through His example. What Christ gave us therefore was the STRENGTH and POWER to endure the suffering; to "trample under foot every power of the enemy," as He stated, but we are only granted that kind of power if we are [true] Christians not just in word only, but more importantly, in deed, in doing the key work as Paul and Peter employed themselves into which is saving others at all cost to oneself. That is how we, as [true] Christians best serve Christ, even as He Himself stated we are to do. We are to go out into all of the world and save as many people as God would put before us. Anything less is just that. Too many "Christians" today have become lazy and there are too many warnings in the New Testament about "the evil and slothful servant" of Christ to want to remain slothful, which God equates to being evil. An actual Christian in communication with His Lord already knows these things, for Christ speaks with him/her and tells them what they need to do, via His Word being daily read, but also, Christ will directly communicate with our spirit. It's up to us whether we listen to that daily commandment given us, or not. Suffice it to say, if you aren't living for God's Kingdom today, then you're already for Satan's world tomorrow, and assuming you survive what is coming, the will of the many will unwittingly help build his One-World Kingdom.

*Read Article Unlocking the Bible: 3 Tests God Ordains for His People
*Read Article The World and our Time in the Flesh: Life is a Grand Test
*Read Article Satan's Five 'I Wills': God's Temple and Throne in the 'Sides of the North'
*Read Article Can You Explain Satan's Origin and His Fall? Was He Created Before Eden?

Whatever form the coming global destruction takes, it will cause entire governments of nations to no longer be in control of their population, seemingly. There will be no law, early on, except those which survivors make for themselves. The world will initially be filled with death and violence and a return to only the strong surviving will naturally prevail. Should you find yourself as a survivor of the coming events, do right by God and man, no matter the consequences of those around you leading you to do otherwise. The test continues, even after the Rapture. As such, shall Satan work thru his Rex Mundi to further take the unsaved world into their global Luciferian initiation, and into Hell itself. For by Satan's blood came evil into the world, and only by God's Holy Blood, willingly shed by Christ, can that same evil be taken away, so that if we so choose it, mankind has been provided a way out of all that is coming upon this planet through the redemptive Blood of Jesus Christ. If Christ was tested for 40 days in the desert by Satan himself, how much more would we be tested throughout our entire lives, but whose salvation therefore rests within He who has already passed every test of life itself? Those who control this world system are very close to seeing their time, with zero interference from those of us who are standing up and speaking out, but even in that, is God's will fulfilled. Satan shall be given everything that makes a final end to his indignation, until the moment God Himself utters "It (the test) is finished." As to why has it taken so long for God to make an end to Satan, again, it was decided long ago that Satan would be allowed his time that leads to the Anti-Christ, as Daniel 9:21-24 states: -- "While I was still praying, Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, flew swiftly to touch me about the time of the evening oblation. And he informed me and talked with me, saying, Daniel, I have now come forth to give thee skill and understanding... therefore understand the matter and consider the vision. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy Holy city [Zion], to finish the transgression [of Satan] and to make an end of sins... to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy [Messiah, Jesus Christ]." From also Daniel 11:36, we read: [Antichrist] shall prosper till the indignation [of Satan] is accomplished for all of what is determined shall be done." As such, those that Satan can tempt away from God shall not be allowed into God's eternal Kingdom, while those who love God and do His commandments, and then overcome the world, pass God's test to enter into eternity with Him. Thus, your life is all a test, making Satan's needed existence within our testing itself a kind of threshing tool to achieve God's plan for a perfected Kingdom. Where Angels were too easily given the Kingdom of God automatically upon their creation, mankind must earn their way by fusing their own will with that of God's will, as opposed to Lucifer's rebellious and chaotic "Do what thou will" mantra. God's test of His creation and their established free will is therefore necessary to determine where each soul will be placed, accordingly, within that vast eternity. Revelation 21 explains: "And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth, and I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying, Behold, the Temple of God is with men, and He will dwell with them and they shall be His people. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away. And He that sat upon the Throne said, Behold, I make all things as new. And He said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And He [Jesus] said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcomes [the old world] shall inherit all things [in the New World] and I will be His God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the Lake of Fire." As such, the overwhelming proof that life was a test, of your eternal spirit, is the Judgment of man whilst he was in his temporary flesh, from that test's origin at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, in the presence of Satan, until the final Judgment of all the souls of mankind in the presence of God and His Holy Angels. Death is not an end, for anyone, but literally another beginning. The very fact that God the Father requires mankind to have a particular reverence for His only begotten Son may in itself go a long way in showing us another clue in what Lucifer did, and perhaps more importantly did not do, that led to his iniquitous fall into a world by which we are also currently bound. Where godlike Angels were then tested via Lucifer's rebellion, we have come into the much less divine and knowledgeable flesh to test whether or not we could find the Way back to the Father. Those souls who find and place their Creator as their only guiding Light are therefore judged worthy of the Father and all that the Son has prepared for them. This is the beginning of all wisdom.

*Read Article UK Royals Anglican Church Brainwashes Children to Engage in Simulated Same-Sex Marriages
*Read Article British Royal's Own Anglican Church Paving the Way for Pagan-Centered "Goddess" Inclusion
*Read Article The Five-Fold Pentacle Plan of the Freemasons: The Masonic Destruction of Christian America

Revelation 20-22 goes on to tell us that after the Millennium of Christ, those who have overcome the world and all its many trappings of sin, are rewarded with an entirely New Heaven that is situated atop a coming New Earth, upon which the collective citizens of Christ's Kingdom are provided the power of the Morning Star (Satan's former position in Heaven). They are also given a new name, known only to them and God, to reflect their individuality and what they mean to God as an individual child of His divine grace. This is why Christ set the perfect example for us, telling us in all truth of how we are to love, help, and encourage one another in our earthly walk on that narrower path into our Father's eternal Kingdom. This is also precisely what Satan's is working against, and why he is increasingly dividing us further and shoving mankind far from his Creator. In this, he is succeeding on a global scale, but not without man's own ongoing vanity and willing ignorance in regard to what is true. Ergo, from the first such test at the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in Eden, unto the last created soul to be born on earth, we are all tested, first and last. Who or what have you made as your God? Within that, God shall judge accordingly. We will all be judged by God's testing of us in the flesh. Thus, serving either the spirit or the flesh is entirely up to you. You can only serve one. All that God requires of us is to prove our individual rejection of Lucifer's path of swelling pride and obstinate jealousy by showing Him a few very basic characteristics that can be summed up in universal love, the kind of which opens your heart to never feel jealous or hold enmity against others for their given position in life, neither of which was Lucifer willing to edify in himself when he coveted the Son and turned violent against the Father. For just as God's first created sentient being himself was tested, and failed, is also why God desires to see that we are humble, in our own test of this life, so that He may give us our collective position as The Morning Star, alongside His own First Begotten Son (Revelation 2:28) to become joint heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17). This is the mystery revealed of our collective existence in this tested world, and the love of our Lord Jesus Christ who has given us all things so that we may be accounted as the Children of God of that loving Father who made us enough to make us as heirs alongside His eternally Beloved. Thus, what Satan has lost due to pride, God will give us freely, through Christ, who purposefully humbled Himself to undo the working of Satan through His shed Blood. As that first sentient being of creation, Lucifer witnessed the creation of every soul that came after him, as well as the Universe itself. As such, Lucifer believed that he should be looked upon by all others as God's highest example of creation and hold an eternal position next to the Godhead that was even greater than what he was already given. Satan still wants to become as God, despite the fact that the created can never be equal or greater than his Creator. As the Book of Job attests, there was a time when the two Morning Stars "sang together" for joy over the Universe's majestic abode called Earth, the abode of both Angels and a race (or races) of pre-Adamic beings. At some point in the dateless past, however, all of that became corrupted. When Satan tempted Jesus, taking Him to the pinnacle of the highest mountain, saying he would hand over all of the kingdoms of the ancient world to Christ, if He would simply throw Himself off to the rocks below, it is understood by most Biblical scholars that Satan held/still holds power over entire kingdoms because those same worldly kingdoms became Godless and fell into Satan's global paradigm of rejecting the One God, for the so-called "many gods" within paganism, which is in itself unwitting Satanism since paganism denies both the Father and the Son in favor of myths that cloak Satan and his demons. What has changed 2,000 years later? Understand, Satan has had a clear and definitive plan of his own, which is to steer the world from the worship of the many "gods," seen in the Occult, into the sole worship of him as God. This is why it becomes paramount to report this, because the majority of the planet is still under a very dark and deceptive Satanic influence that will not cease until those deceived of it are cast into Hell with him. This is Satan primary objective. He desperately wants your soul and has his demons in place to ensure your life is completely distracted, before outright destroyed. Contrary to the Devil, what is God's only objective pertaining to mankind? 2 Peter 3:8-10 states "Beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise as men count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. The day of the Lord [Christ Jesus] will come as a thief in the night, in the which the skies shall pass away with a great noise and the very elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."

*Read Article Understanding God's Will: How to Become an Eternal Child of God
*Read Article The History of Lucifer: Commander of All the World's Human Kingdoms
*Read Article The Biggest Secret - Chapter Seven: "Knights of the Sun" by David Icke
*Read Article Satan Easily Destroy Us by Distracting Our Lives with Everything Not of God
*Read Article Satan Purposefully Deceives Mankind by Using Man's Innate Desires of the Flesh
*Read Article Exorcist States "Temptation Not Possession is the Most Significant Demonic Activity"

Lucifer's 5 I Wills (as mentioned in Isaiah 14) will literally manifest themselves in the Antichrist, as King Will I AM the Fifth, having the spirit of anti-christ already, even he who denies the Father and the Son, meaning, he who denies the Holy Trinity itself, is anti-Christ. Those of the anti-Trinity crowd loves to misuse this Scripture, but read it again: "This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ [who shares of the Holy Spirit with God] has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now [whose spirit] is already in the world." (1 John 4:2-3). I would even take all of this one step further to say those who deny the Holy Trinity are committing the "unforgiveable sin" with their denying the power of the Holy Spirit (who is both the literal manifestation and spiritual extension of the Father and the Son) making the I AM (Father) and the Son (I AM) as One God. If any of you take away even one lesson from the New Testament, remember the power of the Holy Spirit, for He lives to minister and comfort us unto the day of Rapture, being our source of unrelenting power against all manifestations of the enemy. 2 Thessalonians 2 states, For the Mystery of Iniquity [Antichrist spirit] doth already work. Only He [the Holy Spirit] who now letteth will let, until He [the Holy Spirit] be taken out of the way." Understand, because the Holy Spirit has resided with us since the day of Pentecost in 30 AD, and because the Lord will never forget, nor forsake us, when the Holy Spirit removes Himself from this world, will be the reason why all those Christians who actually have an indwelling of the Holy Spirit, will the Holy Spirit cause them to come up, in Rapture, to meet the Lord (in the air), and then shall the Antichrist be revealed (on earth) and ascend, for it is yet for a time appointed during (1,260 days + 1,290 days) the Tribulation timeframe (Antichrist's reign), that ends upon the Day of the Lord (Christ's Return), when Satan, his demons, and their Satanic global elite are finally put down in an epic way. Knowing this, is why they are working so diligently to wreak as much damage to us and the world as they can and is the reason why they are manipulating the Millennial and Gen Z generations toward rampant Godlessness, Witchcraft, sexual perversion, and general immorality, just like the once gave to the twin pagan nations of Sodom and Gomorrah. And these perverted demonic Angels are not without their own fears, resulting from the knowledge that Christ will destroy them at "God's appointed time, for it is yet for a time appointed." Satan and his know very well the season in which Christ's return to Israel, knowing it is nearly 6,000 years after Adam's creation. One interesting insight we have into demonic fear, was presented in Matthew 8:28-29: "And when He was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils [who] cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? Art thou come to torment us before the time?" In Revelation 12, at the time of the Antichrist ("face of the Serpent") we see that Satan himself is furious, knowing his time is short. Each of us, therefore, has an important choice to make. Your life was given to you by a loving Creator who meticulously warned you of every one of these many things coming. Will you outright and continually reject your Creator, never realizing He has loved you enough to warn you of what is coming and how to be saved? Conversely, all Satan has to do is convince you of this world's already established education, sciences, and status quo, that none of this exists - and he wins another soul bound to him for eternity. His jealous attempt of leading as many away from the Father and Son as possible, beginning first with the Angels, and now, us, is his ongoing work culminating in Antichrist, but what Satan may or may not know is that for every soul he wrests away from their Creator, is yet another compounding multiplication of punishment that will exponentially increase against him throughout eternity. Within eternity past, Lucifer desired the ultimate of God's sublimity, but because of his narcissistic enmity against the Father and His Son, will receive the exact opposite, forever. This is what angers Satan most. His time is quickly coming to an end and he cannot be saved. Even Satan's many demons were put in a major fright when Jesus walked the earth, begging Him not to destroy them "before the time." They cannot be saved because they knew what evils they were committing in their original mutiny against the Creator. Their tempting of man to also fall away from God's Love and will is all Satan and his legions can do against Him, to which God allows because those souls who've been beguiled by Satan have largely become exactly like Heaven's fallen Angels, and thus, might as well be. This is not to say that even a Satanist couldn't today turn and be saved, they easily could, realizing Satan's war is utterly pointless within the great equalizer of a never-ending eternity and the God to which infinity itself exalts.

*Read Article The Blasphemy of English Masonic Grand Lodges Teaching that Lucifer is God the 'Holy Spirit'
*Read Article Freemasons Propagating Our God as Feminine: Goddess Symbolism Within Freemasonry
*Read Article Sweden Goes Satanist: Declares Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary & Joseph Were Queers
*Read Article The Masonic-Tainted Episcopal Church Votes Yes on Removing God's Masculinity
*Read Article Mom Sues Tavistock Over Misleading Gender Change Experiments on Her Child
*Read Article Illinois Votes to Teach Homosexual ‘LGBT History’ to Public School Children

When the Antichrist ascends, how is he not going to find an entire world and generation so perfectly primed for his brand of Godless world order? All he needs to say is that he's going to destroy all secret societies, eradicate Christianity, bring a (false) peace to the State of Israel, rebuild the world along very different lines and laws, instill a New Age global religion everyone can agree on, create a global financial system whereupon all wealth is distributed equally, and you people will think him an "Angel of Light," even a god. When we collectively arrive at the Judgment Day, no one can say they've never heard of these things, and thereby should be able to escape being harshly judged, when all of it has been so accurately predicted to occur, in that ultimate best-seller called The Holy Bible. Whereas God has loved us from the beginning, creating us in His likeness and image, providing us His Word to be a light that leads back to Him, Satan has hated us from the beginning, even hating the world that God made to perfectly sustains us. Satan daily plans havoc for our collective (and individual) lives to be filled with nothing but darkness, pain, sickness, hate and death, far removed from God's light. In his most diabolical plan since Eden, Satan tells us that if we simply renounce and disavow our Creator, circumventing His plan of Salvation, that we can become our own "gods" in spite of God. Understand, therefore, for by the same measure man has turned his back on God, shall God turn His back on man. Satan knows that all too well. Lucifer's malevolent plans behind such a strong delusion and false light are nonetheless easily exposed in the light of Christ. Where God has given us His Word that leads to life eternal, Satan provides mankind with his darkened counterfeit known as the Occult that leads to an eternal Hell. Where God has provided Christ to reveal unto us the path toward Heaven, Satan provides mankind only Antichrist who will reveal the quickest path into Hell. Where God gives us a more perfect Heaven for our eternal possession, Satan can only provide this ruined earth and the infernal Hell within its bowels for our eternal possession. While the "secret societies" of this fleeting world need to keep secret that Satan exists and that they worship him in it, we have been called to something much higher, not learning from the ascension of "degrees" that would make us as wise as Lucifer, as they achieve, but through God's own love, and by Christ's own Ascension, shall we be made to receive God's grace toward Salvation. After all, there's a reason why the Masonic supreme court justices of the time wanted to completely remove God, Christ, Creation, the Bible, and daily prayer from the public school arena, in favor of creating a safe space by which every other religion, including paganism, and moreover, Witchcraft, could increasingly become a state-sanctioned tool that would ultimately be included within state-sponsored 'higher learning.' Everything in their global Sodom is advancing toward Antichrist. Despite what state-sponsored paganism teaches, it only God that all of nature itself innately honors as their Creator, leaving only mankind who remains largely ignorant, but as designed, for we are the only ones being tested. Those who in their willing ignorance believe there could be no God as Scripture describes Him, also cannot understand that the Godless world they enjoy would have descended into worldwide chaos long ago, if He were not in ultimate control. Hate, racism, murder, plagues, global upheavals, killer earthquakes and even asteroid and comet strikes would be the norm in on earth, if it weren't for God loving us enough to properly test all of those needed to be tested. Not every soul needs to be tested however, and you know these by the saying "they were too good for the world." This is what God is ultimately looking for in us, to choose the Living Word of God that is Jesus Christ, to enable His love over all, and become the opposite of what Lucifer selfishly chose. To those who still ask "Why couldn't God just have made everything perfect from the start?" God created everything in perfection at the start. It was Lucifer who was also made perfect (and having perfect free will) desired much more than He was graciously given. Many followed his corrupting lead. God could have destroyed them outright, and will, but first, God is using them to determine if we also would be persuaded by Lucifer's corruptive influence. The souls who follow Satan, therefore, will likewise receive the destruction of the fallen. Those who can't get past their question of why does God allow human suffering, it needs to be better understood that any one's suffering is only but an instant compared with eternity past and an infinite future, where God's respite prevails, while those who perpetrated the suffering will spend eternity living out all the suffering they caused multiplied exponentially. Despite the current reality of our lives and all of its many distractions, we nonetheless spend each second advancing toward the inevitability of an afterlife that is determined by our thoughts and actions, be they mostly good, or indifferent and evil. Given that the majority of mankind has allowed Satan to rule over them since the time of Cain, Satan's first human emissary, it therefore no longer becomes a question whether God foreknew all of mankind's collective pain that would result after allowing Lucifer and his darkened angels to fall to this world that we've also been bound to. Of course God knew, just as God knew He needed to test each of us among Lucifer and his angels here on earth to see if we too would fall by Lucifer's varied temptations of evil or stand with our Creator. In this way did God both keep free will intact and also set forth a clear path back toward eternal peace in Heaven... for those that love Him over themselves. In other words, there will never again rise another "Lucifer" among the tested and that's the whole point, of life itself.

*Read Article Black Holes About to Collide will Warp Space and Time
*Read Article Supermassive Black Holes Now 'Killing' Entire Galaxies
*Read Article Universe Scientists Claim that Time Itself is Running Out
*Read Article Atomic Scientists Fear Universe Could Collapse Any Moment
*Read Article Waves from the Sun Moving at Speeds that Defy Explanation
*Read Article Earth Core is Cooling 'Faster than Expected' Making Dire Future for Planet
*Read Article WHO Says Pandemic Capable of Destroying Global Population is on its Way
*Read Article Silicon Valley Billionaires are Prepping in New Zealand for a Global Apocalypse
*Read Article Supposed Hiding Places Determined for When the Apocalyptic Global Pandemic Hits
*Read Article Coronavirus Bioweapon Used to Devastate the East via West's Population Control Agenda?
*Read Article Prince Charles Warns of Global Society Being at Crucial 'Last Step' Before Worldwide Destructions
*Read Article Antarctica's "Doomsday Glacier" will Likely Break Within 3-5 Years Causing Widespread Destruction

Some of you reading have become shocked to learn that in all its many forms, Satanism and his secret societies not only exist, they rule over us as the hidden powers behind our own government who are working toward not only a United World state of dictatorship under Satan, they are actively creating the financial, religious, media, and other "hive-mind" support systems that will facilitate their "New World" transition for his future reign. Because the newer generation has been taught to hate everything of God by their parents and the education system from childhood, the earth is already witnessing God's Cup of Wrath that they have each ironically helped to fill, begin to have its effect on the very world they've been trained to save instead of their own souls. 2 Corinthians 4:4 tells us that Satan is the false prince and "god of this world," and that he effectively "blinds those who believe not in Christ, lest the Light of the Gospel of Christ, who is the very image of God, should shine unto them." Understand, therefore, we are not called to live solely by or for this world but are "called out of the world to our Lord Jesus Christ," that where He is, we will be also. This world exists as only a place of testing where each created soul's alliances would belong, to Christ or Satan. And so how does Satan deceive? Countless distractions, right up until your moment of death and you die in those sins. In Matthew 24:38, Christ compared the Last Days to the time of Noah, where "they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark," and indeed there shall be drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, right up until the moment all who are saved enter into 'the Ark' of the Holy Spirit, that carries us away in Rapture to forever be with our Creator. Thus is the description of Noah's time perfectly depicting our time now. The only question that possibly remains is, given the choice that you yourself will have to make on which side will you stand, will it be Good or Evil? While Lucifer is finding a generation that upholds his mutiny against The Father and Son, God knows His people as those who could never be persuaded by what this world's false god offers them in return for their own souls. The looming war and unexpected comet that instantly collapses the present world system is fast approaching. In a single moment, unknown to all, many will die in their sin, while others are Raptured. Those who survive the global catalyst will live to see Satan's rising, only to die under his savage rule. Even so, Good or Evil, it has always been your choice, albeit a choice that affects not only this temporary world and everyone in it but your own infinite placement in God's more permanent Creation to come, therefore look beyond the flesh of your eyes into the spirit of all things, testing them, even as we are tested. At the end of everything remains the I AM that I AM, (I AM [Father] that I AM [Son]) and the detailed, written account of your own life while in the flesh. The most important Truth I could ever tell you is this: Yeshua Moshiach, Jesus the Christ is the Son of God, Israel's Messiah, and likewise your Creator and King. Second to that, if you will accept and love Him, then as He Loves, you must love. More specifically, you MUST develop a heart that wants to literally see everyone, regardless of race, education, or social circle, find Christ and do what you can to help them enter into His Kingdom. This is the straight and narrow path much less traveled that few find but are nonetheless rewarded in eternity. Jude 22-23 tells us "Some save others with compassion, making a difference, whilst others save with fear, in effect, pulling souls out of Hell's fire; as they hate even the garment spotted by the flesh." Hating the garment spotted by flesh speaks volumes here. We are not called to see things in the mortal sense, but always the spiritual. Therefore, when looking upon others, you don't see their lot in life, but only that divine spark by which they were also created by the same God who created you. Within each one of us is part of that which God has purposefully created to ultimately return and be in part, and collectively, with Him. Each of the sins that were warned against in the Scriptures are precisely those of which Satan has already committed in the extreme, contrasted against Christ who is sinless, and, as a result, the only One who can counter the Adversary. We becoming the embodiment of Christ's collective body on earth are thereby called to the work of Christ, to counter Satan and his demons at every turn. For this reason, do the Holy Angels themselves often help us, knowing we are being tested to the greater calling and glory of God.

*Read Article If God is an All-knowing and Powerful, Why Didn't He Just Destroy Satan?
*Read Article Why Did God Make Salvation Such a Narrow Path That Leads to Life?
*Read Article Gnosticism Exists Solely to Push the Satanic Bloodline as Being 'Holy'

And arms [armies] shall stand on his [Antichrist's] part, and they shall pollute the Temple of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination [Antichrist] that maketh desolate. And such as do wickedly against Israel, shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the [Jewish] people shall instruct many, yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall fall, they shall be helped with a little help, but many [other Jews] shall cleave to them [Antichrist and False Prophet] having flatteries. And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white [sinless], even to the time of the end, because it is yet for a time appointed. And the [Antichrist] king shall do according to his will, and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished, for that which is determined shall be done.

Daniel 11:31-36; The Holy Bible

Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that Man of Sin [Antichrist] be revealed; the Son of Perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing of himself that he is God. Even him, whose coming is the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.

II Thessalonians 2:3-4, 9; The Holy Bible

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose. For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He [the Son] would be the firstborn among many. What shall we then say to these things? If God [the Father] be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He [Father] not with Him [Son] also freely give us all things? Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth [Answer: Satan]? Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is (in) Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:28-29, 30-39; The Holy Bible

Our Creator's plan is simple, God allows Satan to exist so that those who fall for Satan's beguiling do so because they themselves, like him, hate God. Giving man all the answers from the Beginning would have negated that test mankind is being measured by, and later, judged by, because he is too inept or lazy to search the Truth out for himself, the same Truth that is loudly declared and revealed in God's Word, the Holy Bible, and likewise rejected by so many as a measure of their own Luciferian-like vanity. God is not going to give the answers to the very test that tests all of our free wills, therefore, those who naturally follow after Him despite the world, do so because they are the children of God and likewise have all rights to His eternal Kingdom that transcends this temporary world system. Those who follow after Satan's plan, shall likewise receive it in return, In this way is God still actively creating His more perfect Kingdom to come, that while all those who would become as Lucifer have their chance to do so with him, those who are more humble of spirit and seek God first in all things, loving Him as their own Father and Creator, are His Elohim already, for God is with them, even as they are the collective Body of Christ, indwelled by the Holy Spirit of both the Father and the Son. While we have prepared a place for God to dwell within our own hearts, God is preparing a place within His Kingdom for us to dwell with Him forever. Some might ask why would God create a third-dimensional world like this in order to test the eternal spirit housing our eternal soul, to which I'd say such a world as this provides our temporary flesh the absolute perfect way to test a soul because every type of sin, as well as good work, could only be rendered in a world where one has just as much ability to do evil as ability to do good. Understand, God always returns to His creation that which they give Him. If they honor Him, He even more greatly honors them, rewarding them in kind. But if they honor anything else in His place, God gives them over to that by which they have made their false god, and, in turn, will that same false god give them their own just reward. Remember, Lucifer lied to Eve [and mankind itself] with his rhetoric about disobeying God as a path to obtaining Godhood, of which gnostic-based secret societies like the Freemasons employ to lure others into their Satanic trap. Obeying God brings one first into the Body of Christ, and then, toward becoming one with the Father; Elohim. This was the very purpose for our earthly lives, so that we would have the opportunity to first learn how to become like Christ, with God's Son setting our example, thereby making us ready to ultimately obtain the Father's later gift in eternity toward becoming Elohim. Lucifer circumvented that epic truth by removing Christ from the equation, telling man that all he needs is to obtain a level of "gnosis" with Lucifer as their example, in order to ascend toward becoming as God, which is a lie that continues to damn souls in Sheol to this very day. Therefore, inspiration is key. Even as Christ has inspired us toward God, so should we inspire others toward Christ. Even as Christ was the literal manifestation of God's Love, so we should love all those that have before caused us to hate. The whole of the Scriptures are clear in pointing out that nothing that God made, was made without His Son. It was both the Father and Son who created mankind as amazingly highlighted in Genesis 1:26 "Let *us* create man in *our* image and likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Therefore, the soul testing we are currently experiencing is one whereby God ultimately judges us within how much we each exhibit His Son's own traits of love, charity, healing, forgiveness, and desire toward furthering God's Kingdom in Heaven (while on earth), that determines if we should likewise inherit the things of Christ, who lives and reigns eternally with the Father. Because the Father inspires the Son, who has likewise inspired us, we are inspired to the will of God whose further instruction is a constant in our lives. In short, you wouldn't be able to read any of these words now, if not for the Spirit and voice of God still speaking on every level and in every moment. While Christians innately believe these things according to the inspiration given us by Christ, Jews are still struggling to hear the God of their fathers, so how much more should we be called to help them also? Deuteronomy 34:9-10 tells us "So the people of Israel listened to him and did what the Lord had told Moses. There has never been another man who speaks for God in Israel like Moses. The Lord knew him face to face." Shortly after the once strong inspiration of Moses, the Jews began to change their religion to, in effect, adopt the teachings of surrounding pagan nations - whereby Satan immediately worked to ultimately blind them as to the true identity of their own Messiah, thus leaving no room for what would have been a blessing to Israel when Jesus came unto them. In fact, within their own Scriptures is found this in Deuteronomy 31:16, 21: "And the Lord said unto Moses, Behold, thou shalt die, after which, these people shall rise up and go a whoring after the [pagan] gods of foreign lands, whither they go to be among them, and they will forsake me, and break my covenant which I have made with them. And it shall come to pass, after many evils and troubles are befallen them, that this shall testify against them as a witness." Moreover, Moses prophesied this in verse 29; For I know that after my death ye will utterly corrupt yourselves and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you; and evil [Antichrist] will befall you in the latter days because ye will do evil in the sight of the Lord to provoke Him to anger through the work of your hands." So evil will yet come after Israel in the last days. Israel is also to be tested. In fact, Israel's specific testing as a nation and people is the very definition and reason behind Israel's returned existence to initiate the last days and the seven-year Tribulation itself.

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*Read Article The Dragon's Deception During the Coming Third Temple Era of the Antichrist
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*Read Article How Jesus Christ Will Save a Believing Israel at the End of the Tribulation
*Read Article God Is Not Finished With Israel: Israel Will Be Saved in the Last Days

Because Israel has never accepted Christ, Satan will provide them Antichrist, but out of which, Christ shall come again to Israel, and Israel will see their Messiah in a whole new Light. But that is yet for the future. However, to this very day, when Jews read the Hebrew name of "Jehovah" in their Torah, they only see a singular rendering of God, despite Jehovah being clearly written in the original Hebrew as "I AM that I AM" - believing that their singular God is merely reaffirming Himself as the only God, when in fact, God the Father is affirming His own Son, just as the Son is affirming the Father, and they both are affirming their own unifying Holy Spirit that unites the Trinity as One God. This is precisely the reason why the name of "I AM" within יהוה is mentioned not in the singular, but plurally. Conversely, those who cannot find God as a result of denying Christ, to then accept Lucifer by default, shall be given the eternal reward of Lucifer whose own current existence serves the purpose of his choice by which they shall be judged. As such, God is always there reminding Satan that he is created, and despite all his effort, Satan can never rise above His Creator. Those that naturally follow Satan as the "prince of this world" shall be purged, in effect, purging themselves from the world to come. Understand, God did not create Hell for the purpose of throwing human souls into it. Hell was created to eternally punish the Devil and his angels. However, because man has sinned from the beginning, we are now subject to Death, and Death has its own 'reward' called Hell. Therefore, if we enter Hell, it is only because we rejected Christ to instead follow Satan and his demonic angels there, period. And this is precisely why Christ has called us to save those on that dark path, ultimately from themselves. There should be no greater proof that Satan wants to be God, even God the Father, than his own twisted demand to God's Son when Satan told Jesus to kneel down before him and to worship him instead of His Father in Heaven. Satan then claimed he would give Christ all of the kingdoms of the world if Jesus would simply worship him. This should remind us that while the best of this world is a reflection of Heaven itself, the fallen nature of this present world likewise shows us how Satan uses it to his own ends, with his world system being a reflection of his rule of the underworld. Satan is the enemy of life and hates mankind and will stop at nothing in his attempt to bring about pain, disease, great personal loss, kill those around you, ruin every relationship by which you could be saved, cause tragedy, freak "accidents," until you as an unsaved soul also die in sin. For Satanists who only care about the 'self,' you'd think they'd reject Satan outright for what he really stands for, but, they have no clue, and blissfully enter his dark embrace. Satanists claim to live life to the fullest in this world, enjoying anything that immorally serves them. And yet, from their own natures of wanting only the best that can be offered them, will find nothing in Hell that serves them to their enjoyment. The only catering to self that Hell will ever bring them is the knowledge that there will be no respite from its increasing intensity, forever. Compare that to living with all desires met, and then, increasingly exceeded by God forever in that New Heaven and New Earth, for contrast. There can be nothing better for the 'self' than that. Our sole purpose is choice. Through Christ, our true Father has given us a vast collective power to reverse Satan's presence in this world. This is not to say that we won't experience trials and tribulations in life, but become aware, even those are there to determine who we truly are by testing our reactions to such temporary adversity. In this, we should always see beyond the flesh and into the spirit of all things by seeing that which is eternal, as opposed to that which is earthly. To deny the flesh, that is temporary, is to serve the spirit that is eternal. Because our souls are each a spark of the Triune Godhead, is why we must become as Holy as God to return to Him, which again, was the very purpose of Christ's redemption for us. Only through Him, as part of the Triune, can we be redeemed and return in Holiness unto our Creator. So that as God's own, and because we live among Lucifer's fallen angels, how much more we should do right and be found without sin under the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ that God has deemed perfect from the foundation of the world. From the foundation of the world, God foreknew those of us among His elect who've been chosen to save others, but as Christ's Parable of the Talents uniquely shows us, not everyone among the elect will win souls, as some will ultimately reveal themselves to be as a "slothful servant," thus making this current test of mankind's collective purpose upon the earth all the more key. It is needed, earthly life is needed. If the original Sons of God themselves were tested by God, via Lucifer, in Heaven, how much more we should be tested via God in the midst of Lucifer upon earth?

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*Read Article Investigation: The British Cover Up of Satanic Rings Engaging in Abuse and Murder of Children I
*Read Article Investigation: The British Cover Up of Satanic Rings Engaging in Abuse and Murder of Children II
*Read Article Satanic Hampstead and Pizzagate: Both Satanic Crimes Actively Being Covered-Up by British Elite
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It was Christ who predicted the state of the pre-apocalyptic world today, i.e., omens in the Sun, moon, and stars, earthquakes, wars, terrorism, and rampant spiritual deception as being signs from God that an end is near. Between 2018-2019 alone, there were at least six asteroids discovered only a few days to hours before they barely missed the planet. In more recent examples, scientists never even saw two large "city-killers" that barely missed earth until they had both passed by. At the same time, scientists are warning that the earth's rotation is suddenly slowing down, and earth is about to flip its magnetic polarity, as the universe itself seems to be at a critical mass. Even "Climate Change" cannot explain why asteroids, volcanoes, and earthquakes, and other unprecedented, regional, micro-apocalypses have become more frequent. Consider also the Turkey/Syria quake in 2023 that killed in excess of 60,000 people. So while the controlled media wants to distract you with carbon emissions as the root cause, these deadlier events plaguing our world in the form of earthquakes, tsunami's, droughts, floods, volcanoes, typhoons, cyclones, hurricanes, record cold and snow, landslides, and wildfires being the worst in 100, 500, or 1,000 years, are the symptoms of not our collective pollution, but our collective sin. Of the last days, Christ also prophesied that because of Satan and the Antichrist's presence in the world, love would turn cold, allowing hate to dramatically increase, out of which comes murders, wars and the kind of stoic apathy and human indifference that leads to racial terrorism. It is getting to the point that you can determine where a person stands in regards to God, by how deep they've been taken in by all the extremes within the increasing political divide, with the right's destructive racism that's causing many Millennials to turn to Nazism, and the left's wholesale acceptance of abortion, homosexuality, Witchcraft, and more recently, climate change, with its antithesis in "green environmentalism," as the benchmark issues given to liberals. As a whole, Millennials, and now, Gen-Z, have become the same twin generations that are being persuaded by the Masonic-controlled media (whose word they uphold as literal Gospel) that government conspiracies, and moreover, conspiracy theorists, amount to modern day pariahs in need of "cancelling," while at the same time, the Occult, "New Age," paganism, and even Satanism is being overwhelmingly encouraged. Seeing how disease is also wreaking its own havoc on the planet, another consequence of these increasing disasters will be the sudden homelessness of millions, if not billions, worldwide. Of course, the educated elite, morally bankrupt, and corrupt of this world tell you to shun the poor, to hate the infirmed, to destroy those not adding to the corrupted world system, as they always have. Trump and his MAGA, much like Hitler and his Nazi's, pinned all their ills on the poor, the ostracized, the mentally impaired, and the infirmed, and held no charity or love for those who weren't born into such privilege as they were, racially or otherwise. With Satan pushing some today toward racism specifically, the eternal hereafter will declare in all truth that God did not create the races to war with each other, as Satan has brought, but the races were created as another aspect to which God can best determine who we are, based on how we each overcame Satan's negative influences, to find peace. Therefore, we know what Satan would have us do in regard to those that God has actually blessed to not be part of this wicked world system, but what would God have us do? With regard to the sick and poor, whom Jesus was always helping, Jesus prophesied: "The poor you will always have with you." Any majority that picks up stones to cast at a minority of any kind must be without sin, not able to sin, and no one is. If you see anyone stumbling according to the Word of God, help them in some way, not berate or accuse them as Satan does, for Satan is the Great Accuser. If that doesn't prove our lives in this world are for a test to see where we spend eternity, nothing does, therefore do the will of your Father in the time you have left. It begins with Love.

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What most don't realize was that He was quoting a portion of a larger text from Deuteronomy 15:7-11, which explicitly states: "If among you, one of your neighbors should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against the poor, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. For the poor will always be with you in the land. Therefore I command you, you shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor." In other words, in the time you have left, do all you can to bless those that God has blessed you with living all around you, locally or in the larger world. Think less that you are helping them, but rather understand that they are helping you. Allow your eyes to see what God sees, for those who the world regards as the mentally impaired, infirmed, destitute and poor, have been greatly blessed by your Creator and exist among us to bring the best out of mankind (to their own blessing) while also exposing the worst of other men (whose own judgement is also eternal). As Christ also warned, there is no more scrutinized and judged than those claiming to be His followers and "Christians." Understand, because God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh in the last days, many, especially Christians, will begin to have prophetic dreams and visions, but this in no way means that having such prophetic dreams and visions means you'll enter eternity with Christ. Verily, it is God who is pouring out His Spirit of Truth and Prophecy upon all flesh today, so this is much more about Him than it is about you. As Jesus warned in Matthew 7:22: Many will say to me in that Day [of Judgment], "Lord, Lord, have we not done great works, cast out demons and *prophesied* in thy name...?" The Lord will quickly rebuff them saying, "Get away from me, for I never knew you." In short, they missed the entire point of what would have been their salvation. It was never about the necessary Christian works of themselves, it was all about their motivation behind the works, being Love, and they had none. Therefore, Christ being Love, cannot recognize them as His and thus, casts the unprofitable servants into Hell with Satan and his demons. As the Lord made me aware of this key fact, I am also passing it along to you. We MUST have Love, for it is Christ, as Love. Only those who submit themselves completely to God will open the door unto the Father and Son, who with their shared Holy Spirit shall sup with that man...and he become a new creature born again, having God's Love, and saved as a result. Too many today actually think all they need to do is believe in John 3:16 and they are forever saved, which is why they will be shocked to be cast into Hell with Satan because they missed out on the Love for others that it takes for Jesus to recognize you as His. Of only itself, John 3:16 would have you believe that your simply knowing Christ as God's Son means salvation, when in fact, Christ Himself explicitly added that He must know and recognize us as working within His Love that ultimately brings one salvation. For those that have an ear, let them hear. Truth has a way of always getting the final word in very ironic ways, no matter what you've told yourself, or have been taught. Then you have to ask yourself, why does our collective enemy spend so much time and effort coupled with vast amounts of corporate capital, academic resources, and media energy in the attempt to completely dismiss Christ in favor of Lucifer? Perhaps the answer is in the question itself. In all of their misplaced glorification of God's enemy, they know not everyone will be so easily persuaded by their coming New World, or its hidden hierarchy that have subjugated themselves to evil. However, just as I say do not be deceived, also do not be discouraged as we approach Tribulation. Part of following Christ means coming into the knowledge that He has already defeated Satan's greatest weapons against us, that being Sin and Death itself. Christ came to us to pave that narrow way that leads to a life more abundant, as opposed to whatever Satan could provide in this temporary world.

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Jesus told us that to fulfill the entire Word of God, we only need follow two of what He deemed to be the greatest commandments: 1) Love God with all your mind, body, and spirit, and 2) Love your neighbor as you love yourself. And yet, almost as soon as the Lord first uttered those words, there arose an immediate question from a Pharisee asking, "Who is my neighbor?" Within his question, was his intent, for he was really saying that he wanted whatever "neighbor" Christ was referring to, to be someone he liked and fellowshipped with already. But this isn't what Christ was saying. Jesus meant that because we are all of one human race, Jew and Gentile alike, that we are being called by God to love everyone, because as God sees it from His Heavenly perspective, everyone in the world is of one flesh. This means, that no matter where someone may live, what social class they are defined by, what political affiliation they still cling to, whatever religion they adhere to, what nationality they belong, what sexual orientation they think they are, or how Satan and the world may have deceived them to believe whatever it is that causes them to not live in accordance with God's will already, the same are all our neighbors of whose souls we will see again hereafter. If you're going to hate anything or anyone, then hate Satan for all he stands for, which is the complete destruction of our human race, starting with the Jews. Like the Angels before us, our test is ultimately based on our own true nature, as individuals, and whether or not we are more like Christ or Lucifer, is our individual test. When Lucifer sinned, he did so believing he should stand above every other of God's creation, and thus should not be brought lower to serve anyone, including God, which is the exact opposite of Jesus Christ who both loves and serves His Father, willingly. As such, the "only begotten Son of God" was always with God in infinity past, because He is God's own Love divinely manifested into a separate Entity called the Son of God, whom the Father foreknew would be needed by us long before the foundation of this world. And the reason God extends His Love to us? We are His, in that our eternal souls were literally created by His breath, making us each one an aspect of God Himself. This is precisely why we are all connected to God and each other and why Satan desires to break that connection. Within that, an age-old question is answered pertaining to what is Evil. At its root, Evil is merely Satan's personal hatred and limitless indignation against both God and man. What God Loves, Satan (and his followers) will hate. For perspective, you were known as a tiny miracle to your parents when a baby and toddler. That doesn't end merely because you've gotten older and become more cynical about the same miracle that remains your life. It is a gift. In the Father and Son is but One shared Spirit, meaning God was and still is as One. While the Son of God is the personification of God's Love, the unifying Spirit of God is God's Power, the same power being actively attacked by they who hate both God and those who can still be saved by Christ. So why does God punish the Christ-denying unsaved so harshly? Simply put, because they have become living extensions of Satan himself. In other words, Satan's influence exists to manifest as the antithesis of God's commandments, thus extricating what's referenced as the Seven Deadly Sins, and all sin in general, by which God can best determine who we are, when juxtaposed against them. Within that, God is looking for traits in us that best reflect Him, as opposed to those traits that best reflect Lucifer. Thus, where Hell was prepared for Satan and his Angels, so too has Hell been prepared for anyone who follows Satan into Hell. In short, why didn't God instantly destroy Satan as soon as he sinned? Because God is still in the process of destroying Satan, to which our lives were given in this world to test all the rest of the souls He created. Those that follow Satan in this world, do so exactly like the fallen Angels did in Heaven, to reap the reward of Satan and his fallen in Hell. Those that stand as Spirit-filled representations of Christ on earth, shall likewise reap that which Christ Himself was lovingly given by His/our Father in Heaven. This is why Lucifer was allowed to exist, still exists, and why we must yet be judged in accordance with our own choice. Choose your Creator. The better question to ask would be: Why did the Father have Jesus enter this world and do what He did for us? That answer, while being no less profound, is simple. Yeshua, being the extension of God's Love, loved us just as He loves His Father. God is Love. Love being one aspect that sustains our eternal existence, consider also how much of God's other collective energies are given us. Meditating on that throughout your day should give you pause on how you should treat others.

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When once the Master of the house is risen up and begins to shut the door, those who stand outside and knock at the door, shall say, Lord, Lord, open the door unto us. But He shall answer and say to you, I don't know you. Depart from me all you workers of iniquity. Then shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when many shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves are thrust out. But the rest shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall sit together in the Kingdom of God. The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.

Luke 13:25-30; The Holy Bible

And I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth: And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away. And He that sat upon the Throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said unto me, Write for these words are true and faithful. He that overcometh [their soul's testing] shall inherit all things. But the unbelieving, abominable, murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the Lake of Fire. I, Jesus have sent my Angel to testify unto you these things in the churches, that I AM the Root and Offspring of David [Son of Man], and the bright Morning Star [Son of God].

Revelation 21-22; The Holy Bible

I the Lord [Jesus Christ] search the heart, and I try the reins, to give every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings. A glorious high Throne from the beginning is the place of our Sanctuary. O Lord, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the Lord, the Fountain of Living Waters.

Jeremiah 17:10, 12-14; The Holy Bible

How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, the Morning Star! How art thou cut down to the ground, you which have weakened the nations! Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming. It stirs up the dead souls for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth. All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? Art thou become like unto us? Thy pomp is brought down to Sheol, as is the noisome music of thy viols, the souls of the damned shall cover thee.

Isaiah 14:9-12; The Holy Bible

Repay no one's evil with evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, and I will repay,” says the Lord. Therefore if your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him drink. For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:17-20; The Holy Bible

Of this testing that encompasses this world and each of our lives within it, man is tested and judged by the very thoughts that later drive his actions. Thus, those who profess to know God are tested all the more, as opposed to those who never would see the proofs of Divinity that daily surround them and as a result, reject their soul's Creator. The testing of our souls, which will determine the future number of Elohim to reign with God, was known by God before the foundations of this world (Ephesians 1:4, Matthew 25:34), making Christ's appearing within our reality to teach and show us the Way back to the Father, all the more key. Revelation 16 explains: “When the seventh angel pours out his bowl into the air, a loud voice from the Temple then declared, It is finished!” Revelation 11:16-17 then explains: “And the twenty-four elders, which sat before God, fell upon their faces, saying, We give thee thanks, God Almighty, which was, is, and is yet to come. The nations are angry that thy wrath is come, when the dead are to be judged.” When the test is finally finished and we all stand before the Father and His Son, those not in Christ will be easily judged, for their own unrepentant sins will weigh them down into the pit. Conversely, those in Christ will have been judged by the two greatest commandments, as referenced in Matthew 22:34-40, of which Jesus explained, contains the heart of all the commandments and law. For in doing those two, you would be fulfilling all the rest. Matthew 22:36-40 tells us: “Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. But the second is no less important, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hinge all the law and the prophets.” This shows us that as the literal Love of God, Christ was also the literal Word of God by which the Scriptures themselves declare God's Word is Love. Interestingly, Jesus, being the literal Love of God is also the Word of God, as proven by the Jewish Scriptures themselves that Christ is God's Son, the Son of the Father of Life itself, just as He is also the Jewish Messiah because He is the Father's own Love and Word made flesh. There stands one shared word between those two greatest commandments as shown by Jesus. That word is love. So we are judged not by the things we've proudly built for Christ, in pride, but more simply, we are judged by our love of others while we yet built. When Christ first proposed this concept, as mentioned, the Pharisees immediately replied "But who is my neighbor?" Those who see their neighbor as every man so created regardless of earthly stature or race will live in the divine presence of God and shall see His face. Those who interpret their neighbor as only those they like because of similarity or race will be cast into Hell with Satan and his angels who deceived the damned. Likewise, while God created the Jews to ultimately bring mankind toward God, via Christ, which has occurred and is yet to occur among the Jews themselves, only Satan tells man that races were created to divide mankind further, so it is also by what we could be deceived by while in the flesh, that we are more perfectly judged in spirit. That common denominator being love, therefore, would break down even those two greatest commandments to one ultimate commandment, for in loving God with all your heart, by default extends to loving those whom God also created, as your collective neighbor. The most important Scriptures one could ever read regarding the identity of the identity our neighbors is found in Luke 13:25-30 that explains, all races "from the east, west, north and south," will be included in God's Kingdom, and they shall all be seated to partake of the table of Abraham. Conversely, those not having God's Love, via Christ, will have the door of Heaven shut on them, by Christ. Who are these given such status in God's Kingdom from every possible race that they will also be accounted among God's chosen? Are they the richest, most elite, best educated, the most religious, physically cleanest or racially pure? No. Jesus tells us in Matthew 18:3, "Most certainly I tell you, unless you return to become as little children, you will in no wise enter the Kingdom of Heaven." That said, what traits do all young children arriving in this world share, beyond their innately being blameless of evil? Love, and the kind of joyful, wide-eyed innocence that does not care to see race or judge by it. This is what even the most jaded person must return to if they are to return to the same God who created all of man's races in the first place (excluding only Cain and that of his inherently evil, racist, elitist, Aryan descendants who exist to fulfill Lucifer's indignation against us). In other words, God gave us all free will not to daily deny their Creator, as most do, but that we should serve Him by serving everyone He created. After all, this is why God sent His Son into the world to shed His blood as a ransom for our collective sin, to carry out exactly that, so that we may all return to perfect innocence as the Children of God with Christ as our perfect example. Just as Christ released the Holy Spirit into the situations that presented themselves all around Him, so too should we receive and release the same Holy Spirit into every situation and person that the Father/Son presents before us. Antichrist is rising, Christ is preparing to meet His Church and the larger world knows not of either one to their own peril.

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Praise be to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ … who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we may then comfort those in trouble with the same comfort we ourselves receive from God. Each of us should therefore please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. And let us consider how we may encourage one another on toward love and good deeds, not with giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another all the more as you see the Day [of the Lord] approaching.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4; Romans 15:2; Hebrews 10:24-25; The Holy Bible

You think I have chosen fasting to be one of bowing your head in sackcloth and ashes but is not this the fast of my choosing? To loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens and to let the oppressed go free and break every yoke? Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry and bring the poor and outcasts into your house? When you see the naked, to cover him and not hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light shall break forth as the morning and your healing shall spring forth quickly and your righteousness shall go before you. The glory of the Lord shall be your reward. Then you shall call and the Lord shall answer. You shall call out, and He shall say, Here I AM.

Isaiah 58:5-9; The Holy Bible

My son, forget not my law but let your heart keep my commandments. Never allow the Love or the Truth to ever forsake you, but instead, wear them about your neck and write them upon the table of your heart so that you may be esteemed in the sight of both God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in every way and He shall direct your every path. Therefore, be not wise in your own eyes. Instead, fear the Lord to depart from evil. Do this and it will return as health to thy body and marrow to your bone. Honour the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of all thine increase, so shall your barns are filled all the more. Son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, neither be weary of His correction. For the Lord loveth whom He corrects, even as a loving father corrects the son in whom he delights. Blessed is the man that finds this wisdom and the man who understands it. For it was by wisdom that God created the earth and by understanding hath He established the heavens. By His knowledge the waters were created and the clouds give us rain. As such, withhold not any good thing from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to give it. Say not to your neighbor, leave, for tomorrow I will give of thee, when you already have what he needs. Devise not evil against thy neighbor seeing that he also dwelleth securely next to you. Strive not with a man without cause nor envy the oppressor to choose his ways. Oppressors are an abomination to the Lord, while His secret is with the righteous.

Proverbs 3; The Holy Bible

Jesus told His disciples that "The Kingdom of God is already upon you," with the dual context meaning Himself, as the ultimate emissary of God and His Kingdom being literally among them, but after the Ascension, it has since meant we are to become the redeemed emissaries of Christ living as though we are already in His eternal Kingdom now. This is key. Ephesians 1:4 states: "For God chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be Holy and sinless in His sight, in love." Before the creation or foundations of this world? How is that? Understand, God foreknew not only of Lucifer's fall but prepared this world and man's collective test in it in advance of Satan's rebellion. In other words, where the Angels, who lived with God, were not given the luxury of knowing that they were being tested at the onset of Lucifer's mutiny, God would now raise up those who would both choose and love Him despite never seeing Him. That, in itself, is a powerful statement against Satan and his demons and thus allows those who choose God to become joint heirs with Christ, in effect, elevating us all to forever exist within the power of the Holy Trinity. Mind you, this is precisely what Lucifer desired most, so how ironic it becomes that God has made it for those who have never seen Him, but who choose their loving Father nonetheless and who thereby could *earn* the right to become called the Children of God, His Elohim, forever. This is the mystery of our creation and our lives in this world of time and matter, that God exists far outside both matter and time, but whose Throne and Kingdom is easily found by seeing the light of love of Jesus Christ who became the Light and Way back to the Father. In other words, God has already worked the end from the Beginning, answering why it is only Jesus Christ who is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end that opens itself up to another Beginning that will never end. This means that even in eternity past, long before the Big Bang of Creation's origin, did God and His Son foresee all those who would love and choose Him over Lucifer's supposed "freedom" from God. As such, He both knew and has "chosen" us because we individually have chosen Him, meaning, because we now choose Him, He has chosen us before the foundations of the earth. Within that stands the Love of God as the Son of God, who brings all those who love Him unto the Source of all love and life itself. When Lucifer rebelled, he did so believing that many would follow in his rebellion and cause God's Kingdom to fall for eternity. In fact, when Lucifer commanded that every Angel in Heaven follow him, he did so with the authority of being God's first creation. But what Satan never foresaw was God's entire plan of raising up a new creation of seemingly much lesser stock from the dirt and dust of the earth, to eventually attain all that he desired most. When God made the decree however, Satan's heart was immediately filled with hatred for anyone replacing him, especially against those made from earth's lowly dust, as opposed to his more ancient Divine spark. This is a key point, and it shocked Satan initially, because it meant he could never completely rob God of His Elohim. Because God could literally erase Lucifer and all his angels with a mere thought, none of this is about Satan or his dark legion. It never was. It's about Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and those of us who submit to the Father of all to "become as the Angels (with God)" meaning the Elohim, an eternal family tried, tested, and returned to the Father. As such, be the good you want to see in others, and in so doing, you are releasing the Father and Son's Holy Spirit to affect this temporal world toward the eternal Kingdom of God. Ultimately, everything the Church of Satan and their Satanic brethren among the globalists are doing is helping bring Antichrist to the world, but also Christ shortly afterward to destroy him. It's this that angers Satan most, that his Antichrist rising also spells his own doom, forever.

*Read Article "And Who is My Neighbor?" Reflections on the Gospel and Racial Reconciliation
*Read Article The Former and Future Family of God: What the Holy Bible says About the Elohim

Where Angels were created to be eternal, born out of pure spirit and the life-giving breath of God, man would be born out of the dust of the ground and be given an eternal soul. As such, humble yourselves before your Creator, for He loves you with a love that has already moved Heaven and earth, for you! Cast off every fear that hinders you from living as a Child of God right now, realizing the One who leads you unto Himself has already defeated Satan at His resurrection, and it is this same Jesus that desires to lead you far beyond this mortal realm and coil. Understand, what God is giving each and every one of us, first with our earthly life and body, but more importantly, our eternal spirit that has the very real opportunity to become one with Him, forever. This is the secret behind life. You were given your temporary flesh to test your eternal spirit, on the other side of which is given a reward whose entirety cannot be comprehended within the flesh but will perfectly manifest in your expanse of spirit. Therefore, repent of anything that has previously separated you from your Father in Heaven. In fact, nothing else matters. Satan offers literally nothing but death and Hell to those that sottishly follow after him. In God, is literally everything good, of which we've experienced various glimpses of that good in everything that was best about our lives and love on earth, the totality of which was but a mere reflection of His Heaven that still waits for us. Believe Him when He tells you, if you're doing any of the works of Christ here on earth to advance His Kingdom coming, then you are absolutely precious in the Father's sight, and all healing and saving power of the singular Sprit of both God and His Son is yours to continue doing those powerful works in His name, of which even demons will tremble in your presence. If you're still finding your life to be difficult, being weighed down with unforgiveness, remember Jesus set the example also there, forgiving even His own murderers. In so doing, we must be possessed by and then manifest the same Holy Spirit from within us toward the outside world. In other words, it should be increasingly less about us and more about allowing God’s Spirit to take over our lives completely. Allow the Holy Spirit to work and manifest, because you don’t want to be caught denying His Spirit or its manifesting works. Things such as complete forgiveness will come naturally when allowing more of God and less of your fleshly mind to control your spirit. If you haven't already, know your place in God's sight and receive that full power of the Holy Spirit right now. Amen. While Lucifer and God's entire host of mighty Angels were originally created purely of spirit, many fell when actually tested, whose test originated with Lucifer himself, because he was the first of God's sentient creation. This was all in the Father's longer vision and loving plan. With God's setting about on a revamped earth perfectly tweaked to facilitate His new creation, Christ asked of His Father "Let us make man in our image and likeness." Here, the Son was obviously hoping mankind would easily see the opportunity they were given to make the choice that best benefits God and them. However, because it is all a test, Satan was given the right to tempt and test mankind in his ongoing and absolute hatred for man for being able to become one with God for all eternity, exactly what he sought but was denied. After Satan caused man's ruin by blood, God gave His own Son to shed Holy Blood for the remission of not only Eve's sin, but the entirety of Sin itself, to forever destroy the power of Satan over us. Therefore, please your Heavenly Father first and all things shall then be added unto you. Jesus is the Key. It is He that created us in His Father's image but it remains us that must make the choice of who we are and will be. Praise "I AM THAT I AM," Father and Son, and their unifying Holy Spirit that unites Three as One.

*Read Article Before Time and the 'Foundation of the World' God Chose Us to Become One with Him
*Read Article Number of the Beast 666 was Always Lucifer's Number Since the Time of His Creation
*Read Article The Unique Bloodline and Mark that 'All of the Children of Cain' Carry
*Read Article Of Lucifer and Diana: The Way of the Transgressor is Hard

Daniel answered the king saying, The secret which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men, astrologers or magicians shew unto the king. But there is a God in Heaven that revealeth secrets and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the last days. And whereas thou saw iron mixed with miry clay, they [the Fallen Ones] shall mingle themselves with the seed of men but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. And in the days of these [Cainite] kings shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed but break in pieces and consume all these [Satanic] kingdoms.

Daniel 2:27-28, 43-44; The Holy Bible

We wrestle not against [human] flesh and blood, but against [non-human] principalities, powers, and against the rulers of darkness of this world and their spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12; The Holy Bible

That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet saying, I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. Afterward, His disciples came unto Him asking what He meant by the tares of the field. He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of Man [the Messiah], the field is the world and the good seed are the children of the Kingdom. But the tares are the children of the Wicked One. The enemy that sowed them is the Devil. The harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the end of the world.

Matthew Chapter 13:35-40

The god of this world [Satan] hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the Gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; we are your servants for Jesus' sake. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen, for the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:4-5, 18; The Holy Bible

Even him [Antichrist] whose coming is the working of Satan having all power of supernatural wonders that brings every deception of unrighteousness in them that shall perish, because they received not the Love of the Truth [Jesus], that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send those of the world a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, so that they all might be damned who believed not the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 6-7, 9-12; The Holy Bible

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not Love, I am nothing. And even if I give all my goods to feed the poor, or even sacrifice my own body to be burned, but have not Love, it profits nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; Love envies not. Love is never vain, nor behaves improperly. Love never seeks vanity or is easily provoked. Love thinks no evil, even as Love rejoices not in iniquity, but in truth. Love never fails. Abide [in] faith, hope, and Love, these three, but understand, the greatest of these is Love.

1 Corinthians 13:2-6, 8, 13; The Holy Bible

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.

James 3:13; The Holy Bible

He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Therefore, if ye shall ask any thing in my Name, that shall I do. If ye Love me, keep my commandments [of which the greatest commandment is Love]. And I will pray the Father that He provide you the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive because they seek Him not, neither know Him, but you know Him for He dwelleth with you, and within you. In a little while, the world will see me no more, but you see me because I live, and as such, you shall live also. On that day, ye shall know that I AM in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. He that keep my commandments is he that Loves me. And he that Loves me shall be Loved by my Father, and I will Love him, and will manifest myself unto him. Judas, not Iscariot, said unto Him, Lord, how is it that you will manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world itself? Jesus answered, If a man Love me, he will keep my words and my Father will Love him, and we [I AM that I AM] will thereby manifest unto him, and abide within him. Hereafter, I will not talk [in the flesh] with you for the Prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. But so the world may know that I Love the Father, as the Father gave me His commandment, even so I do.

John 14:12-23, 29-30: The Holy Bible

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the Last Days scoffers, walking after their own lusts saying, Where is the promise of His coming? For since before our forefathers died, all things continue as they were. For this they willingly are ignorant that by the Word of God the heavens were created of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that was, being overflowed with water, perished. But the starry heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same Word are reserved unto fire on the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

2 Peter 3:3-7, 13; The Holy Bible

After this I saw in the night vision a fourth Beast [Kingdom], dreadful and terrible. I considered the horns and behold, there came up among them a Little Horn [Antichrist], and in this Horn were the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things. I beheld till the [Satanic] thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days [God the Father] did sit. His Throne was like as a flame of burning fire, a fiery stream issued forth from before Him and ten-thousands times ten-thousands stood before Him when the judgment was set and the books were opened. I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the Horn spoke. I beheld even till the Beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. And I saw in the vision one like unto a Son of Man [Jesus] who came with the clouds of Heaven, and came near to the Ancient of Days [God the Father]. And they [the Angels] brought Him [the Son] near before Him [the Father]. And there was given Him [Christ] Dominion and Glory and an everlasting Kingdom for all people, nations, and languages to serve God that shall never be destroyed.

Daniel 7:7-14; The Holy Bible

And the nations were angry for thy wrath is come, when the time of the dead are judged, when thou shalt give reward unto thy servants the prophets and to the saints and them both small and great that fear thy Name, and destroy them which destroyed the earth. And the Devil that deceived the world was cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, where the Beast and the False Prophet are and shall be tormented forever. And I saw a great White Throne and Him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the sky fled away; even as there was found no place for them anymore. And I saw the dead, both small and great, stand before God. And the Books were opened, and another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life, and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the Books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and Death and Sheol delivered up the dead which were in them, and they were judged every man according to their works. And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire.

Revelation 11:18; 20:10-12, 15; The Holy Bible

After this I beheld a great multitude which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, who stood before the Throne of God [Father] and before the Lamb [Son], clothed with white robes and palms in hand. They cried with a loud voice saying: Salvation to our God and to the Lamb [Jesus] which sits upon the Throne. And all the Angels that stood round about the Throne fell on their faces and worshipped God.

Revelation 7:9-11; The Holy Bible

And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth, for the first Heaven and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea. And I John saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away. And He that sat upon the Throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said unto me, Write, for these words are true and faithful. He said unto me, It is done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely. He that overcometh [the test] shall inherit all things; and I will be his God and he shall be my son. As it is written, Eyes have not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the imagining of man, all of the things that God has prepared for them that Love Him.

Revelation 3:19-21; The Holy Bible

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Be zealous therefore and repent. Behold, I stand at the door [of your heart] and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and sup with him and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me at my Throne, even as I also overcame [the world] and am seated with my Father at His Throne.

Revelation 21:1-7; 1 Corinthians 2:9; The Holy Bible

One's entire perception of reality, life, and the world is ultimately based around their belief, or lack thereof, regarding God, of whom there is no escaping and neither should we try given that all the goodness we enjoy ultimately comes from Him. In other words, one either actively acknowledges their Creator, or actively disavows Him. Either way, God is the center of literally everyone's belief system, from Christian to atheist to Satanist. Put another way, God is even at the very center of the atheist's disbelief and the Satanist's hateful aversion. Think about that for a moment and remember we are being tested by how we approach the Creator in accordance to furthering His will, or wantonly furthering our own will, like Lucifer. We live in a world of God deniers, blind seers, and New Age "truth seekers" who spend their remaining days openly denying Christ and His Father in favor of anything Satan uses to distract them from the Truth. Should you meet one, or an entire echo chamber full of them, before they inevitably launch into their best human reasoning of why God cannot exist, tell them you know God exists because you're conversing with one of His sentient, eternal spirits right now. This would immediately cater to their vanity and hubris to be seen as having elevated intelligence but may also serve the larger purpose of providing them later pause to reflect on the statistical fact that something potentially far more ancient and/or ascended has either existed in infinity past, or might yet exist within eternity forward at some point to control time itself, and as such, is able to return back to a beginning to create all things. This would also ironically appeal to their religious-like belief of evolution's theory and belief that intelligence can ascend toward heights of godhood. If the atheist is as remotely intelligent as they'd like to think they are, they'd eventually have to conclude that perhaps this same greater intelligence, called "God," could exist because infinity itself exists, which would make any resulting Being able to infinitely exist, God by default. The atheist's worldview that there is no God, despite the overwhelming evidence of a unique spark of Divinity staring back at them in their mirror every single day, God's commandment was always clear. We are judged by Love, and so to love Him, we must also love our neighbors, meaning, everyone, and yet, those not of Christ's Body always found reasons in this world to daily refuse God's ultimate commandment of Love. This is perhaps the most important lesson of all within the Scriptures, because just as there are two greatest commandments that define Love that became our test in the flesh, there are also two Judgments for our own life's test, one of the Father that judges everyone who denied His Love, meaning Jesus Christ, and one of Christ Himself that judges believers according to their works via His own example, or lack thereof. So as we look around today to see this new wave of American fascist-based populism among certain "patriots," and worse, among those who actually believe themselves to "Christian," understand that such divides perpetrated by the right wing and their castigating of anyone not White, while seemingly done for God and country, only helps Satan fuel the very kind of Anglo-racism that is to be the hallmark of the Beast and his future world system. Because Satan uses race, division, hate, and class warfare as a weapon to separate man from God, as well as man's place within in the Body of Christ, should we therefore think of anything less will be employed by the Antichrist? The Beast will thrive on such inherently arrogant racial thinking that at its end will attempt to destroy Israel and the Jewish race. This is precisely why there is a sharp rise in European/American [White] nationalism today. For times such as this, we'd do well to remember 1 Corinthians 2:9 as God's most eternal promise for all those who, like Jesus, have overcome this temporary world and all that Satan has presented us to tempt us from that more eternal inheritance coming - "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, all the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him."

*Read Article Elohim: Who Were They Originally and What Happened to Them?
*Read Article What is the Purpose for Our Unique Soul's Existence in this World?

If you cannot bring yourself to forgive everyone who has even slightly caused you anger, then you cannot enter the door that will be briefly opened, but quickly shut. This is why we must understand the entire meaning of Matthew 25:41: "Then shall He shall say unto them on His left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels." For 1 Corinthians 13:2 says: "And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and am given all knowledge; and even have all faith so that I could remove mountains, but still lack Godly love, I am nothing." In other words, we might as well be readying ourselves to meet Satan and his angels in Hell if we are not living within Christ's most complete example that He set exemplifying the love that far exceeds either prophecy or knowledge. Simply put, the power of love in Christ's eternal example whereby He forgave even His sadistic murderers is greater than any mere prophetic mystery connected to this fleeting world. It most certainly does require us to do more than simply believing in Jesus as per John 3:16, we must also do the works, in Love, as opposed to simply checking off boxes and expecting eternal salvation. For this cause Jesus came into the world to set the example by which we can each choose whether or not to break Satan's curse over us as individuals. That choice remains yours, every day. We must walk in the 100% complete example of Christ, and not just pick or choose which aspects of Christ we like to emulate where it's convenient. This is what is meant by carrying our cross daily with the Lord being our greatest example. For if even Jesus Christ Himself was tempted and tested in the desert by Satan, how much more we will all be tested in this life to overcome Satan and all his earthly workings. When the Lord comes, He comes quickly, bringing His reward of eternal life with Him. One believer will be taken and the other is left behind. The Holy Spirit is about to leave this planet and return to He who gave it, taking with Him those who the Lord knows are pure. Once removed from this world, Satan is then allowed to increase and you now understand how that also will end, even as the same Holy Spirit is providing us key portents that the time is now at hand. We'd do well not to ignore the signs, as some will. See things with new eyes focused much less on seeing faults, for God Himself will not see yours in so doing. As we've seen from the prophecy of Christ's Judgement over souls, one's salvation obviously requires more than just the simple knowledge that Christ is Lord, "for many who call me Lord on that day will say, haven't we've done all these many works in your name?" and I will answer, Get away from Me you worker of iniquity. I never knew you." It requires the essence of the Holy Spirit that is embodied within the eternal Love of Jesus Christ Himself. In other words, our love for others must match Christ's own Love for all. Only then can Yeshua (Jesus) recognize us as His and accept us as worthy unto the Father of all. Again, to love God is to love His creation, even that sinner or neighbor you deny the most, thus manifesting your own sin all the more by which Christ cannot recognize you. Matthew 7:21-23 and 25:41 explains Judgment Day in vivid detail: "Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he that does the will of my Father in Heaven. Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name have cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works?' I will answer, "Depart from me, all ye *workers of iniquity* for I never knew you. Depart into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels." For just as faith without works is dead, a faith without Love was twice dead already. It will be in that moment that everyone will realize the Truth, that their earthly lives were given for a test of their eternal souls, and as God systematically weeds out the best of souls from among His creation, it will also be discovered that God gave His Heavenly Son to this world to set the perfect example and only path back to our Creator. And it's not enough that we find only that path through Christ, or that we've helped others find it as well, but that Christ then needs to see and recognize Himself (His Love) in each of us, if we are to actually enter His Kingdom to see our Father. This is what many White Christians in America today cannot understand. "And because *iniquity* shall abound in those days, the *love* of many shall grow cold." Why does Christ tell some of those who profess to be Christians that He never knew them despite their last second plea of salvation from Hell? Because they never actually knew Christ or employed His Love especially for those marginalized in society.

*Read Article Trump's Brand of Nazi-based "Christian Nationalism" is a Literal Deception From Satan

God is Love, Jesus is God's Love and God's Word that is Love. If Christ cannot recognize Himself, that is His Love within you from which your works are made manifest, then you are not known and therefore rejected. God cannot allow unrepentant sin, bias, or any hate into the Kingdom of Heaven. Because God knows all from eternity past, Jesus saying He never knew the sinner proves they never were in His fold, but have only deceived themselves right up to Day of Judgment. They've spent their entire lives using Christ as a front to instead attack the poor, assail the down-trodden, and mock the minority and their calls for justice, in His name. They believed in Christ but served Lucifer. Jesus infamously said: "Those who are of the Truth hear My voice." Therefore, those who are His both hear as well as do His commandments. This is how He, as our judge, shall both know and accept us into His Kingdom. At end, God's epic test called our earthly lives determines for all eternity which souls would be deceived by Lucifer against those who could never be. Understand also, for some, their condemnation is born with them, while others are chosen before the foundations of the world - which is why the inherently evil that rule this planet are merely embracing what they know is their own inevitability to remain reprobate in their conviction to suffer with Satan forever rather than love their Creator to serve His creation. And this also cannot be stressed enough, again, not everyone who calls Christ "Lord" shall be allowed entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. That said, there are several prophetic passages from the Scriptures that inform us of many things regarding our present and more importantly, our future. We know that at His judgment over us, Jesus will say to those who overcame this world test, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." Jesus was also noted as saying "In my Father's House there exists many mansions." Within that, we are made aware that God the Father has engineered an entirely new existence, nearest Himself, for all those to be counted as Elohim that are housed within a new and eternal dimension - and that He started creating those eternal places at the same time this temporary world was built upon its foundation. This again points to the test of this purposed world, and on the other side of it, the reward for those who loved their Creator to thus choose His will and His Son over all else. In so doing, are they/we greatly blessed from the foundation of this world, with God the Father knowing us and our ultimate choices long before we entered this world to be tested in front of all the rest who bore witness, including Lucifer and his angels. It is Evil's own greatest self-deception in believing it/they are needed for God's plan to be made complete, when God's eternal plan toward Elohim would have been made complete long ago had Satan not so jealously turned against His own Creator in wanting to be worshipped as God by all Elohim created after him. Likewise, if the Love of God that is manifested in Christ cannot recognize you as His own, it will be because one of Lucifer's own attributes that counter God influenced you greater while in the flesh. Matthew 25:29-46 explains Christ's Judgment of believers in full detail, as He separates His Elect, like sheep, from the goats pleading with their Lord to be allowed in the Kingdom. So it is, Matthew 24:12 becomes yet another key to understanding how God will weigh the heart of a person, based on whether they have Christ's Love placed central in their hearts, weighed against those "workers of iniquity" that have only sowed spite, envy, jealousy, hatred, anger, division, unforgiveness, gossip, lies, lust, pride, greed, theft, bullying, racism, and murder: the very traits of Lucifer himself.

*Read Article Why Does Jesus Tell Those Who Call Him Lord, "Depart From Me, I Never Knew You"?

"Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, Enter, ye blessed of my Father. Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the earth. For I was hungered, and ye gave me meat. I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink. I was a stranger, and ye took me in. I was naked, and ye clothed me. I was sick and in prison, and ye visited me. Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it even unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me" (Matthew 25:34-36, 40). Therefore, to deny any of God's Children while on earth is to deny Christ in Heaven. This is a very simple concept but one that is not taught in the Trump era of ridiculing others to feel better about yourself with he being the worst example of it. As such, God is not only actively destroying Satan and his demons in an ongoing effort that overlaps our own lives in this world, He is rooting out the very spirit of Evil itself, today, but more importantly, forever. And we each have a role to play within it. The process of evil's destruction looks exactly what we've seen on this earth already and will continue to see up to the moment of Christ's return. As prophesied, because so many have rejected Christ in increasing numbers at the end-time, is the reason why the Beginning of Sorrows has manifested via deadlier portents of mass casualty earthquakes in various places, tornadoes, floods, megadroughts, wildfires, volcanoes, record cold snaps, wars and rumors of [world] war, nation against nation/rampant racism, anti-Semitism, terrorism, food and resource shortages, famine, barbaric cruelty from both men and animals, and many other deadly manifestations that cannot be easily explained away as just another media-touted climate change event. Christ also prophesied there would be strange "signs among the Sun, Moon, and among the stars, while upon the earth the sea and the waves roaring. As far the catalyst of major change that instantly brings the global collapse touted by globalists from which a New World Order is finally initiated, watch the skies. A future comet or asteroid will strike the Atlantic and bring with it the kind of depopulating event, backed up by a deadly contagion that will kill untold millions. Every form of anarchy and chaos will follow after that, as the world we knew fades into an oblivion of evil. Shocking and devastating events are ahead but within them all realize that nothing of what is coming upon the earth is greater than He who created the earth. This is no longer the time for ignorance. God has placed us in a perfect test whereby we dwell in the very place where Satan and his his entire army of angels have fallen and as such, we dwell among them and in their world, a world we are to overcome, as stated. Life was all about helping the next person spiritually advance to receive their Creator and live beyond their own mortality. God is Love, Jesus is the spiritual and physical manifestation of His ultimate Love. God has only shown His Love throughout the entire history of mankind. And yet to this day some question God's Love when He had the burgeoning House of Israel slay Amorites, Canaanites and Philistines by the thousands as well as commanding not to intermarry them. Understand, this was done because those among the heathen nations roundabout were both corrupted by the bloodline of fallen angels (Genesis 6) as well as serving them as their cultural "gods" to which they upheld in war and sacrificed their children to. That was the reality of the ancient world at that time. God wanted Israel to partake of none of Lucifer's corrupting earthly influence, but moreover because it was through the children of Israel that our collective Messiah would be born of an uncorrupted lineage back thru the patriarchs to the original Adamic line via Seth that Satan believed he could destroy with the killing of Abel via Cain. He was wrong but has never ceased attempting to destroy the mighty and the Holy people as a result.

*Read Article The Difference between Christ's Judgment and the Great Throne Judgment of Our Father

At end, we need nothing of this temporary world and, as such, our deep concerns and worry within this world should never overshadow or overtake the knowledge that every terrible thing we could ever endure is outlasted by our Creator who created the world itself, for between the Father and Son now rests everything eternity needs. Jesus explained to us that if a son were to ask of His father for bread, would that loving father then turn around to give his son a stone? Jesus continued, "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father give (even the Holy Spirit) to them that ask Him?" Jesus also explained that whatever good thing we ask of the Father in His Son's name, the Father will certainly bestow upon us. It may not be in the earthly timing that we consider it should be done, but the Father will make way for it to be spoken into existence within His will. So which is greater then? To have your prayer be instantly fulfilled in this evil and temporary world or waiting for our arrival in His incorruptible Kingdom that lasts forever? Remember, we endure sufferings on earth as per our testing in front of the Angels because in all things God shall receive the glory eternal in the Kingdom of a New Heaven and New Earth created as reward for those who overcome this world. What does our long-suffering God thus receive in return for our own long suffering in this physical world? The then made perfect reciprocation of Love. God is Love but is even moreso loved by His made perfect free-willed creation. This is what the original Angels never had to endure or be rewarded by and what gave rise to Lucifer to invent himself as Satan. Despite this, many still err to ask why has God created Satan. God did not create Satan. Lucifer created Satan with a single thought. The moment Lucifer desired to be worshipped by the rest of creation as God was the very moment Satan initiated his own existence very separate from His Creator to become the Enemy of God, better known as Sa-tan (Hebrew for enemy). Where there is evil, the result of Satan's influence, it is evil that works in direct opposition to God purposefully, as an affront to God that is worked against His will. Ergo, because the Enemy and his evil spirits are among us in this physical world, more than ever your love is key. From love will come every good work that of itself helps to defeat evil from which Satan is desperately attempting to distract the world from as we enter the end of this current world age. We pray for people to be awakened in this world, but there are those already awakened in His Kingdom praying over us even now. The loved ones who've gone on before you both actively pray and are waiting for you now, leaving us to overcome this world as they have using Christ's example to empower us through the darkest days ahead in direct opposition to those who use evil's example to receive its own reward. We serve a mighty God who remains completely unknowable to those who want to make Him daily unknowable for their lives so given, but a guiding Father to the rest of us who know His truth for He of Himself with His Son and their joined Holy Spirit are the Truth that has created all the good that we've ever known or related to. For those among us who still ask 'why has God allowed evil in this world?' Understand, the evil acts that others commit against us and against the ones we love were needed so that they, serving evil, could be more perfectly tested and judged from among their own many evil acts. For by the same method they gave you the result of their evil shall their own evil be returned to them by a measure that extends beyond infinity. God is therefore calling us to overcome this world that has been the dwelling place of Satan and his wicked spirits since the day they've been cast down to reside in its once greater splendor, long before man and his eventual beguiling. The time given for Satan's evil dignitaries in this world is also nearly complete, and seen, as they increasingly push society toward their prepared collapse that brings their ultimate transgressor into power. In closing, only Christ can save you. That is the ultimate truth and why today's Western elite have blinded the world with its many distractions so that Christ is never considered, only Antichrist.

*Read Article The Son of God's Humility Reverses the Pride of Satan and His Children
*Read Article What Does it Mean That "God Chose Us Before the Foundation of the World"?

This last generation is especially being tested as we expediently enter into the timeframe Christ referenced as "the beginning of sorrows" marked by every kind of disaster to remind us this world is only temporary while He is eternal. There's a reason why Jesus made sure His disciples understood why the 'lilies of the field' that He compared to having more glory than Solomon's Temple, never stirred nor toiled or worried for their tomorrow. Being under the saving blood of our Creator, we are already living in eternity and should have no worry concerning us about anything of our life's test. The rebelling of Satan and those angels who favored him was therefore also not in vain. God expected it. God's perfect paradox then becomes that Satan knows he's being used by God as a tool to damn those most like Satan to fire, but what angers Satan is his knowing that his very existence, as well as the many trials and tribulations he sets before us are, in turn, leading many to Christ, and within that, helping us become closer to God. Infuriating Satan even more was his next epiphany that God knew in advance of his eventual treachery, meaning, God created Lucifer knowing that Satan and his legion would be used to best refine us as His ongoing and more perfected creation. Therefore, as with any vain narcissist or Trump-like megalomaniac here on earth that hates being ignored, Satan also hates his perceived "greatness" being entirely passed up by God because his only existence is to be used by God in creating a perfect Elohim. To say Satan hates our role in our Creator's larger plan would therefore be an understatement, while we knowing of these things willingly traverse around Satan's increasing deceptions holding to our Creator's promise that our works, sown in Love, could never be in vain. Unlike the formerly created angels who had no test of their will other than Satan's sudden mutiny and where they found themselves within it, we have been better given a more effective free choice of will, which remains, for the most part, daily provided over an entire lifetime for man, purposefully made in God's image and likeness upon an earth meant to be destroyed, to choose a path forward knowing one day man would join God and His Son in a Kingdom that can never be destroyed. Since Christ's resurrection, those who believe are saved and the Kingdom of God is already within us. The only worry given us should be, therefore, of others not saved, whom we should be diligently working toward saving in the earthly time we have left. And this is the reposit of all wisdom of knowledge regarding mankind's purposed lives in this temporary world that was given over to Satan to completely expose every conceivable evil deed to its fullest extent and entirety from among those Elohim who were beguiled by Lucifer in the age that was, who then carried their beguiling into human incarnation to follow Lucifer in this world so that their own evil works committed in the flesh would stand forever as evidenced confirmation against them at final Judgment. This existence, therefore, is not about the damning of evil. This is about God's ongoing creation of a more perfect Kingdom from which another 'Lucifer' could never rise up in mutiny because the completion of all evil will have rendered itself into a process of being destroyed forever. In other words, the possibility of any and all evil itself is rooted out forever and this while those who overcame it retain their free will forever. And because Satan first attacked mankind via the family of Adam and Eve and then their son, Abel, will God gather us in His Kingdom to take part in the "restoration of all things," when God unites entire families to their ancestral lines, whereby loved ones who we might have thought we'd never see again, or could ever see at all, stand before us in the Light of a Creator who has created all things for this very purpose toward Holiness. Because the "former things [tests] have passed," God then creates for all of us "who've overcome the world" a New Heaven and a New Earth, showing us the fullest extent of His majesty, power, glory, honor, and Love whereby tears are needed to be wiped from every eye that beholds the last mystery revealed when we finally realize what God The Father has given us: Himself. The narrow road back to Him that few find being His Love: The Son, who together embody the power of the Holy Spirit from infinity past whereupon He has chosen us before the foundation of the world so "that in the dispensation of the fullness of time, He would gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are already in Heaven and which are on the earth. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know... the eternal glory of His inheritance are His saints." -Ephesians 1:4, 10, 18

How to Become Saved

It's no secret the United States is steadily losing its Biblical base. Just look at how many Americans rejoiced in New York's recent ungodly law legalizing abortion up until the day of birth. The more our nation loses its God-honoring element, the closer it draws to spiritual death. But this isn't a recent trend. Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne says the demise of America started in 1877 with a man named Cecil Rhodes, of the Masonic Order. Rhodes wanted to form a secret society [The Round Table] with one goal to bring the whole world under the control of the British Empire, establishing a future one-world government. Since then, a strong and single-focused institution has infiltrated American society, and it has everything to do with money...[and a] globalist system as a prime setup for the Antichrist to arise.

How the Church is Resisting the Rise of Antichrist

There is a plan for the world, a New World Order, devised by a British, American, and European financial elite of immense wealth and power, with centuries-old historical roots. This oligarchy controls the politicians, the courts, the educational institutions, the food, the natural resources, the foreign policies, and the economies of most nations.

Real World Order

The Royals of Great Britain in particular have arranged for the destruction of Christianity. The Holy Grail blasphemously represents the Blood of Jesus as having been preserved in the British Royal Family, heirs to the Throne of Jerusalem. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (p. 406) speaks of a New King of the Holy Seed of David who will preside over a Masonic Kingdom. Who might be the heir of this purported Royal Bloodline of Jesus deemed worthy to sit on the Throne of David?

There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened beings composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has secret destiny. The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a [New] World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers. This King would be descended of a divine race; that is, he belongs to the Order of the Illumined.

Manly P. Hall 33° Freemason, The Secret Destiny

Whereas Alex Jones would describe the threat to humanity as "corporate global governance" and more specifically the Davos/Bilderberg corporate elites, David Icke more accurately refers to these same global rulers as "Reptilians" because of their occult bloodline and supposed supernatural power, albeit never making the more telling connection that in all of their obvious Satanic worship, that they are in fact Satanists first and foremost, and thus, are carrying out Satan's plan of eternal enslavement for humanity in Hell. Icke moreover fails to see that his 'Reptilians' are Satan's literal children from whence all of the more generic references toward an "Illuminati bloodline" are brought to bear.

Clinton Ortiz, The Return of the Once and Future King

According to Illuminati legend, King Arthur (a type of Antichrist) will draw around him the bravest and noblest Knights in the realm. They and their monarch will comprise the 'Circle of the Round Table'. In Great Britain today, certain members of the Illuminati, including Prince Charles and Prince Philip, take part in rituals and symbols of an odd secret society. So demented are the leaders of the Illuminati, that they fancy themselves to be the modern-day inheritors of the Arthurian legend.

Prince William could’ve been a different man. Had Prince Charles had his way, the heir apparent would be going by a different name. Princess Diana made all the difference. William’s full name is Prince William, Arthur Philip Louis. He’s also gone by William Mountbatten-Windsor, and by William Wales. Once he ascends, he’s free to take pretty much any name he wants, but until then he’s primarily known the world over as Prince William. This very nearly was not the case. When you look at William’s fleet of middle names, you’ll find names of kings of yore. The first Arthur is especially significant. King Arthur is a historical British leader who… probably didn’t actually exist. That being said, the influence of the legend is literally incalculable. Historian Robert Lacey penned an essay for People about the possible King William V. He writes that both Diana and Charles wanted strong historical names for their firstborn. Diana wanted William as in William the Conqueror, but Charles originally felt different. He wanted to name his son Arthur.

Prince Wiliam or King Arthur?

Shortly before Princess Diana's death, she made a haunting prediction in one of her final interviews saying "I believe William can rebuild Camelot and I will be his Merlin. Together we will return to the chivalry, pageantry, and the glory that was King Arthur's Court. William will remake the Monarchy by showing love, leadership, and compassion."

Princess Di Sacrificed by Cainite Royals

Historian Robert Lacey writes exclusively that Charles had his heart set on another legendary king's name for his firstborn son: Arthur — but "Diana, Princess of Wales proposed a more robust name — William, as in 'William the Conqueror,' victor of the famed Battle of Hastings in 1066." And so it was settled. When he was born in June 1982, William took his first name would take from the warrior who was crowned King on Christmas Day. Charles's preferred name of Arthur was not entirely rejected as Prince William's second name is taken from the legendary King of the Round Table. "He's obviously going to be a great King," Diana said. "Look how they're drawn to him. He's a born leader."

William's Name Set His Course as a Legendary King and Conqueror

Adding more fuel to the intrigue, it was reported recently that “Princess Diana will go down in history as the woman who restored Stuart blood to the Royal Family.” According to royal genealogy expert, Laurence Gardner, the Stuart branch are the true inheritors of the Holy Grail lineage. As the Grail Queen, it seems that Diana’s son, William, would be the Grail Prince. The last time the mystical Grail made such an appearance was in the time of King Arthur of Britain.

Prince William could be a great leader if he was informed by Arthurian symbolism.

He must be Antichrist sitting in the Temple of God!

An Arthurian Reader p. 206

Second Thessalonians talks about the revealing of the Antichrist and the coming of the Antichrist as two distinct events in attempt to put a human face to the mask that the Dragon Court has worn since its inception, Chancellor Sir Laurence Gardner and Sovereign Grand Master Prince Nicholas DeVere von Drakenberg revealed much about their Occult philosophy and belief system. Having been appointed Sovereign Grand Master by the House of Habsburg DeVere caused a stir with his website where he openly discussed the values of the Order, namely Vampirism, Witchcraft and Satanism. He also admitted that their forefathers, the Knights Templar, were a Satanic Organization. This would be of little consequence were it not for the fact that the Knights Templar are also the founding fathers of modern Freemasonry and the role model for the Ivy League secret society Skull and Bones of which past President and CIA director George Bush was a member, as is his son, the current President. However, with their claims that a "child of pure Blood was born in the 1980's, and that "two royal children with even purer [Satanic] Blood are residing in Great Britain, the plot twists are becoming less Shakespearean and more like The Omen everyday.

Despite others' attempts to identify a certain number with Satan, it will be known that Nine is his number. Nine is the number of the Ego, for it always returns to itself. No matter what is done through the most complex multiplication of Nine by any other number, in the end the final equation nine will stand forth. The infant is learning to walk and by the first Working Year of his age, that is to say 1984, he will have steadied his steps and by the next in 2002, he will have attained maturity, and his reign will be filled with wisdom, reason and delight. Hail Satan!

Anton LaVey "The Satanic Rituals" p. 219 and 220

Now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto Him that ye be not troubled. Let no man deceive you saying Christ has already returned, for there shall first come a great falling away [of population], then shall that man of sin [Antichrist] be revealed, the Son of Perdition who will oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God, so that he as "God" shall sit in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God... even him whose coming is the working of Satan having all power of supernatural deception and lying wonders.

II Thessalonians 2:1-4, 9

While the Royals are given much respect, the truth about the “Royal Family” is dipped in the blood of the Arthurian and Templar “Grail” secrets and the ritual of creating the “Once and Future King.” The death of Diana and her cohorts appears to be a ritualized affair in an endgame strategy. The saga of Princess Diana, her marriage to Charles and the birth of Prince William is a ritual that was meant to be Biblical in scope [while] the area of Pont D’ Alma [where Diana died] was an ancient Merovingian sacrificial site to the ancient Goddess Diana. The “Queen of Witches” and the “Death-Bringing Goddess” is the bearer of the child who is to be Prince of the Kingdom of the Antichrist. According to the ancient mythologies, Prince William would be considered a divine progeny, the holy heir to the secret kingdom of the Earth. The era of the Once and Future King is upon us.

Clyde Lewis

When this celestial Round Table manifests on earth, it will be chaired by a Merovingian descendant of King Arthur who was the fabled Guardian of the Grail during his particular era of history. Another New Age book titled 'The Light Shall Set You Free' recalling 'King Arthur's olde mandate' at Glastonbury Avalon confirms that England will be the future center for world Transformation. It will be through 'the Grail in England' that the energies of transformation and ascension will be channeled, which eventually will bring the Earth into the seventh Golden Age.

In part, Hitler's program was aided by beliefs that evolved into an obsession with the occult. His Ahnenerbe, an arm of the SS commissioned in the mid-1930's to research the ancestral lineage of the Aryan race, roamed far and wide to provide scientific documentation that would unite their ancient past with their destiny. Heinrich Himmler saw the men in his army as the reincarnation of Teutonic knights and kings, in particular the Knights of King Arthur's Round Table. He designed Wewelsburg Castle to be their Camelot, which Peter Levendra in The Unholy Alliance called "that Satanic Vatican."

Sometime in the 1930s, Heinrich Himmler, [Hitler's SS leader] installed a 'Round Table' in Wewelsburg Castle. One of the study rooms was named Gral [Grail], while another König Artus [King Arthur]. Himmler envisioned it as the literal esoteric centre of the thousand-year reich, where leading SS officers became Knights of the Round Table. Underneath this table was to be the Holy Grail itself ... Himmler gave Rahm until Oct. 31, 1936, to finish his next book. It was called Luzifers Hofgesind or Lucifer's Servants whose underlying thesis is that the Cathars and other Aryan groups actually worshipped Lucifer, rather than the Jewish God and His Son.

Twilight Language: Quest for the Grail

The French Templars were charged of worshipping an idol named Baphomet, urinating on the Cross, ritual murder of children, worshipping the devil and committing acts of sodomy and bestiality. Though the Order was disbanded, and its leader Jacques de Molay executed, legend has it that a number of Knights escaped to Scotland, where they became protectors of a Bloodline affiliated to the Merovingians, the Stuarts, and other supposed descendants of King Arthur.

Foremost is their goal of completely undermining no other religion but Christianity, no other religious book but The Bible, and no other religious figure but Jesus Christ, and no other nation but Israel. Next is their absolute hatred of Jews themselves that propels the Aryan elite to inject such rampant disinformation within far-right media to blind the world from the Truth. The Anglo-elite look upon as cattle to be consumed via population control or sheep to be controlled via media, while they blame it all on the Jews to befit Satan's unfinished agenda.

Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King

The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister 1868

At her trial, Ghislaine Maxwell blamed only Jeffrey Epstein for her direct involvement in trafficking young girls to the world's elite society of millionaires and billionaires, past presidents, tech giants, European royalty, etc., instead of the British royal family itself who facilitated both Epstein and Maxwell's enterprise of child prostitution for two decades prior. This was the real reason Maxwell met with the royals up to four times per day, not because of the media's own cover story that Ghislaine had an affair with Prince Andrew, but that the senior royals themselves had an investment and stake in the entire globalist's network of Satanic pedophilia itself. Of course, the corporate media will tell you Satanism or its controlling elites cannot exist, while in the next breath promote literally everything the elites demand of society going forward. The corporate-funded and facilitated media is going to have to come up with a better excuse than affluent, generational, theistic Satanists don't exist in order to protect the British royal family.

And what are we to think about a Queen who while constantly finding new ways to snub grandson Harry to get at half-Black Meghan Markle, goes to equal if not greater lengths to shield her pedophile Son Andrew, all the while the media portrays her in such biased glowing terms? This is still the same woman who gave Nazi salutes (during Hitler's rise to power) when prompted by her apparently influential parents to which the media also made excuses on her behalf for even that. The British royal family and their elite corporations sit atop a financial behemoth of a Beast, holding the kind of control in this world where they could collectively eradicate hunger, famine, and homelessness virtually overnight, but in the last 70 years she's been on the Throne, what has the Queen or anyone among her family actually done besides the common photo op? Nothing. Why? The world's many problems, many of which were actually created by the British government and the Royals themselves, will be purposefully left for King William to fix.

Another key Scripture provided us is found in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 "And now ye know what withholdeth [him] that he would be revealed in his time, for the Mystery of [Satan's] Iniquity does already work." At the exact time of this first century writing, the Roman Empire was creating their port city in Britain they named Londinium (modern London) from which Daniel (9:26-27) referenced as "the people of the Prince that shall come will destroy the city and the sanctuary," a dual prophecy connecting both ancient Rome's Titus Vespasian, who destroyed the Second Jerusalem Temple (verse 26) with (verse 27) a future European king who shall destroy the coming Third Temple in Jerusalem. We also know from Revelation that the Beast shall inspire a post-Collapse generation of global followers during his time, by which they will literally "worship" him as noted in Revelation 13:3-4. In reference to the Antichrist's obvious royal connection as outlined by both Revelation and Daniel, where he's called a prince and other times a king, one should strongly consider how the entire planet would worship the British Queen when she passes to determine how such modern royalty is beloved to the extent it is the world over.

Revelation 17:9-11 informs us "And here is [to] the mind which hath wisdom ...There are seven kings: five are fallen, one is [Nero], and the other is yet to come, and when he cometh he must continue a short space. And the Beast that was, is not, but will be again, even he is the eighth [king] and is of the seven that goeth into perdition." Antichrist referenced as the "Son of Perdition," in 2 Thessalonians remains equally intriguing, as 1 Timothy tells us in the last days many will be deceived by a doctrine of demons and teachings of devils in the form of a "vain" but "endless genealogy." Ergo, this word used for perdition likely equates to a bloodline of evil and its kings, of which six are now fallen, and one will rule for a short time, while his son/successor becomes the Beast. Today, there exists one future British king whose ancestry descends from the Roman era via his father, but even moreso the royal Merovingian blood of his late mother.

Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King

The real “Beast” of the Bible is a very different figure. Instead of being a frightening person, he will be accepted to rule the world in peace and prosperity and thus beloved by the majority of the planet exhausted with the wars, "old world" economic systems, and corrupt politics that he initially differentiates himself from.

The Secret of the Number 666

A vast global conspiracy theory based around anonymous message board postings or "drops" by a shadowy figure known only as Q, states that the world is run by a secret cabal of Satanist pedophiles. The theory came into being at the outset of Trump’s presidency and has since gained millions of followers across the world. The more we dug, the more disturbing it all became. It was a very windy evening, quite atmospheric, she said. They walked into the lobby and an unexpected figure peered out through the gloom. Above the reception desk was a huge photograph of America's Donald Trump standing with his wife Melania, and the hotel’s owner, John Mappin. During a walk along the cliffs near Camelot Castle, Mappin added that "blackmail is used to control politicians. Pedophilia, Satanic ritual and things like this are part of the arsenal of those that wish to blackmail." Like most QAnoners, Mappin is convinced that the world is locked in spiritual conflict, and that Satanic forces are influencing political decisions.

A hundred miles away lies Glastonbury, an ancient town in the county of Somerset, famed for its annual music festival. There, spiritualism and QAnon side by side. Like Tintagel, its history is rich in Arthurian legend. The town lies in the shadow of Glastonbury Tor, a steep hill that has acted as a spiritual magnet for centuries. Some say that it was once the mystical Isle of Avalon, where King Arthur is buried. Many pagans and New Age thinkers believe that it is the point where several ley lines—alignments between ancient sites, imbued with metaphysical energy—converge. There, QAnon has also found fertile ground. This interpretation of allegedly hidden signs is appealing to those with an interest in New Age spirituality and its accompanying symbolism. As a result, Glastonbury’s mysticism has become interwoven with QAnon. "This movement is now much too powerful and much too big just to vanish," said Mike Rothschild, who is writing a book about QAnon.

Camelot: New Ground Zero for QAnon UK

Q is a fictional character in the 007 novels by Ian Fleming. Standing for Quartermaster, Q is the head of Q-Division, the black ops division of the British Secret Services, MI5 and MI6.

Q, Wikipedia

The Tavistock Institute was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation and is a research program involved in human behavior, social sciences, and psychology. The Tavistock Clinic is stationed in London and is directly involved with the British government and the House of Windsor. Today the Tavistock Institute is covertly involved with social networking sites, alternative media, and conspiracy forums and it gathers intel on members of society. Those who don’t go along with society’s program are psychologically tormented and this psychological torment is overseen by the Tavistock Institute. The USAF and DARPA run covert programs on the internet using research developed from the Tavistock Institute. Their goal is mass manipulation of society through social networking. The United States Department of Defense and intelligence agencies are infiltrated by British Crown knights and Freemasons working for the British Crown. The Tavistock Institute is pure evil and involved with ruthless mind control.

David Rockefeller Jr. and the Rockefeller Foundation are involved in financing Tavistock agendas [whilst] the Russell, Parsons, Carnegie, and Spencer families in the United Kingdom are covert managers of the Tavistock Institute. The Tavistock Institute works with MI6 headed up by Alex Younger and MI5 headed up by Andrew Parker. These agencies work with the American CIA. Facebook and smart devices use Tavistock brain reading software as part of their social engineering program. Organized religion is also involved including Christian Churches and especially the [Mormon] Church of Latter-Day Saints. Secret Societies are organized crime groups and include Jesuits, Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, Chabad, fraternities, sororities and they work with less organized groups like Wiccan and New Age cults. They hire commenters to dictate the narrative and gatekeepers to target people who disrupt their programs. Their goal is to understand and control the minds of their opposition. They develop alternative media programs and themes like QAnon that are intended to distract, undermine, and misdirect.

Tavistock Institute for Mind Control

This prophecy completely undermines your contention that Judaism is deficient because it lacks a Davidic King. The Jewish people are today without a [Messiah] King precisely as Hosea had foretold. Notice how Hosea, just as Jeremiah, connects the Future King with future sacrifices as he declares that both of these ecclesiastical functions will be restored only in the “latter days.”

Rabbi Tovia Singer Asks Where is our Messiah?

[MOSES SPEAKING] Gather unto me all the elders of your tribes, that I may speak these words in their ears, and call Heaven and earth to record against them. For I know that after my death ye will utterly corrupt yourselves and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you and evil will befall you in the Latter Days because ye will do evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke Him to anger. Moses spake to the House of Israel the words of this prophecy: But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find Him. Likewise, if thou seek Him when thou art in Tribulation in the Latter Days, then He will not forsake thee or destroy thee, nor forget the Covenant of thy forefathers made with Him.

Deuteronomy 31:28-30; 4:29-31; The Holy Bible

He [Antichrist] shall arise with peace and obtain the kingdom [Zion] by flatteries. As with the arms of a flood shall all fall before him and be broken, even the prince of the covenant. After the peace covenant made with him he shall work deceitfully, for he shall rise and become strong initially with a small number of people. He shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers. He shall scatter among them the prey, spoil, and riches. Then shall he return to his own land with great riches but his heart shall be against the Jews and the covenant he made with them. In his estate shall he honor a god of forces and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honor with gold, silver, precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the strong holds with a strange god of whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory, and he shall cause them to rule over many and shall divide the land for gain.

His indignation against the Holy covenant will make him return [to Israel] having intelligence with those who also forsake the Jews. And an army shall stand for him and pollute the [Jewish] Temple of strength and take away the daily sacrifice and they shall seat the Abomination of Desolation. Those that also hate the Jews shall he corrupt by flatteries, but the [Jewish] people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits. And they that understand among the [Jewish] people shall instruct many, but they shall fall by the sword, flame, spoil or captivity many days. And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall afterward exalt himself and magnify himself above every god and shall also speak against the God of gods [I AM] and prosper until the indignation [of Lucifer] be completed, for all that is prophesied shall be accomplished. [*Antichrist will at first appear liberal, inclusive, New Age, and green-promoting during the first half of his Tribulation reign to garner world support, but all of that withers away once he attains the world, is possessed, and initiates the Great Tribulation. This is precisely why the Satanic elite are behind such extreme left-wing narratives, but also right-wing propaganda that is more White supremacist, anti-Semitic, pro-violence, pro-murder, Satanic, soul-polluting and favoring right-wing despotic strongmen. Both polarizing narratives ultimately serve Revelation's Beast.]

Daniel 11:21-24; 28, 30-31, 33, 36, 38-39; The Holy Bible

[JESUS SPEAKING] I have come in my Father's name and you (Israel) have rejected me (as the Messiah) but another is coming (Antichrist) who shall come in his own name, and him you will receive and accept (as Messiah). And how could you believe Me when you only accept each other's praise whilst never desiring the glory that can only come from God? But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom you have placed all your hopes. For had you believed Moses and understood the Torah, then you would have believed Me, for he wrote of Me and My coming unto you.

John 5:43-46; The Holy Bible

As Jesus sat upon the Mount of Olives, His Disciples came to Him privately asking, When shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them: Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be great earthquakes in various places, famines, pestilences, and there shall be great signs in the Sun, Moon, and stars, while on earth shall be a great distress of nations; the sea and the waves roaring. Fear not, for all these things must first come but the end is not yet. These are only the Beginning of Sorrows. But when ye [Christians] see these things begin to come to pass, look up, for your Redemption draweth near. And when ye [Jews] shall see the Abomination of Desolation [Antichrist] spoken by Daniel the prophet seating himself in the Temple, then know that the summer thereof is nigh. For then shall come Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to that time, nor ever shall be again.

Matthew 24:3-8, 21; The Holy Bible

The Truth of Weaponized Covid Being Directly Connected to the British Crown (Audio)
Who are the Controlling Anglo-Elitists and What are They Achieving by the Year 2026?
Arthurian County in England Has Just Become the New Epicenter for the UK's 'QAnon' Cult
Like Q'Anon Trump's Brainwashed Violent Base MAGA is Also Being Readied for the Antichrist
UN's Lucis Trust Website References a Prophecy About 2025 with Emerging "Christ-like Figure"
Society's Longing for Kennedy-esque "Camelot Figure" to Arise and Establish a New World Order
Prince William Arthur Invokes "JFK-like" Faith That We Can "Unite the Planet" to "Repair the World"
CNN Referencing Prince William as a Global Statesman That's Protecting West's Democratic Values
Prince William Says He's Dedicated to Bring About Peace to Israelis & Palestinians During His Reign
Read Book Blood of Avalon: The Secret History of the Grail Dynasty from King Arthur to Prince William
Britain’s Future King William Wants to Abolish All the Traditional Christian Oaths for His Own Coronation
Mormons Believe That a New Messiah [Antichrist] Will Arise Propagating the Bloodline of the Holy Grail
World Economic Forum and Davos, Switzerland are Literally Preparing World for the Biblical Antichrist

And this is what makes the last two verses of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 so telling as both say '...the people shall then know that I AM the Lord,' proving that even after God provides this stunning miracle of Israel's survival from the would-be annihilation at the hands of Russia and Iran for the whole world to see, both the world and Israel will eventually forget and follow after the increased supernatural deceptions of Satan that come afterward, as also prophesied. The same disloyalty to God was displayed before in Israel's history when Moses went up to receive the Ten Commandments while the children of Israel who could not wait for him, built a golden idol to a demon god. That was a clear foreshadowing of what the State of Israel would do in the future with the Beast which underscores the fact there will clearly be a period of several years, perhaps a decade or more, between when Israel is saved from Russian destruction and the world, including Israel, forgetting that miracle to instead turn toward Satan's many more false miracles that end in the increasing acceptance of the Antichrist as Europe's king and Israel's Messiah.

Clinton Ortiz, Return of the Once and Future King

Hidden history proves that the Freemason and Civil War General Albert Pike is one of those men for whom the Holy Scriptures told us to watch out for. Pike was not only a false Christ, he was the High Priest of the Luciferian ideology on this earth, and as such, controlled the Synagogue of Satan. Pike's accurate blueprint called for three world wars and three major revolutions to bring Weishaupt's revised version of the age-old Luciferian conspiracy into its final stage. In the 1860's he is recorded as saying his military program might take one hundred years or a little longer to reach the day when those who direct the conspiracy at the top will crown their leader King-despot of the entire world, and impose a totalitarian dictatorship.

Satan, Prince of this World by William Carr

It’s not exactly breaking news that young people in Britain today are disillusioned with the political establishment. With youth support for the Conservatives at a critical low, the Party faces an existential crisis. There is a worrying and increasingly pervasive skepticism of liberal democracy and market economics amongst many younger people. Other research reported that more than half of young Britons would prefer to live in a socialist economic system, while a significant number of young people admit that they wouldn’t mind living under a dictator. But where has this revolutionary mood come from? For a century and more, each generation has been promised that it will have the same or greater opportunities than the previous. When that promise is not kept, we shouldn’t be surprised if the result is a generation that questions the ideas and institutions that have made this country so successful. If they aren’t able to build a stake in society, why should they defend the status quo? History shows us declining faith in institutions risks opening up space for radical, often violent political ideologies. We should not be lulled into a false sense of security by the relative stability of Britain’s political and social order. With the right conditions, it can happen here too.

Telegraph: Britain’s Youth Want a Dictatorship

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

And the king shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god to even speak blasphemous things against the I AM, the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation [of Lucifer] be accomplished: for that that which has been pre-determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any [known] god for he shall openly magnify himself above all. But in his private estate shall he honor the God of forces and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honor with gold, silver, with precious stones and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in his most strongholds with a strange [other translations render this word 'strange' as foreign or alien] god whom he shall personally acknowledge and increase with glory.

Daniel 11:36-39; The Holy Bible

The British Royal's Anglican Church of England is becoming consumed by ideas that are not only extraneous to traditional Christian teachings, but in some cases, are opposed to it completely. In some instances, the leadership eager to swallow every so-called “progressive” pill there is, now seem to view Christ Himself, and moreover, His Father, as a problem. How else can we interpret Stephen Cottrell’s complaints that the Lord’s Prayer is problematic? It was Christ Himself who stated: “This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father...” (Matthew 6:9). Yet the Reverend Stephen Cottrell thinks the language of Christ's own prayer is too patriarchal and we should leave "Our Father" out of it. While parishes are turning into dust, churches left to ruin, the bishops’ attentions are being taken up by follies like [non-]gendered language. It was reported last week that York Minster has allegedly prevented a pro-life group, who are critical of the Archbishop of Canterbury, from attending public worship within the cathedral, while allowing climate activists to enter placards in hand. Such is the fixation with climate change that the Church of England is said to be considering “human composting” as a green alternative to burial. *King Charles III is now the titular Head of the Anglican Church of England, meaning, in not too many years hence, that title will be bestowed upon his son, William.

Britain is No Country for Christians

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist US Collapse 2030 Antichrist Rises London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William London Deep State UK 666 World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda 2030 EU New World Order Government Great Reset Davos Elite Reptilian Bloodlines Satan Bible Prophecy World War III Gog Magog Europe Project Monarch CIA MI5 MK-Ultra British Royal Family Conspiracy Evil Cult MAGA Psy-Op Nazi Racist Trump 2025 Project Monarch Lucifer Freemason Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Sex Pedophile Cannibal Blood Climate Change Apocalypse Covid Vaccine Cancer Population Control